#ew fan fic
teary-eyed-tiaras · 1 year
"They're all gonna laugh at you!"
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"A howl of laughter could be heard coming from the very back of the crowd, it was one of Tord's annoying friends that followed him around every where, probably patryk. It broke through the stunned silence and began a chain reaction of giggles among the crowd, all directed at the boy covered head to toe in pigs blood standing on the stage.
Jon stood there horrified, clenching his eyes tightly, he could feel the wet warmness of it and smell the metallic stink of it as it dripped down his nose. It was too cruel, this could not be real. It was too evil even for jon's class mates, who had already proved themselves to he evil as could be through their years of torment. This was just too hard to imagine, Jon froze there, hoping that if he could just keep his eyes shut he could pretend none of this was happening, but that became harder and harder the more his classmates began to laugh, forcing Jon to finally open his eyes and face the reality right in front of him.
His bloody hands trembled in shock, tears began to form in Jon's eyes as he started to hyper ventilate. His eyes darted back and forth between his body and the laughing students, no matter where he looked there was nothing but humiliation.
The only voice that wasn't laughing or gasping in horror was Matt's, who had taken to the stage to yell in Jon's defense.
He had only taken Jon to the prom for Edd's sake, since he had been so upset about the "bathroom incident" he thought asking his friend to do him a solid and take Jon to prom would help relieve his guilt a little and give Jon some much needed happiness. It wasn't easy to convince him, but Edd wore Matt down till he accepted, and despite being forced to come, Matt had to admit he was actually having a fun time, and even felt a little sorry for Jon that it wasn't a "real date". After spending all evening with Jon he couldn't just stand by and let everyone laugh at him, he had to jump on stage and usher him away, he even took his suit jacket off to cover him up. Just when he opened his mouth to speak some words of encouragment though, a metal bucket from the rafters fell down and hit him straight on the head. Matt jerked to the ground, sprawling himself out on the stage and closing his eyes. Jon gasped and bent down to check his head but the crowd continued to laugh, unaware that just moments from now Matt would he dead from the blunt force trauma.
One of the many snickering voices stopped though, and muttered a soft "Matt?". Jon looked around for the mysterious voice before finally looking up at the rafters and seeing two hooded figuires in red and blue scamper away off of one of the platforms above. Of course it was Tord and Tom, who else would it be?
Jon covered his face in frustration, determined to not let his classmates see his tears. He jumped off the stage and began to run through the crowd.
Everyone looked so wonderful, the boys wore fantastic tuxedos with pretty little flowers on the lapels and the girls dressed in full on ball gowns with shiny stilleto's like they were princesses straight out of a story book, and then there was jon. Hystereically sobbing, covered in animal blood, and being viciously mocked. Some of the boys even started to chant "plug it up" which then eventually turned into almost everyone chanting it.
Jon hated them all, he hated them with a thousand times the vitriol that they hated him. through watery eyes he could see a blonde adult running towards him with opened arms, but Jon ignored him, he didn't need any fake sympathy. He needed to get out of there. Running through the crowd the students side stepped him like he had the plauge, "Good" jon thought "at least they aren't-" he fell on his face, tripping over some ones out stretched leg. He trembled and winced at the pain but just continued to crawl, half expecting some one to kick him while he was down.
Finally reaching outside, he collapsed on the ground, the warm wetness of the blood contrasting with the cold dry grass. Jon heaved, his face contorted into a pitiful expression. He raised his hands above his face and stared at his twitching bloody fingers.
"Stupid..." Jon mumbled to himself. He was right, how foolish he must of been to go to the dance, he should of known some one would of done something to ruin everything, and to think how perfect it all was until the bucket fell and splashed him.
He danced and nobody told him to stop embarrassing himself, he talked and no one told him to shut up, and he ate and not a single person even uttered the word "fat" or "chubby" around him. He felt accepted. He felt happy. It was a lie. Jon let out a whimper, thinking of how long he spent sewing this tuxedo only for it to get stained with blood, he'd have to throw it away when he got home. A week of work for absolutely nothing.
Jon still couldn't believe it, he had thought last week was the breaking point, after what had happened in the boys locker room he really thought anything else would just be small potatos in comparison. Jon was always known as that freaky religious kid, it was no secret that his father was such a zealot he thought everyone would go to hell except for him. It was was one of the many reasons they picked on jon, along with his low intelligence, childish nature, gullibility, and puniness, but they never imagined he would be so stupid enough to mistake a cut on his leg for menstruation.
When Jon first came out of the shower crying and screaming a bunch of non sense about eve and the original sin and the curse of blood like a mad man, the rest of the boys couldn't even believe it. He begged and screamed for help but all of them just gawked in awkward silence. Sure, jon was a total wuss but why was he so upset over a tiny cut on his thigh? It wasn't until Tord finally put the pieces together and enthusiastically shouted "oh my god, he thinks cis guys can get periods." that everyone finally understood.
With that revelation everyone began to laugh and crack jokes about jon being a woman now, or how he should get pregnant just to stop it, all of which only served to scare jon even more. It only got worse when Bing remembered his girlfriend had accidentally swapped her gym bag with his and she had left some of her "supplies" in the bag. Next thing jon knew he was crawling on the floor having a panic attack about hell while every guy in his class crowded around throwing feminine products at him while chanting for him to "plug it up!" over and over again.
