#evie and audrey's dynamic would also be interesting.
emberwritesinsight · 1 year
Fully convinced Mal wouldn't have disliked Audrey nearly as much as she did if Audrey hadn't immediately announced that she was Aurora's daughter. On the limo ride over, she responds positively to the driver's rudeness- Mal likes (or at least respects) people who are mean to her.
Currently imagining an AU where Mal doesn't know Audrey is Sleeping Beauty's kid (maybe Audrey is keeping it a secret from her for whatever reason, maybe cicumstances conspire to make sure she doesn't find out), so she just thinks of Audrey as "random princess with a petty streak" and she loves it tbh. Thank you, random princess, for being mean, it reminds her of home. Makes her feel alive in this pastel hell. Audrey is confused and frustrated by the fact that Mal seems to enjoy her hostility so much.
Ben, however, takes it as a good sign. So, when Audrey complains to him about Mal helping girls speedrun hair styling, he suggests that she take it up with Mal directly because hey, Mal seems to like her. Audrey does not like this idea At All, but she also wants to humor her boyfriend and she's pretty sure Mal's not going to kill her on campus, so she does it. She marches up to Mal's room and demands politely requests that Mal stop giving magic makeovers because goshdarnit, where does that leave those of us who are pretty through genes and work, huh?
Mal is delighted to learn that Audrey is 1) insecure about her position as The Prettiest and 2) is this willing to defend it. That's villainous motivation material, baby! This princess isn't just entertaining, she's potentially useful! And she has ties to the future king. At this point, Evie also takes an interest, because. You know. These kinds of hangups are more or less the entire reason Evie's mom is Like That.
Audrey has a very, very bad feeling about this.
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lsleofthelost · 7 months
What are your honest thoughts on the book kids? Both vk and ak?
i’m gonna be so honest with you it’s been a while since i reread the books. (what’s kinda adjacent is that i wish the books, the movies and the animated stuff was more cohesive with each other but i understand that they never planned on it being such a big franchise)
let me cut it here bc it got so long, i was very into it
i most vividly remember the first one, the prequel, and i dont think we see any kids that aren't in the movies, other than mentions. though i think Audrey in it is great, like her brittle handle on being the Perfect Auradon Princess and her huge desire to just sweep all unseemly things under the rug and like almost forceful insistence that everything is fine and great and all that exists is the softness and beauty in Auradon, down to her ignoring animals that aren't cute, ones that dont coo and cuddle. but when Ben pushes her she's intense and angry and almost scary.
the second book, return to the isle of the lost, introduces fun vks and mainly just name drops some aks:
i really like Mad Maddy, i like the thought that she and Mal were besties as kids, as close as sisters, twins even. and the fact that something happened between them that made Mal dye her hair, which she still does all these years later. i also think it's fun that her and Evie immediately dislike each other upon meeting. and i like that she's never 'redeemed', she's bitter and angry and scheming. and not bitter like Uma is, who wants more and better for herself and others, but deep in 'evil over everything' bitter, she leans into it and wants worse for everyone else.
Anthony Tremaine is so cunty. like i know we never get a visual of him but i know he was serving. he was comitted to his noble aesthetic and his bored drawl. i also liked that in the books there were a lot of cousins, i think it could be fun to have like a gang of them with maybe other nobles from their country (though obvi they wouldn't refer to themselves as a gang, they're too self-important and 'above it all'). i don't remember him doing anything super important other than supporting Maddy, which makes me think he's like a passive guy re: Isle situation, just choosing whatever he thinks is going to benefit him (and by extension, Tremaines) the most. in my fics, he and the Tremaines usually are adjacent Mal's gang through Dizzy's connection to Evie, just as like gratitude for watching out for her.
Ginny Gothel is great too, i don't know why i don't use her more, i really should. she was kinda friendly with Mal in the first book, not like they run together but more like they don't really have anything against each other and in social situations they talk and drink together. i love that she stole stuff from Maleficent's apartment it's fun. she very much gives me narcissit's daughter, who internilises it all and tries to imitate her mother. i think she would probably be very competetive, especially with Evie (overall, i think they have a potential for an interesting dynamic... a lot can be said but i don't wanna get too sidetracked, send me an ask if it's interesting to u)
Yzla doesn't do much except attend the Anti-Heroes club which i took as a green light to pretty much create my oc. i still think it's kinda dumb for Yzma to have a kid but eh whatever. i think Yzma wouldn't be a stereotypically bad mother, i think she's more like neglectful in a bad mood and "my kid and i are friends, im cool" in a good mood. anyway, when i do Yzla, they're nonbinary and androgynous, and a little manic, really smart, good at engineering and chemistry, so usually i make them a part of the gang and Carlos's assistant.
genuinely don't care for Hadie. like, i think the name is stupid, i think that he's Mal's half brother is stupid (since they never do anything about it), but i think there's potential to this character.
Diego de Vil is my babygirl. i have like a whole character inside my head for him because i think the potential of Carlos having a cool older cousin is just so great. if you go to my bad apples tag, you'll see more, but i created a whole band for him (and a twin!). he has a devil may care attitude and cares for Carlos but doesn't know how to express it at all.
now for the ones i don't have much to say about: Claudine Frollo has so so much potential and i've read really cool fics with her and the religious trauma she would obviously have. Harry and Jace should probably have a cool dynamic with Carlos, what with being forced to work for the de Vil family but i honestly forget they exist a lot of the time. Big Murph is friendly and helpful that is all i have to say about him (but it's interesting that he doesn't follow Uma). Eddie Balthazar and Hermie Bing just seem like they're there to fill spaces, but i'd love if someone fleshed them out. Gaston twins, i've seen good characterisation of them as following their father's footsteps and i think they are like if himbos were evil.
for the AKs of this book:
Pin, eh, not much to say except the name's dumb. Artie is a baby, but seems hot-headed in that heroic way. Herkie (again, dumb name) should have beef with Mal. Gordon is a little jealous, but i think he opens up a possibility of like messy family drama between the kids of the dwarves lol. i don't even wanna discuss Tiger Peony because i wish they didn't touch the indigenous characters because of the implications it has in-universe and they didn't do much with her anyway.
okay, now onto the rise of the isle of the lost:
whew, i love that this is focused on uma. i know i personally don't talk about her a lot since i'm mostly absorbed with the rotten four, but i love her and the pirates dearly.
(re: the Hook sisters, i don't have strong opinions on them, just thathc that's canon to me, they're all from different mothers)
Jonas is one of the people who has a confirmed appearence and the same actor was in the rotten to the core sequence, so i choose to believe it's the same guy. in my head, he used to be a vendor at the market, bored and tired of having to protect his stand, which is why he eagerly joins Uma.
i don't remember much of the personalities of other crew members, if they were given any, but i've read great Uma-centric stuff that fleshed them out greatly and really made me care about them.
for the aks, this is the first time we meet Lonnie's older brother. i don't wanna even type out the hate crime of a name they gave him. but overall, i think it's funny that Lonnie's a little sister, explains why she want to rebel and is always in everyone's business lol. for him personally, afaik he's not that much older than the main cast and i think the fact that him and Jay are friends so fun.
for Arabella, it's never revealed who her parents are but if we base it on the live action, i'd say her mum is Perla, she's said to be charismatic and diplomatic, her kingdom values the arts, which are qualities i think we can see in Arabella. i think it has interesting implications that she can go between land and sea as she wishes, especially if we take into account that magic is practically forbidden. is she an exception? also this is the second time an ak causes a uhhh hardship? in their desperation. Jane in d1, to change herself to fit into the judgemental social world of Auradon nobility, and Arabella here to prove that she's capabel of leading. she's said to be obsessed with Evie's style and overall a huge fashion lover, which i think probably makes people call her vapid, vain, ditzy, etc and why she wants to prove herself so badly. honestly, i don't see her a lot and i don't think i've ever written her into any of my fics but she offers a good window into what it's like to be a royal.
i thiiink this is also where Aziz is mentioned again? but genuinely all i take for him from canon is just his name. i love him and Jordan (Laila's version): they're practically siblings, they're a little too carefree, Aziz is leading the sassy man apocalypse and Jordan takes every opportunity to humble him (lovingly), they're kind of party animals though media just calls them socialites lol
ok im gonna be real with you, i never read escape from the isle of the lost so i think that's all, i hope i didn't miss anyone!
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
Are familiar with the descendants movies? because I keep thinking of teen wolf au. In my head cannon malia is obviously Mal.
i have seen the descendants!!! and wow does that make so much sense!!!
in my opinion, this i how i see it:
mal- malia
like you said. this ones obvious. even their names and hairstyles are similar. ambitious, learning to adapt, good at planning, and a natural leader.
evie- kira
this might also be because i love kira and malia’s dynamic in teen wolf. cute clothes and is generally more sweet and passive than the others. i could also see her as lydia because of the whole pretty vs smart thing, though, because it reminds me of season 1/2.
carlos- stiles
the more humorous and light hearted one of the bunch. is more anxious than the others, but works through it. also great at thinking on the spot.
jay- theo
this one i had a lot of trouble with. i ultimately picked theo because they’re the more independant and charismatic ones.
ben- scott
romantic and sweet. he sees the good in everyone and has really big ideas and aspirations.
audrey- lydia
popular and comes off as a bit rude, but actually nice and smart. very good fashion sense and good with people.
also, they basically play lacrosse?
i’ve only seen the first one, so it may be a little off, but there’s my take. i would be so interested in a descendants au if anyone finds one/decides to write one.
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evielovebot · 3 years
I don't trust the word limit of the ask so clicked this option...?
Hi Quim(mie like how Shego refers to Kim)!
I hope you’re doing well.
(I hope this is how you send those longer, pic filled asks bc I was in your ask box and totally flummoxed. Hopefully ‘submit’ works? If not, I saved my comments in a doc and just dm them or smthn. Apologies in advance!) 
