#edward whelan
comicwaren · 9 months
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From Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #033
Art by Patrick Gleason and Marcio Menyz
Written by Zeb Wells
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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You made your mutated, inhuman bed, Zemo. And like your father, you get to lie in it.
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albino-d1no · 10 months
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zemo expression practice for my hcs for him and some thumbnails for art I had planned but lack the energy to actually draw
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ask-harvester · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn something for y’all but, on Today’s episode of Miles Draws Something, I drew the rat man himself, Vermin (as the press calls him) or… formerly, Edward Whelan.
Whelan, from what I can tell, used to be a fairly ordinary man who was pursuing a degree in psychology before he had inexplicably vanished one night. Nobody heard from him for months since his disappearance and the police weren’t exactly helpful in finding his whereabouts.
It’s.. kinda unclear to what happened to this guy but if I had to wager a guess, Whelan might’ve either caught a weird strain of the T-virus that allowed him to still retain the ability to speak (something pretty much no zombie can do) but also mutated him into a rat man one day or he was experimented on by someone. Whatever the case is, Whelan now runs around the bowels of NYC, occasionally popping up onto the surface to get food and promptly leave for one of his nests.
While he is known to kill and eat people, he’s actually a lot less aggressive compared to your average zombie. If anything, he’s more skittish and is quick to scatter into a dark corner rather than fight. And… I have some reason to believe that Edward might be in there somewhere. Sometimes, I’ve noticed he has moments of lucidity, like for a moment, he was trying to recall memories of who he was before becoming the Vermin.
He’s dangerous, especially when he seems to be a particularly potent carrier of the T-virus but…. I don’t know. I’m not sure if he can be cured from his infection but I know that someone was behind turning him into this.
And that someone’s gotta pay.
- 🫀
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ask-octoberotto · 2 years
Whelan is doing much better now, and I do have hope that he might be able to leave the facility within maybe the next month or so.
I’ve been working around the clock helping both him and Pax… so I haven’t had the time to actually post much on here.
… I do worry for Miles though…
- 🔬
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cinder-no · 1 year
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Vermin - Pony Town
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
I can't tell if it's a new phenomenon or just once I've recently noticed but what's with comics twitter/tiktok people smugly dunking on adaptation-fanon with comics-fanon. If you're insistent that the comics are better then why do you only use the same 10 panels from the same 5 issues that get reposted every week? Comics reading isn't a competitive sport but if you're going to treat it like it is you might as well actually read and think about comics
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Its good to see Edward is really coming around... also Zemo looks WILD here... surprised to see him coming in without his mask...
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supersonicart · 1 year
Sean Edward Whelan.
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Splendid, exceptional works from Tasmanian artist Sean Edward Whelan.
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Ben Reilly: Spider-Man #005, “A Thin Line”
Art by David Baldeón and Israel Silva
Written by J.M. DeMatteis
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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Vermin is a fun villain, I like seeing him show up
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albino-d1no · 10 months
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Trying to get the hang of how I wanna draw Ben Reily plus a tiny edward bc I am ben/edward trash
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ask-harvester · 2 years
At this point, Miles had become familiar with the underground realm of New York. The smell of mold and rot choked the air, and Miles tensed as he traversed the winding, slimy halls.
The sewer festered with various T-virus infected beings within its rancid halls. Miles didn’t need to be reminded of that as he stood frozen in place, hearing the telltale hiss of a licker. It’s claws clicked on the cement walls as it approached, now getting close enough for Miles to see its fleshy, flayed visage.
Too close too close.
Miles head his breath, praying to whatever was listening that the roar of the subway trains passing overhead were enough to distract the licker’s hearing. At the vibration of the pipes some distance the opposite direction, the creature shrieked as it went to investigate. As soon as it was a good distance away, Miles slipped away, trying his best not to splash the stagnant water too much.
Thank fuck.
As soon as he made it to the next room further in, Miles found Edward Whelan’s nest. Well, one of many, at least.
Off the corner on the raised walkway was a pile of old clothes, torn newspapers, tattered blankets, a discarded pillow, all taken from above to be used as makeshift bedding. As Miles quietly approached, he heard soft snoring from within the nest.
There was Edward Whelan—the Vermin—fast asleep and unaware of Miles. Curled in the fetal position and his tail wrapped around him, Whelan tightly clutched the only pillow he had.
“S..stop. Ss.. stop..” Edward murmured, still asleep. “… Let.. go..”
Miles froze, his heart jumping at the sudden utterances of Edward. But as soon as he realized that he was still asleep, Miles continued to get closer.
Soon he realized there were several sheets of torn paper, all scrawled upon with stolen pens. Miles picked them up, reading the desperate, wild writings Whelan had made.
[Edward’s Diary: Everyone. They hurt me. I’m scared. Can’t remember. Someone shot me. Found my card. The strange masked man had it. Feels better now it’s with me instead of him. I missed it. Will not let it out of my hands next time. My name is Edward Whelan. Edward. Whelan.]
[Edward’s Diary: Don’t forget: name is Edward Whelan. Not VERMIN. Never Vermin. I hate that name. I want to be Edward again.]
[Edward’s Diary: Hungry. So hungry. Never enough to eat. Can’t stop. Everything hurts. Everything wants to hurt me. Something’s wrong with the world. I’ve seen it. It makes things fall apart. I don’t know what it is. Please don’t let it touch me.]
Miles glances back at Whelan as he lied there asleep.
Whelan… I promise I’ll get you out of here. I just hope my plan works …
Miles closed his eyes, focusing for moment. From his fingertips, poison began to be produced. He sighed, not thrilled with what he was about to do but he soon resigned himself to committing to his plan.
As soon as the poison began to form, he placed one of his hands on Whelan, careful not to wake him. Within a few seconds, Miles pulled his hand away. Whelan was still breathing but he seemed to grow more lethargic in his movements. With some of his webbing, Miles managed to web up Whelan before picking him up from his nest.
Whelan’s eyes blearily opened up as he was being moved around, but they quickly shut as he passed out again, unable to do much. Miles sighed in relief… but he wasn’t out of the woods yet.
With Whelan knocked out, Miles began his slow trek out of the sewer, now trying to get Whelan out as fast and as safely as possible. With each step into the darkness, Miles made his way through the wandering the twisting sewer, he felt it was a little too quiet, knowing that there was a licker just a while ago. He was hoping it was gone…
He found the licker. It’s body lied on the floor twitching and glitching on the ground, twisting beyond its anatomy. Limbs looked far too long, broken in ways it could never be in. It was nothing more than a twisted parody of itself, moving further and further away from what a licker was. Miles felt his breathing quickly, looking upon the corpse that mangled itself into strange shapes.
“What the hell’s going on?” He said to himself as he stepped over the licker’s body.
He did not want to know.
Miles did not hesitate to run the rest of the way out.
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ask-octoberotto · 2 years
Just finished helping with escorting Mr. Whelan back to NYC… I’m glad I could get him back to some sense of normalcy and—
[Reconnecting… Please Wait…]
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Uh, Hello? …
What’s going on here? What even is all of this..?
- 💊
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