#dw i rambled too lol
papakhan · 11 months
Also, like, even for the raiders that are portrayed as 100% evil and that it's right to kill, in fallout 4, they still like have things you can sympathize with, there's characters who hate having to raid in order to survive, ones who love each other as family and are willing to sacrifice anything to keep each other alive,
The games, seems pretty clear, raiders are people whose lives matter as much as anyone else's, they're just hostile and hurt people to survive, so you have to fight them when you encounter each other.
I wish there were more raiders portrayed the way the khans are, the nuka world raiders are surprisingly unsympathetic compared to other raiders in the series despite you being encouraged to side with them.
Actually I know this is getting long but that's, like a note I hadn't thought about before, the only "raider" groups the players can side with outside New Vegas, are significantly more evil in their actions than the ones you're forced to kill, the slavers in the original fallout, the pit raiders, and the nuka world group all do horribly cruel things yet you're able to support them, unlike those who have fallen on desperate times and are fighting for survival.
I cant find where I was talking about it but yeah it does feel like base game Fallout 4 does make a bigger effort than the other bethesda games to make raiders sympathetic. After all, they have a lot of voicelines were they just talk to each other and sound very humanised, the one raider grieving a fallen friend for example. However, they are still immediately hostile, which says to me that Bethesda didn't Actually want to humanise the raiders. Actually, I suspect that these were supposed to be jokes on Bethesda's behalf, that you were supposed to laugh at the silly raiders being normal people and/or grieving at the graves of their friends.
I don't really have any evidence for that but that's just the humour the rest of the game carries. The funny way bodies are positioned etc
And you're absolutely right about the nuka-world raiders, as much as I did have fun with the DLC and enjoy Gage, it was pretty obvious that he was bethesda's first Reall attempt of explaining how a "normal person" could end up a raider, not including the mess that was The Pitt. But nuka-worlds set up in itself is just total nonsense. No one would be travelling there to trade because they made no effort to make it make sense like with how traders like the Legion because its less taxes and safer roads, ect
I'd even be willing to say that the og Khans from fo1 make more sense then the nukaworld raiders, they're not exactly sympathetic but you can at least understand why they act that way. The world ended less than a hundred years ago and things haven't recovered at all, the world is desolate and dangerous and nothing grows and there's no hope for the future, Garl tells you that and that's the reason why he and the Khans take things and do whatever the hell they want. Like. You can put yourself in that perspective I feel like a lot better than like........... the Disciples are soooo sick and twisted and love BLOOD and they only have ONE rule DONT GET CAUGHT!! idk I can just imagine which toxic mindset is realistically easier to fall into and its not the one that sounds like its from a video game
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nicholasluvbot · 4 months
If I somehow get a valentines this year I’ll be surprised but I could always ask Nicholas on Weverse lmao
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(Been manifesting a boyfriend this year ngl)
lmaoo i'm in the same situation tbh
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RoM - Cinematic Sequence Ramble
I tend to approach my works as if they're films, which often makes it harder for me. But this time I had a stroke of genius !
To keep the backstory short, and as free of spoilers as I can; During the Aperature (an event where the Mirror Realm and Earth overlap) a lot of things went wrong. One of which being Emil becoming infected with the poison of the Mirror Realm that risks spreading to Earth, which would effectively destroy it. The last scene (ish) of Realm of Mirrors is thus of Emil's death.
Before getting into the sequence I have in mind, here's a snippet of it. Enjoy :>
Emil saw their hesitation. Felt their unbearable fear and sorrow. Turning back to the sky he breathed deep, and sang; “Den blomstertid nu kommer, med lust och fägring stor. Du nalkas, ljuva sommar, då gräs och gröda gror.” his voice was trembling, but his song was as beautiful as can be. Perfectly flawed in a way that made it haunting. Carrying through the forest and over the oceans, a solemn tribute to the rising sun. Providing comfort and courage where none existed. “Med blid och livlig värma, till allt som varit dött, sig solens strålar närma,” Emil stumbled on his words as his breath shuddered. Tears once more trailed his face, but he carried on; bracing himself for what was to come, “Och allt blir återfött.” Comfort and courage flickered like a dying fire. So before it went out, Tess, Ida, Jake, and Astrid held each other’s hands tighter— and squeezed their eyes shut as magic flashed through them like a gunshot. Only it didn’t hit them, and there was no bang. Only dreadful silence. Jake was the first to open his eyes, to glance at the body lying between them. Emil’s muscles had relaxed, and his head had lolled to the side. Still and peaceful. One after another, they looked at him. And when the sun rose over the treetops, its warmth melted their frozen state of shocked numbness. Let it seep into the cracks, and reality was understood.  Tess’ breath hitched, and then she screamed.
