#eirika x valter
boardthatsinkingship · 8 months
4. Queen
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✨ V A L T O B E R ✨
he kneels before his queen.
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forblazess · 1 month
Fire Emblem Pairings Stamp Batch #3
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I edited some FE pairing stamps! Use them for your HTML needs :)
Just make sure the stamps have their URLs when you add them.
Other batches:
Batch # 1
Batch # 2
Batch # 3
Batch # 4
Batch # 5
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beantothemax · 4 months
Fe8 x AA au
Phoenix: Eirika
Edgeworth: Lyon
Maya: Myrrh
Mia: Selena
Godot: Valter
Larry: Ephraim
Gumshoe: Dozla
maya myrrh and mia saleh too…… GODOT VALTER……. GUMSHOE DOZLA!!!!!!!!!! SO TRUE!!!!!!!!
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decideroffate · 1 year
I think that the main reason why people are so freaked out by "immoral ships" isn't because they are not aware that it's not real : but because of how the media portrays the relationships as nothing more than this. No one is going to argue that there is moral way of placing 2 dolls together to play and create the story but the most common way is to respect some morals aspects. Intelligents system too tries to respect that by having Anna waiting until she is mature enough to marry Alear or by having the twins not being related to Alear using a plot or in that case a ship convinient explanation. Intsys weird excuse also take into account morality but they have their own way of making those ships morally acceptable. But the real reason why it bothers people so much is the picture. It makes them pictures somthing rather unsavory. I read a lot of stuff so I am kind of less impacted by that (mind you, however when I stumble upon let's say a fanart of Alear x Veyle i am still quite ewww but not as much as people and I can see such fanart without throwing up or thinking badly of those who made it) but i can see why people would be bothered : sure you pretent the character exist and is related to the others, it's not real, but because you have to keep with this logic, you might feel nauseous seeing those character depicted as lover, even if the fanarist/writer of fanfic made them not related in that fanwork. it can seem as trying to justify incest by saying it isn't since you change the character's relationship. I would not say writing about immoral things is immoral in itself since would it be, we wouldnot be able to talk about the awful stuff that happen. But i can understand why it bothers people to see it romantize. However, when those same people claim shows like Got only are "historicaly accurate" when it's obvious immoral relationship are being romantized and expect their viewers to have already a moral compass capable of knowing it is bad irl, I raise an eyebrow. However I wish people could relativise. It's not as bad as it is irl since the characters never existed to begin with. It's just unpleasant. I woould advice not jugding someone based on their fictional tastes though since kink and stuff are things kind of hard to apprehend, but i don't see why I should deduced that someone who likes Eirika x Valter would like to do to a woman what Valter wanted to do to her since i don't do that for people who likes violence in fiction
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merryfortune · 3 years
Written for 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth
Prompt: 06 Lust
Ship: Eirika/Valter
Fandom: Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Word Count: 2,941
Rating: M
Warnings: Chose not to use warnings
AN: Big thank you to @seasaltmemories for being my beta :D
Tags: Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Forced Relationships, Obsession, Abuse, Murder, Themes of Rape/Non-con
   Every night, without fail, the Goddess of the Moon used to light up the night skies, turning every end of the day into a feat of joy and merriment with just her appearance as she danced through the skies, no chariot of her own, just her and her two glass slippers. The nocturnal hours that she lit were precious and safe, completely and utterly free of the fear of the dark.
   It’s not like that anymore. Sometimes she is able to grace the world with the whole of her dance, other times she is shrouded in darkness. Worst of all are the nights when she’s not there at all.
   Ever since the Goddess of the Moon was forced to wed the God of the Dark, she had been unable to dance like she had in the more innocent days of yore. The gentle, restful night had been transformed due to their union as with his occurrence within the world had caused a new, dreadful fear to become known to the world. Thus cementing the God of the Dark as having a reputation for being the stealer of one of the two most precious lights that resided within the heavens.
   The moon had been taken from her twin, the sun, her elder brother. 
   Ephraim, the older twin, the literal golden boy, was the emissary of the sun. Commanding a golden chariot pulled by golden horses, he lit up the day with his fierce warmth and light, bringing energy to all lit by it. From the people to the animals to the plants. Each and every day, over the course of several hours, Ephraim and his horses would cause the sun to arc over the world. He would leave a blaze in his wake regardless of which season it was but that is what made him and his chariot, the sun, so admirable.
   Meanwhile, at night, Eirika would take to the skies in her brother’s place. She had no chariot, only her two glass slippers but her dance was elegant and illuminating. Her dance would lull children to sleep and her rapier would allow for light to gleam off it, revealing safe paths for weary travellers to follow. Where her brother blazed, she was a dew or a frost. Soft and forgiving, soothing, healing.
   Both the sun and the moon had their fair share of followers and devotees. 
   But Eirika had a devout follower like none other. A man by the name of Valter who had been praying to her since he was a child. It was a childhood interaction between him and the Goddess of the Moon that had caused him to become utterly obsessed with her.
   He recalled that fateful night with brilliant clarity, when the Goddess of the Moon had come down from the heavens and presented himself to her in the flesh and nectar.
   Beaten. Starved. Abused. Just a sampling of what Valter endured as the bastard child of a noblewoman and a rapist. And like many others, the night was the only reprieve from the scrutiny and assault that he faced from the people around him meant to be his family or carers. 
   He escaped outside, into the cool and into the fireflies that lingered near the pond at the rear of the orchard. Far, far away from the house with the little, battered cot that he had to call a bed. He looked up into the sky, through the treetops and the stars, and saw her. The most beautiful woman a child could ever conceive of: he saw the moon and his eyes filled upon that visage and with tears, too.
  He prayed. He begged. He worshipped in the blinding, holy light of the moon with no temple or ritual. Just his brutal feelings and brutalised body. He laid down his body and soul for this and for that, the Goddess of the Moon stepped down from the heavens and appeared before him.
   She caressed this child’s bruised face and cradled him, she ran her fingers through his hair and untangled the knots. Valter wept in her arms and so, Eirika gave him a blessing that he would take to his grave: she kissed his forehead and thus, a seal was placed upon him. The mark of the full moon. So long as he was faithful to her, no harm would befall him all the same as any other beneath Eirika’s moon.
   Then, once Eirika felt that she had consoled this child, she disappeared into his arms. A cavalcade of moonlit glitter, silvery and blue, and returned to her eternal dance in the night sky. Every twirl of her body, every kick of her long legs, every flick of her hand, another movement of the moon made as it had its own arc over the Earth.
