#due to the level of connection and acceptance i'd need to have that not turn into another wall in my own home
watchmakermori · 8 months
rereading The Bedlam Stacks: my feelings six years on
until recently, I'd only read The Bedlam Stacks the once - back on release, within the span of a few days. I'd enjoyed it at the time, though not nearly as much as my beloved Watchmaker, so I thought it was time to go back to it and see how my feelings on it have changed.
back in 2017, I recall enjoying the first third of the book a lot, finding the middle section a bit slow, and thinking that the ending was a bit sudden. Having reread it again, my thoughts are similar in some respects - I still think that the pacing is strongest at the beginning, and hits a sluggish section once Merrick gets to Bedlam. My feelings on the ending are complicated, because part of me thinks that it's missing something, but part of me thinks it has the best conclusion of any Pulley book so far.
Bedlam is a difficult book for me to critique. There is so much that I love about it, so many isolated scenes and concepts that stick with me, and the prose is fresher and more beautiful than I remembered. The scene where Raphael turns to stone for 70 years is so beautifully, horrifyingly handled. The markayuq are a haunting, fascinatingly original concept. Merrick and Raphael, while hitting a lot of the classic Pulley duo tropes, stand out in many other ways - the fact that their romance is only implied, and left somewhat ambiguous, is actually a novelty against the context of her other works. They also feel more...mirrored than other Pulley pairings? Most of her romances seem to thrive on difference. Differences in class, in race, in intellectual standing, in physical strength. And obviously Raphael and Merrick have some of that, but they're also markedly similar in a lot of ways. Even though Merrick doesn't have Raphael's strength, he does have the memory of being a much stronger and healthier man. Both characters have a past of physical violence, and they are both shown to be capable of it in the narrative itself, as with when Raphael shoots the passing traveller and Merrick strangles Martel to death.
Their relationship to disability is also similarly mirrored, because both of them are haunted by old versions of themselves. Raphael is watching himself turn into a markayuq, feeling himself lose time and mobility, knowing that his transformation is impending and inevitable. Merrick also knows that he will never again be the man he was before his leg injury; he has to adjust to it, to work around it and accept that it has changed him. The acceptance of inevitability is a really interesting theme in Bedlam, which feeds all the way through Merrick and Raphael's central friendship. They don't really get the best of anything - they meet under bad circumstances, for less than a month, and they will never have enough time together due to Raphael's condition and a thousand other factors. But that doesn't mean that their friendship isn't worth something, that it isn't immensely precious.
So there's a great deal that I love about Bedlam on a thematic level, but I do think that the actual plotting of the book is quite weak overall. There are lots of isolated scenes that I love, but the connecting tissue is somewhat thin. The middle of the book involves a lot of waiting - waiting for the snow to clear, waiting for Clem to return, waiting for Raphael to tell Merrick the truth and take him beyond the salt line. Merrick does not have a great deal of intentional impact on the narrative, so it does often feel like you're sitting around waiting for the plot to come to him.
That's not to say that the plot needed to be bolder or bigger. It didn't need to focus more on the search for quinine. Honestly, I don't think high-stakes drama is one of Pulley's strengths - her forte is small interpersonal conflicts between select units of characters. In Watchmaker, the conflict and stakes don't really come from the lurking bomb threat or the police investigation - it's about Thaniel struggling with his own desires over the impulse to do the 'right' thing. Grace represents a more conventional path for him - a wife, a house, a future with children, and the money to look after his sister and nephews. But Mori is who he actually wants. And those warring desires come into greater and greater conflict as the story moves from beginning to middle to end. Thaniel's goals are not static.
But in Bedlam, there isn't that same sense of escalating tension and raising stakes. Merrick has his reservations about Raphael and whether he is dangerous, but ultimately, those reservations don't really change the decisions he makes. So much of what happens feels like it was always going to happen, which means that a lot of the tension feels somewhat...inorganic. Intangible. There isn't even the threat of discovery for most of the book, because Raphael knows exactly why Merrick is in Bedlam and Merrick makes no attempt to hide the truth. He keeps quiet about the threat of the army, but even if Raphael had discovered it sooner, it doesn't feel like it would've materially impacted how the story played out.
