#dr. kal'tsit (arknights)
makeitlookdecent · 1 year
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i did cc#10!!!!! my first contract!!!
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johannstutt413 · 1 year
(requested by anonymous) The Doctor starts seeing Priestess… in the hallucinating way, that is
The Doctor rubbed her eyes as she turned off her desktop monitor; her shift had gone on too long, and the light was starting to give her a migraine. “PRTS, please dim the lights for me.”
“Of course, Doctor,” the AI replied. Then, practically in her ear, “I can bring us some candles, if you’d like.”
“Yeah, that’d be-” She sat up, looking around her office. That… That couldn’t have been.
A giggle in her other ear. “Don’t worry, Doctor. It’s just the two of us. We have all the time we need~”
“PRTS?” The Doctor unzipped her jacket; she’d started to sweat.
“Yes, Doctor?” Mechanical, and from the ceiling. “How can I help you?”
She swallowed. “I need someone from Medi- Wait… Priestess?”
“Informing Dr. Kal’tsit-”
“WAIT!” She ran out of the room, leaving the door open behind her. “Priestess!”
Gravel passed her on the way to the office for a visit. “Doctor? Are you- Where are you going?”
“Did you see where she went?” The Doctor skidded to a halt next to the Zalak.
“See who?” She shook her head. “You’re the first person I’ve seen in the hall tonight, Doctor. While you’re here-”
Her boss waved her off. “Sorry, I have to find her. I could’ve sworn she went this way.”
“...Who are you looking for, exactly?” Her behavior was starting to worry the knight.
“Priestess.” The Doctor realized that name wouldn’t mean anything to her. “Amiya, but older, and not a Cautus.”
Gravel’s next breath caught in her throat. “Did you call for Dr. Kal’tsit?”
“Eh? Why would I-” Mon3tr’s arrival cut off her question by wrapping around her legs and waist.
“Doctor.” Kal’tsit’s voice carried down the hallway even at its low volume. The ship was dead silent that night. “PRTS informed me of the situation.”
The Doctor asked in return, “Do you know where Priestess went? I know I saw her just now, and I heard her in my office, too. Is she hiding from me? Why would she be hiding from me…”
“Did you remember to take your medication with dinner?”
“My… what?” She stared dumbfoundedly at the Feline. “Which medication? There are so many.”
Kal’tsit’s hand settled over her chin. “Your Kopfikside?”
“...I don’t know.” What a weird name for a medication.
“I see.” The Medic reached into her bag. “Fortunately, I have a bottle with me. Gravel, please bring the Doctor a packet of instant noodles and her kettle.”
The Zalak nodded, sprinting off to follow the order, as the Doctor remained wrapped in a coiled creature. “Kopfikside?”
“It should be part of your nightly medication routine already, and I know you’ve reviewed your own file several times. Perhaps it’s become an issue of resistance to the primary component rather than an outright neglect to take it.” Kal’tsit frowned as she removed not a pill bottle but a small wallet.
“Kopfikside…” Her eyes danced with revelation. “The hallucination treatment? Dr. Kal’tsit, I know what I saw-”
The Feline opened the wallet; inside was a picture of the Doctor, Priestess, and a very young Amiya together. “Is this the woman you saw?”
“Yes… Yes, it was! Kal’tsit-”
“You did not see her.” The Medic’s eyes were dead, practically absorbing light from their surroundings. “You did not see her, Doctor, because she is no longer alive. What you saw were fragments of memories reconstituted as illusions, proxies, repetitions of conversations and occurrences from before you were placed in the Sarcophagus.”
The Doctor stared. “But… I heard her, too.”
“I know, Doctor, but she is not walking through these passages any longer. I cannot confirm whether or not you have taken your daily amount of Kopfikside; fortunately, our Operators know what to do in situations like these. I am sorry for our loss, Doctor. I know how you feel about her, even now.” Kal’tsit’s face reflected none of this, though her voice wavered ever-so-slightly.
“I… I see.” She stroked Mon3tr’s head, as the creature had leaned closer for that very purpose. “Does this happen often?”
The Feline hesitated. “This is… not the first time we have had this conversation this month.”
“I see.” Why was that?
“Doctor! Dr. Kal’tsit!” Gravel returned with noodles. “I brought her midnight snack.”
The Medic nodded. “Thank you, Gravel. Could you take her to her room and make sure she takes her Kopfikside with that if she has not already?”
“And if she has?”
“If I have,” the Doctor answered, “I would appreciate some company… I’m sorry.”
Kal’tsit shook her head. “Her loss has affected us all, Doctor, and you have been under particular strain since your return. I will not begrudge you your humanity.”
“Thank you. Senomy?” The knight took the offered hand, and after Mont3tr released its hold, the pair headed for the Doctor’s room.
“PRTS.” A beep indicated the Feline was heard once her patient was out of sight. “Administrator Action: Retain the footage of this occurrence, but classify under Protocol 97A.”
Another beep. “Yes, Dr. Kal’tsit… I miss her, too.”
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dh-tan · 1 year
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...I cleared IS3's 3rd ending last night on the very first try and I still have no idea how I managed to do that haha..
