#during every episode that was kind of annoying but i have no regrets bc now i get to look backšŸ˜Š
laurmaus Ā· 3 months
my rant (analysis????thing about that one scene in Our Fears Mcd thats been hidden in my notes app for like 2 years sorry itā€™s a little long
ok so itā€™s been a few days and i completely forgot most of what i was gonna say about the whole dante aphmau illusion bht the whole thing was so ?????????? liek the way garroth and ESPECIALLY laurenceā€™s reactions to their ā€œworst fearā€ and their worst fear itself is SOOO FUCKING WEIRD and out of character becayse thatā€™s NOT what their worst fear woulld be ????)))))) starting with garroth because his whole personality as a guard is that he wants nothing but happiness and safety for aphmau and like we donā€™t know a lot about his personal life and struggles besides like zane and the whole dispwnment thing ok maybe we do but what iā€™m trying to say is that aphmau holding hands and Kissing a guy is Not his worst fucking fearā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. the whole scene couldā€™be been so much better if the illusion was aphmau Dead or like extremely hurt or fake dante threatening the two to hurt aphmau right in front of them or something like the whole shipping bait was so unnecessary I KNOW ITS NOT THAT DEEP BUT šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ ok now for layrence he was done SOOOOO DIRTY like Extremely dirty from the way he reacted to the fact that his worst fear was aphmau just kissing dante tooā€¦ā€¦.. starting with how he reacted it was INSANELY out of character for the time that it was written there was no build up to his personality suddenly switching to anger ridden like heā€™s never been seen like this before ?????? skimming through the moments hes had since heā€™s still generally New to the series he has NEVER lashed out like that??????? even when zane was insulting aphmau and he had to lie to make it seem like they were together he is Cool Calm and Collected itā€™s so weird so see him get so mad so quick like he was YELLINNGGGG thad was some unnecessarily. Possessive reaaction personally it makes more sense when i add the fact that my theeory is rhag he believed aphmau was under hypnosis or a spell or something but this is COMPLETELY a theory like itā€™s the only explanation to him acting out like that PLUS THE FACT THAT HE TRIED TO ATTACK DANTE ????????? he CONSIOUSLY WENT TO ATTACK HIM JUSF BC HE WAS GONNA KISS APHMAU I GET THAT HE THIUGHT SHE WAS IN DANGER UNDER THE PREMISE OF A SUPPOSED SPELL BUT OTHERWISE THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSEā€¦. i KNOW for a fact aphmau ddint think that far through and just wanted a ooooh my guards are Jelousā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļømoment and its aggrivating bevauuse i KNOW that he should have been asking if she was ok instead of just arguing at a ghost i get that hees protective butšŸ˜ž you can HEAR HIM SLASH HIM REPEADLY TOO LIKE I KNOW HE STABBED THAT SWOORD STRAIGHT THROUGH HIS BACK OR WRM OR SMEHTING UOOU HEAR IT GO IN EEUEUUEGH the cheap sound effect is SošŸ˜¦(samsung version) THIS PLUS HIS GENERAL AREGIVATED DEMEANOR ENCOURAGES THE IDEA THAT LAURENCE CARES MORE ABOUT GOING AFTER WAHTEVER IS THREATENING HIM INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON GETTING WPHMAU AWAY (which is the OPPOSITE of what happened in the nether when saving the chicken sha man+ MAKING SURE SHES OK ANF FURTHER SUPPORTS GARROTHS SUSPICIONS i could say that the remnants from him being a shadow night like made him be way more violently impulsive but from the videos canonicity itself i know aphmau wasnā€™t thinking of that when writing this sceneā€¦ personally i gues i see how this could be in character i just cannt sincerely undedstand how laurenceā€™s morals and beliefs coincide with attempting to harm a possibly innocent man itā€™s so ARURRGGGGGDDD (sound effect sounds better in my head trust meā˜¹ļø
ok now to the fear itself layrence is not even officially apart of the guard he hasnā€™t known aphmau for too long INCLUDING the Months(?) that he was trapped in the nether for and i KNOW theyā€™re really close now and he apparently has a crush on her (WHICH WAS SUPER SUDDEN TOO AND ALSO OVERWRITES PREVIOUS LORE ABOUT HIM NOT LIKING SASHA AND THAT SHE WAS THE ONLY ONR THAT HE COULD BE ā€œnormal withā€ ((SUPER COOL IDEA BTW I REALLY LIKED THAT!!!!!!! THEN HE SUDDENLY ANNOUNCED THAT HE SNOULDNT HAVE LET SASHA GO ???????? i guess it could just be chslked up to him lying but what need was there for thatā€¦.. the switch up is so random and like sheā€™s suppose to be dead when he said that why not just admit you loved her i guess it couldā€™ve been laurence still not accepting the fact that he actually loved her but i donā€™t think aph meant for his words to be so deep seeing how she writes mcdšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if they geniuenly wanted to develop the idea that laurence has a crush on aphmau then wouldnā€™t it make more sense for him to say he had a crush on her and after she died it was difficult blah blah blah BONDING!!!!! and then at the end he couldve been like ohā€¦. speaking to you right now reminds me of how we use to t- nevermind. IDK ITS CONRY BUT IT MAKES SO MICH MORE SENSE STORY WISE/// THE WHOLE THING SO FUCKING WEIRD AND ALL TO BUILD UP TO HIM HETTING A SPONANOUS CRUSH ON APHMAU FOR NO FUCKUNG REASON. HIS ENTIRE PERSONALOTY IS BASED ON A MAN THATS A CASANOVA BUT DOESNT ACTUALLY FEEL ANY ROMANTIC ATTRACTION TOWARDS THE WOMEN HE CHASES!!!!!!!!! laurence canonically struggles with expressing himself sincerely and ended up coping by making hismelf out to be a douchebaggy man who feels the need to flirt with everyone in order to feel validated by people that (in his mind) wouldnā€™t like him otherwise!!!! this chatavyer concept opened a HUGE DOOR for development which we actually started ti see when he opened up about his persona and started to interact with aphmau as less of a fake love interest but a friend!!!!!!!!!! but knowing that he DID indeed love sasha AND loves aphmau makes their development into closer friends void because it was a supposedly a crush the whole time i really donā€™t think itā€™s that serious i juus feel like SO MUCH WAS THROWN AWAY FOR A FORCED CRUSH THAT COULD HAVE BEEN BUILT UP MUCH BETTER THAN IT WAS!!!!!!!!!! iā€™m like skimming through old episodes right now and have rewatched that one section in Our Fears like Twenty times so far to analyze but watching laurence and aphmau banter is really silly andā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøit sucks how they cant just be funny friends with and loving eachother geniuennly with the /r jokes here annd there not because laurence has a not so secret crush on pahmau but because theyā€™re wacky friends!!!!!!! bffs where one (Phmau helps the other (L heal and overcome his struggles !!!!!! their dynamic is so fun and lively annf laurenceā€™s character development up to this point had been really satisfying minus the crushšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž everuhtingg is so susaauuauaaaaaaaihh jusf BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! BE FRIENDS PLEASE but anyways heā€™s not even apart of liekt he pheonix drop guard i guess ????? at this time which makes his worst fear beign aphmau being kissed by another man so Pathetic he has cadenza and the nether people and him being a shadow guard and just so much more to worry about than aphmau same with garroth!!!!!!! i feel like thereā€™s so much mroe that couldā€™ve been explored if they had just considered making the illusion more Personal ?????? i was also thinking that making them both see a completely different illusion I DONG KNOW HIW TO EXPLAIN IT LIKE oooh smoke Sparkles Boom theyā€™re in a different place and see the fear like it was done for aphmaus fear and danteā€™s fear!!!!!!!
going back to garroth too a few episodes ago he was talking about how he was afraid that something might happen with laurence now thatā€™s he can see so maybe the illusion could have been laurence attacking aphmmau right in front of him and like his armor and weapons are gone when he goes to fight and hes like šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦ or replace laurence with zane or whatevver or heā€™s like married to his fiancĆ© and aphmau is Gone what iā€™m saying is there was SO MUCH POTIENTIAL OOOH O AND LIKE LAURENNCES PERSONAL ILLUSIOKN COULD HAVE BEEN HIM HRUTING ALHMAU OR CADENZA AGAINNDT HIS WILL AS LIKR A SHADOW NIGHT!!!!!!!! OR IDK IMAGINNE ā€œwe should split up and look around forā€¦ā€¦ā€ BOOM garroth looks to the left and lauurence is GONEā€¦.. itā€™s all like ?$)&!???!?? until he looks fowaard at the steeps and šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø LAURENCE is STANDUNG there with APHMAU HURT ON THE SCENE!!!!!!!!!!! n heā€™s like laurennczā€¦.??????? thannk irene you found hLAURNECE!!!!??!;???;??šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ actually BETTER IDEA THIS IS THE BEBEST ONE ITS ONE ILLUSION NOT TWO SEPERATE ONES!!!!! RIGHT SO GARROTH IS JUST THHERE AND SEED LAURENCE AND HE LIKE SUDDENLY GAINS CONSIOUSNNES AND LIKE LOOKS DOWN BOOM SHADOW KNIGHT ARMMOR HES GOT A SWORD IN HIS HAND AND ITS COVVERE IN BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!! loook doen Aphmau There sheā€™s Gone in that one pose you know the one iā€™m talking about and then he turnns around 2 c the garroth thags just in taht one standing emoji pose and he like seees the blood on his dacve and OOOH IT WOUKDVE BEEN SO COOLā€¦ i understand the limitations that come with making a roleplay series with npcs ghat have like limited movement obvsiosuly it wouldnā€™t be as elaborate as this but i see it in my Mindā€¦ā€¦ ONE LAST THING BEFORE I FORGET it not sure if this is a typo or intentional or just a little fact that wasnnt meant to be taken all that serious but when malachi was explaining his backstory he mentioned how he could show peoples ā€œfearsā€ not exclusively their ā€œgreatest fearā€ WHICH might excuse this entire scene (minus the inaccurate character portrayls ) and make most of what i said void but i still stand by all of it!!!!!!!!! iā€™m not taking this excuse from someone who mistyped one of their MOST IMPORTANT characterā€™s name MULTIPLE TIMES to the point where a misspelling became their canon namešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but overall i jsur feel ike this entire episode and concept of a ā€œgreatest fearā€ being watered down to throwing some wood into a Shipping Arguement Fire for the two most important characters right after aphmau could have been so much more!!!!!!! like i get that aphmau getting with someone else might just be one of garroth and laurenceā€™s shared fear but that doesnā€™t excuse how laurence acted and ESPECIALLY how uncharacteristically their dialogue was after the whole debacle OH MY GOD I DIDNNNT EVEN MENTION JOW THEY ACTDD ATTERWORDS ok iā€™m getting tired of this Long ass essay but basically afterwords they kept questioning aphmau and dante on whether or not they kissed or whatevver and i feel so dumb right nowow this is unrelated but iā€™m just laying here on mymt bed Wirting this at 11:32 am instead of drawing or beingpeoduxtive or skemtjjngnevevrmind i joined a. Friend CallšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
ojay i left nothing interesting was happening but getting back on topic the fact that only laurence seemed to be concerned about aphmaus well beign when the whole illusion was over seems so weird especially since i wouldā€™ve expected garroth to say something about her aswell ?????? this is definitely nitpicky i just feel like i should mention the emphasis on dante and aphmau kissing instead of aphmaus wellbeing like they Shouldvve been douignā€¦ā€¦ like maybe ask about the next course of action or who dante is and what theyvve gone through or if theyre hurt wspecially laurenc before this episod he was more a less soft spoken i LOVVVE his Sassy Man persona just not before his actual character beliefs IDK HWO TO FEEL ABOUT THIS ANYMOORE yes i get theuure in shock i just feel like therees something off about this whole thing and i CANR EXPLAIN IT IN WOORDS I XANNT!!!!! i need teb notes all to be plugged into my mindndohmtmtgoodoss cddbdsdxxxcccccc cbc but yeah laurence is funny while heā€™s questioning them though so itā€™s ok and then afterwards when garroth is lik ā€œespecially the vision we saw nowā€¦ that was, hard to take.ā€ seems so out of place and weird wny doesnā€™t he question what happened or how they even found the child of wahetever the more the series goes on everythign seems to shift to focus more on the shipping aspects of things instead of going towards what the characters would realistically be worried about yeah yeah itā€™s her show i just wish that a little more was out into the dialogue during this bit to flesh them out more maybe iā€™m completely misinterpeting their characterrs because iā€™m Wacky but woudlnbg aph b like telling him everurjjng i DONNT JNWO!!!!!!!!!!!! overall i dont think the entire confrontation scene should have happened i thjnk they would have talked to aphmau eprsonally about what happenend instead of just Lamboding idk the word but thatā€™s what i said in my head on dante and him kissing apjmau as guards that should not be their priority and i praay this is a one time thing otherwise scene was fine by itself i loveā¤ļø Aph Mau team garmau forevver though (as of now(
no but srs i know this all sounds really corny and imm sure i look crazy right nowwhile you read this all out but this is liek directly from my brain to the paeer these are my Thoughts live not includdinng the ones i coudknnt add bc i was somehehrre else and then jsut Forgot about it!!!!!!!!!!! itā€™s crazy too becwysue this scene has always had such a special place in my heart (Gross) ever since i watched it when it first came out i ate this shit up!!!!!! annd now to look back and realize everything that was wrong with this part of the video and i know that thereā€™s a BUNCH of more off moments like these but this one is just SO imporrynant to me i Sont know why and i canā€™t remmeber anymore because my okd notion of the video has been replacced eith me watchingn it from a few days ago but to seee myswlf continue to be interested by this straange but charming continuity annd story itā€™s just so important to me and was a HUGE part of my childhoood i would watch new videos from aphmau when they came out n eveerutnjng i remmeber hetting on the couch at like 9am to watch her new fnaf series videos i explicitly remember the one with the puppet jumpscare i was so fuckign scaredšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and i remmebr watching this one early in the morning too i thjnk idk jf this is me misremmebrjng and my brain being jumbled up bevauus that Happens sketimems and mixing up which videos i watched but i KNOW i would wake up early in the mirnirng to go to the livingn room and watch Aphmau i feel the need to critique it for what it is now and juust be Hinest with msuellf since i just saw so kuch wrong id dinnt know where i was going with this but i care for thier characters so much i just wnnat them to b real and Happyā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø love u guuys
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butterflydm Ā· 3 years
2020 (what a weird year)
I did not get very much done this year at all. The business I work for got us all classified as essential workers which... tbh, I did not agree with as a categorization. Itā€™s meant that hours per week stayed the same, but my anxiety levels at work skyrocketed. And most of the time, after getting home, I basically had enough energy to check some stuff online but I mostly needed to decompress by doing something familiar, which Iā€™ve been doing by replaying FFX and FFX2, and my brain mostly hasnā€™t had room for anything new. Which is a shame for all the plans I had to watch tons of new media! I had a long list of things I wanted to check out and I havenā€™t really watched any of it.