It didn't matter that Jon seriously thought he was going to hell, it didn't matter that his father would most definetly hurt him later for this, it didn't matter that he fell to the floor and hit his head on the linoleum during the chaos. It was funny. Even Edd was laughing and throwing things like everyone else, only he had enough sense to try and apologize to Jon later and actually felt some remorse.
The nightmare only ended when their teacher finally stormed into the bathroom and told everyone to shut up and get the hell out. That was supposed to be as bad as it got, nothing could ever top the humiliation of that day, but Tord found a way. Jon stood up, fully prepared to walk home and start sobbing to his father about how right he was. That everyone at the dance laughed at him, bracing for inevitable beatings and insults he flung at Jon when he did things he didn't like. Jon just wanted to go home, but the thing was, he couldn't. There was something pulling him back towards the gym. A strange feeling, rising inside of him like lava in a volcano ready to burst. Years of torment had been leading to this, years of "i found out jon has a crush on laurel, let's tell everyone" and "Let's force Jon to eat something gross" and "Let's invite Jon to play hide and seek and then leave him there". It was time for action. It was time for change. It was time for him to use his power.
Jon had forgotten about the miracle, the strange force that had been following him ever since he was a kid, the thing that made objects throw themselves off the table whenever he got mad, or made the lights above him in the locker room go out when he was especially hysterical. The power. Jon cocked his head slightly to the side, his face turning from sadness to satisfaction. A light chuckle left his mouth, "Of course..." he muttered, approaching the school doors and envisioning it in flames.
Still inside, the students had finally gathered around matt's body to see if he was okay, their attention was quickly stolen though by the sound of glass shattering above them and the lights all going out. Sparks flew and glass fell down causing students to cower under tables. Jon had to really focus to make the glass shatter, but it was well worth it. Next would be all the windows, the the disco ball, then the bleachers, and then the sprinkler system. It was gonna rain on every single one of his bullies, it would mess up their hair and ruin all the food, make the floor too slippery to dance on, just like how they messed up his suit and ruined his night. Oh it would just be so beautiful. Jon's one and only complaint about the idea was that the water in the sprinkler's sadly couldn't be blood..."
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innsjovide · 3 months
huge pet peeve of mine is if you kill off a beloved character in fanworks (or like. actual works if its the canon story) or even suggest it, no matter what narrative significance this might have on the story being told, you'll suddenly be flooded by a billion people being like 'NO U CANT KILL THEM THEYRE IMMORTAL THEYLL LIVE FOREVER THIS IS WRONG'
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ghxstlypuppet · 2 years
This was suposed to be just a comfort fic thing because i've been having a Matt brainrot lately and idk why ,but things got out of hand as they usually do for me so oopsie-
I wasn't going to post but depending on the feedback on this one i might write more.
Comfort fic • Eddsworld
Genre : kinda angst and fluff
Gender neutral reader
Warnings : a few cuss words nothing much tho
Word count : i have no idea it was like 8 or 9 pages of my phone notes
You got home after a very stressful day at work, life has not been treating you well lately and you just feel drained extremely exhausted not having time to do the things you like or even to talk with your friends, you were staying at your friends house for the weekend you thought that being there with them could make you feel better , after all they always knew a way to cheer you up, when you got there tho you were greeted with nothing but silence , the boys, Edd, Tom, Matt amd Tord had all gone out to buy snacks and food even drinks for that weekend they wanted it to be special for you, you sighed after knocking on the door a few times and getting no answear so you texted them in the little group you guys had, they quickly answeared and Matt said he was going to meet you there while the others kept buying the snacks, you agreed and waited even tho you were exhausted and feeling overwhelmed, some customers had treated you terribly today and you felt that it wouldn't take much more for you to break down at any moment, you were strong and often tried not to show much of your emotions but sometimes everything was too much and you had to take it all off, you didn't noticed you were zooning out until you felt a few taps on your shoulder, you slightly jumped being caught by surprised but sighed
- Hey Matt
- Hey y/n! ...ahm..are you alright?
The tall ginger asked, he could tell something was off but he never liked to push you into talking unlike Tord he was very patient even Tom was more patient than Tord but all of them always tried to help somehow
- Uh yeah i'm fine , just tired had a lot of work..
You said forcing a smile not even noticing your eyes tearing up  a little just with Matt's simple question
- Well, alrighty then let's head inside the others will be back soon, they are just buying a lot , believe me, a lot of stuff ,edd wants to make sure that the cola will be enoughz Tom's buying doritos and smirnoff of course but he's also buying some of your favorite snacks, and even Tord was talking about buying the gummy worms that you like
- He remembered that?
- It's all he kept talking about to be honest
You asked kinda surprised , of all of them Tord was the one you talked less it was hard to get close to him for some reason. You and Matt got inside the house and you took a seat on the sofa sighing once more , Matt looked at you for a moment his expression changing to one of worry, he then approached you and sat beside you on the sofa , one of his hands patting your back gently as he spoke
- You know you can talk to me right? I worry and i care about you, me , edd, tom even tord, i know you guys aren't that close but still, you seemed a bit off since i saw you outside, it's not good to keep things inside for too long y/n..
