#episode 548
hauntingblue · 5 months
Hody: I will kill your nakamas and use their heads as a warning
Luffy who has been training 2 years exactly for this kind of situation: 😁😈
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widowshill · 6 months
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gm woke up thinking about this scene
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rogersstevie · 5 months
marcus: he had fucking walter cronkite come over to his house once henry: it's really, 'cause john holmes, same thing. a lot of like, people are really into, i would say the term is transgressive culture. you know like, the idea of hanging out with something like that, especially at the time is super like "ooh, naughty, i'm hanging out with—did he kill his family? i don't know, pass the canapes"
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 20 days
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day 393/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 180520, the day of the 2018 Billboard Music Awards, with the caption:
Thanks ARMY 😍😘 #jhope
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[#Today’sBangtan] We’ll be making history together with ARMYs😉 First broadcast of at Billboard Music Awards! We were able to wrap it up nicely with the overwhelming cheers from everyone. ARMYs who came to the Billboard Music Awards, those who streamed live, and all the ARMYs who supported us in your hearts, thank you so much!
(trans cr: Soren @ bts-trans)  
bts episode filmed that day:
Fake Love performance from that day:
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can-youimagine · 1 year
Weddings (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)
Summary: JJ asks Aaron for some advice, set in episode 7x24
Word Count: 548
TW: fluff
Part of my Snippets of a Man in Love series!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Smiling, you stand at the edge of the makeshift dancefloor, watching your husband and his team. Every few songs, he convinces you to dance with him before you get a drink and let him enjoy himself. Jack and Henry run through the garden, waving sticks like swords and shoving handfuls of rocks in their pockets. 
After a dance with Emily, Aaron makes his way over to you, no doubt with the intention of pulling you onto the floor with him. With a wide smile, he wraps his arms around you. Instead of pulling you onto the dancefloor, he stands with you, burying his face in your hair.
You laugh. “All danced out?”
“All danced out,” he confirms.
You slide back, handing him your drink, which he accepts. Over his shoulder, you notice JJ and Will watching you. The groom looks away once he’s been caught, almost embarrassed to be watching you, while JJ smiles. Seeing her boss so relaxed with his partner settles her nerves a bit. Even after hearing about Rossi’s and Gideon’s strained home lives, she thinks that if the two of you can make it work, then maybe she and Will stand a chance.
She leans against her husband, watching Hotch laugh and sway with you in his arms. He steals another sip from your drink, only causing you to laugh harder. She doesn’t want to interrupt the two of you, but she needs to know how you manage to do this. Enough relationships have fallen apart in this unit, and yet the two of you have managed to stay together this long.
“Hotch, can I talk to you?” she asks before she can reconsider.
You remove yourself from his arms. “I’ll go check on the boys.” You press a kiss to his jaw before you join the boys at the edge of the lawn, your shoes getting caked in dirt as you play pirates with them.
Aaron watches you with a soft smile before JJ pulls him from his trance. “How do you do it?”
“You’re the only couple I know who’s made it through the BAU,” she explains. “You’re the only person who can give me advice.”
“It’s easy when you have the right partner,” he answers. “It was hard at the beginning,” he admits, “and it can be hard now. We fight, sure, normally after something I’ve done, but we always apologize. We’re honest, probably too honest, but I love them so much, and I wake up every day knowing that they love me just as much, even when I don’t deserve it.” He pauses, silently thanking God for how lucky he is. “If you can make it through your first year, you’ll be golden.” He turns to you, watching as Will asks you the same question no doubt. You smile and laugh and hug him, telling him the same thing.
Even when JJ leaves, he can’t stop watching you. He thinks of your own wedding and how you had no idea what you were in for when you got married. He watches you congratulate JJ and Will one last time before moving back to your spot by Aaron. 
“I love you,” he blurts out, “so much.”
“I love you, too,” you answer with a laugh. “Even if you’re a sap.”
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livmadart · 1 year
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So…everything up until now hasn’t been my natural art style. Instead, what I do is merge aspects of the show’s style that I like with my own, so that what I draw is fairly recognizable to the source. I do this for every show I draw for, it’s a typical part of my process. However, I wanted to try drawing Shinichi in my most natural, personal art style—the one I use for characters who don’t have their own style, like those from books, and the style I use for drawing my own, original characters. I’m kind of shaken from how this turned out, honestly. Like, it’s him, but it’s not.
