indwelling-sanctum · 1 year
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lemaistrechat · 2 years
Futher Preternia (era of He-Ro) Thoughts
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L-R: Eldor with the Book of Living Spells, Gray, Gray as He-Ro the Most Powerful Wizard in the Universe
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Gray’s older sister (headcanon based on “raised by” in his bio) Sharella as tribal archer.
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Sharella would also learn magic and eventually become the Chosen of Serpos, perhaps when King Hiss is banished. I’m thinking her cobra headdress/top would connect to a floor-length skirt to make a backless evening gown, rather than the official duplicate of Teela’s classic outfit.
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Byron, the Wizard of Zoar (bearded man with orange hat and She-Ra-inspired shirt). Would probably change his species (Avionian?).
His daughter Veena was created first (2003) and has only been seen as an adult already married to King Grayskull:
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She would be destined to become the first Sorceress of Castle Grayskull after he, He-Ro and 3 other wizards make the ultimate sacrifice to create it.
(Alternative: if we want a long time to pass between the era of He-Ro and the era of D’Vann and Veena Grayskull, change first Sorceress’ name and look.)
Wizard of Zalesia. Zalesia is said to be the first human country on Eternia. Its oldest relic, the Havoc Staff of Bash-Or, is passed from one holder to the next by merit (kingship will be instituted when the ruling Council of Wizards is gone). Male or female non-human student earned it?
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Keclar, the craftsman. The wizard whose last act before sacrificing himself will be to craft the two magic swords the Guardian of Grayskull will guard. Depicted in the 80s UK comics as a white man with a long white beard, make him younger and something else (it’s been suggested elsewhere than Trollans forged the Power Sword).
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Noah. He taught Hordak magic, so he’ll be an old-looking Eternian all the way back when Hordak helped build Central Tower. The two of them worked with a Cat folk architect, who came up with its look.
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A young Hordak with a normal fleshy head like his SPOP incarnation, blue or gray to match a vintage skin tone, would be the sixth young hero with He-Ro, Sharella, Byron, the Wizard of Zalesia and Keclar.
Hordak’s mother would be a witch who mated with the immortal demon Seferus Kur. Maybe she’s Gar and Hordak had bat ears intermediate between MotU Classics’ Horde Prime’s wing ears and Gar elf ears?
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(Two boneheads with light and darker blue skin.)
Core Eternian peoples not accounted for: Mer-Men, Bee people, Arachnae, Crab people, Pelleezeans, maybe Avionians, maybe Gar.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
Classics-Line Mini-Comics, a Summary and Explanation: Issue # 2: "He-Ro Unleashed" 
The follow-up to "the Legend Begins". Unlike "the Legend Begins" this one is not a remake of a Vintage comic because no Vintage follow up to the 1987 "the Legend Begins" was ever made. This is all new content with a never-before-seen story! ...that picks up where the before-seen story leaves off.
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Adam is still in the past and still in disguise as "the Stranger", and he's still going around doing good deeds and helping people until he finds what he came to the past to fine.
Here he is protecting a Gar settlement from a villain from the Preternia Era:
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Note the Gar warriors are all dressed as Sy-Klone, cementing Sy-Klone as a Gar, not a human in this continuity.
Another important character in this continuity is Gar, so the mention of the Gar people (and their suffering) was not just some casual random encounter they threw in the demonstrate Adam's nobility (although it does also serve that purpose). The decision to include the Gar in the second issue of this run of the comics was planned.
Adam saving the Gar is the noble act that proves the good of his character and, after having been watching Adam from concealment for some time, Ro Littlegray (henceforth referred to as "He-Ro") reveals himself to Adam.
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And the first thing He-Ro does is bring Adam to meet King Grayskull and the rest of the Masters of the Universe of their time.
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Adam joins the Masters in their battles on two fronts against the Snakemen and the Horde. (And Skeletor is also there.)
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During the battle, Hordak proudly brandishes the tablet containing the Spell of Separation.
It is not explicitly explained in the comic, this is one of the things the audience just has to know, but the Spell of Separation is the thing that broke up the Preternia Continent and divided the planet into the Light Hemisphere and the Dark Hemisphere.
