kawadraws · 3 months
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Reaver (other fanart I drew of him)
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~~An extract from Reaver’s Journal~~
"This is my first night back since the renovations, and I must say that chap from Rookridge has done a splendid job. A small miracle considering he'd recently lost three toes and two family members.
But what was I to do? He wouldn't be persuaded to abandon the construction of some worthless temple to aid me in my time of crisis. And his predecessor had simply the worst taste in furnishings. I was generous to let him live as long as I did.
Now that awful scent of burned wood and flesh has dissipated, perhaps I shall throw a party. Ursula and Penelope will be my guests of honour. Shame Andrew crumbled to ashes in the fire. What a sweet young fellow... But such a heavy sleeper."
"It's good to be home after these three last months at sea. My ship barely made it back to port under the weight of such spoils, and then only after we disposed of those less valuable.
It was a pity to see my new brides sink into the ocean. But their sizeable attributes rendered them unfeasibly heavy. And I'd already tossed all non-essential crew members into the ever undulating arms of the kraken.
I believe my most cherished memory from this voyage has to be the discovery island far to the south of Albion, among waters of an indescribable blue. There, men and women consort in ways even I found slightly objectionable.
They have little need for clothing under that gentle sun, and their fondness for a syrupy liqueur made from an obscenely-shaped fruit made it almost to too easy to plunder their possessions. I might have stayed there forever, had it not been for the monkey incident."
"I am filled with a wonderful weariness tonight. My bedroom is far too crowded to get a good night's sleep, and I'm too indolent to eject any of my lovely guests. Instead I thought I would sit in my study sipping a restorative beverage, and enjoying my own company.
It reminds me of my very first evening in this house. My bedfellows were fewer and less charming then, but I had less energy left anyways. It isn't every day that one murders a pirate king, and takes his place.
Oh, I had the vigour of youth back then. Real youth. How many must have I killed on my way to this very room? I shall never forget the look on the brigand's face, one so ill-suited to royalty of any kind. How he came to such a position being so slow on the draw is a perfect mystery.
I feel somewhat reinvigorated now, and I hear stirrings upstairs. Perhaps the night isn't quite over yet."
"I received an unusual visitor today, an adventurer who'd toddled in through Wraithmarsh, losing neither life, limb nor sanity on the way.
This alone would have been sufficient to mark him/her as a unique individual, but once I'd learned he'd /she'd escaped from the demented grip of none other then Lord Lucien, I had knew I had quite a catch in my hands.
I sent an emissary to speak with Lucien and came to a lucrative arrangement. Since the time of the tribute is nearing - I can already feel the wrinkles begin to form on my face - I sent the poor sod/cow to the Shadow Court to keep him/her busy. I'm sure the old loon in the Spire won't mind if I post him/her back slightly decrepit. Should make it easier to keep him/her locked up.
I think I'll celebrate my good fortune be commissioning a new portrait. I've heard of a chap with some sort of magical apparatus that renders almost lifelike results. I believe his name was Barnum, I shall have him brought to me today."
"I awoke from the nightmare again. One would think more than two hundred years would suffice to blunt it's steel. But still I see Oakvale devoured by shadows. Still those shrieks fill the air. How much longer must I live before they fall silent?
Such dreams belong to another time. To another man. One who would recoil from the things I've done since that night. Who might even care about all the sacrifices I've offered up to the odious Judges over... over how long? Hundreds of years?
I see that man as he was back then. As beautiful as me, as fiery as me, but so delicate. So breakable. And so afraid of death. I see him summon the Shadow Court into this world, oblivious to the consequences. He asks them for immunity for the disease of time and death, and they grant it.
Then I see him running madly through fields, the realisation of just what price he has unwittingly paid hanging like a tragedy mask from his face. He falls to his knees before the town he called home-- now a dark circus of screams. Hers is among them, but he can do nothing to stop it.
What a weak, despicable man he is. But I am not he. I am Reaver. And I will sleep much better after this chalice of wine."
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reaverfable · 4 years
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So with the announcement of Fable4 I’m curious...if you could have one character return who would you love to see?
On an alternative note....are there any characters you hope to not see? Or perhaps any particular aspects of past games? 
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missmariticide · 4 years
Ok buuuuut new fable4 got me so hyped I’m in the mood for delving into Albion once again!
Would anyone be interested in a Fable universe roleplay group on Discord? Ocs and canon character’s welcome!
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dawnscar0 · 4 years
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New nsfw piece on deviant art or my twitter! Check it out!
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“𝖔𝖍, 𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖘𝖆𝖉. 𝕹𝖔𝖜 𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗.”
