#eclipse's moving daycare
naffeclipse · 6 months
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I'm honored to reveal that I'm @darthsuki's secret Santa for the DCASS2023 event! When I saw that Howl's Moving Castle was one of the movies you love, I was immediately possessed by this AU for the DCA! I had so much fun crafting this fic along with Eclipse, Sun, and Moon reimagined in such a setting, and, of course, the reader! There is so much fluff and romance; I hope that's alright! Please enjoy!
Eclipse's Moving Daycare
Eclipse & Sun & Moon x Reader (SFW)
You can also read this fic on AO3!
Word Count: ~5,500 Warnings: N/A
In the heart of the castle-like structure, smoothly crawling over the snowy mountain peak with bending, robotic appendages that sink claws into the fresh, cold powder, is a room alight by a fire demon. The creaking and grumbling of the house have long since faded into a familiar drone in the background of your senses. A few candles burn and flicker, dripping hot, white wax. The main source of light, in the late hour on a blistering cold night, emits from Sun in golden radiance.
You stand over the fireplace. It holds a small cauldron upon its embers. Water bubbles and pops with gentle wisps of steam rising, rising up into the chimney. Behind you, the great light of the room begins to shift, shadows leaning away from the approaching presence.
“What is my darling brewing tonight?” The fire demon saunters close behind you. Sun’s voice brushes against your ear, flickering with life so powerful, it only leaves ash in its wake. The heat sinks into your back—a soothing reprise from the chill circling the moving daycare. “Could I be of assistance to your crafting?”
“Yes, if you don’t mind, Sunny,” you say softly. 
You turn around to face him, almost squinting your eyes against his brilliance. The fire demon flickers with flames, set soft and low in a gentle yellow light. The energy burns over a body of deep, dark charcoal and embers. Red pulses in between the burnt aspects. His head, large and flat like a disk, flickers with a great grin. The very pale center of his eyes holds a blue tint not unlike the very tips of great flames. A crown of red fire circles his face, and you marvel how he has never once burned you—part of his magic, of course. He decides when and who shall be scorched.
“Oh, you haven’t answered me yet.” He looms over you, the fey-being easily entering your space in the way smoke fills the air. “Is it a special potion? Perhaps a liquid that would set itself on fire should someone sing a sour note? Or a drink for trees that allow them to become ready fuel, set to torch the mountainside for a bit of warmth on this dreary winter day?”
You smile. When does he not suggest you concoct some sort of fiery potion? You certainly don’t recall. The fire demon is what he is.
“Neither,” you answer and strip a thorny branch of herb, dried and well preserved, of its flat fronds. You turn away to toss them into the cauldron. “It’s soup.”
The light of the room dims in the briefest moment before flaring with fresh vigor. Dancing heat becomes almost sweltering at your back before a hot hand slips around your waist, wrapping you up in a cozy embrace. Your eyes flutter when Sun’s mouth presses to your shoulder, sharp teeth grazing your skin exposed by the stretched neckline of your tunic.
“We’ll save the pyromania for later, but soup! Yes, that would warm you and Moon and Eclipse.”
“And you.” You hold up the thin dry branch, as he likes it, to the fire demon’s mouth. “I’ll make it for all of us.”
“Oh, I don’t do well with soup. Too watery for my taste,” he says mournfully. 
You watch a lick of flame wrap around the branch and pull it into his mouth, leaving your hand empty. His jaw bumps slightly against your shoulder as he chews, fire splitting and cracking the fuel over his tongue. He swallows and the light grows brighter around you. For a moment, you swear you understand what a candle wick feels like sitting in all that great light. He holds you tighter.
“I will make it so you can consume it, too,” you say, and pat his arm as it hugs your waist. The flames flatten underneath your palm, whipping and flaring at your presence, but never biting. A bit of soot smears across your hand. “Now let me get the rest of the ingredients. You’re holding me captive, love!”
He laughs with the boisterous gale of a bonfire. “How else am I supposed to keep you safe on a freezing night such as this!” 
“I’m plenty safe with you here, and I’m in need of soup.” You turn your head to catch his twin flame eyes. 
When he lets you go, he does so with a smoking sigh as if you intend to leave the moving daycare rather than simply his embrace. You keep your smile to yourself at his theatrics. He remains before the cauldron as you search a few cupboards, gathering several spices, herbs, and a few bits to toss into the soup. You turn to the kitchen counter, the wood rich brown and well worn with your work.
In a few moments, the great cold of the night has taken hold and your shoulders shiver. Setting the glass jars down, you breathe in a rattling breath. It’s getting worse outside. Over the quiet motions of the building shuffling along is the great howl of wind.
You must hurry with the soup. Eclipse will be home soon.
Taking a few ingredients, you turn back around only to be greeted with a fire in your face. Sun grins, the blue in his eyes dancing brightly. You almost drop the spices in your startle.
“Poor thing, you’re shivering! Allow me to warm you up.” The fire demon coos impishly before taking you by the hand. His warmth laces between your fingers. Your other arm is crooked, cradling the glass jars as Sun lays his hand on your waist, and in the fashion of a waltz, spins you the short distance back to the cauldron. 