And that was it... His gentle voice full of worry, his soft pats on your back, that was what made you start sobbing without even noticing , you grabbed the fabric of your hoodie looking down while the tears started to fall , Matt got even more worried thinking it was something he said
- H-Hey i'm sorry i didn't mea-
Before he could finish you turned around looking at him and almost jumping on the ginger for a hug , you couldn't say nothing the sobbing made your words sound like nonsense , Matt hugged you back ,a tight yet soft hug
- It's okay... i'm here and soon the others will be here too... it's gonna be alright
He said patting your back, your tears were soaking his shoulder he could feel the warmth but he just wanted to comfort you now
- I-I'm s-sorry i'm kinda soaking your coat...
You said managing to let out a giggle trying to dry your tears, you could hear Matt chuckling while he hugged you slightly more thight now, after what feel like eternity your sobs were calming down you let go of the hug
- Sorry about that...
- You say sorry waay too much you know?
- Oh.. s- I mean yeah i guess..
Matt giggled patting your hair and using the sleeves of his hoodie to dry up your face
- Are you feeling better now? Wanna talk about what happened?
- Yeah... i'm good, thank you Matt, uh i.. i don't know i'm just exhausted ,guess i can say that life had been being a bitch with me, work has been killing me , im not having time to myself, i thought i would have to cancel this weekend with you guys...
As you were talking you heard a comotion outside it was the others comming back, shit, your face was puffed you looked terrible at the same time you didn't wanted them to see you like that you also couldn't care less at that moment, you and Matt watched as the door handle turned and the door opened, you tried your best to give the boys a smile and waved at them but they were more than quick to drop everything (carefully) on the floor and the sofa and run at your directionn, Edd was the first to talk to you
-What happened? Were you crying? Why??
You laughed a bit , nodding but reassuring him that you were okay now
- It was just exhaustion but Matt helped me a lot...
You said grabbing Matt's hand and rubbing it sofly smiling at him before letting go, he blushed  bit but smiled at you , Tom was sitting on the sofa's arm beside you and he messed with your hair before saying
- Been keeping stuff for yourself again huh? You know that it's not good to do that
- Oh i wonder with who i learned to do it...
You said starring at him, you knew the boys for a few years now and ended up picking some habits from all of them, you kept starring at Tom until he said something that you couldnt make out what it was before getting up and getting some of the groceries going to the kitchen, you laughed at that before you "accidentally" crossed eyes with Tord
- What?
He said looking at you, he was never the best person to give advice or comfort but he sighed
- Don't be like this Tord
Matt said looking at Tord that sighed rolling his eyes
- Remember when you lost that bet with me and you had to go to wallmart wearing a-
Before he could finish you threw a pillow at his face, you couldn't even remember now that a few moments ago you were bawling your eyes out, he cussed you and threw the pillow back making you get up and run after him
- I bet 20 bucks that y/n can best the shit out of him
Said Tom with a amused look just observing you and Tord running around
- This is not something to bet o-
Said Edd also amused by all of that chaos, they both stared at Matt , Matt looked confused for a bit , all he could focus on was on seeing you feeling better now, you were laughing -almost breaking the entire house- but you were having fun
- I am not going to participate on this...
Matt said, both Edd and Tom kept staring at him they could here a crash upstairs following by you and Tord screaming at each other
Matt looked at Tom and Edd with a smug look
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leatherbookmark · 18 days
dear god that would be turbo cringe or whatever, but seeing all those annoying little things in fics over and over again really makes me want to write one in which they're not obligatory funnymoments but rather like, words that have meaning and weight and so on
#shrimp thoughts#like. 1. characters acting all cryptic and condescending when their friend who isn't aware they're queer and in love comes to them for#advice like 'oh figure it out yourself baby :)' that's so obnoxious. this is a romcom not a hero's journey you're TWENTY not a Wise Mentor#2. characters acting condescending and rolling their eyes soooo hard about how their friend hasn't figured/took them so long to figure out#they're queer because it was so obvious! how can you be so dense! or: how can you be IGNORANT of kink matters (that we never told you about#3. characters making retching noises and complaining how disgusting/gross their friends are once they get together. the friends aren't#like frenching or fucking on the dining table but just smiling at each other. free pass at homophobia nonetheless ig#4. characters reacting to any sort of doubts/internal conflict their friend has with 'omg who cares just do the thing! stop overthinking!'#ETC ETC#so many times i've started reading a good fic with an otherwise engaging characterization only for the writer to pull an Easy Fan Favourite#like one of the above and like ggggghhhhhhhhhh#if it was one (1) character in one (1) fandom or even just a type of characters i wouldn't mind AS MUCH but it's everyone whether it makes#sense for them or not. is this guy calm and sensitive? doesn't matter! he's going to do and say the same things a silly chatterbox type#of a character because telling your friends they're gross for being a couple is universal now#OH i almost forgot. everyone's having kinky sex of many different kinds but react like twitter teenagers to any mention of sex in general#'ew! TMI! i don't want to hear about all the insane shit you do in your bedroom! not in front of the children! not while i'm eating!'#'just read better fanfiction' look i'm TRYING i'm TRYING OKAY
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draqo-pctter · 2 years
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When the only thing she'd felt for him was contempt, it had eaten away at her—seeing his face in the newspapers and having only memories of a boy too weak to stand for anything had left hate in her heart. Years later, the memory of his hand on her cheek and wishing he'd just kiss her again stung worse than the image of him standing by while she was tortured.
