#ds1 x reader
zevexsii · 7 months
Hi!! Just found your blog and I see you write for Dark Souls! And all you write is so so good, you have such great skills! 💕 Can u do some Artorias headcanons with a female S/O? sfw and nsfw, if possible.
• She fights with a greatsword, is not as tall as him but she isn't human, is an extrovert (but not THAT extrovert), brunette and she has a cat. She also gets sick/hurt quite frequently but she doesn't really care about it. And wants to hadle everything by her own out of habit, to take care of people.
I don't know if this is useful for you but it's what I got!! Thank you so so much.
you are entirely too sweet, nonnie <3 i was running low on nsfw ideas, so i cut that section, but i appreciate your patience.
artorias x reader hcs - cut for length, no cws
artorias is an absolute jackass. he has redeeming qualities, but they're a little hard to come by. first of all, he's cocky. he's good at what he does, and he knows it. artorias hasn't survived this long because of pure luck- he works hard to stay where he is. because of his cockiness, he comes off as not only full of himself, but also full of horseshit. since he earned his station, artorias throws his weight around a fair bit. only to mess with those he outranks, but it still makes him a jerk. these qualities don't magically go away when he's interested in someone. as a matter of fact, they only get worse. artorias' incredibly thoughtful courtship attempts include inviting you to watch him spar, inviting you to watch him drink, and inviting you to his bed. what a charmer. in this relationship, you're holding the other end of the metaphorical child leash. shockingly enough, artorias is a little pathetic when it comes to direct romance. communication is going to be a bit of a struggle in the beginning, especially if you like to beat around the emotional bush. you'll never beat him at filling space with empty conversation, though. whether you're pre-established relationship or deep into a loving marriage, artorias will always pay special attention to you out of a group. he'll find a way to make something as simple as a compliment into a tirade. your unwillingness to let your body recover from illesses and injuries frustrates artorias to no end. of course he expected something would happen to you if he wasn't around- that's just how far his head is stuck up his own ass. it doesn't matter that you're inhuman, either. all of artorias' bratty behavior is rooted in the fear that one day, inevitably, he will lose everything. his only coping method is to get better; stronger, faster, smarter. you name it, artorias will have trained in it. of course, none of that will save him, but it's worth a try, right? artorias really tried to get along with your cat, he swears up and down he did. your cat, on the other hand, hates his guts. there was not a mutual attempt. artorias is also very allergic to your feline friend, but he'll try his absolute hardest to hide it. turns out, artorias isn't great at stifling sneezes or pretending not to have a runny nose. go figure.
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jellijellybean · 21 days
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this is bad, i'm currently thinking about genichiro from sekiro. i just feel like he can never take no as an answer y'know? like the type of guy to let out a loud exhale when you tell him you don't want to do something, when you reject his advances, and when you tell him to leave you alone. he's not used to it, not at all and it frustrates him to no end. how could you say no to him?
all he's ever done is have his family’s, his mentor’s, your best interest at heart and you have the nerve to tell him he can't have what he's worked so hard for? it has his blood boiling underneath that quiet exterior, his hands gripping the fabric of his pants while you explain to him that, although you appreciate his efforts to win you over, you're already in an arranged marriage — it would never work out, especially with how dangerous his position is in the ashina army.
you might not see it, might not be able to notice how little he's holding his composure together, but you can definitely feel the way the air changes. slowly starting to suffocate you, there's a hint of electricity beginning to flood inside your room. you can almost hear the soft buzz of it, the noise quiet enough to be ignored, but you couldn't. not when the threat of what it meant was still present. one wrong move and you might be fried from the static, but… genichiro wouldn't hurt you.
no, he wouldn't, he couldn't. is what he tells himself. he shouldn't be the one to hurt you, but he has to. just like how he has to be the one to restore ashina’s honor even if it costs him his people, his allies, and himself.
genichiro promises, swears on his life, that he'd be the only one you need. he'd devote himself entirely if you opened your heart enough. that he'd raise statues, monuments for your honor — you just have to give him what he wants. you might feel conflicted, maybe even confused because even if you do agree how would he convince your family? his head lowers, forehead to the floor, when he bows in front of you. the highest form of respect, given to you when you hear him whisper. he vows that when he returns, he'll return with jewelry, exotic fruits, presents for each member, money to help convince your family.
and what if they don't?
genichiro doesn't answer. his silence is unnerving and you want him to say something, anything, but he doesn't and it makes your stomach drop. you order him to go and pray he never returns, that finally, the ashina clan falls with him being in the center of it. you don't hear him leave, but the slight brush you feel against your hand lets you know he's done as you asked.
it's a sickening feeling, genichiro thinks whilst awaiting orders, that he has to resort to such measures to win your favor, but he needs to. he's the one meant to show you, to hold your hand, to leave with a kiss from your lips while he guides his army to victory. you're meant to praise him, shower him with your attention when he returns with not a single scratch on his body. worry and fuss when he does return with a few knicks, maybe some bruises if he thinks it'll have you clinging to him. genichiro knows he needs you beside him, even if you cry and beg for him to leave you alone. you'll see that, eventually, everything he's done, everything he's sacrificed has been for you, for ashina, for all he's ever cared about.
