#eva x fabio
redthreadoffate · 10 days
I prefer Fabio for Eva rather than Nićolas. I think they have more chemistry. They just…have it :(
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heckcareoxytwit · 19 days
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As the remaining Quiet Council are discussing family matters and their plans on going home, Kafka the winged mutant boy overhears the conversation and starts to have doubts. Kafka eventually talks to Exodus about his doubt about how the rest of the mutants may have to stay behind in White Hot Krakoa while some of the mutants are selected to go home (and fight Orchis). The Quiet Council and the chosen mutants prepare for a ritual which Mister Sinister empties a vial of Cypher's genes into the pool so that Krakoa could help them in teleporting the mutants back home. The Krakoan vines wrap around Mister Sinister & the mutants and turns them into buds. Hope Summers remains behind on White Hot Krakoa as she reminds herself that she has to bring Phoenix Force back and she has some Messiah shit to do. Back on Earth, Apocalypse is dragging Krakoa-Treant back to Krakoa island when the chosen mutants pop right out of the flowers.
Much later, Hope Summers is having much difficulty in dealing with the Phoenix Force and Jean Grey. In order to save all of mutantkind and resurrect both the Phoenix and Jean Grey, Hope alongside the help of Legion (as the talking Hope Gun) shot the Phoenix with the consequence being her sacrificing herself in the process. Jean and the Phoenix have come back but Hope is gone. Meanwhile, the mutants are fighting the Stark Sentinels on the ruins of Krakoa island when Exodus, Destiny and Mystique teleport in. The Hope Sword is back in Nightcrawler's hands. Even though Destiny hugs Nightcrawler after some getting her motherly memories back from Xavier, she gives the bad news - Hope Summers is dead. Exodus at first doesn't believe it then announces that Hope has returned to whence she came. "The word made flesh, the flesh made immortal. She is with Krakoa in exile in spirit." Nightcrawler says the Krakoan mutants are trapped in the White Hot Room, lost forever. But Exodus, returning to the fight and attacking a Sentinel, says the people of Krakoa will return, that the Krakoan age will come again. Nightcrawler asks Destiny if they can win but she still sees no victory.
The Krakoan mutants including the Five minus Hope and Jumbo Carnation are stuck in the White Hot Krakoan Room arguing around a table trying to figure out how they will function, who will do what, etc. Little Kafka gets annoyed and tells everyone to shut up. He tells the room that they have to be better than this, that they have no rulers, no leaders, no heroes. That they have to be the Quiet Council and that means they have to listen. He takes charge and starts working to assign tasks such as food supply, tutoring, teaching. It's a bittersweet last page as that little hero is determined to make Krakoa, despite being lost in the White Hot Room.
X-Men: Forever #2, 2024 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pics)
Rise of the Powers of X #4, 2024 (7th and 8th pics)
X-Men: Forever #4, 2024 (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th pics)
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The trapped Krakoan mutants in the White Hot Room reminds me of the ending of Drifting Classroom manga when the elementary school students in the bad future dimension cannot go home after several tries. So the trapped students decide to stay and work together in the ruined future to build a new civilization.
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thehollowprince · 1 year
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Hellfire Gala Variants - Part 1 | Part 2
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spearclosetcomics · 2 years
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Iron Man Special (2014) Sean Ryan Rahmat Handoko Roberto Poggi, Craig Yeung, Livesay, Norman Lee
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
X-Men: Evolution (Season 5)
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The finale is here! I hope you enjoy it. Maybe someday I'll make a sequel series. Lemme know what your favorite epsiodes of the remake are, and make sure to check out my other posts that remake the first four seasons.
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The New Normal--Sees the remaining powered X-Men search for Magneto while Cyclops sinks into depression and Professor X and Mr. Sinister reach out to Moira MacTaggert, an old friend of Charles'. She reveals that she not only has a son (named Kevin), but that he is a mutant, with his powers giving him an insatiable craving for energy, as well as allowing him to possess others. Moira had kept him in isolation on Muir Island before he managed to escape following a surge in his powers and possesses a woman in a nearby town named Eva Bell, who was on a trip from Australia. Professor X realizes they are being followed by a depowered Polaris, who hopes Xavier can help her find Wanda to reverse the damage she's done. Deciding that Proteus is a bigger issue, Xavier communicates with the X-Men to come to Scotland. Meanwhile, the New Mutants continue going to school, but Cypher finds that Prodigy is frequently being bullied by students who believe he still has his powers due to his academic prowess. Warlock, who is partially fused to Cypher, scares the bullies off, not realizing that he may have inadvertently added fuel to the fire. Risty overhears that Magneto is missing, and while she appreciated his absense, she finds that following him going MIA, the Brotherhood has officially disbanded, having planned to do so following the battle against Dark Phoenix. Realizing she may need him to reinvigorate the team, she decides to find him herself. Meanwhile, Graydon makes friends with Josh Foley, a recent transfer student who also hates mutants. Graydon doesn't realize that Josh is also a mutant, known as Elixir of the Hellions. All the while, Cyclops has admitted himself to a mental hospital, having difficulty with no longer being a mutant as well as having lost the love of his life and his youngest brother, who he didn't have a lot of time with.
