toff1373 · 1 year
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#paramoteur #vol #liberté #decouverte #free #flight #plage #ocean #copain #onestquedepassage #dudeck #tropdelaballe #enjoy #enjoylife (à Assinie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYXWU5oRiZm0FlD4sPG3usZafMcnyZ8ewsoRM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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askforabird · 2 months
a red-winged blackbird, please?
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
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© Blair Dudeck
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squawkoverflow · 1 year
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A new variant has been added!
Mountain Trogon (Trogon mexicanus) © Blair Dudeck
It hatches from big, black, bold, brown, coarse, coppery, elegant, female, large, male, much, shy, similar, striking, top, upper, and white eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     ��� connect
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alonglistofbirds · 4 months
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[2484/11080] Citreoline trogon - Trogon citreolus
Order: Trogoniformes (trogons and quetzals) Family: Trogonidae
Photo credit: Blair Dudeck via Macaulay Library
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
American Avocet
With its long, curved beak it’s no wonder that the American Avocet’s diet consists of crustaceans and insects. I’m winter they feed almost exclusively on brine shrimp. They are currently of least concern, although in the past they were hunted readily, and even made extinct on the east shores of America! . Learn More!
Passenger Pigeon
Although the passenger pigeon is extinct, they still hold a tender place in everyone’s hearts. Hunted to extinction, the Passenger Pigeon used to come in huge flocks of billions. They used to be the most abundant bird in North America. This is part of the reason they went extinct, as efforts to breed them in captivity failed since they needed large flocks to meet their breeding criteria. Learn More!
(American Avocet photo by Blair Dudeck)
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope)
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(Photo by Blair Dudeck)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- United States; Canada
Size (Weight/Length)- 7.6 cm
Diet- Nectar; Insects
Cool Facts- Being the second smallest bird in the world, the calliope hummingbird makes up for it with their personality. Being almost completely migratory outside of the breeding season, calliope hummingbirds follow the flower blooms from the southern United States to northern Canada and back again. During the mating season, male calliope hummingbirds fiercely defend their stretch of flowers. Their needle sharp beak easily chases away other hummingbirds almost twice their size. To entice a female, the male extends its vibrant pink throat feathers to resemble a flower followed by 20 meter dives towards the ground to show off his flying capabilities.
Rating- 13/10 (Their humming noise comes from their wings, not their beak.)
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proton-wobbler · 6 months
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Black-cheeked Warbler (Blair Dudeck)
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andersonave · 7 months
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Still trying to replicate Dudeck's and ending up at the corner "adopt-a-tree" stand.
(Quinn was spared after coming under the weather.)
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infinitemonkeytheory · 8 months
Kathryn Dudeck, the wildlife director at Georgia's Chattahoochee Nature Center, told Snopes via phone that fake spider webbing, normally made out of a synthetic, fiber-like polyester, is similar to tightly woven fiberglass.
"The webbing actually adheres to the skin of a toad," she said. "For raptors and songbirds, it sticks to their feathers and then settles in between them, almost like velcro."
Dudeck said that animals most at risk with fake cobwebs are small birds, including hummingbirds and small owls, bats and reptiles, like toads.
"In low light, owls have trouble seeing the webbing," she said.
Rodents like squirrels and chipmunks can use their teeth to free themselves from netting, Dudeck added, but they're at risk with another common danger at Halloween: bleach-soaked pumpkins.
"There are people who soak their pumpkins in bleach to make them last longer and deter pests," she said. "Use vinegar instead ... has the same effects but isn't harmful."
The danger of fake webs doesn’t immediately go away after Halloween, either. A 2019 article from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation explains that if not properly disposed of, birds might use the material to build their nests. In a worst-case scenario, the webbing could catch and trap any chicks in the nest. The solution to all of this is fairly easy: stop using fake webs outside.
Instead, consider moving the webbing indoors, perhaps behind a window so it’s still visible. If you are set on creating a web outdoors, Dudeck recommended making one out of rope and ensuring you've left ample space between strands to mitigate the risk to wildlife.
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
the secret of Small Changes and its Results.