   With the blessing of the Moon Goddess protecting him, his parents never raised a hand against him and he realised something. He was not weak anymore. He was not their prey. And so, empowered by the seal upon his forehead, Valter found his hierophilic purpose in life. Looking up at the indigo skies, he watched, entranced by the moonlight, by the goddess herself. Every night, he watched. He prayed. 
   Admiration and prayer gave way to obsession in the mind of young Valter as Eirika never visited him again, no matter how he pleaded and begged for her to reappear before him. And so, hopes and wishes, no matter how suffocated with his twisted affection, gave way to actions. He would do whatever it took for Eirika to notice him once more amongst all her mortal followers. Whatever it takes.
   Eventually, Eirika did notice Valter once more. He became all consuming to her attention, sickening her to her very core.
   He had grown into a man, a man like a wyvern. Tall, bulky, and sneering all the same as that heinous, fanged reptile. His prayers had turned to rallying cries of orchestrated tragedy. Each struck reverberating through the goddess whom he showed his devotion to in frigid cold blood. Until she had to cry out to no one at all as the gods had no higher power they could truly turn to.
   He was slaughtering innocents, those whom he deemed as unworthy followers of her and anyone else who had the misfortune of crossing his path like a black cat.  Every kill, a prayer and as they were prayers, Eirika felt each and everyone of them, even so far flung as into the skies and heavens. Every plunge of his spear against his so-called offerings was felt by Eirika as deep as the pain could possibly go and further still. 
   She felt the eviscerations that he put his victims through, the way he disembowled and revelled in the resulting viscera, how he desecrated what little was left. Every wound, every puncture. Though Eirika did not spill with a single drop of blood, she felt it as though it were a waterfall. The phantom penetrations left her on her knees as she could only grit her white teeth through it at all, screaming, sobbing, body and soul violated with his weapon of choice. His lunatic devotion.
  To the envy of the gods of war and the like, Valter was single handedly causing a disbalance in nature and the aether. All in adoration of Eirika and for it, Eirika would be the one punished by her fellow gods and goddesses. Not even her brother the sun could protect her as Lyon, the emissary of death, made his way to the moon, a tranquil fury at Eirika’s perceived negligence.
   He visited Eirika in the wayside of twilight, before her nightly dance would begin and he found her on her sublime abode, of marble and pure white rock, retching, holding herself as she felt more - dozens - killed in her name. Lyon knelt beside her.
   “Hark, my friend,” he told her, stroking her shoulder, an embodiment of light such as Eirika was not meant for such darkness, “but you must have courage and take to even your own follower to cease his atrocities. My domain is overflowing with souls who were not meant to be cut down by death just yet, it is disruptive, please understand, dear.”
   “I understand, Lyon, I will find a way to cease this madness.” Eirika said, sucking in a breath to sound braver than she was.
   “Excellent.” Lyon agreed and in a smog of shadow and dust, Eirika was left alone.
   She gazed out across the sky and she felt so, so small before the might of humankind and even all the universe. She had never felt that way before. She was a goddess, after all. So, she found herself seeking the counsel of someone whom she could always trust: her twin brother.
   Time was of the essence but Ephraim appeared on her cross path eventually. She hailed out to him and he halted his horses. They whinnied and whined but with Ephraim’s expert command, they stopped and he dismounted from behind the guard of his chariot.
   “Unexpected to see you this soon, sister.” Ephraim greeted her.
   “I need a little of your help.” Eirika confessed, fidgeting. “I have never had a follower kill in my name, let alone slaughter. I have been told to end him but I do not believe myself to be up to the task alone.”
   Ephraim stroked his chin thoughtfully, “I am informed of the situation and believe it is yours and yours alone, little sister.”
   “I have never taken up arms against anyone,” Eirika said, “I am not like you brother. I am not a warrior. I am a lover, not a fighter.”
   “Then perhaps you ought to use that to your advantage. Fight with words, rather than weapons.” Ephraim said then sighed. “With that, I must dismiss you. As you cannot prolong the night, neither can I prolong the day.”
   “I understand, rest well later, Ephraim.” Eirika told him.
   She watched as he and his horses left her. She watched the sparks and embers in his trail, they were beautiful but in the right temperature, could ignite the very crops that he was meant to rear. Eirika wondered if the indulgent blessing she had given away so recklessly a few years ago was the same. Her heart wrenched and sure enough, the killing prayers had begun again and her offerings were in the form of heads cleaved from necks rather than trimmed hollyhocks or similar.
   It brought her to her knees with indecision and powerlessness. Eirika, a goddess, was left snivelling and sobbing in the wake of the murder in her name. She hadn’t a faintest clue how gods of war and death endured or if it felt different to them. 
   Desiring nothing more than to at least end her own suffering, let alone the grief of the loved ones of those who had been killed in her name, Eirika found her courage. She would find her own way to fight against this follower of hers. Eirika took a deep, heaving breath and her gloved fists strengthened. She tried to lift herself up but she was struck once more by the sensation of a piercing lance but she endured the pain as innocents were killed in her name. She vanished from the edge of the world where she had met her brother.
   Reappearing in a scourged field, Eirika stood, uncertain and she gazed out past the fallen, slaughtered bodies. This may have been a village once and it was as though war had razed it but she only saw the silhouette of one man and his lance in his hand. The one man who had caused this tragedy and his weapon of choice.
   Valter twitched. He could sense a cool change in the dusk. His movements were unnatural as he lumbered around, enthralled, that he appeared to be in the presence of someone more than loyalty. Eirika steeled herself. His gaunt face split into a manic grin. A lust for life, a lust for blood, and worst of all: a lust for her, Eirika sensed from it.
   “Eirika, my goddess, you recall me?” he asked as he began to amble forward, tired by his slaughter, using his lance as a cane to hobble with, and yet enthused by Eirika’s reappearance before her.
   In front of her, he laid down his weapon, overjoyed that his prayers had finally been heard, it seemed. He took her hand and smothered her knuckles with kisses. Eirika remained akin to marble, just a statue, glaring yet neutral. Valter’s passion disgusted her but what really made Eirika tremble was the realisation that he still bore her blessing upon his forehead. It shone like a beacon, completely unmarred from the passage of time, unmarred by the splatter of blood, completely unlike the rest of his face.
   “Yes, I remember you, the child that I assisted.” Eirika replied gravely. 
   Valter lifted his head and Eirika saw a jaundice to his eyes, they were wide, “I was worried my prayers were eluding you, I am nothing but devoted to you, my goddess, your attention is all that I desire.” 
   “They have been heard, Valter,” Eirika said, firm, “and they must stop.”
   Her proclamation shocked Valter to stone. He blinked. He behaved as though he could not fathom her words.
   “This killing in my name must stop.” Eirika continued, her voice getting louder now.
