#dua asking allah to grant you a child
urdutotkay · 2 years
urdutotke.com brings you the Dua Asking Allah to Grant You a Child.
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quranwithsehar · 2 years
In ayah number one of Surah Al Mujadilah, Allah tells us about a woman who was trapped in a situation, and there was no solution, there was no law concerning that issue. So the woman came to Prophet SAW and asked him to find a solution. Allah tells us in the ayah that,
"although she was arguing with the Prophet to find a solution, but was complaining of her grief only to Allah."
So did Allah help her? Yes. While she was arguing with the Prophet Allah revealed ayaat and gave her solution.
What does this teaches us? Allah certainly hears his servants. So we should not hesitate in putting our grief, our worries, our helplessness before Him, even though He already knows what we are going through.
There's another ayah in Quran where Allah tells us:
Call me. Whenever. Whether at night, or in the day and I will respond.
He is The Rabb. The Creator of every being. Yet, He always listens, always responds. Not just that, He waits for us to call Him.
Then we want our dua's to get accepted right on the spot. We want things immediately.
This is not how things work.
When Ibraheem AS prayed for a child how many years after he finally got a child? 40 years. Yes. 40 years. And who was Ibraheem AS? He was Khaleel Ullah. Allah's friend. Yet, his dua was accepted after 40 years. And you know what Ibraheem AS said when finally after 40 years later his dua was heard? He said: Indeed my Lord is hearing of the supplication.
Allahu akbar. And what do we do? We lose hope the next day. We start complaining that Allah never listens. Is our Imaan just like Ibraheem AS's? Are we fulfilling His commands? Then what right do we have to complain?
Rasool Allah SAW said: When you pray to Allah have faith that He will grant you; Allah does not listen to the dua of a person whose heart is Ghaafil. (negligent). There's another hadith that states : Allah does not accept the dua of a person who is hasty. The Sahaba asked, what does that mean? Rasool Allah saw said: A person prays to Allah, and starts saying that I have prayed for so long and He hasnt accepted my dua. (He loses hope that it wont be answered ever)
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tetrisfinished · 1 year
lol came for one post, but realized i still had more stuff on my mind that i wanted to say.
after eid, shit sort of went south between yasir and i. everything sort of came to a boiling point and erupted...i'd rather not sit here and type out ALL the details but basically my mom got into it with his mom and after that eid weekend, i stayed at my parents' place for an additional week (totally unplanned).
during that week i really was ready to go and file for separation or divorce or whatever.
but after letting my anger cool and realizing exactly how much work a divorce or separation would be - not to mention how much of a HUGE money/asset suck it would end up being...i decided that i would go back. so i went back. and i was willing to try and put in my effort also. but at the end of the week, another incident happened which sort of sealed my brain from yasir for a long long time.
i know, i know i'm speaking SOOO mysteriously, as if my life's shit is worth this much secrecy. it's not - i'm being private and i know the value in keeping certain details of my life to myself (this i've only begun to learn recently also - and it doesn't have anything to do with nazar or evil eye....which by the way is a personal pet peeve of mine but let's not get into THAT).
ANYWAY, all this rambling just to tell you i haven't even gotten CLOSE to the point i wanted this post to be about.
so here i am, back at home with my husband. and i'm angry. and i'm letting myself be angry and hurt and resentful. and frankly, i'm okay with it. because at least for now - i'm not gaslighting myself into thinking that what i'm angry about is not worth being angry over.
so i'm letting it happen.
the other major change i've made is i've completely and totally given up hope that yasir will even understand, recognize or take part in the domestic labour in the house or the 10 million extra things i do or think about in a day as they relate to child rearing our kid.
so i'm doing it all by myself and even when he's actively helping out here and there...i'm not asking for it.
sorry - to be clear - i'm not asking for it anymore.
a few days ago, i was talking to my mom and sister and i was telling them how i've been praying with all my heart that Allah grant me sabr. and my mom started about how she's praying with all her heart that yasir changes or realizes and sees the need to change.
to which, i told her you can pray all you want but it's not going to happen mama. that's why i'm not even BOTHERING to pray for that part of my prayer. despite wanting to see change, despite wanting to have him accept his responsibilities as a husband, father, and just a regular ADULT, i'm not actually making dua for it.
to which my sister replied with something i'll never ever ever forget.
she said "what, why not!? why aren't you praying for Allah to change yasir and to help him see and hear the things you are asking for!? are you really going to sit there and tell me YOU DON'T BELIEVE HE CAN CHANGE A HUMAN?"
i was floored.
am i a fucking idiot or what.
anyway....that's probably also the thing that's making my whole body shake with the dua of forgiveness.
and now i'm actively trying my best to ask of Him what i KNOW him to be capable of giving and providing me - which is everything under the sun and over it and around it and all the way through all the galaxies and all the lands and all the realms.
kun faya kun - be, and it is.
that is what Allah has said about His ability. so how could i be so stupid?
that's all.
much love,
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🍃🕊🍃 An account of Zakariyya (as) and Yahya (as)
🍃 In Surah the family of ‘Imran Allah says, “There did Zakariyya pray to his Lord; he said My Lord! Grant me from Thee good offspring; surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer.”
“Then the angels called to him as he stood praying in the sanctuary?” (3:38-39)
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq says that reciting prayer (Salat ) is a service towards Allah and it is the best duty. For this reason the angels told Zakariyya
that Allah gives him the news of Yahya verifying a Word from Allah, and honorable and chaste and a Prophet from among the good ones.” (3:39)
He (Zakariyya said, My Lord when shall there be a son (born) to me, and old age has already come upon me, and my wife is barren? At that time Zakariyya was 120 years old and his wife 98. According to ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim the wife was old and did not used to get menstrual course. It was not a question to be against Allah’s will but he was surprised to beget a son in old age.) Zakariyya said, Even thus does Allah what He pleases.
He said, My Lord: appoint a sign for me Said He: Your sign is that you should not speak to men for three days except by signs; and remember your Lord much and glorify Him in the evening and the morning. (3:41)
In Surah Maryam Ayat no 2 to 6 Allah says,
“A mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariyya. When he called upon his Lord in a low voice. He said, My Lord surely my bones are weakened and my head fares with hoariness and my Lord! I have never been unsuccessful in my prayer to Thee.
And surely I fear my cousins after me, and my wife is barren, therefore grant me from Thyself an heir. Who should inherit me and inherit from the children of Ya‘qub, and make him, my Lord, one in Whom Thou art well pleased.(19:2-6)
According to tradition of ‘Ali Ibn Ibrahim up to that time he didn’t have any son to continue his generation. And was the chief Scholars of Palestine. He used to get gifts and all facilities from them. His wife was the daughter of ‘Imran’s son Masaan and descendants of Ya‘qub were the chiefs of people. They belonged to Prophet Sulayman ’s family.
Allah, the exalted says:
O Zakariyya! Surely we give you good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya; we have not made before anyone his equal.
He said, O my Lord! when shall I have a son, and my wife is barren, and I myself have reached extreme old age?
He said, So shall it be; your Lord says; It is easy to Me, and indeed I created you before when you were nothing. (19:7-9)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir is reported to have said, “Yahya born five years after Allah’s revelation.”
He said,
My Lord! Give me a sign. He said, Your sign is that you will not be able to speak to the people three nights while in sound health. (19:10)
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in many religious books that Zakariyya had doubt whether it is Allah’s revelation or Satan’s information. For that he asked about the sign from Allah. Allah cleared his doubt by saying, he will not able to speak for three days with anyone while in sound health. When this sign approached upon him, he understood that Allah’s promise was true. Whenever he wanted to say anything to the people, he could not speak but giving the sign by nodding the head.
So he went forth to his people from his place of worship, then he made known to them that they should glorify (Allah) morning and evening. (19:11)
Zakariyya says that He was coming out from his place of worship at the time of prayer every morning and evening, and calling people for prayer by reciting the holy verses and when time came of his wife’s delivery, he could not speak with anyone nor could recited any Dua or prayer.
Allah says:
O Yahya! Take hold of the Book with strength, and We granted him wisdom while yet a child. (19:12)
According to tradition when Allah commanded him, Yahya was three years old. When the other children tried to play with him, Yahya said that he was not born to play and waste time. According to the report of ‘Ali Ibn Asbaat, once he came to Imam Muhammad al-Taqi. Imam Taqi’s height was about 5 feet. ‘Ali Ibn Asbaat thought something about his height. Imam looked at him and said that Allah, the Creator, sends the messengers not to merely promulgate the divine law but act upon them practically. Sometimes the Almighty bestowed Prophethood at the age of forty and sometimes in childhood as in the case of Yahya and Allah, the Exalted says in Qur’an,
“And tenderness from Us and purity, and he was one who guarded (against evil).” (19:14)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said that when the Prophet addressed Him ‘Ya Rabbah’ at once Allah replied, “Labbaik” means “I am here, I am always with you, say what do you want”? In Qur’an, Allah says:
“And dutiful to his parents, and he was not insolent, disobedient. And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life.” (19:14)
Allah, the Beneficent declares in Qur’an,
“And Zakariyya, when he cried to his Lord O my Lord! Leave me not alone; and Thou art the best of inheritors.” (21:89)
Allah, the Merciful replies in connection of these verses:
“So We responded to him and gave him Yahya and made his wife fit for him, surely they used to hasten, one with another in deeds of goodness and to call upon Us hoping and fearing; and they were humble before Us.” (21:90)
According to Sa’id bin ‘Abdullah once he asked some questions to Imam al-Mahdi when he was very young and was sitting on a lap of his father Imam Al-Hasan ‘Askari Sa’id bin ‘Abdullah asked Imam to explain the meaning of “Kaf-Ha-ya-Ain-Suad.” Imam at once said that there is a great secret behind of these letters. Allah has given the knowledge of these letters to Zakariyya and the last Prophet, Muhammad al-Mustafa.
It is said that Zakariyya requested the Almighty to make him know the names of the people of the cloak. By the order of Allah Archangel Gabriel approached him and taught him the names of the people of the cloak. When Zakariyya was reciting the names of Muhammad, ‘Ali, Fatimah, hasan his tension and sadness dissipated at once but when he recited the name of husayn, his throat was choked and he started crying. Then one day after reciting Dua and prayer he asked Allah the reason of his crying by reciting the name husayn.
Allah, the beneficent told him about the incident of Karbala by revelation: ‘Kaf’ means Karbala, ‘Ha’ means the martyrdom of the son of Rasul Ya’ means Yazid, ‘Ain’ means thirst and hunger of the family of husayn. ‘Suad’ means Patience of Imam al-Husayn.
When Zakariyya heard this, he felt, too much sorrow. He could not come out from his place of worship and forbade people to come and see him. He was saddened deeply, prayed to Allah by crying at Imam’s martyrdom. He said, “O, Allah! You will test your Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa’s heart by grievances and troubles for the people of world to spread the principles and laws of Islam! Imam ‘Ali and Fatimah will also mourn and wear black dress for Imam al-Husayn’s martyrdom!”
He prayed, “My Lord! Grant me a son, I will prove myself as a truthful servant. O Allah make me cry and sad for my son’s troubles and sorrow as you will make your Prophet sorrowful for his son Imam al-Husayn’s grief.”
Allah the Merciful granted him a son named Yahya. His mother’s pregnancy was only of six months and Imam al-Husayn’s was also the same.
According to the traditions of Imam al-Baqir and Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq the names Yahya and husayn were fixed by Allah and no one knew these names before.
The murderer of Prophet Salih’s camel, Yahya’s, Imam ‘Ali’s, and Imam al-Husayn’s murders were all adulterers.