I did get a chance to watch a few new things (as always, tbh, any recs of mine are basically ā€˜you will like this thing, if this is the kind of thing you likeā€™):
The Old Guard: Really enjoyed this movie. Itā€™s been out for a while now, but if you havenā€™t had a chance to watch it, it was a fun, easy watch that also made me think some interesting philosophical questions about life. A good time! Itā€™s honestly the only movie I watched during the 2020 pandemic period, unless I get around to watching anything else in the next couple of days.
MXTXā€™s Scum Villainā€™s Self-Saving System: I love love this story. Iā€™ve watched the donghua (looking forward to S2!) and read the translation by BC Novels, and the story just has so many things that make my heart go ā€˜yes!ā€™: itā€™s funny, with a charming PoV character who both doesnā€™t take himself too seriously and also seriously misunderstands himself in a lot of ways -- very relatable. Itā€™s dramatic AF, with romantic lead Luo Binghe at the heart of a lot of that drama. Itā€™s clever and I love the way the premise is used for both humor and pathos.
Tone-wise, it reminds me of works like Galaxy Quest or Northanger Abbey. Honestly, that light tone helps in some of the later chapters, which have content that is actually very dark and very heartbreaking if taken seriously, but because of the momentum of the story and the tone of the narrative, I didnā€™t feel like I got lost or bogged down in the darkness.
And I love the relationship between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe a whole heck of a lot. I think the way itā€™s structured is clever and sweet and sad and makes for an interesting story. There is an element of an unintentional romantic obsession that SQQ created by the way he flipped between kind and cruel (against his will, which is what makes it forgivable for the audience, imo, because SQQ wanted to always be kind, though not always for the most selfless of reasons) and how LBH had to try to mentally justify/rationalize how the same man could act in such completely opposing ways. And the narrative symmetry between how SQQ thinks of LBH as the center of the universe because heā€™s the OP Protagonist (!) but LBH thinks of SQQ as the one that everything revolves around and how thatā€™s narratively true because, of course, in the story that weā€™re reading, SQQ is the protagonist and LBH is his love interest.
I also actually really appreciated the bad sex near the end of the novel -- sex-to-save-the-world is a trope that can easily get romanticized but here itā€™s (literally) painful and ugly instead, as all of LBHā€™s trauma pairs with the influence of Xin Mo on his mind. Even through the translation, it definitely feels like bad sex written well, rather than badly-written sex that is supposed to be good, if you know what I mean. Sex can be an important narrative tool in stories and I feel like MXTX uses it very effectively here.
I think I burnt through the entire translation in just a few days. Iā€™ve been reading a lot of fanfic afterwards and I think my favorite so far is I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite. Itā€™s an AU but it keeps the same kind of vibe as the original story.
Bridgerton: Goodness, so enjoyable! Julia Quinn is not My Most Favorite of the various romance writers that I read but she was one of the first writers that really got me back into reading romance and it was delightful to see her world on screen. I donā€™t picture people when Iā€™m reading novels; I have to have a visual first and then I can carry that into the reading, so it was nice to be able to assign faces to some of these characters that Iā€™m already very fond of. Simon and Daphne had a nice amount of chemistry and I loved the Bridgerton family relationships.
I hope they get to cover all the romances in the series and continue to do some updating as well -- I generally liked the changes they made to Simon and Daphneā€™s romance (a few I wasnā€™t as into but could see why theyā€™d done it -- mostly For The Drama). And I really loved what they did with Simon and Lady Danburyā€™s relationship. It took me some time to tell the three older Bridgerton brothers apart but thatā€™s pretty much canon, lol. Anyway, I was invested enough in it all that I stayed up all night on Christmas eve to watch it all and I had no regrets afterward.
I started watching S2 of TharnType but then my work schedule changed and I was working on Fridays and (see above) I just didnā€™t have the energy to watch anything after work. I might wait and binge the rest of the series once itā€™s all out, now that itā€™s gone this long without me being caught up.
I do think Iā€™ll take a break from Critical Role for a while, after it comes back. Iā€™ve just come to an unfortunate place where the show literally cannot win with me re: the romances, as Iā€™m annoyed when they happen but also, perversely, annoyed when they get ignored because my brain goes ā€œthey gutted beaujester for this limited amount of inferior romance? At least commit to giving an adequate amount of the romances that I dislike!ā€. And so it becomes a vicious circle. Good sign that itā€™s time to take a break. My unhappiness with one part of the show is overshadowing everything else and maybe some time away will change that. Or maybe I just need to pick it up again with campaign 3. I guess Iā€™ll see how it goes. I also admit that Iā€™d hate to pick up the show again only to have Lucien get killed off in a few episodes.
I want to try to watch some more shows in 2021, and maybe Iā€™ll have time, if Iā€™m freeing up several hours every Thursday.
I want to watch Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing and Iā€™ve had a translation of the novel on my phone for the entire year and I really do want to read it as well. Iā€™d like to watch Xiao Zhan and Wang Yiboā€™s new shows (The Wolf & The Legend of Fei) as the gifsets Iā€™ve seen have been interesting and enjoyable, and there are a bunch of shows that Iā€™d gotten recommendations about after watching TharnType that I still want to check out too. Plus, I have the new Stormlight Archives book and I want to read that as well. So, thereā€™s quite a list.
Itā€™s still probably gonna be quite stressful at work for a while, at least until Iā€™ve had a chance to get the vaccine, but at least I am going back to Thursdays & Fridays as my days off at the start of the year, so Iā€™m looking forward to that. Iā€™m also hoping to get back to my detailed rewatch of The Untamed, because that was so much fun but I did not have enough brain this year to do any more of it.
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firebirdsdaughter Ā· 5 years
ā€¦ What better thing to do when you feel like absolute crap in the morning and itā€™s starting to get too hot again? DX
Watch Ryusoulger! ^^ Subbed! XD
In no order and w/ many typos bc I am a dumb who stayed up to late and I have a headache. Also itā€™s almost eighty degrees here and I hate everything:
Aw, Asuna is playing games for snacks. ^^ Definitely think she has a very high metabolism.
This super cute, too, the kids hanging out and playing carnival games. Asuna asking Melto for advice. XD Ah, my babies.
Aw, itā€™s sweet that everyone claps.
A yearā€™s worth of snacks is that little? I think they might be underestimating Asunaā€™s eating speed. And mine.
Meltoā€™s pouting bc he feels like his advice wasnā€™t needed. Aw, donā€™t feel bad, sweetie, she wouldnā€™t have asked if she didnā€™t want to hear it.
Okay, this is fine. Could have beenā€¦ Hm, but Asuna clearly wasnā€™t afraid at all, and looked annoyed, which is in line w/ her character, and Mori jumped in very quicklyā€”which is what I wasĀ hoping for, bc no way you can make me believe Asuna actually needed saving, but it makes sense that someone seeing the situation from the outside would want to assist someone they thought was in trouble. In fact, Iā€™d say that Mori just saved those guysā€™ lives. Like, pretty sure sheā€™dā€™ve cold cocked on herself if he had been a little slower. XD
And then he starts fighting them, and Asunaā€™s just likeĀ ā€˜oh, okay, I guess this is happening now.Ā *shrug*ā€™
Honestly, he didnā€™t seem to need help, so I donā€™t blame her.
She knows what boxing is? I mean, not the strangest thing.
Aaaaaandā€¦ Crayon the mushroom man makes another entrance.
Every time we watch the opening, Iā€™m reminded that we still donā€™t know who hooded man isā€¦ I mean, theyā€™ve got time, but Iā€™d love some more hints. And while weā€™re at itā€¦ Actually, never mind. I think everyone knows where I was going there. XD
That scene where he approached the brothers is really getting at me, thoughā€¦ Like, not even Touwa has mentioned it? Which makes me very curious/suspicious.
Honestly, I like the troll Minusaurā€™s designā€¦
Did you two try to call the others?
Kou, you doof! Though I guess he didnā€™t know Mori was there.
I really like that Crayon has trouble controlling the Minusaurs, itā€™s a nice touch and usually leads to funny hijinks.
I guess it was the force of the explosion that sent them rolling like that. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m going w/. No way a Ryusoulger would get detransformed from rolling down a hill.
Aw, sheā€™s so sweet. Iā€™m love her.
I really like how she can be silly, but also a really cool, strong sort ofĀ ā€˜big sisterā€™ at the same time. Anky Mom raised her well. ^^
Touwa, donā€™t be so defeatist!