Case closed count: episode 548
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superlc529 · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @esmealux ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 29 works on AO3. I've been working on a new Lucifer fic for the past 2 years on and off (mostly off) and that'll be my 30th on the site. However, I do have 63 works on ff.net (29 of them are the same) from various fandoms.
What's your total AO3 word count? As of right now, I have a word count of 179,925 words on AO3. I know that total is sometimes some writers' word count for a single fic. ;)
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, it's mainly Lucifer (and Supernatural). I've been writing fanfics since I was a sophomore in high school. On ff.net I have written for (in no particular order): Bewitched, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Doctor Who, Forever, Heroes, Jimmy Neutron, Lucifer, Smallville, Supernatural, Timeless, and Will & Grace.
Top five fics by kudos:
The More Things Change... (Lucifer): 1,090 kudos
Been Down This Road Before (Supernatural): 621 kudos
A Unique Guilt Trip (Lucifer): 548 kudos
Trick-Or-Treating Revelations (Lucifer): 543 kudos
Thanks For Listening (Lucifer): 449 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment if I can... at least on AO3.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually write angsty endings. All my fics have happy endings actually. ❤️
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, wow. Since all my fics have happy endings, it's hard to choose just one... for the ones I wrote over a decade ago, honestly, I can't remember... LOL. Read them if you so choose and pick your own. ;)
Do you get hate on fics?
I would get hate on fics on ff.net but thankfully (not so far) on AO3. When I first started writing fanfics, I interpreted some helpful advice AS hate, but it really wasn't. Thankfully the response is mostly positive on my writing. Sometimes I'll still get some "hate" on ff.net, but I still feel an obligation to post there for consistency since I cross-posted since getting an AO3 account.
Do you write smut?
No. (But I read it).
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have written was a Castle & Forever crossover that can be found on ff.net and AO3 called Ties That Bind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think somebody wanted to translate one of my older Smallville fics back in the day. Honestly, I can't remember which one or if it came to fruition.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not to my memory, but I used to beta all the time for Smallville. And I was a "consultant" on a fanfic on AO3 from a friend for a Forever and Quantum Leap crossover fic. Plus, I bounce ideas off with fandom friends in the Lucifer fanfiction world. ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhh... I can't say an all-time favorite ship because I love all of my ships equally. But I'll settle for my top two: Clois (Clark Kent and Lois Lane) and Deckerstar (Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've had a WIP for Sherlock/Sherlolly in my documents for quite a few years. It's a time travel one where Sherlock from post S4 gets sent back to the time between the end of S1 & beginning of S2. I don't think that one is ever gonna be finished to be honest. I never post fics until they're finished anyway, so at least there won't be anybody disappointed. ;)
What are your writing strengths?
I try to pride myself on the characters being written in-character - where the reader can actually picture the actor's expressions, mannerisms, etc - like they're watching an episode. Dialogue is definitely where I excel.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really suck at descriptions. I'm not gonna lie. I have tried to work on setting the scene and character movements, etc but I still struggle with those factors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm not really great at it. If the character is known to say words or phrases in another language, I might write it in a few times, but nothing that needs a long translation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Jimmy Neutron (on ff.net) when I was about 16 years old.
Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few, but honestly I'm more proud of my Lucifer stories and my one Supernatural story, so I'd have to go with a tie between my first ever Lucifer fic: The More Things Change... and my Supernatural fic: Been Down This Road Before. And right now the Lucifer fic I've been working on for 2 years is quickly becoming a favorite too. LOL. We'll see if people like it once I've finished it and started posting. ❤️
Tagging a few of my fandom friends: @my-crazy-awesome-sox, @mightbeawriter, @wendeckerstart, @kaykat666, @thewollfgang and anyone else who wants to or feels inclined to do it! And to those that I tagged, please don't feel obliged to do it. Love oo!! ❤️
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles--3x04 Nasty Habits
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 548
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Note:  I know it’s been….forever…since I updated.  Christmas projects and other real life things got in the way.  I’m hoping to get caught up to 3x7, where the rewatch group is currently, as soon as possible, so with any luck, I’ll be able to post daily (or at least every other day) until that happens!