It is said that the earth and the heavens did not weep for anyone except Yahya and Imam al-Husayn. The sun lamented on their martyrdom. It became red like blood while rising and setting. According to another tradition, it rained blood. If a white colored cloth was spread on the ground it might have become red, and blood started oozing from below the stones.
According to the tradition of Imam Zayn al-‘abidin after the incident of Karbala, they were returning to Karbala again. On the way wherever they halted, he heard his beloved father Imam al-Husayn and Yahya saying that the people of Palestine killed Yahya and sent his head to a prostitute.
Ibn Babawayh has quoted from Wahab ibn Munabbah that one day Iblis was roaming among the people in Palestine and taking about Maryam and Zakariyya and defaming them. So the people turned against him (Zakariyya) and were ready to kill him. Zakariyya ran towards a tree to escape the enemies. The trunk of the tree cracked and Zakariyya entered in it and the crevices joined as before.
Iblis brought the people to the tree where Zakariyya was hiding. He searched for him by putting his hand below the tree and asked people to split the tree into pieces. The people obeyed him and cut the tree with a saw into two lying in the open and went away. Iblis also disappeared from there. Zakariyya felt no pain when people cut the tree with him.
Allah sent some angels who bathed his dead body and said prayer for three days continuously. The dead body of Allah’s messenger never decomposes nor is it dispersed in the soil.
Imam Al-Hasan ‘Askari says that Allah declares in Holy Qur’an: “O Zakariyya, we give good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya. We have not made anyone equal and we granted him wisdom while yet a child.”
Children asked Yahya to come and play. He replied, “Allah has created me to guide you from evil and not for playing.”
Allah mentions in Holy Qur’an,
“And tenderness from us and purity, and he was one who guarded (against evil) And dutiful to his parents and he was not insolent, disobedient.”(19:13-14)
Imam Al-Hasan al-’Askari says that when Zakariyya went to see Maryam he saw the winter fruits in summer and summer fruits in winter with her. He inquired about it. Maryam answered that it was all from Allah. If Allah, the Great desires to give anything at any time He gives. Zakariyya was sure that whatever she said was true. None came to her except he. Zakariyya was old he thought that Allah, the Almighty is Great. He provides everything to her, He takes care of her, sends her fruits of all seasons. Allah is great. Zakariyya thought for himself, he raised his hands for prayer. He prayed, “I have become old and my wife is also old and barren. Allah, grant me a son from Thyself as my heir.” Angels who were standing for prayer in the place of worship, congratulated him and said, Allah gives good news of a boy, whose name will be Yahya and he will be first to verify ‘Isa who will be good and obedient to Allah and His commands. He will be aloof from women. He would be a good Prophet.
The first verification of Yahya about ‘Isa was when Maryam the mother of ‘Isa drew aside from her family. She was staying in the place of worship to pray to Allah. There was a separate room without stairs. A ladder was installed for climbing up and down, none cared for her, except the Zakariyya. When he was going out, he locked the door. There was a ventilator on the doors.
When he came to know that Maryam was pregnant, he became very sad and thought that people of Israel would blame him as none visited her except Zakariyya. He informed his wife about Maryam . She said, “Don’t worry. Allah is Great and He will help you in this situation.” And she asked him to bring Maryam to her so she can ask her. Zakariyya brought Maryam to his wife, who was her elder sister. She could not stand to give respect to Maryam as she was pregnant with Yahya. By the grace of Allah, Yahya took out his hand and helped his mother to stand for Maryam in respect and said, “Maryam the mother of ‘Isa who is in her womb is coming to you and you can’t stand for the respectable lady?” She heard the voice of her son from her womb and she stood up. Yahya also bowed down in his mother’s womb. This was the first testimony of Yahya!1
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in a book that on the Resurrection Day a proclaimer will announce, “Where is Fatimah the daughter of Prophet, where is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid? Where is Maryam the daughter of ‘Imran? Where is Aasiya the daughter of Mazahim? And where is Umm Kulthum the mother of Yahya? They all will come forward on the day of judgment.”
The Holy Prophet has stated that the status of Yahya was very high. One day he came to the Dome of rocks. There he saw the learned scholars, whose dresses and caps were made of hair and chained to the pillars of mosque they were praying. Seeing them, Yahya told his mother to make a dress of hair for him so can join with them for prayer there. His mother asked him to wait until his father the Prophet of Allah came (At that time Yahya was very young). When Zakariyya came his mother asked him for Yahya wish.
Yahya said to his father, “O Father, have you not seen the children die in infancy?” Prophet said he had.
Then Prophet asked Yahya’s mother to prepare a dress for him as he likes. Yahya put on the dress and went to Jerusalem to pray with the other worshipper’s. His body became thin and weak, due to heavy hairy dress. When Yahya felt weakness, he prayed to Allah. Allah said, “O Yahya are you crying for weakness? I swear, if you see the fire of hell once, you will ask for the dress of iron.” Hearing the revelation, he wept so much, his face became pale and jaws became dry and his teeth jutted out. When his mother learnt of this she came with his father. The worshipper gathered and said his face became pale and wounded. Yahya said he knew nothing. Zakariyya asked, “O son, why are you suffering so much? I prayed to Allah to grant me a son and you were born. Allah refreshed my eyes and heart.” Yahya asked his father that he himself has said that there is a valley between Heaven and Hell, and only the righteous believers of Allah and Allah’s apostles will pass from it. Prophet replied, “Yes, I have told you. Allah, the Creator has created you for His worship.”
Then his mother asked if she could make two pieces of soft carpet-like cloth to keep upon his face, hide his teeth and wipe his tears. Yahya said, “Yes mother, do as you wish.” His mother made two pieces of cloth and kept on his cheeks. After sometime both the pieces were wet with tears. When he squeezed it, the tears fell from his finger tips. When Zakariyya saw this he became very sad and prayed, “O Allah! He is my son and these are his tears. You are Great and Merciful.”
When Zakariyya wanted to preach and make the people them about heaven and hell, he looked left and right as he did not want to say about the hell in presence of his son. Then one day Yahya was not present in the gathering. Prophet started addressing the people. Yahya also came and sat among the people to hear the sermon of his father. Zakariyya said, “Today, my friend Archangel Gabriel came with Allah’s revelation that there is a mountain in hell. Its name is ‘Sakaraan’. Beneath it is a valley ‘Gazabaan’. It is very dangerous and one of the gravest. There is a very deep and wide well in the valley. It is about hundred years of travel. There are numerous trunks of fire. These trunks have small trunks of fire including iron bars, chains and neck braces.”
When Yahya heard about the chastisement of Allah, he raised his head and cried, “O Allah! We were ignorant of this!” He left the place and moved to the forest.
Zakariyya came to his wife and asked her to search for him and said, “I am afraid that you will see him after his death.” His mother went out to search for him and reached where some people of Israel had gathered. They asked her where she was going. She said she was in search of her son, Yahya who had heard about hell from his father. “I fear he must have gone to the forest.” Then she went towards the forest. On the way she met a shepherd. She asked him if he had seen him. He said he had seen him and that his whole body was wet with tears. He was praying to Allah, raising his head up and saying, “O, Allah! By Your Glory and Greatness I will not drink cool water until I die and return to You.”
His mother came to him. When he saw his mother, he went to her. She covered his head with her dress and requested him to return home. He was an obedient son. They both returned home and she asked him to change the hairy clothes and put on woolen ones as they were soft. Yahya did as his mother said. Then his mother cooked masoor (lentil) for dinner. He ate and slept. At the time of the morning prayer Yahya heard Allah’s revelation, “O Yahya! Do you want any place better than My place? Or anyone like Me?” Yahya arose and asked Allah to forgive him for his deeds. He said he wanted the shelter of His Jerusalem only.
He asked his mother to return his coarse dress. His mother gave him and embraced him, requested him not to go out. But Zakariyya said, “Let him go. He has renounced the world.” Yahya changed his dress, and occupied himself in prayer with the worshippers in Jerusalem until his last.
According to a tradition of Imam al-Ridha, from the beginning, Iblis was visiting the Prophets from Adam to ‘Isa. He was sitting and discussing with them but he was much attached to Yahya. One day Yahya asked him, “O Abu Marrah! I want to ask you something.” The Satan said, “Say what you like as your respect is very high in my sight. I cannot deny you.”
Yahya said, “Then tell me about all your tricks by which you make the people act against Allah’s commands.” He agreed and promised him that he would come to him the next day. Next day in the morning, Yahya was waiting for him, when suddenly an ugly figure approached him. His face was like a monkey and the body was like a pig. His eyes were as big as his mouth, his chin and beard were missing. He had four hands. Two of them on his breast and two on the shoulders. His toes were backward. He wore a gown and had a turban. Tied to his waist were multi-colored threads it. He had a bell in his hand and the hooks hung from the bell. Yahya asked him about his turban which was tied on his waist. He said it is a cage made by him. It is painted of different colors to attract the male and the coloring threads are the oaths of women which attract males by evil tricks. Prophet asked about the bell. He said, it possessed all kinds of tastes. It has all sorts of sounds like a flute, guitar and drum etc. When a person drinks wine and do not enjoy it I ring the bell. Hearing the sound of bell, they start singing and dancing and clapping.” Prophet asked, “What makes you happy?” He said, “Women.”
Then he said, “When the virtuous people curse me, I go to the women and make them happy.” The Prophet asked, “What is it on your head?” He said, “These are the curses of good people.” The Prophet asked, “And what about the hooks which are hanging on it?” He said, “By these hooks, I attract the mind and heart of the good believers towards me.” Then Yahya asked whether he could succeed over him?” Satan said, “No. Not at all. But I have seen your attitude, when you eat more than my hunger, until I am alive.” The Satan also vowed that he will not give advice any Muslim until the day of judgment and disappeared from there and did not come again to any Prophet.
In another book it is written that the dress of Yahya was made of date palm.
According to traditions of Imam Musa al-Ka¨im and Imam al-Ridha, Yahya was always weeping in fear of Allah and never laughed and ‘Isa was sometimes crying and sometimes laughing and whatever he was doing, was better than Yahya.
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in a book that the rulership of The Israelites was transferred from Prophet Denial to Uzair. The followers used to gather and ask the religious matters and problems and solved their problems through Uzair.
Then Prophet Uzair disappeared from among them for a hundred years and by order of Allah he again reappeared and the people who were preaching to the people in his absence became dumb. The rules and regulations were very strict at that time. In the same period Yahya born. When he was seven years old, he started preaching Allah’s command and recited the holy verses in loud voice before the people. “Allah is one! He is alone and has no partner. He punishes the offenders, so fear His chastisement. Sometimes the apostles disappear from the people to their offence. You will be happy when ‘Isa son of Maryam will come within twenty years among you and preach you.”
‘Ali has stated that Yahya died in the last week of the month on Wednesday. (Month is not mentioned)
Imam as-Sadiq has stated in a book that ‘Isa prayed to Allah to make Yahya return to the world again and went near the Yahya’s tomb and called out. Yahya came out of his tomb and asked, “O ‘Isa why have you called me? And what do you want from me?” ‘Isa said, “I want you to return to the world again and be my helper and companion as you were before.” Yahya replied, “O ‘Isa! Still I am restless after my death and you want me to come back again and die again. I don’t want to come again,” and went into his tomb and ‘Isa turned back.
Imam as-Sadiq has stated that a man came to ‘Isa and confessed that he is a great sinner. He has committed a great sin (adultery). “So please make me pure and ask Allah to forgive me.” ‘Isa called the people to gather and award punishment. People gathered and made him stand in a pit for stoning. ‘Isa said, “Only those who have not committed any sin can punish.” The people realized their mistake and left except ‘Isa and Yahya.
