#embalming workshops
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ancientstuff · 1 year
Amazing find. So much to be found at Saqqara. Huge site.
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archaeologicalnews · 1 year
Elaborate underground embalming workshop discovered at Saqqara
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Archaeologists at Saqqara have finally identified the many embalming ingredients used to mummify the dead in ancient Egypt. They also deciphered how those different ingredients — many of which came from distant lands — were used.
In 2016, an international team of archaeologists discovered the underground embalming workshop near the pyramid of Unas, south of Cairo. The complex of rooms held approximately 100 ceramic vessels dating to the 26th dynasty of Egypt (664 to 525 B.C.). While many of the vessels had inscriptions identifying their contents, some of the embalming substances remained a mystery.
Now, in a first-of-its-kind study published Feb. 1 in the journal Nature, researchers have used chemical analysis of the resins coating the vessels to identify the contents. Read more.
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sxugaryx · 4 months
Delusion (Fanfic)
One shot 💛
After Carlo dies, Geppetto slowly starts losing his sanity, desperately trying to put together the pieces of his fractured mind.
Geppetto was in a rush to get to the Monad Charity House, it was late, hoping he didn’t miss his son’s graduation, why does he always tend to prioritize his stupid job? This is so unfair to Carlo, he promised him yesterday he would be there on time, he even gave him that necklace as a promise.
He broke his promise.
He needs to find a way to make it up to him, he is always letting Carlo down, he needs to show him how he loves him no matter what, but first he needs to apologize.
When he gets there, something is wrong, terribly wrong, the police are there, there are doctors, he is desperately trying to get inside but they won’t let him. Geppetto starts shaking, people are coming out of the place in protected suits, and people are being carried away from the place, some barely alive, most dead, he starts praying, he has to see Carlo, he needs to see him again.
And he does, someone has his son in his arms and Geppetto feels despair, the body of his dead son is the last thing he sees before passing out.
Someone is trying to talk with him, a coworker.
“I understand these past few months have been hard”
It’s hard to process to Geppetto what he is hearing, has it really been months? How many? One? Two?
“But it’s almost been half a year since Carlo died”
His heart sinks, Carlo is dead, his son is…. No, Carlo isn’t dead, his son isn’t gone, Carlo is-
“You have to pull yourself together, you are the director of the workshop union”
Geppetto’s mind can only understand bits and pieces from the conversation, something about the workplace, something about how he is supposed to be a leader, something about how others don’t think he can….
Antonia is staring at him strangely and he doesn’t understand why.
“Why is-“
His mind blocks the rest of the sentence, it’s something about Carlo’s funeral, the closed casket.
“Maybe it’s in my mind” Antonia whispered, “I could have sworn the casket sounded hollow”
Geppetto has a pounding headache, the body, there is no body because
He has the bottles in his hands, the liquids that were so hard for him to obtain, he had to make calls, he had to ask for favors. Geppetto hears a woman’s voice.
“Just in case you forget, I wrote down the specific use of each” She looks intrigued, “This project of yours must be secret but I just have to ask, why do you need the embalming fluid?”
Did he make an excuse? Or did he even respond to the question?
Geppetto is crying and desperately apologizing over and over again to Carlo, he is promising he will help, that he will save him, that they can be a happy family, that he would be a good father, that he would do anything for him.
Carlo is holding his hand, Geppetto sees his son’s face, Carlo can’t speak but his brown eyes show a deep sadness, he is trying to tell him something, and Carlo is pleading with him. Pleading for what?
Geppetto doesn’t understand, what he does understand is that he made a promise to his son, and this time, he won’t break it.
Venigni is trying to reassure him, both were spending time together, both of them were supposed to be relaxing.
“Please friend ignore those sorts of comments”
Did someone say something to him? Geppetto takes a sip of his drink, trying to remember what was said yet no matter how hard he tried he simply couldn’t.
“Just because you are a man that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to show emotions” Venigni asked to spend time with him; everything, everyone had become so overwhelming.
“I want you to know that-“
Venigni is trying again to reassure him, although Geppetto can’t listen to him, the only thing, the only one he has his mind is Carlo.
Geppetto is lying on the couch of his home when he gets the first call.
Then another and another.
It’s his coworkers, it’s the police, the alchemists…
Everyone is frantic, they want answers, they don’t know how this happened, it makes no sense, the grand covenant was supposed to bind them, this should have never happened. They ask questions, questions that he can’t answer.
After all, he can’t remember why he started the frenzy.
“I’m doing this for Carlo, I’m doing this for Carlo”
Geppetto hears the words frantically being spoken, but they aren’t coming out of his mouth this time. There are tears in Romeo’s eyes, he is gasping for air because of the pain. Geppetto is on autopilot, working on the body, the plan, the deal that was made.
Hours pass, the process is hard and complicated. Geppetto managed to do it, he managed to turn the young man into a puppet.
So he apologizes to Romeo.
Romeo feels agonizing pain, Geppetto keeps apologizing, Romeo grabs his hand and applies pressure, he is hurting him, he can feel one of his fingers being fractured, but Geppetto doesn’t complain, he deserves this, for being a horrible father, for being a horrible person.
Finally, Romeo lets go, looking at his body, looking at what he has become, then Geppetto pulls something out of his pocket, the pendant now in Romeo’s chest as he sets the necklace in place.
It’s the one he gave to his son, the one Carlo gave to Romeo. Geppetto knows that he deserves to have it more than him.
He is knocking at Antonia’s doorstep in the middle of the night, obviously, she is confused at first, but then her expression changes to one of fear and worry.
“Geppetto what happened?!”