You gasp, pressed tight to his body with little but spice containers between your heart and the deep red pulsing in the fire demon’s chest. The small clinks of glass echo like notes to the movement of the song Sun carries you along to with his swift steps. His crown of flames waver in excitement, snapping and flickering. He sets you down for a moment. 
“Oh, you’re already so pink!” He touches your cheek with hot fingertips before slipping away the spices with a small flick of his hand, magically tugging the jars from your grasp and setting them on the edge of the fireplace. You sputter, head spinning in his fiery whirlwind. “There! Aren’t you toasty?”
“Sun!” you laugh. You lay your hands on his chest as he gathers you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. His heat seeps deep into your body, chasing away the awful chill. “I am making us soup! Let me go, you fiery fiend!”
“Ah, but how can I? You’ve bewitched me.” He twists you around—much to your amusement and surprise, dipping you low as you cling to his shoulders. “My darling, I simply can’t let you grow cold for even a breath.”
You melt like mountaintop snow in spring, his pale, lovely gaze burning with intent so promising. You become warm—not of body, but of soul. Slowly, softly, you find his mouth hungrily reaching. You answer with a soft, chaste press of your lips upon his fire, closing your eyes. The light glows through your thin eyelids, sparking blue at the edges in the center of deep, passionate gold. He has never burned you. He never will.
The light increases until it becomes as bright as noon in summer—as bright as his name.
He brings you back to your feet in a careful rise though his hands have yet to unlock from your waist. The distant boiling of the cauldron sends you back to your senses before you lift your head. You gaze adoringly at the fire demon, tasting cedar-turned-ash on your tongue. Reaching with one hand, you run a few fingers through the brightness of his head flames, now tinged with blue at the very tips. 
Oh, he’s satisfied.
 “I am making soup, and you can’t seduce me away,” you say firmly, before pecking his fiery mouth once more. His teeth almost catch your bottom lip but you manage to slip away.
“But I’m already starving!” He half cries, placing one arm across his forehead in a swoon-worthy of the theater. “If you leave, I will vanish into smoke and soot!”
You reach up into a cupboard dusted with black powder and snatch up one lump of coal, small enough to eat in one bite, and turn around. You promptly set it into Sun’s mouth. His wail is muffled by the press of your fingertips until he begins chewing with a rather disgruntled look. The blue in his eyes pales slightly.
“I’m glad to see you have an appetite.” You smile. “Save the rest for soup.”
The heat lingering in your fingers is warm and tingly. You quickly snatch up a small wicker basket from the counter. The yellow light of the fire demon follows at your back as you make your way across the large living space, the cold quickly returning. Then, you enter a long hallway.
“Stay here,” you call over your shoulder, “I need to fetch a few things from Moon’s room and he doesn’t like you in there.”
A protest around a mouthful follows but you’ve already knocked and quietly opened the door, the room thick with darkness, before shutting it behind you. The fire demon is left in the heat of the living space.
You stand in Moon’s room. The clotting blackness hangs like a mist around your shoulders. You squint into the dark collection of shelves and small comforts, such as loveseats and chaise lounges and of course, several beds shoved up against the wall. You’re not certain if he sleeps in any one of the furnishings—if he sleeps at all.
“Moon?” you call out softly.
The nightly shade shifts in the slightest. Tendrils of shadow creep around you, waving like the petals of a flower before you feel a hand slip over your hip from behind and another hook under your jaw to take your chin.
“Hello, jewel,” he rasps low in your ear. A cool but pleasant shudder falls down your spine.
“Hello, scarecrow.” You allow him to tug you around to face his shadowy visage, his hand caressing your cheek as you gaze up at the fey-being. “Might I get into the food storage? I need beef and potatoes along with a few other vegetables.
His eyes, round as moons and pale red, drink you in. Underneath the brim of an old, sun-bleach straw hat that he stole from a scarecrow, the shadow demon tilts his head to an unnatural degree. A curve of silver light flashes across half of his face, like a coin winking under midnight light. 
“Of course.” His body stretches slightly, thin and elongated, like darkness at sunset. A few inky colors of red flare out around his neck and waist, the cold energy wavering about him, before his hands hook into your hips. You gasp once when he effortlessly lifts you off your feet and carries you to a chaise lounge dyed a deep ocean blue. 
Your eyes slowly adjust to the stark dimness when he sets you down. He kneels to sweep your ankles up and lay your legs across the couch.
“Moon, I need to get a few things,” you remind gently.
“I’m aware.” He, in a blink of darkness, has your basket in his hand where it swings slightly from side to side. His smile flashes with teeth reflecting a bony color. “Stay here.”
“If you insist,” you give with a chuckle. You lean back until you’re reclined on the cushy backrest, feeling much too elegant for someone who still has potion stains on their apron. “It’s dark now. You can come out. Sun is in the living space with me, helping me cook.”
“ Helping ,” the shadow demon echoes incredulously.
You snicker.
“Yes, he is, and I need your help as well.”
Moon slips into the darker corner that your weak human eyes can’t decipher. Soft rummaging echoes. The storage space is under a hatch in this room, and seeing as it was already so dark behind, Eclipse allows Moon to claim it as his own—provided that Moon allows you access to whatever ingredients you require when you are in need. 
