#down with daesh
aspiringbelle · 4 months
Well, this is getting very little coverage...but the truth came out.
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elumish · 4 months
In the wake of what's going on in the world, I see a lot of rhetoric that basically boils down to the idea that everyone has a responsibility to watch every bad thing that's going on in the world all the time. That awareness itself is a responsibility that everyone has always.
I'm not going to say that people do or don't have a responsibility to be aware of things, but I want to talk about how to take care of yourself and others while doing so.
For some context, I spent close to a year and a half reading about every terrorist attack in the world as part of my work on the Global Terrorism Database. It was 2015/2016, so this was the height of ISIS/Daesh, it was a major time for Boko Haram, and it was when there was a lot of political violence that we weren't sure how to classify in places like Yemen, Crimea, and Libya (stuff the GTD didn't know how to classify had all of is information recorded, and then it went into purgatory until someone above my paygrade decided what to do with it). What this means is that I was spending 10-20 hours a week reading about hundreds or thousands of attacks a month and, in my case, recording infomation about the type of attack and the type of weapon. Much of my life was reading terrible things.
Limit what you do in isolation. One of the worst changes for me during that time, mental health-wise (even though it was great for my commute) was when I went from working in-person to working remotely. With other people, there are ways to diffuse the pain. A burden shared is a burden halved and all that. That may mean talking about it, or joking about it, or finding some other way to engage with it that isn't just reading about the most horrible things in the world and then stewing in your own thoughts about them.
Find something to do that's totally unrelated. I highly recommend finding something to do with your hands, if you can (knitting, Lego, cooking, whatever), but regardless of what it is, you should have some time when you entirely switch away to something different. During a fair amount of my time with the GTD, I was also doing my undergrad thesis about terrorism on TV, so a huge amount of my life was about terrorism in some way. The only other thing I watched was Great British Bake Off, and I would just rewatch the episodes, over and over.
Be compassionate about how you share information and with whom. Use trigger warnings, and consider using consistent tagging on places like Tumblr so people can blacklist it if they need to. Also consider whether it's appropriate or necessary to share photos of bodies or other results of horrible violence. What is it accomplishing, to show that? Can that goal be accomplished other ways that don't require the equivalent of jumpscares of unexpected photos of dead or brutalized people? Are you just showing it because you think that everyone should have to see it? If you are showing it, are there ways to mitigate against harm it may do?
Do what you can to avoid an echo chamber. Sometimes, when everyone around you is upset or angry about the same thing, it just amplifies itself, and you all get angrier and more upset in perpetuity without accomplishing anything.
Work towards action. Watching terrible things happen for the sake of saying that you haven't looked away isn't as meaningful as taking action in some way. Write to your Congressperson. Donate. Do whatever is appropriate for the thing you want to stop. But penance via watching terrible things happen doesn't accomplish anything.
Recognize compassion fatigue and do what you can to mitigate it. If you spend long enough doing this, you start to lose context, and you start to become less able to have compassion about things. If you're reading about attacks with dozens or hundreds of deaths regularly, five can start to not seem like that many. If you're reading only about the worst suffering in the world, "lesser" suffering of those around you can start to seem unimportant and petty. Do what you can to mitigate that.
Be kind to yourself. You do nobody any good if you burn out. Look away, if you need to. Take a break. Do things so you can enjoy life, because otherwise you are just another person suffering in the world. Other people's pain isn't a hair shirt for you to wear.
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tamamita · 9 months
I know that there were jewish people who hunted down nazi officers after world war 2 do shias have a similar concept during isis invasion?
Most of the Shi'as who fought against DAESH in Iraq formed into one militia called the Hasdh al-Shaabi or the Popular mobilization force. The main purpose of this group was to purge Iraq from any Sunni Islamist and Baathist elements. Of course, this did lead to sectarian tension, especially in places like Fallujah, Mosul and other cities in the Sunni Triangle. While some Sunnis and Christians made up sections of the PMF, they were mostly overshadowed by vast number of Shi'as.
PMF is split into several factions due to ideological differences between the Shi'as. You had the Pro-Iranis, the Anti-Iranian Sadrists, the al-Sistani followers and etc. One thing they had in common was that they were driven by vengence and reprisal attacks were not uncommon. Unfortunately, that meant that even innocent Sunnis were harassed.