I love how you started the first chapter; building that hope and the relief that each of the Rotten Four experiences differently before it bursts.  I adore who you picked for each of them to notice/or be noticed by! The contrast of some looking to former, assumed 'enemies’ (e.g. Mal with Audrey and her fam. Evie being surprised that Snow was cheering for her [ah my heart (soft)].) versus others looking to new friends (e.g. Jay with his teammates) really stood out to me.
And then there’s King Adam… >.>
*readies my pruning shears or sheep shears bc he was def acting like a Beast and not Adam…(Adam is a jerk canon-wise too though). Idk, machete???*
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(^^Look I made them golden for his aesthetic.)
I def could feel that buoying happiness abruptly plummet with how you wrote it, taking time to show how each of the VK had a shred of hope for things maybe improving and then that happens.
Oh, the Rotten Four’s continued surprise at the citizens coming to their defense and support gets me. <3 It is def in character given how they were raised; however, it also makes me a little sad bc they did just do something objectively heroic/badass and are still unsure of if it’s enough to outweigh everything else. With that everything else including so much…(e.g. ingrained biases, hate based off of blood, fears, the rotten four did technically plot, etc.).
“Even Audrey pipping in their defense” yes, ppl sometimes forget how soft she was at the end of D1??? Giving that smile to Mal.
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(^^Audrey about to throw hands bc the VKs actually did not bring fire and brimstone to Auradon…and may be marginally, slightly okay in some sense..maybe.)
Me, a person who likes the fang trope in fic bc /vampires/: *reads about King Adam’s fangs peeking through* hmm…
Me: Not on you though…Nope.
That was such a good detail to include; it underscores how his actions are beastly, callous, and aggressive??? He is interrupting (more like shattering) not only the coronation, but the start of healing between the VKs and Auradon. The cold arrogance of his words (me-centric, patronizing,) are a good contrast to his aggressive body language (stepping forward, fang barred smile, and clasping his hands like he is trying to stay the need to act–to strike???) too. You got the beast-man dynamic really well is what I’m trying to say.
“Trust me, I know what’s best for Auradon, and for all of us.”
^I would not trust him as far as I could throw him, which would not be very far bc he’s pretty hulking, so yeah that saying fits well.
Ah my heart (sad). I really respect how you captured them being overwhelmed by the events of their weeks on Auradon, bc I def agree that all that planning,sneaking, plotting, adapting, enduring, bullying, pretending, worrying, and other -ings would be so draining. (You get my point.) I think that was a very good take on it as opposed to them trying to struggle right off the bat. They are tired, they are kids, so that was a smart choice, imo.
King Adam premeditated exactly how to take them down efficiently and effectively….*sharpens deadly object*. :-( I don’t like him. Using magic sealing or inhibiting cuffs to prevent any errant spells was a smart tactical move…He is still a jerk though, but that is in character for a High King to plan ahead. Sedating them? Again, smart. I actually liked the capture scene (even though I love the Rotten Four), since how you had it play out highlights how he thought about any possible objection/obstacle, which makes the disdain for Adam grow. Their voices and ability to argue or reason with the citizens of Auradon was taken with them alongside their ability to fight back and make a stand.
Oh no.
Carlos has a valid point. He was the last to put his hand in the huddle in the film, but also is more of a pessimist/realist, imo, so I liked that insight from him!
You know I didn’t think about how the sedation and rough handling by the guards would make it easier for their parents to get a hold of them. Evie and Carlos trying to find comfort in each other made me a little emotional. I can only imagine how nerve wracking it must have been for Evie to wait all alone…>.> It does make sense to me that she and Carlos would have a better chance of getting free (and possibly less severe punishment). [RIP Mal]. 
I like how the two 'nerds’ are scheming to save the day. <3
Hmm, curious who this 'them’ is that needs to be convinced. I have some guesses, but maybe more hands/help are needed and Evie is def the person who could convince ppl to lend a hand.
Okay. *deep breath* >.> It hurt my bby (Evie in this instance) to smile…I’m not saying we should kill Adam, but he should suffer. (Honestly, in most of my fics I put Evie through some stuff and yet reading yours make me feel protective so ???).
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Oh mystery device ftw. Carlos being a mechanical, tinkering genius ft. Evie’s support and own genius is going to create a deadly duo. Mal and Jay are the priority, though I am also curious as to who they view as there main enemy now (Auradon? Beast? Their parents? Hmm…All of them to some degree. We shall see.).
“Evie had hope for the first time since they crossed the barrier for the second time.”
Yessss. That made me happy and was such a killer line after the heaviness of them reuniting and taking stock of everything (and most notably who is still missing).
Such an interesting, well paced, and amazing start! :D
It would be hard for me to pick a favorite part since each segment lends itself to the overall impact, though as much as I hate him, I think Beast’s mini speech was really well done. Awesome work!
Best wishes! (hope this sends @ Tumblr, please?)
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theamityelf · 4 years
Man I watched the Hadestown cast perform “Wait For Me” at the Tonys on YouTube and Orpheus gave me such Ben vibes. But also... Harry Hook would walk into the Underworld for Uma. I know Wicked is the next musical they’re watching in “Auradon Prep Presents” but like can’t wait to see what they have to say about Hadestown. I mean like “Why We Build The Wall” and having a barrier for that feeling of security and not caring about other things? They’re the same picture!
I love Hadestown (and I take a ridiculous amount of pride in the fact that I knew about it even before the NYTW recording was a thing; fun fact, one of my friends introduced me to Hamilton in exchange for me introducing him to Hadestown), and yes, Harry and Ben are such Orpheus’s it’s crazy.
I would honestly say that Mal and Ben (or Uma and Ben, or Evie and Ben) would work as Eurydice and Orpheus in a Hadestown AU, but I don’t think anyone really works as Hades and Persephone. The closest I could imagine to the canon dynamic is maybe Jaylos, since Carlos is intense enough and has the potential for enough defensiveness that he could be Hades and Jay could definitely be Persephone, or Malvie, with Mal as Hades and Evie as Persephone; Chad and Audrey would be a slightly more pathetic Hades and a much less day-drinking Persephone; Harry and Uma are out because they don’t have couples drama and also Harry can’t be Hades because he’s not in charge and Uma can’t be Hades because she’s not a capitalist (and also because then Persephone!Harry would stay in the Underworld full time, obvs); because I can’t let go of the idea of Freddie and Lonnie, I do think they would be interesting. The idea of a tyrannical Lonnie being queen of the Underworld and trying to impress Freddie, who just wants to hang out in the sun, or vice versa, is pretty fun to me.
In short, probably the best Hadestown AU I can think of for Descendants would be Mal and Evie as Hades and Persephone and Ben and Uma as Orpheus and Eurydice. You didn’t ask this, but that is the information I chose to volunteer.
The show definitely needs to be on the react list. “Why We Build the Wall” would make the Auradon kids super uncomfortable at the very least; Chad might mess around and have a whole epiphany over it.
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illustratedbydae · 4 years
Mal and Uma friendship headcanons with Evie jealous? I saw you did it with Evie and Uma being friends and Mal being jealous, I was just kind of curious how it'd go with Evie being the jealous party.
So...A Mal and Uma friendship and Evie being jealous, huh? This was the most recent thing in my inbox so here we go.
If Mal and Uma were friends, I liked to assume that in book 1, Mal would've just stopped Evie from touching Maleficent's staff (which would've made Evie fall asleep for 100 years or something, I don't really remember?) out of common sense. She would've interfered just because she's a 15 year old girl that feels bad. She's not evil, she's just mischievous. However, after that event Evie wouldn't have been included in Mal's group after all.
Which means Evie goes back to her simple and lonely way of living : going to gather things for her mom and spending the time in her castle and exploring the isle since she never had the chance to due to not leaving the castle in ten years.
Evie would stare at Mal and Uma a lot whenever she'd see them hanging out and having fun. She would want to be patt of that fun. But she wasn't.
I think that she'd also suffer from a few pranks from Uma and Mal to be honest, whether they'd be accidental or not. So, she'd start to grow a dislike of the two girls simply out of jealousy and some hatred.
When going to Auradon, Evie is the one invited not Uma. Therefore, she'd be an obstacle in Mal's plan of stealing the wand. Since they're not friends, I don't think they'd be in the same boat.
I can even see Evie saying she wanted 1) a room alone or 2) to stay with someone from Auradon and ending up to stay in a room with Lonnie (since I think ahe would've been the most open minded ). However, for the sake of Evie being a lone wolf, I think Ben would've just agreed for her to have her own room for the moment and then later, Lonnie would've moved in or something.
But like - just imagine Evie being the 'antagonist' for Mal in D1 because without Evie's help they would've needed another way of finding the crown. Evie also just always being in the way because I could see her competing for Ben's attention? And she'd spy on Mal and see that she made those cookies and Evie wouldn't have let Ben eat those. So, Ben would've never been spelled.
Also this exchange of lines between Evie and Mal.
M: Stop this thing you're doing, we're in the same boat! Your mom-
E: My mother wants me to get a throne and a castle. Which I'm doing. Then, I'll have my ways of getting her out of the isle, Bertha. Don't stress.
I mean COME ON Evie and Mal would be rivals in this. And I think that dynamic would be so much more interesting.
Also, other things that'd happen in D1 : Ben choosing Evie, not Mal. And it's Evie, in the end, who stops the trio and goes something like, "You three are not your parents. You can make your own decisions. Put down that wand, Mal. Even though you are a challenge, you won't stand by as your mom does horrible things to these people. "
Anyway, I already like this better. They stay in Auradon, Evie gets closer to Ben and just tries to convince him that the other kids from the isle deserve a chance as well, etc.