So it's a hard book for me to articulate my feelings on. The themes and concepts and characters and isolated scenes are excellent, but the story feels - just slightly - like it is less than the sum of its parts. At times, it seems more like a series of episodic events than a narrative, even if those episodic events are still deeply enjoyable.
But the ending is immensely powerful. The melancholy and the joy of it. The simple devotion of Merrick being there when Raphael wakes, 20 years later, with a cup of coffee - which was what Merrick had gone to make when Raphael first went into stasis. It is simultaneously an act of mundanity, and also an act of incredible loyalty and dedication - and love often does shine brightest in those small moments of devotion.
A while ago, I was lamenting that Pulley only ever gives us happy, cosy endings rather than something more tragic and bittersweet, but I don't think I was actually accurate on that. The conclusion of Bedlam is desperately sad, for all its loveliness. Because while Raphael and Merrick are reunited, we can't know how long they will have together. The story denies us that knowledge, that closure, by ending just as Raphael laughs.
I'm so glad I reread it. It is a bit of an odd fish next to all of Pulley's other works, and that makes me appreciate it much more with retrospect. This reread also reminded me, on a more general level, of everything I love about Pulley's writing - the sublime weirdness and the quirky characters and the nonchalance with which she handles speculative elements. For all her flaws as a writer, nobody is doing it like her, and I truly cannot wait for The Mars House.
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nazorneku · 11 months
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this is smth i wanted to touch upon, considering i've been asked 'bout this before and just to accentuate his strengths and weaknesses due to his nature
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An oni is a kind of youkai, demon, orc, ogre or troll in Japanese folklore. They are known for their superhuman strength and have been associated with powers like thunder and lightning, along with their evil nature manifesting in their propensity for murder and cannibalism. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with horns growing out of their heads, massive teeth, with red, blue, black or yellow colored skin. Oni are able to change their looks to fool their victims into trusting them. It is believed that oni were originally once human beings, but are born when an evil human dies and is sent to one of the several Buddhist hells where they are transformed into an oni. Oni, written in kanji as 鬼, meaning something invisible, formless or unworldly, in other words, a 'ghost' or the 'soul of the dead'. Particularly powerful oni may be described as kishin or kijin (literally "oni god"; the "ki" is an alternate character reading of "oni"), a term used in Japanese Buddhism to refer to Wrathful Deities. The Japanese oni represents bad luck and violence in Japanese culture. In art and literature, they attract destruction, plagues and disease around them. Paradoxically, the Japanese demon is also a figure of protection and good fortune.
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Even if in possession of physical bodily form, an oni in its core nature is a spirit, thus the damage done by primitive weapons such as knives would eventually be mended; despite breaking the integrity of the skin and drawing blood. Such injuries would not last, nor they would cause great impact upon his over whole constitution. Momentarily disturbance and unpleasant sensation, but nothing critical. In addition to own demonic physique, that grants him strength which exceeds of a regular human (example to compare from modern world, above the level of professional bodybuilder or weightlifting athletes), as let's not forget how Ais broke ribs of a roughneck without turning body into a poppy mess; there's also a matter of borrowed powers from Ocudeus, that undoubtedly have healing and shielding properties. Hence to influence such creature you would need to implement powers of corresponding nature - magic. That also would include wards, runes, incantations, potions, bombs with specific herbs or ingredients that hold sway over demons, and obviously enchanted or magical weapons would deal great damage to both body and spirit. Worth to mention that due to demonic nature he does not easily become inebriated with human made beverages. He drinks and smokes for its taste mostly. As well him accepting Leander's shots serves as a welcoming challenge to actually experience being intoxicated, made body languid or his mind being affected in a way. After all, Leander applies magic to his concoctions. Specifically in my portrayal, Ais draws powers from the depths of the Seaspring, from its pool, from the blood. Now I'd avoid writing a detailed description of how his powers manifest, as I actually intend to write this specific moment in one of my responses. I also want to reference Blood Pond Hell in the hot spring town of Beppu. Its connection to healing and improvement in health, its symbolism as it's notoriously mentioned for its striking appearance, which according to Buddhist belief, resembles the entry to hell. And I also want to point one of my previous posts, as the torii gate, that stands in the middle of the spring, could be an actual gateway, a demonic door to the domain of Ocudeus'.
