#esa rabbit
fantasy-store · 2 years
ESA user flags
similar to the disability aid flags these ones are for people with or who need emotional support animals. ESA are also sometimes referred to as Therapy Animals/Pets.
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General ESA flag. a flag for people who have/need an Emotional Support Animal.
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ESA Rabbit user. a flag for those who have or who need an emotional support rabbit.
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ESA Dog user. a flag for those who have/need an emotional support dog
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ESA Cat user. a flag for those who have/need an emotional support cat.
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dxmxuse · 11 months
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Set up a pet cam today to see what Pool Noodle does when I’m gone. She sat at the corner of my bed watching the door for 5 hours while I was at work
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crippleculture · 2 months
yeah these are my emotional support animals! *points to animals that make my daily life actively harder*
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a-lasogavi · 2 months
Jessica: Y el clima también (vestida como Jessica Rabbit)
Camarógrafo: ¡Perfecto! Estamos listos 
Productor: (gritando) ¡Todos a sus puestos! ¡Empezamos en 3, …
Llega Margarita corriendo.
Margarita: (gritando) ¡Ay, perdón! Se me hizo tarde our en tráfico y el perro que se me escapó y mi esposo…
Se le acerca el camarógrafo a Margarita.
Camarógrafo: (susurrando) Oiga, ¿qué no le dijeron? Está despedida, aquella chica (se le queda viendo a Jessica embobado) es su reemplazo.
Margarita: (sorprendida y enojada) ¡Mi reemplazo! Solo llegó una vez tarde, ¡una vez! Y ya me reemplazaron… (entrando en crisis) ¡No sé que voy a hacer! ¡Mis hijos necesitan el dinero! 
Camarógrafo: Cálmese señorita, tranquila, repite.
Margarita: ¿Pero… pero qué tiene ella que yo no tenga?!
El camarógrafo la ve con cara burlona, pero no se atreve a decir nada.
Margarita: (se ve a ella y examina a Jessica) ¡Mejor no diga nada!
Camarógrafo: Ok.
Productor: ¡Margarita! No tenemos tiempo para tus dramas, ¡estás despedida! Ahora, vete, que vamos a empezar a grabar.
Margarita camina hacia Jessica indignada.
Margarita: (indignada) Mmmj, ya veo la razón de que te dieran el trabajo. (La ve de arriba a abajo, juzgándola) 
Jessica: ¿Y cuál es esa razón?
Margarita: Pues que estás toda operada.
Jessica: (molesta) ¡Pues mire usted que son reales, yo jamás me operaría, y menos para aparentar algo que no soy!
Margarita: Ajá, claro, como usted diga…
Margarita da media vuelta, dándole la espalda a Jessica y se va del escenario.
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good-night-space-kid · 10 months
Don’t make things too difficult on yourself. If you have a specific question or something you’re looking for, make a post in a Facebook group and somebody will probably know
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liliansun · 5 months
i need to go to sleep omg i just had to hop on that ask bc i got too excited
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months
we are very close to being able to leave here as we will be moving in with our girlfriend in new mexico for a few months while we wait for college to start, and we now need 527 dollars for airplane fare and 200 for an ESA letter from our therapist's office
for context on whats going on with us, here is the previous donation post that got too long
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but not to mention they have been horrible to our pet rabbit Tater Tot and been purpousefully been treating her horribly, as well as trying to fuck up our own plans to leave. we're almost ready to just get the fuck out, ,and we just need to get the plane ticket and an ESA letter for Tater Tot, so yeah
c/shapp: $theteufortdozen venmo: @/theteufortdozen
please reblog if you can!