   Both of them were distraught but somehow, Valter was more so. He gawked, on the brink of anger. His one-sided love betrayed.
   “I will do anything to bring a stop to your murder.” Eirika told him.
   “Anything?” Valter echoed and disbelief gave way upon his rugged face to something conniving. It made Eirika’s skin crawl. 
   “Yes, anything, so long as it is within the boundaries of my domain.” Eirika replied, sheepish, already regretting her words but she hoped that so long as his request was per her own magic, then she would be true to her own word yet she dreaded Valter’s reply.
   He took a moment to peruse his words and gather what his anything would be but his teeth glinted, “I have my request.”
   “Let’s hear it.” Eirika replied, bravely, keeping her chin up even though she dreaded what was about to come from Valter’s mouth.
   “I want power.” Valter said. “Power of the gods.”
   “I must deny that, I can give you no such thing.” Eirika replied and she tried to step away from Valter but he grabbed her hand.
   Eirika’s heart could have jumped from her chest but instead, it sank. Valter came down to his knee, still holding her hand and Eirika realised what he was asking for her.
   “I could share in your power, as your husband.” Valter said. “Have me as your mortal lover…”
   “But make you a god.” Eirika finished his sentence for him.
   He was perversely delighted, clearly thinking it a good omen of her marriage for her to do that. Eirika swallowed a lump in her chest and her expression remained firm. Brave. She took a breath.
   “For a dowry, you will receive power over the dark, the home of the night sky and moon, but for the engagement, you will relinquish your killing. Those are our vows.” Eirika scowled.
   “As you wish,” Valter replied, his voice a sick caress, “my love.”
   Valter kissed Eirika’s hand once more. Just once. And there was a swell of power. The transfer of part of Eirika’s domain into another. She kept herself strong through it as she felt part of her power diminish and was eaten up by Valter.
   “You are now Valter, God of the Dark.” Eirika christened him and she could feel a shift in the balance of nature and aether but she didn’t think she was going to be scolded for it.
   This shift recontextualised itself and Eirika could feel the new presence of the dark. Not as a time of rest and solace, but as something that could have horrible dangers lurking in. An old fear, from before her time and birth as a goddess, revived and revitalised because of the birth of the new god before her, at her feet.
   “Come, Valter, we must make haste. The night must begin, it must go on.” Eirika told him, hurried him.
   Valter slowly got up and smiled eerily, “With pleasure.” he replied.
   Though she wanted to be let go, Eirika instead took Valter’s hand. To turn the moon, to blanket the world in darkness and sleep, soothed by the gentle light of the moon… unfortunately he now had a place in this as a newlywed dance, no matter how unnerving.
   Valter was sharply keen to assist. His hand was large against Eirika’s and despite being defined by her dualism with her brother, she had never danced with a partner before. His hands were stony and so were his movements, he was a warrior, not a dancer, Eirika quickly realised. 
   He trod on her toes, cracking the glass slippers her feet were adorned with but he was an eager partner, if anything else. Eager but inadequate, he took charge. They danced but it was not the dance that Eirika, or the world, had once known so effortlessly, so innately. As such, the moon was partially enshrouded in a shadow that had never been there before.
   Thus, for the first time in all the history so far of creation, earthly and heavenly, the moon began to wane. A shade of darkness, her possessive husband, hid the moon’s face as she tried to dance as usual, beginning a new lunar cycle the world had not seen before but would come to know ever after.
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fire-castle-pokemon · 6 years
Posting this dumb thing because I put tons of effort into it- (Heads up I am a huge multi shipper so like I ship Valter with Lloyd, Valter with Seth, but then also Seth x Innes????? *\\\\\\\\* )
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enkisstories · 3 years
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- Some Fire Emblem ships -
Musings under the cut:
Lucius x Raven (4*+10 / +10)
Lucius was a badass light magic user in my original FE 7 run, who could one-shot everything except for Denning and the fire dragon. He will always protect his Raymond. IS did him dirty making him a healer (but even as a four star puts in nice work with Witchy Wand.)
Byleth x Kronnya (+2 / +10)
I’m a sucker for redemtion stories, plus they made Kronnya turn to the player in her last moments, pleading for help. I’d loved to recruit her, repair the Agarthean upbringing that has messed her up and then turn her against them in the final dungeon. Interestingly enough I do not feel this way about Peri, who is a very similar chaarcter. So it is really all due to this damn cut scene that triggered my protective urges. Kronnya having a fun unique playstyle in FEH also helps her case.
Eirika x Seth (+3 / +10)
The princess and her knight. It’s a classic, timeless and sweet.
Virion x Lucina (+10, sadly never pulled a single B!Lucina after the free pick)
They were part of my original team and S-supported for the extra stats. Later IntSys gave them a daughter in Legendary Lucina with mom’s appearance and dad’s archery style, and now I cannot help but ship them for real.
Felix x Sylvain (Both +1)
It’s hard to decide between this couple and Felix x Annette / Sylvain x Mercedes. Please, IS, give me their original forms soon so that I can realize all three ships!
Ephraim x Valter (not built)
Admittedly this is a crack ship. At one point in Sacred Stones Valters states that thinking about Ephraim makes his blood boil/rage/whatever, and the phrasing they use in german is "in Wallung geraten”, what can get taken as “aroused”.
Since I never use Valter I supported him with the useless L!Ephraim.
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allykakamatsu · 3 years
FE SS X DRV3 General plot
Once again, I’m back on my bulls**t. Got the basics for the AU sorted now so let’s take a look, as well as what most of the characters are doing
Plot Outline:
As I mentioned in the first post https://allykakamatsu.tumblr.com/post/649470604067717120/fe-ss-x-drv3 the reason the class is in Magvel in the first place is because Monokuma decided that trapping them in the game was gonna be the motive, where you either have to end the war/beat the game or kill someone from the real world in order to get out. The characters got sent to various points in the timeline, and as you can imagine, this changed quite a lot.
Shuichi Saihara:
•The last one to wake up, aka got sent to when the game starts rather than some time before like the others.
•Ends up unintentionally becoming Eirika’s bodyguard as they run into each other while the Princess is trying to get to Frelia and Seth has gone missing dun dun dun
•Sticks around as Eirika knows where Kaede is and because he doesn’t want to leave her on her own.
•Can use magic, but still needs to work on his aim. Aka, never let him fight an enemy that’s near a tree.
•Still better than when he uses a Lance, he just stabs wildly and hope it works
•Because he doesn’t get the pre-war time everyone else had to get ready, he does get the advantage of remembering other things, though they’re things he’d rather not remember.
