#eightfold zine
ingramjinkins · 1 year
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New free 8fold I slapped together on Electric Zine Maker :) My partner and I have gotten really into fiber crafts and since sheep are my favorite animals I wanted to spotlight some of the fibers I’ve seen pop up on our many shopping trips.
This is all cobbled together thru info online so PLEASE if you know more on the subject hit me with it!!! I don’t mind making a v2 before I give one to my local fiber shop/the next con/stopping people randomly on the street to hand them out like tracts.
online shop
image description in read more
P1: Cover with image of a sheep and a lamb in a field. The top line reads, “get to know our fibrous friends” and the title reads “MEET THE SHEEP”. Below that is a box that reads “by ingram”.
P2: Picture of a Merino sheep looking at the camera. Bulletpoints read “Spanish breed; one of the most commonly used wools in clothing; very fine, soft wool used in sweaters, socks, and outdoor clothing”. Credit on photo is Eric Jones.
P3: Picture of a Rambouillet sheep eating hay. Bulletpoints read “bred from Merino; very fine wool, but more matte than Merino, bouncier and more elastic”. Photo credit is Jiel on Wikipedia.
P4: Picture of a Shetland sheep looking into the camera. Bulletpoints read “breed from the Shetland Islands, Scotland; comes in a variety of natural sheep colors, patterns and markings”. Image credit on photo is Jean on Flikr.
P5: Picture of a Blue Faced Leicester close up. Bulletpoints read “bred in Leicestershire, England; wool popular in handspinning; fine, luxurious wool with small, tight curls”. Image credit Richard Hoare.
P6: Picture of multiple Wensleydale in a field. Bulletpoints read “British breed; curly wool that is high luster, long, and sturdy”. Image credit is for weaverofgrass.blogspot.com.
P7: Picture of several Corriedale leaning close on each other. Bulletpoints read “New Zealand breed; dense, medium-fine fleece for felt and spinning”. Image credit is for Hideyuki KAMON on Flikr.
P8: Back cover, which is a full image of a sheep in a field. A text box reads, “fiber crafts like weaving, knitting, felting, and textile work are ancient. this zine gets to know some of the most common sheep producing materials we use in these crafts! this is just a brief overview and i am not an expert - i just love sheep a lot. ingramjinkins.com”
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Blog 3 - 1/26
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The Anatomy of Typography 
While I learn about the anatomy of typography from my advertising and Typography 1 class it was a nice recap reading about it again. I really liked last year’s textbook because it was small and concise. When there’s a lot of information it can get overwhelming and one tends to lose focus on the important takeaways. However, I like how this book is bigger and allows you to see all the different elements of the type side by side. For example in the section about the different traits from serifs to stress it is easier to compare the difference when they’re all side by side and convenient too. 
On Monday Kate Bingaham Burt a designer and illustrator came to USC to present a workshop on zines. First, we walked around the class to see her collection of zines that she brought with her. I had only seen zines on TikTok like the ones she taught us to make (eightfold) but in her collection, there ware a variety of zines on diverse topics my favorite were the weird ones (shown above). I thought it would be an easy assignment because my head was swarming with ideas. However, as Kate Pointed out when you try to perfect things and overthink them, it can stunt your creativity. I really enjoyed her visit and I plan on making more zines. 
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thereminiscentpoet · 4 years
Andre was my friend. Yes, he waited at gas stations to offer head to truck drivers in order to fill up his tank...but to him, that’s what life on the road was worth. Years back, we’d get together and ride bikes down to the beach. He was never late and he never cancelled on a plan. He was a scrawny fucker, stood about 5’6” and weighed near 120 pounds, maybe less. He wore wide frame glasses, had dreadlocks to his shoulders, a nose ring, hoops in his ears, and always had a baseball cap on. We had to stop at the Whole Foods he worked at to get him some radishes or a bunch of kale; he’d eat them whole. Andre always told me that he was leaving, that he’d never work again. Like most of us, he hated working his ass off for someone else, just to put a roof over his head and some food in his mouth. Andre didn’t talk about peace, love, and the eightfold path, but he was the most spiritual person I’ve met. These days, he’s building a commune in the middle of the desert somewhere in New Mexico. Andre always knew what he wanted and he made it happen. He kept a rifle by his bed and a shotgun under the pillow, he gave absolutely no concern to what other people thought of him, he fucked men and women, he wrote poetry that was so raw it bled through the ‘zines’ he sold. By most standards, he’s odd. Some may call him crazy. That’s what dropped me in front of him outside of the coffee shop that night. I didn’t understand him then and I don’t understand him now. But Andre doesn’t seek to be understood. He’s a scavenger hunt in the flesh, a book of hidden secrets. Most people are wary of what they can’t comprehend, but to me it’s what made him so enthralling.