He told her it was an accident, that he was working with something at home and accidentally hurt himself. How he didn’t want to see a doctor or go to the hospital, they were all too busy with those with the petrification disease anyway.
She is helping her by disinfecting the cuts that are all over his left arm, and grabbing alcohol to wipe around the injuries.
“What exactly where you working on?”
Geppetto dances around the question, he makes excuses, and he tries for Antonia not to know the truth. Antonia already doesn't look very convinced.
The cuts look too clean, too methodical to be an accident, Antonia asked once more what occurred.
He lied to her like he has been lying to everyone all this time, how he lies to himself that he is fine.
Oh my God…. Carlo… what did I do to you?
His sweet son, his sweet boy is almost unrecognizable, tubes are coming out of his back, his skin is completely gray, and his face is.
His face is.
Carlo applies more force, his son has him pinned to the ground, he has something sharp in his hand. Carlo puts the blade in his neck, but Geppetto doesn’t try to fight back and doesn’t try to calm Carlo down.
The only thing he can do is apologize.
Carlo stops what he is doing, a tear falling from his deformed face, now Carlo is the one apologizing, but he is asking something out of his father.
Carlo’s voice is completely different, it’s raspy, it almost sounds like a scream, and it doesn’t sound like his son’s voice at all.
“Please… let me-“
No no no, he loves Carlo but he can’t do that, he can’t let him go, he can’t let him die again, he has to save him, he will save him.
This is it, he is going to die, he locks himself in that carriage but with the weapon is only a matter of time before the stalker uses it to break the door and get to him.
That’s went suddenly he hears the sound of a battle outside, the stalker falling dead on the floor saying his last words. Geppetto comes out and looks at his son.
It’s Carlo, somehow he woke up in his new body, without the need for his help. The body he made for him so that he wouldn’t be in pain anymore, he only had to take part of his Ergo and put it inside the new heart.
Geppetto finally meets his son again, his precious son.
Whoever Geppetto can’t shake this strange feeling something is wrong, Carlo is smiling at him with his blue eyes, did Carlo have blue eyes? Why did I give him blue eyes?
Eyes like mine.
And freckles, Carlo didn’t have freckles, did he forget what his own son looks like?
Geppetto ignores those feelings in the back of his mind, he is just grateful that Carlo is safe and sound again, it’s hard but he has to ask a favor of him, but Carlo gives him a sweet smile and nods, like a good boy his son is eager to do what he tells him.
Geppetto is preparing to leave for work while doing so, he can hear a few coworkers talking behind his back.
“Is he leaving work early again?”
“Apparently something reminded him of Carlo”
Geppetto is trying his hardest to pull himself together, trying to ignore them.
“Look I get that losing family is hard but come on, this is the third time this month he breaks down crying”
“I agree, he is a grown man, life is unfair he needs to get over it”
Lately, he has been hearing the same things, people starting to lose their respect for him, people who don’t want him to be the leader of the workshop union anymore.
The union he started, the union where he did everything to make it become the place it is, the factory that creates the puppets he invented, the ones that led Krat to an era of prosperity.
The union he hates, the work he despises. The worthless job that took his son away from him.
No, it’s all his fault, he is the one who prioritized it over Carlo, over his only son. The many goals he missed in his life, how he abandoned him at that boarding school, all because he is an idiot. What kind of worthless father puts his work over his family?
Not anymore, not ever again.
Geppetto feels the scythe up to his neck there is fire all around the stage, Carlo is hurt yet even then, he is desperately grabbing Romeo, begging him to stop.
“You are pathetic”
Romeo’s voice is back to normal, his glowing red eye fixed on him, he lowers the weapon, Pinocchio looks relieved and goes to his father's side.
Romeo’s words become incomprehensible again, this time because Geppetto’s mind is blocking them. The next thing he knows is that they are all back in Hotel Krat, everyone but his son is mad at him. It doesn’t matter, Geppetto fixes Romeo until his puppet body is back to normal, as normal as it can be in that condition.
Carlo is grabbing his long black hair, his son feeling tense, not used to everyone yelling, not understanding why everyone was so mad at his father.
Geppetto looks at Pinocchio, he tells him that he did something bad, something horrible. Pinocchio doesn’t care he hugs his father because he loves him.
Even if Geppetto knows doesn’t deserve that love.
It’s not enough, it’s not enough Ergo.
He stole a good amount from the ones used at the factory. It’s not working, why isn’t it working?
Geppetto does the calculations again, he reads books and investigates the nature of Ergo. He needs more but how much more?
A ridiculous amount, an amount of Ergo he simply can’t get in his hands, dozens of people would have to die to get that much.
He looks at the black box, Carlo is resting in there, the box is special, he doesn’t remember how he did it but Carlo is no longer enraged, it’s almost as if his son is resting. Although Carlo can’t truly rest, the pain is too unbearable for his poor son.
The pain, what kind of father allows his son to be in pain? He can’t let Carlo suffer, he has failed his son so many times.
Geppetto has an idea, a horrible idea, he is ready, ready to set the entire world on fire if it’s necessary, the only one that truly matters is Carlo.
He asks his son for forgiveness again, then he asks God to forgive him as he activates Law 0.
Carlo returned with the painting in his hands. Geppetto had no idea the Black Rabbit Brotherhood had stolen it, he stared at the painting, he almost wanted to cry, he needed to stop crying he is a grown man, he can’t cry, specially not in front of his son, so he apologizes for getting sentimental.
He asks Pinocchio if there is something wrong, he doesn’t mean to make him feel uncomfortable. Geppetto knows that he has to be more careful, unlike Carlo, Pinocchio is a little sensitive, the only thing he does is end up worrying him too much.
