#error 422
pyramid-heads-knife · 1 month
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The wheat tower is even taller now Every 5th block is a torch for maximum growing time
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askcloverpeppino · 11 months
Welp, I guess Minecraft did that??
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: This may show u disturbing Storys from the lost minecraft/ banned
: Adults or teenagers only !!
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the-messenger-hawk · 4 months
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AU: Data Wangnan (featuring the Real one and data viole)
An unintended copy and an unpredictable glitch, he threatens to peel back the shell of Wangnan's guiltiest secrets
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strangebossyuri · 1 year
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i made a vent oc
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disrepairhouse · 2 months
DISREPAIR ERROR_422: Chapter 5
Returning to the Pizzaplex during the day was a wildly different experience than leaving it at closing.  The group had little else to do while they waited, having gone as close to the city as possible to explore, but wanted to remain out of sight and thus couldn’t go far.  Because of that, and their lack of money in this world’s currency, they decided to wait the night out at a nearby park where Itara dozed off in X’s lap.  By the time morning came, they were ready to get a move on and returned to the Pizzaplex as soon as it opened, beating the crowds but not by much.  There were already a few cars in the parking lot from the get-go, but as soon as noon rolled around, the building filled up rapidly.  The crowds rivaled those of a pre-apocalypse Solaris Festival.
Once they were inside the Pizzaplex, having to find some convenient tickets to get in, Itara suggested splitting ways to cover more ground after seeing the sheer size of just the atrium during the day.  She opted to remain with X and cover the main stage area, while Zero headed for the upper levels, and Axl took the outer ring near the daycare and party rooms.  Once she was comfortably up on X’s shoulders and the other two had taken off, they mapped out their trek and headed in.
“What are we on the lookout for, exactly?” X questioned, studying the many, many shops and food stands and activities within sight.
“I’m unsure.  I’m not even sure how I got here to begin with, so I suppose just strange energy signatures or anything that may look… out of place.”
“Hard to tell what’s ‘out of place’ in a world I’m unfamiliar with.”
Itara hummed in agreement, “I suppose that’s a good point.  Signatures, then.  You’re familiar enough with my world by now, I think, if you find anything similar to my energy or even what the Phantom Ruby caused back in your world, that’s a good place to start.”
X nodded and the two continued on their way, scanning for anything strange or out of place in their own ways.  Itara was on the hunt for chaos energy while X scanned the robots and animatronics for anything familiar, checking in with and updating the other two regularly.  Unfortunately, the only thing any of them found were some blocked off rooms that didn’t appear on the map and the energy still emanating from the arcade in the daycare.  The four decided to meet up back towards the main stage to compare notes and decide how to move forward.
With a heavy sigh, Itara dropped her head against X’s helmet and muttered, “I think the answer is that arcade cabinet, after all.  I’m gonna have to get back in there and take a look at it but that daycare attendant isn’t going to let me in there so easily.  I can fog in there no problem, but I may need someone to distract Sun so I have enough time to inspect it–” her head lifted to eye Zero sharply, “A NON-violent distraction.  It’s a daycare.  Full of actual babies.  We are not blowing anything up.”
Zero clicked his tongue before scowling over, “I didn’t realize you were so concerned with the well-being of others, demon child.”
“Only in worlds I’m not looking to destroy,” she grinned back, but then frowned, looking away, “not that I’m looking to destroy worlds anymore or anything.  That was multiple timelines ago.  I’m over that.  That was Mephiles.  I am not Mephiles. ”  She shook her head and looked up again, “the point is.  I just need someone to keep him busy.  X, do you think you can handle it?”
“I suppose… but how?”
“He thinks you're one of my guardians now, ask him about the daycare.  How it works.”
“Shame one of your actual parents aren’t here to play concerned guardian,” Zero chided, getting yet another scowl from the hedgehog.
“If you end up back in my world with me again, I’m telling Metal you think he’s a concerned parent just to watch him short your entire system,” she hissed, Zero’s expression dropping to a challenging scowl at the threat.
“Alright, alright, you two,” X interrupted, sighing, “Zero, Axl, stay here.  I’ll head to the Daycare and see what I can do.”
Itara stuck her tongue out at Zero before turning her attention back to X, “I just need a few minutes.  Just keep him busy long enough for me to get to the arcade and inspect it and I’ll be right back out."  X nodded and reached up to pull her from his shoulders, setting her back on the ground.  “I’ll wait in the shadows until you have his attention,” she explained, heading for a nearby photobooth to disappear into.
X watched her a moment before turning to the other two and nodding, though before he could take off, Axl grabbed his attention.  “Hey, what are we doing playing around with some kid when Sigma is out there causing problems?”
Zero grunted in annoyance but X turned back and explained, “If there’s one thing I learned through previous interactions with that child, it's that she usually knows more than she’s letting on.  It’s a safe bet to follow her.”
“Debatable,” Zero grumbled.
“She got you home, didn’t she?”
“After several years of putting up with her world’s nonsense.”
“Better than not at all.”
Zero huffed and crossed his arms, looking away while X turned back to Axl, “Trust me, she knows what she’s doing.  I’ll be back.”  With that, he turned towards the daycare and headed through the halls to see about keeping the attendant busy.  He wasn’t sure what to even ask or talk about, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d had to improv while working with the mobian child.  At least this time there was less chance of Zero rushing in and making a ruckus.
Itara shifted through the shadows, hovering in the dark corners near the daycare until she spotted X.  She ensured he had Sun’s attention before fogging her way up into the ransacked room once more, wasting little time rematerializing and inspecting the arcade cabinet on all sides, though kept from touching it at first.  The odd energy was still there and last time all she had to do was touch it and she was instantly brought to this world.  It was possible the energy on the cabinet simply reacted to her own energies and activated a portal, meaning it could possibly do the same again.  But being unable to control what happened was what concerned her.  There was no telling where or when she could end up a second time.
The cabinet looked exactly the same as it had yesterday, broken and long since out of use.  It wasn’t even plugged in.  The screen was cracked and one of the buttons was missing.  Looking around the backside, the computers didn’t look any better, there were claw marks going down the entire back, exposing several wires.  Someone intentionally did a number on this cabinet… but why?  Was it Sun?  He didn’t seem so violent… and yet…
Looking around the rest of the room, she noted how absolutely wrecked the entire area was.  Wallpaper was pulled off the wall, several stuffed toys were clawed open and strewn about, present boxes were shredded and tossed haphazardly around.  There was even a broken staffbot in one corner, sitting lifeless with a long crack running across its face.  She could see why Sun was so perturbed about her being in here yesterday but it didn’t explain why it was like this to begin with.
