#ena : bonds.
instantfoxdonut · 3 months
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they're just bonding... :)
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
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Just like a phoenix, Tsukasa will rise up again even if he falls a hundred times over, but I think it's okay for him to sit down for a while too.
Ngl it's funny how it feels like Tsukasa haven't gotten the memo that they're in their disbandment arc yet. Understandable, as the story is giving hints that he'll be the catalyst for the climax of WxS third storyline.
I was scared that Tsukasa might not get the role that he wanted from the event summary on Twitter, but I'm glad that he got it! And did he earn it too! It's really amazing that he managed to survive on water alone for three days while going to school, running for 10km and doing hours of warm-ups, and practicing for both the audition and his chicken role... Although I'm not sure if it's healthy. I've heard of actors doing ridiculous and reckless things to grasp a role, so I guess Tsukasa is only of those... And yeah, Tsukasa the perfectionist wouldn't stop at anything to perfect a role.
Heck, he even lied to Saki (and probs his parents) for three whole days?? An interesting thing to note is that apparently Tsukasa 'overshared' his trouble with Saki, but his expression doesn't even show his anxiousness. But of course, Saki always watches Tsukasa, so she knows something's up.
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Back to the story, the others' 3rd rotation focus stories have been about their feelings about the future disbandment of WxS, and what actions they would take if that day arrives. However, Tsukasa has been thinking of his lack of skills since Pop in My Heart all the way to Sky's Edge. He's toying with that idea in Lion Dance Robot, but easily discards it because he's WxS chairman. However, his hunger for growth keeps growing stronger, and if no one satiates it there's a chance that he might consider leaving WxS again--for real this time.
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Fortunately, Emu's brothers don't want to let one of their cash cows go just yet lol (I mean yeah, they feel gratitude for Tsukasa so they give this chance as well but you know... money is still money lol). They know that their tactic of letting WxS collab with Phoenix Stage for Phoenix Stage's 30th anniversary show is just prolonging the time (2-3 months at best), but now they're also thinking of how to make WxS keep working with them in the long term. Judging by Rui's little monologue at chapter 8, there might be a possibility where the three of them will work together to keep Tsukasa in WxS.
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We know of the others' role models and inspiration (Emu's her grandpa, Nene's and Rui's were told in Mermaid and Revival respectively). While Emu's inspiration is the cornerstone of the first and second storyline, we know of Nene's and Rui's in the beginning of the third storylines. So I find it interesting that Tsukasa's inspiration will probably be told in WxS fourth rotation? Probably the end of this disbandment arc?? The flash to WxS main story prologue illustration may hint that we might see more of Tsukasa's childhood before and after he watched the show that changed his life, because he'll perform that same show as the character that his role model played in the past (most likely Tsukasa's fourth event focus).
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Another thing, I like how the other WxS members in this event is shown to be more proactive in helping Tsukasa to grasp his role compared to back in Dazzling Stage. Sure, they still have the mindset of 'let's watch over him', but they're more... there? Rui made a robot to help Tsukasa (on Tsukasa's request), Nene taking care of Tsukasa's wounds, and Emu supporting Tsukasa when he was staggering, and everyone being there and never say anything about Tsukasa's tears? They were together with their chairman for every step. I guess their frustration on not being able to help Tsukasa in Dazzling Stage fueled them to be more forward in helping him in this event (also because they're worried by how reckless Tsukasa is with his own wellbeing if it's for making the best show... everyone, please take care of Tsukasa).
Also, I like how this story is telling us that Tsukasa is not a talented actor. He's charismatic, sure, but he's only a dime in a dozen of actors. All he has is his dedication and hard work to his craft, and even then he can't even see how far the peak is. More than that, the fact that he's able to use his negative emotions into something that will help him forward in the future is nothing short but inspiring. First, it was his loneliness and pain in Dazzling Stage, and now it's his frustration and helplessness in Sky's Edge.
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I really love that Tsukasa's crying face isn't portrayed as beautiful---because it isn't. He's sad, he's frustrated, and he couldn't help but cry because he felt so powerless in front of an overwhelming talent. His face is scrunched up so much because he forced himself to see the ugly reality--that he's never as good as those who are talented than him.