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crystalamon · 1 year
Renting With Pets
By, Crystal S. Amon Are you looking to rent a home, but worried about whether or not your pet will be allowed? Many landlords today are allowing pets, with some conditions. Here is what you need to know about renting a home with pets. First, it’s important to make sure the landlord or property management company you’re renting from allows pets in their rental homes. Some don’t, so make sure to…
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j-0r-m · 17 days
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Ship de Félix (Hysteria Cat) y Oswald (Euthanasia Rabbit): Existe
Mi headcanon más honesto:
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(Otro comic nopuedeser):
Oswald:"m e n t i r o s o"
Personalmente no me gusta tanto el Ship de Oswald y Félix, normalmente los veo como amigos, pero en esa versión se PELEAN DE LA RAZÓN MÁS N4RC1C1ST4, ESTÚPIDA, HIJOEPU-
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purplebass · 3 months
Lila and interactions with animals
Lila being afraid to ride a horse in acol will always amuse me. It's an interesting quirk which reveals more about her character and her trust issues. Animals, unlike people, are unpredictable. She doesn't trust people, how can she trust a horse she can't even control? She didn't even pretend to know how to ride because she knew that the odds that she would lose control and fall were high, and she valued her life too much to even attempt it. She could have gone by foot, but if she did, she'd be left behind, and the situation in that part of the story didn't allow Lila to be picky. So she got on the horse with Kell and trusted him because he was an expert rider, unlike her. And he probably felt her discomfort and tried to offer his support, which was nice.
Another instance where Lila seems uncomfortable with animals is in tftop, when she finds Tes' dead owl Vares and asks what is it. She yelps when the owl comes to life, because she didn't expect it to be "alive". Lila mistrusted Tes as well, and her older sister calls her "little rabbit," which is symbolic of how Tes is a bit of a threat to Lila as well but also the only one who could help them. Ren also has a pet rabbit and Lila creates a little rabbit figure when she shows her magic tricks. It all comes back full circle because after Tes fixes Kell's magic, the first thing he sees it's Ren's rabbit Miros, which again is possible because Tes the "little rabbit" fixed him like she fixed Vares. Rabbits mean fertility and new beginnings so it fits.
Lastly... cats. Lila and Esa don't seem to like each other and she often thinks the cat is glaring at her. Lila is often compared to cats throughout the story, because cats represent mystery, cunning and independence and are also considered sacred and linked to magic. I think Esa might've been a hint about Lila being aven in agos, so the cat perceived her being special just like Alucard could see the silver threads before she even knew she was antari. In tftop, Lila and Esa continue to regard each other warily but you can see that there is a certain degree of distance between them, as the cat is protective of Ren and of course, her fathers. It's like they don't like each other much, yet there is mutual respect because they have the same goal (Lila also cares about Ren's well being).
As usual, if you have any thoughts, please share <3
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elfdragon12 · 23 days
It's always something when you bring up that, not only is it better for the ecosystem that you keep your cat indoors, but its own safety and some cat owners act like a dog owner being denied entrance with their dog's online ESA "certification".
"But my cat-"
Your cat is not immune to the dangers of outdoor living. Perhaps your cat(s) has been lucky. Many are not.
You cannot guarantee that your cat won't kill local wildlife (or your neighbor's chickens/rabbits/whatever else). Cats are efficient hunters and just as likely to kill a songbird in the garden as the rodents everyone likes to bring up. Or vulnerable baby birds.
Your home is not a "prison" for your cat. If it is, you are doing something wrong. Also, you're probably anthropomorphizing your cat too much while not providing proper enrichment indoors.
You can provide outdoor enrichment for your cat without letting them completely loose. Catios are a fairly easy solution. Cats are also intelligent enough for leash training, you just need to be patient and get your cat used to the idea rather than immediately shoving them into a harness and giving up if they don't immediately take to it.
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Hello! My name is Jillian Goode, n this is Nippet Momo Goode. She is currently 9 months n 9 days old. She is a long haired tuxedo that was rescued as a runt of her litter from our porch last April. When she came inside her eyes weren't even really open yet, except for the lil corners by her nose. We have rescued 5 kittens (Nippet n her brother Rosho, as well as 3 kittens from a previous litter) from our adopted porch cat. Unfortunately, for her health n safety, as well as the health n safety of her remaining 3 boys, they were given to the local shelter where they were then fostered together, n later adopted together by the same foster.
What makes Nippet so special to me isn't just because she's so beautiful. It's not because I see as my daughter, not just a "pet." It is partly because of how strong a survivor she is, n how much she's grown. What makes Nippet Momo Goode so very special is how loving n caring she is. She's not just my furry feline daughter. She's my ESA (Emotional Support Animal).
