#dr. baggs
kaygee-doodles · 10 months
can we send dr. baggs a protection spell so he may be safe??
He must suffer, as all Sanses do.
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
This writing request comes from my friend @gamemasterofscratch who requested Dr. Baggs being comforted as he's always so stressed and busy. I decided to try my hand at writing in third person for the first time in a while and chose the Reader-Insert character from the Bad Sansuary challenge I wrote, "Have Some Empathy, Dear." (I hope you like it, even if it isn't how I usually write!)
Dr. Baggs belongs to @/megalommi
CW: Mind control against an unwilling person. Nothing explicit happens though.
Doctor's Orders
Dr. Baggs & Female!OC
Word Count: 3,397
Careful...this next part was especially sensitive.
His phalanges trembled ever so slightly as he started to pour the contents of one beaker into another one. He only needed a drop, any more would ruin the experiment and mean the last twelve hours of work had been wasted.
He had taken the necessary precautions of course, just like he always did, even if his bones weren't as frail as many other's bodies were. He had thick black rubber gloves on that covered his entire forearms, a white lab coat that was specially treated to be fireproof, and he was even wearing safety goggles in case there was an explosion.
He narrowed his eye sockets as he scrutinized the bright pink liquid that he was trying to add to another beaker that contained an ashy powder. There was no guarantee that replicating it was even possible. He still had to try though. It would change everything if he could successfully make a synthetic version of that peculiar substance that humans produced naturally. There was no limit to how useful their own version of Determination could be.
Why, he would never have to worry so much about monsters losing hope and falling down. The Guard could have stronger soldiers that could evenly match the most competent human ones, not they weren't already capable in combat that is. He could even break the barrier and reclaim the surface for Monsterkind if he so chose. Not that he was sure that was even feasible in the first place.
A drop of the pink liquid landed on the small pile of ash and...nothing...
He held his breath and studied the beaker closely for several long minutes. When still nothing happened, he finally caved and added another tiny drop, just hoping that it was a fluke. He couldn't have messed something up, he just couldn't have!
A small puff of smoke curled up from the ashes, flooding his nasal cavity with an acrid stench that forced him to take a few steps away from his desk.
He clenched his fists, the rubber material of his gloves crying out in protest, and grit his teeth so harshly that he felt a small jolt of pain in the back of his skull.
wonderful job, sans... you've failed again...
As soon as the thought entered his skull, he frowned and tore off the goggles. He hadn't gone by that name in years, so why had it returned to him at a time like this?!
With a huff, he threw the eye wear at the far wall. The action wasn't nearly enough to placate his growing frustration and with a growl, he turned his attention to the desk. He swept everything to the floor and pounded a clenched fist onto the metal surface, hardly registering the pain from doing so.
Now he'd made a mess of his work area that he'd have to thoroughly clean up. It was a pain to get Monster dust off of anything, let alone that synthesized mixture his assistant had invented. The only good side was that this room had been constructed from easily sterilized materials.
He was so tired.
Yet no matter how hard he had tried to find a remedy in the past, he couldn't sleep. While having more time to dedicate to his work was helpful, it was also detrimental for his health to constantly be burning the candle at both ends.
Dr. Alphys had called him a workaholic once and he'd laughed. She was right though. He couldn't leave well enough alone or stop working for a moment, lest he fall behind some unseen competitor.
He took a few deep breaths and counted backwards from ten. It was such a simple technique but humans certainly knew what they were talking about when it came to psychology. Now if only they had information in their books on how to counteract magical insomnia...
Rubbing small circles over his sphenoid bone, or where his temples would approximately be if he had flesh, he did his best to ease the tension and stress that had built up inside his soul. His frontal lobe felt sensitive too, like he was about to get a migraine, which he really didn't want to deal with right now.
Something set his instincts on high alert. It was a soft sound, like someone had scuffed their foot against the tiled floor when they'd taken a step.
His skull whipped in the direction of the intruder.
His eye sockets widened when he realized they weren't a Monster at all, but a Human. One he'd never seen before either, which was impossible, what with all the surveillance systems scattered around the Underground that he personally oversaw.
They appeared to be a woman with shoulder length dark hair that had loose ringlets at the ends. She had a lighter complexion compared to some humans he'd interacted with and striking eyes that seemed like a mix of green and blue. She was dressed causally in a simple striped cardigan and a pair of black jeans. Interestingly, she also seemed to have some sort of thin plating poking out from her clothes that kind of resembled armour.
She was also taller than him, by at least six or seven inches. Granted, most people were taller than he was, but it was another factor he found concerning about her.
