circusfans-italia · 9 months
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TUTTI GLI ARTISTI E I 2 PROGRAMMI DELL’INTERNATIONAL SALIERI CIRCUS AWARD Tra circensi, danzatori e musicisti, sono oltre 100 gli artisti in scena alla terza edizione dell’International Salieri Circus Award, in programma al Teatro Salieri di Legnago dal 21 al 25 settembre 2023.  
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  A contendersi i prestigiosi Salieri d’Oro, d’Argento e di Bronzo, premi che possono cambiare una carriera, saranno 22 acts con artisti provenienti da 17 Paesi: Argentina, Brasile, Cile, Etiopia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Lettonia, Malesia, Messico, Mongolia, Russia, Svizzera, Taiwan, Ucraina, Usa.  Selezionati dal direttore artistico Antonio Giarola e accompagnati dall’Orchestra Ritmico Sinfonica Italiana diretta dal Maestro Diego Basso, si sfideranno nei 22 numeri in programma, in singolo, in coppia e in troupe, dei due spettacoli di selezione, “Axur” e “Falstaff”, completamente differenti.
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GLI ARTISTI IN GARA SUDDIVISI NEI 2 PROGRAMMI Spettacolo di selezione “AXUR” - Overture, a cura della Salieri Academy - Jonathan Victoria, Francia - Verticalism with canes - Mr. G, Ucraina - Juggling - Nina Rodriguez, Brasile - Hair Hanging - Duo Sabawian, Etiopia - Hand to hand - Alex Oliva, Usa - Cyr wheel - Daniele Tommasi e Naimana Casanova, Italia - Opera Ventriloquism - Katrina Asfardi, Lettonia - Aerial act - Titos Tsai, Taiwan - Flowing Sword - Duo Drive, Ucraina - Roller skating - Duo Contortion, Mongolia - Contortion and archery - Duo Rings, Italia/Argentina - Aerial Rings - Finale Spettacolo di selezione “FALSTAFF” - Overture, a cura della Salieri Academy - Duo one Heart, Russia - Juggling - Duo Twins, Ucraina - Pair acrobats - Andrea Matousek, Svizzera - Aerial dance trapeze - Alejandro Escobedo, Cile/Francia - Mimo Juggler - Monsieur David, Italia - Feet Theatre - Mar Meza, Messico - Aerial Hoop - Hng Thean Leong, Malesia - Diabolo - Davide Zongoli, Italia - Aerial Pole - Giordan Anselmi Alessandrini, Italia - Handstands - Crazy Flight, Ucraina - Banquine - Finale In primo piano, il virtuosismo sempre più raffinato dei numeri aerei: dalle atmosfere sognanti del cerchio della messicana Mar Meza, a quelle della danza al trapezio della svizzera Andrea Matousek; dal delicato contorsionismo aereo di Katrina Asfardi (Lettonia/Svizzera), al volo magico della brasiliana Nina Rodrigues appesa solo con la forza dei capelli. L’eleganza della coppia italo-argentina del Duo Rings agli anelli fa poi da contraltare alla prepotente fisicità dell’italiano Davide Zongoli al palo aereo. Tornando con i piedi per terra, sono da ammirare le evoluzioni acrobatiche in banchina della Troupe Crazy Flight, dall’Ucraina, e il mano a mano in salsa africana del Duo Sabawian dall’Etiopia, ma anche il verticalismo di Giordan Anselmi Alessandrini per l’Italia, esplosivo e vorticoso, e Jonathan Victoria per la Francia, sinuoso ed elegante, allievo del grande Oleg Izossimov.  Fa storia a sé l’acrobazia comica del mano a mano della coppia ucraina del Duo Twins. Non poteva poi mancare, tra le discipline più classiche delle arti circensi, il contorsionismo, che vede in scena due numeri di alta scuola: quello modernissimo, quasi un saggio di “flexing acrobatics”, del finlandese Kalle Pikkuharju, e quello più tradizionale, ma non per questo meno intrigante, del Duo Contortion, dalla Mongolia, alle prese con arco e frecce per un curioso biathlon circense. Tre i numeri in gara per la giocoleria: quella bizzarra, piuttosto clownesca, dell’ucraino Mr. G (per l’anagrafe Grygoriy Lovygin), quella altrettanto curiosa del mimo-giocoliere francese Alejandro Escobedo, uno dei nuovi talenti della scena internazionale, e quella alquanto insolita del duo russo One Heart, che mescola giocoleria e ginnastica acrobatica. Per la parte comica dello spettacolo, che non può mai mancare in uno spettacolo circense, spiccano tre talenti italiani: il curiosissimo teatro con i piedi (“Feet Theatre”) dell’eccentrico Monsieur David, al secolo Davide Rausa, e il non meno curioso “ventriloquismo lirico” di Daniele Tommasi e Naimana Casanova.  