#draw rosemary fucking pissed I did
magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
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Ahh, Charles Brook my beloved
1. Me when I first started drawing this doodle dump: Oh golly gee brain, what should we draw first? My brain: Charles on a toddler leash with Susan holding it and looking tired Me: Wowie sounds fun! Yeah this doodle pretty much summarizes their dynamic in the Domestic K-9 AU
2. There's a graphic description of somebody being killed in the next paragraph so feel free to skip over it 
To make a long-ish story short, Charles was snooping around the backstage area as his daughter, Lily's, birthday was wrapping up, he found Susan on death's door inside the Banny animatronic and freaks tf out, Bon finds him and they play a terrifying little game of hide and seek, and just as Charles thinks he's fine, WHAM! His faces gets smashed into the floor by Bon, turning his skull into a fine mush and killing him pretty much instantly. Ironically in this AU at least, his death was the most merciful because he at least got the insta-kill treatment rather than suffering through hours or days of agony. I imagine in death, his face kinda sags forward. Kinda like a bag of sand taped to a wood plank. 
3. So semi-recently I think, Charles was confirmed to have ADHD, and I saw some doodles by @xzbat-loverzx about one of him stims being clicking a pen and I thought, "Ah yes, perfect". Not really a ton else to this doodle, except I can imagine BSI employees constantly leaving pens and pencils behind whenever they stay at the K-9 Facility
4. This one is my favorite and the one I'm the most excited to explain!
So the first few weeks or so at the K-9 facility was, to put it lightly, a fucking nightmare for Charles (and Rosemary but I'll cover that another time). He was constantly eaten away by guilt, shame, anger, fear, and sadness and generally he was an incoherent, delusional wreck, even on his good days. At some point he managed to get it into his head that he could break out of the facility by body slamming the walls which, A, they are made of solid concrete, and B, even if he did break them, he'd be greeted by an avalanche of dirt. But again, he wasn't really in his right mind at the time
Susan was kind of in a hell of her own during that time considering she'd have to be the one to repair him afterwards. Those episodes are actually the reason the plastic casing on the Boozoo animatronic's upper right arm and the left hand is missing, because at some point they sustained so damage that they just fell off. Susan didn't exactly have a ton of patience for this, and his incoherent babblings whenever she would pull him away would only make her more pissed off. This isn't entire fair to him of course, as he is not at all in his right mind, but in fairness to her, the idiot would slam himself into the walls whenever she took her eyes off of him for even a SECOND, even if it was just to retrieve tools or spare parts from the tool closet.
Eventually what happens is that Susan convinces Bon to hold him down while she goes over to the tool closet and retrieve whatever thing she needs, idk man, I'm not into robotics. When she gets back, Charles is unusually quiet and Bon is trying not to laugh his ass off. Oddly enough, he doesn't take the opportunity to make some snide comment or mock either of them while she works, he stares at the both of them silently.
Once that's done, Susan very begrudgingly thanks him for the help and, with possibly the most shit eating, Cheshire cat, smug as fuck grin, Bon replies, "That's what friends are for." And then she smacks him.
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kairitai · 2 years
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR WEEKS AND I HAVE BEEN LOSING SLEEP OVER IT AND I NEED AN OUTLET OTHER THAN BITING MY PLUSHES TY. warnings: Witchcraft, other than that its really just a silly little thing i wrote :))
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Tamaki, I'd imagine, is a septic and at first thinks all of this is bullshit.
He one day finds you in the dorm kitchen; angrily scribbling on a bay leaf, burn it and throw it out the window grumbling on how it's been "too long since the dorm wi-fi went out".
Seeing you stomp over to the couch to pull your phone out to excitedly scream "ITS BACK" has him blink for a few seconds.
When Tamaki enters your room for the first time, he's so confused as to why there are so many shiny rocks and candles everywhere. He just assumes you really like rocks and scented candles.
There was this one time you gave him an anti-anxiety spell jar before his presentation, he genuinely thought you gave him a herbal tea blend. It took a few tries to explain what it was meant for to him.
Tamaki wouldn't understand at first why a tiny bottle filled to the rim would help him calm down but accepts it anyway to not upset you.
Post presentation, he's looking at the bottle quizzically. How did he not even manage to slip up once? how did he fight the urge to smash is head against the wall that was right there? was it the jar? no, it was a coincidence, it had to be. right?
He'd just keep looking at it in complete awe and confusion until you show up and tap him out of his train of thought, he just looks at you and the bottle back and forth, wide eyed.
Thats when you tell him you're a witch and doing witchcraft just makes things easier for you, he would be pretty mesmerised by the concept of it.
He'd be asking all sort of questions, if it actually worked, if the leaf you burned was a spell, CAN YOU SEE INTO THE FUTURE?
"THEORETICALLY, i could make Avada Kedavra a thing." "Please don't."
Deffo would ask for hand readings as an excuse to feel you hold his hands.
I feel like he would adore having little tarot readings done, you'd even teach him some basics! his favourite would definitely be the pendulum.
"Y/N, , I nauseous...can't think straight..." "Oh i got a spell for that :)" 👏on👏a👏daily👏basis👏
He would be obsessed with making sigils for himself and you, draws them on your hand and kisses it to activate it :((
He would be so grateful if you gave him a protection spell bottle for his missions, he'd try to return the favour by making one for you but it's just filled with rosemary bc he didn't have the herbs to use 💀 You're not even sure if he cleansed it, bless his soul.
Would go feral once he found out one-word spells were a thing, would whisper them before kissing your cheek for an extra boost of whatever you needed, whether it be good luck or a good nights sleep.
He would hear you talk abt witch stuffs for HOURS on end, the whole evening would have gone by and he'd just be listening lovingly. The spells you tell him stick better than the ones he would find online.
Date nights while making moon water and watching Hocus Pocus?? Yes please??
You once made him a spray which you affectionately labelled "Bullshit Repellent", he was not above spraying it at people who pissed him off that day. A glorious sight seeing him spray magick water at assholes.
"I saw the moon exploded in my dream. Is that a sign?" "No not really, sometimes a stick is just a stick Tami. But i could give you something to prevent nightmares if you want?" "Yes please"
You guys would laugh at overly religious people who claim witched kiss the devil's anus to gain magickal knowledge.
Tamaki wouldn't DARE fuck around with spirits, and if you do decide to contact one for your spells he's just there with a big ass bag of salt ready to throw it at the spirit. It would probably piss the spirit off so you had to refrain the boy from chucking it when you made a concerned face.
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kjhgfd this was so fun to make, this was just purely self-indulgent :)) PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK, REBLOGS ARE APRECIATED ♥
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Under His Eye
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You and Henry move in to your new district and Henry wastes no time in putting his foot down these commanders need to know who the new boss is around here!
Warnings: Swearing, handmaids tale patriarchal bullshit, BDE Henry? A/N: so here is the first of my Handmaids tale au, just for reference your driver is Jai Courtney, guard is Chris evans. This is more to set up the story a bit of info ect mostly just seting things up! I took some liberties with the new Gilead arch-types I hope they make sense...Any way enjoy Taglist: @promptandpros​ @isitmine​ @runawayolives​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthor @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @tinabean37​ @viking-raider​
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You sighed looking out the window as your driver-Jai moved the large black car through the streets two black moving trucks and another three cars holding a Martha- Molly and your handpicked guard for the household Chris then just a few of Henry's loyal soldiers who would help oversee the district followed drawing the attention of the locals. Handmaids ,Martha’s ,Aunts, wives and guards alike they all looked. All wanted to see the newcomers. They couldn't the windows were blacked out, for your privacy Henry had said but It wasn't, he liked getting the first look not them. It was rare someone moved home in Gilead. If they did it was because they either got in trouble...Or they got a promotion. Not you, not your husband. Henry was a commander, a son of Jacob but he was more then that he was what they now called an apostle. An elite commander who had proved to be the best of the best on and off the field, he had been an angel- one of Gilead’s best soldiers and was pulled from the front lines after yielding incredible results, not that he really believed all of this shit! God no he did what everyone did in the god forsaken place. He survived. In doing so he worked his way up into the top ranks there wasn't many above him in Gilead now. He was used to bring order in to unruly areas, unruly commanders. And he wasn't idle no he spared who he could ,saved who he could usually women...He spared you saved you from a fate worse then death. You looked from left to right down the road and Henry moved a large hand to yours on the seat between you. He gripped it lightly smoothing his thumb in circles across your skin. You sighed again at him. Curling your slim fingers around his weakly, you hadn't wanted to move not again you wanted a home to settle and just live. "Love...Stop worrying everything with be fine, I'm sure you will make friends here...We will be here for years this time not months" you looked over to him and rolled your eyes at him making his lips twitch in a grin revealing his immaculate teeth. "Friends you mean the lesser wives? Who have probably never seen a Royal blue? And will want to scratch my eyes out at the sight of me?" He laughed a deep baritone sound at your little jab. Yes it was true being a royal blue wife was rare and the regular Teals didn't like it. A fertile wife of an apostle? Yes there was only four of you in Gilead. You were called Royal blues allowed to wear darker and brighter blues then your teal counterparts, darker to show your higher ranking and brighter to show off your fertility...Red was taken. Henry turned to you taking you in he knew how you felt about the move. You didn't want to leave again but it was necessary this district had it all! And the powers at be had enough for so many sons of Jacob this district was in all honesty taking the piss. Suicides? Bombs? Handmaids going insane?, wives reading? Sex out side of the ceremony? To many infringements in such a short time Henry was here to cleanup house and he started with the top. These commanders had no idea that he was coming this was his turf now and he was going to 'tear shit up' as they used to say. He smiled leaning over to his staring little wife kissing her cheek making her blush and go shy. He pulled back and spoke. "Well if they were ever stupid enough to do such a thing you know I'd handle it y/n" you cast him a shy glance and smiled at him you'd be the first to admit you were lucky to have your husband. He was a fine man even with that fuzzy face, the kingstach hid a perfect jawline and dimpled chin strong and defined. His bright blue eyes that were always playful and warm when he gazed at you, yet cold and biting frightening to others. He had his curls looser today one or two skimming his forehead. You couldn't help staring at him...You did at least once a day still in awe of the man. He was masculine strong in every sense of the word he had not dropped his training since being and Angel of the faith he kept it up going for a run and works outs each day. The training he had kept him wide and built more so then the eye's and guards he was just...An incredible male to behold. "My little wife you wouldn't be over come with sinful thoughts now would you?~" you giggled looking away blushing as he teased you bringing your hand to his mouth kissing your palm. "Sinful husband? No I am merely appreciating the good lords handcraft. You are an angel~" Henry scoffed at your teasing and moved his hand tickling your side making you squirm and giggle batting away at him. "Come here you~" you squeaked as he pulled you over to his lap still tickling you before moving in to kiss your lips fully. This is what you loved to the world he was a big scary Apostle but to you? He was your big teddy bear how you had found the love of your life in this wretched place you didn't know but you were thankful for it! You were treated as an equal in the comfort of your own home, sure you followed the laws....Well you did follow most; you didn't read ect but he was adamant that ha healthy sex life determined a healthy marriage and since you had proved fruitful you had no real setbacks now, which was a god send. Henry as it turns out was a randy boy~
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Your car rolled to a stop in front of a huge house a gated courtyard it was the largest on the street. It looked light and airy like one of those house posh people had on reality tv...Then again you supposed you were posh people now? You looked seeing a few wives come out into their gardens deciding now was the perfect time to inspect there precious flowers whilst stealing glances to the convoy. "I'm afraid I have to get to work right away...Introduce myself to the local government...I hope you like the house I had it cleaned already and it is mostly furnished hand picked by me of course~" you laughed at him as he wriggled his brow. "Mix and match then my love? Tell me will anything match of do I have to go shopping again?" Henry frowned at you playfully and swooped in for another kiss deepening it cupping your face molding your lips together in an obscene twist of tongues drinking one another in. You moaned softly as he moved crouching over you getting far to invested not that either of you cared Jai didn't he just sat there looking back rolling his eyes at the two of you hand on head. You grunted when he finally pulled away he had a shit eating grin as you whined embarrassingly and pouted at his teasing. "You are lucky we are in the car my love~" you moved up closer breath ghosting his lips taunting him and raised a brow. He hummed a quiet chuckle at you as you kneeled up beside him to be level with his eyes twinkling in amusement. "Luck is that what they call it now Mr Cavill?" He laughed wrapping you up in his arms moving to tuck his face into your neck groaning as he took a breath your scent was of the clean rosemary infused soap you'd began using. He loved the fresh scent just as your fingers began to wander he pulled back with a soft grunt. "Oh come now love your audience awaits we can't get away with having sex in the car...Jai wouldn't appreciate it~" Jai scoffed laughing from the front. "Don’t mind me Henry! Closest thing to action I'm fucking getting, by all means plunder away little hanky panky don't do me no harm ~" you rolled your eyes at his sarcastic reply you kicked his seat making him groan with a laugh you crossed your arms at the two chuckling men. They were close made brothers on the front line Henry had pulled him out as soon as he could he was a very loyal man and you cloth called him family. "Well you'll be pleased to know there is a jezebells here...Just don't fuck around be mindfull-" Henry began to warn Jai waved him off. "Henry fuck man! Consent is consent shit I don't need that lecture besides I will walk in there and have them biting at the bit to see my goods...They will be climbing the walls to let me in theirs they’d be-" "Alright Jai you have a penis well done!" Henry smiled as you cut off the sordid ramblings of a horn dog. He relaxed he knew that Jai would never force himself on a woman its why he hired Jai and Chris like minded men who protected women when they could.
