#evil or broken
writerbuddha · 6 months
Do you think writers should use more of a well-defined morality approach to the widespread "grey"? Though the former has always been criticized for its simplicity and irrelevant to the real world, the franchise under George Lucas looked like a gateway for philosophical understanding. If possible, as someone who understands it well, what is your opinion on the separation of Pure Evil (ingrained by DNA) and Broken characters?
I think that when it comes to writing, we need to distinguish between layout and morality, because only then we can address the problems with separating Pure Evil and Broken characters!
I think writers should use a more well-defined morality approach, but that's different from the conventional morality approach, I call it light-and-dark morality as opposed to black-and-white.
Layout: "black-and-white" and "grey"
In black-and-white layout, the characters are arranged along clearly and strictly defined lines: we have the heroes who are Good and we have the villains who are Evil. We have these sides opposing each other, and it's very clear which side we should identify with and who should win. The overwhelming majority of the most popular stories of our time, including but not limited to George Lucas' Star Wars, uses black-and-white layout. Jedi Knights versus Sith Lords, the Rebellion versus the Empire, the humans versus the orcs, wizards and witches versus the Death Eaters, Gandalf the White versus the Dark Lord, Snow White versus the Evil Queen, the Pevensie children versus the White Witch and so on. It's important to note that this doesn't mean that heroes can't turn into villains and villains can't turn into heroes, nor does it mean that there can't be hero figures on both sides, but but it means, that will always be a clear shift from Good to Evil and from Evil to Good, or that the heroes of the Evil side are deceived.
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Black-and-white layout sometimes might allow for "grey" characters. The mildest example of this might be Grumpy in Snow White, who is quite hostile to the sweet princess, but who obviously loves her, and then there is Hondo Ohnaka in Clone Wars, who is a criminal and serving only himself, but there are signs of willingness to do good. But most often than doesn't, "grey" eventually must choose.
Grey layout is understood to be a relatively new type of layout for a story, but Homer's Iliad could be one of the most ancient surviving examples of it: there is a king who fights for his honor, a king who fights for his city, a prince who fights for love, a warrior who fights for glory. We can identify and empathize with both sides, or at least we can find both sides' actions comprehensible, plausible. I think the best example of grey layout today would be Netflix' Arcane, where, even though we can point out the least sympathetic characters, we can't comfortably declare one side Good or Right and the other Evil or Wrong, whereas in black-and-white layout, this is a very easy task.
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Grey layout can be seen as a more realistic layout for a story, trying to address complex, contemporary issues, while the black-and-white layout is more metaphorical, focusing on conveying universal lessons and messages in an abstract way that can be translated to concrete situations. In this sense, stories with grey layout seek to present reality and bring attention to concrete issues in the real world, and stories with black-and-white layout are focusing on presenting role models, to raise human beings who are able to solve concrete issues.
Morality: "black-and-white," "black-and-broken-and-flawed-and-white," "grey" and "light-and-dark"
Black-and-white morality can exist only in a black-and-white layout, but it's crucial to understand, black-and-white layout doesn't always results in black-and-white morality. In fact, black-and-white morality stories are quite rare and they can end up being criticized for being overly simplified and for failing to be applicable to reality. In black-and-white morality, everything between birth and death can be seen as a war between clearly and sharply defined poles of Good and Evil. Good is always the most morally pure and satisfying, most just and also nicest thing to do, and the Good Ones are always doing Good.
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The only ones who are dissatisfied with them are the Evil Ones, who are willfully and consciously fighting against the morally pure and satisfying, the just and nice, and do Evil, the exact opposite, instead. Black-and-white morality isn't trying to explain or understand Evil, it only focuses on identifying it, locating it and destroying it, which is, of course, the Good thing to do. In black-and-white morality, Evil is understood to be either as is a quality that we are born with (i.e. "ingrained by DNA") or that Evil is something like an infection that is nevertheless under our conscious control (i.e. "you sold your soul!") Lord of the Rings is the closest thing to black-and-white morality stories: the heroes are creatures of light and grace or modesty and simple good-will, they're noble and well-meaning, even though they can be corrupted by Evil, which is a creature of fire and darkness, leading an army of deformed, vile, animalistic monsters.