Kaede Akamatsu:
•Was sent to Renais and ended up getting adopted by the royals, so she’s the Twin’s step-sister.
•Despite her accidental new status, doesn’t change too much, and enjoys her time with her new family even if she’s always scarred about when the war will start
•As such, she’s also very overprotective and always goes with Ephriam to his dumb stunts, under the guise of being all for it.
•Very over dramatic organ player.
•Like Eirika she’s good with swords, but tends to specialise in staffs.
•Is part of Ephriams four (well now five) man army trying to take Grado down.
Maki Harukawa:
•Woke up in Jehana but didn’t stick around for long due to not liking the heat.
•Ended up travelling with Tenko for a while as travelling mercenaries, but when Maki’s work started leaning on the assassin side again she left so the Aikido Master wouldn’t get involved.
•After that becomes an assassin for hire, and she works for people all over the continent, including with Rausten which (unfortunately) led to her seeing Kokichi again
•”If it wasn’t for the fact your Princess hired me I’d kill you”
•Eventually after several jobs making her infamous, she was hired by Kirumi to help protect Eirika.
•Agreed, and was extra motivated due to Shuichi being dragged into this.
Himiko Yumeno:
•One of only two who was over the moon to be sent to Magvel, because now she has real MAGIC
•Winds up in Lute and Arthur’s village, where she joins their friend group to become master Mages.
•Constantly getting on Lute’s nerves for napping during practice.
•More energetic than usual, but that just means when she’s out she’s out for the count.
•Specialises in thunder magic, but that’s mostly not to steal Lute’s thunder, well, fire in this case.
•Goes with Arthur to get help when the village is attacked by monsters to “make sure they don’t claw him to death”
Angie Yonaga:
•Ends up becoming a priestess in Grado.
•Doesn’t really like spreading the word of non-Atua figures, but sticks around because Atua said so.
•Also leads to her becoming friends with Natasha and also ‘friends’ with Cormag
•Was already growing weary of the Empire when she heard about the war, but when Natasha was branded a traitor she knew something was up and went after her.
•Still always smiling, which depending on the person is a relief to see someone keeping their hopes up, or disturbing cause “does she ever not smile?”
•Mostly a light magic user, but can heal and not afraid to staff bonk.
Kirumi Tojo:
•Was sent to Frelia and became a servant at the castle very fast.
•Joined the staff only a few days before ‘The Frelian Tragedy’ where the crown Prince was kidnapped and presumed dead.
•Because of this and the King being so busy, Kirumi ended up being the one to console the young Princess Tana.
•Ended up becoming a mother/big sister figure and was offered a change of position as the nanny. Ended up taking it and staying on maid duty, and eventually rose to head maid.
•More open with her emotions, but still quite reserved.
•Can use all weapons well, but prefers spears and staffs.
Kokichi Oma:
•Not known where or when he first arrived, but after 3 years ended up in Rausten.
•Wound up as part of L’Arachel’s entourage due to his battle skills and her liking his attitude.
•Dream tam for each other, nightmare for everyone else.
•Was rumoured to be part of the Frelian Tragedy, but no one can prove it or knows how.
•With L’Arachel for most of the war, but ran off for a bit to drag Renac back
•A full blown trickster class, so swords and staffs for him.
•Since Robots don’t exist, he’s a dragon now.
•Excited that he’s living and breathing, but scarred because “How did I change species?!”
•Eventually finds Myrrh and she thankfully sets things straight.
•Proud of his new species, but does miss his old life.
•When Selena steals her dragon stone, he tries to get it back, only to get caught in some trees while in dragon form.
•After that accompanies her on Ephriam and Kaede’s path to get the stone back.
Rantaro Amami:
•A former wyvern rider turned pegasus knight
•Yes, somehow he got a pegasus to trust him enough to let him ride, to the confusion of everyone else.
•Was with Grado for a while, but jumped ship to Jehana about three years before the war.
•When he learned that the Queen’s son had run away, his big brother instincts kicked in and he volunteered to find him.
•His search eventually led to Carcino where he found Joshua alone with the rest of Eirika’s party.
•Agreed to tag along so he could keep an eye on the gambling Prince and so he could help out Shuichi.
•Good with lances, but way better with flying.
Miu Iruma:
•A wyvern rider from Grado, though an unconventional one (I mean, it’s Miu)
•She and Rantaro were part of the same squad, but she stayed unlike him.
•Good at making all her allies lives a living hell with her antics (RIP Cormag) but she’s kept around due to her skill
•Saw Valter kill Glenn, but while trying to tell Cormag, got sidetracked by seeing Selena try to take Kiibo’s dragonstone, which made her go “F**k it”, swear the Flurspar out, and switched sides to team Ephriam.
•The only wyvern who uses an axe. Everyone calls her crazy for it but hey, whatever works.
Tenko Chabishira:
•Was in Renais at first, but after being ditched by Maki she went to Jehana due to her unsurprisingly wanting to be in the nation lead by a queen rather than a king like the rest.
•Ends up bumping into Marisa on a job, and once it’s over she convinces Tenko to join the Mercenaries.
•Loves Tethys and Marisa, so she stays no matter what, but she does eventually get some respect for Gherik.
•Doesn’t stop her from thinking somethings up with Kiyo and the new recruit who won’t take his mask off.
•Would’ve joined up with team Eirika either way since everyone else agreed, Himiko being there just made her a lot more aggressive with it.
•Axes all the way baby!
Korekiyo Shinguji:
•Wound up in Caer Pelyn, which royally confused everyone, but they kinda just rolled with it.
•Stayed due to his interest in the village, but when he was about to leave Ewan stopped by, and after a misunderstanding about why he wanted to leave Kiyo gets dragged into the mercenaries.
•At first only stayed due to wanting to send his sister more ‘friends’, but after seeing Tethys and Ewan act like how siblings are supposed to act, he realised how badly he screwed up, so he ends up sticking around to find out what real siblings are meant to do.
•Gladly joins up with team Eirika once they show up not only to stay with his allies, but also to get some more ‘sibling role models’
•Good with dark magic and staffs, but is in the summoner class..... be very afraid.
Kaito Momota:
•Woke up in Carcino, but after realising the guys in charge were assholes, he left and started travelling all over as a mercenary.
•After seeing Ephriam and Kaede storm a castle with 5 people total and win, he got the bright idea to become a masked hero busting innocents Grado captured out of jail and just generally be a thorn in their side.
•Formed a bit of a partnership with Kokichi because of this cause hey, where else in Magvel are you going to get smoke bombs.
•Eventually met Lyon, and after they explained what was going on to him, Kaito decided to risk it all on them as he let himself get caught to help bust Knoll out of jail, which worked, albeit with a lot of extra help from team Ephriam.