The weird thing was that she was just watching him. All other humans had at least tried to attack him or flee on sight. So why wasn't she?
Forcing himself to relax, he let his arms hang loosely at his sides in an attempt to appear non-threatening for the moment. "can i help you?" he asked, his clear baritone voice easily carrying across the room to her.
She shook her head, although he didn't fail to notice the glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. He could also tell that she was a little nervous, although she was trying to seem relaxed like he was. Her shoulders were rather stiff and with the way her feet were spaced apart, he could tell she was readying herself to flee if he made any sudden movements.
"I was about to ask you that same question," she responded. She let out a bit of an awkward chuckle but made no moves to approach him.
He shook his skull. "i don't need any help you think you can provide, human." He didn't really mean to sound hostile but he couldn't help it.
She seemed completely unfazed though. "That's okay then."
"who are you?" he asked.
She got a strange look on her face and the corners of her lips quirked up slightly. "Well, I have a lot of names, but you can call me...Minty."
He could only look at her blankly. Someone was messing with him, surely. Where had this odd human even come from? She hadn't popped out of nowhere, right? He needed to buy some time and maybe get an idea of what was happening.
Folding his arms behind his back, he drew himself up to his full height and briefly regarded the woman in front of him. "my name is dr. baggs and if you aren't interested in a fight, i have some questions for you..."
She smiled in a more genuine way which was slightly reassuring. "Of course, so long as you let me ask a few of my own."
Baggs nodded and gestured to a rolling chair next to another desk. "feel free to sit down and make yourself comfortable." When the human did so, he pulled another chair over and sat down, although he was careful to stay just out of her reach.
"how did you sneak past all the cameras and get into my lab?" he asked.
She laced her fingers together in her lap and fiddled with her fingernails. Her posture still seemed tense but she appeared calm at the moment.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said with a slight chuckle.
He raised a bonebrow suspiciously. "try me, i've seen a lot of things that many would consider unbelievable."
She seemed concerned and her eyebrows furrowed as she considered it. After a moment, she made up her mind and looked up at him again.
"Alright, if you say so. The truth is that I'm not from this world and...a friend dropped me off here."
He understood why she didn't think he'd believe her. In the past he'd theorized about the existence of alternate timelines or even a multiverse, however it hadn't been feasible to explore such theories. He still didn't have the ability to properly do so and even if he did, it could prove dangerous to his own timeline. Who knew what entities existed beyond the veil of reality?
He tapped his clavicle with a phalanx in a thoughtful way. "i see...then why are you here? what do you want from me?" he asked carefully.
She opened her mouth to answer but shut it again with a frown. After a couple seconds of contemplation, she tried again.
"I'm here because of you..."
"why is that?"
She took a deep breath and made eye contact with him. "I can sense how stressed you are and...how your soul is crying out in pain," she stated.
Baggs was a little surprised at how frank she was being right now. Still, he couldn't help but remain on edge. He knew how dangerous humans could be, even without magic, but he was a bit curious how she could sense his emotions.
"how do you know this?"
She pursed her lips as she tried to figure out the best way to answer his question. "It's a little complicated to explain but I've always had a talent for reading how people are feeling. I wouldn't exactly call it magic but it has similarities."
He wasn't sure what to think about how vague her answer was, but he didn't like this situation at all. She was pretending to act casual but he could tell that she was just as, if not more, on edge than he was. Yet she had been polite and actually had tried to relieve some of the tension between them. There was one thing that wasn't sitting well with him though and that was the fact that she seemed to want something from him.
Her gaze shifted from him and towards the discarded experiment on the floor. "I'm guessing whatever happened is why you're so stressed right now, huh?"
"you would be correct."
"Did you want to tell me about it?"
When he didn't answer immediately, she glanced back over at him and tilted her head in a questioning way.
"no, i wouldn't tell anyone, let alone you."
She didn't react to his harsh tone and simply nodded in an understanding way. "That's fine, we don't need to go into details. I can see you didn't get the results you wanted though. How many times have you tried to do this?" Her tone of voice was soft and she seemed to be choosing her words carefully so as to not upset him.
Baggs sighed and shifted in his chair uncomfortably. "nine times now," he muttered under his breath.
She inhaled sharply and he could feel that she was studying him. "I don't think I would've tried again after failing three times. It's impressive how persistent you are, at least in my opinion anyways," she remarked.
She asked a few more casual questions about various topics and he responded in kind. However, the longer the conversation went on, the more uneasy he began to feel. It was like she was trying to get him to feel more comfortable around her. The whole situation felt familiar and he knew why.
It was something he'd often done in the past.
If she was planning to do something, getting him to feel more at ease was the perfect first step.