Well, this turned out to be more of an Evie x Mal rivalry, anyhow. In D2, Ben would've gone after Mal just because he feels that she's his responsibility. But, Mal and Uma would be on the same page and trick him together. Evie, Jay, Carlos and Lonnie are the ones rescuing Ben. Mal would stay on the isle, Uma would escape and at the end Evie convinces Ben about having more kids coming over.
D3 would be slightly different. We'd have the kids coming over and Uma being found. We'd have Evie and Uma interactions and at first they'd bicker but eventually Uma could see that her and Evie actually want the same thing. They start to bond. Audrey would go Queen of Mean BUT we'd get Evie apologizing to her and honestly just becoming friends with her, letting her know she's not with Ben (honestly, they would've been just really good friends. Audrey broke up with Ben out of jealousy because he spent time with Evie). And basically just talking Audrey out of her madness.
We'd get Jane's birthday party and the barrier lifted at the end.
Boom. It's a win-win. However, in this case, in a fictional D4, I could see Mal truly becoming the villain and wanting to hurt Evie, that's all I'm saying.
Sorry, maybe this is trash and not what you wanted but 🤷‍♀️ these are just things I wrote at 7am lmao.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 4 years
The Most Dangerous Game
Summary: Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie play a game of Truth or Dare. However, when Uma goes a little too far trying to be cool, she hurts Audrey’s feelings terribly and has to make things right. Full of friendship feels, humor, and a little bit of angst. 
  “Hey, do we have all of our stuff?” Evie inquired, and Mal looked back at her best friend, smiling and offering her a thumbs-up.
  “Yeah. Me and Uma moved the coffee table and Audrey and Jane went and got all the pillows. Right now all we’re missing is Lonnie, and when she’s here, we’re set,” Mal answered, and Evie nodded approvingly, joining Mal, Jane, Audrey, and Uma in the living room.
  The girls were all working to set things up so that they could have a girls’ night sleepover. At this point, they were only waiting for Lonnie to arrive. They had a whole night of fun planned, and they were going to start the evening with a fine match of truth or dare before binge-watching one of Evie’s old Western-like series that Evie and Jane so enjoyed.
  Of course, Uma liked them, too, despite the fact that she didn’t want to admit it. Mal mostly watched them just because Evie liked them; Audrey didn’t like them at all, but for the sake of spending time with the group, she put aside her feelings; and in their experience, Lonnie was mostly good with anything that they watched.
  “Hey, she just texted saying she was close and wouldn’t be long,” Audrey supplied helpfully, and Uma shrugged as she plopped down on the rug alongside the daughter of the Fairy Godmother.
  “If she takes too much longer, we’re going to need to start without her. I’m ready to jump right into the fun,” Uma proclaimed, grinning widely as she rubbed her hands together conspiratorially and settled her gaze on Jane. Jane suddenly looked quite worried indeed, and Audrey rolled her eyes.
  “That’s just because you’re looking forward to trying to embarrass us all,” Audrey told her, and Uma shrugged.
  “Perhaps. But you guys were the ones that invited me over here,” Uma explained with a wave of her finger, and Audrey scoffed as Mal and Evie sat down on the floor with Jane and Uma.
  “You invited yourself, in case you didn’t remember,” Audrey shot back, and Uma smirked, her dark brown gaze alight with mischief.
  “No, I didn’t. I distinctly remember you, Evie, and Mal talking about having a girls’ night sleepover,” Uma informed her smugly, and Audrey shook her head.
  “That’s what we were doing, talking about a girls’ night sleepover. But you were never part of our talking.”
  “I could’ve sworn you did. Meh. Maybe it was just the undertones of the conversation screaming, ‘Uma! We need you to make this boring thing exciting!’” Uma called in a little voice, mimicking the supposed sound. Evie chuckled at the pirate, and Mal laughed as well. Audrey rolled her eyes, a hint of fondness in her gaze, and she looked at Uma.
  “We were doing fine, thank you very much,” Audrey replied, and just as Uma started to keep talking, someone came in the door.
  They all turned around, and to their happiness, they saw Lonnie. She grinned widely, waving at the group.
  “What’s up, peeps?” Lonnie greeted the lot of them, holding up two fingers in a peace sign as she wiped her feet at the door. She then headed over to the group, standing there and looking down at them.
  “Good to see you waited on me,” Lonnie expressed with a smile, and Evie nodded swiftly.
  “Of course we did! We couldn’t do it without you,” Evie sweetly informed her. Uma rolled her eyes with a huff.
  “Uma wanted to start without you, but we wouldn’t let it happen,” Audrey told Lonnie, and Uma laughed, shaking her head at the pink princess.
  “You are such a tattle-tale. It’s just unbelievable,” Uma spoke her thoughts aloud. Truthfully, she wasn’t particularly bothered by the fact that Audrey had told on her. Uma really didn’t care what Lonnie thought about her. However, she did care about aggravating Audrey when she could.
  “I am not a tattle-tale! I’m a truth-teller!” Audrey proclaimed, and Lonnie suddenly looked very interested in this exchange as she looked between the girls.
  “Tattle-tale,” Uma replied, and Audrey narrowed her eyes.
  “I’m telling you, I’m a truth-teller!!!!”
  “Hey, hey, shut up,” Mal told them, trying to get the girls to behave in front of Lonnie and so that they could actually play the game sometime soon.
  “Just calm down some. Let’s be chill,” Evie explained to them carefully, placing her hand on Audrey’s arm, and Lonnie chuckled at the entire ordeal. It was very entertaining for her to see Audrey get so upset about something and for someone to keep pushing her buttons even through that.
  Audrey huffed, and Uma just smiled widely as she looked at the other girl. She mouthed the words to Audrey again, and Audrey just sneered in response. Uma just smiled widely.
  Lonnie could tell that Audrey obviously wasn’t very upset because she would not have let go of the situation so easily. And despite the fact that Uma didn’t look like it, Lonnie could tell the pirate didn’t mean her words. There was always an ever-present hint of teasing in her tone.
  So, because of these things, Uma and Audrey’s relationship was very intriguing to Lonnie. And she found that she felt like testing it a little with this upcoming game of Truth or Dare.
  “Wow, you two are like oil and water. How do you tolerate each other?” Lonnie questioned as she sat down with the other girls. Uma shrugged as she looked at Lonnie.
  “We don’t,” Uma told her simply, and Audrey couldn’t help but grin a little.
  “And that’s the secret to our friendship,” Audrey explained, a hint of pride in her voice. However, Uma raised an eyebrow at the princess, and she laughed a little.
  “Well, if we had one, of course,” Uma responded, and Audrey’s gaze snapped to Uma’s swiftly. Uma smirked, ignoring the princess. Audrey swallowed, pushing away the initial hurt at that statement in favor of taking it more gracefully. She straightened and attempted to distract herself from the entire thing.
  “Okay, guys, let’s start our Truth or Dare match,” Mal suggested.
  “Remember, we each get two passes, but after that, we have to agree to whatever dare or tell whatever truth,” Evie informed them all, and they all expressed varying forms of agreement.
  “Lonnie, you wanna go first?” Mal offered.
  “Why, thank you for the honors,” Lonnie replied with a wide grin before looking at the group of girls and working to make her decision on who she would start the match with. Her gaze finally settled on Uma, and the pirate raised an eyebrow.
  “Alright! I’m going to say, Uma, truth or dare?” Lonnie made her choice.
  “Dare. I ain’t scared,” Uma shot back confidently.
  “Okay. I dare you to sit on Audrey’s lap for the rest of the game,” Lonnie told her, a wild grin on her face as she gave Uma the challenge.
  Uma shared a somewhat surprised and reluctant gland with Audrey, but, not willing to risk her reputation, willingly headed over and plopped down on Audrey’s legs. Audrey scrunched her nose in disgust, leaning back as far as she could and using her hands to support her.
  “Whatchu looking disgusted for?” Uma questioned somewhat accusingly, and Audrey furrowed her brow.
  “I don’t know. Could it possibly have something to do with the fact that you’re way closer than I ever wanted you to be?” Audrey sarcastically asked, and Uma rolled her eyes, starting to argue with the girl.
  Mal raised an eyebrow at Lonnie, and the daughter of Mulan just shrugged carefreely in response.
  “I honestly think you just did that to start a fight,” Mal claimed, knowing that Uma and Audrey weren’t really even paying attention. Also, she had noticed that Lonnie had been getting a lot of enjoyment out of Audrey and Uma’s bickering dynamic.
  “Maybe. But they really are absolutely hilarious,” Lonnie expressed her thoughts, chuckling as she watched the other two girls’ bickering.
  “Tell that to someone who hasn’t been on three trips with them,” Mal replied, and Evie nodded wholeheartedly, raising her eyebrows as Audrey smacked Uma’s arm.
  “Dang, no need to get physical with me! Jeez!” Uma held her hands up in defense of herself, and Audrey hmphed in response. Uma rolled her eyes but returned her gaze to the rest of the girls.
  “Alright, my turn now….”
  “Joy, joy… Who gets to be the lucky duck, I wonder?” Audrey questioned aloud, and Uma shot her a glare.
  “Well, since you’re being that way about it, it won’t be you,” Uma informed her, and Audrey frowned in reply. Uma ran her gaze over the other girls in their group. She quietly weighed and considered her options, and she finally settled on the quietest person in the entire group.
  “Jane, truth or dare?”
  “Where do you buy your thongs?” Uma questioned, and Jane’s eyes went wide as she took in the other girl’s question.
  “Pass!” Jane squeaked, and Uma grinned.
  “Aw, man… I actually was curious about that,” Lonnie genuinely expressed, and Uma looked at her somewhat strangely.
  “Okay, number one, I was pretty sure it was a mostly well-guarded secret, so how does she know about Jane’s thongs? And number two, out of what dumpster did you get her?” Uma questioned as she looked at Mal, Evie, and Jane, jabbing a thumb at Lonnie, and Lonnie just grinned good-naturedly.