Kou! DX Honestly though, thatā€™s kind of in character for him to soā€¦ Hyper-focused, I guess?
Asunaā€™s face, though! Honey, just grab him by the ear and pull, okay? Thatā€™ll shut him up.
Not you, too, Melto! DX Asuna, grab both their ears! Just smack them!
Iā€™m glad the point here is that they were wrong to ignore her.
I donā€™t so much blame Banba and Touwa there, bc they were just kindaā€¦ There? They couldā€™ve called the other two on it and didnā€™t, though.
I am now going to hyper obsess about a single line in regards to myĀ ā€˜Banba becomes everyoneā€™s rockā€™ view. Bc he totally just kind ofĀ ā€˜regroundā€™ the discussion there. XD
Touwa and Banba donā€™t even go here. XD Itā€™s okay, I donā€™t think Banba plans on eating anything. He just got up bc everyone else did.
Aw, Tyramigoā€™s trying to comfort her! Youā€™re right, sweetie. Good to try and be proactive. I say, like a bloody hypocrite.
It might have been wiser to go back in and smack them, but sheā€™s justifiably annoyed at them so it makes sense she wouldnā€™t.
On the one hand, that drawing looks pretty good from where Iā€™m sitting, on the other, Iā€™m a perfectionist, too. And maybe the issue isnā€™t that itā€™s notĀ ā€˜good,ā€™ itā€™s that itā€™s not what heĀ ā€˜wantsā€™ it to be?
Asuna here w/ the very direct line of questioning.
Donā€™t tell him that! Though I do appreciate that the wholeĀ ā€˜she says the wrong thing/speaks too bluntly sometimesā€™ thing is more subtle. Like w/ what she said to Melto before and here. Itā€™s not there all the time.
Other thing I like about this, is that itā€™s notĀ ā€˜the girl canā€™t beat the Minusaur alone.ā€™ Itā€™s thatĀ ā€˜no one can beat the Minusaur.ā€™ Yes, they fare a little better when thereā€™s more of them, but itā€™s not bc Asuna is a ā€˜girlā€™ or at all ā€˜weaker.ā€™ Itā€™s that this Minusaur is quite strong. It wasted Kou and Melto before, too.Ā Also the fact that itā€™s just reflecting their own power back at them (multiplied, too, I believe), means that itā€™s using their own strength against them. So the stronger the attack, the more damage the reflection does. After all, Asuna does absolutely fine on her own later, and even frightens the current General, and it takes three of them and the Kishiryu and some strategy to beat the Minusaur (and some of Asunaā€™s luck).
A plus mediation, Kou. You guys can discuss this later.
Crayon should really learn to watch his mouth w/ the Generalsā€¦
Wyzulā€™s incurable need for theatrics will become his undoing. By pissing off Asuna.
The fact that Banba does everything just slightlyĀ slower than the others, from drawing his sword to charging the Minusaur, just to be thatĀ much sexier is vexing and I love it.
Wonder what varsity jacket did to make Mori so pissed at him? Orā€¦ Is he a coach or something? If heā€™s a coach, he needs to be fired, though.
Wait, did art boy offer to punch a dude for Mori so that Mori could fight in an upcoming boxing match, but someone would still punch the dude? Thatā€™s so sweet, oh my god. DX
Nah, man, Asunaā€™s right. I think youā€™re overreacting a little. I say, like I donā€™t overreact every day of my life.
Iā€™m sobbing. Anky Mom raised a good girl. Asuna is a princess and a damn wonderful big sis. Sheā€™s still dad friend of the trio, though.
Banba is dad friend of the whole team.
Melto is mom friend no matter where he is.
I feel like these threeā€™s reactions are telling of their personalities. XD Kou just takes one to the face, Touwa dodges a bit the ducks for cover, and Banba blocks a little but stands his ground and somehow manages to avoid being hit byā€¦ I dunno, sheer power of sexiness?
I think I regret getting used to that word.
This is very much dramatic irony. Itā€™s pretty obvious to the audience that itā€™s Wyzulā€”but Mori doesnā€™t know about Wyzul at all, or that he can shapeshift, Asuna knows about Wyzul and that he can shapeshift, but has no reason to think heā€™s here. I mean, sure, Minusaur, but Crayon has gotten left to his own devices before. And they havenā€™t seen him yet. Asuna isnā€™t the suspicious type, either.
Where they just letting Kou wail on it while they watched. I mean, I guess more eyes are likely to notice something, but itā€™s just funny.
Ah, itā€™s her injured wrist, that probably made things harder. It does seem like she makes conscious decisions when to put her whole strength into things, most of the time, w/ only the occasional slip ups.
Hey, not a bad plan, Kou. MistSoul is pretty noncombative.
Yeah, but not all the attacks went through hisā€¦ You know what, I donā€™t care. In the positive way. I donā€™t care for positive reasons.
I love how they just let Kou wail on it again in Kishiryu Oh. Though I guess they couldnā€™t form anything w/out Asuna and Ankyrose.
Asuna here w/ the princess carry. True knight in shining armour. ^^
The new mecha suit actor is really good. The torch has been well passed. ^^
Also, pour one out for the miniature city set designers and builders! Technically physically possible, whatever! That was impressive! And how many times must they have had to build and test everything. And then thereā€™s the effects. O_o I salute you, folks.
Oh, yeah, andā€¦ Itā€™s HAMMER TIME!
Asuna for one of the best big sisters ever award. DX
I love Naohisa and hisĀ ā€˜ah! places!ā€™ reaction to Asuna coming in. XD
They made a sign? And why is Ui wearing a helmet? Iā€™m so confused. But this is so cute, gods love them.
Not all of them are smiling, dude. Banba has to keep glaring, itā€™s in his contract.
No it, itā€™s not. But heā€™s def not smiling yet. One day he isĀ gonna smile, though, and I am going to implode.
Ā Okay, but hasĀ DimeVolcano just been wandering the forest giving deadly quiz shows? Is that whatā€™s been happening?
Kinda like how the preview is likeĀ ā€˜yeah, new power next week!ā€™ right off the bat instead of being allĀ ā€˜mysteriousā€™ about it or something. XD
Okay, who implemented a quizĀ into a Kishiryu? Why? WhyĀ does it rampage if you answer wrong? This seems like poor seal design, Ryusoul predecessorsā€¦
And apparently he can talk. They taught the Kishiryu to talk so that it could give quizzes. This seems like a lot of effort.
And the fact that the quiz thing is apparently such a thing that itā€™s featured in the historical writings that were found by palaeontologists.
Also they got my boys in the house againā€”I donā€™t know why I love that so much, but I doā€”and I just noticed Touwa is holding a mug. For some reason this is so important to mea, I will be including a picture at the bottom
Really curious as to how the quiz scene goes down, bc thereā€™s shots of what seem to be Crayon and Myzul trying it, and shots of the trio trying it, butā€¦ What happened to the brothers? Theyā€™re there on approach, and thereā€™s a shot in the online preview thatĀ seems to indicate theyā€™re there in the scene where theyā€™re talking to DimeVolcano, but they seem to disappear. Very curious what the actual scenario is.
Thatā€™s all, folks! Virtual fondu for anyone who read all that. I liked this episode very much, Asuna is wonderful and I love her to pieces. I was a little apprehensive when I first read the summary, but I think they handled it fine. Asuna did get to call the boys out for not listening to her/taking her seriously, which was nice. Sad we didnā€™t get Anky Mom, but thereā€™s plenty of time for her to come back at some other point.Ā Find it hilarious that Banba insists on sitting w/ his back to everyone during discussions. I am totally over obsessing over minor things, but Iā€™m choosing to interpret that tiny moment (where he was like ā€˜but first, we need to figure out itā€™s weaknessā€™) as something to indicate heā€™s becoming theĀ ā€˜rockā€™ of the team. Kinda like Hikari? W/ the whole ā€˜anchorā€™ thing? Heā€™s the most sort ofā€¦ Like,Ā ā€˜down to earthā€™? In a way? Like, they all absolutely can focus and beĀ ā€˜seriousā€™ and sensible about things, but they can also kindaĀ ā€˜wander offā€™? Kou, Touwa, and Asuna will rush into things, each in their own way, Melto overthinks, so on and so on. Goodness knows what kind of nonsense Kanaro will get up to. And Banba can be the grumpy, stubborn, often taciturn rock that supports and anchors them. Did any of that make sense?
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Touwa holding a mug. Bc itā€™s somehow funny and cute to me and almost implies the boys came over for lunch or breakfast or something.
Have also remembered my random thought about the possibility of Wyzul masquerading as one of the team this ep. I feel like the new info makes it a little unlikely, but not impossible. Theyā€™ve got a hostage, yes, but Wyzul does like to be trickyā€”case in point, last time they had a hostage. So itā€™s not impossible.
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imriya Ā· 7 years
K Drama List
Okay yeah I told myself I wouldnā€™t do this but I lied. This is a list of all the K Dramaā€™s Iā€™ve watched. Ratings and all
1. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
Rating: 8/10
This was it. This drama got me hooked onto dramaā€™s! It was so cute and carefree and the iconic ā€˜Do you like Messi?ā€™ line still gets me every damn time! I loved the chemistry between the leads and although I thought I would get second lead syndrome, it was impossible not to fall in love with Ā Joon-Hyung. The only reason it didnā€™t get a 10/10 was because of the other dramas Iā€™ve watched
2. Thumping Spike 2
Rating: 2/10
I donā€™t even know why I finished this drama but this was the worst drama I have ever watched! I stopped watching for a while because of this. The storyline, the acting, the girl was incredibly annoying and so was the second lead. Honestly would recommend this to anyone who wants to quit dramas cold turkey
3. Uncontrollably Fond
Rating: 9/10
TEARS! THERE WERE LOADS AND LOADS OF TEARS! I am not an emotional person at all so the fact that this drama got me to cry was just...honestly I cant! I was hooked from the second episode and finished this within 3 days even though I had finals that week. Bae Suzy took some getting used to but GOD DAMN KIM WOO BIN AND HIS AMAZING ACTING SKILLS! just get your tissues ready is all im saying especially for the last episode
4. Goblin
Rating: 9.5/10
I watched this two days after recovering from uncontrollably fond only because i saw it all over twitter. I was super skeptical coming into this but I just couldnā€™t help myself and it was probably the best decision I have ever made! The acting from the whole cast and the cinematography was just brilliant! At no point of this drama would you be bored I can assure you that much. I fell in love with the Grim Reaper and the whole twist it was just brilliant! I still tear up when I think about this drama. I went through more tissues for this more than any other drama I have ever watched
5. Heartless City/ Cruel City
Rating: 9/10
THE TWISTS OF THIS DRAMA OH MY LORD! At the end of every episode you are guaranteed a twist you would have never guessed! This drama kept me on my toes and kept me up at night. The acting was amazing but at times the female lead can get on your nerves so just be patient but the female interactions are amazing and I wish more dramaā€™s gave us that. The male leads were all hot af which makes it so so easy to watch but really the friendships and relationships is what keeps this drama so amazing. itā€™s more of a psychological thriller than it is a romantic one but if you do want to get into psychological thrillers then i would highly recommend this one
6. W: Two worlds
Rating: 5.5/10
I didnā€™t finish this one because it got wayyy too repetitive. It was good for like the first 12 episodes then I had to force myself to keep watching. I liked the concept of a comic book character coming to life and switching between worlds but I thought it dragged on for way too long and just couldnā€™t bear to keep watching. The chemistry seemed a little forced but the acting by Lee-Jong Suk was the only reason I kept watching - amazing!
