#eehehehe :3c
buboloboogie · 22 days
finally made a stupid art tag :p ENJOY SCROLLERZ :3c
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se-venden-flores · 11 months
Wont get this content anywhere else
bows cutely
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beegswaz · 1 year
i Am about to become a Self sufficient man (<- going To clean up the yard, learn how To use a charcoal grill, get A job, and have A fun cookout with my Friends all so i Can make fun of my bestest friends During the summer)
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drustvar · 2 years
💢 🔥 💚 💔 for rosie 👁👁
eehehehe rubs my little goblin hands >:3c
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
So first off and idk if it really counts as a habit but she. sheds. everywhere. She's got SO MUCH hair that there's just gonna be random blonde strands all over the place, sorry. The other thing is that she's in general just very touchy (which again, she'd kind of need to unlearn at first with Muriel) like she'll always have her hand on your arm or something if walking together. Bad habits wise the first thing that comes to mind is that she doesn't always think before she speaks and, if she's mad, will say stuff she didn't want to or didn't mean. It's another thing she's gotta work on.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
LOL in addition to what i said above, whenever she gets overwhelmed she has a tendency to rip her hair out or hit herself as a stress response. She'll also just. fucking run off into the woods to be alone for a while which is better I guess, except for when she does it right as a storm hits and comes back home soaking wet and covered in mud.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Food and physical touch are the top two for sure!! Wrap a blanket around her, give her a warm hunk of bread and let her lean against you and she's sure to feel better :") Also hair care, if she trusts you enough you're welcome to brush her hair, braid it, whatever! Again its a sign of trust from her, she's very protective of her hair since its one of the few things she was never made to feel bad about by her aunt. ngl I've also been thinking about having something. not so great happen wrt her hair during the plague dungeon funtimes after a friend suggested something 👁👁
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
I think aside from the very obvious answer of sudden abandonment, anything that would make her think they view her as being useless and/or incompetent. She puts herself in a protector role so often that anytime she thinks she fails to meet that standard she enters a downward spiral, so if she was like. told "yeah you're constantly fucking up :/ idk why you're still trying." i think that'd break her for sure.
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ginkasei · 1 year
for the pokémon ask: ghost type pwease :3c
so here's the deal. i love ghost pokemon. so i went with two teams. baby team:
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(shiny haunter bc i love him)
normal team:
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(this is a if i were a gym leader and allowed to have a legendary on my team, if not, switch it to MARShadow eeheheh)
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vulpesvalentine · 2 years
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So this is a crush that I haven't,,, exactly named yet, so we'll keep him a secret name for now ;3c but he helped me decorate some of the inside of the house that I built with Chrysocyon and !!!!!! omg omg
He's totally a yandere too btw and I quote, he said "one of my partners was trying to get rid of my yandere tendencies.... you are a bad influence." JOKINGLY jokingly but.... HEART EYES !!!!! I DIE
And he wrote "Darling" on the back wall in redstone I believe but it looks like BLOOD it looks SO GOOD
And the chains and agh.. dies
I also messed around and made a counter, mostly because, um,,, there's a thought that keeps running through my head of him doing unspeakable things to me on that counter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so use that as you will.
AND I pasted a bunch of little hearts all over the walls of the bedroom ^w^ !!!!!!!! It was SUCH a good day and he's OFF TOMORROW so I get to bother him all day tomorrow TOO!!!!!!!!!!
I love all my crushes so much omg omg omg I'm so soft I wanna just tell them all how much I care eeheheh <3 !!!!
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((I know i say this a lot because i know how much other rpers hate it[for understandable and good reasons!] but
Honestly fuckin love when non-rpers take interest in whatever shit i'm spewing on any of my accounts. Watching my headcanons and drabbles and stuff get a couple notes now and then(both from rpers and others) is like '!!! eehehehe :3c' and i feel proud of me lmao.
By all means, send Ghetsis(or me i guess since Ghetsis is. An ass and probably won't give you a straight answer and for other reasons) asks and stuff if you want.
I don't mind what you do(and am more than likely okay that you're doing it if not happy) as long as you don't heavily interact with any in-character interactions I do with other rpers. Liking them is fine to me, but reblogging them's a no-go. And it goes/should go without saying not to try and participate in them--asking things about them and maybe reacting(not by replying to the post, mind) is okay imo, but. Yeah. No reblogging roleplays. When in doubt, IMs and asks are always open.
Most other rpers aren't cool with it because it clogs up their activity feed and makes it confusing(most of us heavily rely on it) and some people are afraid of people stealing their headcanons and roleplay stuff just getting out where it doesn't belong and may cause problems.
(I'm okay with it because I'm slow as shit at tags anyway I don't find it as much of a hindrance as others do and I'm not worried if people adopt my headcanons or anything. And like I said I feel appreciated when it happens lol. . . .)
But! Yeah!! To all the personal blogs following me, welcome and thanks for coming! o/))
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