Unfortunately, as she turned her attention back to the arcade again, that tall, reaching shadow creeped out over the entrance again and a frustrated tone practically hissed out, “Why are you here again?”
Itara winced from the tone but looked up at the Sun animatronic with a sheepish smile.  Darn it, X!  “Oops, I’m caught,” she laughed, watching him walk up to her again, the set-in smile on his faceplate not feeling so friendly now.
“How did you get in here?”
“I have my ways.”
“You shouldn’t.  Be in here.”  He was clearly not happy and, if she had to guess, straining considerably to keep from snapping at her.
“Okay well, you see, here’s the thing,” Itara began, taking a step back when he took another.  She couldn’t risk being dragged out again.  There was no telling what was going on in her world or with Sigma.  She didn’t have time to play coy right now.  Sighing, she threw her hands up, the sheepish smile dropping to a more serious stare, “I don’t know if your programming can even process what I’m about to tell you or what effect it’ll have on your world but I don’t have time for this, either.  I’m not from here.  This world.  I’m from another world entirely and I’m pretty sure that arcade cabinet brought me here somehow.  I need to get back home and that game is relevant to that.  So either tell me what’s going on with it or let me figure it out, myself.  I'm not a mere child.  I can destroy you if you get in my way.  But I'd rather not.  I'm quite fond of robots, after all."
Sun’s expression went blank, seeming to have no response to her explanation, so Itara nodded and turned back to the arcade.  “If all goes well, I’ll be able to leave and we can both go back to what we need to.  So if you’ll excuse me.”  She watched him out of the corner of her eye, waiting for a response, but when she got none, she returned her attention to the game.  Hesitating only briefly, she reached out and took hold of the controls.  At first there was nothing, but then just like last time, a spark ran up from the machine and through her fingers, causing another blinding flash with the briefest sign of the swirling void she was familiar with.  However, unlike last time, she wasn’t caught so off-guard and kept a hold of the controls to keep from falling.  The world swirled and flashed around her as she heard the heavy thunk of metal beside her.
But when the clashing energies subsided, Itara looked around, confused.  She was… still in the Pizzaplex room.  Sun was lying face-first on the ground beside her, as though he’d shorted and shut down right there.  She walked over and nudge him, but got no response.  She didn’t have much time to worry about it, either, as a zAP-CRACKLE-Vrrrrrrr rang through the entire pizzaplex, followed by the lights going out and all outside noise stopping short.
So much for not having too much of an effect.
It wasn’t long before the kids below started screaming in terror and not long after that, X was calling out to her, followed soon enough by Zero and Axl bursting into the daycare.  This wasn’t good.  She walked out to the balcony to respond to X, looking for the glowing robotic eyes to figure out where they were, “I don’t know what happened!  I’m fine but Sun looks like he shorted!”
With the doors to the daycare opened, she could hear the commotion coming from the confused guests of the pizzaplex but, oddly enough, none of the animatronics.  Not even the wheels of a staffbot.  The entire pizzaplex was pitch black aside from the customers pulling out phones to use as flashlights and trying to find their way around.
“What did you do, demon child?” Zero called up.
“I don’t know!  I just touched the arcade and it felt like a portal opened but we’re still here.  I’m gonna take a closer look.”
“Haven’t you broken enough?”
“No!”  She could hear grumbling but only smirked and pulled up a small flame so she could see more easily and turned back towards the arcade.  X was attempting to calm the screaming children around him while some of the parents who were out around the rest of the pizzaplex came back to retrieve their children.  Zero yelled that he was going to go look for a breaker or something and Axl apparently decided to join him, rather than having to deal with all the crying around them.  Itara didn’t really blame him but her interest was still in the arcade cabinet.
She walked around it a couple more times, looking it over without touching it this time, unsure what it would do next, and found some broken plastic sticks to use to poke at it, instead.  But as she was inspecting, her ear perked and turned towards the daycare entrance again as another commotion rumbled to life.  Or rather, stomped?  Wait, she knew those footsteps.
Leaving the arcade, her brows furrowed as she headed for the balcony again, both ears perked to listen to the sound of heavy footsteps.  Though, before she could even call out for the bot, she was swept up from the ground and into the arms of another that came up behind her with lightning speed.  Glowing red, unamused eyes stared down at her as the loud footsteps slowed before storming into the daycare, calling for her.
“She’s up here, RK,” Metal sighed, jumping down from the balcony and over to the frazzled warbot.
“Itara!  Where did you go?!”
“Metal?  RK?  How did you guys get here?  Did you get dragged in too?  Where have you been?”
“Where have we been?  Where have you been?” Metal growled, “One second we’re at the pizza place, next you’re just gone, now you just show back up again with an entire building!”
Itara’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Wait… are we… back home?”
“Of course we are, where else would we be?”
Itara blinked, only more confused, as X walked up and greeted the two new additions.  “Hello RK, Metal Sonic.  It seems we’ve been doing a bit more traveling than any of us meant to recently.”
“You again?” Metal questioned, “How did you get here?”
“We were following Sigma, ended up here at this pizzaplex and ran into Itara, we were looking for a way back when everything seemed to shut down and now you’re here.  It sounds like we’re back in your world again, though?”
“We weren’t a minute ago,” Itara explained, “We were in a different world entirely, that’s where I disappeared to.  Are you telling me the entire pizzaplex just showed up in our world?”
RK nodded, “you disappeared two days ago for us.”  Why could time never match between the worlds?
“We picked up a strange reading from where the pizza shop was and came to check it out, there was this massive building where the old shop was and here you are,” Metal held the tiny child out at arm’s length, staring her down with complete and utter disinterest in her shenanigans, “If you don’t stop just vanishing on us, RK’s gonna start putting a leash on you.”
Itara couldn’t help but give a small, concerned laugh at the idea.  She didn’t put it past him at this point.  Metal shook his head and handed her to RK, who promptly put her up on his shoulders where she cozied in and got comfy.  “Listen, I told you guys that arcade was weird.  If we’re back home though, we should go back to the base.  Though, I guess that means all these humans are stuck in our world now.  That could be a problem.”
“Yeah, their problem,” Metal shrugged, leading the way out to the hallway, the other two following after.
“The kids, though…,” X trailed off, glancing over his shoulder.  “Some of them had their parents come pick them up, but I don’t think all of their parents were in the pizzaplex.  This is a daycare, after all.”
“I still don’t see how that’s our problem.”