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Hi, can I get a twisted wonderland matchup? Students only if possible. Also not rook (sorry rook). For some basic info about myself I am an ENTP, 5w4. I have ADHD. I am a short king (5'1), chubby, have long auburn hair, and I normally dress very casually.
For how I would describe myself well uhh Idk so I asked my friends and they said I'm "smart, nerd(positive), and passionate." I also am known to be a bit bossy and stubborn I Kno. Not Riddle levels but yeah. I am really into reading, hisotry, and video games. Those are my main hobbies I partake in. I also love romance books and stuff. I normally love the theory side and analysis side of fandoms, and I will finish a series just to dive deep into the analysis. I also in general love to learn and educate. I am known for making PowerPoints and the like of random stuff I'm into and presenting it to my friends or I will just go on long rambles about random things I'm into. I will need a partner who would put up with that. My most recent one was an hour long PowerPoint on the world of dragon age. Okay it was a half an hour but turned into an hour due to participation from my friends. These things are long 🙏. I am quite bubbly and I've been told I'm charismatic around my friends, but I'm also a bit of a loner. I would say I am like a cat in a way. I am cuddly and loving at times, but I also need my alone time. I would like a partner who would accept that I will be clingy one second and then completely gone doing my own thing the next. I am more of a loner around strangers and more bubbly and talkative around my friends, but I still will just randomly go and do my own thing for a while.
For my type I'd say I like powerful men. I like loyal men. And I don't like himbos. I'm sorry but I value at least average intelligence in men, and I don't want my partner to get tricked or something u kno? I also like men that have some layers to them cuz I find that more fun. Uhhhh yeah I'm hoping I put enough
Thank you bestie have a good day or night or whenever u look at this <3
Again I apologize for this taking so long, it’s been like what, 4 months? Anyways I match you up with…
Azul Ashengrotto!
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When you first started to describe yourself Azul was the first guy that came to mind, why might you ask? You’re bubbly but yet have lots of interests that would match up with his quite well. And honestly I see Azul after watching a show, movie or even a book getting into the analysis about it. He’s knees deep in the fandom theories lol
So I feel like once you mention analysis of books or a show he’d start consume that content as well just to get into it and understand the theories and your analysis of them. He wouldn’t be afraid though to voice his own theories and point out where there are plot holes in your own
Also those presentations you hold? He will sit through them and as well ask and add onto your presentations (only if you allow him that is) he’ll find it interesting just to listen to your rambles about different topics.
Now, powerful men you say? He might not be powerful like Malleus in the sense of whole world power but your little octopus has some tricks up his sleeves. As you see in Book 3 he’s quite stacked when it came to contracts. Even though he might have gotten banned from taking contracts and basically running his whole shady shabang he still has his own connections we don’t know much about people in Octivinelle but he’s got to be doing something right if he’s the housewarden as a second year. Not to mention as well he’s still got a smooth rizz charisma way of talking to way. He’s powerful but in his own way.
Also since your cuddle at first he’ll be quite awkward especially because of his childhood and he isn’t used to so much affection. He’ll try his best though to make sure that you know he appreciates you even if he might not express it in cuddles and what not. He’d do anything to make you happy. Also he doesn’t mind that you switch your mood(?) towards being cuddly and such. He’s known Floyd for much longer and has much worse mood changes so he doesn’t mind that you’re off doing your own thing he does have people to scam deal with.
So all in all Azul is a very compassionate partner for you. He’ll to you, be there for you and a plus he’s intelligent and is the one scamming others rather than being scammed
Jamil Viper
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dominaxnoctis · 10 months
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who would you say is lydia’s favorite of the vampire princes? / @mariiposas unprompted question status: always accepting !
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I got way too excited to answer this because it's a really good question. Some of this is me adding some info and going off on mild tangent from excitement I'm so sorry LMAO.
