#dresden fan
wyrmscraft · 5 months
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Dresden Bloom from Cozy Quilt Designs. I’m not a fan of appliqué but I can do it when it needs doing.
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zanderzargarin · 10 months
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Harry Dresden on the run! Is he running to or away from something?
He is a good character to try out different art styles on! Although I’m not sure what this style is. I vividly remember him wearing cowboy boots at one point??
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localbionerd · 9 months
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Smile (Pictures or It Didn't Happen) <3
yeah ive been listening to Amanda Palmer recently and found that song and my brain just went "he would."
edit: i forgot to link the pallet i used if anyone wants it
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chrisfroot · 1 year
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Deirdre Archleone Commission ~ // the Dresden Files //
commission post ~
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landfilloftrash · 3 months
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look out, she’ll steal the breath right outta your chest
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The Death of Hope and the Start of The Apocalypse - A Dresden Files Fan Theory
In Death Masks, noted villain Nicodemus Arcleone says:
“Apocalypse is a frame of mind." [Nicodemus] said then. "A belief. A surrender to inevitability. It is a despair for the future. It is the death of hope.”  
In Battlegrounds, He Who Walks Beside echoes a similar sentiment. 
In Cold Days, when commanded to give his name, He Who Walks Before refers to himself as “Feargiver” and “Hopeslayer”. 
“So what,” you’re saying, “This is just Jim Butcher using multiple villains to echo the same (or similar) sentiments. You’re overthinking this.”
But, you beautiful fools, you forget one thing - in The Dresden Files, one character literally embodies Hope - Sanya, Knight of the Cross, Knight of Hope. In Battlegrounds, Harry remarks that having Sanya at the Battle of Chicago is like having Hope itself on the battlefield.
Therefor, I submit that Sanya’s death at the hands of He Who Walks Before will kickstart the Big Apocalypse Trilogy. 
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brotherdusk · 1 year
@occasionalmaven replied to your post “the dresden files tv show will have you tearing...”:
As someone who’s never read the books or seen the show… do you recommend waiting to watch the show until I’ve read some of the books? 
hi! ​as someone who was in the same boat at the start of the year, and has since watched the entire show and read two of the books: not at all, you can jump into the show straight away if you want to! Dresden took the basic premise of the books and directly adapted a couple of them into episodes, but it mostly does its own thing with the characters and world.
personally I read Storm Front, the first book in the series, in parallel with the show. imo it was valuable in terms of adding depth to the worldbuilding (especially the magic system and its limitations) that the show couldn't fully explore within its 45 minute time slot. the tv version of Storm Front is a bit weird anyway, as it was cobbled together from the pilot episode and isn't representative of the show's final direction at all. I was actually advised to skip it entirely on my first run-through of the show - it doesn't fit tonally and interferes with the flow of the overall narrative. so I was able to safely take in both the book and show in parallel as I knew that the show wouldn't spoil the book's ending for me! it was a convoluted but cool way to enter the Dresdenverse 😭👍
but it's absolutely not necessary to read the books, especially as the show alters most things and introduces new overarching plots that are really unexpectedly good. it also expands upon certain book characters so drastically and so well that it's hard to believe that the version in the show is basically a tv original. Bob the Skull is kind of Dresden tv's version of the Cleonic Dynasty haha, a lot of people who don't like the show still think tv!Bob was a great idea. honestly the whole adaptation style is similar to Foundation - it's cool to have the extra context of the book, but it veers so far from the original stories so often that it's not as much of a help as you'd expect.
but yes please give this show a try! I compare it a lot to mid-2000s Doctor Who for a reason - it can be kinda goofy in tone and the CGI was made on a budget of approximately $3, but it's got so much heart and goes from "wacky supernatural romp" to "unexpectedly emotional character study" when you least expect. it's also very pretty to look at - it's shot and lit shockingly well for the budget, and everyone involved including the set dressers and cinematographers are clearly giving it everything. it's 12 episodes in a monster-of-the-week format so it's very zippy, and the acting is also fantastic across the board. obviously I'm biased as hell and think the Paul Blackthorne - Terrence Mann shared braincell double act is the best thing ever and only gets better as the series progresses. but even the actors who show up for a single episode are excellent! the one-off characters in episodes 3, 9 and 10 are among my favourites :3
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herzlak · 7 months
Feierabendbier never sounded so straight
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noodle-schrammy · 23 days
Not young nor old
I woke up yesterday after the concert with a migraine and stiff neck, tho best evening in the entire year
It was amazing especially to share it with my mom and our buddies
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the-suns-a-tube · 2 months
me, a hardcore good omens fan, at a dresden dolls concert listening to amanda palmer dish out some absolutely fire fucking forest metaphors about neil gaiman's behavior towards her and their son
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dreamnexusart · 2 years
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My current WIP, Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files. Not quite done yet, but getting there!
Since I'm moving blogs, I wanted to include a bit of my process. Putting them under the cut.
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zanderzargarin · 4 months
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Decided to do a sketch of Harry when I was watching a movie
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kralmajales · 4 months
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thornbushrose · 9 months
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Does anyone else love the trope of antagonistic pets? Like, if a character has a cat, I want him to be unsure if he has a pet cat or the cat has a pet human. I want it to be possible to write fan fiction where the pet turns out to be the criminal mastermind behind the whole series.
My original blorbo, Harry Dresden, has a gigantic dog named Mouse who is both more polite and possibly better with women than Harry is. The horses in Mulan and Tangled were nearly my favorite characters in both movies. My OC in my Dresden Files fanfiction has a raven who can talk and cast spells, but is generally useless as an ally because she simply has her own agenda that does not involve taking risks for ridiculous wizards.
My OC in my Daredevil fanfiction also has a pet who is --probably-- a raven, but he's a lot more devoted to keeping his pet human alive than the other one. Harbinger considers himself superior to all human beings, but he likes Birdie because she was nice to him once, and she gets Happy Meals for him.
Who are your favorite fictional pets and how do they make life difficult for their humans?
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zitasaurusrex · 11 months
there are a lot of books I don't like but the dresden files is the most surreal to me
i dragged myself through two (maybe three?) of them before i gave up
i got recced it so many times from corners i trusted and it's like.... damn, did everyone just not see how relentlessly weird those books are about women?
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oddussy420 · 7 months
not to brag but i have made the beat Dresden fan cast of all timeee!!!
Part one:
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