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hey, got a random question for you. Everyone loves talking about their favorite Arknights characters, but I noticed that a lot of the top favorites tend to be 6 stars, 5 stars, or the occasional 4 star. So I gotta ask you this, who is your favorite 3 star and 2 star character for character/writing reasons. Not gameplay, but just plain ol' "I just think they're neat!"
2 star - Rangers. Originium Dust had a lot of running gags from the saga of Liskarm's stolen car to Blitz adjusting to Terra way too quickly (his first words upon landing on an alien world is opening the door, slamming it, then going "Does anyone have any experience fighting an arthropod the size of a small car?") But the best running gag is everyone talking about Rangers as some legendary sheriff from ages past and him getting increasingly annoyed at how exaggerated his life was, until even Stormeye was saying shit like "It was an honor to fight alongside the Scimitar of the Crimson Valley" and Rangers just gives up on correcting people (but also it /is/ incredibly suspicious that all the Sargonian Rangers were killed in action. All of them, except one.)
3 star - Popukar. They get you at first by having Popukar tell her story as a child slave at a lumberyard who was bought by Dr. Kal'tsit and brought to Rhodes Island in Stories of Afternoon, only to hint in Dorothy's Vision that Popukar is actually the third survivor of Columbia's child soldier experiments, along with Rosmontis and Ifrit.
The Lumberyard is not a lumberyard, but a lab, and suddenly Popukar's parents selling a literal toddler to do manual labor makes way more sense. They didn't sell her to cut down trees, they sold her to become a test subject for the Columbian military.
Dr. Kal'tsit wasn't completely lying to Popukar when she told the Popukar that the latter was shaped out of clay. That wasn't a "You never had parents, don't look for them anymore. We are your family now", kind of lie, that was a "the body you have now was built" statement.
Why does a very small child have super strength and loses consciousness while going into a berserker rage if she was "just" a slave? She was made to be a weapon.
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catgirlcrisis · 8 months
arknights 4.5 anni stream recap
haven't seen anyone put a full recap anywhere, which is a shame because there's so much going on in this one! so i'll be posting everything you might have missed in text-form, for anyone who wants that kind of summary.
credits to @AK_CN_Shitpost on twitter and Kazdel Team on youtube for translations/hosting, community members in my discord, and my friends on twitter so i know whats going on. putting this under a readmore because it'll be long:
stream starts off with 4.5 anni congratulation messages from several CN VAs, including:
we get a PV featuring Viviana and Arturia about a new event taking place in Leithanien. we're getting several new ops, including:
Bassline, a 5* Guardian Defender
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Lessing, a 6* Dreadnought Guard
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Viviana, a 6* Arts Fighter
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and Arturia the Virtuosa, a Limited 6* Ritualist Supporter.
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her e2 art, like all other limited operators, will have Live2D.
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the new event will be called Zwillingstürme Herbst (roughly something to do with the fall and possibly the twin empresses)
new skins for several operators! it's an epoque line this time. theme is "Life," and keywords are "Past/Story".
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Gwiazdcytro (Meteor), Noon Twilight (Absinthe), Lances Off (Ashlock), Royal Guard (Bagpipe)
two new animated Live2D skins:
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Wdali (Mlynar); the text says "'Fear neither hardship nor darkness'... Ah, an era that is not worth remembering, a dream which is too awake." (credit to @/lingtranslates on their twitter for this translation)
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Wingbreaker (Texas the Omertosa)
there's a new QoL update: players will now be able to auto-farm stages up to a maximum of 6 times per run
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new red cert shop operators
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new archive drops for operators, including:
new operator modules:
nearl the radiant knight
new themed furniture sets:
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there's a brief overview and explanation of the new operator skills and gameplay, but i won't go over that here because there's still a lot to get to. however, gamepress usually releases a review on these operators after release, and youtubers like kyostinv will upload showcases pretty quick after they drop, for people who are curious about them
there's a very cute PV about kjerag! it goes into the history of the country and some cultural celebrations about kjeragandr, as well as development of the country and such. it's pretty cute (and sorta wes anderson-ish)
AK is adding a german and russian dub for their lethanien and usran characters, respectively
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we'll be getting a new event in rim billiton with amiya and the dr
new sargon-related teaser
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we're getting more reclamation algorithm! this time you'll have the ability to "save" and not have to restart from the ground up every time it seems
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we got a teaser about the next sui sibling! from @AK_CN_Shitpost:
Next spring event will take place in an agricultural production city, Zuo Le who is sent to rest got involved in farming issue. So the next spring event will involve Zuo Le and possibly the agriculture Sui brother?
there will be another R6S collab. supposedly we're also getting a rerun for Operation Originium Dust, but this will also involve a new collab event.