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fursasaida · 1 month
[Excerpts from this piece on the particular German psychosis and relationship to an imagined Jewish life that props up the German repression, islamophobia, and racism against Arabs and Palestinians we've seen explode from their previous levels in the last few months]
Since October 7, German politicians have proposed rescinding the nationality of German citizens, restricting the civil rights of non-EU foreign residents, and limiting the number of children with a migration background who can attend any given school, which have been promoted as means for preserving and supporting “Jewish life” in the country. A German politician credibly accused of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies in his youth blamed the country’s antisemitism on immigration. Germany’s largest newspaper published a fifty-point manifesto on what it means to be German; number forty-seven reads, “Germany has a heart for children. They are not beaten but promoted.” A prominent German journalist published an article with the title: “The Jews or Aggro-Arabs: we have to decide who we want to keep.” The Anti-Semitism Commissioner of Baden-Württemberg, who is not Jewish, wrote, “The Nazis were still hiding their mass murders, whereas Hamas celebrated them in the media, like Daesh before them.”
Not everything is as it seems in Germany. That tree? It used to be a Jew. That building was once a Jew. That streetlamp was a Jew. And the Jews? It seems they’re all Germans. [...]
In the eyes of many German critics, Wolff’s greatest sin was to argue, in the guise of a Jewish identity, that supporting a boycott of Israel is not necessarily antisemitic, even though he did not support such a boycott himself. Wolff was subsequently castigated as a costume Jew (Kostümjude) by Germany’s largest Jewish and gentile newspapers. He’s been called an aspiring Kronzeugejude (key witness Jew). Contra Wolff’s complaints about German, this is a language with an astonishingly nimble capacity for creating neologisms on the word Jew:
Alibijude: an alibi Jew, one who provides cover for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Berufsjude: a professional Jew, a Jew by profession
Faschingsjude: a carnival Jew
Großvaterjude: someone who has one Jewish grandfather
Kostümjude: a costume Jew
Kronzeugejude: a key witness Jew, providing testimony for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Meinungsjude: An opinion Jew? Or a Jew by opinion??
Modejude: A fashion Jew??? Or fashionably Jewish????
Schmusejude: a cuddly Jew, one who presumably cuddles up with Germans
Vaterjude: someone who has a Jewish father
Vorzeigejude: a model Jew
With the possible exception of Vaterjude, these constructions are pejoratives about giving the appearance of being Jewish or utilizing your Jewish identity for gain. Far from an aberration, the revelation of Wolff’s fabricated Jewish identity turns out to be something of a German tradition. Not a year seems to pass without a scandal involving the identity of a prominent German Jew. [...]
Not everyone assumes a Jewish identity; some are satisfied with appearances.
The television journalist Lea Rosh was the public face and most vocal proponent of the campaign to build Berlin’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Rosh has cultivated a Jewish aura—a Scheinbarjüdin, perhaps. “I don’t look so Aryan,” she once enthused during an interview. Rosh changed her name from Edith to Lea, and unsuccessfully sued the (Jewish) author Ruth Gay for writing that she had done so to sound more Jewish. She once fiercely rejected a proposal to place the Holocaust memorial across from the Reichstag: “Did the ‘German people’ murder the Jews? Hardly.”
Then there are the literal costume Jews. I have twice witnessed large groups of Germans wearing kippot. Once at a rally against antisemitism and once marching with a large police escort down Sonnenallee, the hub of Arab life in Berlin, chanting pro-Israel slogans. To hold a sign that said “Stop Genocide” or “From the River to the Sea” on that same street today would invite certain arrest and potentially criminal prosecution. The police violently suppressed demonstrations and even basic symbols of Palestinian identity on Sonnenallee in the weeks following October 7; I had to extricate a friend, a prominent (Jewish) journalist, from one such demonstration after he was pepper-sprayed for filming the brutal arrest of a man whose crime was to hold a Palestinian flag. But few here are trying to co-opt a Palestinian identity.