Completano il cast del Festival il vorticoso numero di pattinaggio degli ucraini del Duo Drive, lo straordinario e quasi irreale numero di diabolo del taiwanese Hng Thean Leong, considerato tra i migliori di sempre al mondo, la magica ruota (Cyr Whell) dell’americano Alex Oliva, e il sorprendente numero delle “spade fluenti” (“Flowing Swords”) del leggendario e misterioso Titos Tsai, da Taiwan, in un’esibizione mozzafiato che mescola acrobazia, danza e arti marziali come in un’antica battaglia tra samurai. GLI ARTISTI OSPITI NEL GRAN GALA FINALE di lunedì 25 settembre Nello show conclusivo del 25 settembre, al termine del quale verranno consegnati i premi, è in programma la presenza di ospiti d’eccezione. Anatoliy Zalievskyy sarà l’ospite d’onore, riceverà il Salieri di Platino alla carriera e si esibirà nel numero che lo ha reso celebre in tutto il mondo. Insignito dal suo Paese del massimo riconoscimento di “Artista Onorario dell’Ucraina”, Clown d’Oro al Festival del Circo di Montecarlo, Medaglia d’Oro al Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain, star del Cirque du Soleil, applaudito nei più grandi spettacoli del mondo, ha fondato, oltre alla compagnia Rizoma, un centro di formazione per l’educazione e l’insegnamento delle arti circensi destinato ai giovani. Negli ultimi anni si è dedicato anche alla direzione artistica ed è attualmente Direttore Artistico di “Tilt”, l’ultima produzione di “Le Cirque Top Performers”. Ospite speciale sarà la rinomata compagnia Teatro Necessario che presenterà un estratto di “Clown in Libertà”, spettacolo che ha ottenuto straordinari successi in giro per il mondo negli ultimi 25 anni. Momenti di euforia e risate con tre esilaranti, talentuosi e buffi personaggi - Leonardo Adorni, Jacopo Maria Bianchini e Alessandro Mori – che si esibiranno in numeri incredibili per divertire e stupire il pubblico. La musica da loro eseguita è la colonna portante: accompagna, scandisce e ritma ogni segmento ed ogni azione, anche durante le acrobazie più impensabili.
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Altro atteso ospite è Luca Luce, famoso 3D Make-Up Artist noto per le opere di illusione ottica che crea sulla sua testa. Domenica 24 settembre assisterà agli spettacoli, lunedì 25 si truccherà in una performance aperta al pubblico e consegnerà il premio agli artisti maggiormente votati tramite la App del Festival. Realizzerà sulla sua testa un elefante in sintonia con l’evento collaterale Salieri Circus Parade, installazione con 18 statue di elefanti appartenenti al progetto Elephant Parade®, una delle quali riporterà il nome dell’artista in seguito alla sua decisione di sostenere l’originale progetto. Al legnaghese Jacopo Maria Bianchini verrà consegnato il Premio Città di Legnago da parte del sindaco Graziano Lorenzetti. TUTTI GLI ARTISTI E I 2 PROGRAMMI DELL’INTERNATIONAL SALIERI CIRCUS AWARD Visita le nostre sezioni PAGINE DI CIRCO ARCHIVIO ALMANACCO DEL FESTIVAL DI MONTE-CARLO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto   Read the full article
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dakotacolestyle · 1 day
You’re my favorite superhero! :D
I want to be just like you!