But I think being able to look at your shortcomings and never avert your eyes from it is a talent itself. Not many people could be as strong as Tsukasa. He was able to do that without anyone's influence---all that strength is all him.
And his perseverance is rewarded--I seriously got goosebumps in chapter 8. The fact that he's using boku and not even ore in his inner monologue just shows how much Tsukasa managed to make Rio's role as his... At that time, he was Rio. And when the scene is over (btw Sakurako answering Tsukasa's heartfelt acting is very heartwarming), Tsukasa was still in a daze because I guess that's just how much he was 'into' his role.
And after it was announced that he does get that role, Tsukasa's first thought is not the satisfaction that he finally managed to get that role, but relief because he could see Emu''s, Nene's, and Rui's smiles---he's happy not because he managed to get his dream role in his dream show, but because he managed to answer their support and trust in him. He was able to grow so much because they were there with him--and I think this mindset will be important for the third storyline climax for sure.
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I also think that this friend of Sakurako will show up in future WxS stories as Tsukasa's rival, but who knows lol.
The next event! Rui decides to move forward in his plan, and Nene is determined not to get left behind by Tsukasa's growth! I wonder which one will come first... (psst psst, Nene)
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Since Noxee had set up the massage table in the kitchen for Ji Ho and Vlad to ‘safely’ charge the bond, they all use it autonomously ^^’
(Reminds me of Kiyoshi and Jeb yesterday when they wished they had a bond like Vlad and Ji Ho where they could give massages to their partner ;)
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Kiyoshi is concerned if it isn’t a bit too intimate that Jack gives a massage to Noxeema. (Because Noxeema was Jack’s first crush ;)
Kiyoshi of all Sims! Wasn’t it him who gave massages to both Vlad and Ji Ho to ‘prepare’ them for the event on Winter Solstice? Speaking of using two yardsticks and two sets of scales hahaha
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But Saiwa reassured him. Saiwa: “Oh no - this has nothing to do with anything sexual. Look, Ji Ho and Vlad do this every day and Ji Ho never had feelings like this for Vlad.”
And so Kiyoshi asked Jack to give him a massage and Jack couldn’t refuse without giving the others a hint on their love-hate relationship... And it felt so good. Jack hates himself for it.
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My hands are tied, My body bruised, she got me with Nothing to win and Nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away, And you give yourself away And you give, And you give,And you give yourself away
With or without you, With or without you, oh I can't live With or without you
With Or Without You - U2
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I love with how much love Vlad looks at Minerva/Ms Coombes.
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What is Kiyoshi doing at Jeb’s bed?
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love  ~  Latest
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kplays · 2 months
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We start with a strategy meeting. Calvary seems important to implementing it.
Yukimura wasted no time making friends
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chisatowo · 1 year
The amount of 25ji takes I have that would just be swinging a bat at a hornets nest.... Like thank god I think I only have like. 2, maybe 3 sekai fans following me, I know that if I talked abt some of my 25ji opinions some ppl out there would take it rly personally fkdmrjdnf
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correctproseka · 1 month
AN EXCUSE TO INVITE PEOPLE TO TALK ABOUT THEIR DREAM EVENT (i meant the event you wish happened, though the idea came from my friend literally having an event on their dream)
------ my two ideas are:
Fashion/pink event: Mizuki, Saki and Airi as 4*s, Luka 3*, maybe Ena as 2*?
Anyways Mizuki's card is clothing related, Saki's card is hair related and Airi's card is makeup related, Ena's 2* is just a selfie and idk Luka is just there bc she fits the vibe /hj
I was in between Ena and Emu for 2*, Ena fits the fashion theme more, but Emu fits the pink theme more, however if i went true pink event id have to downgrade Saki and :( so Ena it is.
Tsukasa bonding with leo/need event: Ichika, Tsukasa and Honami 4*, Shiho 3*, Rui 2*
Saki exists but shes not in the lineup
It's an event that Tsukasa thanks leo/need for being there for Saki, especially Ichika who has always been there, the main idea is that the event is ichikasa bonding but the rest of leo/need shows up, I just really like ichikasa dynamic he's like "i entrust you my daughter" "??? IM YOUR SISTER AND UNMARRIED?"
Idk why Rui is there i just dont want it to be a full leoni event and tsukasa is there for somw reason
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fizdryypz · 6 months
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Terrific! I perceive illusion within delusions! A world of endless connections!