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readerimagines · 3 years
The sun shines through you (Part 1/?)
There was something captivating about the way he led his presence on the world. Maybe it was the soft sheen of his pearly complex under the sparkly moonlight or the way the tinted glass of the imposing windows served as the perfect brush to blend its colors on his figure; maybe the way the snakes that supported his being made him float across Anor Londo's Castle's marble floors on the secluded hallways he was allowed to traverse; maybe the way his voice elegantly, but fiercely, caressed each and every word that rolled off his tongue, escaping the pale lips that showed the slightest rose color.
She couldn't understand why, but his entire being, so formal and impeccably mannered, irradiated her with the most soothing of sensations, surpassing even that of his proud and magnificent Father now standing next to him.
During their very first meeting the servant felt herself immediately captivated, unable to understand the other servants' clear reluctance around him, only feigning regard due to the King's imposing presence in the hall they were gathered in.It almost seemed like they were in front of a monstrous contraption instead of the most gorgeous and delicate entity their eyes ever laid upon, his gentle aura contrasting the firmness of his character in a harmonious duality that only served to upheld him to his otherwordly features. But it all was but a distant thought as she felt the way his sharp gaze scrutinized her bowed, reverent figure before him through his crown and brought shivers along her bent spine, expanding in the most electrifying sensation that erupted in the mid of her body as it engulfed it with such a singular euphoria that only accentuated when Gwyndolin, once back to his spot next to his Father after investigating each of the servants aligned in front of him, called her name and declared she'd be in charge of taking care of the everyday chores that correlated the closest to him.
And while relieved of not having to scrub huge sheets and complex fabrics that needed the upmost care like she did up until that day to the point of ruthlessly ruining the skin of her hands, the weight of such position nearly crushed that same spine she straightened back up after another bow of courtesy and reverence, a weight the wet, heavy fabrics and pottery she took care of could not nearly compare to.
In the beginning he felt so distant and unapproachable like always, even during the most invasive of tasks like helping him wear his garments, but with time, right in those same daily moments she slowly started discovering the person behind the precious attire. Her gaze found him in the way he stretched as he woke up after the few hours he slept at night, in the way he would make himself as tiny as his tall height allowed him to be under the heavy duvet when the frisk morning's air filled his chambers as his now personal servant opened the windows to sink the room in the radiant sunrays of a new day that still oozed of the earthy scent of dew and the timid chirps of the first birds; in the way he would shiver as her cold fingertips accidentally grazed his soft skin during the clothing process with silent breaths and imperceptible gasps; in his little sighs when he finally lifted the imposing, heavy crown from his head after a long day to finally rest.
All little things, hints, that made her get an idea of the deity she was serving and how similar to a flesh carded human being he actually was, despite him being the embodiment of the moon that he so fiercefully rejected.
Another piece was added to the never ending puzzle that composed Gwyndonlin's person when one day, consumed by the way too few hours of sleep the deity needed to rest that inevitably led her to a long and uninterrupted streak of sleepless nights, not even the morning sun shining right on her face was enough to wake the young domestic from her deep slumber. The gratitude of not having to work back-breaking tasks in the castle was unquestionable and absolute, but it was impossible to not feel the effect of the rythm of such a tight sleep schedule building up exhaustion over her tenser and tenser shoulders everyday. It was the sudden realization of her delay that hit her like a cold shower as she bolted from the warmth of her bed's embrace and jumped in her clothes for the day, luckily prepared the night before, without sparing a care about braiding her hair in a practical and elegant hairdo like she usually did, instead stepping out of the room still tying her corset while running towards the deity's chambers approximately one hour late. The lump in her throat stopped her breath as she tried to swallow it down, sweaty hands trembling as her knuckles gently hit the door in a couple of soft knocks and his voice immediately invited her in with his usual firm and solemn tone that carried with it the unforgiving harshness of what she felt was the inevitable fall back to wash those impossibly heavy blankets, if not worse and completely losing her job only leaving a dent in her working career that would have been beyond repair.
She swallowed nervously, teeth digging into her lower lip as she took her first strides into the bedroom, eyes fixated on her own still bare feet as his glacial gaze pierced through her form, the snakes at the end of his legs hissing at her before instantly stopping.
"Raiseth thy gaze, Servant of the Dark Moon."
His voice stern as it echoed in the room, rumbling in her whole tense body only fueling the feeling of deep desire to slap herself for messing up so gravely while working for the gods of Lordran since Gwyn was not exactly known for his mercy. The infinite implications playing over and over in her head in those mere short moments in front of his Son. She hesitantly obeyed noticing his still bare skin in doing so, while slowly revealing her worn out features contorted in the upmost shame and frustration she couldn't really mark at that point. And it had been only a few moons, she were pretty sure that move costed her position.
"Thou art very not restful, aren't thee?"
That sudden question caught her completely off-guard and all she could do was barely bow without losing balance at the intensity of the gesture. "I'm fine, mine own Lord, 'twill never happen again, I'm sorry for-"
"I hath asked thee a question. Reply. And raiseth thy chin."