Because now she knew what it was like to love him. And the absence of love stings worse than the presence of hate.
chapter nineteen: the absence of love stings worse than the presence of hate
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bubble--c · 11 months
i'm not gonna get to sleep anytime soon so i might work on a one shot fic to get myself back into writing
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luvingspence · 2 years
do you guys ever look through your old fics and throw up? bc i just did that.
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anauwhere · 6 days
Random stranger online: *reads m/m fanfic*
Puriteens: oh my God fujoshi!!! Sexualising!! Objectification!! Cringe! Hate Lesbians!!!
Random male fan:* reads pwp f/f*
Puriteens: men can't! !!!disgusting abuse! !!!
Random stranger:*draws or write dark fanworks*
Puriteens: doxx, call the police, bully
Actor, singer, actual creator of a show/movie: promotes and creates gay stories, kill ur fave lesbian, make up fucked up source material
Puriteens: king!!! Qween!!! So cool 😍😍😍😍
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 3 months
one reason i'm grateful a) to have been getting into treating my meta as An Art Form as much as fanfic/art/etc, and b) that there's an import function for that on AO3, is that i write very little prose these days, and Actually Having Substantial Things to Post helps me get past the stumbling block of 'well there's nothing much worth going to the trouble for anyway, is there' to the 'alright let's address all the other baggage that makes using AO3 so emotionally fraught for you bud' step (staircase.)
#whosebaby talks#for one thing i met my abusive ex through reading his fics on AO3 for years before we *actually* met and started interacting directly#more specifically me and my *other* abusive ex were fans of his during that time; and gushed a lot to each other in private about his fics#and Indirect Interaction with Ficwriter Crush Through Posting Fic to AO3 was one of the things that *got* us both posting on AO3 for a whil#that's not remotely the only reason i have baggage about it but. yeah.#it has taken me like four years to get to the point where i can *mostly* look in the AO3 tags for any given fandom i'm in#without feeling panicky or sick. mostly.#and not having had anything i felt able or up to posting there for so long means right now the bulk of my current stuff on AO3 is either#'hey remember when you were in an abusive/otherwise hideously toxic friendship/relationship while you were posting this'#or 'hey remember when you were involved in a fandom community that was positive + supportive; that's dead now or you wandered away from it'#'or both; and now it's too late to go back'#which itself is just. tied to a lot of trauma from *before* Fandom as It is These Days Being Its Current Flavor of Fucking Mess#and there are a lot of years-old lovely comments on my old fics that i feel deeply guilty for not having responded to before now#which it's probably not too late to and that's the beauty of AO3. but just. it's a lot#as well as the constant voice whispering in my ear that 'okay well you were pretty good at writing Once but you peaked and now you're shit'#there's a Lot. so yes i am hoping that having meta to post will help put a little distance there#while still preserving my old writing and the snapshots of who i used to be#because she deserved that much; regardless of how the person i am now feels about her; and the evidence that she was there.#anyway. this post brought to you by found a bunch of glowing recs for my exes' fics i had completely forgotten in my dusty AO3 bookmarks#it was an unpleasant surprise but after the initial OH EW that they were there all that time it feels good to know that it's gone#personal stuff#abuse cw#the salt files
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dumbseee · 1 year
noticed pt2.
f1 au/fic: having her celebrity crush as her boyfriend was something y/n didn’t expect to happen, which she also didn’t expect is the hate she would’ve receive.
lando norris x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
part 1.
note: i wasn’t planning on doing a part 2 but you guys asked so you shall receive :) (i wrote that very quickly so it’s not that good i’m so sorry)
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and 230 997 others.
y/n: lil photo dump because i’m living my best life with my loved ones <3 have a nice week guys!
landonorris: pretty girl <3
liked by y/n.
francisca.cgomes: had the best time with you baby
yourfriend: you’re shining girl
fan1: who tf is y/n? why is she even so popular?
fan2. @.fan1 bc she’s fucking lando and people have an obsession with wags
fan3: ew such a whore
fan4: why is she always half naked?
fan5: i’d be so embarrassed if i were lando bc wtf is she wearing?
fan6: lando RUN
fan7: y’all see a pretty woman dating y’all favourite driver and decide to hate her for no reason
fan8: y/n get behind me
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you couldn’t stop crying, you didn’t know what you did to deserve that. you deactivated all your socials so you won’t receive any messages from people with bad intentions, and turned off your phone that kept buzzing with notifications from friends and family. you tried to call lando, to make sure he knew that this was bullshit and that never would you even think about cheating on him. you did go to neymar’s party but only as your friend’s plus one. you talked with the footballer but for literally five minutes. the girl in the picture wasn’t you and you prayed that lando knew that. but he wasn’t answering his phone and that actually made you panic even more. your whole body was shaking, you were having a panic attack and you didn’t know how to calm it since you never had one before.
this situation was horrible for you, you didn’t even know how to fix it, of course it was all a lie but would the internet believe you? deactivating all your socials could be seen as suspicious by fans. they hated you anyway so whatever excuse you’d come up with, they’d never believe you. would lando even believe you? that thought made you sob even more, you struggled to breath and fell on the ground, resting your head on your knees. you could hear your heart beats going way too fast and you prayed for someone to help you because you were going to die from that damn panic attack.