Yahya came to him and said, “O sinner, give me some good advice.” He said, “Restrain from evil, otherwise your wish will kill you.” Yahya said, “Say something more.” He said, “Secondly do not rebuke the person in front of others and do not be angry in excess.” Prophet said, “It is enough.”
The Holy Prophet says, “When the time came, Allah raised ‘Isa nominated Prophet Shamoun ibn Hamoon as his successor. He preached to the people of The Israelites until he was alive. When people tried Yahya and put him to death, he appointed the son of Shamoun as his successor.2
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said that when Yahya was born Angels took him to the heaven and gave him milky juice but forbade him to drink milk. Then they brought him to his father Zakariyya. The house was illuminated as if by moonlight.
Imam al-Ridha says that there are three stages in a human life. First when he is born in the world and sees the world. Second when he dies and third when he would be raised from the grave. Allah sent peace upon Yahya and removed his fear. Yahya said that Allah, the Merciful has released him from the terror of these three occasions.
Imam al-Ridha says, “When Zakariyya prayed to Allah to grant him a son whom he can nominate as his successor it was the first of Muharram and Allah heard his prayer. It is said that Allah bestow whatever he asks to the one who fasts and prays on that day.”
According to hasan Balkia Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq said, “When Zakariyya fled in fear of The Israelites and asked a tree for refuge, the trunk of the tree split and invited Zakariyya to enter. When he entered, the tree joined as before. The Israelites searched for him everywhere but could not find him. Then Satan came to them and showed them where he was hidden and asked them to saw the tree trunk. At that time people were worshipping that tree and they refused to cut the tree. But Satan changed their mind and made them cut it happily.” At last, Zakariyya was cut in two.3
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq was asked, who was the most cruel disbeliever. He said, “He was an adulterer and kept a lot of mistresses. One of them belonged to The Israelites. When she became old, she asked her daughter to “go to the king as a mistress and when the king asks what reward you want, tell him that you want the head of the son of Zakariyya.” The girl did as her mother bid her. The king asked her three times but she gave the same reply. At last the king ordered for a golden tray, called Yahya to his court and cut his head. When Prophet’s blood fell on the ground it began to boil. The people started putting dust and mud on it but it did not stop boiling. The dust and mud piled upon it became a hillock.
Many years passed. After that king, the new king named Nebuchadnezzar became the ruler of The Israelites. He asked one of the elderly people the reason of blood boiling. He said he has heard from his father and grandfather that it was the blood of Yahya who had been killed by the previous king and his blood is still boiling.
Nebuchadnezzar vowed that he would kill the people of The Israelites to stop the boiling of blood. To this end he killed about seventy thousand people and the blood stopped boiling.
Nebuchadnezzar vowed that he would kill the people of The Israelites to stop the boiling of blood. To this end he killed about seventy thousand people and the blood stopped boiling.
According to another tradition, the woman who asked the king for Yahya’s head, was the wife of another king. The king of the Israelites kept her as his mistress. When she became old, she offered the king to accept her daughter from her first husband. The king said he will ask Yahya if he would allow me to marry her. When he asked Yahya he refused. Then one day the old woman dressed up her daughter and sent her to the king when he was drunk. He accepted her. Then she persuaded the king to kill Yahya. Due to this Yahya was slaughtered by the king.
According to another tradition ‘Isa sent Yahya with twelve followers to preach to the people the religious laws and warn people that it was against Islamic law, to marry the sister’s daughter. According to a tradition the king loved his sister’s daughter very much and he wanted to marry her. When her mother came to know about the Yahya’s order. She became very angry with him. She adorned her daughter and sent her to the king. The king asked her what she desired as a gift. She asked for Yahya’s head. The king told her to ask for anything except Yahya’s head, but she refused. Finally the king relented and summoned Yahya to the court and beheaded him.
The drops of blood fell on the ground and started boiling. When Nebuchadnezzar came on the throne and he came to know about it from an old woman of The Israelites, he vowed that he would kill the people of the Israelites to stop the boiling of blood.
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq said, “When Allah desires to take revenge of his apostles or believers, He takes revenge through evil people of this world and sometimes He takes revenge from His own friends. Nothing is difficult to Allah. Allah took revenge of Yahya by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of The Israelites.”4
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 1. It is said that the mother of Yahya was from Asia. Some says that she was the sister of Maryam or her aunt.
🍃 2. That there are different opinions about Yahya being the successor of ‘Isa
🍃 3. Allah’s blessings on those who believe in Him and curse on those who have slaughtered His apostles.
🍃 4. Many incidents and conditions of Yahya, Prophet Daniel will be narrated in the chapter of Nebuchadnezzar.
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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sisterssafespace · 10 months
Assalamualaikum sister, my big sister and her husband has hurt my parents very badly while they were away from their home. The matter is quite complicated to address here. I will write it in simple words. My sister has married to a man and she unconditionally loves him. Allahumma barik. But I don't like it when she prefers her husband over her family in every matter. Recently I had to stay with them for few days while my parents were away. I am 8-9 years younger than them. But all of a sudden my sister's husband sent me to my aunt's house without informing my parents.... because he was uncomfortable around me. Although I never appear in front of them. I was always busy with my studies in a different room. Later I got to know my own sister disliked my presence in her house. She and her husband called my parents and lectured them a lot against me and even disrespected my parents and their dignity. My parents were immensely hurt and at times I find my mother crying and my father tensed and upset. My parents were sweethearts to their eldest daughter and her husband. They nurtured them and even granted them innumerable things. They loved them so much to this point that my father called her husband his own son. They have done a lot for my eldest sister even before marriage. Now my parents say that they felt betrayed by them. I don't know what's the deal with them. But the Only thing I know I did not do anything offending nor did I misbehave with them. Allah swt is my only witness. The question that I am going to ask is actually my mum's: she is asking if she can break her ties with her eldest daughter and her husband and only talk to them once in a while? I don't know if you are going to reply to me or not but please make dua for my parents. They are very heartbroken. 💔
Assalamualaikum my dear,
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, I am sorry your parents are heartbroken over this, it must be so painful for parents to get this treatment from their own child. However, I don't have the verdict on this because - again - on this page we don't give fatwahs, we don't have enough knowledge to tell your mom exactly if it is permissible or not to cut ties with her daughter in this situation. I think she should ask a Shaykh to make sure.
Nonetheless, I think your parents currently have no other choice but to keep their distance from your sister and her husband. I don't think it is even healthy for them to remain in contact with her like calling her often or visiting her or something. On the other hand, I don't think cutting ties completely is okay either. But maybe calling once in a week (their daughter only), and making the conversation short as well, no need for details just checking how she is doing and if she needs anything and wishing her well, and that's it. Also, if your sister is the one doing the calling and checking on your family then you should pick up the phone or reply to her messages. I also recommend making lots of duaas for her and that Allah swt mends her relationship with your parents. I honestly pray from the bottom of my heart that she is not in a toxic marriage with someone who is a manipulator or a narcissist and that he is brainwashing her and turning her against her family 😔😔. Allahu al mustaān.
May Allah swt mend your mom's heart and grant her peace and calmness. May Allah swt fix your relationship with your sister soon and bring her back to your family with a pure heart, ameen.
- A. Z. 🍃🤍
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filosofika · 2 years
Rebattle (2)
Someone said to you
"If you want to get marry, just ask God for the best, as He knows the best for you. It could lower your disappointment with Him if you ask Him unspecify things"
The fact is that:
Until I write this, I never get disappointed to my God for everything that I ask for Him, literally anything. I have one topic in Qur'an to specify my dua to Him: When Zakariach (AS) is such an old old man, and his wife was the same age just like him and they didn't have a child yet, and God granted him a son called John (Yahya AS) he asked God in Surah Maryam it's said that, Maryam, Verse 2: ˹This is˺ a reminder of your Lord’s mercy to His servant Zachariah, Maryam, Verse 3: when he cried out to his Lord privately, Maryam, Verse 4: saying, “My Lord! Surely my bones have become brittle, and grey hair has spread across my head, but I have never been disappointed in my prayer to You, my Lord! Maryam, Verse 5: And I am concerned about ˹the faith of˺ my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So grant me, by Your grace, an heir, Maryam, Verse 6: who will inherit ˹prophethood˺ from me and the family of Jacob, and make him, O  Lord, pleasing ˹to You˺!” Maryam, Verse 7: ˹The angels announced,˺ “O Zachariah! Indeed, We give you the good news of ˹the birth of˺ a son, whose name will be John—a name We have not given to anyone before.” Maryam, Verse 8: He wondered, “My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren, and I have become extremely old?” Maryam, Verse 9: An angel replied, “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, just as I created you before, when you were nothing!’” Maryam, Verse 10: Zachariah said, “My Lord! Grant me a sign.” He responded, “Your sign is that you will not ˹be able to˺ speak to people for three nights, despite being healthy.” Maryam, Verse 11: So he came out to his people from the sanctuary, signalling to them to glorify ˹Allah˺ morning and evening. Maryam, Verse 12: ˹It was later said,˺ “O John! Hold firmly to the Scriptures.” And We granted him wisdom while ˹he was still˺ a child, Maryam, Verse 15: Peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day of his death, and the day he will be raised back to life!
If the purpose is to lower our disappointment to God, so there's a chance that we will be disappointed if we ask Him specific things in life. And I do believe what Zakariach had been said and done in those verses of Maryam, and I can say that I feel the way Zakariach's felt when it comes to prayers, I'll never get disappointed by it.
It's your choice to decide whether you want to specify your dua or not, as long we believe to Him, Allah will grant our dua, as it's said in Ayatul Qudsh: "God with the prejudices of his servants" If we think A, we will feel A and get an A. So, becareful of what we're thinking about anything.
God, please direct my heart to always obey you no matter what it takes. And gather me with my beloved family in the highest level of Jannah, Firdaus.
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shaykhpod-blog · 2 years
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The next great event which will be discussed in this blog series is mentioned in chapter 19 Maryam, verses 4-6:
 “He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has filled with white, and never have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord, unhappy [i.e., disappointed]. And indeed, I fear the successors after me, and my wife has been barren, so give me from Yourself an heir. Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You]."
 This supplication of the Holy Prophet Zakariya, peace be upon him, teaches muslims some etiquettes of supplicating to Allah, the Exalted. A muslim should recognise their innate weakness and demonstrate this through actions and words just like the Holy Prophet Zakariya, peace be upon him, did. This is an aspect of humility which increases the chances of a supplication being accepted. In addition, one should fulfil an important aspect of gratitude which is to mention the blessings of Allah, the Exalted, during their supplication which leads to an increase in blessings when it is supported by gratitude shown in one's actions. Chapter 14 Ibrahim, verse 7:
 “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…”
 Even though, there is nothing wrong with asking for lawful worldly things a muslim should not be fooled into believing this is what the Holy Prophet Zakariya, peace be upon him, done. He did not supplicate for a child who would carry on his name which the vast majority of muslims do. He instead requested for a Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, who would continue his mission in spreading the word of Allah, the Exalted. So in fact, he did not request for a worldly thing but a religious blessing from Allah, the Exalted. The inheritance mentioned in this supplication refers to this religious mission and not to worldly things as the Holy Prophets, peace be upon them, do not leave wealth as inheritance they only leave behind knowledge. This has been confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 223.
 This great event also teaches muslims to correct their intention meaning, the things they desire should be connected to the hereafter and not only to the material world. For example, a married couple should desire a child for the purpose of increasing the number of obedient servants on Earth and not for worldly reasons. And this intention should be supported and proven by one's actions such as being patient when they request is not fulfilled. As a muslim who desires religious things only does so in order to please Allah, the Exalted. And if Allah, the Exalted, chooses not to grant that thing to them they should accept His choice with patience as this is what pleases Allah, the Exalted.