Upon seeing the tablet of Separation, Adam decides that's the thing he came to the past to find. The Spell of Separation is the key to defeating the Snakemen in his present.
Then a bunch of climactic things happen in quick succession.
Adam sees Skeletor among the battle and charges off to grapple with his arch nemesis.
Hordak kills He-Ro; and Grayskull and He-Ro have a very tender and heartfelt "goodbye" scene as He-Ro laying dying in Grayskull's arms.
Grayskull uses He-Ro's power sword and goes berserk on Hordak and chops off Hordak's arm
Eldor begins to sink the Three Towers.
Hordak retreats, maimed and defeated.
After He-Ro's funeral, Teela uses the power of Central Tower that once again stands in her and Adam's present to open a time portal for Adam to return to her, now that he knows what they need to defeat the Snakemen (and their other enemies, although no one actually made mention of them).
Also, this frame will be explained later:
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Since this is a follow-up to the previous issue, hopefully it needs less of an explanation. I feel most of the things that need explaining are details that will be explained as the comics progress. But, the Classics-Line comics can also feel more like an "abridged" version of a much larger series.
According to a comic from the Vintage line, Hordak actually built Central Tower. Because of this, he claims ownership of it. Viper Tower is attached to Snake Mountain and under the control of the Snakemen. Grayskull Tower is next to Castle Grayskull and under the protection of the Green Goddess and King Grayskull. The Three Towers are supposed to balance all the positive and negative magic on Eternia. With Grayskull Tower being the pole for all the positive energies, Viper Tower the pole for all the negative energies, and Central Tower is the fulcrum between.
The Three Towers were sunk when Eldor decided that the pursuit of power was the source of all the wars on Eternia. This comic is the first time that event is actually depicted.
You can read "He-Ro Unleashed" here:
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autisticbritishcowboy · 10 months
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Tala grew up on an exodte Elder world. He was not of noble birth so he could never be a knight but he always had a way with animals and never got on where with other elder or people in general. So he soon found himself as the Beast master who kept the Knights mounts fed and well-run a job that suited him very well. Oh and by the way the reason he never got on with people was because he was neurodivergent kind of just for I should mention that because it's not very obvious but he is intended to be.
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anrisimps · 5 months
Kishiar causally cheers in the background for his arsonist husband before remembering that he is the boss and should be stopping the fire instead of simping for his husband
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merlins-mervelous · 1 month
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Clara is a star man
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healerofeldor · 4 months
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Clara appreciation post!! (Ft Jane)
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capitano-ale · 2 years
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indwelling-sanctum · 1 year
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lemaistrechat · 2 years
How would you outline Masters of the Universe’s “Preternia” era?
For me, it’s important that the Three Towers be there, as they always were until Revelation said they only exist in Heaven.
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Central Tower would be built by Noah, his student Hordak (with a softer head design than is-that-metal-or-your-bare-skull, matching whatever his skin color was) and a Cat folk architect.
I haven’t figured out if there would be a King Grayskull that Grayskull Tower was named after, or if such a person only comes along later and it has to be named after something else.
There would be a team of heroes, led by He-Ro and including Hordak.
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His mentor Eldor would fill a mentor role rather than one of the main hero slots. Eldor would bring He-Ro, who was raised as a primitive tribesman, to the Hall of Wisdom, the pole that balances King Hiss’ fortress.
(The Powers of Grayskull style guide says that Gray/He-Ro was raised by Eldor and the tribal chieftess Sharella. Perhaps she could be his big sister and they lost their parents to the Snake Men, for motivation.)
The first story arc would end with the Snake Men conflict becoming so hopeless that they combine their magic to sink the Three Towers into a fault in the ground to keep King Hiss from using their combined power.
In the next arc, King Hiss accumulates enough power to still come close to winning the war. The team casts another ritual spell, creating a portal to a timeless dimension under Snake Mountain, sucking the evil Snake Men in, at the cost of Eldor’s life. Many Snake Men remain, and they have to decide how to treat their defeated enemies. Hordak and Sharella are the most sympathetic to them, but the others vote that they be denied self-determination.