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2. Proteus--Sees the X-Men arriving in Scotland, with Wolverine happening to pass Eva on the street. Realizing that Proteus has possessed her, the X-Men engage in a fight against him. After subduing Nightcrawler and Wolverine, Proteus attempts to possess Storm, but Moira successfully scares him off. Similar to the comics, he possesses his father's body, only to be defeated (but his father is injured, not killed), and Colossus punches his energy form, rendering him unconscious. Following the skirmish, Professor X offers asylum to Eva, who is a mutant. With negative feelings towards mutants slowly dying down, she is hesitant to take him up on his offer, but reconsiders when she realizes that the hatred against mutants won't go down significantly any time soon. When Proteus is contained once more, Sinister confronts Moira, revealing to Professor X that she too is a mutant. Back in New York, Cypher and Prodigy make friends with Fabio Medina, a transfer from San Diego. While curious as to why he transferred, Fabio runs away from them out of embarrassment and fear. Warlock warns Cypher of someone watching them, and he sees Wither, Penance, and Empath are on school grounds, watching them. Cypher realizes with horror that the Hellions have infiltrated Bayville High. Having heard that Emma Frost was AWOL, he wonders who is in charge of them now and what their game is.
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3. Wither Away--Shows a flashback to when Kevin Ford first developed the power of disintegration (circa season 2). He killed his father, and when he was on the run, he befriended Kitty Pryde, who offered to let him join the X-Men. At first he accepted, only to be arrested for murdering his father. When Kitty (who doesn't even know his name) attempts to plead his case to the X-Men, Professor X states he didn't want to involve the X-Men with the authorities. Kitty goes to save him herself, but he feels betrayed by the X-Men, who he believed helped other mutants. She tries to get him to reconsider, but cannot reach him before Selene arrives who uses her telepathy to erase her mind of Kevin (though she vaguely recalls this encounter while hanging out with Lance and seeing Wither in one of her classes). Taking advantage of Kevin's vulnerability and pain, she creates illusions in his mind, making him believe that she is his mother and giving him the name Wither. She makes him an inside agent while joining the Hellions: Warbird (whose brother was one of the earlier X-Men who was killed during a mission), Penance (brainwashed against Emma Frost to hate the X-Men, making her embrace her red diamond form), and Elixir (taken in by Frost in exchange for her silence about his powers), as well as Empath and Firestar, who naturally made their way into the group. It's also shown that while the X-Men battle Proteus, Fitzroy, his assiant Bantam, and Shinobi manage to steal a technovirus from Sinister's labs for Selene. Shinobi notices Sinister's extensive catalogue of mutant DNA, but overlooks it when Fitzroy muses about being a part of Selene's schemes but never being invited into the Hellions by Emma. Together, they make a pact to kill Emma and the Hellions to curry favor from Selene--as well as get revenge on Emma, who not only ignored Fitzroy, but fled the Inferno Club.
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4. Nevermore--Sees Emma Frost in hiding, having realized that Selene had slowly swayed her students out of her control shortly before the Phoenix Saga, and that this was done in case the Inferno Club had not been brought under Selene's control. Deciding to take a look inside Penance's mind, she finds that her brainwashing has been reversed by Selene, and that Penance is motivated by her own rage against Emma Frost. Seeing Elixir and Penance are against her while Warpath and Empath have flimsy allegiances, she realizes her only chance is to convince Firestar to become her ally in order to be an inside agent. Before she can enact her plan, she is approached by Magneto, who is a broken man, accompanied by Sabertooth. Magneto explains the cause of the the depowered mutants, which he calls the "scarlet evening", and that given the human's slow acceptance of remaining mutants (though most assume all of the mutants have lost her power), he has come to believe that is the best they will ever come to equality. Emma will not stand for this, and inquires about Wanda's location. Meanwhile, Risty attempts to weed Josh out of Graydon's life, only for him to expose her as a mutant. Graydon renounces her once more, and she tearfully leaves the school, vowing revenge against Elixir. She meets up with Destiny, who has been unsucessful with reforming the Brotherhood, given that there's only two members left, one of whom is romancing an X-Man. However, she notes that Toad has agreed to accompany them and find Wanda.
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5. Regretful Actions--Sees Emma Frost once more inquiring about Wanda's whereabouts. Magneto simply taps his head, asking that if she reads his mind, that she leave her be. It's revealed that before the events of Asteroid M, Magneto bought an island known as Genosha where mutants could live peacefully. However, following the attack of the sentinels in New York, they decimated every mutant on the island. Wanda read his mind following the scarlet evening and learned about the island. Wanting to hurt him more, she took Pietro and fled to the otherwise uninhabited island. When Emma asks what makes the move so hurtful, Magneto suspects that Wanda knows he had a deep love for his children, albeit heavily misguided, and that he feared the day sentinels would return to the island and kill them. Emma is intrigued, revealing that after having read Penance's mind, she discovered Warpath and Elixir have lost their powers and hopes that if she restores their powers, then she will be able to convince them to join her against Selene. Sabertooth reminds her of Magneto's words, and that he still has his powers. He jokes that she won't want to end up like the other members of the Inferno Club, and she wonders if he knows what happened to Shinobi Shaw. The men say that they hunted down the other members following the events of Dark Phoenix, only to find them dead. Similarly, Mastermind also died following the event of the scarlet evening. They wondered if Emma would be next, as Magneto still had sympathy for mutants, especially one around the age as his daughters and with the same powers. Emma points out his favoritism resulted in his son's derailment and Wanda casting that spell. Silently, she sends a psychic message to Prodigy in order to convey the message to the X-Men. Cypher recalls Emma's friendliness when inviting him to Massachusetts Academy, but is weary of what her motives are. Emma states to Magneto and Sabertooth that she won't seek out Wanda, and that she needs to visit a friend.