7. The Heirs
Rating: 6.5/10
THE SECOND LEAD SYNDROME IS SO BAD SO PREPARE YOURSELVES! I was recommended this by a lot of people to watch with Boys Over Flowers but after watching this and suffering my second lead syndrome I just couldnā€™t keep watching. It got too draggy and too repetitive at times like yes I get it - Youā€™re rich and she is not. The female character was incredibly annoying but other than that and the second lead syndrome this was alright. My favourite character will forever be Chan Young that little cutie
8. City Hunter
Rating: 7/10
This was...wow! The stunts and the cinematography was amazing! Hats off to Kim- Sang Joong for his amazing portrayal of Lee Jin Pyo! This drama will really keep you on your toes especially with all the fights and the couple of twists
9. She Was Pretty
Rating: N/A
I couldnā€™t get past the 3rd episode. It bored me from the start and was incredibly cringy at times. Maybe I will try to watch it again but I just couldnā€™t watch the whole ā€˜oh i used to be pretty but now im super ugly.ā€™ trope.
10. Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Rating: 3/10
Reminder: that this is a personal opinion list
Every time I tell someone I didnā€™t like this drama I get very bad looks but I just couldnā€™t with this drama man! I forced myself to finish it. It was really interesting at the start and I loved it but after the 13th episode (and I know cause I looked) I was so bored and it just annoyed me to no end. This drama really put me off period dramas and till now I canā€™t watch any. The first lead and her fizzled off and the fact that almost every guy was in love with her just made me roll my eyes. The drama dragged on for way too long and the ending sucked. This is probably the worst one I watched after Thumping Spike. I stopped watching dramaā€™s for a while because of it. The only saving grace was Nam Joo Hyuk
11. Legend of the Blue Sea
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DRAMA! I put off watching this for a while because of the whole mermaid thing but I regret it so much! It was so cute and the acting was on point! I cried so much during the last episode oh lord! The love story was funny, moving, so well developed and it was adorable from start to finish! This drama will make you laugh, cry, pissed off at times but it was just...I wish I could erase my memories and watch it again! Warning: you will fall in love with Tae-O
12. Bride of Habaek
Rating: 4/10
I was so disappointed with this drama, i had such high expectations and it just...Okay so I finished it because of Krystal and Gong Myung and how adorable their relationship is. This drama was adapted from the manga and i have to say that the manga was way better. The lead actress was so annoying and other than ā€˜I am a God you canā€™t treat/say/do this to meā€™ Nam Joo Hyuk really doesnā€™t have any other lines. Watch at your own risk.
13. School 2017
Rating: 9/10
THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD DRAMA! It was adorable while also teaching a lot about society nowdays. I loved the fact that it was supportive rather than pitting leads against leads like dramaā€™s usually do. It was so cute and funny and just made my insides go ASJSFJSFJSHFSF because of the chemistry and how relevant the stories were.
14. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS IS THE CUTEST DRAMA IF YOU WANT A BREAK FROM CRYING OR LIFE! Min min and Bong Bong OH I CANNOT! It was funny and cute and a little supernatural but trust me you will love it! This one will make you roll on the ground and pause just to squeal bc CUTENESS! Get me a guy like him pls
15. My Secret Romance
Rating: 8/10
This is kind of like Strong Woman but without the supernatural powers. A lot of resemblance with the whole CEO and girl who is working in the company except this one involves a one night stand and a female lead that can get on your nerves a little but other than that it was adorable and cute and definitely gives you a break from the crying dramas
16. Oh My Venus
Rating: 8.5/10
So this is a story about a fat girl who wants to lose weight and gets (read as: manipulates) a world famous trainer to help her boom they fall in love. It was really cute and the relationship between all of the cast just does things to my heart! Itā€™s really worth the watch and the ending just had me on the floor! Also abs abs abs abs ERRYWHERE
17. While You Were Sleeping
Rating: 9.5/10
I just finished this drama like 3 days back and OH MY GOD! BEST DRAMA I HAVE EVER WATCHED! The chemistry between the two leads killed me! The twists and the character development and the directing and the cinematrograhy and the ACTING OH MY GOD! I have never watched a drama like this before! The supernatural and the real life scenarios were just...WOW!
18. Descendants of the Sun
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS FRICKIN DRAMA! I finished this in 2 days! It was that addicting and amazing! Both the lead and the side couple were brilliant! The acting was amazing the chemistry was even better! The fact that they also focus on the rest of the cast and the growth development of every single damn character is what got me! THE OST FOR THIS IS STILL ON MY PLAYLIST! I love this drama so much itā€™s in my top 5
19. Healer
Rating: 8.5/10
The reason it took me so long to watch this was because I read somewhere that it wasnā€™t worth the watch and that person is wrong! The concept of this drama is different but all episodes work towards one goal which i wanna say but will be a spoiler. The ending will have you shook
20. My Love From Another Star
Rating: 8.5/10
THIS FRICKIN DRAMA! It was really good and I loved the chemistry (which I know I say a lot) but really man! Chong Seong Hee is like an onion - Ā she has layers and there is also an alien but really man this drama killed it! I had very low expectations from it and it seriously proved me wrong. There is this one scene with the leadā€™s camera...just...get tissues. I teared but did not cry bc im a strong woman with no emotions
21. Pinocchio
Rating: N/A
I couldnā€™t get past the 7th episode. It bored me and I just found myself rolling my eyes at it a lot. I will try and rewatch this one day but just not any time in the near future.
22. Fight For My Way
Rating: 9.5/10
I COULD NOT STOP WATCHING! This drama was amazing! 4 best friends who just live life and the character development and the romance and friendship is literally goals! It was lighthearted but also got serious when it needed to be! Itā€™s amazing and I would totally watch it again and again! I love Ae Raā€™s aegyo sheā€™s adorable <3
23. Suspicious Partner
Rating: 8/10
The start was a little rocky but after that it really grew on me. I would watch it in between classes and what not the cliffhangers just had me biting on my nails and the romance didnā€™t seemed forced or anything it was overall pretty alright and as a law student i loved the law part of it hehe
24. Hospital Ship
Rating: N/A
I will definitely be coming back to this but I had to stop midway for a bit. I loved the slow burn romance and also how that wasnā€™t the main plot of the story. I also loved the character interactions and how you can literally see the growth of each character after every episode.
25. Cheese in The TrapĀ 
Rating: 1.5/10Ā 
This drama is just super creepy with the stalker and hisĀ ā€˜dark tendenciesā€™. It had me cringing and hating the fact that I had to keep watching. The only saving grace was Baek In Ho with his witty banter and constant support. The SLS is really strong in this drama. Baek In Ha was just cringy and annoying overallĀ 
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jejublr Ā· 7 years
A/N: Hi guys~ This is my first AU! This was inspired by posts by other amazingĀ writers and prompts so I decided to make a bunch of them. This one is a mash between Best Friend!AU and Super!AU and is quite long so buckle up!Ā Be sure to be on the lookout for upcoming Super!Seventeen posts and thank you for reading! Enjoy! :D
P.S. Many fart jokes. Mentions of gummy bears.Ā 
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Ā lmao ok where do we even start with this guy
You've basically known Mingyu from kindergarten
He's a pretty low key kid tbh, you never would've thought he's a super
So the story starts when one day, in kindergarten, in the middle of the finger painting class, you farted ya it's gross, get over it. Kids only eat, sleep poop and cry while farting inbetween.
So youā€™re kind of the silent-killer type of farter ok aka no sound but deadly
There's another kid in class who's infamous for having farting episodesĀ 
So the whole class plus the teacher was like "ugh not again Kevin wstg we have enough of ur sh**" and are accusing him of this crime poor Kevin
Nobody suspected it was you ('sorry Kevin')
You feel a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see this one kid with a bad haircut and trail of snot on his face
And you can't help but zone in until he said
"I know it's you"
Lol youā€™re f***ed.
Your know you gotta do something before he reports you to the teacher and you canā€™t have your entire kindergarten career and reputation just crumble into dust over a fartĀ 
So what did you do?
"I'll share my gummy bears with you but you will n e v e r tell a soul"
Well that was easy
From that day on Snotty aka Kim Mingyu follows you around like a lost puppy and sits with you during snack time for the sake of gummy bears kid knows his priorities
Everytime you wonā€™t share your candies with him, he blackmails you by threatening to tell the teacher that it was you who farted that One Faithful Day
You kinda regretted it now that you have to sacrifice your gummy bears but h e y, better than getting your reputation ruined and get called Ms. Fartsfor the rest of kindergarten amirite?
So fast forward to elementary school
Surprise surprise you're going to the same school as MingyuĀ 
He still follows you around btw
Also, you outgrew him so you call him Shorty now instead of Snotty
ā€œHowā€™s the air down there, Shorty?ā€
ā€œWalk in traffic, Y/Nā€
Still asks for gummy bears during lunch period
Tbh it's getting annoying at this point bc whenever you whip up your lunch bag he'd go nuts
"Is that spaghetti I smell?ā€
ā€œBring your own lunch, Mingyu.ā€
But then it starts to happen every time
He'll know what you bring for lunch even before you unbox it
You're getting suspicious
Is he half dog or something? How does he even know?
And then things get weirder
So basically Mingyu becomes the class guard aka that kid that stands in front of the classroom when there's no teacher to inform the class when the teacher is coming
People starts complaining because Mingyu would come in and be like "The teacher's coming ! !" but there's nobody in the hallway?? so Mingyu pls explain???
"No I swear! She's coming!!!"
Ofc nobody believed him and the class was in utter chaos when the teacher finally came in
"Mingyu, how did you know?"
"I heard her walking"Ā 
And you're like "lol what"
He also becomes that annoying kid in classĀ 
He'll say that the class is too hot/too cold when it's totally fine??Ā 
And when a teacher raises their voice he'd cover his ears
Also there was a time during a math test you and thought that you were going to ace the test because you're top in class at least in elementary school if youā€™re bad at it lmao but surprise surprise Mingyu aced it too
But later during the day he comes up to you and apologized and said that he copied your paper
And you're like ????Ā 
"Mingyu you sit two seats behind me how is that even possible???"
Ā He'll be the first to know when it's pizza day ("I can smell the pizza lol")
But brings his own lunch to school
Claims that the cafeteria food smells and tastes weird
heĀ never eats the food from school bc he claims that it smells weird and because heā€™s a picky eater
But basically Mingyu is physically hypersensitive to everything and people think he's just whiny and annoying so the only friend he got is you
So you kinda took pity in him and you started to enjoy his company anyways so you let him hang around
Ā As long as he has his hand sanitizer with him at all times
Ā Fast fast forward to middle schoolĀ 
Yayy time for puberty and hormones! fun fun funĀ 
Except it isn't fun
Puberty is as fun for supers as it is for normal teenagers
Itā€™s terrible enough to suddenly have a bazillion of zits appearing on your formerly-smooth face
But the fact that Shorty had a major growth spurt over the summer and is basically a f***ing tree nowĀ 
ā€œWhoā€™s short now, Y/N?ā€
And brags about it every time he has the chance
Itā€™s also around this time that Mingyu has been acting even stranger
Heā€™s easily distracted by a background noise, even if others donā€™t seem to hear it
Heā€™d jump right out of his seat whenever the bell rings or any loud noises reallyĀ 
At one point, a teacher got so angry and started shouting and when you looked at Mingyu heā€™s cowering in his seat with his hands low key on his ears, wincing every time the teacher raised their voice
He also becomes more secluded
Leaves the classes right after the bell rings, decided to take his lunch to a more quieter place under a tree at the school yard, avoids group projects..
