#either way Kakashi is getting eaten <3
malifiquemakes · 2 months
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No sudden movements
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
🌸 etho (for ask game)
the slapstick interlude - you know that one episode of naruto where team seven just tries really hard to get kakashi's mask off and find out what's under it? yeah, that but team BEST <3
"Okay," Bdubs says. "So. Getting him to eat something in front of us? Massive failure. Horrible."
"We probably should have seen that coming. I mean, he has to have eaten while we were looking before," Tango says.
"I mean, were we actually looking?" Skizz says. "We didn't see him take down his mask!"
"My next plan is to ambush him," Bdubs continues, as though the other two haven't talked. "Tackle him to the ground and take it off. Now, of course, this requires none of us be the boogeyman and use that to kill him. Luckily, we are all absolutely trustworthy and would never betray each other for something like a curse," Bdubs says, with the utter confidence only afforded to the guy who knows full well he'd betray everyone for something like a curse.
"Yeah, of course!" says Skizz, with the utter confidence of a guy who genuinely believes it.
"That requires sneaking up on Etho," says Tango, with far less confidence than either of them.
"Easy," Bdubs says. "Taught him everything I know."
"I mean, I don't know, man," Skizz says. "I'm not sure sneaking up on Etho's a thing people do."
"People have done it. I think," Tango says.
"See? No problems!"
"Hi guys."
All three of them jump several feet in the air as they look up. Etho is sitting on the top of one of the snow fort towers, watching them.
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
"WELL IT'S RUDE," Bdubs says.
"Thanks for the meal, by the way," he says, as though oblivious to their plans, but with the sort of obliviousness that proves he absolutely is not.
"NO PROBLEM!" says Bdubs, somehow both prideful and angry.
...this, Tango thinks, is going wonderfully.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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tora-the-cat · 4 years
The konoha 13 in order of who can eat *anything*
Sasuke, Sakura, , Shikamaru, Tenten, Neji, Shino, Hinata,
13: Sai. I’m sorry babe you did lotsa root training it was all very impressive and you can survive all sorts of things, but you were weened off of ration bars and chakra pills and you sneeze like a kitten when presented with something short of stale bread.
12: Neji. babes a snob I don’t know what more you want from him. Whatever he eats is either kinda pricey or highly nutritional and pretty much tasteless.
11: Hinata. She isn’t as borderline-snobby as Neji, but she is autistic and has a lot of sensory issues with food.She only really manages to edge out Neji because she’s on team 8, and they don’t have....especially conventional tastes, so she expanded her taste just a bit.
10: Choji. He has taste. He can eat a wide array of food and is usually willing to try any dish, but he’s also really critical of food and has a pretty refined pallate.
9: Shino. The Aburame have some weird cuisine, but they’re still a rich and noble clan, and he’s also just naturally a bit of a picky eater cause ya know. Also autistic.  
8:  Sakura. With cooking as bad as hers and teammates as feral, she can’t exactly be a picky eater, but she still has like. Civilian standards.
7: Shikamaru. His taste is also pretty average, but he’s so lazy that he’s sometimes more then willing to eat something less desireable in exchange for not having to go get something actually good.
6: Tenten. Honestly she’s actually technically kind of picky, but she makes up for it with pure spite and absolute refusal to have her tastes seen as weak.
5: Sasuke. He has an oral fixation and is ready and willing to make that everyone else’s problem. If Kakashi had a nickel for everytime he told Sasuke to stop chewing on a stick or a kunai, he’d be able to pay for the dental the Uchiha is inevitably going to need.
4:  Kiba. He can eat raw meat and dog food and a couple other inedible things, like bugs, and he’s obviously pretty feral so there’s obviously points for that, but he’s allergic to some things that make it so that he can’t rank any higher.
3: Ino. Practices Mithirsdim probably too much. Can and will eat poison for clout or nutritional value, and has killed many a taste bud this way.
2:Lee. He’s got a strong stomach and a stronger will, and if you put it in front of him he’ll eat it out of the sheer force of politeness, or, occasionally failing that, with only a nudge of competition.
1: Naruto. His body is hostile and he literally can’t be killed by bad food. We were introduced to him drinking spoiled milk. He has panicked and eaten things that were actively on fire before. Feral Baby.
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A Marriage of convenience
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The art does not belong to me. All credits go to @cyantasim for the beautiful work.
Chapter 2
Hinata Hyuga was not stupid.
So when she came home to find Sasuke Uchiha in her house, talking to her father privately, she knew something was wrong.
Neji was also there, strangely. Hinata was anxious. She was pacing in the garden, waiting for their private meeting to be over so she could ask what the hell was Uchiha Sasuke doing in the Hyuga compounds?
“Lady Hinata, you must calm down. It is merely clan business.” Ko, her care taker since she was a child, advised her.
“I just-It’s unsuaul.” She stumbled for words to express what she thought. She did not stutter anymore. No. she’d outgrown that phase along with the shyness.
She’d expressed her feelings to Naruto and she’d been understanding when he’d told her he could only be friends. She was okay with the fact that he was engaged to Sakura Haruno, her close friend now.
Since the war, everyone wanted to rebuild. Together. That’s why people did not hesitate to celebrate small things and small mercies either.
The war had been cruel. But that was 3 years ago. Hinata was a 19 year old now, strong and ready to take over her clan as head.
She’d become Jonin and then ANBU along with a few of her old classmates. Naruto was training to become Hokage under Kakashi’s wing. Sakura was the head of the Konoha Hospital. Ino had decided to become a Jounin teacher along with managing her flower shop.
And Sasuke…he’d left Konoha for a journey as atonement of his sins. He’d come back a few months ago after 3 years. Hinata had been one to welcome him back along with his friends as she felt bad because everyone was wary of him.
He’d flashed her a look of intrigue before resuming his mask of cold indifference. She sighed. She’d drive herself crazy, over thinking this.
She decided to shower and change to calm herself. She showered and changed into comfortable clothing before deciding to read the mission report for her previous mission before presenting it to the Hokage today.
She knew it would be dinner time soon so she walked downstairs, clad in her T-shirt and yoga pants. As she reached the lower floor, she almost bumped into Uchiha Sasuke. She stopped herself just in time.
She looked up at his face which was weary but showed no hint of any emotion. Hinata just stared at him for a moment. “Uh-I’m sorry.” She told him softly.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before walking off, not gracing her with a response. What the-?
She saw Neji, white as chalk come out of her father’s study. “Neji nii? What’s wrong?” she asked him carefully.
He looked at her and almost freaked out. “Nothing.” He breathed out heavily “Nothing at all. Please excuse me.”
He walked off. She wondered was wrong with him. Her father did not come out of the study at all. Hinata shrugged it off, determined to ask why Sasuke was here later.
For now, she had dinner to eat since she hadn’t eaten anything all day.
Hinata had just returned from presenting the Hokage her mission report. The Hokage had praised her good work.
She was still smiling from that, relishing the praise. She’d been happy with her performance on the mission. Her mind tracked back to when she was a young Genin. She’d been weak.
She remembered her father’s mission before most of her missions.
Try not to be a burden for anyone else.
That was always great encouragement, she thought bitterly. It was no use thinking back on that now. Once she was clan leader, she would surely change the ways of the Hyuga. She’d make sure there was no more resentment between the two branches.
She just finished taking off her shoes when the servant informed her that her father wanted to speak to her in his study.
It was something regarding Sasuke’s visit yesterday, Hinata was sure. She walked to her father’s study and knocked softly.
“Come in.” his voice rang out.
She entered and closed the door behind her. He stood besides the window in the room. As if anxious. Which was surely not possible.
“Good evening father.” She greeted.
“Good evening Hinata.” He said. She waited for him to say more.
“You called me here. What is the matter?” she got straight to the point as her father disliked beating around the bush.
“Hinata…I have some news for you and I hope you will take it well.”
Hinata’s heart beat faster. She had a feeling whatever the news was…it was not going to be very pleasant for her.
“What…?” she could not manage anymore words. Hiashi looked at her gravely, as if announcing her death.
“Uchiha Sasuke visited yesterday as I am sure you know. He presented me with a blood contract, sealing your engagement to him.”
Hinata’s breath was knocked out of her body as her father calmly informed her of this. “It was a marriage contract. Between you and Uchiha Sasuke.”
Hinata still could not grasp what he was saying. “The engagement was arranged by me and the Uchiha head Fugaku. It must be fulifilled.”
“No…” she breathed out.
“I’m afraid that is the arrangement. You will be married to Uchiha Sasuke with in the week.” He said it like he was not ripping her life apart right there and then. Like it was a good thing. Like it was routine. Maybe for him, ripping apart lives was not a big deal.
“You can’t do this to me.” She said angrily.
“It is for the best.” He told her.
“You can’t do this to me.” She said through gritted teeth this time. Hiashi sighed, like she was a child, stubbornly asking for a toy she could not have.
“I cannot break a blood contract. And besides, it is a beneficial match.” He said, eyeing her carefully. Her eyes burned with tears.
“You can’t rip my life apart just like that! What about my life? My ambitions. I don’t want to be a breeding mare for him!”
Hiashi flinched at this. He could not help but notice how alike she looked to her mother. It sent a pang through him. Clan before family, he reminded himself.
“Hinata…I expect you to understand.” He told her slowly.
“NO! You’re destroying my life and you expect me to UNDERSTAND?!” she said, raising her voice in front of him for the first time. Her tears streamed down her cheeks.
“NO! What about being clan head? I was trained for that all my life. I endured taunts from you, snide remarks from the elders, beatings from Neji only to become clan head and change this clan. What about that?!”
“Neji will be clan head.” He told her softly.
She stopped dead. Her breathing became very slow for a second. Neji. Clan head. Her mind wrapped around the fact that she was so replaceable.
“You…you think I’m so useless that you can replace me in a minute?” she whispered out. Hiashi’s head throbbed.
“It’s not like that. You need to understand…”
“That I’m going to be Uchiha’s breed mare, you’re selling me off, appointing Neji as the clan head and getting rid of me for good.”
“I trained all my life for naught. For this. Only to be married off. You never loved me, it hurt but it was okay. If it meant it would not happen to another under my watch, it was fine. This…death would be better than this.”
Her voice was chocked with tears and Hiashi felt something inside him break. He urged his demeanor not to break. He was clan head dammit.
“Yes.” He forced out.
She looked out and smiled without mirth. “I see.”
“You are expected to be married this week.” He informed her.
He looked at her, as she broke from the inside. He hated that he could do nothing about it. That he was the reason she was always hurting.
“After I’m sold to the Uchiha to be his whore” he flinched at her words for she was never one to use crude language “Do not expect me to visit. I will leave this compound, this clan and your lives forever. No coming back. If anyone tries to seal my Byakugan, I will kill them”
“And since you never played the role of a father anyways, what’s the use of the title alone? You are no father of mine Hyuga Hiashi. I hate you. You didn’t deserve my mother and you certainly don’t deserve me. Good bye.”
She walked outside, slamming the door shut, tears still streaming down her cheeks. Hiashi sat down on his chair, unable to support himself. He looked at the portrait of his wife, who looked as young as Hinata.
She’d always been like her mother, he mused. He’d lost Hana and now he’d lost Hinata for good too.
Hinata wiped her tears as she walked outside. She hated Hiashi. She hated him. She hated Uchiha Sasuke for barging into her life when it was finally becoming better.
She hated him. She walked to her room as her world collapsed around her.
Hinata flinched at the volume of Ino and Sakura’s combined voices. She nodded wearily, not wanting to look at them.
“Your father is marrying you off to Sasuke?” Tenten asked, astonished as well.
“That’s what he told me.” She said bitterly.
“What about being clan head and changing the Hyuga?” Sakura asked softly, knowing it was her friend’s dream.
“Apparently marrying me off is better for me so Neji is going to be head while I will bear children for Uchiha Sasuke.” Hinata spat out.
Ino’s blue eyes filled with tears. “Hinata…I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.” She said, hugging her blue haifred friend.
“Ino…life is not fair. Who knows, maybe I even deserve being treated like nothing all my life.” Hinata shrugged sadly. At least her friends knew how she felt.
“Don’t say that.” Tenten scolded almost harshly “You deserve all the best things in life Hinata.”
Hinata chuckled bitterly. “That’s why I really am getting the best things.” Sakura had never seen her friend so down and it made her extremely mad at Hiashi.
“Hinata, I’ll go and kick your father’s ass if I have to. You won’t marry Sasuke if you don’t want to. You will become clan leader.” She said, taking Hinata’s hand.
Hinata shook her head. “He’s not my father anymore. I have cut ties with my clan and I will not force any bonds once I am married.”
“You’re actually accepting this ridiculousness?” Ino asked, angrily. Hinata shrugged.
“I am.”
“Hinata this is crazy.” Tenten said. Hinata did not say anything, staring ahead. She got up instead. “I should go tell the Hokage. I might need a few holidays for the preparations.”
“Hinata please-don’t. think about it. Don’t throw away your while life because of your asshole father.” Sakura urged her.
“Sakura, Ino, Tenten…it’s alright. Things will work out, I am sure.” She lied to them and herself “But more importantly…you’ll attend the wedding, right?”
Ino forced a smile and the others nodded glumly. “Of course.” Tenten said.
“You’ll regret coming to shop with us.” Ino said, grinning despite the fire burning in her heart for Hinata. Hinata let out a genuine smile.
“I am sure I will. I’ll see you tomorrow for shopping then. Good bye.”
She was gone in a flash, leaving her fuming friends who cursed Hiashi collectively, feeling bad for Hinata.
Sasuke was training by himself in a secluded area of the outskirts of Konoha when he felt Naruto’s chakra flash nearby. He stopped and looked around.
Naruto appeared in front of him in a flash. He grabbed Sasuke roughly by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the tree.
Sasuke could shake off his hold but he wanted to know what had caused Naruto to be frustrated this time. “What is it now Dobe? I told you I did not steal your ramen coupons.”
Naruto’s glare did not fade. “Sasuke…what is this rumor about you and Hinata getting married?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. That. He shook off Naruto’s hold and turned his back on him. “So you finally heard?”
Naruto growled. “Is it true?” he asked instead. Sasuke nodded.
“How could you, you bastard?!” Naruto yelled, lunging at him. Sasuke dodged his lunge and stood a distance away, an eyebrow arched perfectly.
“She wanted to be clan head! She had a life. How could you?!”
“Well her father did not really object. Plus the blood contract helped.” Sasuke shrugged. “What do you care?”
“I care because she’s my friend and Sakura told me she’s really messed up about this.”
“That is none of my concern.” Sasuke shrugged.
Naruto’s brows furrowed together as he aimed a punch at Sasuke. “Do you really want to go now?” Sasuke asked, grabbing his hand.
Naruto’s kick was the only answer. Sasuke sighed before the spar began.
And so Hinata got married to Sasuke by the end of the week. Sasuke offered her any room to sleep in. He noticed her surprise.
“Am I not your breeding mare Uchiha-san?” she asked, raising her eyebrows in a mocking gesture. He did not waver as he said.
“No. You are my wife, not a common whore. After all I did go through the trouble of marrying you.”
“You’re not going to bed me then?” he noticed there was a hint of relief in her voice which almost made him smirk at her fear of sharing a bed with him.
“I am not going to rape you, if that is what your indirect question means. If we sleep together, ever, it will be because we want to…not because of obligation.” He doubted it though. And he knew she did too.
He walked off, tired. She watched his retreating back with a slight admiration. But hate burned inside her. Why could he not be a complete demon to her so she’d hate him? Why did he say this? Why did he behave nicely?
She’d thought he was a sex-crazed, power hungry, obsessed and crazy bastard.
She cut the sex-crazed off the list.
As she lay in the unexpectedly soft bed in the room across from his, sleep engulfed her. She dreamt of demons, Uchihas and darkness.
Remember, sharing is caring. Reblog to spread the story :D
I'm going to be making a taglist for everyone who wants to be notified when I update the story so if you want to be added, please tell me.
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
Heyy i just saw you enabled anon haha thank you for that, it does make it a tad more comfortable for us shy peeps. i really love how your blog is literally just Kakashi fluff it always makes me feel so good whenever i come here and well i saw your requests are open too soo can i please request some soft HCs for dates with Kakashi?? or just like being with him in general at his place, how he'd act and stuff to be w someone? thank you and ly
Hey OMG I’m such a dumbass lmao i literally figured out the whole anon thing a while ago haha I’m sorry, i totally feel you on the shy thing.  I’m so happy that my blog makes you feel good, having this blog is a big source of positivity for me too!
I got really excited about my first anon ask lmao and wrote this in like 20 mins,i hope it lives up to your expectations!
Dates with Kakashi / Being with him  HCs
Dates with Kakashi are gonna be low key, nothing extravagant or ott but you’ll love every minute of it
It’s mostly just the two of you chilling together and enjoying each other’s company. You’re so comfortable around each other that you don’t even necessarily have to be DOING something together. Just each other’s presence is soothing to you and that’s all you both need, no uncomfortable silences
Kakashi mostly prefers being alone with you in uncrowded places away from all the noise, or just cuddling with you at home, that’s literally all he wants
Mini dates involving just strolls around the town together
Kakashi won’t hold your hand in public but he’ll walk really close such that your bodies keep bumping
Will let you hold on to his arm though, he really likes it
He’ll sometimes keep one glove off and even keep his hands out of his pocket for a change, so that your hands lightly keep brushing against each other as you walk
He thinks he’s being so subtle and you won’t notice or realise but you do and you find it so cute??? And the fact that he’s trying to act subtle makes it x100 cuter
If you’re walking in a place away from people where he’s sure you’re alone like a forest or something though, he won’t shy away from gripping your hand in his
Will also rub his thumb over your hand and bring it up to his mouth to place a masked kiss on it, before giving you that cute smile of his
Picnic dates are the most common with Kakashi
The two of you lazing around under the shade of a tree on a pleasant day with a picnic basket;with Kakashi lying on your lap reading Icha Icha while you read your own book.