More on family in future posts.
She knows when I'm depressed. Knows when I'm stressed n getting too mentally overwhelmed. Feels my anxiety. She also has alerted to my physical pain; sometimes before I really feel it myself. She has also alerted on my mother's seizures too. She even alerts n tends to the anxiety of her older sister Hyo.
My intentions for this blog is to try to advocate n raise awareness for true needs ESAs. What I mean by "true needs" is that these are animals performing a service to people with true mental health issues. Not people who just want to abuse the service title in order to scare landlords n business owners into allowing them to go wherever, n live wherever, they want with their pets.
That is not the purpose of an ESA. There are studies that show that animals have healing capabilities. Canines n felines are especially naturally empathetic to the people they love. I have seen in other animals as well, such as domestic rabbits n guinea pigs. That natural empathic ability allows the animal to become more attached to, n sensitive of. The person they are most bonded to. For me, of my 4 furry daughters, it is Nippet, who is my youngest, that is most bonded to me. Part of that is due to how she was bottle fed as a baby. Even though she is fully weaned, she still has an emotional attachment to her baba. I assure you, her vet said it is fine to allow the behavior, that it is the same thing as a security blanket. It would be too damaging to stop it.
Too often I have seen posts around the web of people calling ESAs "bs," "nothing more than over-privelaged, glorified pets." For people who need an ESA, this is damaging n painful! I fully believe that true needs ESAs deserve better treatment, to be recognized as being just as important as physical needs service animals. Even places like mental health clinics do not recognize ESAs. That's the best place for an ESA to shine brightest, because you're at your most vulnerable emotional state when you are talking to a therapist about your past history.
I have tier 2 bi-polar syndrome, depression, anxiety, bad social anxiety, n am in the 80 percentile of people most likely to have Asperger's Syndrome. I have issues controlling my emotions, especially when stressed. I am prone to getting easily mentally overwhelmed. As previously mentioned, I do experience some pain issues, especially regarding migraine-like headaches, abdominal pain due to chronic cystitis (bladder inflammation), n she has even started to alert on me when she senses my menstrual cycle coming before I start to spot. As a bonus, she also tries to wake me from bad dreams.
I may look physically healthy on the outside, but not on the inside. Mental health issues are real issues that deserve equal treatment n respect.
After this post (my apologies for the length!!), I will be highlighting all the moments of Nippet doing what she does best, being my daughter n ESA. The majority of these posts will be from her perspective, her telling the story. Please don't judge her too harshly, she is still a baby (at least in the sense that she's not a year old yet).
Thank you for letting me ramble on like this on a very near n dear to me subject!
#Please support Emotional Support Animal (ESA) programs. Service animals are not just canines, n not just for physical disabilities. I may not be physically handicapped, but I have mental health issues that have needs. True needs ESAs do provide a service!
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crippleculture · 2 years
Sorry to break it to you but your dog with an "emotional support animal" vest and fake certificate that you bought online isn't a real ESA and isn't allowed in stores. If your doctor wrote you a letter for an ESA (which is the only way to have an animal be an ESA) and you have a legitimate ESA that's great! It's still not allowed in stores though. You can take it, in a carrier, on a plane, and you can have it even if your landlords pet policy doesn't allow it, but, for fucks sake, it's not allowed in stores, that is not one of the privileges an ESA has. Also that vest is fake and isn't legally supported, it's basically just a sweater as far as the ADA and law is concerned.
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sweettranslations · 8 months
性欲うさぎ (Seiyoku Usagi) - 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku)
ENG + ESP lyric translation under the cut 🐰
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★;; English
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see?
I'm lonely
Bun-bun-bunny, see? don't let go pyon pyon pyon pyon
Who dies when they leave it alone? (the rabbit)
Who is vulnerable to changes in the environment (the rabbit)
Who has it feelings written all over it's face? (the rabbit)
Who's in heat all year round it's you, the rabbit.
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon, what, what, what
Not good?
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what?
Nothing good!