Itara sighed, “I can contact Sonic’s group and inform them.  They can take care of the stranded humans, if it’ll make you feel better.”  Metal scoffed but X agreed that would be best and offered to remain nearby until someone else came.  “If that’s what you want.  Zero knows where our base is, meet us there.”
“That hot-head is here, too?” Metal growled.
“That’s rich coming from you , Sparky,” Itara smirked, pulling her phone out to see that she did, indeed, have reception again and dialed Tails’ number.  Sonic never answered anything and uttering Knuckles’ name in RK’s presence was banned.  After a moment, the fox picked up, sounding wary about hearing from her at all, “Hello Tails.”
“Hello… Itara.  What do you need?  It’s rare to hear from you directly.”
“Urgent situation.  A location’s shown up outside Soleanna with several humans trapped within.  We have no interest in dealing with them, it seemed like a Hero Concern.”
“What do you mean a ‘location has shown up’?”
“A Pizzaplex.  Everyone inside doesn’t belong in this world.  X will be waiting for assistance dealing with them.”
“X?!  What happened now?!”
“Don’t know yet.  I’m looking into it.  Inform Sonic there’s an entire daycare full of parentless children, would you?”  She listened to Tails’ confused panic for a moment before hanging up, grinning slightly at still being able to put their fur on end once in a while but her glee was soon brought right back down with Zero’s appearance from around the corner.  “I thought you were doing something useful?  The lights aren’t on.”
Zero scowled in return, “Maybe I should do something useful and destroy you, since you seem to bring nothing but destruction anywhere you go.”
“Try it,” Metal snapped, his hand sparking with violent blue electricity, immediately challenging the other bot with zero hesitation.
“Ah.  There’s the parents.  I should have known you wouldn’t be far.  As amusing as destroying all of you would be, I have bigger concerns.  As for the lights, they’re all down.  Everything in the building is.  The robots, doors, elevators, anything powered by electricity is down.  Whatever you did, it shorted the entire system.”
Itara huffed but waved Metal down, for now .  “X is staying with the kids until help arrives.  Meet us at our base once he’s satisfied.  You know where it is.  We’ll start looking into what happened to hopefully get you out of my fur sooner rather than later.”  With that, the three continued towards the exit, leaving the maverick hunters to do as they pleased in the meantime.  On the way out, and once they were out of earshot of Zero and Axl, Itara sighed and leaned into RK a bit more, “By the way, has anything else happened since I disappeared?”
“A surge of energy appeared briefly on our radar, but it disappeared again before we could pinpoint where it came from.  I was trying to find it again to see if it was maybe from you when this building showed up.  Why?”
“X and Zero were chasing Sigma through portals when they ended up where I was.  He wasn't there with us so there’s no telling where he is.  I’m hoping he didn’t end up here somehow, like Zero did that one time.”
“When we get back to the base, I can pull up the reading and see if we can maybe look into it further.”
Itara nodded and melted further against RK, deciding to take the run back to just think about everything that happened and how it might all be connected.  If it was connected.  It could very well all just be a really odd coincidence, but things rarely were when multiple dimensions were involved.  It seemed like there’d be a little time-traveling to do here soon.
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apksure · 9 months
Minecraft error 422 APK
Minecraft gaming is one of the appeal lies in its open-ended gameplay. It allows players to create great and shape their virtual gaming world. Players are placed in blocky, where they can explore a variety of structures, gather resources and interact with various elements. The game offers several modes for the players. However, things are more challenging than they seem. Just like that, Minecraft is also one of the challenging gameplay for the entire gamers, including us.
Moreover, we have found some exciting features that inspire us to spend an entire hour with it. Minecraft error 422 APK is an offering map or an area designed by the developers. Where the robots of the game are trying to destroy your virtual structured world. However, by using the additional resource, you can be a winner by completing your various missions and other challenges as given on the battlefields.
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Masterpost of everything you need to know about this blog!
Hello, I'm Fyki and I created this blog to post the tranlsations of the Yowamushi Pedal manga. I know many of you have been following me for a long time, but I decided to make this masterpost so that new user can know everything they need!
You can also find me here:
Main blog
AO3 for my writing
And if you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee!! ☕ That would mean a lot <33
So! (under cut because it's a bit long)
First things first: I am NOT a professional translator, nor am I a professional Japanese speaker. I learned Japanese precisely to be able to read Yowapeda, and then since no one else was translating it and I love this manga so much, I decided to use what little knowledge I had to translate it. This is to say that these translations contain errors, especially those of the older chapters.
2. You can find everything in this Google Drive folder: LINK
3. Translations start from chapter 422, which corresponds to the end of the fourth season of the anime - basically, translations start from the start of the third day of the second Inter High. Chapter 424 has only the last few pages translated, and chapter 425 is not translated - for both it's because I didn't tranlsate the scenes that were already in the last episode of the anime.
4. Some chapters are typesetted, but mostly they aren't. When I first started I was trying to typeset too, but it was too much work; then during the years some people offered to give me a hand and that's why some chapters are typesetted. For the non typesetted chapters, in each folder there's the raw pages and the translations file.
5. Everything is also here on tumblr at @yowapeda-translations. That was my first blog, but then tumblr for some reason flagged it as containing mature contents, and that created some problems with the search and the visibility, which is why I made this new blog.
6. I post the new chapter every week, usually during the weekend, so you expect it between Friday and Sunday, depending on how long it is, how difficult, and how much time I have.
7. I LOVE talking about this manga, it's the reason I started doing this in the first place! So if you wanna chat, share theories, fangirl together, please do!! I am extremely slow in replying to asks and messages, but that's because I have little time, but I promise you I will reply!
8. Please if you want to use my translations to typeset or for anything else, ask me first!
I think this is all, but if you have any question feel free to send an ask or a message!! <33
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compneuropapers · 11 months
Interesting Papers for Week 23, 2023
On the role of feedback in image recognition under noise and adversarial attacks: A predictive coding perspective. Alamia, A., Mozafari, M., Choksi, B., & VanRullen, R. (2023). Neural Networks, 157, 280–287.
Human-level play in the game of Diplomacy by combining language models with strategic reasoning. Bakhtin, A., Brown, N., Dinan, E., Farina, G., Flaherty, C., Fried, D., … Zijlstra, M. (2022). Science, 378(6624), 1067–1074.
The case against probabilistic inference: a new deterministic theory of 3D visual processing. Domini, F. (2023). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1869).
Efficient stabilization of imprecise statistical inference through conditional belief updating. Drevet, J., Drugowitsch, J., & Wyart, V. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(12), 1691–1704.
Noradrenergic signaling mediates cortical early tagging and storage of remote memory. Fan, X., Song, J., Ma, C., Lv, Y., Wang, F., Ma, L., & Liu, X. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 7623.
