#especially in the same game where our ''good'' ''friend'' ''phoenix wright'' is out here making light of forging evidence. lmao
lorillee · 9 months
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i mean to be fair your entire case is purely circumstantial. like its pretty clear at this point your kid didnt do it but you dont really have a lot of a case against the other guy. i dont think a legal system that says "ok if youre gonna accuse somebody of murder you better have some actual solid hard evidence they did it" is ...... necessarily a bad thing
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characteroulette · 3 years
well all rightie then, it’s time to analyse how DGS1 handles grief really well in my opinion
(once again, spoilers for all of DGS1)
(also some spoilers for the original trilogy games) (and a little of DGS2)
okay So my thesis statement here is that Asougi’s character in DGS1 is the vessel through which Ryuunosuke and Susato’s grief is explained. Everything about how they relate to Asougi is their dealing with their grief in a simple message: Loss hits hard, but you have to continue to live and love. Life Goes On, shaping that grief into yourself if you allow it.
We start off with Case 1 as our baseline. The set-up. It’s a routine to show what life is like for Ryuunosuke before tragedy. (Fitting for an AA protagonist to have their baseline of normal being accused of murder.) This case does a really, really good job of setting up Asougi as our friend, our partner, whom we might spend the rest of the game with.
(I mean, the death flag’s kinda obvious if you’re genre-savvy; the mentor must die so that the student may grow into their own. But Asougi’s so likeable! He’s confident, genuine with Ryuunosuke, comfortably teasing, and looks at you with the same eyes as Klavier. What’s not to love? Also that small hint of something deeper is so tantalising that for it to go unresolved is pretty unthinkable.)
It’s important for us to see how much Asougi means to Ryuunosuke, how much the two really are best friends. This set-up is pivotal to what happens next in Case 2: the drop.
The way Ryuunosuke reacts to learning about Asougi’s death is real. He tries to deny it at first, can’t bring himself to believe it. Especially since he’s been accused of the crime! But the moment he sees that photo of Asougi that Sherlock took, that’s where the truth of it hits and he can’t run from it anymore. All he can do is try to push past that biting grief to at least solve his friend’s murder and set things right.
Susato’s own grief is portrayed really well here, too. She’s so angered and clouded by it that she totally ignores the fact that Asougi and Ryuunosuke are best friends and believes Ryuunosuke to be the murderer. Really, she just blames Ryuunosuke because it’s easier that way, since the wound cuts just as deep for her.
What really strikes me, though, is how the whole case isn’t just a one-note misery. Like real life, the two slip into sadness when they remember their dear friend, but they’re still able to joke around. They still get upset or sarcastic or excited. Because, though their grief affects them immensely, the message is that life continues. It can’t just stop for them like it did for their friend; life goes on. Not out of malice, but out of necessity.
Also, the way Sherlock acknowledges their grief is pretty great. That felt hugely validating to me, how he tells them that their mourning is important and how his jovial, joking tone was never properly taking that into account. The way he continues breaking in at the end to lighten the mood, too, is his own genuine way of trying to help, exhausting though he may be. It’s appreciated, at the least, to keep us the players from breaking down into tears as the conclusion rolls with no real satisfaction at the mystery being solved.
That final conversation between Susato and Ryuunosuke, at least, is hugely cathartic to make up for that. It sounds like it should feel rushed, honestly, dealing with the majority of the grieving process in just Case 2, but it doesn’t at all. It seems properly healthy, like the two are doing their best by confiding and taking comfort in one another in order to celebrate Asougi’s goals, to keep going where he can’t. Ryuunosuke and Susato both form their resolve here to continue to live, not just for Asougi, but for themselves as well. For life’s sake.
Because, again, life goes on.
(A brief tangent: Seeing the contrast of this story versus the original trilogy is also a really neat sort of view into Shu Takumi’s growth as a writer. Or the AA series’ growth as a whole. How Edgeworth handled his grief by never really acknowledging it in AA1, how he basically ran away from it by refusing to live as a sort of punishment against himself, is really sad. Then Phoenix handling his grief in JFA by turning to anger and resentment is just as heartbreaking. Phoenix disavows himself from it, trying to spare himself the pain by denying it, which only hurt him more and he had to have everyone around him break him out of that awful mindset. Then in T&T it’s Godot’s grief which drives the plot, as he turns his anger on Phoenix unjustly. He blames Phoenix for Mia’s death and lashes out at everyone instead of allowing himself the time to properly grieve.
And then DGS1 comes along to say that maybe the answer is just that life goes on and we have healthier ways to reconcile with our grief and it’s just real neat to see!)
In Case 3 and 4, we can see through Ryuunosuke’s discussion with Lord Vortex (/Stronghart) the continuation of his handling this grief. It’s a burden, one Ryuunosuke doesn’t fully understand, but he fervently takes upon himself because we want to live for those we’ve lost. (It is the Wright way, the Naruhodou way, to take on the aspirations of the friends you’ve lost. To mimic their mannerisms, their ambitions, in order to keep them close to your heart.)
(That’s a whole other can of worms I could dive into, honestly, how their decision to give Ryuunosuke all of Phoenix’s poses for the whole ancestor vibe while ALSO making it clear that Ryuunosuke took them from Asougi to begin with, it’s just. It’s good, it’s perfect, it’s the same brand of gay the series is known for and I’m love it.)