Geppetto tells Carlo to be a good boy and to be careful out there, he can’t lose him, he can’t lose him again.
As Pinocchio is leaving, Geppetto looks at the painting, again this feeling that something is wrong comes back. He just spoke with his son, why does it feel odd? Why does it feel like…
Antonia looked furious at him, she wanted to have a word in private.
“I want to know what the hell you were thinking”
She isn’t shouting, her calm anger is somehow worse.
“I almost had a heart attack seeing him, why did you-“
Geppetto makes up an excuse, someone had to save everyone from this mess, someone had to save them from this mess. The mess he created.
Antonia looks away for a moment, she looks tired, and stressed, can anyone really blame her? She is dying.
“Geppetto are you okay?”
Her voice sounds sweet and caring, she wants to know the truth because she wants to help him.
Geppetto says he is fine, how many times has he lied to her by now?
There is blood in Geppetto’s hands.
His blood.
How did this happen? Why did it happen?
He looks at his left arm, there are more cuts than before, this time Antonia would get too suspicious so he cleans himself, he cleans the mess he made. When he is done Geppetto goes to bed, in the morning he starts to get ready for work, he looks at his arm, there is something that wasn’t there before, words that were slashed in his skin.
Camille I’m…
He can’t make up the rest of the words, there are more cuts, and his arm now truly looks as if he suffered an accident, filled with wounds, his wrist red, black, and blue.
Geppetto is hugging his son tightly, he is shaking and crying, begging him for forgiveness.
Pinocchio looks at his father confused, not understanding what’s going on, not understanding what his father did wrong. He is saying that he is an awful father, that he is only making the same mistakes over and over again, how he loves him, how he wants him to be someone he isn’t.
Then Geppetto grabs his chest, a piercing pain he cannot handle, he falls onto the floor, his son is now the one who is crying shaking him because he doesn’t know what to do, that’s odd… he remembers Carlo once told him that they taught him how to do CPR at school, something they teach all stalkers in training.
Geppetto is gasping for air, the last thing he hears is his son screaming for help.
“Mr. Geppetto you had a heart attack”
He is in a hospital, he was brought here from his workplace.
“Thankfully you didn’t go into cardiac arrest, however, this is very serious”
The doctor asks him questions about his family’s medical history, and about how he has been feeling in the past few days.
“Well you are an older man and it seems likely that could be the cause, although it might be that external factors are making it worse, is there anything stressful in your life currently happening?”
Geppetto is a liar, a good liar, how can he not be after the many web of lies he has pulled? The doctor believes his lies and he is discharged from the hospital before they perform a full examination. Geppetto feels relieved, when he is home he touches his chest, then he looks at his left arm, the one they didn’t examine.
There is another message slit in his wrist, before he can read it he starts feeling exhausted, so he decides to go to bed and rest, he goes to his room, the box is in his bed, it’s a little hard sleeping next to it since it takes so much space, but not having Carlo by his side was killing him.
And now, his heart is killing him.
“Can you make them stop?”
Venigni was asking Geppetto to make the puppets stop the frenzy, so he did, it was very simple, only having to activate Law 0 and undue his command.
Romeo is watching from afar but looks away, he mainly stays away from everyone, he can’t look at anyone, specially not at Pinocchio.
“At least… at least the only thing to worry about now is the carcasses”
Venigni can’t look at Geppetto either, not after what his friend had done, Geppetto makes his way to leave, to be alone in that room as he had always been while staying inside Hotel Krat.
He barely talks to anyone, besides it’s not as if he deserves their compassion.
A few minutes pass before Venigni goes to see him. He is trying to talk with him, but this time Venigni is the one apologizing to him, saying that he should have seen how much pain he was in, saying that he should have helped him when he was at his lowest.
Geppetto doesn’t respond, he can’t respond, his mind is somewhere else, his sanity completely fractured, Venigni gets closer to him, asking if he is okay, then he tells him not to answer that because it’s a stupid question since he is clearly not okay.
Like the liar he is Geppetto does respond and tells Venigni that he is okay, it’s a stupid lie, an obvious lie, and Venigni and everyone else can see it.
Venigni looks away again, Geppetto can tell that Venigni feels helpless, that he doesn’t know what to do to help him.
His friend can’t help him, it’s too late for that.
Geppetto is trapped in that cell, Simon had come to see him, to try and gloat about his victory, to mock him.
“Are you even listening to me?”
Simon looks annoyed at first, but he stares at Geppetto who is in a terrible state, Geppetto is on autopilot, living because he has to, talking because he has to, and nothing he does feels natural anymore.
“How unfortunate, Geppetto the genius inventor losing his mind”
Simon is now smiling, he opens the cell, and with confidence he makes his way to Geppetto and grabs his shoulders with force, making direct eye contact.
“Your son is dead Geppetto, and it’s all your fault”
Geppetto breaks down crying, Simon looks happy, he mocks him again, he doesn’t stop. He reminds Geppetto of every time he could have spent with his son, every achievement he missed.
The graduation he missed.
“You could at the very least have died with him, what kind of father doesn’t go to his son’s graduation?”
Simon lets go of him, and Geppetto covers his face with his hands sobbing, completely breaking down. Completely defeated, Simon is right, the man who killed his son by spreading that disease is right.
Geppetto is lying in one of the couches of Hotel Krat. He is too exhausted to open his eyes, still, he hears what everyone else is saying, Carlo is thanking Romeo, apparently, he was the one to save his life.