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other assorted notes:
new trailer about a cute, comedic series that involves ceobe, popukar, ethan, bubble, and mountain update: it is called kay's daily doodles! a translated trailer has been uploaded to the official EN AK account here
perish in frost trailer (CN dub)
AK artbook announcements: Arknights Animation Artworks Vol. 1 and Arknights Official Artworks Vol. 3 are being released, with Vol. 3 being teased with an art of the 3 abyssal hunters(!!!)
release of a book that seems to be about the in-universe lore and worldbuilding of Terra, including maps and wildlife
a new manga about Silverash and Gnosis's pasts
release of the first 123 Rhodes Island?! volume, along with new merch featuring Kal'tsit, Rosmontis, Amiya, the Doctor, Blaze, and Ch'en
official boardgame. looks like you will be able to collect supplies, build or move shelter?, and there's various cards with different operators on them (we were shown Liskarm, Kal'tsit, Silverash, Dorothy, and W cards). it is called Nomad City: The Founders.
new figures: 1/7 scale figures of Angelina and Mostima (Fitness Time Ver.) prototypes, 1/7 scale Kal'tsit figure, THRM-EX figure prototype, mini figure prototypes of Lessing, Virtuosa (Arturia), and Viviana, as well as 6 more designs of those character-in-a-recruitment-bag figures of- rhine labs edition! featuring Muelsyse, Magallan, Dorothy, Silence, Ifrit, and Saria.
IchibanKuji x Arknights collab Gunfire in Darknights featuring Amiya and Ch'en (Londinium sprites) on the promotional artwork.
AK Cafe with Chongyue, Ines, and Goldenglow on the promotional artwork in Shanghai and Chengdu next year (AK X PrismLand), called Sweet Zone
AK collab with the Nanyue King Museum (yes, really)
new merch promo that shows what looks to be different plushies (originium slug, chibi nian in dragon(?) form, bunnies), character-in-a-recruitment-bag sora, and figures of Eyjafjalla (swimsuit skin ver.), Shining, and Amiya (these are not new, it's probably a sale or a re-run of some kind)
lowlight breaks eggs with the lethanien icon on them. with a giant hammer. yeah
promo for something that's called My First Story, looks like it's an animated song PV featuring W, Amiya, and Kal'tsit
lore about The First Catastrophe and a timeline of Terran history. the twin empresses are revealed to be Hildegard and Lieselotte (yes, really); the witch king is Herkunftshorn
there's some more extra goodies (like a Monster Siren Records promo, what looks like a new season of CC, a new Joint Action banner with Mizuki, Suzuran, Surtr, and Pozyemka, new ops now available in recruitment like Flint, Eunectes, and Acid Drop, a new free skin - maybe from a record restoration? - for Flamebringer) but i think i'll hit tumblr's picture limit if i include all of those.
that's a wrap!
(shoutout to discord user @/nobowo) who also gave a short stream recap in my arknights LGBT discord server)
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Kal'tsit (Arknights) vs Entrapta Princess of Dryl (Netflix She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Kal'tsit is a Medic and Pharmacist!
Entrapta Princess of Dryl is a Roboticist, Programmer and First Ones' Tech Historian/Archaeologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Kal'tsit is the Officer-in-Charge for Rhodes Island's Medical Department and she uses her expertise to heal other operators in battle while being apart of the battle herself. Kal'tsit seems to be one of the closest characters to the player character "Doctor", being familiar with their past while Doctor has no clue due to amnesia. Apparently she has been around for quite a long time and, old lady jokes aside, due to all the experience she has she seems to be one hell of an op operator (though I have been unable to play Arknights myself so I am relying on the information of multiple different people who do play). Also she is my wife I love her <3"
"first of all, she is a cat woman (she is very old)... her companion is a green dragon crystalline monster whom she has a symbiotic relationship with... they understand each other and kal'tsit also commands them in battle she oversees the medical branch of rhodes island which is a research & pharmaceutical company trying to find the cure to the fatal rock disease that plagues this world and kills you slowly :( despite living in such a harsh world, she never stops fighting for and helping the people... even tho people want to kill her, she remains kind she mentors all sorts of people and trains them to be future doctors and in the game itself she is classified as a medic! hiiiiii demi its me lapis teehee i hope u have fun hosting this too!!!!"
"My beautiful catgirl ex-wife. She has definitely been alive for millennia, is a passionate ally to the downtrodden (you know, to atone for her previous history of war crimes), and founded a pharmaceutical company that largely does charity work for sufferers of the setting-specific incurable magic rock cancer. She's psychically bonded with the xenomorph-esque monster that lives in her spine. She wants to kill me. <3 For added context to the above, when I say "me" and "my" above, I refer to the player character of Arknights, the otherwise-unnamed "Doctor." While it is unlikely that Kal'tsit and the Doctor were ever literally married, the particular nature of their closeness, implied history, and current co-parenting has lead to "the ex-wife" to be a near-universally accepted fandom nickname for Kal'tsit. In a game full of hyper-competent characters with mysterious pasts, Kal'tsit is both the most competent and the most mysterious, and is genuinely a major factor in my fondness for Arknights itself."