•All and all, more or less the same, just in WAY over his head.
•Of course he’s in the Hero class, so that means swords and axes.
Tsumugi Shirogane:
•The only one who’s played the game before, and easily the most excited, especially as she ended up in Grado and to be more specific as Lyon’s adopted sister.
•Thought she could get everything she wanted due to this being a game, but ended up having a bit of an existential crisis when the world turns out to be harder to manipulate and more real then she thought.
•Not wanting to accept that fiction can be real to, decided to take the demon kings power that wasn’t in Lyon (this was before the stone was shattered so that means most of it) to try get control back.
•This, of course, backfires, as while her already wanting to cause chaos/drama meant she kept her sense of self for longer, her lie eventually crashed in as once Shuichi got her to accept that fiction can be real she got completely possessed.
•Has the same class as Lyon, though she’s less tanky in exchange for being faster, worth it when you’re dealing with dark tomes.
Well, that’s everything for now. Hope you enjoy!
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multiverse-swampy · 3 years
Questions and form made by @goddess-of-war-nyka
1. Introduce your summoner. –
Name: Swampy Age: 30 Height: 5′8″ Weight: 200~lbs Sexuality: Asexual Eye Color: Grey Blue Hair Color: Brown Nationality: Fantasian Hobbies: Drawing, Gaming, Singing, Sleeping
2. How did they come to Askr?
“I was actually relaxing in the Smash Mansion. A portal opened underneath me and I was dropped in... and then landed in the grass of an unknown world... which happened to be Askr and the Zenith world.”
3. What are their favorite hobbies? –
“Drawing, sleeping, sometimes singing.”
4. Does your summoner have any bad habits that the heroes try to help them through? –
”Well, I do have a pessimistic outlook and I’m generally a shy person... and I’m hard to come out of my shell. I had a firm belief that all people were bad, and only seek to use and abuse others for selfish gain. And I don’t think I speak very well. Oh, and randomly cracking joints. That’s a bad habit. And being autistic.”
5. How close is your summoner to their heroes? –
“I’d say I’m friends with most at this point.”
6. Does your summoner struggle with being a tactician? –
”Yeah. This whole game of war chess was something new to me and had to learn...”
7. How did your summoner react during their first time summoning? –
”Huh. Is that how this thing works? Weird.”
8. How does your summoner react to summoning now? –
“That time again? Alright.”
9. How well do they adjust to life in Askr? –
“The lack of technology scared me at first, so it was very slow to adjust and get to know people.
10. How long have they been a summoner? –
“Over two years now.”
11. Who’s your summoner’s main team? –
"Babby Caeda, Brave Eliwood, Legendary Edelgard, and Summer Rhys.”
12. Who’s your summoner’s S support? –
"Brave Claude. My boo~.”
13. How was your Summoner and ally support building to S support?–
“Slow burn for sure. I do believe we both have walls to break down. Generally quality time and doing general activities together helps with trust.”
14. How many allies have S support with your summoner? –
”Uhh... I think... five? Dream Male Corrin, Legendary Ike, Eirika (my BFF), Male Byleth, and currently now, Brave Claude.”
15. What are your top 4 ally x ally supports? –
“Let me think... Eirika X Seth Joshua X Natasha Quan X Ethlyn Brave Dimitri X Brave Claude ... Yeah, I think those ones fit.”
16. What does your summoner miss from home? –
“Technology, mostly. Stuff that made life so much easier generally.”
17. If they could bring one thing from home with them what would it be? –
“Like, a personal item? I think my satchel. I know Askr could provide me with another one, but I’m a bit hesitant to ask.”
18. Is your summoner’s robe unique? –
“Well, yes, given my wings, tail, horns... ears. I have an outfit for hot, mild and cold weather as well. I think the one thing that stands out, it has an Askr style heart on each shoulder and a big one on the back.”
19. Who are your fellow summoner friends? –
“Kiran, Mizuki, Olivander, Mercury, Razor, Aqua... Uh, I think I’m missing some more.”
20. What does your summoner wear if during their down time? –
“Things that are comfortable and fireproof. Shirt and pants/shorts are typically fine for me. Nothing too overly complicated.”
21. How do they handle merging heroes or sending them home? –
“I send most three star heroes home, while merging Heroes doesn’t bother me.”
22. What abilities/weapons do they have? –
“Outside of my Axe and Dire Breidablik, I can use my own claws and flame breath. I can also fly and use my wide array of trinkets from other worlds to help me out here.”
23. Would your summoner like to know magic? –
"Nah. No real need for it.”
24. Are they able to hold their own in a fight? –
"I could in theory, though Alfonse doesn’t want me to fight since he’s a worrywart and doesn’t want me dying on him... Which... is a fair concern.”
25. How many heroes have you acquired? –
"Over 400. Don’t make me count...”
26. What book has been the hardest? Emotional or battle-wise. –
“That one chapter when Freyja was giving me an onslaught... I remember barely clearing that cursed chapter...”
27. If your summoner went into battle what would be there class? –
“Axe Infantry or Flyer. Maybe a Green Dragon.”
28. Are there any heroes they clash with? –
”Huhm... I suppose that would go to Valter. He’s such a possessive madman, but I’ve grown used to his behavior over the years. Him calling me his “little bunny”... He gets worse when he becomes a naga... such a clingy snake.”
29. Which hero have you pumped more into? –
“... Unfortunately, that would also have to be Valter.”
30. Which hero do you get a lot of while summoning? –
“I uh... never really paid attention to that to be honest.”
31. Which heroes have they adopted? –
"Actually none, it’s more the other way around! By Fel and Lif, and by Byleth and Edelgard.”
32. Do they participate in voting gauntlets? –
“Yeah. Mostly for the awards and bonding time with my boo.”
33. How do they handle their orbs? –
“I do try to save them for legend dairy and mythic banners, unless there’s a special event with a higher summon rate.”
34. What hero do you wanna see in Fire Emblem Heroes? –
“Whoever is currently missing from Sacred Stones. I would like to see Glen, despite the clashing that might occur...”
35. Will your summoner stay in Askr? Nifl? Muspell? Hel? Embla? –
"Probably will stay in Askr, if they’ll allow me. I do enjoy the cold of Nifl though, though the goddess is... kinda... distant.”
36. What is your Summoner life like years later if they stayed? Askr. Nifl. Muspell. Hel. Embla. –
“I think I’d be mostly the same, while maintaining peace.”
37. Summoner’s family reacting to your summoner’s significant other?–
”Eh, I’m not sure. They’ll worry for my safety for sure, since I’m... not normal. When they know they mean well, I’m sure they’ll relax, but check up on me time to time.”