"y/n! hey y/n!" you heard a voice, but it was faint, as if someone was calling you from very far away. "y/n, please baby! breath!" lando. it was lando’s voice. you opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend, shaking you to make you come to your senses, his eyes were glossy and he looked worried, when he saw you open your eyes and look at him he sighed softly and smiled at you. "welcome back, baby." he kissed your forehead before putting your hand on his own heart while he did the same to yours. "breath for me. we’ll do it together, okay?" you nodded slowly and started to follow his breaths. "one. two. three. yeah, you’re doing amazing my love." he smiled again and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "you scared the shit out of me." he whispered, still against your forehead. "i am so sorry, lando, i swear it’s not-" he shushed you and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a long and soothing embrace. you felt silent tears roll down your cheeks.
"don’t say a word, i already know." he says, he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed your tears away. "those pretty eyes can’t be drowning in tears, love." he added. "i trust you y/n. i love and trust you with my life, i know that you’d never do such a thing." he finished by kissing your lips. "then why did you ignore my calls?" you asked. "because i needed to get back home asap to confort you." he smiled and you swore that your heart exploded.
that was the moment where you realised how deeply in love you were with lando. he was so perfect with you, always taking care of you and putting you first. you sometimes wondered if you deserved that kind of love.
"we’re going to watch your favorite tv show, order some food and take a bath later. today is y/n self care day. and don’t think about that rumour, i’m going to take care of that." he kissed the top of your head and helped you get up from the ground.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 1 790 007 others.
landonorris: i’m going to say this once and for all: y/n l/n is the sweetest most loving and respectful person i’ve ever met in my entire existence. she’s the light that keeps shining during my darkest days, she’s the presence i crave after a long day away from her. y/n has been the victim of disgusting rumours and death threats, i’ll be taking action against every single ones of you who even just commented one single bad emoji under her posts, i’ll come for you. you made her cry, i think it’s fair enough that i make you pay back for every single tear that she shed because of people like you.
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goodluckmochi · 2 years
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ghxstlypuppet · 2 years
So as i posted earlier the short comfort fic got out of control and i decided to write more of it, i wrote two chapters today, i'm not sure if i like the third one tho but i might post it anyways.
And i also don't have a tittle for this fic *dabs and cries*
•Eddsworld comfort fic pt.2•
(Please give me feedback , this is my interpretation of the characters so its kinda of a au? If you have any suggestions or questions send me a ask!)
~ Enjoy ~
Genre : Uh...fluff and a tiny little bit of comedy (i tried) and two shots of v- angst
Warning : Some cuss words
Gender neutral reader
Word count : i have no idea again around 10/11 pages on my phone notes
After you and Tord finished running around the house and breaking a lot of stuff , you were feeling better the bad and intrusive thoughts werent bothering you anymore , you just felt tired now but a sleepy kind of tired , the others were downstairs preparing the things for a movie night and you decided to grab your stuff and put it on the guests room aka tom's room , you were used to sharing the room with one of them everytime you went there so neither you or them cared about the situation that have happened more times than they could remember. You put your baggages there , just a big back pack that Edd always wondered how that never gave you a back pain it looked too heavy even for you that were much stronger than you looled like,then you grabbed a towel and you pjs , a pair of sweat pants and a comfortable t shirt , it wasnt cold so your hoodie wouldnt be needed , you decided to take a shower you had a long day after all a lot had happened and you were more than ready to relax and have fun with your friends, you took a quick but very relaxing shower and changed into your clean pjs, it felt like a reward , you giggled with yourself remembering of that one "its like a reward" meme and steped out of the bathroom, you went downstairs to find Edd  , Matt and Tom in the kitchen preparing snacks and popcorn and also the drinks while Tord was on the living room setting up the movies you guys were going to watch, Tord liked horror stuff maybe that was one of only things you two had in common but since earlier it felt like you guys were starting to get a long a bit better, you didnt noticed you were starring at Tord while thinking about it,that until a pillow hits your face
- HEY!
You exclaimed annoyed throwing the pillow back at Tord who caught it very easily
- Just....why???
- You were just standing there staring at me not even blinking , thought you were possesed or something, everything okay?
At first you were kinda mad but , did he just asked if you were okay?? And seemed to be genuinely worried?? You blinked a few times not even being able to hide the silly little smile you had your face now  it felt nice to know you had people who actually cared about you
- Yeah.. im good , thanks i was just thinking.. Im gonna go see if the boys need help bringing the food and drinks
You said smiling a bit and heading to the kitchen, Matt and Edd smiled widly when they saw you there and Tom just waved being too busy chuggin a bit of smirnoff to smile at you now, not that he was a very smiley guy
- Already drinking Tom?