weirdos, story one
written by sydney dively
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hillbillyoracle · 6 years
Divination with DnD Dice
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There seemed to be enough interest in the DnD Dice Divination system that I decided to go ahead and write it up. I couldn’t fit it all on here though so I might be making more posts in the future about it. I’ve included the most important stuff here to get started. 
I’ve included a zine to download and print off if you want to take it with you. I actually recommend the zine, it’s a better format than what tumblr would let me put together. 
Please consider tipping me and definitely credit me where you can. 
I know there are other systems out there and I don’t have a monopoly on dice divination but this guide did take a lot of time to put together and is built on my own collection of frameworks, meanings. 
Dice sets can be picked up for cheaper than most basic tarot decks making the barrier to entry lower. My goal was to create a system that could get a similar level of complexity of information to tarot and oracle cards. I found in test readings, I could get roughly the same as I would get from a four card reading. So it’s a good start! 
It’s my mission to make divination more accessible, tipping me helps me devote more time to this.
Zine: https://www.scribd.com/document/380692727/Divination-With-DnD-Dice
If Scribd gives you trouble try here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/21613135
Read description for printing directions or it might not come out right. 
If you can’t print it off, the same information is included below the cut.  
Hope someone finds this useful! 
D4 - Element
1 - Air - Mental, Academic, Communication, Anxiety
2 - Fire - Spirituality, Passion, Ideals, Anger
3 - Water - Emotional, Romantic, Connection, Depression/Sadness
4 - Earth - Physical, Material, Home, Emotional Block
I use the Element dice to give an indication for the area of life the reading pertains the most too. I look for indications with other dice as to what the element dice might be speaking to more specifically, but it gives me a place to start.
 D6 - Problem
1 - Plot - drama, conflict, things outside of your control, change
2 - Character - another person is blocking/causing problems, fixation on a person, possibly even loss of a person
3 - Thought - paradigms getting in the way, not in touch with reality, judgmental, fear/anxiety, getting stuck in your head
4 - Diction - how a person talks is causing problems, speaking too much/too little, passive aggression, divisive or hateful language
5 - Song - Harmony with another, being out of sync with oneself or another, learning to join the choir/group, teamwork
6 - Spectacle - Things seem worse than they actually are, petty fights, aesthetic/surface level changes, playing with how things are perceived to achieve an outcome
The Problem dice is based on Aristotle's Six Elements of Tragedy, a dramatic and literary analytical framework. I use this to see what might be the at the crux of the problem in the area the Element dice indicated. The Action Needed dice can also refine the Problem.
 D8 - Action Needed
1 - Right View - seeing the situation for what it truly is, actions have consequences, material reality, paradigm shift
2 - Right Resolve - being intentional, recommitting, choosing what is right, dedication and ambition
3 - Right Speech - be honest/don't lie, don't be passive aggressive/be forthright, speak compassionately and for the benefit of others.
4 - Right Action -  don't harm others, act compassionately and for the benefit of others, take positive action
5 - Right Livelihood - don't profit from harming others, long term commitment to benefiting others, take only what you need and give what you do not, ethical employment
6 - Right Effort - Exert influence on your environment to cultivate a better internal world, set strong boundaries, avoid negative influences and seek out positive ones, "just do the thing"
7 - Right Mindfulness - Don't make things out to be more than they are, see them for what they are, know life is in transition, don't define the self by these external transitory states
8 - Right Concentration - unification of the mind/body, unlocking higher levels of thinking and feeling and operating, don't let desire for what might be get in the way of what is, healthy detachment
The Action Needed dice is based on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. While the particulars of the path vary by the different schools/traditions, these seem to be the most common English translations. This dice is usually pretty straight forward, especially when taken in consideration with the rest of the dice.
