#ezio auditore x spanish! reader
kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
CONGRATS ON THE 1K FOLLOWERS KIA!! 💕💕 it's funny and curious how i already love your works in so little time, you're always doing amazing! Anyways, i just remember that's Ezio's bday today (happy bday to our ultimate amore btw <3) and i was just thinking of reader being the Mentor of Spanish Brotherhood (i LOVE ezio x Spanish!reader i literally live for these type of fanfics), they're like super friends but reader secretly or not so secretly developted a crush on him buuuut she's so scared of confessing her feelings to him because she's not sure if he feels the same since he's a ladies-man and all that jazz + she don't wanna ruin their friendship for that + they're constantly arguing over the troubles in the Brotherhood, both Italian and Spanish (take Caterina's rescue as an example). I know it got big but what can i say? I love a good friends to lovers and love Ezio, y'all can't blame me :) again, congrats Kia, you deserve this and more! Arrivederci, bambina! <3
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notes: thank you so much for the kind words! It makes me so happy to know that you enjoy what I write!
pairing: Ezio Auditore x reader
word count: 2.5k
Branches of the brotherhood
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You had chased your target all the way across the damned sea and found yourself in Roma. This man had shown up out of nowhere, wiped out eighty percent of your new recruits and now he was being called back to whoever the hell had sent him. You had left the Spanish branch of the brotherhood in the capable hands of your closest advisor and had left Valencia to find yourself in the heart of Italy. You would stalk your target, find some of his contacts and work your way up his chain of command until you had found whoever was giving the order to attack the Valencian branch of Spain’s brotherhood in particular. What were they planning to happen there that they wanted to clean up there before they put their plot into action? 
Regardless, you knew that you would have to find the Assassin hideout in this city, if there was one at all, and send a letter back to Xavier to make sure that things were all going smoothly back home. The Italian brotherhood had gone quiet recently, you had received no letters from your friend Ezio Auditore. The two of you had met as children, your father having been invited to Italy by Giovanni Auditore. You and Ezio got on brilliantly and you made sure to write to each other all the time, never leaving more than two weeks between a letter at the very most. You were worried about what the Italian brotherhood’s silence could mean for the recent attacks in Valencia. 
Truth be told, you had developed a crush on Ezio over the years – silly, maybe as your communication was only face-to-face on the rarest occasions but maybe that helped you to like him: he didn’t have all the chances to disappoint you like most suitors who had come into your life as quickly as they left it. This silence from the Italians, him included, only made you worry more. 
It didn’t take you long before you came across another in signature white and red robes. He was defending a woman that had been garnered by guards after taking one of their patrolling group hostage. She had been calling other passersby to stand with her but only the assassin heeded her call. You listened from your blended spot in the gathered crowd to listen as he recruited her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. Judging by the firm nod of her head, he had shared instructions and/or directions. 
As he made his way through the crows, many of which were now cheering him on for taking out the guards, you grabbed his arm, wary of the blade that you knew would be hidden there. 
“Hola, asesino.” (Hello, assassin) You grinned, able to recognise that face anywhere, no matter how much time passed, you were certain he would stay as devilishly handsome. He had looked alert when you grabbed him but now he mirrored your grin. 
“To what do I owe the honour?” Your happy expression soured as you remembered why you were in the country. You took a wary glance around before taking his hand in yours, beginning to lead him away from the crowd. 
“Come, we have much to discuss, it is best to do so away from prying ears.” You enjoyed that you could speak in your mother tongue with Ezio but that didn’t mean that you could trust a language barrier to shelter you from those around you: whoever it was you were trying to uncover could have spies all over the place, you were still very much in the dark at this point. 
“We have a hideout, this way.” You only realised that you had actually taken Ezio Auditore’s hand when he squeezed yours, taking you in a different direction and beginning to lead you through the streets. You felt your face heat up as he led you over a bridge and into a looming building, holding the door open and gesturing for you to go down the stairs. 
“Where do I begin?” You asked as he pulled a chair out for you around a desk, ever the gentleman that was reflected in his letters, “Two weeks ago, the Valencian branch of the brotherhood was attacked, it was mostly recruits that were targeted but it was almost all of them that were killed. I’ve been tracking the target but I lost him somewhere here in the city. Someone here sent him to my home to attack my people and whoever it was has recalled him back here. I think that the attacks were just laying the groundwork for something bigger that they have planned which is why I’m following this case myself.” You wanted to rub your temples at the headache you felt coming on from the stress of dealing with such an important mission all by yourself without any of your familiar partners to help you. You hoped that you and Ezio could work as well as you once had in Barcelona. 
“There are various Templar forces that we are attacking in the city.” Ezio replied, “The driving force of them seems to be the Borgia family: Roderigo and his children Cesare and Lucrezia.”
“Joder,” (Fuck) You cursed, “You don’t think that they plan on returning to Valencia, do you? Or maybe they’re setting something up for a close ally?” 
“I do not know if they intend to reach towards Spain yet but I do know that Cesare has dealings with the King of France.” Ezio replied holding up a hand and you groaned, burying your face in your hands. You should have selected a team of people to come with you, this was much bigger than you thought. 
“How much have you been driving them back here in Italia? Is this maybe preparation for a retreat?” Ezio shook his head. 
“I am sorry, I do not know but I can contact Claudia and find out if we can look into this.”
“Claudia is here too?!” You exclaimed. You and her didn’t write as often as you and Ezio did but you still considered each other as close friends. 
“Yes, after the attack on Monteriggioni-”
“Is that why you’ve been so silent?” You gasped, having no idea that the city which once had been a stronghold for the assassins had been attacked. 
“Yes… we were left so scattered, they attacked early in the morning, and had crept up on us in the darkness of night. We have been so preoccupied with regrouping and regaining our strength that I suppose foreign correspondence became less of a priority.” He paused, “Mario is dead…” You reached out to put your hand over his comfortingly. 
“Ezio, cariño, I’m so sorry…” (Sweetheart) You knew all about the execution of his father and brothers, how deeply it had impacted his mother for such a long time. You couldn’t imagine why fate was so cruel to this poor man sitting before you. 
“Thank you…” He shifted, clearly not wanting to talk about it, “I’ll go make sure that there’s a room prepared for you. I won’t have a fellow assassin hopping from inn to inn-” He leaned in a little with a playful smile on his scarred lips that made your heart skip a beat, “-especially if it’s La Volpe Addormentata, they don’t need to rig their prices to take your coin there.” He flashed you a wink and you couldn’t stop the swarm of butterflies that it released in your stomach as he left to sort out all the appropriate arrangements. 
You wondered if the womanising Ezio you knew was now gone, if perhaps now he had reached an age where he realised that settling down into a committed relationship was a priority. You bit on your lip in thought before realising that there was a way to find the answer to that question easily enough. You began to wander around the hideout, finding someone dressed in novice’s robes. 
“Where might I find Claudia Auditore?” You asked and you could sense the suspicion in the young man at seeing an unfamiliar face, even if you were clad in an assassin’s uniform. 
“Who’s asking?” He raised a brow, tucking away the book that he had just been examining into its rightful place on the shelf. 
“The mentor of the Spanish brotherhood who had travelled far on very important business. I’ve just finished being welcomed by your mentor.” You could see the mix of shock, fear and embarrassment on his face at making such a mistake before he quickly offered to guide you to Claudia’s bordello himself. 
You almost burst out laughing at the irony when you found out that Claudia was running the most popular brothel in Roma, recalling the letters she once sent where she was considering joining a convent and was very upset that Ezio would hear none of it. You came to learn that the novice’s name was Paulo and he pointed you up towards Claudia’s office while he went off to converse with a dark-haired courtesan. 
You knocked twice on the office door before being called in, pulling down your hood as you closed the door behind you. The young woman looked up from her papers for a moment, eyes landing back down on whatever she was reading, before they shot straight back up when it really dawned on her who had just walked in. Claudia leapt from her seat and ran across the room to tackle you in a hug which you quickly returned. 
“What brings you to Roma?” There was delight in her voice but her face looked grave, knowing that you would not show up unannounced if this were merely a friendly visit. 
“The Templars have been attacking the Spanish brotherhood, particularly in Valencia. I’ve tracked down the man who wiped out most of my division’s recruits and have since lost him somewhere in the city. He was sent to my home to kill my people and his boss has recalled him here.” There was conviction in your voice, “I’m going to climb up his chain of command and figure out what their intentions are. From what I hear, it may well be the Borgia family which would make a lot of sense – if you’re as successful as Ezio claims in the city, they might be cleaning things up back home before they plan on retreating.” Claudia nodded her head in understanding. 
“Give me a description and I’ll find your missing man.” She spoke as she invited you to sit around her desk with her. 
“But… that’s not the only reason why I’m here…” You began hesitantly and she raised a brow, gesturing for you to continue. 
“Is this about my brother?” She grinned and your face dropped. Were you truly so obvious in your feelings for him? “Don’t give me that look, you wouldn’t be so dedicated to staying in touch if you didn’t like each other.” 
“Alright, yes, that’s why I’m here, I suppose I just want to ask you a few things about… things that might have changed since we last met face-to-face.” She nodded for you to continue, “Has he… does he still move on quickly from woman to woman?” Claudia let out a long sigh at your question. 
“You have either arrived at the perfect time or a terrible one. He was very committed to a close ally of the brotherhood recently, Caterina Sforza, he saw something with her and she told him that their… encounters were just her way of securing allyship. He is trying to recover but I saw the heartbreak when he brought her back from the rescue mission.” Your heart shattered for him. How could someone turn away Ezio when he bore his heart to them so openly? 
“So… do you think it would be wise to pursue…” You trailed off. 
“I’m going to leave that decision down to you. I have never seen Ezio be rejected from a relationship that he wanted to commit to – you know that Cristina was a different case to Caterina so I would like to think he’ll recover faster than with Cristina. Perhaps you can be his means to do that, to lead him into a new chapter in his life. I wouldn’t want to see anyone else with my brother.” She gave you a genuine smile and you sorted out business with her before sharing an embrace and heading back to the hideout with Paulo’s guidance once more. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had decided to leave your confession for a while, knowing well enough that this was not something to be rushed into and that his heart was still in a delicate situation. You had remained in Roma until the brotherhood there had completed their task to take down the Borgia – considering their dealings in Valencia, you had deemed that this was equally as important for the Spanish brotherhood and had deemed your trusted advisor back home as acting mentor in your absence. 
It had taken a very long time, a time in which you treasured every day with Ezio, to not have your letters being the only thread connecting you across the distance between you, and now you stood atop a tower with him looking out across a free city. 
“Ezio…” You began, not knowing what to say, “I don’t really know how to approach this so I’m going to be very direct with you. I’ve kept this a secret because I… don’t want it to have a negative impact on our friendship.” He quickly looked concerned and you laid your hand over his for a moment to try and reassure him. “I have liked you for a very long time, Ezio, and I’ve treasured our time together here in Roma but I… I don’t want it to end. I want a life with you; in España, in Italia, it doesn’t matter. I just want to be with you.” You swallowed hard, unable to meet his eyes. However, he took your hands in his, bringing them up and it made you tentatively meet his gaze. 
“I want nothing more than to be with you.” He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand and held it close to his chest, making you able to feel his hammering heart, “But I cannot leave the brotherhood here. There is no one who can take my place.”
“Then I will return to Spain and make arrangements to find a replacement as a mentor. When I come back…” Your eyes trailed down to his lips and he leaned in to close the distance that had been narrowing during your conversation. His kisses were sweet, full of promise and life and tenderness. 