Tom only nodded putting the bottle on the table
- Don't plan on getting wasted but everyone needs a little somethin' to start the day...not for now at least , want some?
He said pointing to the smirnoff bottle , you didnt even thinked twice before going to grab it but someone grabbed you first, it was Edd grabbing you by your waist almost hugging you while pulling you up and turning you on the other way
- No no no no....nu uh, you remember damn well how you got last time you drank that...
- Hey!  Don't talk like this about my baby
Tom said annoyed even angrily pouting , you on your side were pouting too after Edd put you back on the floor , he was tallen than you so picking you up wasnt hard at all
- But....that time i was  on a competition!
You said , Edd kept starring at you
- You drank less than a shot...
He said making Tom laugh from remembering   you glared at him who tried to hide his laughter but his face was even red , maybe from the alcohol as well even tho he wasnt drunk at all at this moment, even Matt gave out a little chuckle, you sighed
- Fiiine..... Anyways i came here to ask if you guys need help bringing the stuff to the living room
- Oh you could help with the bowls of candy , i will bring the doritos ones, Edd and Tom will bring the drinks
Matt said , grabbing the two big bowls of Doritos and going to the living room, Tord already had the movies set there, you got the three smaller but still big bowls of candies , they had m&m's in one ,fummy worms and gummy bears all mixed in the other and one full of mini marshmallows , you headed to the living room setting the snacks on the little tabble there , Edd and Tom carefully placed the drinks there , Matt grabbed a blanket that was already placed there, it wasn't cold that night but it was comfortable to stay with a blanket while watching the movie , you sat where you always used to exactly on the middle of the four of them, Matt and Tom on your right , Tord and Edd on your left , you were pretty much comfortable there , Edd gave you a can of cola and Tom kept the bowl of doritos closer enough so you could get some as well, the movie startedz and of course it was Insane Zombies Pirates from Hell , Tord set all the movies for you guys to watch, you didnt minded watching those movies again it was like a classic to watch with them.
You were awake until the third movie, when you started feeling sleepy and didnt even noticed that you were putting your head on Edd's shoulder almost doozing off , he smiled looking at you
- Hey the movies aren't over yet!
Tord said kinda annoyed , Edd glared at him
- Can't you see that they are tired?? Unlike you , y/n had a long day
- They always fall asleep on the third movie ...
Tord said grabbing the rest of the gummy bears and eating them, you opened your eyes , blusbing a bit when you noticed that you were almost sleeping on Edd's shoulder
- Oh ahm...sorry about that i didnt noticed i was that tired....
Edd laughed a bit
- It's fine don't worry about that besides you are not the only one sleeping
He said trying to show you that Matt was sleeping very comfortably the same way you were before , you giggled a bit until you felt a pair of arms around you , you looked the other way just to see Tom doozed off grabbing you like a plushie, and even to comfirm your suspicious about him thinking you were a plushie he mumbled a bit drunkly
- Tomee bear...
You couldnt hold back the laugh but tried not to be noisy , you didnt minded him hugging you like that he would probably die before aggreing that he did it on the next day but you didnt cared , you looked at Tord for a second and could swear that he smiled a bit at you  , you smiled back
- Hey , sorry for falling asleep i know that you like those movies but im feeling tired after today..
You said , Tord just looked away , he was blushing a bit feeling bad that he made you feel bad but he would never admit it
- Yeah yeah...whatever  its fine you can sleep ..
He said not even looking at the tv at that moment , you did your best to stay awake  a bit longer but before you could notice you were sleeping again, your head on Edd's shoulder , Tom still hugging you and you were awkwardly hugging Edd the same way while Matt slept on the other side , Edd was basically trapped but he didnt minded , he looked at Tord that had a annoyed expression
-What? You're jealous?
Edd teased with a smirk
- You dont need to be still have space for one more cuddle buddy here
He said , Tord almost growled with anger even tho he was blushing a bit
- Fuck you Edd...
He said , making Edd laugh a bit
-Maybe if you learned to get along with y/n better you wouldn't be alone there now Tord
- Shut... i'm working on it
He admited (oh lawd he did admited one thing regarding y/n once oh lawd) Edd looked surprised to hear that  but didnt said anything anymore.
Eventually even him and Tord where feeling sleepy but still much more awake then you, Matt and Tom with the (forced) help from Tord , Edd put you and the others in your rooms , you were sharing the room with Tom , so Tord put you there leaving quickly, Edd rolled his eyes and entered the room with Tom putting him on his bed and putting a blanket over both of you guys
- Good night guys
He said softly before leaving to his own room, that night sure was a bit fun, but you guys still have two more days of fun stuff to happen, what will be the next one?