  “Welp, number one, I accidentally saw them on the floor when I visited her and Audrey’s dorm. And number two, I’m straight from out behind Victoria’s Secret, Captain, My Captain,” Lonnie replied, offering a playful salute, and Uma raised an eyebrow at her but smirked slightly, enjoying the comeback.
  “Huh. It’s good to see that at least a few of you Auradon girls have some bite,” Uma complimented in that strange yet sincere way of hers. Audrey furrowed her brow, looking between the both of them somewhat offendedly.
  “What do you mean? I’m bitey!”
  “Oh, please. You’re the biggest chicken I’ve ever seen. A total wuss,” Uma said, waving a hand at the girl dismissively, and Audrey just looked at her but didn’t say anything. Evie looked at the pink princess and couldn’t help but note that Audrey looked the slightest bit hurt.
  Evie looked over at Mal, trying to silently communicate her suspicions about the other girl, and Mal immediately caught on.
  “Okay, Jane, you ask somebody,” Mal spoke up, catching Evie’s glance and at least somewhat understanding the situation. Of course, Mal could easily see that Audrey was not in a particularly happy sort of way.
  “Umm…. Truth or dare…. Audrey?” Jane questioned, and Audrey sighed in irritation.
  “Dare,” she answered, heavily unimpressed.
  “Okay… Uh… I dare you to… point at the person you least like in this room,” Jane spoke up, and Audrey immediately pointed at Uma from her position underneath the pirate. Uma glanced back at Audrey and her jaw fell a bit slack as she took in where the princess’s finger was directed.
  “Aw, now that’s just rude,” Uma spoke, shaking her head in a reprimanding gesture.
  “You deserve it,” Audrey huffily told her, and Uma just raised her eyebrows, looking at Lonnie and Mal with a shrug.
  “Princesses,” Uma declared, and Lonnie nodded, a playful look in her eyes. Mal almost nodded, but she suddenly felt Evie’s weight pushing against her side. Mal shifted her gaze to Evie and quickly noticed that the other girl was staring at her, an eyebrow raised. Mal just grinned guiltily at her, squeezing the bluenette’s arm affectionately.
  “Mal, truth or dare?” Audrey asked quickly, not really relishing the entire game, and Mal leaned her head against Evie’s.
  “Is it true that Uma’s always been this irritating?” Audrey asked, and Uma glared at the princess.
  “Why are you attacking me?” Uma shot back at Audrey, trying to understand the princess’s sudden meanness. Audrey just ignored Uma in favor of staring at Mal.
  “Answer it, Mal,” Audrey commanded, and Mal awkwardly looked between the two of them.
  “Well, she’s always been sarcastic… I’m not sure irritating’s the right word for it, though,” Mal very cautiously replied to Audrey, and Uma just crossed her arms over her chest as Audrey shifted underneath her.
  “Okay, anyways… Truth or dare, E?” Mal questioned, and Evie shrugged.
  “Dare,” Evie picked, figuring that Mal wouldn’t likely come up with anything too bad for her. Mal smiled wickedly, and Evie immediately knew that she had made the wrong choice.
  “I dare you to lick Uma’s foot.”
  “Pass,” Evie replied, and Mal chuckled.
  “Okay, then,” Mal permitted, and Evie smiled widely, coming up with a good idea.
  “M, truth or dare?”
  “I dare you to lick Uma’s foot.”
  “This is the one thing that I’m actually going to have to pass on,” Mal replied, and Evie smiled slyly at her best friend.
  “Alright… Truth or dare… Lonnie?” Mal asked, and Lonnie looked over at the other girl, that carefree expression on her face as she gazed at the faerie.
  “Truth. Nothing to hide here,” Lonnie effortlessly made her choice.
  “What’s your deepest, darkest secret?” Mal asked immediately, taking her opportunity to potentially draw something out of the other girl.
  “Not thongs, I hope,” Uma piped up, and Lonnie grinned widely, enjoying the pirate’s sass. Audrey, on the other hand, looked much less pleased.
  In fact, Audrey was very hurt. She couldn’t believe that Uma would do this to her, and quite honestly, she was also sort of jealous of Lonnie. The girl had just marched in and immediately made Uma like her while Audrey had to work at Uma and chip away her defenses over time to finally worm her way into Uma’s affections.
  She felt that it just wasn’t fair to her, and that feeling was primarily what had been guiding her actions.
  “Nope. Not thongs. I guess my deepest, darkest secret is that I have a pair of lucky socks that I’ve had since I was eight, and I’ve never washed them,” Lonnie answered simply, and Mal looked at her somewhat skeptically. For some reason, Mal had a feeling that Lonnie was dodging what her true deepest secret was. Something about the way her eyes shifted somewhat nervously away from Jane’s hinted this to the faerie. However, she decided ultimately to let it go.
  “I bet it’s not a secret to anyone who comes very close to your dresser,” Uma quipped, and Lonnie laughed heartily. Evie snorted, enjoying the joke, and Mal couldn’t help but laugh at the sound. Evie’s laugh always did end up making Mal laugh in turn.
  “It probably wouldn’t be if I actually put my socks in the dresser,” Lonnie responded, and Uma tilted her head curiously.
  “Where do you put them?”
  “Welp, that’s going to have to wait for another time that I pick truth,” Lonnie shrugged, and Uma smirked, raising an eyebrow at Lonnie with a chuckle.
  “Nice,” Uma complimented, and Audrey growled under her breath as she shifted her gaze between the two of them.
  “Okay… Evie, truth or dare?”
  “Dare. I’m not too scared,” Evie assured her, and Mal smiled, unable to help finding pleasure in her prior dare for Evie.
  “I dare you and Mal to sit apart from each other for the rest of the match. And not to talk to each other,” Lonnie dared them, and Uma’s eyes widened as she looked at the two girls.
  “Wow… I couldn’t have thought of a more despicable dare for those two if I tried,” Uma expressed, impressed with Lonnie, and Audrey was exceedingly irritated now.
  “Yeah. I know they won’t be able to last,” Lonnie replied, and Uma smirked, nodding as she wholeheartedly agreed with the statement.
  Evie looked at Mal in horror, taking the faerie’s hands in her own immediately. Evie was completely unable to imagine not being close to Mal or talking to her best friend for a whole match of Truth or Dare. However, Mal’s eyes were narrowed as she looked at the girls.
  “Don’t pass, E. We’ve got to prove them wrong,” Mal gently commanded the bluenette, and Evie gaped at Mal as if she had completely lost her mind.
  “Seriously,” Mal replied, looking at Evie somewhat painedly. They shared a long glance, and Mal hugged Evie tightly.
  “I’m going to miss you,” Evie tenderly spoke in a whine, and Mal nodded, swallowing as she squeezed Evie.
  “Me, too,” Mal told the bluenette, and Uma rolled her eyes as she clapped her hands.
  “Move it, y’all. No time for all that Mevie sappy crap,” Uma hurried them, and Mal separated from Evie as she scooted to the opposite side of their circle. Evie gazed at her in sadness and disappointment.
  “Wow. You truly have earned my respect. You successfully separated the inseparable. And I should know because that’s like parting the Red Sea without Moses,” Uma informed her, and Lonnie chuckled, starting to respond to the pirate captain. However, she was swiftly interrupted by Audrey.
  “What do you know about the Bible, you demon?” Audrey shot at the pirate in aggravation, taking the opportunity to attack Uma once again.
  “What is your problem?” Uma questioned in shock, surprised at Audrey’s sudden malicious behavior. Audrey just furrowed her brow, looking away in irritation, and Uma looked at her somewhat strangely before turning back to speak to the rest of them.
  “Uma, truth or dare?” Evie questioned after a long moment, and Uma shrugged.
  “I dare you to tell Mal that I really miss her a whole lot, more than anything, and I know we’ve only been apart for a few moments, but I don’t think I can last a whole match without her,” Evie expressed, lying down on the rug as she dramatically gazed over at Uma and Mal.
  Uma furrowed her brow and looked at Mal.
  “You get all that?” Uma questioned, and Mal nodded, her eyes only on Evie.
  “Uma, tell Evie that I miss her, too, and I hope we can get back together soon,” Mal spoke aloud, not even glancing at Uma, and Uma rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to speak, but quickly finding herself interrupted.
  “Uma, tell Mal that I love her more than anything and that I wish she was beside me so I could hug her,” Evie expressed, lying on her back and looking at Mal upside down as she effectively put on her full dramatic show of protest.
  “Uma, tell Evie that I---”
  “Okay, look, I’m pretty sure this isn’t how the dare works,” Uma informed them, and the two best friends sighed deeply.
  However, Evie’s eyes widened as she got an idea, and she leaned over to Uma, whispering in her ear.
  “Tell Mal I think I figured out a way around the dare!” Evie told the pirate, and Uma groaned deeply before turning to the faerie.
  “She thinks she figured out a way around the dare,” Uma informed Mal shortly, unimpressed with the sudden change of plans that Evie had enacted. Mal brightened and she leaned over, whispering to Uma.
  “Tell Evie that’s great and that I’m happy we can talk to each other some way or another,” Mal expressed, and Uma rolled her eyes, looking at Evie as she got a particularly genius idea.
  “She thinks you need to shut up because you’re driving me crazy,” Uma told Evie, and the bluenette raised her eyebrows as she looked at Mal. Mal looked at Uma in some offense. Lonnie immediately laughed like a nutcase at the comment, and Uma grinned victoriously at the other girl before looking at Mal and Evie with a bit more seriousness.
  “What?!” Evie yelped dumbfoundedly, and Mal shook her head swiftly.
  “I definitely didn’t say that! Uma!” Mal added the pirate’s name as an afterthought, trying to avoid breaking the rules of her and Evie’s dare.