You both even have a special spot under a particular tree where you always go
Late night walks
He often walks around the village at night and visits the cemetery when he can’t sleep.
Notices the light of your bedroom window on one of his walks. He always likes to check to see if your lights are off because then he knows you’re okay and sleeping
But tonight you’re up cause something is bothering you and you can’t sleep either
*sudden tap on your window*
Uhm?? Kakashi???? Wtf? It’s 1??
“I noticed your light was on. Want to join me for a walk?”
That’s how your routine of going on night walks began and honestly, they feel so refreshing with the slightly chilly wind at night and the starry skies above you
These walks are also the ones where you both end up having the best convos cause you open up so much and talk about all kinds of things, things you might not be able to say during daylight
He’ll even share an ice cream stick with you even though he’s not a fan of sweets
Always walks you back home too and waits for you to wave at him from your window before leaving so that he knows you’re safe
Home dates!!!!
The two of you deciding to just stay in on a Saturday night. A few blankets, a bottle of sake, dim lights, home cooked meal by Kakashi, falling asleep on his chest while watching a movie = Heaven
You will often return home from a mission to this kinda treatment.
Will draw you a hot bath and give you massages cause your muscles are sore from everything
Holds you tight as you sleep, finally home to him
Kakashi LOVES to cook for you, he loves how happy it makes you and how much you love his food. He’s honestly the best cook
Will make you dinner and also breakfast in bed if you spend the night at his place
When he returns from his missions, he just wants a quiet night in with you without much fuss
Falls asleep on your lap as you stroke his hair
You surprise him by cooking for him once
Literally turns to a puddle cause…noone’s ever cooked for him, not since he was 5.
Tasting food made by someone else’s hand with so much love, just for him??? He’d almost cry. Won’t even care if it’s bad, he’ll eat it all and ask for seconds
You’d go out to eat once in a while but the both of you prefer the other’s cooking over anything else
Bookstore dates where the two of you spend hours browsing and buy like a 2 ft tall pile of books and then go home later and read for hours, cuddled up together, the both of you so engrossed that you forget it’s 3 am and you haven’t eaten dinner
You’re hungry as hell now so Ichiraku at 3 am
Will throw away everything and drag your ass to the theatre whenever any of his books turn into a movie lmfao and will fanboy over it and act like a dumbass
Who cares tho cause you’re just as big a dumbass as him and fangirling too
*both of you jumping together in joy like idiots*
In the beginning when you first start dating he’d be so awkward and shit at picking up hints and even if he does, he’ll overthink it a 100 times and not act upon anything
Which gets frustrating at times
She…..wants to…kiss ME…?
I’m sorry but this guy will not initiate the first kiss with you unless you do, no matter how much he wants it. He literally questions whether all of this is real every single day. He’s also hella awkward and he’s never done this stuff before and he doesn’t wanna mess anything up so you gotta at least say something CLEARLY or make the first move
Once you do though…..it’s kisses kisses kisses all the time
No more hesitation after that, he just wants to pour all his love onto you and will literally kiss every part of you
For someone with no experience, he’s one hell of a kisser
Maybe on your anniversary you would go on a weekend getaway to a hot spring to celebrate but that probably wouldn’t be until he’s retired
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shikamarubae · 4 years
War of the heart pt4
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Pairing:  Kakashi x reader, Itachi x reader
Summary: You are trying to understand what happens and the reason for your kidnapping, but in the meantime you end up getting too close to Uchiha Itachi
Warnings: Mention of blood
A/N:  English isn´t my first languge, please keep that in mind, i hope you like it.(i appreciate comments and criticism).
The parts in italics are memories/dreams with memories.
Tags: @flowersgirl02​ , @affection-rabbit​ ,  @dumb-dork​ @jillanaholland​
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 5 
After an entire week confined to that mountain, you had managed to reach several conclusions. Whatever you did, neither of the two men who had captured you seemed to intend to harm you, what's more, there was a general effort for you to recover quickly, so your conclusion was that for whatever they wanted to use you, they needed you healthy and unharmed.
The second thing you realized is that they were extremely confident that you would not be able to escape, so they did not put surveillance on you and even left you alone for hours in that place, as at that precise moment. It was already night and there was no one around or so it seemed, sitting outside the entrance to the mountain and with views of the precipice you concentrated on your body, your energy and your chakra, several minutes passed and you determined the direction and speed of the wind, you tried to focus your chakra on the side of your hand and with it cut the burst that was directed towards you, nothing happened, you tried again several times, less and less concentrated by the frustration that was beginning to take over you, it was One of your most simple techniques, it was true that it was easier to create air blades with a sword or a fan, but you had not been able to do anything. It was the first time that something like this had happened to you, even having been hurt on the brink of death, you had been able to use your chakra without problem. Suddenly your mind clicked and you ran into the mountain, looking, around the room you occupied, the plate of food, it was a soup, there was still a little, you wet a finger with the content that was left and you smelled it, It smelled normal, vegetable-like, and the flavor had been common, too, if somewhat tasteless.
Everything pointed to that it was a normal soup but your instinct was screaming that they were doing something to you, something was making you not be able to use your chakra and the only possibility was food.
You wandered around the room, feeling the cold stone under your feet, thinking or trying to do it, if it wasn't the food, what could it be?
Then you realized something, if they had made you unable to use your chakra but still needed you alive and healthy, what they required of you was something that didn´t need chakra and you only had an ability with those characteristics and Itachi knew it because, in two of the missions you had done with him, you had to use it.
Nervously you bit your thumb nail, it was true that all the possibilities you were contemplating altered you but at the same time you were somehow calmer, if they only wanted you for that ability, it was that the reason for your kidnapping had nothing to do with Naruto and that you are family was just a coincidence, that was good, on the other hand, anything that needed the use of your hereditary ability was not good, the things that were hidden or locked behind barriers, were there for some reason.
Even if your life was not in danger at the moment, not being able to use your chakra was a problem and surely in the future you would need it, so you had to find the source of the problem.
The only other thing they had given you was the haori you were wearing, you took it off and looked at the cloth, leaving it far from you, you tried to use some technique again, the simplest one you could think of, walking on the wall. You weren't even able to set foot on it, so that wasn't it either.
You thought that maybe it was the place, that mountain, but it was impossible because you had seen Itachi use his sharingan without problem, it had to be something else, something was making you unable to use your chakra and you were going to find it.
You walked down the corridor, several times walking the small path between the exit to the precipice and your room, the place was small, the only rooms were your room and on one side before reaching the exit the place where you cooked, it was small and there was firewood and some kitchen utensils, you moved each and every object, you checked the firewood and even some food stored in a box, one by one and taking care to leave it exactly as you had found it but there was nothing or so you believed until that when trying to put one of the logs for firewood in place, you stumbled and instead of hitting a wall you ended up in another hallway. Puzzled by the discovery, you went deeper into the hall, feeling the cold hard wall with each step, thus trying to guide you through the darkness.
Orienting yourself in unfamiliar spaces was not your forte and despite being part of ANBU spying was not your thing either, even if it was in harmless situations or by mistake, it was something you had never been able to do and many times it had ended in embarrassing situations.
This was supposed to be a birthday party, but the birthday girl hadn't been anywhere for 20 minutes, although nobody seemed to care much, you took a last bite of your piece of cake and got up.
-I'm going to the bathroom-you warned the rest of the guests sitting at the table and somewhat dizzy from the ingested alcohol you walked to the women's toilet, you weren't drunk because you hadn't drunk so much but the alcohol always left you feeling sick that it made you wonder why you drank.
When you got to the women's restroom the door was closed from the inside, you knocked several times but you didn't get an answer, so your mind told you that it was a better idea to use the men's one, the door wasn't closed, you pushed a little but you stopped at identify what was happening inside, Kurenai was against the wall and Asuma between her legs, your eyes shot open and the dizziness you had felt disappeared, you wanted to turn and go but you had stood there, if they saw you they would think you were a pervert , you had to move your legs and walk away but that did not happen, your feet had been nailed to the ground and you could not look away, until you felt a brush on your ear and suddenly a voice-Do you like what you see?
With your face red and your legs trembling with fright, you turned around and your back collided with the wall next to the door when you met Kakashi, his hand resting on the wall, pinning you against his body, he looked at you with amusement, with a sparkle in his eyes as if he had just discovered a lost land, while you remained red-faced, trying not to look at his face, you were eaten by shame.
-I ... I wasn't ...
"I didn't expect you to like this kind of thing," he said again in your ear, making a chill run down your back, unconsciously you leaned into his voice, getting closer to his mouth.
-I don't like it-you protested-it was by mistake, the women's restroom was ...- You tried to explain yourself but you stopped when you saw how the man who had you trapped discovered his sharingan and looked at you with both uncovered eyes.
"Go on," he said with a tone of amusement in his voice.
-What are you doing?
-It's really entertaining to see you so embarrassed, your face right now is almost as red as my eye.
-Is this something you want to record in your memory? -Kakashi nodded and you reddened more, looking away and hitting his chest as a complaint -It's not funny that you remember me as a pervert, you are the pervert.
-Well, at least I don´t hide it, I carry it with pride -the tone of amusement didn´t leave his voice, but the slight blush on the piece of skin that was revealed indicated that he felt some shame, although he tried to pretend not to continue teasing you.
-Say what you want-squeezing your own cheeks to make sure you weren't burning, you tried to walk away but with his free hand he pushed you against the wall.
-Let's wait for them to finish
-YOU ARE A PERVERT -You yelled indignantly but when you heard the bathroom door open giving way to the other two ninja, you hid your head in his chest, trying in vain not to be seen.
"It's our turn," murmured the man who was now holding you against him, starting to walk, pushing you both into the bathroom.
You shook your head, trying to get that out of your mind, suddenly your face had started to burn at that memory, you rubbed your cheeks and sighed, it was not the time to think about it. 
You had already checked three of the rooms you had found and there was nothing, they were practically empty except for the beds and some bookshelves, but nobody seemed to have used them in quite some time, you thought that you were not going to find anything until you got to the room further away in the hallway.
The room was completely dark but you could see that it was occupied, there was an unmade bed, the sheets were thrown back, it smelled of burnt candles and on the shelves there were things, you went to the first one, just some books, you moved them trying to find something but there was nothing, straining your eyes, you could read the titles, it was literature, some poetry books and some novel, nothing remarkable. It didn´t surprise you much since even though those two were criminals, they were still people and you supposed that they would have their particular tastes.
You felt the wood of the furniture in case you left something but there was nothing, you went to the next shelf, in this there was also a book, but there seemed to be more personal objects, a notebook, it had stripes on the cover, you took it but when doing it, something fell from the pages, two photographs.
In one of the images, two boys in pre-adolescence, you tried to distinguish their faces and quickly you distinguished one of them, Itachi, that must be his room.
You did not recognize the other boy but from his features you assumed that he was also an Uchiha, in the next photo you recognized the two children, again Itachi, with a cat between his arms and the other smaller child, with his small hand squeezing Itachi's shirt, it was Sasuke, the boy had an expression so different from what you were used to, a cheerful smile and flushed cheeks.
A strange feeling took hold of your chest, you felt like someone was squeezing it, you opened the notebook and there were more photos inside, in the academy, with the boy in the first photo, with Sasuke as a baby, playing together, eating dango with a girl that you recognized as Izumi, training, with her parents ... you did not know when you had started to cry and you did not realize until one of your tears fell on the sheets of the notebook and you quickly left it in his place, your lower lip trembled and tears kept falling, why a ruthless killer was going to keep all those memories ?, it was not a forgotten book, the notebook was very visible and clean, without a speck of dust, that meant that it was seen often, was it possible that perhaps Uchiha Itachi regretted what he had done?
Forgetting what you had gone there to do and with the tightness in your chest still present you decided to leave the room but a few steps down the hall paralyzed you, you had forgotten that Itachi and Kisame would return at any moment, not knowing what to do you hid behind one of the shelves, you dried your tears and covered your mouth, trying to block any sound that could come out of your body, the steps getting closer until they reached the entrance of the room, you heard Kisame's voice say something you did not understand very well And then Itachi came into the room, all the candles lit suddenly, letting you see the man, he seemed calm so surely they had not checked your room.
The man walked around the room, stumbling several times on some things that were on the floor, curious because of this you peeked a bit from your hiding place, Itachi used his hands to lean on the first shelf and you could hear a loud sigh, his eyes closed, he took off the robe he was wearing, revealing black clothing, similar to the one you had seen him wear when he was still in Konoha. The next thing you saw stumped you. He walked to the bed and stumbled again, this time dropping to his knees on the floor, you didn´t understand what was happening, why did he stumble on things that could easily be avoided? Itachi stayed in that position for several minutes, until he finally started hitting the hard stone floor with his fist until his knuckles bled, then, with his fist still filled with blood, he rubbed his eyes, staining his face with the red liquid that It was mixed with the tears he was dropping, the only thing that came out of his mouth were sounds of frustration that shrunk your heart, he was suffering.
The sounds and the continuous blows on the floor, together with the smell of blood and candles were making you nauseous, you couldn't take it anymore, you didn't know if having seen those photos and the state the man was in had affected you emotionally or maybe it was just that you wanted to stop the nausea, but you didn't have a logical explanation for what you did.
Your arms wrapped around his body , stopping the punches, the sobs and the sounds of frustration, his eyes wide with surprise “stop please” it was the only thing you said, you expected him to push you away, to do something for getting into his room but he didn't move. He didn´t return the hug but leaned on you, with his forehead resting on your shoulder and your arms squeezing him, you felt his breathing, heat, weight and smell on you, flooding all your senses, nullifying any logical and rational thought, the only thing that happened in your mind was a small voice telling you that it wasfine, that it was correct.
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ariannjs · 5 years
KARIN | A SasuSaku FanFic (8/10)
(Karin - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7)
“Guess what? We’re getting much progress with the effectivity rate of the new samples!”
The apparent glee on Shizune’s expression as she made her way inside the head medic’s office made Sakura sigh in relief. That kind of exhale which encompasses the realization that none of your labor was in vain.
A clipboard was handed to her while Shizune sat in front of her desk. “I wouldn’t be surprised if this is already available for delivery to Suna tomorrow after the final lab test. As always, great job, Sakura!”
To say that she was grateful for the impending finale of their painstaking weeks of research and development was an understatement. If she wasn’t too tired due to her lack of sleep recently, Sakura would’ve jumped or run around the hospital, but she could only smile at her colleague with a small blush adorning her cheeks for now.
She studied the charts given to her as she leaned back on her office chair. “That’s...wow, that’s amazing. Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you, though. Just thinking about it, this was the most complicated concoction that we’ve put together so far, huh?”
“Well, it’s for the most difficult case ever since the war. I’m actually surprised you’re still able to manage your time without becoming all over the place.”
“I’m surprised too!” She chuckled. “But really, it’s a great help that Karin’s here. Makes the load a lot easier. I couldn’t focus on doing the daily rounds anymore so that’s where she takes over.”
Shizune nodded in agreement. “I can see how she seems to be enjoying the job. Did you know that her patients are asking for her sometimes even after her rounds? To think that she started with lots of complaints around here, you’ve assisted her well in unleashing her potential.”
Her lips twisted to a smile. Ever since she asked Karin to help out in the hospital, she didn’t have any doubts about her skill, albeit having a difficulty in interacting well (and nicely) with people. “I didn’t expect to have that much of an impact to her, really. I guess it just gives me joy being able to do anything to help her and her family, you know?” Her voice softened as she continued, “Especially because...she was there for Sasuke-kun when I couldn’t be there for him.”
She sank further on her seat, the charts now forgotten as she recalled those years ago wherein Sasuke had decided to sever bonds with them. There was still a tinge of pang in her chest just remembering how she couldn’t do anything for him back then, no matter how much she was willing to throw everything away to be with the man she loved.
Thinking about it now, she was grateful that Sasuke didn’t bring her with him when she tearfully pleaded for him to do so. It was a stupid idea, to begin with. For if he allowed her to join him on his defection, she wouldn’t be the woman that she is now – stronger, wiser, more loving, and more forgiving – because and for Sasuke.
All the while, however, she had always hoped that there were others who were looking after him – others who could still build some sort of a bond with him despite his reticence to it; others who could show him love in their own ways. Despite being wary at first, she was glad when she learned that those others were Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo.
And even though she almost had a heart failure figuratively when a very pregnant Karin came back to Konoha with Sasuke, Sakura was extremely relieved to know that Sasuke found a reliable comrade in her and the rest of Taka.
Because of this, she became very fond of Karin and Suigetsu (after confirming that there was nothing going on between Sasuke and Karin, of course). So fond to the point that she would do anything that she could for their little family.
She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of accomplishment as she realized the progress in Suika’s health in the past three months.
“So, it’s still Sasuke, huh?” There was a smirk in Shizune’s face the whole time Sakura was lost in her thoughts while gazing at the ceiling. “How’s everything about you and your boyfriend anyway?”
The Head Medic almost fell from her swivel chair as a blush profusely made its way on her cheeks. “Wha—? B-boyfriend? It’s not—we’re not—no! He’s not my boyfriend, Shizune!”
A loud cackle escaped from the other woman’s lips. The sight reminded her of the younger Sakura that she first met and she couldn’t help but shake her head in amusement. “Sure. But he’s acting like one, don’t you think?”
“You two are always together recently, you can’t deny that.” The smirk was back on Shizune’s face as she crossed her arms. “Also, these past few weeks, whenever you took longer shifts for our project, I constantly see him at the hospital lobby waiting for you that I had to inform him you’re not going out yet.”
