ivnvnva · 2 years
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3 notes · View notes
meltmyhotchoco · 5 years
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Pastel EmoVirgil~  ụwu
274 notes · View notes
parkersanders · 7 years
hi, sorry to bother you! i just wanted to say you're an amazing writer, and if it's not too much trouble, could you tag me in all the fics you write, rather than just silence and duality? thanks - emovirgil
It’s no problem at all! You’re on the full writing list :)
12 notes · View notes
It’s been a while and there’s more people following here while this account is dead, so I figured I’d make a better post.
If you were followed because you’re:
A system: follow us at @thee-stars-system
A sanders sides fan: follow us at @emovirgil-sanders
A little/age regressor: follow us at @littlestvirgil
A fnaf/sun and moon fan: follow us at @sun-and-moon-fnaf
An assassin’s creed fan: @syndicated-london
An Ghost (the band) fan: @ghosties-ghost
37 notes · View notes
fightmedragonwitch · 4 years
@emovirgil-sanders I wrote it....
(Takes place after Moving On Part 2)
They sank out.
It had been a rough day for all of them, Patton especially. Everyone could see his shoulders slumped and the way his eyes seemed empty.
"Patton?" Roman was hesitant and soft, afraid as though he would cause Patton to crumble if he spoke more then a whisper.
Just like before, Patton straightened up and put on a smile. His eyes were still hollow but his smile seemed less fake then before. That worried the others more then anything else. His voice was cheery with a slight wobble, "What can I do for you kiddo?"
Virgil spoke this time, "Do you uh, want a cookie or two?"
Patton's wide smile turned soft and subtle. He nodded and walked with Roman and Virgil towards the kitten cookie jar.
"Is there anything we can do Padre?"
Roman was leaned against the counter while Virgil sat on it. Patton was nibbling on his first cookie, thinking about how to answer.
He knew he needed help. That had been made clear in the videos, but that sounded far to exhausted right now. He wanted to nap, at most.
"No. Not right now, at least. I think I need a little time."
"Take as much as you need." Roman seemed more hesitant to agree but Virgil knew the feeling. Anxiety and exhaustion went hand in hand.
They watched as Patton gave a smile, a real smile. They watched him walk away with shock in their eyes. Releasing with absolute horror that that was the first real smile they had seen in a long time.
Patton was walking down the hallway. His was the farthest down, it was the easiest way to make sure all his kiddos were right. He was almost there when he felt off. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time, or at least not this strongly since he was a child.
Turning towards a dark blue door with glow in the dark star stickers made him a bit more hesitant, but something was wrong. He could last a few more minutes.
He knocked, just loud enough. A small choked noise, followed by some quick shuffling, and a hasty cry, "One moment please." fell out from behind the door.
"Logan? It's me. Are you okay? Can I come in"
"I am perfectly fine Patton, why would I not be. I would prefer if you stayed in the hallway. Please." Logan's voice was muffled through the door.
Patton felt his heart drop even more. The feeling grew worse. The feeling he got when one of the sides was in destress or upset.
"I know your not okay Logan. I ignored you. I told you I wouldn't again, not after what happened as kids with the others, but I did and I hurt you and I'm sorry. I really am." His words flowed out faster and faster as the tears started to fall. He put his head on the door and listened as well as be could. The door creaked open a little.
Patton looked up and saw red eyes peering back at him. "I'm sorry, Lo."
Logan stepped away from the door. Patton pushed it open, hoping Logan was allowing him in again.
The door was barely opened all the way before Patton felt a crash against his chest. He looked down to see Logan tucked against his neck, hiding from the world.
"I'm so sorry LoLo. I swear on Thomas' friends that I will never ignore you that I will never ignore you. Never again. I swear to you."
Logan nodded into the crook of Patton's neck. "Would you like to nap together kiddo? Naps always make me feel better. Speaking of feeling better, would you like my cookie. I don't think I'm sad enough for it."
"Stop it."
Patton frowned. "Stop what? Did I do som-"
Logan pulled back but kept his arms around Patton and made sure Patton's weren't moving before speaking again. "You began to figuratively brush off any bad emotions, so to speak, when we entered middle school. You acted as though nothing was wrong, always making sure that everyone else was okay before taking care of yourself. I shall be fine, but please, stop acting like you always are."
Patton's eyes were watering and his smile was soft. "Guess you got me kiddo. C'mon let's go take that nap."
"Patton, the nap would not benefit us or our sleep schedules at this point in time. It will cause us to fall behind in our work and-"
Patton cut through with a gently voice. "Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take a break. I hear you Logan but we will reach that obstacle when we get there. Come on, your bed is soft. I even have your Nikola Tesla bear."
Logan hesitated just a few seconds more before crawling into bed and laying next to Patton. He looked toward him with a request stuck in his throat and a small longing in his eyes.
Patton huffed good-heartedly before pulling Logan closer to him. Patton snapped his fingers, causing both of them to be in their respected onesies.
They laid in silence for a few seconds, gaining as much comfort as they could from eachothe before Patton whispered, "You've changed a lot LoLo."
"Everything changes Patton. Without it life cannot continue and creatures cannot grow. We would not be able it move forward in our career or our studies. Everything has to change.
"I know kiddo but the way you changed isn't a way I wanted to see. You've stopped smiling. You don't smile that much anymore."
"...I...don't?" Logan paused before firing back, "We both have changed then Patton."
Patton's soft smile was hidden in Logan's hair. "I guess we will have to work on that won't we."
It wasn't a question. They will improve, together. On way or another. They both knew they would as they dosed off in each other's arms. Happier then they've been in a long time.
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demented-dukey · 5 years
NOTP RemRom-averse Awareness Post
Welcome. This is the list of users who do not like Remrom and cannot scroll past and ignore it, compiled so that shippers know who to unfollow/avoid/block/etc. Names have been added from public posts I’ve come across, or from users sending me asks or PMs. 
To be on this post, you are directly asking Remrom shippers to do something, whether it be to block/unfollow you, to not interact with you, or to be extra careful around your trigger. You have crossed into our lane, and I am obligated to respond to your request. Users who are overly hostile, aggressive, or unrepentantly post death threats or suicide baiting towards Remrom shippers will also be added and tagged with applicable warnings.
To be clear: NOTPs - people who are non-aggressive but still opposed enough to RemRom to be unable to ignore it and scroll past Antis - people aggressively stirring up discourse in the fandom and violently and/or vocally opposing RemRom
(If you wish to be removed from one of these lists for any reason, contact me via an Ask or PM and we will discuss the matter. I have answered asks about this process, but I will consider each case individually and I am willing to work towards an agreement.)
I promise that I will do my best to respect DNIs and not @ tag anyone on this list as long as they stay in their own lane - however, if a user interacts with me or makes posts/comments about Remrom, I will probably respond (not always, but probably).
If anyone sees someone not on the list already talk about being anti-ship, request that shippers DNI, or publicly say that this topic is a trigger for them, I encourage you to let me know with a link to their post, and I will add them to the NOTP list so that their wishes can be respected.
Shippers: DO NOT send these people hatemail, period, no matter how hostile they are. Not everybody likes every pairing, and that’s okay. (And hey! Now that this list exists, maybe anti-shippers will stop making their own hate-posts about Remrom shippers and leave us alone!)
(Edited to Add: Dear NOTPs and Antis, please understand that you are fully capable of filtering the #remrom and #romrem tags, and that taking the next step to “unfollow/blocking” and asking people to “DNI” is an extreme reaction not to be taken lightly. Please take a moment to read this post before being asked to be added to this list.)
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Tag List Legend:
[DNI] = This user has requested that shippers Do Not Interact with them.