"(cracks fingers) here we go-- dr. kal'tsit is a wise and kindhearted individual who travels and helps as many people as she can in need. when you first encounter her in the game, she comes off as cold and harsh, cutting straight to the point. however, that's only because the player character probably did something really awful (unknown atm). in events where we were able to explore her backstory and see how people reacted to her, we find out that she will save as many lives as she could through tactical negotiation, but she is ready to fight as needed if people fail to consider her warnings. as a doctor with an incurable rock disease (incuritis 2 JDHEJDJFKE), she understands the pain of that illness and administers help to people who get infected, no matter who they are, even if theyre some rando in the village woods. she also created a type of poison that would help in a quiet assassination, something that wouldn't be immediately detected by other forensic scientists until it was too late. i know i said that she tried to save as many people as possible, but this situation was a bit different. i would expand on it but i might be rambling a bit too much, but basically shes got a complex set of decisions and loves humanity a bit too much and also has the skills to back it up.she rocks both a maid outfit and a suit in canon"
Entrapta Princess of Dryl:
"She builds robots!!! She's curious and inquisitive!! She loves her robots!! She has the coolest hair and also I want to be her bestie. She's an absolute love"
"autism :)"
"Builds robots and computers for fun and companionship. Can take apart and understand almost any tech she is presented with. Autism lever set to max and I love her. Mandatory boob window in all her outfits and I've never related harder to a character."
"autistic icon, amazing inventor and app round excellent character"
"she has prehensile hair it’s literally the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life, it’s never once acknowledged by any of the characters as abnormal or explained in any way i’m literally obsessed with it. also autism queen"
"PIGTAILS!!!! autism"
"Entrapta is very bubbly and positive. She never lets anything like losing her friends or going to the bad side or getting put on a death-sentence island stop her from scientific pursuits! She actually drives a lot of the conflict in the story, as she explains the technological backstory of the world, and helps both sides be better at fighting. She loves data, doing experiments, and the scientific method. She's also in love with space. She is an autistic queen <3"
"phenomenal canon autism representation without being weird & shitty. also she’s so strange & wonderful & relatable in so so many ways. my computer is named Darla bc that’s what she named the AI for the spaceship in s5"
"She is THE science queen because she loves science so much and her love of it is INFECTIOUS. I don’t know anything about science but Entrapta makes it seem like the coolest thing in the universe. I love her"
"She ourple. I luv her"
"She's so passionate about her work. Takes through notes! Figured out how to hack her home planet!!! She's autistic as hell and I like her overalls."
"You won’t get autism like this anywhere else bestie"
"amoral mad scientist who flips between the good guys and bad guys, loves building so many inventions, ends up converting the head bad guy (for most of the series) to good through the power of love"
"She has outfitted her entire castle to be a maze, and installed electronic locks on some. Her staff seems to be mostly robots she has built herself. In good part reverse engineering or adapting ancient tech found on the planet. She's incredible at what she does and personally fixes, invents and builds a wide range of stuff from space ships to portals to a prosthetic exoskeleton to trackers to war machines. She can do it all. Autism win! Girlie has been criticised for being treated childlike or being unable to understand those around her to a ridiculous degree, but I'm honestly just glad she's not a Sheldon Cooper. Her favorite bots have personalities and therefore implied AI (but not the shitty kind), which means she's pretty fucking good at software too. She likes tiny foods."
"So very autistic about technology. Initially believes robots are way better than people, eventually makes human friends but also very much still has robot friends (I love Emily so much). Gets so excited about finding new First One's tech. Also her happy spinning around in a space suit in that one season 5 episode heals my heart every time I watch it"
"She's the planet's leading expert on ancient tech (sci-fi/fantasy universe) and develops most of the tech in the show and is very autistic about it. i love her"
"She is fun and funky. Chaotic neutral. Definitely some autism coding going on, which is very charming. She has a pet robot? It is cute"
"Bc she is ENTRAPTA!! No srsly she is such a well-written character. At times kinda morally grey but always lovable and great and she is truly amazing at what she does!! I'm pretty sure she's already been submitted but I wanted to make sure :)"
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solmints-messyocdiary · 10 months
Some basic Dr. Libitina Info
Basically, Dr. Libitina is the name of my character in Arknights!
Height: 178 cm (around 5'10")
Age: 34... perhaps? They might be older than that.
Pronouns: Tired... They/Them but honestly could give less of a damn. Call them a he or she. It's the same.
The lost their right eye during the incident.
Before and after the amnesia.
Before: battle-hardened and rough around the edges but with a surprisingly merciful and kind heart. They are tired of the chaos, political unrest, death, and sickness surrounding them. Have become desensitized of it all. They appear cold and intimidating at first with their brash social skills, but you'll find out they're polite.
After: CONFUSION TM. Quite chill and a bit more lighthearted. In a way, they reverted back to their old self before the chaos entered and joined Rhodes Island. A walking trash can, they can eat anything. Awkward but polite when interacting with others. They're trying their best.
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They were married to Dr. Kal'tsit (below) giving her the nickname of "ex-wife." Their relationship growing sour after... a particular incident that the two couldn't forgive each other of.
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Other close relationships involve:
Short Lore based on the wiki/game!
The background of the Doctor is shrouded in mystery, However, at the start of the game, the Doctor awakens from the Sarcophagus and discovers that they have amnesia. The Doctor used to be a lead Oripathy researcher, as well as a doctor in neurology and a commander; despite their amnesia, they can still command very skillfully. They also possess extensive knowledge, to the point where they were able to create an algorithm that could precisely predict the movements of a Catastrophe. Despite the title, the Doctor appears to serve more as a field commander and a military strategist for Rhodes Island, leading battles during the conflict against Reunion throughout the Chernobog-Lugmen crisis. Outside of this, however, they often spend their time on research or paperwork.