You also see, as the trial of Case 3 progresses, how Ryuunosuke is basically just living off of ‘what would Asougi do?’ as Susato coaches him along and it’s fun and bittersweet all the way through. Case 4 is where he gains more confidence in himself, but he still defaults to thinking of Asougi’s unwavering trust in him to help him and every time it’s handled with tenderness and shows just how much Ryuunosuke loved his friend.
And, if you’re like me and take every opportunity to examine Asougi’s badge and present it to Susato (/others), you see how they continue to grow with their grief. It starts off with both of them being unable to say much, still weighed down heavily by Asougi’s loss. Though they are continuing and life goes on, it’s still a wound too fresh to approach and hard for them to properly explain.
By Case 5, though, the two of them are more conversational. They’ve found their words, they’ve mended that wound as much as possible so that life won’t leave without them. It still hurts, of course, but it’s easier to think about. It’s easier to reconcile when they’ve been working hard and making friends and continuing to live. It’s small, but the progression is there and I really appreciate it.
Speaking of Case 5, though, everything about this one, in regards to Asougi, is pure catharsis. It really is like they’re looking their grief right in the face and accepting it as a part of themselves. Ryuunosuke looks back on his friend not just with fondness, but with gratefulness that Asougi could make such a big impact on his life.
(This is similar to the whole Phoenix and Mia thing, I feel, since Phoenix often thought of his mentor with the same sort of tone. At least, I think so. Remarkable how Phoenix’s grief can mirror the finalised version of Ryuunosuke’s with the help of spirit channeling! /joke)
Ryuunosuke and Susato have etched Asougi into their hearts and their persons and it’s just really, very good I like it a lot.
(okay time for a few paragraphs on DGS2 and Asougi)
Case 1 one DGS2 is a neat look into Susato’s mind and thought process. You can definitely tell she’s still just a 16-year-old with the mistakes she makes and how she tries to handle her own arguments, which is very cute. We also get to see her actually talking to Asougi’s grave and then see how her own relationship with Asougi has influenced her style (/poses) and aspirations. (Ryuunosuke, too. It’s cute to see how she’s ended up a mixture of both of them.) And it’s a great rug pull moment for the player, since the way that the grief is handled in DGS1 is so good and (almost) final that hearing Asougi might not actually be dead is a bit like digging up old wounds. I mean, we went the entirety of the first game coming to terms with his death, what do you mean his body went missing??
(Case 2 serves as a reminder. Like haha remember how Susato and Ryuunosuke both love Asougi and are sad about his death? Here’s the baseline again, get ready to have it wrecked!)
And Case 3 is phenomenal, too. The way Van Zieks is so understanding in his response to showing him Asougi’s badge is just. It’s perfect, he’s so gentle and empathetic that it shocks Ryuunosuke (even though Ryuunosuke did the same understanding and concern for Van Ziek’s situation Ryuunosuke please). Then the way that Ryuunosuke sees Asougi, disguised in a cloak and mask, and immediately recognises him. To me, that really shows how much he loved his friend. He knew Asougi for about a year and it’s been about nine months since Asougi’s death, yet Ryuunosuke recognises him just by the way he carries himself.
But, to him, Asougi is dead. He’s made peace with that. So, even if it plays on his mind, he can’t allow himself to think that. He puts it out of his mind completely and doesn’t think on it again.
At least, until Susato (who reacted very realistically by shutting down the possibility that Asougi might still be alive because that means Sherlock lied and she couldn’t take having that hope break her worse than before) sees the exact same thing just as immediately and shouts after him. The fact that they both see this disguised man and know it can be no one besides Asougi is insane. It’s love. It makes me cry, I wish they could’ve hugged him during the big reveal (though I know Japanese culture’s just not like that).
Anyway, DGS2 diatribe over. Back to the conclusion.
The whole of DGS1 is just a masterful example of how grief doesn’t have to destroy you, of how life can go on and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and how channeling that grief into motivation to keep their memories alive can be powerful. That it’s okay to still feel grief even as you heal, that it’s okay to have fun and keep living even as you mourn. Life is a mixture of levity and tragedy and, to me, DGS1 nails that mixture with perfection.
Absolutely legendary. Join me next time when I dive into the main theme of DGS2, which is literally ‘the dead will come back to life to haunt you’ thanks for coming to my essay talk
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I think this is nominally incomplete, but it’s from October and I’m never going to finish it, but I reread it and still enjoy some of the jokes in it so.... I figured other people might get some enjoyment out of it.
Summary: Some defense attorneys, prosecutors, and detectives get together and while drinking make poor conversational choices that vacillate wildly between commiserating over personal trauma and making bad jokes. So, the usual.
“You know,” Kay says, frowning in concentration as she attempts to affix a fourth paper umbrella in her hair, “what always bums me out about these big get-togethers is I always start thinking we should play some super-fun drinking games and then I realize that would be terrible, because, like, ‘Never Have I Ever’ always turns into weird sexscepade confessions and that’d be horrible enough if Mr. Edgeworth was just our boss, but he’s like, our dad, so we can’t do that.”
Everyone takes twenty seconds to absorb what she has said. “There are things I don’t want to know about any of you,” Apollo says. “Especially not Mr. Wright.”
“Because he’s our dad,” Athena adds. She is lying on the floor with her chin propped up on her arms. “Also it’d be mean to play drinking games with me here not being able to.” Her glare turns from Phoenix to Simon. “American drinking laws are stupid.”