“When you come back.” Ezio smiled softly at you, a hand cupping your face, thumb caressing your cheek, “We can make all the necessary arrangements and-” Another peck to your lips, “I’ll have a ring for when you return.” You couldn’t help but grin as you threw your arms around him and crashed your lips onto his once more. 
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
🏷️@gojohater101  @writing-noah
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Assassin’s Creed Mobile Masterlist
23/04/2020: Hey! So basically, I finally got round to help you mobile users with one of these -- I’m doing it with the RDR2 one and The Witcher, which are embarrassingly short in comparison. I also thought it was time for a bio makeover, y’know? It’s a bit cluttered over there.
If there’s anything wrong with the links, please let me know so I can fix them haha.
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated (I don’t know whether Tumblr’s ban on links in search is just for outside sources or not, but better safe than sorry)!
Grab some snacks, a drink, a massive blanket, a pair of those really fluffy socks, and enjoy!
This is definitely me not procrastinating through admin btw
Last updated: 12/09/2022 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Bullet points indicate two shots or series.
Indents show corresponding links.
[NEW] indicates fics added since last update
Acceptance (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
A New Mission (Ezio Auditore x Spanish!F!Reader)
A Midnight Bathe (Alexios of Sparta x GN!Reader) 
Arrows & Accidents (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader) 
Babysitting (ModernAU!Connor x F!Reader)
Comfort (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
Confessions (Arno Dorian x GN!Reader)
Death and Danger (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby  (Sick!Jacob Frye x Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby: The Sequel (Jacob Frye x Sick!Reader)
Don’t Care  (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader)
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
DOWN UNDER (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
Fox-Trot (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)
Hai Scelto Me (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Helping Hand (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Hold On (Part 1)
Don’t Let Go (Part 2)  
Hunted (Shay Cormac x GN!Reader)
Interrogation (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
Liar (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Le Langage Des Fleurs (Evie Frye x GN!Reader)
Lost (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Meglio (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2) 
(Part 3)
Out of Place (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Secret Admirer (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)  
Sculptin’ Skillz (ModernAU!Connor x GN!Reader) [bit of a Crack!fic tbh]
SHAMELESS (Various x GN!Reader)
Arno Version
Ezio Version
The Challenger Beats The Champion (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
This is New (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
Through The Ages (Jacob Frye x GN!Reader)
TRUST ME (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Two Reasons (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
White Noise (Connor x GN!Reader)
Would You Care to Dance? (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
THE PREADATOR AND THE PREY (DetectiveAU!Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
HEADCANONS (some specified in fic)
Being Ezio’s twin sister would include… (F!Reader)
Modern!Altair and Lazy Days would Include… (GN!Reader)
Malik Dating Altair’s Twin Sister would Include... (F!Reader)
Being Mary Read/James Kidd’s Twin Sister would Include… (F!Reader)
Haytham Comforting His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Haytham, Connor + Desmond] Reacting to their S/O Being Killed by Their Enemy (GN!Reader)
Haytham and Shay Getting Jealous (GN!Reader)
Connor’s Reaction to Having a Half-Sister (F!Reader)
Haytham Finding Out of Your Involvement with Connor (F!Reader)
Connor With a Really Talkative S/O (GN!Reader)
Jacob and Alexios Reacting to You Losing Your Job (GN!Reader)
Mechanic!Jacob and Mechanic!Reader Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob with a Short, Weak (not physically strong) F!Reader
Shay Being Soft With His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Ezio + Jacob] With Autistic S/O (GN!Reader)
The Assassins and Their Secret Admirers [+ Altair, Ezio, Arno, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Would React to Their S/O Confessing to Them [ + Altaïr, Ezio, Jacob]
[+ Connor, Arno]
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O As A Vigilante [+ Shay, Arno, Connor, Edward] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Returning After a Long Term Mission [+ Haytham, Connor, Evie, Jacob, Shay] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Badly Injured [+ Ezio, Connor, Shay, Shaun, Desmond] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassin’s React to Being Betrayed by Their S/O [+ Alexios, Ezio, Haytham, Connor, Shay, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Look after Their Children (Alone) [+ Alexios, Kassandra, Ezio, Edward, Arno, Jacob, Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would Teach Their Children to Climb [ + All - Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Talking Back [+ All] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Becoming The Leader of a Gang [+ Haytham, Jacob, Arno, Altair, Connor, Ezio] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Being a Talented Artist [+ Connor, Altair, Alexios] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Waking Up From a Nightmare [+ Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno, Evie] (explicit F!reader in some, otherwise not referenced/GN)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Asking Where Babies Come From [+ Ezio, Connor, Jacob, Desmond] (Implied F!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Pregnant and Their Baby Kicking For The First Time [+ Haytham, Shay, Arno, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Intro (possibly to be followed by drabbles) [ + All] (GN!Reader)
Field Medicine [+ Altair, Connor, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Safe (Part 1) [+ All? Jacob x Reader] (F!Reader/M!Reader/GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Comfort You Before Surgey [+ Ezio, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Flangst Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Planning your Surprise Birthday (GN!Reader)
Edward Kenway’s First: Fight, Kill, Sparring Match (F!Reader)
Edward Kenway: Health to the Company (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His S/O’s Child Falls Over (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His Children Sparring -- “Winner Gets Ice Cream!” (Heavily implied F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: A Rough Day (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: After a Hard Day at Work (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unexpected Anguish (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unrequited (GN!Reader)
Wishful Thinking
Brave Advances
Happy Halloween
Golden Lullaby 
605 notes · View notes
heart-shaped-heart · 5 years
New Dawn [oneshot]
Fandom: Assassin’s creed
Pairing: Ezio x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You’re Spanish assassin, courageous and talented. Once you’re invited to Rome by what’s left of Italian Brotherhood to defeat your common enemy - Borgia. But even you, the avant-garde of assassins’ powers, have some secrets to keep.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1480
Warnings: none
Requested by: @ witch-of-letters
A/N: Once again thank you for your great request! I apologize for making you wait that long, but I hope it’s worth it and you will enjoy the story!~
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It’s been a year. A year since you’ve arrived at Rome. A year since you’ve become one of the leaders of the rise, the new dawn of lately dying Italian Brotherhood.
A year since you’ve first met Ezio Auditore de Firenze.
...You still remember your first meeting, and it’s not that it was very pleasant. Monteriggioni was defeated, Ezio himself was defeated, and then here you are, strong and invincible, come to help - of course, deeply inside Ezio felt more vulnerable and offended by his weakness than he wanted to show, especially to a woman. 
But after some time of working together, side by side, he understood that you’re not the person that could ever make him feel ashamed. As spoked, you truly were ruthless with your enemies, but you turn out to be understanding, easy-going and jovial with him. You quickly got attached to each other.
You pulled the strings of underground with him, you found new recruits for him, you helped him with Leonardo’s machines, you was with him, when Caterina, who, as he thought then, he had a thing for, left. But with every shared moment you were getting more and more clear realization that your attitude to him went too far from working relationships. Of course it was against your principles, but at some moment you realized that you have neither will nor power to fight yourself.
And he... He was just Ezio Auditore, did you have any chances? Afraid of ruining your relationships, you were completely content by just being with him, working with him, helping him.
But one day something broke. Something changed. One day he looked at you, and his look wasn’t the same as always; there wasn’t usual smile, usual warmth in his eyes anymore. His look was absolutely empty, and at this moment something crashed inside your chest. 
And since that moment time began to flow more slowly than ever. It felt like if you got stuck in the middle of the still sea all alone, and you just float, and your thoughts are the only companions you have. You couldn’t get rid of them at all: what’s wrong? what did you done? why does he keep silence? After your every attempt to talk to finally find out the problem Ezio disappeared with some new excuse, and it did scare you even more. 
That silence between two of you was tense, but so numb, and after all you just gave up. You had no more energy to fight, you were too devastated, so you just let things slide. It hurt. It hurt even more then if he yelled, screamed; but he kept silence, and it was the worse. 
With every other day you found yourself more and more distant from people you called your family: assassins, Machiavelli, Claudia... Ezio. With every other day you felt worse; finally, you lost your sleep. 
Night streets of Rome were beautiful, truly beautiful. Empty and neat, with fresh air, they were the thing that could calm and distract your mind. You travelled through the sleeping city, no matter how - on the ground or from one roof to another, and then came back to the assassins’ base shortly before morning. 
Tiny fire on the end of the candle trembled, as you were looking at horizon, which already started to burn with a weak shine. Night silence covered you, letting you get deeply in your thoughts. And you’d already started to nod off when a sudden thud waked you from drowse. You flinched, and then quickly recognized the sound of the opening door. But before you could think of who could open it, the person who did in entered the living room, and in trembling light of candle you saw Ezio’s face. 
As he noticed you, he stood still, not sure what to do. 
“Why are you awake?” he finally asked non-emotionally, and this was the first time in a long time when he spoke to you first. 
Ezio walked across the room, put off some weapon and placed it on the table. 
“I could ask the same of you”. 
He didn’t answer - of course he didn’t; and suddenly you felt like if something burst inside you; a mixture of resentment, anger and despair filled your chest, and inability to keep silent burned your throat.
“Ezio,’ you called and stood up, “We need to talk, don’t we?”
He sighed with some tiredness and hesitated for a few seconds more - but these seconds lasted for ages.
“Y/n Y/S/n,” he finally turned to you and looked to your eyes, as if he was trying to find the answer in your face, and you shivered, “This name you said to me when we first met. But that wasn’t true, was it?”
As you realized what he was talking about, everything fell into place.
But you almost choked on how sudden and unpleasant was his question. This topic you would like to avoid the most of all. Not because you was afraid, but because you was ashamed, and also sorry for missing any opportunity to tell him the truth by yourself. Maybe if Ezio had learnt it from you, he would have not reacted so roughly?.. Anyway, you’ll never know.
You looked at him. Ezio was still looking in your eyes, and there was no any exact expression on his face; only a ghost of disappointed sadness and pursed lips could show his emotions.
He doubted. 
And you clearly understood, that it's his duty to protect the Brotherhood and eliminate any possibility of being betrayed, but... as much as you hated to admit it, the fact that he doubted about you was painful to accept.
“My mother was an assassin,” you started, sighed deeply and turned around to the window, “One of the most devoted members of the Brotherhood. Once she had a... quick romance with Rodrigo Borgia. But when she learnt who he happened to be, she left him immediately. I didn’t know my father’s name till my mother’s last day... She finally confessed me on her deathbed. I was ten.” 
After a moment of silence you turned to him again, but there is no sorrow or confusion in your eyes anymore - only strength and confidence.
“And then I was raised by assassins. I realize that hiding my origin wasn't the right thing to do and I apologize for that, but Borgia’s not my family, it never was. The Brotherhood is. And I would rather die than betray it.”
Ezio turned away a bit, and after a minute of tense silence you suddenly heard a soft nervous laugh. At the sound of it you suddenly felt both relief and confusion; you just stood still, not sure how to react.
“...You find it funny?” you asked.
“No. No, of course not,” he signed deeply and tiredly, a sad smile slowly disappeared from his lips, “I don’t laugh at you. I laugh more at myself. I’m such a fool sometimes. It is me who should apologize.”
You slightly stepped closer.
“What do you mean?”
“You know... All these wars, fights, betrayals... They can make anyone paranoid. When I heard about your origin, I... I didn't know what to think, the news swept me off my feet. You just... were the only person I thought I could trust, and...”
“You can.”
“What?” he finally looked you in the eyes with some kind of surprise as if he just noticed your presence.
“You can trust me, Ezio. I swear.”
His lips suddenly pulled into a soft, gentle smile as he slightly nodded.