The song Emil sings is the first verse to 'Den Blomstertid Nu Kommer' (ENG: The Time of Blossom Now Approaches) and the version I'll be using for this is the one from Bramble: The Mountain King. Because the vibes are spectacular and just what I'm after. (Listen to it because it makes what I'm about to describe a lot better)
Now for the sequence !
Emil sings the first verse solo. No instrumentals, no back-ups, just him (0:00 - 0:47). It's then quiet, with only the wind through the forest, then once we're shown Emil's body, the ambiance (0:48 - 0:53) fades in. It continues to swell as the scene progresses, reaching its peak once Tess screams.
And as they all begin crying, the song continues, carrying through a "montage" where the remaining characters return to Grimmvik, passing the castle and other important places as they do. This is all slowed down, not much but enough to portray a sense of emptiness, and the only sound is the song. Meaning we can't hear the crying, only see as they cry.
We end the scene through a fade, most likely through the sky, as the song comes to an end, transitioning us to the epilogue.
Haven't used this in a while, so let's dust it off
: Taglist - @waysofink​​ @metanoiamorii @fiercely-raging-writer @zonnemaagd @writing-is-a-martial-art @writing-with-l @chazzawrites @vacantgodling  :
Let me know if you want to be added/removed !
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marshmellowtea · 9 months
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i took a lot more photos than these at the con yesterday but these are the ones i decided were most worth sharing on here in this compilation post so here they are! :D fun fact about the lip gloss idk why i kept putting it on because aside from eating/drinking and the occasional photo i wore my mask basically the whole time i was there and now it has a disgusting smudge on it from me doing that so. that was certainly a Choice i made XD
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gibbearish · 3 months
btw i just wanna say if ur a long term follower but we're not mutuals it 100% isnt a personal thing, i do love and cherish you just as much and have probably checked out your blog multiple times and we just. didnt have enough overlapping interests for me not to have to filter the tags for basically everything you post about to keep my dash from being 99% things i scroll past jsbfjsbfkdb
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trollbreak · 7 months
Afflicted with Thoughts (character who’s forced themself to be rough and callous looking at someone they care for so much deeper than they’d be willing to admit and. Wanting. Craving their touch. A hand held, or a brush of the elbow, anything. They’d burn the world for a hug if that’s what it took. But. That would mean admitting to that soft, wounded thing under all the shrapnel and metal. So they just. Sit. And look. And hope so desperately that the other would be inspired to initiate something.)
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toyama-division · 1 year
Hey, @nugsters here. ( ̄ー ̄)b
Been pulling myself away from the community after realizing that I've been putting some unspoken pressure on myself to pander to an audience. That is not what I want to do at all. My Hypmic blogs were made for the sole intention of self satisfying my creative needs and since I've strayed from that, I have betrayed my own goals. Not to blame anyone, it's my own fault I got distracted.
I'll continue doing the division reviews and when I reopen my ask box I'll answer questions and asks like normal, but I'm going to quit and even possibly delete any RPs I've done. This includes my @suginami-division blog. Not like it matters since my 3 RPs have died off anyways. I'll also be scrapping any fan division crossover art projects I had, including a video I was planning to do. I didn't really get far anyways so it's not like it matters. (For the people who were concerned, here's the song I was gonna use, finally revealed: LINK )
If this upsets any specific persons, let me say again that it isn't anyone's fault. This is my own choice and I hope that all the lovely people in the community will respect my decision. Hope everyone has a good day and look forward to my self indulgent content. (≡^∇^≡)
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
HUH i was thinking maybe like sakura, takumi would have special dialogue with azura but i guess they weren't really that close 😞 I actually don't remember if I even got their support while doing birthright...
and then i tried to check too with hinoka but also nothing :( i gotta go rewatch the birthright supports with azura and the hoshidan family again i know zero.