Connections and bonds that are meant to transmit cheerfulness and even so I... don't recognize this strain of joy.
I can't help but see a little bit of ENA's duality in Gangle.
(Inspired by the latest ENA installment, Power of Potluck, created by Joel G)
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sharkiethrts · 1 month
Hiya everyone! new inquiry time: i wonder why not much people delve into Lady Cash? She is implied to be Robin's teacher when she was young and was even referenced in 'Concert For Two''s lightcone:
'"But the teacher thinks I'm not cut out for this…"'
She seems to be framed as an antagonistic character for now, with her seeming rather jaded and fastidious to the 'flaws' of today's singers. She even outright referred to Robin's letter to her as: 'a bucket of brainwashing balderdash', going on to say that it is 'what she's best at ' and that 'She's been like this since young'
I'm now wondering:
(a) Is Robin's character supposed to be framed as well-natured first hand but later on opening to reveal much more selfish and human traits that make her seem like a hypocrite?
(b) Or could this just be a show for how horrible the situation is in Penacony- where jealous stars try to tear each other down, despite one being a mentor and another being a student.
Adding onto that, could this be a hint for Sunday's less positive feelings towards Robin? (What if during the White Night trailer, it wasn't Sparkle that was acting as Robin and Sunday was actually rather lackluster around his own sister? Haha, maybe its not likely)
(c) Perhaps Sunday is jealous of her. Hence why in the 'concert for two' lightcone (once again), Robin questions whether that dream is still shared by the both of them- (LEAKS SKIP BOLDED) or perhaps that is due to Sunday being suggested to have been possessed by Ena (or Dominicus), hence becoming distant from her).
(headcanon, with no evidence whatsoever:) Could Sunday's love for sweet treats only be found in their childhood, where he no longers share the same love as he has been possessed while Robin remains unaware and tries to rekindle a bond with a brother she once knew?
Oh my, this could also work out with why Sunday looks rather bored around her (compared to their cutest lightcone and the Myriad trailer- where he seems to love her affectionately).
(d) maybe its just to show that Robin was surrounded by negative figures in her childhood that constantly tried to get in her dream's way. where her acts of kindness (her sending a thoughtful letter to check up on her teacher) is depicted as manipulation tactics,,,,
haha just rambling, PLEASE ADD ON! i'm suffering from a severe hyperfixation.
: I hope you don't mind me tagging you guys here, it's just that whenever I try to find Sunday content, I tend to gravitate to you guys! (please tell me if you do, I wouldn't mind at all- text me privately if you have to!)
@eternity-death @moonsaver @mewnbuns
Please tag anyone else that would be interested in this, I'm also rather interested in collecting sunday blogs :3
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skittlewaffle · 2 years
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“When in doubt, head in the clouds!” —DCA
Glitchy, one of my anons, gave me this wonderful idea for an AU where the DCA and Y/N are in the world of ENA! One really wacky and hard to explain fever dream of a universe… really hurts your head tryna figure out. That’s why he says to get your head in the clouds for a bit! Forget about your existential dread or it’ll eat you up!!
Y/N in this universe is self-aware. They realize they are a stand-in for those wishing to be in this world at any moment’s notice. As a result, they have identity issues and existential crises on the daily; are they one person? Multiple people? or nobody? Did they ask to be here? Can they ever leave and be free? You and Y/N are the same after all… Why can’t they escape their dimension like you can? What are they??
The DCA means well, I swear. They want to help, they really do, but Y/N just seems like a lost cause! Might as well keep them company, at least, show them the silver lining of being the kind of person they are, as much as they may come off as insensitive. At least they can bond over sharing the same body! Y/N is such a mystery that they would love to get to speculate about, like how one studies the universe. Anything in space that doesn’t help the earth is meaningless, right? And yet it brings so much joy, wonderment, curiosity… confusion… We just gotta learn more about it! What’s the fun in being grounded anyway?
“Answers are not handed out on a silver platter, dear! Searching is the fun part about being so, so, so, so… confused.”
A wild goose chase for answers can be fun, right?