The reason why black-and-white morality faces with increasing criticism for is the fact that it fails to address the complexity of life: whenever we look deeply into the heart of someone we identified as Evil, we find that they actually don't meet the criteria: they, just like ourselves, simply want to be happy and not to suffer, and this is at the core of everything they do. They don't see themselves as Evil, they didn't vow to destroy Good. In fact, more often than doesn't, they're, too, victims of Evil. Black-and-white morality is sometimes replaced with another type of morality that includes Broken, who is like a white chess pawn moved by the player who is with black: they are not Evil, but, in truth, they're Good, who are the victim of Evil, and because the Evil that was done to them, they are twisted to a place where they themselves do Evil. It would be important to realize that this is still black-and-white morality: it insists on the existence of Evil that must be identified and destroyed without any hesitation or compassion and it asks us to believe and not to ask questions when it points at someone and says "Evil" and at another saying, "Broken."
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The morality that separates Evil and Broken is just black-and-white morality trying to delay the inevitable collapse of the entire binary upon which it was built, and by doing so, it also paralyzes its heroes. Treating Broken characters as Evil would fail to meet with the criteria of Good, therefore, each and any character who decides to respond with countermeasures to the Evil done by Broken characters cannot be Good - they're flawed. In fact, so the reasoning goes, Good would make Good attractive enough for the Broken, so they won't choose Evil, thus ultimately, anything that the Broken character did, was the fault of the Flawed characters. True Good characters must gather all their Goodness and radiate it to Broken characters, and turning them back to Good as a result. It would be important to note that this type of morality is often presented as relevant and nuanced, but in truth, it's an even more severely absolutist morality that cannot tolerate nuance and fails to address the complexities of life, insisting on a dangerously simplistic view. However, its popularity is growing in fandoms, even though to this date, it manifested itself only in hot takes built on "death to the author!" theory.
Grey morality can be defined in many ways, but it's essentially the rejection of black-and-white morality paired with the view that Good and Evil are both just ideas and the line between right and wrong is blurred. Although grey morality is seen by many as the morality that moves beyond the dichotomy of Good and Evil, it should be noted that it stops at rejecting this dichotomy - it's either not equipped or not willing to explore a post-black-and-white reality. For this reason, apart from dwelling on the absence of the clearly and strictly defined lines dividing Good and Evil, stories adopting grey morality are not really having much to say, it doesn't really know where to go from there, since although it pushed the old moral compass aside and didn't make a new one to navigate. Grey heroes are usually angsty, edgy, "not good so that's bad but not evil, so that's good" figures.
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It should be noted that stories adopting grey morality can deal with complex and relevant issues and can communicate very important messages, and grey characters can develop or mature. In fact, most of them ends up doing immense good to others, so grey morality sooner and later does try to a re-establish black-and-white layout, but it presents heroes and role models who are careful not to rise the bar too high, since grey morality holds an essentially skeptical views on humanity. Although it won't come to any profound conclusion about Good and Evil and how to conduct ourselves in the world, it does try to update Good and Evil in a way that says, "It's OK. No one is perfect, just keep trying to do your best, that's all that can be asked, really." Game of Thrones or Hunger Games might be good examples of this.
Although light-and-dark morality can exist both in black-and-white layout and grey layout, it's the least popular type of morality, since it challenges the conventional story of Good and Evil, even though it defines "good" and "evil" very strictly and clearly. In a nutshell, light-and-dark morality tells us: anything we resent in another person is also within ourselves, a part of all that lives. Evil behavior arises as a result of other causes and conditions, the "dark" parts of ourselves: fear, anger, hate aggression, greed, selfishness, bitterness, jealousy and so on, and an Evil Person is a person who is under the sway of these parts themselves. Therefore, although light-and-dark morality acknowledges the reality of conflict, in place of the struggle between Good and Evil and the quest to identify and destroy external Evil, it emphasizes identifying and conquering our own dark side and the understanding of the true nature of Evil, as a way of really winning battles between what is understood as Good and Evil. Therefore, the struggle is to keep the roots of Evil within ourselves under check and to cultivate compassion, wisdom, generosity and mindfulness.