Sakura could only stare at her colleague as she relaxed on the chair again. Of course she wouldn’t deny that she was flattered with all the actions of Sasuke with and for her lately, but she wasn’t the 12-year-old Sakura anymore who would either squeal or faint once Sasuke shows any minuscule affection to her.
As a mature woman, no matter how much she loved the man, she wanted to stick to her convictions. “I could tell that he’s doing his best to restore his bond with me, probably with Naruto and Kakashi-sensei too. I shouldn’t assume anything beyond that without him telling me his intentions, right?”
“Are you sure he’s only there to restore his bond with you or to restore the Uchiha clan with you?”
“S-shizune!” Sakura became much redder at the sound of her co-medic’s laughter.
Not wanting to see any crack in the head medic’s office or worse, on her face, Shizune stood up from her seat and turned to the door. “Alright, alright! I think I’m hearing Suika’s babblings right outside. I’ll head off now. Don’t forget to check the test results at the lab tomorrow, ‘kay?” And then she was out the door.
Sakura heaved a sigh as she turned her attention to the papers on her desk. In the end though, she decided to leave everything and not bring any paperworks at home. After all, she already immersed herself so much into lab work today. And she had one more patient to check up on in a little while.
“Shizune seemed to be having a good laugh when I saw her in the hallway.”
She soon heard Karin, who didn’t even bother to greet as usual, by the door. She only rolled her eyes. “Oh, that woman. Let her be.” A glimmer then appeared in her eyes at the sight of her little patient who was gurgling incomprehensible syllables to her mom. “Hey there, little one!”
“Uhuh, yes, hun. Auntie Sakura will do your check up later,” the redhead cooed at the bundle she was holding before returning her gaze to her senpai. “Are you ready to go? I could already sense a brooding chakra nearby.”
A melodic laughter filled the small office. “I think I already know who that is.”
True enough, two figures were before them when they reached the hospital lobby – one was wearing a toothy grin, and the other was wearing a contemplative expression.
As Karin instantly left her side to reunite with Suigetsu, emerald eyes reunited with obsidian and amethyst.
The crease on Sasuke’s forehead only relaxed the moment their gazes met.
Sakura smiled softly. “Hey, Sasuke-kun.”
“Have you eaten dinner?”
Her smile widened. It might be subtle, but she could observe how Sasuke’s caring side has been manifesting recently. And whether it was intentional to him or not, she was glad that she has been the recipient of this.
“Actually, not yet,” she answered sheepishly, considering it was already half an hour past eight. “I’m still on my way to the Hozuki’s since I wasn’t able to conduct Suika’s weekly check up in the hospital today.”
Sasuke paused as if weighing the predicament, a look of what seemed like dismay painted on his features.
For a second, Sakura suspected that he was a bit disappointed that they couldn’t spend their dinner together just like the usual, but again, she didn’t want to assume anything.
“I’ll grab some takeout and bring it at their place then.”
“You’ll do that for all of us?” Sakura questioned, eyes soft and heart warm.
“Suigetsu and I haven’t eaten yet anyway.”
“Oh, right!” Suigetsu chuckled. “Speaking of, I’m actually starving now!”
“I see. Alright, then. Thank you, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura gave him a crinkly smile. “Also, you don’t have to worry about staying after dinner. I know you’re tired. I still have things to discuss with Suigetsu and Karin about Suika’s development anyway.”
To her puzzlement, Sasuke shook his head in response. “It’s not a problem. I’ll bring you home.”
“But Sasuke-kun—”
“I’ll bring you home, Sakura.”
Sakura just stared at him after that, studying him while his face was angled away from her with his eyes shut in annoyance.
A part of her wanted to confirm her first thought that Sasuke probably wanted some time for them to be alone. Her heart fluttered at the possibility.
She giggled afterwards. “Okay, dad.”
Suigetsu guffawed at her response, earning a glare from the Uchiha. But he tried his best to stop laughing so Sasuke would not set him on fire. Besides, he already had enough of him for the day.
“Tch. I’ll go now,” Sasuke announced.
Then for a split-second, Sakura caught a glimpse of him shaking his head sternly at Suigetsu, as if a form of instruction, which the other man returned with a nod of serious agreement.
Whatever that meant, she merely brushed it off.
Karin could only smirk as she watched Sasuke leave to buy their food. “You’re irritating Sasuke again.”
“Nah, he’s been irritated the whole day anyway.”
“Really, Suigetsu? How so?”
Scratching the side of his cheek, Suigetsu pondered if he should tell Sakura his new discovery about the changes in the behavior of his former leader. Albeit tempted to witness firsthand the reaction of Sasuke’s object of affection, he chose to leave it to the Uchiha instead. “Well, he was in such a hurry to go back home, only to be hindered by a bunch of bandits on the way.” After all, she only asked how, not why. He smirked to himself.
“Oh, well. That’s Sasuke for you.” Sakura chortled. “Thank Kami you’re both safe though. There are always unforeseen circumstances even during light missions.” She sighed, a little flashback of their very first mission resurfaced in her mind.
“Ah. That’s true. We’re taking care of ourselves, Sakura-san. You don’t have to worry about Sasuke.” He flashed a mischievous grin, which widened when he suddenly saw her blush at his last statement.
“Uhm...sure.” Sakura’s hands sank deeper in the pockets of her lab coat. Even she was surprised at the vivid implications of her concern for Sasuke. It wasn’t like she intended Suigetsu to have any clues about her feelings for his team captain.
“Ha. You better, Shark-face,” Karin intervened. “Suika’s just three months old. And we’ve been married for just a little over a year. If you become reckless and end up getting killed, I’ll kill you another time.”
Sakura then let out a chuckle while hearing Karin huff. There was that usual annoyed tone in her while she was talking to her husband but Sakura didn’t fail to notice the crystal clear worry and affection in the redhead’s words.
As the couple continued to share some banter with each other on their way to the Hozuki’s, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was hope such as theirs between her and Sasuke.
Sure, things were going well in their friendship right now. But she still couldn’t claim the certainty that they could be something more.
That Sasuke even wanted them to be something more.
Still, she clung to the tiniest spark of hope that she had come to slowly accumulate ever since they started going out, fervently praying that no one and nothing would crash that tinge of possibility in one way or another.
Dinner was quick for Sakura wanted to immediately get back to work with her favorite patient. Thanks to Sasuke, that Chinese food takeout rejuvenated her strength for the last part of her day.
While he was seated beside her, she could somehow sense a bit of tenseness in him, as if he was bothered about something that he was keeping only to himself.
On normal days, Sakura would've asked him what’s wrong, but she knew Sasuke wasn’t the kind to open up about his thoughts and feelings in the earshot of many. It even took him a while before he became open to her too.
So, she just gave him an encouraging smile instead, causing him to gaze at her with an unusual softness that led her to feel like a butterfly had made shadow clones inside her stomach. And then she excused herself to prepare her medical stuff.
The parents were closely observing her expert hands as she checked the vitals of Suika in the Hozuki’s small living room. Sasuke, on the other hand, was interestedly watching across the dining room, eyes tracking her every move even without the Sharingan.
It has always been that way, she realized. Sasuke didn’t have to be present during her check ups with the redhead kid, but he would always stick around as if something in the whole ordeal was too fascinating for him.
Was it the healing process? Was it Suika’s growth? Was it...her? She didn’t know, although if she would be honest, she wished it was the latter.
Besides, why in the world would he insist on always bringing her home after Suika’s check up, right?
He didn’t even have to.
But he obviously wanted to.
Even just for a moment, she allowed herself to think that Shizune was right with her label for Sasuke earlier. Biting her lip to stifle a growing smile while she ended Suika’s physical therapy to her tiny legs, she wondered if it’s possible to officially define Sasuke that way soon.
Yet the first move towards that future should not come from her.
“I’ve heard from Suigetsu that some bandits attacked you earlier.” Sakura sighed as they turned to another street on the way to her apartment. “Seems like there will always be lots of bandits around no matter how many we catch, huh?”
Without even tilting his head towards her, his only reply was: “Aa.”
She fixed her gaze at him. If she was able to disregard the thought earlier, she finally decided to conclude that something was really off. Usually, Sasuke would tell her at least a two-liner summary of what happened to his day.
But it seemed like he wasn’t in the mood to do so now. And whatever his mood was, she couldn’t even figure it out.
Hoping to not sound as if she was prying, Sakura tried to prompt him to speak more. “So how’s everything in Ame? The last time I was there for a medical mission, the rainfall was at its peak. We couldn’t even go out of the clinic!” She chuckled a bit and waited.
“It was okay. Not too rainy.”
“Oh. That’s nice!” She smiled, then after a moment, her face fell.
It was when he looked at the sky that she realized how lost Sasuke was in his thoughts so she resolved to allowing themselves to be immersed in silence.
After the war, she has learned to like silence with Sasuke for unlike what she used to think, it wasn’t awkward at all. If anything, it was soothing, even to her as an extrovert. But the silence they were in on this normal night was quite something else.
As much as she wanted to respect his privacy, she wanted to know what was bothering him and if there was anything that she could do to help.
Was he in pain due to an injury from today’s mission? Was he remembering his family’s past? Was he dwelling in guilt again?
Looking down at her feet, she clutched a hand to her chest. Being able to ease his anguish felt like a mission that she’s always bound to fail.
“We’re here.”
His voice veered her away from her thoughts as they came to a halt. She glanced up at him, and found him staring at her with an emotion that she couldn’t quite place.
She was sure that he wanted to say something, but when he didn’t, she sighed before telling him, “Thanks again, Sasuke-kun. Goodnight.”
He shut his eyes and then instantly turned around. “Aa. Goodnight.”
He was already a few steps away from her door when she realized that she wanted to assure him of something, anything that would make him know that she cares. That she always does. And that whatever was troubling him, she wanted him to be completely fine. “Sasuke-kun!”
As if sensing an urgent matter, Sasuke paused and tipped his head over his shoulder.
“I...Uhm…please rest well tonight, okay?” That was all Sakura was able to say.
She decided she was already at ease when she saw his lips curve upward before gently responding, “I should say the same to you.”
He honestly didn’t want to do it.
The feeling was a tad similar – only with a valid reason and correct motives this time – to that time he was thirteen. Back then, no matter how much his decision was already final, he was conscious about the fact that a certain teenage girl with flowing tears and an astonishing confession was able to sway his rock solid heart – almost, but not quite.
The only difference was that, he wasn’t accountable to anyone with his decision that time; he knew he could’ve stayed – should’ve stayed – if he wanted to. Now, despite the same girl moving (not just swaying) his heart to want to stay, he couldn’t afford to say no to the Hokage. Even if he had his perks as his former student and his son of sorts.
Kakashi said that Suna needed the help of someone as adept as him in tracking people, especially with the little possibility that the need for space-time jutsu would arise. With the apparent importance of his part in the job, he found himself struggling with an immense desire to stay.
Because he and Sakura were just starting to become closer and more comfortable with each other. He was beginning to earn her trust again. He was becoming accustomed to feeling things his younger self would’ve initially brushed off, making him able to translate it into actions that he could show to her – something that he wished she was understanding in one way or another no matter how scarce his ability to express was.
And he knew that leaving even just for a while could possibly taint whatever they were already able to build. It’s been a slow progress, and he didn’t want their relationship to crumble into pieces again just because of his duty.
He couldn’t bear the sight of a frown appearing on Sakura’s face because of him. It already happened so many times before.
He couldn’t bear the idea of her having to wait for him again. She’s been patient for so long.
He couldn’t bear the fact that the distance and time could stir something in the depths of her heart.
Because what if she finally got tired of waiting? Of loving him? What if she just saw him as a mere friend now and by the time that he’s away, someone else would receive her astonishing confession that he wished he was able to reciprocate many years ago?
He didn’t even have the guts to tell her the night before. If anything, he was tempted to simply leave without facing her, probably just handing a note to Karin, or Naruto, or Kakashi.
It has always been her who watched him leave, and pulling her into another episode of that made his heart constrict.
Of course, she would understand that it was for a mission. But he didn’t want her to ever think that it’s always too easy for him to leave everything behind—to leave her behind. That she wasn’t a good enough reason for him to stay. That she was always the last option for him just like how it used to be when defiling black and not blossoming pink used to fill his heart.
So, he honestly didn’t want to do it.
But here he was, standing right outside the hospital and waiting for her to come out just like all the other evenings since Karin’s delivery, ready (not) to inform her of his and Suigetsu’s impending departure.
He realized she would be back to going home alone once he left. And it was irking him to the core. He knew full well that Sakura could take care of herself, but what if an unexpected danger comes and catches her off guard on her most vulnerable, most exhausted, and most chakra-depleted (most stubborn) state at an eerie hour such as now while he was gone?
He released a heavy sigh. He had no choice now. The best thing he could do was to exert all that he could to accomplish the mission earlier than expected so he could immediately go home, just like what he usually did on their daily missions.
As weird as it sounded, he was already starting to miss her. And he almost choked on his own spit when he finally saw her walking out of the familiar double doors, smiling tiredly yet sweetly at him which easily warmed his heart in the process.
“You’re here,” she mumbled while pushing stray pink locks away from her face.
Her hair was up in a messy bun that left a few strands on the sides of her cheeks, and for Sasuke, he realized that she’s beautiful like this – raw and genuine – not as the shinobi Sakura nor the medic Sakura that everyone knows, but just plainly, his Sakura.
He allowed himself a few seconds to just take in her appearance, appreciating every bit of her as much as he could as if it would be the last time that he would see her.
A part of him regretted all those times before that he didn’t appreciate Sakura’s presence in his life. But now, he would do it every moment he could.
“I always wait for you, don’t I?” He finally spoke, voice a little hoarse from the absence of verbal communication the whole day, albeit being consumed by mental conversations with himself all throughout.
“Well, yeah, but it’s already very late. And this was an unexpected overtime schedule so I or Shizune wasn’t able to inform you or anything.” She gave him an apologetic smile.
It doesn’t matter, as long as I still get to see you before I leave.
“How long have you been here?”
“Since your usual end of shift.”
She gasped. “That’s two hours ago, Sasuke-kun!”
That’s nothing compared to how long you’ve waited for me many times before. “It’s fine. I had nothing to do today.” He began walking then, until she did the same and fell in step with him.
“Oh. I…” She bit her lip, catching another stray strand of her hair and placing it behind her ear. “I appreciate it, Sasuke-kun. So, you and Suigetsu have no mission today?”
He swallowed thickly. “Aa.” Because our new mission will start in a few hours.
A resigned silence filled the journey towards Sakura’s apartment, aside from the cicadas residing on the trees nearby and the pitter-patter of their feet against the uncemented road.
Frustration was getting the best of him for he couldn’t even glance at her, making it even more difficult to disclose about the topic he wished he shouldn’t even bring up. But there was no doubting that she was already feeling the tension between them.
There’s a certain familiarity with how they spent comfortable silence together, not having to say anything while revelling on each other’s presence. But last night and tonight, were far from that. And he was sure that Sakura wasn’t dumb to not notice anything for it was her who knew him better than anyone else.
True enough, as they turned to the last street to her place, she sighed and cleared her throat, making every bit of him suddenly rigid. She then began, “I’m getting worried, Sasuke-kun. Is everything alright?”
He found a little consolation at the fact that she was only concerned with him and not annoyed although she had every reason to be. He shut his eyes and stopped walking right in front of her apartment then, slowly turning to face her and bracing himself for whatever reaction her beautiful face would show once his news was out in the open. “I have something to tell you.”
There was a pause. And her gaze was softly fixed at him when his eyes opened, assuring him that she was all ears and urging him to continue.
His heart raced. How in the world could he survive another long while of not seeing that face?
He forced himself to believe that he wasn’t bothered about her tear-filled yet still pretty face when he left the first time.
He focused himself on becoming a better man than thinking of her blushing face after he poked her forehead when he left the second time.
And he endured a month of unexpected emotional turmoil when he returned only to be avoided by her due to a wrong conclusion after seeing a very pregnant Karin with him.
So this should be easy – natural, even – right?
Dang it.
He was probably being overly dramatic but he had to tell her now. He sighed. “I’m going to a long mission with Suigetsu.”
And there went that faltering smile he wanted so bad to avoid. He inhaled a sharp breath as he quickly looked away.
But then, she bit her slightly trembling lip and after a moment, she was smiling at him again, albeit forcefully. “For how long?”
“A month or two. At most, three.”
There was another pause, and Sasuke wondered if Sakura thought about the last time that they didn’t get to spend a whole month together even though he was in the village. He wondered if she felt as conflicted as he was then, and if she could feel as dismayed as he was now.
“I see.”
He finally glanced at her. There was still a small smile to her face but he found her hands fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Surely, if there was a better option, she wouldn’t choose this too. “This would be the last time that I could bring you home for now.”
To his surprise, she suddenly chuckled. “It’s fine, Sasuke-kun. I can manage. But I’ll…” Although it was dark, Sasuke didn’t fail to catch the blush on her cheeks. “I’ll miss you,” she breathed.
Sasuke’s heart skipped a beat. There was an upward tug on the edges of his lips now.
For she wasn’t sad. She wasn’t angry. She wasn’t hurt.
But she’ll miss him.
All his former apprehensions suddenly went down the drain after hearing that from her.
How could this woman have such a tender heart towards him up until now?
Then Sakura instantly added, “Anyway, maybe you could bring this potion that Shizune and I have just finished. It’s something you could use just in case y—”
“There’s no need, Sakura.” Sasuke’s gaze softened at her while he reached out to stop her hands that were quickly rummaging her pouch as if time was running out for them. “We’re just gonna help some villages. Nothing to worry about.”
“O-okay.” Sakura pulled her hand away from her pouch as Sasuke also retracted his. The sudden contact made her a little dizzy, or maybe she was just really tired for the day. But she still had one information she wanted to know. “When and what time will you leave anyway? I’d be glad to send you off and say goodbye to Suigetsu too!”