Aah, wicked
Deeply jealous
By that strong libido
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see?
I'm lonely
Bun-bun-bunny hey, I fell in love with you like that
I want to pour out my love until it's annoying
Please don't leave me, pyon pyon pyon
Who has a strong desire of approval? (the rabbit)
Who hates that sense of familiarity? (the rabbit)
Eat well, sleep well, you're lazy, you're a rabbit.
Who does nothing but having naughty fantasies?
it's you, the rabbit.
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what
Why isn't it good?
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what
As you like to keep living
Sinking straight away
Wherever you go, i'll be there following you
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
You're acting like a child, don't say things like that.
Bun-bun-bunny, hey, I'm going to be tight
Bun-bun-bunny, hey, i miss you like that
i want to be annoying
[The Rabbit song]
A lonely rabbit
Alighlty naughty rabbit
With red eyes
Pyon pyon pyon
Go over there pyon pyon pyon
I'm not crying pyon pyon pyon
Over there pyon pyon pyon
The rabbit that got tired
Little naughty rabbit
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see? I won't let you go
I don't like being lonely
I fell in love with you like that
It's so annoying
I want to pour my love
I won't let you go, pyon pyon pyon
translation taken from my other blog, i fixed a few things and this one is better okay. Also i changed the "usagi-chan" for "bunny".
★;; Español
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?
Estoy solo
Cone-cone-conejito, ¿ves?, no me dejes ir pyon pyon pyon pyon
¿quién se muere cuándo lo dejan solo? (el conejo)
¿quién es vulnerable a los cambios de ambiente? (el conejo)
¿a quién se le ven las emociones marcadas en el rostro? (al conejo)
Quién está en calentura todo el año eres tú, el conejo
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¿no está bien?
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¡Nada está bien!
Aah, maldito
Profundamente celoso
Por ese fuerte líbido
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?
Estoy solo
Cone-cone-conejito oye, me enamoré de ti
Quiero derramar mi amor hasta que sea molesto
Por favor no me dejes, pyon pyon pyon
¿Quién desea la aprobación de los demás? (el conejo)
¿Quién odia esa familiaridad? (el conejo)
Come bien, duerme bien, eres perezoso, eres un conejo
Quién no hace nada más que tener fantasías traviesas eres tú, el conejo.
Bueno, bueno, bueno
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¿porqué no está bien?
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
Como te guste seguir viviendo
Directamente hundiéndote
Dónde sea que vayas, yo estaré siguiendote
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Estás siendo infantil, no digas esas cosas
Cone-cone-conejito, oye, va a estar apretado
Cone-cone-conejito, oye, te extraño de esa forma
Quiero ser molesto
[La Canción del Conejo]
Un conejo solitario
Un conejo un poco travieso
Con ojos rojos pyon pyon pyon
Ven para acá pyon pyon pyon
El conejo que se cansó
Pequeño travieso conejo
No estoy llorando pyon pyon pyon
Para acá pyon pyon pyon
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?, no te dejaré ir.