Some years ago, a friend of mine was invited to a Shabbat dinner. The attendees all gave the appearance of being religiously observant. They knew the hymns, the men wore kippot, one even had payot. The hosts insisted that my friend recite the various blessings. Through a chance comment during dinner, he discovered he was the only Jew in attendance. They were Germans who enjoyed enacting Jewish rituals, and wanted a Jew to unwittingly give his blessing.
Many more Germans than Wolff, Hingst, and Seibert “feel Jewish.” Jewish community archives evidence that many Germans attempted to “discover” their Jewish heritage after the war. Everyone seems to have a Jewish aunt here. Or their grandparents were in the resistance. Or maybe it was their great-aunt. Others have simply converted. [Note from me: obvious parallel to Americans' "Cherokee princess" great-grandmothers here.]
[...] German television recently ran an award-winning talk show called Freitagnacht Jews (Friday Night Jews) that featured a roundtable of Jews talking about what it’s like growing up Jewish in Germany. Vogue Germany once ran a column called “Jewish Today”—subhed: “The everyday life of a German Jewess, who takes us on a journey through a world we hardly know”—where readers could learn about Jewish bodies, Jewish sex, Jewish doubt, Jewish decision-making and why Jewish men can’t come as quickly thanks to circumcision. Germans love the peculiarity of Semitic sorrows, the specificity of Jewish joys. They love klezmer music. They will solemnly nod their head when you tell them, “My grandfather is a tree.”
The great beneficiaries of this funereal interest, assuming they don’t criticize Israel too much, are Israelis. In common perception, Israeli is synonymous with Jewish. The reality is more complicated inside of Israel, but Israelis are nonetheless regarded as the summa of all things Jewish by a German public whose thinking is still fundamentally characterized by a nation-state framework. And the cultural predilections of Israeli society—an obsession with interrogating Israeli identity as a sort of special existential condition, an enormous capacity for self-aggrandizement and self-pity—conveniently align with German expectations of “Jewish culture,” and largely mirror those of German society. Germany is the largest market for translated Israeli literature in the world.
[...] To be German is to be a Täter, a perpetrator. But the crux of Germany’s national identity, its famed memory culture and the “overcoming of the past,” is, paradoxically, its relationships with Jews, the universal victims. Through empathizing with and supporting Jews, conveniently embodied in the state of Israel, Germans can expiate the evil inherent in being German, passed down from generation to generation as though it were in their blood. Jews become the bearers of an inherited virtue as victims.
Yet far from overcoming the past, this dynamic seems to demand its constant reenactment. Non-Germans can only become German by checking their own histories at the door. Minister of Culture Roth recently told the new Cameroonian-born director of a state cultural institution: “You have become part of the Täternation.” Cameroon was formerly a German colony.
These prevailing tendencies have become ever more apparent in the wake of the horrifying violence in Israel and Palestine over the past months. Germany’s political, media, and cultural elites have rushed to demonstrate who can stand closest to Israel. The identification has been so intense and Israel’s security so frequently invoked as a matter of Staatsräson that at times I have wondered if some Germans don’t believe Hamas’s attack wasn’t obliquely directed at Germany. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck gave a much-lauded speech in which he called on Muslims in Germany to “clearly distance themselves from antisemitism so as not to undermine their own right to tolerance.” No similar imperative was given to Germany’s good Christian citizens. Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU (Angela Merkel’s party) who is widely presumed to be the frontrunner to become the next chancellor, proposed mandating recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a condition of acquiring German citizenship. His proposal has become reality in the east German state of Saxony-Anhalt.
This formulation of German identity does not offer an inclusive vision for a diversifying country. A friend’s partner, the descendant of Kurdish “guest workers” who arrived after the war, was so impressed by her vociferous school lessons about the misdeeds of Germany’s prior generations that she briefly believed her own grandfather had likewise slaughtered Jews in Europe during the war. Germanness as such has no aspirational, positive content. It’s not hard to understand why some would want to escape this cycle of pathologized guilt, just as it’s not surprising that some would take identification with Jews a step further.
