2 New Chapters!!!!
So I wrote and posted 2 new chapters of my Kirkwall Fic Promises Kept
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 14: Golden
Live on AO3
Solavellan fluff as they navigate sharing their romance with the Inner Circle.
The morning sunlight streamed through the glass windowpanes of the balcony door. The sunlight warmed all that it touched.
Mara stirred under the sheets, moving to her side and cozying in with the comforter and her pillow. There was a presence beside her. Mara squinted as the sunlight was too bright.
“Solas?” She asked, her breath scratchy. “Am I dreaming?”
There was movement in the bed as the sheets tugged and released. Solas turned to his side, facing Mara directly as her eyes were mostly closed. “Good morning Vhenan.” Solas’ voice was tired and warm. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I am here. I couldn’t leave you.” With his right hand he caressed the hair from her face, tucking the blonde hair behind her ear.
Her eyes opened more to sleepily view him. “You’re here.” Her voice, while soft, had a tone of surprise.
It was a reasonable response. In the few months since Solas let her in, their meetings were brief—meeting in the Crossroads, in her dreams, or finding her at night in whatever fortress the Inquisition occupied at the moment. With the delicacy and secrecy of their reunion, he was unable to stay the whole evening to join her in the morning. He would often find her in her dreams, only to hold and comfort her as she slept.
This was the first time he had stayed the entire night.
Mara shifted her weight, adjusting her pillows, and winced as she let out a gasp. There was a sharp and burning pain just below her sternum. She remembered in flashes.
Continue reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004/chapters/58217755
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varricmancer · 5 years
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Lost And Found (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/vdKPDhTpMT Instead of the nothingness she had craved, Crystal woke up in the world of Thedas. What had once been merely a story that she loved now seemed very real and she was right in the heart of it all. She soon finds a reason to live again and a love in the arms of someone as quietly broken as her.
[ I was asked by a couple people to put this on wattpad, because I guess it was easier for them to read it on there. It’s up! Still learning my way around there since I’ve never used it, so I don’t have a pretty cover or anything. Anyway, chapter two coming soon. Just doing some final editing on it. ]
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te-amozevris · 7 years
I’m not done yet with the 2nd half of this mini fic and tum prompt, but am ready with full on wyverns research, Fenris wants to make Tallis give up on his love ;)) 
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thebigg-v3 · 7 years
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The Youth of the Dalish: A Dragon Age Fan-Fiction Story (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/quRfggxb4x Ever wondered what is like to be an eight-year-old and also a Dalish in the world of Dragon Age? If you have, then you probably want to accompany Juli, a Dalish kid, who happens to be a archer prodigy on this ordeal. Follow him on a journey where he'll have to face all of the wacky stuff of the Dragon Age world: witches, templars, magic darkspawn,, and even demons.
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alinnsurana · 8 years
bc im low key upset that the only comment on my trans wardens fic is the one i just mentioned I’m gonna just leave this link here. [its a complete 3 chapter fic]
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within
Chapter 13: Reparations
Golden Boy witnesses the truth.
Mara tried to calm the panic within her. And the friend before her. Cullen had witnessed an intimate embrace on the balcony in the middle of the night. He was the first to see a united Solavellan. His reaction was to be expected.
“We are not the agents of Fen’Harel.” Mara answered steadily. She was ready for Cullen to spat back.
Cullen cocked his head with a sneer. “We’re just doing his bidding to destroy the world. I can’t believe you’re at the front Inquisitor. I lost 6 years to you. And you’re just a…” His voice trailed before he called her a disgrace, changing course instead. “Why did you save me if this is the world you’ll be burning to the ground?!”
“Because,” Mara began, taking one small step to him. Solas was still behind her but was tense in anticipation. “Because you’re my friend!” The words came out rushed, but were nevertheless true.
Cullen huffed, the great sword still in his hand poised for combat. He shook his head. “Who knew that demons came dressed as beautiful women.”