 2D10 - Difficulty
Pretty self-explanatory. The higher the difficulty, the longer the process will take. Gives an indication about how important or long term the reading will be.
 D12 - Time
The number can refer to a month of the year which you may have your own associations you can pull from or classify into a season and pull meanings from that. I use the seasonal method most often.
Winter - focus on the self, rest, restore yourself, weather the storm, be the light the world isn't giving you, inner strength
Spring - new beginnings, plant seeds, the rain and the storms lead to new growth
Summer -  wait to harvest, find shade, relax
Fall - harvest, make preparations for winter, celebrate accomplishments.
You can also think of what sabbat is in that month and the lessons inherent in that holiday. It can also be time of day.
9-5 - Work related, stress, out of your control
5-12 -  Free time, friends and family, hobbies
12-9 - rest, dream, restore yourself
AM if there are more even than odd numbers and PM if there more odd than even. You can also take the month and the time to be literal if the reading calls for it.
 D20 - Lesson
1 - The Magician - jack of all trades, master of none, experiment, unfocused, learning, skilled but unrefined, beginning
2 - The High Priestess - balance, intuition, insight, between worlds, lessons learned while solitary
3 - The Empress - growing, flowering, creativity, taking what you have and making it thrive, thriving where you're planted
4 - The Emperor - expand, leader, confidence, step up and create the life you want/need, protect what/who you have
5 - The Hierophant - balance between material and spiritual, lessons learned from teachers, benevolence, structure
6 - The Lovers - connection, union, positive outlook, nostalgia, romanticism, love given freely
7 - The Chariot - power, confidence, leadership through passion/emotional intelligence, decisive action
8 - Strength - rely on internal direction/sense of self, internal strength and peace, resilience
9 - The Hermit - internal knowledge and discovery, minimalism, truth is inside you, you are capable on your own
10 - The Wheel of Fortune - things are outside of your control, this too shall pass, ebb and flow of fortune, reversal of luck
11 - Justice - objective truth, standing by/doing what is right, lawful good, cutting ties with deceivers, protect the community
12 - The Hanged Man - Insight, understanding impermanence, sudden realization, enlightenment, major paradigm shift
13 - Death - the old makes way for the new, the cycle of life, we all die in the end, reinvention
14 - Temperance - spiritual balance, abstaining from negative influences, taking responsibility for one's internal well being
15 - The Devil - materialism as bondage, enjoy pleasure without becoming victim to it, pleasure seeking as escapism
16 - The Tower - being shaken to the core, foundations pulled up, self of self overturned, ego shaken
17 - The Star - uneasy hope, possibilities, leaving and traveling, opportunities somewhere else, dare to dream
18 - The Moon - deception, things aren't always what they appear, intentions and actions do not line up, reflect, see the true nature of things
19 - The Sun - relax and enjoy your accomplishments, celebrate with friends and family, share your abundance, revel in joy
20 - Judgment - shine a light on everything, be honest, be critical and fair, lay firm boundaries, take up the old and make it new
The lesson dice is there to indicate what can be learned from the situation. Every situation is an opportunity to grow and evolve. It's based on the framework of the Major Arcana as teachers and posits that every situation can likewise be a teacher to us all. This dice can help refine the problem dice as well. It can be hard to keep this dice from getting preachy so make sure to be honest about what this dice is saying but temper it so as not to be patronizing.
 Putting the Reading Together
Like all divination, the goal is to look for patterns and craft those patterns into coherent themes. Like reading a novel, you’re reading between the lines to make the reading more useable than the raw info the dice turn up. An example of my notes for a reading are:
D4 - Element: 2 - Fire
D6 - Problem: 3 - Thought
D8 - Action Needed: 3 - Right Speech
D10 - Importance: 51 - Middle
D12 - Time: Evening/Summer
D20 - Lesson: 8 – Strength
This is the reading I gave:
“The reading suggests there’s some conflict stemming from letting passion overtake reason in your interactions with others. You believe very passionately in your ideals, but how you talk about them to others looks like it’s causing tension. This seems like it will be of moderate difficulty to grapple with, not easy but by far not the hardest thing you’ve dealt with. The reading suggests being mindful of your words and advises to concentrate on your inner power rather than seeking validation for your ideas from others. “
When pulling together a reading you want to look for conflict, strengths, and resolution.