Emma stormed away praying that this time her parents didn’t follow.  They tried but sometimes their love was almost…suffocating.
Particularly in this instance.
They were the perfect, ideal true love couple.  Yes, they’d faced their obstacles, but they had been obstacles from the outside, forces trying to drive them apart.  Their love and trust in each other had never faltered.
And that was great.  Really.  Emma was happy for them, but some people weren’t that lucky.
Waves of pain, guilt and insecurity washed over her as she thought about Neal.  He’d folded at the first sign of conflict, preferring to run, to send her to jail, rather than fight for their love.  Suddenly she was back there, sitting on her prison cot as the truth of it all crashed down around her.  She wasn’t enough.  She wasn’t worth fighting for.
And when she was later forced to give up her son….it was a wonder she even survived the agony of it.
She’d worked hard to put him, put the whole situation, from her mind, to learn from her mistakes and come back stronger and wiser.  She’d built a fortress around her heart.
But then Henry had found her and brought her home, and for a short time things had been, if not good, as close to good as she’d gotten in a long time.
It all crashed down on her again when she found Neal in New York and came to realize just how entwined her story and Neal’s had been, just how deep his betrayal had been.
The moment she’d seen him, all the pain, all the misplaced hope, all the love of an unloved teenager for the one person who’d briefly treated her like she was worth a damn came rushing back and it was too much. Way too much.
Emma wished she had Hook’s flask.  She needed the burning, numbing power of his rum to dull this ache.
For the briefest glimmer of time, Emma had thought maybe there could be a way to make peace with the past, to forgive Neal and move forward, and then he’d left her again.  He’d died, and yes, she’d felt grief, but, God help her, she’d also felt relief.  Relief that it was over.  That he couldn’t disrupt her life again.
And then Henry had been taken from her, and she was once again alone.  She’d returned to Neverland, found Neal’s cave, found his map…and then discovered it was useless with him dead.
Damn him!  Damn Neal, and Pan and Neverland and this whole situation!  She couldn’t take much more.  If they didn’t find Henry, if he was too far gone once they found him….
Emma took a deep breath, holding back the tears through sheer strength of will.  If she started to cry, she’d never stop.In the distance, she heard the murmur of her parents’ voices, Hook and Regina bickering in Bae’s cave, and a spark of renewed hope struck in her.  No matter how much she might feel it, she wasn’t alone.  Not anymore.  She had parents and friends and even the tentative cooperation of the Dark One.  There would be time to process all the emotions later.  For now, it was time to fight.  She would get her son back or die trying!
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hexedhunts · 2 years
click on the source link to find 548 HQ, medium, textless gifs of the actress blake lively in season 1 ( episodes 1 - 3 ) of the tv series gossip girl (2007). please do not use my gifs in rps that make use of the 5+/- age rule, and keep in mind the fcs resources when casting them. do not edit or redistribute without permission. gif icons are fine for personal use only. be sure to reblog/like if this helps you in any way!
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wgc-productions · 11 months
The Magnus Archives 2- Do Not Open Liveblog
I was told by @sol-draws-sometimes that episode 2 is a classic, which I'm especially looking forward to since I thought the first episode was fine but I wasn't totally overwhelmed with the need to immediately listen to it (I will say for shows that I liked straight out the gate Earth Eclipsed and Unwell are up there).
You can read my live reactions under the cut.
00:00- I'm always tired of ads but I'm never so tired as to pay for an ad free service. My impatience will never outweigh my frugality.
03:46- My secret problematic thought is that every time I hear an English accent I have a small moment where I forget the English are real people and there accents aren't a joke. Doesn't happen with the Irish, Scottish, or Welsh. Just the English. Wild to me that they really sound like that. Good for them.
05:34 See Joshua, the first problem is that you were in a possession of a casket at all. Also, depending on your relationship to life and grief, an empty casket is the best kind of casket to have.
07:59 Everybody is named John, here.