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Sun and Moon can shapeshift! The doodle of the crib mobile is not them holding one; they have actually taken the form of a floating hand, with their head as the dangling moon plush
Dumb, pointless things seem to bring joy in the world of ENA (like hourglass dog) so I can imagine they really love to daydream, distract themselves from this nightmare
Whether the form of Sun, Moon, Eclipse, or anything else in between comes out depends more on their thought processes and feelings rather than the amount of light around them
Sun finds Y/N interesting and entertaining; never a dull moment with them! Moon is actually the less insensitive one who distracts Y/N in more mellow ways than Sun’s brushing off the negativity as something good
god their relationship is unhealthy. let’s just call it a slow burn hurt/comfort and call it a day lol
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
In the matter of Tsukasa’s past and experiences with people (aka Saki hospital, Toya and his father, scared of people thinking of him less) I think he’s like Mizuki as well. The Mafuyu and Tsukasa coin is not obvious but it is noticeable by a lot, but for the MizuKasa coin? I think I may be the only one so far to realize that
They’re both hiding their true feelings inside their heart.
Think about it, even if Rui and Mizu have a parallel together, Mizu has a parallel with Tsukasa as well
Tsukasa covers his feelings and reflects questions on his “okayness” on everyone else but himself. He hides them with the “I’m a star! I’ll be alright!” stuff as well as acting like he’s incredibly confident. Reflecting questions rises WXS’s confusion. They care, they really care about Tsukasa if it’s not clear enough in the recent Rui and Emu event. Yet for some reason, he’s scared.
Mizuki covers their feelings with laughter and false emotions. They seem to hide their feelings with their friend’s feelings as well as avoiding the subject. As seen when Mafuyu confronts Mizuki about it during their first meeting in the Sekai, they’re hiding it full on. Their event “My Footsteps, Your Destination” is mainly about that problem. (I REFUSE to use the Eng Dub’s translated name.) Even after Ena confronts them, they’ll keep their secret for as long as they can.
What if one of the events show WXS confronting Tsukasa about it? I think he’ll say that everything is alright and if they keep pushing…well I’m not sure.
The parallels of being the “hey let’s pretend everything is alright so we can make others smile” is real between Mizuki and Tsukasa. Mizuki helped everyone before their confrontation with Ena but Tsukasa whose been helping everyone from the start hasn’t exactly gotten one yet (I might be wrong) Maybe his next event will cover his perspective on retrieving his dreams or staying with WXS?
There’s parallels between Tsukasa and everyone in N25 actually but I’ll head on Ena in my next ask
Thank you for your ask!!
I don't know about western fandom cause I don't interact with it much, but in JP fandom Tsukasa's entanglement with Niigo is pretty common in fics. I think a lot of JP fic writers see Tsukasa as the embodiment of the 'light/positive side of Niigo members personality traits', and I also agree with them as well. Like, Mafuyu's and Kanade's parallel to Tsukasa is pretty obvious for them (and damn there's a lot of of good MafuKasa fic in JP and not in the romantic shipping way either), and just like you, they also noticed Mizuki's parallel to Tsukasa---the one where they try to hide their pain from their close ones with a smile and being helpful.
And iirc isn't in Mizuki's 2nd banner, they reflected on the fact that even though they knew Ena and everyone cared for them, Mizuki was still scared to say the truth because of a slim (almost impossible really) possibility of rejection? They knew it was an irrational fear too, but that's what trauma of being rejected do to people. However, Tsukasa's reluctance to open up to WxS doesn't come from the same fear of rejection. The way I see it, he's fixated on being the dependable one so much that he didn't want to depend on others. And if he showed his vulnerable side to them, what if they stop depending so much on him out of worry from burdening him too much? I think it's as simple as that. So, while Mizuki said 'I don't want them to leave me like other people', Tsukasa would say 'I don't want them to stop relying on me'.
I think the reason why Tsukasa's problems doesn't really get any spotlight in the 2+ years of proseka is because for the person himself it's never a problem. He doesn't feel conflicted nor hurt from hiding a side of him, unlike Mizuki. In fact, Tsukasa might even think he's not hiding from WxS because it's just the way it is for him. As long as the person himself think of it as insignificant, the story can't really highlight it, can it? Tsukasa and his inability to be vulnerable is just like Kanade and her fixation on saving people with her music because it's her duty and a way to 'atone' for her 'sin'.