[*unfollow*] = This user has requested that anyone who ships Rem/Rom should “get off their blog”, unfollow and/or block them, or they’ve said they will block anyone who is a pro-shipper. 
[*trigger*] = This user has said that this is a trigger. Please do not tag or mention incest or remrom to them, either anti or pro.
[*sensitive*]  = This user is sensitive to this topic. Please do not tag or mention incest or remrom to them, either anti or pro.
[~Hostile~] = This user is actively stirring up trouble and/or spreading hostile messages in the fandom, and/or purposefully provoking Remrom shippers.
[~Hurtful~] = This user had been informed that their hostile anti-shipping comments are hurting people, and they are unwilling to listen. They know they are hurting people and are willfully and intentionally continuing to spread hate in the fandom. Pro-shippers, please completely avoid for your mental health. 
[~Violent~] = This user, whether “as a joke haha” or “maliciously”, chose to punctuate their opinion with a threat of violence towards pro-shippers. 
💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
Trigger/Sensitivity List: 
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
(Please do not mention incest or Remrom to these users, either anti or pro. They are deeply uncomfortable with the topic and should be left completely out of the conversation.)
(ETA: This is by no means an exhaustive list of everyone who is triggered/sensitive to Remrom, only the ones I’ve come across or have spoken to via ask or PM about being on this list because they need Shippers to be extra careful around them. Some people prefer not to be on this list and I respect their wishes.)
@actslikeacat [Public Request, comment] [*sensitive*] 
@allycat31415 [PM] [*sensitive*] [*trigger*]
@anxxiousmess [Ask] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@ask-creativitwins [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@bumble-bitch-sanders [PM] [*trigger*]
@chicabear15 [PM] [*sensitive*]
@craftystar22 [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@fanartfunart [Public Request] [*trigger*]
@g-dino777 [Anti Post, PM] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@hope-thy-nope [Anti Reblog comment, PM] [*sensitive*]
@i-am-fangirling-14 [Public Request, PM] [*sensitive*]
@isoctopus​ [Ask] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@just-breathe-violet​ [PM] [*trigger*]
@littlesquishyprincey [PM] [*trigger*]
@littlevirgilspace [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@logans-doodles [Ask] [DNI] [*trigger*]  
@lotus-and-sides [PM] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@lotus-evergreen [Post] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@lrversefics [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@magicallygrimmwiccan [PM] [DNI] [*trigger*] 
@not-safeforsanders [PM] [*sensitive*]
@pattonsfam-ily [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sanderssidesfanfiction [Public Request, PM] [*trigger*] 
@sidesandshortssmut [Anti Post, Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sleepsbabyboy [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@starbucks-remy [Ask] [*sensitive*]
@the-prince-and-the-emo [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@ts-virgil-angst [Reblog] [*sensitive*]
@yo-seff  [PM] [*sensitive*]
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
Anti List:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
(These users have earned the label “Anti”, usually by starting posts that contain aggressive, exclusive, and/or degrading wording, stirring up drama and discourse, or otherwise behaving in a hostile/hurtful way. Pro-shippers, please avoid them at all costs.)
@3robots - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@afroclementine - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@ahcwolves [Anti Post] [*sensitive*] [~Hostile~]
@bing-fucker (prev. @smutty-sanders-sides-stories) [Anti post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]   [*trigger*] [~Hostile~]
@blogging-time [Anti Post] [PM] [DNI]
@despacitosanders [Anti Post] [DNI]
@dethwilldie [Anti Post]
@emovirgil-sanders [Anti Post]
@ephemeral-afterlight [Ask] [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@falsehoodx [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@forcastings - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@girdance - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@heavensite - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@iamyourfandomqueen [Anti Post] [DNI]
@ilovemygaydad [Blog description] [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@innocentblueberry [Anti Post] [Anti Comments] [~Hostile~]
@itsbleuybleu [Anti posts] [~Death threats/Suicide-baiter~]
@lovelylogans [Anti Comment] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@lovinglogan [Anti Posts and comments]
@nachosforfree [Ask] [Anti reblog] [DNI] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@nonbinarylogan [Anti Post] [DNI]
@notafeeling [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile/Violent~]
@my-analogical-romance [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@passem (prev. @thedinodad) [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~]
@plyyeemoloser [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] 
@remuscore [Anti post] [DNI] [~Hostile/Violent~]
@romananalogicality [Anti Reblog comment] [~Hostile~] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes [Post] [Anti Reblog comments] [*unfollow*]
@scarletteking [Anti posts] [~Hostile~]
@storytellerofuntoldlegends [Public Request] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~] [~Hurtful~]
@tempest-tongue [Public Request] [DNI] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@the-no-name-system [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@the-starlit-blade [Anti Post] [DNI] 
@therubyjailcell [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*]
@thesinningcell  [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*]
@thewrongsidee [Anti Post] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@un-sympatheticside-opinions [PM] [Anti Posts and reblog comments] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile/Suicide-baiter~]
@unsympathetic-sandys-sides [Anti Posts] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@wolfishhel [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~]
@xionical [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] 
@xtracheesy [Post] [~Violent~]
@yeet-ceit [Anti comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
NOTP Remus/Roman List:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
@accidentally-logince [Reblog tags] [*unfollow*]  
@adrianthealien [Ask] 
@aleiimm [blog DNI list] [DNI]
@ambersky0319 [Post & Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]  
@an-agender-disaster [Post] [DNI]
@angelpatton [Ask]
@angstyfanfiction [Post & Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@anti-virgil [Post] [DNI]
@ask-ordare-thedarksides [Post] [DNI]
@askthesandershshostclub [Blog description] [DNI]
@bitchyybabyy400 [PM]
@broadwaytheanimatedseries [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@broken-mirror-sanders-sides [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@celeste-tyrrell [Blog description] [DNI]
@cheerycherrychampion38 [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@chocomiruk [Blog description] [DNI]
@codeyellow-reptilian-rapscallion [Blog description] [DNI]
@cosmic-cleo [PM]
@creativitwinsagere [Blog description] [DNI]
@cryptidcherrry [Ask]
@deceit-propaganda [Post] [DNI]
@did-he-just-hiss-at-me [PM]
@down-low-gan [Post] [DNI]
@dr-skellington [Post] [*unfollow*]
@dragonindigo245 [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@evilliouschroniclesfan [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@frostfiredragon [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@futuristiclovetrash [Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@galaxy-lilies [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@grayskiesrainyskies [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@hotcocoalover [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@imnotalwaysthebadguy [Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@izzyfandoms​ [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@jadabp​ [Ask] [DNI]
@janetsanders [Blog Description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@joygaytrash [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*] [~Violent~]
@juggalomilk [Blog Description] [DNI]  
@kaileah-kat [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@kastrefeila [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@katie-the-noble-fangirl [Post] [DNI]
@kindasortaemo2 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@knightinsoftpastels [Posts] [DNI]
