#durand redek
doodle-do-wop · 4 months
posting my entries for the Keeper Sexyman
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(left to right) Quinlin Sonden, Sandor the Goblin, Timkin Heks, Jurek, Grady Ruewen, William Foster, Durand Redek, Cadfael the Orge, Barth the Reaper (gnome)
Zoom ins under cut
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worldsunlikemyown · 8 months
Keeptober 2023 #16 — Family
   “Come here, please, you must be cold!”
   Marella isn’t cold — not at all! In fact, she likes snow. Especially when it melts on her skin, ice meeting heat and turning to pretty, pretty water. And it looks pretty, falling to the balcony the way it does. 
   Her father sighs, and the sounds of his footsteps come towards her. “I won’t ask you to come inside next time!” 
   “Catch me!” Marella retorts, and runs away, laughing. Tries, at any rate — she’s only five, and the ice is slick. 
   Her father lifts her from the ground firmly, and his voice is icy, as icy as the snow in her hair and the balcony railings. 
   “You can’t run there, Marella. Especially not in the snow.”
   Marella hates seeing him so serious. Without meaning to, she starts to cry. 
   He lets her bury her head on his shoulder, tears and snow landing, hot and cold, on the fabric. 
   “It’s alright,” he says. “You just scared me. Too fiery for me, aren’t you?”
   “Sorry,” Marella murmurs into the tunic. 
   “It’s alright,” her father repeats. “Now, how about we go to bed, hmm?”
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slozhnos · 1 year
hey besties go read my redek family brainrot fic !!
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Name: Durand Théo Redek
Age: 44
Power: Force Wind. He can send out a rush of wind from his palms that he control the strength of, from a light breeze to a giant blast.
Occupation: Therapist for reformed Villains
Education: Timshire High School(Graduated), University of Everglen(Master degree in psychology)
Immediate Family: Caprice Redek(Wife), Marella Redek(Daughter)
Status: Alive
Other Info: After his wife had a tragic accident leaving her with brain damage, Durand has been forced to be close to the sole caretaker of their daughter Marella which is in constant battle against the need to keep food on the table with his job.
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camelspit · 6 months
Keeper Sexyman Bracket
First Round
Magnate Leto vs King Dimitar (Feb 11)
Brant [REDACTED] vs Ruy Ignis (Feb 12)
Timkin Heks vs Councillor Terik (Feb 13)
Boobrie Dude vs Councillor Emery (Feb 14)
Fintan Pyren vs Tiergan Alenfar (Feb 15)
Woltzer the Goblin vs Durand Redek (Feb 16)
Councillor Bronte vs Gethen Ondsinn (Feb 17)
Ethan Benedict Wright II vs Botros the Ogre (Feb 18)
Quinlin Sonden vs Alden Vacker (Feb 19)
Sandor the Goblin vs Councillor Kenric (Feb 20)
Coach Bora vs William Foster (Feb 21)
Elwin Heslege vs Grady Ruewen (Feb 22)
Jurek of the Sanctuary vs Trix (Feb 23)
Kesler Dizznee vs Cassius Sencen (Feb 24)
Prentice Endal vs Alvar Vacker (Feb 25)
Cadfael the Ogre vs King Enki (Feb 26)
Quan Song vs Mr Sweeney (Feb 27)
Councillor Noland vs Councillor Darek (Feb 28)
Blur vs Wraith (Feb 29)
Yuri the Gnome vs Barth the Reaper (March 1)
Greyfell vs Fallon Vacker (March 2)
BONUS (March 3)
Comeback Round 1
Comeback Round 2
Comeback Round 3
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fintan-pyren · 1 year
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Still trembling from her nightmare, four year old Marella redek crawled into her parents bed, nuzzling up against her sleeping mother. 
Capriese’s eyes snapped open, her fearful gaze fixed on her daughter. She scrambled to her feet, and pushed Marella away. “Who are you? What do you want?”
While marella was able to identify that her mother was having one of her bad days, as her dad called them, this didn’t stop tears from reaching her ice blue eyes. “Mommy? It’s me, Marella.” She whispered shakily.”I had a bad dream.” 
“Marella?” Caprise  muttered.  “I don’t know marella.” Just then, Durand entered the room, wiping a splash of something red off his cheek. 