Of course she’d want to send him off, but he gently shook his head. “Thanks. But we’ll leave before dawn, roughly three hours from now. You’re supposed to be asleep by then,” he emphasized the last part. He didn’t want to see a live footage of how they would part ways. And he didn’t want her to sacrifice the only time she could finally sleep just for him.
“Are you sure though? I could help you pack your stuff or make you some snacks. Do you have medical supplies? Give me a moment, I could get some for you inside the apartment so you cou—”
“Sakura.” Sasuke smiled. When she bit her lip at the realization that she was already rambling, Sasuke lifted his two fingers and softly, affectionately, poked her forehead once again after more than two years. “I’m all good. I’ll see you when I’m back.”
At this, her hand flew to the place he marked as she looked away in an attempt to hide the crimson stain on her cheeks. She then chortled. “Right. Uhm...okay. I’ll see you soon then, Sasuke-kun. Take care.”
The next morning, he left the village with Suigetsu pestering him about why he had such an uncharacteristic grin on his face.
The first week without Sasuke went by pretty fast. But Sakura was right with what she told him – she missed him just like those years ago.
At first, she thought the feeling wasn’t anything new anymore, but she realized that there was a lot in their dynamics that changed ever since his return from his journey.
And that in itself was completely new, refreshing even.
Because before, she was missing someone who had no desire to return to the village. Someone who seemed to have no care about her. Someone who only returned her confessions with a single thanks on the first time and a horrible genjutsu on the second.
But now, she was waiting for a changed man who has eventually learned to come to terms with his past, embrace his present, and be hopeful for his future. A gentleman who made lots of efforts to restore bonds that he formerly decided to sever. A caring man who might be – even just a little bit – feeling the same way about her too.
Sakura grinned as her thumb paused over a familiar face on an old picture frame. It’s been an unconscious habit, she noted. For whenever she thought about Sasuke while she was seated on her desk – bombarded with tons of paperworks she wished her perfect chakra control could accomplish – she would find herself staring at the official group photo of the genin Team 7 with her thumb eventually brushing over her beloved’s face.
She traced back to how Sasuke was so tensed before telling her about the mission. He didn’t even have the responsibility of informing her about his daily missions or whereabouts, but the fact that he still chose to, and the fact that he seemed to be so troubled and unsure on how to let her know that he would be gone for a while made her heart glad for it just showed how he was concerned about her in his own ways.
She tried to imagine their next reunion. And she wasn’t able to fight a smile as she wondered if Sasuke would then tell her that he missed her just as much as she did. Or if he would let her know how life was a lot better when they’re together. Or if he would finally confess that during their time apart, he realized that he loves her too, so damn much that he would not allow them to be separated ever again.
Not realizing that she has already lifted the picture frame close to her grinning face, a loud knock and Shizune’s sudden appearance through her door caused her to loosen her grip on the frame so it tumbled front first on her desk.
“You have another surgery in a few, Sakura.”
Blinking, she broke out of her daze and returned the Team 7 photo on its usual place. “I-I’m coming.”
Oh well, good things come to those who wait.
“What’s going on, Karin?” Sakura frowned the moment the redhead entered her office upon her instruction. “I’ve heard that you’ve been snapping at people too much recently. Is it true that you’ve also countered the decision of one of my subordinates from the Emergency Department?”
“That’s not–!” Karin inhaled sharply and looked away from her senpai. “I didn’t mean to, okay? It’s just that I think she’s doing it wrong and I had a better idea on how we could do the medicine tests faster.”
Sakura sighed. She wanted to deal with Karin in the nicest way possible, knowing that she’s her friend and not just her employee. But since the past week, complaints about a certain redhead medic had been delivered to her, so she wanted to know what was really going on before giving her some consequences if necessary.
“Does having your own opinion give you the right to contradict her if she was doing exactly how I told her to do her work?”
“Then why did you do it?” Sakura pinched the bridge of her nose.
Her frustration was rising now that another matter has been added to her already overflowing plate. There’s the tension of standing on the thin line separating her roles as the Head Medic and Karin’s friend. And it was becoming a bit difficult to control herself in simply picking the superior side.
“I’m sure you know that when you don’t submit to any of the department heads under my care, it means that you aren’t submitting to my headship too. Karin, even though I’m your friend, based on the Code of Conduct set by Tsunade-shishou, that could lead to your suspension.”
Karin gasped at this. “No, please!” For a second, even she was surprised with how she sounded so desperate with that uncharacteristic plea coming from her. Her brows furrowed as she bowed her head. She definitely didn’t want to disappoint Sakura, but it was clear as day that she had already done so due to the way she was looking at her now.
“I mean...I’m sorry, Sakura. I don’t know...to think that it’s already been four and a half months since Suika was born, I’m sure this isn’t due to the pregnancy hormones anymore. I don’t understand, but sometimes, I just couldn’t help but burst!” The redhead sighed and shook her head before adding, “Rest assured, I will do my best not to have such an attitude again next time. I just can’t lose this job, Sakura, now that...now that Suigetsu’s not he–” She stiffened for a moment, and then suddenly released a loud exhale as the realization of what was going on hit her.
Sakura leaned forward and waited. As Karin slowly looked up and pushed her glasses back, she noticed her red eyes becoming glassy with sudden tears.
“I think I understand now. I..I think it’s because...I miss Suigetsu.” Her voice softened while she averted Sakura’s gaze. She found it weird and irritating how she could become this vulnerable to her. But at the same time, it felt like she could show this side to Sakura knowing that she’s not the kind who would judge anyone. There’s just so much kindness in Sakura that makes her oddly comfortable in being open with her.
And so, she continued, “I remember how Sasuke had to endure my mood swings too back when I was separated with Sui for a whole month before my labor, that’s why he was oftentimes out of his own house. To think that Sui’s been gone again for a time longer than that, I find it difficult to be at ease.” She finally looked at her senpai. “I know it’s not an excuse that my attitude to the patients and some of my colleagues have worsened due to my emotions, but...I don’t know, Sakura. Aren’t you feeling the same thing about Sasuke? How are you dealing with it?”
A pregnant pause filled Sakura’s office as she remembered the past weeks. How she’s been taking lots of workload again, much to Shizune’s chagrin. How she’s been preoccupying her mind with volumes upon volumes of medical textbooks. And how she’s been hitting the training grounds at midnight instead of heading home immediately no matter how exhausted she was from the hospital.
She then realized that like her, Karin had her own way of coping about the fact that they were missing the men that they love.
“I...yeah.” She heaved a sigh. “I understand. It’s difficult to not...uhm, think so much about Sasuke-kun.” Her eyes darted to the photo frame on her desk. “I always wonder about what he’s doing. If he’s safe there in Suna. If he’s okay as they do their tasks. Or if he’s gonna be back sooner than expected. And to avoid overthinking about him, I dive into tons of work.”
Her heart clenched just like the past few days when she realized how much she longed to witness Sasuke’s quiet enjoyment on their (not date, but almost date) dinners together wherein she got to have playful banters, heartfelt conversations, and even comfortable silences with him. She also recognized the struggle of sticking to being patient for his next return due to the undeniable fact that she yearned for his unfailing dedication in spending time with her and bringing her home after work.
Karin broke into a smile as she sensed the apparent similarities of what they were undergoing. As women, there’s always that little nudge in your heart and mind about the well-being of your lover whenever he’s not around. And knowing that Sakura could relate to this was a consolation to her, an affirmation that she wasn’t really alone (and insane).
It was quite funny for her to think that after living a life with almost no friends – especially girls – she would be able to build such a bond with Sakura. She called her attention once more when she said, “Sasuke’s so blessed to have you constantly thinking about him and loving him from afar, Sakura.”
“You don’t have to hide it from me, Sakura. It’s obvious. Suigetsu might not be my first love, but he’s definitely my true love.” She glanced away as she tried to hide a rare blush on her face. “But I can really feel the intensity of your love for Sasuke since he has been both your first and true love. To think that he wasn’t even always with you. It’s inspiring, really.”
Sakura’s heart swelled at that. Although her love hasn’t been reciprocated by the recipient of it, it surprised her how someone became inspired with the way she loved Sasuke – unconditionally, relentlessly, selflessly.
“K-karin...thank you that you see it that way. I—wow, that’s—you’re right. Sasuke-kun...he’s been my first and true love. And uhm...honestly, Karin, I want to thank you for being there for him when I couldn’t. For your love for him when mine couldn’t reach him.”
Her sudden words and her soft smile made Karin’s eyes go wide.
“I’m really happy that he met you, Karin.”
As much as it irked him being uncharacteristically emotional in front of anyone, she wasn’t able to avoid her eyes from brimming with tears.
“I think Sasuke deserves all the love in the world, Sakura. I gave him all the love that I could give back then, but I know that you could give him so much more, then and now.” She then grinned. “My love wasn’t meant to be his anyway. I...I’ve never loved as much as I did when I fell for Suigetsu.” And then her brows furrowed as she stared at a distance through the window. “That’s why these men better be back soon because we couldn’t take it anymore!” She groaned.
Giggling, Sakura glanced at the genin Sasuke in the Team 7 photo once again. “You’re right. Meanwhile, about your offense…”
Karin stood upright after sensing the senpai mode of the woman in front of her. “I’ll do anything, Sakura! Just don’t let me be suspended or fired while I’m in Konoha!”
Sakura couldn’t help but laugh at that. To think that this redhead is a tough woman but she could turn into a soft and genuine one in front of her, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a privilege to be this close with her.
When Karin raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, she shook her head and said, “It wouldn’t come to that.” Karin’s sigh of relief made her smile again. “I understand what you’re going through, but like what you said, our emotions are not excuses to have an entitled attitude towards others. What I want you to do is to apologize sincerely to the people you’ve treated that way. Especially to the head of the Emergency Department.”
“That’s...all?” She blinked. “Alright! Thank you, Sakura!”
And then Sakura laughed once more when the redhead medic rushed outside her door to instantly do as told. As her laughter died down, she leaned back on her seat and realized that it was the first time in a month and a half that she was able to laugh as freely and genuinely as that.
If she would be completely honest, albeit almost excelling at it like a professional, waiting sucks. Sure, she could immerse herself in whichever stuff that could preoccupy her – and allow her body to be drained process – but it would never suffice to having Sasuke around.
Her gaze fixed at her office window while she wondered if there was still a possibility that one day, she’d finally be able to stop waiting and just have him close to her. Not just because she wanted to, but also because he wanted to.
A subtle pit-a-pat on her window awakened her from her trance. When she returned to her tasks a few seconds later, merely thinking that it was a branch or something colliding with glass, she heard another round of soft knocks that sounded like a bird’s beak hitting her window.
A bird’s beak...hitting...
She sprang out of her seat with a jolt to confirm her afterthought, her hips thankfully dodging the edge of her table and saving her from sudden pain as she focused on the familiar hawk sitting outside her window.
Sliding it open, the feathered summon skipped closer to her and angled its left foot for a note that could either ease her worries or increase them.
For it was the first time that Sasuke reached out to her after a month and a half.
“Thank you so much,” she mumbled before the hawk flew back to its master hundreds of miles away.
She was both excited and nervous. But upon opening the note, she found herself smiling and blushing like never before as her gaze shifted to the sky, following the small figure of the flying hawk from afar.
Just another week left. Take care. — S.U.
Sakura was all smiles around the hospital all week. She was a cheerful woman, alright, but there was definitely something so eminently special about that week that caused the pink-haired medic nin to be at the pinnacle of her emotions. There was no heavy workload, irritable workmate, nor delayed appointment that was intense enough to wipe away that dazzling smile plastered on her face.
Shizune, who often caught Sakura with her gaze fixed on the only memento on her office table, has concluded that it certainly had something to do with her not-boyfriend. Besides, who else could make Sakura Haruno glow joyously like that aside from Sasuke Uchiha?
Actually, it wasn’t only the pinkette who seemed to be completely over the moon that week. Pink and Red were bouncing off the walls all around the hospital and the staff and patients couldn’t help but be amused whenever they came across the two. After all, both women with bright colored hair had such contagious bright aura that uplifted the people around them.
Even with the number of appointments and interviews set with Sakura due to the positive reports about the efficiency of her recent concoction, she became more productive without overexerting herself, contrary to the past weeks of intentionally preoccupying herself with workload that she could actually delegate to her staff.
And Karin, on the other hand, was instantly the favorite of her patients once again as if she didn’t expose some bad attitude to them days ago.
Another long wait is about to end, Sakura mused, unable to conceal her excitement when she realized that it’s been exactly a week after she received Sasuke’s note. She brushed her thumb on the specific face on her team’s photo one last time before heading to another surgery for the day.
After her extended shift was over, a mother of one of Sakura’s patients in the Children’s Mental Health clinic approached her in a corridor near the Emergency Department. Sakura was touched with the thoughtfulness of the parent as she received a small gift from her, heart swelling with joy while listening to her gratitude for putting up the clinic after the war. It might have taken years, she said, but her daughter recovered from the trauma of losing her dad during the war because of Sakura’s project, reminding her of how far she had come in terms of her profession.
While she was immersed in such heartwarming conversation, Sakura then heard a firm voice she’s now accustomed to somewhere near them. But there was a sudden croak to it that made the hair on her arms stand on end, “S-suigetsu? ...Suigetsu!”
Everything else that the woman in front of her was saying came to a blur as her ears tried to pick up the muffled sounds from a few hallways away. But then, the man that Karin called shouted words that made her drop the gift she was holding:
“It’s...Sasuke! Help Sasuke!”
The loud thump on the floor amplified the sudden drop she felt inside her chest.
The next thing she knew, her feet was darting to the direction of the voices she had heard.
She was sure something else fell on the floor moments ago but the scene she had witnessed upon reaching her destination made her realize that it was her heart that also fell, shattering into pieces yet again.
For Sasuke was there, more pale than ever, with his eyes shut and mouth bubbling as two nurses hurriedly yet cautiously transferred him to a stretcher beside Shizune, Karin, and a barely conscious Suigetsu.
“What’s going on here?” Sakura demanded, forcing to restrain the tremble on her voice as she rushed towards them.
“Sakura!” It was Shizune who responded for Suigetsu was lifted to another stretcher with a frantic Karin clutching his hand. Her colleague hesitated to divulge what she knew but Sakura was quick to assess the unconscious man’s condition.
She soon gasped, her head tilting to Shizune for confirmation, trying to deny her realization of what was going on. No, not Sasuke-kun. Please, no!
But Shizune fiercely nodded. “We have to hurry. It’s the poison that’s been rampant in Suna recently and...and you already know what this entails.”
“You both know about this?” Sakura couldn’t blame the sheer panic in Karin’s voice. “Sakura, save them!—Hold on, Suigetsu! Don’t—don’t move!—please, Sakura! Shizune! Do something!”
With clenched fists, Sakura couldn’t find the strength to take a glance at the man she loved once again. She had to take deep breaths, in order to keep her professional composure so as to not end up into a sobbing mess like Karin.
But it wasn’t working.
A few exhales later, she was still frozen on the spot as a million possibilities raced in her mind. She has studied this case for months, and she knew full well its capacity to—
“Sakura!” She inhaled sharply with a blink upon realizing that two firm hands were shaking her by the shoulders now. “Sakura, we have to move!”
That’s when she finally glanced at Sasuke again. This was the man who holds her heart. And right at that moment, his life was in her hands.
She had a role to play.
Sakura blinked back the tears that she didn’t realize were threatening to fall, before willing her head to nod at the two nurses ready to push both stretchers.
So they all began to move. The urgency of the situation was felt at the sound of shuffling of feet and wheels in the hallway.
Her hand that wasn’t pushing the stretcher moved to clasp Sasuke’s limp one. Struggling to stifle a whimper, she lifted his hand close to her chest and prayed harder than ever before. Sasuke-kun, stay with me. You have to stay with me.
“Sakura, this is difficult. But you have to decide on what we should do.”
Her colleague was right. This time, she squared her shoulders and let go of Sasuke’s hand for her role was about to begin. “Shizune, look after Suigetsu. Make sure that there’s no poison left in his system because a tinge of it could still spread in his body. I’ll take care of Sasuke-kun.”
“Alright. But...are...are you sure you could manage taking over Sasuke’s operation? I know you’re very much concerned with him right now, maybe it’s best if you have somebody else to—”
“Yes,” she answered in a firm tone. “He’s important to me. He’s...damn it, I’m in love with him. But I’m a doctor too. I could manage, Shizune.” She yet again blinked back some tears, sparing another glance at her patient. “I should manage.”
“Since...since this is...oh my goodness, this is poison…doesn’t this have a duration until one’s body takes its full effect?”
Sakura briefly looked at Karin. “Yes, this poison would manifest its worst immediately within two days since it was acquired. It’s...It’s fatal and could cause—we better hurry! Nurses! Prepare the Operating rooms! Now!”
As the nurses in the hallway rushed to open the door ahead of them, the barely conscious patient struggled to breathe whilst forcing to turn his head towards the Head Medic.
“T-two days? But, S-sakura…today...is the second day.”
(Karin - Part 9) - to be continued...
Hey guys! A lot of things had happened in the past month but I hope you’re all doing well. :) By God’s grace, I’ve been a lot better in all aspects recently, compared to the first few months that I was writing this. (Remember those times I posted that I couldn’t finish a chapter yet due to some sort of anxiety attacks? Praise God, I haven’t had one for months now!) Meanwhile, it was still quite a struggle completing this amidst all the stuff I had on my plate internally and externally.
But here it is! Please don’t forget to comment! I can’t wait to see your reviews about the scenes, plot, characters, emotions, and writing for this chapter! :) You could check my other works here or on AO3 & FF under the username AriannJS :)
Thanks & God bless!
-- A
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glasswingsndreamz · 5 years
Bet on Me (3)
Sorry for updating this after so long. Please forgive me.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Yamato/Tenzo x Reader
AO3 Link
Summary: Yamato ends up calling it quits far sooner than expected.