She bit her lip once more to silence any protest, face red as a beet as she lifted her head to face him again, slowly nodding at the deity still bare between the soft folds of the duvet on his bed. "I... I can't deny it's starting to sore to respect this sleep schedule..." The woman admitted looking away, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. The young man seemed to attentively ponder his words before speaking again, gazing down at her smaller and now visibly fatigued build.
"Thee needeth to rest. From now on, after thou cameth helping with mine own morning grooming, wend and recovereth for however long thou needeth."
He shushed her before the words could even form on the tip of her tongue, noticing the way she opened her mouth in response to his directions.
"Questioneth not these words, thou art human and needeth it. Now, wend and cometh back find me at which hour thee recovered, I expecteth thee in thy best shape for lunch."
With that, he dismissed her without accepting another single word from his servant, stupor written all over the face of the young domestic as she slowly walked back to her room and got back into bed.
And the blessing she felt in having been graced by the chance of unveiling yet another little piece of her young lord lulled her back to a restful, restoring slumber.
_ _
Revisioned after posting it on Ao3 <3
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sappyscarfy · 2 years
I just saw Doctor Strange 2 it was epic! Sorry im gonna have to yell about it
Spoilers below!
[Ok first im a normie mcu movie-only fan but i do frequent comic discussions so i know some things]
DS2 has been my most anticipated phase 4 marvel movie. I went into it 100% for doctor strange cause he's my fav character. Im not that huge about wanda sorry so i wont have much opinion on her,,, I won't lie i was quite worried for this movie with all the delays and reshoots, not to mention early reviews/reactions seems rather "mixed" so my expectations are kept in check Things i wanted to see before going into the movie: -Better magic fight. Frankly the magic in DS1 was rather meh. But they have been powering him up for the past couple movies so i had high hopes -Strange not getting overshadowed by Wanda and cameos -Better magic. Seriously i just want to see some cool magic. See that cool Strange vs Thanos battle in Infinity war? I just want an entire movie of that 💀 And they delivered! The magic was much more creative and varied! No more boring fistfight (except for that one scene where they literally cant use magic lol) A huge huge upgrade over the first movie. The music battle with darkhold strange (idk what to call him) was incredible! And when zombie strange turning the spirits into a cape. Metal af!! (Im gonna have to draw that someday). The magic in this movie is absolutely eye candy! Also holy fuck this movie is brutal i can't believe its PG-13. Black bolt head just fucking pop and Reed Richard is just shredded like spaghetti and its clearly see on screen. Rip all the parents bringing their kids into this movie I know many people are disappointed that the Illuminati were taken out so quick but im not a comic book reader so i wasn't obsessed over these cameos. Tho Professor X in that yellow chair was so funny i cant get the mental image of him rolling around in it during the battle with thanos out of my head So for the characters. Strange did get huge character development and i think he was really well written. I love the whole thing of him being able to accept that he doesnt always have to be the one wielding the knife. Christine role was very good too and im so glad she didnt give Strange a goodbye kiss at the end. Really like that last scene where Strange repaired the watch to show that he was finally able to move on too. Im very very glad that they didnt get back together at the end -The new character America Chavez i love her! I've only known her for 2 hours but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. She punch star portals. Coolest thing ever! Needs more development in the future tho -Wanda. Im not wanda stan so i dont mind whatever role she's playing in this movie. I think she was a good villain. Tho im actually glad that it was the darkhold that corrupts her because going from wandavision to murdering a bunch of people is way too steep of a character turn -Wong my beloved! I was so scared they're gonna kill him off to make Strange the sorcerer supreme but im glad they didnt. He was really funny in this movie and i love the banter with strange as usual. There's that scene in Kamar Taj where he yells "FORTIFY YOUR MIIIIIND!!!!!" was so hilarious to me -Mordo (838) he doesnt really do anything. But im glad they didnt kill off og mordo like some leaks said -Who is that green minotaur i want to know moreee
Visual-wise this movie looks way better than most mcu movies. Lots of more interesting shots and better color grading. Tho some of the transition scenes are really goofy like that one going from Wanda's apple field and fading to Wong face lmao. And Raimi really loves eye closeup huh
Hm hm what else? Yeah the post credit. Im sorry I know many comic fans are very excited for Clea but that scene has strong "it's me blorko" energy skskskks. Anyways idk anything about her but she seems very cool and im excited to see her in the future I think the pacing in this movie is a bit too cramped. Def needs some extra minutes in some place like the beginning to kamar taj fight
Side note, this movie has a B+ Cinemascore (which is a rating system used in box office community to represent the casual general audience opinion). The only other B range mcu movies are Thor 1 (B+) and Eternals (B). Im honestly baffled that people like thor 2 (A-) and black widow (A-) more than this 💀 Overall good movie, better than NWH for me!
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nervemenu6 · 2 years
Voip - The Future Is Now
A DS1 line allows voice data to travel a lot quicker rather than a regular analog line if you use a fiber optic solution. The DS1 line is plugged into an office phone system when appeared being previously transmit voice conversations. In case the company wants the desire to transfer electronic data, it has to be attached to a company's modem.
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