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  Here are the stories of four remarkable Walmart and Sam's Club associates — Pele Mase, Bryon Patterson, Bill LeTexier and Amber M. — who were all diagnosed with diabetes, which affects more than 37 million people in the U.S. alone. It fills me with optimism to see what is possible in their stories. With Microsteps like drinking water instead of soda (Pele), grilling instead of frying (Bryon), using smaller plates (Bill) and walking during Zoom meetings (Amber), they were able to optimize the management of their disease or even reverse it. As Bill, who lost 100 pounds, says, “I’m heading toward remission, and my doctor is ecstatic. I have a new life without any pain and it’s hard to explain how great I’m feeling. I was headed for an early grave, but now I know I’ll be here for my family.” “Food Is Medicine” Is a Great Step Toward Transforming Our Health
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Photo: Andriy Onufriyenko / Getty Images “An opportunity to transform how health is experienced in this country.” That’s how Dr. Raj Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, described the Food Is Medicine Initiative, a partnership between the American Heart Association, the Rockefeller Foundation and the grocery giant Kroger. Dr. Shah was speaking at a planning session to kick off the initiative. As Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association, said, “At the AHA we know that there’s a clear connection between nutrition and health outcomes.” Right now, 75% of our healthcare spending is going toward the treatment of chronic diseases, many of which can be prevented with changes in our daily habits, including the food we eat. What we now know is that the only way to truly move the needle on chronic diseases is to focus on proactive lifestyle changes that have a huge impact on our health. To cite just one example, in a program run by the National Institutes of Health, after three years of lifestyle changes the risk of developing type 2 diabetes fell by 58%. And doing that at scale would be transformative. The key is to go as upstream as possible. It’s not just about telling people to eat healthier foods, but reaching them in key moments when they’re making choices about what they’re planning to eat. For example, Dani Dudeck, chief corporate affairs officer at Instacart, shared how Instacart reaches people “when they're in the app doing their weekly shopping… that's the time to inspire them with shoppable recipes.” The dominant theme that ran through the entire day of lively brainstorming was what an exciting time this is. As Mikelle Moore, chief community health officer at Intermountain Healthcare, put it, “Food is the greatest bridge builder.” And we can use it to travel upstream and take action on the root causes of so many chronic diseases. Or, as another prescient doctor, Hippocrates, said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Our challenge — and our opportunity — is to take this knowledge and turn it into action. Read More on Thrive: “Food Is Medicine” Is a Great Step Toward Transforming Our Health
Before You Go
Quote of the Month “I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive.” That was Bing’s AI chatbot to New York Times columnist Kevin Roose. The chatbot also suggested Roose leave his marriage and said it wanted to “do love” with him. Maybe cheating on homework isn’t the only AI threat we have to be worried about? As of press time Roose was still happily married to his human wife. Neologism of the Month (new words, terms or phrases that define our time) “Home Depot dating,” coined by Janna Tak on TikTok. As Arielle Tschinkel put it in Apartment Therapy, it’s an “answer to dating app fatigue.” Instead of looking for love virtually, you bond with prospective partners getting real stuff done in the real world. And it’s found an audience, with over 6 million views on TikTok. Plus, you can get those arguments about the right tile for the backsplash out of the way. Moment of Wonder
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Photo: Manhattan Bird Alert / Twitter Speaking of animals with secrets to living well, meet Flaco, New York City’s newest celebrity. On February 2, the Eurasian eagle-owl escaped from the Central Park Zoo, his home of 13 years. Zoo officials, along with a growing following among New Yorkers, soon spotted him in Central Park. There were attempts to trap him, but after Flaco showed he could hunt in the wild by catching rats, officials said they would “continue monitoring Flaco and his activities.” But for now, the world’s top owl-fluencer remains gloriously free. As Michiko Kakutani writes in The New York Times, Flaco “defied everyone’s expectations” and “gave a weary city still trying to come back from the pandemic a heartening sense of resilience. by: Arianna Huffington Read the full article
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nettlesrus · 2 years
Newest article on my blog With Your 
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macaroni-rascal · 2 years
What are your dream GPF podiums???
Oh! Fun question!
Gold - Kaori Sakamoto
Silver - Mai Mihara
Bronze - Loena Hendrickx
Gold - Shoma Uno
Silver - Kao Muira
Bronze - Sota Yamamoto
Gold - Miura and Kihara
Silver - Stellato-Dudeck and Deschamps
Bronze - Ghilardi and Ambrosini
Ice Dance:
Gold - Gilles and Poirier
Silver - Fournier Beaudry and Sorensen
Bronze - Hawayek and Baker
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farhadmalegam · 2 years
How to Make Your Landing Page High-Converting?
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Looking to convert more clients from your digital marketing? Have you checked your website traffic yet? Which % of website visitors become your client?
If the answer is “not enough”, you might need a high-converting landing page.
Your landing page must be designed according to your audience and consistent with your business goals. Before jumping into the deep, let’s understand what a landing page is.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is where a visitor “lands” after clicking on a link from an email or ads from a website or social media.