It had been a long while since the last time Yamato had been to Kakashi’s house. Quite a few months since he’d last been over. The apartment the man lived in was on the smaller side, but Yamato knew that the male prefered it that way. The rent was cheap and he didn’t really have any plans on living with another person anytime soon. The place seemed to fit the older male well.
“So I’m guessing you came over to tell me something important,” Kakashi said as he handed Yamato a beer. He sat beside him on the lumpy gray couch he owned. He wouldn’t exactly call it comfortable but he certainly couldn’t complain right now.
“Yeah, it’s about the bet,” Yamato said, not hesitating to take a long drink from the beer.
“Oh I wasn’t expecting you to confess so soon. How did it go?” Kakashi asked in a neutral tone. From Yamato’s body language, he was guessing that it hadn’t gone very well. It looked like he was going to have to be a source of comfort tonight.
“It didn’t. I didn’t confess.”
“Oh?” Kakashi blinked. “Then what did you need to tell me about the bet?”
“It’s over. You win. I’m giving up,” Yamato said, gripping the bottle in his hand tightly.
Kakashi frowned, brows furrowing in confusion. “...What happened?”
Yamato closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. Right now he didn’t even want to think about it. Apparently his desires didn’t matter because the memory of what occurred earlier played over again in his head.
He had been waiting for over two hours. No text messages, no calls, nothing. There was no sign from you at all. Yamato had already started making dinner a long while ago. Now the food was left cold. He hadn’t had the stomach to eat. Not without you. Not when something might have gone wrong.
It wasn’t like you to not let him know you were going to be out for longer than expected. You should have gotten off of work hours ago and yet there was no sign. There was nothing and he was left wondering if something bad had happened to you. Nausea filled him at the thought of you being hurt. Someone could easily kidnap you. A stranger could pull you into an alley and threaten you to let them fuck you or get shot in the head. Your corpse could be left lying in an alleyway and he’d have no way of knowing.
Yamato had already texted you multiple times but there had been no response. Finding himself desperate, he attempted to get some information from one of your other friends.
“Oh yeah I think she had plans or something tonight,” was the only response he got from one of them. The other two he had managed to get the numbers for hadn’t replied to his text messages. That was the only information he had towards your whereabouts. Really who could blame him for starting to panic.
Tonight had been the night he planned on confessing. Of course it just had to be tonight where everything went wrong. This only proved to reassure him that it was hopeless to even confess his feelings towards you. This was clearly a sign that it wasn’t meant to be and that he should have moved on many months ago.
Should he call the police? Was it too early to do that? Maybe he should call again. No, if you hadn’t gotten his texts you probably wouldn’t answer your phone. He just had to trust that you would make it back home safely.
He had been pacing back and forth in the living room, worried out of his mind when he heard the sound of the front door opening.
To his relief he saw you looking unharmed. However, it was the person behind you that left him feeling uneasy. The male was on the taller side and had short black hair. The strangers dark eyes were focused on you, not noticing Yamato standing in the living room. Neither did you as your back was turned while you faced the stranger.
He wasn’t any friend of yours, at least not one that Yamato knew. He was pretty confident he had met all of your friends at least once. No, this man was new and left him feeling anxious.
“Thanks again for tonight. I’ve never been to that restaurant before so it was nice to try something new,” you said, focused on the man in front of you rather than the other presence in the room.
“Sure, no problem. I’m glad you liked it. We can try somewhere different next time if you want,” the stranger chuckled. He actually chuckled. Who the hell even does that, really?
“Sure. Well anyway, goodnight.” you said, moving to shut the door. However you were stopped as the stranger leaned in to kiss you.
Yamato was as frozen as you looked as the situation unfolded in front of him. It was like watching a car crash, leaving him unable to look away. If he listened closely enough he could have sworn he heard life laughing at him for being such a fool. An absolute moron for thinking you might return his feelings. Kakashi never should have convinced him otherwise. All it had done was left him heartbroken and sick to his stomach as he watched the scene before him. The sight of the man’s hand wandering down to squeeze your ass was enough to make him want to beat up the stranger. This was obviously a first or second date and he was already touching you like that? As if the man had a claim over you and your body. Did he have no respect for you at all or did you perhaps enjoy being touched in such a manner by someone you barely knew as far as he was aware.
It was wrong to watch such an intimate scene. Finally Yamato forced himself to look away. Without either you or the male noticing, he slumped down on the couch and brought the book on the coffee table to his face.
He didn’t watch to see you pull away. He didn’t see the uncomfortable look on your face as you took a step back. He wasn’t watching as the stranger left, seeming satisfied with how the evening had ended. All he heard was the door shutting and sound of your footsteps as you plopped down on the couch beside him.
You were still wearing that dress, the fabric riding up to mid thigh when you sat down. Yamato had mentioned before how beautiful you looked in it. He withheld the fact that it was his favorite to see on you. He was positive that the man from before had enjoyed seeing you in it just as much. Had you worn it just for him?
“Why didn’t you tell me you were on a date? You didn’t answer any of my messages. I was starting to get worried,” he kept a neutral tone, not wanting to betray his emotions. Setting the book down, he gave you his full attention.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Yamato! I forgot to turn my phone volume back up. I didn’t even know you messaged me,” you sounded sincere. That made his heart ache even more.
“I’m surprised you even went on a date. I thought you were taking a break from dating. That’s what you told me at least,” he couldn’t keep the irritation out of his voice. It was more than just heartbreak. He couldn’t help but feel the betrayal, hitting true and deep. You always told him when you planned on being home later. He hadn’t heard anything about you going on a date tonight. The two of you were supposed to look out for each other and he was left thinking you had been hurt or worse. Now he was the one left hurting.
Yamato didn’t want to blame you. Even now he couldn’t. You were free to date whoever you wanted. It was your life and he had no desire to control that. Truly he wanted you to be happy, even if it meant you were with someone else. It wasn’t even the first time that you had dated someone. He had lived with you through many of your relationships and even some of his own. This time was different. This time he had been ready to give you his heart, leaving himself vulnerable to your decision. He didn’t even get the chance this time.
Right now he just needed to let the pain pass. It wasn’t your fault. Not really. In the end he cursed his own feelings.
“Yeah I was. I guess you could say my friend convinced me to do it,” you said before stretching out your arms and leaning back comfortably against the plush couch.
“Did you even want to go out on a date? You make it sound like your friend forced you,” Yamato commented. He found this fact to be incredibly irritating. Why go on a date at all if you weren’t even the one who made the decision yourself?
“I mean it wasn’t bad or anything. It turned out okay,” you said, shrugging. He was quick to notice you had avoided what he had specifically asked.
There was a moment of silence.
“So… Did you want to watch a movie tonight or something?”
“If you wanted to watch a movie so badly why didn’t you ask your date to stay? I’m sure he would have loved to continue what you started at the door,” he snapped. Immediately he was filled with regret by the hurt expression on your face.
“Wow someone’s pissed,” you frowned.
Yamato sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for what I said. I shouldn’t have said it like that. Today was a long day and I’m really tired. I don’t really want to do anything tonight. I think I’m just going to bed.”
“Oh. Okay. Goodnight,” you said quietly. He could still sense the confusion and hurt coming from you.
With a heavy and aching heart he left you alone in the living room to get ready for bed. It wasn’t until he was laying in bed that he hadn’t eaten dinner yet. The food he had made earlier for the two of you laid untouched in the fridge. He was too tired and sick to his stomach to even think of getting up to eat.
“Ah I see. I’m sorry to hear you were too late,” Kakashi awkwardly patted him on the back. In retrospect, Kakashi may not have been the best person to come to when it came to comfort. Especially over a love interest.
“I’m not even surprised. This would happen when I finally planned on confessing my feelings to her,” Yamato sighed before taking another swig of his beer.
“Does it seem like it’ll last? Her new relationship I mean?”
“I don’t know. Does it even matter? You were right Kakashi. I couldn’t confess to her for the entire year I was in love with her! How pathetic am I? How pathetic do you have to be to fall in love with the person you live with and not have the guts to tell them how you feel about them?” Yamato snapped. He could only feel frustration towards himself.
“You’re not pathetic. It’s not wrong to care for her. I’m sorry that things turned out like this, but I really think it’s time that you moved on. I’d be happy to help if you let me,” Kakashi reassured him.
“How?” Yamato asked despite his disbelief. It had been over a year. A year of desiring you. A year of being hopelessly in love with someone who didn’t return his feelings. A year of living with the person who made him the happiest. With the one who understood him better than anyone else and stood by his side no matter what. Fuck he was doomed. He was an absolute pathetic mess and he couldn’t imagine Kakashi being able to fix that.
“I know someone.”
Yamato couldn’t keep in the snort. He didn’t even bother to hide the doubt on his face.
“No really. I think you’ll like her. I know it doesn’t always seem like the best option, but I think taking your mind off of [Y/N] by being with someone else might do you some good. Just try one little date. That’s all I’m asking. It might help just a little,” Kakashi said in an effort to convince him.
At this point he might as well try anything. Anything to keep his mind from the despair he felt.
“Fine,” Yamato sighed.
Kakashi smiled as he clapped him over the back. “Perfect. I’ll call her tomorrow and see when she’s free.”
“Great,” he said, feeling anything but that.
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You Become Friends - Ninjas
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Nara Shikamaru
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When your first mission together was to be assigned, you didn't EXACTLY go together, because of precaution reasons...And it went on like this:
The Hokage told you the true purpose of the mission then told you to hide in the shadows until she finishes telling Team 10 all the details they need to know. Seeing that they understood the risks, you get out of the shadows, facing Shikamaru, the Team's leader, with your face obviously covered by the ANBU mask. "Clearly, they won't need any good fortune. They have a Nara on their team, the mission is a definite success no matter how you loot at it" you said, with a confident scoff. "I think you flatter me too much without knowing me." he replied with a bored look. "I don't know you, huh? Well, that's a change of situation." your smirk widened under your mask. "Are you saying that you know me?" he asked, his eyes widening. "Do you trust me...Shika?" you purred his name, teasingly, in a low whisper, only for him to hear. His reply was a flustered stutter, not knowing what to say to this seeming stranger who actually knew who he was. He tried to think of all the people who could be, but he wasn't all that sure on who to pin-point. After all, there were many people with that hair colour in the village...But yours somehow stood up, in a familiar way. And it irked him to no end that he couldn't precisely tell who you were. There was something, however, that screamed "TRUST" about you, so before you went out of the room, he turned around and said a firm affirmative reply, making you chuckle lowly.
The Ino-Shika-Cho team started their mission and unknown to them, you followed them from the shadows, completely vanishing your chakra trace so they wouldn't realise you were there- The same going for the enemy about to come. Also, just as unknown to them, the mission was a far more difficult than they were informed, but it was more to lure the enemies out so you could pulverise them and take some captives. After all, you could be VERY persuasive in making them tell you their true intentions...With or without brute force.
The guys were already surrounded, Ino and Choji were visibly shaken up by the amount of enemies, while Shika was tense and furiously trying to think of the next 20 moves that will ensure his friends' survivability. One of the enemies started throwing some kunais at the Nara boy, aiming specifically at his vitals while he couldn't move because of his jutsu, so you knew it was high-time you took action and teleported between him and the kunais, easily deflecting all of them by flicking your katana at them.
"Yo! You thought Konoha would just let a team of kids die for no reason? Now that's just pathetic of you." you said, condescending. "Who are you, wench?! You think you can take all of us by yourself while also protecting those babies?! Ha! How ridiculous!" one of them laughed at you. "You'd be surprised...After all, I've been bathing in the blood of my enemies. I couldn't possibly keep my face so soft otherwise, y'know?" you chuckled lowly, intimidating the enemy. "Now...Prepare for your death."
Activating your Swift Release, you bolt through the enemies faster than the speed of light, making them all look around, not seeing where you were, as you slashed through them, laughing menacingly. It only took a couple of minutes until you were done with more than half of them, until some of them realised your pattern was focusing on protecting your Team, so they threw a bunch of shurikens at them, making you teleport back in front of Shikamaru, only this time, you couldn't even try to block them, so you shielded your face with your arms, taking all the 6 weapons, making your friends gasp. "Y-You're hurt! Why would you do something like that?!" Ino stuttered, scared for you. "Well...Shikamaru said that he trusts me...So I couldn't possibly let you get hurt, could I? Now, I'm just pissed off beyond borders." you said, gritting your teeth in anger. "Don't get hasty! Who knows what might happen-" Shikamaru tried to say, but you cut him off with a chuckle. "Now, now, Shika, listen here. There are 6 shurikens stuck in my arm. I will count until 6 as I take them off one by one. When I reach to 6...These guys either run for their life...Or get shred to pieces." "W-Woaw...That's so scary...And cool!" Choji exclaimed in wonder. "1...2...3..." you started counting, easily taking each shuriken out of your flesh, casually dropping it to the floor as you continued your number count "4...5...and....6" But before the 6th weapon could reach the floor, you were already in the middle of the enemy ground, slashing them, the burning rage surging through your veins. How dare they try to harm your friends?!
Never again.
Instead of mercilessly killing all of them, you kept 5 alive, and made Team 10 help you carry them to a safer place so you could interrogate them.
"So, what do we do now?" Shikamaru asked, looking at you quizzically. "Well, you see, Shika, since you trusted me, I have to reciprocate, right?" you asked, smirking. "To tell you the truth, this mission was an S-ranked one from the start, but you weren't supposed to know. If you knew I was there, or knew the real risks, the enemy would have found out and retreated before I could capture some of them." you explained like it was no big deal. "Is that why you asked if I trust you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "Nah, that's not entirely it. This, however, is the reason. Then again, I thought you'd find out by the time I mentioned your nickname." you said nonchalantly, taking off your mask and arranging your shiny h/c hair. "I-It is you!" he tried to say, pointing at you as if he'd seen a ghost. " I knew it! But...!" he was just so confused that he facepalmed, saying how this whole situation was a drag. "Everything is troublesome for you, Shika. You missed me, didn't you? Did you have any more troubles with Iruka-sensei~?" you asked, looking at him lovingly, grinning. "Ah, whatever, that doesn't really matter anymore, does it?" he asked, scratching the back of his head, sheepishly. "You never change, do you? But this made you the first Chunin from your generation, so that must mean something. Can't say that I'm surprise-" you giggled, but were cut off by his shocked expression. "How do you know that?! You were busy with the whole ANBU thing, weren't you?!" he asked, not understanding how you could trouble yourself with such trivialities. "How mean, Shika. I would say that I know just about everything that happens in the village...But really...I work with your father, remember? I think I might have found out before you did." you laughed at his dumbstruck expression. "Woaw, Shikamaru, I never knew you had a girlfriend!" Ino said, slyly. "She's not my girlfriend! How troublesome..." he glared at his friend, annoyed that she'd imply such things.
But really, it was obvious that Ino knew something was going on between the two of you, and sooner or latter, this old friendship would blossom into something much more than either of you would have expected.
Hatake Kakashi
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For a long time, you were very reserved towards Kakashi and you were afraid to actually let loose around him, indulging in showing any kind of emotion, in fear of failing the Shinobi Code and your parents, who indoctrinated you with this belief. Wherever you looked, Jonin like Asuma, Kurenai and Gai had such lovely relationships with their Genins and you could see Kakashi trying very hard with you, but your heart and brain have been battling for dominance for years, but no matter how much you tried, the hard aura your parents had over you always triumphed, so you gave up and kept the cold ice facade no matter how willing you were to scream to the world that you existed and had a heart as well.
This stress, however, was a horrible strain to your heart and body, which became the most visible on your first S-rank mission where you were faced with the one choice you never thought you'd have to take-
a) Save your teammates 
b) Successfully complete the mission
At first, instinct drove you to abandon your comrades, knowing what your parents would want you to do, but before you could actually do anything, you froze and remembered Kakashi's masked smile and his words of advice, and you could feel your eyes water.
You cursed yourself for this change of heart and returned to where you left your friends, killed of the enemies ruthlessly, your anger at yourself and them evident, and took your the injured comrades to a safe place, trying your best to drag them back to the village and keep them alive.
To be fair, this was your first mission failure and you were scared beyond belief to return home. Your home...And your village, nonetheless. Having to face the Hokage and tell him that you failed the mission to save your friends just reminded you the horrible things your parents would say to you about how the mission is more important than your team and so on. You successfully took your friends to the Hospital and ignoring your own injuries, despite not life-threatening, still pretty bad, and went to report to the Hokage as formally and professionally as you could. To your surprise, he was understanding and nodded at you, already forming a plan with Shikaku Nara and telling you to go see Kakashi and discuss the mission since you clearly needed a break. You were already an adult by now but the embarrassment was overwhelming you to no end, making you slightly dizzy, eaten away by how your parents would react when you got home so soon. You didn't even realised that you dragged yourself past Kakashi, until you felt two hands on your shoulders, stopping you in place. Jumping in your own skin, you quickly raised your head, eyes widened and glistening with tears behind your mask, seeing Kakashi's kind visage.