Youā€™re really concerned for him although youā€™re a bit hurt that he seemed like heā€™s keeping something from you
So you decided to ask him one day
"Mingyu are you ok? Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Hahaha w-what makes u say that"Ā 
You gave him a pointed look and it's scary and he got reminded that time during elementary school you bit Sarah in the arm for cutting the queue
If that's what ppl get for cutting your queue then what would happen if you find out that he's different
Heā€™s scared that the only person heā€™s been friends with for years would abandon him when they finally realize that heā€™s a freak
At that point of time, he just wishes that he could be like the other kids
But he also remembers that you've been there for him after all these times
You (kinda) tolerated all the times he sneezed in your hairĀ 
ā€œOne more time, Mingyu and I will cut you.ā€
And the times he broke your toys after not realizing his own strengthĀ 
Also that dark time during elementary school when Danielle and her group of friends verbally bullied him for beingĀ ā€œweirdā€ andĀ ā€œdifferentā€
You stood up to them for him
You got yourself suspended and your parents called for punching the bullies in the face
That night you came to his house with a bag full of gummy bears and both of your favorite movies and you guys just hung out in his room
That when you saidĀ ā€œMingyu, I know you canā€™t even hurt a fly so if you need me to punch someone in the face I willā€
Wow when did you become such a violent kid
But he knows itā€™s just your way of sayingĀ ā€œIā€™ll always be there if you need meā€
And honestly, you're already a knight in shining armor to him the second you broke Danielle Davisā€™s nose
So he decided to tell you
How he knows what youā€™ll have for lunch
Why heā€™s so distracted all the time
And why heā€™s such a sensitive kid
He has heightened senses
*silence ensues*
He canā€™t help but starts to sweat as you stare at him, unblinkinglyĀ 
He wanted to strangle you, to force you to talk, to just say something
And then you do
ā€œWait ok so in kindergarten, you knew it was me who farted because of your super senses?ā€
lol. ded.
He just looked at youĀ disappointedlyĀ ā€œSeriously, Y/N, thatā€™s the first thing that pops into your mind?ā€
ā€œWell Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t help it. But really can you really tell who farts in class. Also Iā€™m really sorry for you, dude, smelling farts in HD mustā€™ve suck.ā€
Ok but youā€™re kinda offended and sad why he kept it away from you for such a long timeĀ but soon realizes that people areĀ judgmental jerks whoā€™d just label Mingyu as an outcast if they find out
But basically, Mingyu is super duper relieved that youā€™re totally cool with it and you guys moved on from it
Fast forward to high school
*Achievement Unlocked: You got an S/O*
Itā€™s not Mingyu ok
You met your S/O the first day of high school
Theyā€™re really sweet and caring and overall a nice person
Mingyu was more skeptical and protective when you first started to date but took the backseat when he realized that you can take care of yourself (lol remember Sarah and Danielle?)
Cheers you on your relationship and becomes your confidante and go-to person to talk about your relationship
He doesn't mind at all.
Heā€™s just happy that youā€™re happyĀ what a cinnamon roll ;A;
Until one day he saw your s/o at the mall, hanging out with some girl he doesnā€™t recognize
They seemed pretty close and their arm would ever so often casually hangs on the girlā€™s shoulder
Mingyuā€™s general perception of your s/o has been good so far so although he was kinda surprised to see them hanging out with a girl thatā€™s not you, he just thought that she might be their close friend or a family member or something so he brushed it off
He checkedĀ with his superhuman hearing andĀ itā€™s not like theyā€™re talking about anything suspicious or anything
But Mingyu being Mingyu, he was curious and wanted to look out over you
So he figured, if your s/o was up to no good, heā€™d have to find out himself
So he began to stalk investigate your s/o
You kinda picked up and would jokingly saidĀ ā€œDonā€™t you dare steal them from meā€ and heā€™ll be likeĀ ā€œNo, no its not like that!ā€ (lmao also he wouldn't dare ofc)
But then Mingyu found out that your s/o has in fact, been cheating behind your back with a girl from school
Heā€™s soĀ surprised and more importantly, enraged that they would even do that to you
What have you ever done to deserve such trash of an s/o??? You deserved to be served and taken care of like royalty
That evening he went to your house to break the news to you
ā€œY/N, I have something to tell youā€
You donā€™t believe him. You don't want to believe him.
Your s/o has been such a caring and thoughtful person. They wouldnā€™t do that to you right??Ā 
So you do what you thought was right.
You got angry and told Mingyu that he was just being jealous, that heā€™s just mad that you now hang out with someone else. You told him to make some friends so he canĀ get over it.
Mingyu got even angrier over the fact that you chose to defend your s/o and is hurt that you wouldnā€™t believe him, your best friend
But at that exact moment he also had an epiphany
He was jealous
He was sad that you now have someone else to hang out with
He was sad over the fact that you might drift away after all these years
He also realized that he cares so much about you
So so much that maybeĀ itā€™s not the friendly kind of caring anymore
He realized that after all this time,Ā he might be in love with his best friend
But heā€™s so angry so he decided to storm off and have you find out yourself, knowing how stubborn you can be
You donā€™t talk for the next few weeksĀ 
He decided to avoid you completely and would change seats if youā€™re in the same class as him. He wouldnā€™t even spare you a glance in the hallways
You sit alone at lunch, with nobody to eat your gummy bears
This is the first time you guys had a fight this big
One day, during class, you decided you had enough and you made a mad dash out of the classroom to find Mingyu and tell him you were sorryĀ (Teacher: kids these days smh.)
Otw there, you passed theĀ janitorā€™s closet and heard some noise
You decided to be a snitch and took a peek
And there they were, your s/o and a girl, making out in the small cramped space, unaware that you're watching
At that moment, all you can feel is your heartbreaking
You feel tears well up in your eyes, your body grows rigid and cold
You felt so so betrayed and lost that you don't even have the energy to barge up to them and beat them yourselves
So you took a detour to the nurseā€™s office, your mission long forgotten
You laid down on a cot for a good half-an-hour before you heard the curtain being opened and at first you thought it was the nurse who decided to kick you out but then you felt a large hand brushing the top of your head ever so gently
And by God, nobody was allowed to do that to you except for
ā€œY//N, I came as soon as class is over, are you feeling ok?ā€
You looked up and there he was, looking at you with concern and yet with the softest face
And it felt so sincere that you broke down completely in front of him
He just held you as you cried into his shirt, blabbering nonsense and being a snotty mess
When you were much better, you told him what happened
And then he had a look in his eyes
He kissed your forehead and just leftĀ 
Youā€™re confused because Mingyu?? what are you doing m8???
You didn't heard from him until later in the afternoon
He got suspended
For punching your s/o smack in the face
You didnā€™t know what to do.Ā Should you thank him??? be concerned???
Since when did he become so violent?
lmao he learned from you
But later in the evening, you came to his house, a bag of gummy bears in one hand and your favorite movies in the other
Neither of you said anything at first. You didn't need to.
You both just climbed up his bed and started eating and watching the movies
Halfway through the movie, you glanced up at him
ā€œThank youā€
He didn't take his eyes off the screenĀ ā€œHe deserved it. Shouldā€™ve know what was coming for him.ā€
Youā€™re not satisfied so you sat up and took his face in your hands and his eyes finally finally met yours
And oh how lovely you looked in you sweatpants and oversized t-shirt, and yeah looking up kinda hurts his eyes because of the light but itā€™sĀ casting a soft halo around you and when he met your gaze, itā€™s fierce and determined
Your eyes are still a bit red and puffy from all the crying earlier but to him, at this very moment, you'reĀ perfect.
You saidĀ ā€œIā€™m sorry for not listening to you. Iā€™m sorry for being such a jerk. Iā€™m sorry for saying those hurtful things to you-ā€
But he cuts you off, his lips ascending onto yours into slow searing kiss
You lost your train of thoughts and while you thought that heā€™s the one with the heightened senses here, at that very moment itā€™s as if you had it too
Everything felt so warm and you donā€™t even know whether itā€™s from the close proximity, your body heat or the room. Your heart went overdrive and you're scared that he might hear itĀ He totally could
But most of all, it felt right
You know maybe you shouldā€™ve beenĀ aghast or the very least, disgusted, that youā€™re actually kissing your own best friend but it doesnā€™t feel like that with Mingyu
You can feel all his emotions in that one kiss and nothing ever felt so sincere and so warm
YouĀ didn't know but at that very moment, Mingyu was experiencing the exact things, although everything is thrice more intense
After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled away and there you are, gazing into each others eyes, breathing fast, cheeks flushed
ā€œIā€™m sorry I did that.. and no! before you kill me, youā€™re just the most beautiful person Iā€™ve ever met and you deserve someone who can see that and appreciate you and take care of you with all his hea-ā€ he said before you pulled him up for another kiss
ā€œI love you, too, you giant idiot.ā€
And at that very moment, you realize that after all, you might been in love with him
You remembered the kid with the weird haircut and snotty nose who caught you farting back in kindergarten and thought:Ā ā€œWho wouldā€™ve thought?
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scrambledthoughtz Ā· 4 years
okay. wow. can we just talk about how INSANELY talented Jodie Comer is??? like holy shit man. her character in ā€œKilling Eveā€ is TRULY something else. her facial expressions, her accents, the different languages that seem to so easily roll off her tongue (even though she doesnā€™t actually speak all of these languages). itā€™s just absolutely phenomenal. she truly does deserve all the Emmyā€™s. same with Phoebe Waller Bridge, who acted and wroteĀ ā€œFleabagā€ and who was also a writer for ā€œKilling Eveā€, and Elizabeth Moss, who plays June inĀ ā€œThe Handmaidā€™s Tale.ā€ Damn, these are all some of the best shows out there, in my opinion. The writing, acting, cinematography are just *chefā€™s kiss*. Iā€™m honestly pretty speechless at just how TALENTED these individuals are. Like they embody so many different facial expressions and mannerisms that are so subtle yet so essential to the characters they play. Iā€™m honestly blown away. and when I watch their acceptance speeches at the Emmyā€™s or any other awards shows, they all seem so surprised, shocked, and humbled to win an award. but theyā€™re all phenomenal actors so why wouldnā€™t they??? it almost saddens me to see when theyā€™re so surprised bc did they really think they wouldnā€™t win?? of course we are all our own worst critics, but wow. These actors are next-level talented. Honestly, Iā€™ve been thinking more and more about what my dream job would be if nothing else in the world mattered, and here are the top 5 that Iā€™ve come up with: 1) journalist 2) author 3) filmmaker/ screenwriter 4) interior designer and 5) photographer/ videographer.Ā 
Now I know that Hollywood isnā€™t all glitz and glamour, but the whole filmmaking/ screenwriting/ directing process honestly seems so fun and a great way to express creativity, and it seems like it would be cool to dabble in. Iā€™ve even looked into some film organizations at UCLA bc it occurred to me out of nowhere that if itā€™s something I truly want to learn more about, LA is probably the best place to explore that interest.Ā 
Or maybe Iā€™m just riding the high that I always feel after finishing a show or a season of a show. Itā€™s hard to put it into words, but whenever I finish a show or season, I feel so nostalgic, a little melancholy, and just overall hyped and I end up binge-watching interviews with each of the cast members (usually each and every one of them on YouTube and Iā€™m not even exaggerating) to kind of emulate the emotion and excitement that I felt while watching the show. Itā€™s almost like I want to prolong that high. and honestly? I think thatā€™s part of the reason why I am so hesitant to start a new show sometimes -- because I know that I will feel the exact same way after each of them finish and that I wonā€™t really be able to focus on anything else in the few days afterwards. and once I finish the show, itā€™s almost like I need to start a new show immediately to satisfy that craving or urge, and it becomes a dangerous cycle thatā€™s not worth falling into, especially when I need to focus on school or other work. This has happened so many times: during the second semester of my senior year of high school, I binge-watched the entirety of Greyā€™s Anatomy. There would be days when I come home from school and immediately open my laptop and start watching until the sun set, and the only light in my pitch-black room would be the blinding brightness from my laptop screen as I devoured episode after episode after episode. Sometimes I wouldnā€™t even start the homework that was due until the next morning. It was bad. I got lazy, sloppy, careless with my work. Not one of my finest moments. Last last semester, I binge-watchedĀ ā€œFriendsā€ up until the point that they took it off Netflix starting January 1 of this year. Literally up until the last minute. I was in Yosemite and I decided to watch up until the very last minute until the new year began. I bet Netflix regrets taking that show off -- especially with the total shitstorm that this year has become, Iā€™m certain a lot of us could use the distraction. Now, last semester, I started watching ā€œThe Officeā€ and there were so many days that I simply let myself go and binge-watched entire seasons of the show instead of working on school. See the pattern? Itā€™s why Iā€™m so hesitant to start shows. I was actually doing pretty well at one point -- I hadnā€™t watched a show in a long time, and I decided to indulge and I watched the entirety of the last season of ā€œOITNBā€ within a matter of days, and it destroyed me. I donā€™t know why I have the tendency to let shows get to me so deeply. But once I start a show, I canā€™t stop. Itā€™s like an annoying itch that I feel the need to get rid of, so I just finish everything at once. I finish everything FAST with the intention of finishing it quicker so that I can get back to my work sooner. But sometimes even that doesnā€™t work -- I binge-watchedĀ ā€œDead To Meā€ and I watched it so quickly that I actually didnā€™t catch a lot of the crucial moments, so I ended up re-watching it. Iā€™m doing the same withĀ ā€œFleabagā€ right now. I donā€™t know why I feel the need to do that, either. More often than not, I speed through shows, books, even tests and readings to get a glimpse into what Iā€™m getting myself into or out of pure curiosity, and then I go back and re-read or re-watch in-depth. This actually isnā€™t a bad habit to have when it comes to carefully checking my work during tests or when grasping assigned readings, but itā€™s a terrible habit to have when watching shows bc then it takes up more of my time that could be spent doing something more productive. In fact, I think part of it might be attributed to counteracting anxiety with familiarity. Sometimes I like to re-watch shows that Iā€™ve already watched bc it takes away the anxiety and anticipation that often leads to binge-watching. If I already know whatā€™s going to happen, Iā€™m less likely to spend so much time trying to reach the ending. LOL idk my mind works in strange, ineffective ways sometimes.Ā 
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survivormuxloe Ā· 5 years
Episode #1 & 2:Ā "so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell" - Ahrre
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So I'm so confused right now lol. Like I feel like discord should have a similar format to skype, but maybe I'm just dumb and cant figure it out. Also the only people I know/heard of are on the other tribe which is fun. Hopefully I can set myself up so my lack of understanding Discord doesn't make me look like a liability to the rest of my tribe.