“Hey it’s okay, please don’t cry”
Pinocchio is sobbing, Romeo is reassuring him, trying to make him feel better. That’s why they are best friends, Geppetto knows how Romeo always stood by Carlo’s side. Pinocchio then asks why Romeo hates his father, and why he is always so cold towards him. Geppetto can hear Romeo give out a sigh.
“I can’t even hate your father anymore, I just… I just pity him”
Pinocchio doesn’t understand why, everything is overwhelming him, everything is too much, he barely understands the world around him, barely understands what’s happening most of the time and he always has to go outside to fight, to save everyone because no one else can.
“Even if your father is sick, he loves you, like he loved-“
Geppetto’s mind can’t hear that last sentence. He opens his eyes, is exhausted, and looks at both of them, his son going to his side, his son kneeling next to him, Carlo making direct eye contact as Geppetto gently touches his son’s face.
“Pinocchio I’m…”
He wants to say he is sorry however Geppetto then gasps for air, the pain in his chest starting to come back. Everyone is rushing to his side, everyone wants to help him, help a monster like him who caused so much pain to others.
Geppetto can hear the elevator descending, his son making his way towards him.
Carlo has his pinned to the ground again, he opened the box, he shouldn’t have, opening it only made Carlo be in pain. Carlo is asking why he is stuck in the past, why he can’t move on, and why he always says the same things. How everything his father says doesn’t make sense anymore.
Everything sounds like a broken record, everyone lives until they go away and the truth is he doesn’t know anything.
Not anymore.
It’s him who says the same thing over and over again, why does he beg for forgiveness if he doesn’t deserve it?
Geppetto can see the arm of god on the floor, he stares at Carlo more closely, did he use it on himself? His son no longer looks disfigured, he looks like a normal corpse, the same way as the day he died, no, he doesn't look the same, his limbs are still mechanical, at least… at least looks somewhat normal again.
Still, that doesn’t satisfy Geppetto, he needs to have his son back, his real boy.
“I want to die”
This time, his brain doesn’t block out his son’s words. Carlo asks why, why he did all of this, why he can’t simply let him be at peace. What the hell in the world does he want from him?
“I don’t want the world” Geppetto’s voice doesn’t feel like his voice anymore, it sounds hollow, devoid of life, “I just want you back”
Geppetto hears purring, he looks up to see Spring sitting at his desk, the cat staring at him curiously.
He isn’t a cat person, still he pets the small animal who rubs her head in his hand. The cat’s head is now stained with his blood.
His arm is dripping blood, when did he hurt himself again? This is bad, he grabs something to clean up the cat, and it somehow works, looking like a strange stain, hopefully, everyone would think she got dirty wandering around.
As for his arm, he washes it and changes his bloody shirt. He takes a look at his arm, he can no longer recognize it, he remembers years ago at the factory, someone had an accident and their arm looked sort of like how he does now. Completely filled with cuts, slashes, and bruises, most parts of it are black, the necrosis taking a tool on his body.
Geppetto stares at the arm, and the first message he ever wrote to himself is now completely unrecognizable, as for the second one, he tries really hard and makes the words out, or rather, makes the word out.
He is at a work meeting, and all the high-ranking members of the union are there, all of them speaking to him, he has known them for many years but at this moment he can't recognize their voices, he can't tell who is who anymore.
“Geppetto we are very concerned about your health, considering the previous event”
Geppetto assures them that he is fine, that he can work perfectly fine.
“I know you think you can, let’s be realistic, you can’t”
The words cut like a dagger, and Geppetto stays quiet.
“We think it’s best if you were to retire early”
Geppetto wants to speak up this time, but he cannot because he is interrupted.
“Please don’t try to argue against this decision, Geppetto you have to be honest here”
No, he is capable of doing this, he can-
“Also we wouldn’t want to you know… affect more your state of mind”
He isn't crazy, he hasn’t lost his mind, he is okay, he can work perfectly fine, he can bring Carlo back. So he tries to argue against this.
“Oh for the love of God, Geppetto you have to resign, we can’t have the leader of our union breaking down over every small detail that might even remind him of his son, Carlo is dead, move on already!”
There is shouting directed at the man who said those words, “You didn’t have to say it like that”; “You didn’t didn’t have to be so blunt”; “You didn’t have to be so harsh, think of his heart”
Geppetto says how he understands, they looked relieved, almost as if they all had wanted to say the same thing. There is an agreement, that he will resign willingly by the end of the month.
He is getting ready to leave, when he is by the front door one of his coworkers stops him.
“Geppetto wait before you go, we just realized a shipment of Ergo is missing can you-“
He leaves, he doesn’t care anymore, it’s not like they will find out it was him, plus they are already firing him, this job isn’t worth it anymore and Carlo needs more Ergo to survive.
The door of the cell is being opened, his son is here to rescue him. Frantically asking him if he is okay, hugging him tightly and Geppetto hugs his son back.
Geppetto asks if he is a good father, and the boy says yes, he says that no matter what he will always love him. Then he starts shaking him, he starts asking him what’s wrong if his heart hurts again.
“Who are you?” Geppetto doesn’t know who he is speaking with anymore, this is his son but what is his son’s name?
“Father it’s me!” His son says frantically, “It’s me P-“
Carlo looks strange, why is his hair white?
Geppetto knows he is getting old, although he should be able to recognize his son by this age, it should take at least a few more years before he truly starts to lose his memory. Carlo tells him he should rest, that there is a stargazer nearby, and that he should go back to Hotel Krat.
He can’t go back to Hotel Krat, Geppetto knows that Pinocchio is worried but there is one last thing he must do, he has to grab the black box, he has to free Carlo from this nightmare.