You can’t think about Sun’s room without wincing at the amount of ash, gold relics, half-burnt walls, and little fires no doubt still running rampant in there. Eclipse placed a clever spell to keep it from spreading to the rest of the rooms and daycare.
The darkness moves as if ripples in water. You try to peer at a few dolls nestled onto a top shelf above one of the beds, their visage adorned with bows and curls but the strange distortion carries across the room. They must be for when there are children in the daycare again. Moon does love to give gifts to the little ones.
Then, a quiet sound of a wicker basket touching the floor. You jump before registering the slow blink of pale red eyes before you. At the end of the chaise lounge, Moon begins to creep forward. One hand follows the other, sliding along your legs and up your hips before one grabs onto the top of the backrest and the other reaches for your face. He hovers above you like a vulture in the sky.
The shadow demon brushes his thumb over your lips. The cool caress causes you to shiver but not from the cold.
You stay motionless. He hums a low sound; the beginning of a lullaby. He lays a soft touch of a cool knuckle over your cheek.
“Did you get what I ask?” you murmur, distracted by how he strokes the shell of your ear with soothing motions.
“Yes,” he grumbles. You’re glad he can see much better in the dark than you.
“Thank you.” You grin up at him. “Help me make soup, won’t you?”
You slide out from under his shadow. Back onto your feet, you hook the handle of the basket, now heavy with ingredients. You straighten only to find Moon’s sharp teeth curved into a wicked smile before you. In a split second, he pecks your mouth with a rush of midnight cool air and syrup-sweet darkness. You blink.
“You’re welcome.”
You stop him before his form can melt into the darkness. Snatching his wrist as he attempts to slip between your fingers, you step closer. The shadow demon makes a low sound of surprise. You grin as you press forward on your tippy toes into the darkness to find what you hope is his mouth—it often disappears in his face when he’s not actively showing his teeth. You kiss a smooth, satin-soft cheek.
“There, a proper kiss,” you murmur, falling back onto the fall of your feet.
A low, husky breath disagrees. Shadowy coils slip over your arms and your waist, creeping higher and higher until one hangs around your throat like an onyx necklace. The familiar and comforting weight of his embrace encircles you completely. 
“No,” the entire darkness seems to whisper in Moon’s rasp, “Let me show you a proper kiss.”
A dark finger tilts your chin up. You find his eyes as ghostly as red moons hanging above you, bathing you in unholy light. Moon hums softly. He lowers his mouth, teeth sharp but yearning, onto yours.
Cool and gentle, the shadow demon tastes your mouth. He presses to your lips in a silent declaration of fondness so sweet, it stains your tongue. His shadowy tendrils softly tightens around you in a tender crush of affection. A little nibble along your bottom lip teases his dangerous jaws, but you only gasp softly, pleased.
He releases you, unwinding from around you to slip behind your back. You, in a near daze, press towards the door and push it open. A soft hiss at the candlelight aggravates Moon for a moment before he adjusts and slithers into the living space. You catch your breath. Sun stands before the cauldron, feeding it logs but leaving it scorched with marks in the shape of his hands.
“Oh, Moon!” Sun turns around with a sharp clap of his hands. Moon hisses when his golden flames spread their light, eating away at the heavy pools of shadow at Moon’s feet. “You have been held up in that dreary room all day! Some company will do your shadows some good.”
“Ease your light,” Moon growls then slinks to a corner near the dark window overlooking the mountain peak. Pale red eyes glare before Sun inclines his head with a mischievous glint, but draws down his flames to a deep orange simmer over his charcoal body.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” Sun asks with a much gentler tone.
“Yes,” Moon mutters but eases, the coils of shadows at his feet twisting with a relaxed aspect. “Are you going to sit with us while we dine?”
“Sit? I’m going to dine with you—I’m afraid I haven’t been given a choice!” Sun drops against your shoulder—a feat that would otherwise push you to the ground if he wasn’t holding himself back while maintaining the illusion of slumping over you. His hand immediately takes your own and squeezes it. “Our darling potion maker insists the only options are to starve or eat soup!”
“How can you eat soup?” Moon asks in a curious rasp. His straw hat swivels slightly to focus on you. Playfully, you roll your eyes and reach out to take a small stack of bowls from the cupboard.
There’s so little difference between cooking and the science of potion making, you’ve found.
“Are these doubts for my craft I hear?” you question.
Two sharp objections follow one loud and crackling, the other low and gravelly, causing you to laugh and break away from what was supposed to be a stern facade. 
“Good. I won’t hear any more complaints then.” You pat Sun’s cheek though you weren’t certain what part of him you’d end up touching. He’s still hanging onto you with the clinginess of a burr. You fish within the basket to snatch up a paper-wrapped and chilled pound of beef. 
“Sun?” You hold up the meat, “If you don’t mind?”
“It would be my pleasure, darling!” He snatches it up, his flames immediately eating away the paper concealing it. He cradles the meat in his palms. You feel his heat shift, concentrating to a steady and low red crackle in the black coals of his hands.