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puppyeared · 2 years
!!! i always love seeing doodles of your ocs and reading the tags ab their silly little storys theyre all incredebly deliughtfull even though i cant rember anyones name but everytime the shadow guy and pink puppy show up im like!!! aww hell yeahh shadow guy and pink puppy person this is awsome :]]]
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
Chibnall really said I'm gonna give you (me, specifically) the Seven + Ace closure you deserve huh
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eternal-brainrot · 1 year
i have been playing dress up with my plushies and made them new outfits hehe B) xie lians crown prince outfit is sooo pretty so i desperately wanted to make it!!! 
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technically didnt make hua cheng a whole new outfit but i made IMPROVEMENTS and finally added his boot chains (after almost a whole year of saying i would do so lol), and stitched the pattern on his belt and vambraces in metallic thread (it is metallic and shiny irl i promise ;-;)
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also random fun details i want to show!!!!!
hua chengs little braid!!!
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EMING <333
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he is holding a little felt silver butterfly on his hand hehe
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xie lians single earring (notice where the other one went hehe)
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caruliaa · 2 years
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arolesbianism · 23 days
Thinks oh so hard abt raccoon au printing pod doomed yuri.... What if you were a robot in love with your fellow robot but your past human selves had to fuck it all up and murder eachother 🙄
#rat rambles#oni posting#for context in the raccoon au both olivia and jackie get printing podded dw abt the logistics too much imagine joshua was involved or smth#but basically olivia semi unintentionally ai-ed the two of them after severely wounding jackie#it was the climax of years of brewing resentment and rage so she was acting quite irresponsibly#the two as pods both awken around the same time on different planetoids#you see the reason Im so committed to this idea is not just because of fun character stuff but also because of hypothetical gameplay stuff#the idea of starting on two planetoids that your dupes cant physically travel between but still having to manage both colonies through#teamwork between both colonies has always been an idea Ive been a big fan of#plus I get to imagine the two talking to eachother not knowing that they're like so mega divorced and also they both kind of sucked in life#and by kind of I mean one did an attempted murder and the other was jackie lol#it also gives me the fun space to play in to compare how I imagine ai jackie would be like compared to ai olivia#I imagine her being a lot more eager to build her colony at first until she starts finding gravitas stuff and starts throwing hissy fits#and by that I mean she gets genuinely rly upset and tried to go into denial before eventually cracking under the weight of her own memories#shed try to disctract herself with progress but since the dupes are deliberately designed to avoid progress shed get frustrated fast#now the duped Can invent new things and grow but jackie wouldn't know that and she'd assume they literally can't#she doesnt view her dupes very kindly and without the carrot of progress she'd start spiraling fast I think#this mixed with raccoon au stuff makes for a very messy combination since not only is there the this was all for nothing feeling but also#the this in question involved actively backstabbing the person she loved most and watching as she grew to hate her so much that she#attempted an actual murder against her and somewhat succeeded#and also said person is still around and is berating you for breaking down because she's better at repressing her memories than you#raccoon au jackie is rly the only one I think itd be particularly interesting to keep around post world ending because she already had some#very repressed guilt before the end so the idea of peeling off the film on that amd letting her pop is fun to me#I also like the idea because it forces olivia into a position where shes left for the rest of time with a woman she hated#and not knowing what to do with that as she finds herself feeling less and less towards the woman she one loved and hated#for raccoon au jackie removing her from the life she had before makes it all crash down on her that much harder#and for raccoon au olivia removing her from it makes it all feel oh so small in retrospect#this ofc differs massively from how Id characterize canon olivia and jackie as canon jackie would likely make for a much more boring pod#and rabbit au jackie can't be there because then shed just reassure olivia that shes done nothing wrong ever and theyd go back to their#doomed codependent toxic yuri ways for the rest of time
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cryptidapprentice · 6 months
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trollbreak · 1 year
Eiteth n loser I think mayb worked at hot topic together for a bit there. N that’s how she got the idea to gte themselves and ransom masks from him mayb. It could be fun
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leitmotif · 2 years
bee pickles ORDERED..... he is on his way to me :]
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