    PodEvent: Supplication of the Prophet Zakariya (PBUH): https://youtu.be/LRLvCtxeg5g
PodEvent: Supplication of the Prophet Zakariya (PBUH): https://fb.watch/6eUQOJvD5J/
 @shaykhpodpics​ - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog​ - Short Blogs on Good Character
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samiha-kabir · 3 years
Oh Allah, make every single aspect of my life be for You and in service of Your Creation. Please remove all false intentions that I have.
Ya Allah, grant me the modesty of clothing and speech in front of people who aren’t my maharam. Help me leave behind a legacy based on humility, goodness and the right Deen.
Ya Allah, grant me correct aqeedah, excellent memory and an understanding of the deen with daleel. Help me in the memorization of your word and aid me in spreading its good. Ya Allah, save me from the fithna of people. From their force to take part in shirk, biddah and occasions of extravagance.
Oh The Ever-Living, The Sustainer, I seek assistance through your mercy, rectify all of my affairs and don’t entrust me to myself even for a blink of an eye.
Ya Allah, increase me in health, beauty and ability. Help me manage my time in a productive manner. So when you question me about my time, I’m not ashamed of the days I’ve wasted my time on futile things.
Oh Allah, give me the ability to forgive all those who have hurt me in word and deed, and please help others to forgive me those I have hurt in word and deed. Heal the damage in the relationships within our families, and friends. Help us reconcile with those we are not on good terms with.
Ya Allah, protect me from violating the rights of others, preserve me from this sin and uphold me in status, uphold me and reform me to fulfil my duties as a Muslim.
Oh Allah, please get me out of the debt that is burdening me. Please give me means that are Halal (Islamically permissible) to get out of that which bogs me down day and night. The kind of debt that will come between my good deeds to benefit me in the grave, so that I can face You on the Day of Judgment free of all debts.
Ya Allah, grant me the ability to learn, understand, write, speak and convey the Arabic language better and better every day.
Ya Allah, bless me Aafia (ease) and Falah (success) in everything that I do. Aafia in my health, wealth, family affairs and of the matters of my well-being
Ya Allah, grant us the tawfeeq to make istighfaar continuously. Give us the guidance to ask from you before we ask anyone else.
Ya Allah, reunite us with our loved ones and family in Jannah. Whether they be related to us or not, give us the opportunity to bring people up levels to be with us in Jannah.
Ya Allah, put Shifaa in the words we utter of yours, give Shifaa in our prayers we pray for others, give Shifaa in our hands, give Shifaa in our attempts to help others.
Ya Allah, don’t test us with loss, don’t test us with loss of parents, spouses, children, siblings, family and/or anyone close to us. Allah do not test us with disease and sickness, don’t test us with shirk and bid’ah, don’t test us in any way that may falter our iman.
Ya Allah, grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for Tahajjud and Fajr every day.
Allah, please keep us steadfast in our iman at times of trials and tribulations. Do not let our emotions get the better of us.
Ya Allah, give us the ability to stand up against the wrong, give us the hikmah to correct the wrong in a beautiful manner and help us not bring ill in those hearts that we wish to change.
Ya Allah, cleanse our hearts from hypocrisy, lies, grudges, jealousy against each other. Help us love people unconditionally and help us make dua for them sincerely. Help our du’as take action for others and bring barakah in our du’as for them and us.
Ya Allah, guide us to ask from you, teach us the right way to make du’a, teach us the way to ask that you’d never deny.
Ya Allah, do not allow the devil or his followers to put discord in our relationships. Do not allow them to ruin any of our relationships, may it be between spouses, parent and child, child and parent, in-laws and extended family, student and teacher, employee and colleagues, employee and boss, between friends, sibling and sibling and any and every other relationship known to you.
Ya Allah, help me honour people’s Amanah, help me protect it as it has to be protected. Guide me to be honest and steadfast.
Allah, our ultimate return is to you, there is no escaping that. Provide for us the ability to present to you a Qalb e Saleem.
Ya Allah, grant me beautiful patience to deal with whatever trial you’ve written my way.
Ya Allah, make me love You, Your Prophet (SAWS), Your Deen, Your Quran the way it deserves to be loved. Ya Allah Increase my iman, my tawakkul, my yaqeen in You and never let it falter. Ya Allah Increase me in taqwa and make me of your grateful slaves.
Ya Allah, bless me with happiness in this dunya and akhirah, protect me from sadnesses, depression and grief. Allah Favour me with the ability to purify my soul, Ya Allah Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah (introspection) of my soul throughout the journey of my life. Grant me the ability to return to you clean and pure.
For Wealth and Sustenance
Allah you provide, provide for us sufficient rizq multiplied ten folds. Provide for us in such a manner, that we shouldn’t be dependent on anyone.
Allah you bless us with finances, then bless us with the ability to give more charity. To help those who are dependent on the rizq you give us
Ya Rabb, you are Ar- Razzaq, provide those around me who are underprivileged, make things easy for them and open the doors of their sustenance.
Ya Rabb, help us earn Halal and spend Halal and pour baraqah in our wealth and earnings.
Ya Allah, protect what belongs to us, give barakah in it and safeguard our wealth from the ones who want to see a decline in it, or want to own it wrongfully.
Ya Allah, you are Al Fattah, the opener, make means of rizq from the directions that we hadn’t even thought of. Make things easy for my siblings, parents, family, friends and people from the Ummah who suffer from low sustenance, losses and debts. Bless us as a community in abundance.
Safeguard us from people who come to loot us in the name of Halal investments. Help us invest In the halal and grant us the wisdom to make the right choices.
For Health
Ya Allah, provide us with good health, take away all our ailments; restore the damage done to our bodies. Allow us to age in Islam, with our rukoo’ and sujood. Give us the strength in our bones and joints when we are older so that we may worship you the same way and more
Ya Allah, cure us, our spouses, our parents and grandparents their parents, our siblings, our friends, our extended family, our neighbours and our ummah. Forgive them their sins and accept from them every inch of effort.
Ya Allah, forgive our sins and save us from the pandemic that has claimed so many lives. Heal the ones who are battling this deadly disease, accept the ones who have passed away as shaheeds, pour sabr on the ones who they have left behind.
Ya Allah, help us take advantage of our youth, of our good health. Help us be grateful to you for the same. Bless us with Shifaa if we fall sick and reward us for enduring the pain and suffering during the illness or disease you test us with.
For Protection
Ya Allah, Provide us with happiness, take away the hasad (jealousy). Take away the ayn, take away every evil that’s cast on us which compromises our happiness, health and welfare. Allow us to be happy and content with whatever you have to offer. Undo the damage that the hasad and ayn has caused. Ya Allah, protect us from ayn / hasad/possession / magic / enemies /haters / calamities / curses / depression /oppression / disease/ shayateen of men and jinn, and all forms of evil.
Ya Allah, protect us from all sorts of sickness and disease, may it be big or small. Keep us far from it, our family, our parents, our children, and our progeny. Protect us from the deadly diseases and those which we consider small. Keep us healthy and all our family members. Allah with you lies the perfect cure, so cure those who are sick and gift them a second chance to be guided to your path.
Ya Allah, keep us safe from the fear, anxiety and the terror of Qiyamah.
Ya Allah, protect us from the sicknesses of the heart, backbiting, slandering and speaking ill of others. Protect us from this evil so we don’t have to give our hard-earned deeds away to the people we have wronged. Ya Allah, protect us from malice, jealousy, self-admiration, showing off, hypocrisy, laziness, lies and deceitfulness.
Ya Allah, protect our knowledge, protect it from disappearing. Allow us to guide people aright. Allow us to have our reference and reasons ready, help us in eloquence and help us in righteous speech. Help us guide the ignorant, help us guide the stubborn; help us guide those who refuse only because their parents followed a certain way. Ya Allah, guide them and gift them the right Islam, in this world; before it’s too late. Ya Allah, help us move forth towards higher forms of knowledge, bring us success in it.
For Gratitude
Ya Allah, Allow us to always say Alhamdulillah, in every turn of our life. Even if our hearts are heavy, allow our tongues to praise you in Hamd and Shukr.
Alhamdulillah for the immaculate upbringing. For the righteous parents and rightly guided teachers. Not many are blessed with this element. Alhamdulillah. Bless our parents for the righteous upbringing and reward them in this dunya and in the akhirah.
Alhamdulilah for every small and big blessing you have sent my way, those that I asked for and those that you sent my way without asking. From the way, you have created me to every person in my life who is a blessing. For every materialistic and non-materialistic blessing that has come my way. Alhamdulilah for everything ya Rabb.
Alhamdulillah for the ease that you have poured over us. Ease in our work, ease in our lives and ease in our relationships.
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quraanandsunnah · 3 years
Surah Maryam 🌼
This is the 19th chapter of the Quran, Surah Maryam, is one of the most powerful Surahs in the Quran.
It informs the believers of amazing lessons for life. The opening verses mentioned here are about Prophet Zakariyah (AS). It teaches us the miraculous birth of his son Yahyah (AS). Prophet Zakariyah (AS) prayed to Allah for a son and he was granted one. This is remarkable because Zakariyah (AS)’s wife was barren (this adjective just means infertile, unable to have children due to old age) and Zakariyah (AS) himself was a very old man. Intellect would say that it is impossible for these two to have a child. However, by the will of Allah(ﷻ), they were given a righteous child, Yahyah (AS). Allah mentions that nobody before was granted this name (Yahyah) before him. This is a simple lesson to never give up and never lose hope in your duas. For you worship the lord of Zakariyah (AS) who granted him a son in what seemed to be an impossible situation. So, if Allah can grant Zakariyah (AS) and his wife a child in old age, do you not think Allah(ﷻ) can give you all that you heart desires (so long as what you are asking for is not harmful to you nor haram)?
Never ever lose hope in Allah(ﷻ).
I’ll post part two soon, if Allah wills.
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah’s name Al-Haleem— The Most Forbearing, The Calm Abiding, The Most Kind and Gentle— occurs eleven times in the Quran. He is the One who keeps on bestowing blessings, both visible and hidden, even though we disobey Him. Al-Haleem can punish us instantly, yet how often He grants us respite in a mild and serene manner, giving us the chance to turn back to Him!
Most Forbearing, Calm Abiding, Most Kind and Serene
Haleem comes from the root Haa-laam-meem, which points three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be forbearing, lenient and to be forgiving and the second is to be calm and serene. The third main meaning is to be not hasty and exhibit moderation.
This root appears 21 times in the Quran in two derived forms. Examples of these forms are ahlaamin (dreams), al-huluma (puberty), ahlaamuhum (their minds), and haleemin (forbearing).
Linguistically, the concept of hilm refers to the patience that arises from a sense of deep serenity and lenience and the concept of sabr points to the patience that arises by self-restraint and enduring something without complaint. Al-Haleem: . . . observes disobedience to Him, yet anger doesn’t incite Him, nor does wrath seize Him, nor do haste and recklessness move Him to rush to take vengeance even though He’s utterly capable of doing that. [Al-Ghazali]
Al-Haleem Himself says: If you loan Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you and forgive you. And Allah is Most Appreciative and Forbearing [Quran, 64:17]. . . And Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing. [Quran, 2:225]
Why does Al-Haleem delay punishment?
Al-Haleem Himself says: And if Allah were to punish people for what they have earned, He would not leave upon the earth any creature. But He gives them respite for a specified term. [Quran, 35:45] Al-Haleem can delay a punishment to give you time to return to Him, seek His forgiveness, and change your ways, because He is forbearing. He can even cancel your punishment altogether. Isn’t Al-Haleem acting out His love for us in an amazing way?