No me gusta estar solo
Me enamoré así de ti
Es muy molesto,
Quiero derramar mi amor
No te dejaré ir, pyon pyon pyon pyon
🐰 no me quedó claro si usaba "conejA" en vez de "conejO" pero para mí, la traducción quedaba mejor con "conejO", de cualquier forma, quedo atento a cualquier corrección ^^
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inspiredwriter · 2 months
*En el Bosque*
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Miguel Angel :*recoge huevos en el suelo y los pone en la canasta* Wow, adoro el día de pascua😃😁🐇✨🎉 hay muchos huevos de colores🤩🥚🌈✨ espero que sean de chocolate o sea que viene con unos juguete🤔😄🍫🧸
Leonardo :*recoge un huevo en los arbustos* Si, Splinter nos dijo que cada año el bosque viene el conejo de de pascua 😏😉🐇✨siempre ponen los huevos el bosque para que los niños los busquen por diversión🙂😊👧👦🥚🌳🌿
Rafael :*frunce el ceño* Oh por favor papá nos contó esa historia Cuando éramos niños solo es una tonta historia de las conejas de pascua 😒🙄*se cruza los brazos*ya somos grandes para recoger huevos 😡🤨🥚
Donatello :*toca a Raph del onbro* vamos Raph no te enojes tanto Será muy divertido sé que somos grandes Pero tenemos un niño interior 😁😉👦
Miguel Angel : Si, hermano solo diviértate😃😄*mira por los lados*debo encontrar un huevo alguna parte🤔😉🥚*revisa en los arbustos*¡Oh santo guacamole! 😳😍💞💘💖
Leonardo : ¿Qué pasó Mikey encontraste otro huevo? 🤨🙂🥚
Miguel Angel : No, pero vean esto encontré a conejo de pascua sino cuatro preciosas conejitas😏🥰👯‍♀️🐰💓💞❣️💝
Leonardo, Donatello and Rafael :*mirán los arbustos*Oh Concha pero que conejitas 😍🥰😏❣️💝💘💓💖
Anastasia :*pone un huevo en los árbustos*Genial que cada año ponemos huevos el día de pascua😃🤩🐇✨ y será para nuestros amados🥰😁💖💞💘💓
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Stefany : Si, Espero que disfruten los chocolates que hicimos y los juguetes ☺️😉🍫🪀*pone los huevos en el arboles* sé que tuvimos la idea de vecinos las conejas de pascua 🙂😄🐰desearía que los chicos estuvieron aquí Sería más divertido 😊🥺💝💘💓💞
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April :*pone los huevos en la montaña de hojas* no te preocupes Stefany las chicos vendrán y Será muy divertido cuando vengan 😉😏💝💖❣️
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Candy : tiene toda la razón April Espero que venga y vean a sus lindos conejitas de pascua 😊😘👯‍♀️💞💝❣️💖*pone un huevo detrás de la roca*
Leonardo :*susurra*Supongo Qué son nuestras chicas de pascua 🥰😁🐇💕❣️💖qué tal si vamos por a jugar con ellas para darles cariño 😏😈💘💓💞💝
Rafael :*guiña a Leo*Oh si pensaste muy bien grande líder será mejor día de pascua de todos 😉😏🐰✨💘💓💖
Miguel Angel :*deja su canasta en el suelo*genia es mejor que recolectar huevos y quiero tener a esa linda conejita naranja y besar su colita esponjado 😍😚🐇❣️💘💝💕
Donatello : Así es hermanos y tengo una idea para llamar su atención 😁😉💡✨💓💞💗❣️*toma un huevo y lanza enfrente de las chicas* hay que guardar silencio y vendrán a nosotros 😏🤫💖💝💕💘
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April: Ah, I think I heard something, girls😯😳 *Turns around and looks towards the bush* How strange, who put the chocolate egg in the middle of the road🤨🙁🥚🍫
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Anastasia: I don't know, sis, I was next to Stefany all this time😗😊
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Candy: *Walks up to the bushes and picks up the egg* Girls, is this by any chance not the same egg that we left in the flower meadow?🤔🤨🥚🍫🌷🌼🌻
Anastasia, April and Stefany: *Approach Candy and look at the egg* Are you serious, Candy?😧😯😕 This means someone threw this egg towards us😃🤭😄✨
Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo: Surprise, beautys!😏😍😃😆💗💖❣️💞 It's the season to hunt sexy rabbits~😈🐰🐇💓💘💝💕
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aricastmblr · 9 months
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Dazed twt 12Sept.2023 (1erfoto) In control ⚠️ Having ushered in a new global era for pop with bts_bighit, #JUNGKOOK is taking us down the rabbit hole with his ‘surprising’ new solo era #BEYONDBORDERS