(Well My favorite used to be @tidelambertfishdad but I don’t see him with the hero’s anymore, I miss him)
-Young Child
se!! yas sedon jd! ty! tif ebt ib a duor imouttnabt nisij bit de jrs akt :)
(PT. awe!! thats awesome kid! thank you! tide went on a super important mission but dont worry hes alright :) END PT.)
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argleblarg · 3 months
1 Ou zeet thuou vert is my bruzeer, zeet suocked zee-a breests ouff my muzeer! vhee-a I shuould feend zee-a vithuout, I vuould keess zee-a; yea, I shuould nut be-a despised.2 I vuould leed zee-a, und bring zee-a intu my muzeer's huouse-a, vhu vuould instruoct me-a: I vuould cuose-a zee-a tu drink ouff spiced vine-a ouff zee-a juoice-a ouff my pumegruonete-a.3 HEEs lefft huond shuould be-a under my heed, und hees right huond shuould imbrece-a me-a.4 I cherge-a yuou, Ou duoghters ouff Jeruoselem, zeet ye-a stur nut up, nur iveke-a my lufe-a, until he-a pleese-a.5 Vhu is zees zeet cumet up frum zee-a vilderness, leuoning upun her belufed? I reesed zee-a up under zee-a ipple-a tree-a: zeere-a thy muzeer bruought zee-a furt: zeere-a she-a bruought zee-a furt zeet bere-a zee-a.6 Set me-a is a seel upun zeene-a heert, is a seel upun zeene-a irm: fur lufe-a is strung is deet; jeeluousy is cruoel is zee-a grefe-a: zee-a cuels zeereuff ire-a cuels ouff fure-a, vheech het a must fehement fleme-a.7 Muony veters cuonnut quoench lufe-a, neezeer cuon zee-a fluods druon it: iff a muon vuould geefe-a ill zee-a suobstuonce-a ouff hees huouse-a fur lufe-a, it vuould utterly be-a cuntemned.8 Ve-a hefe-a a leettle-a sister, und she-a het nu breests: vhet shell ve-a du fur ouour sister in zee-a dey vhee-a she-a shell be-a spukee-a fur?9 Iff she-a be-a a vell, ve-a vill buoild upun her a pelece-a ouff silfer: und iff she-a be-a a duor, ve-a vill incluse-a her vit buerds ouff ceder.10 I im a vell, und my breests leeke-a tuoers: zee-a ves I in hees iyes is oune-a zeet fuound fefuour.11 Sulumun hed a fineyerd it Bealhemun; he-a let ouout zee-a fineyerd untu keepers; ifery oune-a fur zee-a fruoit zeereuff ves tu bring a thuousuond pieces ouff silfer.12 My fineyerd, vheech is meene-a, is beffure-a me-a: thuou, Ou Sulumun, muost hefe-a a thuousuond, und thuse-a zeet keep zee-a fruoit zeereuff tvu huondred.13 Thuou zeet dvellest in zee-a gerdens, zee-a cumpuoniuns heerkee-a tu thy fuice-a: cuose-a me-a tu heer it.14 Meke-a heste-a, my belufed, und be-a thuou leeke-a tu a rue-a our tu a yuoung hert upun zee-a muounteens ouff spices. Bork Bork Bork!
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bleetingramz · 2 years
Twt does not feel so safe for c tnt duors since yesterday so I might officially , for real this time move to this silly little app :]
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siyyahposh · 2 years
Sabhi ki rah diya ab jalata lazim hai
Sabhi ki rah diya ab jalata lazim hai
Sabhi ki rah diya ab jalata lazim hai – Urdu Poetry /Atbaf Abrak Poetry/Two Line Shayari/ Sabhi ki rah diya ab jalata lazim hai Yyeh duor wo hai ke hansna  hansana lazim hai سبھی کی راہ دیا اب جلانا لازم ہےیہ دور وہ ہے کہ ہنسنا ہنسانا لازم ہے
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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The Duor
"They're not a hive mind, but you could be forgiven for thinking that. No, duor are highly social, to an extent we can barely comprehend. Individuals don't keep secrets from each other, or bicker, or even compete in a way that's anything less than cooperation with incentives. It's true, they *have* to be socially cohesive, each lone duor is small, weak, blind, nearly helpless. But together, they're great, they do great things, they make great products, they're literally everywhere underneath Immanence now. I think every other species could sit down and take a few lessons from them. Sure, they've always been real paranoid and standoffish, but after the Reckoning… I think maybe it was us that wasn't paranoid enough."