“Darling, go back to bed. There’s no one here.” Her father murmured to his wife. With a bit of guidance, Caprise’s erratic breathing soon fell back into the steady cadence of sleep. “Now, my little firecracker, what’s got you in a tizzy?” 
Marella had scraped her knee. She didn’t cry, thank you very much. In her humble opinion, crying was for babies. Her playmate turned around, but balked at the free flowing blood. “Do you need a doctor?” 
“I’m fine.” She said flatly. Case in point, Dex Diznee, overreacting and behaving like a baby. Marella scooted out of the way  of the steady pedestrian traffic, despite the fact that they were currently giving Crazy Caprise’s kid and her bloody knee a wide berth, and began picking bits of dirt and concrete out of the abrasion. 
“Are you sure? We should at least get my dad to look at it.”
“I said I’m fine.” She splashed a bit of cold water on it (her dad insisted on her taking a water bottle, and she heard the cold helped with cuts.)  before digging in her skirt pockets for a tissue. “I do this all the time.” 
Dex gave her a look that was mostly shock with a touch of indignation on her behalf. “You mean your parents don’t help you?” Marella returned his stare with one of her own. Although they were both nine, Dex sometimes felt so immature.  Having given up on the hanky search, she pressed into the scrape with the heel of her palm. 
Seemingly realizing what he’d said, her playmate watched silently as she wiped the blood with her shirt, before stretching and standing. 
“Tag, you’re it!”Marella thumped Dex on the back and took off sprinting. Giggling, he began to chase her, an unspoken agreement between the two misfits that all was forgiven. 
Marella was shoveling piping hot popspot hash into her mouth before she even sat down. She hadn’t had breakfast this morning, and the savory popspot berries mixed with caramelized onions, potatoes, and couscous smelled too good to wait another minute. 
When she plopped down at her usual table, a pair of frightened level ones shifted to the other side of their booth, as if breathing the same air as Marella would make their mom fall off a balcony. Although she was used to it by now, it still hurt when people whispered and stared. 
Dex had lunch detention for challenging Shayda Adel to fight him after she had commented on his siblings, so Marella didn’t bother looking for him. She hoped her dorky bisexual of a sometimes friend got a chance to talk with Keefe Sencen, who she happened to know he had a massive crush on. 
The bell rang, and marella departed for ability detecting, desperately hoping they were testing empathy today. She smoothed her blue half cape, and tried not to slip on the puddles from the level four session this morning. 
“Alright level twos!” The annoyingly peppy mentor shouted. “Who’s ready for frosting!” The whole group groaned.
Marella sprung off the Atlantis sponge, sprinting to avoid being late. Not that it would help, she was supposed to meet stina and Dex at the cafe half an hour ago. 
It wasn’t her fault, at least. her lesson with Fintan’s had run later than either intended, with the guards not bothering to tell them time was up. 
As she reached the center square, she slowed down to catch her breath. A mother tugged her kid away, and the quiet din of chatter turned to a barrage of hissing whispers.
Marella flinched and looked around for an escape. The words burrowed into her brain, burning her. But it wasn’t at all like the warm, slightly smoky kisses fire left behind. This was blistering and choking and painful. She had to run, had to hide, had to- 
“Hey cinders!” Stina called out. “You’re late.” Marella looked up at her beanpole savior. She flashed a grin “Now get your singed cuffs over here before Dex turns your cup into a sentient beetle or something.” 
Laughing, marella dashed in. The tables around her still hissed with barely hidden disdain for her, stina’s  crass humor and dex’s witty puns kept her laughing too much to care. 
Sitting under calla’s panakes, Marella was trying to focus. hard when her head could only produce thoughts containing the word Everblaze. Sophie was saying something about the plan, but was yet to get to her role. 
Marella excused herself the second it was polite to do so, lifting her secure crystal to the midday sun, she glittered away .
Marella ducked around the shocked guards, and finally let the intrusive thoughts win. She slid down the path to Fintan’s cell, somehow not hitting the thrones. She did however hit the icy bubble, sufficiently starting the murderer within. 
She clambered onto the ice seat. “I need help.” Still shell shocked, Fintan simply nodded. “I want to know how to summon Everblaze.” 
At this, he perked up. “Everblaze is a magnificent flame that will come only if it senses conviction.” Marella nodded, wishing she had a notepad. “To indicate your willingness, you curl your hand like this, and speak.”