12:14- See that's the problem. There are some things there just isn't enough money for. You can be doing just anything for funds.
13:37 Red Flag 574- Who has a pale yellow coffin
13:40 Red flag 548: Why do you need a padlocked coffin?
14:04- I can not begin to describe to you how much a padlocked coffin with a warning sign would very simply not be something I would ever touch or look at if I happened to be in this situation which, as previously discussed, I would never be in.
14:55- You are asking so many questions for no reason. Don't worry about. No longer go into that room. maybe get some holy water for extra luck.
16:30- This is the whitest nonsense. You're sniffing the mysterious locked coffin! Boy, if you don't start praying and go somewhere else. Go sit down somewhere, Joshua.
16:38- I mean, I would move it to another room so I could lock the room and isolate it, but I wouldn't touch it with my naked human hand.
17:10- This man would be terrible in the mob. He's asking too many questions.
17:33- Finally some common sense.
18:18- You know what?? If I heard movement from the inside of a locked coffin I fore surely would call a friend or family member, explain the situation, and go stay with them for 2-3 weeks. I would return, reassess the situation, and if the SCRATCHING continued I would move right back in with my loved one.
19:49- The people who would call you a coward are dead as we speak.
20:20- No! This is exactly when you want other people around. You want witnesses and you want a small army/fighting force. This is not a situation you survive alone.
21:39- I bet he's regretting taking that money.
21:52- Also, if you have $10,000 maybe it's time to put a down payment down at a new place and move.
22:57- Yeah, dude you've got a malevolent entity living in your house. You tend to have wonky sleeping habits when those are around.
26:42- He's so lucky he's alive, because he was son the brink of death for at least a year and half.
27:09- Dang Johnathan, way to be a buzzkill. He's the Scully of his department I'm sure.
28:48- Maybe he lived in a tough neighborhood, Johnathan? Ever think of that??!
Yeah, that was a good episode. It was, I wouldn't say gripping, but it was certainly well written and it was suspenseful. Though I do think the lack of a real resolution wasn't for me.
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meanstreetspodcasts · 10 months
Episode 548 - Up in the Air (Frank Race, Philip Marlowe, & Silent Men)
Danger flies high today with three old time radio mysteres involving airplanes. First, Frank Race is hired to deliver the plans for a million-dollar aircraft in the syndicated story "The Airborne Adventure." Next, Philip Marlowe's latest case leads to a team of daredevil skydivers and a deadly accident in "The Birds on the Wing" (originally aired on CBS on November 26, 1949). And finally, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. stars as a government agent hunting for the person who stowed a time bomb aboard a plane in "The Big Kill" from The Silent Men (originally aired on NBC on February 3, 1952).
Check out this episode!
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squirrelkiln · 2 years
Hauling myself back into the tag bc of Ascension. I suppose we have a bit more confirmation on voice actors--that is, who isn't here. Of course I'm not upset at the change in voices, I know how difficult getting the originals can be esp for a miniseries years after the original.
Pity it's hard to get a good grip on things to consider in such a short run time, but I still appreciate the writer/s trying to make things feel... Is cozy the right word?
Aaaanyway I have work to do today but let me know if there's interest in a transcript for these episodes.
Shoutout to the 548 of us watching the premiere of episode three! Hi guys I was one of them :)
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lmamp · 1 year
Another day, another post. I am on a roll! Shall we?
I didn’t read the book from last time today, so I’ll be gushing about my favorite Webtoon Nevermore and Edgar Allan Poe (I swear they’re related). My profile pic is a screen grab of one of the main characters, Lenore. Just in case you were curious. I think it’s pretty. 
Nevermore is a gothic romance set in a boarding school for those who have died. If you do well enough at Nevermore Academy (the name of the boarding school) and get enough merits, you get a second chance at life. Only one person is going to get that chance, however. Everyone else goes to the Land of the Dead. And, no one remembers who they were when they were alive. Once you start to remember, however, you have the potential to unlock a Spectre, which is basically a ghost that has powers. Students use the Spectres as a leg-up within the school. Simple enough of a premise, until you consider the characters involved. Enter Lenore and Annabel, two students who meet during the first episode. It’s very clear that they care for each other, for reasons that elude them until they start remembering who they were in life. The extent of their relationship while alive is still a mystery, but there is plenty of room for speculation. The subtext (and just the text in general) however, is clear: they were definitely close. Still, only one person can leave.