Place cells dynamically refine grid cell activities to reduce error accumulation during path integration in a continuous attractor model. Fernandez-Leon, J. A., Uysal, A. K., & Ji, D. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 21443.
Dopamine promotes head direction plasticity during orienting movements. Fisher, Y. E., Marquis, M., D’Alessandro, I., & Wilson, R. I. (2022). Nature, 612(7939), 316–322.
Dynamic control of decision and movement speed in the human basal ganglia. Herz, D. M., Bange, M., Gonzalez-Escamilla, G., Auer, M., Ashkan, K., Fischer, P., … Brown, P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 7530.
Deep brain stimulation creates informational lesion through membrane depolarization in mouse hippocampus. Lowet, E., Kondabolu, K., Zhou, S., Mount, R. A., Wang, Y., Ravasio, C. R., & Han, X. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 7709.
Human hippocampal responses to network intracranial stimulation vary with theta phase. Lurie, S. M., Kragel, J. E., Schuele, S. U., & Voss, J. L. (2022). eLife, 11, e78395.
Dissociable behavioural signatures of co-existing impulsivity and apathy in decision-making. Petitet, P., Zhao, S., Drew, D., Manohar, S. G., & Husain, M. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 21476.
Oscillations support short latency co-firing of neurons during human episodic memory formation. Roux, F., Parish, G., Chelvarajah, R., Rollings, D. T., Sawlani, V., Hamer, H., … Hanslmayr, S. (2022). eLife, 11, e78109.
Decreased Modulation of Population Correlations in Auditory Cortex Is Associated with Decreased Auditory Detection Performance in Old Mice. Shilling-Scrivo, K., Mittelstadt, J., & Kanold, P. O. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(49), 9278–9292.
A perceptual glitch in serial perception generates temporal distortions. Sierra, F., Muralikrishnan, R., Poeppel, D., & Tavano, A. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 21065.
Behavioral and neural representation of expected reward and risk. Sun, S., Cai, C., & Yu, R. (2022). NeuroImage, 264, 119731.
Depolarization block in olfactory sensory neurons expands the dimensionality of odor encoding. Tadres, D., Wong, P. H., To, T., Moehlis, J., & Louis, M. (2022). Science Advances, 8(50).
Subjective time is predicted by local and early visual processing. Tonoyan, Y., Fornaciai, M., Parsons, B., & Bueti, D. (2022). NeuroImage, 264, 119707.
The encoding of touch by somatotopically aligned dorsal column subdivisions. Turecek, J., Lehnert, B. P., & Ginty, D. D. (2022). Nature, 612(7939), 310–315.
Free energy model of emotional valence in dual-process perceptions. Yanagisawa, H., Wu, X., Ueda, K., & Kato, T. (2023). Neural Networks, 157, 422–436.
Environment Symmetry Drives a Multidirectional Code in Rat Retrosplenial Cortex. Zhang, N., Grieves, R. M., & Jeffery, K. J. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(49), 9227–9241.
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electrosair · 2 years
Rainy night at Gandharva Ville
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
this is just a fluff for tighnari bc i love him so much :sob: i tried my best doing it with gn, if you see any error let me know!
word count: 422
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After a long day of walking through the forest with Tighnari to gather new plants and search for new withering areas, we were finally returning to the Gandharva ville. "We'd better hurry, it's going to start raining before long," he said, as I watched his ears turn in directions I would never understand. "But 'nari, we've been walking all day! I can't hurry with this anymore either" I complained pointing to the bag we each carried with the various flowers and mushrooms we picked. "Would you rather get sick and stay for the next two weeks?" "Maybe. If it means I'll see more of Collei, yes, maybe" I stopped for a moment to reposition the bag and brush away the hair that was falling over my face, hoping he would wait for me and not walk all the way over and leave me alone because he had things to do or to teach me a lesson. Contrary to everything I thought, I heard him stop in his tracks and take a few steps back. He grabbed my wrist and quickened our walk.   "Stop acting like a five year old. If you get sick the one who will have to take care of you will be me and I won't let Collei go to your cottage in that condition" I would have wanted to answer him, but between the sudden pull of my body forward and the strong breeze that hit our backs accompanied by the first drops falling, it became impossible.
I could say that we almost ran back, it was late, the rain was getting heavier and heavier and little could be seen due to the tall undergrowth that was all over the rainforest. When we arrived there was no one in sight, the cottages were closed and everything was soaked, Tighnari guided me to his room to leave the bags there, soaked as well. "I hope at least what goes inside didn't end up like this" I spoke unloading the bag on the floor, he closed the curtains behind him and repeated my action. "Same here, I didn't check everything properly before leaving" he shook his clothes and hair in an attempt to dry it. "If only I had been more attentive we could have gone another day" he complained in almost inaudible whispers. "Don't worry about that, the important thing now is that we're already here. And I should get back to my-" "No! I mean, not now, if you go out like that you'll really catch a cold" he walked over to one of the dressers in his room and brought a towel to dry my hair. I let out a shy thank you as he rubbed my head. "Sorry for snapping at you earlier, I wanted to get us there as soon as possible. Besides, if you'd rather stay here just tell me. I can find you a place to help." "No need, 'nari. I like going exploring more than staying here, but I was really tired, I'm sorry too" I searched his eyes with my gaze, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds before he dropped the towel and rested his forehead against mine. I watched him close his eyes in relief. "I'm glad you think so. I like spending time with you" he sighed and I brought my hand up to his cheek and cupped his face. He pulled away from my forehead and I smiled sweetly at him. "Me too" I closed my eyes and left a soft kiss at the corner of his lips, the first of many.
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pyramid-heads-knife · 1 month
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I need honest opinions. How can I improve my farm more?
I'm pretty happy with it so far. I like the wheat tower.
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mimic-of-hysy · 1 year
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@virtue-and-beneviolence is like 80% of the reason this exists
this is a half HCs, half drabble abomination fueled by monster and my thing for authority figures. i needed to crank this out before i went to sleep so forgive inconsistencies or spelling errors. it's not meant to be good I just needed to get this out so i could sleep
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word count: 510
contains: gn!reader, smut, dubcon if you squint really hard but more just abuse of power/status, corruption, does fucking in a church need a warning?