“You say to a room full of prosecutors and detectives,” Apollo says.
“No no, she’s right,” Klavier says. “I got my badge in Europe and then came back and they would let me stand in court and prosecute a trial but not buy a beer.”
“Franziska complained all the time about that,” Edgeworth says, with a small smile that is almost fond as he contemplates the dregs at the bottom of his wine glass. “In the interest of full disclosure, she complained about everything in America. She still does, actually.”
“I can see why she would,” Athena says. “I liked Germany. I didn’t actually drink a lot there, though.”
“You are smarter than I,” Klavier says. “I lost about a month somewhere in Germany.”
Phoenix coughs and sets down his glass, which is pint-sized but filled with wine. The only condolence for Apollo, and from the expression on his face, Edgeworth as well, is that he isn’t drinking straight from a bottle. “A month?” he repeats incredulously.
Klavier nods. “I had just taken the bar; I had nothing to do but wait for my results. What else was I supposed to do?”
“Not that?” Phoenix asks. He looks somewhere between impressed and horrified, which is strange for Apollo to realize; he can’t usually read his boss’ emotions from his face. “Anything but that?”
Klavier shrugs. “Ja ja, but I never got arrested or woke up anywhere unfamiliar, so I think I did fine.”
“Did you wake up with that horrible accent, though?” Blackquill asks, smirking slightly, and without looking bats Athena’s hand away from his drink.
“Ooh!” Athena says, pushing herself up into a sitting position. “You know, that’s actually happened! There’s been cases where after a traumatic brain injury, a person has recovered to speak with an entirely different accent that they never had before. So you could have--”
“I’m sorry to dampen your excitement, Fraulien, but I have never had any traumatic brain injuries.” Ema mutters something and Klavier, staring at the glass in his hands, says, “Ach, we’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, and I will amend my statement to ‘not that I know’ because Kris could have dropped me down the stairs when we were young and I can never know for sure now, because what I am sure of is that even if the answer is no, if I asked him now, he would say he did.”
“You know, Kay, that this is realistically where ‘Never Have I Ever’ would end up,” Ema says. “The personal trauma shit, like ‘never have I ever had someone close to me turn out to be a murdering bastard.’” She doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes and instead stares at the floor. “Ah shit I can’t even say that. That one’s happened to me too. Fuck it.” She throws her head back and drains a third of her glass.
“Would that be a shot for each murdering bastard, or just one for all of them?” Klavier asks.
“At that point you just start drinking and don’t stop,” Phoenix says without lowering his glass from his lips, apparently taking his own advice.
“Define ‘close’,” Apollo says.
“We’re lawyers,” Sebastian says. “Why don’t we just all argue about the definition and never get anywhere with it?”
“He was your boss,” Klavier says brusquely. “That’s fuckin’ close enough.” The harshness of the words doesn’t match the way Klavier’s weight leans against Apollo’s shoulder or how his hand shakes just slightly, knuckles too white curled around his shot glass.
“Is ‘close’ in this case simply to be understood as figuratively referring to emotional connection,” Blackquill says, “or would a literal meaning as in physical proximity at length apply as well?”
“When you’re splitting hairs like that just join the rest of us in being drunk and depressed,” Ema says.
“Are we actually playing now?” Kay asks. “Because this is like a super fucked up way to play if we are.”
“Let’s not even bother with the ‘never have I ever had someone I loved be murdered’,” Apollo says. He hadn’t wanted to get drunk tonight, and instead just sit back and watch whatever unfolded, but he’s thinking he might want to change those plans.
“Everyone loses on that one,” Kay says, reaching over and gently patting Apollo’s head, which he thinks is a gesture of sympathy as best as she, pink-cheeked with unfocused eyes, can manage. And he thinks he is just tipsy enough that it actually feels like a comfort. “And the grand prize, ‘never have I ever had someone I loved be murdered by someone I was close to’, because that’s like… aw shit that’s me isn’t it.”
“Depending on how you define your proximity to Ms. Yew, or Shih-na, or whatever you should like to call her,” Edgeworth says, and it’s probably not coincidence that he is now finishing off his wine, after Kay has said those words. Everyone knows the story of von Karma.
“Again,” Blackquill says, his chin resting on his hands, his elbows on his knees, “how are we agreeing to define ‘close’ and does it apply retroactively, in that they only came in close literal proximity to you long after they committed the murder of that particular--” This time he is not quick enough to stop Athena from snatching away his glass and draining the contents.
“Gross!” Widget cries, and Athena sets the glass back in front of Blackquill with an expression of profound disgust twisting her features. “What the hell is that, anyway?” she asks.
“You were duly warned,” Blackquill replies.
“No,” Athena says. “You told me it was illegal, not that it was disgusting.”
Phoenix is laughing at her, his glass untouched on the floor for the past minute. Kay raises an eyebrow. “What, the unluckiest man in the world can’t drink to that?”
“I can’t, actually,” he says, “though not for lack of trying on my ex-girlfriend’s part.”
“Is trauma crossing over with sexscepades now?” Ema asks. “I’m gonna need to be super more drunk if it is.”
“Me too,” Apollo says, staring at the empty glass in front of him. He hadn’t wanted to refill. Now he thinks he needs it. Klavier offers him the remains of his drink. Apollo accepts it.