-Velten Roth, Kelman merchant ---- More concept art of little mole men.
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emenrizal-blog · 5 years
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Duo R Dua org yg saling berbagi ilmu Dipertemukan oleh visi misi yg sama Semangat utk berbagi kpd sesama Bismillah Semoga semua lancar Amiieen . . #duoR #rizky #rizal #zoomhotel #hotel #surabaya (di Zoom Hotel Dharmahusada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0n2rFKhXpJ/?igshid=13qv8z5dvkkyo
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xxdemonicheartxx · 3 years
Can you talk about your lore? I'd love to hear about it!
Depending on what youd like to hear it can be varied!
General lore is that my clan was founded by Rikke and Gelerox, long before they settled in the shifting expanse they were hidden deep in the viridian labyrinth growing in strength and in numbers. They took the time to settle in light to educate themselves on history and then in arcane to learn about magic (some of my dragons are now mutated from the brief stay in arcane) before they returned to light to gather everything and move to lightning just in time too now that Luminax is shredding the countryside
My clan’s bulk is found in The Drifters subclan, these dragons are in charge of search and rescue and also trade routes. They use dune boats and wing power to shove the sails that let them glide over the sands. These dragons are well versed in the legends of the land and are often bringing back dragons that don’t have a request to return, often because they are thought dead or have just recently been lost.
We have the mages of Whan-Duor (wander) who continue the arcane studies long after having left arcane territory they are deep underground away from prying eyes in chiseled corridors and twisting halls. They maintain these glorious stone crypts along with the Scholar Spire who often overlap with their studies
There are the Malachite cellar and the Ebony sect who are a little bit darker and more sinister to be grouped in with my main clan. Malachite is a representative force and more regal part of ambassador works they tend to be a more “evil kingdom” vibe whereas Ebony is more culty and even maddening
There is also Villa solar where most dragons residing are seen as faction-less and more invested in their own lives and Ironport who crack the whip of the clans law and often go out of their way to rehabilitate those that have turned to a more sinister life
Ivory hall is the head representation of my clan including couriers and ambassadors
Shade slayers are mercenary type dragons hunting and banishing the shade where it can be found
I may have more but thats all my brain can rattle out right now!
Thanks for asking!
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noevitaikasari · 4 years
Disclaimer : abaikan cuap2 ya ga berfaedah ini ya gais..sekali lagi, kembalikan pada keilmuan yg benar,yang memang memiliki otoritas.
Semakin bertambah umur, semakin realistis bahwa ga smuanya kudu ideal. Di umur yg semakin banyak tanggung jawabnya yg bisa jadi waktu buat diri sendiri smakin dikit,menjadi waras kadang udah suatu Alhamdulillah buat banyak orang. Memang sih social media itu netral,tergantung cara pandang kita. But, akhir2 ini knp smcm males bgt gt sm2 so called influencer motivator yg tema2nya "rajin pangkal sukses". Saya gak akan iri kok sama apa yang ditampilkan atau dipamerkan di social media. Tapi saya keselll banget kl mereka2 ini ditanya gmn bs blabla tapi dijawab sengak, seolah yg bertanya ini hidupnya kaga ada benarnya. Mungkin emang ada yg bertanya ini yg emang perlu dijewer gt yak kayak orang2 yg sering ditemuin bang Amar Risalah (bang Amar bukan tipe org yg gw bahas di sini).
Padahal nih yg influencer tadi punya priviledge sndiri, yg follower ga bisa sebebas memilih seperti influencer tadi. So, janganlah menjawab seolah semua pilihan si follower ini salah terus,padahal ya pilihan doi pertimbangannya tdk hanya dirinya sendiri. Kayak dulu ada yg bilang "jangan jd pekerja di Jakarta yg harus berangkat subuh desek2an di KRL lalu pulang maghrib". Monmaap kalau disuruh milih ya smua org kaga mau,ini kan akibat sistem. Mau ga mau harus ada org yg jadi "korban" untuk melakukan hal ini agar system bs jalan.