“I know,” he whispered, and you felt a knot of warm forming in your chest.
...You didn’t really remember when did the distance between two of you disappeared - but it did. The only thing you could notice is his eyes, deep and dark, as if they were the only object that existed in the whole world, and at this moment you suddenly understood what does the phrase “to get lost in someone’s eyes” means.
“Ezio... Auditore de Firenze,” you whispered as your gaze travelled down to his scarred, but so pretty and kissable - this word came to your mind for the first time in your entire life - lips.
“Yes?” he answered in the same murmur, still smiling, and you felt his hands slipping up your back.
Some needed words formed on your tongue and slipped out quicker than you could weigh the pros and cons:
“Just... kiss me already.”
And he did nothing but obeyed.
...Warm morning took over Rome, slightly dispelling the darkness of the night and spreading through the narrow streets, but still harbouring the ones who wanted to be harboured, and hiding their gentle whisper in soft gust of wind.
“Never leave my side. Please.”
“I promise.”
And above the horizon the new dawn revealed its shine to the sleepy city.
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witch-of-letters · 5 years
Our Work Is Never Done, Part II (Ezio Auditore x Reader)
Word Count: 5926 (It’s official: I can’t write short fics. My mind is filled with complex ideas and the simpler ones never see the light XD)
Author’s Note #1: So the story took a darker turn here (my mind is seriously obsessed with such themes, don’t blame me *hides behind the couch*), but I’ve finished it as best as I could, given that the inspiration for writing comes spontaneously. This part includes such themes as torture and sadism, which are discussed but not explicitly described (or maybe there’s like one such sentence, idk).
But please, do enjoy reading this chapter! I love writing for you all, mi amici!
Author’s Note #2: This work is purely fictional and is not meant to offend anyone. I do try to check my grammar and words (I use Grammarly and Google for those), but English is still not my first language, so I apologize in advance if you find any mistakes within the fic.
Italics - thoughts/emphasis/Italian
Bold Italics - places/Spanish
Feedback/constructive criticism/comments are much appreciated, as are reblogs!
Chapter I
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(P.S. I know it’s Masyaf, but pretend it’s that fortress that will be mentioned in this story.)
  Somewhere in the Apennine mountains…
“Ha! I can’t believe we’ve caught them so easily! They call themselves ‘Master Assassins’?! Bah!” boasted one of the men. The other one with an eye-patch nodded his head in agreement.
“Indeed we have, amicomio! Let’s just hope that they won’t wake up earlier than planned…,“ he glanced at yours and Ezio’s bodies in the cart, one thrown across the other. The mercenaries didn’t care how you two were to be delivered. Both of you were alive and that was enough.
“Yes, let’s. I do have to admit though, this was quite a suicidal task for us, but it seems that Lady Luck kept us safe! I can already smell our reward!”
The other guy, Pietro, sent a scowl his way, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Edric! We’re not there yet. Anything can happen on the road - bandits, thieves, templars that don’t know us, you name it.” It did not wipe the smile off of Edric’s face, however.
“Be more optimistic!”
“Meh,” was his response to his overly-enthusiastic partner, but then he continued, "Oh, and pray tell, why did Rodrigo decide to partner you up with me, hmm?! With such a brain of a cow, you’ll get nowhere in your life!”
“With an attitude like that, Lady Luck will no longer smile upon you!”
Pietro could feel the anger boiling inside of him. Who did that insolent bastard think he was?! A genius?! He could only picture how they’d face Rodrigo Borgia together. He would certainly introduce his boot to their asses if his brainless partner continued to babble like an over-excited five-year-old…
“Al diavolo with your Lady Luck! If you don’t shut up this instant, I won’t hesitate to throw you to the wolves down the road!” Pietro shouted in anger. Edric clamped his mouth shut in shock, averting his eyes from his companion to your unconscious bodies.
“Grazie a Dío for the silence!”
Their journey would be a long one indeed…
“Ho there, Manfredo! Did you hear the news?!” a guard, no younger than 25 years, shouted to his friend, who was standing outside on the walls of Castello D'Agnano, a fortress in the middle of the mountains that was well-fortified and comparable to none.
He received a sarcastic snort in response, “What news? That Rodrigo Borgia’s big stomach has always been a fake one?! Ahahahahaha!,” he burst out laughing, making the other guard frown. Then his laughter stopped abruptly, “Don’t make me laugh, porcellino.”
“For one, stop calling me a ‘piggy’. My nose ain’t that flat and my nostrils ain’t that big! For two, no, you knucklehead! The news is not about the Grandmaster!”
“Then what about?”
Emril leans close conspiratorially, “It’s about Ezio Auditore and Y/L Y/L/N! They’ve finally been caught! Can you believe it?!”
“Huh? I certainly did not expect that, but it’s a good thing, I guess.”
“I thought you’d be more excited than that!” Emril huffed exasperatedly, clearly disappointed by his comrade’s response. To be so dismissive of the two notorious Master Assassins’ capture was…cold and appalling if one asked him. He wasn’t against the Assassins per se, finding them very skilled and intelligent, but boy, was he excited to hear that they would be held where he was stationed. If only he could get an audience with th-“
"Stand straight!” a stern and commanding voice was heard from behind them, the footsteps of its owner coming closer and closer. It was the Captain of the Guard, Ignacio Lavola, the cruellest and most sadistic bastardo Emril has ever seen. He hadn’t seen it for himself, but those that have, have told him of his torturing ways - how he preferred to flay the prisoners alive while interrogating them or use some of the outdated torture devices to prolong their pain and agony. He shuddered at the thought of seeing people, both men and women, suffer at his hands. If he ever got to children…no, he couldn’t continue that track of thought.
He had to try and keep his composure, but Ignacio’s presence alone made him stutter uncontrollably, “Y-yes s-sir!”
Ignacio eyed him like a hawk, his facial expression giving nothing away. Emril could not stare back at him, lest he peed in his own breeches out of sheer fear. Luckily, his stutter was ignored. ’Bastardo ’ he thought to himself.
“I expect you to keep a close eye on our newest prisoners. If you treat them like 'royalty’, talk more than a word to them, or let them out of your sight, expect… severe punishment,” Ignacio continued, emphasizing his last two words with a cold but intimidating stare. His brown eyes held a clear threat in them, and knowing the man, or of his reputation at least, Emril knew that he would go through with what he just told them. As much as he was excited to meet the notorious pair of assassini, he had to swallow that excitement and distance himself mentally as much as possible. He didn’t want to die. Not just yet.
“Ehi, you alright, amico mio? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost! Which was more like seeing Satan himself, but still…,” the worried voice of Manfredo interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to the reality. Manfredo saw his friend losing that spark in his eye he had just a few moments prior, making him worry like a big brother would. 'Piggy’ or not, this was his comrade - his friend - and he’d be damned if he didn’t help him with whatever was on his mind.
Emril eyed the retreating form of Ignacio, boring daggers into him. Oh, how he wished that figlio di puttana to die the most painful of deaths…but alas, he knew that he would never be able to do so as he was too much of a coward, or that’s what he thought. There was no point in thinking about such dark things though, so he forcefully tried to shake off his thoughts.
Turning back to Manfredo, he spoke…or more like whispered his next words, “Sto bene.”
His friend wasn’t convinced in the slightest.
“No. No, you’re not,” he paused to look around them. When he didn’t see anyone, he continued, “Is this about the Captain?”
When Emril didn’t answer immediately, he sighed. While he didn’t have a problem with the Captain personally, he too knew of his supposed reputation, and he did not want to be in his line of sight when trouble happened. Ignacio Lavola was not a merciful man.
“Look, I don’t like him either, but we can’t do anything on our own! Trying anything will only get us killed!”
“But we don’t actually know that!” Emril retorted.
“And what would you have us do then, huh?! Coddle up to him and then stab him in the back like Brutus did Caesar?! We already have to lick his boots and you see where we are?! We’re still lowly guardsmen! It’s good enough that we’re both stationed here, on the walls! Why make it worse?!”
“Then what about those Master Assassins? They’re already being brought here! Knowing their skills and reputation, perhaps they can get us out of here!”
“And where exactly would they take us?”
“O-out of here! Somewhere! Anywhere! Anywhere better than this place!”
Emril huffed in frustration, “Stop being so sceptical for a change, va bene?! I’ve seen what they can do! They have it in them to escape this place! We only have to give them the opportunity…”
“And get ourselves killed in the process?! No. Fucking. Way.”
“Do you trust me?” Emril took Manfredo’s face in his young hands, making the man just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
Manfredo nodded.
“Then trust me when I tell you that we can do this! We play it smart, we get farther than anyone else ever has in here. Now, I’ll ask again - are you with me?”
Hesitating for just a moment, his friend agreed, “I am, amico. I am.”
“Then listen closely. First, we’ll have to see who guards the cells, and then…”
Ignacio was back to pacing in his office. After seeing to it that all the guards were aware of the arrival of his future 'guests’, he went back inside to make some additional preparations. Namely, sharpening his various hooks and blades. After all, they would need to receive a 'warm and royal’ welcome befitting their station.
Capturing them was his idea and his alone. If Rodrigo got wind of that, he would be ecstatic, or so he thought. Technically, he wasn’t going against the Templars’ principles or disobeying his higher-ups’ orders. He was just doing what he thought was right - what would benefit them all.
Looking at the map of Europe on the wall, he thought of Antonio. He knew that the man was a weak link in their Order, preferring to ignore his numerous duties throughout the years (which had to be completed if one wanted to move higher up the ladder…and avoid getting executed). He met him only once, on a grand masquerade ball in France, securing yet another marriage between one of his cousins and some fool of a noble, who immediately fell for the pretty eyes and a big bust.
He remembered their last conversation quite clearly.
  Lyon, France, 1470
“My, what a pleasant surprise to see you here, mon amie!”  Antonio threw his arms around one of the nobles, who judging by their cheerful expression, was very much happy to see him.
  “Indeed, we haven’t seen each other for two years! Can you believe it?!” the nobleman paused, “Oh, it’s been just horrible without seeing you here!”
  Was that a blush creeping up Antonio’s cheeks? No, it must have been the heat of that place getting to him.
  “Well, I was very very busy. Making deals, investing, and-”
  “-partying, hmm?” the nobleman teased playfully.
  “Uh, well…yes. That’s not why I’m here though.”
  “Oh, I’m all ears.”
  “Forgive me for being blunt, but I’m here to find my cousin a suitable husband.”
  The nobleman raised his eyebrows, “Who?”
  Antonio gave him a meaningful look, making his friend raise his eyebrows into his hairline even further.
  “Oh. Oh! Now I get it! Pardon me, my friend, but I wasn’t expecting you to be so forward!”
  “One has to be a little forward to get on this life. Trust me, I’ve been mulling over this very conversation all week before arriving here.”
  “Hah, well…I don’t know about that. How does your cousin look like? What is her name?”  
  “Violetta, and she is standing right over there!” said Antonio while pointing to a woman in a yellow-green dress chatting with the other women.
  “She does look beautiful, but before you make me choose, please consider making another man her husband. I have a close friend here this evening and I’d very much like you to meet him.” He waved for Ignacio to approach them. He sure hoped that he wouldn’t be forced to endure another boring conversation about women, wine, and politics. He was far above those things.
“There you are, amie!  Antonio, this is my friend, Ignacio. Ignacio Lavola,” the nobleman gestured to the man beside them. A dark look passed Antonio’s eyes. That man…he knew him. He knew him through his reputation as a sinister sadist alone. A lot of templars trembled at the mere mention of his name… the Butcher of Souls.