-the same man had been leading your congregation for as long as anyone could remember, so of course it was a shock when he announced his retirement. many people were upset over the idea of him leaving, but he insisted his replacement would leave the parishioners with nothing to want for
-rumours quickly began to spread of the new priest that was being appointed to your church. Some said he was young, no older than twenty. while others insisted he was a hardened criminal, turned man of the cloth. through it all you just smiled and shook your head. it was just the aimless chatter of excitement deprived housewives. right? oh how wrong you were
-ever punctual you arrived thirty minutes before service was to start, your intention to claim a seat close to the front. as you found, fate had other plans. upon opening the doors of the church you saw an unfamiliar man standing behind the pulpit. 
-”hey there” his voice echoing through the otherwise empty church. “I'm Father Hanma, Shuuji Hanma. I am going to your new priest”
-something here wasn't right. the wheels in your head were spinning, unable to find any reasonable answers to the questions flooding your mind. not the least of which was how? everything about this man, from the blond streak in his hair, to his captivating violet eyes, to long lean build screamed sin. even you could tell that
-”wel- welcome, Father Hanma” making your way through the pews, words began spilling from your lips. “if you ever need help organizing an event or anything, I know this place like the back of my hand. I've been helping out here since I was a little kid”
-his eyes flick over your body, intently watching as you find a suitable seat. ”I will keep that in mind.”
        ~~I'm too tired to write the relationship progression right now I'll do that next time I write this AU~~
-in the span of a couple months you go from the perfect little church going child of god who’s worst sin was forgetting to say grace once in a while, to the Father’s person fuck toy
-whenever you confess even the most minor of sins to him, he has you down on your knees with tears streaming down your face as he fucks that pretty little throat of yours. the penance for your sin, swallowing his cum
-it doesn’t take long for him to convince you that sex with him wouldn’t count in the eyes of god, as he is a man of god and not one of sin. so every time you have an impure thought or impulse you crawl to Father Hanma. Having him fuck you mercilessly anywhere in the church, pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you until he’s satisfied that your carnally sinful thoughts have been absolved
-he never wears a condom when he’s fucking you, claiming that if he cums deep inside you it will have a purifying effect. Who were you to argue the semantics of purity with a priest?
109 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Falling in love with any of the Port Mafia is a death sentence. This was something that everyone knew. Having the mafia know your name was dangerous, but having one of them deeply ingrained in your heart or you in theirs, can only end one way. Even the most idiotic of the Port Mafia were aware of this, evident by Higuchi’s blatant pining that never went any further. Chuuya knew this too of course, but that did not stop him from falling. The youngest Port Mafia executive in history, the reason Mori is the current boss, the single most valuable asset the mafia ever had, the traitor. If falling in love with someone from the Port Mafia is a death sentence, then being in love with a Port Mafia traitor is digging your own grave. Despite the anger and betrayal that came with his love, Chuuya dug his grave with a smile
213 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
The soulmate AU where you never see the colour of your soulmates eyes until you meet them(so like youd never see blue, green, brown, etc) but it is a little known fact that for it to work you have to look them in both their eyes(assuming they have 2 eyes) Dazai always has the one eye covered with bandages from when him and Chuuya meet, until he leaves the Port Mafia. Picture this, Chuuya falling in love with Dazai, and being fucking terrified because he’s so hopelessly in love with him but he didnt get a colour when they met. And the whole time Dazai knows that Chuuya is his soulmate because he saw blue for the first time in Suribachi city, and he never says anything the whole time its destroying Chuuya. In this Dazai never says goodbye to Chuuya. So months later, when Chuuya ends up seeing Dazai again he looks him in both of his eyes, and Chuuya sees brown. A colour he had never seen before, a beautiful dark brown that matches Dazai’s hair. Chuuya got a new favourite colour that day. Though he never said a word to Dazai, because he knew that Dazai knew, and figured that if Dazai didnt want him then he didn't need Dazai
326 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
best friend!bakugou who rushed over to your apartment when you called crying that your boyfriend had broken up with you. not even knocking, instead using the key you had given him when you first moved in. finding you sobbing on the couch, not even seeming to notice his presence until he had wrapped you in his arms
best friend!bakugou who makes a point to get you out of your house, taking you to all your favourite places. even the stores he swore he'd never set foot in, anything to see you smile again
best friend!bakugou who cant stand seeing your eyes so dull. he wants nothing more than to find that bastard that broke your heart and beat him to a bloody pulp
best friend!bakugou who knows you well enough to see your smile doesnt reach your eyes when telling friends that yorue over it
best friend!bakugou who shows up unanounced on your door step, holding a bottle of red and a pint of cookie dough ice cream
best friend!bakugou who hears your first genuine laugh in months over some dumb joke he made about whatever show you had put on. he feels his his heart jump at the sound, but swallows down the feelings that try to come with it
best friend!bakugou who's been in love with you for years, but has accepted his place as the person who picks you up and puts you back together after you've had your heart broken. because you'd never given him a second glance. he's always been there, your rock, the person you could always turn to no matter what. and thats all he'd ever be
361 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hanma would never never bend down when you're trying to kiss him. this 6'4 beanpole of a man will just stand there smirking down at you as you struggle
584 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
--Assorted ToG AU dumps--
Because I needed somewhere to dump my brainrot ideas
Gladiator AU: I've wrote a bit about this one already, but it's still the best.
Error Code 422: canon divergent au where Wangnan and Miseng stick together and are active in the Hidden Floor arc (and hunted by their glitched out Sworn Enemies). Many secrets are exposed to the main characters/Wangnan outs himself early.
Yet so Far: the one where Wangnan is pining over Bam throughout S2. Nothing unrequited here, he's just dumb and can't spit it out. literally everyone is aware this is going on but Bam.
Rogue Princesses: AU where Team Sweet & Sour are identified as allies of Jue Viole Grace and attacked, leaving most of the team in critical condition. Out of desperation, Wangnan uses the Sword to perform a blood transfusion to save them...with dramatic side effects. -In other words, all of his female teammates basically become bootleg Princesses. (Assumes he reunited with Ehwa, as I'm not leaving her out of this :> )
Sun on the Horizon: Fantasy/kingdom AU. On a diplomatic visit to the capital, Khun is hired to track down the King's missing son. It's not as serious a situation as it seems. Khun has a secret agenda to track down a lost friend, but there's something inspiring about this prince that didn't meet any of his expectations. this is a khunwang au.
Regret: a time-travel au where a very depressed Wangnan gets a chance to go back and undo a moment in time to save his friends. Bam finds out he's about to make a terrible mistake and rushes to stop him, but ends up trapped in the body of his past self, unable to act until history is altered.
slayer prince au: the one where Karaka finds Wangnan on the 20th a decade or so previously, and more or less inducts him as a secret candidate. When Bam arrives on the 20th floor, Jinsung hires Wangnan to keep an eye on his student, and make him a new team. As usual, he goes a little off-script.