Besides, in the current storyline, Emu, Rui, and Nene are already troubled by the idea of WxS separation, so I think it'll be a long long time of waiting if we wanna see WxS confronting Tsukasa like Ena confronting Mizuki. And even if they confronted him about it, I could see Tsukasa deflecting them with one of his minor worries, unlike Mizuki who couldn't deceive Ena.
I also agree that the next event might be an event where Tsukasa's dream is pitted against WxS. Emu's brothers foreshadowed it, so was Rui in his card SS. And although it was a question that was already asked in WMS (and Tsukasa answered by choosing WxS, and even said that he would choose the same every time iirc), this time he might be more conflicted. In WMS, his world was still as small as PWL. But after they went around places in Japan to promote PWL, seeing world-class level theater in Pop in My Heart, and collaborating with one of the best theater troupe and actor in Japan in Curtain Call, Tsukasa had realized that he's still lacking in so many aspects in realizing his dreams. Heck, Curtain Call last episode had Tsukasa indirectly telling Rui that he would prioritize WxS just for Rui telling him not to. I'm positive that he would choose WxS in the end (and Rui would also help him to achieve his dreams), but it was the process that will be interesting to read.
Oooh, about the Ena and Tsukasa parallel, is it about their need for others' recognition, their hard working tendencies in an industry where the more talented thrived, and generally stubborn nature? There's also this one really adorable EnaKasa fic that I really like too! I'll be waiting for your ask! (≧∇≦)/
(Also, it's neat that their names look so colorful in your ask! How do you that Tumblr magic???)
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razzmothazz · 5 months
OK. ok. what if. femkasa AND Ena. together. is that something. and Ena might be showing her how to take selfies in a way that would enhance Tsukasa's sparkling incredible awesome star energy even more. thoughts.
ur mind is so beautiful
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the girls are bonding
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lovely-showtimes · 5 months
Hey could I req Emu, Rui, Tsukasa and Ena with a reader who has a pet raccoon which tends to be a little hyperactive and chaotic? Thank you! (Love your work by the way it's so Awesome)
♡ . pet raccoon.
characters - tsukasa, emu, rui, ena.
type - hcs.
a/n - thank you, nonnie!! <3 i've actually been looking for an excuse to write smth for ena, so i appreciate the request ^^ i hope you enjoy ~
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Tsukasa is pretty wary of your pet
He appreciates it when you say it wouldn't harm a hair on his body, but... it's still a little disconcerting
Especially with how it zips and jumps all over the place! He's never seen such an excitable creature before
The amount of times he's eyed it from afar, glanced away, and then it's suddenly right beside him and caused him to jump are countless
"AARGH! H-How on earth did you get over here so fast?!" "Aww, Tsukasa! Look at how they're nuzzling you, they like you~" "I-Is that so..."
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Emu, on the other hand, ADORES your pet!
Its soft little tail... its cute, small paws... its round, shiny eyes... it's just too adorable!!
The fact that she shares a similar nature with your raccoon means they easily bond and become a terrifying duo of mass chaos
(By which I mean, the two of them are determined to show you as much affection in the silliest ways possible)
Whenever Emu visits your home, she always makes sure to say hello to your raccoon too
"...And hello to you, Mr. Raccoon! Hehe, you're in such a good mood today~"
Sometimes you wonder if she's just here to play with your raccoon instead of seeing you...
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Rui is extremely fascinated by your raccoon
How on earth could one little creature be so full of energy and excitement? He would love to study it. You will not let him
Your raccoon warms up to him immediately however, it's very cuddly towards him
In fact, Rui's the only person that can calm it down, other than you, of course
One of the most adorable sights you've ever come across is when you had briefly left your room to do something, only to come back to a very gleeful Rui and your pet snoozing in his lap
He also loves occasionally dropping random raccoon facts on you whenever it comes up to him
"Oh, hello there, little one. Say, did you know that a group of raccoons is called a nursery?"
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Like Tsukasa, she's also wary at first
It wasn't uncommon to see her flinch away from your raccoon when it dashes around a bit too close to her, or for her to hide behind you
(She then immediately denies being scared of it out of embarrassment)
But she warms up to it eventually! Soon, her and the raccoon actually become pretty close, and she's not so jumpy around it anymore
Sometimes, though, it still catches her off-guard...