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we legit just got into our tribes.. missus sweyn.. LOL. i legit don't know ANYONE!! APART FROM MY BABY RYAN!! LIKE WHO ARE THESE PPL? liek i've heard of rhys and malik from like other orgs but the other people like god.. why can't I just have my circlejerk like in emvv. ): and idk WHO IS EVNE ON THE OTHER TRIBE WHICH MAKES IT WORSE I COUD HAVE LIKE A BUNCH OF RLY STRONG PLAYERS who are gunna win every single immunity challenge.. and i ain't wantin to go premerge nnn. uhm. ya. thats my mood rn. Xo
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Oh wow, hi itā€™s me, Mo. Iā€™m going into this game with an advantage of not having a social life so I can be more active. I like my tribe so far everyoneā€™s really nice. I only know Fabricio because he won the game I got PoTS on. But I think Iā€™m going to withhold that information of him winning his last game because I kinda wanna be allies.
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First impressions of my tribe, theyā€™re pretty cute I guess I like people well enough but Iā€™m always nervous about pre existing relationships people may have in other communities so thatā€™ll be fun to manoeuvre around my plan is just to lay low be social and hopefully not stick out as a target
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deadass the challenge has barely started and wes already has 2 images.. meanwhile his ass has prob spoke in the tribe chat like once and he aint comin in Ā my pms anytime soon so. LAMJHNFG . better hope his social game saves him over the physical x
this is my 3rd one already but this is important. linus is the first person to say haha to me. TWO! FUCKING! HA'S!!!!!! JUST SAY LOL!!!! SAY LMAO!!! IDGAF!! Omg this is geniunely my pet peeve and i wanna scream a a a a a Ā a a a a a Ā aa
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Man, I'm back with Tobi from Survivor Ko Chang and that scares me to death. He claims he wants to start on a clean slate with me and work together again, but I don't trust him one bit and the first opportunity I have to take him out, I'm gonna do it, cuz I can't have somebody like him around. Bad for my game.
On the other hand of the spectrum, I know Michael from Zwooper and we've always had a good relationship so I think that's one person I can fully align with right out of the gate. I've also worked up some social connections with Dani, Jose and Ahrre so far, and they all seem pretty chill for the most part.
Right now, my focus is to win. I'm gonna go hard in this first immunity challenge and rack up as many points as I can. Losing the first challenge always sucks and I wanna make sure that doesn't happen for me again.
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Okay im like mad excited to play this game. One Ive been kinda down, and this should help me be able to invest my time into something and potentially help me feel better.
Seeing this cast. I love it. I have really only worked with Felix in a past org before but we havent talked in ages. So I dont have any past connections which feels great because I hate people assuming were working together because were friends?. So this wont happen this season which is great.
So far my tribe is okay. Havent had a chance to speak alot to everyone yet. However the people I have done are alright. So far my favorite person is Scott or Scooty Toots. Hes British as well as me, he's 18 and we're both starting University without a clue what were doing. Like twins?!? So hopefully he feels the same way about me too.
Alliances are key. I want to make a few smaller ones to form a majority for me. Like two allainces of three. Giving me 4 allies. Not sure if this will happen soon or not, but its my goal to take control of this game, as Ive never done it before. I dont want to come across as controling however so smaller groups is the way to do it in my head.
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Omfg y'all...... The game started like maybe 16 hours ago and I have barely spoken to most of my tribe bc I was a lil busy last night & had some damage control to handle in EMVV but like..... ??? I already found the idol in the Play Room CTFUUUU. We fucking stan. I immediately told my son Scooty because he's my bae.... I haven't had my hands on an idol in an org since like...... 703 San Marcos when I was voted out w it in my pocket (i think?? i cant remember any others so..) so BEST BELIEVE I'm going to use this correctly. THAT IS MY MAIN MISSION. I'm craving that satisfaction of a successful idol play...... I would love to cross that off my imaginary org goals list..... BUT WHEW I'M PUMPED.
I am making a pact with myself to not be an overly annoying gamebot this season because I just wanna have fun with it and make it a chaotic season, and this lil buddy is gonna allow me to be as extra and messy and turbulent as I please <3 big dick energy
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Helloo so here I am doing this org thingy so you're stuck with my thoughts of regret until I die, or you could just not read them that's also an option.
Anyhow god save the queen blabla after more time that it should've taken me I get that I'm in one of two tribes of 9 which is kinda good because with snaller tribes I feel lime everything is more claustrophobic and shit hits the wall the moment we lose a challenge. But with 9 players imo I feel more relaxed.
So summary of who am I stuck with, there are a few who I know from before so let's start with that.
First off Jose, already played an org with him and we were good allies so my first instinct was to call him a bastard and hey he took it well so hopefully it will be a smooth sailing with that lad.
But after Jose I don't expect the meta to be kind to me.
Michael and Mo were both in my last org and I blindsided them both. Tbh they were good allies until that point so I'm more than willing to work with them in this game, hopefully they feel the same way.
But anyhow then there's Felix who I think I technically played with? We meet during a merge and he went out early without us ever talking much so really this is gonna be my first time really playing with him, he's the only one that I haven't talked to yet though I hope he gets online.
Then there's Tobi. I've heard of him and from the get go he strike me as a very straight shoot-y player. Those are always interesting to play with so let's see how that goes.
There's Dani, she seems nice and compared to Tobi she seems more social instead of strategy focused but then again it's been one day and I'm talking out of my ass.
Then there's jaylen who seems nice aswell even if I haven't talked much to him.
And finally David the absolute unit, and I say that bc he instantly started focusing on the challenge, which is a breath of fresh air plus he's Canadian so what's not to like thus far.
Talking about the challenge I get anxiety by just looking at it, scavenger hunts are always hard for me bc I live with people and I want them to remain thinking I am a normal member of society so I always need to be sneaky to do this crap, plus I don't have a car or anything so I have to use public transport if I need to go anywhere.
Apart from that well I would like to set up a 5 man majority alliance just to be safe, my only fear is the ever so feared overplaying-doom. But I feel like someone like tobi would jump on that idea pretty easily so I'll have a chat with him about that idea.
Oh and also look at me I remembered to guess for the idol TWO times in a row. I could die this very same week doesn't matter that's already an improvement on my usual gameplay.
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Hi since Iā€™m required to do these once an episode, Iā€™ll use this one to talk about my tribe and maybe a few on the other tribe that I saw were on.
Guacamole - They seem fun. I talked with them last night, but our convo went short because we played jack box together. They seem nice though.
Linus - Mix feelings. I can get a completely loyal Linus here, or a cutthroat linus, so Iā€™m kinda wary right now towards him but the vibes Iā€™m getting I donā€™t think heā€™s going to be an issue, atleast for now.
Madison/Madisin - She was also at the jackbox last night and I enjoyed her, she was dying laughing at the games and I thought she was funny. So hopefully I get a chance to talk to her today.
Malik - Who? Letā€™s not talk about that bitch.
Rhys - He literally waits until weā€™re in a game to talk to me, so I peep it. And you could say I should reach out to him but itā€™s annoying when I have and he doesnā€™t do it until weā€™re in a game together. Boggles the mind. If I can overcome doing that, so can you. But I enjoy our current coversation as of the moment.
Ryan - We just played Mount Olympus together recently and that was a bust for us both. Iā€™m kind of hoping we can be on the same side since itā€™s been a while since thatā€™s happened. However, Ryan says he just wants to have fun so I donā€™t fault him if he does crazy things down the road!!
Scooter - I donā€™t know about him yet. We havenā€™t talked at all but he seems interesting. Maybe I can give a better opinion when we talk.
Steven - Very hilarious and Iā€™m also intrigued by him. His thinking and way of talking during the jackbox had me DYING I loved it. I think heā€™s my new favorite new person here so far.
Wes - I only saw him once but we havenā€™t talked yet so idk what to say. He said heā€™s from ndims and is an alias of someone, I just donā€™t know if I know the alias since I was on that site also. But hopefully it could be someone who knows me as Orlando.
Now for the people I know on the other tribe:
Ahrre - I cant stand him too much after our last season of JPORG. He has this self righteous attitude to him and I donā€™t like it. However, I warmed up to him a bit during the movie times we had been present for awhile back so hopefully if we see each other again, I wonā€™t have that opinion anymore.
Big Tuna aka Danielle - YASSS I love ha! I know her from the Skype minis and sheā€™s amazing. I hope I finally get to play with her for once in a non mini game ā¤ļø
Felix - Felix is a fucking wildcard. I love him, but he has really pissed me off in games in the past, and Iā€™m hoping this one wonā€™t be like those other ones.
Jaylen - A mess but a friend! He plays how he wants and doesnā€™t care what people thinks or tweaking it to better it but thatā€™s Jaylen for you! Accept it or donā€™t phew.
Jose - Heā€™s a fucking snake at times LOL but heā€™s lovely. I wouldnā€™t mind too much of being on a tribe with him.
Thatā€™s all from me for now so hope I stay around longer to see how this season goes!