Antonia told him to come downstairs, and that she needed to speak with him. This time she is tired, she demands an answer, a real answer, and doesn’t tolerate Geppetto’s lies, she wants to know the truth. Yes, she blames herself for not reaching out more, however, Geppetto didn’t make anything better by constantly lying about his feelings. Now he is lying again when everyone knows that he is an emotional mess. Antonia starts getting desperate, and angry and asks him if he is truly happy with himself with this delusional web of lies.
“I haven’t been happy one fucking minute of my life since Carlo died”
Antonia is speechless, she had never heard Geppetto curse, much less at her. Now she feels guilty, guilty because knowing the truth was only making things worse for Geppetto. She tried speaking to him again but he ignored her, he went back upstairs. Refusing to talk with anyone, he has to push them away.
Despite his love for Carlo the only thing he did was hurt him, they don’t understand, and he has to push them away, he doesn’t want their care, he doesn’t want them near him. He doesn’t want anyone he loves to suffer again because of him.
They don’t need me here.
“Son, I know you are there”
Pinocchio was outside the Opera House, he was going towards the stargazer when he saw his father staring at the statue outside the place, Pinocchio decided to hide to see what his father was doing, unfortunately, it didn’t work.
The clouds in the sky began to look gray, drops of water going around with the humid air.
Pinocchio got closer to his father, he couldn't tell if there were tears on his face or if it was the drops of rain.
“Do you miss her?”
His father asked, Pinocchio looked uncomfortable, he had read the inscription in the statue before.
“No, you don’t miss her, you’ve never met her”
Pinocchio faintly smiled, his father remembering he wasn’t his brother, the boy grabbed his father’s hand; his father looked confused, Pinocchio touched the stargazer to bring him back to Hotel Krat, it was not safe there for him.
Geppetto stole the artifact, the arm of god.
The alchemists underestimated him, he now had everything in place, the P organ to collect Ergo, the hand to bring him back as he was before, and the puppet.
Geppetto knows that puppets tend to awake to their previous self with the Ergo used, he wanted to make Carlo comfortable so he made the puppet body exactly like his.
The only thing missing was what he needed to make modifications to the heart, the automaton police offer was the key, he just needed to get there and use Law 0 to break him apart and get what he needed.
He turns to look at him, resting in peace in that chair, he gently touches his son’s face and promises he will be back.
As Geppetto is walking away, he can’t help but wonder what would happen if he used the arm on Carlo’s real body now, could that ease the pain? Could that make him look somewhat normal?
No, he has to be methodical, all of this has to be perfect, according to plan.
“Father please don’t die, please don’t die!”
Carlo has his hands on his chest, giving him chest compressions, Geppetto can see Pinocchio right behind him, kneeling next to him, his son is… praying, he didn’t know Pinocchio knew how to pray.
Geppetto fully gains consciousness, despite that, he feels an impending sense of doom, his time has finally come to an end. Carlo is apologizing for getting mad, saying that he didn’t mean to, saying that he does love him, Pinocchio is saying that he loves him as well, that he doesn’t want to lose him either, too many have died, and he can’t die as well.
“Pinocchio… Carlo…” Geppetto struggles to get the words out, “I… love you both… please…”
One last time, one last apology, “I’m… sorry”
Geppetto gives out his final breath, the last thing he ever sees, the last true memory of his fractured mind is his Ergo being split in half as it floats towards each of his sons, their P organs absorbing it, as each of his sons hold him in their arms together. His other senses begin to die as well, his body becoming cold and weak, the numbness, his heart taking his final beats.
In the end, only his hearing remains and he hears those last words, words that he doesn’t deserve from them.
Their forgiveness.
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lifebuoyjournals · 1 year
An embalming workshop unearthed at Saqqara, Egypt, an ancient burial ground, has provided insight on the chemicals used in embalming in ancient Egyptian societies. In this workshop, pots containing labelled chemicals were found. GCMS analysis of the contents revealed that while there were many local materials, some originated from as far as Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. For example, one pot contained elemi, a resin that comes from Canarium trees that grow in Asian and African rainforests. Another contained dammar, also a resin, from Shorea trees in tropical south Asia and southeast Asia. How ancient Egyptian civilisations traded for these materials from Asia/Africa is unclear.
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ancientorigins · 1 year
Archaeologists unearth awesome artifacts in Saqqara excavations! Ancient Egyptian necropolis contains animal embalming workshops, human tombs, and intricate hieroglyphs.
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
and all my hope is gone
vincent thinks about how he ended up here. inspired partly by sol's art (as always), particularly the contrast between the second and third portraits. the grandeur vs. the ugly truth. also this art by @/nerdonpluto69 of the most perfectly unhinged vincent. plus this piece of commentary courtesy of @/visceravalentines: "#there was no dramatic revenge killing just a sick bed and suffering and she sucked the life out of them til the end"
WARNING for brief or passing mentions of infant death, child abuse, suicide, depression and terminal illness.
Vincent isn't totally sure when things started falling apart.
He could hazard a guess at the day they were born. But that isn't quite it. No, the day they were born was a day full of pain and suffering, there's no deny that. Everyone thought the twins wouldn't make it, and sometimes Vincent wonders if that wasn't the way it was supposed to turn out. But no. Even amongst their mangled birth, there was a slither of hope, just as there always is when a new life -- lives -- claws its way into the world.