Hordak leaves his seat on the ruling Council to hole up in his laboratory. As the mortal son of the demon Seferus Kur and an Eternian witch, he envies his evil paternal relatives their immortality and make an evil artifact so that when he dies, he can cheat death as a lich. With no fear of death, he re-emerges and rallies the Snake Men to fight their “good” rulers. He dies, but that doesn’t stop him. The undead Hordak goes as far as reducing the Hall of Wisdom to rubble. Yet the Snake Men eventually suffer a third and final defeat, whereupon some of them flee Eternia through a magic portal.
To protect Eternia against the return of Hordak and forces greater than him, He-Ro and the other four Good Wizards of the Council prepare to make the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The wizard Keclar crafts two magic swords to be used by future champions from a chunk of metal from Heaven. The five tell the remaining Snake Men, who will come to be known as Reptons, to elect themselves a peaceful leader. Then the wizards stand at the site of the obliterated Hall of Wisdom and transform themselves into Castle Grayskull. The protege of one, Veena Grayskull, becomes the first Sorceress to guard it.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
This is the chapter that had me staffed for so long on my "Evil-Lyn is not human" AU.
The Faceless One's friendship with Saryn, as told through his experiences, and the favor she did him that he could never repay.
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rosiewolfplays · 3 months
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And so we begin White Knight Chronicles 2
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anrisimps · 4 months
His jaw was hurting too xD
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merlins-mervelous · 7 days
Original Character MASTERPOST
It looks like I'll be moving my OC content over here! All of the art in this post is made by me with my hands no AI no nothin
Healer of Eldor
Healer of Eldor is the book/comic I'm writing. It's been in my head for a few years, but the book itself has been going since march 2024 Healer of Eldor is a science fantasy book based in the fictional England city of Astrata, in the near future. Astrata has many more strange and supernatural events than anywhere else, and the main characters have to help people through magical disasters and uncover the conspiracy at the heart of the city.
Jane Jones (She/her)
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(20) Jane is a broke college student living with her family in a small apartment and working at a pub to keep on top of bills. She is a pathological people pleaser, helping people to escape herself and as a replacement for actually making connections. She doesn’t know who she is without helping people. Despite being quite smart she doesn’t know what she actually wants out of life. She has a great love of fantasy and mystery and tries to find it in her everyday life, romanticising her day to day grind. She dropped out of highschool to help her family and now takes a bridge course at the local college.
Clara Connors (He/They)
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(19) Clara is stoic and untrusting, hiding a caring and enthusiastic nature underneath grit. He’s afraid of commitment, and fiercely independent. It’s very hard for them to ask for help. Clara is very confident at fighting but doesn’t like much else about himself. They assume they are right about everything. Clara isn’t good at communicating and refuses an obvious calling to art and music because they can’t see the practicality behind it.
Lucidia Disk (She/they)
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(38) The brains behind the company she works for, Fort Industries, a jack of all trades inventor. Cold and Calculating, Lucidia will sacrifice anything for knowledge and power.
Adair Arnold (He/Him)
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(22) A gullible but talented man who was hand picked out of a group of college students from a scholarship program to work for Fort Industries. Lucidia took a liking to him and appointed him as her last assistant’s replacement. The trap had already shut when Adair realised just how deep he was and now he tries to keep his hands as clean as possible while dodging the wrath of his superiors and the threat of being replaced. He shares an almost friendly rapport with Lucidia, but they both know she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him for the sake of science and neither of them forget his place in the food chain. 
These are the most fleshed out characters in my book so far. Thankyou so so so so so much for reading this post!!!!! I love talking about these guys. Lmk any questions you have about the book or characters :3
Bonus! Here's a gallery!
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healerofeldor · 8 days
recent sketches
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frisrael · 4 months
He commands us to smile
He stood by the door, slightly bent over as if recovering from a punch to the gut and yet he had a smile on his face, warm words, and a hug for friends and family. I’ve been to many Shiva houses. This is the first time I’ve seen a grief-stricken father greet those who came to pay their respects in this way. For those unfamiliar with the Jewish mourning tradition of Sitting Shiva, this is a…
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