“What do I say?” She asked, testing the hand motion herself. 
“Anything.” He said simply. “Fire has been speaking to you for almost a year now, Miss redek. Surely you know how to respond.” 
Somewhere in the rational part of marella’s mind, she knew she shouldn’t be here, learning this. She searched her emotions for a trace of fear, coming up empty. She pushed the doubt aside. The only thing left was the wanting, and the fire. 
Marella was standing on a rocky cliff. She curled her hand the way Fintan’s showed her. “Small sparks, big fires.” She whispered.
Marella was never sure what people meant when they described romance, but she thought the feeling of holding Everblaze might come close. It was power, and the surrender of control. She was perfectly content, but also wanting. The fire was destroying her, and she was loving every second. 
But that euphoria faded away, and marella  was burning. She shrieked in pain. Everblaze responded in kind by wrapping around her, whispering that she would be okay. It pulled her in. It was the best and worst thing she’d ever felt. 
“Marella!” Someone cried out. “Sophie, get frysynn.” Sophie was here? And she was bringing something to help her.
No. Everblaze crackled, I won’t let you go. Marella knew she ought to want it off, but she only pulled it closer. “Don’t worry, Elwin’s coming.” The voice said desperately. 
A cold powder splashed over her leg, and (what was her name? Did it have to do with the sea? What a funny name for a pyrokinetic!) flinched back. This didn’t deter the person from throwing it over her.  Everblaze fell away. “No,” she croaked “don’t leave me.” But it was useless, the fire was gone. It left only pain. Even so, she wanted it back. She tried to curl her fist, but felt weak from the effort. She felt something pushed onto her face, and her limbs at once felt heavy. Then she dipped into a dark ocean knowing she would surface safely. It was funny, she supposed. The star of the sea falling into it, her fire extinguished at last. 
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palmelapalmera · 10 months
these are my theories for kotlc 10
- gethen is sophie’s biological dad. he is a blonde telepath, and we know that the black swan has always wanted Sophie to have “different perspectives”. forkle didn’t want sophie to get inside his mind, and claims it is for her safety, but there might be another reason… also, in unlocked, sophie said that sometimes she wonders if they should pay more attention to gethen. this makes me wonder if he will play a bigger role in the next book
- alina is a secret member of the neverseen. it would be super useful to have a member of the council as an insider. also, I thiiiink we were told that the reason why prentince was sedated (with sopordine) was because one of the guys who worked in prentice’s jail was part of the neverseen, but what if alina is responsible for this? she was the one who took prentice to the black swan during the exchange
- i believe all species will join forces against the neverseen, including humans. maybe there’s at least one individual for each of the species and amy represents humans
- we know alvar is about to die, so what if he dies in fitz arms? It would a nice redemption arc
- someone HAS to find out oralie is sophie’s mother. sooo maybe the neverseen finds out, and tells everyone, making the council easy to overthrown
- biana and fitz are twins. it would make sense if the vackers wanna hide this as they care a ton about appearances and are an important family. another reason for this to be true, is that biana manifested really early, and maybe this is because she is actually older (as she is fitz’s age). also why would alden and della decide to have a third child, knowing that usually the third child “is less powerful” and that they would be judge?
- trix is durand redek. Maybe caprisse found out about cyrah, and this is why he (using his power as a guster) threw her through the balcony. this might also be the reason why fintan discovered Marella’s ability.
- forkle is jurek. we know that we have one identity left to discover, and this two characters are similar physically. It would also make sense for him to know about alicorns, as sophie has alicorn dna
- jolie is lady cadence. if I’m not wrong, shannon confirmed jolie is dead. stiiiilll, they have the same hair color, and cadence lived with the ogres 16 years. jolie has been dead for 16 years. I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it would be kinda interesting
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stellar-lune · 2 years
Which Parent KOTLC Last Names Came From✨
Ruewen: Stated in Nightfall to be Grady’s, Edaline took his last name because his family had a higher social standing.
Dizznee: Stated in Nightfall to be Kesler’s, Juline took his last name to prove she wasn’t afraid of being together with him.
Vacker: Known to be Alden’s, Della took his last name because of the Vackers’ status.