"Yo, what happened? You seem in a pretty rough shape" he said, guiding you to your special spot, under a nice cherry blossom tree. "I...Failed..." you said, barely above a whisper, as you hugged your knees, trembling. "What? The mission? Yeah, it happens to the best of us. That's nothing to be ashamed of." he said, patting your head. "No...It's not okay...If I go home, I'll get the worst scolding possible...Gods, Senpai, what do I do? I'm scared to go home, is that even normal?!" he said, completely exhausted of this unnecessary struggle. "Hm? What do you mean?" he asked, his attention completely on you. "If you had the choice...To choose between the mission and your friends...What would you choose? You'd choose your friends, right?" you asked, throwing away your mask and looking at Kakashi with desperate, hopeful eyes. "Of course. That's how Konoha's ninjas are. We value our comrades." he said, as if it was obvious. "Then...What do you think I would choose?" you whispered, scared to hear the answer. "You know about the mission circumstances and you also know me. What do you think I...Chose that I failed? After all, if you paid attention, I never said I failed the MISSION. I just said I failed something." you stated, provoking. "Hmmm....Well, Y/N-chan, I think for you, the answer is obvious. You chose to save your friends, and for that, you think you failed yourself, your village, and the worst, your parents. Am I wrong?" he asked, nonchalantly. "I...W-Well...Y-You're...Not wrong..." you gulped, looking away. "I...I wanted to go on...To just leave them there so I could ensure the success of the mission...B-But...I...Couldn't...I..." you tried to say, but you covered your face in desperation. "You returned to save them and bring them to safety, huh?" he stated, knowing it was true. You could only nod in response, making him sigh and bring you closer to him. "If you ask me, you did the right thing. And to go on, if you ask any Jonin, they would have done the same as you did. There's always a difficult choice to make, and at the end, no matter what you choose, you will still be filled with regret. I'm sure you know, however, that in your heart, you feel happy and relieved that they will live, correct?" he inquired, in a soothing voice. "Y-Yes...You're right...But...I always thought what they said was true...Devoid yourself of all emotions and you will be able to do everything without any restraint. Everything made so much sense...But then...I saw the other Jonin...How nicely they bonded with their Genins...And then, there's you, having to deal with a problematic person like me who's constantly afraid to let go of her parents' teachings...How come you've never grown tired of my idiocy for so many years? I'd have gone insane-" you sobbed in his chest, trying to understand how he could stick up with you for so long. "Well, I guess I had faith in you. And besides...I saw my younger self in you." he said, looking up into the sky. "Wh-what?! How could that possibly be true? You're always so nice and compassionate-... I don't understand." you asked, looking up at him, confused. "You acted the way you did all these years because of your parents and in a way, so did I. When I was young, my father went on a similar mission as you. Like you, he chose to save his comrades, failing an important mission. In return, instead of gratitude and understanding, he was greeted with eternal shame and stigma...So much that it drew him to suicide." he explained in a low, sad voice. "N-No way...! Konoha did something like that?!" you gasped in shock. "It did. This made me think that I should put the mission above anything else, including my friends, so no matter who I met, I never got close to. My team, my teacher, his kind wife, the other Genin teams...All I had in mind was how to become stronger and be the perfect tool the village required." he continued his story, closing his eyes in recollection. "Then...Who changed your mind? You couldn't possibly change your mind by yourself, could you?" you mumbled.
"One of my teammates did. On our last mission together, during the 3rd Great Ninja War, Rin was captured. I said we should leave her and go on with our mission since she'd be surely dead by the time we'd get there, but he protested and went ahead, so I had to go after him, or he'd completely ruin the mission..." he sighed. "In the end, we saved her...At the cost of his own life. It was then that he awakened his Sharingan...But also, it was then that he got half-crushed by a stone, and his dying words was to protect Rin...And he gave me his Sharingan." he said, raising his forehead protector, showing you his red eye. "Then...Where is Rin now? I haven't heard of her around the village..." you asked, trying to grasp the situation, but he only hung his head. "I had to kill her. The situation was complicated, but it was her last wish." he replied, shocking your with his whole story. "I see...So...I guess we all have our bad parts, but with the help of our loved ones, we can learn to be better, right?" you said, trying to smile between your tears.
"Yeah, I think that's the case. If I could, so could you. I decided to train you not only because you were incredibly gifted, like the others told you, but because you reminded me so much of myself and I wanted to finally be the one to save someone. To make my friends and myself proud for once. I promised I wouldn't fail anyone again." he said, smiling at you, encouraging you.
You looked at him with big, relieved eyes, then hugged him tightly, thanking him and asking for his forgiveness since you were so afraid and stubborn, causing him sadness all these years without realising. You promised him you would let yourself become a human being and wear your heart on your sleeve. The only remaining problem was your parents, with which he easily assured you that he'll help, already telling you about this nice and cozy little apartment that you could immediately move in so you would escape the unneeded toxicity from your parents.
As you both stood up, grinning at each other, an obvious strong bond forming between the two of you, you got passionately jump-hugged by someone garbed in a green latex suit... Someone who could only be Maito Gai, Kakashi's eternal rival and secret best friend.
"AHHH, KAKASHI, Y/N, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU FINALLY FORMED SUCH A PASSIONATE AND YOUTHFUL FRIENDSHIP! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" but the way he was hugging you only made you gasp for air... The idiot was more strangling you than anything... But it was a nice feeling, regardless.
The feeling of having friends.
Sabaku no Gaara
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It was known to everyone that Gaara was seen as a monster until very recently, which you didn't like, since you could see the innocence, purity and sorrow in his eyes whenever you met him. Being the Kazekage, he was always so busy, but for some reason, he'd always take the evenings off to walk with you around Suna, going to all the nice little cafes and so on, and really, you appreciated that with all your heart. He was an amazing person who just wanted to prove his worth to his people and gain their respect. This is a person who would die for his peers, but they are all so afraid of him because of others' mistakes that affected him and his past. This is exactly why you wanted to make sure you show him the beauty of life and its every aspect, no matter how insignificant, like how soothing the various tea aromas are, the various shades the sky would have every day, all the constellations on the clear sky or the infinite cloud shapes.
You found out that he was drawn to plants and life, so one day you gifted him a small cactus in a pretty purple pot. Gaara held it carefully, looking at it in wonder and put it on his Kazekage desk, then asked you how to properly take care of it. You happily obliged, telling him everything you knew about cacti and their maintenance, and you could swear you saw a small smile on his face.
The next time you went there, the cactus has a tiny blooming purple flower and it seated next to a very little green watering can that had a smiling red flower drawn on it. Then, you realised that on the pot, there was a small piece of paper and "Violet" was written in very pretty cursive. This really touched your heart and you could only grin in appreciation and happiness at how well the red-head would take care of his little spiky friend. "I'm very impressed at how well you take care of Violet, Kazekage-sama. I think plants really love you." you said very impressed. "Please, do not call me that. Just Gaara is fine. And...I think it's amazing how this little plant could give someone such happiness." he said, not taking his eyes off the little cactus. "Next time I come here, I promise to give you a little bonsai. They are much more difficult to take care of and require constant attention...And they absolutely love when people talk to them nicely." you said, beaming with happiness. "Plants can hear? How can they know if I talk to them or not? Or if I say nice things?" he asked, looking at you with wide, curious eyes. "Well...Honestly, I have no idea. But everyone saw that if they talk nicely and daily to their bonsai, it grows harmoniously." you said, thinking of the right answer.  "Woaw...Plants are really amazing..." he exclaimed, fascinated. But before you could say anything else, Kankuro came in the room and stopped mid-track, a bit confused why you'd pay so much attention to a plant. "It's...Just a plant, you guys..." he sweatdropped. "Shush you! You shouldn't be one to talk, really, y'know? Spending every damn second of your life with your stupid puppets and all that. Even plants have more life than you do." you scoffed at him, looking away. "Kankuro...Did you know that plants like it when you talk to them?" he said in complete fascination, looking at his elder brother like a child telling a parent something new they just discovered. "Uh...No, I didn't. Anyways, Gaara, the Hokage asked to see you. Said something about an important discussion." he told his brother, seriously. "I see...Very well the-....Kankuro! I have a very important mission for you! And you MUST promise to complete it with utmost care!" the red-head looked alarmed at his brother, who widened his eyes in shock, thinking it was something very important and life-or-death. "O-Okay, Gaara, you know you can trust me. What is it?" he said, trying to calm his brother down. "Please...Every day you must promise to come in my office, water Violet and tell her she is appreciated!" he said, very strictly. "V-Violet...?" he asked, sweatdropping at the request. "The cactus, you idiot!" you said, annoyed at his reaction. "Ah, sure, fine, if that will make you happy, I will." he sighed dismissively. "Thank you, Kankuro. I knew I could rely on you." he said, smiling.
Kankuro stared at his little brother a bit and seeing the relief in his eyes, he smiled at him, letting you escort him to your village. Just as you were about to leave, you saw some villagers look at him in disgust , trash-talking him, calling him a monster and what not, which obviously upset him, but he showed no emotion on his face, only ignoring and walking away. 
This whole scene, however, clearly made you sad beyond belief and anger became the prime emotion, scolding the hell out of those villagers, reprimanding them and saying how amazing of a person Gaara actually was. What wasn't surprising was how they ran away, leaving you to sigh aggravated, just wanting to punch their faces in. Turning around to join your friend back home, you notice he was staring at you, eyes wide in shock, which confused you.
"What is it, Gaara? Are you okay? I hope you didn't put their words at heart, they're just some idiots." you said, trying to soothe him. "Why did you do that?" he asked, blinking. "Do what?" you inquired, not understanding what he was trying to say. "Talk about me like that. Nobody did that before." he said, not sad, but just trying to understand. "I can't accept anyone trash-talking a wonderful person like you. And besides, I consider you a friend. I wouldn't be such a great friend if I didn't protect you, would I?" you grinned at him, trying to cheer him up. Instead, his face flushed a bit and he put his hand on his chest area, looking down.  You thought he wasn't feeling well so you rushed over to him, holding his hand and with the other feeling his forehead for a fever, and in all honesty, he was a tad warm, but nothing close to a fever. "Gaara, are you feeling alright? Is your heart hurting?" you asked, concerned. "Uh...No...But it's racing faster than normal. It's...weird, but it also feels good." he said, not understanding this peculiar phenomenon. "O-Oh...! Aww, that's really sweet, then! Gaara, I think what you're feeling is your body telling you that you care about me, at least enough to consider me a friend!" you grinned, excited. "I think you are right...Then, I'm glad that you are my friend. Thank you." he said with a gentle smile, gazing at you with gratitude. "I'm happy that you consider me a friend too, Gaara. I'm very happy." you told him as you surprised him with a hug.
 At first he didn't know how to react, but as soon as he copied your move, you could feel his heart racing a bit harder than before. Nonetheless, this new warm feeling was something you absolutely live for, and hoped the red-head reciprocated.
It was a long and uneventful journey back to Konoha, thankfully. You didn't talk much, but even the short conversations you had were meaningful and lovely. You found it adorable how Gaara would now learn the beauties of life and you were happy that you could be the one to guide him into seeing the good parts of life. The Hokage said the meeting would take place the next day, letting him rest for the time, so you decided to take him to your favourite cafe and at the end, you took him star-gazing, and told him a pretty little trick about cacti, which you directly showed him on your own plant.
"And, you put this cute piece of cloth around the edge of the pot like this...Do a knot...And that's it!" you exclaimed, watching the lovely display with glee. "What is it?" the boy asked, looking at it attentively. "It's...A cactie." you grinned at your own silly joke, trying to explain the pun. Once realisation took over him, he let out an amused sigh and promised to give Violet a lovely light-blue cactie as well, so your plants would match.
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You were enjoying Kankuro's company far more than you wanted to admit- more or less because he was so easy to tease and his reactions were adorable. To be fair, you still didn't take your mask off, but even if you did, you learnt from your senpai, Kakashi, to always keep a secret mask, just in case. On the other hand, what you loved the most about your ANBU mask is that it's a cat one, which compliments your nickname for Kankuro perfectly.
A week passed since you've been hanging out with him more or less due to the mission assigned, but even so, it was the most fun you've had in ages. Working with the ANBU was no easy stuff- always in danger, life-threatening situations and what not, and to top it all, you were the captain of your squad, so you were in charge of your teammates too.
Lovely, huh~?
Today you decided to take Kankuro to one of the loveliest places in the forest where you would go to train and relax when you were younger. It was a gorgeous clearing illuminated shyly by the warm rays of sun, where dozens of butterflies would fly around and the cute critters of the woods would come to greet you if they sensed your heart was pure and kind, which by now, they knew you already.
"So, what's this place? It's pretty, but I think it means something more to you than some random spot in the forest." he wondered, looking around nonchalantly. "Well thought, Kankuro. You can call this my little piece of Heaven, if you wish." you explained, smirking. "Mhm. Well, you've nice tastes, I guess." he nodded in acknowledgment. "Can't you just appreciate the beauty of this place and relax for once? Apart from the occasional bunny, there's nothing going to attack you here." you sighed, a bit aggravated by his nit-picking attitude. "Well, if you say so~ Then I'll indulge." the puppeteer exclaimed.
With an easy-going smile, he put his hands behind his head and let himself plop on the soft grass, letting his eyes close peacefully. You could only look at him in wonder, seeing how relaxed he could get even in a place unfamiliar to him... Sometimes, you wished you could let yourself relax like this too, but honestly, you forgot how to even get a good night's sleep in your own home, in the middle of the village. It was quite pathetic.
Smiling softly, you sat on your belly next to him and with a finger, you started scratching him under the chin, making him unconsciously make a cute kitty smile. Propping your own chin in on your palm, you started cooing at him for being an adorable kitten, not hiding your obvious teasing tone. He stayed like that for what seemed like a minute until he suddenly snapped open his eyes, probably realising what was going on, and quickly went into a sitting position, glaring at you. This behaviour of his made you chuckle as you rolled on your back, hands behind your head, one knee bent while the other leg sat over it, looking innocent, as if nothing happened.
"What is it, Kankuro~? Did something happen~?" you asked, teasing the boy. "You...! YOU VIXEN! Don't treat me like some pet!" he screamed, pointing at you accusingly. "But you're so adorable, Kitty-cat~! Can you really blame me? Besides, you seemed to be enjoying yourself, why break that over some petty cocky pride? Is it really worth it?" cooing at him, you tried to scratch his chin again. "Shut up..." Kankuro muttered, looking away, embarrassed. "You seemed at ease...How do you do that?" you inquired, curious. "Do...What? Relax?" he asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "Mhm. With all that's been going on in the past years, I can't even rest at home without getting startled by the wind and waking up in the middle of the night 3 times." you told him, a bit bummed out. "Ouch. That must be really painful, huh?" he cringed at the thought of not sleeping properly, much like his younger brother, and thought of a solution. "I guess it helps in missions, at least." you shrugged, thinking you are helpless. "How can you resist?" he asked in a low voice. "I s'ppose I'm pretty resilient. This place has always been the only way I could relax in some way, but still not as much as I would have liked. " you said dismissively. "Hmmm...Well, I think I've got an idea." he looked as if a lightbulb appeared above his head. "Amaze me, love- " you tried to begin, but before you could say anything else, he put your head on his chest, making you flustered and quite confused at his actions. 
You said nothing, trying to analyse the situation and understanding how could this help you in any way, when he put his hand in your hair, playing with it soothingly. Weirdly enough, you could already feel yourself slowly relax, a weird, warm energy surging through you.
"Wh-What is this?" you tried to say, stuttering a tad, not understanding what you were feeling. "Dunno, but it's working, isn't it?" he said, knowingly. "Mhm..." you hummed in appreciation, feeling a wave of tiredness taking over you. "When I was very little, my mum would do this and sing me to sleep when I had a nightmare. Now, I didn't inherit her great voice, but this is something I can do for sure." he explained in a nostalgic voice. "It's...Really nice." you said with a sigh.
As he hummed in approval, he closed his eyes, continuing to play with your hair. You too managed to close your eyes in peace for a few before you heard a twig snap, and in the blink of an eyes, you were on your feet, weapons out, ready to pulverize the enemy-...
That proved to be, in fact, a small bunny. Kankuro only laughed at you while you sighed and put your weapons back in their sheathes, kneeling down and letting the bunny hop on your hands. Your shoulders slumped down after the sudden shock and you sat down next to the boy, letting him pet the small critter. He was a bit reluctant, not wanting to scare it off, but to his surprise, it leaned on his touch, making you smile at the puppeteer's hidden gentle side. You didn't even realise that his other hand was on your hair, petting it gently, making you also lean in, until he shifted his gaze on you, chuckling.
"I guess the rabbit isn't the only one who likes this." Kankuro teased you. "Mh...Don't ruin the moment, Kitty-cat." you murmured, glaring at him slightly behind the mask. "You're going to be the death of me." he sighed, pouting. "The only kind of death you'd want." you couldn't even stop teasing him. "I won't argue with that." he said, grinning down at you.
You could only stifle a laugh at his cute expression before you leaned your head of his shoulder, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment as if it was your last happy one.
Hyuga Hinata
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Many years passed since you first met the young and sweet Hyuga girl and you were very happy to see that with these years, she made up with her brother, found a role model to show her how to raise up and not give up, and on top of that, she found true friends to support her, which is the most important.
Sure, since you were a tad older, your rank was also higher, which meant that you wouldn't have the time to meet up too often, but in the rare occasions that you did, you'd always cherish it. Today you were assigned a new mission which would start in a week and it took place in Yukigakure, a place where it's always Winter, so you had to get really warm clothes as precaution. When you told Hinata about your mission, she got very worried and told you to be very careful, so you only grinned and kissed her forehead, telling her that you appreciate her worry, but to your surprise, her face flushed up redder than a tomato and uh...
Blinking in confusion, you pick her up bridal style and bring her to a pretty meadow near a river, secretly thanking the stars that nobody was around to disturb you, so you sat down, resting her head on your lap as you soothingly played with her hair and absent-mindedly hummed a song from your childhood.
To be frank, you got a bit bored until she woke up, so taking advantage of the many colourful flowers around, you started making a light purple and white flower crown, making it so pretty that it made you grin in satisfaction.
By the time you were ready with it, you feel a shift and see Hinata getting into a sitting position, apologising frantically for acting the way she did.
You couldn't help but smile at her lovely innocence and put the flower crown on her head, admiring her beauty.
