#artorias the abysswalker x reader
zevexsii · 7 months
Hi!! Just found your blog and I see you write for Dark Souls! And all you write is so so good, you have such great skills! 💕 Can u do some Artorias headcanons with a female S/O? sfw and nsfw, if possible.
• She fights with a greatsword, is not as tall as him but she isn't human, is an extrovert (but not THAT extrovert), brunette and she has a cat. She also gets sick/hurt quite frequently but she doesn't really care about it. And wants to hadle everything by her own out of habit, to take care of people.
I don't know if this is useful for you but it's what I got!! Thank you so so much.
you are entirely too sweet, nonnie <3 i was running low on nsfw ideas, so i cut that section, but i appreciate your patience.
artorias x reader hcs - cut for length, no cws
artorias is an absolute jackass. he has redeeming qualities, but they're a little hard to come by. first of all, he's cocky. he's good at what he does, and he knows it. artorias hasn't survived this long because of pure luck- he works hard to stay where he is. because of his cockiness, he comes off as not only full of himself, but also full of horseshit. since he earned his station, artorias throws his weight around a fair bit. only to mess with those he outranks, but it still makes him a jerk. these qualities don't magically go away when he's interested in someone. as a matter of fact, they only get worse. artorias' incredibly thoughtful courtship attempts include inviting you to watch him spar, inviting you to watch him drink, and inviting you to his bed. what a charmer. in this relationship, you're holding the other end of the metaphorical child leash. shockingly enough, artorias is a little pathetic when it comes to direct romance. communication is going to be a bit of a struggle in the beginning, especially if you like to beat around the emotional bush. you'll never beat him at filling space with empty conversation, though. whether you're pre-established relationship or deep into a loving marriage, artorias will always pay special attention to you out of a group. he'll find a way to make something as simple as a compliment into a tirade. your unwillingness to let your body recover from illesses and injuries frustrates artorias to no end. of course he expected something would happen to you if he wasn't around- that's just how far his head is stuck up his own ass. it doesn't matter that you're inhuman, either. all of artorias' bratty behavior is rooted in the fear that one day, inevitably, he will lose everything. his only coping method is to get better; stronger, faster, smarter. you name it, artorias will have trained in it. of course, none of that will save him, but it's worth a try, right? artorias really tried to get along with your cat, he swears up and down he did. your cat, on the other hand, hates his guts. there was not a mutual attempt. artorias is also very allergic to your feline friend, but he'll try his absolute hardest to hide it. turns out, artorias isn't great at stifling sneezes or pretending not to have a runny nose. go figure.
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