  “A pleasure to meet you!” he forced the words out of his mouth. “Any friend of Christophe’s is a friend of mine!”
  “And mine as well…”
  They were ready to shake hands, and when they did, Ignacio squeezed Antonio’s hand just a little harder than necessary. The man recognized him. If he played his cards wrong, he’d be another one of his victims, he just knew that.
  Ignacio let a cold look pass over his present company, seemingly unbothered by the tense atmosphere between him and the lesser templar, “So, why I am here, Christophe?” Always blunt to the point.
  “Ah, but weren’t you standing there all bored just moments ago? Armaund’s new political ideas were clearly failing to keep you interested. You looked like you would fall asleep at any moment! I decided to save you from that.”
  “And for that, you have my sincerest thanks. I sense that there’s more to it though.”
  “And you are right about that! The thing is, Antonio is looking for a good husband to his cousin, Violetta. I told him to speak with you before deciding. After all, you’re not married too!” 'But clearly not a good man,’ Antonio thought to himself.
  Ignacio was undeterred by his 'friend’s’ request. He wasn’t looking for marriage. He wasn’t looking for love at all, but the least he could do was amuse him. And make Antonio squirm a little in the process.
“Ah, yes. Violetta. That woman in yellow, oui?”
  Christophe answered before Antonio could speak another word, “Right you are! She is very beautiful, isn’t she?”
  “She is. Though I…fail to understand what makes her so special. Besides being Antonio’s cousin, that is.”
“Care to elaborate on that, amie?”   Christophe looked over at pale-faced Antonio, not noticing how rigidly the man was standing. He was a good man, but oblivious to many things (such as Violetta’s jealous personality Antonio 'forgot’ to mention).
“I-I…,” the breath was stuck in Antonio’s throat. Why did he lose his confidence all of a sudden? Why couldn’t he utter a single word out of his mouth? Was it because of Ignacio? Was his presence that scary to him? The thoughts were rushing in his head like the busy cardinals when choosing a new Pope, and his heart was beating a hummingbird flaps its wings. All that insecurity about being a 'bad’ templar came forth as though something popped open a cork on that 'closed jar’ (or someone more like). And it was eating him alive.
  “Is something wrong?” Ignacio asked him, still as stone-faced as before.
  Antonio tried to muster up his courage again, praying that his voice wouldn’t betray his nervousness. He could also feel his eye wanting to twitch, so he blinked a couple of times to keep it under control.
Taking a deep breath he spoke, “No, I suppose nothing is wrong with you wanting to know about her. She is not as special as the queen of  Spagna  perhaps, but her impeccable skills with musical instruments and a talent for sewing make up for it, signori.”
  “And what else?”
  “Well…she does have a bit of a mean streak, but it doesn’t necessarily make her a nasty person…”
  “Hmm, you are honest, at the very least. Though I would not take such a woman for myself, she would still suit you all the same, Ignacio. You share a trait, however bad one, but that should bring you closer to each other, no?”
  “Now, let me go and announce the opening of the Grand Ball! The ladies are itching to dance!” declared Christophe and then left the pair in a hurry, seemingly excited to officially start the event. Antonio and Ignacio were finally alone (despite being surrounded by the crowd of people).
  “So what is a pathetic little worm like you doing in this place? Cementing another useless alliance, hm?”
Antonio bristled at his tone, his nostrils flaring, but he tried to reign in his anger so as not to cause a scandal, “You think you are smart,  ehi?!  My scheming with marriages may not bring much to our cause, but having hands in important people’s pockets brings something to mine.”
  Ignacio smirked in amusement, “And what might that cause be, exactly?”
“I…,” Antonio couldn’t find the right words, instead he huffed like a petulant child, “You know what?! Fottiti te e il tuoculo compiaciuto! (Fuck you and your smug ass!)”
  The man before Antonio chuckled lowly, taking his insult in stride. To anyone else, he looked like he was about to faint from the stifling heat, being all red in the face, but Ignacio knew that he was actually silently fuming at him, looking like he’d burst at any moment. Oh, how he enjoyed seeing them all get angry like that because of him. It made him feel the power he had over them - that he could manipulate their emotions just as easily as he could peel the skin off of his victims with a sharpened blade. They were like putty in his hands.
He placed his heavy hand on the templar’s shoulder, keeping him in place. Leaning in, he whispered in Antonio’s ear, “If you think the Grand Master won’t hear about you being lazy and far too selfish for your own good, I’m afraid you’re mistaken, amico. If nothing else, your tiny ass will still be served on a silver platter to me, one way or another.” With that, Ignacio left Antonio alone, but the man was once again trembling in his boots, his heart imbued with the fear of him, and the desperation to leave that place as soon as possible. Antonio would not stop fearing him until his own death.
Even after so many years, he still thought that the conversation between him and the tiny templar could not have gone any better. Before sending the hired mercenaries to capture the assassins, he mentioned (rather offhandedly) that he would pay them more if they took care of him as well. For once, he didn’t care enough to kill the man himself, letting someone else do the honours (frankly, the years have taken its toll on him and he wasn’t exactly in the mood to play the game of 'cat and mouse’). Thankfully, no one would miss Antonio - not even his numerous cousins.
Sitting back in his leather chair, he proceeded with polishing his knives, wanting the assassins to see their own reflections in it. He would have a good time carving them up…
  Two days later…
Your head felt so heavy that you thought it was filled with lead. Not only that, but the pain could not be more unbearable than what you were currently experiencing. Like someone had a knife stuck in your skull. Your temples were throbbing, your ears were ringing, and your mouth was as dry as a desert. All in all, you felt miserable.
Next to you, Ezio was sitting up against the wall, looking at anything but you. When you made a hissing sound, however, you knew you had his attention.
He didn’t spring up when he heard it (since he was still very tired after such a long ride), but his eyes were filled with concern for you. He spoke to you as quietly and as gently as possible, “Y/N! How do you feel?!”
You couldn’t look him in the eye due to the pain you were in, but you still answered, just as quietly, “Miserable. Tan miserable. You sure there’s no knife or an axe stuck in my head?”
He looked very confused at your question, not recognizing the joke, “What axe?! What are you talking about?!”
“Ah, just forget it. It was a poor attempt at a joke anyway,” you moaned in pain, putting your head between your legs. That action did not relieve it, however.
“We need to get out of here, wherever 'here’ is!”
You looked around yourself with tired eyes, seeing how dirty and damp the cell was. A rat hole near Ezio. And was that a big spider in one corner on the ceiling? The place was truly awful but despite the aforementioned conditions, you thankfully had enough space to move around if need be. Being cramped up in a tiny space (even if it was with Ezio), did not sound like a good idea, or rather like a comfortable one.
Your current wish was to get rid of the headache. Whoever dropped something heavy on your head should better be running away from there or else you’d stick one of your hidden-blades in theirs.
Ezio didn’t look any better. His hair was dishevelled, his eyes were tired but angry, and both of you were stripped off of your assassin robes and weapons. What a  great situation that was!
Sitting up a little, you inquired, “Do you know…who dropped us in here? I could have sworn I heard male voices talking at some point, or was it just a dream?”
Ezio nodded, “Si. I didn’t see their faces but I saw their clothes. They were mercenari.”
“Ugh! Wish we knew who hired them to do this! It’s like they were actually waiting for us in Basilica!”
“It was the Templars. Turn around and you’ll see the banners with a red cross on them.”
Indeed, when you peeked over your shoulder through the iron bars, you saw what Ezio was talking about. The white banners with the infamous red cross. The true mark of any Templar stronghold.
“So we’ve gotten ourselves into one of the worst situations that could ever happen? ¡Mierda!” you swore under your breath. How could they have captured you both so easily? How could you not see the mercenaries? You thought back to it, trying to make sense of all the things that had occurred within the church.
For one, when you asked the girl to hand you some clothes, you saw a sorrowful look pass over her face, but it was a momentary one so you did not pay it any more attention. For two, the servants’ quarters were completely empty as though everyone was suddenly forced to leave. And last, when the mass had gone for some time and you decided that you couldn’t wait any longer, you spotted not one soul roaming the halls. The moment you went through all these memories, it finally clicked.
“Ezio, they knew we were coming. It was an ambush.”
He looked up at you, waiting for an explanation.
“Did you see the girl’s face when she looked at me? It displayed her sorrow over something, as though she was apologizing for something we didn’t know.”
“No. No, I didn’t. What about it?”
You continued, “She lead us through the servants’ quarters, but did you see how empty they were? Like everyone completely vanished? The mercenaries were already there, so by forcing them to leave, they ensured to no one would call for help…or see what they were planning to do. And then there were no priests in the halls because most of them were templars themselves, so they most likely decided not to interfere.”
“Most of the priests?”
“Ezio, it’s been a long known fact that templars take the positions of power, whether small or big, to ensure that no one would be suspicious of them. They smile in public but sneer behind the closed doors. And think about it, who would believe that a mere priest would order the deaths of people behind their backs?”
He should not have asked such a stupid and irrelevant question, but the worry for you both clouded his mind. He wanted to get you and himself out of that place and find your way back to Monteriggioni. He only hoped that Claudia wouldn’t throw a fit at hearing about your capture.
Before he could say another word, he heard numerous pairs of footsteps approaching. You perked up at the sound as well, lifting your head and straightening your posture. Ezio scooted over to you, and you gladly took his hand in yours - both for comfort and reassurance. Whoever approached you, you would face them together.
Unfortunately, it was a group of well-armed guards who judging by their faces, did not want to deal with any potential acts of defiance. The one without a helmet stepped closer to the metal door.
“Our Captain has requested your presence,” he pointed his gloved finger at you.
“Me? Why?” you asked, but then caught yourself and tried to ask something else, “Wait! Before you answer my previous questions, tell me what’s his name first!”
“Maestro Ignacio Lavola…commonly known as The Butcher of Souls, madonna Y/L/N,” he answered calmly.
“And how do you know my name?”
“You are not as inconspicuous as you think you are,” the guard eyed you and Ezio, his eyes carrying nothing but contempt in them. “All Templars in Italia know of you both.”
“So what will be done to us? Do we get to see a rope around our necks or do we get a chance to be purified by fire?” your voice was dripping with sarcasm, and Ezio gave you a warning look, already fearing what your fiery persona would do if unleashed.
Instead of answering, the guard gave a tiny nod to his comrades, who proceeded to lift your weak-from-exhaustion frame up. You decided not to fight them, knowing how futile it currently was to try and escape with a headache and tired muscles. You pointedly looked at Ezio, willing him to not do anything stupid. He clenched his jaw in anger but then looked at you sadly, not wanting for you to go. It wasn’t an ideal plan, but perhaps you could learn more from the Captain himself (praying all the while that you wouldn’t see his sadistic side).
Ezio was now all alone.
The room you were brought into was lit by a large fire roaring within the fireplace, the orange tongues dancing in the air. Before the guards left, you were tied to a chair - so tightly that it actually hurt. You cursed yourself for drinking too much one night and then boasting to everyone about how you could escape any confinement like a professional. Damn Mario’s sweet wine to oblivion!
“Ahhh, I see you’re already wiggling about, my dear?” That voice, that smooth fucking voice laced with amusement, echoed from behind you, each word sounding clearer as Ignacio walked in.
“What exactly do you want from me?”
“Nothing exciting from you. Well…only your death,” he explained. “A prolonged one…,” he added darkly.
“Do your worst,” you retorted.
Ignacio smiled, showing his pearly-whites, “As you wish!” and just as he said that, he stabbed your thigh with a stiletto, that went through the limb like a knife through butter. You screamed loudly in pain, unknowingly making the guards shiver on the other side of the wooden door.
