#es horrible
samtamdan · 24 days
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
Odio el invierno
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Che, a ustedes también les aparece todo en azul y blanco el dash? Es solo en los celus? Wtf
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kanrix · 4 months
Kan no dibujes a Clay tan guapetón que me sonrojo
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Ni que decirte anon
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elbiotipo · 4 months
Igual no sé para que quieren que termine enero. Es verano y uno bastante fresco, no hay clases, el trabajo es tranquilo, se puede pasear, la única cagada es que no hay plata pero podría ser muchísimo peor
en serio quieren que empieze febrero? MARZO????? CON MILEI DE PRESIDENTE????
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snailgam · 5 months
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acabo de ver este capítulo por milésima vez y me sigue gustando mucho jajdjsjsk
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maidragoste · 30 days
besties please send me headcanons or something to distract me because I just had an exam and it WAS HORRIBLE. I know I disapproved because I left questions blank and others incomplete.
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weather-cluddy · 2 months
I know we're too early into Milgram's "so are the prisoners dead or not?" plotline for this, but since it looks like they're doing death-themed illustration for the fourth anniversary, you know what would be really cool?
The Milgram version of this Kagerou Project image:
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Slightly spoilery KagePro context:
In KagePro all the main characters died and came back to life. The X-rays show the cause of death.
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latinotiktok · 8 months
ehhh no se si ya lo comentaron peroooooo
opinion acerca bregman x milei? y aquellos fan fics en wattpad?
la verdad que me rompen muchisimo las pelotas porque siento que los que son "fans" de esas cosas son los liberfachos que tratan de desestimar a myriam y la gente lamentablemente cae atrás, la derecha con los memes siempre acanzó y ganó más seguidores
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mi pareja y yo estuvimos hablando sobre loop y siffrin más temprano y me hizo darme cuenta sobre justo lo horrible debe ser estando atrapado con tú mismo. y detestándolo más y más cada día por haber alcanzado lo que nunca podrías alcanzar y ademas. ademas la otra version de ti no pueda ni aceptar lo que tiene ( lo que tiene más que ti). y sigue martirizándole y preguntando que le perdonaras por su propio sentido de culpa y no hay nada que quieras más de gritar a él y decirle que aprecie su libertad que nunca encontraste. y todo el tiempo, todo ese tiempo cuando tu relación está fracasando más cada vez, siempre acuerdas que eres él. y es tú. me hace perder mi mente su relación es JODIDO y roto y aun así se entienden más que con cualquier otra persona. y para loop es lo peor que puede imaginar pero todavía siente obligade a ayudar a siffrin porque. son la misma persona. agh
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azover · 6 months
Argentines presten atención a lo que esta pasando en estados unidos, inglaterra y rusia ahora mas que nunca, no porque tengamos que darle mas importancia al exterior que a nosotros, todo lo contrario: lo que se haga allá se va a intentar acá.
Cuando le dije a mi familia que tenia MIEDO de que asuma milei, no puse énfasis en las medidas económicas, sino que les rogué que no lo votaran porque mis derechos como una persona trans iban a estar en peligro, que mi existencia iba a estar en peligro, creyendo que eso iba a convencerles de que el tipo este es lo peor que hay. Mi abuela parece mas feliz de que haya perdido el peronismo.
Mi novia es una mujer trans inglesa. Se muy bien cómo es la vida de una persona trans en un país que te odia con fervor. Y ahora están haciéndolo peor: en espacios de salud comunes y en escuelas.
Si bien no quiero que nosotres en Argentina no lleguemos a eso, tampoco quiero ignorar lo que pasa allá, lo que pasa en los países primermundistas. No quiero ignorarlo porque "se las van a arreglar": sabemos muy bien que no es tan fácil, y menos en países donde no podés protestar, o les chupa un huevo total sos minoria y pueden hacer lo que quieran.
No quiero ver cómo gente como yo sufre más y más todos los días, y ver la ola de odio tocar la puerta.
Sigo con miedo. Por todes nosotres.
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multiversal-pudding · 10 months
Hey listen- I admittedly don’t have a direct source on this, but if I remember right, I think it was said somewhere that Liam took inspiration from the Resident Evil Series for his stuff?
And I double checked- RE8 came out. About the same time Pilot did, so assuming he played it RE 8 would’ve been pretty fresh in his mind during the post pilot rewrites
…So like.
*looks at Uzi Doorman*
*looks at Ethan Winter’s propensity for getting his hand mutilated, the fact he got tortured by cannibal southerners/a cannibal southerner*
*looks at Rose Winter’s thing about her mom having been someone actively involved in experimentation with some weird parasite mold thing that turns people into fucked up zombies/monsters and sometimes comes with strange and unnatural powers and how that later came into play with uh. Her*
*Looks back at Uzi Doorman*
*Looks at some of the later reveals about Ethan and Rose’s natures/their connections to the Parasite Stuff*
*Looks at Rose functionally turning out to be made of Parasite Stuff, Ethan finding out about why his hand kept growing back*
*Looks back at Uzi Doorman*
…Uh oh
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sweetsweethate · 3 months
no hay nada mas bajo que ser artista y ser de la derecha, encima SIEMPRE son pajeros que hacen caricaturas y sexualizan personajes de comics que te quieren dar catedra de lo que es y no arte
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
I skewed too far from the original request, (so you'll be getting another one with Es and this prompt soon) but for now have this 😂 It's based on that one sprinkler minigram, and uses @iris-drawing-stuff 's raincoat ideas for the other prisoners :3
When Es was told their duties would include watching over ten prisoners, they had expected escape attempts, lies and trickery, fights, or breakdowns. The reality was much worse. They had to keep ten morons out of mundane trouble. And the job was nonstop.