The hilm of people versus the hilm of Allah
Imagine that you got caught doing something bad, but the person let’s it slide and doesn’t punish you or embarrass you. Would you feel embarrassment, relief, and gratitude, telling them you’re not going to do it again and be grateful for their forbearance? What about Allah? Every single day we do things we shouldn’t, and in most instances He lets it go. Because He is Al-Haleem, His hilm is far above any forbearance a human being can ever show.
A beautiful similitude: parents and children
The parental system teaches us about Al-Haleem; the father and mother don’t have any rancour or hatred towards their children. In fact, they’re ready to sacrifice everything for their happiness. In this context Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: Some prisoners were brought to the Messenger of Allah, and there was a woman among the prisoners who was searching (for her child). When she found her child she embraced him and put him to her breast. The Messenger of Allah said to us, ‘Do you think that this woman would throw her child in the fire? We said, No, by Allah, not if she is able not to. The Messenger of Allah said, Allah is more merciful to His slaves than this woman is to her child. [Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] Who imbedded the great mercy and tenderness in a loving mother’s heart? Allah Al-Haleem.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Be forbearing to others: contemplate and practice.
No matter your temper, everyone can practice developing forbearance. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to Ashajj ‘Abdu’l-Qays: You have two qualities which Allah loves: forbearance and steadiness. [Muslim]
Is it forbearance when you let it slide once or twice but explode the third time because you have so much rancour inside you? Many relationships get destroyed because of moments of rage. Hilm is when you’re in a position to show your anger but still hold it back. How? Let Al-Haleem inspire you. Another way is to simulate forbearance for the sake of Al-Haleem, even though you feel enraged. Tell yourself: I’m suppressing my anger because I love Him and seek His Love, because I want to be close to Him, and because I would like to obey His messenger.
2. Don’t take advantage of the hilm of Allah.
Al-Haleem says to the people who inherited a garden but didn’t let the poor benefit from it: Such is the punishment [of this world]. And the punishment of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew. [Quran, 68:33] This punishment was a wake-up call for them and a mercy, because they realized their mistake. If Allah had allowed them to do as they wanted, their punishment in the Hereafter would be unforeseen. So know that Al-Haleem did set rules out for you and never take advantage of His forbearance.
3. Show a good example to a sinful person.
Never be arrogant to a sinning person and try to advise him gently and by showing a good example. Think to yourself: such a sinful person may, one day, turn to Al-Haleem with sincere repentance and become better and dearer to Allah than I am. Only put a person in check for the sake of Allah, so that they are made aware of the consequences of their actions and return to Allah.
4. Be grateful for the hilm of Allah.
Just like you would be grateful to anyone who overlooks your faults and mistakes, recognize the extreme and intense forbearance of Al-Haleem towards you and return to Him after you sin. And as a way of being thankful to al-Haleem for His forbearance, remember to train yourself to be forbearing.
5. Make dua for hilm.
Make dua to Al-Haleem, asking Him for His forbearance for yourself and your loved ones. And ask Him to forgive you, because only He can protect you from His justified anger.
O Allah Al-Haleem, we know You are the Most Forbearing and You delay and cancel Your Punishment with great Wisdom. Protect us from taking advantage of Your Hilm by persisting in bad deeds, aid us to return to You after we sin, adorn us with gratitude for Your Forbearance and patience in hardships, make us of those who are forbearing and kind to others, never be arrogant and help us to develop hilm in times of anger, ameen!
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iheartallah · 3 years
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. I just want to ask, what shall I do if I feel less care and love with my mom because that's how she raised me. She failed to make me loved and care. It's not my intention to be like that, it's just how i feel towards her. She hated me since when I was born because she doesn't love my father, so she treated me not so good. And now we are not having a good relationship. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to be nice to her but she has low-temper.
Alikum Salam
Its unfortunate what you have had to go through. There's definitely nothing that can justify bad treatment towards an innocent child.
Sadly, that's how some cultures are; the kids take the heat from both parents for mistakes made by either of the two.. which is 100% wrong.
Make dua to Allah ﷻ to grant you sabr. She is your mother and deserves love and respect from you. Return her harsh treatment with good behavior and once she sees your kindness and love towards her, she will soften up towards you too inShaAllah. She does have a mother's heart in the end. Mothers aren't good at hating their own children.
If the above is too difficult for you, atleast ensure to not return her harsh treatment with anger or words that will hurt her and that you may regret in the future. Return her anger with silence and she may realize someday that she is being overly critical with you..
Also, most importantly, remember to try to forgive her for her mistakes. She's your parent but still a human being, not an angel; so don't expect perfection from her. Like all human beings, she may have made mistakes too along the way. Try to forgive her for what has passed and start on a fresh note. Allah loves those who forgive..
Also, do an audit of yourself. Your behaviour towards her. Have you done something to trigger this behaviour? Do you not listen to her, ignore what she says, misbehave with her, never give her a helping hand, are demanding towards her sometimes, constantly do things that make her upset? Do you consciously try to do things that would make her happy?
Does she have someone to talk to, help around the house, someone she can call a friend, does she have a life outside of the house? Does she bottle up her feelings inside her and then they come out in the form you have mentioned above? Can you be for her the listener she has always yearned for?
Think about it this way: Maybe this is her way of saying "I feel like you don't care about me or love me"? Try to put yourself in her shoes. Would you like to have the life she's had?
There's always two sides of the story. I've seen this behaviour with people and it usually has a root cause. Try to identify the root cause rather than cure the surface level symptoms.
Relationships take work. Try to show her utmost kindness and love and lend her a helping hand whenever possible. You are her blood too so she will eventually soften up inShaAllah. But you must give it your 100%. It will be very difficult but rewarding and worth it with the help of Allah inShaAllah
May Allah grant you ease and sabr in this regard. Ameen...
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islamicrays · 4 years
What are some ways I can connect with Allah (SAW) on a deeper level when making dua ? I struggle to concentrate sometimes and to put my thoughts/feelings into words. And also how can I practice gratitude to Allah (SAW) for all the amazing things he has done for me ?
Assalamu Alaikum
Suhaib reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:
“Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks Allah, thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (endures into patiently), there is good for him in it.” [Sahih Muslim]
If you want to be happy and content with your life then look at those who are given less than you and you will appreciate your life. As narrated in hadith
Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: When one of you looks at one who stands at a higher level than you in regard to wealth and physical structure he should also see one who stands at a lower level than you in regard to these things (in which he stands) at a hi-her level (as compared to him).
Sahih Muslim Chapter 1, Book 042, Number 7068
When we are grateful Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala increase our blessings.
“If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.” (Quran 14:7)
“Praise Allah, for by his praise His blessings multiply” Umar ibn Al-khattab(may Allah be pleased with Him)
“Indeed blessings are attained through gratitude and gratitude is related to increase and these two are linked so that increase from Allah does not diminish until gratitude from the servant diminishes”.
-Ali b. Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with Him)
Secondly dua is the weapon of a believer. It helps to develop a connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.Our dua are always answered as narrated in hadith:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Any Muslim who makes a supplication containing nothing which is sinful, or which involves breaking ties of relationship, will be given for it by Allah one of three things: He will give him swift answer, or store it up for him in the next world, or turn away from him an equivalent amount of evil.” Those who heard it said they would then make many supplications and he (peace be upon him) replied that Allah was more ready to answer than they were to ask.
(Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 2257)
Make dua and He will surely grant you that will be best for you. Only He knows what is best for us. Also read this quote
"Truthfulness is the key to healing. Quickly and completely. Being honest and open with yourself and Allah about everything. This means being honest about your sins. Facing them and begging Allah for forgiveness. And then doing what’s necessary to make amends for any missed obligations.
This also means being honest about what you’re feeling. The pain you’ve suppressed or numbed and the feelings you try to hide from yourself and the world. Not being open and honest and truthful is like a person who keeps a gunshot wound covered, but never cleans it out. It will get infected. And eventually even amputated. But the sufferer takes anesthetics to numb the pain. What will happen? The infection grows. Covering something doesn’t make it go away. And time alone is not enough to heal a wound that isn’t cleaned out.
To be truthful with Allah, first realize He never rejects *anyone * who comes to Him sincerely. *No matter what they have done*. Realize that Allah is more merciful than a mother is to her child.
Second, cry. Break. Be vulnerable with Allah. There is no truthfulness without vulnerability. And there is no hiding or fooling Allah. To do this is only to hide and fool yourself.
When you cry and break and show vulnerability and truthfulness to Allah, you are opening and cleaning the wound. When you repent and make amends with Allah you are purifying the wound. You then allow Allah to carry out the natural healing process. But when you cover and numb and pretend–when you put things in a drawer and throw away the key–you’re only blocking this natural healing process and prolonging your suffering.
Allah has designed the human being *extremely* resilient. Wounds are a part of the design, but so is healing. You just have to make sure you don’t get in your own way.
Don’t be afraid of showing your true self to Allah. He will never reject you–no matter how broken or ‘ugly’ or sinful you think you are. No matter how scarred. Don’t be afraid to break to Allah. When you break to Allah, He builds you. Stronger.
Be truthful and begin the road to true healing and peace."
-Yasmin Mogahed
I hope it will be helpful. May Allah guide us to the straight path.
Allahumma Ameen
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beautifulfajr · 4 years
a) Dua for the best of both worlds
Rabbana atinafee addunya hasanatan wafee al-akhiratihasanatan waqina AAathaba annar.Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.{Surat Al Baqarah 2 : Ayaah 201}
b) Dua during Distress (Keeping in mind as humans we are never “totally” free from distress,thus making this dua constantly is very beneficial.)
La ilaha il-lallah Al-`Alimul-Halim. La-ilaha illallah Rabul- Arsh-al-Azim, La ilaha-il-lallah Rabus-Samawati Rab-ul-Ard; wa Rab-ul-Arsh Al- Karim.None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the incomparably great, the compassionate. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the rabb of the mighty throne. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the rabb of the heavens, the rabb of the earth, and the rabb of the honorable throne.[Sahih Al Bukhari]
c) Dua for Spouse and Children
Rabbanahab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatinaqurrata aAAyunin wajAAalna lilmuttaqeena imama
Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.{Surat Al Furqan 25: Ayaah 74}
d) Dua for Forgiveness and a Beautiful End
Rabbana faghfirlana thunoobana wakaffir AAannasayyi-atina watawaffana maAAa al-abrar
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrar (those who are obedient to Allah and follow strictly His Orders).{Surat Ali Imran 3: Ayaah 193}
e) Dua for Protection against Debt, Oppression, Sadness.