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Light-and-dark morality, therefore, proposes, there is no Evil that we can identify and destroy and then label it a Good and Right thing to do, to which only those will object who are consciously and willfully chose to fight against the most morally pure, most satisfying and nicest thing. This is a conclusion that black-and-white morality tries to avoid by separating Evil and Broken characters, since it clings on the notions of absolute Good and absolute Evil. The light-and-dark morality tale equates Evil with Broken, and it indicates, we must be able to recognize when we have to stop fighting for the Broken and we have to start to fight for those who must be protected from the Broken, who inflicts pain and suffering and harm onto others. Thus, light-and-dark morality rejects the idea, the Good and Right thing is always satisfying and just and nice to everyone: it proposes, we must accept, in many cases, the right thing to do isn't the nicest, the most gentle or most pleasant or most agreeable thing to do; the wrong thing to do isn't always the nasty, mean, unkind, unpleasant thing to do. And unlike grey morality that blurs the lines between good and evil, light-and-dark morality proposes, everything has a dark and a light side: there is no action that is inherently good or evil, whether it becomes a good or an evil act will depend on our motivations and the circumstances we're in. George Lucas' Star Wars story is one of the best examples of light-and-dark morality: he defined the battle between Good and Evil is defined as a battle between selflessness and selfishness, that is, in truth, the battle between no-fear and fear. Jedi Knights are focusing on doing good and to prevent evil from rising, but in order to do that, they must do things that aren't Good according to the criteria established by black-and-white morality.
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heybiji · 1 month
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arsuf · 3 months
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iliveunderarock · 4 months
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daily-property-police · 7 months
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Day 327- You have no idea what you’ve unleashed. .
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admirxation · 11 months
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Broken Locks | Part 1
𓆩♡𓆪┆ links to other parts: part two | part three | part four | part five
𓆩♡𓆪┆ pairing: las plagas! yandere! re4! leon s. kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
𓆩♡𓆪┆ summary: the reader is leon’s neighbour, she’s always had a crush on him, but has disappeared for a few days to leave the reader to wonder where he has gone. leon’s arrival is quiet and unknown to many, but is connected to the anxiety the reader has felt with the recent attempted break-ins to her apartment.
𓆩♡𓆪┆word count: 2.3k
𓆩♡𓆪┆ disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! i do not condone everything i write, my writing doesn’t reflect all my morals. if any of the following warnings trigger or make you feel uncomfortable, scroll away; you are in charge of what content you’re consuming. this is 18+ only, minors are strongly advised not to interact.
𓆩♡𓆪┆ warnings: NSFW 18+ content, mdni. female anatomy and she/her pronouns used for reader. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. stalking, breaking in, masturbation (m receiving), watching someone sleep, pantie sniffing, and kidnapping. (these will be updated along the way)
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Chapter one: strange feeling
Dear Y/N,
I am writing to inform you that your apartment is safe to re-enter after continuous checks. New locks have been installed and keys will be given upon arrival. I want to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you and encourage you to write if anything peculiar, like this, ever happens again. The police are aware of this and will take further action when more information can be found and given.
Kind regards,
You looked at the email, sitting in the hotel room that you had retreated to for the past week. You released a sigh of relief when you finally heard word from Derek — your landlord — knowing that your apartment was now safe gave you some peace of mind.
While packing up your things you couldn’t help but think about all the peculiar things you had found near and on your apartment door; it was only a week ago when you found the peephole on your door had been drilled through, as well as markings on the side which made it look like someone tried to break-in with a crowbar. You remembered how you felt that afternoon when you found them, you had come back from work, absolutely exhausted and needing to get into something comfortable until you saw the evidence that made your heart race and feel watched from every angle. Thankfully you had alerted Derek about it all, he took you seriously and gave you the address of somewhere you could safely retreat to, helping with the finances of it all.
For the past week, trepidation was engraved in your mentality from the image of the scratches on the door, your psyche now full of paranoia and fear. You were grateful that things were sorted but still alarmed at not knowing who was behind all of it. You called your best friend Jill — explaining everything you were going through — and she told you if you had stopped messaging for a long time, she would call the police, so you had some security in safety with Derek’s apartment checks.
Why did this happen to me? You couldn’t help but have this question constantly haunt your mind, you knew you shouldn’t blame yourself — it wasn’t your fault — but having the stalking be anonymous made you think about who it was and why they were harassing you, was it someone you knew? When Derek looked at the camera footage, it was broken, just showing glitched lines on the computer screen; this only made you feel even more uneasy since you couldn’t get instant justice. At first, you and Derek theorised that it was probably the kid at the end of the hall wanting to cause trouble — as he did previously to other tenants — but Derek had spoken to their mother and found out he was with his father so he couldn’t have done it.