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xbriarwood · 5 years
wait ok so i’m just chillin and another Fable 4 idea came into my head.
what if somehow,, Reaver became the king of Albion ?
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eviltemptations · 6 years
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[ “I spent hundreds of years at sea, I just couldn’t quite help myself. There’s something so incredibly interesting about the way people cowered before me when they saw me on my ship - it was addictive! Yet, as industry beckoned I couldn’t let that money pit go to waste, so I stepped in. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss pirating although.” ]
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teadracula-blog · 7 years
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❝Duke Olivia Dunlaith - Reaver companion OC❞
{Duke video diary - Tape 1 - 3/24/17} "Gods above, is this thing even on?" A body with a thick Spanish accent was clearly stretched across the front lens of the camera, a muttering coming from over the top before a girl sat on a chair not too close but not too far away from the camera, a neutral but determined expression on her face. She was pale as could be, had deep brown eyes and black hair in a bob - she wore a green shirt with a black pull over sweater, her eyes watching the camera curiously. "Blessed be to everyone who is watching this! I thought I'd leave this tape around New York city for people to find as, there has been some news of my arrival into this world, and well, here I am," She posed dramatically for a second like a Queen on her throne before happily laughing. "Anyway, lets get to the introductions! My name is Duke, Duke Olivia Dunlaith, necromancer and wicca of Willdell coven!" She said with a slight wave to the camera, unloading so much information in one sentences as if it was nothing. "Now, all of this pretty much means that, well, how do I put this easily for you normal folks?" She thought for a moment before her face lit up. "Well, to be simple, I can raise the dead up and let people be alive again, and I'm a Neo-Pagan, look it up kids, and I'm also part of a Wiccan Witch coven! Again, look it up," She laughed with a smile before she tilted her head. "Now, warning!" She pointed at the camera with a serious expression. "If I raise you up from the dead, that means you /can't/ look at me, n-o-p-e! No sir! You don't want to be looking me in the eyes, because well, you're probably going to get very ill and die, but hey," She raised her hands in the surrender position. "I didn't make the rules! But, you /can/ look at me through mirrors and camera, but nothing else unless you have a death wish," She rubbed the back of her neck slowly. "So, I'm here because I'm the one who brought Victor, or should I say Reaver, back to life. I did it for a few reasons, mostly because my coven has a connection to the goverment and we raises the dead and bunk off people as they see fit, and as Reaver was amazing in stocks, I was brought forth to carry it out and I'm sort of stuck with him now per say.." "Anyway! I do Tarot card readings and have a blog about fashion, isn't that sort of funny? Besides, I'm going to try to keep these videos up for...well, I don't know, in-case I go missing or something one day, y'know? Right, I have things to do, so I'm going to go, y'know, do those things. Blessed be!" The girl leaned forwards and shut off the camera, the screen going black. {END OF TAPE 1}
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reaverfable · 4 years
What tiktok has taught me:
Reaver and the Onceler are living proof girls of the 21st century don’t want BigDickEnergy but BigHatEnergy 
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{This in particular can help to give an overview of this character for those unfamiliar with the Fable franchise, it's a very simplified list of facts about a fairly (in my opinion) complex character, both a mixture of direct facts and my own character headcanons.
Immortal ex-pirate and theif, as well as the Hero of Skill, Reaver is the leader of all industry in the Kingdom of Albion having founded Reaver Industries. Through using twisted business tactics in his factories such as child labour, severely low wages, and shooting workers who disobey, he has accumulated unfathomable wealth and became an invaluable asset to the Royal Family, even if they do not always agree with his principles. He is one of their closest advisers as although his suggestions may lack sentiment for the people, they always result in a growth in the Royal Treasury funds.  
Narcissistic, egotistical, and displaying a near psychopathic disregard for life, this debauched elite should not be crossed. Although elegance drips from his youthful appearance, finely tailored suits and theatrical persona, Reaver will double cross and use anyone necessary if it benefits his power, financial status or generally entertains him. This can be seen through his 'selective member' parties thrown weekly in which guests observe an unwilling victim battle to their death against brutal creatures, all while dining on whiskey and submitting themselves to whatever lustful pleasures they or their host are in the mood for. Reaver is not immoral, but amoral, seeming to bear no concept of morality. And as the most skilled marksman in the land- the Hero of Skill shan't miss your pretty head if he deems you one fitting of aiming the trigger towards.
Time, loss and greed are a lethal combination. The mortal man that used to exist is long gone, long decayed beyond recognition. All that is left is a soul without a glimmer of light.
"What a weak, despicable man he is. But I am not he. I am Reaver. And I will sleep much better after this chalice of wine.’