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Jai got out placing sunglasses on and moved to the door to let you out. The neighbors held there breath a you were helped out of the car. The bright blue of your dress was the first thing they noticed. You cringed a little at the titters and hisses of the women around the street, you knew what was going on they were asking each other why you were decorated in such a bright color. A lot of women didn't realize even wives had ranks well not out here anyway and as far a ranks got they didn't get higher then you hence why there is only four of you even apostles had to use handmaids. You tucked your hands in front of you demurely just as you'd been taught and turned to the car smiling. "Go in grace husband I eagerly await your return~" you finished with a wink that made him roll his eyes and shake his head at you. It always gave him a chuckle watching as you fell into the Gileadian wife so easily. You stepped away smirking as Jai closed the door and entered the car pulling away fro  the curb. You watched for a few seconds then subtly scanned the street that now had quite a few people outside. It seemed everyone wanted a look at the newcomers. You twisted on your heel your long flowy dress swinging delicately the blue satin almost shimmered making you stand out especially against the dreary back drop of the autumn street. You took a deep breath and stepped to the house making your way to the gate which the other guards had opened and was already carrying things into the house. Molly came and stood next to you as you looked up at the house. "They are staring" she said casually making you sigh closing your eyes feeling the envious and curious stares of your new found neighbors none approached you. Either to shy or frightened no one would come near you yet it wasn't done. Women do not make freinds with other women...Well not the elite anyway, teals were bitter they all had a belief that they would not be held to the same laws as the others and were very put out when they realized just what they had to give up. You held no sympathy for them, they helped create this world they made there bed they can lay in it! "Yes they always stare...Anyone I should be wary of?" She hummed nodding and moved alongside you tipping her head subtly to motion to the street as you made your way across the court yard to the house. Taking slow steps being sure to let the local have a good look, get there fill so they can gossip to one another because really gossip is all women had now. "Well not much in the way of neighbors...Only two you need be concerned about....Mrs Putnum across the road, nosy old bat just had a baby- well handmaid, her husband lost an arm fornication with said handmaid ...Blowjob literally cost him arm haha..Well half an arm at  any rate I just hoped she swallowed at least." You smirked Molly was another of your family though to the word you were the perfect household ruled by a strong patriarchal commander and his iron fist.
The truth was you were all a family you ignored each others slip ups and were free to do as you pleased within reason. You played your silly Gileadian roles, Martha, Wife, Husband and so on but you did not think you were better then anyone none of you really believed in Gilead or its ideals but abided by them on the face of it. Molly moved to look at you letting you enter the house first and continued talking quietly. "But seriously Commander Warren Mrs Putnums husband will probably try to kiss ass with Henry terrified of getting another reprimand...He will be a good tool for him...Watch out for her though because she is stuffed up the local matriarchs ass...One Serena joy Waterford...Up until recently she thought her husband ruled the roost...Snippy she is a shell of the woman she once was reduced to a angry frustrated baby obsessed house wife....She has a baby on the way...Again a handmaid" you nodded as you entered the home it was dripping in marble light and airy just as you'd thought it would be you smiled and turned to Molly. "Lets get begin shall we?" She smirked nodding ready to 'set up shop' as it were you left her to the kitchen and moved through the house alone eyeing the rooms appraising them. Henry had listened this time in selecting your home the rooms were classy and airy nothing really needed to be changed whites and accents of black and gold ran through the house some rooms had pale blues and pinks. It was nice elegant and free you liked it much better then your decadent yet dark home in the capital. You nodded and took a seat On a dark grey velvet love seat in front of a large open fireplace in the small den needing to take the weight off your feet for a few minuets the house was very large and it had taken you a good half an hour to really get your bearings. This would do, you could make this home.
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Henry strode into his new workplace dreary old government office posh and smelt of old git, Jai smirked walking beside him he loved this! Henry knew he did its why he brought him Jai liked front row seats to these things. Both men argued over who got to come sadly one of them had to stay and guard you Chris was taking a back seat. Henry nodded to Jai and they both slipped into the 'court room' that in his opinion looked like they had read a bit to much harry potter. Henry stayed in the shadows watching them bicker they had the typical uppity cunts thinking they owned the place, the sniveling cowards who simpered choosing to be neutral in every debate and decision. Then the few who honest to god believed in Gilead regime...There were three one was about to get a very abrupt wake up call. He was going for particecution today under Henry's orders he scoffed watching as all the men panicked amongst themselves a few he knew by name. Warren little weasel of a man already had the fear of god...or more correctly Gilead put into him, Lawrence who had made an unusual appearance he was the only one who knew of Henry's arrival and a close friend...Well close enough that neither ratted each other out. Then there was Cush, well what can we say the man is another weasle used Gilead to gain wealth and fame...Very close to the Waterford's even before the war and then the other one he recognized one of the main reasons he was here. Waterford an original son of Jacob but all bark and no bite...Henry couldn't tell if Fred Waterford actually believed in Gilead or if he just wanted a title without the leg work but yes. Waterford was the one to watch one of Gilead's poster boys that was now pretty much obsolete now that the regime was up and running.Much like his and wife Selena pretty little thing, the perfect image of the perfect woman useful spreading the ideals but now fucking useless waiting around for her prize; A baby.
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Henry smirked crossing his arms nodding to an older male a seat away from Waterford. Commander Feaver he was fighting with the Eyes and guards that were taking him to his very own cell ready for his salvation. Death by handmaid particecution. Hanged by the ones he had wronged and raped. A fitting end. "You can't be serious! Who? Who ordered this?!" The desperate man twisted screaming out for anyone to help him explain to him what was happening. But no one knew. Henry did. They didn't. The smiled creeping across Henry's face was wicked and sinister. He watched as others began getting nervous. "The orders from Commander Cavill Apostle of Gilead's righteous ruling government" The room went silent as Henry's name was mentioned, it seems his reputation proceeds him. The commanders looked panicked to one another Waterford was the first to speak. "What?! From the capital?! He's here why wasn't we told of his arrival?!" Henry smiled tucking his hands into the pockets of his woolen coat and placed a foot on the wall behind him as they now spoke quickly and panicked amongst themselves. "And what is he doing poking here-" Finally when a few of the  Commanders stood trying to speak hurriedly wanting to be out Of the building before Henry arrived and that was his cue. "Because as of now I am the one calling the shots in this district..." he spoke loud and clear there was a deafening silence no one moved or breathed. Jai followed casually behind zig zagging across the floor.the only sound was the clicking of his shoes on the polished wood floor as he slowly made his way down to the 'podium' he rested the heels of his palms on the wood leaning forward with a predatory grin
"Gentlemen you have all failed to maintain order! And as a result of your failings you are now all under my jurisdiction" "you?! They called you in?" "Yes I am an Apostle, a messenger here to teach and enforce his word upon all those in this rebellious district... I have a perfect track record of cleaning up the unruly districts...The capital decided to call in the Cavillry as it were~" he chuckled at his own play on words scanning the men now shaking in their boots looking to one another they were used to being the fish fish and now they all looked like fucking tadpoles! Henry took another breath moving around the podium shoving his hands back into his pockets. "I like any good leader start with the top...For those of you not aware of what that means well it is simple you are all in my district..As of now I'm running the show and in my districts we as commanders lead by example or you don't lead at all...bare in mind gentlemen the colonies are always looking for strong laborers and failing that the wall here is very bare~!" Now that caused a few shocked faces he smirked up at the old toffee nosed pricks and made a slow sweep immediately picking out those who looked a little too panicked he would have them looked into. Fred stood up trying to placate Henry with a man to man type of reasoning. "But surely Mr Cavill there should be consetions for us...Diplomatic immunity so to speak" he finished with a laugh he was confident. He shouldn't be. Henry tipped his head back and made a huh. He turned looking to Jai. "Waterford?" He saw the man flinch in his seat, Waterford did not like being known by name by this Apostle. Jai nodded to him with a sly smile fuck he loved being able to watch Henry shit shaft these cunts. Henry nodded humming then pointed a finger at the nervous man sitting on his little 'throne' "Well commander Waterford I’m not sure what kind of Gileadian circus your running here but I’m not her to play a fool, you are to refer to me as commander because that sir is what I am...I'm your commander, your apostle and you now answer to me am I understood commander Waterford?" Henry smiled he could feel the others tense as Henry slapped him down a few pegs swiftly dominating the 'bravest' in the room Henry tipped his head 'politely' to the furious man who swallowed harshly and gave a stiff nod. Good he can learn to behave. Henry opened his hands and clapped loudly pacing from side to side before them. "Gentleman this is how exactly the type of thing we need to stamp out Gilead would fall to ruin if weak willed leaders were left unchecked and that is my job...To remind everyone of their place...These types leaders of have no place in Gilead's elite, we are to lead with strength and honor obey the laws! obey his word and he will reward us..Those are now our values...I suggest to anyone here that believes in the cowardice of hiding behind diplomatic immunity step down as a commander immediately...This is your only warning because as of now there is no place to hide, you will find very quickly that your childish games will not get very far with me..." A hush fell over the room again Jai had to bite his lip it was the best bit! When they began to realize that the rumors were true Henry took no prisoners he came in and dominated he treated everything like a war, every room was a battle field and he was always armed. Not with a guns but with knowledge, he had balls of steel and he didnt mind swinging them around either he was untouchable and everyone fucking knew it. "But a particucution? For sleeping outside of the ceremony?" Oh? Waterford was going for round two? Trying to save face no doubt Jai had to look away as Henry smiled unamused but secretly thrilled. It was rare he got a second go at one Fred really wanted to be a big boy. Henry stood pin straight staring evenly to the now anxious commander. "She was pregnant and lost the child! Tell me is the death of and unborn child not the greatest sin! Would you allow that to go unpunished?" Fred was taken back and flicked his gaze to commander Feaver and frowned before slowly looking back to Henry. "I...we did not know that detail" "You wouldn't have commander information like that is above your pay grade" Henry snipped making another hit on Fred’s ego. His attention was brought back to the sniveling Commander Feaver whining and begging with the guards..Oh how the mighty fall~ to say Henry didn't love this would be a lie, in many ways he was like these men but he made the guilty pay not the innocent. His drive to have those in power that make the laws follow them was unshakeable its what got him here. Gilead central government mistook it for loyalty it was..They destroyed his home and he would make them pay for it until he took his last breath! "She wasn't pregnant! She wasn't! I swear!" Jai rolled his eyes and shifted his feet waiting for a more desperate man to go toe to toe with his brother in arms. Henry sighed and blinked slowly looking up at the restrained man. "She was at the Drs two days before there was a delay in the blood tests she had to do them again did she not?" Feaver nodded whimpering and went to speak but Henry held up a hand silencing him. He was trembling Henry wouldn't be surprised if the man pissed himself. "And these results showed that before your sinful coupling she was pregnant! After your Martha found you with her she was tested again and found to be not pregnant...Your fornication terminated her pregnancy! And for that harm the penalty is death!...now does anyone else have anything else to say?" Henry looked straight at Waterford he was daring him to speak up, the others watched slowly moving sitting back in their seats looking thoroughly fucked. Henry smiled and clapped his hands again this was going to be fun at least half of them were guilty of something he just knew it fro  the terrified looks on there faces. No? Good now take him away, we have other business to attend to!"