Allahumma Inni A’udhu Bika Minal-Hammi Wal-Hazani Wal-Ajzi Wal-Kasali Wal-Bukhli Wa Dala’id=Dain Wa Qahrir-RijalO Allah, I seek refuge in You from sadness, grief, helplessness, laziness, being stingy, overwhelming debt, and the overpowering of men[Tirmidhi]
f) Dua for Guidance & Protection against harm
Allahumm-aghfir li, warhamni, wa-hdini, wa ‘afini, warzuqni
O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me against harm and provide me with sustenance and salvation[Sahih Muslim]
g) Dua for Guidance towards the best of Manners
Inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lillahi rabbil-alamin, la sharika lahu, wa bidhalika umirtu wa ana min al-muslimin. Allahummahdini liahsanil-amali wa ahsanil-akhlaqi la yahdi li ahsaniha illa anta wa qini sayy’al-a’mali wa sayy’al-ahaqi la yaqi sayy’aha illa ant.Indeed my salah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all that exists. He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am one of the Muslims. O Allah, guide me to the best of deeds and the best of manners, for none can guide to the best of them but You. And protect me from bad deeds and bad manners, for none can protect against them but You.[Sunan An Nasai]
h) Dua for Safety and Wellbeing
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda wat- tuqa wal-‘afafa wal-ghinaO Allah! I ask you for your guidance, piety, safety and wellbeing and contentment and sufficieny.[Sahih Muslim]
i) Dua for Protection Against Hellfiire
Rabbanaisrif AAanna AAathaba jahannama inna AAathabahakana gharama Innaha saat mustaqarran wamuqama
Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily! Its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment. Evil indeed it (Hell) is as an abode and as a place to dwell.{Surat Al Furqan 25: Ayaat 65-66}
j) Dua for confessing your Sins – Dua of Yunus aleyhi salaam.If you know what verse follows this verse you will never stop making this dua! SubhanAllah. May Allah answer our prayers as He responded to the call of our beloved Prophet Yunus aleyhi salaam.
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inneekuntu mina aththalimeen[none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)], Glorified (and Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers.{Surat Al Anbya 21: Ayaah 87}
Fastajabna lahu wanajjaynahumina alghammi wakathalika nunjee almu/mineenSo We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers.{Surat Al Anbya 21: Ayaah 88}
May Allah make us from the believers whom He saves!! Ameen
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Shall I not tell you of something that, if any worldly calamity or disaster befalls any man among you and he says these words, he will be relieved of it. (It is) the du’aa’ of Dhu’l-Noon: “Laa ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu min al-zaalimeen (none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allaah), Glorified (and Exalted) be You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers).” According to another report: “No Muslim man says this du’aa’ concerning anything but Allaah will answer his prayer.”[Saheeh al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer wa Ziyaadatuhu, 2065]
k) Dua for protection against an oppressor or when you are feeling totally helpless – Dua of Nuh aleyhi salaam
Rabbahu annee maghloobun fantasirIndeed, I am overpowered, so help(me).{Surat Al Qamar 54: Ayaah 10}
l) Dua for the best disposal of your Affairs – Dua of Ibrahim aleyhi salaam
HasbunaAllahu waniAAma alwakeel
Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.{Surat Ali Imran 3: Ayaah 173}
m) Dua for Job Security + Marriage – Musa aleyhi salaam. One of my favourite Duaas. This dua ensured Musa aleyhi salaam got a job security for 8-10 years and got him married.
Rabbiinnee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer
My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.{Surah Al Qasas 28: Ayaah 24}
n) Dua for seeking Allah’s Mercy
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum! Bi rahmatika astagheeth!
O Living, O Self-Sustaining Sustainer! In Your Mercy do I seek relief[Tirmidhi]
o) Dua for entrusting your affairs with Allah – Dua of Yaqoob aleyhi salaam
Innama ashkoo baththee wahuzneeila AllahiI only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah{Surah Yusuf 12: Ayaah 86}
Waofawwidu amree ila Allahi inna Allahabaseerun bilAAibadAnd I entrust my affair to Allah . Indeed, Allah is Seeing of [His] servants{Surah Ghafir 40:Ayaah 44}
p) Dua for Protection Against Hellfire, Grave & Dajjal
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min ‘adhabi jahannam, wa min ‘adhabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat, wa min sharri fitnatil-masihid-dajjal.“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the mischief of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Antichrist).”[Sahih Muslim]
q) Dua for acceptance of dua!
Rabbana wtaqabbal duAAa
Our Lord, and accept my supplication.{Surat Ibrahim 14: Ayaah 40}
SubhanAllah nearly every week we get emails from sisters asking us for duas that might get them pregnant. I pray Allah answers your dua for a poius, healthy and beautiful progeny this Ramadan.Here are some of the duas you can make.
1. Dua of Zakkariyya aleyhi salaam
Rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatantayyibatan innaka sameeAAu adduAAa“My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.”{Surat Ali Imran 3: Ayaah 38}
2. Dua of Zakkariyya aleyhi salaam
Rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheen“My Lord, do not leave me alone [with no heir], while you are the best of inheritors.”{Surat Al Anbya 21 : Ayaah 89}
3. Dua of Ibrahim aleyhi salaam for his sons Ismael and Ishaq
Rabbi hablee mina assaliheen“My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous.”{Surat As Saffat 37: Ayaah 100}
4. Dua from Surat Al Furqan
Rabbanahab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatinaqurrata aAAyunin wajAAalna lilmuttaqeena imama“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”{Surat Al Furqan 25: Ayaah 74}
5. Dua from Surat Al Ahqaf
RabbiawziAAnee an ashkura niAAmataka allatee anAAamta AAalayya waAAalawalidayya waan aAAmala salihan tardahuwaaslih lee fee thurriyyatee innee tubtuilayka wa-innee mina almuslimeen.“My Lord, enable me to be grateful f
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🍃🕊🍃 An account of Zakariyya (as) and Yahya (as)
🍃 In Surah the family of ‘Imran Allah says, “There did Zakariyya pray to his Lord; he said My Lord! Grant me from Thee good offspring; surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer.”
“Then the angels called to him as he stood praying in the sanctuary?” (3:38-39)
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq says that reciting prayer (Salat ) is a service towards Allah and it is the best duty. For this reason the angels told Zakariyya
that Allah gives him the news of Yahya verifying a Word from Allah, and honorable and chaste and a Prophet from among the good ones.” (3:39)
He (Zakariyya said, My Lord when shall there be a son (born) to me, and old age has already come upon me, and my wife is barren? At that time Zakariyya was 120 years old and his wife 98. According to ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim the wife was old and did not used to get menstrual course. It was not a question to be against Allah’s will but he was surprised to beget a son in old age.) Zakariyya said, Even thus does Allah what He pleases.
He said, My Lord: appoint a sign for me Said He: Your sign is that you should not speak to men for three days except by signs; and remember your Lord much and glorify Him in the evening and the morning. (3:41)
In Surah Maryam Ayat no 2 to 6 Allah says,
“A mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariyya. When he called upon his Lord in a low voice. He said, My Lord surely my bones are weakened and my head fares with hoariness and my Lord! I have never been unsuccessful in my prayer to Thee.
And surely I fear my cousins after me, and my wife is barren, therefore grant me from Thyself an heir. Who should inherit me and inherit from the children of Ya‘qub, and make him, my Lord, one in Whom Thou art well pleased.(19:2-6)
According to tradition of ‘Ali Ibn Ibrahim up to that time he didn’t have any son to continue his generation. And was the chief Scholars of Palestine. He used to get gifts and all facilities from them. His wife was the daughter of ‘Imran’s son Masaan and descendants of Ya‘qub were the chiefs of people. They belonged to Prophet Sulayman ’s family.
Allah, the exalted says:
O Zakariyya! Surely we give you good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya; we have not made before anyone his equal.
He said, O my Lord! when shall I have a son, and my wife is barren, and I myself have reached extreme old age?
He said, So shall it be; your Lord says; It is easy to Me, and indeed I created you before when you were nothing. (19:7-9)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir is reported to have said, “Yahya born five years after Allah’s revelation.”
He said,
My Lord! Give me a sign. He said, Your sign is that you will not be able to speak to the people three nights while in sound health. (19:10)
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in many religious books that Zakariyya had doubt whether it is Allah’s revelation or Satan’s information. For that he asked about the sign from Allah. Allah cleared his doubt by saying, he will not able to speak for three days with anyone while in sound health. When this sign approached upon him, he understood that Allah’s promise was true. Whenever he wanted to say anything to the people, he could not speak but giving the sign by nodding the head.
So he went forth to his people from his place of worship, then he made known to them that they should glorify (Allah) morning and evening. (19:11)
Zakariyya says that He was coming out from his place of worship at the time of prayer every morning and evening, and calling people for prayer by reciting the holy verses and when time came of his wife’s delivery, he could not speak with anyone nor could recited any Dua or prayer.
Allah says:
O Yahya! Take hold of the Book with strength, and We granted him wisdom while yet a child. (19:12)
According to tradition when Allah commanded him, Yahya was three years old. When the other children tried to play with him, Yahya said that he was not born to play and waste time. According to the report of ‘Ali Ibn Asbaat, once he came to Imam Muhammad al-Taqi. Imam Taqi’s height was about 5 feet. ‘Ali Ibn Asbaat thought something about his height. Imam looked at him and said that Allah, the Creator, sends the messengers not to merely promulgate the divine law but act upon them practically. Sometimes the Almighty bestowed Prophethood at the age of forty and sometimes in childhood as in the case of Yahya and Allah, the Exalted says in Qur’an,
“And tenderness from Us and purity, and he was one who guarded (against evil).” (19:14)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said that when the Prophet addressed Him ‘Ya Rabbah’ at once Allah replied, “Labbaik” means “I am here, I am always with you, say what do you want”? In Qur’an, Allah says:
“And dutiful to his parents, and he was not insolent, disobedient. And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life.” (19:14)
Allah, the Beneficent declares in Qur’an,
“And Zakariyya, when he cried to his Lord O my Lord! Leave me not alone; and Thou art the best of inheritors.” (21:89)
Allah, the Merciful replies in connection of these verses:
“So We responded to him and gave him Yahya and made his wife fit for him, surely they used to hasten, one with another in deeds of goodness and to call upon Us hoping and fearing; and they were humble before Us.” (21:90)
According to Sa’id bin ‘Abdullah once he asked some questions to Imam al-Mahdi when he was very young and was sitting on a lap of his father Imam Al-Hasan ‘Askari Sa’id bin ‘Abdullah asked Imam to explain the meaning of “Kaf-Ha-ya-Ain-Suad.” Imam at once said that there is a great secret behind of these letters. Allah has given the knowledge of these letters to Zakariyya and the last Prophet, Muhammad al-Mustafa.
It is said that Zakariyya requested the Almighty to make him know the names of the people of the cloak. By the order of Allah Archangel Gabriel approached him and taught him the names of the people of the cloak. When Zakariyya was reciting the names of Muhammad, ‘Ali, Fatimah, hasan his tension and sadness dissipated at once but when he recited the name of husayn, his throat was choked and he started crying. Then one day after reciting Dua and prayer he asked Allah the reason of his crying by reciting the name husayn.
Allah, the beneficent told him about the incident of Karbala by revelation: ‘Kaf’ means Karbala, ‘Ha’ means the martyrdom of the son of Rasul Ya’ means Yazid, ‘Ain’ means thirst and hunger of the family of husayn. ‘Suad’ means Patience of Imam al-Husayn.
When Zakariyya heard this, he felt, too much sorrow. He could not come out from his place of worship and forbade people to come and see him. He was saddened deeply, prayed to Allah by crying at Imam’s martyrdom. He said, “O, Allah! You will test your Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa’s heart by grievances and troubles for the people of world to spread the principles and laws of Islam! Imam ‘Ali and Fatimah will also mourn and wear black dress for Imam al-Husayn’s martyrdom!”
He prayed, “My Lord! Grant me a son, I will prove myself as a truthful servant. O Allah make me cry and sad for my son’s troubles and sorrow as you will make your Prophet sorrowful for his son Imam al-Husayn’s grief.”
Allah the Merciful granted him a son named Yahya. His mother’s pregnancy was only of six months and Imam al-Husayn’s was also the same.
According to the traditions of Imam al-Baqir and Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq the names Yahya and husayn were fixed by Allah and no one knew these names before.
The murderer of Prophet Salih’s camel, Yahya’s, Imam ‘Ali’s, and Imam al-Husayn’s murders were all adulterers.
