#ecks vs sever
kply-industries · 4 months
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pb-dot · 11 months
Thought of the day
So, famously Normal website Twitter dot com is changing its name to X. Given the site's woes with hosting fees, I do believe it's legitimate at this point to describe the whole situation as X vs. Server
The joke explained below the cut
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spookyfoxdreamer · 3 months
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passed-out-real · 2 years
Antonio Banderas Filmography Part 3
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Spy Kids (2001)
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Original Sin (2001)
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Femme Fatale (2002)
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Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002)
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Frida (2002)
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Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002)
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Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003)
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Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
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Shrek 2 (2004)
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The Legend of Zorro (2005)
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thejewofkansas · 7 months
The Weekly Gravy #165
The Killer dropped on Netflix this past weekend and I updated my prior review, raising my score to an 89 and moving it up my yearly rankings. It’s a damn good film and absolutely worth watching – and rewatching, to appreciate the details and just how dryly funny it is. And now on to new business. The Holdovers (2023) – ***½ I’m in a tricky position with The Holdovers. It’s shaping up to be one…
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Ignis Scientia-Final Fantasy XV
Blind, gay/demi-romantic, asexual
Ignis only lost his eyesight (rather than his life) due to his strong will to protect Noctis. He is stated by the game makers to be in a deep relationship with his colleague and friend, Gladio. So it's halfway confirmed/heavy implied for those two boys. (And might be Ignis is asexual). And this man deserves so much. He is the mom friend and gives everything. And so much is taken from him.
Wylan Van Eck-Six of Crows
Wylan has dyslexia (heavily implied, but not outright said bc setting) and is gay,
Dyslexic and gay!
They are in a adorable m/m relationship, and also have severe dyslexia to the point that (when eight) he could not read or write despite formal education
Wylan is gay and dyslexic!
Wylan and Jesper have the absolute cutest relationship. Also, Wylan has dyslexia. I don't think it was outright said, but that was heavily implied. It just couldn't be set out loud for the sake of maintaining the fantasy setting. He's such a good character, and is primarily known for his skill with explosives, not his struggles with reading and writing. The other protagonists also never judge him for it, and the only character who does is the kind of person 90% of readers want to kill by the end of the series.
His boyfriend Jesper helped him fake being able to read so they could beat Wylan's shitty dad.
- He's incredibly sweet - But can also be ok with murder sometimes, like when killing unconscious people wasn't good - so just wake them up. - He was thrown out of the house and his father tried to kill him, because of said dyslexia, but managed to survive. Then rebelled against his father and with the help of friends took down his empire - He is very talented at the flute. And can draw very well, along with being a great chemist and demolition experts (hired for making flash bombs and other cool shit-) - Helps break into a world-class prison, then blushes the entire time because the person he's pared with keeps flirting with him - Asks his (eventual boyfriend) if he's into guys. Then immediately gets flustered when Jesper picks it up - Is very rich heir (due to shenanigans) and there's a one-off line about this sweet bean kind of being a sugar daddy- (just gives his boyfriend money to do stocks with, to stop him from gambling) - Supports his boyfriend throughout his gambling addiction and tries to help him overcome it
Wylan is dyslexic and because of this written off as stupid by his father. However, he is actually a genius, especially with chemicals, and he uses his genius and his new band of misfit friends to take his father down and read him for filth in front of a whole bunch of important people. He is good at making things explode. He also nabs himself a hot boyfriend in the process so good for him!
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @wisheduponastar is the third submitter.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
What are five of your favourite Grishaverse quotes? Send this ask to 5 of your favourite grishaverse blogs!