"Well, Hinata, if you wouldn't mind, I think now you look like a real princess. Flowers look amazing on you. You're gorgeous." you said, moving a hair strand behind her ear.  "Th-Thank y-you, Y/N-chan..." she stuttered, looking down, trying to hide her rosy blush. "B-But...I th-think you are m-much prettier than me." she said, trying to look at you. "You do? Well, if that's the case, would you make me a flower crown too, so we can be princesses together?" you asked, grinning at her with a glint of teasing in your eyes. She only nodded and looked around for the perfect colours that would go well together and suit you the best, and in the end, with her hands softly shaking in embarrassment, she made a gorgeous flower crown in your two favourite colours, then put it on your head, with a soft smile, gazing at you in admiration.
"I was right, y-you're really beautiful, Y/N-chan!" she exclaimed. "Thank you, Hinata-chan. Well, then, I guess now we can rule the world together." you said, putting your hand over hers. "R-Rule the world?" she asked, blinking in confusion. "Ah, right, I don't even need to rule the world. I already have it." you chuckled, looking at her. "Wh-What do you mean by that?" she pressed on, curious of your metaphors. "Well...I have you in my life, right? You are my world, Hinata-chan. I think that's enough for me." you said in a sweet voice which only made the girl flustered even more.
You stayed like that until late evening came and you escorted her back home, being greeted by Neji who apparently was about to look for her as well, making sure she's alright.
"Don't worry, Neji-san, I'll take care of Hinata-chan with my life." you said winking at him, reassuringly. "Thank you for that, Y/N. Hinata-sama, it is late. Let us go home now." he said, calmly, the ghost of a smile forming on his face, seeing his cousin beaming with happiness. "Th-Thank you for today, Y/N-chan! Good night!" she exclaimed, waving at you, smiling sweetly.
You waved at her back with a content face before you went back home, resting for the week before your mission. That morning, as you were about to take off, you were greeted by Hinata who was holding something in her hands, which on further notice, you realised was a f/c scarf. When you asked why she was here at such an early hour, she said that she had to make sure you'll be alright and put the scarf around your neck, kissing your cheek and wishing you good luck and a safe journey.
You were so touched by her actions that you hugged her tightly and promised to return to her with a pretty souvenir before you actually took off, her sweet smile in your mind.
Haruno Sakura
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After Sakura had to leave back to her own village you were a bit sad because nobody around actually had the same passion about healing and learning and nor did they memorise trivial stuff so easily and still be interested in more.  The good part was- You have always been a close friend to Kankuro and after witnessing how you'd always light up in glee when the pinkette would enter the room, making you drop everything you were doing just so you could talk to her about virtually anything, and he decided that he'd convince Gaara to give you as many missions in Konoha as he could, but careful enough not to tire you out, especially since you were the head of the Suna Hospital and people needed you.
Today you had another simple mission to the Leaf Village and you were very excited to get there, get it over with and find the girl you were looking for since she promised to show you around the village. Sure enough, just as you exited the Hokage's office, you were greeted by Sakura, who was leaning on the wall with a smug expression on her face, which made a confused smile appear on your face.
"Hey, Sakura! So glad to see you!" you said, excited. "It's great seeing you too, Y/N! How are you? Everything alright in Suna?" she asked, making small talk. "Yeahh, the Kazekage and his brother are in perfect health now, thanks to you and your help. Thank you again for your aid. We couldn't have done this without you." you said, gratefully. "Alliances are important, but protecting precious friends is what's even better. Besides, I wouldn't have met you, right?" she winked at you, giggling. "Ha, yeah, you're right. Well, I brought a dossier with all the rare plants I found in Yukigakure and-" you tried to say, but she quickly cut you off. "Nope! Today, you're going to relax and rest! No more studying or anything of the sort. Come on, I'll take you to the best place in Konoha!" she took your wrist and dragged you to this really quiet tea place where the ambiental music was lullaby to your ears and the various tea aromas would make your knees go weak. "This is amazing...!" you said, breathless. "Mhm! And the books here are really good for a light reading too. It's a nice system where you come here and if you want, you can leave a copy of your favourite book, and in turn, you can browse and borrow any book here." she explained, pointing to the many vintage bookshelves. You only stared in wonder as you examined each and every book until you got to one that stole your eyes. "Oh, The Picture of Dorian Gray! Nice choice, Y/N. You know what's hilarious?" she asked, looking at you with a smile. "What is?" you inquired, holding the book close to your chest. "I brought that book here." she stated simply, leaving you shocked. "No way! Really? Woaw, that's amazing, really. What a great coincidence! Then, I guess this will be the first book I read from the long list I have." you grinned, sitting down at a small table where a little vase with lavenders was placed and a few small, scented candles were surrounding it, giving off a scent that soothed all your senses. Sakura really had amazing tastes in cafes and tea places. Before you could even open the book and read the first book, she started reciting one of Dorian's lines with perfect intonation, no stuttering, everything spoken perfectly, making you stare at her in admiration and wonder.  When she finished, you could only clap her, amazed at her memorization skills and praised her. She only grinned at you, appreciatively and sipped from her tea, trying to hide a forming blush on her cheeks-  But you saw, which made your heart race.
After you finished your tea- and a small argument about her paying and saying how you will pay when she comes to Suna-, she decided to take you on a relaxing walk through the forest since nobody would be there, training, which surprisingly, was quite true.
"Ahh, Sakura~! I found you~!" you heard a teasing voice call from behind, which on further inspection was a pretty blonde girl with light blue eyes. "What are you doing here? Hi, you must be the new friend Sakura mentioned! I'm Ino, nice to meet you!" she said, extending her hand for you to shake, which you did, but felt a bit awkward since you had no idea who she was. "Hi, Ino, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." you said, trying to smile politely, but you weren't exactly great with strangers. "I'm busy, Ino, come back to pester me later, okay?" Sakura said, putting her arm around your shoulder, urging you to walk away from her. "Ahh, Sakura, Sakura, you and your big, billboard forehead never change, do you?" Ino asked, laughing. "Shut up, Ino-pig! Go away!" Sakura yelled at her frenemy. "Aww, why do you get so flustered? As if you didn't kno-" she tried to say, but you cut her off. "I don't get why you're so mean to Sakura. I think she looks very pretty. Besides, she doesn't have a big forehead, and her haircut really suits her." you said, shrugging. "Y-Y/N-chan..." Sakura murmured, shocked at your words. "I understand now! Sakura got over Sasuke-kun and got a girlfriend to protect her, hmm~?" she stifled her laughs as the pinkette would just fume. "Well, at least she has a girlfriend. I don't see you having anyone saying nice things about you. Bye, Ino-pig!" you said, holding your friend's hand and walking away from the angry blonde. "Thank you for your nice words, Y/N-chan. You didn't have to...I and Ino have always been like this. Well...Since we found out we both liked the same guy, that is." she explained with a sigh. "I think ruining a friendship over a guy is pretty sad, actually. But, if it helps with anything, I think you're much prettier than her." you said, trying to lighten up the mood. "Well, I figured that out some time ago...Also, I think I actually managed to get over Sasuke-kun...Sasuke, my former teammate." she said, smiling at the sky. "That means you and her can be the great friends you were before the falling out happened, right?" you asked, hopeful. "Nahh, I think I quite like our constant bickering. It's entertaining now that we're both aware that none of it is true. It's our unique way of showing that we care for one another." she laughed, shaking her head, "Well, as long as you're happy, I think it works. That smile looks gorgeous on you, if you ask me." you said, nonchalantly.
She only widened her eyes, looking at you, then shifted her expression into a grateful smile and kissed your cheek, thanking you and intertwining her fingers with yours, continuing the relaxing walk through the woods, nobody bothering you anymore.
Unknown to you, Ino was still watching the two of you, cheering silently, happy for her best friend.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Wish List
We’ve got a list, and we’re checking it twice! 
Prompts cannot be claimed until Dec 1st. See the Event Post for all Rules, Dates and Info.
Wish: In an AU where Orochimaru never took Danzo up on his offer for labs, Sarutobi dumps a trio of genetically-altered brats on him and hands him a ‘Teaching for Dummies’ book, which is not appreciated. Turns out, Orochimaru is pretty good with kids, but thinks he isn’t. Nobody else is buying that lie though.
Likes: Snakes being awesome. And Orochimaru being awesome. I blame @blackkatmagic. She did this to me.
Dislikes/Triggers: I’m pretty chill, but not keen on sexual abuse or non-con. It just feels like crossing a line, even if they are essentially paid assassins. Like, murder is one thing, but it’s just… nope.
Bonus for: Danzo trying to steal Oro’s brats and getting curb stomped.
Porn/No Porn: I do like porn on occasion, but I don’t think this wish needs it - unless Sakumo is alive in this AU, and has seduced Oro. But don’t strain yourself if you’re not comfortable.
Wish: Pacific Rim AU. Preference for MadaTobi, but I’m open to any pairing, romantic or otherwise. Doesn’t have to follow the movie, can follow the comics.
Likes: ghost!Drift (specifically to Pac Rim, anyways)… I’m pretty game for anything not in my “Dislikes”?
Dislikes/Triggers: No incest or pedophilia (not even allowed in this collective, but gonna state it anyways); Abuse - physical or emotional; if this gets porny, no noncon or dubcon or bloodplay, emetophilia, or scat. HARD NO On COCKROACHES.
Bonus for: background Xanatos Gambit, not necessarily for the kaiju, but someone else and doesn’t have to be evil. Morton’s Fork will similarly be accepted.
Porn/No Porn: Either is good. Writer’s choice.
Wish: I would like to see Madara taken from post-death (whichever of the 3 canonical instances best suit your narrative) and dropped into an AU, either replacing his otherself or having his otherself be dead/missing. It can be a trope influenced NRT world, (i.e. Soulmate Marks, ABO) or a crossover-fusion world, (i.e. NRT characters in a Star Wars or BNHA setting) or just switching out ninja for mainstream scifi or steampunk or magic. Cue Madara flailing and being overly dramatic.  I would prefer a happy ending. Gen is fine. I basically want to see Madara screaming about how little sense the AU rules make while simultaneously snuggling his little brothers. B/c Madara is the Most Extra.
Likes: TobiMada. Effective Communication. Madara oblivious to (Tobirama’s) flirting. Fussing over baby brothers.
Dislikes/Triggers: Character Bashing. Non-Con. Unaddressed Dub Con.
Bonus for: n/a
Porn/No Porn: Sure, if you’re feeling it or the story calls for it. ^_^
Wish: Sasuke really, stupidly likes being fingered. Team 7 obliges 
Likes:  healthy polyamory, kinking the fuck out of Sakura’s super strength, and gentle ribbing/teasing the fuck out of Sasuke/poking fun or dirty talking to embarrass him a little
Dislikes/Triggers:  uh the normal squicks, you’re probably good. Dislikes non-bi all of them. Dislikes feminization of Sasuke
Bonus for: Sasuke totally gets off a little on being embarrassed/dirty talked to/them talking about him. Also he’s stupidly in love with them.
Porn/No Porn: Porn, pls. Obvs
Wish: NaruSakuSai, their first time. Sakura is coming home from a mission where she almost died and the boys need to make sure she’s doing fine. Featuring lots of fluffiness, some worship and praise kink because Sakura deserves it.
Likes: Honestly, everything that deals with their respectives issues would be great. Sai probably doesn’t like being touched much, but loves touching them, Naruto needs to show his love, Sakura enjoys the praises and attention.
Dislikes/Triggers: non-con, in any way, shape or form. As long as the characters are mainly true to their canon selves, I’m good.
Bonus for: Naruto putting on lipstick to leave marks on Sakura and Sai + morning after cuddles.
Porn/No Porn: Porn. Lots of porn, pretty please with a shinobi on top.
Wish: At some point in the Chuunin Exams arc (post-Forest of Death, but pre-Tsunade’s arrival) Sakura travels back in time to Kakashi’s attempt to rescue jinchuuriki Rin. She’s not much good fighting at that point but her sudden appearance causes enough confusion to allow a few crucial seconds such that Obito arrives while Rin is alive. And then…?
Likes: ObiSaku would be nice, no pairing is also fine.
Dislikes/Triggers: Cannibalism or humans being eaten generally.
Bonus for: 13 y/o Kakashi being a better teacher than 26 y/o Kakashi.  
Porn/No Porn: Not unless you put in a big timeskip
Wish: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations. Just him as a father training and raising a bunch of kids which some (if not all) have his wood style.
Likes: I like family fluff and maybe a little angst but nothing too heavy.
Dislikes/Triggers: I dislike character bashing and any general cruelty but I’m not Triggered by anything but I don’t think that will be something for this type of thing to worry about.
Bonus for: Tenzou just being a good dad and doing his best and maybe Naruto helping train the kids and maybe even passing on the start of how to do the rasengan to them or the shadow clone to help them train.
Porn/No Porn: No porn for this please
Wish: Everyone in Konoha lost something on the day of the Kyuubi attack, and Genma Shiranui is no different. But not everyone can say they gained something. All of seventeen years old, he finds himself with a dead sister and her daughter Tenten to care for. Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.
Likes: Family fluff, obviously. Also Genma freaking out over how to parent.
Dislikes/Triggers: Just don’t be too gross I guess???
Bonus for: the Talk and Tenten’s first date.  
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Time travel with Kakashi peferably during the warring clans era or some form of supernatural creature thing.
Likes: dork!Madara, Gai. Angst in moderation. (Kakashi)
Dislikes/Triggers: Overly emberassing moments, like the level of romantic comedies. It can take me months to read such things.
Bonus for: troll!Kakashi
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Sakura is sent on a long term mission with Team Eight. What the mission is is up to the author. What I want is Sakura and Team Eight being awesome.
Likes: Sakura/Kiba, Hinata and Sakura friendship, Shino
Dislikes/Triggers: Non-con, dub-con, A/B/O
Bonus for: Sakura/Kiba
Porn/No Porn: No porn.
Wish: Genma and Raidou+the desk chuunin have many late nights in the tower, to make it better they play some music, one things leads to another and suddenly it's a dirty dancing competition! And it's all fun&games until a jounin coming in from a late mission walks in. The chuunin are embarrassed, but the jounin ends up joining in too???
Likes: Side-characters, dancing to cheesy early-2000s pop music, random fluff, multi-pairs/poly pairs (if you are up to writing it)
Dislikes/Triggers: Character hating, non-con, daddy kinks, etc
Bonus for: The jonin who walks in is Kakashi.
Porn/No Porn: Either is fine for me, it depends on how the story is going for you.
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sns-tropes · 7 years
Hi!!!! I live and die for Hokage!Naruto (duh) and ANBU!Sasuke, I just love this trope so much so if you could do something about Sasuke worrying all the time for his Hokage I will love you forever, thanks!!!
i like this concept !! i did a scenario type thing , with a semi-established relationship. interpret it how you like. i had fun writing this !! ~~~~~
there’s a constant buzzing in the air, the cicadas out in the hot summer air somehow sound like they’re singing along to the hum of the fan. it’s hot, too hot. and naruto has stacks upon stacks of paperwork in front of him.
this isn’t what he thought it would be. it’s been three week since his 25th birthday, and three weeks since he was officially appointed hokage. it’s what he wanted. always wanted. but time is slower now. slowly being eaten by paper and pens and sticky notes and a thousand political terms he’s still catching the hang of when used in sentences. you could say that he’s had to find a new way to continue being a shinobi. a more subdued way. but that’s fine, that’s okay, he’ll get used to it.
he feels like he can do it in the more quiet moments. when sakuratells him that there’s no one better for the job and there’s no one that cares more about this village over morning coffee when the village still sleeps. when kakashi takes a moment to humor him and his eyes crinkle in the corners when he laughs. ‘you have you’re work cut out for you,’ he teases. he’s still his sensei. when sasuke spends longer than he needs to in his office when he reports back from a mission just engaging in small conversations that have comfortable gaps in-between.
but he hasn’t seen them lately. not in a week actually. his job consumes him. he actually thinks he might be in denial how much of him it’s taking up. he wants to put on a face for everyone that says he’s proud to be where is. because he is proud. but he’s tired. he hasn’t slept. and he feels a little dizzy at the moment.
the gust of wind that blows through feels amazing in the heat, and when he blinks, his eyes remain shut for just a few moments longer.
he opens them, slightly startled into wakefulness, and his eyes fall on a figure on the other side of his desk dressed in black sporting an anbu mask.
“sasuke.” he greets.
the mask comes off. he stares naruto up and down.
“they need you in briefing for a bit.” sasuke says, stony expression present as always.
naruto sighs. of course they do. he gets up and plasters on his homage face that he often drops in front of sasuke.
he wobbles for a second. he blinks hard and regains his footing.
he’s fine. he huffs a breath out and comes out from behind the desk. sasuke hands him a report. his hands shake a bit as he takes it. he’s fine, he’s fine, he’s fine.
i’m fine, i’m fine he thinks to himself before his head spins and he’s going down, conscious thought ebbing away.
he thinks sasuke catches him.
3 whole minutes pass before he has another conscious thought.
he’s laying on something soft. but not soft like a pillow. kind of muscular actually. when he looks up properly the mystery pillow is sasukes thighs. there’s a damp cloth on his forehead.
“when did you eat last?” he hears.
“when did you eat last, moron?”
he doesn’t know.
sasuke rolls his eyes and gets up letting narutos head thump lightly on the floor. he comes back with a small box and promptly shoves an animal cracker in narutos mouth.
“you have to eat. and you have to sleep.” he states with authority.
naruto opens his mouth, but is interrupted before he can begin.
“you’re no use to the village unconscious.”
he sits up slowly, still chewing the cracker. he’s right. he has to prioritize his heath just as much as his duties.
“and you’re no use to me either.”
naruto smirks, construing sasukes meaning to his liking.