Thus begins the game the two must play. Annabel will keep the other students and the deans of the academy distracted so that they won’t target her or Lenore, while Lenore must find another exit out of Nevermore Academy. The problem is, while Annabel is great at games and plays them well, Lenore has mixed feelings about leaving the friends she has made while at the academy to lose themselves in the Land of the Dead. It’s made worse when the reader (and Lenore) is made aware that Annabel doesn’t really care about anyone else except her and Lenore and the life she believes they were unjustly taken from. This begs the question as to how exactly they died.
We know Annabel died on her wedding day because of her Spectre being the Lady in White, a woman betrayed on her wedding day. But betrayed by who? And why? We haven’t met Lenore’s Spectre, but we can assume they died around the same time based on their arrival at Nevermore Academy. So how did Lenore die? So many questions! I like mysteries though, so I love it. 
The comic is kind of infuriating because it’s a brain worm. I swear I look forward to its Thursday night updates more than I look forward to Friday itself at this point. And it’s so pretty. I’ve already said this, but I can say it again, and again, and again. I’ll put some pictures on here too.
Okay, but how does Edgar Allan Poe fit in? Well, the comic is based on his poetry. There are a few excerpts from some of his work sprinkled throughout the panels. It’s caused me to read some of his works as well. It’s so delightfully morbid. I’ll put my favorite one below. 
Cheers, dear reader!
lmamp (548)
Ah broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!--a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Guy De Vere, hast thou no tear?--weep now or never more!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore!
Come! let the burial rite be read--the funeral song be sung!--
An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young--
A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.
"Wretches! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride,
"And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her--that she died!
"How shall the ritual, then, be read?--the requiem how be sung
"By you--by yours, the evil eye,--by yours, the slanderous tongue
"That did to death the innocent that died, and died so young?"
Peccavimus; but rave not thus! and let a Sabbath song
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!
The sweet Lenore hath "gone before," with Hope, that flew beside
Leaving thee wild for the dear child that should have been thy bride--
For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
"Avaunt! to-night my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
"But waft the angel on her flight with a Pæan of old days!
"Let no bell toll!--lest her sweet soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
"Should catch the note, as it doth float up from the damnéd Earth.
"To friends above, from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven--
"From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven--
"From grief and groan, to a golden throne, beside the King of Heaven."
Lenore, By Edgar Allan Poe
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(I apologize for the quality of some of these. I swear the art is insane, tumblr may or may not deliver on that)
(Also they're so hot and cold. Very Katy Perry, very dramatic, very nice, I love it so much)
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 24 days
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day 153/548 of jungkook's military service
this selca was posted on 151224 by After School Club
After School Club episode with BTS:
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coldfanbou · 2 years
What does the updated FBMATL list look like?