“Please remember to not burn it.” You turn away to search for a sharp knife in the drawers and withdraw one. Sun’s light sheds much-needed aid over the drawers.
“I would never! Well, maybe a little, to make sure it’s cooked and blackened as it crumbles to ash—”
“Yes. Not burnt. As you wish.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
The light flares for a moment, brighter and brighter, before calming down for poor Moon’s sake. He hisses once. Sun flashes a cheeky grin.
You smile as you turn around, only to jump slightly when Moon is already standing before you, reaching out to take the knife. His half-silver face, reflecting even sharper in Sun’s light, winks. His pale red eyes stare into your own. You shiver in his presence, caught between a revolving world of hot and cold.
“Potatoes, celery, and carrots, Moon, if you don’t mind,” you ask softly. 
“Of course,” he answers in a murmur and takes the basket away to work on the opposite end of the counter. You study the kitchen for a moment, pleased.
Moon and Sun both hum a low song they both seem to know. A lullaby of fey beings, you suppose.
Now, you’re missing someone.
A soft woosh sounds outside, right on time. You jump slightly when a metal clank follows as if you haven’t heard his arrival a hundred times.
“Please continue what you’re doing,” you say while dusting your hands on your apron. You rush for the stairs. “Eclipse and I will help when we return.”
“I hope the buzzard isn’t freezing to death,” Sun exclaims, “It’s a brutal night in the cold.”
“He shouldn’t have left,” Moon mutters in an ominous but concerned tone.
You don’t stop to answer them both as you take two steps at a time. He was gone all day. Your heart has been wrung like wet laundry before being hung out to dry. The fool—the wonderful fool. 
The howl of the wind grows as you near the outside of the moving daycare. The top of the stairs leads into a long hallway, doors branching off to yours, Eclipse’s, and Sun’s rooms, but you continue forward until you reach the end. There, you push open two frosty glass doors to see who stands on the balcony but Eclipse himself.
The wizard of the moving daycare. The balcony is dusted in snow and the metal gate separating you and him from a severe drop down the mountain face is dark and wrought. You sweep your gaze over him from head to toe and wingtip to wingtip until you’re satisfied. He’s back in one piece.
His wings are intricate mechanisms of bronze and black iron that click softly as gears whirl within the joints and settle at his back. Deep and dark feathers cover the internal workings of the frame, but sometimes, you can catch a metallic glint when he shifts just slightly. A deep red hat, pointy and rumbled, sits upon his disk-like head with bursts of yellow in the fabric. His expression is carved into two—one bright and sunny, the other lunar and dark. His eyes flash, two-toned with yellow and red, upturn in relief. Tall, even taller than Moon and Sun, he bears a willowy aspect in his white shirt and dark trousers. Robotic arms softly click with his movement. 
“Eclipse, you’re back,” you say softly. Your breath mists the cruel wind and fierce cold of the mountaintop. You immediately hug yourself, the thin sleeves of your tunic doing little against the blizzard.
“Hello, dearest. I’m terribly sorry for being away all day.” He opens his arms wide. His wings flutter, clicking and clunking with thick sweeps of dark feathers. The electric glow of his eyes softens. “I missed you.”
You run into his arms. Catching you as if you were falling, Eclipse spins you around once before spreading his wings. His plumage falls over you with a gentle breeze and all at once, the wind howls and the bitter cold dies. It is you and him, again.
“Did you find any children in need?” you ask against his chest. He’s terribly cold but you don’t mind as you rest your cheek on his wind-tugged shirt.
“I did. We should make it to the village in two days.” His fingertips stroke the back of your hair, softly scratching against your scalp in a way that lulls you into forgetting every dangerous and terrible thing that could take your loved ones away.
“That’s wonderful.” You press your smile against the metallic plates of his chest. “I’m so glad you came back safe and sound.”
“As I am. Oh! How’s our family?” he asks.
“Sun has missed playing with the children and Moon has more dolls to give away. They were worried about you. Both are helping me make soup.”
“ Helping ? Oh, I’m afraid to see what they’ve done!”
“All three of you are the same,” you snicker, “believing you can’t help me when that’s what all three of you do!”
“Hm, dearest, I don’t believe you understand.” Eclipse’s feathers ruffle when he leans low to press his forehead against your own—the frigid metal sends a great shiver down your back. His eyes glow as soft as starlight. “You are the one who keeps our heads on our shoulders. Without you, Sun would still be running away from angry villagers, Moon would still be trapped to that scarecrow pole, and I… well, I shouldn’t have to tell you how lost I’d be without you.”
His hand takes your own and gently lays it over his chest. Underneath your palm through the fabric of his shirt, a great thrum of a machine pulsates with timed clicks as quiet as a clock. His bronze and geared heart. You did put it back in his chest.
“Both can be true,” you whisper. You close your eyes. “You and Sun and Moon mean so much to me.”
The alternative is desolate. The vision behind your eyelids is sad and abandoned, a little rundown shack in the middle of dirt and rocks, and you, all alone, believing that’s what you deserved for so long. None of your potions would cure you of this wretched existence. You sunk into the numbness.