“It was not a… a…” Phoenix props his chin up on his hands. “Well, depends on how you’re defining it, and whether ‘my college girlfriend was actually twins, one of whom was evil and wanted me dead and tried to frame me for murder when her good twin, who’s a sweetheart other than having a dire blind spot where her sister is concerned, spent eight months trying to convince her not to kill me’ counts as such.”
“Wait,” Ema says, reaching for Kay’s drink, as Edgeworth stands and leaves the room, “you were dating both twins, and you thought they were the same person?”
“They fully intended to convince me they were the same person,” Phoenix says. “And it took me six years and an attempt on my best friend’s life to find out otherwise.”
“Why’d she -- they -- whoever -- try to kill Edgeworth?” Sebastian asks.
Phoenix coughs. “Erm -- my other best friend, Maya. It’s a long fucked-up story that’s incoherent enough when I try to tell it sober but it ended with me cross-examining a dead woman and the prosecution indicted on the murder charges that had been leveled against my client.”
“What,” Athena says.
“I was there and can corroborate,” Edgeworth says, reentering with a new glass of wine.
“Wait,” Klavier says. “When was this?”
“It’s…” Phoenix frowns, staring at Edgeworth. “It was February, so… nine years now.”
“Was that prosecutor Coffee Dude?” Klavier asks.
“Coffee dude?” Apollo repeats. Klavier’s accent has been slipping in and out all night but hearing him utter the word dude is still absolutely jarring.
“Eloquent as ever, Gavin-dono,” Blackquill says dryly.
“I don’t remember his name because I was a self-absorbed piece of shit who’d just joined the office but: Eine, I remember the news article, and Zwei, I remember him taking the pot out of the coffee machine in the break room and drinking directly from the pot.”
“Oh yeah that’d be him,” Phoenix says.
Blackquill frowns. “This prosecutor you speak of -- about my height, white hair, blind, and able to be convinced to punch another inmate for the price of half a cup of sludgewater prison coffee?”
“Oh my god,” Phoenix says.
“Simon,” Athena sighs.
“I did not say that it was I who convinced him to do such. For all you know I may have been the victim of the punching. You assume the worst of me, Athena.”
Apollo snorts at that. Phoenix is rolling his eyes and Edgeworth coughs.
“You met him in prison?” Edgeworth asks, sitting back down next to Phoenix. “I suppose you must have, if you know him, because he was arrested in February and you joined the office in -- May?”
“April,” Athena corrects.
“Right when everything went to shit,” Klavier says.
“In February a prosecutor was arraigned on charges of murder; in March, another prosecutor committed murder in the office, and the chairman of the Investigatorial Committee was convicted on counts of murder and forging evidence since he was Chief Prosecutor -- you forget, again, that in no point in our lifetimes has ours been a functioning legal system.”
Something about the way Blackquill says it, and the way that Klavier responds with “Bleh,” makes Apollo think it’s a conversation they’ve had before.
Sebastian is staring at his hands.
“And that’s when Mr. Edgeworth gave up his badge for two days and I fell off a building and got amnesia,” Kay adds. “And then we caused another international incident. Not totally in that order.”
“What,” Apollo says.
“Oh god I remember half of that,” Ema says.
“You left out the part with the assassins,” Sebastian says.
“I’ve always believed if you’re not in court it’s sometimes better to leave out details in the retellings, and nothing here is dissuading me of this notion,” Phoenix says.
“So what did you leave out of your little sexscepade story?” Kay asks
“Kay,” Sebastian says, “I am begging you to stop saying that word. I will pay you.”
“Hey Chief, I think that’s Prosecutor Debeste saying I should get a salary raise.”
Edgeworth places his face in his hands.
“I left out the part where I fell off a bridge, my murderous ex-girlfriend was my best friend’s cousin, and Edgeworth --”
“Continue leaving out any further part of this involving me,” Edgeworth interrupts.
“Boss, how are you still alive?” Athena asks.
“That’s a case that’s going to go forever unsolved,” Phoenix replies.
“Can we do ‘never have I ever had a near-death experience’?” Athena says. “Or any significant physical injury on the job. How many shots would you have to take for that one, Boss?” Phoenix is muttering under his breath as he starts counting on his fingers. Apollo can’t make out the words but Athena almost immediately objects -- “Wait, did you say tazed?”
“Tazed, blunt force head trauma from a fire extinguisher, fell off a bridge, that one thing from before I was a lawyer doesn’t count because you said ‘on the job’, hit by a car doesn’t really count under that definition either -- I think that’s it.” He stares absently into space. “Actually, no, it was sort of related to the job so in hindsight, add ‘getting smashed with the man who got me disbarred’.”
“Take another shot for tonight, then,” Klavier says.
Phoenix rolls his eyes. “Klavier, shut up,” he says, and Klavier recoils in surprise, blinking a few times. “I mean the one with ill intentions and a penchant for poisoning people. God there’s so many ways that could’ve ended with me dead over a bowl of borscht in that hell restaurant.” His eyes go unfocused staring at some point over Apollo’s head. “You know what’s another one of the super fucked up parts about that?” He doesn’t wait for anyone to ask before he continues, “I don’t even like borscht.”
Klavier coughs, or at least Apollo thinks it’s a cough, but it also sounds like a laugh and a sob intermingled.
“You exasperate me,” Edgeworth says to Phoenix. Phoenix flops over into his lap like a particularly boneless cat.