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
a/n: hi i know that i have a shit ton of requests and i still have to finish chap 6 of shutter but i got this idea randomly and it wouldn’t get out of my head so yeet heres a lil colt x mc
warnings: NSFW, dirty talk
words: 2.4k
summary: a stranger is staring at her from across the pool.
“He’s been staring at you for the past ten minutes,” Riya informed, the book in her hands and the sunglasses over her eyes disguising the fact that she had been watching the two boys across the pool as the one on the left kept making eyes at her best friend. His face was neutral, but even across the water, Riya could easily see the interest in his gaze as it wandered up and down Roze’s body, laid out lazily on a lounge chair. Roze waved her hand, actually focusing on the book in her own hands. 
“Let him.”
“It’s creepy.” 
Roze looked up, glance hidden behind her glasses, and looked at the boy.  “Long or short hair?” 
“Short hair, broody, abs for days…”
“Should Darius be worried?” Roze sent a smirk to Riya, who had stuck her tongue out. Darius looked up from his own lounger disinterestedly and then set his head back down. “He’s hot, I’ll agree.”
“Yeah, but does he have the balls to actually talk to you?” Riya raised an eyebrow as another two girls came over to the boys, one of them kicking Mr. Broody out of the lounger and into a regular chair for him to sit up in.. He sent an annoyed glance to the girl and then resumed looking at Roze. “Ugh, looking at you so openly when his girlfriend is right there. What a dick.”
“I don’t think that’s his girlfriend. Look at his body language toward her; purely friendly. I’m guessing she’s just rough with everyone and knows that she can pick on him without him doing anything about it.” 
“If you say so, Reid,” Riya joked, still watching the boy. Roze shrugged and went back to her book, reading a few more pages before Riya tapped her shoulder. 
“I want to do a social experiment.” Roze set her book aside. “Flip over.” Roze flipped over, ass prominently displayed in her skimpy swimsuit. Her friend untied the knots holding her top together and threw them off her bare back, sparing a glance at the boy across the pool. He was watching them, one hand clutching his knee and the other balling up his swimsuit leg in his fist. Riya smiled. 
“Darius, do you mind helping Roze with her sunscreen?” Darius raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Roze, do you care?” Roze shook her head, half-asleep under the sun. Riya whispered something to Darius and signaled for him to start. 
“What are you--ah!” Roze yelped as Riya started rubbing cold sunscreen on her back and thighs, pointedly ignoring her butt but still managing to massage well into her skin. The boy across the pool looked ready to burst. “I appreciate the loving treatment, but what exactly are you trying to achieve here?” 
“I want to see what he’ll do. He already looks like he’s going to kick someone’s ass.”
“Should I be worried, Riya?” Darius’ eyes widened and he took his hands off Roze to go sit back in his lounger.
“Riya…” Roze warned. “Provocation has never not gotten us in serious trouble. Need I remind you of the mechanical bull?”
“You need not.” Riya was barely listening as she looked across the pool and then back at her friend. “Tease him a little!” Roze rolled her eyes but pretended to drop her book on the ground. The pink lounge chair was at a height that kept her just out of reach of the item, so she had to stick her ass pretty high up in the air to lean over and retrieve it. 
“What’s he doing?” 
“I can practically see his boner from here.”
“Riya!” Darius and Roze both yelled simultaneously, drawing the attention of a few other people a couple feet away in the water. She gave them a shrug. Settling back up in her chair and tying her swimsuit back up, Roze was officially interested in the boy across the water, but she couldn’t let him know that. It was a matter of pride. 
On the other hand, this boy looked like he could give a good dicking down. 
“You gonna talk to him?” 
“No.” Roze’s gaze dropped back down to her book and she tuned out the long spiel Riya went on about living in the moment. Eventually, her friend tired herself out and laid back down on the lounger, leaving the small trio to bask in the sun and the loud splashes of everyone else at the pool. On the right, there was a family arguing about the distribution of pool floaties to a small gaggle of children flocked around the feet of the adults; on the left, a group of teenagers took turns doing handstands and jumping in, sending water everywhere on the cement. Across the pool, a group of tattooed adults lazed around, one of them intently staring at a girl who seemed to not really give a fuck about him. After about fifteen more minutes of Roze reading, the boy angrily stood, waving off the whoops and hollers of his friends as he speed walked down to the group of loungers, zeroing in on Roze’s. She tensed as he leaned down to her, but otherwise did nothing. 
“Meet me in the locker rooms in 5 minutes,” he whispered, barely audible over the sounds of the pool. Roze heard, though, and she understood. 
She made him wait 10 minutes before walking into the men’s locker room, shutting the door behind her. It was surprisingly clean, but with the way his eyes were roving over her body when she entered, she couldn’t help but feel filthy. He looked pissed, but there was something else behind the fire in his eyes. 
“Why did you take so long? I was about to leave.”
“I had to finish my chapter.” Her voice luckily didn’t betray the pounding of her heart as she discreetly checked him out, eyeing his abs and large thighs. 
“You’ve been teasing me.” It was a statement, one meant to be answered with the acknowledgement of his power. She was unwilling to give it. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He took five steps over to her and caged her against the door before she even realized he was moving. He smelled like chlorine and coconut. 
“What’s your name?” If the random question surprised him, he didn’t show it.
“Rosemary, Roze for short.”
“How interesting.” She snorted at his monotone, and she didn’t miss the way his mouth barely flickered into a smile before returning to a bored straight line again.
“Why did you call me in here?” Pressing closer to her, he smiled a little bit at how her breath caught when their hips met. 
“Is it not obvious?” She found herself subconsciously matching his movements, tendrils of heat curling around every nerve as he opened her legs with his own, pressing his thigh to her core. 
“You have a habit of fucking strangers in pool locker rooms?” Despite the overwhelming desire washing over her at the feeling of his bare skin against hers, she was unwilling to give up control, wanting to make him work for it rather than just giving in. 
“Only the pretty ones.” Her knees went weak and she threw her arms over his shoulders, tugging him impossibly closer. His lips were only a centimeter away from hers, and she felt ready to burst. 
“You should kiss me.” He closed the gap, his sense of urgency pushing her head back against the door with a small thud. He tasted salty, like he just stepped out of the ocean instead of a shitty public pool, and Roze’s hands quickly found his cheeks to hold him closer to her, never wanting his taste to stray from her tongue. She quickly changed her mind when he pulled away and directed his attention to her jaw, her neck, her collarbone. He was everywhere and it was intoxicating. 
“Was that your boyfriend?” he whispered against her sternum, and she realized that she had been so far gone in the haze of pleasure that she hadn’t even noticed his hands enclosing around her hips, his fingertips digging into her skin and most likely leaving marks that wouldn’t be covered by her skimpy swimsuit. His pinkie caught on one of the ties holding up her bikini bottoms and he smiled when he realized just how easily he could undress her. 
“That was my friend’s boyfriend.”
“The one who glared at me while I was checking you out?” He snickered at the look of surprise on Roze’s face. 
“She was wearing glasses, how did you--”
“She’s not very discreet. Either way, you’re single?” For some reason, Roze got hit with a wave of insecurity and blushed, looking down at her feet that were spread apart on the damp tile floor. One hand drifted up and wrapped itself around her chin, forcing her to look into his brown eyes. They were pretty and deep, indicating a mind that had quite a few gears working behind it. “I don’t think you understand. I want you to be single so I can fuck you in this locker room without having to worry about getting my face punched in.” 
Her face cracked into a smile. “You don’t want to fight someone over me?”
“Well, for you, it would be worth it, but if it can be avoided, I’d rather it be.” After receiving a single resolute nod, his hands tugged at the strings on her bikini, easily pulling the pieces off her and shoving them into the large pockets of his swimming trunks. “Don’t want them to get dirty,” he said after she shot him a questioning look. 
“What a gentleman.”
“Are you surprised?” He took a step back, eyes running up and down her body, drinking in every little curve, mole, and divot that he could see, fingers twitching at his sides as if he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. Her hair fell in damp waves around her shoulders and across her chest, reminding him of Aphrodite. She ran a hand through her hair self-consciously and gave him a small smile. 
Scratch that. She was way better than Aphrodite. 
He surged forward without waiting for an answer, lips immediately attaching to her neck and leaving more marks that he was sure to admire once they were finished. 
“Have you forgotten where we are, Colt?” Her voice was breathy and high, and he nearly came in his swimming trunks when she said his name. He quickly shed his shorts to avoid such an accident (although coming this early at all would still be just as embarrassing) and smiled when her eyes zeroed in on his dick, erect against his stomach.
“Better make this quick then, princess.” His hands found her thighs and urged her to jump up, wrapping her legs around his waist and carrying her with little effort. Her center made direct contact with his cock and she moaned loudly, arms around his shoulders and fingernails scraping up his back. He lifted her up barely and pulled back, looking directly into her lust-blown eyes. “You want my cock, pretty girl?” It was both something to get her going and something to make sure they were both on the same page. She nodded wildly and pressed her lips to his in a hungry kiss, groaning into his mouth when he sank her down on him. 
“Fuck, Colt!” she yelped, legs tightening around his waist and core clenching around his cock. He let out a shuddering breath and let her fall back against the door in favor of holding on to her hips and driving himself into her. The sight of her eyes rolling back as she clutched his biceps hard enough to draw blood was all too erotic and Colt could barely hold himself together, letting out small groans and moans that made him flush. She rocked her hips in pace with him (damn, this girl’s got core strength) and he fought his orgasm off. 
“God, you’re gorgeous. You gonna come around my cock like a good girl? C’mon, Roze, you’d look so pretty coming undone on me,” he taunted, slamming into her dripping core and sending her over the edge. She let out a scream as she came, nails raking down his arms and tugging him to his peak with her. His entire body felt hot, his muscles shaking and his breath heavy. He slipped out of her and helped her stand, pulling his trunk on and reaching into the pockets to pull  out her swimsuit. She took it gratefully and tied up the bottoms herself, but handed the top back to him with a warm hand. 
“Help?” she asked, turning around and sweeping her hair into a bun to get it out of the way. The act of helping her get dressed was...strange. It felt intimate and domestic, like they were getting ready to spend a day at the beach as a couple instead of needing to hide the evidence of their sins--well, hide what they could, anyway. Colt decided to not think about it too much and pulled her to his chest when he finished tying up the straps, pressing a kiss to her neck. She giggled a small thank you. 