  “Let’s just move on, why don’t we?” Uma suggested with a false smile. Evie furrowed her brow, about to say something else, but Lonnie interrupted.
  “Sure thing, boss. Your turn,” Lonnie easily pointed to the captain, and Audrey scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she mentally called Lonnie a multitude of names.
  “Good. Somebody that shows some respect. Now, Jane, truth or dare?” Uma asked, and Mal couldn’t help but wonder if Uma was purposefully targeting Jane for some particular reason.
  “How far have you and Carlos gone?” Uma questioned, and Jane immediately turned red as a beet. Evie gasped at the implications, and Mal couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Jane’s face. Audrey only looked slightly interested whereas Lonnie looked as if this was the most fascinating thing that she had heard asked in her entire life.
  “Yep. That’s a sign that she for sure went too far,” Uma pointed out, grinning widely.
  “You should know,” Audrey murmured under her breath, and Uma couldn’t help but feel a bit of anger flare in her. Audrey knew better than thinking that Uma went too far. Uma had expressed otherwise, and it was well-known that Uma was honest about those sorts of things.
  “No! That’s not it at all!” Jane squeaked in horror, and Uma laughed, deciding to let go of her irritation with Audrey in order to just enjoy Jane’s embarrassment even though she was mostly sure that Jane had not done anything extreme with Carlos just yet.
  “Sure thing,” Uma replied, unable to resist picking on the fairy just a bit.
  “Really!” Jane assured her, and Uma smiled wickedly before waving at Jane to take her turn. Jane looked at her for a really long time before glancing over at Mal.
  “Mal, truth or dare?”
  “Truth. I don’t want a dare like Evie got.”
  “Do you still like Harry Hook?” Jane questioned, truthfully at a loss as to what to ask Mal. Mal shook her head.
  “No. I mean, he’s hot and all, but no, I don’t,” Mal answered easily, and Jane nodded simply, the answer sufficient for her. Mal, knowing it was her turn, shifted her gaze to look at the other girls. She immediately saw that Audrey was still very much upset-looking, and she knew well who had caused the princess’s ailing. So, Mal then looked to Uma with a bit of a smile building upon her face.
  “Truth or dare, Uma?” Mal asked, finally having an idea as to how to perhaps fix the entire issue with Audrey and the pirate. Uma looked at Mal, raising an eyebrow.
  “Truth. I ain’t scared of squat.”
  “How do you really feel about Audrey?” Mal questioned, and Audrey’s gaze immediately snapped to Uma’s back. Mal really hoped Uma would answer this one honestly.
  However, to her dread, Uma just smirked.
  “Pass,” Uma proclaimed with a laugh. After only a moment of silence, Audrey suddenly sprang into action. She shoved Uma’s back forward and because Uma was so surprised, she didn’t even have a moment to prepare for the sudden movement.
  As soon as Uma had fallen off of the other girl’s lap, Audrey got to her feet and glared down at Uma, tears forming in her eyes.
  “What is wrong with you?!” Audrey screeched, and Uma just stared at her in shock, blinking at the princess.
  “It’s one thing to be tough, but it’s a whole other to be downright insensitive, you horrible sea witch!” Audrey insulted, and Uma raised her eyebrows in surprise.
  “I can’t believe we even hang out! And I especially can’t believe I ever wanted to be friends with someone as evil as you!” Audrey cried out, insulting Uma, and the pirate captain gaped at Audrey in shock. Audrey then proceeded to turn on her heel and storm out of the room into the hall, slamming a door behind her.
  Uma blinked in pure bewilderment, still lying there on the floor where Audrey had left her, and she slowly looked at the other girls.
  “What… Was… That?” Uma questioned slowly, and Evie sighed, looking in Audrey’s direction sorrowfully before looking back at Uma.
  “She’s been really upset with you since we started this game. Didn’t your sensitive side pick up on that?” Evie questioned, gazing at Uma.
  “Or do you not have one of those?” Mal questioned only somewhat bitingly as she tried and failed to bring a bit of levity to the situation. Uma narrowed her eyes at Mal.
  “Oh, I do. We just haven’t spoken for quite some time,” Uma replied, sarcasm dripping from her every word.
  Lonnie chuckled a bit, shrugging as she tried to alleviate some of the tension.
  “Well, it’ll probably be alright. I’ve known her for a while, and when she gets upset like this, she’ll usually blow over after about an hour or less. It’s called the Princess Temper Tantrum. It’s been around since she was the ripe old age of four,” Lonnie explained, and Uma furrowed her brow, looking in the direction that Audrey had left in. After a moment, she shook her head.
  “I haven’t obviously known her as long as you have, but I do know when she’s really and truly upset about something,” Uma claimed, and Lonnie hummed in response, not quite sure what to say to that. Uma sighed before standing up and looking at the other girls.
  “I’m going to go and see what’s going on. Y’all give us a sec. We shouldn’t be too long,” Uma told the group, and they all nodded. However, Evie started scooting on the rug from her reclined position as she tried to worm her way closer to Mal.
  “Oh, and you two bozos stick to your dare,” Uma informed Mal and Evie, and Evie just shot her a halfhearted scowl in reply before gazing at Mal sweetly.
  Uma smirked for a moment, but it quickly faded as she headed down the hall, listening carefully for Audrey. She truthfully didn’t really know what had upset the other girl so badly, and, no offense to Lonnie, she honestly didn’t know how anybody could think that this would blow over in an hour or less.
  Uma knew Audrey, and she had dealt with her enough in the comparatively short period of time that she had known her to be able to tell the difference between one of the so-called “Princess Temper Tantrums” and true hurt.
  Before long, she heard a muffled sob in Evie’s bedroom, and she paused before the door. Uma took a deep breath and she very carefully took hold of the doorknob, turning it carefully. To her relief, it was unlocked, so she could enter easily.
  Uma opened the door quietly, and she quickly found Audrey’s pink-clad form on Evie’s bed. Uma couldn’t help but think of all the dramatic princesses she had heard about in her lifetime as she looked at Audrey, but she held her tongue in the way of smart comments to instead make sincere inquiry.
  “So, uh… You wanna tell me what just happened?” Uma questioned tentatively as she shut the door behind her. Audrey barely looked up from her position thrown upon the bed.
  “Darn it, I should’ve locked the door,” Audrey scolded herself, her voice thick with emotion, and Uma chuckled humorlessly.
  “Granted, you probably should’ve. That is the best way to keep people out, after all,” Uma acknowledged, and Audrey just stayed silent, ignoring the pirate.
  “So, what’s the problem with you?”
  “Me?! I think you should be asking that about you!” Audrey proclaimed, the hurt evident in her voice and Uma sighed slightly, not sure where this was going, but willing to follow so that she could figure out what was wrong.
  “What’s the problem with me, then?” Uma asked patiently, and Audrey breathed out hard in irritation.
  “Well, besides the fact that you’re intolerable when egged on, you just totally started acting like you were better than me. Like back when we first met,” Audrey told her, and Uma furrowed her brow, stepping closer as she looked at the pink princess lying there in a heap on the bed.
  “Is that why you were attacking me so hard back there?” Uma questioned, and Audrey sniffled. Uma felt a pang of regret and guilt hit her hard, and she swallowed hard, trying to keep that feeling at bay.
  “It hurt, Uma. We do a lot of things together, and sometimes we’re downright crappy to each other, but I guess I thought I meant more to you than that,” Audrey spoke, her voice muffled yet understandable enough to Uma. Uma tilted her head slightly, moving nearer to the bed.
  “Than what?” Uma asked.
  “Than liking Lonnie better than me immediately and just leaving me in the dirt,” Audrey replied, and Uma huffed, grinning fondly at the other girl as she spoke up.
  “Aw, c’mon, Princess, you know there’s nobody I love to aggravate more than you---”
  “You’ve made that much clear,” Audrey shortly replied, her voice snippy yet raw as she laid there on Evie’s bed.
  Uma stopped immediately in her words, realizing that she really had hurt Audrey deeper than just the surface. She must have really hit a tender spot in the other girl. Uma sighed deeply, knowing that she was going to have to give more than the usual laughing, joking apology.
  The pirate captain moved forward and sat on the bed. After a moment of thinking it over, she flopped down, her body draped across Audrey’s legs.
  Audrey huffed in surprise but didn’t retaliate with anything violent as Uma had been afraid that she might.
  “Audrey… I respect toughness. I like tough people because I can relate to them. It’s easier for me to understand because I’ve always been in touch with my tough side,” Uma explained, and Audrey didn’t reply, allowing the pirate to speak.
  “And I like Lonnie. She’s capable of handling herself, and she seems like a good sparring partner in the way of verbal battle,” Uma added, moving her hand in a gesture to accentuate her words. She was quiet for a moment, trying to compose her next words.
  “If this is your way of making me feel better, you suck,” Audrey informed her, and Uma couldn’t help but chuckle.
  “Yeah. I suck,” Uma agreed, closing her eyes as she tried to convert her feelings to words. Unfortunately, this was something that she was extremely bad at, but she wanted to tell Audrey the truth.
  “Can I revoke a pass in Truth or Dare?” Uma asked after a long moment, and Audrey made a noncommittal noise. Uma let out a puff of air, deciding that she would take that answer as a yes.
  “The truth is that you’re the only person that I’d ever want to aggravate. But not because you react so hilariously. Because,” Uma trailed off, breathing deeply as she tried to find how to word this.
  “Because you’re the only person I want that kind of relationship with. You’re the only person I can really let loose on without fear it’s going to spark some kind of real rage or dig up some old hatchets,” Uma described, and she paused for a moment, trying to take this down a more meaningful road.