Continue reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004/chapters/58154095
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Chapter 10 of "The Sparrow" is posted. "New Friends and New Beginnings" Izzie spends more time talking about the Fade with Solas and shares a drink with Abelas "A sadness washes over Abelas. When the veil was raised, magic became harder to wield. It required more focus and stamina to summon magic from the Fade. As the centuries went on, magic became... Different. " #fanfic #dragonagefanfic #dragonage #solavellanhell #cullavellan #ao3 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJUR_9rhobe/?igshid=mjrayxrtjhto
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moonlightheretic · 6 years
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It's been a while. This chapter was hard to write. Lately it's been difficult to pull my thoughts together. I normally write scene by scene in no particular order and then string them together later on. Probably not the best way to do it. I hope you enjoy the third installment of the Heretic! In the near distance smoke climbed out of chimneys mixing in with the gray juggernauts adrift in the sky, burdened with rain or snow--I could not tell. Horses and a herd of feet had traveled this path, leading down to the village below. The Inquisition had been here. But there were no banners that occupied the front gate. Perhaps they already deemed this place inconsequential to my capture, considering I could not be located there. If they moved on, then many opportunities lie in those wooden structures and pastures full of hay. There was also a large possibility of a trap, beckoning me with warm houses and food for my horse. The need for comfort was overwhelming, diminishing reason's voice down to an ignorable whisper. I suppose I had let myself become spoiled, living on my mountain castle after all. The barn was distinguished as was its utter abandonment. A widow, outliving previous ownerships, enduring. Sitting alone in a giant pasture next to an imposing lake. There was no impressions left in the patchy snow of feet or livestock. However in the next enclosure there were cattle, it was a low lying fence, clearly not for horses but it would do, for now. It was on the edge of clustered farmsteads and the town bundled farther in. I loosened the mare's bridle to a point at which the bit hung under her muzzle. Now she could eat. I opened the gate and she trotted right to the yellow target in sight, not minding the cows and their wariness. This would be better than the tiny rations I put past her. Upon my investigation of the barn, I found an old pair of leather gloves, darker than midnight and thick as bark. Next to them was enchantment equipment. I stood perplexed, this is no ordinary barn. Sure there were stalls and a loft full of snow, but enchanting too? The structure itself was barely liveable. The chill was indomitable and bled right through the holes in the walls. The ceiling being the worst. It was a wonder in itself that it was still standing. It seemed like all was needed but a gust of wind to knock it over. I decided to keep the gloves. Although oversized, they were warm combined with the thinner gloves I had on. Amazingly the anchor's light could not penetrate through the gruff material. Hiding it, caging it, I was content not to see it. It had been a little over four days since my escape. I thought about Varania, Morigan and Dal'Nim. The replay in my head of everything that went so horribly wrong. With so much silence, it was monstrously loud in my head. Here, there were distractions. Noise to overpower the gnawing grind of worry. I ventured into the town alone, unknowing of what I would find. The village people acted how I expected in a settlement as small as this. It was large enough to have an inn for pilgrims and travelers and a chantry with a few stalls selling goods nearby. Trade was incredibly localized and self circulating. They must all work in harmony somehow. The locals carried on with their daily duties and left me alone. A few stared. Only for the purpose of gawking at an outsider. Not in four years had I experienced the luxury of being anonymous and unassuming until now. Leaving skyhold granted a cloak of incognitum. Without the parade of attendants, soldiers, banners and flashy armor; I was faceless. There was a food stall, it looked to be selling dried fruit and jerky. The primary meal of travelers, dried anything. Odd for a tiny village, especially off season but desperation drove me. "Hello traveler!" He waved me over, already seeing my slight approach. My feet led me to him. "Pardon me, you look like you've traveled far to get here. May I ask where you are from?" I browsed through his crude display, " Free Marches," technically, it was not a lie. "Heading up to Skyhold? Or maybe Orlais? Not often people traverse all the way down here for leisure." I sampled some of the jerky, not particularly worried about his probing questions. Simple conversation was welcome after the solitude I had endured. "I have never left the Free Marches, I thought I would explore Ferelden for a time." That's when I noticed he would not meet my eyes. He didn't dare look above my shoulders. The jerky tasted familiar too. "Is that so? Well I hope you enjoy yourself, though early spring is a bit nasty down here. More like a continuation of winter I say." "I will take all of your jerky and these and those there." I pointed. "We also have a Travelers basket! Would you like to see it?" I nodded. "All you ever need prepacked with a bow on top!" I sampled a second piece. My suspicion was confirmed. He came out from the back and presented it to me. Dried fish, Jerky, dried plums, figs and dates, last were a pouch of mixed nuts. "Are all of these locally sourced?" I pondered out loud. "Of course!" "I'll take this instead." He smiled brightly and I gave him the required coin. I emptied the basket immediately into my