Walking out of the locker room to a few stares from those around the door would’ve been a walk of shame for Colt had he been in there with anyone but Roze; when she grabbed his hand on their way out and winked at a few of the slack-jawed patrons of the pool, all he could do was smirk. He pointedly avoided eye contact with Riya when they walked over to Roze’s chair so he could put his number in her phone, then quickly made his way back to where his friends were on the loungers. He ignored their small whoops and sat under the umbrella. 
“You were certainly gone for a while, Roze.” Riya lowered her glasses and raised an eyebrow at her friend’s new hickeys as Roze applied more sunscreen to her body. 
“What happened?” Riya asked, grabbing her friend’s phone when it chirped with a text. “Ooh, so his name’s Colt, huh?”
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lizardrosen · 5 years
Hamlet at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater
This was a really good production, that I’ve been looking forward to for six months, and it really lived up to the wait! I took two and a half pages of notes of things I remembered or loved, which I’ll try to condense, but regardless, some of this is ending up under a cut.
Maurice Jones was an incredible Hamlet, really broken up about his father, but so overcome with grief that he had to push that aside for rage at his mother’s infidelity because it was an easier emotion to handle. He was very physically aggressive to other characters, and this performance really illustrated that Hamlet isn’t indecisive because he can’t decide to do anything; he’s indecisive because he acts on each decision right away but doesn’t commit to any of them.
Horatio was a pillar of stability that everyone turned to for a sense of normalcy. Soft-spoken but with his trademark wry humor, he seemed to position himself as a quiet observer from the very beginning, almost like he’d come right from Hamlet’s directive at the end and had to see how things fell out. But he and Hamlet really didn’t seem to be dating, it’s more that Horatio is there for everyone.
Ophelia and Laertes had a really good sibling dynamic, and made fun of their father wonderfully! They physically deflated when he started giving advice, and then imitated his motions exactly when he got to “This above all...” because they’d heard it so often.
Ophelia was a lot of fun, and felt like someone growing out of girlhood into adulthood -- in her first scene she’s playing with a toy boat, and by the end she’s sharp and jaded, (almost the opposite of Hamlet, in that she’s incredibly angry at her circumstances, but that keeps being overwhelmed by grief)
Laertes was really good! In the first act he really played up the “puffed and reckless libertine” aspect, doing anything that was fun for him. But when he got back he was furious of course, but also more thoughtful and willing to listen to reasoned arguments (even if they were given by a gross snake like Claudius, UGH). A very neat way to handle his sense of honor!
Polonius was sincere and a real character trying to help, not a cardboard cutout who says things that don’t make sense so we can laugh at him. And I mean, other characters were making fun of him, but because he felt so real you had to feel bad for him. Sometimes he was almost self aware but then shrugged it off and kept talking
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern had almost an opposite relationship dynamic from how it is in the Stoppard play, which made me laugh, but they were both very good. But Guildenstern seemed shy and unsure, and tried to fit in with the court customs, while Rosencrantz took charge like “don’t worry, baby chick, I’ll take you under my wing”  and then strode forward in the wrong direction. Someone help them, they’re Trying Their Best.
Gertrude and Claudius were really handsy with each other, always sneaking off to kiss, and it’s like they wanted Hamlet to get pissed and vengeful. Claudius stepped very easily into his new position and just acted like it wasn’t a big deal, which possibly dazzled his courtiers into agreeing. I don’t think Gertrude knew he’d murdered Papa Hamlet at first, but became suspicious and watchful after the closet scene. By the time she drank the poisoned goblet she absolutely knew it would kill her
The Players were a queer punk Scandinavian acting troupe, but I love and value all of them, especially the petite tumblr who shyly handed Hamlet a rose just before the Murder of Gonzago started
The Player King came back as the second gravedigger, so he didn’t get to banter with Hamlet. But the comedic timing was perfect in that scene!
Stage and Set
The lighting and music both worked very well, subtly tying into each scene.
The ghost was a black and white video projected onto the back wall, with a lot of smoke in between, so it was even more unsettling and disorienting, and the ghosts voice moved around the house to come from different speakers so you never knew where he was going to be next.
The thrust stage could have been used more effectively, but I’ve seen that kind of stage used really badly and it wasn’t that.
Cool wall hangings with fancy patterning - they were just white with embroidery or something, but with different colored lights shining on them from the top they’d change colors all the way down, and that worked with each scene. So Claudius’s pomp and circumstance was usually orange, Ophelia’s scenes usually got blue, and I didn’t pick up on all the color choices but I felt them
When Polonius dies he pulls one of the curtains down on top of him, and when Claudius dies all the rest fall at once, and the lighting changes from loud and dramatic to something plainer and free of artifice, until it condenses to a white (and very slightly blue) light centered on Hamlet and Horatio
Plot Etc.
Started with Hamlet at his father’s grave, singing until he was too overcome with weeping, and then Claudius and Gertrude ran onstage giggling and kissing, and Hamlet glared at them until he stormed off the stage.
Scene two was a coronation gala and Hamlet, in a black hoodie shouldered between Claudius and Gertrude’s linked hands and headed straight for the snacks table
The Ophelia + Laertes + Polonius scene opens with Ophelia running onstage holding a long blue cloth that trailed behind her like a river, which divided the stage diagonally through the whole scene - a visual marker of how far characters actually are from each other, and where they come together
After the nunnery scene Claudius and Polonius just ignore Ophelia when she’s sobbing on the ground! She was just a tool for them to use and then they stopped paying attention, no wonder she “went mad”! Polonius says “How now, Ophelia” and then doesn’t wait for an answer, just immediately says “You need not tell us what Hamlet said” and is already turning back to Claudius. That said, I think he really does care about his daughter, but tends to reflect the worst of the people around him.
Act One ended at “Bring me some light!” which I was not at all prepared for, but it worked really well because the play’s answer was a sudden blackout and then a slow return to house lights. And then Claudius repeats the line at the top of Act Two and the tableau jumps into startled action
Hamlet was very rough with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and it was just awful (but in a good way). He forces the recorder into Guildenstern’s mouth and sort of pushes him down so he has to bend his knees. It was a clear power play and made everyone Very Uncomfortable. Horatio and Rosencrantz finally pull them apart and Ros helps Guil collect himself, while Horatio sort of tries to comfort Hamlet while also clearly thinking that he’s gone Too Far.
Later when he calls Rosencrantz a sponge he squeezes him around the midsection from behind to hold him still before he suckerpunches him in the gut and it just looks very painful and bad. Besides the fact that he just killed a man, I think that’s what gets Rosencrantz running the fuck away.
The way Hamlet drags Gertrude around in the closet scene mirrors the way he drags Ophelia in the nunnery scene, owwww
The interview with the director in the playbill says that Polonius’s death is the moment the play becomes a tragedy, and you can feel everything draw in and get darker at that point, so good job from all the designers to make that happen!
Buuuut, she also said that “When the men in her life leave her, she implodes in on herself. There’s no other way for that story to end, not for someone as fragile as Ophelia, which I DON’T like. It really showed in how she was played, but the actress did a really good job in that Way Ophelia Is Usually Played. I just want to see a different kind of Ophelia once in a while!
They kept the scene where Hamlet talks with the Norwegian Captain about the territory in Poland!
When Hamlet is putting on an antic disposition he wears his mother’s dressing gown, and in Ophelia’s scenes she wears the shirt her dead father was stabbed in (who gave it to her tho?)
I found it VERY interesting who got which flowers, because it wasn’t at all what I usually see! Gertrude got rosemary, fennel and columbine; Laertes got pansies; Claudius got rue; and Horatio got a daisy.
When Ophelia breaks down about the withered violets she and Laertes end up full on SOBBING together for their father, which was heartrending and probably very good for both of them
Claudius and Laertes make their sinister plans in a sauna in the same trapdoor hole where Ophelia’s grave is in the next scene, and they’re still there when they hear of her death
The priest refused to sprinkle the holy water over the grave at the end of the service, and he just threw the container on the ground and strode away, so the gravediggers did that part instead, which was such a good moment!
Horatio was appropriately horrified at Hamlet switching the letters, and Hamlet was cavalier about it, but he showed enough emotional maturity in that scene overall that you could tell he wasn’t entirely unaffected either.
Definitely not my favorite Osric - for one thing, they left out the Hat bit. I usually read him as a very young man trying really hard to fit into the politicking of Elsinore and agreeing with Hamlet because he feels he has to, and to have him older and well established makes it harder for Hamlet and Horatio to mock, and you feel less bad for him in general. So I guess in that sense it's good that they left out the Hat scene.
When Hamlet is distracted by Gertrude collapsing, Laertes gets in a nasty little cut on the back of the leg, just a frustrated flick of his sword, and then Hamlet retaliates with the same kind of thing — surprising but effective!
Laertes got his full and proper death! YAY! It is so, so, important to me that his life doesn’t end on “The king, the king’s to blame” because he has never been about revenge as much as reparation. They have to forgive each other or the play doesn’t work right!
Horatio wasn’t so much mourning a boyfriend as he was mourning A Life because all lives are precious to him, and he was always there for everyone.
There was gorgeous almost choral music as he holds Hamlet, and a white (blue-ish) light centers on the two of them as Hamlet shakes from the poison.
And yet, even though the beats were clearly spelling out that they were setting up the final image of the play I was shocked that it ended with “flights of angels” and not the clamor of Fortinbras and court intrigue starting up all over again. I think the reason I was so surprised by what is actually a pretty typical ending point is that they did include the bit with the Norwegian captain, and the gravedigger talking about the day Papa Hamlet defeated Papa Fortinbras, so it seemed obvious to me that there would be a continuation of that.
Overall, I really loved this production, even if there were some things I would have done differently!
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gemevieve · 6 years
Just to clear stuff up
(tw: for mentions of rape, transphobia, and pedophilia. Not depictions of it but mentions of it. With the exception of transphobia since a group is being transphobic to my friend)
Now, most may not know this but there has been a callout post going around about my friend Rosemary by the tumblr blog called sonicsafetysquad which contains a lot of false information which I would like to address. This post is going to be long by the way.
Rosemary is not into rape/non con, I’ve known them for a long time and they are not into that. They don’t draw it, reblog, or retweet rape/non con porn at all. I am not sure where they got this from. If they were into any of this I would’ve known way before they would. 
They are also not into f*ta, Rosemary is trans and it would be weird for a trans person to be into that. They have drawn trans headcannons on characters but that is not the same as trans fetishization. 
Lastly is the claim that they are a pedophile, a claim that should not be thrown around lightly. They are not a pedophile in anyway. They do not groom minors, they tag their nsfw stuff accordingly, their nsfw twitter is locked, and I know they are not attracted to children. They have not drawn or like porn of child characters as for example in the sonic fanbase Tails, Cream, etc. Characters that look, act, sound, and are agreed that are children. Now the characters they showed/brought up were Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, and shadow. Now Sega has stated that these characters are 15/16, 15, 19, and 50+ respectively. Now two of those characters are legal adults (even thought Rouge should be in her mid to late 20s basing how she acts, sounds, and looks). Lets talk about Sonic and Knuckles’ ages. This is where stuff gets kind of weird. 
In Sega’s early days the characters ages were vague, especially sonic’s, for sonic it was because he was similar to characters like Mickey Mouse and Felix the cat where their ages look vague but one can argue are adults. When I was a kid I thought sonic and most of his pals were young adults basing on what was going on with them. Sonic adopting tails acting like a big brother but technically Tail’s adopted father. They made sonic 15 which if any other character who is a teen adopted a 8 year old would be seen as cute but kind of sad that a teen has to raise a kid in any story. I know Tails is a child genius but he is still an 8 year old with no parents. Knuckles who is a guardian of the giant emerald and coping with the fact that he is the last of his kind surpassingly very well. I always thought knuckles was an adult, like a somewhat naive adult (naive because he lives on a floating island alone most of the time), not just that he sounds like an adult as well. Sega made him 15/16 as well even though if a teen found out they were the last of their kind they would NOT be handling it like knuckles handled it. 