38. In a twist of fate, if your summoner could change one thing what would it be? –
“Probably sparing Freyr of his death or curing Bruno and Veronica of their blood thirst.“
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For the character thingy: Berkut and/ or Lyon?
(Oh my god I forgot these were in the inbox and this is the first time I’ve really slowed down today)
We’ll do both as a treat! (edited both bc I forgot to add in my fav lines)
Favorite thing about them: It makes me happy/sad how truly loyal he is to Rigel/his people! Like... idk he was raised his whole life thinking he would rule, and he was ready for it! He would have been good at it, I think, and I want whats best for him...
Least favorite thing about them: Berkut, sweetie... you gotta stop being so rude to the commoners! For what is a lord, a king, an emperor, without his subjects! There is more to life than the elite and their ways!
favorite line: These are all gonna be from feh since I can’t find shit for ingame lines and its been a sec since I played Echoes but... his dancer confession is so cute... he loves her so MUCH WAHHH
Unlike his older brother the emperor, my father was a kind, gentle man. He passed ere I was 10 years old. My mother smiled often when I was small. I remember it well... Oh, they'd argue, to be sure, but soon I'd see them dancing together in the great hall. I did not yet understand marriage. Still, I knew I wanted someone who'd dance like that with me. When I first met Rinea, she told me she loved to dance. It was as if... Well... I see that I've said too much. Now take that silly grin off of your face.
brOTP: Berkut and Alm! I want these cousins to get to know one another better so so bad...
OTP: Berkut x Rinea of course! They’re so good together (when he’s not crazy, obviously) I want something so soft and sweet...
nOTP: Hmm... probably Berkut/Fernand? They were both bad influences to one another and tbh, deserved better.
Random headcanon: He didn’t really enjoy dancing until he met Rinea! For him, it was more of a duty rather than something to be enjoyed. But with Rinea... well, suddenly he could see the magic in it.
Unpopular opinion: Idk if it's unpopular but I really hate the ending he and Rinea forgot. LIke oh they have to die for Alm and Celica to rule? I think it would have been nice for him to rule as well...
Song I associate with them: Hmm... uhh... this is off the top of my head, but probably Emperor's new Clothes/P!ATD (it fits lol).
Favorite picture of them: Not a picture but I LOVE this scene in echoes so much. The vibes... the music... how happy they both seem...
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Favorite thing about them: Hmm... considering I haven’t played scared stones, its hard to say. But... well, it's obvious how much he cares for his people and for his country. It’s nice to see how genuine he is.
Least favorite thing about them: Made Valter a general ;p
Favorite line: Both of them are from feh here, too. Og Lyon:
You work so hard, but I want you to know that—if you need to—it's OK to cry. Nobody here knows what you've been through but you.
Fallen! Lyon:
...Hmph. Looks like I was wrong to disregard the value of human emotions.
brOTP: Him and Eirika! I could ship them romanticly too but the idea and him and Eirika teasing Eph together is... cute.
OTP: Ephriam!! Ephraim!! Their duo hero... the comic about it... its food for the soul.
nOTP: Hmm... unsure? I haven’t really seen any ships for him outside the twins and like, obviously I’m here for that.
Random headcanon: He really likes children, and they really like him! All the child units in Askr love to play with him...
Unpopular opinion: How the hell do you pronounce Lyon anyways? First I said lion, then Leon (in a very french way) and I’ve heard it said differently by characters... ugh
Song i associate with them: Shyness Boy by Anri!!
Favorite picture of them: If I had it I would upload it, but its that Feh comic comparing Eph/Lyon duo hero with Hector/Lillina and Eph is like “oh okay yeah, I’ll pick him up!” and Lyon is just o///o
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@aradiantfuture (From here x)
She had to be dreaming. There was no possible way that he could be here. He was dead, and Eirika knew this as fact. And yet here he was, standing over her bed with that same disgusting smirk on his face. She didn’t move or say anything at first, keeping her eyes locked on him. Usually she had kindness in her heart to give to anyone, as she believed there was good in everyone. But Valter… He was a special case.
“You have no business being in my chambers,“ she finally spoke, trying her best to seem threatening. “And you do not know what love is, so speaking as though you do is an insult.” She couldn’t believe she was scared. He had been defeated once, she could certainly do it to him again.
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“How could you say such a thing?” Valter chuckled menacingly as he drew close, fangs gleaming from the pale moonlight filtering in from a nearby window. Was that how he got in? But it was locked from the inside...
He slid across the floor in an almost unnatural manner, almost as he was floating across like a rolling fog. “Eirika, do you not see...? It was my love for you that brought me back from the grave...”
He reached out, seeming as if he wanted to stroke her cheek gingerly. “How could I rule the Underworld as their King without my bride...?~” came the quiet hiss.
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Blind Date Matchups!
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“I know you’ve all been waiting expectantly to hear who your dates are going to be! I also know that I’ve been swamped with applications - I really underestimated everyone’s enthusiasm. It’ll be worth it when you’re all off enjoying yourselves. Uh, I hope you’ll be enjoying yourselves.
Just a quick reminder that whether you have been paired with an old friend or not, ignoring your partner is frowned upon. However, there is no obligation to begin the date immediately: we’ll leave it up to you to discuss when you will both be available.”
Use “ctrl + F” to find your muse’s name, or scroll down manually. All blogs have been linked to the muse’s name. Please message us if any of the links have been broken!
Caeldori x Hrid
Reyson x Julia
Robin x Corbett
Kaden x Reinhardt
Inshel x Karina
Caeldori x Mark
L’archel x Seth
Asugi x Lissa
Leon x Caeda
Morgan x Athena
Zelgius x Kamui
Aversa x Memiko
Ishtar x Yuki
Valter x Niles
Eirika x Eliwood
Thetis x Camilla
Charlotte x Ephraim
Kohaku x Danielle
Subaki x Veles
Ranulf x Shura
Maribelle x Vincent  **EDIT.**
Allanah x Leo
Saias x Lief
Robin x Arvis
Iole x Morgan
Van x Morgan
Liviana x Coralin
Zero x Felicia
Nora x Vaike
Nanna x Maribelle
Lyon x Forrest
Mist x Kotaru
Selena x Lydia
Yen’Fey x Jeremiah
Ahren x Soleil
Kiran x Owain
Marth x Eliwood
Irene x Michalis
Cynthia x Corrin
Walter x Cherche
Cassandra x Yun
Araceli x Claire
Tine x Kamui
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Ephraim’s Meta
In the sea of the blue haired lords of fire emblem, Ephraim is one that definitely took my interest the moment I decided to play his route for myself. There were some things in there that made me do a double take, even, kind of shocking me because I used to see him as simply a parallel to his sister or the other pacifist lords of the series.