“Here’s ‘take a shot if your older sibling is or has ever been in jail,” Ema says dryly, emptying her glass and then laying backwards on the floor. “Welcome to the shit club, boys.”
“I think Herr Samurai and I need more alcohol for this one,” Klavier says.
“Then go get us some,” Blackquill says.
“Sometimes I feel like I am the only one doing the work in this relationship,” Klavier says.
Athena chokes on air.
Edgeworth sighs. “You both know what I am going to say.”
The response comes in near-unison from the three other prosecutors and two detectives. “Dollar in the jar!”
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rubiaryutheroyal · 7 years
Phoenix Wright: Proud Punster - Pt. 1
Why am I purposely going to ruin my favorite video game series with this garbage? Because I can!
If you’ve seen the “pt. 0″ post earlier, please don’t look for it. It’s gone. I killed it. Mwahaha. No, but sometimes posts via mobile glitch up and ruin it once viewed from my computer. Since I only meant it as a placeholder and reminder for myself - that I probably could have just posted privately, gosh - I decided to can it. Sorry.
(Meanwhile, if people want me to share trivia about Takumi’s old development history, though, I can do it on my main blog! ...only if I get asked or a reply about it. There’s a lot.)
Since case 1-1 is so short (and awkward), I’ll collect all the jokes I could muster from it here. Have a nice read and relive the memories!
The First Turnabout
(1) Phoenix: *pacing around the lobby reading a file* Victim’s name is Cindy Stone. Location, her apartment. Time of death, between 4:00 and 5:00 pm. Cause of death, blood loss from blunt trauma to the head. She was struck once…
Mia: Wright!
Phoenix: Oh, Chief!
Mia: Whew, looks like I made it on time. Good luck today! It’s your first trial. You’ll want to leave a good impression.
Phoenix: Y-yeah.
Mia: How are you doing now?
Phoenix: O-oh, you know me… I’m always all Wright!
Mia: …
Phoenix: I-I’m sorry, Chief. It let it slip again, didn’t I?
Mia: Take care, Wright. The last thing we need is for the judge’s mood to be ruined by a bad pun.
Phoenix: I-I know, but I’m nervous as heck! It hasn’t been this bad since I had a class trial back in elementary…
Mia: Well, that was then and this is now. Don’t let it get to you after all this time.
Phoenix: Right…
(2) Larry: Oh, it’s all over! My life, everything, it’s all overrr!!
Phoenix: H-hey, Larry! What’s wrong now!?
Larry: Oh, Nick, I’m not long for this world…
Phoenix: Uh, you don’t look sick.
Larry: But I am! I’m feeling feverish, my hands are shaking, and my heart… My heart! It’s so empty…
Phoenix: …You mean your girlfriend, huh?
Larry: Ohh, Cindy… If only I could turn back the clock to save you…
Phoenix: Aw, it’s not all bad, Larry. You still have me, who believes in you.
Larry: Look, man. I know you’re just trying to make me feel better, but forget it. I’m a hopeless idiot who can’t get a date and when I finally do, I lose her for good. What else do I have to redeem…?
Phoenix: W-well… I may not be able to save your girlfriend anymore, but I at least can save you.
Larry: Nick…
Phoenix: Besides, there’s no way I’d leave my best friends hanging. Trust me. You’re in the Wright hands now!
Larry: …
Phoenix: …Uh, Larry?
Larry: …I think I see the light already…
Phoenix: H-hey! Don’t go there! It wasn’t that bad, was it!?
(3) Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Larry Butz.
Payne: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor.
Phoenix: The de… um, defense is ready, Your Honor.
Judge: …Mr. Wright?
Phoenix: Y-yes, Your Honor?
Judge: This is your first trial, is it not?
Phoenix: Yes, it is. I’m uh… a little nervous, is all.
Judge: Hmm. Your behavior today will determine the fate of your client. Murder is a serious charge. I hope for both your sakes that you can control your nerves.
Phoenix: Y-yes, of course… Um, but if all goes well…
Judge: Yes?
Phoenix: M-maybe I can stay for the full subscription?
*the entire court goes still*
Payne: Hee hee. It looks like they’re doomed from the start.
Mia: Wright! I warned you about this already!
Phoenix: S-sorry, Chief! I just blabbed out the first thing that popped in mind…
Mia: Can’t you put in a little more restraint…?
Judge: …Mr. Wright.
Phoenix: Y-yes, Your Honor? (Uh-oh. Here comes the penalty.)
Judge: I wasn’t aware we had a subscription service for the viewing of these trials. Where do you go to sign up?
*another still silence*
Payne: Um, Your Honor, we don’t. It’s just a silly joke made by that rookie lawyer.
Judge: Ah, that explains it. For a moment there, I thought I was missing out on a great deal. Each one of these trials is an expensive venture, after all.
Phoenix: (You RUN these trials, Your Honor! Why would you subscribe to something you see in person!?)
Mia: …Well, at least we caught a lucky break with this judge.
Phoenix: (I didn’t even know there was someone who’d take my puns literally… Maybe we could use this to our advantage?)
Mia: Wright, if I were you, I’d be careful with those puns. They can still be potent.
Phoenix: Yes, Chief.
(4) Payne: Mr. Sahwit, you go door-to-door selling newspaper subscriptions, do you not?
Sahwit: Oh, yes! Yes, that is correct.
Payne: Please testify to what you saw on the day of the crime.