Today’s problem was a bit more intense than the usual stubbed toes and squabbles. Es had been surprised by the culprit behind the day’s stupidity -- after all, Shidou was usually the one stopping the others from causing mischief.
Though he would never admit to anything, Es was able to put the pieces together themself: Amane makes an offhand comment about missing the seasons. Someone with good handwriting anonymously requests a child’s raincoat and galoshes. (Unrelated, there was an issue with the request, and a dozen animal-themed raincoats had been delivered to the prison.) Then, burn marks appear around the sprinklers in Shidou’s cell, just the size of his little lighter. It wasn’t hard to see that he was the one that set off the major malfunction which was currently soaking every inch of the prison in sheets of freezing water.
At least they had extra raincoats. 
Es made their way to the panopticon, toolkit in hand. They had swapped their cape out for one of the raincoats. They’d turned it inside out in an attempt to hide the animal features. It made them feel more mature, which was necessary seeing as they had no experience with fixing sprinklers. As it turned out, neither did the prisoners. 
Two chairs had been precariously stacked within Shidou’s cell. Kotoko, wrapped in a wolf raincoat, stood on her toes at the top. She twisted the valve this way and that. Standing directly underneath, she avoided the brunt of the downpour. Kazui and Shidou stood at the base, one squeezed into a fox coat, the other, a shark. They both crossed their arms, offering Kotoko all of their observations and tips and suggestions. She ignored everything. It didn’t deter them from ‘helping.’
“Comin’ in hot!”
A black cat-clad Yuno hurried around the corner with a shout. Es stepped out of her way. She carried an armful of towels to stop up some of the deepening puddles. Mikoto flew by in the opposite direction to do the same. His dog ears flopped as he ran. Amane stood near the guard’s tower, entirely enveloped in her frog raincoat. She stood in perfect, calm silence, as if she were above all this nonsense. Es couldn’t agree more. Next to her, Muu openly sobbed within her calico cat coat.
No one seemed to notice as Es cleared their throat. “That’s enough,” they tried, “I can handle it from here.”
Kotoko didn’t even glance their way. “Let me just try one more thing. I’ve almost got it.”
“I’m telling you, it just needs a little twist,” Kazui urged her.
Es was bumped aside as Fuuta dragged another set of chairs into the cell. His raised voice was undermined by the mouse raincoat pulled over his head. “I told you, you’re doing it all wrong! Lemme at it.”
“I’m serious. As warden, I --”
Their protests were drowned out by Mahiru’s voice from behind. They turned to find two bunny raincoats bouncing along. 
“This way, Haruka ~!” With much enthusiasm and grand hand gestures, Mahiru directed him to set down some industrial sized buckets at regular intervals. “Perfect…” They quickly began to fill.
Shidou pointed. “Right there, can you move that piece?”
“I already told you,” Kotoko grit her teeth. “I don’t need to touch that.” She wobbled atop the chair.
Fuuta had climbed onto his own stack. “You guys aren’t fucking listening.” He reached out, but Kotoko swatted his hands away. “Hey!” It was his turn to teeter.
“Yuno, I need more towels, stat!” At Mikoto’s urgent call, Yuno came sprinting past. 
Es opened their mouth to stop her, but it was too late. Her foot slid through a puddle. With a cry, she was thrown flat on her face. 
Mahiru gasped. Trying to run to her aid, one of her uniform straps hooked on a bucket near Muu and Amane’s feet. She yanked it forward.
The splash rose up and soaked their uncovered legs. Muu sobbed harder. 
Haruka, of course, wanted to help. He immediately ran into another bucket, sending him stumbling and splashing to the ground.
“Oi, Yuno! I said I needed another towel!”
Kazui made another comment on the sprinkler. Fuuta leaned in real close to get a better look. With a huff, Kotoko tugged on the valve. It jammed around so that the wide spray converged into a single, high-pressure stream. 
The jet aimed directly at Fuuta’s face. 
His sputtering cursing followed him the long way to the ground. Shidou and Kazui leapt to catch him as he fell. Both miraculously forgot that their shoes rested in several inches of water, because their arms flailed wildly for each other and the fallen chairs as they slipped.
Es’ frown twitched.
“Idiots. They’re all idiots.”
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kanrix · 3 months
LITERALLY THOUGH!! a nice design wasted on such a disgusting character 😭😭 — person from the last anon btw :3
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Trapero: que tal si canto este tema sin abrir la boca
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sambuchito · 1 year
protestando afuera de las barberias como los providas para que los pibes de la seleccion dejen de hacerse cortes de pelo horribles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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