Derek met you at the front desk, he could tell you were still shaken up about things, and he had a warm smile with the keys in his hand. You smiled back at him, trying to fit the keys to loop around your index finger as you struggled with your suitcase and handbag.
“You okay?” of course, he knew you weren’t okay, but he didn’t know what else to say.
“I’m still a bit… You know… But I should be okay,” you paused for a bit, “Did you find anything in the apartment?” you couldn’t help but ask these questions; you knew he would have checked properly but you also had that little voice in your head that kept taunting you to ask the question.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, don’t worry okay? New locks have been put in, also the police know about this… Nothing should happen,” this put you at ease.
You nodded, giving a farewell as you went into the elevator to your floor; you gripped your suitcase tightly as you saw the buttons light up and signify you were getting closer to your apartment. When you finally reached it, you hesitated until the last minute when the doors were about to close, looking at your door that had been painted over and a new peephole installed; taking a deep breath you entered. Nothing had changed and it was the place you loved, after looking around you finally locked the door behind you and placed your suitcase in your room. You folded your arms, rubbing them to keep warm in an apartment that hadn’t been heated for over a week; you looked around and saw nothing had changed and everything looked the same and was untouched, but you couldn’t help but feel watched with every movement. You tried to ignore the feeling of paranoia, thinking that you were shaken up about things, but you couldn’t keep relieving your fears and needed to get unpacked.
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Later on — when it was getting darker outside — you had finished your unpacking as well as managing to relax with a bath and skin care, you then went into the kitchen and made some dinner, not being able to stop thinking about Leon.
You had lived opposite his apartment for over a year, and still remembered seeing him move in and looking at that handsome face; you were too scared to ask him on a date so you played it off by knocking on his door and offering “leftovers”. You always made a bigger portion of food to give you an excuse to talk to him and recently it became a routine to eat dinner with him. But this routine had come to an end; Leon had been gone for a while and you had no idea where he was, you asked Derek if he moved out which he denied and told you he was still a tenant.
You theorised about where he could have gone: did he go visit family or friends? Go on holiday? Or was he visiting a girlfriend? You thought for a moment, saddened at the thought that Leon would never go for you and that your crush was just pathetic with an inevitable end but for now all you wanted to do was finally eat some good food. You had gotten fed up with the constant instant ramen at the hotel and takeaways were eating at your bank account, you needed something homemade. Looking through your peephole you looked over at Leon’s door — knowing he wasn’t back — you would always hear him this time of night when walking back from work. You never knew what he did but knew the routine he had made around it.
It was lonely to eat alone, adding to your anxiety as you couldn’t have anybody to talk to; you knew Leon worked out and took care of himself, if he was around you would probably feel safer. But of course, you didn’t know where he had gone.
When you were finally getting sleepy, you pushed a chair in front of the door, placing a glass cup on the door handle so you could hear if someone tried to jiggle it; you took no chances and had stuck a box around the peephole, a cover wouldn’t be enough if it was drilled through, but Derek had told you if you stuck it on the door it would come off when you wanted and wouldn’t be moved if the unspeakable happened again. You kept your warm-toned light on as you slept and had the tv play in the back quietly, enough so you could still hear the glass.; total silence and darkness would make it more difficult to sleep. You tried your best to keep your eyes closed and sleep through any fears you were going through.
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You slept, hugging your favourite plushie, restless with nightmares but not wanting to stay up all night; you had work in the morning, which couldn’t be ignored. When you finally started to calm down, lost in a trance of slumber…
Leon finally came from under the bed.
He watched you momentarily, your face visible with the warm tones from your lamp; he watched you and stared at how beautiful and vulnerable you were in your sleep, getting harder as the thought of grabbing and making you his was starting to engulf his mind, but he couldn’t do that… yet. He walked over to the bathroom; you had foolishly kept the bedroom door open, making it easy for him to get around the place. He looked at his surroundings — the place you called your own little sanctuary — sliding his fingers on the books you were currently reading, picking up the blanket you slept in on the sofa, starting to smell it and loving how your scent was lingering on the fabric. You were so near, but so far; Leon wanted to do whatever he could while you were asleep.
He had been waiting for your arrival.