  “Audrey, you’re the only person that I can really be myself to the fullest with except Harry and Gil. And… I love you for it. And I know this whole thing sucked, but I’m trying---”
  “No. No, it didn’t suck,” Audrey told her, her voice coming through somewhat thickly but very strongly through the bedsheets where her face was currently hidden. Audrey turned her head to the side and moved a little so that her body was crooked so she could look at Uma.
  Uma painedly took in the sight of Audrey’s black mascara where it had stained her cheeks, and she felt her stomach lurch at the sight. It really did hurt Uma to see Audrey genuinely upset about something.
  “It means a lot,” Audrey expressed, and Uma allowed the corners of her lips to quirk ever so slightly. Uma looked over where Audrey’s hand was hidden, and after a few moments of trepidation, she reached her hand out to the other girl, her palm extended.
  Audrey’s gaze shifted to Uma’s hand and she hesitantly pulled her own hand out from under her head to take Uma’s. Uma felt a little piece of her uplift a bit from this uncomfortably pained place it had found itself in.
  “You’re my friend, Audrey. One of my best friends, actually. And nobody’s taking your place,” Uma simply told her, not sure what exactly to say to make things right. Audrey smiled a somewhat watery grin at her, and Uma felt her heart swell, glad to see that the princess seemed better.
  “You’re my best friend, Uma,” Audrey expressed, and Uma grinned happily, feeling her heart mend completely with the words. She knew now that Audrey felt much better about the entire ordeal, and Uma had obviously not completely failed in her admission.
  The two just stood there smiling at each other for a long moment until Uma cleared her throat, realizing it was getting a little too emotional for her liking.
  “Umm… Did I mention you had a turd-shaped place in my heart?” Uma asked, and Audrey narrowed her eyes. Uma smirked, seeing that fond look in Audrey’s eyes still and also noticing she hadn’t yet removed her hand from Uma’s.
  “Seriously?” Audrey questioned, completely unimpressed, and Uma chuckled, taking it as a sign to keep going with her jokes.
  “Yeah! Y’know, like one of those little poop emojis with the weird smiley face on it and everything?”
  Audrey chose that moment to move her foot sharply upward and jab Uma in the back. Uma laughed, reaching back with her free hand and grabbing Audrey’s leg firmly in an attempt to keep her from kicking any longer.
  “Alright, alright, I’ve stopped. Don’t go abusing me yet again,” Uma told her, sitting up, and Audrey just rolled her eyes fondly as she moved in an upright position to mirror Uma.
  Uma looked at Audrey for a moment, sobering and losing her laugh. Audrey returned her gaze, and Uma reached over, hugging Audrey carefully. Audrey reciprocated the gesture easily, and Uma could feel her smile against her thin tee-shirt.
  “I’m sorry,” Uma apologized, and Audrey nodded easily. Uma gave her one last squeeze before releasing and scooting back at the distance that she was used to being with Audrey.
  “Let’s go get you cleaned up and then we’ll rejoin the match. I’ve got something good planned,” Uma told the princess, and Audrey smiled.
  “Do tell,” Audrey replied with a smirk, and Uma proceeded to explain.
  After a few more minutes, they eventually reemerged from the bathroom and came into the living room where the girls were gathered on Evie’s rug. However, they weren’t quite ready for the sight they were about to experience.
  There before them, Jane was trying to hold onto Evie and keep her from reaching out to Mal, and Lonnie had grabbed hold of Mal and was trying to keep her from touching Evie’s hand.
  “Oh, thank goodness you two are back! They’re trying to go back on the dare!” Lonnie told them, almost rolling on her back as Mal suddenly lurched forward toward Evie.
  “No space between!” Mal called in a manner not dissimilar to a stirring battle cry.
  “NEVER!!!” Evie cried in reply, and Uma could tell that Mal was partially just trying to take everyone’s attention off of Uma and Audrey’s situation in the other room. However, she could also tell that a fair amount of Mal’s actions were actually because she wanted to be close to Evie again.
  “Don’t worry, Big Ears and Buttcrack Lip, I’ve got you covered,” Uma addressed Mal and Evie. “I’m going to pick my truth or dare victim--- I mean, participant--- and then I propose we start on our movies,” Uma suggested to the group. They all easily nodded, and Evie looked longingly at Mal before they both stopped fighting Lonnie and Jane.
  “Okay… Truth or dare, Jane?” Uma questioned as Audrey sat down beneath her, allowing Uma to plop down on her lap.
  “And don’t forget, you’re all out of passes,” Uma reminded her, waggling her eyebrows. Jane looked positively horrified, but she sighed, giving her choice.
  “I’m going to pick dare because your truths are just embarrassing!” Jane told Uma, and the pirate grinned widely as she narrowed her eyes at the fairy.
  “Alright. I dare you to run through the castle,” Uma told her simply, and Jane sighed in relief, allowing a bit of a grin to come onto her face. Uma smirked slightly, looking back at Audrey slyly, and the princess returned the expression.
  “That doesn’t sound so bad---”
  “Just in your thongs and your bra,” Uma finished, and Jane’s eyes went ridiculously wide, and if Uma hadn’t have known better, she’d almost think Jane’s eyes were about to fall out of her head.
  There was a long period of silence before Uma clapped her hands once.
  “Good game! Now let’s watch Evie’s ancient Five Mile Creek series,” Uma proclaimed, getting up and off of Audrey as she plopped down on the nearby couch. Audrey quickly joined her as well. Evie wasted no time in barreling into Mal, Mal laughing at the other girl joyfully. Evie then stood up, helping Mal up as well before they both snuggled closely on a couch. Lonnie got up from her place on the ground and joined Uma and Audrey on the sofa as well.
  Jane looked at the other girls in horror, and as they all realized she was the last one in the floor, they cracked up laughing.
  Poor Jane had really stuck her foot in it this time, but as Uma and Audrey shared a glance, they couldn’t help but let any pity or humor they had in regard to Jane dissipate as they found themselves truly thankful that they were friends.
         “Excuse me! Coming through! Please don’t look!!!” Jane cried as she ran through the castle, glowing red as she flew as fast as she could. She didn’t want anyone to see her longer than she had to let them, and if the look on the staff’s faces was anything to go by, they didn’t want to see her at all.
  Uma was on her trail, ensuring that she actually went through with the dare, and Jane was absolutely mortified because she was ninety-nine percent certain that Uma was videoing the entire thing.
  So far, Jane had made it all the way up to the hall where Jay and Carlos lived, and she was really hoping that they wouldn’t be in it. So far, the girl had not run into anyone that she knew personally, and she found herself quite lucky.
  However, her luck was about to run out as she rounded a corner and found Carlos, Jay, Harry, Gil, and Ben walking through the hallway.
  Her eyes went wide and she hurried faster as she shot past them like a flash. They all turned around, gaping at her in horror.
  “DON’T LOOK, CARLOS!!!” Jane cried, and Carlos’s eyes went wide as he did indeed look.
  “Was that JANE?!!!” he squeaked, and Jay burst into laughter. Uma just flew past them, ignoring the bunch in favor of following the fairy girl.
  “That’s the palest thin’ I’ve e’er seen!” Harry called, and Ben covered his own eyes swiftly, trying to avoid seeing one of his childhood friends nearly naked.
  “Hey, Harry, what’s that thing she’s wearing?” Gil questioned.
  “Underpants, Gilly!” Harry cackled. Gil furrowed his brow in confusion.
  “I think she needs some new ones because those don’t cover her behind too well,” Gil told him innocently, and Harry snorted, holding his stomach as he fell into hysterics.
  “Man, I never thought I’d actually see that!” Jay cackled joyfully as he slapped Carlos on the back, and Carlos looked as if he might faint as he looked at Jay strangely.
  “How did you know about it?!” he asked somewhat breathlessly, not sure if he could stand entirely upright on his own.
  “Audrey told me!”
  “Why were you and Audrey talking about my girlfriend’s very inappropriate, frightening underwear choice?” Carlos questioned, reaching over and grabbing Jay’s shoulder in an attempt to keep from falling down in the midst of his sheer surprise and mortification.
  “It came up,” Jay simply replied, trying to talk between laughs.
  “How does my girlfriend’s underwear just come up?!” Jay opened his mouth with an evil look in his eye, about to answer, but Carlos shook his head. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”
  Jane finally rounded the corner, getting away from the five of them, and just as she thought she had gotten away from all sources of embarrassment, she ran into her mother. Fairy Godmother’s jaw dropped in pure astoundment, and Jane rushed away.
  “I’M SORRY, MOM!” Jane cried as she ran away. Fairy Godmother watched her go, her eyes wide in total surprise. Uma slowed down to a stop as she stood next to Fairy Godmother, figuring that she’d take a break for just a moment.
  “Bibbidi Bobbidi THONGS!!!” Fairy Godmother yelped, and Uma laughed a bit as she sniffed hard.
  “Eh, you think that’s bad, wait til’ you find out that she sleeps in the nude,” Uma told the other woman, waggling her eyebrows before chasing after Jane.
  Fairy Godmother just stood there, completely bumfuzzled for several moments as she gaped at the two girls running through the hall ahead of her. However, just as Jane was about to turn another corner, she called out loudly in mortification.
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dxscxndxnts · 5 years
Would it be nice if the Ben, Harry, Jay, Gil, and Carlos be the heroes and save the girls in a descendant movie. Ben/Harry will be the leaders like (Mal/Uma), Carlos will be the mediator like (Evie) and Jay and Gil are protective/muscle of the group. I bet the movie will be full of humor, action, and seriousness. Also, I will add Chad and Doug to the group to make it even more interesting. What do you think?
Literally the instant you said “Guys save the girls” I immediately thought it would be like Night Falls but with Harry as Uma, Ben as Mal, and Carlos as Evie.