See more from the star’s cover story available in 🇰🇷 and 🇬🇧 here: https://bit.ly/3PcEg2t
Dazed twt 12Sept.2023 (video) Jungkookie 🥹 We go behind the scenes at bts _bighit’s #JUNGKOOK cover shoot for our autumn 2023 #BEYONDBORDERS issue❤️‍🔥
See more from the star’s cover story available in 🇰🇷 and 🇬🇧here: https://bit.ly/45O5cg5
Dazed twt 12Sept.2023 (2da a 4ta foto)
“To me, I’m not that singer I imagined myself to be yet. That’s why I’m aiming higher” –bts_bighit´s #JUNGKOOK #BEYONDBORDERS
See more from the star’s cover story available in 🇰🇷 and 🇬🇧here: bit.ly/3PcEg2t
Dazed twt 12Sept.2023 (articulo en coreano)
See Jung Kook’s full Dazed cover shoot https://x.com/Dazed/status/1701574019642782023?s=20
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dazedigital.com entrevista a jungkook
JungKook is now driving in his own lane
Hasta que llegue el momento de que BTS se reúna, las fronteras que Jung Kook quiere romper son enteramente suyas. En septiembre del año pasado, escribió una carta que se incluyó en la Prueba de BTS (Edición de coleccionista)., de un extracto se lee: “Vivo pensando 'El personaje principal de mi vida no soy nadie más que yo'. No importa en qué entorno me encuentre, no importa quién esté a mi alrededor, para protegerme sin dejarme llevar, teniendo la mentalidad de que puedo mantener el control de mí mismo. Vivo intentando no olvidarlo”. (Un breve comentario: no hay un acuerdo explícito de que Jung Kook filmará sin camisa para su sesión de portada de Dazed; ninguno de los ajustes fue planeado para ello. Pero cuando sale de su camerino, su torso está desnudo debajo de una chaqueta de cuero negra. Esto es lo que ha decidido que quiere usar. Se desliza silenciosamente detrás del volante de un Mercedes-Benz antiguo, con los abdominales ondeando. Mira fijamente a la lente de la cámara y arde.)
Jung Kook, el miembro más joven de BTS, sabe que su imagen original de conejito y bebé del grupo aún prevalece. "Realmente les gusta eso de mí", les dijo a sus fans mientras estaba en Londres, durante una de sus ahora frecuentes transmisiones en vivo. “Haz como si a la gente le gustara eso. Y sólo sigo eso. ¿Qué es algo que puedo cambiar? Yo mismo, es mi vida. Necesito cambiar. Necesito decirle a la gente que me ama: 'Soy así'. No estoy obligando a nadie. Siempre busco algo nuevo. Quiero que esa cosa nueva sea divertida. Y al mismo tiempo quiero ser aceptado por el ejército”. También se dirigió a aquellos que preguntaban por qué sentía la necesidad de una versión explícita de "Seven", en la que la línea "Y es por eso que noche tras noche, te amaré bien" se convierte en "Y es por eso que noche tras noche, te amaré". Te estaré jodiendo bien”. “Si te sintieras así”, dijo, “no hay nada que pueda hacer... Y si lo piensas bien, ¿cuántos años tengo?”
Esta necesidad de transparencia y honestidad surge de la relación profunda y emocional que tiene con Army. Cuando Jung Kook habla de ellos, sus ojos se iluminan. “Cuando pienso en Army o lo extraño, salgo a vivir y salgo con ellos”, dice. Ha transmitido en vivo a través de la plataforma Weverse de HYBE dos docenas de veces solo este año, principalmente desde su dormitorio o sala de estar, y a menudo en medio de la noche, pasando horas respondiendo comentarios, tanto serios como divertidos. Hará karaoke, cocinará, beberá e incluso doblará la ropa. En junio, Jung Kook se quedó dormido a mitad de la transmisión y seis millones de personas miraron durante 45 minutos hasta que uno de su equipo, al darse cuenta, lo apagó.
Si Army le dice que se vaya a la cama o que no beba demasiado, él los rechaza amablemente, pero “ellos dicen eso porque tienen interés en mí y les gusto, así que no me importa en absoluto”, dice. Cuando los fanáticos aparecen en su gimnasio o le envían comida a su puerta, él les dice, con firmeza pero cortésmente, que se detengan. “No es una relación complicada. Les hablo libremente y ellos pueden hablar conmigo libremente, y es mi decisión escucharlos o no. Si dicen algo inapropiado, también es mi elección, mi libertad, asimilarlo y aceptarlo o ignorarlo”.
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