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so the tea is that this tribe is drier than an old lady's pussy and its so hard to talk to these people... there are no personalities... the only people i feel mildly happy talking to are ahhre and jose... and the tea is that both of them asked to be allies w me im like o ok sis lets do this so i have at least like 2 votes i know abt... and i know david from a prior org but thats not really a good thing bc i fucked him over hardcore and like... he knows im a snake LKJHDFSLK I really don't know how to maneuver strategically with this cast butttt ill try my best hehe
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Oh wow!! I can't believe I haven't made a confessional yet what a shocker. BUT HI! I'm kind of just trying to get myself acquainted with everyone in the group, I'm not as active as I'd like to be :C but I'm trying my best teehee. On the first night or so Linus, Malik, Stephen, Madison and I played Jackbox games and it was SUPER LIT and We bonded over that and I'm v happy about thatttt. (ofc I already know madison and I already love her but I haven't talked to her in game yet aklsdjf) I just started talking with Scooty today, or Scooty? I might just call him Scooty, ANYWAY yeah we got to talk about how we type similarly and that was nice, we bonded over that and it was littY. I also got to talk to Rhys!! He also seems like a neat guy - I still haven't talked to him a lot but I think he's cool. I honestly don't know who else is on the tribe, Wes and Ryan right? Wes and I talked a little bit, but barely. and Ryan hasn't talked to me at all lmao. Hopefully right now I've made enough connections though. I'd like to make tribe swap so I can meet more people and make friends lololol - wish me luck gang!
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Iā€™m getting along with everyone really well so I know I wonā€™t be the first fine at the very least so I just need to lay low laugh and Kiki with everyone and hopefully I can survive for the long term
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Iā€™m doing the Scavenger Hunt and knowing me I decided to wait till the last two hours to do everything I can. So now I have an hour and a half to film a bunch of videos
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Okay so talking to my tribe Im begining to feel less at ease with them. Mostly because most of them hardly seem to talk. Which dosent bode well for me. Could mean im on the outs and they dont like me. Or that They're all inactive.
Madison seems like the easy boot right now just because like, who?!?. Shes not been around Ive messaged her once and she left me on read.
So Steven had to leave but we still have to do the challenge as if he was competing which PROBABLY means were going to tribal. So ive been working on getting an allaince going. Ive talked to Malik and Brought the Idea of us forming a trio with someone. Luckly he picked Linus because I talk to him aswell. So fingers crossed we can get that going.
I also have a great feeling from Scooty aka scott. So like Hopefully i can get another trio with him going aswell. So then I will be solid untiill a swap.
I do have a concern that Scott and Ryan are close and Malik and Linus are close. More so that I would be their second choice out of the trio if one is made. However thats not going to effect me I dont think this early. So fingers Crossed.
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uhm so!! STEVEN QUIT which im rly sad for two reasons. one for him bc i know he wanted to do well and i hope hes doing ok and i geniunely wish the best for him and the other reason is selfish bc i literally.. planted my seeds on him already? like. all that work for nothin. and now we sitting here actin as if madison aint afk and aint gunna submit nothing..
like its the only reason ive done these dumb videos so that i wont be seen as the weak link if we ever lose again almdlddg.. but uhm hopefully my seeds that are in rhys/jones keep me safe bc if madison gets out here i have ryan/rhys/jones to keep me safe.. so im not gonna be that upset if we lose LOL esp bc ik linus/malik r gunna be scary af later on
hopefully we win tho? so i dont have to deal with this stress? i dont wanna relive louvre where i visitted every single premerge tribal except for 2.. even tho i did well hehe uhm. YAH WEā€™LL SEE :)
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I'm kinda bummed that this last challenge wasn't immunity anymore because we smoked the other tribe, LOL. But at the same time, I'm glad cuz I wouldn't wanna lose the challenge after one of my tribe members quit, that'd just be sad as fuck, LOL.
Also, I feel a good rapport developing further between Danielle and I. I feel like her and I can dominate this game together, but I can't get too ahead of myself here. The first couple of rounds are meant to create social bonds and I feel like I've done a good job of that thus far. Only person I haven't talked to is Jaylen and I'm okay with that, cuz if we lose the immunity challenge, he's most likely the first one to go.
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Okay, thankgoodness that the challenge was changed to reward last minuet. Because we wouldve gone to tribal. Ā Maddison is legit missing. I dont even care if we win or loose this next challenge because she needs to go.
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So firstly that reward was weird like woo thanks pretty crown but thereā€™s nothing else so Iā€™m thinking that someone else has the clue and my best bet would be jaylen bc he got the Crown Jewels the most important piece. Overall Iā€™m very nervous for this battleship challenge because in my mind itā€™s mostly luck based so my fate is really out of my hands.
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Well, not much honestly but I'm gonna write a confessional for round 1 and stuff so I don't get a strike
The game is going okay I'm trying not to be aggressive talking to people, but just letting people come to me and make conversation right now honestly I'm trying to play UTR since I think considering madison doesn't exist right now I think I'm able to do that TBH. Hopefully it all works out.
I volunteered to do the battleship challenge thing because I have no life and it looked like no one else was gonna volunteer.
I actually know Linus he played with me in Epic SBB in Hell, so that's nice to not be going in with no connections period.
Sorry this wasn't that long but it's something I guess
If we lose probably another confessional will be writen but right now there isn't much to report
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Iā€™m for sure feeling a little bit more nervous now because a lot of this challenge is about being organised and teamwork and we could barely have someone sit out so fingers crossed
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Heyo so we won the challenge so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell but hey we've got bragging rights, which is pretty much it since unfortunately Steven was medevaced out of da game so even though the other tribe lost they didn't go to tribal.
A bit annoying knowing you did that for nothing but oh well the other tribe seems to be having a rough time by itself with steven quitting and someone (Madison I think) not submitting anything lol
And I say for nothing bc technically we won reward but it was one of those first come first serve things and I only got seved a jpg image so nothing fancy there...
But at least now the next challenge is something where 8 out of 9 people on the tribe don't have to do anything and you bet your ass after that first challenge I'm gonna be one of the 8. David the unit took it upon himself to carry us to victory so godspeed lad.
However this challenge is pretty luck based so I'm saying fuck that I'm not talking my chances.
Following last confessional I talked to tobi about making an alliance and he was onboard, he proposed to have Jose on it which is great since that was my idea anyways, plus I told dani and she was also on board, and to finish up the hipotetical majority of 5 she said he was cool with Michael.
I haven't talked to him yet and Jose hasn't been online but hopefully we should be fine.
Ngl would like to have an alliance with david and felix too, david bc he seems like a total lad with the challenges and Felix because he later told me he felt the most confortable with me.
But regardless hopefully we won't even have to go to tribal (and if we do at least there are other options for the vote)
For now I shall be the dumb cheerleader of the bunch for a game of battleship.
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Ahhh, I feel so bad that I lost the challenge for my tribe. I feel like going into a challenge with the weight of the win or loss stacked against you is huge. But I did come REALLY close and my tribe seems to respect that I almost got us the win. I don't think I'll go anywhere tomorrow for tribal, but you never know.
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Yesss we won immunity. Iā€™m happy we could after Steven left. They made our challenge a reward for that and we lost but itā€™s fine because WE WON immunity phew. And itā€™s all thanks to Wes. So far to me, Madison is looking the easiest vote off right now because I havenā€™t talked to her and I havenā€™t seen her so thatā€™s my view on it. The three I talk to the most on my tribe are Rhys, Linus and Scoots. Then Ryan and Guacamole. Then Wes and finally Madison. I hope this game doesnā€™t pull a JPORG Fitzroy Island, I donā€™t wanna be screwed over by a random ass tribe swap. But I basically dig my tribe and hope that I wonā€™t be the first to go.
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Whew we won?! What. I thought we were gonna fuckin loose. Noah fence Wes.
Sad tings though because Madison is probably going to strike out. Oh well.
Ya boi still hasnā€™t gone to tribal so stay mad.
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Itā€™s fucking gross having to go to tribal council and I canā€™t be dealing but I seem to have found myself in two alliances with only dani connecting the two so Iā€™m gonna work with dani to ride this middle ground and make it further
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Iā€™m going home omfg. I canā€™t really have a deep convo with anyone, which means I donā€™t have an alliance even though Iā€™m sure one has been made ugh. Iā€™m gonna focus on surviving this round then seeing what I can get set up next round. Wish me luck whew
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Iā€™m pissed because itā€™s super obvious that the other 7 on my tribe are in a mega tight alliance. Steven was my only alliance in this hole game, and like, he even told me he found an idol and then on his way out he didnā€™t even slip me the idol??? Canā€™t wait to be voted out 7-1 because he wanted a souvenir.
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So the tea is that ahrre and I made an alliance of 5 which includes him, me, Jose, Dani, and Michael which I think is cute but they are really boring so meh idk Iā€™ll just flip during merge x JDJSJD Iā€™m a messy bitch
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ugh i'm so glad we won immunity bc our tribe is already severely lacking in strong members bc Steven left us out to perish and Madison aint shown her face yet... so the numbers getting back to even is great for us <3
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Right so unfortunately we lost the battleship game so that means we're heading to the first tribal of the game, fun stuff.
Now as we lost I got the Me-michael-jose-dani-tobi alliance set up. Meanwhile Felix was telling me that for him it was between Jose or Jaylen, since they've been the least active. Understandable but more understandable is that I'm in an alliance with Jose so for me it seems like it's gonna be Jaylen, who I also haven't spoken much with so I don't mind, albeit every tribal we go to before swapping or merging I see it as a potential ally down the line going home, which shucks.
Either way the alliance (and everyone else for that matter) agreed on jaylen, I also told Jose in kind words to get his shit together before he gets sent home but that's pretty much it. I'm gonna try to lay down for now I don't want to bring any unwanted attention to myself.
Hopefully tribal goes well.
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Oh wow hi itā€™s me, Mo. Ok so currently the plan is to vote out Jaylen which I donā€™t have a problem with, itā€™s kinda sad because he is actually really nice but somewhat inactive. Iā€™m on my way to get a burger and fries and Iā€™m fucking ecstatic like Iā€™m so fucking hungry itā€™s stupid. Also watch me get blindsided.
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So we went into this chalenge on a high after wining the reward and I was the one who got the most points out of everyone :))). Although Iā€™m nervous this will put a target on my back, Iā€™m happy that I have kind of proven my dominance in this game! After losing the challenge, Iā€™m upset!! This was all luck based which sucks! After that, I started talking more with Felix, David, Michael and Ahree. Within the span of like 30 minutes, I got added to 2 seperate groups. I was like ā€œiiiiā€ because this can get messy fast. Michael is in both of the groups as well so I donā€™t feel too bad because at least there is someone else in my position as well. I get along with Felix a lot and have had quite a few good convos with him! David seems to want to lead things in the group he made, which is whatever. Keeps the target off of me, especially if we go to tribal again. I expect to make more confessionals throughout the course of the game, usually videos but Iā€™m pretty tired right now haha.
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I just took a nap and there's no tribal and I'm always trying my best. My tribe doesn't hate me for some reason even though I sure would. Oh well. I really miss Steven I hope he's okay.
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Steven quit half way through this episode. Then Jaylen was voted out 8-1.Ā 
0 notes
umjulikins Ā· 7 years
1. Whatā€™s your middle name, and do you like it?
patricia, and i really hate it actually lol
2. are you artistic?
i like to consider myself to be, though i donā€™t think so...
3. Have you had your first kiss?
lol yeah, but i feel like a dick not remembering when it was. i thought it was a different time, but iā€™ve been told otherwise whoops
4. What is your life goal?
being happy and financially stable probably
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?
actually, i performed at a bernie sanders rally. i have a picture with him, and iā€™ve also met shailene woodley through the rally. it was hecking neat.
6. Do you play any sports?
if i hear that marching band is a sport one more time, iā€™m gonna mcfreaking lose it. so, no. i do not.