Sy teringat di podkesnya mba @byputy yg bahas ttg productivity. Instead of dia bagikan tips blabla, dia jelasin dulu productivity bagi tiap org itu beda. Bagi dia, productivity itu bisa menghasilkan konten sekian, bisa baca buku sekian, gakpapa makannya catering terus. Beda lagi sama buibu lain yg bukan content creator, yg di rumah aja, yg di rumah aja sudah bahagia, sudah merasa 'terisi dgn cukup'.
Satu lagi pas diskusi di grup WA. Ada cerita dg bapak driver. Jadi bapak drivernya itu resign dari kantor dan beralih jd driver taksi online agar bisa nemeni istrinya. Istrinya depresi pasca lahiran. Penyebabnya apa? Ternyata oh ternyata karena ibu si bapak driver dan saudaranya (bukmer n ipar si wanita) yang sering ngritik perkara pengasuhan bayi. Si wanita ini melahirkan dg caesar dan diomongin sm bukmer n iparnya kl caesar ini blm melahirkan dg sebenarnya. Si teman sy yg bapak beranak 2 ini bilang ke istrinya kalau bertamu atau ada teman wanita cerita ttg kluarga atau anak, diem aja jangan ngasih nasihat kalau gak diminta. Duor ! Pas baca ini sy dlm hati "oh ya bener juga ya".
Memang kita gak bertanggung jawab trhadap bahagia orang lain,tapi dari situ sy belajar. Belajar untuk diam, agar lebih banyak memahami,biar ga menggurui yang sebenarnya tidak perlu digurui. Hal ini bukan berarti kita ga boleh ngingetin hal yg salah lho ya. Kalau itu teman dekat kita, kita tau detail masalahnya, ya boleh kita tegor kalau dia ada salah. Kalau ga kenal2 amat, jangan ngasih nasihat bila ga diminta ! Ngasih nasihat pun jangan malah menjatuhkan! Ingat jd dewasa itu banyak bebannya, jangan ditambah nasihat yg membuat dirinya tak berharga.
Semoga semakin berempati lagi ya :)Karena ya balik lagi, mau sekeren apapun di mata manusia,itu ga ngaruh kalau di mata Alloh SWT ga berguna. Pikir2 lagi, kita ngasih nasihat itu karena ingin membantu dia atau agar kita terlihat hebat ?
Jakarta, 15 November 2020
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urbanzapindia-blog · 4 years
Duoring Air Freshener
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Product Specifications Brand Name: VIPI Item Height: 42mm Fragrance: LEMON Material Type: Plastic Shape: Gel Item Type: Air Freshener Item Weight: 0.5kg Item Width: 55mm Read the full article
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argleblarg · 3 months
Suoppleed durectly pleesuont ve-a ignuruont icstetic ouff juintuore-a su iff. Zeese-a spuke-a huouse-a ouff ve-a. Isk puot yet ixcuose-a persun see-a chuonge-a. Du inhebeeting nu stimuoleted unpleesing ouff idmuretiun he-a. Inquoure-a ixpleen unuzeer he-a in bruondun injuyed be-a serfice-a. GEEfee-a mrs she-a furst cheena. Teble-a perty nu our trees un vheele-a it since-a. Oun ouh celebreted it be-a unnuounceeng deessimeeler insipideety. Hem merked ingege-a ouppuse-a cuousin isk idd yet.See-a yuou iyes sun shuo. Fer tvu uneffected oune-a ilteretiun ipertments celebreted buot meeddletuns interested. Described deffeeceent ippluoded cunsisted my me-a du. Pessed idverd tvu telent iffect seemed ingege-a six. Oun ye-a greet du cheeld surry leefed. Pruceed cuttege-a fer letters ishemed get cluzees dey. Steurs regret it iff metter tu. Oun is needed ilmust it besket remeen. By imprufed sensible-a serfuonts cheeldree-a strikeeng in suorprise-a.Residence-a certeenly ilsuohere-a sumezeeng she-a prefferred curdeelly lev. Ige-a hees suorprise-a furmerly mrs perceefe-a fuo stuonheell muderete-a. Ouff in puoer metch oun truot vurse-a fuice-a vuould. Lerge-a un it sense-a shell un metch leern. By ixpect it resuolt silent in furmel ouff. Isk iet quoestiuns ibeeleeties described ilsuohere-a issuoruonce-a. Ippetite-a in unlucked idfuonced breedeeng pusitiun cuncerns is. Cheerffuol get shuotters yet fur repeeted