"AAH! ...Oh, it's just you, aha. Hello there..."
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pineappleciders · 8 months
sometimes i think about mizukis secret and wonder like what if its not that theyre trans and theyre actually a serial killer or something
like imagine being ena and your bff has a huge secret that you've cried and bonded over together and after like 3 years you see that they got arrested on the news
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
akito will sometimes go to ena's door and just knock a couple of times, until ena answers with her own knocks on her desk
1 knock - fuck off
2 knocks - im okay but still fuck off
3 knocks - u can come in i SUPPOSE.
they havent been doing it as much recently but whenever they were both little, ena answered him by knocking back as a joke. akito took it seriously and now they have a knocking system😭 most of the time ena will either scream or knock. no inbetween the shinonomes are not normal !! /j
i also like to think whenever akito was in elementary, ena's hair was long at one point and he learned how to braid hair just for her, and often would braid ena's hair whenever he had a bad day at school or something. akito still does the hair braiding for ena, but really can't as her hairs short, but he's started doing it to an (in which he gets teased and they start fighting halfway thru but whatever) too. he definitely finds it therapeutic to do it
— bracelet anon (my name now ig😭)
AMD FOR THE SECOND ONE THAT IS SO CUUUTE!! do you think he sometimes braids his and vbs's hair too 👁️ 👁️ - mod ena
that has to be true, them just having random things and different ways to communicate that only make sense to them
and the second, wait no bc i also find braiding so therapeutic and i often braid like small strands of my own hair (too short) or like other ppls.
i love and cherish shinonome sibling bonding with my entire life tho - mod aki
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chisatowo · 1 year
Killing and maiming. I need to stop finding unit swap 25ji songs this is getting ridiculous
#rat rambles#sekai posting#unit swap au#at least its kind of an ena song this time#anyways unit swap ena and mafuyu make me wanna kill theyre so important#Im too groggy to ramble abt them rn but dear god are they my everything#fuckers who are fucking glued together#akito has mixed feelings on mafuyu. one the one hand hes glad that ena can have a close friend who looks out for her and she clearly cares#abt mafuyu a lot but on the other hand it means that mafuyu is just fucking always around and they love bullying akito too#which isnt a crime he and his friends playfully bully eachother all the time but they stole his favorite snacks too :(#and also just keep fucking Appearing behind him to call him cringe before fading away again#theyre a ghost who haunts his house but theyre also ena's best friend so what is he supposed to do abt it#she tought them how to pick locks and break through windows but the obe main benifit is that ena has less knives in her room now#also Ive gotta make an 'event' story where akito and an actually talk abt art for once since they both do it and know the other does to but#they generally have an unspoken agreement to never bring it up because of their dad#but also I need akito to be forced to face the fact that yeah bro your an artist now you have artist brain disease youre never gonna stop#unit swao akito is just ke unleashing the horrors on him (horrors being being an artist and animator)#and I need ena to simoutainiously gain a complex abt it and bond with him over it at the same time#ena is still an artist in this au but its tied a lot more to her music to her#basically if she doesnt have her bass she cant come up with drawing ideas and shell explode#this is partially why she still kept playing even after the friend grouo fell apart#she tried to quit the bass but couldbt bring herself to due to that abd a couple other reasons#thanks to this shes the most well practiced by the time the group starts coming back together#mafuyu still kept their guitar despite repeated instruction from their parents since despite everything it still meant too much to them#mizuki just fully quit drumming and kanade still used her keyboard for music for a while until she quit too#so most of them are a bit rusty but its ok
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danganronpa96 · 2 months
How does Latte Cookie feel about the participants so far?
I’m not sure if you mean everyone who’s currently alive or the entire cast, but I’ll do the latter because we gotta give our cookie queen some attention
Walter -> She saw him as a reliable leader at first, someone who would be able to lift everyone’s spirits up with his plan. Of course, when his true intentions came to light, she felt immensely disappointed and betrayed. Still, she would’ve liked to have learned more about his time as a teacher.
Hiroshi -> As a student, Latte was impressed with his academic intelligence. She wanted to encourage him to be more social, however, despite his inward nature. She still strongly believes that Nesos is at fault for pressuring him to commit murder.