Until one day a wizard with wings swept by in his moving daycare, cruel and cursed until you found his bronze heart. Then along his adventures, you discovered a fire demon in need of fuel and comfort from running, and a poor shadow demon cursed to be blistered by the sun in his stationary pose, begging for aid and a kind hand.
You found your family, and you found you deserve their love, too.
“We know.” He draws back slightly. Squeezing your hand tenderly, Eclipse holds your gaze with the softness of a gentle night and the hope of rest. “We might not believe it, but we know.”
Despite the freezing temperatures, your heart melts inside your chest. A deep flush heats your cheeks. You wrap your arm around his waist and duck slightly to hide your face.
“Come in before your joints freeze,” you gently insist. Eclipse allows you to drag him inside before he flicks a metallic finger. The door shuts away the brutal winds and the screaming rush. You, at last, sigh, much more content to linger in the slightly warmer hallway and feel his feathers and arms become less frigid, easing your concern.
“Ah, that is immensely better,” Eclipse hums. 
He shifts, allowing his wings to lift and tuck behind his back. The beautiful feathers catch on the bit of firelight cast up the stairs, no doubt from Sun’s determined will to cook the meat without burning it. Distant chops of a knife against wood echo in rhythmic knocks, sounding of Moon tending to the vegetables.
“Next time, wait until after the storm, won’t you?” You fix his shirt so that it doesn’t fall so low down his chest—not that you don’t mind the intricate design of his bronze and steel frame, but you do intend to feed him a civilized meal. “I had worried I would have to send Moon to fetch you then thaw you out in Sun’s fire.”
“I apologize again, my dearest heart.” He bends low to cup your cheeks in his cold hands. You shiver once, eyelids trembling. In gentle regret, he strokes your cheekbones. “You worry too much, but I do adore how much you think of me.”
You glance away, frowning. Of course, you think of him and Moon and Sun too much for your own sanity, but how could you not? They’ve captivated you wholly. 
He leans closer, drawing your eyes back to his mournful expression. The brim of his deep red hat almost touches your hair.
“Forgive me?” he breathes. 
You slowly reach up to cover his hands, rubbing your thumb over the delicate yet strong design of his metallic wrists. The sleeves of his loose shirt are beginning to warm, too.
“I forgive you, always.” You press under the intimate shade of his wizard hat, and Eclipse stills at your smile. “I missed you, too.”
Before he can answer in relief, you lay your lips upon his face plate, over the grin that mystically shifts about his expression as if he were human and not a machine. A taste of the sweet crispiness of apples and the chilly darkness of twilight slips into your mouth. The large hands that cradle your face softly spasm once. Eclipse then captures you, pulling you deeper against him as the teeth of gears and the tangy metal of his mouth give into your affections entirely. Feathers flap softly, and you are concealed in the eclipse of his wings. 
He allows you to break briefly away to breathe—he once took your kiss for so long that you fainted in his arms (for which he never stopped apologizing)—and the living hum in his body harmonizes with the great pulse in your chest.
“There,” you murmur. You look up into the wizard’s gaze and how much he’s softened in your embrace. “Come downstairs and let’s eat.”
Eclipse taps your bottom lip once before straightening. A black feather slips from his back but you catch it beside his shoulder before it can slip to the ground. You carefully tuck it into your apron pocket. His eyes upturn into crescents.
“Lead the way, dearest.”
You take him down and into the warm, bright living space, cast in comfortable shadows. The scent of cooking meat causes your mouth to salivate. Eclipse’s wings relax when he views the sight. Moon and Sun lift their heads from their tasks and greet Eclipse with gladness and relief. Their family member is back safe.
“Did you find any children?” Moon rasps low but his eyes wink with piqued interest.
“Yes, several. They’ll need our help once the daycare arrives in a village in two day’s time,” Eclipse nods.
Moon and Sun exchange wide looks of excitement. The shadows below the dark demon stir and flicker. In contrast, the fire demon’s body burns brighter.
“Eclipse, won’t you gather my tiger’s chaudron jar?” you ask with a soft squeeze of your hand around his, “Be very careful. It’s temperament and might fizz and overflow if it's upset.”
“He’s helping with the food?” Sun mocks a great gasp of incredulousness. “I was under the impression you wanted to eat tonight!”
“Oh, stop it, you,” you chastise before leaning over the table to press a kiss to his hot cheek. Straightening, you release Eclipse’s hand to stand close behind Moon and slide your hand over his arm to gather a few chunks of potato he’s cut for you. “Thank you, dollface. Here, let me take these to the cauldron.”
“I will do my best,” Eclipse promises in amusement before flitting back upstairs with a soft breeze under his wings.
“Oh, he’s far too cold. I can feel how much heat he’s lacking,” Sun chitters in that rapid-fire concern of his. You silently direct him to add the meat to the cauldron. 
“You’ll sit beside him while we eat, won’t you?” you plead softly. Nabbing a wooden spoon, you begin to stir the contents. Sun wraps an arm around your waist and presses his blissful warmth against your side.
“If he won’t mention anything about me setting his wings on fire—which was once, mind you!”
Moon snickers. You press a hand over your mouth to stop a chuckle. 