He hated it.
Before she could ask another question, he interjected with one of his own. "i might be wrong here, but you have experience as a therapist, don't you?" He'd kept his tone even and leaned forward while speaking to express interest in what her answer would be.
She seemed surprised but soon smiled warmly at him. "Yes, I-"
No sooner had she responded did Baggs do what he should've done from the beginning. His magenta right eyelight expanded until it filled his entire socket and the pink swirled with blue to create a hypnotizing array that couldn't be ignored.
She fell easily under his control, just like everyone else before her, but in the split second it took to do so, she seemed to realize what he was doing. She had a look of shock but there was also a strange glint in her teal eyes. She lunged for him and while he tried to move away, her hand closed around his left forearm in a vice grip.
His mind was suddenly flooded with an overwhelming sense of compassion and empathy. However, the feelings weren't his own and for a moment, he was paralyzed from the shock.
He was stronger though.
A simple thought was all it took for the feelings to fade.
Baggs leaned his skull back against the chair and let out a heavy sigh. He'd never had anyone react like that before. Violence sure, but never using...Intent. It didn't make any sense...
He looked down at her, half sprawled on the ground where she'd collapsed and half sitting up almost leaning on top of him, all the while she was still clutching onto his arm. She was stronger than he'd first assumed and he was lucky she hadn't had a chance to go for the kill. But...that wasn't what she'd even tried to do in the first place...
why didn't you follow through and attack me? he asked, using his own thoughts to communicate.
Her expression remained passive and her body didn't move at all, meaning she was still completely under his control. He wanted an answer though and used his magic to gently prob into her mind.
"...I only wanted to help you," was her silent response.
how does any of that help? he pressed further.
"I could feel how much you were hurting. I want to help you with shouldering it, if you'll let me..."
how is trying to influence my mind and emotional state supposed to help?
"I wasn't trying to control you... You didn't believe that I truly wanted to help earlier...so I had to show you."
Baggs narrowed his eye sockets suspiciously. He knew she was telling the truth as no one could lie to him when under his direct control. However, he was a bit intrigued as to what her goal had been.
what else would you do to help me? he asked.
"..." Her thoughts were silent, although he could sense that she was struggling to come up with an answer. "...Anything you allow me to. Although earlier I was thinking of trying to comfort you if you don't mind that," she finally answered.
He decided to give her a chance and relaxed the hold his magic had on her mind. He didn't release her just yet though.
She was still for a moment before she let go of his forearm and sat up properly on the floor. Her eyes never left his and she remained docile, not making any sudden movements.
"May I hug you?" she asked in a soft whisper.
"you may."
She dragged herself to her feet and shuffled towards him. Her movements were slow and unsteady, likely from the effects of the hypnosis, but she managed to stiffly wrap him in a hug.
Baggs let her hold onto him for a couple of minutes before gently pushing her arms away. It felt rather odd allowing a stranger to touch him like that but it wasn't entirely unpleasant either.
Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed with concern and she tilted her head. "I can sense that you're still tense. Would you like it if I tried something different?"
He gave her a curious look. "what else can you do?"
"Well, I know how to use magic to absorb negative feelings."
"i know most humans are incapable of using magic, so could you explain your magic and who taught you how to use it?" he asked.
She nodded and sat down on the ground again, although she crossed her legs this time so she could be more comfortable. "I've always been good at empathizing with people but I can do two things with my magic. I can transfer my own positive emotions to someone else by touching them or I can replace their negative emotions with my own positive ones, absorbing them into my own soul."
She paused for a moment and, sensing that she wasn't willing to reveal who had taught her, Baggs focused his magic again to probe her into telling him.
"His name is Nightmare and...he was also the one who brought me here..." she whispered.
Baggs felt a wave of annoyance flicker over him at the mention of the god of negativity. They'd only met in passing before and it hadn't been a pleasant one.
"Are you okay? I can try comforting you again..." She asked quietly, having apparently sensed his change in demeanor.
He shook his skull and sighed. "no. tell me why he sent you."
Her passive expression faltered and her eyebrows knit together with concern. Still, she was powerless to refuse a direct command in this state.
"Nightmare can sense your negative emotions and he's become very interested in your work," she muttered. "However, I'm not here to convince you to make any deals... I just want to help you."
He knew she was telling the truth and yet he couldn't shake the feeling that Nightmare was using this situation in an attempt to establish good relations. It didn't sit well with him at all.
Baggs fully released his hold on her soul and mind, his right eyelight returning to its usual size and magenta colour as he did so. He could take back the control at anytime and she wouldn't even be able to notice if he did, but he didn't tell her that.