The next logical point to consider for their downfall is the first time their mama hit Bo. He'd had another tantrum, worse than any that came before but one which would soon be eclipsed, again and again. Mama had had enough. Vincent hears the slap, the firm sound of a palm on a cheek, rather than witnesses it. Bo doesn't speak for three days after that. Simply nods or shakes his head when their parents ask him questions. His father isn't happy about it, but its better than the screaming. Coincidently, that was also the day mama finished making Vincent's first mask.
Years pass by after that, and the next milestone in their lives is the day their daddy killed himself. Bittersweet was the brain matter splattered over the paintwork. Bo found daddy. Vincent found Bo, on his knees and letting out a sobbing laugh. Maybe it had been a fork in the road, rather than another step in their descent. The King was dead; Long Live the Queen.
Or not. Perhaps it was their mama's death that drove them down. The long, slow agony of it all. The endless, restless nights. The morphine. How the end came not in an act of revenge but in an act of mercy from above. The Queen is dead; Long Live the Kings.
Vincent watches the town from an upstairs window in the House of Wax. He's painted this scene before, the quaint little town he was born and raised in. The truth is in the detail. It's in the cracked sidewalks and the dirty looks. In the way that no one could ever make enough money to get out, in long shifts at the mill and in the silhouette against the midday sky of the crane that was building the interstate road.
The wax windowsill is sticky with dust. There are grooves where Vincent has rested his elbows in the same way for years. He ought to fix it, he thinks. Instead he pulls himself away retreats back down the stairs.
Stopping in the museum lobby, he looks around. Looks at his work. Stares into the screaming eyes of his creations. Kneels before the Mural. Kneels before the bodies at his mother's feet. Gazes upon himself and Bo, carved into the very walls of the House. This is about as close to eternity as they'll ever get. Bo's told him before not to make him into one of them. Eventually, Vincent stands again.
Down in the workshop, he still thinks about it. About all the little things that got him here. Vincent knows it isn't as simple as their birth, or their abuse, or their father's suicide or their mother's illness. They survived all of that.
The truth is far more mundane. Dropping out of college, being laid off, sexual frustration, the interstate being built, reclusivity, funeral costs, embalming, burnout, second chances, wasted time, art work, crime and punishment, death.
And now his life was so far removed from what it once was, he can barely remember what it felt like to be a player on the stage. Now he's a spectator to his own life, watching as the blade slices and the wax melts and his art is better than ever.
And it only cost him everything.
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brothersgrim · 1 year
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@asteraex​ asked:
🍐- Taker
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  
Oh, he’s a smart guy. He's had to be. He was fourteen when he stopped receiving any kind of formal education, mostly because he was dead. Also because he was a slave. That didn’t help. 
But he’s smart. 
Like, let’s just look at all the things he, canonically, knows how to do. First off, he’s a carpenter. Yes, he makes coffins and caskets, but there were other projects in the workshop WWE gave him, including wagon wheels and furniture. Given that that’s HIS workshop, those are also HIS projects, so it stands to reason he just makes all sorts of things. I like to think he handles most of the carpentry/repair jobs in the Valley. (This actually has historical basis, too. Most carpenters were also undertakers back in the day, and vice versa. That was the case in my home town, anyway.) He’s also a blacksmith. A lot of people forget this one, but he is - he works a forge in some of the late 90s promos. He makes most of the hardware for the caskets and his other projects himself. He also repairs his own tools. 
Speaking of repairs, he fixes bikes. He has a wide collection of them, and he’ll repair them, or even sometimes build them from scratch, on his own. It’s his favourite hobby, outside of working out and fighting, and he considers it almost a form of meditation. His bikes are his babies. 
He can also draw, and, from the brief glimpses of his work we see, he’s a pretty talented artist. We mostly just see the blueprints he makes, but the anatomy is clean, the lines are crisp, and it seems to have a slightly cartoon-y style, which is oddly cute to me. I dunno. 
Anyway, he's also a practising mortician. He does the whole embalming, dressing, and clean up process on his own, especially when Paul's not around. That requires a lot of knowledge of human anatomy, chemistry, and colour theory, among a lot of other things. It takes a LOT.
He’s canonically at least bilingual, speaking both English and Ancient Gaelige. (The second is mostly in his Ministry Era, but he does speak it on multiple occasions - including the chants in the Ministry theme song.) 
He’s a great fighter, which requires strategy, problem-solving, and a knack for quick thinking. If you can’t make plans, you can’t fight, simple as. If your opponent can outthink you, you’re going to lose. And he’s a damn good fighter. 
He’s also pretty people-smart, which surprises a lot of those who know him. There are a few examples of this. First off, again, he’s a funeral director. He has to know how to talk to grieving families, and if he does a bad job of that, the home goes under. Second, he’s really good at handling Kane. Yes, he loves his brother, but there’s more to it than just that. The way he talks to Kane - and I know I’ve said this before - is actually exactly how therapists recommend talking to people in abusive relationships. It’s not your fault, it’s okay, you’re safe, I’ll be here for you no matter what, you don’t have to choose between us, so on and so forth. When Kane messes up the Last Ride in their match against Kai and Tai, instead of getting mad at him, Taker pauses the match, shows him how to do it properly, and makes a point of expressing pride and approval when Kane gets it right, because he knows that’s what his little brother needs. Even outside of Kane, the other guys in the locker room have a tendency to listen to and respect Taker, and even go to him for advice. This is most obvious during the American Badass era, and even more so during the Invasion era. Vince, Chris Jericho, and a bunch of other guys say that they need Taker in meetings for anyone to take them seriously. This even extends to other eras - in the mid 2010s, Team Smackdown can’t agree to work together, so, after Edge and Jerry Lawler fail to get them to play nice, they call in Taker to make people behave. 
It works. 