Thank you so much for sending this, and sorry it took me such a long time to get to it 😭
Choosing was super hard because there are so many insanely good quotes in the books and I love several of them for very different reasons, but I'll try and give it a go anyways. So: five of my favorite Six of Crows quotes (because I still haven't read the SaB trilogy), in no particular order:
Kaz and Inej, on getting back up after a fall:
Get it together, Brekker, he scolded himself harshly. It didn’t help. He was going to faint again, and this would all be over. Inej had once offered to teach him how to fall. “The trick is not getting knocked down,” he’d told her with a laugh. “No, Kaz,” she’d said, “the trick is in getting back up.” More Suli platitudes, but somehow even the memory of her voice helped. He was better than this. He had to be. Not just for Jordie, but for his crew. He’d brought these people here. He’d brought Inej here. It was his job to bring them out again. The trick is in getting back up. He kept her voice in his head, repeating those words, again and again, as he stripped off his boots, his clothes, and finally his gloves. -Ch. 22, Six of Crows
Matthias asking for mercy for monsters/the "we are all someone's monster" observation:
“Nina,” he said, hand still pressed over the smooth skin on his chest where a bullet wound should be. “Nina, please.” “You know they would not offer you mercy, Matthias.” “I know. I know. But let them live in shame instead.” She hesitated. “Nina, you taught me to be something better. They could be taught, too.” Nina shifted her gaze to his. Her eyes were ferocious, the deep green of forests; the pupils, dark wells. The air around her seemed to shimmer with power, as if she was alight with some secret flame. “They fear you as I once feared you,” he said. “As you once feared me. We are all someone’s monster, Nina.” -Ch. 41, Six of Crows
Wylan and Kaz's entire conversation about disability and vulnerability while cracking Van Eck's safe:
He thumbed quickly through the ledger and said, “When people see a cripple walking down the street, leaning on his cane, what do they feel?” Wylan looked away. People always did when Kaz talked about his limp, as if he didn’t know what he was or how the world saw him. “They feel pity. Now, what do they think when they see me coming?” Wylan’s mouth quirked up at the corner. “They think they’d better cross the street.” Kaz tossed the ledger back in the safe. “You’re not weak because you can’t read. You’re weak because you’re afraid of people seeing your weakness. You’re letting shame decide who you are. Help me with the painting.” They lifted the portrait back into place over the gaping hole in the safe. Martin Van Eck glared down at them. “Think on it, Wylan,” Kaz said as he straightened the frame. “It’s shame that lines my pockets, shame that keeps the Barrel teeming with fools ready to put on a mask just so they can have what they want with no one the wiser for it. We can endure all kinds of pain. It’s shame that eats men whole.” -Ch. 18, Crooked Kingdom
Inej vs. Dunyasha on the Church of Barter rooftop, refusing to be cowed on her own turf:
“The blood you spill is the blood of kings,” seethed Dunyasha. “You are not fit for such a gift.” Inej almost felt sorry for her. Dunyasha really believed she was the Lantsov heir, and maybe she was. But wasn’t that what every girl dreamed? That she’d wake and find herself a princess? Or blessed with magical powers and a grand destiny? Maybe there were people who lived those lives. Maybe this girl was one of them. But what about the rest of us? What about the nobodies and the nothings, the invisible girls? We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns. We learn to wring magic from the ordinary. That was how you survived when you weren’t chosen, when there was no royal blood in your veins. When the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway. Inej raised a brow and slowly wiped the blood of kings on her trousers. -Ch. 35, Crooked Kingdom
And Inej at the harbor...hopeful, in love, and ready to take on the world with her boy and her ship:
Had she really thought the world didn’t change? She was a fool. The world was made of miracles, unexpected earthquakes, storms that came from nowhere and might reshape a continent. The boy beside her. The future before her. Anything was possible. -Ch. 44, Crooked Kingdom
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jeffgerstmann · 2 months
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ingesting the required amount of 2C-T-7 and settling back for an enjoyable session of Ecks vs. Sever for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance
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hughungrybear · 3 months
Non-spoiler thoughts on ManSuang:
It is like Mission Impossible meets Cirque de Soleil meets Ecks vs Sever with a bit of Les Miserables in the mix, set in late King Rama III's era. And no, I'm not gonna explain what I mean 😂
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124tee · 1 year
Wesper: Books Vs Show
Look. We all noticed that almost everything about the dynamic between these two was changed onscreen. But I would really like to lay out how I think it damaged something that should never have been touched. I will note that if the version of these two in the show were not meant to be representative of such a carefully developed dynamic, it would definitely be perfectly fine, and would make sense in the context of the show’s events! Unfortunately, that is not the case.