It's a whole thing with Lydia that at times she doesn't get along with the Vampire Princes. Which (slight tangent) fun fact that some who haven't read the book don't know they're not actual royalty. They can be chosen. I am saying passed this point there are spoilers in case anyone wants to read them, but this book series is almost as old as me. It's been 23 years since the release of book one so I'm gonna just go into it.
Darren himself becomes a prince for a while. Arguably, with how much Lydia cared about Darren and Crepsley, I'd say Darren was her favorite while he was still around. But if we go with post story timeline and the other one she got along with somewhat more, it would be Vancha March. All of them are much older than Lydia is which makes it hard for her to see eye-to-eye with some of them at times, but he's one that she has been able to level with more than the others. She was very bias when it came to Paris before his death (still is) because the relationship she had with him can be seen as 'fatherly'. She admired him and respected him greatly. He was one of the reasons that Lydia came to the realization that revenge wasn't something she should allow to consume her existence and her anger was only making her harm those around her that cared for her.
Darren on the other hand was much easier to get a long with because Lydia could relate to Darren. Not only was she turned close to the age he was turned and due to circumstances that she couldn't really help as well, but she saw him as a little brother (yes even after he "purged" becoming a full vampire and looked older than her he was still lovingly 'an annoying little brat').
There is a verse that diverges from canon and make the princes more merciless than they tend to be to accommodate plot for fun (verse with ghostofaformerself Rayne), but in reality Lydia does get along with them to varying degrees and canonically in the book they're all fairly kind. She is a general. She is meant to be one of their soldiers so she does always show a level of respect as well. Also probably keeps them on their toes it's fine.
Why I'm saying most of this is because there are reasons why it's kinda hard to say who is her favorite. She doesn't get along with Mika because of his hatred for spiders (she'd probably die for Madam Octa lbr) already and she sees him as really moody and 'no fun, truthfully'. But she still respects him. Arrow she is indifferent towards, but shares a lot of sympathy to his past having also lost her loved ones to a vampaneze(who killed her family and started the fire in the first place to add insult to injury because of their connection to her mentor Rosaline which is a whole other box to unpack as to why her family was connected to vampires in the first place- and later that same vampaneze killed Rosaline too during the war of scars).
The only one alive that Lydia has a good standing and relationship with and could call her favorite is Vancha March especially seeing as she is often at his beck and call without question when needed, but I'd say that changes depending on where on the timeline in the books is that we're talking about.
Fun fact though: there was a point Lydia was asked to be a prince, but declined because she felt it was too much responsibility to bear and was content with her position as a general as she still is in the more recent parts of her timeline.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Thank you for your informative posts. You both always do so well. I'd love to hear your thoughts about BTS carsharing. I don't personally agree, but some fans think of it as "absolute proof" that their ship is real or much more closer compared to others.
Admin 1: I’ll go first since, once again, I have less to say about this topic. I’ve been ARMY for years and up until perhaps halfway through 2020 when I noticed shippers using the “driving together” argument as irrefutable proof and holding onto it like their lives depend on it, I never paid any attention at all to which member shared a car with whom. Yes, I do know about that time vmin arrived at the airport together with Yeontan and that was super adorable, but did I think that was proof of vmin being real? No. That thought didn’t even cross my mind. And it still doesn’t.
Those cars are their company cars, meaning the ones they take during work. Those are not their private cars which they take during their private time. If they were, then I’d be inclined to discuss if two members always sharing a car might mean something (though even then not necessarily romance wise), but as long as they are company cars with a company driver and at least one manager present inside taking them from schedule to schedule, often times who goes with who being decided by their security team based on surely a plethora of factors we know nothing about, I couldn’t care less who drives with who because, in my opinion, it doesn’t mean anything in connection to ships, true relationships and how close any of the members are with each other, or (even less about possible) romances within the group.
And yes, I would say the same thing if vmin would always drive together. Or if namjin would.