7. Whatā€™s your worst fear?
abandonment or distrust
8. Whoā€™s your biggest inspiration?
oh man, thatā€™s hard to say. i really like jaiden from a youtube channel called jaidenanimations, because sheā€™s so humble and artistically talented.
probably my mom too, sheā€™s number seven on the greatest wonders of the world
9. Do you have any cool talents?
whistling? i can play ukelele? iā€™m good at crying idk
10. are you a morning person?
itā€™s so debatable honestly. i hate getting up in the morning, but i love being awake in the morning. so yes and no.
11. How do you feel about pet names?
fuckin love it, give me pet names
12. Do you like to read?
no not at all, it takes me a really good book to get me engaged on reading
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.
parks & rec, supernatural (not bc i loved it but because i befriended people bc of it, i actually am over spn lmao), south park??
14. Do you care about your follower count?
no, because iā€™m sick and tired of porn bots following me, and they are the huge majority that try to follow me until i block them
15. Whatā€™s the best dream youā€™ve had?
hahahahah, i had a dream that me and my bf were taking care of this proportionably large frog that could speak fluent english and was wearing a diaper. to this day, when we call each other bf and gf, it really meansĀ ā€œbig frogā€ andĀ ā€œgiant frogā€ bc of my dream.
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
nope, but iā€™ve dreamt of it.
17. Do you have any pets?
no!!! but we might get a dog pretty soon... 3/4 of the family is all in for a dog.
18. Are you religious?
lmao this sounds pretentious, but iā€™d say my entire family (along with me) identifies being roman catholic, but i personally consider myself for agnostic. i wouldnā€™t want to ultimately reject my familial identity because i was raised catholic my entire life, it would be disassociating a part of me. but if it all comes down to my beliefs, i would happily defend people who are a little ignorant against catholicism.
19. Are you a people person?
i used to???? iā€™m really not anymore, especially with senior year iā€™m really tired of peopleā€™s shit lmao
20. Are you considered popular?
oh definitely not. i donā€™t mean this in a very modest way either, i mean it in a way that i often disassociate.
21. What is one of your bad habits?
being oversensitive???prolly idfk
22. Whatā€™s something that makes you feel vulnerable
23. What would you name your children?
i know iā€™m homestuck trash but i would legitimately name my child jade. not because of homestuck, but i identify so much relation to the name jade. itā€™s my favourite colour, my favourite type of plant, and itā€™s a simple four letter name with a letter j.
in terms of boy names, i really like the names jude or charlie. how fucking weird would it be having two kids name jude and jade though holy shittttt
24. Whoā€™s your celebrity crush?
winona fuckin ryder aka pls adopt me
25. Whatā€™s your best subject?
science for sure!
26. Dogs or cats?
unpopular opinion: cats and dogs are both a gift to this world and thereā€™s no reason to point them against each other
27. most used social media besides tumblr?
snapchat, instagram, and then facebook.
28. best friends name
um i have more than one?? dean, ana, emily, makena, and zany?
29. who does your main family consist of
my mom and dad, and my younger brother.
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. have you ever been on a date?
yeah, my first one was ridiculously awkward though
32. Do you like rollercosters?
yeah sure, itā€™s aight. i have a friend who has a mental list of a bunch of rollercoaster facts, so i refer to him in case iā€™m really hesitant to go on one.
33. Can you swim?
kinda? i know how to actually swim across water, but i have trouble treading it
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse?
ok hereā€™s where my hiding place would be. and i encourage people to do the same actually.
hide the fuck out in costco. the walls are thick as hell so itā€™d be a struggle for zombies to break into. costco is spacey as fuck, so you can camp out anywhere and itā€™d be okay. you pretty much have a life supply of food, as well as other supplies because itā€™s a mega mart.
youā€™re good pretty much for the rest of your life if you think about it, i know i would!
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder
i donā€™t believe so. iā€™ve never been diagnosed of anything but i also never know.
36. Are your parents together?
37. Whatā€™s your favourite colour?
green, but i canā€™t decide on any shade of green. i love all the greens.
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
usa! usa! usa!
39. Favourite singer?
currently the 1975 from the top of my head
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
absolutely not, i donā€™t wish to be
41. Do you like dresses?
yes!!!!!! i love dressing very feminine!!!!! dresses with pockets are the best
42. Favourite song right now?
ā€œlifeboatā€ from heathers the musical
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
kind of, iā€™m actually a bit repulsed by sex... but mayhaps in the future when i find the right person?? idk
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
12 y/o i think
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
oh no, not really. kinda intimidating
46. Have you ever done yoga?
not as an active hobby
47. Are you a horror girl?
oh HELL yeah, iā€™m a horror to this socieā€“ā€“
just kidding, yes i do like horror movies. still scared of it though, but i like it!!
48. Are you good at giving advice?
the irony here is that iā€™ve been told i do tell good advice, but i NEVER follow my own advice
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
one time, my dad accidentally left the back door locked from the backyard when i was in a kiddie pool. it all of a sudden started raining, and i couldnā€™t open the door to get inside because it was locked. i was sick the next day.
50. How are you doing today?
honestly, i could be doing better but right now iā€™m just chilling
51. Were you a cute kid?
i think so!!! i take pride in my days during elementary school....middle school is a different story though.
52. Can you dance?
yes!! it bothers me when people say they canā€™t dance, when i think anyone can! itā€™s all a matter of taking pride in your dance moves!! can you take pride in your dance moves?
but, in terms on doing it as a hobby, no! i used to.
53. Is there anything you do that you canā€™t remember ever not doing?
i donā€™t understand this question lmao
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
no, but i actually would love to die the underside of my hair a deep teal/turquoise!!
55. What colour are your eyes?
dark brown, but golden under light. itā€™s pretty neat.
56. Whatā€™s your favourite animal?
i donā€™t consider this my favourite animal but i still love them a lot
look up the argentine red tegu lizard
also, i really like ladybugs!!
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
always everyday
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
with my mom, yes! i tell her everything, and sheā€™s so sweet and patient!
with my dad, kinda!
59. Do you have good friends?
sure :^)
they just are too far away
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
a lot of people yes! two of my best friends are bisexual, and majority of my friends are allies!
61. Whatā€™s your favourite class?
i actually donā€™t have one, every class that iā€™ve ever known has some form of annoying the hell out of me
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
none currently as we speak, but iā€™m waiting for the next season of american horror story and stranger things to appear. i am watching a series of unfortunate events with dean, but weā€™re only on episode 4 together. itā€™s been a long time since weā€™ve watched an episode though, because we always want to watch it together.
63. Are you organized?
somewhat? i am more organized than others, but iā€™m very great at hiding my disorganization from others to give off the illusion that i am organized.
i like to think that my obsessive compulsive personality is the cause of that honestly.
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
la la land, a fav of mine
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
shit man, thereā€™s a lot of fictional characters i relate with.
veronica sawyer from heathers
jade harley from homestuck
dirk strider from homestuck
heather mcnamara from heathers
lucy van pelt from charlie brown
terra from teen titans
over half of these arenā€™t from tv though lmao
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
i try to confront it. if i failed even after confronting it, i accept that itā€™s simply just not meant to be. which sucks if you think about it, but i am way too passive for my well being.
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
traveling, and maybe saving that money for my future children and their college intuition.
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
probably being friends with certain people... thereā€™s a lot of relationships i really regret.
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
being more bitter and negative publicly. people sometimes feel the need to take advantage of others who are considerably weaker than them, and i feel that i often put myself in that position. if i relentlessly take no shit and kinda??? scare people away, i donā€™t feel the paranoia of getting hurt by others
yikes this is getting negative zero to a hundred real quick
also, i know iā€™m not really phrasing it right, but hopefully you know what i mean!!
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
but at the same time, iā€™m also really content where i am now. i know i can improve more internally, but i also donā€™t really care for change.
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
during christmas break, i went to big bear!!
i also went to las vegas that same break, but itā€™s not a new place hahaha
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
shit, idk iā€™m still drowning in teen angst at the moment, iā€™m not doing anything revolutionary or some shit atm
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
a cartoonist. i still kinda wanna be one, especially knowing my art is improving so much, and iā€™m getting more exposure as an artist, and iā€™m landing myself on better platforms of art.
but itā€™s a tough and risky job opportunity. iā€™d love to do it as a hobby.
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
um, probably my relationship with people now. i donā€™t have a lot of artsy friends except maybe four; but even so, putting my effort all in an animation project requires a lot of independent work.
probably financial stability too.
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
when i realized that i was slowly losing my closest friend.
i still miss them lmao
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
financially stable, happily in love with someone who accepts me, in a small home with plants and dogs.
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
iā€™d probably be on top of my homework, and applying for a full ib diploma
but i wouldnā€™t really be artistically and musically talented, nor would i have a lot of friends
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
i would consistently changing personas every decade and seek out a whole new lifestyle
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
irresponsibly, realistically
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
future. the past sucks ass no matter what. but years after trump became president and then some, assuming the next president has a lot of cleaning up to do.
85. What motivates you to succeed?
knowing that someone out there genuinely believes in me.
even one person makes a difference.
86. What dream that youā€™ve had has resonated with you the most?
probably being in love in such a young age. albeit itā€™s lame to assume of such idealistic things like that, but itā€™s always something worth fighting for. the future sounds brighter if remembering that someone loves you unconditionally.
also i have met more dogs everyday.
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
woods? i really wanna do a lot on my garden if i can!!
88. Do you believe in life after death
i consider it hopeful/wishful thinking, so i wouldnā€™t be opposed to it being true.
though i think of eternal bliss as a bigger possibility since i was brought up to believe it.
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
my sophomore and junior year english teacher, mrs. beatty. she never forgot about me despite how quiet of a kid i was, and she always believed in my fullest potential.
dr. vanstrom, my human anatomy & physiology teacher is really great too, i consider her a really great teacher, but i have no person relationship with her.Ā 
90. Whatā€™s your fondest childhood memory?
my old family friend, christopher, and i were vacationing with our families at lake arrowhead during winter break when i was like, eight i think. thereā€™s this very quaint townsquare near the area we were staying at, and the two of us walked around the townsquare.
we really freaked our parents out though, because they thought that we were lost or kidnapped because we left without supervision or telling them where we were going, but i remember going to a candy store to get gummy bears in the freezing cold.
i wonder how christopherā€™s doing though.
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
malala yousafzai, just because sheā€™s such an inspiration.
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
it doesnā€™t take me a lot to cry over anything, trust me.
i cried once because someoneā€™s chocolate meringue pie was delicious.
i cried once because a really fluffy puppy was rolling over.
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
itā€™s okay to miss people from a distance, but itā€™s not okay to ask them to come back. i think itā€™s important that the toxic relationships you decide to refrain from is a very valid and hard decision to make, so iā€™m proud of you if you get out of it. you deserve so much better to put yourself back into such a vicious cycle.
94. What do you think happens after we die?
everything is black for eternity
95. What would you do if you would be invisible?
?????honestly?????what CAN you do while youā€™re invisible other than spying people???
invisibility is such a shitty power, i want the power to read minds selectively so i can ace every academic test in the future and be accepted from every job application FUCK
96. Whatā€™s something you canā€™t do no matter how hard you try?
i canā€™t really seem to shake the idea of negative thoughts and insecurities. of course itā€™s inevitable for literally everyone at some point, but it still sucks having
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
no, i really want to give my child the freedom to choose who they want to be or who they want to present themselves as. i as the parent should love them unconditionally
98. How did your first crush develop?
eh, his friend told me that he liked me and i believed it
i shouldnā€™t have though, because there was really no evidence that he liked me, and he even denied it when his friends straight up told me
thinking about it now, i think he never really did like me, and his friend was just being a dick. and i latched onto that idea which was even worse holy shit
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
yeah dude, iā€™m sure everyone is though
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
existing for sure.
thanks dude!!!
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