#dr. noa kean
firstdxnxharm · 5 years
👫--Barbara and Noa
Noa and Barbara have gotten mistaken for sisters since they met
Barbara helped Noa through Medical School, whether it was helping her cram for finals or letting Noa practice different bandaging and stitching techniques on either Barbara herself or her clothes
Barbara and Noa once switched places in their homes for a day. Jim figured it out when Noa turned down Barbara’s favorite dessert because she is allergic to walnuts
Noa was the attending physician on Barbara’s floor after her accident.
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The canon LGBT+ character of today is:
Noa Kean from Code Black who is bi/pan
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And now I’m gonna ramble about Mario and his wedding day with all three of my main “I see him marrying this person” ships!
Canon-Based Ship aka Mario/Noa:
I talked a little bit about it already. It’s a small ceremony in the hospital chapel. Noa’s family is there, and so are all their coworkers. Angus is Mario’s best man. Noa’s maid of honor is Malaya. Dr. Guthrie officiates for them. Mario cries a little when Noa walks down the aisle. Noa 100% uses the phrase “still not flirting”. They all have to scramble into scrubs right after they’re finished because some emergency came in. Their “reception” is just going out to the local bar they all go to to celebrate together. They hyphenate their last names. Both of them. Dr. Noa Kean-Savetti and Dr. Mario Savetti-Kean. (Mario totally suggested mashing it up “Keanetti”, and Noa just looked at him like it was the dumbest thing she’d ever heard, but her fond smile gave her away.) 
Canon-Divergent Based Ship aka Mario/Angus:
This is also a small ceremony that takes place in the hospital chapel and is officiated by Dr. Guthrie. Noa is Mario’s best woman, and Mike is Angus’ best man. Malaya gloats about how she was the first to know, because Angus told her when it started way back when he took Mario out to drink after they bond a little. Mario cries through Angus’ vows. Angus cries through Mario’s. Reception happens immediately at the bar that they all go to together. Angus’ “let him tell me how great I am” definitely comes back. Angus insists on taking Mario’s last name because he wants to get away from his family’s influence with the Leighton name. This leads to “Page Dr. Savetti.” “Which one?” “[Insert surgical or ER] here.” Sometimes they call Mario Dr. Leighton instead to make it easier, though it’s not his legal name.
I Ship Canons and OCs (Mainly My OCs) Ship aka Mario/Riona:
This is also a small ceremony, but it does not take place in the hospital chapel. Dr. Guthrie does still officiate for them. (I haven’t decided where their wedding is, so vague for now.) Angus is Mario’s best man, and Aislinn is Riona’s maid of honor. Riona wears this dress and you can see my reasons why in the tags of that post. Mario cries a lot. Riona cries even more. They hyphenate their last names. Dr. Riona Gallagher-Savetti and Dr. Mario Savetti-Gallagher.
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The RP Reaping
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Here we have it, folks! The first RP Hunger Games (for us at least, I’m sure this isn’t an original idea). Here are our contesters:
Dr. Egon Spengler as written by @physicsandfungi   
Rook as written by @theotherrookie 
Dr. Peter Venkman and Martin Heiss as written by @worldoftheskeptic
Kylie Griffin and Eduardo Rivera as written by yours truly, @manicpanicaddict
Walter Peck and Jack Hardemeyer as written by @manfromtheepa
Ron Alexander and Madeline Rook as written by @chicagobranchreport
Rind as written by @randomeevee
Dr. Jonathan Willaway, Dr. Noa Kean, and Domino all written by @xdahliawallacex (renegadexscientist, firstdxnxharm, dxntcallmepatches)
Dr. Ray Stantz and Paulo Ravinski as written by @heartoftheteam (oughtabeinpxctures)
Dr. Egon Spengler as written by @doctoregonspengler
Peter Vincent as written by @thegreatvampirekiller
And I am absolutely honoured, thrilled, and pleased to present you two very special guests:
Teles and Himerope as written by @alluringvoices (doctoregonspengler)
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chasingblue57 · 7 years
notes | Another tag to 2x15, but this one also references 2x09. Noa takes a minute to herself, worrying about Mario.
title | faith
She keeps the Queen of Hearts tucked between her name tag and her hospital emergency codes, slid neatly into a little plastic pouch on her lanyard, a small reminder that even the hardest days are survivable.
There's a lull in activity inside the ER, everyone caught in a state of limbo where there's nothing more they can do but nowhere else to go and it's making her itch. Everyone's just waiting, holding their breath, stuck and Noa hates it, so she uses the time to drop onto a chair in one of the empty patient stalls for some quiet. As she settles, Noa tugs the rarely used curtains closed around her and then pulls out the Queen of Hearts to examine it for the first time in a long time.
She'd tried to give the stupid thing back to Johnny as she and Mario were discharging him months ago. The old man had just grinned and shook his head, pushing the card back into her hand with that enigmatic look that said he thought he knew more than she did. "Keep it Dr. Kean," he'd told her, clearly pleased about something other than his relatively clean bill of health. "Maybe it'll help you find a little bit of faith." And then he'd taken one last look between his doctors, wished them well, and left.
Now she stares at the bold lines of colors on the face of the card, fingers tracing them and drawing in breaths that seem to come too slow, even as she takes them more raggedly.
He's going to be okay, he has to be.