Here’s what would happen:
Ben and Harry would fight over leadership, but it starts as a very one-sided fight. Yes, Ben wants to save Mal and the others, but he’d rather not end up on the wrong end of Harry’s hook because, damn, if they thought he was off-kilter before? Just take away his captain and it’s a whole different level.
However, Ben knows the land better than anyone, so Harry has to reluctantly give him some control, but he always jumps at an opportunity to criticize. When Harry snaps at Ben for accidentally stumbling on his words and saying “left” while going right, Ben starts to lose his cool. Harry’s not the only one with someone special on the line!
Carlos find himself the only one there who can see things objectively and has to get between them a lot. He ends up becoming the real leader since he is the brains and is the only one who can keep a level head in this mess. This eventually turns the bicker contest between Harry and Ben into heartfelt confessions by a campfire (Ben’s insecurity at not being able to “save the girl”, Harry’s taboo speculations on his and Uma’s dynamic)
Jay and Gil become closer over the trip, taking every little chance to explore something new (and often getting rhe group in trouble). They talk to each other about how they miss Mal and Uma (more Gil than Jay, but Gil makes him more open).
Chad literally ran screaming to join the group when he heard Audrey was in trouble. He spends much of the trip interrogating Harry (he thinks Harry and Audrey’s sudden friendship is a fling, and he’s wrong), getting eaten alive by bugs, complains, and running screaming from anything that moves (yes, that includes Harry).
Doug is holding down the fort at home. As much as he would love to help save Evie, he recognizes his presence is more need at Auradon Prep to make sure Fairy Godmother doesn’t notice a LOT of people missing.
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Descendants 3 Teaser Trailer Analysis
The scene where Ben turns into the beast (that’s what I’m assuming is happening) I found interesting because of Carlos, Gils, Harry and Jays reactions.
Jay and Harry:
These two look taken aback and startled. Jay look shocked to the point of letting his guard down as for Harry on the other hand looks like he is drawing back ready to fight.
Gil and Carlos:
Now this one is interesting to me. Carlos looks like he is holding Gil back. Now my main focus is Gil.
I mean this just gives me hope because like in D1 they heavily played into the Mal vs Audrey enemy dynamic and with a small amount of that between Evie and Doug in a sense he was a bit scared of her. So my hope is that they will heavily play into this in D3 but with Gil and Ben. But unlike Mal and Audrey I think these two wont hate eachother because they are both sweethearts and have both been fed wrong information about each others family. And I hope this means we will get Adam and Belle meeting Gil, and he melts their hearts because he is nothing like his dad.
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edream93 · 5 years
To the anon who sent me Escape from the Isle of the Lost Questions:
So I know there’s people who want to read the books themselves or who just don’t want to be spoiled so I copied and pasted your question below the cut because it had some, albeit minor, spoilers:
Anon asked: So I had a couple of questions regarding “Descendants: Escape from the Isle of the Lost”:1. What was your overall opinion of the book?2. Were there any other characters that were introduced in the book besides Arianna Rose and Bobby Hood?3. Do you think Arianna Rose is Audrey’s cousin on Aurora’s side or Phillip’s side because I know that Aurora didn’t really have any siblings in the original film?
Hi anon,
So I’m going to answer your questions a little out of order
Okay so you asked if there were any other new characters other than Arianna and Bobby. Yes, there were but they were mostly their coaches or Doug’s cousins. Any new character that either weren’t mentioned in the previous movie tie in books (I’m not including the random other books that I don’t think were written by Melissa) or that weren’t in the “Wicked World” mini series I tried to write down in my original post so have another look at it.
 I think the most surprising was the fact that Fairy Godmother has a sister. Like, why? Also the intro of Audrey’s cousin is weird too. Like what is the purpose? Like if you take out Arianna Rose, it doesn’t change the plot whatsoever, especially because she was mentioned at the very end. This could mean that she’s in D3 and we just don’t know but that would be so weird. 
Also in regards to Audrey’s cousin, I’m not 100% sure but I think she’s a cousin on Audrey’s mom’s side. I only say that because of two things: 1.) Aurora was originally called and thought to be just a regular old maiden named Briar Rose when she was growing up and 2.) I think during the graduation scene they said that the Rose family, including Queen Leah, was there. Since Queen Leah is supposedly Aurora’s mom (right?), I assumed that the Rose family is Audrey’s maternal side. 
I wouldn’t be 100% surprised if Queen Leah had another child as a replacement for the one she lost. I mean, we know that she never really got to see Aurora grow up so maybe she had another child at some point to fill the empty space but Aurora, though she might deny it, was always her favorite child. That may be why Arianna is so jealous of Audrey, because Audrey is weirdly like Queen Leah’s second chance at raising Aurora so it feels like Audrey is Queen Leah’s favorite. 
Again, it would be interesting seeing some of Audrey’s family dynamics on the screen, and we do know that the actress who plays Queen Leah will be back, but it already feels like they’re stuffing so much already into the D3 plot that I really don’t see how they can introduce Arianna’s jealousy of Audrey into it. 
Okay, as for my overall feelings about the book…
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(I feel like this will be my go to gif for any new D3 related stuff.)
The book was okay. I think the prequel book for D1 and the one for D2 (”Rise of the Isle of the Lost”) were more interesting. The first one because we learned more about Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and their backstories. “Rise” was good because of…well, Uma, Harry, and Gil. I mean, this book definitely had Uma in it but it was mostly preoccupied with Uma scheming against Mal so we didn’t really get much development for her as we did in “Rise”. Also, not including the weird “Under the Sea” tie in Melissa tried to make (still not sure if Harry and Gil were really there or not), Harry and Gil were only mentioned. 
I think the part that I was most interested in was where everyone was going to go after graduation, specifically Jay. We really don’t get that much character insight to Jay in general outside of teamwork so it was interesting to see his thought process with post-Auradon Prep plans and especially why he didn’t want to necessarily go to Agrabah for college. 
Carlos throughout the book was essentially in two modes: 1.) Thinking about how awesome Jane was or 2.) Scare that he would be stuck on the Isle and run into his mother. Though both are fine, Carlos was kind of just…there either helping with the Isle stuff or as Jane’s boyfriend/assistant for all the graduation related stuff.
Reading Evie in the book is always weird. Does anyone else feel that way? I think it’s partially how Melissa writes Evie compared to how Sofia plays Evie. Like I feel like Melissa writes Evie like a continuation of Evie from D1, super sweet and smart, but mostly a whole lot of sugar princess bubbly. Sofia I feel plays Evie like someone who is still kind but could potentially give Ben a run for his money if she ever decided that she was interested in overthrowing Ben as ruler of Auradon.
Anyway, though Evie was “doing” a lot of things, she didn’t really seem to have that big of a role in terms of deciding what to do with the Isle kids. It felt like a lot of that fell on Mal and I guess a lot of the character development that I was hoping Evie would get was given to Mal.
Speaking of Mal, I also think Melissa writes Mal as if she’s building off of D1 Mal instead of D2 Mal, which for the most part made reading Mal, in my opinion, a little bit more bearable. I think it also helps that we get insight into Mal’s thoughts in the books so even though we may not agree with her, the things that she does doesn’t feel so out of the blue as it does if we’re just watching the movies.
Speaking of movies, let’s talk about VK Day.
Omg…gotta say, Melissa is a gem who really tries to cover the plot holes that are obviously in the movies even though it’s so apparent the movies’ writers don’t care sometimes (like explaining how Freddie magically has a younger sister and also giving a valid, though kind of sucky, reason why Freddie wouldn’t be at Auradon if Celia came over: Freddie graduated and is probably off somewhere traveling). I think I read somewhere that she writes the books once the script for the movie is done and tries to work her magic to fill in the space in between. 
But VK Day…okay, so Melissa definitely stretched it but if D3 actually confirms it, which means that movie’s writers actually thought of this and Melissa merely just expanded on it, it’s not nearly as much of a hot mess as we originally thought. (I mean, VK Day is still a hot mess but maybe it’s not as bad.) 
So in the book at least, what we see as VK Day was intentionally done. Okay not the posters, Mal and the others actually thought that was a good idea, but the whole “Good to Be Bad” thing makes a little more sense because no one was originally applying because they either weren’t interested in anything related to Auradon even if there life would get better. 
Now I know some people would be like, “What? Why would they turn down a chance to be in a better place?” The short answer is long term trauma. For some people who have lived in very bad environments it’s really hard for them to really comprehend their life being any different. Also, it’s a matter of knowing your enemy. On the Isle, though it’s dangers, everyone knows what to expect to a certain extent. Suddenly dragging kids over to Auradon would actually probably being traumatizing in its own respect. (I could go on about that but you’re here for Fanfic/Theory Writer Edream93, not for Professional Therapist Edream93).
Anyway, Melissa made VK Day just barely work with the whole, “We gotta kind of trick the Isle kids into thinking that this is their chance to potentially be known as the baddest villains in Auradon because saying that they’ll get a good education, warm bed, good food, and be in a non abusive environment is not apparently appealing to them.” Which again, makes sense to me because that’s kind of how trauma works.
So yeah, the whole Good To Be Bad thing was intentionally done that way, at least according to Melissa. We’ll have to see if that’s how they actually planned it in D3.
Overall, the book was kind of underwhelming and seemed mostly like a clean up of missed plot holes. Melissa tried to throw in a vague Marry reference (I say vague because I do recognize I could be reading too much into it) but there were more vague Huma references so I’d say Melissa is leaning more towards Huma. Also, and I’m assuming if you’re reading this far you don’t care about spoilers, I think it’s supposed to ease us into the whole, “Hades is Mal’s father” thing which I’m still hoping it’ll be something like “I’m not your dad, Mal, but I knew him and I owe him for something that he did so that’s why I’m helping you.” The likelihood of that is low but a girl can hope. 
Anyway, hope that answered your questions, anon. 
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bisexualshakespeare · 4 years
4, 7, 10, 25, 31!