Sencen: Likely Cassius’ last name, as no efforts have been made to change Cassius and Keefe’s last names after Gisela was found to be in the Neverseen.
Song: Heavily implied to be Mai’s last name, she makes music and the Songs’ last name was changed to Song from Tong many years ago because music was a common profession in the family. Unknown why Quan took her last name.
Endal: Implied to be Cyrah’s last name due to the family crest, which shows a sun with rays of sunshine, and Cyrah is a Flasher. Unknown why Prentice took her last name.
Redek: Implied to be Durand’s last name due to the family crest, which shows a feather in the wind, and Durand is a Guster. Unknown why Caprise took his last name.
Heks: Stated in Nightfall to be Vika’s, Timkin took her last name for status.
Sonden: Implied to be Quinlin’s last name, unknown if this is true.
Chebota: Unknown which parent the last name came from, but since Maruca’s mom (Lesedi) is the one cousins with Prentice and her only named parent, it may be hers.
Babblos: Unknown which parent the last name came from, most likely whichever parent of Jensi and Fernan’s is a charger since the crest shows bolts of lightning.
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celestialblossom07 · 2 months
Heart of Flames
Kotlc fanfic of all three pyro's because I want them to all interact.
"The flames will rise before you." The elf with blonde pointy ears stated. "If you don't keep in control." He added. Watching his newly manifested prodigy, Marella Redek, daughter of Caprise and Durand Redek. His other prodigy, Brant, just closely inspected the two. His eyes trailed along them. Though the young girl couldn't seem any less interested in this talk.
P.S. I have a Wattpad account if you interested in more! Username: celestialm00nflower. Kotlc oneshot fic is Lover.
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okay bare with me here.....what if the redecks founded the never seen but deflected to the blackswan but the vackers made what the neverseen is today?
i think Fallon Vacker started the Neverseen and the Vackers had it stolen out from under them by Fintan and when there was a power struggle between Fintan and Gisela they sent little Alvar in to take back the Neverseen for the Vackers, because he would be a good scape goat if he failed.
assuming that you meant the Redek’s started the neverseen, i don’t like that theory much.
because i never liked the Durand is Trix theory because i loved the idea of him staying with Caprise even when she had constant emotional outbursts and was probably a burden to take care of and he loved her through it and took care of her anyway and just...just, it’s romantic ok
though i do think Caprise was a member of the Neverseen and that’s why she had that accident.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
reblog with your redek headcanons. idc if it’s durand or caprise or marella or a combo, just do it
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faggot-friday · 2 years
Dancing In The Dark - A Marellinh Royalty AU
Summary: in which Marella and Linh love each other, but only from each other's sidelines. After all, you can't go onto the field of play without consequences
A/N: this was meant to be fluffy but it's actually just angst I'm sorry
Trigger warnings: swearing, misgendering, occasionally caps
Word count: 3K
“Next,” fires father called to the too-long line of men. Marella’s eyes swept over their heads and fires stomach twisted. Fi couldn’t even see the end of the line.
“Greetings, my fair lady,” the next man said, taking Marella’s hand and pressing his lips to her knuckles.
Fi pulled fires hand away, disgusted. The man could have been her grandfather. For God’s sake, fi was sixteen, not sixty.
“Next,” fi said quickly. Fi received a glare from fires father, but fi didn’t care. Fi just wanted this creepy-ass man to get the fuck away from fi.
His face twisted into a scowl, and he stalked away. Fi’s heart rate slowed down, but only a little bit.
“Marella,” fires mother said with a sigh. “You can’t keep sending them away like that.”
“Oh, forgive me if I don’t want to get married to a man who could very easily be my grandfather,” Marella snapped back.
Fires father sighed and turned back to the line. Marella did as well, a lot more reluctantly than fires parents would have hoped.
MARELLA FLOPPED ON FIRES BED with a groan at the end of the night. It was almost three a.m. and fi was exhausted. Who knew saying “next” so many times could be so tiring?
“Marella?” fires mother said, pushing the door open gently, and Marella scooched up the bed so fi and Caprise Redek didn’t have to touch each other. Hurt flickered across Caprise’s face, but she managed to mask it quickly so that Marella almost didn’t see it.
“What do you want?” fi said crossly. “I want sleep. Actually, I want a lot of things that many others could consider basic necessities, but you love to ignore.”
