nonasbirthday · 8 months
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Clear as mud! But I expect nothing less from a Homestuck 🫡
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I love a sandwich.
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Bupati Suwirta Minta Perbekel Dampingi Enumerator dalam Proses Input Data UMKM
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, KLUNGKUNG - Bupati Klungkung, I Nyoman Suwirta memberikan pengarahan kepada Camat, Perbekel dan Enumerator mengenai Program Pendataan Lengkap untuk UMKM di masing-masing desa se-Kabupaten Klungkung, melalui Video Conference bertempat di Ruang Video Conference Kantor Bupati Klungkung, Senin (26/9/2022). Bupati Klungkung, I Nyoman Suwirta dalam arahannya meminta kepada Petugas Enumerator agar aplikasi yang digunakan dalam proses input data dapat dipelajari dan dipahami, dan mencintai pekerjaan serta perhatikan public speaking dalam proses mendata. Bupati Suwirta mengingatkan Petugas Enumerator supaya berani dalam melakukan input data, karena aplikasi apapun bentuknya, pasti akan ada perbaikan, jadi mari jangan ragu dalam input data. Dibutuhkan keberanian menginput dan mengambil keputusan, yang didasari dari pengalaman dalam mengenali UMKM. Bupati Suwirta minta perbekel untuk ikut mendampingi Enumerator dalam proses pendataan, dan mempelajari aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mendata agar ke depan dapat mempermudahkan Perbekel dalam memberikan bantuan pemberdayaan. Kepala Dinas Koperasi, UKM, dan Perdagangan Klungkung I Wayan Ardiasa menyampaikan bahwa Video Conference ini diadakan dalam rangka mengevaluasi Program Pendataan Lengkap Koperasi dan UMKM 2022 (PL-KUMKM 2022). “Ini merupakan program Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, yang dalam pelaksanaannya bekerjasama dengan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), dimana BPS bertindak sebagai pengolah data, sedangkan dinas sebagai produsen data dan proses pengumpulan data dilaksanakan oleh Petugas Enumerator yang merupakan petugas pencacah atau periset yang bertugas mengumpulkan data kolektif atau wawancara dari pintu ke pintu,” jelasnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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prismartist · 8 months
i'm cryingggggggg quackity dresses up as fred and immediately gets the frubbo curse of everything turning into a sitcom. he was so anxious the entire time. he realized very early on that oh right, the workers communicate through writing which he cannot do and spent the day nodding and shaking his head and doing jumping jacks. other workers kept fucking asking him about his/fred's feelings for tubbo and being so hilariously sweet about it. then he got hit with the shaking bug and the other workers noticed and even assumed it was about tubbo???? "el amor es amor"????? and even fuckin cucurucho asked him if he was okay??????? he saw the others failing miserably at spying and could only scream internally. when he ran into pac, pac of course assumed that quackity must have been fred the entire time and then asked if tubbo is a good kisser. i'm going to explode. this is so embarrassing for him
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theoffingmag · 7 months
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— Rasha Abdulhadi, "a litany of refusals to become ghostly"
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atalienart · 5 months
Hey, what's something that will definitely make you turn pages while reading a fantasy book? What makes the world, plot or characters intriguing for you?
For me it's the mood of the book. The world can't be to "cold" and "sterile" or "deserted" like in dystopias and westerns. I also can't stand worlds that feel like delirious dreams. But I love when the story has some mystery, a promise, a spark of magic from the very beginning. I love when the world feels familiar but not entirely, like there's still something to discover. And I like it to be cosy but there's also a chance for some horror. I like cities covered in snow, little rainy villages, misty forests, windy hills.
When it's about the plot, I love magical adventures, not travels from place A to place B (those I find extremely boring no matter what happens during all the travelling) but unveiling mysteries and navigating through complicated intrigues.
As for characters, give me unassuming ones, introverts, silent types, those who have their secrets, those who have magic inside them, soft but stoic ones. Artists, professors, scientists, book lovers, sorcerers and rulers.
What about you?
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sivavakkiyar · 3 months
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literary-potato · 1 month
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Finally, mankind has an answer to the question "what if you could generate every possible heresy by running through statistically probable and grammatically coherent combinations of words involving the Trinity, Jesus, or salvation, and you could do it with an avatar that looks straight out of Civilization VI?"
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blankmogai · 1 year
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alterhuman identity anarchy symbol!
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perdvivly · 1 month
I do sort of wish everyone had one of those “what I believe” manifestos pinned at the top of their blogs
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legobiwan · 10 months
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
Season 2
kā (Māori) /ka/ 1. to screech 2. to burn
enumeration (English) /ɪˌnjuːməˈɹeɪʃən/ 1. The act of mentioning a number of things one by one. 2. The act of determining the amount of something; counting. 3. A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed.
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sugahyeon · 1 year
Did Baghera just truthed yaoi island???
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
Bilbo, pouring mind-altering stimulants into color-coded bottles in preparation for the day Lobelia Sackville-baggins eventually gets hold of his house:
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bellasbookclub · 10 months
You got a fall book rec list coming up?? I would be hella invested in that.
There will be a new reading list for the upcoming season of 3B1P !!! We're back babyyyy - M
yeppp what they said!! once Season 2 of the podcast starts airing (september 13th, hbd bella swan) we will return to our usual format of one book (from bella's list of favorites in Midnight Sun) per month with a monthly discord discussion!! we announce the books on a monthly basis rather than all at once in case we need to change something up at the last minute, but we can share that 1) we have a lineup of 10 books planned, 2) most of 'em are deeper cuts than last year, and 3) we will announce our september book here on the tumblr/other socmeds on september 4th so all you BBCers will have a little extra time to get your hands on it (discussion date for that one will be october 2nd.)
but due to the success of the summer reading/reader-submitted reclist format, we will bring it back next summer. so save up those book recs, folks. hoard them like a dragon!! —G
tl;dr book club season™ resumes 9/13 with first book announcement on 9/4; summer reading will return in june 2024
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