This isn’t to say Ephraim is intended to become a bad man, but in the game alone, there’s some very blunt and obvious signs that he’s not your typical do-gooder hero. He has huge flaws in his personality and a sketchy private life, which is honestly what makes him SUCH a well written and interesting character (and I can’t believe most of it goes unnoticed).
He does not want to be a King
This isn’t actually a bad thing, I think this is his best trait even when it’s common among lords to be reluctant.
He says quite often he feels Eirika would be a better ruler than he is, and that he would rather be a mercenary. Similar to Ike, he prefers being on the move and fighting for peace without a noble title, feeling like he could do a lot more for the people’s well-being this way, as well as meeting the needs of his own wanderlust. He does a damn good job of proving he’s capable of leading such a pact when he’s first introduced, storming a castle nearly BY HIMSELF save three other men, then to escape Valter’s ambush later.
Ephraim is a very powerful man, and the idea of wasting his skills by sitting on a throne and running a government is really unsettling.
Still, he has a strong sense of duty to his throne, and nothing will likely actually get him to give it up in my writings of him EXCEPT:
-if he were to go insane
-fall in love with someone he’s not allowed to be with (👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)
He has an intoxicating bloodlust
“Give me more— MORE!”
Ephraim are you high...?
This is more or less my own headcanons, as he says a lot in heroes that he can’t let his power control him and quotes “I might not look it, but I really do hope for peace. I've always got my lance handy, but there's nothing more precious to me than a kingdom at ease.”
But because Victory is an asshole, I’m casually looking over it as something he’d say as a youth that he grows out of later ;y
I think Ephraim’s nature as a skilled tactician and fighter makes it easy for him to get addicted to his own success (and possibly why he adopted a lance as opposed to the swords he and his sister used to use, as well as other lords in the series, as that weapon has the advantage and can obliterate his enemies). He has no chill, so to speak.
No amount of battle can completely sate him, but he knows damn well he’s not going to kill senselessly just to make himself feel accomplished. At least not where he is now...
He has a harem
This recruiting conversation is what REALLY got me thinking. Ephraim has a lot of rumors spread about him, and if Amelia is recruited by Ephraim himself, he dismisses it and leaves as soon as she brings it up. Of course, it’s not enough to warrant the player themselves to assume Ephraim keeps women as his personal palace slaves, but the fact that Franz HESITATES and says “...I think...” is too bold to simply dismiss.
That’s not to say that harems in medieval Europe were uncommon, or even considered bad. Ephraim also likely treats them well, and they certainly have a lot of comforts and wealth, but judging by the reactions of his friend and Amelia, they’re living at a time where it’s not exactly something sweet.
However, Ephraim likely has little to do with them outside his own comfort and pleasure when he’s at home as well as trophies from wartimes. As I’ve stated before, his highest pride is his success and skill in fighting. That being said, women and the idea of making one of them his wife comes after his training and wanderlust.
If he does begin to spiral into insanity and lets himself get away with cruel and inhunane acts, he’d take it out first on his slaves.
I’d also like to add, he doesn’t like women as much in general. Not only because they pale in comparison to his own sister in his eyes, but he also has a preference to men. But what kind of crown prince is allowed to take a man as his partner? He’s also dense enough not to realize it at this time, but he likes Lyon so much that it’s a bit more than a simple friendship don’t you think 👀 If you’re imagining shit like sharing a bath with him, that’s not “BFFS”, Ephraim.
He is in love with Eirika
Yes, it’s backwards, very wrong, and he knows that. I’m not saying much on the subject here because it’s been beaten to death by a lot of people already (and this is Fire Emblem :v), but this Ephraim does fancy his sister. I’m not shy of roleplaying dark themes, and if that makes you really uncomfortable, I don’t mind the follower count. However, it won’t be mentioned often (save for potential dark threads, because oh my god), as it’s been begrudgingly accepted and hidden away in his mind. It’s very likely unrequited.
He is very likely to inherit Dussel’s Cursed Lance
I’m taking a lot from the metas @bloodthirstymoonstone has written, as 1) they match some of my own and they’re good and well thought out headcanons holy CHRIST and 2) this is the Valter that Ephriam inherited the lance from. You can read them here (x) and here (x)
For those who hadn’t seen it yet, at some point in time, Ephraim kills Valter with the general’s own lance. Knowing the nature of Valter’s Cursed Lance, it’s a parasite takes the bad habits and personality of its host and uses it to feed for its own persona gain. This means the perfect host has to be prone to enjoying bloodshed, hence why when Cormag wields the lance in his and Dussel’s support, he doesn’t become effected by the curse simply by touching it. “A weapon is only as good or evil as the man who wields it”.
(I also headcanon that Ephraim hears the lance “speaking” to him in Valter’s voice. Sucks for him because he hates the guy so much, and this fact alone will surely drive him further up a wall)
This got me to think about and pick out the kinds of traits that would strengthen when the lance is in Ephraim’s hands. His own bloodlust has the potential to turn him into a harsh dictator that hungers for war on its own, whether he touches the lance or not. He would most DEFINITELY be a perfect candidate for the parasitic demon hiding within that lance.
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redwing2000 · 4 years
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Eirika (Rough Drawing ; 4P) エイリーク (ラフ画 ; 4P)
[Reward] https://www.patreon.com/posts/33059699 https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/438009/post/764830
Extreme Draft Night (12 JAN) Report
This Eirika set supposed to base on the story. She failed escape from kingdom fallen. Valter killed her and let his wyvern eat Eirika.
Supposed to stand all Sacred Stones princess head as Valter's collection. Yea... I skipped this one and only draw Eirika's head.
I have been testing another speeding drawing again. I tested this before.
[Pixiv] 丸焼きニダリー Nidalee Barbecue (LoL) artworks/71484225
I would add another tag for this speed drawing. User can search this easier. (FanBox) ラフ画 (Patreon) Rough Drawing
These rough drawing basically won't be resume again. So this is different to tag "WIP". I also would add back the character title for tags.
These tags drawing would similar to tag "XNALARA" or "Illusion". Supposed to be exculsive content. I properly don't share these drawing to my Pixiv. (If I really haven't work to publish. I may select some of them and publish to my Pixiv)
I don't often draw dragon. You can see the dragon looks so shitty. I'm not good at drawing background and non-human. But I always want to try draw vore theme.
This supposed to be present more drawing. Or just free draw that without thinking too much.
Maybe there would be much decapitated head.