Caprise flinched. She didn’t even try to hide it this time. Marella sank back into fires cushions and tried not to feel guilty.
“We’ve decided not to invite anyone from our kingdom tomorrow,” Caprise said. “It’s clear you don’t like any of them very much. So we’ve invited people from the Song kingdom. Including Prince Tam.”
The only thing fi registered was that Prince Tam was coming. If Prince Tam was coming. Which meant his parents were coming. Which meant his sister was coming.
“Goodnight,” Caprise said, and Marella’s brain was much too slow from lesbianism to register that fires mother had left the room. Fi fell asleep with fires heart pounding and fires stomach full of butterflies.
Yeah, of course she was gonna say yes to Tam. It wasn’t even an impossible task Tam had asked.
“Could you save my spot in this line? I’m thirsty,” was what they had heard, although she wasn’t quite sure if they had heard Tam properly.
“Sure,” she replied. “Don’t take too long.” They weren’t at the front of the line — about halfway back, in fact — but she would much rather force Tam to come back before they got anywhere near the front than risk having to see the princess’s face. She was sure they’d die of cuteness overload. She’d seen photos of Princess Marella, and holy heck, she was hot.
The line inched forward, and Linh’s heart rate rose. They couldn’t see Tam anywhere. She could see the drinks table, and there was no one there except for Queen Caprise Redek, stirring a drink with her finger and looking agitated.
After what seemed like three minutes but must have been thirty, Linh reached the front of the line.
Without Tam with them.
“What are you doing here, young lady?” King Durand snapped. “This line is reserved for males only.”
Linh’s cheeks were flaming, much like Princess Marella’s dress.
“I’m reserving a spot for my —” Linh paused. She didn’t want to misgender Tam — who used no pronouns — but she also didn’t know how they would react. They decided to be safe. “— brother. Prince Tam Song.”
Princess Marella finally looked up, and her eyes widened when they locked with Linh’s. Linh’s cheeks went pink.
“And where is Prince Tam?” Queen Caprise said, sitting down in her chair and looking down her nose at Linh.
Linh shrugged, before realising that might not be acceptable. “I’m not sure, Your Majesty,” they said, her eyes flickering around the room. They still couldn’t see Tam anywhere. Where was Tam?
“Mother, Father,” Marella said suddenly, making eye contact with Linh and refusing to break it. “Perhaps I could dance with Princess Linh while I wait for Prince Tam to arrive? It would be a wonderful way to strengthen our friendship, and also the alliance with the Song kingdom?”
King Durand looked sceptical, but Queen Caprise waved her hand in a bored way. Marella grinned and grabbed Linh’s hand, leading her onto the dance floor.
Linh’s heart had never beat faster.
Sure, the men weren’t nearly as old as they had been yesterday (fi had quietly gone to fires mother and asked about that, and Caprise had obliged, much to fires surprise), but that didn’t mean they were any more eye-catching. In fact, the only time fi actually looked up and examined the person in front of fire was when that person was Princess Linh Song.
“What are you doing here, young lady?” Durand snapped. Marella made a face that no one saw. “This line is reserved for males only.”
Princess Linh blushed. “I’m reserving a spot for my brother. Prince Tam Song.” Her eyes clouded over before she said the word brother, and Marella wondered what it was the silver-haired girl was hiding.
“And where is Prince Tam?”
Marella blinked in surprise. Fi hadn’t noticed fires mother return from wherever she had gone.
Princess Linh’s shoulders raised slightly, and then she said hurriedly, “I’m not sure, Your Majesty.”
It was clear she was terrified. Marella locked eyes with her and made a noise in the back of fires throat that expressed fires irritation.
“Fuck it,” fi muttered, quiet enough that fires parents wouldn’t hear, and fi shot Princess Linh a smile that she didn’t see before addressing fires parents.
“Mother, Father,” fi said, not breaking eye contact with Linh, “perhaps I could dance with Princess Linh while I wait for Prince Tam to arrive? It would be a wonderful way to strengthen our friendship, and also the alliance with the Song kingdom?”
Caprise waved her hand dismissively, and Marella took that as a yes. Fi stood up and grabbed Linh’s hand, pulling her onto the dance floor.
Linh’s already-pink cheeks flushed an even darker red — which Marella hadn’t even known was possible — and her dress, the colour of the darkest point in the ocean, with white frills at the bottom like sea foam, twirled gracefully around her feet.