Before most ask, a lot of the sonic characters are teens like Sally is and that one I have never gotten over. Ever since I was 5 and watch Sonic SATAM I thought she was an adult. Her old design (and her new design), voice, and behavior screamed adult but Sega decided to make her 16. But why? To ship her with Sonic. That’s it. As far as I know that is the only reason Sega did that because shipping an adult with a teen would be creepy but that didn’t stop Sega with Rouge flirting with Knuckles (I guess a 19 year old can flirt with a 15 year old according to Sega which is creepy). Sega as of now has gone back with making the ages vague which I think is better for characters like Sonic, Knuckles, Sally, ect for many reasons. Now some might wonder why make a lot of these characters teens when they don’t live with their parents or go to school or have jobs? Why make them act older than they are? Well, my best guess is that the reason why Sega made a lot of these characters into teens is because they most likely thought kids/teens couldn’t like or relate to characters who are adults so they have to be the target demographic’s ages and that adults aren’t hip. Sonic (especially as a character) was made to be as cool as possible no matter what. Everything sonic does is hip and cool. What is the opposite to most kids and teens? Adults. When Sega did this what they did with various characters later on did not realize the implications this would cause. From what I’ve seen in the sonic community, the majority accept that characters that are obviously children/underage like Tails and Cream for example are in fact children and it is gross to draw porn of (I also agree with that as well). While characters that act/sound/look like adults the majority of the community agree it is okay. 
I wanted to explain that with sonic characters to give most an idea about the age stuff because a lot of people I’ve talked to about sonic and when I mention characters ages like Sally Acorn and Knuckles they would be surprised and could not believe that they are teens because like me, as a very casual sonic fan, would assume those characters are adults. Which one can blame Sega for and I don’t see the sonicsafetysquad blaming them for it when it is Sega’s fault for doing certain stuff like that. But again what should I expect from a group where one of the mods is friends with someone who ships South Park characters (I don’t know if it is the kid characters but most South Park fans ship the kids so I am assuming here), has a mod that is underage which concerns me because I know the other two mods are adults and I’m worried that they are showing porn to a minor when they claim to be against that stuff, and is friends with or supports lesbianamyrose (as far as I know) who made fun of a disabled person’s appearance.
This group has been stalking and harassing my friend for awhile and I am sick of it. To the point where they have tried picking apart every little thing about them. To the point where someone either connected to them or supports them lied about being an adult so they could get access to my friend’s nsfw twitter. I am disgusted by this group’s behavior and the fact that they don’t accept the criticism they are given. I fucking hate it when people claim someone is a pedophile when they are not. I’ve had one of my friends who is a VICTIM of pedophilia be called a pedophile which was just plain disgusting. If my friend, Rosemary, was a pedophile I would’ve known because one of my ex friends is a pedophile. After one of my ex friends as outed as a pedophile (a for real pedophile who groomed teens, was friends with an open pedophile, etc) I pushed my self to be more careful and observant of others. Rosemary was there for me when that happened. I was so angry, hurt, and betrayed by him. I know this post is so long and I am sorry it is but this stuff has to be said. Sorry to be talking about this stuff which could be considered drama but I’m tried of this. Overall the sonicsafteysquad is not helping protecting minors since they have harassed many people including minors, Sega is really weird with sonic ages which makes so many things confusing to both fans and non-fans of the franchise, and have attacked my friend on a weak basis (they talked more about the piss fetish more than anything else even though my friend was keeping that stuff private but they decided to make it public) which has made people not look into this deeper and just believe what they say blindly. 
Hopefully I explained things well as best as I can about what is going on.
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swordarkeereon · 5 years
Movie Review: Hereditary #horror #demons
There was a LOT of vitriol and criticism of this movie within the non-generational Daemonolatry community when it came out.  I generally roll my eyes when people criticize movies like this because movies are fiction and the simple fact is that the idea of supernatural demons scares a lot of people. Not to mention daemons have been used as plot devices to scare the pants off of primarily Judeo-Christian audiences since the nineteen-sixties at least.  That’s not going to change.  The sooner occultists accept this and move on, the more they can save their outrage for things that matter, like racial and gender inequality or the skyrocketing prices of housing.
I have only recently gotten around to seeing this film after certain friends – generational friends – who loved it, kept prodding me to see it  – and the truth is: I wasn’t expecting to like it at all because I also had close friends who hated the movie with a passion due to the stigma of mental illness that the film perpetuated – which is a fair criticism.
I already had it set in my mind that it was likely stupid, contrived, and rehashed nonsense as I’d heard it compared to The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby – both fun yarns in their own right.  
So first — I felt this was a well-done psychological horror film. Absolutely amazing AND (now I’m going to say something that may piss off some fledgling Daemonolaters who may not understand this) the choice of including the Daemon Paimon in the movie was both brilliant and astute on the part of the writer(s).
Let me tell you why.
If you, as a magician, were working through emotional issues and family trauma — out of the entire Goetic hierarchy — Paimon would be an excellent and, dare I say, the most logical choice for that. What do Daemons make us do? Face our fears and our traumas in order to grow, change, and become stronger.
The writer of the film had a more solid understanding of the Daemonic than a lot of folks gave him/her credit for. In this film, Paimon becomes a metaphor for the emotional trauma we carry with us – and the need to face that fear of our emotional inheritance and to find the strength to keep going.  ::mic drop::
It’s so fucking obvious.
SPOILER ALERT: When Peter, at the end, becomes a host for Paimon – that whole scene is a metaphor for survival. To draw in Paimon is to draw strength and to keep going, and hopefully begin healing emotionally. It is only through Paimon that Peter can survive at all. The horror in this story is actually that the mother (who is likely already mentally ill – as some mental illness is oftentimes hereditary) snaps after both her mother and daughter die, kills her husband and herself — leaving her son as the only survivor. He blames himself for his sister’s death and the chain reaction it started. THAT psychological trauma is the horror. Paimon is the one who saves Peter from that horror and helps him continue on despite it.
Now – about the coven. We assume the coven is actually making all of this happen in order to drive the mother into madness, destroy the family, etc… in order to take Peter as a host for Paimon. But notice that the only time you actually see the coven – they’re trying to help. We don’t see them put the dead body of the grandmother in the attic — that could be the mother’s psychotic delusion or something she did herself (there are hints that a lot of what the mother is seeing is due to a psychotic break and is not a supernatural reality). The mother fears the coven due to her own paranoia and mental illness. The mother’s POV is not to be trusted. The only time we actually see the coven — they are there to help the mother through the trauma of losing her daughter. They are there to support Peter after his ordeal of losing his entire family. Also notice that Peter doesn’t change a whole lot after Paimon “possesses” him at the end. He still looks traumatized – even “as” Paimon. Which is a huge clue that the Daemon didn’t possess him in the same way most horror films portray Daemonic possession. So the possession didn’t solve everything or change him. It was only the first step in Peter’s journey to survival and healing. Just my thoughts on the matter.
ADDED: A FB friend also pointed out that the beheading imagery is about Peter’s transcendence (transcendence of his own limitations brought on by the trauma), which I also agree with. I viewed that last scene as a fresh start or new beginning for Peter, which goes hand in hand with that transcendence imagery.
This was yet another one of those movies where occultists either get the meaning behind it and understand the horror, or they don’t – much like A Dark Song or The Ninth Gate. People who know nothing of the Abramelin Rite didn’t “get” A Dark Song.  People who don’t enjoy Polanski’s puzzles and subtle foreshadowing don’t “get” The Ninth Gate (a movie I originally HATED btw until someone pointed out a few things – like the fact that the journey matters, and that without the work – magick will often fail). Just like occultists who don’t truly understand Paimon as the Goetia’s equivalent of the Water Element and his role in emotional healing won’t get Hereditary (or will find it offensive for its use of Paimon in the story).
If you absolutely hated this movie, re-watch it with the above in mind and see if it grows on you. Of course with all things, art is subjective. I would no more be offended by someone who hated it and found it offensive, than I would be by someone who loved it for what it was: a fictional psychological horror film about fractured family and the emotional/psychological trauma we inherit (and must overcome). 
The novel A Headful of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay comes to mind, which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it.
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magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
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Yeah so I decided to update Susan's ref sheet because oh my god it's so fucking ugly-
But yeah, I'm much more satisfied with this one because I've developed my style for drawing these fuckers a lot better and the pose radiates more personality.
Old ref: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/743345425139040256/on-this-episode-of-walten-files-brainrot-heyyyyyy?source=share
Here's her bio with a couple add-ons:
Apparently she's British (Her accent is still a mystery to me but I've seen a couple people say this so ehhhh). So my headcanon is that her family immigrated to the US when she was four, so while she does have an accent, she doesn't really say any slang. Occasionally she might call someone a twit (affectionate) or a twat (derogatory), but that's about it.
At some point during her fun little maze adventure, the neck cables that held up the animatronic head snapped due to the constant pressure of Susan's broken ass neck forcing her head to loll to the side. While at the facility she found that she can use metal ties to hold the cables upright. She has to tighten them constantly though or else her vision will be forced into portrait mode
Ashley fixed the cable while she, Kevin, and Hilary were there and Susan is forever grateful to her
She probably accidently breaks it again through something stupid like bumping her head against the door frame or something and boy oh boy was she PISSED
On that topic, she tries her best to upkeep her and everyone else's bodies but there's only so much she can do with limited tools and slightly worse motor skills (imagine doing a task that requires very precise movements through winter gloves and you'll pretty much get the idea)
She refuses to repair Bon though and tells him to figure it out himself.
She's become way more snappy, short tempered, and easily frustrated after her death. Trauma, baby!
Susan kinda acts as a shoulder to vent to whenever anyone needs to talk. She can’t really offer much in response or comfort since A, she’s the type to push things away and compartmentalize, and B… well, she can’t exactly promise everything’s gonna be okay, now can she? Still, sometimes it’s nice to just talk
Some days though she just kinda… shuts down emotionally. Just kinda lays on the floor and can’t find any motivation to get up or do anything. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, staring blankly into space
Charles usually stays with her during these episodes and depending on the day, he either just sits with her quietly or rambles about random shit like he did when they were alive
Her sleep schedule was super fucked up when they all came to the facility because she was used to being up and around at night. It's gotten better but she still sometimes wakes up buttfuck early and has come to appreciate the serenity of the nights (RETCONNED)
Probably the most casual about her death, as opposed to Rosemary's crying and Charles desperately trying to change the subject
She walks with a very distinctive shuffle, something she picked up from her fun little maze adventure because the weird shuffle walk helped lessen the pain she put herself through and conserved energy. It used to be a lot more pronounced but it's faded slightly overtime
Usually hangs out with Charles
Is constantly exasperated by Charles' antics
To pass the time she either plays card games with Charles or organizes the tools in the maintenance closet
She tried to talk to Rosemary when they were first brought to the K-9 facility but only got silence in return. She's kinda just given up now and mostly leaves her alone
Is the most familiar with Bon's abilities and didn't even bother trying to escape the facility because she knew it was futile
Helps coach everyone but Rocket on how to move
When helping Ashley figure out to move she probably made an off-handed comment like, "if you think that's hard, imagine having to learn how to do this while being alive" and only realized Ashley had no context for that when she gave her a very confused and worried look
Hates Bon's guts and is usually annoyed/angry with him
She also hates Felix's guts, but everyone does so it's not anything special.