-------------------------------- Full Name: Unknown (Goes by Reaver in present time)
Titles: Pirate King, Hero of Skill
Nicknames: Suppressor of the people’, ‘thief’, 'nobhead' and an array of other unpleasant nicknames amongst the peasantry
Age: Roughly 300 years old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual  aromantic
Birthplace: Oakvale
Residence: It changes regularly. For many years he travelled the seas on his ship ‘the reaver’, only to then settle into a mansion in Bloodstone which he abandons by the end of Fable 2 to travel to Samarkand. In Fable 3 he has returned to Albion to reside in a mansion in Millfields, which he then again abandons. 
Financial Status: Upper Class (perhaps only beaten in wealth by royalty)
Height: 6’2 
Build: Slim yet toned, although hidden beneath extravagant clothing.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Colour: Brown Scent: Gunpower, expensive colognesTattoos: A small black heart on his left cheekboneScars: None 
Alignment: Chaotic neutral/ lawful evil (depends on the circumstance) 
FACTS AND HEADCANONS (1) Reaver gained his immortality through striking a deal with the Shadow court, but in doing so did not realise the price he would pay was the destruction of his family, fiance, and all other inhabitants of his home town Oakvale. (2) He must provide a yearly sacrifice to the court to maintain this youth. This is something he has quoted to be becoming an increasing 'burden' as time passes. However once he stops fulfilling this action the court's judges will come for him instead. (3) Reaver is not his real name, but a name taken to symbolise his separation from the weak mortal man he perceives himself to have been many years ago. To reave is, "to take away by or as by force; plunder; rob," common practices of a pirate; hence, his name, Reaver. Reave also means to rend, break, or tear; a reflection of Reaver's violent nature. (4) He was known as the 'King of Pirates' for a period in his life long ago due to killing the previous pirate leader in Albion Captain Dread; however this is a part of his past he now hides away. It wouldn't seem appropriate for a 'respectable' business man to be associated with such a thing now would it? The only calling of his past seems to be that most mansions owned by Reaver tend to be situated by the sea, or some form of lake. (5) Being born as the Hero of Skill gives Reaver inhuman powers of accuracy and speed in combat. His preferred weapon is a gun, this was how he captured ships in the past, it is said that he would capture them by shooting the captain from across the water no matter the distance or conditions. The more impossible the shot was, the faster the crew would surrender.' He never goes anywhere without a gun, and his seemingly graceful walking cane in fact sheaths a sharp blade to be pulled out when necessary. (6) Reaver was indeed once a normal man, but his with every passing century the humane aspect of this individual seems to lessen, as if his very emotions are becoming muted. This may account for his lack of remorse, or capability to stay calm in the face of enemies, instead seeming to find those who loathe him most humorous. He also seems genuinely unphased and unconcerned about turns of events, merely making sarcastic remarks or moving on when his plans do not succeed. (7) It is virtually impossible to get Reaver care for you. He only looks out for his own best interests and survival. This can be put down to years of a blackening heart, as well as the eternal burden he carries over destroying his village all those centuries ago. (8) Clothing Styles: Changes throughout the decades. Currently finely tailored suits of blacks, whites or deep purples, usually with real fur lapels. Leather gloves and boots and a holster beneath his jacket to keep his ‘dragonstonper 48’ pistol in. He brings a cane with him most places and he wear tops hats with a steampunk themed pair of goggles wrapped around the top, an accessory to emphasise his position as head of industry in the kingdom along with his style of bow ties/ cravats. Reaver takes great pride in his clothes, dare to dirty them and he’ll likely have you shot. (9) Reaver has severe struggle sleeping due to plaguing flashbacks to the night his home was destroyed. He has never told any other, but this is one large reason he has a deep craving for the 'night time' company of others, ranging from single people to large groups accompanying him in his bed chambers most nights. If this isn't possible, he tends to sit up and write or drink, or go for walks alone. (10) Reaver is known as the 'Hero of Will', but what does that mean you ask? In Fable, Heroes are extraordinary humans with knowledge and the power over the three heroic disciplines of strength (physically), skill (speed and accuracy with ranged weapons), and will (magic). Heroes are not all the same in talents, each one is usually only able to master one of the disciplines, although there are a rare few who can master all as they are descendants of an ancient bloodline of heroes known as the 'Archon's Bloodline'. Reaver is a hero born capable of mastering 'skill', and was needed along with the hero of will, strength and an Archon bloodline member to defeat Lord Lucien, a man who was threatening to destroy the world. Reaver, being Reaver, only agreed to help after several failed attempts to betray the other heroes for his own gain. Not to mention if the world came under the control of Lucien he'd have had difficulty finding sacrifices to keep his immortal youth. So begrudgingly he helped save the world. How nice. (11) Reaver holds no guilt over the killing of the citizens in Oakvale (except for his fiance, that he regrets deeply), he would do it again in a heartbeat. However, he is still only human, and therefore although experiencing no guilt, he is haunted by their deaths in his consciousness, making him experience a vulnerability that is very out of character for him. He can feel the weight of the sin. Unlike people he kills in the present who have wronged him or offended him, the people of Oakvale had done nothing to him personally. They were just people. And although Reaver kills without hesitation, he never kills without reason. Therefore although feeling no regrets over the event, it is something he would prefer to simply forget.