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Dads best friend
okay so @faithm120601 recently posted a fic with a social media au to go along with it so im doing the same (but the other way around) with Fernando Alonso
So, full fic to come later
Warnings: age gap relationship, lowkey taboo (ish) relationship
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liked by yourbff, fernandoalo_oficial, and 58 others
y/nl/n family vacay ☀☀
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yourbff gorgeous girlie
y/nl/n 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yourbff was you know who there?
y/nl/n shush
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liked by y/nl/n, astonmartinf1, and 363,812 others
view all 839 comments
username1 did anybody else hope we'd see more daddylonso pictures?
username2 aw i love fernando's annual trip with the l/n family
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liked by yourbff, fernandoalo_oficial, and 66 others
y/nl/n post vacay vibes
fernandoalo_oficial do you still want me to get you lunch
y/nl/n yes mr alonso sorry mr alonso sir
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liked by username3, username4, and 683 others
f1girlienews one of our followers got accepted on instagram by y/nl/n and, it turns out she and alonso are friends... good friends. From what we can find she's the daughter of [yourdadsname], Alonso's long time friend
view all 304 comments
username5 omg isn't she in her 20's?
username6 omg isn't she a consenting adult
username7 omg hasn't he known her since she was a child?
username8 omg haven't you seen the interview her dad did two years ago where he said she met Fernando for the first time?
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liked by yourbff, fernandoalo_oficial, and 75 others
y/nl/n he lets me drive his car
view all 15 comments
yourbff im the best passenger princess
y/nl/n yes you are
fernandoalo_oficial please stop getting starbucks in my car
y/nl/n never
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liked by y/nl/n, astonmartinf1, and 301,928 others
fernandoalo_oficial she's a fan
view all 1,028 comments
username9 omg soft launch
username10 omg soft launch
username11 omg soft launch
username12 omg soft launch
username13 ew this is gross
username14 what's the age gap again?
username15 idk but this is gross
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liked by yourbff, and 66 others
y/nl/n hiding away
f1fan9919 no nando pic?
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liked by yourbff, and 70 others
y/nl/n can all f1 fans (kindly) fuck off
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liked by lance_stroll, astonmartinf1, and 419,629 others
fernandoalo_oficial 🍾🏁🏎
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username16 wheres y/n?
username17 did they break up? She's blocked all f1 fans on her instagram username18 were they ever actually together or are they just friends? username19 i miss her liked by fernandoalo_oficial username20 she was too young for him anyway
y/nl/n unfollowed fernandoalo_oficial
fernandoalo_official unfollowed y/nl/n
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jihyoruri · 5 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 LESSERAFIM AND THEIR HOT HEADED MEMBER lesserafim x reader
★yn’s best live moments 1M views
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↳ warnings: yn from paparazzi and this fic, idol au, yn being a short (for the plot) hot head, yn is the second youngest member
yn adjusted her glasses as she read the comments of the live, she tilted her head at some of her fans comments because it screamed stupidity but she’s trying her best not to say anything since chaewon has been on her a lot lately.
yunjin has been the one answering the questions and entertaining the fans but all yn could think about was how she shouldn’t even be here, the older girl crashed yn’s live when yn wouldn’t answer her comments on the live.
“ahhh, you’re so cute with your glasses, you’re always wearing contacts I forgot you even need them.” yunjin squeals leaning into yn who visibly flinches at the contact but yunjin just laughs because she’s so used to it, “my cutie.”
“nah bro,” yn says scratching her arm, she looked away from yunjin who’s mouth drops in offence, “nothing about me being visually impaired is cute.”
“I can never win with her guys.”
yn wraps her white zip up sweater tightly around her as she sat beside her window the grey skies from the rain coming into veiw, she adjusts her glasses and she yawns and rubs her face.
“let me put on some music,” she says reaching over to her side table that has a bunch of cds, she shows a bunch of wave to earth cds to the camera before placing one in her vintage cd player.
the soft music plays and she brings her totoro plush to her chest closing her eyes, “this is nice.” she says softly, this is probably the first time the fans have ever seen the hot head so calm, but hey, she is in the comfort of her room.
“yn!” the voice of eunchae fills the room as yn’s door burst open.
yn’s eyes are still closed as she visibly tenses and fans laugh at the way her fists clench practically strangling her plushie as eunchae makes her way into the frame of the camera.
yn holds the camera in her hands as she laughs when she sees eunchae fall trying to climb up the slide at the park that the girls decided to stop by.
“did you guys see that?” she laughs, but fans are just in awe that this is what brings the hot headed member joy.
sakura comes up behind the younger girl and adjusts the hat that she made for her on her head, tightening the scarf around yn’s neck as well, “I didn’t see you put in your eye contacts, where are your glasses?” she asks.
“I forgot it.” yn says simply before letting out another laugh when she see yunjin fall next, she leans into sakura who wraps her arms warmly around the shorter girl, “this is what’s making you happy?” the older girl laughs before looking at the camera that yn’s holding and waving.
“they’re just such idiots,” yn says before letting out another laugh when she sees chaewon fall.
“chaewon unnie is with me this live because she said i missed behaved last one.” yn exposes leaning towards the camera as chaewon’s face pales.
“that’s not true.” the older girl laughs nervously, nudging yn who just looks at her blankly.
“I just wanted to spend time with this cutie.” chaewon says pinching yn’s cheeks who cringes and tries to slap the older girls hand away.
“ew, stop.”
“shopping in japan.” yunjin says to the live as her, yn, sakura and kazuha walk the streets of shibuya.
the girls get to the crosswalk and yunjin turns the camera towards yn and sakura who holds yn’s arm when they cross.
her and kazuha giggle at the sight, “ah, you’re so cute yn.” she says teasingly, knowing the fact that the younger letting sakura hold her hand as they cross would embarrass her on camera.
yunjin and kazuha’s mouth drops when all yn’s does is being her hand that’s not occupied behind her giving them the middle finger still looking ahead.