My counter question, actually, would be if the same people who argue that “this proves my ship is real because they always drive together” would think the same thing if instead vmin always drove together? Or do these rules, as always, only apply to their ship exclusively? It wouldn’t be the first time their hypocrisy and double standards would be glaringly obvious within such arguments, which is why I find them rather pointless.
Admin 2: I’ll admit that I look around different sns since I like knowing things, not only about BTS but in general, even politics. I’ll also admit that I sometimes do what a true fan shouldn’t do and watch things from sources (never, ever sasa/engs) we shouldn’t pay attention to on YT (even though Admin 1 tells me I shouldn’t do it). Based on that I’ve noticed how oftentimes the maknaes will leave a building or place and be directed by their security team where they should go, instead of them deciding that they will share cars because of their own ideas or friendships. It seems like it oftentimes simply isn’t their choice to make, but their managers and security team. 
In previous years when we usually only saw them arrive at airports and award shows, the constellations of who drove with who were much different than they are now that BTS are “stuck” in Korea due to the pandemic. Often JK arrived at the airport with Hobi (or any of the other hyungs), while Jimin and Tae came together. Not always, since Jimin sometimes arrived with Namjoon, but often enough, and they’d sometimes even arrive late.
My opinion is that JK and Jimin nowadays drive together simply on the sole basis that they work closely together, they are the lead and main vocals after all and share dance parts with each other as well, and if people want to describe it as “them being closest together” then yes, I agree, but only when it comes to their work. Which is also why they drive a car together from schedule to schedule.
Let’s remember their pas de deux for Black Swan at MMA (which was magnificent). It’s the best kind of example for why they share a car since they simply have similar schedules. Just learning that pas de deux to be able to dance it so gracefully and beautifully on water no less, takes an enormous amount of time and practice.
Even from a more safety angle, it’s safer for those two to be in one car. Compared to the hyung line, the maknaes are far more “under threat” due to the sheer obsession some people have when it comes to these three and when obsession is involved, people can be unpredictable. By putting at least two out of three maknaes into the same car, their security team has it easier to keep a close eye on them and keep them safe.
Also seeing as Tae has been working on his mixtape for the better part of 2020, it makes complete sense that his schedule would be a little different than the others and by taking a car on his own, it gave him the flexibility of going to the BH building whenever he wanted to between other schedules and get in time for working on music without dragging along another member who’d want to do something else in that time, or have other obligations to attend to.
Often we see Jin and Yoongi in a car, or Yoongi and Hobi, and Namjoon being on his own or with Hobi, and none of that seems to be influenced by their personal bonds and relationships either, but rather their work related obligations and schedules.
We should keep in mind that BH isn’t a romance agency, but a company for idols, music and business, so BH doesn’t in that moment care about their personal feelings for each other, but simply goes by more business and schedule related reasonings. The only time in which I could believe that BH also follows some kind of agenda (and this is only my opinion, not fact) is when the members appear at some kind of event or place where they know people will see them exit their cars.
We don’t know anything about how any of the car sharing looks like on a daily basis, what their schedules are like, or even if the company cars pick them up at home or if the members meet up at the BH building and go from there. We simply don’t know. The only thing that is certain is that if they arrive at an award show already dressed accordingly, it’s only reasonable that they went from and will return to the agency to change back into their own clothes before going home.
JK likes driving his car, we know as much, so who’s to say that he doesn’t arrive at BH building in the morning leaving his car parked in the underground car park. Or if Yoongi or Jin or Hobi do the same thing. We also know that sometimes Namjoon used to take his bicycle to the BH building, or a time when Seokjin said he did the same and halfway there passed someone who greeted him though in the moment he had no idea who it was and later it turned out it was Yoongi on his bicycle returning from the BH building. As vminnies we should remember what Jimin said, that due to their differences in schedules Jimin and Tae weren’t even able to record any of Friends together, which is why they left those messages in the blank moment of the song behind for each other. Remember that vlive that Jimin and JK did making gimbap? On a weekend? Tae said he was at the BH building since the morning working on his music, which again shows how different their schedules on a day to day basis are.