“Yes, I’ll make sure he doesn’t,” you nod. “Moon, can you bring the rest of the vegetables?”
He slips behind you silently. When you turn your head to find him, you jump slightly at how little distance is between you and his dark form. Smiling wide, he reaches a hand over your shoulder and plops the remaining carrots and celery in.
“Oh. Thank you.” You quickly catch his chin and plant a kiss against his cool, smoky jawline. Moon becomes still as night. His eyes gleam with quiet delight before he slips his hand under your elbow and begins softly caressing his long, inky fingers along the sensitive underside of your arm while you stir.
A gentle ruffle of feathers glides in behind you. Before you can turn your hand and break away from the two demons, metallic arms slide over your shoulders and gingerly uncap one of your potion jars. A green clump of flowers falls into the cauldron. The concoction briefly throws small emerald flames about the surface—the key ingredient to allow Sun to consume it, as well as providing a slight spice to the dish. It will feed you all.
Eclipse’s hand withdraws only for a moment before reappearing to gently slide underneath your jaw and trace the bone tenderly. The familiar presence of the wizard with his chin resting on the crown of your head warms you, and you sigh softly. 
Surrounded by fey beings and their great powers, they attach to your presence as if you were a great sorcerer and not a humble potion maker. Their hands warm and cool you. Their bodies softly press against your ribs and spine. They don’t mind sharing.
You have your family, and they have you.
You take out the spoon with one satisfied tap against the rim of the cauldron.
“Soup’s ready, my sweethearts.”
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midnightfrappe · 9 months
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martinsorbit · 6 months
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Everything moves, everything pulses; Everything lies in the eyes of you
last thing for today b4 my headache decides to come back o7 just a sketch y/n and sun dancing :)
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vectorisheree · 11 days
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Skulk! Moon progression. I like to call him Milk (Skulk + Moon -> Mulk -> Milk)
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lost-at-534 · 4 months
Gurl I finally caved and downloaded Tumblr I have completely descended into insanity.
Anyway have Orca!eclipse from @naffeclipse 's "Apex Polarity" because the story and the fish man is taking over my brain and every day I must go to work and pretend he doesn't occupy my every thought.
Bye while I figure out how to work this app🫡
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240 notes · View notes
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Obsessed with the way @basyacriptid drew my fae au Eclipse so i made my own version of that, only the head tho because thats all my energy can do rn
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catspawcreates · 1 year
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The whole set! Got my eye on the Glamrocks next, but really excited to see these as stickers soon! All of them were so fun to draw!
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soupdweller · 11 months
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i made this in a half asleep frenzy when the ruin trailer first dropped so i'll post it now. not entirely accurate but ohhhh well i still think it looks cool :D
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I made more Bioshock sun and moon sketches! (+Eclipse ofc)
I thought I’d sketch them more to get an idea of how they’d actually look in the world of rapture
I’d like to think sun collects eve hypos while moon collects Adam with the needle thing
(Bonus headcannon; the pink ribbons they wear are gifted by the little sisters they have saved)
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sameore · 11 months
I actually just watched Markiplier play the DLC of Security Breach, and… how to say this.
Well, before I actually saw this, someone in my Discord server was saying: “I love him”.
And now, from my new perspective of things… 🧐
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WTF… Is Eclipse actually a nice guy?! ÔO
I guess as I’ve seen some fanarts of this character being depicted (headcanoned) with a somewhat wicked personality… this came out as a little surprise?
I wonder now if there will be, errr… or actually, how many fanarts will come out of this.
PS: Oh, I see their mouth actually moves when they (Sun/Moon/Eclipse) speak. I think there was also something online about: “What would it look like if they could open their mouth?”
PS2: I wouldn’t be able to tell who’s speaking between Sun and Eclipse if there was no subtitle. But then, can I actually properly process voices to begin with? Thank goodness, Moon sounds like he’s got throat issues, so it’s easier.
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sol-s-hine · 2 years
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An Eclipse wip
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monty-glasses-roxy · 11 months
Okay so. Working off of my previous Ruin theory post (that you can see here if you haven’t already. It’s a bit of a long one though) and the post on Eclipse I reblogged last (which you can also read here. It’s by @/celestial-robots who I’m choosing not to ping for the sake of annoying notifs) here’s what I think is up with Eclipse, Sunny and Moon. I’ll summarise what I need to here but the posts I’m referencing are linked in case you want them too. Half under a readmore cause it’s sorta long
In their theory, they say they think that Sunny and Moon were always meant to be separate and could become Eclipse whenever called for. Such as, if Sunny needed help with something Moon specific, becoming Eclipse would give him the ability to do so and vice versa, or so I believe is the way to read that. It negates the need for the lights to be on or off as an eclipse is both light and dark, meaning Eclipse can be there in any situation the other two can’t handle alone. Eclipse also having their own specific abilities would also help somewhat with the distinction between the three, but I don’t think it’s entirely necessary or relevant to this so that’s a ‘if you want’ kind of thing to add here.