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★☆ I was bored so I wrote this
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ironunderstands · 1 month
Rant about how yall perceive Dr. Ratio bc I’m tired
I really wish people would stop projecting their hatred of debate bros and egotistical college students onto Dr. Ratio. Like yeah, they suck we know we are tired but please he is not a frat boy trying to convince you that 12$ being minimum wage is a good thing actually. The funny thing is that most of Ratio’s haters would probably have him agree with them on a lot of topics, but the problem is people don’t use their brain, hear “ratio is racist” and run with it without ever questioning if it’s true or makes sense for his character. Y’all cannot handle a character being kind but not nice, and honestly I’m so happy ratio isn’t a woman in canon bc oh my lord the misogyny that would happen if he was.
And honestly, I can’t even blame them considering how OOC half of Ratios “fans” write him.
Like please the next time I get hit with stoic, emotionless, unempathetic, uncaring, self-centered, narcissistic asshole (and even racist slaveowner ew god kill it with fire) ratio FROM HIS “FANS” I’m done. Stop, please get your grubby hands off of him. I’d rather read 10 dead dove fics in a row than be subjected to the horrors that is fanon Ratio. Especially mfs who write him this way in Aventio, I despise how a genuinely loving ship dynamic got warped into “toxic yaoi” bc people can’t read and/or be normal about mlm ships ever. I’m genuinely begging for a new popular gay ship to exist so all the weirdos can go run to that one and I can enjoy Aventio in peace.
To everyone who writes him correctly, thank you I love you, begging for more wholesome Aventio and Ratio content in general pls it’s the closest to canon (if you care ab that) I beg
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jackhues · 1 year
world tour - charles leclerc
request: could you do an ig edit where charles is dating toto's daughter, and she's a singer who's on tour, and everyone thinks she's dating one of the guest singers she's on tour with, and then she and charles just hardlaunch a relationship?
requested by: anon : )
notes: woww, i had lots of fun writing this, first f1 fic guys! thanks for requesting <3
join my f1 taglist!
pictures are not mine!
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liked by pierregasly, oliviarodrigo, conangray, & others
y/nwolff - it's my favourite colour tagged: conangray
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y/nisqueen: SHE IS THE MOMENT liked by y/nwolff
lucawolff: ew -> y/nwolff: you're ew -> randouser: y/n and luca showing us what it's like to have siblings
conangray: next stop: italy -> y/nwolff: i'm so excited!! -> conangray: i wonder why... -> userone: he knows something, calling it from now
usertwo: anyone else ship it?? -> y/nisqueen: they're just friends -> usertwo: okay but they look cute together
userthree: she's only famous bcz of her dad 🙄 -> y/nisqueen: toto's in motorsports and y/n's a singer, what's ur point?? -> userfour: honestly nepo babies need to move aside, there's ppl with real talent in this world
lewishamilton: so proud of you!! -> y/nwolff: 🥰🥰 -> userfive: SIR LEWIS HAMILTON??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? -> usersix: he's known her ever since toto became mercedes' principal ??!
userseven: no one's gonna comment on the pierre gasly like? -> usersix: pierre likes everything we all know that
usereight: the vibes are wow
charles_leclerc has posted on his story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, taylorswift & others
y/nwolff: quick stop at the gp before the concert tmrw
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userone: WHERE'S CONAN? -> usertwo: he posted the second pic on his story -> userone: soft launch?? -> usertwo: i'm screaming omgg that's so cutee
userthree: how does it feel to live my dream?? 😭
userfour: i love how all the f1 fans are here for this post, and this post alone -> userfive: we're also here for the toto bday posts
usersix: can't wait for your show!!
userseven: charles leclerc liked? no comments on that? -> usereight: she's friends with the drivers, is that a problem??
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liked by userone, usertwo, userthree, & others
f1newsandmore - y/n wolff spotted behind the scenes of the italian gp in a ferrari cap?? we're as shocked as you are. rumour has it that she's dating conan gray, a guest star on her world tour, though neither of them have come outright and confirmed it. have we been misled? is y/n wolff dating a ferrari driver instead? tagged: y/nwolff
usertwo: she can't wear a ferrari cap?? -> userthree: i think it's a bet. remember when she lost that bet against pierre. she died her hair blue -> userfour: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
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liked by charles_leclerc, lucawolff, conangray & others
y/nwolff - italy, you've been good to me tagged: charles_leclerc
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conangray: nice to know i don't make the final cut when ur bf is involved -> y/nwolff: i'll get you ice cream
userone: I CALLED IT!
charles_leclerc: mon amour 💖💖 liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: 🤍🤍 -> conangray: stop speaking french, she's currently grinning like an idiot and is turning red -> userone: CONAN OMG 💀💀
usertwo: the way he looks at her in the first pic 😭😭 -> userthree: don't mind me, just gonna sleep on the highway tonight
userfour: omgg, i was not expecting this
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charles_leclerc - the colour might be growing on me tagged: y/nwolff
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part two
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