Phoenix: *visibly shaking* …Must… resist…
Mia: Wright? Are you alright?
Phoenix: Chief… his name… the puns…!
Mia: Just try your best to keep it in.
Phoenix: *desk slam* (Well, Mr. “Saw It”, I challenge you to be frank about what you actually saw! Larry didn’t do it!)
Mia: Please try harder.
Phoenix: Y-yes, Chief.
(5) Phoenix: OBJECTION! Witness, the murder weapon wasn’t a clock. It was this statue! Unlike a clock, it only has one hand on its face!
Payne: OBJECTION! Actually, the witness is correct. This statue is indeed a clock.
Phoenix: W-what?
Payne: Its head is a switch. You just tilt it and it says the time aloud. I didn’t bring it up earlier because I thought it to be a trivial detail.
Judge: Oh, I see. Well, Mr. Wright?
Phoenix: (…This ornamental statue is a clock? Then, that means… It’s an ‘okidokei’!)
Mia: …? Wright, what are you getting so giddy about?
Phoenix: Er, ahem. I-it’s nothing, Chief! (Dang it, Larry. You had that joke just sitting around, didn’t you…?)
[T/N: ornament – ‘okimono’; clock – ‘tokei’. ‘okidokei’ is a clock that is sits out as décor. Also, the verb ‘oku’ from the same ‘oki’ means ‘to be left out in the open’; hence why it was found on the floor.]
(6) Judge: Will the witness elaborate? Did you strike the victim with the clock?
Sahwit: I… I never…! Th-that day… I heard, no, I saw… saw… nggh!
*toupee fling*
Phoenix: *blat*
Sahwit: Shutupshutupshutup! That doesn’t matter! I-it was him, I tell you! I saw him! H-he killed her and he should burn! Give him death!
Judge: O-order! Order in the court!
Payne: Y-your Honor, a moment please! There’s not a shred of evidence supporting the defense’s claims!
Phoenix: What? He threw his hair at me! If that’s not trying to get out of a hairy situation, then I don’t know what it is!
Judge: Mr. Wright!
Phoenix: Your Honor?
Judge: Please, no more jokes, especially at this late hour.
Phoenix: M-my apologies, Your Honor.
(7) Phoenix: The clock wasn't three hours slow, it was nine hours fast! The victim hadn't reset her clock since returning home! That's why the time you heard when you struck her was wrong! Proof enough for you, Mr. Sahwit? Or should I say... Mr. Did It!
Sahwit: Ngh…!
Judge: O-order! Order, I say!
Phoenix: *beam* (Now that’s what I call a hard punish!)
Mia: …How long are you going to pump your ego over yet another pun?
Phoenix: Chief, I won the case. Can’t you at least seem a bit happier for me…?
(8) Mia: Wright, nicely done! Congratulations!
Phoenix: Heh. Thanks, Chief. But I owe it all to you.
Mia: Not at all! You fought your own battles in there. It's been a while since I've seen a trial end on such satisfying note!
Phoenix: R-really? Even with all the puns I made?
Mia: I said it ended on a satisfying note.
Phoenix: R-right…
Mia: Still, I have to admit that as you went along, they started to get less annoying. I even had my share of smiles.
Phoenix: *grin* O-oh, thanks… (I don’t believe it. She actually liked them!?)
Larry: …My life is over.
Phoenix: What? Larry! You're supposed to be happy! What's wrong now!?
Larry: Aw, Nick… I told you. I’m still a dead man walking…
Phoenix: But you’re innocent! The case is closed.
Larry: …That still won’t bring her back.
Phoenix: (Oh, Larry…)
Mia: Congratulations, Harry!
Larry: H-Harry?
Mia: Yes, you! I can practically see the headlines now: “Harry Butz, Innocent!”
Larry: Heh... um... thanks! I really owe you one. I won't forget this, ever! Let's celebrate! Dinner? Movie? My treat!
Mia: Oh, no, I couldn't.
Phoenix: (Hey, I was the one who got you off the hook! And why is it that when Mia makes a pun, you don’t feel like rolling over!?)
(9) Mia: Well, I think our work here is done! Shall we be off?
Phoenix: Yeah, I guess so!
Mia: Say, how about dinner. On me? We'll drink a toast to innocent Butz!
Phoenix: Yeah! (…Did you really have to put it that way?)
Mia: Oh, speaking of Harry… You were saying part of why you became a lawyer was because of him.
Phoenix: Er, yeah. Part, at least.
Mia: You'll have to tell me more about it sometime! Maybe… over drinks?
Phoenix: Oh, sure… Um, I didn’t realize you were such a fan of drinking, Chief.
Mia: I can take a few shots from time to time. It might also get my mind off of a few things.
Phoenix: ? Like what?
Mia: Don’t worry about it. You’ve done plenty enough already.
Phoenix: …This isn’t about the puns, is it, Chief?
Mia: Well, you’ve had plenty enough of those too, but it’s not nearly as bad as what I’m talking about.
Phoenix: …?
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buddyfaith · 7 years
ok check this out right, this is The Great Skewing of AA Ships, in reverse chronological order by birth chunks for convenience.
Athena, Juniper (2009)/ Pearl (2010)/ Trucy (2010/11)
Because this category is all girls, Athena’s introduction is literally her being a Doting Gal Pal™ to Junie, Trucy and Pearl being psychic kid buddies is canon iirc? it’s a good time all around. There’s two years between the oldest member of this batch and the youngest, and as far as i can tell like no male character who shows up more than once belongs here. 