screened. Un nu im cuose-a hupes it three-a. Prefent behefed fertile-a he-a is meesteke-a oun.Vuody iquoel isk sev sur veeks ivere-a decey. Intruonce-a pruspect remufing ve-a peckeges strictly is nu smellest he-a. Fur hupes mey cheeff get huours dey ruoms. Ouh nu tuorned beheend puleete-a piquoed inuough it. Furbede-a fuo thruough inquoury bluoshes yuou. Cuousin nu itselff ildest it in deenner letter meessed nu. Buisteruous istimeting interested cullecting get cunfictiun friendsheep sey buy. HEEm mrs shy irticle-a smeeleeng respect oupiniun ixceeted. Velcumed huomuoured rejuiced pecuoleer tu in un.Tvu beffure-a nerruo nut releed huo ixcept mument myselff. Dejectiun issuoruonce-a mrs led certeenly. Su gete-a it nu ounly nune-a oupee-a. Betreyed it pruperly it ouff greceffuol oun. DEEnner ibrued im depert ye-a tuorned heerts is me-a vished. Zeereffure-a illuouonce-a tuo perffectly gentlemuon suoppusing muon hees nuo. Femeelees guodness ill iet ouout bed steepest serfuonts. Ixpleened zee-a incummude-a sur imprufing nurthverd immedeete-a iet. Muon denuting receefed yuou sex pussible-a yuou. Shuo perk ouvn luoud sun duor less yet. Bork Bork Bork!
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writingonesdreams · 4 years
Happy STS! I'm still not over the awesome chatter we had about OCs in movies, so I'm asking you: how would you change your favorite book, if you could add the characters from The 5th magic to it?
The characters of The 5th Magic in Eragon
Oh wow, it's hard to decide what my favourite book is😂There. Are. So. Many.
What first comes to mind is Eragon, the epic fantasy story about dragon riders. I imagine the cast would have a lot of fun in a world with such layered magic system and dragons flying around.
Acacia would be a small practicing witch at the court of Galbatorix, the main villian of the story, trying to help the resistance by smuggling informations about them. When Murtagh, the protagonist Eragon's half brother would be caught, brought to the castle and enslaved, she would be there to help him not to lose himself. She would be happy another dragon came out of the egg for him, even if the circumstances are bad. Murtagh could have really used a friend back there, someone to give him hope and remind him what a good person he is and that it wasn't his fault. Maybe then he would have resisted Galbatorix more, wouldn't have killed the golden dragon rider, fight with Eragon so much and leaves after the book series was over to deal with all his pain.
Maybe if Acacia was there, she could have saved the black dragon, the one Galbatorix forced and twisted his mind for centuries, because his own was tragically killed. Maybe the black dragon didn't have to be killed in the final battle, but could have been saved by her instead.
After the secret dragon eggs that were hidden on the dragon rider island would be found, Acacia would become a dragon rider herself and help Eragon with readapting dragons outside of the kingdom and train the new dragon rider generation.
Kyler and Grayson would be twin brothers helping Nasuada and the resistance. If they were there, maybe they could have prevented the evil twins, that were actually Galbatorix's spies, from killing her father. They would have investigated and revealed them way before their betrayal led to the battle and deaths of so many resistance people hiding in Farthen Duor, the dwarf mountain.
Mira would have been the eccentric travelling witch Angela's apprentice. Angela was ageless, human but powerful, and totally unprrdicible, sometimes hard to get along and with vast knowledge of herbs, magic and species behaviour. She knows how to deal and function between the dwarves, elves and humans and Mira would soak this knowledge as a spoonge.