Ezio woke up from his little slumber with a start after hearing a feminine scream echo off of the limestone walls. He knew it was you up there. His heart clenched with worry at listening to your agony, making him stand up and rattle the metal door with a death-grip. Any second wasted in that cell, was bringing you closer to your end, and he’d be damned if he let that happen. Not before he told you he loved you…
“Hey, Ezio! You there?!” a boyish voice startled him out of his thoughts, confusion summoning a frown on his face.
“Who is that?! Come out from the shadows!”
“Not so loud, please! We don’t have long until the other guards come back, messere!” Emril stepped from behind the corner, holding a ring of keys in his hand.
“Who are you?”
“Your chance to be rescued. You have to promise me something though…”
Ezio was not in the mood for playing games, but for your sake, he was willing to hear the young man out, “What?”
Emril looked at the other man, now visible to Ezio, before turning his attention back to him, “You and your lover get out and take us with you. We want to leave this godforsaken place behind and start a new life!”
“But she’s not my lo-”
“Whatever! Do we have a deal?”
“I don’t like how suspicious it seems, but I won’t turn down your help.”
“Eccellente!” With a gleeful expression (reminding Manfredo how idiotic his friend could be), Emril opened up the cell door, letting the Master Assassin out.
Manfredo approached him with a pile of robes in one hand, and Altaïr’s Armour hanging off of his other. Changing as quickly he could, he was ready to leave that place behind, but not before rescuing you from Lavola.
“We have to hurry! Y/N’s life is at stake!” Ezio’s voice trembled with worry. His romantic feelings aside, he was desperate to have you back in his arms again, consequences be damned.
Thankfully and somewhat unexpectedly, the guards were all gone. Not one was in their vicinity. He looked at the pair of the now former guardsmen, and asked quietly and lowly, “Where is the Captain’s room?”
“Further ahead,” answered Emril, “it’s at the end of the hall to the right. You won’t miss it.” But before Ezio could take another step, Emril put a shaky hand on his shoulder, not wanting to anger the Master Assassin even more.
“Wait! What should we do?”
“Find ourselves some horses.”
“Will do! Be careful!”
“I will.”
The moment Ezio stepped inside the room, he wanted to throw up at the sight before him. You were still bound to the wooden chair, but instead of seeing you well and awake, he only saw what the sadistic bastard had done to you.
Your body had suffered from multiple stab wounds, blood still seeping from some of them. One arm was completely covered with bruises, and all of your fingernails were removed. The sight was truly awful, but he couldn’t turn his gaze away.
Approaching your form, he brushed aside your hair had that was obscuring your face. It was completely bruised, just like your arm, but with additional cuts across your nose and left eye (which was thankfully left intact). At that very moment, Ezio wished you that you never were an assassin. That way, you would not have had a target on your back.  'But then I’d be left defenceless, ’ your voice echoed in his mind, reminding him that his wish was a selfish one, however he wanted it to be otherwise.
“A p-pretty s-sight, isn’t s-she?” a man’s voice gurgled behind him, making him turn around in surprise. It was Ignacio, lying in a pool of his own blood, that came from his crotch and gut. Following his line of sight, Ignacio weakly chuckled.
“That bitch m-managed to stab me w-where it hurts m-most. W-with a hidden-blade in her b-boot. I must say t-though, that was very clever of her.”
Ezio kept silent.
“Never knew I w-would go out like t-that. Still, I’ve m-made my peace with it.”
Now it was Ezio’s turn to speak. His voice was sharp and menacing, “You don’t deserve peace, you bastardo! Only your victims do!”
“Do you r-really t-think all the men and w-women I killed were innocent?! They were all bastards! Just. L-like. M-me,” with the last word spoken, he gurgled up more blood, his arms twitching for a moment and then falling beside him completely still. The Butcher was finally dead, though Ezio wished he could kill him with his own two hands.
Returning back to you, he untied you from the chair and picked you up bridal style, before leaving the castle. Outside in the courtyard, however, he was met with the man that took you out from your shared cell. He was looking at Ezio with a stoically.
“I am glad he’s dead. You have finally put an end to him.”
“Not me,” he looked at you. “It was her.”
“Doesn’t matter. He will never bother anyone again and that is enough for me. Rodrigo has wanted to get rid of him for a long time now anyway.”
“Then do send him my regards.”
“I will, Ezio Auditore. Today, you may leave. No man shall lift a blade against you. Let us leave the fighting for another day.”
Ezio couldn’t agree more. He did not want to shed any more blood - not with you in his arms.
And so he went outside the gates, spotting a wagon with horses waiting for you both. Emril and Manfredo were smiling at him.
“Let’s get you both home, shall we?”
Ezio nodded, and then carefully laid your body on the wagon with hay, before climbing up himself. The road home was a long one, but he would survive the wait, all the while keeping an eye on you and finding a doctor to sew shut your wounds in the nearest town or village.
  A week later…  
“Gah!” you suddenly shot up from the bed, clutching your side and breathing like you’ve been running several miles.
Noticing that you were awake, Ezio stood up from the windowsill and quickly approached you.
“Easy, Y/N! Easy…You’re still wounded, amore.”
“What?! Where am I?!”
“We’re back at the Villa Auditore. We got out of the castle.”
Memories rushed back to you - Ignacio. Him stabbing you. You stabbing him back. Then falling into oblivion.
Tentatively, you reached for Ezio’s rough hand. He readily placed it in yours.
“How did we get out of there? Who rescued us?”
“Manfredo and Emril. They were the guardsmen there, but had a change of heart and wanted to leave, just like us.”
“Then I suppose I should thank them later, if they’re still here, that is.”
“They are, and you will have an opportunity to do that later. I promise,” he spoke gently, but you saw that he wanted to say something more. There was that certain spark in his eyes, certain emotion, that made him seem like he was out of this world. And in a way, he was.
“Ezio, what is it? Stai bene (Are you alright)?”
“I…I almost lost you in there, Y/N. You were bleeding so profusely that I thought you would die in my arms that night…,” he answered quietly, the sadness creeping onto his face. You wanted to reassure him that you were still alive, but he placed a finger against your lips to keep you silent.
“I thought I would never tell you that I loved you before you died. That I would never have you in my arms again. You never really reciprocated my attempts at flirting, so I decided to use another approach - to just be there for you, and hope against hope that you would love me back.”
You gasped at the revelation, your thoughts racing in your head. So that’s why he ceased flirting with you incessantly. You thought that he was no longer interested in you.
“So I must ask you - is there a chance for us to be together?”
You squeezed his hand and looked him in the eye, letting your other one touch his face, “Of course there is, Ezio. I was afraid you didn’t like me that way. Sure, you flirted, but when you suddenly stopped doing that, it seemed like you lost all interest in me.
Ezio looked at you, shocked to the core. You loved him back. You. Loved. Him. Back! If he were a five-year-old, he would jump with glee, but instead, he embraced you, being mindful of your injuries.
You hugged him back, inhaling his scent. He smelt of fresh linens, roses, and of his own musk - that always drove you crazy.
”Te amo,“ you whispered.
”Ti amo anch'io, Y/N.“
After a moment, Ezio broke out of your embrace and immediately pressed his lips to yours - thus making a statement to the world (to his friends, family, enemies, and other women who would surely become jealous) that from now on, you and himwould never be separate souls again.
"You know, our work is still not done, and I doubt it ever will.”
“Then let us do our best.”
You hummed in agreement, “Sí, let us.”
Tagging: @sassenach-on-the-rocks // @teacokememes // @bangtansugababy // @deejayers // @stardustvader // @marvelassassin221b // @iceboundstar // @tarjanisfrye // @one-who-hunts-eagles // @assassins-and-hidden-blades // @storminwomanform // @marshmallow–3 // @ourfallenwinter // @cath-with-a-c // @mavriarch // @mindadarksight // @kisstheassassins // @missdrake // @theswordofeden // @mariana-jones // @rls905 // @rinkydinkdagger // @sumayofficial // @lefrenchfrye // @unreadpoppy // @ass-sass-sin-o
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witch-of-letters · 5 years
“An Eternity With You” (Ezio Auditore x Reader)
Vampire and Werewolf AU
Author’s Note: I’m continuing with re-posting my old fics (due to me having changed my blog’s name months ago). This fic was born out of my desire to see Ezio as a vampire (and psst, in my head he still is ‘cause to lose that handsomeness due to ageing...you can finish this thought, lol)
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Narrator’s P.O.V.
The so-called ‘war’ between Assassins and Templars has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years now. A lot of blood has been spilt by both sides, and it would continue to be sprayed wherever the two factions would encounter each other in an attempt to make their ideology the dominant one in a chaotic world. Alas, they both shared a secret that if somehow revealed to the unaware people, would start another devastating war between supernatural creatures and humans. No one was ready for such a revelation.
If anyone dug deeper, they would immediately notice that one of the factions consisted of powerful vampires, and the other, of trained werewolves. There exist people, to whom that secret is revealed, though they are few and far between. Usually, only those that are initiated into the Orders are given an option, and not actually forced to accept such a heavy burden. Unfortunately, it’s unknown to the Assassins how the Templars tame their inner beasts. Had anyone told them how it’s done, they would have a huge advantage over their mortal enemy, but no Templar has been willing enough to reveal any of their closely kept secrets. Once someone is initiated into the Brotherhood of Assassins, they are given an option to drink the Blood of the Ancients, as it is called, and become an immortal vampire with seemingly unlimited powers. Many refuse such a gift though, for they think that living a very long life as an ‘undead bloodsucking fiend’ would prove to be full of loneliness and ultimately without giving any closure.
But they are always assured that they can still have families. As miraculous as that sounds, it’s true. Vampires can still procreate, even though their bodies are technically ‘dead’. Children born from such unions are called ‘true vampires’, and those who have only one vampire parent, are born as humans. It is unknown why it is so, only that if it happens, these children become ‘The Untouchables’ - people, whose blood is absolutely useless to the vampires. Their blood does not satisfy the cravings, and it is impossible to turn them into full vampires, only heal them to full health. And unfortunately, you were one of them.
Having been a Master Assassin for over ten years, you didn’t really struggle with keeping up with your vampire brothers and sisters within the Order. You were more than capable of taking down hordes of guards, and full-blooded and older vampires within a blink of an eye, or that’s how people who have seen you in action described your impeccable skills.
You were originally from Spain, a Mediterranean country with a scorching sun shining down on people’s heads, and a wonderful if not a bit spicy cuisine. You weren’t a full Spaniard though…Your mother was from an Italian vampiric family that once lived in Napoli but was destroyed by the Templars in a huge fire. By having ties to both Spain and Italy, you secured yourself a huge and very useful, if not necessary, amount of contacts. This didn’t go unnoticed by the Italian Brotherhood.
Ezio Auditore, a Master Assassin whose whole family consisted of ‘true vampires’, decided to track you down at the urging of both his dear Uncle Mario and the always stoic Niccolo Machiavelli. At first, he was very frustrated because no matter how close he got, you were always one a step ahead of him, and managed to elude his keen senses. But on one beautiful warm day, you ultimately made the decision to hear him out.
He had initially thought that your so-called ‘impeccable skills’ were just a myth made by bards and the like, but once he personally saw you in action, he quickly changed his mind and offered you a place within a still recovering Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. You wanted to accept his offer but had to refuse to join it. You explained to him that even though you worked mostly in Italy, you were still a part of the Spanish Brotherhood, and therefore couldn’t accept the transfer from one country to another without the Grand Mentor’s permission. He seemed disappointed but understood your reasoning.