It is said that the earth and the heavens did not weep for anyone except Yahya and Imam al-Husayn. The sun lamented on their martyrdom. It became red like blood while rising and setting. According to another tradition, it rained blood. If a white colored cloth was spread on the ground it might have become red, and blood started oozing from below the stones.
According to the tradition of Imam Zayn al-‘abidin after the incident of Karbala, they were returning to Karbala again. On the way wherever they halted, he heard his beloved father Imam al-Husayn and Yahya saying that the people of Palestine killed Yahya and sent his head to a prostitute.
Ibn Babawayh has quoted from Wahab ibn Munabbah that one day Iblis was roaming among the people in Palestine and taking about Maryam and Zakariyya and defaming them. So the people turned against him (Zakariyya) and were ready to kill him. Zakariyya ran towards a tree to escape the enemies. The trunk of the tree cracked and Zakariyya entered in it and the crevices joined as before.
Iblis brought the people to the tree where Zakariyya was hiding. He searched for him by putting his hand below the tree and asked people to split the tree into pieces. The people obeyed him and cut the tree with a saw into two lying in the open and went away. Iblis also disappeared from there. Zakariyya felt no pain when people cut the tree with him.
Allah sent some angels who bathed his dead body and said prayer for three days continuously. The dead body of Allah’s messenger never decomposes nor is it dispersed in the soil.
Imam Al-Hasan ‘Askari says that Allah declares in Holy Qur’an: “O Zakariyya, we give good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya. We have not made anyone equal and we granted him wisdom while yet a child.”
Children asked Yahya to come and play. He replied, “Allah has created me to guide you from evil and not for playing.”
Allah mentions in Holy Qur’an,
“And tenderness from us and purity, and he was one who guarded (against evil) And dutiful to his parents and he was not insolent, disobedient.”(19:13-14)
Imam Al-Hasan al-’Askari says that when Zakariyya went to see Maryam he saw the winter fruits in summer and summer fruits in winter with her. He inquired about it. Maryam answered that it was all from Allah. If Allah, the Great desires to give anything at any time He gives. Zakariyya was sure that whatever she said was true. None came to her except he. Zakariyya was old he thought that Allah, the Almighty is Great. He provides everything to her, He takes care of her, sends her fruits of all seasons. Allah is great. Zakariyya thought for himself, he raised his hands for prayer. He prayed, “I have become old and my wife is also old and barren. Allah, grant me a son from Thyself as my heir.” Angels who were standing for prayer in the place of worship, congratulated him and said, Allah gives good news of a boy, whose name will be Yahya and he will be first to verify ‘Isa who will be good and obedient to Allah and His commands. He will be aloof from women. He would be a good Prophet.
The first verification of Yahya about ‘Isa was when Maryam the mother of ‘Isa drew aside from her family. She was staying in the place of worship to pray to Allah. There was a separate room without stairs. A ladder was installed for climbing up and down, none cared for her, except the Zakariyya. When he was going out, he locked the door. There was a ventilator on the doors.
When he came to know that Maryam was pregnant, he became very sad and thought that people of Israel would blame him as none visited her except Zakariyya. He informed his wife about Maryam . She said, “Don’t worry. Allah is Great and He will help you in this situation.” And she asked him to bring Maryam to her so she can ask her. Zakariyya brought Maryam to his wife, who was her elder sister. She could not stand to give respect to Maryam as she was pregnant with Yahya. By the grace of Allah, Yahya took out his hand and helped his mother to stand for Maryam in respect and said, “Maryam the mother of ‘Isa who is in her womb is coming to you and you can’t stand for the respectable lady?” She heard the voice of her son from her womb and she stood up. Yahya also bowed down in his mother’s womb. This was the first testimony of Yahya!1
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in a book that on the Resurrection Day a proclaimer will announce, “Where is Fatimah the daughter of Prophet, where is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid? Where is Maryam the daughter of ‘Imran? Where is Aasiya the daughter of Mazahim? And where is Umm Kulthum the mother of Yahya? They all will come forward on the day of judgment.”
The Holy Prophet has stated that the status of Yahya was very high. One day he came to the Dome of rocks. There he saw the learned scholars, whose dresses and caps were made of hair and chained to the pillars of mosque they were praying. Seeing them, Yahya told his mother to make a dress of hair for him so can join with them for prayer there. His mother asked him to wait until his father the Prophet of Allah came (At that time Yahya was very young). When Zakariyya came his mother asked him for Yahya wish.
Yahya said to his father, “O Father, have you not seen the children die in infancy?” Prophet said he had.
Then Prophet asked Yahya’s mother to prepare a dress for him as he likes. Yahya put on the dress and went to Jerusalem to pray with the other worshipper’s. His body became thin and weak, due to heavy hairy dress. When Yahya felt weakness, he prayed to Allah. Allah said, “O Yahya are you crying for weakness? I swear, if you see the fire of hell once, you will ask for the dress of iron.” Hearing the revelation, he wept so much, his face became pale and jaws became dry and his teeth jutted out. When his mother learnt of this she came with his father. The worshipper gathered and said his face became pale and wounded. Yahya said he knew nothing. Zakariyya asked, “O son, why are you suffering so much? I prayed to Allah to grant me a son and you were born. Allah refreshed my eyes and heart.” Yahya asked his father that he himself has said that there is a valley between Heaven and Hell, and only the righteous believers of Allah and Allah’s apostles will pass from it. Prophet replied, “Yes, I have told you. Allah, the Creator has created you for His worship.”
Then his mother asked if she could make two pieces of soft carpet-like cloth to keep upon his face, hide his teeth and wipe his tears. Yahya said, “Yes mother, do as you wish.” His mother made two pieces of cloth and kept on his cheeks. After sometime both the pieces were wet with tears. When he squeezed it, the tears fell from his finger tips. When Zakariyya saw this he became very sad and prayed, “O Allah! He is my son and these are his tears. You are Great and Merciful.”
When Zakariyya wanted to preach and make the people them about heaven and hell, he looked left and right as he did not want to say about the hell in presence of his son. Then one day Yahya was not present in the gathering. Prophet started addressing the people. Yahya also came and sat among the people to hear the sermon of his father. Zakariyya said, “Today, my friend Archangel Gabriel came with Allah’s revelation that there is a mountain in hell. Its name is ‘Sakaraan’. Beneath it is a valley ‘Gazabaan’. It is very dangerous and one of the gravest. There is a very deep and wide well in the valley. It is about hundred years of travel. There are numerous trunks of fire. These trunks have small trunks of fire including iron bars, chains and neck braces.”
When Yahya heard about the chastisement of Allah, he raised his head and cried, “O Allah! We were ignorant of this!” He left the place and moved to the forest.
Zakariyya came to his wife and asked her to search for him and said, “I am afraid that you will see him after his death.” His mother went out to search for him and reached where some people of Israel had gathered. They asked her where she was going. She said she was in search of her son, Yahya who had heard about hell from his father. “I fear he must have gone to the forest.” Then she went towards the forest. On the way she met a shepherd. She asked him if he had seen him. He said he had seen him and that his whole body was wet with tears. He was praying to Allah, raising his head up and saying, “O, Allah! By Your Glory and Greatness I will not drink cool water until I die and return to You.”
His mother came to him. When he saw his mother, he went to her. She covered his head with her dress and requested him to return home. He was an obedient son. They both returned home and she asked him to change the hairy clothes and put on woolen ones as they were soft. Yahya did as his mother said. Then his mother cooked masoor (lentil) for dinner. He ate and slept. At the time of the morning prayer Yahya heard Allah’s revelation, “O Yahya! Do you want any place better than My place? Or anyone like Me?” Yahya arose and asked Allah to forgive him for his deeds. He said he wanted the shelter of His Jerusalem only.
He asked his mother to return his coarse dress. His mother gave him and embraced him, requested him not to go out. But Zakariyya said, “Let him go. He has renounced the world.” Yahya changed his dress, and occupied himself in prayer with the worshippers in Jerusalem until his last.
According to a tradition of Imam al-Ridha, from the beginning, Iblis was visiting the Prophets from Adam to ‘Isa. He was sitting and discussing with them but he was much attached to Yahya. One day Yahya asked him, “O Abu Marrah! I want to ask you something.” The Satan said, “Say what you like as your respect is very high in my sight. I cannot deny you.”
Yahya said, “Then tell me about all your tricks by which you make the people act against Allah’s commands.” He agreed and promised him that he would come to him the next day. Next day in the morning, Yahya was waiting for him, when suddenly an ugly figure approached him. His face was like a monkey and the body was like a pig. His eyes were as big as his mouth, his chin and beard were missing. He had four hands. Two of them on his breast and two on the shoulders. His toes were backward. He wore a gown and had a turban. Tied to his waist were multi-colored threads it. He had a bell in his hand and the hooks hung from the bell. Yahya asked him about his turban which was tied on his waist. He said it is a cage made by him. It is painted of different colors to attract the male and the coloring threads are the oaths of women which attract males by evil tricks. Prophet asked about the bell. He said, it possessed all kinds of tastes. It has all sorts of sounds like a flute, guitar and drum etc. When a person drinks wine and do not enjoy it I ring the bell. Hearing the sound of bell, they start singing and dancing and clapping.” Prophet asked, “What makes you happy?” He said, “Women.”
Then he said, “When the virtuous people curse me, I go to the women and make them happy.” The Prophet asked, “What is it on your head?” He said, “These are the curses of good people.” The Prophet asked, “And what about the hooks which are hanging on it?” He said, “By these hooks, I attract the mind and heart of the good believers towards me.” Then Yahya asked whether he could succeed over him?” Satan said, “No. Not at all. But I have seen your attitude, when you eat more than my hunger, until I am alive.” The Satan also vowed that he will not give advice any Muslim until the day of judgment and disappeared from there and did not come again to any Prophet.
In another book it is written that the dress of Yahya was made of date palm.
According to traditions of Imam Musa al-Ka¨im and Imam al-Ridha, Yahya was always weeping in fear of Allah and never laughed and ‘Isa was sometimes crying and sometimes laughing and whatever he was doing, was better than Yahya.
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq is quoted in a book that the rulership of The Israelites was transferred from Prophet Denial to Uzair. The followers used to gather and ask the religious matters and problems and solved their problems through Uzair.
Then Prophet Uzair disappeared from among them for a hundred years and by order of Allah he again reappeared and the people who were preaching to the people in his absence became dumb. The rules and regulations were very strict at that time. In the same period Yahya born. When he was seven years old, he started preaching Allah’s command and recited the holy verses in loud voice before the people. “Allah is one! He is alone and has no partner. He punishes the offenders, so fear His chastisement. Sometimes the apostles disappear from the people to their offence. You will be happy when ‘Isa son of Maryam will come within twenty years among you and preach you.”
‘Ali has stated that Yahya died in the last week of the month on Wednesday. (Month is not mentioned)
Imam as-Sadiq has stated in a book that ‘Isa prayed to Allah to make Yahya return to the world again and went near the Yahya’s tomb and called out. Yahya came out of his tomb and asked, “O ‘Isa why have you called me? And what do you want from me?” ‘Isa said, “I want you to return to the world again and be my helper and companion as you were before.” Yahya replied, “O ‘Isa! Still I am restless after my death and you want me to come back again and die again. I don’t want to come again,” and went into his tomb and ‘Isa turned back.
Imam as-Sadiq has stated that a man came to ‘Isa and confessed that he is a great sinner. He has committed a great sin (adultery). “So please make me pure and ask Allah to forgive me.” ‘Isa called the people to gather and award punishment. People gathered and made him stand in a pit for stoning. ‘Isa said, “Only those who have not committed any sin can punish.” The people realized their mistake and left except ‘Isa and Yahya.