@lackingroman  [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@lavender-gumdrops [Ask]
@lawyerpatton [Ask]
@magikkittenz [Blog Description] [DNI]
@mango-shpango [Blog Description] [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@mariuex [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@mayflowers07 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@monstermemories [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@ninja-girl2846​ [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@nogenderwhatsoever [Blog description] [DNI]
@ordinaryfander [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@pattontheback [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@peridot-the-kitten  [DNI]
@phantomofthesanderssides [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@plauge-magic-doctor [Blog Description] [DNI]
@poppiesss [Post] [*unfollow*]
@pretty-odd-josh [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@pxrpleprincey [Ask]
@rawr-xd [PM] [DNI]
@remusisastinkybastard  [Blog description] [DNI]
@remusrotten [Posts] [DNI]
@romansleftshoulderpad [Posts] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@ronnirotten [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sanders-geeks [Blog description] [DNI]  
@sanders-sides-reverse-au [Post] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-spoofs  [Post] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-theories [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-with-quinn [Post] [*unfollow*]
@sanders-stars [Post] [DNI]
@sandersfanders [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sandersmuts [Anti Post] [DNI]
@secretkeeper007 [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@shirospeaks [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@shitpost-sides [PM]
@short-circut [Blog description] [DNI]
@shut-it-nerdywolverine [Ask]
@sizzlingfacedonut [Ask]
@softestpatton [DNI]
@space-captain-lars [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@sporkkles-irl [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@starryicarus [PM]
@stxrry-sanders [Blog description] [DNI]
@supersecretsanderssides  [Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sweetest-honeybee [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@swordscurse [Post] [DNI]
@sympathetic-deceit-trash [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@teardroppeddew [Post] [*unfollow*]
@that-one-garbage-nerd [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@thefinaltatertot [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@theprettiestflower [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@thingysandstuff [Post] [*unfollow*]
@this-seat-sanders [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@thomas-sanders-is-my-life [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors [Blog description] [DNI]
@under-the-blue-moonlight  [Blog description] [DNI]
@unsympathetic-character-thomas [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@unsympathetic-remus  [Blog description] [DNI]
@vaugleysassygrunt [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*] 
@virgil-negativity [PM] [DNI]
@virgilvigil [PM] [DNI]
@we-all-horny-here [Blog description] [DNI]
@whats-going-on-kiddos [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@why-should-i-tell-youu2 [Blog description] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@wolves-on-caffeine [Post] [*unfollow*]
@wooflesthatwoof [PM]
@woorenergy [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@wowimsogoddamnoriginal [Reblog tags] [*unfollow*]
@zombie-teeth [*unfollow*]
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
NOTP (Dis)Honorable Mentions:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
The Anti-list started as a way for me to keep track of the anti-shipping posts I kept seeing being reblogged all over my dash. Since I went public with it, I’ve been re-editing the list and being more selective about who I automatically add to it. The below users were added to the list because instead of ignoring the discourse and scrolling past (or even just reblogging without a comment), they felt it necessary to jump on the anti-shipping bandwagon and add “don’t ship this” and/or “get out of the fandom”-esque comments, or they made a post that was hostile and/or insulting towards Remrom or its shippers. This is not a complete list, because not even I can keep track of the entire fandom, but it gives the reader some context into the scale of the discourse. While these users may not have expressly requested pro-shippers to stay away, it is a reasonable assumption that we should keep our distance - they have made it clear that they don’t want us on their blog and/or in this fandom.
[~Violent~] = This user, whether “as a joke haha” or “maliciously”, chose to punctuate their opinion with a threat of violence towards pro-shippers.
@1mothman1 [Anti Reblog comment]
@a-valorous-choice [Anti Reblog comment]
@alkimara [Anti Reblog comment]
@alwaysalilhigh [Anti Reblog comment] 
@annoyinglytinyhideout [Anti Reblog comment]
@anxiouspannda [Anti Reblog comment]
@anxioustsfan [Anti Reblog comment]
@authorized-trash [Anti comment]
@breebro [Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@cantthinkofagoodurlsorry [Anti Reblog comment]
@dascreatortreeula [Anti Reblog comment]
@everyoneprotector [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@falseh0od [Anti Reblog comment]
@green-ball-of-trash [Anti Reblog comment]
@green-writes-sanderssides [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@gummibearbullet [Anti Reblog comment]
@idosanderssidespromptssometimes [Post]
@lallyphant [Anti Post]
@mynamesmuse [Anti comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@nerdybrokecollegestudent [Anti Reblog comment]
@ninja-girl2846 [Anti Reblog comment]
@occasional-darksides-doodles [Anti Post]
@panicattheeverywhere13 [Anti Post]
@panicathesocialevent [Posts] [*unfollow*]
@patton-deserves-the-universe [Anti Reblog comment]
@paultinsrival [Anti Reblog comment]
@pinkroses030 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@puritysanders [Anti Reblog comment] 
@rasberrytears [Anti Reblog comment]
@ravenkake [Anti Reblog comment] 
@romanknite [Anti Reblog comment 1, Anti Reblog comment 2] 
@royally-anxious [Anti Post] [*unfollow*]
@shadowybutangealicsongbird [Post]  
@sleeping-is-for-the-weak-nerds [Anti Reblog comment]
@sugarglider9603 [Anti Post]
@sunshineandteddybears [Anti comment]
@taylordoescoversandstuff [Post]
@teacupfulofstarshine [Anti Post] 
@the-weaver-of-worlds [Anti Post]
@the-yandere-kitsune [Anti Post comment]
@urlocalkookware [Anti Reblog comment]
@vestsfriends [Anti Reblog comment]
@virgil-in-the-bathroom [Post] [~Violent~]
@whats-up-bitch [Anti Reblog comment]
@whizzers [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~] 
@whore-energy [Post] [*unfollow*]
@yty-is-a-gfeat [Anti Reblog comment] 
(List last updated 08/25/2020)
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(Gif credit goes to @hiddendreamer67)
133 notes · View notes
asofterfan · 6 years
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Tag List:
@a-reference-of-sides @tree4life25 @emthetimelady @getlostinthedark @moxietyismyspiritanimal
@didsomeonesayprince @ninjago2020 @imasmallchild @taylorharmonies @royallyanxious @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2
  @fandersunite @dutifullystrangekingdom @ren-allen @nightmarejasmine @anachronistic-cat @dragonrider167 @pansexual-cat @sardelleterushan @depressed-alone @calandracas @sexbang-arang @thatgaydemigodnerd @aikogumi @who-the-fuck-is-bucky @salty-carbonara @kettlekats @hissesssss @fandomsofrandom @half-blood-geek @armageddonhascome @punch-you-with-friendship @could-always-be-gayer-2 @acrobaticcatfeline @authordreaming13 @chaosgaminggirl @baileystarsketches @gayfagg @wolfishhel @mollycassmith @corerianna @the-asexual-reaper @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @yourefugly @bloopy-moons @sanders-trash-4ever
@nekogriffin12 @save-the-spiral @existential-extrovert @sanders-sides-thuri @royal-guarantee @theonlyjelly-iwillput-inmybelly @pattson @surviving-an-ocean-of-fandoms @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @storytellerofuntoldlegends @x777eyes-wide-open @author-trash @thepusheenqueen @fishyfolk @pastel-patton123 @influenzeyy @nekogriffin12 @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @tormentist-phanxiety @milomeepit @monsterfalls9 @digitally-analog @thisrandomperson102 @im-bad-at-life @monicreams @beholdagay @iamthepandaprince @peach-bot @satisfied-sanders-sides @incandescent-creativity @hetaisawesome @princessbelix @irrelevantspecimen @shybipan @idk-and-idc-and-idr @imnotcrazy-i-swaer @fandomfrend @cinquefoilelove @logic-logan-sanders @anxie-teaa @that-one-transguy @sinful-stars @scotchjolras @cyndaquil17 @availe @lilt886things @thebaagelboy @insanityandimperfection @x777eyes-wide-open @tormentist-phanxiety @sanderssides-deathangel @ams-parker @manny-is @anniemiku @dragonangel-funandfire @astudyinfuckmylife