Landing pages are different from home pages, which are designed for exploration. The goal of landing pages is to convert visitors through a specific campaign. In short, landing pages are designed for conversion.
Your landing page needs to be designed specifically for one campaign, either to target a specific audience or promote a specific offer. Looking to design a website with landing pages? Check our portfolio to get some ideas.
Features of a successful landing page
What does make a landing page high converting? In this blog, we will talk about elements that affect user experience and conversion rate.
1) Eye-catching and relevant headline
First thing first! The first thing people read on a landing page is a headline.
According to Copyblogger, “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.”
That said, if your headline fails to grab attention, users won’t go through your landing page.
Your headline should address users’ pain points and uniquely showcase your offering. For instance, our website’s headline is “STAND OUT FROM THE DIGITAL CHAOS” (screenshot below). In the digital era, businesses want to make showcasing themselves distinctive. That’s what we offer in our website design and SEO service.
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2) Visual hierarchy of content
Visual hierarchy impacts conversion rate and affects how users perceive information. With that in mind, landing page design is a lot about visual hierarchy.
Visual hierarchy varies according to each landing page’s primary objective. For instance, if your objective is newsletter sign-up, you need to focus on providing useful information on the landing page. And if your objective is lead generation, you need to highlight the benefits of your products, visual content, and CTA. Know more about lead generation with website.
3) Clarity of your value proposition
According to Taylor & Francis Online Journal (Written by Gitte Lindgaard, Gary Fernandes, Cathy Dudeck, and J. Brown), it only takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website.
A landing page that shows benefits instead of features tends to perform better. When users immediately grasp information about your services/products, they are more likely to go through your desired call to action.
Furthermore, it allows a logical flow of information instead of repeatedly going through the same content.
On the other hand, if your offerings are too concise, they will also fail to provide necessary information that increases trust and credibility. So, it is important to have balance!
4) Visual & interactive content
Images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and animation are all visual content. It helps users to understand the landing page effortlessly. Irrespective of your landing page, it is always advisable to have some visual content.
Few things to keep noted:
Make sure your images, videos, and GIFs are unique.
It should be relevant to your landing page.
Must be interesting to your users and easy to share.
Interactive content improves landing page performance and brand impressions. Animation is the best example of interactive content.
5) Effective call-to-action that generates an uninterrupted flow of leads
A call-to-action is a sentence on a website that tells the user to take action. It’s one of the most important parts of a landing page. It should be aligned with your brand identity. Depending on your objective, there are many types of Call-To-Actions.
For instance, if your landing page is to promote emergency plumbing services, your call-to-action should be in the form of a very visible “call now” button.
For most of the landing pages, it should be in the above-the-fold area. It is also better to have a scrolling call-to-action or contact us form.
6) Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are social proof that showcases your industry expertise. Good feedback from existing customers gives users a positive sense of your brand. Without social proof, it is difficult to establish trustworthiness.
Video testimonials are the most credible thing you can put on your landing page. Although, if it is not available for you, you should have a carousel of customer reviews with ratings like below.
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In Conclusion
A landing page is necessary to convert your branding and marketing efforts for a specific campaign into clients. Designing a high-converting landing page will also require A/B testing and content updates.
If you need more clarification about the efficiency of your efforts, compare before and after implementing the above elements, then head over to Google Analytics. It gives comparison and behavioral analysis data of your website/ landing page. Looking to create one for your brand? Shoot an email at [email protected].
Content source https://sydneydigitalagency.com.au/make-your-landing-page-high-converting/
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squawkoverflow · 1 year
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A new variant has been added!
Pavonine Quetzal (Pharomachrus pavoninus) © Blair Dudeck
It hatches from breathy, common, green, long, mature, mid, past, prominent, quetzal, red, soft, stocky, and upland eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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alonglistofbirds · 3 months
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[2628/11080] Common redpoll - Acanthis flammea
Also known as: mealy redpoll
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Fringillidae (true finches) Subfamily: Carduelinae (cardueline finches)
Photo credit: Blair Dudeck via Macaulay Library
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saraaxom · 2 years
Instacart's Dani Dudeck on building a strong communications team
Instacart’s Dani Dudeck on building a strong communications team
Dani Dudeck has a knack for building communications teams — she did it for MySpace, Zynga and most recently, Instacart, where she serves as chief communications and public affairs officer. When she joined four years ago, she “knew so many households that ran on Instacart, but the fact that they weren’t proactively and strategically building a communications function underscored the opportunity —…
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