She inhaled sharply and her eyes flicked around the room before settling on him again. As she did so, her body jerked backwards as if to instinctively get away from him but she stopped herself. It was incredibly apparent to any outside observers that she was struggling to remain calm and not freak out, which was commendable.
Baggs stood up and offered her one of his hands to help her stand up as well. "i should apologize for being such a poor host. would you like something to drink?" he inquired.
She grimaced and shook her head but still accepted his help. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't trust you after...that." She looked away from him and dusted her clothing off.
"i understand your concern, but i have no intentions of harming you." He smiled and tried to change the subject with a different question. "may i ask how you came into nightmare's service? you don't seem like the type someone like him would select for his...work."
She smiled while recalling the memory before answering. "You're right, I actually met and befriended his henchmen first. He saw fit to rescue me when my own world collapsed."
He raised his bonebrows in surprise. "I'm amazed you're still in one piece," he remarked dryly.
She chuckled and waved him off. "Well, I have a few more scars now compared to before, but those are mostly from learning self-defense. I'm not deployed for the usual missions so I haven't had to kill anyone yet."
"what missions are you usually deployed on then?"
"I am tasked with the missions that require more tact than what Nightmare himself is able to perform."
It seemed he'd been right from the beginning.
Neither of them said anything for several long seconds. Finally, she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle smile.
"Is there anything else I can do to help you? I don't know about you but I'd like to at least end this meeting on a pleasant note," Minty commented.
Baggs nodded slightly. "i suppose i can afford to take a break for a little while..." he hummed.
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3nergy-spirit · 1 year
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hes making me go brainrot.
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Dr.Baggs belongs to @megalommi
drawings belong to me.
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boneheadboner · 9 months
Trying to get back into the swing of things with literally 0 hours sleep and here I am trying to futz about voicing a doctor who gets literally 0 hours sleep. Yep. This is my life. But HEY, at least I know I can make him sound decent to what I want. Next time, I'm going to have to make it extra special with better editing but for now here have food. Dr. Baggs belongs to @megalommi
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erineas · 2 months
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I might be busy but i'll always have time to tease you, kitten @unnamedcrane 🥰
Hypno eye version under the cut:
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Based on this
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Dr. Baggs belongs to @megalommi
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dryedation · 2 months
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I don't have anything specific for Baggs' (@megalommi) birthday so have a collection of presentable doodles that I accumulated over the months of my relative absence.
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Little goober art I did for a discord stream
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megalommi · 1 year
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Bitty Baggs wants uppies
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ze-fanatic14 · 2 months
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This fuckhead enthralled me. Send help!
First time ever doing a traditional line-art. And I love this.
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askdrstiofficial · 11 months
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hehe oh the boys been caught- i forgot how much i enjoyed color changring brushes Megalosomnia and Baggs belong to @megalommi
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saers · 1 year
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“Shhh…” He soothes, “It’s alright. Let yourself slip deeper. I’m right here to keep you steady. Let yourself sink.” You do kind of feel like you’re sinking, but it’s so warm and soft that you don’t really mind… not to mention how good the hand through your hair feels. You sigh, and it feels like you literally sink into the mattress, beyond what should be realistically possible. 
Chapter 16 of R&R (Rabble & Rampallians) (M Rating!) by @wishing-stones featuring @megalommi's (18+ only please, cw for unreality and hypnosis!) Sans, Baggs, really round-house kicked my brain into doing Some Shit(tm)! I'm on Chapter 31 now, and am having a great time. I also did not trust Baggs as far as I could throw him at this point, so he came out much more menacing than perhaps needed. 8'D
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bittybones2 · 1 year
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Chill Baggs
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g0nefischin · 1 year
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The man of the hour
Baggs/Megalosomnia belong to @megalommi (18+ AU)
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3nergy-spirit · 1 year
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fuck you. and *hypnotizes you with baggs*
Dr.Baggs(Sans) belongs to @megalommi
drawings belong to me.
i may or may not fix my baggs x yn old drawing cuz- why tf yns head look like that?
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kaygee-doodles · 1 year
What if in the timeline (?) that reader gets put in a little house after running away, she completely gives up on the boys?
Shes not stupid enough to try and run away from them again, but theres no texts from her, she doesn’t laugh at anything that they say, one word answers, smiling with friends but as soon as she catches sight of one of the boys its all gloomy “*sigh*, lets get this over with…”? She stays with them in fear of what they’d do, just-completely distant & uninterested from anything to do with those skeletons...
How would the boys react?
Easy fix: Take her to see Dr. Baggs.
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dryedation · 6 months
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Doodling the stress of everyday life away with these two pretentious fucks
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