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6. Genosha--After bargaining with Emma for Wanda's location, the X-Men and Mr. Sinister come back to New York and create a small team led by Wolverine. Polaris volunteers to try and reach her sister, while Havok volunteers to go with her, a relationship starting to blossom with them. Emma joins as well, and to everyone's surprise, brings Scott back from the psychiatric hospital. He insists on coming with the team, revealing that since being admitted, Emma had disguised herself as one of his nurses and the two bonded. He states he wants to protect her and Emma claims Wanda will have some sympathy towards him, though Professor X is suspicious towards both of them. Finally, Magik pleads to come along, saying that when her power is restored, she could easily teleport them away in case something goes bad. Seeing that Kurt's abilities can only take them so far, Professor X concedes, much to Colossus' protests, but still agrees for Kurt to come along. The team departs for Genosha, and Storm wonders how Magneto will feel about this course of action. Destiny arrives, horrified that Professor X did not join the X-Men. Before she can explain, she is attacked by Legion, who has returned following hearing of the Phoenix's departure. However, seeing that Xavier is one of the depowered mutants, he decides to take Charles to Genosha so he can get his power back so they can fight and Legion can break him down psychologically. As they depart, Mystique stares at the injured Destiny in fear, her power slowly distorting her appearance. At the sight, Mr. Sinister disappears.
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7. Nothing to Lose--Sees a wheelchair-bound Pietro tell Wanda about how beautiful Genosha is. She reluctantly agrees and asks him if she wants him to repair "them" yet, but he says "not yet." He asks her if she's feeling better, and she replies that she doesn't know what better feels like. They sit in silence for a while and are about to apologize to each other when Wanda senses someone is nearby. Upon investigating, she finds that Toad has made it to the island, proclaiming that he's come to bring her back home. She warns him to leave while Quicksilver questions how he got on the island. Toad replies that while he had plans on coming with Mystique and Destiny, he stowed away with the X-Men. Before the twins can respond, the X-Men appear, hoping to talk with Wanda. She is unreceptive, battling them with everything she has. Emma notes that the reality-changing spell she casted seems to have taken a toll on her, even weeks after casting it. As a result, the match is slightly more balanced. During the fight, Nightcrawler and Magik are in hiding. When the X-Men fall back, Magik reaches out to her, asking for her powers to protect her brother, and that if she restored them, she would take the X-Men and leave. Polaris, hoping not to enrage Wanda, agrees with Magik and doesn't ask for her powers back. Wanda slowly concedes, and begins the spell. However, while giving Magik her powers back, Wanda is mentally attacked by Legion, who hopes to "encourage" her to give Professor X his powers back. The two telepaths battle for supremacy, while Emma observes, revealing that she persuaded Cyclops to come and help because Wanda's powers could bring Jean back. While she wants to help Wanda and get on her good side, she doesn't want to turn Legion on her. Nightcrawler and Polaris attempt to reason with Pietro, who has grown depressed following his injuries. Emma telepathically tells him that Magneto regrets his actions, but Quicksilver turns a deaf ear, despite being hopeful. In the end, Wanda is still able to defeat Legion, knocking him unconscious and stripping away his telepathic abilities. Still angry, she turns her rage on the X-Men, with Magik using her powers to help them escape, albeit with a strange delay in her powers. The X-Men regroup at the Mansion, uncertain about what to do. Meanwhile, Cypher, Prodigy, Shadowcat, and Jubilee attempt to befriend Fabio, who has recently fell under the influence of the Hellions. Prodigy notes that they need to get Empath out of the picture, as his power manipulates other people's emotions.
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8. Rerun--Sees Mojo kidnap Warpath, Penance, Wither, Multiple, Angel, and Rogue in order to bring some fresh faces into the program, noting that the mutants always seem to give him high ratings. At first they all reject the game, but Mojo promises to give the Hellions very interesting information if they happen to win against the X-Men, and if the X-Men win, they'll be told of a plot against them. Either way, the incentive will give good ratings! While they fight, Prodigy convinces Iceman and Pyro II to engage in PDA around a bored Empath at the mall, hoping that he'll be interested in trying to make them resent each other. Iceman protests, but Pyro II jokes that if he can overcome brainwashing once, he can do it again. They reluctantly concede to go through with the plan, and it works, with Empath delighting in causing the ice and fire users to resent each other. While distracted, Jubilee and Cypher try to convince Fabio that the X-Men are more trustworthy than the Hellions. Fabio just wants to lay low, but promises to think about it. Before they can convince him further, they are interrupted by Fitzroy, who steers Fabio away from them. While learning about Warpath, Rogue (still adjusting to having Gambit's powers) attempts to appeal to him by telling him how she didn't trust the X-Men at first either, and that she doesn't blame him. She sees Warpath has doubt in his mind, and invites him to join the X-Men. The whole time, Wither is observing, recalling his own distrust with the X-Men. However, Warpath declines her offer out of loyalty and friendship with the Hellions. Silently, Wither agrees with this, still brainwashed by Selene. Eventually the X-Men are defeated, and Mojo reveals to them Fitzroy and Shinobi's plans to kill them. They are enraged, but Wither convinces his teammates that Selene would never allow them to do that and they must have gone rogue. The Hellions swear revenge while everyone is taken back to their world (which includes Psylocke and Angel on a date). Mojo realizes to his horror and frustration that the show was second in the ratings to a re-run of the Dark Phoenix saga. When the Hellions return, they tell Fabio they wouldn't hold it against him if he didn't join them.