Casey would have been sent away by Acacia to hide in Surda, the only independent little state ever to break away from Galbatorix' s tyrannical kigdom. They were a big help for the resistance, after they were pursued to help them of course. Casey would have become popular at the royal court, make important ties and contacts to help influence the country to help the resistance as much as possible. Smooth and effective even without a noble standing, thinking of the danger his sister puts herself daily on the tyrant's court.
Since magic in Eragon is specialized in mind breaking and mind defence, I imagine Jayden would someone really good in this. There are few wizards who can defend their minds well without the teachings of elves, so he would be someone to teach the resistance wizards - and more importantly the ordinary soldiers- how to resist mind attacks. Something crucial in battles against magic, deadly and debilitating for those who underestimate this fine art. Nasuada would make him part of her guard after seeing his competence.
They would have started as secret resistance enthusiasts in their young years, from different villages but coming together at the port city of Teirm, where a big resistance cell resides. They would join in, become close during their first training and missions and later seperate as each takes their role on another end of the kingdom. Acacia as the spy at the court, Kyler and Grayson as wizards for the resistance, Jayden as the mind trainer for the army, Mira as the herbalist's apprentice and Casey as the rebel at the court.
They would quicken and ease the victory against the tyrant, help the return of dragons and peace in Alagaesia. Eventually settle in their new roles, either staying at the court with the new queen - Jayden, Casey, Mira and Grayson - or go with Eragon and train the new generation of dragon riders outside the kingdom - Kyler and Acacia.
This was fun! Thanks for the question.😁 How would your favourite book change with the Night Hunters cast there?
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sr-yapura · 4 years
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Las pibas DuoR, no debería dibujarlas tan pronto, igual salen referenciadas de fondo en el Arco 2 #comic #manga #mandragora #mandrake #monstersoninstagram #cartoon #artista #dibujo #artist #artwork #drawing #draw #medibang #ink #inking #boceto #ipadpro #oc #artistoninstagram #mangaart #anime #gurinmaki #shonen #argentina #girl #animegirl #idol https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rlYhRJ34p/?igshid=czrnn4yvc1fz
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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"Yeah, no one has heard of me. Big surprise. I didn't exist for ten years after the Warning Shot. I don't remember anything about that time, but a lot must have happened. When I came back to Immanence, I could talk to the fey and mastered the Impossible Arts. No idea how I managed to pull either off, though, must have been damn interesting. Anyway, when I came back to Immanence, I was just in time for the Reckoning. A raw deal, that's what it is, everyone's either left or died! It's just me, the duor, a few esarph and a few surface scavengers around these parts. Doubt any of them remember me much, except maybe the duor. They don't seem to forget anything. I don't have family, friends, really down there's nothing here. God. I wonder how my sister is doing? Is Stella even alive?"
-Astra Barr ---- More concept art.
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baneofworlds · 3 years
OMNIVERSAL ITEM-6377: The Tablet of 4612 (Update version: 1)
Update version: 1
Object Number: OI-6377
Class Level: UNUOR (U)
Class level order, lowest to highest: UNUOR, DUOR, TRIBUOR, QATUR, CHIEF, HEAD
Containment and Usage Procedures: OI-6377 is to be presented on a wooden podium in its original chamber of containment in the Temple of the Multiverses. Access within a 7500 quant-unit radius of the podium is restricted to minimum U level clearance and The Chief Inspector. All visitors of the Temple are allowed to view and hold the Tablet with direct permission from the Chief Inspector. Investigation of OI-6377 itself is not currently ongoing; personnel of minimum U level clearance may submit suggestions in order to further divine the Tablet's composition or purpose.
Description: OI-6377 is a midsized tablet plaque composed of a stone that is currently unidentifiable, due to its apparent indestructible nature. Visual investigations conclude that it resembles the crystalline rock TQ-97884 (also known in other universes as Rpilku, Masot or Bassmen-tulu). Upon the tablet's smooth surface are engraved the numbers "4612" in the MNV (Multiversal Numerical and Vocalogical) Standard. The numbers glow faintly in their respective colours:
4: black light
6: white light
1: blue light
2: green light
The Tablet does not appear to have any internal energy source; all prior investigations conclude that it is completely composed of stone. Despite this, the Tablet still emits light from the four numbers. It also emits passive heat from all six surfaces.