pack. I noticed him peering into it. When he saw the lack of space he commented, "We have the most wonderful selections of aged cheese, Inquisitor." He realized his mistake. Wide eyed he stared at me and his lips quivered. "Did that come from Skyhold's stores as well?" I stared back and revealed a sliver of my dagger, just enough to twinkle in the reflection of his straining eyes. "Was it Leliana? Are you hers?" Voice low and guarded but he still heard it. "H-have m-m-mercy." He stuttered. "I won't ask again." My eyes narrowing in on his hazel ones. He nodded. I took off towards the barn and he sunk behind the stand in relief. Was everyone in this town planted here? I had to leave immediately. This time everyone looked, and in their eyes they knew. Out of doors, windows and small alleys they revealed themselves. Following after me slowly, they were in no rush. The cold air stung my lungs like a nest of bees and I coughed as I ran. The pack trembled against by back and my legs were much in the same situation. The barn was insight and I noticed I was being herded right there by the spy's behind me. That's when I halted all movement just a few strides away from the barn. There was a heavy crunching of snow and squishing of mud. The inquisition's army filled out from behind it. 700 foot soldiers and 300 Calvary, among them was Commander Cullen. He stepped out of the shadows casted by the barn. The spy's caught up and finished the circle. I was completely surrounded. Cullen strolled towards me, unafraid. Still too trusting in his former leader to expect hostility. I relaxed my posture and slowed my breathing. He held his hand up when his army followed, still they readied their weapons just in case. All of them wanted a drop of my blood, I could see it in their barely hidden rage. "Inquisitor." He breathed. "Commander." I acknowledged him coldly. "You need to return with me." It was a thinly veiled order. "Cullen, I am disappointed." His face lit up in alarm. "You moved our army without my command." Granted it was only a portion. It could still be considered an act of treason. "I never expected you to turn rogue." It took him a while to gather his thoughts. He sighed heavily and grimaced, making his sleepless nights well defined on his face. "This isn't--enough, you are surrounded. You can't slip out this time!" He rose his voice and the army took one step closer. Cullen lowered his mouth to my ear. "Come with me. Come back to Skyhold." He placed his hand on the gold corded grip of his sword and the other on my shoulder. "Do not make me kill you." It came out gruffly but it was no more than a plead. "This doesn't need to become worse than it already is..." I turned my head to stare into his eyes, "You are correct. It doesn't. Call off the army." It was a command. Old habits caused him to stand straight and accept but he resisted it. He looked crushed, the weight of what had to come next made his shoulders sag. "Be reasonable." He whispered hoarsely. "Stop hesitating." I growled. I was challenging him and he knew it. "I cannot use a Commander who lets emotional burdens stop his blade! See to your duty!" He grabbed me by the forearms, "Bring me the shackles!" A lone soldier darted out with said instrument in hand. It was then I fulfilled something only he and I knew about. I stretched up and stole his dry lips, he froze and so did the shackles boy. An unspoken affection. One last wish. "Inquisi--" I head butted him and he fell backwards on to the lad with the shackles. A war cry was torn out of a soldier's throat and they charged. The chaos began. I back flipped and in mid air delivered a shower of daggers. I hit the ground and into a black cloud pluming in every direction. Their arrows flew into it, but I was already gone. I hurried to any exit but found there was none. I would have to make one. An indecisive Archer stood still with his weapon raised. There was so much confusion that the army started slaying each other, he simply didn't know where to aim. I rushed him and slung a small dagger at his throat. He choked and sent his arrow flying into another archer's horse, sending it to the ground. I pushed him off and at that time my shroud of invisibility had dissipated. I took the horse and kicked it into a full gallop. "After her!" I heard Cullen roar. "Permission to engage!" My hardened heart cracked a little, I knew it was coming, everything so far had been leading up to it. To hear him say it, that they were given authority over my death, brought me to my knees. We neared the frozen lake and despite the horse's protest continued on to it. It was rather hard to distinguish the ice from the surrounding pasture other than a few handfuls of tall weeds by the shore. The ice gave way under it's hooves and an arrow sliced my cheek. I collapsed onto the ice, sliding for a bit, the arrows skidded past me. I scrambled to my feet and another arrow pinned my right leg. I didn't stop. In the center of the reservoir was a fishing hole. Now on foot I didn't stand a chance against the men on horses. I could hear the cracking in the ice as more soldiers and horses boarded it. They weren't thinking anymore, no longer individuals, they became a single functioning wave of wraith. "Halt!" I heard Cullen call out. I didn't dare look back, I could feel their breath on my neck. Their horses screamed as the ice broke underneath, one by one they were going down. They were right behind me. I lurched toward the hole without a plan. "Inquisitor!" His fingertips barely holding on to my pack as I ripped myself from him and plunged into the freezing depths. Arrows followed me into the murky abyss. Spinning with bubbles inches from my head. The chill decreased my rapid strokes. Soon my breath would let out. Frantic, I swam in the direction of what I believed to be the shore. I didn't make it far. Gagging and In a frenzy, I drove my daggers into the ice above, cutting and slashing, grinding my way out. Blackness pricked at my eyes and my mind grew foggy. Up and down, up and down I repeated in my head. Eventually less and less pressure was applied to the ice and my grip faltered as I stabbed at my icy imprisonment. My body stiffened and I could hardly move. 