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theacerbicprince · 5 years
‘a moment of weakness’
7: Thugs
Severus had taken to walking to the local green grocers in order to purchase the necessary meats required for dinners at Spinner's End. He felt that he would benefit from the exercise even if it was not enjoyable. He had decided that afternoon that he would cook herb crusted chicken with rosemary potatoes and had taken a longer route than usual. Merlin how he hated this place and he clearly wasn't the only one because the property market in the area was as stagnant as the pond in the laughable excuse for a park. It seemed that he was going to be stuck in Cokeworth for the foreseeable future, a fact that brought him about as much cheer as a jar of flobberworm mucus.
It was as he was passing the delapidated remains of what had once constituted as a large home for a person of means that he heard the cry. It was a cry that he felt in his soul, a cry from a person who meant more to him than anything else in the world.
"Lily." He breathed, running towards the sound of her voice. He found her pressed up against the wall, surrounded by a group of men who would have affectionately dubbed themselves 'thugs'. To Severus, they were threats and he charged one of them, swinging a vicious punch to the back of his head. He fell forward from the force of the impact, head hitting off the wall and he slumped to the ground, out for the count. Severus moved to stand in front of Lily, shielding her from them. He wouldn't even have them look upon her beautiful face, they did not deserve it.
"Don't you even fucking think of a laying a hand on her or I swear to God I will break every bone I can find in your bodies and leave you without the ability to even piss or shit independently." His words were a snarl, the rough boy from the wrong side of the tracks rising to the surface. This was the only language they would understand. He glared at them, fists clenched, everything about his posture indicating that he was ready for a fight and he was going to win. They were muggles, he would not use magic on them as there was the chance that it would draw minesterial attention and that was the last thing he, an ex death eater, needed.
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thelifetimechannel · 7 years
Well, us lgbt peeps are getting our youth centers set on fire, we're being kicked out of the military, and the SCOTUS is just about to let businesses discriminate against us, but i'm glad we have people like you to erase what little positive representation we get! When only bigots are pissed about rosemary "Trying to make everyone happy" equals "Trying to make the bigots happy". You don't have to answer this, just think about it. Your work already has that reputation. Do you want it to stick?
Let’s assuage one concern right off the bat. Rosemary is going to be fine. Rose talks about backing off, but in the same conversation she admits she’s being silly and overreacting. Earlier in canon, she assumes Kanaya wants to break up with her and claims “my girlfriend thinks I’m an idiot”. With her insecure belief that Kanaya is disappointed in her, a brief consideration of following in her family’s footsteps and bailing seemed in character to me. But she knows that’s kneejerk and prompted by insecurity rather than reality, and instead, she’s going to talk to her about their issues. A truly revolutionary move, to be sure. 
I have those conversations written. I did research, to more confidently write about how addiction can strain relationships and hurt the people you love. I wanted to explore what their dynamic looks like now with all those stressors in play and give them a chance to talk it out and make their relationship stronger. So Rosemary will be fine. Don’t worry about them.
With that out of the way, I’m tucking the rest of our responses under a cut.
Pal. Anon. Buddy. 
Yes, these are scary fucking times right now. A lot of people are frightened and for very good reason. A lot of people feel powerless to do anything against the soulless wastes of skin in the US government. A lot of people are lashing out at things they think they can control instead. I understand turning to fiction when times are stressful; if someone finds solace in my work, even for an hour or two, that makes me more glad than words can properly express at 2 AM. 
However, what I’m not appreciating is taking that stress out on queer content creators themselves. Further more, I get the funny feeling - something I’ve been getting for a long time now - that your message was made less as a letter to the editor from a genuinely concerned reader. Because, you know, we’ve gotten messages like this before. Instead, it sounds like a blatant co-opting of these very real, very scary issues in order to moralize why you don’t like a fan fiction that has less than 250 favs on MSPFA. 
This is not the first time we’ve received a message like this on this blog and I suspect it won’t be the last. But I’m writing a draft response this time instead of Kat because I saw this first and it’s 2:30 AM and I am very, very, VERY tired of this goddamn concern trolling.  
Canon, Anon, is always going to be there, will always have Rosemary, and will literally always be fathoms more popular than my dorky fan comic. Rosemary will continue to be an extremely popular canon ship. Rosemary ain’t going anywhere because of one fanfic that doesn’t have as much of a focus on it. Emphasis: as much of a focus. It’s what we call a “gen fic”. Calm down. 
I get getting defensive about your ships when people are assholes about it. But if homophobic a-holes are drawn to my comic because we’re not heavy on gay ships because that’s where the story is right now, that is on them. And there are much better ways to deal with that problem than sending passive-aggressive notes to small fry like us because we’re not dropping everything and scrambling to get more shipping content onscreen. Yeah, we’re right there. Our inbox is open. I get it, it’s easy to take our your fear and your anger with messages like this because we are such small time members of the community. But will you please grab some patience? Holding off because it’s not the right moment for it to be in the story =/= erasure, we will get there, and we will get there after I get some freaking shut eye so I can wake up so I can draw the next flash and the next update. Rinse. Repeat. 
Also literally every time I have drawn Rose onscreen for months now she’s been in one of Kanaya’s shirts. If you’re going to criticize my comic, at least do me the decency of sounding like you’ve read it first. 
For once, I’m going to be the crankier one. 
Simply, how dare you? How dare you waltz into our inbox pretending that any of this is new to us? Neither of us is cis or straight. I select nonbinary on anonymous surveys and then turn around to put female on official paperwork because my state doesn’t include sexual orientation or gender identity as protected categories for employees. I came home from rallying in front of my scumbag senator’s local office for health care and called him up about the military ban. I have poured so much mental time into this project partly because it’s a relief to have a distraction from the world falling down around me. And you pop in to compare two queer content creators to the people in power stripping their rights away. You even write that you’re not looking for a response. You’re not looking for a conversation. I’m 99% sure that you’re the same anon we’ve gotten over and over again claiming we have a “bad reputation” when you’re the one person who keeps yelling at us, and you completely ignore everything we say to you in favor of harassing us. Do you go through AO3 leaving these comments on everything that doesn’t meet your specifications? Is this fun for you?
I have tried many responses every time you reappear in our inbox. I have expressed sympathy toward your frustration. I have provided detailed explanations of why our project is the way it is. I pointed you in the direction of projects that might be more your speed. I’ve offered to write fic for you personally, for god’s sake. But I’m done. I’m tired. I get it - you’re scared. I’m scared. We’re all scared. And when it seems like no one’s listening and there’s nothing you can do, you want to hit out at something. You want to find an enemy and slay it so you stop feeling so powerless. I can relate. Take that impulse and do something constructive with it. Call a representative. Volunteer at a local activist group, if you’ve got the time, accessibility, spoons, etc. I know it feels like spitting into a wildfire, believe me, but it can help lift a little of the emotional weight of feeling entirely helpless. But us tearing each other apart isn’t going to help anything, and life is hard enough right now without me allowing myself to be your punching bag.
Further asks on this will go unanswered.
- Kat
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amwritingmeta · 7 years
12x19 Deconstruction: Cas and Kelly, and Most of the Episode
Oh, this episode. This episode has me salivating with inspiration and a bit of worship - the structure is so damn good I want to just use it as a private staple from here on out. (I won’t.) (Or will I?...) Okay, let’s move onto the actual focus of this deconstruction: the baby. I have stated again and again how...
I do not believe the baby is evil - I believe it’s good. 
So let me here give you my foremost reasons for why I so firmly believe this, but first, can we just do a slow clap for the amazing work of writers Robert Berens and Meredith Glynn and the stunning job done on this episode by director Amanda Tapping? Thank you. (Yes, okay, let’s stop now.)
I’m going to have to dip into the entirety of this episode now in order to make my reasons for believing the baby is of the Good stick. I’ll spend an extra moment on the pivotal scene in the motel room, but honestly, this episode is so Cas/Kelly focused that it’s impossible not to look at the entirety of both of their story lines through every beat of this forty-two minute blitz of deep character development for Cas. It’s fucking amazingly crafted. Again, prostrated on the floor, Writers.
But what about Destiel?
Well, of course this is a Destiel heavy episode, and for very good reasons, too, but I’m going to discuss Dean as he relates to Cas’ character arc this time around, rather than how they both relate to their joint love story arc. (Okay, the love story arc will be part of this discussion because it can’t not be, but it won’t be in focus.) (There will be Destiel.) (Wait COME BACK I SAID THERE WILL BE DESTIE—… Good. Hi. There will be Destiel. Okay? Just alittlemoreCasKellybabydiscussionshhhhhhh let’s begin now.)
So, then: Why Is the Baby Good?
Oh, boy. The answer is a long and complex one, because it doesn’t really occur in one scene, rather it just keeps coming at you throughout the episode. And it starts as early as the recap sequence, where we’re reminded of Dagon’s role as Protector. The dialogue where she convinces Kelly to come with her is chilling, and significant:
Dagon: I’m a demon - you’re Rosemary, complete with baby. Kelly, the angels, the Wincesters, the good guys - they want you dead, but I can protect you. I can protect your son.
Even though Kelly might have had reservations, what happens when the Winchesters decide to interfere, tricking Kelly and more or less kidnapping her against her will, really only serves to prove one thing: they have nothing on Dagon.
Sam: We want to help. Kelly: You call this helping?
Kelly has no faith in them whatsoever and when Dagon comes for her, she’s resigned to go with her - there’s no salvation to be had here, the Winchesters, whatever their motivation, can’t protect her or her child.
The opening scene of 12x19 gives us a harrowing setup, immediately declaring the new relationship between Kelly and Dagon as Dagon is now Kelly’s Captor - the Protector role long gone. Dagon forces vitamins down Kelly’s throat as Kelly’s refusing them. Kelly’s appearance is filthy, her expression vacant: all hope has gone from her. The following exchange (shortened) is, however, intriguing to the extreme in terms of foreshadowing:
Dagon: Stop disrespecting the god inside of you. Kelly: He’s gonna kill me. Dagon: Yeah. And he’s not gonna stop there. Every sad, weak human; every tight ass angel; every snivelling demon - they’ll all be consumed.
Now, I would like to draw your eye away from the narrative of the entire series, and instead focus you on the contained narrative of this specific episode. Everything interlaces gorgeously either way, and the whole of the series is reflected in the prisms of the character arcs of this episode, but putting that aside, let’s simplify it, for simplicity’s sake.
Dagon is not only a Prince of Hell, she’s Lucifer’s closest, she’s acting directly under his orders, but, in the context of the narrative of this episode, she is not a parallel to Lucifer: she is a representative of Evil, of darkness, of death and of destruction. She is everything bad in this world, every last minute of suffering and heartbreak. She is representative of the end to all things. She declares this in her speech: all will be consumed, and she’s delighting in the thought.
(This is, of course, in perfect linkage with Lucifer’s arc this season: he’s breaking daddy’s toys and he just created the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, but I’m adding that as an aside. In the narrative of this episode Dagon is a representative of all Evil, not just the evil of Lucifer.)
Now, after Dagon has drained every last morsel of any possibility that hope might rekindle within Kelly, we witness one of the most horrifyingly realistic and absolutely amazingly shot and acted suicides I’ve ever seen on television. It has such cinematic quality, it’s so deeply sad and moving, that I again send out kudos, this time especially to the amazing Courtney Ford. Because wow, what a performance.
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Now, the act of Kelly killing herself is tied into the overarching theme of the show: that of sacrificing yourself to save the world, to do what is right; but moreover it’s also tied to the S12 prevailing theme of parenthood. Kelly tells her son she’s sorry, she loves him, but she can’t allow him to be the cause of so much suffering - she’ll sooner kill them both. This is what Dagon’s words have brought her to: suicide.
Of course, the baby saves her life, only to have Dagon taunt Kelly’s newfound faith in her son - telling her that her son doesn’t want her alive, he saved her to save himself. He’ll kill Kelly when he’s born and then Dagon will raise him, nurture him, teach him to kill - like a mother should. Yup, there’s that parenthood theme again, now firmly tying itself with Dagon’s character arc. (I do believe this theme has been there in practically every single episode this season and I’ve been loving it.) (In case that hasn’t been made clear by previous posts.)