@haileybubble @thesleepyraziel @rose-gold-roman @pandagirl0730 @fightorflightamiright @funsizedgremlin @painfullybisexual @mydogsaresofuckingstupid @mysticalstrawberryface @redundant-statements-for-400 @thinkbrii @grandpasweatersrock @cypress-sleeping @problematicfandomtrash @red-the-ruler @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @star-catcher12 @xxfoxit @lockolocka @kai-dot-jog @ashrain5 @emupoppyjay @anxious-fander-talian-bean @tellmehowtoexist @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @hugemultifandomnerd @captainhadeslover @sandersshitpost @piquantdanny @misty-the-mysterious @endreams-s @secret-novelisthost18 @roxiefox23 @pantasticpanini @oxyphara @decently-adequate @fanofmyself221b @dan-yuna @the-prince-and-the-emo @iamsilentwolf @anxious-nerd-getting-by @cripplingchips @princessbelix @thechildofartemis @xxrosethehumanxx
@omlwhatamidoing @lemonofweirdness @theoddowldoodle @still-in-pieces @jojosenpi
@that-one-percussion-person @sloooowclapp @xxfangirlanonymousxx @burningpeachdelusionofchaos @sassysoysauce @randomuncreativenamesarefun @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @hi-i-love-u-bitch @regretful-requiem @lexi-love99 @extroidparodox @trashypansexual @extroidparodox @smokeyrutilequartz @backatthebein @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @internet-or-sleep-never-both   @lightning-skys @sugarblob0 @thepoolofthedead @nightmarejasmine @invisibleninjah @insert-good-username-here @fandomsandanythingelse @not-as-smart @marsgem @multi-fand0m-fanatic @smolangstytwink @kai-dot-jpg @doodler200 @magicmapleleaf @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @cocobunny313 @stargazingtraveler @firefox2215 @bluehologram54 @sarcastic-anxious @lockolocka @bloodropsblog @alexxyoung02 @aplaceinthevoid @emovirgil @low-key-aesthetic @trash-thing-person @screamingyearly @one-out-of-a-million @virgil-salty-sanders @turtleboyjohnny @creepyfloof @cloudchaser7 @olivers-demon @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors @kittycatgirl2016 @countessmissyshort @decadentdeerpolice @ethospathoslogan @virge-of-death @allthemetalsoftherainbow @samcwboslyn
@we-will-be-free @dominantnellele @kaymischief25 @frenchfryfriendship @lostfanboy @mysticusagi404   @misc-merde @confinesofpersonalknowledge @nightly-illustrator @flowers-and-space028 @rileyfirstname @lacrimosathedark @mirror2thespirit @faacethefacts @pal-im-not-clever @indecisive-asexual-space-dork @fanaticshipper @chemicallyimbalancedromance @spectacled-renegade @scarredmoran @rosey-lavender @maxtatsu
@221b-quote @fandomdiabetes @therealbiznitch @the-randomest-ofthe-fandomest @musical-llama @nammies @pointless-blog-name @glowstick-fluids @pinkeasteregg @alix-the-skeleton @rptheturk @theotherella @darkle-elkrad @louisthewarlock @crazy-band-obsessed @spaceisbigger @migraine-marathon @zachnitrue @sarcasticshysociopath @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @honeystormwishes @crazy-emo-nightmare @pr0bablypr0crstinating @seabellart @thesilentbluesparrow @theresneverenoughfandoms @witch19 @flyingthroughheaven @crazy-emo-nightmare @fan-dumb-trash @jam-the-fan @theepitomeofamess @mrsuperfrog @sleepyssnail @atomicevilinfluence @your-endless-oblivion @here-be-dragonz @devon-sama @limabeanbabiesforthewin @phander-sides @justanotherpurplebutterfly @novaisnotinsane @osmosis112 @fillyourteacup @quietwords-loudthoughts @multifandomwierdo @dauntlessdiva @itsalmostsunrise
@lilacnestor @justanotherxgayfangirlx @littlespacefin @lizaelsparrow @tsflufffanficprv @justanotherproblem @memesanddreamsinc @itsalmostsunrise @burntsparkles @lunar-logan @quietwords-loudthoughts @otaku-marijane @soft-tip-top-pencil @mmd-ask-italy
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parkersanders · 7 years
congratulations on 1000!! if anyone deserves it, it's you - emovirgil
Aww thank you!!! You’re too kind :’)
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 4 years
Rainbow Ridge Ranch
(Centaur AU)
(Art piece)
Thomas is the owner of the ranch that he inherited from a family friend, Thomas with help from his friends turns the ranch into a sanctuary and rescue home for Centaurs who due to different circumstances ends up in bad situations.
The ranch is big, with huge acres of land to it’s name, all from green fields, to a old oak forest and a clear lake, perfect for swimming in the hot summers.
Logan: He helps Thomas around in the ranch, lifting, repairing or building something. He has no problems with heavy work. He is smart, give this boy books he loves to read when he get’s some peace and quiet, he tends to lie down next to the apple tree and read in the shade. He grew up together with Thomas and Patton.
Patton: He loves to teach children how to ride and tend to spend a lot of time at the riding school an hours ride away, he is the one who tends to help the most scared children t ride, he’s the calmest during these moments and often offers the kid a hand to hold if they want it. When he’s not teaching the kids how to ride he is one energetic centaur. Dad Jokes, so many many dad jokes. If the ranch get’s a child centaur Patton is the one who helps them feel welcome to the best of his ability, he can be a bit strict at times, but he tries his best.
Roman: He wandered to the range when he was 14, lost and hungry after a terrible storm, no one made any signs of him being missed on the internet or in the city, Roman doesn’t really talk about it either, not a big fan of thunderstorms.
He wants to be in as many games as possible to earn all those shiny medals and rosettes. He loves horse jumping, but dressage holds a special place in his heart because then he can dress up in fancy clothes and show just how beautiful he is.
Virgil: He arrived at the ranch after someone called about an abandoned centaur in a rundown barn. Virgil was hostile and terrified of everyone when he arrived, hissing and stomping. Logan helped calm him down, and Virgil stuck close to the bigger centaur, Patton instantly adopted him when they met for the first time. He’s still a bit skittish around new people, he help the others around the range trippel checking that things are secure. He is TERRIFIED of runaway plastic bags. They are evil.
Remus: Remus was delivered to the ranch by family who had found him on a hike, in a rundown chicken coop. He was malnourished and a bit crazy. He eat weird things and Thomas and the others are trying to make him stop and eat real food. It’s going slow, but they’ve made him stop gnawing on the wooden beams.
Thomas and the others aren’t sure if Remus and Roman are related, they look alike, but they don’t behave like siblings.
Remus can at times get wild urges to just run, and they can come at weird moments, Thomas learned the hard way that there’s no stopping Remus if he needs to run. It took a week to repair the doors.
Janus: When Janus came to the ranch he was in really bad shape. Fast moments and sudden noises could lead to Janus either lashing out or running.
He was a well known dressage champion, but the woman he was in team with was abusive and made him train so hard he almost collapsed, he did collapse during a tournament, which was what sent him to the ranch. Janus does not let anyone ride on his back due to this.
It was actually the scrawny stray cat that has claimed the ranch as hers, that helped Janus to even consider the humans help. The weight blanket/cape helps him stay in the moment.
Roman calls the cat the Dragon Witch. she really likes to be with Thomas even if all he can do is to sneeze and try hist best to keep her out of the main house.
Dr. Emile Picani: He live’s close to the ranch, and is the ranch’s therapist. If he has nothing going on he will join Patton in teaching the kids horse riding. 
Being a centaur when you’re a therapist for centaurs makes it easy for the others to trust him. Even if it might take a few sessions before they open up about their problems, he has a group meeting once a month (or more if needed) where they all gather, both centaur and human to talk about things and work through some issues as a group. 
Remy: He doesn’t live at the ranch, he is the postal delivery, he comes over every day and gossips with the others about what’s going on in the city. Out of them all he is the fastest, but he also never stays still for long and are always moving in some way. No mater what time of day it is, he is always found with a Starbucks in his hand and his phone in the other, either talking lively with a friend or arguing about hours and schedules. 