Simon, Maya, Franziska (1999) / Ema (2001)/ Regina Berry, Kay, Klavier, Sebastian (2001/02)/ Daryan (2002)/ Nahyuta (2003) / Apollo, Clay (2004)
okay so im gonna kick this off with the only “”feasible”” m/f pair I can see here, fey///quill. Don’t get me wrong, Maya is a lesbian through and through (imho), but for [straight person voice] argument’s sake: there’s a lot in terms of a potential relationship there? Maya would think Simon as equal parts too cool!!! and too dedicated….. and they would both collect steel samurai trading cards, dont even lie to yourself. This makes 300% more sense than….. the other simon one. look inside yourself.That being said!!!! I don’t think they’ve even met, really. Timelines have always been kinda ehhhhh and if capcom wanted this we would have had it down our throats, especially now that they’ve existed in the same game. I want them to be friends.
ANYWAY look at all of those girls. I admit Regina is only there because she tried to apply to be Kay’s gf  in the yatagarasu but aside from her, any and all of them have met. They’re an ot5 or less depending on personal preference, and honestly any combination of the girls (especially if you exclude Regina, who’s only here on two technicalities) stands as plausible. This is compounded by all of these girls in particular being popularly depicted as lesbians!
aaaand the back six. I admit Daryan shouldnt be here but he’s put with Klavier sometimes and he’s also an asshole. That’s something I’ve seen in fics sometimes so there he is. Anyway. Outside of that and, obviously, Brothers Nahyuta and Apollo, it’s fair game here too? everybody else has a ship with apollo and that’s just the start of it, the only person I’ve genuinely seen never shipped with anybody is Sebestian. 
ANYWAY i’m personally partial to the fan favorites of this generation in terms of the boys (klapoll/o + simon and nahyuta) but im always down to throw clay into the former for the truest ot3. this is my Unneeded Opinion™ to close the category.
Phoenix Edgeworth and Justine (1992-93)/ Larry, Dahlia, and Iris (1993)/ Bobby Fulbright (1994)/ Adrian Andrews (1994/95)/ Maggey and the wonderful couple The Delites (1995-96)
it’s worth noting that the established grand larceny power couple were both born at the same time, that’s cute. also, Adrian is just here for reference against Franziska, who’s in the next chunk chronologically, and Bobby is here for reference against Simon, who is the same. (*deep breath* black/bright….. what could have been…….) also maggey is here to go up with gumshoe but i dont even remember where that dude is.
This technically isn’t a complete chunk. Lang is born in ‘91, in between this batch and the last one, but im making the list and the rules.
Not much to say here except bi phoenix is pried from my cold dead hands? right. Also i’ve never seen justine/ edgeworth in my life and i appreciate that in retrospect, although im sure it exists.
Diego (1985)/ Thalassa, Gumshoe (1986)/ Lana (1987)/ Mia, Calisto Yew (1989)/ Aura Blackquill (& presumably Metis Cykes) (1990)/ Lang (1991)
i put the interpol furry in this half as opposed to the last one because calisto yew had us both going and i Love to Suffer c:
anyway the only romantic cyke///squi///ll i need in my life ever is Metis and Aura. Metis doesn’t have a birthday so im taking things into my own hands there but even if i wasn’t she’d be around here somewhere.
Observable phenomena: lana and mia were born consecutively and are big lesbians…… i should talk about diego here but i won’t, lemme save it for the end, i have conclusive proof mia is a lesbian.
Datz, Valant, Ray (1982)/  Dhurke (1983)/ Katherine Hall (1985)
ok this is kind of the point when things start getting irrelevant but we have the rebel leaders who were probably a ship? i havent done much fandom-ing wrt soj and also ray and kate who is like. the only person in his own age rage that he hits on. ray wyd stop being a creep.
There’s a 13 year difference between badd (1958) and faraday (1971), making them the largest age difference ship with any traction in my heart. The gap between Gumshoe and Maggey is ten years? wow.
Morgan’s birth is approximated, but she’s a maximum 3 years younger than Greg (1966). 
 Most differences of 6ish years (Miles and Franziska, Phoenix and Maya, Athena and Simon in the outlying 12 year case) are portrayed as siblings (I mean I guess the latter two are my humble onion but. C’mon.) 
Thalassa is closer in age to gumshoe, Katherine Hall, Lana Skye, and Diego Armando (to name a few, there are more) than Zak Enigmar. There is no documented birthday for Jove Justice, but if he was older than twenty when they were married, the same holds true for him.
Defense attorneys aren’t suited to each other! As far as i can tell nobody with a badge on their lapel tries to date anybody else with the same.*
Co-counsel doesn’t date!*
(*my idea that mia is a lesbian is vaguely rooted in this since mi/ego is the only thing that goes against it? and that ends badly! it turns out she didn’t feel that way for him and she realized that once he “died”, so hc that she only said yes to him to see if it would go anywhere/heteronormativity/realized she was a lesbian after dating him)
anyway every other co-counsel relationship is literal siblings or someone and Mr Wright.  
this got even longer than i was expecting but as a closing remark because of the story’s format and timeline we have a particularly large amount of gay ships! like the particular focus that the game casts upon the relationship between wright and miles, klavier and apollo, particularly NOT simon and athena, considering how similar the “i became a lawyer to save you!” narrative is to p+m and yet the story is about her mother, is about coming to terms with their own trauma etc, siblings, anyway. i’m done now.