Now, it’s important to note that there’s two Mimics. One below the Pizzaplex and one that was once the Storyteller that is now strictly in digital form and integrated with the main network. This is a separate network to the MXES, which isn’t relevant here either it just felt important to note that. With this context, the digital Mimic (the former Storyteller) caused all the animatronics to start acting based on the behaviours it’s learned before, and Sunny and Moon are no exception. This is where you get those customer complaints in the Security Breach logs from. We don’t know the specifics of what changes, but clearly both of them have gotten a lot scarier as kids are now seemingly afraid of both of them. This must be a new development because Cassie has nothing but good things to say about the daycare since she apparently used to go there fairly often, so my best guess is that this was the Mimic.
Now, if Eclipse acts as both of them combined, as two AIs combined into one, then this could mean that it has a stabilising effect on Sunny and Moon. If they were both effected differently by the Mimic, then that could mean they still balance each other out and can minimise the problems caused by becoming Eclipse. I don’t think they could stop it entirely, but it could be an effective way to limit the damage in a way. For example, if Moon has been made to be more violent when the lights are out, while Sunny has been made more aggressive when rules are broken or something, that would mean combining into Eclipse would prevent Moon from hurting someone and prevent Sunny from screaming a child into the ground. Instead, it could be a grab that’s a little too hard, or a minor push, and a strong, louder than normal telling off. They were always designed to balance each other out like this, so they’ve just sort of been doing it way more frequently to counter the change the best they can. Since they’re only two AIs and not technically three, the Mimic is only influencing Sunny and Moon and not Eclipse so this is honestly their best strategy.
When Glitchtrap enters the picture, it’s important to note now that the Mimic in the main network is still active. Glitchtrap is basically adding a second layer of bullshit on top of the Mimic’s and the Mimic is learning from it. Gitchtrap is more focused on the capture and murder of children. The animatronics catch and Vanny or himself in the Pizza Place kill them. Taking control of the animatronics is a key part of this, and thus, Sunny and Moon need to be under control as well.
Well, kidnappy from the daycare is certainly riskier than anywhere else, but not entirely impossible. With Glitchtrap and Vanny in the system, security feeds can be cut and much more can be done. Still incredibly difficult though, and that is made extra true via Eclipse. If one of them is supposed to be doing the capturing, the other can activate and stop it as Eclipse. They’ve been ‘finding’ a good few missing children this way before and that’s not convenient for Glitchtrap and Vanny.
So they do a Vanessa with them. Instead of putting an entire consciousness inside of an arcade game, Glitchtrap moves the entire set of code allowing the two attendants to become Eclipse into the Balloon Boy World arcade game. This is why he’s present in that game, but isn’t really a part of it. There’s not enough of him to be a part of it. He’s just sorta stuck, not even half of himself still intact. Glitchtrap didn’t even need to completely be there. He could monitor it from the Pizza Place since here’s another Balloon Boy World arcade game down there that Vanny could have wirelessly connected to the one in the daycare. Now, they can’t combine and are both subject to Glitchtrap’s control.
Glitchtrap focuses on Moon. He has the nightly duties that allows him to go anywhere at any time, whereas Sunny has to have the daycare up to a certain standard before he can leave. Moon is much more convenient for doing what he and Vanny need him to do. Moon can go under the radar much easier than Sunny can. It works, and they rarely need Sunny to get too involved anyway, but he’s still available should they need him.
When Security Breach is over though and Glitchtrap is contained, that arcade game is still active, preventing them from combining, but without Glitchtrap blocking the signal. Now instead, you have the digital Mimic in control, who has taken Glitchtrap’s data and is now outputting it via the animatronics. Glitchtrap favoured and mostly used Moon, so now Moon is the Mimic’s focus. The lights are out constantly once they’re broken, preventing Sunny from taking over, and with the arcade game still holding Eclipse, they can’t combine either. Moon is acting similar, if not worse than before due to the Mimic taking the new data and combining it with the old. There’s fuck all he can do about this and Sunny is in no better shape. He’s growing more frantic and the Mimic is learning from that and amplifying it with Sunny and Moon’s previous anxieties over this. Sort of another feedback loop going on here.
The VANNI mask allows Cassie to see Sunny and not Moon as Sunny is not in control. He’s the one under the surface but not any less present. By rebooting Moon, Cassie is able to restore the Eclipse code in both of them bring them back to how they were before Glitchtrap. Well, not entirely, since the Mimic still has control here, but they can at least fight back against it now. They have a means to neutralise eachother again and that’s not something they’ve had for a long time.
The arcade machine is broken. Eclipse is free and they now have some form of defence against what the main network is doing to them. And Glitchtrap can’t do it again cause he’s being contained by that same network and no longer has Vanessa to puppet around. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start!
If anyone has anything to add or anything to point out, feel free to do so Eclipse is an interesing guy!
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fishy-moirails · 2 years
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tsams-and-co-memes · 2 months
Another thought:
Eclipse finds out about Dazzle. He's creeping up behind them for whatever reason, maybe to sneakily try getting a better view of them or to get the jump on them, idk
But he makes a wrong move
Dazzle gets startled, and the poor baby ends up screaming and smacking Eclipse all the way across the daycare. Like they were simply smacking away an insect
Meanwhile, Eclipse is on his back on the ground somewhere with this ಠ_ಠ look on his face
He's totally fine, just in a temporary state of shock and disbelief, and maybe some mild concern
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vacantfields · 4 months
Things Are Better AU MASTER POST!