'You must come up for air sometime, Inquisitor. Otherwise you'll drown.' her voice creeped into my head somewhere distant. I drew in gasping breaths of the blackness that was consuming me. 'I knew her. The kitchen server with the chestnut long hair. So long that when braided, it wrapped around her head twice. Now it was splintered and frizzy forming a fuzzy halo snaking around her head. An assortment of bodily fluids puddled at the woman's bound feet, though, no one paid any mind. Her elbows tied back to the arms of the chair, she sat motionless. Dainty fingers resembled talons of the predetory kind. Twisted and skewed at sharp angles; broken in all places. They hung limp from the pain. Hot brands of the label "traitor" singed into her forehead and cheeks. Teeth had been dug out by the roots, caking blood to her lips and chin. Describing her current appearance as haggard would be putting it nicely. Yet her head and neck remained defiant. She met Leliana's cold glare with her own and with an added smirk. This was the kind Elvhen girl who brought me sweet cakes late into night unprompted, when I was still knee deep in analyzing reports just hours before dawn. Her catch phrase always the same, "You must come up for air sometime, Inquisitor. Otherwise you'll drown." Bodies of her comrads either left piled on the floor or lifelessly strung from the dungeon ceiling, deceased from the excessive torture. Faces almost unrecognizable and distorted. She was the last thorn stuck in leliana's side and the most quiet. Much to her withheld frustration. "Your strength will not last you." Leliana circled the withering elf. "Your leader will not save you. Clearly he did not come for the others." I swayed on my feet, noticeably agitated with my arms crossed. Days had gone by and no answers were found. "Be patient Inquisitor, fingers are easy to break but minds can be much harder." Leliana's second in command whispered into my ear. She stopped in front of her and pulled her hair back sharply. "Your silence gains you nothing." Leliana did not need to raise her voice to be frightening. Rather, it was her collected and calm demeanor that was most unnerving. It could rattle the bones of any prisoner caught in her question. "You and that gang whom targeted key members of the Inquisition and that of the Herald herself is an unforgivable treasonous act." "Ah, Sister Nightingale, denial is such an ugly color on you" The servent gave a toothless grin, "You wish so desperately to pull the herald into this...that you imagine one of us holding a knife to her neck to misconstrue the obvious truth? When you know not one of us infiltrated her chambers that night. Not a single strand on her head touched..." "Enough!" "Who Do You Work For?!" 'She raised a shaking hand and pointed a crooked finger at me. My eyes followed her fingernail up her arm and into her steadfast eyes. Her mouth curling at the ends, she aimed her gaze, hurling a silent dialogue at my own , not caring if I understood or not. "Don't you dare look at her." Leliana seethed. Slowly she tilted her head back to leliana and cursed "May the dread wolf take you." Her body convulsed and the chair shook with each thrash. "Shit! Get her still!" The room erupted in chaos. "We need her alive! Keep her conscious damn it!" I could not die this way, not yet! I felt the ice give and pockets of light could now be seen sinking into the frigid water. One more push. With every little crumb of might I had left, I slammed my daggers into the unyielding surface and they broke through. Just before I lost consciousness I was hauled out of the water roughly. "Are you fucking mad?!" Cullen vented. I sputtered and coughed, water seizing the new air in my lungs. It felt like the water in my lungs were freezing all over again from the chilly air. "I will die on my terms." I grunted. "No. You are hereby in my custody, Moon'Hwa." It was the first time he said my name. He held on to me, locked me in his arms as I shivered. I whistled, choppy and unclear but it would have to do. "Don't you dare." He warned. Luckily, I knew the gaps in his armor. A pounding of hooves could be heard in the distance. "Inquisitor!" He screamed into my ear. His pent up stress released into my title. Now he was shaking. He pushed me forward abruptly and I almost face planted into the creaking ice. His horsemen had backed off of the ice, hoping not to lose any more numbers but the footsoldiers stood not 30 steps away. He pulled out his sword and held it to my chin. Struggling to keep it steady, "I will...not hesitate." He whispered, eyes bearing great pain. I lunged for him and my knives met his sword. "You will not stand between me and Fen'Harel." I eyed my horse cantering along the bank and so did he. The sword swung and almost lacerated my neck, making me focus back on him. Tears were crawling down his cheek as I countered another jab. His soldiers were restless, waiting for a command to kill. He pushed his weight into me and I barely held his blade back. With a roar he swung down and I dashed to the right, targeting the gap and slicing my blade right through it. Arrows pelted into my heavy leather duster and I retracted the dagger. He fell to his knee, punching the sword into the ice to balance himself. I ran and did not look back. My horse was trotting uneasily by the shore. The men were charging after me, some falling into thin pockets of the ice and others slipping. I leapt into the saddle and we raced to the cover the surrounding forest provided. I cried out when an arrow tore into the flesh of my forearm. Ducking, I held on to the horse's neck for dear life and we cloaked ourselves behind the trees and boulders. Hopefully the next chapter won't take so long.