When these two first met in the books, all they shared was surface level admiration, which soon grew to annoyance. And that was okay. Neither of them were ready for a mature relationship at that stage, and they were nowhere near ready to address their own feelings. Jesper was still obsessed with Kaz for much of the first book- something which appears to not even feature in Netflix’s take on the characters.
In the show? They meet through a one night stand. Just for the sake of it. Jesper doesn’t even remember properly. Wylan isn’t scandalised, like the freshly estranged Wylan clearly was at any such implications in the book. While it is worth something that once they get to know each other, both are interested in something more- but of course, as with much of Netflix’s originals, it’s far more hands on than they even thought of until being thoroughly acquainted in the books.
I’m not sure if it was intentional, but it came off as their entire relationship being based on physical attraction, with a few touching moments after the fact. Every time they made any kind of meaningful connect with one another, it was just a poorly timed, twisted version of what could definitely have occurred near the end of the duology. I do not think that this could substitute for the way their relationship was developed through shared struggle, and admiration of strength through this struggle, as in the books.
I will stand by the fact that the pace of their warming to each other was handled perfectly in the duology. Small little moments, and bigger little moments that don’t attempt to undermine the severity of events, but still draw enough attention that you take note of them when Leigh wants you to. It’s a really important balance. They grow more comfortable in their feelings both as they mature, and as they come to understand one another. Both have secrets that they feel their lives depend on, and both are slow to release them.
This was almost attempted in the show, but did not land. Jesper’s being a fabrikator, Wylan’s inability to read- both facts that have very significant value when revealed. Both revealed almost in passing. So when the show eventually focuses on the ice court heist and Van Eck? They may have to rely on original content, new secrets. Perhaps that was the intention, but it still does not excuse taking away those vital moments and subsequent conversations from the context that gave meaning and strengthened their relationship.
As it stands in the show, “getting to know each other” exclusively referred to sharing these secrets and supporting each other through it. Which is all very well. But there is exactly one (1) instance where they manage to discuss it meaningfully and without disagreeing with the type of contemp their characters very rarely display, and then somehow it’s all fine? They’re just deliriously happy together? No fault to the actors of course, they both got mannerisms and expressions down perfectly. But it was the actions that changed everything.
Where was snarky Wylan! Where was bratty Jesper! At the start they were meant to annoy one another- what needed to be changed here exactly? What about “they slept together once and one doesn’t even remember properly but he will soon, they just need to kiss” improved upon this? There was almost no build up to them even being interested in one another. Jesper really just seemed so confused until he found out where he’d met Wylan before- and then all of a sudden they were perfect for one another? They were never meant to be perfect, they were just meant to find each other, then take time to find that they can mean a great deal to each other when they learn to feel vulnerable.
In the show, there’s very little vulnerability, and very little dialogue that isn’t explicitly business or stupidly direct flirting. Wylan isn’t shy. Everything is just placed in front of the viewer. There is very little subtlety, which makes no sense, seeing as so much of their dynamic in the books was BUILT on subtlety. Honestly, the show lacks this a lot. It makes sense, it’s much easier to manipulate the perception of events when it’s done only using words.
For example, the show includes the dialogue from the books “what do you want” “to be buried under the weight of my own gold”. In the books we know exactly what Kaz is thinking. He tells us it’s Inej because we can read his thoughts. And Freddy did an excellent job of the expression and pause that Kaz would absolutely have made in the situation. But that is one of the most powerful lines in the book. It cannot hit as hard if we only have parts of the puzzle. To someone who didn’t read the books, it was a pause of consideration, or of shame at what he really wants. This dialogue was crafted to include his thoughts, and that just is not possible in this adaption. The context and complexity is just not there, so even though it was still a powerful scene, it could never compare to the scene in which the dialogue is included in the book.
To be perfectly honest, the pacing of this series, and particularly of its dynamics is what tears it apart from its source material. It honestly improved upon the mess of Alina’s infatuations that was the Shadow and Bone books (no offence to fans of the original grishaverse trilogy, but the character dynamics were nonsensical and irritating when compared to the balance that was the Six of Crows), but the duology was simply untouchable in the way it balanced characters and relationships with the plot.