A few months later, you received a letter telling you to come back home to help The Brotherhood deal with the growing Inquisition’s forces in both Central and Eastern Spain. Without hesitation, you sent that very same letter over to Ezio but not without adding a note, telling him to come there with you. Soon enough, he arrived on a horse to your location and proceeded to inquire from you the details of that mission. You told him that you didn’t have anything else to tell him about it, other than it taking place in Barcelona, your place of birth. During the time you both spent there, you hopelessly fell in love with each other. If one was called forward to describe your love in words, they would say that it was pure and full of empathy. The deep bond between you was indescribable, however, only shown through your passionate kisses, meaningful looks, and comforting embraces.
The mission had gone smoothly, or so you thought…Once you had dealt with the Inquisition’s forces, you were invited to a celebration within the Spanish Assassins’ headquarters near Madrid. Ezio sensed that the invitation was fishy, and so did you but it was necessary to keep up appearances, and so to the party, you went with a stomach full of dread. At first, everything seemed normal and quiet, but once Ricardo, the Head of the Spanish Assassins, lead you into the meeting room, your fellow ‘brothers and sisters’ jumped out from the shadows and proceeded to stab you with sharp daggers and hidden blades. Since the attack was unexpected, you were in shock, and couldn’t call for help. When it was finally over, they left you all alone in the dimly lit room, struggling to move, and whimpering. Blood pooled from both your mouth and the stab wounds. You thought that that was it. You were going to die, betrayed by your once called friends and mentor.
Ezio wasn’t very far when it happened. Having followed you from the shadows, he immediately noticed your sudden disappearance from the party. He proceeded with searching for you, and ten minutes later he started smelling blood in the air - your very distinguishable blood. When he had finally found you in that room, he was shell-shocked by the sight in front of him. You, the love of his life, were lying in a pool of your own blood. He didn’t have the time to ask any questions from you though, he had to save your life. The heart, that was once loudly thumping against your ribcage, was on the verge of stopping completely, and you were starting to see black spots in your vision. Your vampire lover quickly bit into his wrist and placed it in your mouth. Since you were very weak because of the huge blood loss, you struggled to swallow the thick liquid with a metallic taste. Ezio helped you by putting his fingers on your throat and pressing it up and down. Once his wound healed, he picked you up and went back to your place of stay. Swallowing his anger, he decided to stay with you rather than going on a rampage against your betrayers.
When you woke up, you felt that something was wrong. You felt a strange thirst for something, your vision was much much clearer than before, and you felt even more powerful. Letting your eyes roam around the room, you spotted your love sitting in a not-so-comfortable chair staring ahead of himself. Your sudden movement woke him up from his stupor, and he was by your side in a flash, even though to you it seemed like he had just run over to the bed you were lying in. He started explaining to you what had happened two nights before, and once you had heard enough, you stopped him with a hand motion. The only question that was on your mind was: How did you become a vampire?
It was impossible for an ‘untouchable’ like you to become one, even if one wished it to be true. The man before you provided you with an answer that he himself had received from his long-time friend, Leonardo. He said that only if a vampire truly loved someone (and in your case an ‘untouchable’), his blood was potent enough to turn them into a full-blooded vampire with all the powers that come from such a gift. You were shocked, to say the least. Not knowing what to do, Ezio embraced you with all his might, not afraid to hurt you with his strength. You spent a few moments together in such a position.
When you sensed that the sun would soon come up, you stood up from the bed and went towards the curtains that were blocking the daylight from lighting up the room you two were in. Vampires didn’t enjoy walking under the sun, and because of that, Ezio quickly ran to your side and grabbed your arm in an attempt to stop you from opening them. Ignoring him, you pushed the curtains aside and let the sunlight caress your smooth skin like a loving mother would caress her child’s face with her hands. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt. At all. You both looked at each other in amazement. Unbeknownst to you, Ezio thought that you had become a thousand times more beautiful than you were before. The sunlight illuminated you as it would do to a goddess. You asked him how that was possible, and he explained to you that you were a ‘daywalker’ - a vampire who could walk in a broad daylight without any harm. Putting his arms around your waist, you stayed on the balcony to watch over a beautiful sunrise together, as only a true couple would do. Now you knew, that this was not the end, but only the beginning of something wonderful…
Tagging: @sassenach-on-the-rocks // @iceboundstar // @tarjanisfrye // @assassins-and-hidden-blades // @mavriarch // @one-who-hunts-eagles // @tarjanisfrye // @bangtansugababy // @imagines-of-the-creed // @marshmallow--3 // @ass-sass-sin-o // @lefrenchfrye // @unreadpoppy // @kisstheassassins // @kittitt // @theswordofeden // @storminwomanform // @fanfic-reblog-central // @deejayers // @assassins-n-templars
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witch-of-letters · 5 years
Our Work Is Never Done, Part 1/2 (Ezio Auditore x Reader)
Word Count: 4073
Summary: You are a Spanish Master Assassin who has accepted the contract to kill a low-ranked Templar in Rome. Ezio decides to lend you a hand, but even that doesn’t prevent the mission from going south.
Author’s Note #1: I’m really trying to break the ice mountain called ‘Writer’s Block’, so writing this fic and posting it is the first step to doing so. The plot is rather random, but it worked for me as it wasn’t that difficult to think through (my brain has difficulties with writing short stories though, lol, so that’s why I decided to divide the one-shot into two parts for easier reading).
Please note that there are rather negative references to the Christian religion, and the Reader is described as a fervent atheist. My work is purely fictional and is not meant to offend anyone. So without any further ado, relax, sit back, and enjoy reading this fic!
Author’s Note #2: Translations are at the end. Cursive - thoughts/emphasis/Italian. Bold cursive - places/Spanish
Feedback and comments are much appreciated ;3!
Chapter 2
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     “Come forth and browse my wares! Fabrics from all over the Mediterranean sea!”  
     “Jewels! Buy some jewels! Necklace for a lady, a ring for a man!”  
     “Freshly baked pastries! Straight from the oven!”  
   Perched on the roof of a building, you watched as the merchants tried to turn people’s attention to their wares. Some of them took notice and approached the stalls, others simply ignored all the shouting, preferring to only look and move on. If it weren’t for the fact that you were on a mission, you would definitely buy some kind of trinket (courtesy of being paid handsomely for completing the contracts).
 For once, your target was an actual Templar rather than a sleazy and greedy noble, or some other little villain. Normally you preferred to leave them to the assassins of lower ranks, finding that while ridding towns and cities from evil was all good, your skills were still wasted on rabble. You weren’t named a Master Assassin for nothing.
 Soon enough, your target, Antonio Vello dei Campo, walked around the market, seemingly disinterested in what the merchants were offering. He even turned down a gently spoken offer of a generous discount by a woman, whom you saw attracting people with her beauty and charm. Judging by the bulky men at his sides, he was being escorted by them, very likely for protection from attackers. They glared at anyone who stared too long at their master. A pathetic attempt at intimidation, but it was enough to make the folk turn their eyes away.
 You contemplated your options of attack. Usually, the contractors didn’t care enough to specify in which fashion the intended target had to be killed, leaving only the small description on a parchment. Antonio wasn’t that important of a Templar. Sure, he had a lot of connections in both Italy and France alike (most of them made through arranged marriages with his family members), but he didn’t care enough to further all of his Order’s goals, making him a rather untrusted member among his comrades. That is why your reward would only be some 1500 florins. A big disappointment for you.
 As he moved further into the market, you stood up to follow his party, using your Eagle Vision to keep track of him (something that only your closest friends and family knew - especially the Auditores). And while you were more silent and stealthier than La Volpe himself, you still prayed to whoever was above, that no guards would spot you on the roofs. They were annoying enough to be a huge nuisance to the assassins.
 Getting rid of his bodyguards would be an easy feat as you often come across such brutes in your travels. You knew all their weaknesses, and no matter what kind of armour they wore, they would always fall by your blade. But then again, you couldn’t just underestimate them. Such behaviour can often prove to be fatal when one isn’t careful.
 Continuing to keep an eye on him, you quickly and carefully moved across the roofs. From the sidelines, it looked like a graceful dance, with the way you moved your limbs. Your friends and comrades loved to point that out, much to your embarrassment. You knew that you were very skilled, of course, but you were not the one to brag about it, and that’s what Ezio loved about you.
 Unbeknownst to you, his heart always clenched at the mere mention of your name, finding out one night after fighting the traitors within the Spanish Brotherhood that he had fallen in love with you. At that moment, he couldn’t help but let his thoughts go back to Cristina, his first love. He had long ago let her go, as he couldn’t be with her while avenging the deaths of his father and brothers. He even beat up, or rather tried to talk sense into her fiancé to be a good and loving husband to her, for Dios’ sake! But when he thought about you, he knew he would do things for you so much more than that. Aside from you being very skilled and humble, he loved your divine beauty - the way sun shone down upon you, putting your auburn locks ‘on fire’; your freckles that dotted your cheeks and forehead; and your athletic figure, putting all the other girls to shame (with the exception of Claudia, of course). He loved how you were able to speak many languages besides your mother tongue with the greatest of ease. He loved how kind and caring you were to children. He loved how you aided him in searching for eagle feathers for his mother. And he loved how passionate you were about changing the world for the better. He loved everything about you, but even he had his own insecurities.
 For one, he knew that he had a reputation of a womanizer (something he was never actually proud of), and he didn’t want you to think that you would be just a ‘fling’ to him. For two, you had rarely reciprocated his attempts at flirting with you. While you had mentioned that you were very bad at flirting with men and women alike, he could never have imagined that you would be so oblivious when it was being directed at you instead. For three, he was afraid of being rejected. You were his best friend and he was yours, but even that couldn’t assure him that you wouldn’t tell him ‘no’ if he were to confess his feelings. He was a grown man, but with you, he felt like a shy little boy twiddling his fingers.
 Despite Maria being in a catatonic state for a long period of time, it didn’t stop her from being observant. She saw how much attention her second-born gave to you, always looking directly you with a gleam in his eyes that she could only describe as ‘being in love’. After you gave her the eagle feathers to complete Petruccio’s collection, she was immensely grateful for your support, already thinking of you as her second daughter. She could only pray that Ezio would man up and buy a ring for you.
 To Claudia, you were a complete stranger at first. You were a foreigner and an assassin on top of that. You were glad that Ezio had spoken to her about you, believing that face-to-face introduction would go easier that way. It did, of course, just not as warmly as you had envisioned. She wasn’t rude to you, but she still held herself with pride and a certain coldness you had a rather hard time shaking off. But after many attempts at befriending her, Claudia finally caved in, surprised that you were so relentless. From then on, she became your second confidant - someone, with whom you could speak about your growing feeling towards her brother. Boy, was she glad to start making future plans for your eventual wedding (as Ezio had confided in her about his feelings for you too). She wouldn’t, of course, dare to say such a thing out loud. Well, only to her mother, that is.
 Mario, oh Mario, was more than very welcoming. When he first saw you, he immediately went for a hug which you returned wholeheartedly. He was glad that Ezio was making friends while travelling (and he secretly hoped that you would keep him from falling over the edge with his vengeance). When he brought Ezio to his study for a talk, he told him that you were a keeper and that he shouldn’t let you slip through his fingers. He even mentioned he would be glad to attend your wedding, making Ezio choke on his water in surprise. You didn’t forget to tell him how much you loved his uncle’s joviality. After all, you did need someone to lift up your spirits after botched missions, or whenever one of your friends/allies was killed.
 Everyone around you saw that you were meant to be together. Where he was hot-headed, you were calm. Where you were shy, he was confident. You completed each other. You were soulmates.