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orbdog · 2 years
i can definitely tell we're about to enter an era of minecraft based ARGS/horror. ive already seen more people talking about error 422, as well as a little bit more interest of dont look at the moon.
watching RGN's video on alphaver currently as well, and all of this is reminding me of how badly ive wanted to make a minecraft based ARG :)
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games-sport · 2 years
How to Overclocking Your GPU and CPU in 2022-GAMES sport
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Also read :What if you could upgrade your old motherboard with a new GPU?-GAMES sport
How to Overclock Your GPU and CPU in 2022
Step 1 – Preparation
Before you start, take a look at your computer. If you have it plugged into a surge protector or power strip, unplug it. You want only one thing powering your PC while overclocking: that’s right, good old reliable electricity. Now, make sure all other peripherals are turned off as well. And if you haven’t already done so recently, now is a great time to do some routine maintenance on your machine (clean out your fan filters and make sure everything is running smoothly). All set? Good! Let’s get started. 
Also read : AMD's Ryzen 7 5800X and Ryzen 7 5800X 3D-GAMES sport
Step 2 –Downloading software:
 You’ll need two pieces of software for overclocking. The first is called MSI Afterburner, which can be found here . This program will allow you to overclock your graphics card. The second piece of software you need is called CPU-Z, which can be found here . This program will let you overclock your processor. Download both programs and install them onto your computer. 
Note*: Make sure your motherboard and CPU support overclocking.
Also read : The Ultimate Battle: Gaming Console vs Gaming PC-GAMES sport
Step 3 –Overclocking your GPU:
Open up MSI Afterburner. There are three tabs across the top: Core, Memory, and Voltage Control. Click on Core to get started with overclocking your graphics card. First, set Power Limit to 100%. Then click on Core Clock and move it up by 0.5 increments until you start getting artifacts or errors (like crashing games). Don’t go too high! Try to find a sweet spot that gives you an increase of about 10% without causing issues. Once you’ve found a stable overclock, make sure to save your settings before moving on. 
Also read :Windows 10 or Windows 11: Which is the Best OS for Gamers?-GAMES sport
Step 4 –Overclocking your CPU:
Open up CPU-Z. You’ll notice that your clock speed is locked at a certain number, depending on what your manufacturer has set it at. For example, my i7 4770k is locked at 4.2GHz, so I have to apply an offset of +100MHz (100 x 4.2 = 422) to unlock it completely. This can be done by moving your mouse over to CPU Core, then right clicking and selecting Add Offset. Next, you need to type in 100MHz under Value and click OK. If you have a different processor or motherboard than me, these settings may be different for you; refer back to your manual if you aren't sure how to do it properly. Once you've added your offset, go ahead and save changes before restarting your computer. 
 How overclocking can improve gaming performance
Also read : The Top 5 Gaming Software's You Need to Install Right Now-GAMES sport
Overclocking is a process of increasing a computer’s processor, GPUs, RAM, etc.. performance, usually by increasing its clock speed. This makes it possible for gamers to increase frame rates, resolution, visual effects—basically anything that affects how a game looks or performs. The process is one of trial and error; it takes some tinkering around with settings before you get your desired result. However, there are many benefits to overclocking: faster load times, more frames per second (FPS), higher resolutions—and all without spending money on a new graphics card or high-end CPU.
 Understanding the risks
Before you start overclocking your CPU or GPU, it’s important to understand what overvolting (overclocking) entails. Overvolting is all about increasing voltage supplied by your PC’s power supply unit (PSU). Increasing voltage increases power consumption of your components, which may cause failure. For example, if you increase voltage too much on a chip with a certain TDP (thermal design point), that chip will simply shut down due to overheating. So be careful—and don’t blame us if something goes wrong! We take no responsibility for any problems you might encounter while trying to modify settings yourself. You have been warned!
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disrepairhouse · 2 months
DISREPAIR ERROR_422: Chapter 4
It had been hours .
She’d tried escaping through the slide, only to be dragged back and scolded.  Tried getting into the upper room again, to once again get scolded.  Tried sneaking out when other parents came to pick their kids up but got nowhere before Sun swiped her right up with far too much experience keeping track of small, slippery toddlers. Even tried leaving via the shadows but, just as she theorized, all it took was a staffbot spotting her and Sun was on her tail before she could even leave the hallway.  She had no idea how he was doing it, but he was somehow faster than even RK.  Of course, her ability to just sludge out into the shadows perplexed him quite a bit, but he scolded her nonetheless.
Outside of leaving the pizzaplex entirely, she finally just accepted she was doomed to remain in the daycare until it either closed or she was, by some miracle, rescued.  Especially now since she was the only one left and therefore all of Sun’s attention was squarely on her.  They both sat near the window she’d taken up at, him studying her carefully while she stared out the window hoping to spot a wild RK or Metal wandering by somehow.  Though she was sure, if they had been dragged into this world with her, they would have ended up in the same spot, not somewhere else.  But there was a chance they ended up elsewhere, maybe nearby, considering she had no control over the travel.  It wasn’t difficult to get separated, after all.
“The daycare will be closing soon…” Sun reminded her, bringing her attention back to the robot.  There was a strain behind those words.  Was he concerned about her being abandoned maybe?
“What happens if they don’t show up by then?”  She was sure they wouldn’t at this point.
Sun’s built-in wide grin slipped at the question but after a moment of debate, he perked back up, “Well, I suppose we’ll just have to have a sleepover then!  A… lights on sleepover.”
She sighed and looked out the window again, silently begging RK or Metal or someone to show up already.  She didn’t want to be stuck here forever and Sun refused to let her leave.  If this went on too long, she would just leave the pizzaplex and take her chances outside, but she would give it until the closing.  A warning came on the overhead soon, telling parents the pizzaplex would be closing in thirty minutes and to collect their stuff and that the final Goodbye Meet-Up for the performers would be happening near the exit.
“What if I wanted to go see the performers?”
“Then I certainly hope your parents come soon so you don’t miss them!”
He was relentless!  Just let someone, anyone come soon!  She’d even take- no, maybe not Kipper.  Not only would he likely just abandon her here because it’d be funny but he’s just a doll.  There was no way this overbearing daycare attendant would let her leave with just a doll .  Come on, RK.  Metal.  Infinite.  Lynda.  ANYONE?!