[...] The “I am Jew in Germany” essays articulate something like the opposite: a brittle, uncertain identity in a country that offers Jews many assurances and no certainty. They mark out “Jewish” and “German” as dichotomy of distinct, irreconcilable identities. These essays celebrate “Jewish humor” and are chronically unfunny. They nod to the profundity and factiousness of Jewish culture and hew to the schema of the local Weltanschauung. Profoundly awkward social mannerisms abound. It is almost as though they were . . . German.
The farce of this situation is readily apparent. But the tragedy has never lingered far from the surface, and that tragedy has come into clearer view since October 7, which occurred a few weeks after I initially turned in a draft of this essay to a different magazine. Since October 7, German politicians have authorized breaches in the country’s constitutional order on the basis of nebulous sensitivities, unwittingly setting a ruinous precedent for when the far-right Alternativ für Deutschland comes into power. Since October 7, German arms shipments to Israel have risen so substantially that the total for 2023 represented a ten-fold increase from the previous year, and now account for 30 percent of Israeli arms imports (another report puts it as high as 47 percent). And since October 7, those munitions have been used by Israeli forces to kill more than fourteen thousand children in Gaza. Germany has a heart for children.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Main Masterlist ♡ Top Gun Maverick Masterlist ♡ Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Masterlist ♡ For You Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Hope you all like it. Also please don't come at me for not knowing Naval terms or their training. This is just fiction.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell's POV
I stepped into the room, ready to tell everyone what this mission is about. I didn't want too, but it was my job.
I saw YN and Rooster together talking, with Hangman standing not that far off.
"Everyone have a seat." I called out as I stood in the front of them all. I looked at everyone who was there.
There was my usual people, Rooster, Hangman, Payback, Bob, etc.
Then there was some people that were brought in. Angel, Phantom and YN, our Air Traffic Controllers.
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I crossed my arms across my chest and took a deep breath.
"I know you all just got back not long ago from a successful mission but we need you once again."
I know my people were confused. They got told they would have a bit of a reprieve before the next mission and it has only been three days.
"Almost two months ago, four members of the Strike Fighter Squadron were in Egypt helping to train their men in counterterrorism and to do some training exercises."
My eyes roamed over the face of each person that was staring at me, but once they landed on the two people in the back, I could feel myself getting sick at what I have to say now.
"During one of these exercises, they were shot down by the Daesh-Sinai, who are the most active terrorist group in Egypt. In the past they would only target the Government, security forces and Coptic Christians, but foreigners have also been targeted."
I moved to the side and showed everyone some of the members of Daesh-Sinai that we have.
"Now, these are the names of the four men that are missing." The first picture was shown.
"Kyle 'Showtime' McIntosh."
"Jamal 'Mastermind' Johnson."
"Matteo 'Comet' Marchetti."
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Rooster's POV:
As Maverick was listing the names of the men that are missing, I felt a hand on my knee.
I didn't even have to look to see who it was. I just grabbed YN's hand in mine, hoping and praying to whoever is out there that the last one isn't my son.
I heard YN gasp before my mind could even react to what I was seeing. Maverick looked at YN and I.
I felt like I couldn't breath when he finally said.
"Nick 'Sparrow' Bradshaw." I heard Hangman mutter, "holy shit." As it finally clued in to who the last man was.
"Why has this taken so long?" I asked.
"What was that Rooster?" I stood up, letting go of YN's hand as I did.
"Why have we waited this long to go and get them?" I was trying to not lose my cool. I know this isn't his fault.
"Our two governments were working on getting them back and there was a deal in place, but the Daesh-Sinai did not like the terms."
"What do you mean not like the terms?" I asked. My anger was growing.
"They sent a video of them torturing one of the men. At the end, they pretty much said no deal. That was six days ago."
"Are they alive?" YN didn't bother to stand. The sound of her voice was breaking my heart.
"As far as we know YN, yes. But we have to act fast. We will be flying out to Jordan at 0500. Dismissed."
I sat back down, not fully believing what the hell I was just told.
"YN." I went to reach for her hand once more, but YN pulled her hand away from mine.
"Please don't Bradley." YN stood up and ran out of the room. I was right behind her.
I didn't see the looks of our peers as the two of us left, but I know they must be looking at us with pity or some other facial expression I do not wish to see.