Leon had come back from Spain two weeks ago, he had finished his mission successfully but had to sacrifice himself for it; the parasite was slowly taking over him, and the dark veins across his skin started to take over the being he was. Unlike the other victims, he managed to maintain his memories and some of his characteristics, only his humanity and morals were exchanged and surrendered to the virus. He remembered his life before going to Spain: how sweet you were every time you came over to his place, how beautiful you were every time you walked past him, and how delicious you looked in your most vulnerable state.
Derek managed to maintain checks on the apartment, only he was stupid enough to install locks that were easy to pick without any evidence. The original locks were too challenging to get into, making it obvious he was trying to enter, the markings on the door being a last resort of desperation which held him back with you being gone for a week. When the new ones were put in, Derek was lazy and cheap; Leon managed to keep the camera covered and made his return unknown to everyone and every time he pressed himself toward the door to look through the peephole, seeing the hallway was clear, it was easy to get in. Thanks to Derek’s instalment of faulty, broken locks.
Leon knew that Derek would contact you the day the locks were put in, so he stayed in your room, hiding under your bed whenever he heard the sound of the key turning in the door. He remembered when he saw Derek looking around — completing an idle search — and Leon couldn’t help but think how simple-minded he was and what a huge mistake he made in the choices of locks and search methods.
The parasite made Leon think the most profound and darkest of thoughts, he couldn’t help but stare at Derek and think about how easy it would be to just… Kill him; he was out in the open like prey. But he wasn’t what Leon wanted; you were the prize he wanted to steal.
He sat in the bathroom, looking at all the products you used that were left on the side of the sink, but he didn’t care about that; he looked at your laundry basket, not taking a second to waste and rummage through your dirty clothes, looking for something particular.
He found it.
A black lacy thong was sitting at the bottom. Leon loved it when you wore this; you never knew but sometimes when you wore this with a skirt, he would sometimes see it when he accidentally dropped something and you were too kind to pick it up for him, bending over and exposing yourself in front of him. He couldn’t do it too often, but when he could, he would always feel how hard it made him, palming his erection under the table — which you were oblivious to.
He sat on the cold tile, unbuckling the belt on his jeans, allowing his hard cock to be surrounded by the cold air and Leon’s calloused hand, having his free hand press the lacy fabric against his nose. He inhaled your scent, his cock throbbing as he caressed his hard member, precum leaking over his fingertips as he got lost in the scent and thought of you.
He needed you. He needed to make you his, and he didn’t want to wait any longer.
Tonight was the night he was going through with the plan.
The more he thought about his sinful plans, he quickened his movements, trying not to be too loud in his moans: he thought about how you would feel, how it would feel to have those warm walls surround his cock and yearn for his tip to kiss your cervix, how beautiful you would look with his hand around your neck, wanting to know what it would be like to see you cry at his length, and how he would feel when you screamed his name and beg for him to stop.
That was it.
That was the thought that made him release warm ropes, using your panties to clean himself off, throwing it back on top of the basket without a care in the world.
Every time you made a sound, whether it was a whimper or you shuffling in bed, Leon darted his eyes in your direction, making sure you didn’t wake up and ruin his plans — he waited too long for this.
He finally moved to the kitchen, picking up any rag he could find, inching his way closer to the doorframe and covering the rag with the liquid that was a part of his plan. He stood over you, waiting and waiting for you to wake up.
When the sun peaked through, your eyes slowly opened, your vision blurry until you saw a dark figure.
“What the —”
Your eyes widened as the mysterious figure pressed the rag, covering your mouth and nose, making you slowly drift back into another deep slumber; your attempts to fight back failed, and Leon watched as your body became lifeless and easy to take.
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed this part, please like and reblog (it rlly helps and i appreciate every single one). i just wanted to say that i didn’t do a tag list for this part since i wanted people to know what they were getting themselves into, i will also not be doing separate tag list posts; just comment on the post or message me if you want to be tagged (and maybe mention if you want to be tagged in every part of you want). have a lovely day/evening, ily 🫶
update on the authors note: i won’t be doing tag lists at all for this series it’s hard to keep up with, im sorry 🫶
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waterghostype · 8 days
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stoking the flames that burn higher and higher, royalty with a crown of fire
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vaggieslefteye · 22 days
MORE THAN ANYTHING - REPRISE ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x08 - "The Show Must Go On"
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kazuhiras · 9 months
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The frustrating part about conversations like "should people with self-harm scars warn others before showing off their body?" and conversations like it is how nobody would tell me that my scars are obscene or should be hidden despite, literally, being self-harm scars. They just do not know because people literally do not know what self-harm scars are and what self-harm is.