And then it happened, the answer to her pleas.  A familiar looking warp portal pulsed to life just beyond the window.  Itara shot up, eyes wide, brimming with relief at the sight of the swirling vortex, jumping to her feet and catching the attention of the daycare attendant beside her as it finally stabilized.  Just as she was about to book it for the door and tell Sun someone was here to pick her up, her entire stance dropped as soon as the figures stepped through and she realized the giant chunk of red robot was, in fact, not RK .  Entirely by reflex, alone, as soon as the robots started looking around and happened to look towards the window she was at, she dropped down below it, reaching back to cover her spines so they wouldn’t stick up.
“What are you doing, silly?” Sun questioned, but Itara didn’t feel like answering as she debated the situation.  But she wouldn’t have long as the towering, heavy wooden doors swung open with a heavy BANG, Sun jolted to attention, and ‘YOU AGAIN?!’ boomed out through the daycare.
Itara winced at the heavy, thudding footsteps but dropped her arms and rolled her head to the side in exasperation.
Then again…
“Excuse you!  That’s no way to make an entrance!” Sun scolded them behind her, “unless you’re here to pick up your kids, I’m afraid this is a no-adults area.”
“THEY ARE!” Itara bounced to life and scrambled between Sun and the other robots, avoiding looking at one in particular, “Th-they’re… my… uncles!  Ah haha, probably here to pick me up since dad was busy with… work.  Very busy.  Time just gets away from him all the time.”  She could feel the scowl on the back of her head but was more amused with her own joke to pay attention to it.
“Uncles,” Sun repeated, eyeing her.
“Itara, what’s-”
Itara whipped around, giving a quick shushing motion to the tall blue robot, still ignoring the red one, “Isn’t that right, Uncle?   You’re here to pick me up?  So we can leave ?”  She hoped he, at least, might play along long enough for her to explain outside .  Unfortunately, as soon as he seemed to be catching on, the one she was intentionally ignoring grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her face to face with him.
“What are you playing at this time?”
Her eyes darted back towards Sun before returning to him, explaining in a hushed tone through grit teeth, “I will explain once I’m out of here, but I can’t do that here and he won’t let me leave without a guardian.  Play along.  Or let X do the talking.”
Icy blue eyes narrowed dangerously but the furious robot finally set her back down and crossed his arms.  She was hoping that meant he’d just let X handle the situation.  She turned back to the blue bot and he gave a small nod before turning to the waiting, unamused Sun animatronic who likely heard every word they said, anyway.  “Yes.  We’re here to pick her up and get her back home.”
“Uh-huh.”  Itara knew he didn’t buy it for a second, but with a glance towards the lights and out towards the emptying pizzaplex, Sun seemed to debate for a few minutes before finally sighing and waving them towards the door, “Well.  I have no customer profile for you to prove otherwise, I suppose I’ll just have to take your word for it.  But please, next time you get dropped off, be it by your parents or uncles , come through the front door.  Anyway, best hurry, the pizzaplex is closing soon!”
“Right.  Of course.”  Itara nodded and turned back towards X, giving him a wry smile that he picked up on relatively quickly and crouched down to pull her on his back.  “Bye, Mr. Sun!”
“Goodbye, Itara .  Have a Fazzerific Day! ”
Oops.  He caught that.
Oh well.  Once she was settled on his back, X led the way back out of the Daycare but looked back to Itara for directions on where to go from there.  She could only shrug and, once the doors were shut and they were alone, let out a heavy sigh and dropped against the back of his helmet.  “You were not who I was expecting but I’m glad to see… well, you at least, X.  Not so much you, Zero .  And who’s your friend?”
Zero scowled at her while X gave a short laugh and turned to face the other robot with dark blue and red lined armor.  He had spiky orange hair and there was a certain aura of braggart around him that Itara wasn’t particularly fond of right off the bat.  “It’s… good to see you too, Itara.  Unexpected as it was.  This is one of our newer Maverick Hunters, Axl.  Axl, this is Itara.  She’s a friend from another world.”  X looked around and back towards the Daycare, “a world that looks a lot different than it did last time.  Where are your actual guardians ?”
“This isn’t my world,” she sighed, “RK, Metal, and I were at a much smaller pizza shop back home when I got thrown here by an arcade machine.  I don’t know how and I don’t know what world this is, or if the others got pulled in as well, which is why I didn’t want to say anything in front of Sun.  All I know is this isn’t a timeline in my own world because my body is still physical.”
“Wait a minute, that’s right, you’re you again?”
“Oh,” there was a moment of awkward silence as Itara realized what he was asking, “Yeah.  That’s right, you guys wouldn’t know.  The other Guardians gave me a body back, my own this time, not a stolen one.  But they put a limit on my powers if I go outside of my current timeline so I can’t mess with things anymore.”
“Good,” Zero snapped, “now explain why we’re here ?  Have you seen Sigma come through?”
“Sigma?  He’s back already?”
“Unfortunately.  We were chasing him down and he entered a portal, so we followed after.  It led here,” X explained, deciding to lead the way around the outer halls to try and find the exit.  “I’m going to assume he didn’t come through here.”
“Not that I’ve seen, no, and I imagine if Sigma came through I’d likely have noticed.  Trapped, as I was.  But it’s odd he’s back already.  How many years have passed since I left?”
“Four since we returned after the battle with Solaris.”
“That’s not nearly enough time.  I sent him much further than that.  Something’s going on.”
“And of course you and your world are at the center of our problems again,” Zero glared, moving just ahead enough to make sure his point was hammered home to her.
“Hey, nothing was going on in my world until the arcade cabinet thing!  Maybe it’s this world causing problems now!  Things aren’t exactly stable in my world but with everything that happened I don’t think they ever fully will be again.”
“So anything still connected to your world is in just as much danger, then.”
“Well… that’s possible, yeah.”
There was silence between the four as the low hum of the Daycare’s lights went out behind them.  Itara glanced back, spotting movement just behind the glass but it disappeared quickly.  A final announcement came over the loudspeaker about the Pizzaplex closing with some generic ‘see you next time’ message.  Once the four left the hallways from the Daycare, what looked to be the main area opened up in front of them and the exit was finally within sight.
“This place is HUGE!” Itara yelped, looking up around the massive opening.  Neon lights, dozens of more shops, brightly colored patterns everywhere, with a huge stage all the way at the back with towering projections of four animal animatronics, one of which she recognized as the chicken from earlier.  The bear looked to be the leader of the… band?  With the white chicken, a wolf, and a gator.  “You could fit the entire Soleanna Festival in here!  And these robots are so advanced for… anima… tronics….”  A vague memory tipped around the edge of her mind.  A bear.  A chicken.  Nothing solid but there was something.  As they made their way towards the exit, passing what looked to be a photo op area, standouts of the main performers were set up near separate rooms decorated around each of them.  But on the other side of the hallway were more cutouts.  More characters.