Jihyo (TWICE) = 590 / 600 [100 Face][100 Bust][100 Thighs]
Dahyun (TWICE) = 590 / 600 [100 Thigh]
Saerom (Fromis_9) = 588 / 600 [100 Midriff]
Eunha (GFriend) = 587 / 600 [100 Legs] [Thighs]
Mina (TWICE) = 584 / 600 [100 Ass] [100 Thighs]
Momo (TWICE) = 584 / 600 [100 Thighs]
Irene [Red Velvet] = 584 / 600 [Thighs]
Sana (TWICE) = 583 / 600 [100 Face]
Chaeryeong (ITZY) = 582 / 600 [100 Midriff]
Somi = 580 / 600 [100 Bust]
Chungha = 577 / 600
Habin (Pocket Girls) = 577 / 600 [100 Face]
Sua (Dreamcatcher) = 577 / 600
Yerin (GFriend) = 575 / 600 [Thighs]
Cheng Xiao (WJSN) = 575 / 600 [100 Ass]
Jie (Fiestar) = 574 / 600
Yuna (ITZY) = 573 / 600
Nayeon (TWICE) = 573 / 600 [100 Face] [100 Thighs]
Hyuna = 570 / 600
Seolhyun (AOA) = 570 / 600 [100 Face]
Yeonwoo (Momoland) = 570 / 600 [100 Thighs]
Ahin (Momoland) = 569 / 600 [100 Face]
Shakira = 569 / 600 [100 Midriff]
Heejin (LOONA) = 569 / 600 [100 Face]
Ailee = 569 / 600
Han Leeseul (Rockit Girl) = 568 / 600
Sohee (Alice) = 568 / 600 [100 Midriff] 
Yura (Girl's Day) = 568 / 600
Bomi (Apink) = 567 / 600
Rui (HUB) = 567 / 600
Gemma Atkinson = 567 / 600
Mijoo (Lovelyz) = 567 / 600
Johyun (Berry Good) = 567 / 600 [100 Thighs]
Chaeyeon (IZ*ONE) = 566 / 600
Yuju (GFriend) = 565 / 600 [100 Midriff]
Tzuyu (TWICE) = 565 / 600
Somyi (DIA) = 565 / 600
Lisa (BlackPink) = 565 / 600 [Thighs]
Choi Yoon Sun = 564 / 600
Jeongyeon (TWICE) = 563 / 600
Samantha Bentley (Porn) = 562 / 600 [100 Legs]
Chaeyoung (TWICE) = 561 / 600 [100 Thighs]
Umji (GFriend) = 561 / 600 [Thighs]
Seulgi (Red Velvet) = 560 / 600
BoA = 560 / 600
Bora (SISTAR) = 560 / 600 [100 Legs]
Gemma Arterton = 559 / 600
Gyeongree = 558 / 600
Nahyun (Sonamoo) = 557 / 600
Dawon (WJSN) = 556 / 600
Wheein (Mamamoo) = 556 / 600
Sinb (GFriend) = 556 / 600
Isa (STAYC) = 556 / 600
Saebyeol (Matilda) = 555 / 600
LE (EXID) = 555 / 600
D.ana (Sonamoo) = 554 / 600
Wendy (Red Velvet) = 553 / 600
Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls) = 552 / 600
Remy LeCroix (Porn) = 552 / 600 [100 Ass]
Kim Do Hee (Sonamoo) = 551 / 600
Kagney Linn Karter (Porn) = 550 / 600 [Thighs]
Ariana Marie (Porn) = 549 / 600
IU = 549 / 600
Jaekyung (Rainbow) = 548 / 600
Taeyeon (SNSD) = 548 / 600
Sowon (GFriend) = 548 / 600
Nana = 546 / 600
Kang Mina (Gugudan) = 546 / 600
Yunjin (Le Sserafim) = 543 / 600
Hezz = 542 / 600
Jessi = 542 / 600
Aurora (Nature) = 542 / 600
Nancy (Momoland) = 542 / 600 [Thighs]
Solar (Mamamoo) = 541 / 600
Riley Reid (Porn) = 538 / 600
Nako (IZ*ONE) = 537 / 600
Seungah (Rainbow) = 537 / 600
Lexi Belle (Porn) = 536 / 600
Katie McGrath = 536 / 600
Somin (KARD) = 531 / 600
Hitomi (IZ*ONE) = 529 / 600
Yuqi (G-Idle) = 529 / 600
Holly Willoughby = 522 / 600
Qri (T-ara) = 519 / 600
Yeji (Episode) = 494 / 600 [100 Thigh]
Solji (EXID) = 497 / 600
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rainbowintheskyf1 · 1 year
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I posted 2,467 times in 2022
That's 1,370 more posts than 2021!
173 posts created (7%)
2,294 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,461 of my posts in 2022
#sebastian vettel - 1,980 posts
#abu dhabi gp 2022 - 248 posts
#gifs - 175 posts
#r word reality - 131 posts
#it’s all in the queue - 126 posts
#!!! - 111 posts
#f1 - 101 posts
#sir lewis hamilton - 99 posts
#mine-post - 97 posts
#pls i love him so much - 96 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#someone is saying ‘goed zo’/‘well done’ in the background as if she’s talking to a baby but then again seb is baby and i relate to her
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