She can have faith in that, she can believe. She doesn't need proof or logic or reason: she just needs Mario Savetti to walk out of that damn CDC bubble and smile at her.
Noa gives herself five minutes: five minutes to struggle and waiver and lose it. Five minutes to sit in a chair with a playing card clutched in her hand and when it's over, she gets up, scrubs her face against the sleeves of her undershirt and tucks the card into the pocket of her scrubs, as close to her heart as she can get it.
He's going to be fine. She can believe in that, believe in him.
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lexikomclexakru · 7 years
"Are you any good with technology?" "I was born in '92 I'm practically an astronaut" -Dr. Noa Kean making me love her even more than I already do
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firstdxnxharm · 5 years
👫--Alexander and Noa
Noa never hated Alexander despite what he may have thought after their disastrous first meeting
Noa helped deliver Alexander’s twins. She’s not an OBGYN but she knew how much help his wife needed so she asked to assist.
Alexander was the first person to visit her after her accident
Alexander reminds Noa a lot of Dr. Rorish. A LOT. They both have the same take no prisoners attitude. It’s why she respects him so much.
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firstdxnxharm · 5 years
👫--Peter and Noa
Noa adores Peter, but she wishes he would take better care of himself.
Noa met Peter through Alex Young, and instantly started to Mom him.
Noa and Peter are exactly 25 years apart nearly to the day. Her birthday is the day after his.
Peter was the third person to see Noa after her car accident. 
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firstdxnxharm · 5 years
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Noa needed a self reliant pet, since she’s so busy at the hospital. Meet Pete the Bearded Dragon. He’s the best boy, surprisingly cuddly, and loves getting bok choy as a treat along with his usual crickets and other snacks.
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firstdxnxharm · 5 years
A Fiery Redhead is a red-haired character who is strong, Hot-Blooded, outgoing, usually outspoken, and (if a love interest) often female. She has a big personality and she’s not afraid to use it. Whatever you do, don’t get on her bad side, or there will be hell to pay. (Especially if powers of personality and/or elements are present: she likes Playing with Fire. Thus, in a Four-Temperament Ensemble, expect her to be Choleric.) She will be unladylike unless it’s the case of a redheaded Spirited Young Lady. She might be One of the Boys, a tomboy, or a lad-ette. Heroes do like redheads after all.
This hair-color stereotype probably developed since red hair was associated with the Irish and Scottish (and before this, Horny Vikings) for a long time, and they ended up being stereotyped as loud, strong, and passionate (see the Fighting Irish and Violent Glaswegian tropes for more info on that). On the other hand, it’s even found in Eastern Europe where any association would have been with Russians or Swedes, and these are nationalities not generally stereotyped as hotheaded.
In addition to this, it extends even into ancient texts from Babylonian and Scandinavian Oral Historian. In the Prose Edda, Odin is depicted as blonde, green-eyed, cool, and calculating—while his son, Thor, is a redheaded, blue-eyed (something of an omen of war/perfection in Scandinavian culture) fire-breathing stereotypical Viking (the raiding kind) who treats Earth as a giant freshman mixer. Gilgamesh is also a Fiery Redhead with blue eyes whose duties include being a good precursor to Thor, for the most part—though with more reservation and a cooling trend near the end of his life (this makes both an eerie paradigm of Fiery Redheads at the creation of their respective people’s writings). The whole “red-haired, blue-eyed” thing is usually split in Japan between two people.
Although real redheads can have tempers like everyone else, this trait is exaggerated in fiction. Also, they can have Green Eyes and this association is also exaggerated in fiction.
Compare Heroes Want Redheads, Dark-Skinned Redhead, Evil Redhead, Rose-Haired Sweetie, Red-Headed Stepchild, Redheads Are Uncool, Redheaded Hero. In anime, could be a Shana Clone. If you have a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead in close proximity (i.e. in the main cast), it’s Blonde, Brunette, Redhead. Contrast Shy Blue-Haired Girl for Red Oni, Blue Oni and Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette for the realistic opposite hair color and personality.
Please do not confuse this with a redhead being literally fiery, or having literal fiery head, although these tropes may overlap. And a red who’s literally firey does have their hair color fit their elemental powers. See also Red Is Violent (in this case, the hair color).
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firstdxnxharm · 5 years
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I just like the way she looks in her scrubs
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firstdxnxharm · 2 years
Where no man has gone before...
starter for @sayonaradumbass
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Noa tried not to grit her teeth as she stared down the security officer in the transporter room of the Enterprise. "No, I am Dr. Noa Kean. N-O-A. Not N-O-A-H...I assure you I'm on the correct ship with the correct assignment. Now would you please let Dr. McCoy know I've arrived for my tour of duty...or do I have to send a communique to Starfleet and get the top brass involved?" She crossed her arms and waited, foot tapping lightly as she watched the man closely.
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firstdxnxharm · 2 years
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What Color Does Your Love Feel Like? Dr. Noa Kean
dark stormy blue
Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
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firstdxnxharm · 2 years
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What planet matches your personality? Dr. Noa Kean
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You are nurturing and attentive, thoughtful and affectionate — relationships in all of their forms are the center of your universe. Even-keeled as you might come across, for someone to challenge you on the things you care about would be deeply, deeply foolish. What an honor it is to be swept into your orbit.
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