Haven Questions !
4. Which Trouble less desirable, Nathan’s or Jordan’s? 
I love touching people so on the one hand, Nathan can touch but is it really comforting if you can’t feel it? So I guess I’ll say Nathan cause Jordan can at least touch herself.
7. If Haven crossed over with any fandom, what would you choose and why?
I like mythoughtaretroubled’s answer about Leverage but since it says fandom and not tv show, that makes me think of TAZ Amnesty. They have a similar Monster of the week but not the way you think style with parallel worlds. It would be fun to see how they deal with the others monsters. Aubrey Little talking down a troubled person. Audrey Parker trying to kill water. man someone should make a fusion
10. What plot hole/inconsistency bothers you the most? 
Wade STABS someone in front of a police detective and Duke says ‘hey he’s just confused! Let me handle it!’ and Nathan says OKAY??? and then Duke doesn’t handle it??? and Nathan never follows up???
25. Were there any plot lines you wanted explored more? Which ones and how? 
I really wanted to see how it would’ve played out if Duke had managed to infiltrate the Rev’s circle. Nathan really plays his Rev emotions right out there and it felt like Duke was the only person on the show who knew how to lie and he was GREAT at it. Also I really wanted Duke and Evi’s backstory. It felt like we were going to get it and their dynamic definitely implied a lot of history but we never find out what it is!
31. Favorite character brought in to be a temporary love interest? 
“temporary love interest” is such an amusing turn of phrase to me. gonna call every person I’ve kissed a temporary love interest. Okay Jennifer actually had things to do so I’m gonna say Chris. I liked how he changed the dynamic with the mains. When we first met him Audrey was irritated at him and Nathan was teasing her about it and it was cute
Thank you!
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spam-monster · 7 years
Descendants 2 thoughts
- Was not expecting a commentary on social stratification and gang culture being the only outlet for kids from poor neighborhoods who think they have no other means of escape and the importance of making sure kids from lower class families have access to a good education but that’s what I got.
 - I know all you Jaylos shippers are probably writing fanfic where Jane is the Evil Bitch Who Doesn’t Deserve Him because that’s what always happens when a girl gets in the way of the gay ship, but have you all considered fanfic where Jane is Carlos’ Awkward Wingman Who Is As Clueless About Dating As He Is and they get into crazy shenanigans together while she’s trying to help Carlos win Jay’s heart?
- (I personally thought Jane/Carlos was kind of cute, mostly because they are both the awkward fluffy dorkbabies of their respective groups, but I will admit it was not established very well.)
- Evie and Doug are still cute and also are going to take over the world together with the power of fashion and accounting.
- Mal and Ben are still hella cute and I love that he sees her transform into a giant scary dragon and does not give a shit.
- And his parents seem to adore her and are super offended when it looks like he ditched her which is also very cute.
- (Speaking of parents was Maleficent-lizard literally in Mal’s backpack that whole time?)
- Also it is interesting how Mal and Evie get the dramatic duet complete with montage. And by interesting I mean gay. Seriously if you showed that to someone out of context they would totally think it was a love song. Which I am not complaining about btw and I expect that song to be used in many yuri amv’s from now on.
 -  That part when Carlos made everyone sit and talk because he and Jay were worried about Mal too and wanted to be in the conversation. More things showing boys and girls having strong platonic friendships/family dynamics please yes good.
- I do think it’s weird Audrey wasn’t in the movie after playing such a big part in the Wicked World shorts. I guess the actress wasn’t available?
- ...I have a theory that she was on the boat somewhere at the end and only pretended to be stranded in Sherwood forest over the phone to keep Chad away from it because she didn’t want to deal with him.
- I also kind of want to ship Chad and Gil just because they’re both one-dimensional stereotypical dumb blond jerks who only exist to be the butt of jokes apparently.
- Except Harry kissed Gil in the book maybe? Or something?
- Harry is totally bi and flirts with everyone though have u seen him?
- Also totally in love with Uma. In that it’d-be-cute-if-they-weren’t-so-evil-but-it’s-still-really-cute kinda way.
- Uma has a least a fraction of a crush on Ben, but to be honest he is very easy to crush on i mean he’s so earnest and fluffy and wanting to help everyone.
- And that part when dragon!Mal and Tentacle!Uma were fighting and Ben just roars and jumps overboard and it’s like “aw he’s not so different from them and now he’s gonna kick butt!” but then he just talks everyone down again because he’s a freaking sweetie honestly.
- I was expecting some kind of comment from him along the lines of “Mal it was really hard for me to fit in on the isle, now I know how hard it must be for you in Auradon trying to act like us all the time” but oh well.
- But apparently Mal’s actress and Harry’s actor are dating and there are vague rumors that might affect stuff? To which I say to them, if y’all really want to kiss on screen that bad have Harry and Ben switch bodies in the next movie or do a totally different Disney channel movie together, don’t mess up established in-universe relationships for irl stuff.
- I don’t really believe those rumors anyway but just in case i guess.
- anyway Ben/Mal and Harry/Uma otp.
- Jay’s still pretty single which is cool, I like that he and Lonnie are just at the “mutual friends with great respect for each other” stage
- Lonnie was kind of shoehorned in but okay yeah badass girl swordfights were pretty badass and Jay getting around the rules by making her coach was also nice, if an overdone trope.
- Uma’s hair is awesome.
- Dizzy was adorable and way too pure for the island.
- would have liked to see some of the Wicked World characters like Jordan and Ally in there properly but oh well.
- headcanon: Uma and Freddie are sisters or half-sisters or something. 
- in conclusion: all of these songs have been stuck in my head for a week make it stop.
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dentpx · 7 years
(for the character thingy) tell me bout this chad boy
You’ve blessed me, I reblogged this meme specifically so I could talk about Chad, I love you
How I feel about this character: Very strongly and very positively! I, uh, feel like, because Descendants is a story about there being more than there seems to a story or a person, characters like Chad are much more interesting when you really break him down instead of being satisfied with one perspective. Overall, I just think he’s really interesting, I think Jedidiah Goodacre is really pretty, and he’s my favorite in Descendants! Which is wild.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Carlos, Doug, Jay, Ben sometimes, and some poly variations of them. I mainly stan Chadlos, it’s the one I write about the most, but I think they’re all very different and unique dynamics and I love talking about them!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: AUDREY. Chad and Audrey are such a power duo, they’ve absolutely been best friends for as long as they’ve known each other, they were probably each other’s first kiss (and probably very disappointed in how gross it was). Audrey is able to curb Chad’s impulsive decisions and calm him down when he overreacts. Chad would do almost anything for Auds, and is able to break through whatever emotional barrier she’s put up. They have very similar opinions and hate the same people, give each other’s romantic partners the shovel talk, and watch soap operas together.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Technically, liking him is an unpopular opinion, but I guess it would be that he isn’t straight? Oh, also that he didn’t…bully…..Doug…..like I get that the nerd and jock dynamic is really easy to just put down as equaling “enemies”, but it really isn’t present with them (and it’s also lazy!). Nothing about how they treat each other indicates that’s how they are! Doug isn’t scared of Chad, he’s openly disdainful and Chad doesn’t do shit about it! The only, only event I can see that stemming from is when Chad makes Doug stop talking to Evie after Family Day, and that seems way more like “when ur friend has beef with ur other friend’ than “bully peer pressure” lmao. Because, ultimately, Doug still gets worried when Chad is hurt (Family Day), Chad grabs Doug when he’s scared (Coronation), and they dance with each other in Set It Off, so at the very least they’re friends. I can’t sit here and watch yall act like Doug would be bullied by Chad, I can’t.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I need Chad’s character growth arc! He’s so different in Descendants 2 because he is not longer needed as an antagonist, and he goes from disliking the VKs to being…cool with them? He’s friends with Jay, or at least on good terms with him, which is weird because they never!!! explain it!!! And Doug suddenly seems to dislike him more, which is also weird. Besides, Chad had never shown interest in being King before, and while it does make sense for his character, the sudden focus on it was so out of nowhere. Really, I wanted any explanation for what happened, because right now I have several skeletons of what might’ve went down but none of them add up all together.Send me a character!
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dxscxndxnts · 5 years
would you say that an audrey/uma friendship, in a way, parallel evie and mal's? like evie and audrey seem to be the friend interested in fashion and more perky while uma and mal seem more "laid back" i guess is the right word for it?
I’m pissed bc I answered this in a long ass explanation and the tumblr deleted it. Will I retype it? HELL YES!!
What you have just caught onto, my friend, is something called the Betty and Veronica Trope. Yes, it’s based on the Archie Comics, and here’s a general definition:
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Now, it doesn’t have to be about a love triangle. There are plenty of applications for this trope that don’t involve an “Archie”. Take Veronica Sawyer and Betty Fin from Heathers, who are literally named after this trope, who don’t share a love interest.
The reason why the Mal/Evie dynamic seems similar to the Uma/Audrey dynamic is because both follow this layout. This trope is so common because it presents characters that foil one another, which makes for a more interesting story.
Mal and Uma represent the edgier half, the “Veronica”, who acts more impulsively and takes more risks. They’re also a bit colder towards others.
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Evie and Audrey represent the sweeter half, the “Betty”, who is often depicted as more innocent. Now, these two are not 100% innocent, but when compared to their respective Veronicas…let’s just say it’s more likely for Evie and Audrey to study or go shopping while Mal and Uma break something.
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Now, if you absolutely wanted an “Archie”, the obvious choices would be Ben and Harry respectively. In my personal preference, it still wouldn’t be a love triangle because I would follow the dynamic where the “Betty” and “Archie” are just really close friends (Bevie and Haudrey BROTP, anyone?)
To summarize my long winded answer to your question: YES, I do think Uma and Audrey resemble Mal and Evie.
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