With a fox.
A pirate fox .
Itara shot up and pulled at X’s helmet a bit to grab his attention, ignoring his frustration to stare at the pirate fox cutout across from them.  She recognized that fox.  Looking around the area for another confirmation, she realized it had been staring at her the entire time.  Fazbear Entertainment.  Freddy Fazbear.  She knew this world.
“You know something,” Zero caught on.  Figured.  She looked back towards the robots waiting for an explanation.
“I know this place.  I’ve been here before.  Not… here but… ‘here’,” she explained with a wave of her hand, “A long time ago.  It looked different.  They looked different.  But that pirate fox, I know him.  I…” a guilty smile suddenly spread across her face as she shrunk back and scratched her cheek and looked away from the scowl, “may have… brought him home… once.  He was all broken!  I just wanted to fix him!  I brought him right back!  …With… parts from my world.”
“IT WAS BEFORE EVERYTHING WITH SOLARIS!  I didn’t think it’d create a connection like this!  How could I have possibly known my entire world would collapse and start merging a bunch of lines I didn't even know about?!”
“Aren’t you a time traveler?!”
“Well.  Yes , but… there were no signs of this world before now.  I’m still convinced the initial interference came from here.  Like how the explosion sent you to my world the first time.  Something brought that arcade there.”
Zero looked ready to strangle her again but X intervened and attempted to calm the other bot down before he acted on the frustration.  The third bot just watched the entire conversation with bewilderment, especially Zero’s outburst.  If Itara had to guess, knowing what she did about Zero, this was probably the most the ever-edgy bot had said in his experience.  She would have laughed if she didn’t know for a fact it would set him off again and she didn’t want to get throttled.
“Look, we can worry about the how later.  Let’s just get out of here before it closes, alright?” X sighed, taking the lead to the exit once more, “If Itara’s been here before, it at least gives us some idea of where we’ve ended up.  It’s not completely random and it means there’s some connection.”
Itara nodded in agreement, but said nothing for fear of Zero, but as they finally walked through the front doors of the pizzaplex, just barely making it a few steps outside before the rumbling clank of a shutter dropped behind them.  They glanced back at the now metal cover behind the door before heading out into the dark, quiet night.  There was a roundabout drop-off directly in front of the door, with a road leading out to a parking lot and a guard post at the end.  There didn’t seem to be anyone at the guard post and the only car in the parking lot looked long since abandoned.
“Though it does beg the question of where we go now,” Itara frowned, looking around the treeline bordering the pizzaplex.  The road directly in front of them was quiet but she could hear the distant sound of a freeway not far off and the glow of a city just over the far hill.  “When I came here before, I only explored the old pizzeria, I never went outside.  I have no idea what this world is like but while I was in the daycare, other than the animatronics, I only saw humans.  All of the guests were human, no other robots and certainly no mobians.  I think it best we keep a low profile.  Unless you guys want to remove some armor, we’re not passing for humans here.”
“Never,” Zero snapped.
“Not even I’ve ever seen Zero without his helmet,” X commented, though reached up to pull his own off, revealing the mess of fluffy brown hair below, tucking the helmet under his arm.
“Nor will you.”
“At the very least, I don’t think there’s much universe-shattering danger in this world.  When I visited before there were a lot of energies similar to Kipper, it's what drew me here in the first place, I was looking for Kipper’s origin.  I never found it, though.”
“Your fox doll?” X questioned, glancing up at her.
“Yeah.  He’s a ghost attached to a doll body, I was trying to find out who he was before that but I never found anything.  All my searches ended up sidelined somehow.  So all I know about this world is that it's heavily infested with ghosts, but that’s about it.”  After a moment of thought, she added, “There are definitely still ghosts here.  But that’s still all I sense as far as energies and powers go.  Maybe you guys can pick up more in terms of the technology though?”
“I’ll see what I can find out,” X nodded.
Itara nodded back, turning towards the new bot while they waited.  He looked confused but ever ready for a fight, should one start.  Once he realized she was watching him, his eyes narrowed briefly, studying her, before asking, “So what’s your deal then?  You sound pretty familiar with Sigma.”
“Not really.  I had a run-in with him while I was in your world, accidentally sent him off in time when I was trying to get a crystal from him, but other than that I only know what X and Zero have told me.  Or rather, what X told me.  Zero doesn’t really explain much.  You guys were chasing him through a portal when you ended up here?”
“Yeah, I thought we were right behind him…”
“We were,” Zero corrected, “I have no doubt in my mind you obstructed our path somehow.  Which means he’s off wreaking havoc who knows where and we’re here.”
“I really hope he didn’t end up in my world, then,” Itara frowned, “then again, I’m sure RK and Metal could handle that hunk-a-junk just fine if he did.  So long as he stays away from Robotnik.”
“Yes, because your overbearing parents are so calm and collected whenever you pop off to another world without them.”
Itara’s face flushed up at the insinuation before scowling back at the unamused bot.  Not that she could really argue, either.  Then again, they should probably just be used to this by now.  It’s happened… often.  Of course, every time she returns from ‘popping off to another world’, she’s not usually in great shape, as RK regularly liked to bring up.  But if Sigma appeared in their world looking for a fight, not only would he have to face Sonic, but Metal was always looking for a reason to fight, as well.  She doubted he could be so easily distracted from fighting someone like Sigma, and RK would see it as an opportunity to blow off some steam, if nothing else.
They’d be fine.
Their world would be perfectly fine.
After several minutes and an uncomfortably elongated silence, X finally shook his head and seemed to pop back to attention.  He reached up to rub his head before looking around at the others and explained, “It took a minute, but I was able to connect to something here.  I was just trying to find an internet connection but I think I got into the pizzaplex database.  It’s a mess.  But from what I can tell, most of it is run by the robots.  There’s only one human currently employed in the entire location and it's a night security guard.  Everything else is customer profiles, show schedules, and maintenance procedures.  Nothing particularly useful in our situation.”
“Hm.  Alright.”  Itara glanced back towards the shuttered building, “Maybe we should come back when it opens tomorrow and see what we can find outside the Daycare.  Though I have a feeling we’re going to need to get back to that arcade cabinet eventually.”
“Seems so.”
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wjbs-aus · 10 days
"Average Doom 2 mapset contains over 400 Revenants" factoid actually just a statistical error; the average Doom 2 mapset actually contains 100. Revenants Plutonia, which lives in Final Doom and contains 422 Revenants, is an outlier and should not be counted.
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