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Their usual getup.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
I have to ask who do you think out of all arknights operator do you think would be in a boy band or girl group. List top 5 out of the girls and the top 5 for the boys.
Didn't we already get that Ambience Synesthesia thing with like Siege/Indra/Blaze/Lappland etc? I feel like that would kind of answer the question right there.
If you specifically mean super-popular groups that emphasize the attractiveness of the performers and are generally targeted toward young members of the opposite sex like the Backstreet Boys or that one group of British dudes or whatever kpop group people are going crazy for these days, then, uh... idk
For the boys:
Elysium is definitely involved. He is a once in a lifetime hottie, after all.
Executor is acknowledged as very attractive in-universe and seeing him be a member of a boy band would be extremely funny.
Tequila is very handsome and also very good at laundering money and buying drugs, things all bands need.
Midnight is Higashi's top pussy slayer/bussy slinger, there's no way he wouldn't be involved here.
SilverAsh joined the group specifically so he could try to seduce the Doctor.
Honorable mentions: Matterhorn/Courier/Hung/Shalem/Steward/Passenger/Gnosis/Stainless/Flamebringer/Adnachiel/Totter
Phantom is expressly forbidden from joining the boy band by order of Dr. Kal'tsit because nobody wants to open up that can of worms.
As for the girls, the easy answer is Penguin Logistics. Sora is already an idol and their boss is a rapper and music producer.
If I can't pick Penguin Logistics, my options are as follows:
Nearl, because the world of Terra needs another excuse to go gaga over her.
Blemishine finally gets to hang out with her sister by joining her band.
Shining and Nightingale follow Nearl.
Platinum joins the girl group specifically to hurt Dreamer, and possibly also to hurt Maria.
The Candle Knight isn't technically a playable character and thus can't join the band, but she is its number one fan and owns all the merchandise. She keeps standing in the front row at their concerts and taking her shirt off when she thinks Nearl's looking at her. Nearl has mastered the art of covering Blemishine's eyes in a fraction of a second.
Singing is a very important aspect of Aegirian culture from what I can tell, so Skadi, Specter, Gladiia, Adreanna, and Irene form a band together. The band is also a polycule.
Swire bullies/cajoles the LGD trio and Lin Yushia into forming a girl group together. Ch'en ropes in Bagpipe, Bagpipe ropes in Horn.
This is outside the scope of the question but the Glasgow Gang form a punk rock band with Lappland.
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exoticalmonde · 1 month
Arknights Chapter XIII - The Whirlpool That Is Passion (Part III)
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Perhaps we are all familiar with this already but I actually spent the time to read it before starting because I didn't want to have yet ANOTHER 'Wow, why did X thing happen?' with Pinkie immediately responding 'Did you read the enemy description?'
WARNING: This post is going to contain a lot of yapping from me about Hoederer and how much I love him and will also have a LOT of spoilers.
13-1 Across the Battlefield's Line
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Pinkie: "Dr. Seuss? Like... the one who writes children's books with rhymes?" Me: *Unhappy because from the first moment, I realized that this is Hoederer and he's probably going to start me off with a little trauma and a little loss, a sprinkle of sadness just so I know not to be optimistic about the future*
... I've said it before and I will keep saying it - the history of Sarkaz as a race is so incredibly sad to the point it's a relief that the person you are talking to doesn't actually know who you are because otherwise, they would never treat you with even a smidge of kindness. And in the end, what do you even have to do in a jail cell? He waited around for nothing and got executed.
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Of course, not that he had a choice.
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After Hoederer's introspection we have, what I understood to be, a couple of Sarkaz mercs standing and waiting for commands while trying desperately to get something in their stomachs from what they managed to take steal from around. Including some... very important books perhaps from the library of this mansion.
Calfskin books... I can't decide if that would be more precious than paper.
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I believe we spoke with Pinkie about this, but it is so immensely sad to see how the Sarkaz race has been in this situation for so long that they actively do not even NEED to be able to read. I can't imagine myself being unable to read, even if it's signs. Letters. How would they otherwise communicate with each other over a long distance? They don't even have families to message sometimes. They probably don't have the paper or means to send them about, since Catastrophe messengers... would probably never be able to take on such messages.
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Many of them probably don't have families either. Devastated.
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But with this line, it also gives me hope. Sometimes we take the things we have as a given and, at least I, forget that they still have ways of enjoying things by:
Making up stories based on the drawings they see. Which also makes me happy because books with drawings SHOULD be more of a thing, it's so wonderful. I miss it.
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Beleaguered Mercenary: [Y'know. If we put houses on the moons, plant our own food, maybe we won't have to keep fighting like this in the future? Maybe something even bigger'll happen, and everyone'll stop wanting to be up in arms?]
He just solved an international crisis with 2 sentences.
Pinkie: "How to solve the problem - we move to the moon." Me: "Multiple even. I forgot they have two moons." Pinkie: "They have one. It was believed that they had two, but one is only a reflection from the barrier." Me: "OH RIGHT!!! I was a common Terran for a second."