"Wait up YN." I called out. I forget how fast she can move when she is like this, but she stopped.
Once I got to her, I saw that her shoulders were shaking and her head was in her hands. I stood in front of her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against my chest.
"Shh, it is okay YN. Our boy is strong. He is a fighter." That just seemed to make her cry harder.
I started to hum the song that I used to sing to her when she was pregnant with Nick. That seemed to calm her down enough that the tears stopped falling.
YN pulled back and gave me a watery smile. "There is my pretty baby mama." The sadness in her eyes was breaking my heart.
"I can't believe you still remembered that song."
"Almost Paradise?" She nodded her head yes.
"How could I forget. It was the only song that got him and you to calm down once he started to kick."
She was going to say something, when she got called away. I watched her walk towards the man who I have never seen before and I could feel myself get jealous at how close the two of them were.
"How are you doing Bradley?" I almost jumped out of my skin at Pete speaking behind me.
"What you see is all just a front. I am holding it together for YN."
"Yes, I saw her leave the room. I just want to say this Bradley, the condition you will see Nick in isn't going to be a good one."
"He was the one in the video wasn't he?"
I looked back at YN and I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to tell her. She doesn't need to know that.
"Are you going to tell her?"
"No. She will make herself sick. I may tell her after but for right now, it wouldn't be good for her to know."
"This almost brought her Dad out of retirement from what I heard. I wouldn't be shocked if he doesn't show up here or be here for when we bring our men home."
"I wouldn't be surprised. I am actually waiting for her brother to show up." A smirk came across his face when I said that.
"No, please say he isn't coming."
"Vice Admiral LN said that he can not leave right now, but did say that if this takes too long, he will be joining us in Jordan."
I internally groaned at that. Her brother and I used to get along until we broke up. He thought I wasn't good enough for her and in the end he was right.
From what Nick told me, his Uncle has tried to set YN up with someone as he didn't want to see her alone, but she never did.
"Why not?" I asked my son when he told me about her turning down the date.
He just smiled and told me that she still loved me. I would just mess up his hair and tell him to stop lying.
Just the image of his smiling face brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away.
"From what I have heard about Nick is that he is just like every other Bradshaw men to come before him." Pete said, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah. I get that from people who knew my Dad and who know me."
"He even looks like your Dad." I just gave him a small smile at that. Even though I still had some issues with the man, he is trying to be kind.
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For the rest of the evening I got to know the men and women that Bradley works with. Who he trains with. Who he risks his life with. He trusts them, so therefore I trust them.
"So YN, what is your call sign?" Fan asked me.
"Shit, I haven't used it years."
"But Angel and Phantom still use theirs." Fritz said to me.
"Yeah, but I tried to put that behind me."
"It's because she hated her call sign." Bradley said he sat down across from me.
"So what is it?" Phoenix asked, with one eyebrow raised.
"Hummingbird." I said.
"Is everyone who is associated with your family have Bird names?" Hangman questioned Bradley. To answer his question, Bradley gave him the middle finger.
"And I didn't hate it. Just felt it was too long is all." I told Bradley. He just winked at me.
It was finally time for us to go to bed. Pete gave us a bed time as he wanted us up and ready to go in the morning.
I was bunking with Phoenix, which was fine with me.
"You know YN, Rooster has told me all about you." She said to me as I was getting ready for bed.
"Well, not really a suprise. He has never been one to shy away from telling people about his personal life." I said to her, wondering what she is getting at.
"That is true but one night when he was drunk he told myself and Bob, as we were the only two there with him, about how much he fucked up and that he still loved YN LN."
I looked at her to see if she was lying. Her face remained neutral. Her eyes never left mine.
"We broke up like seventeen years ago. He has moved on."
"Maybe ask him yourself. Maybe ask to look at his wallet. Still has a photo of you in there."
I didn't know that. But then again, I have never had a reason to look in it.
"Do you still love him?"
"He is the father of my child."
"That isn't what I asked YN."
"Natasha, my main focus right now is bringing home those men, one of them being my son. Now if you will excuse me, I need to sleep. We have a very, very long day tomorrow."
"Good night YN."
"Good night Phoenix." She turned out the light.