- - -
Centaur AU Tag list:  @emovirgil-sanders, @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko, @secretlyanxiouspersona, @romanasanders, @llamaavocado, @allycat31415,@lunareclipse-524, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom,@punsterterry, @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides,
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crankywhenprovoked · 4 years
Maybe some Logan x Vampire! Roman?
Logan stifled a laugh as he pulled open his curtains, Roman’s face a look of pure displeasure at the closed window.  Pushing the window open, the vampire slid into the room, straightening out his clothes as Logan closed the window and curtains again.
“Mi Amor.”  Roman said, crossing his arms, his bottom lip out in a pout.
“Don’t give me that look, please,”  Logan sighed softly, coming over and wrapping his arms around Roman’s waist.
“Why not?”
“It was getting chilly in here, not to mention if someone wasn’t half an hour late.”  Logan smirked, as Roman’s face turned sheepish.
Uncrossing his arms, Roman wrapped them around Logan’s shoulders, letting Logan pull him closer.
“I suppose I should be the one apologizing, not you.  I just don’t like when your window is closed, it makes me feel unwanted.”
“You couldn’t be more wanted if I tried.”  Logan told him softly, pressing their foreheads together.
Roman smiled softly, tilting his head so their lips slotted together, kissing Logan sweetly as he held him tight, a soft stinging in his eyes telling him he would be crying if he still could.
Tag list:
@a-blog-just-for-sanders@ace-v-p-d@acrobaticcatfeline@actualcactuss@alextheodd@aliferous-ly@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@allthemetalsoftherainbow@alyssadashrub@angeliclogan@angered-turtle@aph-roma@apologieslogan@artistictaurean@asalwayss@AskolotlQuestions@asliceofuniverse@asterias-confused-writings@baileystarsketches@blaikleethepanagender@candiukas@captain-loki-xavier@cashmeredragon@catsandrandomness@cinquefoilelove@clueingforbeggs@confinesofpersonalknowledge@countessmissyshort@cripplingchips@deadinsidebutliving@deathbyvenusftw@dementeddracon@depressed-alone@do-rey-me@dreamerhowelll@elusivefalsehoods@emovirgil@etherealweekes@evilmuffin@faacethefacts@faithhopefelony@fanatic564@ffsas-side-account@funsizedgremlin@galacticallynonbinary@grey-lysander@hanramz-the-fander@happypappypatton@happypappypatton@heir-of-the-founders@heythereprincey@hissesssss@runyou-cleverboy-andremember@ispeakhalflies@ive-given-up-on-it@jade-dragon226-fan@johnnyboylaurens@Moltengoldenstardust@spectralheartt@justmyshitandmoreshit@k9cat@katesattic@kiwibite@kurna-kovite@lacandra@lana–22@literaturegays@littlesliceofcake@logan-exe@logically-alone@logically-asexual@logically-sided@louisthewarlock@magicmapleleaf@maximum-fander@mercythemermaid@micha-like-you-find-in-rocks@migraine-marathon@milomeepit@minamishipsit@mollycassmith@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@muontsy2@musicphanpie-b@musicsavedmefromdeath@neko-ereri@ghostintimelostintime@nottodaylogic@nymphaedoratonks@nyxwordsmith@ocotopushugs@on-lock-like-attica@out-of-existence@pandagirl0730@pansexual-cat@pansexual-cat@paxtonlovestea@pearls-of-patton@pieces-of-annedrew@pinkeasteregg@planetsanders@potterlover394@princelogical@prplzorua@purplepatton@radioactivebread@raisin-oatmeal-cookie@reba-andthesides@redundant-statements-for-400@robanilla@roman-is-a-gay@romanssippycup@rose-gold-roman@rptheturk@ruuworld@sanders-fam-ily@sanders-sides-things@sanders-trash-4ever@sanderssides-deathangel@saphirestrike@save-dirk@savingshae@shesavampirequeen@shygirl4991@silversunshine2012     @smokeyrutilequartz@someshinningideas@spacenerrrd@starlightlogan@strangerthings-and-phan@l-i-t-vocabcards@strangerthings-and-phan@superintrovertfangirl@thats-so-crash@the-feels-are-coming@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@the-prince-and-the-emo@theanxietyofbeinganxious@thecrimsoncodex@theroyalramen@thesilentbluesparrow@thestoryofme13@theworldismysupernova@theworldismysupernova@thisisshien@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@thought-u-said-dragon-queen@too-random-for-me@toujours-fidele@trash-can-so-do-i@trashfireiplier@trashypansexual@treblesanders@tree4life25@tsfanart@unknownsandersfan@unknownsandersfan@urtrashhq@violetmcl@virgil-has-a-houseplant@virgil-is-verge@virgils-hoodie@voices-and-stardust@vulnerablevirgil@wingless-siren@XxxxWitlee@yourhappypappypatton@l-i-t-vocabcards@doodlerodoodlez@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2@katie-the-noble-fangirl@beetlequail@lemonyellowlogic@analogical-mess@dr-gloom@max-is-tired@sarcastic-slytherin-lady@justanotherpurplebutterfly@razalin@nightlovechild@mr-rectify@cover-your-eyes-children@greeneggsandham1998@vulnerablevirgil@secretlygeneralperson@sanderssmutsides@karmels-stuff@deitywithablog@sanderssidesstuffs001@pundefulpapa@hell-or-high-waters@fandomfreak18andover@ashensanity@that-one-smut-addict
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tubular-ihateit · 5 years
The Great Prank War
{Credit to @emovirgil-sanders for the idea}
In which Virgil and Roman start a prank war and chaos ensues.
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The whole thing had started out as an accident honestly.
It was early in the morning. Too early for either Roman or Virgil to be awake in their opinions. But never the less they were both stumbling around the kitchen in a sleepy daze, each going about making their own hot beverage they hoped would help them feel less like death.
Virgil had groaned out a quiet 'pass the sugar' to which Roman lazily lifted the container down from the self and slid it over to his roommate and childhood friend as he stared down at the steaping cup of herbal tea in front of him.
The sound of a spoon clinking against the side of a ceramic mug was soon followed by the sound of Virgil spitting put his coffee in surprise and shock. The sudden noise caused the more theatrical of the two to snap his head up in concern.
"The fuck?" Virgil muttered, now mostly shaken out of his tired state. First he checked the coffee jar to make sure it was still in date, which it was.
Roman watched him with confusion and looked down at the same time as Virgil to the container Roman had handed him. Instead of seeing the usual sugar shaker that appeared at least twice each morning, sitting beside the mug was the shaker of salt.
The two friends realised three things in this moment.
1) putting the salt and sugar on the same shelf had in fact been a bad idea as Virgil had stated when they first set it all up.
2) salt really did not work in coffee.
3) vengeance will have to be had.
Roman spent the next few days constantly on his toes, looking over his shoulder and jumping at every unfamiliar noise. He felt he was acting rather like his anxious friend, who in all earnest was basically a brother to him. He would constantly keep an eye on him when they were in their home together.
Then, one day when he was getting up to get ready for work he couldn't find any of his shoes (which was odd considering he had so many pairs). He started to panic, wondering what on earth the emo nightmare could have done with them.
He tabled out his room, sliding down the hall with his socks and practically leaping down the stairs to a smirking Virgil on the kitchen doorway, holding a steaming cup of coffee between the sleeves of his oversized hoodie.
"Mornin'." Roman looked around before turing his gaze back to the slightly shorter male.
"Where are they?" He demanded. Virgil gave a small shrug and a sip of his coffee.
"Whatever do you mean Roman?" Safe to say he was not amused by this.
"The shoes. All of them. Where?"