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9. Those We Lost--Warpath hears rumors of his brother Thunderbird being sighted around his hometown in Arizona. While there, he indeed finds John Proudstar, though he is placed under a trance and does not recognize Warpath. When Warpath discovers that several more people in his tribe who had died were resurrected, he tracks it down to Selene, Fitzroy, Bantam, and Shinobi, who used the virus sample to bring people back to life. Remembering what Mojo showed the Hellions about their teammates' betrayal, Warpath engages in a fight with them, though he is no match for them. However, he grows enraged seeing Fitzroy drain the life from his people to fuel his time manipulation only to resurrect them once more and kills Bantam, allowing Fitzroy to only use his stasis abilities. When the Apache's gods turn on the trio, they turn the revived Apache people against Warpath in order to escape, but Warpath prevents them from reviving Batntam. He knows that Fitzroy will no longer time travel--a skill he wasn't confident about to begin with. When he returns to Bayville, he advises the team to disband, having confirmed that Selene is killing mutants and then resurrect them so that she can become a goddess. Firestar, Empath, and Elixir take his words seriously, while Wither is in disbelief and Penance decides to risk staying with the Hellions if it means she'll get revenge on Emma Frost. Meanwhile, Fabio makes friends with Eva, who recently transfered to Bayville High following joining the X-Men and goes by the codename Tempest. Having overheard the conversation between the Hellions, he decides to join the X-Men under the codename Egg. Meanwhile, Rogue works with Gambit in order to better control her powers and Emma tries to placate Cyclops and keep him from trying to visit Wanda again.
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10. One Left--Takes place a month later, following the X-Men discovering the first human to develop mutant powers since the scarlet evening. A team made of Psylocke, Rictor, Storm, Magik, Nightcrawler, and Multiple accompany Professor X and Emma Frost to Alaska. They find the child has been kidnapped by an anti-mutant group known as the Purifiers. Rictor pretends to be a potential pledge in order to sneak into their base. Discovering that they have the baby, he attempts to rescue her, only to be forced to evade Mr. Sinister, who wishes to study her. Most of the X-Men face off against more sentinels while Magik and Nightcrawler rescue Rictor and Emma holds off Sinister (and reminds Sinister of his deal with Professor X, after having read Charles' mind). Rictor is concerned with Magik using her powers since they were restored while Wanda was being attacked and seems to be "glitchy." Magik tells him not to worry, but she accidentally teleports them to the mansion in front of Havok and Polaris. She tries to teleport them once again, this time bringing Havok and Polaris with them and accidentally leaving Rictor. This time, it becomes apparent that they've traveled into the future--a dystopian future. Magik tries again, only to realize to her horror that they are in Limbo, the in-between dimension she usually travels through. And if that wasn't bad enough, they left the child behind in the future. During this time, Cyclops, Beast, Gambit, and Wolverine are delivering Legion to Moira, who will help keep him under surveillance. Quietly, Moira speaks to Beast and Wolverine about a secret she's been keeping for a while.
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11. Darkchilde--Starts with Magik attempting to teleport them back to the future, but her powers are uncooperative. Nightcrawler, recalling the limbo demons from "Shadow Dance," becomes unnerved and agitated, arguing for Magik to hurry. She screams and suffers a breakdown, sobbing. Nightcrawler apologizes, and a new figure appears, announcing himself as Azazel, a demon of Limbo. He offers to help Magik restore her powers, revealing himself as Nightcrawler's father. Nightcrawler is receptive to his father wanting to spend time with him, and Magik is eager to get her powers back. Polaris and Havok note that the two seem to have forgotten the severity of their current situation, only for Azazel to glance at them and they let go of their concerns. For what feels like a long while, Magik slowly gains her powers back, albeit taking on a demonic appearence and taking on the name Darkchilde at Azazel's suggestion. He also tells Kurt that when he was born, he wanted Mystique and Kurt to come to Limbo to live with him, but Mystique refused to believe Kurt was his son, as he appeared human in contrast to Kurt's elf-like characteristics. He explains that while he can't visit the human world often, he could peer into it, and observed Kurt growing up. When Polaris and Havok attempt to get through to Magik, Azazel has demons imprison them. Meanwhile, the X-Men barely escape the sentinels, with Rictor communicating with them from the Mansion about Magik's glitching powers. Mystique, her powers unresponsive following Destiny's death, hunts down Selene, posing as a cult follower in hopes of reviving her lover. Selene accepts this patronage.