Our bodies are not vulgar or gross. We deserve to live our lives, and if our scars make you uncomfortable, we can be compassionate about that, but that doesn't mean that our bodies are Bad and should be Locked Away. Treat us like we belong, because we do.
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divorcedwife · 2 months
i wish wyll had more fairytale prince traits, like if mizora was any fun she would have made his curse breakable by true love's kiss. come on. grow up, this is very basic
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smolbean-17 · 3 months
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How have we forgotten that Crosshair almost killed Hunter while freed from the chip’s influence?
“Hunter never wanted to go back for Crosshair, the audacityyy!”
Who in their right mind would want to go back for a sibling who tried to stab them to death. Honestly. In what real world scenario would that actually happen.
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nyazhis-jsablr · 2 months
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Consider this the sequel to Equilibrium lol
@pinktrashgoblin hi
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hanafubukki · 4 months
What if the reason Crowley looks so familiar to malleus is because that’s a corrupted version of Malleus??
And the hat and masks is supposed to hide his broken horns and scales?
That’s why there’s so many parallels.
And twisted wonderland is this Malleus’ “dream” world.
[or a evil Malleus from a time loop…]
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admirxation · 10 months
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Broken Locks | Part 2
𓆩♡𓆪┆ Other parts: part one | part three | part four | part five
𓆩♡𓆪┆ pairing: las plagas! yandere! re4! leon s. kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
𓆩♡𓆪┆summary: Leon finally gets the reader where he wants her, but he needs her to fall in love and be dependent on him; after fulfilling his fantasies with her, he decides to make her nothing without him.
𓆩♡𓆪┆word count: 2.2k
𓆩♡𓆪┆disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! i do not condone everything i write, my writing doesn’t reflect all my morals. if any of the following warnings trigger or make you feel uncomfortable, scroll away; you are in charge of what content you’re consuming. this is 18+ only, minors are strongly advised not to interact.
𓆩♡𓆪┆warnings: nsfw 18+, mdni. female anatomy and she/her pronouns used for reader. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Noncon, somnophilia, kidnapping, losing virginity (f receiving), p in v, degrading (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, forced pregnancy, tying up, injury (f receiving), and knife play.
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Chapter two: taken
Leon’s smirk as your eyes became heavier would now be imprinted in your psyche, and you would now always remember the way your heart quickened and your mussels weakened as your eyelids became heavier under his grasp. The hard part of Leon’s plan was now over; he had dragged you and a bag of a few things of yours to keep you distracted when you awoke — but he couldn’t help but stare at your face as you slept, lost in a trance of your beauty.
When you laid in the back of a car — your hands and legs tied together — he paused for a moment as he caressed his fingers in your soft hair. The way it laid on your face enticed him, inviting him to touch, creating a trance to enrapture his attention — lost in the fantasies he needed to fulfil when you got to the destination — all the things he was going to do to you and you wouldn’t be able to stop him.
The parasite was making a home inside its new host, protruding his secret desires to the foreground of his doings — his former morality now caged in the depths of his unconscious mind. Fighting with the power of the parasite was futile… so Leon gave in and surrendered himself to it.
The street lights casted a glow around the desolate surroundings of the sleeping city. Leon reached for the car door handle, and with a gentle push, he closed the door. The faint but unmistakable click resonated through the air like a whisper of finality. This seemingly mundane action only signified the turning point, the ephemeral moment was a metallic echo that signified your loss of freedom — a farewell to the untethered liberty you took for granted. As the key turned and the lock secured its hold, the boundaries of possibility only narrowed, and the horizon of your new life with Leon was coming closer.
You were his.
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When you finally reached the destination, Leon made a halt in his driving, looking over at the house that would now house you both — and the family you would make. His apartment was just a secondary home; he moved there during a mission he was keeping tabs on but when he saw you for the first time, his original home collected dust as he obsessed over you — the parasite forcing him to take action and make the fantasy of a crush become a dark and twisted reality.
He picked you up with no effort — tossing you over his shoulder — not being able to shake off that sinister smirk that appeared when he had finally got what he wanted.
But there was one thing he needed to do.
Make you love him.