I’ve gone into deep-deconstruction mode on this already and won’t do so here, except to take a closer look at Cas and his motivations in this scene, and the following one with Dean and the (I still get so giddy at the very thought) mixtape.
We know what the brothers don’t: Cas has been approached by the angels to assist Heaven in tracking down Kelly Kline. So as soon as Cas delivers that line about going to the angels, thinking they might help with Dagon, we as the audience know he is lying, and that he’s clearly not back at the Bunker to ask Dean and Sam for help or even to be honest with them.
Cas is having to go behind their backs - and he’s distressed about it.
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Damn is Misha good in this scene. Okay, back on track.
Cas can’t stand deceiving the people who trust him, and the fact that Dean is so pissed off with him doesn’t make things any easier, but Cas has to do this, because if he doesn’t, Dean or Sam will have to kill Kelly and her baby and he knows what that will do to them. Oh, he knows it very well, even before he asks Dean if the brothers could kill an innocent, because he knows that they’d never get over it.
This ties in with what Dean told him in that Let’s Have an Impromptu Lunch Date scene from 10x09, in which Dean tells Cas that some things you have to forget about, confessing to this being the opposite of what he does. So now, with Kelly Kline and her child, Cas can’t have that. He’s protecting Dean, and he’s protecting Sam, as he always has done. As he’s learned you’re supposed to do for the people you love, and he’s learned this from Dean, whom he considers a role model, someone who has always been the one to guide him through the human experience, advising and berating him in equal measure, but, more than anything else, showing him true loyalty and friendship.
Cas’ confession to Dean - honesty amidst the lying - says so much about what his mental state has been ever since he was told he was expendable in S11. He’s been carrying that feeling with him ever since then, he’s been low on energy for all of S12, feeling tired and despondent, and verbalising this when he tells Dean that he needed to come back with a win for him, then adding that extremely significant “for myself”, this moment, and this particular bit of Cas exposition, is so important for how the rest of the episode shapes up.
Because Cas’ starting point is all things Bad: duty is forcing him to lie to his friends, his family, in order to get that win, in order to do what’s right and protect the people he loves by making a choice for them. His hopelessness and willingness to selfless sacrifice is mirrored in Kelly’s attempted suicide: their character arcs’ starting points in the episode are the same, moving them onto a conjoined path of Good where they begin to share a need of protecting the baby. (No, they’re not brainwashed into it by.) (No, they’re not being controlled.) (Hang on, I’m getting to it, I promise.) (Okay, let’s skip ahead to...)
Cas is now, in effect, acting as Kelly’s Captor. He is escorting Kelly - and her unborn child - to a place where both of them will die. He’s doing this because he believes it’s right - just as Dagon did - only Cas is Dagon’s complete Opposite. As demonstrated in this scene. 
Even before this, when Cas is telling Kelly his plan to take her to Heaven, where she and the baby will die, but peacefully, he’s still regretful, even though he’s more Castiel - soldier of the Lord - in that exchange than I believe we’ve seen him in quite some time. This because he has a determined mission, these are his imperatives, and this is his plan: this is Cas with a purpose. He states the facts to Kelly, in that scene in the truck, without much emotion or circumvention.
But then, this following exchange takes place in the motel room:
Kelly: Something happened to me, Castiel. I lost hope, I tried to… I killed myself. I slit my wrists. I died. And then… he saved me. He brought me back to life. Cas: That was the pulse. We felt that in Heaven. Kelly: His power. His soul surged through me and it was good. Pure. I feel-… I know he is good. Cas: Kelly, what your child did that’s testament to his power, but it’s not proof of some goodness. He needs you alive. Kelly: Maybe. Or maybe it was a miracle. Maybe everything that I’ve been through, everything that I still have to go through is happening for a reason. Maybe it’s part of some plan. Cas: No, it isn’t. I used to believe in a plan. I used to believe that I had some mission. But I have been through enough now to know that everyone is just winging it. Some of us quite badly. Lucifer - he’s just breaking toys, he’s sowing destruction and chaos and there is no grand purpose at work. And there’s no special role for you. When Lucifer took over Rooney’s body, I’m sorry, you were just there. Kelly: I know my baby can be good for this world. Cas: Kelly, if he’s born… That is not something you can survive. So even if you are right, and even if the worst isn’t inevitable, then who will care for him when you’re gone? Who? Who is strong enough to protect him and to keep him from evil influences and to keep him on the righteous path? …What? Kelly: He just kicked… Do you wanna? Cas: Oh… No. Kelly: It’s not a big deal, Castiel - he does it like ten times a day.
Let’s talk about this now. Let’s look at the words chosen for this exchange. Let’s YouTube the sucker and look at the scene again and really let all of the details sink in, especially with regards to how these two characters interact. 
Cas is quite stand offish when the scene begins and they’ve just entered the room. He’s a little impatient, annoyed at the error of the truck breaking down, at not knowing how to fix it (thinking of Dean Dean Dean), and - remembering what happened last time he let Kelly go to the restroom alone - he promptly escorts her out of the small bathroom and has her sit on the bed.
He then fetches her the water.
If there wasn’t a difference between him and Dagon before, this is where we really begin to notice it. In his Captor role, all he’s doing is done because he believes it’s right - just as Dagon did - and the fact that he’s taken up her cape becomes even clearer during his dialogue with Kelly, when he almost verbatim repeats Dagon’s words back at Kelly regarding her son: saving his mother’s life doesn’t prove the child is good, the child needs his mother alive in order to survive.
Kelly begins her rebuttal speech to this statement in an over-zealous, almost devout way - the same, nearly startling, conviction on her face that she had while speaking to Dagon about the baby having saved her life. This could be the look of someone under the influence of a supernatural being - but because of what comes after it, because of the dialogue chosen for these two characters, I believe this is the Good Mother showing her utter devotion to her child. She is not being influenced to convince Cas. 
Why not?
The answer actually lies within Cas’ speech to her about there not being any grand scheme afoot here, there is no plan, no greater purpose. He tries to bring Kelly down to the level he’s at with his faith, which is - after everything he’s been through - at zero. He tries to make her see reason, the way he’s been forced to. 
Because God has left. Actually, God left a very long time ago. Cas was never following God’s orders and the disillusionment this caused in him chipped away at every ounce of belief until he was left with this emptiness. Heaven may be more or less in order, but at what cost? Lucifer was let out of the cage because of a decision Cas made and managed to produce a nephilim on his watch so it’s little wonder Cas feels responsible. No wonder Cas needs Kelly to hear him. She will die either way and her baby? 
Oh, yes, here’s the clinch. This is it. This is the piece of dialogue that sealed it for me. Cas says:
Cas: Who is strong enough to protect him and to keep him from evil influences and to keep him on the righteous path?
And not only is it that the dialogue makes use of that incredibly significant word “righteous”, but even more than that is it the action that follows it - when the baby kicks.
I yelped at the mention of the word “righteous” because not only is it another callback, but it takes us all the way back to 4x16, and Cas telling Dean that line of dialogue of how the righteous man who began it is the one who will end it. Yes, it was all a rouse to get Dean to become Michael’s vessel. The dick angels played Dean and they played Cas and this is where Team Free Will really began. But see? This is where Team Free Will really began.
To Cas, Dean has always been The Righteous Man because Cas could see what the others couldn’t. That’s why he beat Dean up in that alley - because he knew Dean was better than that. And what if - it’s a big if - but what if Kelly’s right and Cas is wrong believing there isn’t a plan? It doesn’t take away Free Will. It just means that to reach the end result of the plan - which, to me, is endgame represented in a balance between Heaven, Hell and Earth - the people entrusted with this task need to make the right choices. They need to have faith, show trust in each other and work together.
But I’m getting ahead of myself, into the conjecture part of the proceedings. I apologise.
As if making me yelp by bringing up the word “righteous” wasn’t enough, then the look on Cas’ face when he places his hand on Kelly’s stomach made my heart ache for him. This is Cas as we’ve come to know him, someone who loves and is in awe of humanity, and how it can create life. That smile is something we’ve never seen on Cas’ face before. 
He’s more human than angel in this moment.
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And this is what the baby responds to when it shows Kelly a flash of the future: I would assume it’s Lucifer rising, Cas stepping in front of Kelly saying “You stay away from her”. Cas, in complete contrast to Dagon, who thought of Kelly as disposable waste, is protecting the baby’s mother. This is why the baby now chooses Castiel. It happens in this moment. Cas goes from being Captor, to being Protector.
All I’m going to put in here, because this scene of the brothers arriving to the motel room will be tackled in the 12x20 meta I’ll start working on tomorrow (I hope) (Fuck, it’s midnight.) (Okay.) (Yeah, I won’t finish that this weekend. Grr.) But what I’m going to add in here is Kelly’s attitude to the Winchesters:
Kelly: Sam and Dean, they want to take away his power because they’re scared.
This line of dialogue is delivered as Cas and Kelly have stolen the Impala and revved out of the motel parking lot. In this scene Cas learns that the baby has chosen him. He tries to tell Kelly that he’s not fit to protect her, in dialogue restating for the third time in this episode how useless he thinks he is.
Dean, I just keep failing. Again and again.
But I have been through enough now to know that everyone is just winging it. Some of us quite badly.
I am not someone that you should put your faith in, Kelly.
And Kelly responds with this:
Kelly: I don’t know why it’s me, and I don’t know why it’s you, but I know that we are destined for something here. Something great. Cas: I wish I had your faith. Kelly: You will.
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They start out in the same place this episode: faithless. But Kelly, through her son soul surging through her - a power felt even in Heaven - saving her life, now has complete faith, and puts some of it, if not all of it, in Cas being the right choice. She trusts him implicitly. In a sense, she steps in as his spirit guide. She has good cause to trust him, too - even though he’s taking her to Heaven to die: he didn’t kill her in cold blood, he went with the diplomatic route by allowing her to choose. He went with the route of Free Will. 
Cas has always been a representation of what is Good in humanity: love, loyalty, perseverance, selflessness.
Even in his darkest moments, those moments have only come about because of these staple traits to his character. And his inability to involve others in his choices - which is inspired by who again? Oh, yes, that’s right - Dean Winchester’s inability to involve others in his choices, Dean making choices for those he loves, always feeling and always carrying that weight of the world that makes everything and everyone his responsibility. Is it any wonder then, that Cas is forever trying to share in the burden? All he’s ever done since placing his hand on Dean in Hell has been to try and help Dean. But unfortunately, this need has never lead Cas to anything but catastrophe - because he needs to root the need in his own wants and needs, not what he believes Dean wants and needs from him.
So, leaving Destiel (told you there’d be a touch of love in this post) I’ll restate as a short reminder:
Dagon represents Evil Castiel represents Goodness
Let me say it once more time, because it hones into the point I want to make (you know, the one about the goodness of Lucifer’s son): Cas and Dagon are each other’s mirror Opposites in this narrative and it’s so extremely well-written I can barely even stand it. Seriously. I’m like wringing my hands and pulling on my hair over here, my brain crackling like I’m going absolutely mental over it. (I kind of am.)
The Evil one starts out on a power trip believing she is destined to rule all, next to Lucifer, while the Good one starts out feeling lost and powerless. Can you see how they built this narrative into an X? The Evil and the Good meeting in the middle, where Cas gets his hands on Kelly, and Dagon is left being screamed at by her now finally terrifying again - even though he’s still chained up - boss from Hell? And how the narrative again splits as we move towards that final scene and Castiel spreading his proverbial feathered wings? Oh, there is such glory here I now want to cry. (Not really.) (Yeah, kinda really, actually.)