"How would I know?" Virgil turned his gaze to the window on their front door. "Lovely day for tree climbing isn't it?"
Roman's eyes widened in quick realisation and he sprinted to the door, throwing it open then taking a step back in shock as he saw the tree at the bottom of their lawn that was now littered with shoes. HIS shoes.
Virgil slowly made his way to beside Roman.
"Huh, I guess shoes do grow on trees. Weird." He patted Romans shoulder and turned away, heading back into the kitchen to finish off his coffee. "Have fun with that sir sing-a-lot." Roman grumbled but made his way down the garden to start retrieving his shoes.
It was only a few days later the Virgil awoke to his entire floor covered in brightly coloured legos and his walls plastered with neon post-it notes. Then a harsh knock on his already open door.
"Good morning! Dear me, seems you have a bit of a situation there."
"Roman..." Virgil hissed lowly, sitting up in his bed and sending a glare towards his roommate.
"Oh well, good luck with that." And just like that he was casually making his way out to work.
"Roman!" Virgil tried calling after him, tired and agitated. After no response he groaned and mumbled curses to himself as he tried to navigate the death trap of legos.
It was a day later, when Roman was getting back from a shopping run that the next prank hit.
A failed sense of security had settled over him, expect it to have taken a couple of days for something to happen. Virgil took full advantage of this.
At first nothing really seemed off, but then Roman noticed an odd hissing. Being the 'brave' one out of him and Virgil he decided it was his duty to investigate. When he followed the sound he realised it was coming from the bathroom.
He cautiously opened the door and almost feel, letting out a high pitched screem, when he was greeted with a bowa constrictor slithering around his bathroom floor and over the towel rack.
"Begone, you nave! Foul tresspassor! This is not your land!" Roman yelled while waving around a towel in the direction of the snake.
After a few moments of watching him flailing around Virgil emerged from his room laughing and picked up the snake calmly.
"Glad to see you an Ethan are well acquainted now." He hummed before heading back to his room a shutting the door, leaving a flustered Roman behind.
Romans next prank didn't exactly go to plan. The idea was to post up pictures of himself on every possible surface that Virgil would see for long periods of time. He had done this successfully, until Virgil had countered by putting the world's worst collection of moustaches on every single one. He might have been less offended had Virgil of not put in the extra effort to make his moustache art look spectacularly like it was done by a five year old high on sugar and juice.
This war went on, back a fourth between the two for months, driving everyone one around them insane. At one point Roman managed to get a group of his co-workers to dress up like him and he brought them home. Virgil was sufficiently freaked out when he walked in to find six different versions of his roommate scattered around his home, but easily turned the tables by getting them all to pie Roman in the face the next day at work during different times (which led to four total outfit changes for the princely man that day). After that, everyone unofficially agreed to not get involved.
Neither man seemed to ever run put of new ideas for a good hearted prank they could play, although ocassionaly they would take an old one and do it in a different way. Like when Roman plastered sheets of the lyrics to every disney song ever around every single iteam Virgil owned. Then a few pranks down the line did the same thing but with sickeningly over-positive motivational quotes.
It was a battle hard fought on both sides. There was balloons, cream, lamp shades, plants and yes, even syrup. Oh the syrup. Days of scrubbing and it still lingered in remnants everywhere.
It was only after Logan and Patton stepped in that the war between the two stopped. They now had a common enemy. And thus started the "Great Prank War: the sequel".
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thestoryofme13 · 5 years
A/N: I heard Taylor Swift’s new song Lover and I thought of Roman. Then just randomly chose his partner so here.
Mostly fluff but we over tag
Warnings: Kissing, singing, food mention, wedding, difficulty sleeping, flustering
When Roman’s father had told him that a new equestrian was hired to teach him the proper way to ride a horse, he was skeptical, to say the least. But once Roman was forced out of his chambers to take the lesson he became smitten with the equestrian. It was different from every other person he had liked. This was something more. He wanted to know everything there was to know about the stranger.  Roman had always made it a personal promise to not get involved with those who worked at the palace so as to not fuel the rumors but this person? He had to get to know them.  
Their romance had been a whirlwind. From the moment they met, there was no way to tell if they had known each other for 20 seconds or 20 years. 
After three summers of Roman being hopelessly in love with Logan and the love being reciprocated it was clear that three summers would turn into all. 
                                                    ----------------------------- One beautiful fall day it all became real. Exactly like that in fairy tales that Logan would read to Roman on particularly difficult nights. On nights where the Prince would struggle to sleep Logan made sure to pull him out of his thoughts by reading him from a fairy tale book. Logan would always tease that most of them have a much darker counterpart but Roman didn’t care. The man he loved made it his mission to try and cheer him up with something he had once said in passing. So this is what love was? Having someone pay take note of your likes and dislikes then make sure to keep it in mind to help.  
 The palace was covered in deepest of purples and whites for the wedding ceremony. Purple for the royal wedding and white for the perfection of the match. Roman had spent months planning every minute detail so that this wedding would be his dream as well as make Logan feel like he was part of the family and not a bystander but an equal. 
Logan had wanted a small ceremony but Roman and his dad insisted that it was important to show how much the prince had changed. In an effort to compromise the ceremony was kept small and the reception was open to everyone with a small surprise to show the prince’s change. 
Only close family and friends of both parties were invited to the actual ceremony. It was intimate and traditional the way that Logan had wanted and appreciated. While he was marrying into the royal family he was still adjusting to the publicity and people watching his every move. It was nice that Roman had listened to his concerns about the small ceremony and that he was taken into account at every step even if he didn’t give much input. 
Roman smiled brightly at Logan from the dance floor as his now husband was still at the table having just finished his dinner, “I would like to thank everyone for coming as well announce a small surprise.” His loud deep voice filled the ballroom as he looked to Logan, “Now Logan. If you would join me down here on the dance floor,” He said with a mischievous smirk.
Logan looked at Roman warily, worried about what he might be getting into but walked down towards his husband who awaited. Roman’s green eyes sparkling brightly as he got closer, “A surprise?” he asked softly.
A laugh escaped Roman’s lips as he pulled Logan close and put a hand on his hip then twirled him, “While I am aware that we’ve already been wed and said our vows I have a few more things to add.” He waved his hand at the band who started to play a slow song, “I’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you.” He sang softly, putting his hand on Logan’s cheek as he started a slow waltz, “But from now on, everyone knows that you’re my” He paused for effect, “lover.” He whispered reverently. 
As the words flowed to his ears, a bright blush crept on Logan’s face, “Roman.” He whispered softly as they danced slowly.
The Prince smirked, “That’s my name, lover.” He teased gently, then resumed his singing, “Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?” He emphasized by pulling Logan closer, “Forever and ever?” He whispered against his husband’s lips.
Logan squeaked as he was pulled closer, melting into the kiss, “We are married.” he reminded in a serious tone to Roman’s rhetorical questions. 
Roman broke the kiss with a soft laugh, “You know that is not what I meant.” He teased softly, pausing the dance and looking out to the all the people in the room, “Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary peoples,” He announced, “Will you please stand as I take the magnetic force of a man.” He paused to look back at Logan, “To be my lover.”  He whispered, “My heart has been borrowed but now it belongs to you.”
The blush that was already on Logan’s face only got deeper as the people in attendance all stood and watched the couple dance happily, “Roman…..” He whined softly. “All’s well that ends well to end up with you.” Roman continued singing, “I swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover.” His singing was interrupted as Logan kissed him slowly. 
Logan blushed as he broke the kiss, “We’ve already done our vows.” He reminded, “And if you continue I’m going to get more flustered and more emotional.” He said gently. 