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Tags used: Things Are Better AU | TAB AU | TAB AU Answers | TAB AU Writing | TAB AU Sun | TAB AU Moon | TAB AU Eclipse |
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/vacantfields
TAB AU: Singing Voices Spotify Playlist
YOU ARE ALLOWED TO: Draw, Write, etc with these guys! (ASK ABOUT NSFW !)(AND remember to credit me!!)
(I will attempt to use the tags as best as i can!! Do also note that things can change in this AU but this is the best place you can go look honestly)
[ In this AU, Sun, Eclipse, and Moon have gotten new bodies, some that are way more humanoid. Technically, they are not animatronics anymore, but the Pizzaplex they live at still deems them as such! They are also all separated; most importantly, THEY ARE NOT BROTHERS. They are best friends! (Sun and Moon, however, seem closer than that.) ]
[ It is set in the 20XX! The date doesn't matter. ]
[ The Location of this thriving Pizzaplex is in the heart of a big city, and the rest of the animatronics have gotten slight upgrades but have remained the same. Sun and Moon still run the Daycare. Eclipse stands as the security guard for the Daycare (Moon also still goes on patrols, as well). They live in the Daycare too! The layout is (sorta) the same as the original Pizzaplex. The boys can leave the place, but they must tell their handler or whoever runs the place how long they will be gone. The virus from the game is not here, BUT a virus is in this! It's highly aggressive and should be avoided at all costs. Moon used to have a virus, but most got removed from him when they moved into these bodies, although some of the virus remains in his code. Eclipse has a different virus embedded in him, and he cannot remember how he acted before; it basically wiped his personality, so now he's somewhat unpredictable. ]
They have humanoid/android bodies
The original body along with their personality chips were created in the middle of the 90s
Moon got his virus in 95 or so but they couldn't fully remove it as they would have to reset him and thats a chore plus it wasn't too dangerous so they moved the guys into separate bodies and it fixed most of it
the story is set in 20XX
The location is in a big city
They have been in the new bodies for around 5 years
The fire, gregory, etc. Did not happen here!
The virus Eclipse was made by some people who wanted to use the animatronics to attack people and make sure that fazbear would shut down
They are not the same guys from the game BUT they do act a lot like them! (kinda)
They used to share a body (Eclipse just being a security setting in them)
Moon has remains of a violent virus
Eclipse has the virus embedded in his code
Eclipse cannot remember who he was before the virus
The virus is not sentient... OR... Is it?
Despite not having the virus, Sun is not handling being alone in his head. His unstable and unused security program snaps in when he has breakdowns and makes his head think it's Moon talking to him.
Sun was the first personality chip then it was Moon and then Eclipse
Other facts
The virus does NOT like the color red on bodies. (Do not wear a red shirt or anything alike that around Eclipse he will attack and KILL.)(Though if they care about you he will hold back from mauling)
They cannot eat BUT! They can taste things!
Their face plates can still spin
They can still use the wire to "fly" around if they wish
They have a secondary voice box that they use for when they talk with people outside of the Daycare/or go out!
In the Daycare they use the "Canon" voice
They can also perform at "Adult Nights" at the pizzaplex, which consists of them singing on stage while the adults drink and so on.
Moon is the only one who actively performs so you can catch him in the evenings on stage!
They are all very flexible... And they can dance (;
They can also talk with each other through a shared headspace (like a group chat)
The old body is stored somewhere in the plex
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ SUN ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊
He/They/We | 8'5" / 256cm | Daycare Attendant
[ Sun is a happy go lucky guy who hides a lot of his other emotions and sometimes they tumble in! He gets angry, he gets sassy, he gets upset, etc. !! ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Without A Whisper | Sleepless Deathbed | Reverie
(Invent Animate)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ MOON ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
He/They/We | 8'5" / 256cm | Naptime Attendant / Performer
[ Moon is your day to day gremlin. Crawling up walls and spider-walking across the floor in the darkness. Though he does easily get flustered if youre close enough to him! ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Secret Scream | That Death Cannot Touch | No Accusations
(The Black Queen)
☾✴ ๋࣭ ⭑ ECLIPSE ☾✴ ๋࣭ ⭑
He/They/We | 9'4" / 284cm | Security for the Daycare
[ Eclipse is a wild card. You never know if you can trust what comes out of his mouth but he seems docile for now ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Broken Inside | Forevermore | Clouded Son
(Broken Iris)
(Hopefully this made some sort of sense... I will probably edit here and there but (: !!)
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catspawcreates · 1 year
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“You Reap What You Sow”
After being on hold for my goofy animation, I was drawn back to finishing this lovely angst piece. Sun & Moon Show inspired (promise I do other Sun Moon art too!). The juicy drama is ripe for the picking.
When you make everyone your enemy you inevitably get backed into a corner. Eclipse, the only one without an ally.
The in process post is HERE!
I had a lot of fun with the shadows. My graphic tablet died right as I finished it so I had to tighten my belt and order a new one…. Cest la vie.
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