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Not that I was endeared to the press in Kazimierz initially after everything in Maria Nearl and Pinus Sylvestris, but for goodness sake... They actually sound like how I imagine the actual press to sound. What they actually do sound like "Shock and awe and make us popular for being the first to write about it."
The things people WITH a press do in comparison to those who need it but do not have it. Perfect way to pace the story, I'm so happy chapter 13 came out.
Have I mentioned that already?
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Crying and sobbing.
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I don't even know what to think about Trillby Asher anymore. Because I very recently finished the Kal'tsit and Passenger story, I kind of know that things are NOT going well with the Emperor's Blades... To see them show up again is giving me wild anxiety because we already know that they are super unstable and they can cause a catastrophe just by showing up.
What even is your purpose? Why are you here?
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What even is the point of this, I don't know, but we're saving it in case it shows up again. 11, 29, 1 (code word) I wish this was translatable into English, frankly, your alphabet doesn't have 29 symbols.
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HAH! At around this point I was like "OH MY GOSH IS THIS A COLLAPSAL WHAT DO YOU MEAN BLACK SNOW" and then Panko deadpans 'We have seen this before somewhere else' and I realized.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 7 months
10 5 fandoms - 10 5 characters
tagged by @disciple-of-frost lets fuckin go no idea how in depth im suppsoed to get so it will probably Vary Wildly
FFXIV - FORDOLA!! everyone knows im a zero simp but fordola is just extremely important to me for WoL lore reasons. and also similar personal reasons. i want her to show up more
Otherside Picnic - sorawo - i was very tempted to say runa urumi here just to continue the trend of Very Evil Girls Who Are In Jail Now And Getting Better but sorawo is really a lot more important to me. shes like some really solid ace lesbian representation in a way that i can relate to, shes convinced shes Super Normal and Has No Trauma like me (even though shes wrong and im right), and ive also become basically completely disillusioned with romance in favor of a relationship i have a hard time defining.
PMMM - homura - as much as id like to pick madoka bc shes #goals i cant really deny that homura is more important to me and i like her more and relate to her more. i too would give up my humanity and spend 10 years in a time loop and lose my attachment to everyone else if it meant saving one person i cared about. i also would use my powers to steal guns from yakuza lockers and make pipe bombs.
do i even have a 4th thing i like? ah right Arknights - kal'tsit - i dont play the game anymore but kal'tsit is such a compelling fucking character. shes immortal and has seen basically every horrible thing thats ever happened and shes so jaded and angry ESPECIALLY when it comes to dr arknights but like. even after thousands of years, shes still completely dedicated to doing good and fixing the world as much as she can. like she may hate every step of the process but she is not going to stop no matter what. thats so important to me.
uhhhhh. swampletics - old boot.
i am suppsoed to be working so i cant bother thinking about who to tag but if anyone sees this and wants an excuse to talk about their characters they like please consider yourself legally and irrevocably tagged! <3
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huehoa17 · 1 year
Adding to my question: and why they feel like fave characters. (Trope, personality, story, looks, etc)
(My memory is playing cat and mouse for this one so apologies beforehand if I get anything wrong during this)
For Kal'tsit, I didn't think much of her at first, I thought that she was a bit neat to be against doctors presence when they came back to rhodes island
(I was a bit scared during that time because I was still new to it, I didn't know what to expect, and I was primarily worried about the presence of fanservice! I believe it was around amiya's birthday on 2020, when I started the game initially)
Luckily I remember how it grew, and it's the damn suit that was shown before global opened the event (it was the catalyst to my growing interest of arknights in 2021)
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The idea of trying again to save the world from further disaster, even though Terra is already a shitty place is just fascinating to me. She spend so many years as so many positions in life, from doctor, advisor to a band of mercenaries, mentor, assassin (maid), and so many that we've not seen but we can believe could happen. She lived a long life where she kept going with her mission for the sake of everyone's happiness. Now, how many times has she succeeded or failed, it's not counted at this point because we focus on the present as we know it, as Dr. Kal'tsit of rhodes island, head of medical fields.
I think another point is that she's compassionate and tries to give the best and most honest answer that she can provide with the people she talks to, giving them a essay dissecting their choices at the moment and the questions they ask and giving them the choice to believe in these words or perhaps carve a new idea to believe in, as seen from Heidi during the party and crownslayer in the main story.
While there are some concerning ideas if she were to point at herself and give a answer to herself, such as perfering to be a robot, she still carries on with this lifelong mission as a person with a mind that even rivals kaschey the immortal, with their main differences is how they influence the world and their life that they live through the countless years that they've walked on Terra.
Now for me; I admire how she just keeps going with her goals and how her kindness helped people out in so many ways. I also like that she talks alot when giving an explanation to people of what, why and how, and how it's clear to people to understand what she's saying (to a certain degree for others)
Another point is that of her name, during walk in the dust, she still carries on with using the name of Kal'tsit, (even when she's trying to assassinate someone, she also risks her identity to be revealed to this person, but she still uses that name, heck Folinic's mother points this out too!) and I think that's something I connected with, because my name is precious and close to me, no matter how many insist on changing it, the me does not exist without that name, and perhaps that's something that I kinda instilled when I write about Kal'tsit
Also fun fact, I do not have Kal'tsit to this day!