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 24
The turquoise and lavender light of dawn broke through the length of the opulent floor-to-ceiling windows facing the east. The renewed daybreak spoke to Mara in delighted whispers, she stirred and removed herself from the silk sheets of the king sized bed. She turned and smiled at the sleeping god, the generous lover who kept giving. His heart, his hands, his agents, his resources. He trusted and gave to her freely—his gifts astounded her.
She walked the small distance quietly to the wardrobe, where the content of her pack had been put away. She felt the golden ornate knobs, pulling and opening to an armoire full of delicate and varied fabrics—much more than she packed for the overnight trip. Mara ran her hands gently over the fabrics—silk blouses, chemises, dresses, robes, fine leggings, and coats. She pulled on the drawers below, the contents full of new and beautiful small clothes and bras.
Mara took a step back to view Solas, still peacefully sleeping, his carved arms outstretched to where he had held her the entire night. The expanse of his rippled back visible as the duvet was tucked low on his waist.
He had purchased and filled his suite with an entire wardrobe for her of the most divine fabrics and cuts. He continued to amaze her, and rightfully or not, she felt small in what she had to offer him.
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Ma Serannas
I am humbled by the outpouring of love for my fanfic and the wonderful readers who join me on this journey.
Writing is one medium for the longed stirrings of my soul, and it means so much to share my inner world with others.
Thank you for your time spent with me. If you would like to learn more about the story, my writing process, and works in progress, please consider becoming a Patron.
Dareth Shiral,
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 21
Foolish Heart
She found herself engrossed in him. Sinking. Falling. Her back arched as he returned her affections thoroughly, fervently, as his hands trailed from her hair down her back, pulling her in closely.
He felt wonderful. This felt wonderful. This felt… real.
His top lip flushed against hers, his mouth open and cupping her lower lip. They gave into one another equally as the years culminated into this one moment. With her eyes closed, she felt his mouth brush and kiss down her neck and to her chest. Heat raged through her at his embrace. He paused, feeling the fabric of her low neckline in his fingertips.
“You have a flower?...Over your scar?”
“Yes.” She answered breathlessly. She missed the mouth that grazed her skin in tenderness and wished for its return.
Mara opened her eyes to find gold gazing deeply into hers. Reality set in, unsettling her. Where there was a hand grazing over her chest, there wasn’t a sword ripping through her. There wasn’t blood pooled in her mouth or hemorrhaging from her chest.
Had she finally stopped the cycle—the unrelenting nightmares finally to cease? No longer to relive her friend fatally striking her?
Her lips began trembling, uncertain of what was happening. “You didn’t stab me.”
He raised his head, level with hers. He searched her face trying to read her confusion. “Why would…why would I?” He brought his hand up to her face, tracing his thumb over her cheek. Her face was rose tinted but her eyes were large and searching. “Mara?” Cullen asked, alarmed somewhat that she felt so real in his hold.
Within a breath she awoke in her bed, alone, and breathing quickly in panic. She sat up, waving her hand to turn on a lamp from the bedside table. She looked down at her scar. No blood, but there was a faint burning feeling. It often burned when she was near the one who gave her the scar.
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