Roman beamed, “Fine I will stop but only because you are my lover.” he purred softly as the attendees clapped their hands for the couple.
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@a-blog-just-for-sanders @ace-v-p-d
@acrobaticcatfeline @actualcactuss @alextheodd @aliferous-ly @allthemetalsoftherainbow @alyssadashrub @angeliclogan @angered-turtle @aph-roma @apologieslogan @artistictaurean @asalwayss @AskolotlQuestions @asliceofuniverse @asterias-confused-writings @baileystarsketches @blaikleethepanagender @candiukas @captain-loki-xavier @cashmeredragon @catsandrandomness @cinquefoilelove @clueingforbeggs @confinesofpersonalknowledge @countessmissyshort @cripplingchips @deadinsidebutliving @deathbyvenusftw @dementeddracon @depressed-alone @do-rey-me @dreamerhowelll @elusivefalsehoods @emovirgil @etherealweekes @evilmuffin @faacethefacts @faithhopefelony @fanatic564 @ffsas-side-account @funsizedgremlin @galacticallynonbinary @grey-lysander @hanramz-the-fander @happypappypatton @happypappypatton @heir-of-the-founders @heythereprincey @hissesssss @runyou-cleverboy-andremember @ispeakhalflies @ive-given-up-on-it @jade-dragon226-fan @johnnyboylaurens @moltengoldenstardust @justmyshitandmoreshit @k9cat @katesattic @kiwibite @kurna-kovite @lacandra @lana–22 @literaturegays @littlesliceofcake @logan-exe @logically-alone @logically-asexual @logically-sided @louisthewarlock @magicmapleleaf @maximum-fander @mercythemermaids-blog @micha-like-you-find-in-rocks @migraine-marathon @milomeepit @minamishipsit @mollycassmith @multi-fandom-trash-x9000 @muontsy2 @musicphanpie-b @musicsavedmefromdeath @neko-ereri @ghostintimelostintime @nottodaylogic @notveryglittery @nymphaedoratonks @nyxwordsmith @ocotopushugs @on-lock-like-attica @out-of-existence @pandagirl0730 @pansexual-cat @pansexual-cat @paxtonlovestea @pearls-of-patton @pieces-of-annedrew @pinkeasteregg @planetsanders @potterlover394 @princelogical @prplzorua @purplepatton @radioactivebread @raisin-oatmeal-cookie @reba-andthesides @redundant-statements-for-400 @robanilla @roman-is-a-gay @romanssippycup @rose-gold-roman @rptheturk @ruuworld @sanders-fam-ily @sanders-sides-things @sanders-trash-4ever @sanderssides-deathangel @saphirestrike @save-dirk-gently @savingshae @shesavampirequeen @shygirl4991 @silversunshine2012 @siriuswhiskers @smokeyrutilequartz @someshinningideas @spacenerrrd @starlightlogan @strangerthings-and-phan @l-i-t-vocabcards @strangerthings-and-phan @superintrovertfangirl @thats-so-crash @the-feels-are-coming @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @the-prince-and-the-emo @theanxietyofbeinganxious @thecrimsoncodex @theroyalramen @thesilentbluesparrow @thestoryofme13 @theworldismysupernova @theworldismysupernova @thisisshien @thomas-must-get-to-sleep @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @too-random-for-me @toujours-fidele @trash-can-so-do-i @trashfireiplier @trashypansexual @treblesanders @tree4life25 @tsfanart @unknownsandersfan @unknownsandersfan @urtrashhq @violetmcl @virgil-has-a-houseplant @virgil-is-verge @virgils-hoodie @voices-and-stardust @vulnerablevirgil @wingless-siren @XxxxWitlee @yourhappypappypatton @l-i-t-vocabcards @doodlerodoodlez @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @katie-the-noble-fangirl @beetlequail @lemonyellowlogic @analogical-mess @dr-gloom @max-is-tired
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parkersanders · 7 years
there are no words to describe how much i love silence and duality it's so amazing, and really original (also now there's silence and duality parker and crs parker) - emovirgil
You’re gonna make me cry this is so sweet!!! Thank you so much
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asofterfan · 6 years
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Hello, please consider wing au Virgil with white wings.
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@a-reference-of-sides @tree4life25 @emthetimelady @getlostinthedark @moxietyismyspiritanimal @didsomeonesayprince @ninjago2020 @imasmallchild @taylorharmonies @royallyanxious @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @fandersunite @dutifullystrangekingdom @ren-allen @nightmarejasmine @anachronistic-cat @dragonrider167 @pansexual-cat @sardelleterushan @depressed-alone @calandracas @sexbang-arang @thatgaydemigodnerd @aikogumi @who-the-fuck-is-bucky @salty-carbonara @kettlekats @hissesssss @fandomsofrandom @half-blood-geek @armageddonhascome @punch-you-with-friendship @could-always-be-gayer-2 @acrobaticcatfeline @authordreaming13 @chaosgaminggirl @baileystarsketches @gayfagg @wolfishhel @mollycassmith @corerianna @the-asexual-reaper @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @yourefugly @bloopy-moons @sanders-trash-4ever
@nekogriffin12 @save-the-spiral @existential-extrovert @sanders-sides-thuri @royallyscrewed-up @theonlyjelly-iwillput-inmybelly @pattson @surviving-an-ocean-of-fandoms @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @storytellerofuntoldlegends @x777eyes-wide-open @author-trash @thepusheenqueen @fishyfolk @pastel-patton123 @influenzeyy @nekogriffin12 @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @tormentist-phanxiety @milomeepit @monsterfalls9 @digitally-analog @thisrandomperson102 @im-bad-at-life @monicreams @beholdagay @iamthepandaprince @peach-bot @satisfied-sanders-sides @incandescent-creativity @hetaisawesome @princessbelix @irrelevantspecimen @shybipan @idk-and-idc-and-idr @imnotcrazy-i-swaer @fandomfrend @cinquefoilelove @logic-logan-sanders @anxie-teaa @that-one-transguy @sinful-stars @scotchjolras @cyndaquil17 @availe @lilt886things @thebaagelboy @insanityandimperfection @x777eyes-wide-open @tormentist-phanxiety @sanderssides-deathangel @ams-parker @many-is @anniemiku @dragonangel-funandfire @astudyinfuckmylife @haileybubble @thesleepyraziel @rose-gold-roman @pandagirl0730 @fightorflightamiright @funsizedgremlin @painfullybisexual @mydogsaresofuckingstupid @mysticalstrawberryface @redundant-statements-for-400 @thinkbrii @grandpasweatersrock @cypress-sleeping @problematicfandomtrash @red-the-ruler @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @star-catcher12 @xxfoxit @lockolocka @kai-dot-jog @ashrain5 @emupoppyjay @anxious-fander-talian-bean @tellmehowtoexist @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @hugemultifandomnerd @captainhadeslover @sandersshitpost @piquantdanny @misty-the-mysterious @endreams-s @secret-novelisthost18 @roxiefox23 @pantasticpanini @oxyphara @decently-adequate @fanofmyself221b @dan-yuna @the-prince-and-the-emo @iamsilentwolf @anxious-nerd-getting-by @cripplingchips @princessbelix @thechildofartemis @xxrosethehumanxx
@omlwhatamidoing @lemonofweirdness @theoddowldoodle @still-in-pieces @jojosenpi