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12. King and Queen--Sees Azazel offer Magik the opportunity to become the Queen of Limbo. Kurt, semi-hypnotized by his father, tells her to accept, but she asks about Polaris and Havok. Azazel reveals he has helped them recover their powers, and that they now go as the Goblin King and Queen, going to Earth to help bring about Selene's plan, revealing they made a bargain to help her become a goddess and that they would reign over the Earth. Testing her, Azazel has Magik use her powers to send them back to Earth, and she obliges. Upon meeting Selene, she tells them they will "take Genosha by storm," revealing she plans to resurrect the mutants that died there, as well as killing Wanda and then infecting her with the virus to make her Selene's slave. Mystique carefully observes, having become Selene's assistant. She asks Selene about Shinobi and Fitzroy's whereabouts, to which she replies they are taking reprieve in a penthouse in New York, where the Hellions have been invited to a party. The four of them make it to Genosha undetected, taking advantage of Wanda's still weakened state and Pietro being a paraplegic. Havok easily captures Quicksilver while Wanda and Polaris fight each other, with Polaris blaming Wanda for all the misfortune that has occurred. Just when Wanda is about to win, she collapses, but Polaris hesitates to kill her, telling Havok that she escaped. Havok is the same with Pietro, simply knocking him unconscious, and they share a romantic moment before Selene to resurrect the mutants of Genosha. It's shown that Wanda and Pietro's bodies are thrown into the water surrounding the island.
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13. No Survivors--Sees the Hellions (including Warpath) going to a party hosted by Shinobi Shaw and Trevor Fitzroy, hoping to kill them before the duo gets the chance to do so themselves. As the team looks for them, Fitzroy betrays Shinobi, drugging him and taking his father's ring, a symbol of power. He also reveals Selene had reprogrammed some sentinels for them, turning them on the Hellions. Hearing about the commotion, Shadowcat, Jubilee, Bezerker, Wolfsbane, and Sunspot attempt to help everyone evacuate (despite their lack of powers), but are overwhelmed by the amount of sentinels. Shadowcat attempts to reach out to any psychics around (similar to how she reached out to Professor X in the original version of "Rogue Recruit"), reaching Emma Frost, who is visiting Cyclops, who returned to the psychiatric hospital. She is mainly concerned with the Hellions, but understands saving the New Mutants will help the X-Men continue to trust her. However, she is horrified to find the members of both the teams dead, as the sentinels focus on her. Meanwhile in Limbo, it is revealed that despite his extensive powers, Azazel is unable to use his teleportation abilities and to permanently escape Limbo, and is fascinated that Magik's powers are unfazed by this, as she easily allows demons to cross into the real world to assist Selene in Genosha. He travels to Genosha, telling Magik that she was in charge of Limbo (she was the Queen, after all), and that he would visit occasionally. Nightcrawler is hurt to be left behind, but Azazel's lingering hypnosis makes him more compliant. Magik ponders if her powers are still glitching, as she feels she's opened a portal somewhere. At the end, the X-Men are shown investigating the rubble of where the mutants are, noting that Fitzroy is gone while Emma is comatose. But amidst the rubble, there are two people still alive. The first is a traumatized Elixir, while the second is someone who looks familiar, claiming her name is Hope Summers.
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14. New Age (Part 1)--Starts with Mr. Sinister and Professor X on Krakoa with Egg, Tempest, Elixir, Hope, Magneto, and, to everyone's surprise, Moira and Proteus. Sinister asks if they should begin, and Professor X says yes, hoping that Destiny was right. Meanwhile, Selene has gathered enough souls around her to become a goddess, but demands her followers to get her even more souls. Mystique berates Azazel for his allegiance to Selene, though he states he planned on going back on his promise. Mystique isn't surprised, as Selene has not resurrected Destiny, and reveals that he left her after Nightcrawler was born, claiming that his children were linked to his dimension. He used this connection to Kurt (who was with Magik at the time) and guided him to Limbo. With Magik's limitless power, he was able to escape. It's shown at this time that Trevor is still alive and wearing Sebastian's ring, and Havok and Polaris are slowly becoming free of Azazel's brainwashing. The powered X-Men (with Cyclops manning the jet) arrive to Genosha, and Storm comes across Thunderbird. They engage in combat, and for a brief period, he seems to break free of Selene's control, telling Storm of the Ghost Dance, a ceremony that staves evil spirits and protect them from Selene. She thanks him, and knocks him unconscious. While she tells the X-Men, Nightcrawler and Magik are slowly coming out of their trances, deciding to go back to Earth. They (along with the X-Men) engage in an extensive fight against Selene and her followers, with Mystique, Havok, and Polaris defecting to the X-Men's side. Though Selene has the advantage, she is attacked by new arrival Hope Summers, a somehow repowered Magneto, Wanda, and, the most surprising of all, Jean Grey and Vulcan. All the while, Cyclops watches from the jet in shock.