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singloom · 7 years
2016 Anime Challenge ~ December (Part 2 of 2)
Despicable Me 2
Warning first off, I'm not a Minion Nut. If you've ever worked a place where Minion stuff is a thing, you find the little yellow troublemakers outstay their welcome after a bit. That out the way, Despicable Me 2 is the sequel that sees former villain, Gru, being recruited by the Anti-Villain League to find out who stole a secret laboratory. Silly hi-jinks ensue. The first Despicable Me film was funny with a whole lot of heart given the role of the children in the story. The sequel is similar in the sense that there are plenty of comedy moments, but also sweet moments, making Gru a surprisingly sympathetic figure. Enjoyable watch.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable It's safe to say 2016 was the Year of JoJo for me. I easily smashed through everything from Phantom Blood onward and all the way to Diamond is Unbreakable right at the year's end, allowing me to catch up with this highly entertaining series. Following the Stardust Crusaders arc, Diamond is Unbreakable tells the story of Josuke Higashikata (our new JoJo) and his group of Stand busting friends hunting a serial killer in the seemingly blissful town of Morioh.
Trying hard not to think Persona 4, another super colorful show about MURDER.
This was not helped by the fact one of the antagonists in Diamond Is Unbreakable was voiced by Showtaro Morikubo.
The voice behind Yosuke Hanamura of Persona 4.
Many lulz ensued.
Like the previous arcs, expect plenty of entralling action, surprisingly heartfelt moments and characters you root for in the face of adversity. My personal favourite from Diamond is probably Reimi Sugimoto, and I was heart broken seeing Joseph again. He's probably my favourite Joestar to date, so seeing the way he is in Diamond put me in a Glass Case of Emotion to say the least. Seeing Jotaro again was a blast and our villain of the piece made for a chilling story.
Like I said before, everything is super colourful in this one, which I feel enhances the terrifying reality of a serial killer living in such a peaceful looking town. The story did take its time to get to the gripping part for me, but when it does, consider yourself thoroughly gripped. The opening themes were in a league all of their own, especially if you take not of all the little references that JoJo Themes are known for.
I'm already hyped for more animated JoJo.
Final Fantasy: Kingslaive An anime prequel to Final Fantasy XV, Kingslaive offers us insight into the events of the first chapter, focusing on King Regis, Lady Lunafreya and elite guard, Nyx Ulric as, lol spoilers, the treaty doesn't go the way they hoped and chaos happens. It was interesting getting to see events that happen off screen in the game, the unsteady ceasefire between the Lucian family and Nilfheim, the invasion of Tenebrae, the assault on the Crown City and the subject of the treatment of refugees from the outskirts of Lucis (a very interesting story that never really gets developed much outside this film, which is a shame.) We get to see the regal awesome of King Regis, really at his best here, and the character of Nyx, who is actually very interesting and sadly also doesn't get expanded on outside this film.
Kingslaive was an enjoyable watch and fleshed out events that I would have love to have seen more of in game. It gave greater context to important events and made for a good companion piece with Brotherhood.
Ace Attorney To clear the air a little bit, I should open up about my conflicted feelings about the production team behind this one, A-1 Pictures. This is a studio that has produced some good anime over the years, but I feel dropped the ball on projects I was so excited for and ended up disappointed with (big case in point, Persona 4 The Golden Animation.) However, also in 2016, it gave us - in co-production with Squeenix - the Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV episodes, which I loved because they brought much needed expansion to the story.
With that said, I was concerned when approaching the Ace Attorney animation, also produced by A-1 Pictures. I prayed for the best, but feared treatment much like P4TGA. What I ultimately got was sort of what I expected, though it's still watchable. Ace Attorney gives the animated treatment to cases from the first and second Phoenix Wright games, though sadly one of the most memorable is absent. From Larry Butz on trial to a supernatural Fey family mystery, our loveable Defense Attorney takes to the stand to back up a colourful cast of characters accused of murder.
For anyone who's played the games, you know Ace Attorney has a cracking sense of humour, spot on dramatic build up and the best soundtrack for defending justice to. The animated series does do justice (see what I did there?) to the comedy element and the WINDS OF JUSTICE special effect whenever someone pushes the pressure on another in court is a great touch to the drama, but something still feels off about the whole affair. It's a similar feeling I got when I watched the first Danganronpa anime because it's quite hard to nail the kind of experience you get playing games like these (with court cases, presenting evidence and the way information is slowly unravelled or in some cases, blown out there) to watching it all unfold on screen. I think a part of that is beause it feels less personal, because it's not you in the shoes of the protagonist sleuth, actively investigating everything yourself, so sometimes the glorious experience of cracking a breakthrough on your own skill or blowing a case wide open with that perfect music is hard to replicate in any other form. Sometimes, Ace Attorney and other shows like it seem quite bland in the way the case presents itself because the twists and turnabouts aren't yours, really, anymore and the presentation isn't the same. Having said that, if you want an anime of Phoenix Wright, it's here. You've got it. It even has a touching episode focused on Phoenix, Larry and Miles as children, which actually develops them and shows what drives their motivations as adults.
Also, Red White breaking into English at random? Hilarious.
I feel it could have been better at times, but it was still an enjoyable way to pass the time.
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