Marella’s eyes locked with the girl’s, and fi noticed that they were such a pale blue they were almost white, with silver flecks in them. Fires chest tightened with something fi didn’t recognise, and fi spun the girl around even more to distract fireself from the strange feeling.
“Are you really Princess Linh Song?” fi whispered. Linh blushed even more. Marella’s eyebrows shot into fires honey-blonde hair.
“That’s me,” she said nervously. “And I’d appreciate it if you’d use she/they pronouns for me, please. Thank you.”
Fi spun them away from fires parents so they didn’t hear. “I use fi/fire. Don’t tell my parents.”
Linh nodded, their face still the same fiery red as Marella’s dress, and she looked away to avoid further embarrassment. In doing so, they spotted someone over fires shoulder and pulled away from Marella, much to fires dismay.
“I have to go,” she said, a little sadly. “I’ve found my brother.”
Marella smiled to hide the crushing sadness fi felt in fires chest in replace of the butterflies. “Perhaps I’ll see you again?”
Linh smiled in return, but it was half-hearted and distracted. “Perhaps,” they echoed. And then she turned and ran, their silver-tipped hair flying behind her.
“MAYBE I SHOULD GO THERE instead,” Marella suggested.
Durand didn’t look very convinced. “You haven’t even met Prince Tam yet. What makes you say the connection’s there?”
“Remember the last time we visited the Song kingdom, and I sneaked away? I was visiting Tam. We were just friends back then, but we’re both clearly in…” fi gulped, feeling a sour taste at the back of fires throat just thinking about saying it, “…love…”
Caprise smiled slightly, and Durand put his head in his hands. “If you really have to,” he sighed. “We’ll call off tonight’s gathering and make sure the kingdom knows not to attend today.”
Marella smiled. “Thanks. I promise the connection I have with Tam is… fit for a fairy tale.”
Well, everything fi just said was true. Except for the name.
The name should have been Linh instead.
QUICK QUESTION. WHY WAS THE hottest person Linh had ever met coming to visit her?
Well, not them, actually. Tam. But still.
Linh locked herself in her room and stared at the wall in panic for an hour. They were just in jeans and a nice shirt, but she thought they should have worn a fancy dress or something.
“Tam! Your girlfriend’s here!” King Quan called. Linh and Tam exited their rooms at the same time and ran down the stairs, straightening their posture as Queen Mai passed them before running again once they were out of her sight.
“Marella!” Linh said, waving from behind Quan’s back.
“Shush, Linh,” Quan snapped, shoving her further behind him so they were hidden from view. Linh made a face but didn’t move. She knew better than to disobey their father. She had watched Tam do it too many times.
“Hello, Your Majesty,” Marella said politely. “Would you be so kind as to direct me to where Prince Tam might be?”
“Of course,” Quan said, with a smile that didn’t seem to fit right on his cruel face. He led Marella into the house, his hand resting on fires back. Marella caught Linh’s eye and shot them a wink. Linh hoped she wasn’t blushing.
“Actually,” Marella said, expertly weaving fires body so Quan wasn’t touching fire, “perhaps your daughter could lead me instead. I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“It’s no bother,” Quan said, but Marella was already weaving fires way towards Linh, hooking fires arm through theirs.
“I insist,” Marella said. Fires ice-blue eyes flashed, and Quan narrowed his own silver ones.
“Very well,” he said begrudgingly. “But I will send a servant to check on you and bring food in half an hour.”
“Of course,” Marella said. “Now, Linh. Where do you think Tam is?”
SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, MARELLA AND TAM actually were as good friends as fi had said to fires parents. Except for the fact that neither of them was in love with the other.
“Yeah, I’m aromantic, actually,” Tam said, leaning back on Linh’s pale blue cushions and sighing.
“I’m lesbian,” Marella said with finger guns. Fi didn’t look at Linh. Fi didn’t want to see her reaction.
“Pansexual,” Linh added, curling up next to Tam. Marella’s chest went tight with butterflies. So there was a tiny, unlikely chance that Linh liked fi back.
Not that fi liked them anyway. Obviously.
Well. Maybe just a little bit.
Marella flopped backwards next to Linh and sighed. “This is absolute bullshit. Princess-dom fucking sucks.”