Now we come to the root of the matter. We come to that thing that makes me believe, more than anything else in this episode, that this baby is good. 
If the fact that Dagon so clearly represents Evil that will Destroy the Universe and Cas so clearly represents everything that is Opposite to this (i.e. the future) isn’t enough to convince you, then let me tackle Cas’ character development in this laser-focused narrative of one episode. Let me tell you how I have waited, and waited, for Cas to get his comeuppance. Ever since that heartbreaking moment in 11x10 when first his own angelic sister, and then this woman who has bewitched the man he loves, told Cas that he was expendable, what little self-worth he’d gathered over the years, whatever belief in his own capabilities, just drained from him completely.
We all saw it.
It was so goddamn painful to watch, and it has so clearly lingered, like something heavy, ever since Lucifer was exorcised from him in 11x22. (The fact that Dean couldn’t open up in that damned (beautiful) Brologue in 11x23 didn’t help the matter.) 
As for Cas and Dean this season, which has been such an influence on Cas’ character arc - as ever it was - it has been intriguing and exciting to watch the undercurrent of unspoken things between them. There has been such a snappy annoyance there, practically every time they’ve been in the same room together, that it’s been entertaining and gorgeously frustrating at the same time. The UST has been thick enough to cut through with a dull knife, especially on Dean’s part, where Jensen’s body language has just gotten tenser and tenser as the season has progressed. (And then there’s the Rock Star Leather Jacket of Sex moment.) (After Dean serenades Cas on the guitar, of course.) (All look at me, look at me, I’m not just a lumberjack, I’ll sing songs, I’ll sing songs.) (I love this show.) 
Cas has been mostly confounded by it all, mirroring Dean’s annoyance and feeling, more than ever, like he doesn’t belong. Like there’s no place for him anywhere. So that heavy feeling has progressively gotten worse. And when he picked up that angel blade and killed Billie, that choice was riding on the back of walking into that fight with Lucifer, not caring for his own safety in the least. Because this is the thing: Cas sees himself as the hammer. He sees himself as the expendable first wave, clearing the way for the real heroes, because this is his deepest fear pertaining to his character arc: that this is all he is to the brothers and, furthermore, that this is all he is capable of being.
The first half of this season (and most of S11) was heavily focused on this for Cas’ character arc. He has lost all faith in himself after making all those horrendous choices that have gotten angels and humans killed, that has devastated Heaven. Not only has he been labeled expendable, but, especially this season, he’s been called the Winchesters’ purse dog, attack dog - dog, dog, dog. This, I feel, is to demonstrate the role he has assigned himself in their dynamic: the hammer and the shield. It’s a vicious fearful circle because he plays the part afraid that if he doesn’t there is no place for him with the brothers, not seeing that neither brother expects him to play this part. (As demonstrated over and over this season, and finally coming to a head in 12x12 where the brothers, at last, take a stand for him and show him that he is truly one of them. Only... there is still that one thing missing, of course. But I shan’t digress!) 
What this episode does, with such amazingly even beats, is not only remind us of Cas’ past - which is why it’s so wonderfully Destiel heavy, fitting perfectly with Dean’s character arc and furthering their joint love story arc in what is nothing short of writing gold - but this episode also tells us of where Cas is at right now: that soldier of Heaven who blazed into Dean’s life with the confidence, the arrogance, of someone who knows they work for God himself, that soldier left Cas a long time ago.
He’s learned that there is no reason to have faith, because no one is watching over you. You’re on your own. What he needs to be reminded of is that, though this may be true, this means, more than anything, that you should have faith in yourself.
And this is what his character arc has been all about. From the very first. Choosing Free Will does not mean throwing yourself headfirst into impossible situations, it does not mean sacrificing yourself without a thought for the consequences, it does not mean taking all the responsibility on yourself, always. Free Will simply means asking yourself “What do I want?” And Cas has never once done that. Cas needs to find his way into his own individuality, into his own self. As mentioned, he’s been so lost because all he’s ever done is relate himself to Dean and what Dean might need or want from him. This is as stunting as the brothers’ codependency. Cas loves Dean, but Dean cannot be his only reason to feel love, because that will keep Cas from growing as a person. 
So how can Cas grow as a person then? Well, Dean is human and yes, he does represent humanity, but Cas has watched over humanity since long before Dean was born. Cas’ love for humanity itself - his deep awe of his father’s creation is what is now giving Cas - through this baby - a sense of purpose that isn’t tied to Dean. (And still is tied to Dean. I know, this narrative is so deliciously complex.) Cas wants to help. He’s restated that over and over and over again. This is his foremost motivation: to help and to protect. He isn’t a hammer and he isn’t an attack dog. And this is why the baby chose him as its mother’s Protector.
It’s very telling to me how Kelly consistently calls Cas “Castiel”. She never once calls him Cas, which is quite unusual. Even characters that only share one scene with him have reverted, since early on, to calling him Cas rather than Castiel. We’ve had callbacks to Castiel through Ishim and through Kelvin this season, so is there any wonder that, when Dean watches Cas get powered up, all Dean can see is Castiel? And is there any wonder this freaks him the hell out? Nope. Remembering that badass, fucking terrifying, celestial being who was completely unreliable and unpredictable I would say there is no wonder whatsoever.
That final scene. Oh, that final scene of the episode. 
Here I would say that Cas passes a final test with flying colours when he confronts Dagon - a Prince of Hell - with nothing but an angel blade, stepping in front of Kelly with a “You stay away from her”, echoing the words he spoke in the flash of the future the baby showed Kelly in the motel room. He will fight and he will die if it means protecting the Good Mother from the Bad Mother. The Protector will shield mother and baby from the Captor - who stands for nothing but suffering. The baby, convinced, works through Kelly and restores Cas’ powers so that Cas will be able to protect them to his absolute fullest capabilities.
Cas is Castiel once more.
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Sam: What was that? Cas: It was me. But it was also…
This, I believe, is the beginning of “the better way”. I believe the baby sets them all on a course down the better way, towards a series ending that will have everything to do with balance, but I’ll jot my thoughts down on endgames and such in another post. This one is already balking under the word count. ;)
Now, I say “Cas is Castiel” - but what I mean is that, of course, he’s still Cas. Like he even says himself: “It was me.” The difference is that, this time, instead of lacking faith, instead of fearing making the wrong choice, as he has done on so many other occasions when shouldering the weight of the world, he knows now what has to be done, and he knows - because he believes, finally, in himself - that this is the right thing to do. This will bring peace, this will bring balance, this child is innocent and as long as he’s kept from Lucifer he will grow up good. And it will change everything for the better.
This moment - this reward, this win - for Cas’ choices throughout the episode, is what the story arc has been moving towards. He began convinced mother and baby had to die for the greater good, and now he knows that for the good to be great, the baby must live. This, again, reflects Kelly’s journey in that opening scene and their mutual tie to the baby loops around Cas with the theme of parenthood, which has already been explored in his character arc through Claire and his need to make amends for taking Jimmy from her.
This further’s my conviction that, in a season dealing with Good Parents vs Evil Parents, this Good Parent coupling (don’t worry, I don’t mean that in a sexual way, simply a spiritual way) underlines the fact that the baby is not controlling them. It’s clearly influencing them, showing them flashes of what can be if they make the right choices and sure, this could be construed as it lying to them, manipulating them, and that the twist will be that we’re lulled into a sense of security, but the baby turns out to have been evil all along, but it doesn’t fit with the tone of the episode or Cas’ deeply personal and profound character evolution he’s afforded for making the right choice.
There’s also the visual of the white light that is mingling with the hellfire in Cas eyes as he kills Dagon...
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...and how the baby used Cas to kill her: the baby wasn’t protecting itself, the baby was always protecting its mother. I’ll restate that the parenthood theme throughout the season has dictated that the Bad, Negligent, Selfish, Evil Parent is dealt with: this type of parenting is inadvisable, to say the least. (And it goes so brilliantly with Dean’s character arc and his need to settle everything with the past in order to move into his brighter future that I can’t even.)
Dagon’s speech to Kelly about how her son was going to be raised by Dagon into killing everything, I believe, sealed Dagon’s fate and helps to underline my point: this child does not want to kill everything. It does not want to kill its mother. There is love in this child already. And why shouldn’t there be? It’s grandfather is God himself, the child has angel grace in it, it’s just as linked to Heaven as it is to Hell, and more than that, of course, it is a product of humanity. 
(And this is why it’s powerful enough to oversee all three and bring order to the chaos of this world, where angels were never meant to walk among humans and where demons are running amok. I don’t think it’s by chance that Dagon refers to the baby as “the god inside you” to Kelly. This child has the power to be the new God - but he would be so with faith in his grandfather’s creation, and an iron fist for those that disobey him.) (I could discuss Chuck’s shortcomings as a father and how that has lead to the creation of this nephilim to begin with, but not here. Nope.)
I want this scenario so badly now that I don’t know what to do with myself. It’s such a glorious loop back to how this all began. With Azazel and Sam, with Dean and the 66 seals, with Lucifer like this dark shadow over both their lives, over the lives of their parents, and Chuck somewhere in the peripheral, the angels always watching, and here we now come upon the final confrontation and it’s all just tying up into a beautiful tapestry of perfection. WRITERS I LOVE YOU. EVEN IF I’M COMPLETELY WRONG, I SHOULD ADD. *shouty*
What about that final moment between Cas and the brothers? What about that final shot of the brothers knocked out and Cas and Kelly driving away? Ominous anyone? Well. No, actually. I take other things from it, because here’s what leads up to it. 
Cas: You’re hurt.
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I mean. Do I even really need to comment on this moment? There’s such tenderness here, such sudden intimacy, and I feel it bodes well. Cas has gotten his mojo back and with it he feels more himself than he has in a long time. I believe returning to his angelic form is imperative for Cas to choose to become human, but I’ll explore that in my spec post. Back to the scene...
Because then:
Dean: Cas? Are you okay? Cas: I am. I’ve been so lost. I’m not lost anymore. I know now this baby must be born, with all of his power. Sam: You can’t actually mean that. Cas: Yes, I do. I have faith.
And then:
Cas: You have to just trust me.
And then:
Dean: No, no, no, whatever that thing did to you we’re not gonna let you just walk away.
Especially Dean’s comment is what is important to me here, because not only does he protest three times with those repeated “no”s, but he also calls the child “that thing” and unequivocally hints that the brothers are going to fight to keep Cas there. So Cas knocks them out, because he’s leaving and where he’s going they can’t come with him. Especially if they’re going to refer to the child as a “thing”. Sorry, Dean, lights out for you.
Cas asks the brothers to trust him. Okay, he more or less tells them to, but he does it with an ease about him. As though he expects them to, because he knows he’s trustworthy and because he knows he’s right this time around. Bringing up trust in this moment, to me, is also significant, because Cas is trusting himself for the first time in a long time, and he wants that trust reciprocated. Team Free Will. When they don’t, not only does he make the decision of proceeding alone, he also knocks them out to protect them, to keep them from following, because what’s another glaring detail that hints toward Cas being Cas is that Cas - again underlined as the Opposite of Dagon - does not zap Kelly and him out of there.
Instead, they get in the truck - you know, the truck that Dean fixed with his own bare hands...
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...and they drive off.
The mournful tune at the end signals, to me, that FOR FUCK’S SAKE AGAIN YOU GUYS CAN’T JUST GET YOUR HEAD’S OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND WORK TOGETHER IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TEAM FREE WILL! Then again, maybe that’s me projecting my frustration. :)
Either way, I’m not worried now. I believe the team will reassemble in the season finale.
So, in conclusion, these are all the reasons why I believe the baby is Good and that we are headed good places. Through hellfire and death and tons and tons of worry, of course.
Thanks, as ever, for your time and your patience!
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