Yes, he threatens to murder them, but it works. He deals with different people different ways. 
The last example I can give of this is how he deals with Shawn during the feud with Triple H that lead up to the infamous cage match. This is a brutal thing that mostly involves Hunter gaslighting the fuck out of Shawn to pit him against Taker. Interestingly, Taker in this feud mostly retaliates by trying to build Shawn back up. Hunter convinces Shawn that Taker is shit-talking Shawn behind his back. This drives Shawn to yell at Taker, retaliate to how he thinks Taker is talking about him, and Taker doesn’t yell back. You can tell he’s annoyed by the whole thing, but he keeps it pretty reeled in, all things considered, and tells Shawn that Shawn should know him well enough by now to know he would never talk behind anyone’s back - but Hunter would. This culminates later in a face-off between Hunter and Taker, with Shawn standing by. Hunter was trying to get in Shawn’s head again, Taker comes out, and gives one of my favourite lines of his  - “Remember when I said that Shawn was better than you? … He is.” And leaves at that. It’s great on both ends, because he knows that’s what Hunter hates most, he knows Hunter’s insecure as hell behind the front he puts on, and more than that, he also knows it’s what Shawn needs to hear - and saying it in front of Shawn means Hunter can’t say it didn’t happen. 
He’s a manipulative bastard when he wants to be, that deadman. 
But, yeah. All this to say, he’s clearly demonstrated high intelligence in a number of different areas. As for where he learned it all, in most fields, he’s largely self-taught. Mortuary sciences, carpentry, smithing, he started to learn that from his parents, yeah, but he was twelve when they died. He got a lot of hands-on experience, he watched them his entire life, but again, he was twelve. He only had so much time, and there was only so much his parents would let him do at that age. Motorcycle repair, that’s self-taught. The Gaelige, he started learning that from his mother, picked it up later from some residents of the Yard (and the Morrigan, who is only there sometimes and doesn’t fully count). The fight smarts, that’s self-taught. It had to be. You either learn to fight, or you wake up in the crypt again. And his people smarts, I think it’s a mix of self-taught and learned. Some of what he’s working with, you can’t be taught, you have to just be the right person for it. Some of the kinder aspects, again, he learned from watching his parents. He learned from watching them with each other, with him and Kane, with the grieving families the home served before the fire. Some of it is, again, just who he is under all the emotional armour. The mean stuff… Well, that’s the same way. Except he learned it from Paul. He learned it from Paul, and Ted, and even Vince to some degree, and the people they dealt with. 
He learned a lot from them. 
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nada-khader · 1 year
Egypt unveils ancient mummification workshops, tombs in Saqqara
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In the Saqqara necropolis, which is south of the capital of Cairo, Egypt reported finding two ancient embalming studios for both humans and animals as well as two tombs and a collection of artifacts.
The Saqqara Necropolis is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Egypt you can visit with our Egypt day tours. The necropolis is open to visitors year-round, and there are a number of guided tours available.
Saqqara is an ancient burial ground located in Egypt, around 30 kilometers south of Cairo. It was the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, and it contains the tombs of many of Egypt's most important rulers you can visit them with our Cairo day tours, including the Pyramid of Djoser.
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An Egyptian expedition headed by Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, conducted the excavation. While the two tombs are from the Old and New Kingdoms, the two embalming studios are from the 30th Dynasty and the Ptolemaic era. 
The Saqqara necropolis is home to a wide variety of tombs and monuments, including pyramids, mastabas, and temples. with our Egypt tours you can see The most famous structure in Saqqara is the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built during the Third Dynasty. The Pyramid of Djoser is considered to be the oldest complete stone building complex in history.
chambers with stone beds where the dead would lie down for mummification. The animal workshop is also rectangular and constructed of mud with stone floors. It consists of a number of rooms that once housed animal burials and clay pot collections alongside bronze mummification equipment. Early research indicates that the mummification of sacred animals took place in this workshop.
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The first tomb to be discovered belonged to "Ne Hesut Ba," a senior official of the fifth Dynasty (2400 BC) who oversaw scribes and served as a priest of Horus and Maat. A Qadish priest from the 18th Dynasty (1400 BC) by the name of "Men Kheber" is buried in the second tomb. While the New Kingdom tomb is cut into the rock with a door and lintel ornamented with the names of the deceased and his wife, the Old Kingdom tomb is a mastaba with a stone painted facade bearing the names of the deceased and his wife.
The Saqqara sites have been the location of numerous discoveries in recent years you must see this site with our Cairo day tours from the airport, including hundreds of coloured coffins containing well-preserved mummies of priests and senior statesmen.
also, Giza Pyramids and Sphinx Tour is a must-do for any visitor to Cairo with our Cairo half-day tours. You'll get to see the Great Pyramids of Giza.
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There are just many Luxor day tours available in Luxor. There are tours to suit every interest, so you're sure to find one that's perfect for you. you can visit some of Luxor's most famous sites, including the Karnak Temple, Luxor Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Hatshepsut. also, Abu Simbel Temples Tour is a must-do for any visitor to Aswan. You'll get to see the two massive temples of Abu Simbel, which were relocated from their original location in the 1960s to save them from being submerged by the waters of Lake Nasser with our Aswan day tours.
through our Egypt Christmas tours are a great way to see the best of both ancient and modern Egypt. You'll start in Cairo, where you'll visit the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. Then, you'll fly to Luxor, where you'll explore the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and Luxor Temple.
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oldmanbayou · 1 year
Library of Congress book illustrations
I haven’t written anything on tumblr much lately because I��ve been obsessed with browsing old books on the Library of Congress website. 
Here are some illustrations I especially like.