Yahya came to him and said, “O sinner, give me some good advice.” He said, “Restrain from evil, otherwise your wish will kill you.” Yahya said, “Say something more.” He said, “Secondly do not rebuke the person in front of others and do not be angry in excess.” Prophet said, “It is enough.”
The Holy Prophet says, “When the time came, Allah raised ‘Isa nominated Prophet Shamoun ibn Hamoon as his successor. He preached to the people of The Israelites until he was alive. When people tried Yahya and put him to death, he appointed the son of Shamoun as his successor.2
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said that when Yahya was born Angels took him to the heaven and gave him milky juice but forbade him to drink milk. Then they brought him to his father Zakariyya. The house was illuminated as if by moonlight.
Imam al-Ridha says that there are three stages in a human life. First when he is born in the world and sees the world. Second when he dies and third when he would be raised from the grave. Allah sent peace upon Yahya and removed his fear. Yahya said that Allah, the Merciful has released him from the terror of these three occasions.
Imam al-Ridha says, “When Zakariyya prayed to Allah to grant him a son whom he can nominate as his successor it was the first of Muharram and Allah heard his prayer. It is said that Allah bestow whatever he asks to the one who fasts and prays on that day.”
According to hasan Balkia Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq said, “When Zakariyya fled in fear of The Israelites and asked a tree for refuge, the trunk of the tree split and invited Zakariyya to enter. When he entered, the tree joined as before. The Israelites searched for him everywhere but could not find him. Then Satan came to them and showed them where he was hidden and asked them to saw the tree trunk. At that time people were worshipping that tree and they refused to cut the tree. But Satan changed their mind and made them cut it happily.” At last, Zakariyya was cut in two.3
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq was asked, who was the most cruel disbeliever. He said, “He was an adulterer and kept a lot of mistresses. One of them belonged to The Israelites. When she became old, she asked her daughter to “go to the king as a mistress and when the king asks what reward you want, tell him that you want the head of the son of Zakariyya.” The girl did as her mother bid her. The king asked her three times but she gave the same reply. At last the king ordered for a golden tray, called Yahya to his court and cut his head. When Prophet’s blood fell on the ground it began to boil. The people started putting dust and mud on it but it did not stop boiling. The dust and mud piled upon it became a hillock.
Many years passed. After that king, the new king named Nebuchadnezzar became the ruler of The Israelites. He asked one of the elderly people the reason of blood boiling. He said he has heard from his father and grandfather that it was the blood of Yahya who had been killed by the previous king and his blood is still boiling.
Nebuchadnezzar vowed that he would kill the people of The Israelites to stop the boiling of blood. To this end he killed about seventy thousand people and the blood stopped boiling.
Nebuchadnezzar vowed that he would kill the people of The Israelites to stop the boiling of blood. To this end he killed about seventy thousand people and the blood stopped boiling.
According to another tradition, the woman who asked the king for Yahya’s head, was the wife of another king. The king of the Israelites kept her as his mistress. When she became old, she offered the king to accept her daughter from her first husband. The king said he will ask Yahya if he would allow me to marry her. When he asked Yahya he refused. Then one day the old woman dressed up her daughter and sent her to the king when he was drunk. He accepted her. Then she persuaded the king to kill Yahya. Due to this Yahya was slaughtered by the king.
According to another tradition ‘Isa sent Yahya with twelve followers to preach to the people the religious laws and warn people that it was against Islamic law, to marry the sister’s daughter. According to a tradition the king loved his sister’s daughter very much and he wanted to marry her. When her mother came to know about the Yahya’s order. She became very angry with him. She adorned her daughter and sent her to the king. The king asked her what she desired as a gift. She asked for Yahya’s head. The king told her to ask for anything except Yahya’s head, but she refused. Finally the king relented and summoned Yahya to the court and beheaded him.
The drops of blood fell on the ground and started boiling. When Nebuchadnezzar came on the throne and he came to know about it from an old woman of The Israelites, he vowed that he would kill the people of the Israelites to stop the boiling of blood.
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq said, “When Allah desires to take revenge of his apostles or believers, He takes revenge through evil people of this world and sometimes He takes revenge from His own friends. Nothing is difficult to Allah. Allah took revenge of Yahya by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of The Israelites.”4
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 1. It is said that the mother of Yahya was from Asia. Some says that she was the sister of Maryam or her aunt.
🍃 2. That there are different opinions about Yahya being the successor of ‘Isa
🍃 3. Allah’s blessings on those who believe in Him and curse on those who have slaughtered His apostles.
🍃 4. Many incidents and conditions of Yahya, Prophet Daniel will be narrated in the chapter of Nebuchadnezzar.
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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undercovermuslimaa · 5 years
Allah tells in the Quran how He showed a miracle to Zakariya عليه السلام by bestowing an offspring in a very unlikely age which was a very impossible thing. Are these just for أنبياء or can we also expect and hope such impossibles to happen with us with sincere dua. You d say with Allah everthing is possible n always make dua but we usually dont see such impossibles happen around us.So are these miracles just for prophets.I ll be really thankful for your enlightening reply
To answer this question, we first must ask why Allah granted the Prophets their wishes, was it because Allah liked them better than the rest of his servants? Or was it perhaps due to the sincere faith, trust and obedience the Prophets placed upon their Lord? We know Allah to be the most high, fair judge and therefore we can conclude that Allah would always gift upon one's religion. So then why is it that sometimes the most faithful of servants don't receive their wish?
The Prophet said: “there isn’t a single Muslim who makes a dua, as long as it is not for something that is haram or that breaks the ties of kinship, except that Allah would give him or her 1 of 3 things: either He will answer his prayer soon, or He will store it up for him in the Hereafter, or He will remove something bad from him that is equivalent to what he is asking for.
Sometimes when we make dua, we don’t see its immediate effects. As a result, we get disheartened and lose hope in the effectiveness of our duas yet we must always remember that Allah is the best of planners and just because duas are not answered immediately or the exact way we wish it to doesn't mean Allah has ignored us. We must remember we're always two steps behind Him and therefore He can see what's best for us in the longterm and if He decides something is not good for us, or not at this time then it must be so. A parent raising an infant and not allowing him to have lollipops before bed may seem cruel to the child yet the parent knows of the benefits it'll reap in the future and so does Allah with our duas, we may not comprehend the reasons why now but in the future, the 'neglected' duas may be a blessing in disguise.
Moreover you've mentioned miracles and I truly believe with all of my heart that Allah does give miracles. I think the problem is our selves, our societies. It's clear that nowadays there is more sin and corruption, and more people dishonoring Allah. Allah has never forsaken us and He does miracles for us everyday! You've spoken about the miracle baby, but nowadays so many of the same exact miracles are happening! All around the world, women over menopausal ages are getting pregnant for the first time. Just last month an Indian lady of 73, had a baby for the first time when doctors told her it was impossible. How glorious is Allah? However in all of the news headlines nobody is attributing this miracle to Allah and His goodness, instead people believe it to be due to the woman's body miraculously regaining fertility. This is the problem, even when Allah answers miracles, due to us simply not associating it with His wonders it seems as if it did not happen with His accord. When we look around and give glory for all the miracles that happen we can then appreciate that the miracles do truly happen.
As the prophet has said, Allah always has a plan and we must trust that like the parent, He always has our best interests at heart and we must follow him, even if it means we don't get that lollopop.😊
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stranges-posts · 5 years
Having children is one of the blessings of Allah. God provides us all with different rizq (well-being), health and offsprings. All of these things are gifts from God and we should be grateful for what we are given and never complain for what we don’t have.
⏩It is sunnah to announce the birth of the child once the baby arrives but till that moment below are some beneficial practices for you and your child in sha Allah.
If you are expecting a baby, keep thanking God for this gift and keep it private among close relatives. There is a general principle which should be paid attention to when telling others of blessings. The news should be given only to those who wish good for you and will rejoice over it, so as to ward off the evil eye and destructive envy (hasad). The evidence for that is the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Be discreet in order to achieve what you want, for everyone who is blessed is envied.”
Narrated by al-Tabaraani and Abu Nu’aym; classed as sahaah by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 943.
Be thankful to Allah for having chosen you for such a gift. The first trimester is hard for some women who suffer from nausea (morning sickness) and weakness; and the last weeks of pregnancy are exhausting:
Allah says in the Quran: “…His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness…” (Surah Luqman:14)
“…His mother carried him with hardship and gave birth to him with hardship…” (Surah al-Aĥqaf:15)
– even then, keep thanking Allah and believe that He will never burden you more than you can bear! He is indeed the best of planners and knows what is best for us!
What a blessed mother was she who gave birth to Maryam! So why not follow her footsteps and make the same dua (supplication) she did when she was expecting as narrated in the Quran: “[Mention, O Muhammad], when the wife of ‘Imran said: My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.” (Surah Aal Imran: 35)
With this dua, renew your intention every day that this baby would be a pious servant of Allah. Insha’Allah your intentions and prayers will have a positive effect in creating an innate bond between your child and the deen (religion) of Allah!
It is narrated in a hadith by the Prophet (sa) that: “Each one of you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him…” (Bukhari)
Based on this hadith, jurists have inferred that the soul enters the foetus at around 4 months/120 days after gestation, that is, the second trimester. As you enter your second trimester, make frequent dua to Allah to pre-ordain for your baby a life of unwavering faith.
Around the 20th week, the baby in the womb gains the ability to hear. This is a great time to create a one-on-one, exclusive bond with your unborn baby by reciting the Quran every day. The sound waves of your voice will reach your baby and what better words than the melodious Quran for your baby to hear and get familiar with. Give your child a head start in creating a relationship and bond with the Quran even before he comes in this world. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your child!
Perhaps one of the things that the woman should focus on during this period is learning about sound methods of raising children, reading books on this topic or listening to useful lectures by scholars on it, whether that has to do with moral upbringing, health, psychology, pedagogy, and so on, in preparation for the great mission with which Allah has entrusted the parents, which is the trust of raising and caring for the child, so that the parents may embark upon it with knowledge and insight and achieve the best results, and attain the pleasure of Allah in this world and in the Hereafter.
As for the acts of worship that the pregnant woman can do, they are all the acts of worship that the Muslim does by day and by night, such as praying, fasting (so long as there is no fear of harm), giving charity, reading Qur’aan, regularly reciting the adhkaar that are prescribed in sharee‘ah, treating people kindly, visiting relatives, taking stock of oneself, and striving to attain the best attitudes, actions and words
Meditation through prayer: Many people will guide you towards yoga and meditation, which are a great way to relax your overworked body. However remember that prayer is the best form of meditation and it will calm you and soothe your baby as well.
💮Keep checking in with Allah: Stay connected with Allah and talk to Him about your fears and difficulties. Make istikharah (guidance prayer) for all decisions, especially when choosing your doctor and your delivery options. Ask Allah to grant you a safe delivery, a righteous child, and an easy transition into motherhood.
💮Avail the maternity leave Allah has given, if needed: The Prophet (sa) said: “Allah has relieved the traveller of half of the prayer and of the duty to fast, and He has relieved pregnant and nursing mothers (of the duty to fast).” (Sunan an-Nasa’i; reliable) If you feel that you are unable to fast due to weakness or any other complication, you can leave your fast without any worry. However do remember to mark it somewhere so that you don’t forget to make it up later.
💮Eat beneficial foods: Add honey, milk, figs, and dates to your diet as all of these have been mentioned in the Quran or the hadith for their benefits.
♥️May Allah make our sisters pregnancy easy, and grant us pious child who will be sadqa e jariah for us…
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