I kept rolling for her during her debut banner but I got the other two that debuted in that event. Even during CC, I was using a few rolls to try to get her but that also failed!
While I save my rolls for limited operators to come, I also call it Kal's minimum wage before she arrives
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in-inertia · 1 year
Arknights Timeline
I figure there's enough blogs and characters floating around this sphere now that I should catalogue them somewhere. I'll note that this timeline is open, if anyone would want to join—as a canon character, or as an OC that obeys the rules of the setting.
There's no fancy rules or application or anything. Just shoot me a message if you're interested. There's like 200 goddamn characters who don't have a filled slot, so I haven't come close to listing all of the available canon characters.
We're currently playing the position in the timeline a little fast and loose, since Under Tides (1st Abyssal Hunter event) canonically happens after the Victorian Succession Crisis (current main story arc), but we haven't actually seen an end to that event yet.
Abyssal Hunters
Genetically-modified supersoldiers from the technocratic undersea nation of Ægir, stranded upon land after a costly victory over the Seaborn "God" Ishar-mla. The Hunters seek to put an end to the Seaborn menace that threatens to devour the world, but struggle to imagine how such a victory might be possible.
Currently aligned with Rhodes Island as the Department of Ægir Affairs.
Helmed by Gladiia, Captain of the Second Company.
Gladiia - Alexis (@in-inertia)
Laurentina (Specter) - Alexis (N/A, though I'd make one if we got a Skadi)
Skadi - OPEN
Ulpianus - OPEN
Rhodes Island
Though not Ægirian Abyssal Hunters, other Seaborn hybrids exist, crafted by the heretical Church of the Deep. Masquerading as faithful of the Church of Iberia, the bishops are monsters in their own right. Their creations that have escaped or been set free from their clutches and joined Rhodes Island are:
Andreana - OPEN
Mizuki - OPEN
Highmore - OPEN
A pharmaceutical company with a past rooted in the civil wars of Kazdel, which seeks to combat, treat, and find a cure for the invariably deadly disease known as Oripathy. Rhodes Island is a politically-motivated NGO backed by a private military.
I'd like to keep the Doctor largely out of things, since Arknights can get...rather unpleasantly protagonist-worshippy at times. I'd rather have no one RP them directly.
Rhodes Island's leader, in an official capacity, is Amiya.
She is currently OPEN.
Department of Medicine
The largest department of Rhodes Island. Its head, Dr. Kal'tsit, is the de facto leader of Rhodes.
Warfarin - OPEN
Kal'tsit - Alexis (@kaltsinirovat)
Whisperain - Rayne (@turridohrnii)
Department of Iberian Affairs
Helmed by Tulip.
Tulip - OPEN
Irene - Serenity (@libersacer)
Department of Engineering
Helmed by Closure.
Closure - OPEN
Weedy - Rayne (@phyhllonhygieia)
Elite Operators
The strongest of Rhodes Island's private military force, special operatives who carry out a diverse set of duties in combat scenarios. Each squad is helmed by its own captain.
Blaze - Alexis (@boiling-blood)
Rosmontis - OPEN
Mudrock - Alexis (@authigenesis )
Rhodes Island's counterintelligence division. Helmed by Ascalon.
Ascalon - OPEN
Red - OPEN
Other Departments
Utage - Bunny (N/A)
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Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Aak
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Gun (EX Weapon: Steam-packed Durian Gun)
Current character status: Released
Info (From Arknights Gamepress)
A medical personnel from Lee's Detective Agency recommended by Mr. Lee, Aak was a well-known underground doctor operating in the gray zones of Lungmen.
After joining, he proved to be a tremendous wellspring of medical knowledge and theory with the clinical experience to back it up, though his style of practice is rather worrying.
However, based upon Dr. Kal'tsit's comprehensive evaluation, he was recommended on a provisional basis to the medical equipment department and technological development team.
This time, you’ll be knocked out for sure! - Piercing attack on all enemies (XL) + load 10 bullets + Deploy Piercing Flash zone
Skills / Abilities
Gravity Zero - Psychic type magic attack on all enemies (L), and psychic type piercing attack on a single enemy (XL)
Bullet of Absorption - Consume 5 bullets to do Thunder type Piercing attack on all enemies (XL) + HP Regen of all allies (XL) (3 Turns)
Blood Sacrifice - Attack ally with highest HP, and strength of self +120% (12 actions)
Bullet Hell - Consume all bullets to do Piercing attack on all enemies x3 (XL), and combined Shadow/Crystal/Psychic/Thunder piercing attack on all enemies x10 (XL)
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raiden0vitch · 2 years
Arknights Doctor OC - Monsoon
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[Code Name] Monsoon [Gender] Prefer not to say [Combat Experience] 0 combat experience ; 5 years experience as a civilian researcher at a PMC [Place of Birth] Aegir [Date of Birth] The date he used for this field is 12 September, his day of awakening. [Race] Aegir [Height] 157cm [Infection Status] Non-Infected [Physical Strength] Flawed [Mobility] Flawed [Physical Resilience] High [Tactical Acumen] High [Combat Skill] Flawed [Originium Arts Assimilation] Flawed
Dr. Monsoon, commander and one of the lead researchers of Rhodes Island, is ready to assist you with his tactical prowess and excellent decision-making skills. An exceptional talent and a Doctor of Oripathy Research. He also has a background in engineering and as a civilian worker at private militaries.