I often think decapitated head for the first idea. This is my fav. extreme theme. (Next is hanging ; and then Cannibalism) But decapitated head mayn't so presentable as this just a head...
So I often turn into different theme when it turns to real drawing. You can imagine every drawing I just show decapitated head. You would get bored very quick.
[中國語] 這次的套圖是描寫艾利可在劇初逃亡失敗。然後被顔芸芸人 (X) 月長石 (O)殺死。最後她的身體也被飛龍作為口糧吃掉。
這次 / 這星期主要是在練速描。在此之前也出現過速描。 [Pixiv] 丸焼きニダリー Nidalee Barbecue (LoL) artworks/71484225
方便日後翻看,會以這TAG表示 (FanBox) ラフ画 (Patreon) Rough Drawing
我每回想畫EXTREME圖首先都是想起生首 (其次就是吊和吃),但這只是一顆頭啊……正式制作時往往會為了作品趣味而修改了。
★ Twitter - https://twitter.com/wingr2000 ★ ★ If you enjoy my work, supporting me on Patreon / Fanbox (R-18) ★ https://www.patreon.com/wingr2000?ty=h https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/438009 https://www.hiccears.com/artist-profile.php?apid=24979 (For China Users)
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fe8meta · 7 years
The Grado Generals’ Gemstones
I read @zodiacsgraveyard‘s fan fic “Oath Received” a long while back, which had the brilliant idea of having the generals’ gemstones contain magical power. Out of curiosity, I decided to research into some gemstone meanings, crossing my fingers that at least two sources would agree on them.
From what I’ve gathered, the gemstones’ meanings and their owners make for some rather ironic combos.
Duessel the Obsidian: According to one source, obsidian is a “very protective stone [...] excellent for removing negativity.” It is also “used to cut attachment cords,” “sharpens and focuses internal and external vision,” and “helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode.” Another source claims that the obsidian “symbolizes self control and resilience.” (x)
Duessel is known for his durability and, of the Imperial Three (Selena, Glen, and himself), has the most self-control. However, over the course of the game, his negativity towards Vigarde’s attitude and actions override his self control. He eventually comes to confront Vigarde himself and even raises his voice towards the emperor, something he probably would never even have dreamed of doing before that. But because of this, it leads to him cutting his attachments to Grado, now a disillusioned man, betrayed by his emperor and allies, who has found a new vision in Prince Ephraim.
Selena the Fluorspar: Fluorspar (commonly known as Fluorite) is said to “absorb and neutralize negative vibrations,” makes its owner “more receptive to other stones,” “increases concentration,” and “helps in decision-making.” (x) Another source agrees with the above, and also adds that it “can remove confusion and mental ‘fog’ to create order and harmony in life.” (x)
Selena is certainly resolute and clear on her goal, even in spite of her doubts... which puts her at odds with her fellow generals and eventually results in her death. Also, her first formal appearance in Chapter 3 immediately puts her at odds with Glen, and she is not receptive at all to his doubts (regardless of whether she suspected the same).
Glen the Sunstone: The Sunstone is known as a protective stone and is linked to the Moonstone (x). Another source claims it can be used to dispel fears and phobias, and brings good luck and abundance. The sunstone is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. Sunstones apparently also increase one’s “personal power of attraction,” along with, ah, supposedly making them better in bed.
Glen and Cormag came from a long line of peasant farmers that barely had anything to survive on. It was by stroke of luck, after being arrested by soldiers over a misunderstanding, that they enlisted in the military. Glen proved himself to be a prodigy, leading him to become one of the Imperial Three along with Duessel and Valter. Naturally, Glen is the first of the Imperial Generals to bite it, at Valter the Moonstone’s hands, no less. He is also the first of the Imperial Three (him, Duessel, and Selena) to voice his concerns over the war, even saying “I fear this invasion is the prelude to a much larger war.”
Valter the Moonstone: As said above, the Moonstone is linked to the Sunstone, and is said to be a good-luck stone. It calms its owners and relieves stress, brings hope, and enhances sensitivity and intuition. (x) Another source calls it “the stone of love and eroticism,” which stimulates “carnal desires.”
Getting your mind warped by a cursed lance that you unwittingly picked up because your own lance broke during battle is some pretty shitty luck. It’s because of that incident that he got exiled from Grado, only to return as the man we all love to hate. I’m pretty sure the eroticism and carnal desire stuff is self-explanatory, because Valter.
Caellach the Tiger Eye: According to one site, the Tiger Eye “lets you see everything.” It brings good luck and prosperity to its wearer and protects them. Another source claims “It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality, and correct use of power.”
One of Caellach’s lines to Ismaire is “my partner here sees everything,” so while he isn’t the one who can actually see everything, he’s tied to someone who does. While Caellach’s luck in-story is debatable, his Hoplon Guard negates any chance of enemy criticals, essentially dwindling their luck and protecting him from getting critted to death. (Well, that’s why we just steal it off him. Or use brute force if we can’t.) His goal is to become King, and he’s very determined to get there, even if has to value pragmatism over honor. However, he’s a mercenary with implicitly humble origins, and just wants the position for its wealth and luxury without knowing what it really takes to be a ruler.
Riev the Blood Beryl: So, a gemstone by the specific name “blood beryl” doesn’t exist, so I’m going with red beryl (also known as bixite). It is supposedly a soothing and healing stone that brings harmony and enhances relationships. It also helps with healing those “who are fatigued, stressed or convalescing after a long illness.” Furthermore, it is “a powerful protector against negativity and those who would manipulate or deceive, or feed on the energies of others.” (source)
Riev, at least in Eirika’s route, is implied to be Lyon’s caretaker, but there’s little doubt that he’s exacerbating Lyon’s condition and is only making sure that the Demon King’s vessel is well enough until his purpose is served. And as a worshiper of the Demon King, he continues the war after Grado’s defeat until he is finally killed.
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merryfortune · 4 years
Crescent: an Eirika/Valter Fanmix 🌙
↳ a 12 song playlist 
                an enemies to lovers romance with lunar themes
i.         Breathe (In The Air) // Pink Floyd 
ii.        Howl // Florence + The Machine 
iii.       Power & Control // MARINA 
iv.       Kings // The Pierces 
v.        Glory and Gore // Lorde 
vi.       Blackbird // The Beatles 
vii.      The Killing Moon // Echo & the Bunnymen 
viii.     Love Will Tear Us Apart // Joy Division  
ix.       The Chain // Fleetwood Mac  
x.        Harvest Moon // Neil Young 
xi.       The Whole of the Moon // The Waterboys 
xii.      As The World Falls Down // David Bowie     
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