 Antonio didn’t stop walking until they reached Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. The square in front of it was large, and far too open for your liking. You did not want to kill him in public, even though it was easier to do. Thankfully though, he entered the church. You would have to wear a perfect disguise...as a pilgrim.
 “It is a good day, is it not?” Ezio’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, effectively stopping you from proceeding with the mission.
 “Ezio! What are you doing here?! I’m on a mission!” you spoke with clear irritation. You hated being interrupted like that. He got the clue though.
 “Mi dispiace, Y/N. I didn’t realize.”
 “No, you didn’t,” you glanced at him,” but my target is in that church. Have to go inside and finish him off.” You didn’t care if you sounded rude, crude, or bloodthirsty. It was just a part of the job, and you didn’t care how you worded your sentences.
 Ezio squinted his eyes at the building, ”You need any help? I’m available.”
 “Of course you are,” you huffed, but without any malice whatsoever. You couldn’t stay mad at him for long. “Come along.” Before Ezio could respond, however, you were already scaling down the wall. Once you reached the ground, the two of you split up, so that you wouldn’t garner the attention of the guards positioned in small groups around the square.
 Avoiding them on any other day is fairly easy, but today, they seemed to be on high alert, eyes trained on people like hawks’ are trained on their prey. As far as you knew, there were no important celebrations planned today nor was the church being closed off for the visit of some nameless ruler within Italy. So to remain unseen, you had to blend in within the bustling crowd of people. Thankfully, no one seemed to care about a suspicious-looking hooded person walking around them (much to your - and Ezio’s - initial confusion at the people not recognizing the assassins moving right next to them, as you were quite     sure that wearing a hood in public was the most recognizable of all assassins’ trademarks).
 Despite you hailing from Spain and training under the hand of the then-leader, Benedicto, La Volpe was the one to teach you how to remain unseen in the crowd. While he himself never gave out any of his secrets, you still pointed them out, much to his shock and surprise, having never expected to be so translucent in his actions (at least in front of you anyway). You even knew his real name, which he pleaded you not to reveal it to anyone. You understood him. Very few people did.  
 From the corner of your eye, you spotted Ezio, calmly moving forward like he was just a regular person enjoying his day. You admired that about him - how he never seemed to be nervous or indecisive when he was on a mission, and sometimes, you wished you could be the same (as many of your former friends and comrades have pointed out how tense and serious-looking you were when working for your Order - you simply did not take the duties of an assassin as a joking matter). And while neither of you were great thinkers like Leonardo, you still had that certain air of wisdom around you, having seen things that most people would never see in their lifetime. Knowledge was power, and both of you recognized it. Your shared experience within the Brotherhood was what made you two unique in a way - you understood what being a real assassin entailed, and how much one had to sacrifice for the sake of others.
 Only a few moments later, you arrived at the east entrance of the church, walking into shadows. To blend in with the pilgrims, you had to shed your assassin robes for a dress or remain in your own pair of breeches and a white shirt (which were quite form-fitting and would most certainly attract the attention of men inside the building).
 “What next, uccellino?” you heard from beside you.
 “Get me a new dress, for one. I want to get inside but not by sneaking.”
 Ezio placed his hand under his chin in thought and hummed, “I see. Perhaps we can ask a servant for a spare change of clothes for us both.”
 You had to suppress a laugh at the thought of Ezio looking like he wanted to pray to the God he didn’t believe in. He narrowed his eyes at you, “What is it?”
 “Nada. Nada. It’s just that I have a hard time with picturing you as a devoted pilgrim wanting to do all that stuff with drinking ‘Jesus’ blood’, ‘eating a piece of his flesh’, and making a cross in front of yourself.” To think, any other religious person would strike you down for that comment alone. You really don’t care about that though.
 “So you’re saying that I don’t have the looks of a pious man?” his eyes were glaring at you, but his voice was teasing.
“No, you don’t have the ‘looks’ of a pious man, you have the ‘looks’ of a handsome asesino,” you retorted.
 “You think I’m handsome?”
 He was, but you didn’t dare to admit that out loud, so instead, you just walked inside the church to find a servant, leaving your enamoured friend behind.
 Soon enough, you spotted a young girl (perhaps of the age of twelve) carrying a crate full of candles. Before she could walk out of the room, you jumped in front of her, making her shriek in surprise. You quickly put your hand on her mouth while making a ‘be quiet’ gesture.
 “Promise me you won’t scream,” you told her. The poor thing looked frightened, wanting to run away the moment you released her. Ezio was watching from the corner, unseen.
 The girl looked around frantically, trying to see if she had an escape route or if she could grab anything to help her push you off of her. Grabbing her chin with your free hand, you forced her to pay attention to you.
 Looking her right in the eyes, you repeated, “Can you promise me that you won’t scream? I am not going to harm you, little one.” The girl gave you a single nod, no glimpse of a lie in her hazel eyes. You released her.
 “Di cosa hai bisogno da me?” she spoke.
 “We want some regular clothes for us both,” you gestured at yourself and Ezio. At the sight of him, the girl's eyes widened. He wasn’t that tall of a man but he still looked intimidating with his dark robes and Altaïr’s armour on.
 The girl motioned with her hand to follow her downstairs to the lower level of the church. ‘Servants’ quarters. Of course!’ you remarked, mentally cursing yourself for not thinking of those before. Yes...you and logic were not as good friends as anyone else might think. That didn’t stop you from being very skilled in other areas though.
 Without breaking your quick strides across the long hall, you glanced around from beneath your hood, noticing that not one soul was inside. It was a bit strange but not overly so since it was almost noon and they were most likely just performing their daily duties. Ezio, on the other hand, did not feel at ease at all. While he has never seen anything like that before, he knew that children could be used for sinister purposes as well as any grown-up, mostly for leading men and women into ambushes by lying; playing on their innocence to charm their way into people’s hearts, or even getting paid for killing their hirers for killing their enemies (and even that was a rare case). Dread was twisting his gut.
 No sooner than his chain of thought had ended, did they arrive in a well-lit room with a lot of big cupboards.
 The girl approached one of them, pressing her hand on the wooden door, “I vestiti di cui hai bisogno sono qui, signora.”
 You took a look inside. There were plenty of simple shirts and breeches. Even a couple of brown-coloured dresses. Good enough for you both. With no further thought, you grabbed a pair of each, tossing one to Ezio. You did hope they would fit him, or else, they would tightly cling to his physique...distracting you. Walking into an adjacent room, you redressed quickly, and neatly folded you assassin robes before hiding them in an empty chest.
 “Are you ready?” you heard Ezio asking.
 “Si. Let’s get going.” You walked a few steps before suddenly pausing in the doorway, “Wait a moment. Where’s the girl?!”
 Ezio looked around. Indeed, the girl had vanished, probably the moment you started taking off your robes. His heart clenched at the thought of her running upstairs to rat them out, but he had to remain focused on your task. Come what may, you two would have to improvise if it came to Antonio being alerted of your presence.
 Sighing, you continued walking back to the stairs while subtly checking if your blades hadn’t fallen off of you. The Bells signalling the start of a mass were already being rung. When you reached the ground floor again, you saw a sea of standing men and women before you, neither your target nor his bodyguards in sight. Even by briefly activating your Eagle Vision you couldn’t spot them.
 “Fuck,” you quietly swore under your breath, already getting frustrated at how your mission was proceeding. Ezio noticed the brief furrow of your brows, not enjoying the sight of a frown on your beautiful face in the slightest. Even he tried using his special sight, but like you, he had no luck. Was this Antonio that slippery of a bastard?
 You pulled Ezio in the middle of the huge room and made the sign of a cross on your chests. It felt absolutely distasteful to you, for you did not believe in ‘God’. If he ever existed, why hasn’t he shown his face? Did he think of you ‘mortals’ as too inferior to actually see it? You never believed in all that bullshit the church was propagating and its priests were spewing, and yet, you couldn’t deny that people needed something to believe in, even if it was a ‘nobody’ above your heads.
 The head-priest started with a simple ‘Preghiamo’, before reciting the prayers. People around you murmured along, some of them with heads bowed, others were keeping their eyes on the man and their hands clasped together. You acted as the latter, not daring to miss Antonio. After a few minutes though, you started to fidget, just waiting to dash forward and out of the stuffy room. At the end of each passage, everyone murmured ‘Amen’.
 You jolted a bit when a rough hand was placed on your shoulder.
 “Calmati, amore,” Ezio whispered, attempting to calm you down with his smooth baritone voice. It helped, but you turned your head to the side to prevent him from seeing you blush at his use of the word. The man had too much power over you already.
 “We need to get going, Ezio,” you whispered back. “We’ve been here for some time already and we still haven’t spotted him. My guess is that he’s still within these halls, as I haven’t heard the guards opening the big door.” With that you swiftly moved away from him, gently weaving through the throng of people until you reached the entrance to the side passage leading further into the church. Ezio was right on your heels.
 “I can’t wait to get out of this dress! Ugh!” you pulled at your scratchy collar. “But unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to change our clothes.”
 “I rather like seeing you in one. You wear them too rarely.”
 “I am a woman, but in our line of work, they’re simply impractical. They’re good whenever I need a disguise but they simply won’t do for assassinating people...or escaping enemies.”
 “There,” you pointed at the stone rafters above, ”we climb them, get a better view of this place. Before you get that thought inside your mind though,” you waved your your finger at him, “do not look up.” You immediately started scaling the wall, not being that mindful of your dress, of course.
 Now, while Ezio once loved looking up the skirts of women, he dropped doing that the moment he realized he was in love with you, the thought of it suddenly becoming disgusting to him. He wouldn’t dare to allow such indignity to happen. Not from himself. Not from anyone. Instead of retorting back, he kept silent and followed you up to the rafters. He too wished he had his assassin robes on. No good would come out of it if you two got spotted by either the priests or Antonio’s entourage.
 “Shhh, be silent for a moment.” You listened closely to all the sounds around you.
     The water dropping onto the stone ground below.  
     The murmurs of the praying pilgrims behind you.  
     The sound of someone unsheathing their sword -  
 “Wait! Did you hear it?!” you inquired urgently, stopping Ezio from moving altogether.
 “The sound is coming from over there,” he pointed at a small but heavy-looking door at the far east corner.
 “Then let’s get to it.”
 Thankfully, that part of the church was empty of the priests and the servants, making it easy to sneak around. You doubted that Antonio’s room had more than one door, but even then, you could be wrong, as the door could lead into basement instead. Normally, you would do some reconnaissance in order to plan ahead and keep the chance of a failure to a minimum, but now, you’d have to improvise.
 “We have to go inside through that door. I see no other ways to enter the room.”
 Ezio cast a glance at his steel gauntlet, the hidden blade ready to be sprung out at any moment. You readied your own.
 With a quick inhale, you opened the heavy door with force...only to find Antonio lying in the pool of his own blood. Your eyes widened at the sight. You and Ezio arrived too late, but you had to keep your head cool and eyes focused.
 Turning him over, you saw the wound in the centre of his chest, dark red blood staining his overcoat.
 “Stabbed through the heart. What a painful way to go…,” you murmured quietly as you closed the man’s eyes with your hand. Ezio put a hand on your shoulder.
 “It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
 “No, it isn’t, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about it,” you paused, looking at Antonio’s corpse again. “Did his guards kill him?”
 “Possibly, since I don’t see them in here.”
 “Ah, then I guess that his ignorance of his superiors’ orders has finally caught up to him. He never was a ‘good’ Templar. Still, he could’ve told us at least something, but now, he’s dead and his lips are forever sealed. I’ll have to tell Mario about this.” Before you could leave though, Ezio pulled you into his embrace which you gladly returned. No words were spoken between you because they weren’t needed. They were unnecessary.
