#easy pub
wwwdlabrie · 10 months
SAT 8/12 - DLabrie performing Live in Daegu,Korea - Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca... Bruk Out/Party + J-God,Big Easy,Woosah,Obie
SAT 8/12 - DLabrie performing Live in Daegu, Korea - Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca...Bruk Out Party + J-God, Big Easy, Woosah, Obie
SAT 8/12 – DLabrie performing Live in Daegu,Korea – Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca… Bruk Out/Party + J-God, Big Easy, Woosah, Obie New Playlist – DLabrie – Afro Beat/Dance Hall/Hip Hop Mash UPS for DJ’s & Fans! Remixes by J-God & Big Easy Click to Listen to New Playlist – DLabrie – Afro Beat/Dance Hall/Hip Hop Mash UPS for DJ’s & Fans
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southsidestory · 11 months
Currently imagining a future in which I filed the serial numbers off The Valley of the End or In Times of Peace and got a book deal.
The world of publishing is so damn grim now. The industry seems to have forgotten that part of its job is marketing debut authors!
Sometimes it feels like, if you don't bring an established audience to them, they don't want you. Simple as that.
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capinejghafa · 3 months
Ok, so remember when I was like "this kanej fic rec is gonna take a day and/or a weekend?" So that was a lie... it's gonna take a few weeks bc the list is very detailed, and my library brain is this is the only way I can probably categorize things. So there will be a Kanej fic rec list... it'll just be super long and thorough as possible. Thank you for your understanding during this time lol
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geneslovee · 1 year
my biggest personality flaw is adopting new life dreams with every tv show that i watch like why am i watching veep and thinking i could fix american politics actually
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fazcinatingblog · 3 months
It's weird to think it's almost been a year since I met @jlawbenn (not including that time after a Trent helped destroy Essendon) it was an Easter Thursday and we were at fazzy's pub in Johnston Street and some idiot thought it was a good idea to go home after work then go to the pub and ended up getting to the game during the second quarter and the tables were full so Mark let us sit at his table but then that was the Irish table and
And we met fazzy
And we met Asian tram boyfriend after the game who was begging us to go out partying with him and kept saying it was too early to go home (it was like 10pm, he was so dumb and had Charlotte concept of time) anyway we've never seen that guy since or the Irish or
And since then, we've gone from annoying Irish people to annoying people at almost every Fasolo pizza, Sydney, Brisbane, Collingwood games, Collingwood game with g flip, Carlton games, Taylor concerts, Paul concert, Robbie concert, La Porchetta, ikon Park, a Collingwood game where a Trent was playing, a Collingwood vs pesto final, Taylor movie in Nick miller's Rd, Barbie movie in Glenn Maxwell Huntly road, numerous Macca's, several KFC's and
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savingthrcw · 26 days
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@wandercr asked for a Rose starter
It's the last minutes of her shifts when she's asked if she can hang in there and give a hand with the machine only she seems to be able to use, so they can finish preparing the order, and Rose quickly goes back behind the counter while already in her yellow coat, pulling a few levers. "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!" she exclaims happily, and the other waitress rolls her eyes so far back Rose thinks they may fall off. She smiles warmly at the woman sitting there, "Just a minute! And would you like something to drink?"
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hella1975 · 1 year
i know i complain about my job but that's bc it IS a job not a hobby alas there are silver linings to it and one of those by far is how genuinely happy my work friends are to see me whenever i come back from uni. like the one girl im really close with gave me a massive hug and was fuming with me when i told her im only back for the one shift (she also tackled me to the kitchen floor and all the chefs conveniently 'didn't see anything' when i appealed for witnesses 😐) and the Bar Boys as they've come to be named like a fucked up pub boyband (we obviously have a lot of bar staff but there's a couple lads that are there most often and are also around my age and are all like. the really endearing actually sweet kind of fuckboy? strawberry guy is one of them. im not proud of myself) were all so happy to see me bc a lot of us went out together on new year's and they all get weirdly excited asking about how uni is etc and it's all very flirty but like. the jokey platonic kind yk. and the kp that's SO rude to almost all of the waitresses except her favourites literally shouted 'oi where the bloody hell have you been???' over several other people when she saw me and she's so chatty to me to the point it impacts my work lmao and i was joking with all the chefs bc im mates with a couple of them and there was a lot of 'oh god she's back' from the lads and just excited squeals of my name from the girls and strawberry guy came over to me when i was having a drink at the bar after work and tried to convince me to come in tomorrow to see him again before i go to uni even though i live miles away in the sticks and yeah. i love them lol
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
reading a book that feels like they skipped both copy and line edits and it's SOOOO distracting
like, the character development is just... all over the place. one chapter, the protag reflects on her indecisiveness and how she doesn't want to be the one making decisions for her business. in the next she says she wants to take over the management and business development side of it, which makes zero sense. which is it??
but then also small descriptive things like an item being "lemon and yellow" in colour (? did they mean to swap out "yellow" for a different colour?), and a bunch of small grammatical errors, and finally, misspelling "cinch" as "synch", so that it took me ages to realise what they were even trying to say...
argh. why would you do this to your readers. why would you make them put up with that to enjoy your story when you could just... edit it properly and sort that shit out
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pierregaslays · 2 months
friday’s aren’t fridaying like they used to friday anymore
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wolvierinez · 3 months
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magnetoapologist · 4 months
love when ppl emphasize that nicky and joe only make it LOOK easy- bc its not and theyve had over 900 years of practice being a pair
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wwwdlabrie · 10 months
SAT 8/12 - DLabrie performing Live in Daegu,Korea - Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca... Bruk Out/Party + J-God,Big Easy,Woosah,Obie! Celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop! Happy Birthday to the Culture
SAT 8/12 - DLabrie performing Live in Daegu,Korea - Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca... Bruk Out/Party + J-God, Big Easy, Woosah, Obie! Celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop! Happy Birthday to the Culture
SAT 8/12 – DLabrie performing Live in Daegu,Korea – Hip Hop/Afro Beats/Caribbean/Dancehall/Latin/Soca… Bruk Out/Party + J-God, Big Easy, Woosah, Obie! Celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop! Happy Birthday to the Culture RonDavoux Records & Hip Hop Congress Celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop Happy BirthDay Hip Hop New Playlist – DLabrie – Afro Beat/Dance Hall/Hip Hop Mash UPS for DJ’s & Fans! Remixes…
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eldritchmochi · 8 months
listen i have a LOT of really pretty smut books but i think the one i got in the mail this week takes the cake
[the chromatic fantasy by H.A.]
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beautiful spot foil on the front cover plus guilded pages??? hell yes. hes a weighty boy for his size and *feels* incredibly luxurious in ways book nerds are sure to appreciate plus the art is absolutely gorgeous
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very soft, sketchy style evocative of like 60s and 70s animation. every bit ive peeped at so far has been gorgeous but not super tightly cleaned like a lot of modern comics, so it feels really organic and raw, even at a glance. vvv refreshing
i preordered on a whim back in like, march when the announcement from @silversprocket crossed my feed and i have Zero regerts. i cannot wait to dive in and actually read it
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dykefever · 1 year
went on tiktok to try and get those aesthetic videos of uk cities/towns to decide where to live. just got a bunch of annoying eighteen year olds posting about uni
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ephemeriee · 2 years
me at near 4am cooking pie and chips and planning such a romantic date
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Tonight we pull out our finest bottles boys
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