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Source: Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy
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Source: American Weeds and Useful Plants
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Source: Drawings and Sketches by Students of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery Workshop
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Source: The anatomy of the human body
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Source: The Butterfly’s Ball, and the Grasshopper’s Feast
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Source: The Hall of Shells
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Source: Injurious insects of the farm and garden
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Source: The Children’s Object Book
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Source: Gobolinks, or shadow-pictures for young and old
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Source: The Champion Textbook on Embalming
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Source: The Cosmic Survey
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Source: Zoölogical science
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Source: Yellow Birds
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Source: String figures : a study of cat's-cradle in many lands
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Source: The greenhouse, hot house, and stove
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orthotv · 11 months
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🔰 Chennai Trauma Course Second Edition
🗓️ Date : August 11th to 13th, 2023. 🏟️ Venue: Hotel Hilton, Guindy, Chennai 🔥 Early Bird Offer upto 31st July)
💻 Click here to register : https://bit.ly/OrthoTV-CTC-2023
🔆Hands on Sawbone Workshop
Upper Limb: Multi-lock proximal humerus Nail, Retrograde Humerus Nailing and MIROS (Minimally Invasive Reduction and Osteosynthesis) System - Distal Radius.
Lower limb: Femoral Neck System, High Tibia Osteotomy, Supra-patellar Tibia nalling
🔆Hands on Cadaver Workshop
An opportunity to do surgical exposures in soft embalmed cadavers under guidance of experts.
🔹 CTC MEDAL PAPER' : 25,000 IN Cash Prize & 2 weeks Observership Send your abstracts before 31 July to [email protected]
🤝 Media partner : OrthoTV Global
#ChennaiTraumaCourse #CTC2023 #Orthopedics #MedicalConference #HandsOnWorkshop #SurgicalExposures #CadaverWorkshop #OrthoTV #ParvathyHospital #AbstractSubmission #MedalPaper #MedicalEducation
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qudachuk · 1 year
Separate workshops found at necropolis site were likely used to preserve humans and sacred animals
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Taoist Funeral Package - An Fu Funeral Services
When it comes to bidding farewell to a loved one, different cultures and religions have their own unique ways of honoring the deceased and comforting the bereaved. In Taoism, a religion rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, funeral rituals hold significant importance. An Fu Funeral Services, a leading provider of Taoist Funeral Packages, aims to preserve the traditions and customs associated with Taoist funerals while providing comprehensive and compassionate support to grieving families.
Taoism, with its emphasis on harmony and balance, views death as a natural transition rather than an end. Taoist funerals are conducted with the belief that the soul continues its journey after death, and the rituals performed during the funeral help guide and support the departed soul on its way. An Fu Funeral Services understands the importance of these rituals and offers specialized Taoist funeral packages to ensure a dignified and meaningful farewell for the departed.
One of the key components of a Taoist funeral package is the presence of an Ancestor Tablet, also known as the "spirit tablet" or "spirit plaque." This tablet is meticulously crafted and inscribed with the name and other relevant details of the deceased. It is believed that the Ancestor Tablet acts as a spiritual anchor, providing a connection between the living and the departed. An Fu Funeral Services takes great care in creating and maintaining these tablets, ensuring their aesthetic appeal and spiritual significance.
Another integral part of Taoist funeral rituals is the chanting of scriptures and prayers. These rituals are performed by Taoist priests who are trained in the ancient texts and ceremonies. An Fu Funeral Services works closely with experienced Taoist priests to provide the necessary spiritual guidance during the funeral. The priests lead the mourners in reciting sacred texts and prayers, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and reverence. Their presence offers solace and comfort to the grieving family and friends.
In addition to the spiritual aspects, An Fu Funeral Services also takes care of the practical and logistical aspects of a Taoist funeral. They provide a range of services including embalming, dressing and grooming of the deceased, as well as the arrangement of funeral processions and transportation. The funeral packages offered by An Fu Funeral Services are customizable, allowing families to personalize the ceremony according to their preferences and budget. Whether it's the choice of floral arrangements, the selection of music, or the design of the memorial hall, An Fu Funeral Services ensures that every detail is taken care of with utmost care and sensitivity.
Taoist funeral rituals often include ancestral worship, as ancestors hold a special place in Taoist beliefs. An Fu Funeral Services assists families in setting up ancestral altars, where offerings and prayers can be made to honor and remember the departed. These altars serve as a focal point for family members to express their respect and gratitude towards their ancestors. An Fu Funeral Services provides guidance on the proper setup and maintenance of ancestral altars, ensuring that families can continue to pay their respects long after the funeral has concluded.
It is worth noting that An Fu Funeral Services goes beyond their role as a service provider and strives to foster a sense of community and support for grieving families. They offer grief counseling services, helping individuals cope with the emotional challenges that come with loss. Through support groups and workshops, they create a space for sharing experiences and finding solace in the company of others who have gone through similar journeys.
In conclusion, An Fu Funeral Services offers comprehensive Taoist funeral packages that honor the traditions and customs of Taoism while providing compassionate support to grieving families. Their attention to detail, spiritual guidance, and commitment to community support set them apart in their field. By preserving the ancient rituals and philosophies of Taoism, An Fu Funeral Services ensures that the departed are given a dignified farewell, and their families find solace and comfort during a challenging time of loss.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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kammartinez · 1 year
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ancientorigins · 1 year
Long-distance trade networks, tropical imports, and specialized knowledge! The latest study on Egyptian mummification has opened a new chapter in our understanding of the ancient world, all discovered by finding the exact formula of a mummification workshop’s embalming fluid.
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