“Agreed,” Tam said flatly.
“It’s like my only use is to pop out a bunch of royal babies and look pretty,” fi practically shouted. “I mean, fucking look at me. Look! I’ve already failed at the second half.”
“Don’t say that,” Linh argued quietly. “You’re gorgeous. I’d marry you.”
Marella looked up at her, eyebrows raised. Linh realised what they’d said and hurried to correct herself.
“I mean, only if you want to,” they cried. “Wait, no — I wouldn’t — I mean, maybe — I mean — fuck!”
Tam’s eyebrows raised, laughing amusedly. “Linh? Swearing? Wow. Never would have guessed.”
“I've sworn before,” Linh said defiantly.
“It’s never been the fuck word,” Tam argued.
“I can swear if I want!” she cried, slamming a pillow into Tam’s face. You could still hear Tam’s laughter through it. “Just because I don’t want to a lot —”
“You are too cute,” Marella said. Linh turned, their face redder than Marella’s felt. “Both of you. Together. You’re like small children. I’ve always had a soft spot for small children.”
Something flickered over Linh’s face that Marella didn’t recognise, but fi couldn’t decipher it, because a cushion was in fires face and Linh was laughing hysterically.
Marella shoved the cushion off and kneeled in front of them. Fi threw it at her and then quickly tied up fires hair. Fi was glad fi chose to wear jeans instead of the fancy billowy dress Caprise wanted fire to.
“Your Majesties?” a timid voice said, and the door opened. Tam and Linh sat up straighter. Marella just stared. “Hello. I’ve been sent to get you guys something to eat. Do you want anything?”
“The cookies that the head chef makes,” Linh requested. “They’re excellent. Please tell him such.” The servant bowed and left. Marella sat on fires feet and stared at the slightly ajar door.
“Perhaps I should leave soon,” fi said.
Fi expected either of them to argue, but Linh and Tam shared a look instead.
“If your parents are as bad as ours,” Tam said grimly, “then you might have to.”
LINH DIDN’T WANT MARELLA TO leave. Especially so soon.
“Allow me to say goodbye,” Marella told fires mother. “What if this kingdom were to be attacked? I’d never see the love of my life again.”
Linh couldn’t help imagining that the “love of fires life” was her. But fi was talking about Tam.
Not that Marella actually loved Tam. But still.
Marella walked past Linh, not looking at them. Linh pretended not to care, even though it felt like a knife through the heart.
“Goodbye, Tam,” Marella said, wrapping fires arms around Tam. Tam hesitated, but hugged fire back. “I shall see you soon.”
Tam nodded and smiled, before leaving the room.
“Caprise?” Mai said. “May I have a word with you before you leave?”
Caprise glanced at Marella, who stared back, fires face devoid of emotion. “Of course. Try not to be too long; I have a kingdom to run, after all.”
Mai chuckled—a laugh Linh knew too well to be able to believe it was anything but false—and led the other queen into the castle. Marella and Linh were left alone.
“I suppose I’ll see you when you come back next,” Linh said. “Hope you don’t forget me before then.” She laughed, but they could feel tears springing to her eyes. They wrapped her arms around themself to try and hold the emotion in.
“You think I could ever forget you?” Marella said quietly, stepping closer to her.
Linh looked down into Marella’s ice-blue eyes.
“I don’t know,” Linh said, their voice barely a breath. “I’d say I’m pretty forgettable.”
“You could never be,” Marella responded. Fi was extremely close to her now. They were very tempted to close her eyes and let whatever was happening just… happen.
Marella’s hand brushed Linh’s cheek, and Linh pulled fi closer. The gesture would be subconscious if Linh wasn’t painfully aware of everything that was happening, from their pounding heart to the way fi was staring at her.
“At least not to me.”
They could feel fires lips brushing against her own, and they allowed whatever was going to happen to do so, because, really, what was the worst consequence the two would face?
And fi kissed her. And they kissed fire back.
And it was the best thing that had ever happened to either of them.
Oh, sweet fuck. Why did fi do that?
Marella paced fires room, writing fires hands and feeling like fi was going to cry at any moment.
Just never look at her again, fi told fireself. Easy.
“Are you going to Tam’s today again?” Caprise asked from outside fires bedroom door.