There was a lot of fire (passion) and air (communication) in this reading, while they work great in harmony, they can really hurt the user when out of balance so that was the conflict. Passion is a beautiful thing even when it’s not in alignment and I didn’t want the reader to think their ideals were the problem since the rest of the reading pointed out their words so their passion was their strength. The resolution lay in relying on their own internal strength for validation rather than others, that that would lead to better communication and less conflict overall.
I’m still learning myself. It takes practice so don’t give up!
I hope this was helpful! Please let me know how this works for you. I’m totally open to people changing it to fit them better but I wanted to provide a model for how this could be done. I also got some really solid readings out of it. So it definitely has potential. 
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fictivegarden · 7 years
hello, this is callon. it’s been quite some time since our last tour, and a lot has happened in headspace. some minor shifts have happened in the spaces we’ve already spoken about, but i don’t think they’re significant enough to merit re-exploring those spaces at the moment, so please feel free to check the maps if you’d like to know.
in the main house, vex’s room has expanded into a suite. what used to be eir closet is now a small living room, which is considered venic’s domain. it has two couches, facing each other over a low glass coffee table. a standing light is against the wall farthest from the door. all of the furniture looks very much like the sleek series from ancl, except the lamp, which is the kind that branches off into five lamps with open oval-shaped covers. the branches can be repositioned at will.
venic says that the coffee table can be turned into an operating table when kye needs it, but i don’t really see how that could be the case. there’s a shiny stone chess board on the far side of the coffee table, and a few glass coasters. the chess board seems to be the kind that you can store pieces inside it. venic smugly implies that that’s not all kye hides in there, but to be entirely honest, i have no idea what else kye might want to keep hidden. it’s not like any of us smoke weed.
heading back into vex’s study. the L-shaped desk against the back and left walls still looks a lot like canon. but in the front right corner, jace has set up a nest consisting of a beanbag chair and a couple cushions, as well as an expensive-looking laptop and some assorted sound equipment, though not a full dj set. there is also scrapbooking paraphernalia, both in jace’s workspace and vex’s.
slightly father back on the right wall than jace’s space is a door leading outside.
upstairs, riley’s room has also been expanded. si’s sleeping right now, so it’s quite dark and i’m not able to snoop that much, but the bed is outright huge, and has an inordinate amount of pillows, even considering that the room now houses 2-3 people regularly. there’s a vanity covered in makeup against the back wall, to the right of the bed. and against the front wall are a few chairs, the kind that are a simple metal frame with canvas fabric hammocked on it. to the left of them, against the wall, is a minimalist white dresser, with an arrangement of succulents growing in pots and terrariums on top. the majority of everything is light pink and mint, but there are some powder blue and white features as well.
there’s a ladder against the wall behind the bed, white metal, which leads up to a hatch in the ceiling. nessie seems upset that i’ve noticed it, but not to the point of preventing me from climbing upstairs.
the attic used to be ailecent’s room, but now it’s been converted into a very cute study. the slanted walls are white washed, and fairy lights are draped from the ceiling. against one of the not-slanted walls is a desk, on top of which seems to be a sleek new macbook and several planners, as well as a cup of cute pens and highlighters, and a small case of simple pastel washi tape. a small whiteboard calendar and a couple simple prints are tacked to the wall.
against the opposite wall is a pile of beanbag chairs. a couple books and magazines, as well as smaller zines, lie scattered nearby.
when i climb back down the ladder, i learn that riley had only been feigning sleep for at least my most recent visit. si sheepishly apologizes for converting ailecent’s old room. i tell sil that it’s fine, ae hadn’t been using it since kestrel showed up anyway. nessie says she told sil so. i tell them that they should still apologize to ailecent rather than me if ae comes back around.
the last change in the main house, a subtle one, is that the tv stand in the main room has been replaced by a desk for ethan. aside from the colour scheme and the lack of a computer, it’s quite similar to riley’s. their study equipment is all blue and brown and white and black.
leaving the main house, there have also been significant changes to azdien’s mansion. the main floor is by-and-large the same, with an exception i’ll get to in a minute. i don’t recall if the staircase to the left of the front doors was present during our first tour, but now it not only exists but leads both to a second floor and a basement.