Leon knew you found him attractive, no one is that kind to people, maybe the odd person but in reality humans are just selfish beings who do things for a trading exchange. He loved how flustered you were every time you spoke to him, seeing you fix yourself up when he looked through the peephole, your laugh over dinner… His yearning wouldn’t stop until he finally had you. All he had to do now was win your love… He knew it wouldn’t be that hard, just maybe a little pushback. For now, he needed to make sure his prey didn’t disappear.
For the week you were gone, Leon spend every waking moment decorating your new room, he knew your favourite colours and managed to pick up some interior design after he had drilled the peephole while you were working. He placed you on the bed — covered in a warm and plush blanket — reaching to the side as he tied your ankle to the radiator with a shackle.
You were taken now. Trapped and Leon’s possession. No escape.
He, momentarily, hoovered over you, checking if you were still asleep and listening to your shallow breathing. He couldn’t help but inhale your sweet scent. Your scent, oh god your scent, it enticed Leon and invited his deepest and darkest desires to take over your vulnerable body — practically drolling at just the thought of conquering your body, taking rightful ownership of what he had been watching and obsessing over.
Leon remembered watching you, from under the bed, while you showered. He sat there, his cock pressing against the floor as it hardened and his mind screaming at him to just have his way with you, right there and then, but he couldn’t, he needed to keep in his secret place until he could go through with the plan. Oh, how beautiful and sexy you were as you stripped your clothes off, unknowingly exposing yourself to Leon; he watched your body glisten as the water droplets dripped down your elegant skin, you were ethereal in that moment to him — you were the one he wanted, and nothing was going to change his mind about that.
He knew you would be gone for a few more hours, so would it be wrong to fulfil his desires? Yes, but the parasite in Leon made him the immoral and malevolent being he was now becoming.
He owned your body and was now going to corrupt it.
Your scent was the catalyst of the further escalation.
He started to undress you — slowly — exposing your chest at first. He savoured every curve and shadow your body had to offer him, his pupils dilating and his cock twitching in his pants, getting harder the more he felt the friction in his pants. His face slowly inching closer to your erect nipples, steadily rolling his tongue over the bud leaving a few nibbles now and again, his free hand pinching and twisting the other as he got lost in your body. He couldn’t help but grind his hips against your centre, releasing soft groans as he felt you getting wetter through your panties. Every single muscle was relaxed in your current state… Giving easier access for Leon.
His salvia glazed your chest, taking his pants off and releasing a sharp breath as his cock slapped against your inner thigh, his tip pushing into the plush of your thigh, spreading the precum that had dripped down his tip onto your body.
“My beautiful girl,” Leon said under his breath as his fingers curled under the waistband, dragging it down your thighs, exposing your pussy. He smirked when he finally saw your vulnerable and unguarded state — he loved it. He moved his finger along your slit, feeling the slick your body had produced, even in your state your body couldn’t deny him — only solidifying Leon’s belief that you secretly wanted it.
He moved his hips closer, his fingers pressing into your thighs as he rubbed the tip of his throbbing cock along your slit, pulsating as your cunt was getting wetter; your body betrayed you and was inviting Leon’s dominance to take your virginity.
Finally, he pushed his large cock inside your swollen cunt, rolling his eyes to the back of his head as he journeyed into the ecstasy your body was given to him; pushing back and forth made the parasite be at ease momentarily, satisfying its thirst.
Every muscle in Leon’s body felt so tight, feeling like it was going to collapse with the pleasure taking over his being, his hips moving at a rapid pace; the sight of you made him drool, and the way his cock felt like it was made for your pussy was taking over his mentality, only feeding the parasite’s possessiveness.
“My girl,” he cooed, “All mine… Forever mine… Fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself at the fact he was the first one to take your virginity, solidifying his possessiveness even further.
Nails dug deeper into your thighs, Leon’s free hand dropping down as it slithered around your neck — Leon’s eyes full of lust as he watched your lifeless state take everything he was giving to you. His eyes continuously rolled to the back of his head as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix, feeling the warmth of your walls surrounding his length, rubbing his finger on your puffy clit as he stared at your wet centre clasping around him.
“Fuck,” Leon orgasmed as his cum ventured into your pussy, pumping his release further into you, smirking to himself as he left you violated.
He then moved closer to you, whispering in your ear: “You’re going to be an amazing mother,” while you stood there oblivious of everything, a moment taken from you and something you weren’t going to get back.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You were finally gaining vision, your peripheral transitioning from a blurry state to clear clarity. You were surrounded by an unknown atmosphere, looking around the place then finally seeing yourself naked and your ankle shackled to the radiator.