Marella froze. If fi went to Tam’s, then fi would see Linh. And if fi saw Linh…
“Maybe Tam can come over today,” Marella shouted back.
Caprise paused. “That sounds like a good idea,” she said slowly. “I’ll call Mai.”
Marella waited for fires mother’s footsteps to silence before fi collapsed on fires bed and let out a sob.
“YOU HAVE A VISITOR,” CAPRISE said. Marella noted the distaste in her voice. “I’ll give you ten minutes.”
Marella opened fires door. Fi knew it wasn’t going to be Tam, or Caprise wouldn’t sound so pissed off, but fi most certainly did not expect it to be Linh Song.
“We need to talk,” she said stubbornly, walking into Marella’s room and sitting on fires bed. “This is a nice room. Has Tam liked it?”
“Tam hasn’t hated it,” fi replied. “What do you want?”
They looked up at fire, hurt in her eyes. “I want to talk to you. Why have you been avoiding me?”
Marella looked at fires feet, but fi couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
“Because you can’t be anything more to me than my boyfriend’s twin sister,” fi sobbed. Linh reached out for fire but stopped just before they touched fire. “You’re not allowed to be. And no matter what I do, how much I kick and scream and beg… I can’t fucking do anything.” Marella’s sadness melted away into anger. “I hate my fucking parents, I hate this entire fucking kingdom—sometimes I hate my own fucking self.”
Linh actually pulled fire into a hug this time, and let Marella cry into her shoulder. “I’m sorry,” fi kept whispering. “I’m so, so fucking sorry.”
“We could run away,” Linh whispered, so quietly that Marella almost missed it.
“We could escape. Take Tam with us. Leave both our kingdoms and their arranged marriages and misgendering and awful, awful people… and just go.”
“Get away from it all,” Marella added, wiping fires eyes and sitting up, but still curled into Linh’s embrace.
“That sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?”
“As good a plan as any.”
And they kissed again, and this time it wasn’t just love blooming in their chests, threatening to burst out and consume all else.
It was hope.
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cadence-talle · 4 years
oh good we finally have canon full names for everyone
Foster-Ruewen Family 
Edaline Kelia Ruewen 
Grady Howell Ruewen 
Jolie Lucine Ruewen 
Sophie Elizabeth Foster 
Vacker Family
Della Adara Vacker
Alden Dedrick Vacker 
Alvar Soren Vacker
Fitzroy Avery Vacker
Biana Amberly Vacker
Benesh, Fallon, Harlin, Luzia, Norene, and Orem Vacker (middle names unknown)
Dizznee Family 
Juline Kalea Dizznee
Kesler Ardal Dizznee
Dexter Alvin Dizznee 
Bex, Lex, and Rex Dizznee (middle names unknown) 
Sencen Family
Gisela Minette Sencen
Keefe and Cassius Sencen (middle names unknown) 
Song Family
Linh Hai Song
Tam Dai Song
Quan and Mai Song (middle names unknown)
Wylie’s Family (bc they all have different last names)
Tiergan Andrin Alenefar 
Wylie Zoran Endal 
Prentice and Cyrah Endal (middle names unknown)
Lesedi and Maruca Chebota (middle names unknown)
Heks Family
Stina Destry Heks 
Ollie, Pilipa, Silla, Timkin and Vika Heks (middle names unknown)
Redek Family
Marella Adene Redek 
Durand and Caprise Redek (middle names unknown)
Miscellaneous Characters 
Brant Alger (last name unknown)
Errol Loki Forkle 
Fernan and Jensi Babblos (middle names unknown)
Gethen Inar Ondsinn
Kenric Elgar Fathdon 
Ruy Tonio Ignis
Vespera Neci Folend 
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Name: Caprise Maria Redek(Née Robinson)
Age: 45
Power: None.
Occupation: None.
Education: Havenfield High School(Graduated), University of Everglen(Master degree is History)
Immediate Family: Durand Redek(Husband), Marella Redek(Daughter)
Status: Alive
Other info: She fell off a balcony (Which many suspect was due to drinking too much wine) when she was 32 leaving her with immense brain damage that she has yet to recover from and the doctors say she probably never will. This has led to irrational mood changes and not often clear-headedness. She has been taking medication that has proved to help but it is not always enough.
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camelspit · 3 days
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