@that-one-percussion-person @sloooowclapp @xxfangirlanonymousxx @burningpeachdelusionofchaos @sassysoysauce @randomuncreativenamesarefun @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @hi-i-love-u-bitch @regretful-requiem @lexi-love99 @extroidparodox @trashypansexual @extroidparodox @smokeyrutilequartz @backatthebein @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @internet-or-sleep-never-both   @lightning-skys @sugarblob0 @thepoolofthedead @nightmarejasmine @invisibleninjah @insert-good-username-here @fandomsandanythingelse @not-as-smart @marsgem @multi-fand0m-fanatic @smolangstytwink @kai-dot-jpg @doodler200 @magicmapleleaf @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @cocobunny313 @stargazingtraveler @firefox2215 @bluehologram54 @sarcastic-anxious @lockolocka @bloodropsblog @alexxyoung02 @aplaceinthevoid @emovirgil @low-key-aesthetic @trash-thing-person @screamingyearly @one-out-of-a-million @virgil-salty-sanders @turtleboyjohnny @creepyfloof @cloudchaser7 @olivers-demon @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors @kittycatgirl2016 @countessmissyshort @decadentdeerpolice @ethospathoslogan @virge-of-death @allthemetalsoftherainbow @samcwboslyn
@we-will-be-free @dominantnellele @kaymischief25 @frenchfryfriendship @lostfanboy @mysticusagi404 @iloveawesomemusic-love @misc-merde @confinesofpersonalknowledge @nightly-illustrator @flowers-and-space028 @rileyfirstname @lacrimosathedark @mirror2thespirit @faacethefacts @pal-im-not-clever @indecisive-asexual-space-dork @fanaticshipper @chemicallyimbalancedromance @spectacled-renegade @scarredmoran @rosey-lavender @maxtatsu
@221b-quote @fandomdiabetes @therealbiznitch @the-randomest-ofthe-fandomest @musical-llama @nammies @pointless-blog-name @glowstick-fluids @pinkeasteregg @alix-the-skeleton @rptheturk @theotherella @darkle-elkrad @louisthewarlock @crazy-band-obsessed @spaceisbigger @migraine-marathon @zachnitrue @sarcasticshysociopath @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @honeystormwishes @crazy-emo-nightmare @pr0bablypr0crstinating @seabellart @thesilentbluesparrow @theresneverenoughfandoms @witch19 @flyingthroughheaven @crazy-emo-nightmare @fan-dumb-trash @jam-the-fan @theepitomeofamess @mrsuperfrog @sleepyssnail @atomicevilinfluence @your-endless-oblivion @here-be-dragonz @devon-sama @limabeanbabiesforthewin @phander-sides @justanotherpurplebutterfly @novaisnotinsane @osmosis112 @fillyourteacup @quietwords-loudthoughts @multifandomwierdo @dauntlessdiva @itsalmostsunrise
@lilacnestor @justanotherxgayfangirlx @skadinavien @littlespacefin @lizaelsparrow @tsflufffanficprv @justanotherproblem @memesanddreamsinc @itsalmostsunrise @burntsparkles @lunar-logan @quietwords-loudthoughts @otaku-marijane @soft-tip-top-pencil @mmd-ask-italy
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crankywhenprovoked · 4 years
Maybe 22. “You Know I Cant Say No To That Face!” with some soft logince please? Thanks Kris🖤🖤🖤 ~💙
Logan jumped slightly as a set of arms wrapped around his shoulders, a face pressed into the back of his neck.
“How late is it?”  Logan asked, saving his document as Roman’s arms held him tighter.
“Really late.”  He mumbled.
Turning his head, Logan caught Roman’s drowsy gaze, smiling softly as he ran his fingers through the prince’s messy locks.
“And what can I do for you?”
“Come to bed?”  Roman asked, his voice catching on a yawn, resting his chin on Logan’s shoulder.
“You know I can’t say no to that face.”
“I know.”  He smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to Logan’s lips, before letting him stand.
“Come on, back to bed with you.”
Roman nodded, tangling his fingers with Logan’s, letting him lead him back to the bedroom, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze.
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@a-blog-just-for-sanders@ace-v-p-d@acrobaticcatfeline@actualcactuss@alextheodd@aliferous-ly@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@allthemetalsoftherainbow@alyssadashrub@angeliclogan@angered-turtle@aph-roma@apologieslogan@artistictaurean@asalwayss@AskolotlQuestions@asliceofuniverse@asterias-confused-writings@baileystarsketches@blaikleethepanagender@candiukas@captain-loki-xavier@cashmeredragon@catsandrandomness@cinquefoilelove@clueingforbeggs@confinesofpersonalknowledge@countessmissyshort@cripplingchips@deadinsidebutliving@deathbyvenusftw@dementeddracon@depressed-alone@do-rey-me@dreamerhowelll@elusivefalsehoods@emovirgil@etherealweekes@evilmuffin@faacethefacts@faithhopefelony@fanatic564@ffsas-side-account@funsizedgremlin@galacticallynonbinary@grey-lysander@hanramz-the-fander@happypappypatton@happypappypatton@heir-of-the-founders@heythereprincey@hissesssss@runyou-cleverboy-andremember@ispeakhalflies@ive-given-up-on-it@jade-dragon226-fan@johnnyboylaurens@Moltengoldenstardust@spectralheartt@justmyshitandmoreshit@k9cat@katesattic@kiwibite@kurna-kovite@lacandra@lana–22@literaturegays@littlesliceofcake@logan-exe@logically-alone@logically-asexual@logically-sided@louisthewarlock@magicmapleleaf@maximum-fander@mercythemermaid@micha-like-you-find-in-rocks@migraine-marathon@milomeepit@minamishipsit@mollycassmith@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@muontsy2@musicphanpie-b@musicsavedmefromdeath@neko-ereri@ghostintimelostintime@nottodaylogic@nymphaedoratonks@nyxwordsmith@ocotopushugs@on-lock-like-attica@out-of-existence@pandagirl0730@pansexual-cat@pansexual-cat@paxtonlovestea@pearls-of-patton@pieces-of-annedrew@pinkeasteregg@planetsanders@potterlover394@princelogical@prplzorua@purplepatton@radioactivebread@raisin-oatmeal-cookie@reba-andthesides@redundant-statements-for-400@robanilla@roman-is-a-gay@romanssippycup@rose-gold-roman@rptheturk@ruuworld@sanders-fam-ily@sanders-sides-things@sanders-trash-4ever@sanderssides-deathangel@saphirestrike@save-dirk@savingshae@shesavampirequeen@shygirl4991@silversunshine2012     @smokeyrutilequartz@someshinningideas@spacenerrrd@starlightlogan@strangerthings-and-phan@l-i-t-vocabcards@strangerthings-and-phan@superintrovertfangirl@thats-so-crash@the-feels-are-coming@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@the-prince-and-the-emo@theanxietyofbeinganxious@thecrimsoncodex@theroyalramen@thesilentbluesparrow@thestoryofme13@theworldismysupernova@theworldismysupernova@thisisshien@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@thought-u-said-dragon-queen@too-random-for-me@toujours-fidele@trash-can-so-do-i@trashfireiplier@trashypansexual@treblesanders@tree4life25@tsfanart@unknownsandersfan@unknownsandersfan@urtrashhq@violetmcl@virgil-has-a-houseplant@virgil-is-verge@virgils-hoodie@voices-and-stardust@vulnerablevirgil@wingless-siren@XxxxWitlee@yourhappypappypatton@l-i-t-vocabcards@doodlerodoodlez@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2@katie-the-noble-fangirl@beetlequail@lemonyellowlogic@analogical-mess@dr-gloom@max-is-tired@sarcastic-slytherin-lady@justanotherpurplebutterfly@razalin@nightlovechild@mr-rectify@cover-your-eyes-children@greeneggsandham1998@vulnerablevirgil@secretlygeneralperson@sanderssmutsides@karmels-stuff@deitywithablog@sanderssidesstuffs001@pundefulpapa@hell-or-high-waters@fandomfreak18andover@ashensanity@that-one-smut-addict
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