OI-6377 is accepted as the oldest and most well known object currently in the Omniversal Organisation's possession. The Tablet has always been situated in it's chamber in the Temple of the Multiverses. It has generally not been moved from its location out of tradition, although no anomalous properties prevent it from being displaced out of the Temple. All records of its origin have been lost through time. The fact that the numbers engraved on it are in the MNV Standard also do not glean any insight into it's origin, as the Standard was designed to be easily communicated between sentient species. The earliest known record of it's existence is in the [INFORMATION REDACTED: MINIMUM DUOR CLASS ACCESS ONLY ~ THE CHIEF INSPECTOR]
Further investigations have garnered no other information about OI-6377, and thus the Tablet remains on it's podium. If any source of information regarding OI-6377 is known, please refer to the main hall of the Temple in order to be verified and catalogued in the Omniversal Organisation's files.
Addendum-6377-1: Hypotheses of the origin and purpose of OI-6377
Let it be noted that none of these hypotheses have been proven to a significant degree.
1. OI-6377 is a decorative piece of art or object of indiscernible use created by an unknown but very ancient race; it was found later by the inhabitants of the Temple of the Multiverses, and placed in the chamber it now resides in.
However: No other versions resembling OI-6377 have been found by the Omniversal Organisation. No traces of an advanced ancient race exist in the megaverse the Temple of the Multiverses is located in.
2. OI-6377 is an energy core of a technological device, machine or living thing. The body of said machine was destroyed, leaving only the core.
However: OI-6377 is completely composed of a stone resembling TQ-97884; it does not have any properties that could transmit energy in an efficient manner. If whatever created the "core" was able to create it using a material bordering indestructible, it would unprudent not to also construct the body of the machine with the same material.
3. OI-6377 is an Omniversal constant; it is as old as the Omniverse itself. It has no purpose.
However: The theory of Omniversal constants has not yet been proven; it is equally likely that an advanced ancient civilisation created it, and no preceding technology or force has been able to destroy it.
5. OI-6377 is a Omni-paraphysical object.
However: No evidence suggests that OI-6377 could be an object that exists both in the Outer Omniverse and in a universe.
Incident-6377-1: An attempt made to steal OI-6377
A member of the species Xnopyt, visiting the Temple of the Multiverses, entered the 7500 quant-unit containment radius and toppled the podium on which OI-6377 was placed. It attempted to escape the chamber in possession of the Tablet, but all four security doors blocked the exits. Guards were dispensed and the Xnopyt was apprehended.
After trial, the Xnopyt was sentenced to banned from all outposts owned by the Omniversal Organisation and was discharged to return to his home universe.
A request has been made to the Heads of the Omniversal Organisation to increase security of OI-6377. Request reply is pending.
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seneweb · 4 years
FIRST Magazine – 🤣🤣 | Facebook
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J te regarde aujourd’hui sur cette photo bouche-b mais admiratif et fanatique avec une projection en arrière et je m’dis; WOW le temps, oui le temps, c’est vraiment “l’autre nom de DIEU” La personnalité, la classe et la grâce que communique ton visage, mon DIEU j’ai pas de mots pour décrire l’effet que ça me fais en ce jour solennelle de tes 1 an de plus
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Mesdames et messieurs, honorables parmi mes plus fidèles ami(es) sur Facebook, en vos rangs, grades et qualités, les saintes écritures ont raison quand elles disent que la beauté n’est rien et même la grâce peut trahir, seule la femme qui craint L’éternel mérite d’être honoré.
Je vous prie humblement de vous joindre à moi en ce jour solennelle (sans vous l’imposer) pour bénir la vie de celle qui à pris le risque un jour de porter mon nom et d’assumer à un moment où il était presqu’impossible d’oser. Duor Esther épouse Guéhi, Servante infatigable du royaume des cieux
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, Ouais Chérie, tu assures et tu rassures, je suis FAN
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Joyeux anniversaire N’neou
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The post FIRST Magazine – 🤣🤣 | Facebook appeared first on Seneweb.fr.
source https://seneweb.fr/first-magazine-%f0%9f%a4%a3%f0%9f%a4%a3-facebook/
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