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15. Dawn (Part 2)--Starts with Magik banishing her demon powers and creates a large stepping stone that drags the demons back to Limbo, including Azazel, which causes Nightcrawler to give a tearful goodbye. He embraces Mystique, who comforts him for once. Meanwhile, the Ghost Dance protects the X-Men as they continue to fight Selene. As a final act of rebellion, Thunderbird stabs Selene in the chest with her own dagger. Her reign already over, she explodes in a ray of light, and the resurrected bodies collapse. Fitzroy surrenders, and as the dust settles, Cyclops jumps out of the jet and runs to Jean. It's revealed that during her fight against the sentinels Emma's psyche took sanctuary in his mind, allowing their bond to grow quickly, and Jean interrupts an intimate sequence going on in Cyclops' head. Deciding to compartmentalize, Jean shows the team to Krakoa, a living island Professor X has bonded with for the purpose of making a sovereign nation, albeit in a secret location, unlike Genosha. Using Sinister's DNA catalogue and the powers of Proteus, Egg, Tempus, Elixir, and Hope (confirmed to be the baby Magik accidentally left in the future), known as The Five, they are able to resurrect any mutants. Magneto, in his grief over hurting his children, was willing to kill himself to see if it would work. He found it not only worked, but also restored his abilities. Jean was the second mutant to be revived, and it's revealed that Destiny was the third, having predicted this years ago cryptically to Professor X. Wanda, still in turmoil over her feelings, is uncertain over joining a remorseful Magneto, but restores Quicksilver's powers (at his request) and offers to restore everyone she took powers from if they wanted to live on Krakoa. Toad, also on the island, attempts to smooth things over with Wanda, but she (lightly) rebuffs him. The Hellions, Thunderbird, and even Shinobi Shaw are revived, and many familiar characters join Krakoa, though Professor X reminds them that they are still expected to go to school. Finally, Professor X gives a speech about not giving up on mutant-human relationships, the rules of Krakoa, until finally: "To me, my X-Men."
I know I changed a lot, but I hope you enjoyed my interpretations! Originally I was gonna do the creation of Krakoa followed by a Necrosha storyline (inspired by Immortal X-Men #1). I also wanted to adapt the 2021 "Trial of Magneto" arc, but maybe another time! Unfortunately I couldn't fit as much filler as I would've liked, but maybe I'll come back and edit it!
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afaimscorner · 1 month
Liste der 97 besten X-Comics-Charaktere
Rogue (Anna Marie LeBeau) (1981)
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Kitty Pryde (Shadowkat) (1980)
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Gambit (Remy LeBeau) (1990)
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Laura Kinney (Wolverine) (2004)
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) (1967)
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Dani Moonstar (Mirage) (1982)
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Illyana Rasputin (Magik) (1975)
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Magneto (Max Eisenhart) (1963)
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Alex Summers (Havok) (1969)
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Jean Grey (Phoenix) (1963)
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Scott Summers (Cylops) (1963)
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Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) (1982)
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Lorna Dane (Polaris) (1968)
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Doug Ramsey (Cypher) (1984)
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Storm (Ororo Munroe) (1975)
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Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) (1975)
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Banshee (Sean Cassidy) (1967)
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 Siryn (Theresa Rourke) (1981)
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Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) (1982)
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Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta) (1982)
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Rictor (Julio Esteban Richter) (1987)
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Northstar (Jean Paul Beaubier) (1979)
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Husk (Paige Guthrie) (1986)
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Blink (Exiles) (Clarice Ferguson) (1994)
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Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox) (1974)
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Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) (1964)
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Rachel Summers (Askani) (1981)
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Mimic (Exiles) (Calvin Rankin) (2001)
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Hellion (Julian Keller) (2003)
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Elixir (Josh Foley) (2003)
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Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) (2003)
Warren Worthington III (Archangel) (1963)
Iceman (Bobby Drake) (1963)
Logan (Wolverine, James Howlett) (1974)
Tabby (Tabitha Smith, Boom Boom) (1985)
Karma (Shi’an McCoy) (1980)
M (Monet St. Croix) (1994)
Alison Blair (Dazzler) (1980)
Strong Guy (Guido Carosella) (1985)
Juggernaut (Cain Marko) (1965)
Nocturne (T. J. Wagner) (2001)
Betsy Braddock (Captain Britain) (1976)
Brian Braddock (Captain Avalon) (1976)
Mystique (Raven Darkholm) (1978)
Maddie Pryor (Goblin Queen) (1983)
Madison Jeffries (1983)
Jay Guthrie (Icarus) (1984)
Lila Cheney (1984)
Rusty Collins (1986)
Skids (Sally Belvins) (1986)
Domino (Neena Thurman) (1992)
Nate Grey (X-Man) (1995)
Pete Wisdom (1995)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)(2002)
Noriko Ashida (Surge) (2004)
Heather Mac Daniel Hudson (Sasquatch) (Exiles) (2002)
Quentin Quire (Kid Omega) (2003)
Laurie Collins (Wallflower) (2003)
Santo Vaccarro (Rockslide) (2003)
Pixie (Meggan Gwyn) (2004)
Amor (Hisako Ichiki) (2004)
Layla Miller (2006)
Gabby Kinney (Scout) ((2015)
Hope Summers (2007)
Magma (Amara Aquilla) (1983)
Warlock (1984)
Mindee Cuckoo (2001)
Longshot (1985)
Chamber (Jonathan Starsmore) (1994)
Destiny (Irene Adler) (1981)
Empath (Manuel Alfonzo Rodrigo de la Rocha)(1984)
Emma Frost (White Queen) (1980)
Cecilia Reyes (1997)
Callisto (1983)
Caliban (1981)
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (1964)
Snowbird (Naya Eason) (1979)
Oya (Idie Okonkwo) 2010)
Vulcan (Gabriel Summer) (2006)
Eva Bell (2012)
Goldballs (Fabio Medina, Egg) (2013)
Christopher Summers (Corsair) (1977)
Hepzibah (1977)
Moira MacTaggert (1975)
Mac (James Hudson, Guardian) (1978)
Heather McDonalds (Nemesis) (1980)
Aurora (Jeanne Marie Beaubier) (1979)
Daken (Akihiro, Fang) (2006)
Eyeboy (Trevor Hawkins) (2012)
Phoebe Cuckoo (2001)
Celeste Cuckoo (2001)
Trance (Hope Abbot) (2005)
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (1991)
Gabriel Cohuelo (Velocidad) (2010)
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine) (2005)
Sabretooth (AoA) (Viktor Creed) (1994)
Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) (1989)
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thexdesk · 1 year
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From the personal journal of M. Sinister.