The memories started flashing in your psyche.
Your heart quickened, falling to your stomach as your mind became clouded with fear, your eyes darting to every corner as you wrapped the blanket around your naked form, feeling a sharp pain in your lower half — not being able to explain it.
Leon entered the room as he heard the shackle scrap across the floor, looking at you as you tried to cover yourself like he hadn’t had his way with you already.
“Hello darling,” that haunting voice filled every corner of the room, making you sit there without any movement, in too much fear to move a muscle.
You stared at Leon’s face, he was no longer that sweet man that lived next to you, no, this was a different person. The dark veins surrounded his pale skin, his eyes sunken, dull, and clouded with sin.
“Don’t act shy darling,” he leaned against the doorframe, “I’ve already seen you.”
Your eyes widened, your breathing becoming heavy as you finally connected the dots: The pain in your lower half, your naked body, it was all clear now — Leon had taken your virginity from you. Time stood still at that moment, your fight or flight not working as you sat there as still as a statue.
Leon then threw a pair of clothes on the floor: “Go fetch, if you want to cover yourself up,” that smirk was plastered on his face as he knew he had the upper hand, you were his and he had finally got what he had been wanting for such a long time.
You reached for the clothes that were sprawled along the floor, keeping the blanket around you as you crawled along the wooden panels that were leaving marks on your knees. You started to dress, feeling uncomfortable as Leon watched and waited for the blanket to slip away from your chest, exposing yourself once again.
“Why… Why are you doing this?” you managed to ask, your head hung low in fear, feeling Leon’s dull blue eyes pierce through you.
“My only motive is wanting you,” he moved closer to you, your face meeting his lap as he placed his fingers on your chin and moved your eyesight into his, “I know you secretly love it, your little obsession with me was obvious, and now your dreams are coming true.”
“This is not what I wanted.”
“Are you back talking me, darling?”
“Let me go, I don’t want this Leon, this isn’t you!”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Leon grabbed your neck, causing your to choke at the strength he put in as his fingers on the side of your neck were tightly pressed; Leon pushed your head to the ground, the back of the head hitting the wooden planks, your vision blurring and becoming dizzy as Leon forced his strength onto you.
“That’s right bitch… Now stay in your place,” he pulled a knife out of his jacket pocket, pressing the tip of it on your jawline and giving it a small but painful cut that made you wince in pain, “Or else I’ll make you stay in your place.” Pure venom was on his words.
You stopped fighting, tears rolling down your cheeks but preoccupied with the pain your head and jaw were now undergoing.
He finally let go, your breaths becoming urgent and desperation evident as your chest moved up and down rapidly; you stared at the blank ceiling, seeing the swirls of particles from your vision becoming distorted.
“When you stop being an ungrateful bitch… We will talk, for now… Suffer.”
He slammed the door, hearing the lock on the door as you stayed there in a lifeless state, now being able to cry and ask why the universe put you in this situation — you were lost and begged any higher being to take pity and give you mercy.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Jill was anxiously pacing her floors, waiting for you to call; it had been hours from when she had last spoken to you, but she didn’t want to admit to herself that it actually happened.
“No, it couldn’t have happened, no,” she kept saying to herself as she continuously grabbed fistfuls of her hair in her palms, not knowing what to do with the stress that was now taking over her mentality, she didn’t think this was going to happen.
She had no choice but to open her phone, and call Chris.
He answered instantly, only allowing a few rings to pass, urgency was within him after he had been told about Leon; the force had been under the suspicion he was infected, putting Jill and Chris on the job to keep an eye for any strange behaviour.
“Chris,” Jill tried to get the words out, not wanting to admit that the worse was now going to happen, “He’s taken her…”
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©︎ admirxation. please do not copy or steal my works.
my links: masterlist | ao3 profile | kofi
a/n: Hey! hope everyone is doing well. please like and reblog if you liked this, it rlly helps and i appreciate every single interaction. just wanted to note that if anyone wants to be tagged please comment specifically if you wanna be tagged on any part of this work (or u can message me), since i’m no longer doing separate tag posts. hope you have a lovely day/evening <3
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evil-airy · 3 months
I have to delay answering somes of your questions for awhile. I'm in the middle of something right now.
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