 Suddenly, the heavy door closed behind you with a loud screech. You ran towards it, trying to pull at the handle, but it didn’t budge in the slightest.
 “¡Maldición! ¡Estamos atrapados!” you shouted angrily. Ezio knew enough Spanish to understand what you meant, and he couldn’t help but be angry himself (something that hasn’t happened a lot in the past few years). You saw some kind of smoke coming from under the door.
 “Are they starting a fire behind it?!” You were not comfortable with the thought of being burned alive, even if it was beside the man you loved.
 “I don’t know, but...wait, do you smell it?”
 “Smell what?”
 “Something sweet and...calming.”
 Indeed, when you inhaled the air, it had a whiff of sweet vanilla and jasmine, almost instantly calming you down. Something wasn’t right though as your eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier, and all of your senses became dull. The last thing you heard before your mind shut down completely was a confused     ‘What-’.
Translations (Spanish):
Dios - God
Nada - Nothing
¡Maldición! ¡Estamos atrapados! - Damn it! We’re trapped!
Asesino - assassin (male)
Translations (Italian):
uccellino - little bird
Calmati, amore - Calm down, love
Mi dispiace - I’m sorry
Di cosa hai bisogno da me? - What do you want from me?
I vestiti di cui hai bisogno sono qui, signora. - The clothes you need are here, lady
Preghiamo - Let us pray
Tagging: @sassenach-on-the-rocks // @marshmallow--3 // @assassins-and-hidden-blades // @bangtansugababy // @imagines-of-the-creed // @kittitt // @kisstheassassins // @iceboundstar // @unreadpoppy // @ass-sass-sin-o // @one-who-hunts-eagles // @deejayers // @lefrenchfrye // @mavriarch // @theswordofeden // @mindadarksight // @undertastic-dork // @storminwomanform // @fanfic-reblog-central
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Updated Masterlist
This is the updated 08/02/2019 masterlist! Hopefully that will help any newcomers decide how recent this is. If there are any problems, do let me know! I’ll put them all under the cut. 
Also, you can also tell which works are older; don’t pay them any heed if you don’t like them; I’m cringing just as much as you might be, haha.
Also, feel free to reblog this post, since apparently posts with links don’t show up in the Tumblr search :)
Another important notice: If you want to be tagged in any fics, be it type of fic or any character or series or fandom (although there are only two lol), let me know :) I’m thinking that tag lists would be a good idea, so if that’s something you guys are interested in, drop an ask :D
Bullet Points indicate two shots (An extended oneshot)
@assassins-and-hidden-blades Complete Masterlist
Assassin’s Creed
A New Mission (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze x Spanish!Reader)
Babysitting (ModernAU!Connor Kenway x Reader)
Comfort (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze x Reader)
Confessions (Arno Dorian x Reader)
Death and Danger (Ezio Auditore x Twin!Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby (Sick!Jacob Frye x Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby: The Sequel (Jacob Frye x Sick!Reader)
Don’t Care (Ezio Auditore x Male!Reader)
Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game (Jacob Frye x Reader)
Down Under: Part One Down Under: Part Two
Hai Scelto Me (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze x Reader)
Helping Hand (Connor Kenway x Reader)
Hold On (Jacob Frye x Reader)
Hunted (Shay Cormac x Reader)
Liar (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze x Reader)
Lost (Connor Kenway x Reader)
Meglio (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze x Reader)
Miracles (Jacob Frye x Reader)
Through The Ages (Jacob Frye x Reader)
Two Reasons (Evie Frye x Female!Reader)
White Noise (Connor Kenway x Reader)
Headcanons (Some Specified in Fic)
Being Ezio’s Twin Sister Would Include...
Modern!Altair and Lazy Days Would Include...
Being Mary Read/James Kidd’s Twin Sister Would Include...
How the Assassins Would Teach Their Child To Climb
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Talking Back
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Becoming the Leader of a Gang
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Being a Talented Artist
Jacob Frye Flangst Headcanons
Edward Kenway’s First: Fight, Kill, Sparring Match
Jacob Frye and his S/O’s Child Fall Over
Random Scribbles
Wishful Thinking
Brave Advances (Can be read as a sequel to Wishful Thinking)
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witch-of-letters · 6 years
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer (Ezio x reader) Vampire!AU
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Narrator’s P.O.V.
The so-called ‘war’ between Assassins and Templars has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years now. A lot of blood has been spilled by both sides, and it would continue to be sprayed wherever the two factions would encounter each other in an attempt to make their ideology the dominant one in a chaotic world. Alas, they both shared a secret that if somehow revealed to the unaware people, would start another devastating war between supernatural creatures and humans. No one was ready for such a revelation.
If anyone dug deeper, they would immediately notice that one of the factions consisted of powerful vampires, and the other, of trained werewolves. There exist people, to whom that secret is revealed, though they are few and far between. Usually, only those that are initiated into the Orders are given an option, and not actually forced to accept such a heavy burden. Unfortunately, it’s unknown to the Assassins how the Templars tame their inner beasts. Had anyone told them how it’s done, they would have a huge advantage over their mortal enemy, but no Templar has been willing enough to reveal any of their closely kept secrets.
As mentioned before, once someone is initiated into the Brotherhood of Assassins, they are given an option to drink the Blood of the Ancients, as it is called, and become an immortal vampire with seemingly unlimited powers. Many refuse such a gift though, for they think that living a very long life as an ‘undead bloodsucking fiend’ would prove to be full of loneliness and ultimately without giving any closure. But they are always assured that they can still have families. As miraculous as that sounds, it’s true. Vampires can still procreate, even though their bodies are technically ‘dead’. Children born from such unions are called ‘true vampires’, and those who have only one vampire parent, are born as humans. It is unknown why it is so, only that if it happens, these children become ‘The Untouchables’ - people, whose blood is absolutely useless to the vampires. Their blood does not satisfy the cravings, and it is impossible to turn them into full vampires, only heal them to full health. And unfortunately, you were one of them.
Having been a Master Assassin for over ten years, you didn’t really struggle with keeping up with your vampire brothers and sisters within the Order. You were more than capable of taking down hordes of guards, and full-blooded and older vampires within a blink of an eye, or that’s how people who have seen you in action described your impeccable skills. You were originally from Spain, a Mediterranean country with a scorching sun shining down on people’s heads, and a wonderful if not a bit spicy cuisine. You weren’t a full Spaniard though…Your mother was from an Italian vampiric family that once lived in Napoli but was destroyed by the Templars in a huge fire. By having ties to both Spain and Italy, you secured yourself a huge and a very useful, if not necessary, amount of contacts. This didn’t go unnoticed by the Italian Brotherhood.
Ezio Auditore, a Master Assassin whose whole family consisted of ‘true vampires’, decided to track you down at the urging of both his dear Uncle Mario and the always stoic Niccolo Machiavelli. At first, he was very frustrated because no matter how close he got, you were always one step ahead of him, and managed to elude his keen senses.  But on one beautiful warm day, you ultimately made the decision to hear him out. He had initially thought that your so-called ‘impeccable skills’ were just a myth made by bards and the like, but once he personally saw you in action, he quickly changed his mind and offered you a place within a still recovering Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. You wanted to accept his offer but had to refuse to join it. You explained to him that even though you worked mostly in Italy, you were still a part of the Spanish Brotherhood, and therefore couldn’t accept the transfer from one country to another without the Grand Mentor’s permission. He seemed disappointed but understood your reasoning.
A few months later, you received a letter telling you to come back home to help The Brotherhood deal with the growing Inquisition’s forces in both Central and Eastern Spain. Without hesitation, you sent that very same letter over to Ezio but not without adding a note, telling him to come there with you. Soon enough, he arrived on a horse to your location and proceeded to inquire from you the details of that mission. You told him that you didn’t have anything else to tell him about it, other than it taking place in Barcelona, your place of birth. During the time you both spent there, you hopelessly fell in love with each other. If one was called forward to describe your love in words, they would say that it was pure and full of empathy. The deep bond between you was indescribable, however, only shown through your passionate kisses, meaningful looks, and comforting embraces.
The mission had gone smoothly, or so you thought…Once you had dealt with the Inquisition’s forces, you were invited to a celebration within the Spanish Assassins’ headquarters near Madrid. Ezio sensed that the invitation was fishy, and so did you but it was necessary to keep up appearances, and so to the party you went with a stomach full of dread. At first, everything seemed normal and quiet, but once Ricardo, the Head of the Spanish Assassins, lead you into the meeting room, your fellow ‘brothers and sisters’ jumped out from the shadows and proceeded to stab you with sharp daggers and hidden blades. Since the attack was unexpected, you were in shock, and couldn’t call for help. When it was finally over, they left you all alone in the dimly lit room,  struggling to move, and whimpering. Blood pooled from both your mouth and the stab wounds. You thought that that was it. You were going to die, betrayed by your once called friends and mentor. Ezio wasn’t very far when it happened. Having followed you from the shadows, he immediately noticed your sudden disappearance from the party. He proceeded with searching for you, and ten minutes later he started smelling blood in the air - your very distinguishable blood. When he had finally found you in that room, he was shell-shocked by the sight in front of him. You, the love of his life, were lying in a pool of your own blood. He didn’t have the time to ask any questions from you though, he had to save your life. The heart, that was once loudly thumping against your ribcage, was on the verge of stopping completely, and you were starting to see black spots in your vision. Your vampire lover quickly bit into his wrist and placed it in your mouth. Since you were very weak because of the huge blood loss, you struggled to swallow the thick liquid with a metallic taste. Ezio helped you by putting his fingers on your throat and pressing it up and down. Once his wound healed, he picked you up and went back to your place of stay. Swallowing his anger, he decided to stay with you rather than going on a rampage against your betrayers.
When you woke up, you felt that something was wrong. You felt a strange thirst for something, your vision was much much clearer than before, and you felt even more powerful. Letting your eyes roam around the room, you spotted your love sitting in a not-so-comfortable chair staring ahead of himself. Your sudden movement woke him up from his stupor, and he was by your side in a flash, even though to you it seemed like he just run over to the bed you were lying in. He started explaining to you what had happened two nights before, and once you had heard enough, you stopped him with a hand motion. The only question that was on your mind was: How did you become a vampire? It was impossible for an ‘untouchable’ like you to become one, even if one wished it to be true. The man before you provided you with an answer that he himself had received from his long-time friend, Leonardo. He said that only if a vampire truly loved someone (and in your case an ‘untouchable’), his blood was potent enough to turn them into a full-blooded vampire with all the powers that come from such a gift. You were shocked, to say the least. Not knowing what to do, Ezio embraced you with all his might, not afraid to hurt you with his strength. You spent a few moments together in such position.
When you sensed that the sun would soon come up, you stood up from the bed and went towards the curtains that were blocking the daylight from lighting up the room you two were in. Vampires didn’t enjoy walking under the sun, and because of that, Ezio quickly ran to your side and grabbed your arm in an attempt to stop you from opening them. Ignoring him, you pushed the curtains aside and let the sunlight caress your smooth skin like a loving mother would caress her child’s face with her hands. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt. At all. You both looked at each other in amazement. Unbeknownst to you, Ezio thought that you had become a thousand times more beautiful than you were before. The sunlight illuminated you like it would do to a goddess. You asked him how that was possible, and he explained to you that you were a ‘daywalker’ - a vampire who could walk in a broad daylight without any harm.
Putting his arms around your waist, you stayed on the balcony to watch over a beautiful sunrise together, like only a true couple would do. Now you knew, that this was not the end, only the beginning of something wonderful…
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