Did you miss me? I hope you missed me. I’ve missed you dearly. It’s a big, bright beautiful world and the pit of Krakoa was oh so very drab and dark. Really, I would not recommend. All I could do was hold on to the hope that my mechanizations would come to fruition in my absence. It’s a rather big ask of fledgling little Sinister’s, but what’s a genius to do? Faith, trust and a little bit of genetically altered spliced D.N.A. will get the job done.
My, what a moment we are living in. I’ve come back to a great number of wonderful happenstances. My puppets have done as they were designed to do: they have acted like  a plague and infected the weak so that they too could become strong. More and more of the so called heroes have fallen under what will eventually be revealed to be my sway. The Five are entirely corrupted now and resurrect tarnished genetic samples without a care in the world. Prominent Avengers have joined the alliance and are hardwired to fight the X-Men without knowing why. How terrible it will reflect upon them; resurrected by the mutants they were, and yet, they turn to violence against them. Following the initial fell swoop that culled some of the Avengers at the Avengers Mansion, we have been sneakily arranging the death and replacement of whoever we can get our grubby little hands on. The now corrupted — although I prefer to think of them as purified — have been recorded below for future prosperity.
Where do we go from here? Well, pet, the only place is up. As I write, the Avengers and the X-Men are priming for battle. We will walk away victorious while they will lick their wounds publicly. We win, they lose. Ha. Of course, we have our adversaries. Raven remains the treacherous thorn in the side she’s always been, and her wife threatens ruination for all. They’ve absconded in the night like fugitives. Less subtle is Storm. She’s always been all thunder and lightening. Her teaming up with Raven and Irene could put a stop to the entire ordeal, so we’ll have to remain ahead of them. It’s tricky when one is a precog, isn’t it? Nevertheless, we will persevere. 
Now that I’ve returned, expect to see me more often, dear diary. I will diligently keep record of all that transpires. The Fall of X is a wondrous place to be, isn’t it?
Nathaniel Essex, the master planner known as Mister Sinister
A lovely little list of those corrupted:
alex summers (616)
america chavez (mcu)
anna-marie lebeau (616)
anya corazon (616)
billy kaplan (616)
bobbi morse (616)
carol danvers (616)
clea strange (616)
crystalia amaquelin (616)
daimon hellstrom (616)
elektra natchios (616)
elsa bloodstone (616)
eva bell (616)
fabio medina (616)
felicia hardy (616)
gamora (616)
greer nelson (616)
jeanne foucault (616)
jeanne-marie beaubier (616)
josh foley (616)
julian keller (616)
kara killgrave (616)
kevin mactaggert (616)
kwannon (616)
laurie collins (616)
layla el-faouly (mcu)
lucas bishop (616)
madelyne pryor (616)
maría aracely penalba (616)
megan gwynn (616)
namor mckenzie (616)
natasha romanoff (616)
neena thurman (616)
peter quill (616)
phyla-vell (616)
remy lebeau (931)
richard rider (616)
riri williams (616)
sebastian shaw (616)
scott summers (616)
shuri (mcu)
stepford cuckoos (616)
tabitha smith (616)
tandy bowen (616)
tyrone johnson (616)
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I figured out why I find Nicolás and Eva to be a more compelling team than Fabio and Eva (leaving aside my shipping of the former pair for a sec, although I know emotional attachment is a factor).
Basically, I think the reason that Nicolás and Eva work better is that they’re equals. Yes, arguably Nicolás is an employee of Eva’s family, but he a) is a very high ranking employee and b) recuperates whatever power may be lost in that sense by his greater familiarity with the ship - aka their entire world during the series. Plus, in terms of solving crimes, they are both just enthusiastic amateurs. Sometimes Eva asks for help, sometimes Nicolás asks for it, and it makes sense that they usually run around together because, ultimately, neither of them knows what the hell they’re doing. Fabio, on the other hand, is immediately set up as - essentially - Eva’s boss. He recruits her because he thinks she’s smart, and he spends the rest of the voyage either asking her to do things, telling her he doesn’t want to work with her anymore or thanking her for putting herself in danger (implying she’s doing it for him/because of him). He’s also an expert, while Eva is still an amateur. She’s smart, yes, but she’s a novelist, not an intelligence officer.  A good illustration of the difference, I think, is Nicolás and Fabio’s relationship with weapons. Nicolás is almost never armed (just like Eva and just like the majority of people) - he punches a man with a gun in the face, because he doesn’t have another option. Fabio, on the other hand, always has a gun, immediately gives Eva a gun, and suggests torture as an interrogation method a number of times. Now this doesn’t make Fabio a bad person or a bad character, but his and Eva’s relationship, to me, has a less interesting power dynamic as a result, particularly when you contrast it against Eva and Nicolás’s. We see a lot of women in subordinate roles in media, and it was lovely to have a crimefighting duo/couple where that wasn’t the case.