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Angst Dialogue Prompts
swear-free edition: send one for my muses reaction
“It feels like you’re a million miles away, even though you’re right here.”
“I just think….maybe you shouldn’t be around me.”
“You wanna do that thing where you make everyone hate your guts, cool, but don’t take this out on me.”
“I asked you a question. Answer it. Do you hate me, or not?”
“I’m trying to save you and you won’t even let me!”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Is it really that bad? The idea of having a future with me?”
“Leave, and never come back.”
“I’m going to count to five and if I don’t hear an ‘I’m sorry’ I’m going to punch you square in the jaw.”
“I never cared about you.”
“I have you so much it’s not even funny.”
“You suck, it’s not any better or worse than that. You’re not even that terrible you just suck and I can’t stand being around you.”
“You’re a burden. And I didn’t want to tell you that you are, because I didn’t want to be responsible if you did anything bad after hearing me say it.”
“Come back here, don’t you run away from me.”
“I hate how nice people are to you.”
“It doesn’t mean anything to you.”
“I refuse to be complicit in whatever with breakdown you’re having is.”
“God you are just so selfish.”
“Did you honestly think you were a good person?”
“Help me? Please?”
“Nobody would even miss you, you know.”
“It should have been me.”
“It should have been you.”
“I still love them.”
“You disgust me.”
“You think everything is everyone else’s fault, but it’s not, you’re responsible for your own mess.”
“Get yourself together.”
“Please don’t hurt me again.”
“You hurt me, I hurt you back. Simple.”
“I didn’t mean to do it, I promise. Please, you have to believe me.”
“I miss the old you.”
“Don’t say it, don’t say you love me.”
“I’m moving out, I can’t do this anymore.”
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reaverfable · 4 years
I rise from the ashes bitches
Did someone say fable 4??
I plan to become active on here once more! Also be sure to check out my new reaver roleplay tumblr @deliciouslydebauched
that is all <3
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Share this post for a starter from Reaver! 
It’ll be made as a post with you tagged in it. (I’m still learning the ropes of tumblr rping but I think that’s how I’m meant to do it? rip) 
Unless specified the starter will be lit. If you have more than one muse you’ll need to specify who it’s for also x
Tatty bye~!
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reaverfable · 4 years
Why did you label Reaver as chaotic neutral/lawful evil and not chaotic evil? Just curious about your thougths!
Well, in my own personal opinion...to label Reaver as ‘evil’ is an overly simplistic analysis of his character! It can’t be denied he is selfish, manipulative, apathetic and a range of other not entirely admirable characteristics, yet I believe the importance of him and Theresa throughout the fable franchise is that they serve as characters that can’t be clearly labelled as ‘good’ or ‘evil’. 
Fable is a story revolving around morals....and there are certainly an array of good and bad characters made to influence your heroes decisions and show you the pathways to both purity and corruption. Whereas the morality for Reaver (and Theresa) always seemed a very grey area to me. They both make decisions which are both questionable and at times unclear in motive, yet even with Reaver it is evident that the things he does aren’t done for the pure intent of being ‘bad’. He also does seem to have his own level of codes which he abides by, although their extent is still unknown to us players!
I suppose the main and most simple way to view his ‘neutrality’ is to look at his position both between lucien and sparrow and then logan and the prince/princess. He doesn’t choose the ‘dark’ route, he chooses the ally which will gain him the most reward, be they a hero or a madman. He shows no hostility towards the prince/princess when they usurp Logan, for at the end of the day he doesn’t seem concerned with the politics of Albion, as long as he remains in a position of power! It may not be an admirable role...but it shows his loyalties lie within himself, not to the ‘corrupt’ as those such as Jack and Lucien do. 
Tried to keep this short and snappy but if anyone is interested in a deeper explanation of my theories on his character, give this a like! x
#fable #reaver #fablereaver
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