Everything got time and consideration, everyone’s intentions were revealed at the perfect time. Leigh portrayed characters as unlikable perfectly, until she wanted you to understand their motives. She also wrote Kaz’ plots in with the perfect air of secrecy, so that a first time reader could never possibly expect his next move unless you were supposed to. She also didn’t let you know that characters had any sort of connection until the time was right. The show again, seemed to be trying to replicate this, and was successful enough when it came to dividing plot focuses between groups of characters and the diverging/converging plots. But for goodness sake, they seemed to show everything about their interactions that just didn’t make sense. Where was the development! Why did they kiss, and clearly do more than that- before we get to what about one another they feel they need to rely on!
They help each other through so much in the books by the time they really open themselves up to one another, it almost seems offensive to just skip straight to the point in the show.
Okay phew. That’s all I needed to say. Please don’t come at me, I just really value my character dynamics!
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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Ecks vs Sever (GBA)
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xkcdbracket · 1 year
and just for fun
Versus Tournament
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Ecks vs Sever An action film that revolves around the intense rivalry and deadly cat-and-mouse game between two skilled and determined operatives, played by Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu, representing competing intelligence agencies.
The Passage of Time You know how things happen? And then they have happened? And then it's been a longer time since they happened? That's this.
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erras-catgirl · 1 year
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Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever Dir. Wych Kaosayananda
A truly awful movie, Lucy Liu's outfits are the only redeeming quality.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
Uɴɴᴇᴄᴇssᴀʀɪʟʏ Dᴇᴛᴀɪʟᴇᴅ Dɪsʟɪᴋᴇs
Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ, ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ Answer the questions for your muse and tag some people.
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Muse name: Emiya Shirou
Least favorite nickname: anything related to that guy
Least favorite color: grey
Least favorite season: Winter
Least favorite weather: he doesn’t care
Least favorite—hot or cold: he doesn’t feel any particular inclination, but cold 
Least favorite holiday: Christmas
Least favorite food: nothing in particular, a picky eater is a failure as a martial artist
Least favorite flavor: plum kelp tea
Least favorite drink:  plum kelp tea
Least favorite scent: scent of burning things
Least favorite sound: screams
Least favorite book: he couldn’t finish Atlas Shrugged
Least favorite movie: Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever 
Least favorite tv show: Inhumans
Least favorite school subject or area of study: Math. He also isn’t the best at English
Least favorite aspect of their job: staying until late
Least favorite fictional character: he easily gets annoyed at villains or at heroes who patronize others, but doesn’t dwell on it
Least favorite person: Kotomine Kirei
Least favorite trait in others: evil people, people who betray others
Least favorite place: game centers
Least favorite thing to talk about:  himself
Least favorite thing about themselves: his trauma
Least favorite sexual position: n/a
Least favorite daily chore: nothing
Least favorite style of clothing: as long he can move about he will be fine
Least favorite activity: nothing in particular
Least favorite superpower: precognition
Least favorite thing about humanity in general: nothing
Least favorite thing about being in love: people caring about him
Least favorite thing about death: people he loves dying
ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @tricksheart​ ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: idk who hasn’t done it yet, feel free to grab from me
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lamphous · 2 months
weeklypedia 10
unplanned hiatus for professional development (I forced myself to clean my room and submit like 3 job apps)
Cecil Kelley criticality accident (from Demon core) †
Cold Comfort Farm (from Jane Dieulafoy) †
Johnny Burke (lyricist)
Play Misty for Me
List of people from Tulsa, Oklahoma *
God Is a Bullet (song) *
Tromeo and Juliet *
Squeaky Fromme
The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery *
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (from List of Firefly (TV series) characters) †
Darker than Black *
Mr. F is Mr. F *
The Hitcher (1986 film) *
List of presidents of the United States *
Retail apocalypse (from Target Canada) *
Pamela Smart *
Long pig *
Feeling Minnesota *
* wholly new pages ^ recovered pages † derived from existing open tabs
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