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likeiwishiknew · 4 years
I’m in the minority, but I think these two have promise
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redthreadoffate · 10 days
I need Fabio x Eva content please 😩
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heckcareoxytwit · 8 months
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The Five had brought back many mutants from the dead and usually the resurrections involves in celebrations. However, not all resurrected mutants liked the return to the land of living. One such resurrected mutant was Jeffrey Garrett, the mutant boy who originally haunted the X-Mansion as a restless spirit. Prodigy visits The Five who told him that the resurrected Jeffrey had already teleported before anyone could visit him. Prodigy figures that Jeffrey Garrett was too bewildered and disoriented about the new changes so he goes off to look for him. Prodigy finds Jeffrey at the cliff of the waterfall to talk to him.
This short story of Prodigy and the X-Kids take place before the fateful Hellfire Gala attack.
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #100, 2023
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thehollowprince · 2 years
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Tempus, Proteus, Hope, Elixir, Egg...
The Five.
The foundation on which the nation of Krakoa has been built. Individual mutants who, while powerful in their own right, when working in unison, have managed to cheat Death of her prize by resurrecting their dead.
They've been a cornerstone of the Krakoan era of the X-Men and, most recently, have even joined the arena of Krakoan politics with Hope joining the Quiet Council. And the question has often been asked as to what would happen to Krakoa if anything ever happened to the Five. This is such a worry that there are protocols in place in case one of of the Five ends up dead themselves. After all, who is going to resurrect the resurrectors? It's been mentioned (via data pages) that mutants like Mimic and Synch are on standby in case something happens to them, as they're both very capable of easily filling in for whatever role is suddenly vacant.
With Judgment Day just around the corner, I've been thinking about what would potentially happen if Moira's plan works, even if it's only having Druig and his Eternals taking out the Five. Synch is powerful, but he's not THAT powerful.
Anyway, here are my pics for who could replace the Five.
#1. Fabio Medina - EGG
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There is no other mutant like Egg. Whereas the other members of the Five have other mutants who could fill their roles, there is no one (aside from someone like Synch, Rogue or Mimic) who could use his powers, and he needs to be alive (even if just at first) for them to copy his powers. The only way resurrection works is with his eggs, so he is very necessary.
That being said, I'm pretty sure he doesn't create a new egg pod at the beginning of each resurrection. It was shown during X OF SWORDS that they stock the entire hatchery with them. So I'm pretty sure, if nothing else, he'd have his very own pod waiting for his resurrection, stored in a secure location so that he could resume his work with the new Five.
#2. Christopher Muse - TRIAGE
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I've stated before, in another post about potential Omega level mutants, that Triage has the same abilities as Elixir, and so he would be the ideal choice to fill that role for the Resurrection Protocols.
Healer would also be a potential candidate for this role.
#3. Heather Tucker - TEMPO
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Much like Triage, Heather's powers are nearly identical to Tempus. In fact, with people arguing that Tempus should be classified as an Omega level mutant, I'd say the same for Tempo, because Heather has been shown to be just as (if not more) powerful than Eva, especially within the pages of the current run of MARAUDERS.
#4. Franklin Richards - POWERHOUSE
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I went back and forth on this one because, technically speaking (at the moment), Franklin isn't (or maybe he is?) a mutant (he's totally a mutant! Fuck you, Dan Slott!). I mean, we do have other reality warping mutants that could very easily fill that role, but given my feelings on how Franklin was handled by Slott (🤬), I wanted to give this character a shot at "redemption", rather in a similar way that was granted to Wanda during the TRIAL OF MAGNETO.
Characters like Mister M, Monarch, Mad Jim Jaspers (lot of Ms here) as well as Wanda Maximoff herself, could also fill this role.
#5. Everett Thomas - SYNCH
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I know I mentioned him as someone who could fill any role within the Five as required, but if we had to have a brand new Five, Synch would be my pick to replace Hope. He can already do what Hope can do when it comes to copying powers and so forth, and that was actually one of my initial gripes with the character of Hope when she was introduced. Same with Tempo and Tempus. There seems to be a recurring theme of writers liking a character of color's power set and then wouldn't ya know, there's suddenly a white character that has that exact same power who gets far more air time.
Unofficial (or auxiliary) members would include people like Fabian Cortez (or a Boost Fruit) to grant a power boost as needed (because Khora of the Burning Heart would definitely NOT participate) and whatever psychic is needed to access the Cerebro backups.
And yeah.
That's my version of the Five, if anything happens to them. In fact, it would be my suggestion that these mutants be utilized in conjunction with the current Five to help speed up the resurrection queue that still has several million mutants sitting on the back burner.
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machudson · 2 years
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I am a mutant of faith. I have that faith in you, and you cannot prevent that.
immortal x men #1
w. kieron gillen / p+i. lukas werneck / c. david curiel
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spearclosetcomics · 2 years
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Uncanny X-Men #24 (2014) Brian Michael Bendis Kris Anka
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From X-Men Vol. 6 #010, “Sisterhood of the Metal Bones”
Art by Javier Pina and Marte Gracia
Written by Gerry Duggan
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