When it comes to the “popular” opinion that’s being spread across all sns about “two members driving together must mean they are super close/are a couple”, I disagree with that. Sometimes when I look at those comments and the things they are implying, I actually kind of feel a little sorry for JK. It seems like those who push their agendas involving him don’t “allow” him any private life with his own thoughts and wants, but merely see him as this pawn that’s supposed to act just the way they want him to and as attachment for one or the other ship. They don’t “allow” him any time for himself, any time to recover and relax after a day of hard work, but just see him as part of their ship that always has to be together, that’s basically fused together at the hip and sees no other reason for anything they do other than being together (some even claiming that they do naughty things in the company cars on top of everything else). It’s almost like some don’t see him as his own person, which just is plain wrong.
Why doesn’t the same also apply to Jin and Yoongi, who oftentimes also share a car? Why do people accept and see it as obvious that Yoongi also needs some time on his own or to spend it with different members doing different things, or just being in his studio doing something for hours without anyone around? Why do people respect that and not immediately conclude that he’s “moved away” emotionally from the group like they so often imply with a certain maknae?
One observation I’d like to share, which shows that sharing a car doesn’t have to mean anything at all, would be the time after Bang Bang Con. The members left the building one after the other, and sure, JK and Jimin went together, after JK was directed toward the car Jimin was in by their security staff, but the interesting part is this: Jimin was the only member that left the building without a bag or purse or anything. Meanwhile Tae left with two, one of them looking like his own and the other like a bag that clearly belonged to Jimin. Both bags left with him. Or the time when they had their KBS interview where they arrived in one constellation yet left in a different one where Tae, Jimin, JK and Hobi shared a van even though they hadn’t done so upon arrival.
Both these instances, and many others, show us that their car sharing arrangements simply don’t mean a thing, in my opinion. 
If you’ve ever worked in a team or been part of a sport team or even a dance team, you know that you develop an entirely different level of closeness, especially as dancers where physical closeness is oftentimes key to certain choreographies and poses. But this closeness in conjunction to work is something entirely different from the type of closeness a couple has and can’t even be compared to it. Just look at figure skating pairs where the guys lift the girls into crazy poses while holding them by their butts or thighs and they have no issue with such closeness, which you might assume could mean they are also actual couples, but the thing is that most pair skaters are not. Most of them have other partners or marriages because that closeness to a romantic partner is entirely different from your skating partner, even if they are your closest friend.
Vmin don’t share cars, and yet at the end of the day Tae still texts Jimin that he’s too lazy to move and that instead Jimin should come sleep next to him.
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awintersrose · 6 years
if you have the time and want to, I'd love to hear your thoughts and headcanons on Dan Kato and his relationships, especially with people other than Tsunade (though hc with her are also very welcome!)
Apologies for the delay! This ended up being very long, and to preface the following, my headcanons are those assumed in my Clandestine Joys series, and most of them were developed as my dear friend Kri-Kee and I decided Dan needed more of a personality to truly justify how devoted Tsunade was to his memory. As a Hokage hopeful, he would have had to be near a similar level of talent as the Sannin and Sakumo Hatake, which means he could not simply be the boring “nice guy” he appears to be in canon. 
Most of these ideas were created for a fic in which Dan is not killed, so please bear that in mind.
For all that he is generally affable, easygoing and unassuming while interacting with his peers, he is calculating and ruthless on the battlefield, displaying keen perception and deadly efficiency.
Duality is a common theme to his personality, as he embodies qualities that are often the polar opposites of one another. He is generally good-natured, and radiates a consistently stable sense of calm, but on the rare occasions when he is provoked, he has a temper that flares even hotter than Tsunade’s.
He is two years older than the Sannin and attended the same Chuunin Exams, where he avoided the use of his clan abilities to prevent killing his targets. He managed to advance through the use of strategy and other chakra based skills.
In peacetime, he was a Jounin sensei as well as a history and folklore enthusiast. Dan has been guilty of using reika no jutsu to abandon his body and explore ruins and other historical sites for fun as a youngster.
Due to his soul travelling ability he is known as Konoha’s Ghost, and the appellation follows him throughout his career.