when you go upstairs, there’s a hallway lined with bedrooms. many of them are empty. the front-left room has been converted into trysten’s bedroom, as i guess the main floor rooms are too small in sier opinion? the array of furniture is nothing you wouldn’t expect from a bedroom. all the fabrics are maroon jacquard. what metal accents there are alternate between dull silver and light gold. the wooden pieces are dark almost to the point of being black, but slightly on the warm side. there’s a canopy over the bed. a central table features a bouquet of roses in a vase, some of them just dark red, some of them the kind that are red on the inside and white on the outside. many of the accents are rose-shaped as well, such as the knobs on sier dresser. sie has at least two or three bottles of perfume. the walls are dark, but not excessively so. i can’t quite distinguish the exact colour. the ceiling is a warm off-white grey.
out of trysten’s room, the back-left room of the second floor seems to be converting into a room for aren, but hasn’t quite gotten anywhere yet.
downstairs, into the basement. the staircase itself is wrought-iron, quite fancy, spiraling. it’s coated with copper.
the basement is made of rough dark grey stone. the walls seem like they would be easy to climb if they were not slightly damp. it reads very much like a dungeon, but no one is kept prisoner here.
through the first door on the left is vaccine’s study. a sturdy desk sits centered towards the back wall. it has some trays for paperwork and a cup of pens, most of which are the thick expensive kind. they also have a stamp and stamp-pad. i have no idea what kind of official business they expect to be conducting, but they are certainly prepared for it. against the back wall is a flag with the logo of the eightfold cleansers on it. against the front wall are four chairs, two on each side of the door. although there’s room for more furniture in the room, there isn’t any. the floor is smooth cement, and the walls are simply whitewashed. it looks nothing like the hallway of the basement, but the air still feels slightly damp and stale. everything is black and silver minimalist. it’s an intimidating room, overall.
the next door leads into vyrn’s chamber. i don’t know why, but xe doesn’t like it much, and only goes there to brood. it’s made of the same rough stone as the rest of the basement, and just as poorly lit. i don’t know how i can see anything, but i can. against the back wall, taking up a good third of the room, is don thousand’s throne. or rather, a replica of it, with none of the ill intent or the powers.
there are several other rooms in the basement, but they’re presently unoccupied.
beneath the basement, separated from azdien’s mansion by nearly a story of dirt and rock, is a room the size of a master bedroom, with no actual entrance. you can enter by phasing through the floor or by asking drohen to create a portal, but in my opinion, neither option is particularly appealing.
this is kisoquine’s room. all the walls and contents of the room are brightly coloured, mainly yellow orange and pink, but not exclusively. there are balls like one would see in a ball pit against all the walls, but for some reason, they don’t roll into the middle of the room. there are also two or three yoga-balls in the room. and a gumball machine, the kind with a small-scale rube goldberg machine inside.
kisoquine, apparently showing off, tosses one of the ballpit balls in the air, and then pops it like a balloon. a liquid, hot pink and glittery but blood-scented, erupts from it, but vanishes into the air before hitting the floor. some of it splashes onto kisoquine’s face. vyrn, sitting nearby on a yoga ball (floating), claps xyr feet and laughs.
i’m honestly pretty unsettled. drohen creates an escape portal for me, and i gratefully use it.
i exit into the library. this is the last area of change i wanted to show you. walking past the shelves of books set in the middle of the room, all of them tall and filled with leather-bound gold-trimmed books, there’s a huge bay window, the glass reaching to the floor instead of having a couch set into the wall. in the hollow created is a small circular table and two chairs, in white-washed wrought iron. a small bouquet of lilacs in a simple glass vase sits at the middle of the table. the windows are framed by light jade drapes, pulled back to let in the sunlight. on either side of the bay window is a hanging potted plant, leaves spilling over the edge and hanging down a couple feet, but not reaching the floor. the window itself is not stained glass, but is patterned around the edges with frosting. the entire nook gives off a very serene feel. elster is often found here.
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sleeplesslyyours · 7 years
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So fun to catch @nakagawa2015 on his @ladotofficial zine release caffeine tour! Still abuzzed from our conversations about Bebop, the white elite consumption of culture and knowledge, irreverence of workingclass POC in the arts, DIY sound studio build-outs, Narina, horses in a staple... #zine #matchalatte #chocolate #goodtimes #mydayinla (at Eightfold Coffee)
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