“you do care.” he says snarky, reaching for another animal cracker.
he expects a retaliation. a snide comment. a nasty remark. an insult. anything of that nature.
but that not what he gets. sasuke brows knit together and he breathes out. he reaches for naruto and pulls him in for something not too far off from a hug. his embrace is strong and relentless but where his hands lie, he remains gentle.
“do you need to hear it?” sasuke says softly.
naruto leans into it. he supposes he doesn’t. because he knows already. he feels minimal guilt over making him worry. but the affection he feels for him overpowers it. he clings to sasuke a little more on the office floor.
“…no.” he says, feeling better already.
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kashi-prompts · 7 years
Hi! I have been looking for you for ages and now...I FOUND YOU!!! OH MY... everything you write is absolitely magical, I was captured especially by you latest prompt. I cried. Seriously. It was perfect. Absolutely magical. I was wondering. How could Kakashi react if his beloved partner tells him she's pregnant. Would he be super tender or will he hide everything and explode in tears the day of the birth? How would he behave for the entire pregnancy? Feel free to not answer if you already have😍
Hello, friend! I am so happy you found me
I once wrote a lengthy drabble about Kakashi and my OC, Ume Sasaki. I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but here it is. If you’re looking for something different, like headcanon, I’d be happy to write those for you too :) If you just want me to continue this, I would be super happy to do so lol 
*crying* /I just really love to write about Kakashi/.
Some background before you read: Ume Sasaki is my OC from the Hidden Leaf. Her hair is purple, (Ume means plum) and she has light green eyes. She wears her hair up in a bun held together by two knitting needles that she uses to weave things, such as water, vines, mud, into something useful during battle. 
Prompt is below the cut! 
The taste of acid in the back of her throat was enough to cause Ume to drop her knitting needles quickly from her palms. She quickly pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, willing herself to swallow whatever contents of her stomach that were threatening departure as she closed her eyes.
“Everything alright?” Temari called from the other side of the field. The two had tried sparring in the Hidden Sand’s training field before day break. The desert wind blew, scooping up tiny particles of sand and sweeping it across the desert sky.
“Fine, fine,” Ume waved a dismissive hand to her comrade, her eyes still shut. “I must have eaten something that isn’t agreeing with me”
“Do you want to take a minute?” Temari called again, closing her fan. Ume shook her head, the back of her hand still firmly against her mouth as nausea rose again.
A moment later, she was doubled over, her body extracting whatever contents of her stomach onto the desert floor. Her throat burned and her eyes teared as she wiped her mouth, settling down in the sand.
She groaned loudly as Temari came up beside her, kicking the sand over her acidic spew.
“Rough night or something?” Temari smirked, sitting down next to her comrade. Ume tucked her knees under her chin, embarrassed.
“No,” she replied quietly - defensively. “I’ve been feeling like this all the time lately. I don’t get it.”
Temari nodded her head, tilting it to see her friend over the rising rays of sun. “Perhaps you should see a medic soon. We have some great shinobi medics here in the Sand village. I would dare to say, they may be better than your Leaf shinobi medics.”
Ume waved her hand to silence her friend, gazing out over the horizon. “I’ll be fine.”
Temari nodded again, feeling unhappy with the answer she was given. A few moments passed and the wind began to die down in the early morning hours. The two kunoichi sat in silence, listening to nature stretch from its slumber and begin its day.
“Have you considered taking a pregnancy test?” Temari asked abruptly. Ume’s already unsettled stomach clenched at her friend’s words. She shook her head instinctively, denying the hovering question that her comrade was assuming she was pregnant.
“I’m not pregnant,” Ume looked over at Temari. “But thank you for your concern.”
Temari lifted her hands in defeat, “fine. But you should consider it. You’ve been here for a week and all you’ve been doing is sleeping and bitching.”
“Excuse you,” Ume frowned, looking back at the horizon. She felt hurt by her friend’s words, but she couldn’t deny that she was right. She had been feeling moody lately. When Lord Hokage had suggested she come to the Hidden Sand Village to spend time with her comrade and rest from her previous mission, she couldn’t help but feel offended that he didn’t want her around. Of course, that wasn’t the case. But it had still caused her to cry uncontrollably on her journey here.
“He doesn’t love me anymore,” Ume had cried to Temari as soon as she had arrived.
“Oh, hush.” Temari rolled her eyes, patting her friend sympathetically as she cried into her chest. “You have no evidence to prove that.”
“But he told me to come here and rest. Not spend time with him. Maybe this whole Hokage thing has gone to his head. Maybe he wants someone stronger- someone who has the same power as him. Not someone as broken and young as me.”
Temari bit her tongue, shaking her head. “I think you’re overreacting. He does love you. He promised that to you.”
“What day is it, anyway?” Ume asked, earthing herself from her thoughts.
“Friday, June 16th,” Temari responded promptly, happily.
“I should probably head back to the Leaf Village,” Ume stated sadly. “It was certainly nice catching up with you.”
Temari smiled happily, her blonde hair bobs blowing in the wind as another gust blew past them.
“Thank you for coming. Please tell Lord Hokage I said hello when you return,” she said, winking.
Ume smiled sadly, “yes. I will. Hopefully, he will be happy to see me.”
“I’m not entertaining your irrational thoughts today, Ume.” Temari shook her head. “Now, go. Everything will be fine. I’m sure of it.”
The pair stood up, Temari’s balance better on the sandy terrain than her friend as she wobbled a bit. “Thank you for having me. Please give Lord Kazekage my best and thank him for accommodating me.”
“He’ll be happy to hear that,” Temari said as they embraced. “Please write. I love hearing from you.”
“I will,” Ume smiled. “Thank you again.”
Ume walked through the entrance of Konoha late Saturday evening. She had barely eaten anything, for nausea she had been feeling had completely overtaken her body. She felt weak from her lack of nutrition and long journey home as she lifted her feet up the steps to the Hokage’s office.
She missed him terribly.
She knew he’d still be awake. She had seen the light in his office that was present from the dark streets of Konoha. Softly, she rapped her fingers against the oak door before a sluggish ‘come in’  sounded from behind it. Carefully, she opened it, poking her head in.
Kakashi sat behind his desk, mountains of paperwork on either side of him. He didn’t look up as he held his head, a pen poised in his hand as it hovered above paper.
“Kakashi?” She offered quietly. Finally, he lifted his head, his dark hooded eyes somehow looking more tired than normal. He smiled, placing his pen down on his desk.
Ume revealed herself from behind the door, a smile creeping upon her lips as a relief that he was happy to see her flooded her. He stood from his desk and turned, allowing her to embrace him quietly.
“I’ve missed you,” he mumbled tiredly into her purple hair. His fingers grazed the nape of her neck, sending goose bumps across her skin. She tugged at his Kage robes, wishing she could be closer to him even though their bodies were practically molded together at this moment.
Their relationship had mostly been kept quiet over the years. They loved each other deeply, that much was obvious to anyone in their company. But the only people that knew how deep their relationship really was were those closest to them.
He told her he wanted to protect her - that if word had gotten around the village, and around the land, and to other lands, someone might plot against him to kill her, especially since she was still an active shinobi. He told her late one evening, their naked limbs tangled under the sheets, that he would rather die than lose another person he loved. He promised to protect her.
Not only had his position as Hokage been an issue, but their age had been also. He was 12 years her senior and considered an old man by most villagers, as well as by himself. When their relationship began, he frequently protested and told her that he was much too old for such a young, beautiful kunoichi as herself. But the two of them couldn’t deny their bond that had begun over such an important mission - her first mission without her sensei, Yumi.
Ume lifted her head to look at him, her chin barely reaching his collarbone. She lifted her hand from behind him and peeled his mask off like she’d done so many times before. He gave her a kiss, neither rough nor timid, but enough for her to know that he missed her.
She smiled against his lips and pulled away, looking up at him. She still wasn’t used to how different he looked without his mismatched eyes.
“It’s nice to be home,” Ume offered, as he gently pulled himself away, sitting back down at his desk.
“It’s nice to have you back home. Are you well rested?” he asked, shuffling papers around on his desk.
“Yes,” she lied, biting her tongue. She didn’t want to miss out on missions because she was feeling a little queasy. She supposed Temari’s determined nature had rubbed off on her over the years.
“Good,” he nodded. “You can help me with some of these papers.”
Ume nodded, sitting down across from him. She took her knitting needles out of her bun, watching his eyes flicker up at her momentarily as he signed another sheet of paper. He always loved watching her do that.
Quietly, he handed her another already signed paper and she pressed her needle to the ink. On another sheet, she pressed it back down, and his signature flowed freely from the core of her needle. This process continued until the wee hours of the morning, the bags under their eyes turning purple with fatigue.
“I have so much work,” Kakashi grumbled, setting his pen down and rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. “It just never ends. I can’t catch a break. It’s just one miserable day after the next.”
Ume looked up, frowning. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
He shook his head, pushing papers aside to look at the calendar on his desk. Scoffing, he replaced his palms to his eyes.
“What is it?” Ume asked, knitting her eyebrows together.
“Father’s day,” he spoke quietly, letting a few beats of silence pass between them. “I miss that bastard.”
Ume looked up, feeling sorry for him. She remembered the story he told her one night, the story of the night he found his father dead on the floor. He was proud of who his father was, but he still felt sorry for what he had done.
“I think I’ll get us some breakfast,” Ume suggested, “maybe that’ll cheer you up.”
“That’s fine,” he replied without looking. “I’m starving anyway.”
“Good. I’ll get you something hot and fresh,” she told him, leaning down to kiss his silver hair. He lifted his head, pursing his lips to hide the frown behind his mask.
“I’ll be right back,” she said quietly.
A few minutes later, Ume returned with two platters of breakfast, both steaming hot as she held them up in her palms.
“Ah, perfect,” he leaned back in his chair. “Thank you.”
She put the plates down on the desk when another wave of nausea overcame her. She put the back of her hand against her mouth and gripped the desk for support, feeling dizzy. The back of her neck broke out in a cold sweat.
“Hm?” she heard Kakashi speak, but he sounded as though she were underwater and he was yelling to her from land. “Are you alright? You look a little pale there.”
“I’m f-…” Her words were lost and a moment later, her body hit the floor of the Hokage’s office.
“Shh! She’s waking up!” Ume shifted, her mind like an untuned radio. Her ears were ringing, and her stomach churned. Finally, her eyes opened and Sakura was hovering above her, her expression concerned.
“Ume-chan,” Sakura sighed, holding her chest. “You gave us a fright. What happened? Your blood pressure dropped. When was the last time you ate?”
Kakashi stood a few feet away, his skin paler than normal and expression unsettled.
Ume knitted her eyebrows together, irritated by the situation and Sakura. She began to sit up, but dizziness consumed her again.
“Lay down,” Kakashi quickly ordered her. “Why haven’t you been eating?”
She waved her hand dismissively, “I ate last night. I’m fine.” She felt bad lying to both her former comrade and the Hokage, but she didn’t want to seem weak- that a little upset stomach and some lack of food had caused her to faint.
“I’m taking you to the Leaf Hospital to run some tests then. That isn’t normal that you ate and your blood pressure dropped like that,” Sakura quickly rambled off. A moment later, Sakura scooped her up from off the floor, her small petite frame able to carry things twice her size thanks to Tsunami’s training.
“Please, let me know as soon as you find out, Sakura,” Kakashi spoke, his voice sounding shaken by the situation. He looked down at Ume, acknowledging her embarrassment but shaking his head anyway. He leaned down, planting a kiss on her forehead before the two left the office, heading in the direction of the Leaf Hospital.
Sakura’s face was radiating heat as she pulled back the curtain that separated the hospital beds.
“Feeling better, Ume-chan?” she asked, obviously trying to ignore her burning face.
Ume nodded, trying to ignore whatever was bothering Sakura. She looked away, irritated.
“So, there’s nothing wrong, right?” Ume spat irritably, “I can go back to my next mission soon?”
“I-I don’t think you’ll be going back to any missions anytime soon, Ume-chan,” Sakura stuttered, avoiding Ume’s teal eyes.
“I’m sorry?” Ume’s head swiveled back to Sakura.
“You see,” Sakura began, sitting down on the edge of Ume’s bed. “I found something while I was testing you.”
Anger was replaced with nausea and anxiety quickly, “What is it?”
Sakura smiled awkwardly, lifting her eyes to meet Ume.
“Well,” she began again, “I’m fairly certain you’re pregnant, Ume. About 13 weeks.”
Ume sat in her small apartment, staring at the floor. She placed her palms flat on her stomach, as she laid back down on her bed. Her fingers quivered with anxiety as she began counting the tiles on her ceiling.
How was she going to tell Kakashi that he was going to be a father?
How was she going to tell him that he had yet another worry on top of his job as Hokage?
How was she going to tell him that she was pregnant and that the whole village would have to find out that they were an item?
How as he going to take it now that not only did he have to protect her, but now another living being?
She swallowed hard, closing her eyes and she tried to regulate her breathing on a normal pattern.
So, Temari was right, Ume thought. That bitch.
There was a knock at the door and Sakura was half expecting it to be Sakura again, checking up on her to make sure she had everything she needed. She had already brought by prenatal vitamins and anti-nausea herbal tea, all of which were already hidden in a cupboard somewhere in the kitchen. She didn’t want to risk Kakashi finding out before she could tell him.
“Come in,” Ume called, unenthusiastically.
The door creaked open and Ume knew immediately without looking it was Kakashi.
“Everything alright?” he asked, trying his best to mask his concern. “Sakura said everything was fine but you were resting.”
Ume nodded, feeling nausea rise up in her again. Her hands were shaking.
Quietly, he took a seat next to her bed, his long limbs touching the mattress easily from where he was sitting.
“How do you feel?” he asked her. She didn’t respond, her mind racing and wondering if she should tell him now or wait.
Perhaps she should not tell him at all. Perhaps she should just leave the village and go to another. Perhaps she could live with Suki until this all passed and she had the child. She closed her eyes, disgusted with herself.
“Ume,” he began, leaning in. He placed a hand on her head, his calloused fingers weaving long purple strands of hair. “What’s wrong?”
She turned her head, shaking it as she bit her lip to and closed her eyes. Do not cry, Ume. She was going to have to leave the village. Leave him. Leave all her friends and comrades here. Her safe haven.
She would rather feel unsafe than put him through such stress.
“Are you crying?” he asked, his thumb brushing against her forehead. She shook her head again, cursing herself as a tear escaped from under her closed eyelids.
“Whats wrong?” he inquired again, this time, more insistent, taking his hand away. “Did something happen?”
She shook her head again.
“Ume!”  he finally spoke, his voice commanding her to give him the answers. She opened her eyes, staring at him as he willed himself to control his emotions.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispered, defeated.
Kakashi blinked at her, his eyebrows still knitted together but his expression quickly changed to confusion.
“Y-you’re what?” He asked, his voice lighter than it had been moments before.
“I’m pregnant,” she repeated, this time, a little louder. “it’s yours.”
Kakashi sat back in his chair, blinking as his expression changed into a million different emotions. He pulled his mask off, letting it pool at his collarbone as he stared at the ground. His eyebrows lifted as he looked back up at her.
“I’m sorry,” she quickly defended herself, expecting him to launch into a lecture about how they should have never been involved. “I didn’t know. My pill must not have worked and I didn’t-“
Her mouth was cut off quickly by his lips, his hand gripping the back of her head. He pecked her lips again, his lips smiling as she realized he wasn’t angry at all. He was happy.
He held her face, his expression the happiest she had ever seen as he pulled away and looked down at her.
“You’re sure you’re-…?” he asked, his voice higher than normal.
She nodded her head, smiling through happy tears that had once been anxious ones moments before.
He kissed her again, pressing his lips hard against hers.
“You’re not mad?” she asked between kisses, holding his wrists.
“Why would I be mad?” he sat back, exasperated. He traced his fingers through his hair, his breathing labored as he laughed.
“You already have so much on your plate and now you have this,” Ume quickly told him. “And our relationship- and your promise-“
He turned back to her, his eyes shimmering with a radiant happiness she had never seen before.
“I don’t care,” he told her, his voice uncharacteristically cheerful. “I don’t care about any of it. Let them know- I’ll protect you both- and myself.”
He paused, shaking his head in disbelief, “I don’t want them to grow up without a father like I did. I’ve lost so much in my life- everything I’ve ever loved. And now I have this- you,” he shook his head, “I couldn’t be mad. This is all I’ve ever wanted.”
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liegeorourke · 7 years
rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better (tagged by @katiedoodles237 ) 
1. name/nickname: people aren’t stupid enough to give me nicknames for the most part. Catnip, Zellmer, little Zellmer, little fancy Z, or just Z, which to be honest aren't really nicknames, just my last name in various forms.... or... wait is that what a nickname is? Either way it's lazy. 
2. relationship status: single, always ready for a Pringle 
3. favorite color: probably maroon? But like a really red maroon. Does that have a different name? To wear, it would be black. I like purple and silver too. 
4. last song i listened to: Thunder Bluff form the World of Warcraft soundtrack, last one with words, I’m a Barbie Girl by Aqua 
5. favorite youtube channels: jacksfilms, LiveEachDay, Kickthepj, the drawfee channel…. who am I subscribed too again? 
6. first fandom: uh… I.. I don know 7:Hobbies: oh me? My name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the type of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes or dislikes! My dreams for the future are none of your business... but, anyway I have lots of hobbies 8. things i am currently working on: death, dying and also being dead. I'm also writing a book so there's that. 9. worst thing i’ve ever eaten: my pride was the first thing that came to mind, but like probably sea food, that shits nasty 
10. favorite place: inside my head 11: three wishes: I struggle with this question every time they ask me my birthday wish in Animal Crossings.
Tagging: @kataramorrell @kirschthirsty @keimakaito @a-crack-in-my-porcelain-mask @nonbinaryvictorzsasz @brinneymvnster @cappuccinostars @cameronwhimsy @part-of-that-hetalian-world @majorlosse
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