"Just don't make him run around too much..." -Rhodes Island Medic Operator
Imagining tests clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. Dr. Monsoon is believed to be non-infected.
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Dr. Monsoon ensures his personal safety when handling high-risk cases and environments.  However, we have detected formations of scales on his shoulders that are distinct from his racial features. This is not related to Oripathy yet Dr. Kal'tsit issued a memo that that they are to be monitored.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.021u/L
That's...impossibly low at least for him! He's in frequent contact with Originium and yet he can maintain such low levels of concentration in his blood. Just what is he...?
Monsoon's scars-- Save for Kal'tsit, Gladiia, and Flamebringer, no one has had a full view of Monsoon's scarred body.
He has two large scars on his stomach. Both are from when RI was Babel. One was inflicted by an assassin and another is from when he was incapacitated by Kal'tsit/Mon3tr. His other scars are smaller and are barely noticeable...
"I don't get it but my body kind of hates needles. Maybe it's something I've forgotten..." Macario left Ægir after he found out that his wife had brought the young Monsoon to state laboratories for the infamous super-soldier projects.
Having gone through the experiments himself, he left his wife in a fit of rage and brought his son to the Islanders yet he continued to fight for his homeland. The smaller scars on Monsoon's body are from needles and tubes. He briefly went through the experiments though it was cut short after he "died."
He was pronounced as a casualty of the experiments but with a bit of politics and threats, his name disappeared off registries. He's weaker than any of the Hunters or the cult's attempts to replicate their kind. However, his body heals faster than an average person.
The Doctor has no exceptional Arts proficiency, no amazing powers, not athletic, and easily tired. He's pretty high maintenance to the point where it kind of pisses people off. His way with words, however, is something else. 
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hello! Do you have advice on how to use Mudrock S3 effectively? I've been obsessed with her since I started the game in June 2020 and finally got her today. She's at E2L60 already and I put one point of mastery into her S2 because the SP cost reduction is so nice for everyday use, but the S3 is what really drew me in, and it's already en route to M3. It seems like it can be an emergency survival tool for Mudrock herself, a lot of AOE crowd control, and shit-tons of damage, depending on what you need at the time. It's cool, but complicated.
Mudrock is like Kal'tsit to me. 90% of the time I keep their skill on S2 for the sheer convenience and their brute force usually being enough to solve anything.
And then when I'm sufficiently annoyed by a stage and just want to win, I swap to S3.
Due to its many features, it's best to talk about Mudrock's S3 by breaking it down into its 2 phases: Fuck Around, and Find Out.
Fucking Around
For 10 seconds, Mudrock becomes invincible, has 0 block, and doesn't attack. Instead, she channels energy in the ground that inflicts a 60 percent slow in a large AOE around her. After 10 seconds, the ground explodes and all enemies within her slow field are stunned.
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It's for this reason that you usually see Mudrock's S3 used as crowd control in maps with chokepoints. The slow is just as powerful as Saria's S3, while the stun it inflicts at the end is very long 5 seconds at M3).
When you've got a lot of powerful enemies coming in and Mudrock's S2 just isnt enough brute force (such as say, during Contingency Contract and wow look at what's currently online in Arknights!), Use this skill to buy time for your ranged units to throw everything and the kitchen sink at the crowd. The invincibility can also be used to help Mudrock stall by activating the skill as she's about to die while slowing the enemy she's no longer blocking, or by being a timed stun bomb for combos with Ash.
And then after the stun's over? It's time to find out.
Finding Out
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In Phase 2 of her S3, Mudrock shortens her attack interval by 0.3 (meaning she can squeeze out more attacks in the same timeframe), gains a huge ATK and DEF buff, and can hit multiple enemies at once equal to her block count.
If enemies are still alive after Mudrock finishes channeling, it usually means they're a group of powerful elites or a boss of some kind. In this case, Mudrock plays cleanup crew and starts killing them all herself. Her lowered attack interval and very high ATK boost gives her tremendous physical DPS, and her DEF boost means even if the enemy breaks all her shields, she'll still be able to stand her ground.
If you have any buffs, this is when you throw them at Mudrock. If you don't, she'll probably still win that brawl, just look at her stats.
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TL;DR - Use Phase 1 in chokepoints with ranged allies to slow down crowds, or use the invincibility to stall enemies at the last possible second for Mudrock
Use Phase 2 to bonk things that Phase 1 couldn't. This is a very, very powerful physical DPS skill, one that will make short work of most enemies.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I got back into playing Arknights recently, right at the tail-end of the anniversary event, and the in-game mail from Dr. Kal'tsit and Amiya made me... Emotional. Not to mention the things other operators sent. I know I shouldn't want to go back, that life was hell, but I miss them. I hope you all are living much happier, less stressful lives now. I'm wishing you all the best. - The Doctor (Arknights)
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