Retsuko -> She found Retsuko very cute at first by her small appearance, but did get concerned by her surprisingly unhealthy habits. Latte wishes she could’ve talked to her more, perhaps inviting her to the cafe to chat more about their lives.
Kaidou -> (oh… oh dear) Latte would never admit to bias out loud, but Kaidou did have a special place in her heart very quickly. She always saw his imaginative mind as a healthy proof of his creativity (and sort of also assumed he wanted to be a hero like some of her other cookie students). She still blames herself from time to time about not being there for him when things got tough during the 2nd motive, and misses him a lot.
Ena -> Latte always saw Ena in a similar way to her other students, although as a more special case. It was clear Ena still had a lot to learn, and yet could surprise her in terms of things she herself didn’t know about. Latte was never intimidated by Ena’s presence, but despite her confusion at some points, she never wanted to give up on them. This went for their emotions as well. It was upsetting to see them go so soon.
Yuri -> At first, Latte was sure she could read Yuri like a open book (pun intended). A quiet girl who just needed a gentle push in the right direction to expose her full potential. However, past the second trial, Latte was scratching her head at what had just happened. She still does not feel anything that Yuri said was her true beliefs, and that deep down she was still the same sweet girl that just got caught up in something horrible.
Mai -> (oh god… please have mercy on me) What can I say that wasn't already 100% obvious unless you're playing historian. Latte loved Mai a lot, and not just in that way. Her overall outlook on life, her fun ideas to build bonds, her interest in Latte's own life and interests; she really was the ideal other half. Nothing could ever hurt more than seeing those gingerMais. Still, she's trying her best to overcome the grief despite all.
Bojack -> Latte never really approved of Bojack's overall lifestyle (then again, there weren't a whole lot who did). She was just grateful he kept himself away from the students (par Natsuki, but that was more of an exception considering what he did for her). She felt some sorrow for his case, but ultimately decided not to get too involved unless for Jesse's sake.
For these guys, I’ll talk about how she sees them so far (like the ask intends, but as chapter 5 isn’t over yet, I’ll include the chapter 5 victim in the same fashion):
L -> Latte is very impressed by L's wit and skills, and although I've attempted to lightly reference this in the fic before, he reminds her a little of Espresso Cookie. She doesn't necessarily think she relies on him for trials and such too much, however she's grateful he uses his intelligence to help them all investigate further into Nesos rather than stay selfish about it. At least, that's what it looks like in her eyes.
Jesse -> Latte has seen first hand how much Jesse has been through (in terms of those he's lost so far). She does tend to look out for him from time to time (those teacher tendencies kicking in), but tries not to coddle him too much considering his age. She thinks Jesse should be a little more responsible with some habits, considering he tends to spend a lot of time with Natsuki now, but won't overstep her boundaries.
Natsuki -> It was tough seeing Natsuki go through the notions ever since her murder case. Latte is very proud of how Natsuki's dealing with things so far, even taking some of her own advice into account. She also really enjoys Natsuki's baking, and hopes she continues to bake more in the future despite what set her back (and perhaps join her for another baking session).
Saiki -> As he is Kaidou's friend, Latte has always felt sorrow for how Saiki has been dealing with things since the second case. She's happy how he's manage to come more out of his shell as of late, but wishes he could speak up more because she can tell he has a lot of potential despite his mysterious demeanor.
Brian -> Latte sees Brian as a good person who tries his best despite his clumsiness. She's very curious about his role as a witch-hunter, but ever since their small talk about it, she's only gotten more questions on why he doesn't recognise her descriptions of the witch.
Kurumada -> At first, Latte wasn't a fan of Kurumada's brutish and brash nature. However, she's now warmed up to him after seeing more of why he acts this way, especially after Mai's death. She can tell how much he works to make Hayasaka as comfortable as possible at any moment, being during a murder case or a normal day. They both share a want to help avenge Mai's will.
Hayasaka -> Latte finds Hayasaka a delight to talk to, by proxy of her connection towards Mai, but is also appreciative of what he tries to do for the group in trials and such. She notices how much he tends to look out for younger members of the group (i.e. Saiki) and wonders if he bares some secret parental tendencies deep down. She hopes he could open up more, after seeing what he said during their time at the arcade.
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