Reika no jutsu is a Kato clan ability, and all of its users have white hair, which is in line with clan legends. Dan’s chakra itself has a calming effect and naturally syncs with others, the literal balm to soothe the troubled soul, a clan trait that makes it easier for him to possess a given target.
He has a summoning contract that he obtained in part due to Sannin peer pressure and a friendship with a retired courier nin: songbirds of all kinds. It did not sound useful until the day he called up a murmuration of starlings under his command, as well as magpies, and sparrows. The birds were given the appellation Songbirds of Death, due to the symbolism of the magpies and sparrows. Songbirds of Death meant Konoha’s Ghost could be anywhere on a battlefield.
The Kato were a small nomadic clan whose legends affirm that their soul-traveling ability was gifted to them by a deity who was believed by some to be a goddess, and others a demoness. They originally hailed from the coast of the Land of Lightning during the Warring Clans era, in a small settlement where the mountains met the sea. They were forced to flee as their ability made them a target to be hunted, especially so close to Kiri. Like with the Shimenawa (Orochimaru’s clan in the SC verse), they were invited to join with Konoha at its founding, but did not accept the offer until their numbers dwindled, and it was necessary to join with the village for their clan’s survival.
Shizune is the daughter of Dan’s older sister and an unnamed Uchiha who was killed during the second war.Her father’s family never found out about her, though her genes rang true in both appearance and ability. She has possibly awakened the Sharingan in secret and keeps it concealed as a personal choice, as she lived with the stigma of her possible heritage and wanted nothing to do with it. Dan’s intent was always to adopt Shizune once military matters stabilized, but during wartime, he could not do so.
Dan is pansexual and panromantic, as his clan beliefs saw the body as secondary to the soul, affirming that connections between souls exist regardless of gender.
He a true switch in terms of power dynamics, swinging deeply from one extreme to another in terms of dominance and submission. Submission finds him deeply respectful and worshipful towards his partner(s), but when dominant, he is a strict disciplinarian, often harsh, but loving.
Sannin OT4 pairings to be explored in an upcoming work called Like Sunshine After Rain:
Unexpectedly, Dan complements Orochimaru right down to a chakric level. Dan’s naturally calming chakra negates Orochimaru’s naturally sharp, abrasive chakra, and to some degree disarms his tendency to guard himself with it. The easy chemistry between them allows Orochimaru to open up to Dan a lot more easily than he anticipated. Dan in turn gives him something he find little of elsewhere - true acceptance of his differences, and a genuine sense of respect for his culture that he has never found in Konoha with anyone else.
(Their clans had history with one another and shared values, as at some point while the Kato were still nomadic in generations past, the Shimenawa aided them during their trek through Rice Paddy country. Both clans held family and children as sacred, part of the reason both groups were hesitant to join with Konoha and the Senju/Uchiha history of child soldiers. The Shimenawa saw the Kato as especially blessed due to their coloring; white snakes with blue eyes were long upheld as a symbol of good fortune. Orochimaru sees Dan as twice-blessed in this respect.)
This is a pairing that most closely resembles slowly burning embers eventually flaring bright with the addition of steady dry kindling. Dan and Jiraiya share common interests and are able to bond over the passions Jiraiya rarely lets on as being his own apart from matters of the erotic - literature, history, mythology and sealing. Both have a bit of a goofy sense of humor, with a love of puns and wordplay. Their relationship begins as an attempt at hopeful friendship that very gradually becomes a deep, abiding love over time.
She is quite literally the realization of Dan’s dreams, his first love, and first lover. They did indeed meet during a jounin assembly in support of a proposal to add medics to every shinobi team, and he did walk her home, but in the end she was the one to ask him out. She insisted on picking him up and not the other way around, and he knew he would be helpless to resist her.
Dan gives her the comfort she needs after Nawaki’s death and in the wake of the complications with her teammates after their ill fated tryst in Ame. The beginnings of their life together serve as one of the most peaceful times in either of their lives up until this point, and their bond slowly becomes unbreakable. He is her rock, her safe place when nothing else makes sense, and she loves him desperately.
Sorry this was so long, but hopefully it was enjoyable! Thanks so much for the ask
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