It has been about ten minutes since we both said goodnight to one another.
"Natasha?" I knew she was awake. I could tell by her breathing.
"Yes." Was all I said.
"I know." She said back to me softly.
Part 1 ◇ Part 3
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clarabosswald · 2 months
The primal fear of annihilation is joined by rage. Great anger at the appalling concept of cultivating the psychopaths among our enemies, so that - God forbid - we don't sit down to talk with the peace-loving moderates, who might demand concessions. And this is the very source of the failure and the terrible disaster that befalls us. The fact that the governments of Israel led by Benjamin Netanyahu - and not only him - blindly preferred to foster the brutal Daesh-like Hamas, so that they would not have to negotiate with the more moderate Palestinian Authority. I am filled with anxiety and rage when I think about the government's estrangement from the Palestinian Authority, the long-standing boycotting of Abu Mazen, the back-turning on any political idea that might untangle the tangle. It is the fear of concessions of peace that gave birth to the most brutal of Israel's wars. It is said that most of the public went to the right after October 7th. I actually went to the left, in the sense that I understood that we have no life if we do not integrate into the space of the Middle East. The collapse of all military, human and technological defense systems on October 7th taught us that we cannot rely only on our power and the might of our hands. Military defense alone will not secure our lives here. If we don't want to be a passing episode in the region like the Crusader Kingdom, we have no choice but to find the moderates among the Arabs, and make an alliance with them. Not instead of a strong army, but in addition to it. The day I stop believing it's possible, I won't want to live here.
Amnon Levi
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trossards · 1 year
have you guys seen the video of the german news channel comparing the moroccan players raising their index finger (tawhid) to the daesh salutation? muslims have been doing the tawhid for 1000 of years as a sign of God’s oneness and an affirmation of faith. this is islamophobia at its finest. they will literally do anything to bring muslims down.
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After over a decade of separation, the Syrian Arab Republic was readmitted to the Arab League this Sunday, in a move that has dealt a blow to Washington’s Middle East agenda, exciting some and causing outrage amongst others. The Syrian war that began in 2011 still hasn’t officially ended, so what impact will this normalization of the government in Damascus have?
For 12 years the Syrian State has been isolated, regarded as a pariah regionally, for its role in a devastating western-led proxy war that has left millions displaced and hundreds of thousands dead. Most Arab countries took the line that Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad, was an evil dictator that massacred his own people and therefore could not continue to remain legitimized regionally. It also appeared early on, during the war, that Damascus would fall to either Daesh (ISIL-Islamic State) or any number of the armed militant groups that had taken up arms against the Syrian government, the most powerful amongst them being Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups.
In April, Saudi foreign minister Faisal bin Farhan visited Damascus, signalling the end to Riyadh’s 12-year diplomatic embargo on Syria. Prior to this, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Algeria, all took similar steps to signal an end to their rejectionist policy towards legitimizing the government in Damascus. The decision of the Arab League, which announced Syria had been re-instated over the weekend, came after a closed door meeting between member state foreign ministers at the group’s headquarters in Cairo.
Why is this so significant?
To begin with, this move has consolidated a push to re-integrate Syria into the region diplomatically and economically, it has been on the agenda of Abu Dhabi for years and is aimed at achieving stability. The decision by the Arab League means that Damascus has now been normalized regionally, which parts way with the position held by the United States government, that continues to pursue a policy of isolation, proxy conflict, sanctions, and occupation of Syrian territory. The next natural step is for a long awaited normalization deal between Syria and neighboring Turkey, which will have seismic implications that we will get into further down in this article.
The most staunch regional opponent of the Syrian government has been the government of Qatar, which has been the only Arab nation to vocalize its opposition to normalizing the Damascus government, wanting a comprehensive peace deal first. However, despite Doha announcing that its position has not changed, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman, Majed bin Mohammad al-Ansari, said “Qatar always seeks to support achieving Arab consensus and will not be an obstacle to that,” signalling that it won’t do anything beyond words to counter Syria’s re-integration regionally. This element is important because Qatar was the chief financier of armed militant groups that fought against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) during the war, however, it still does offer support to some of the groups that are isolated to Idlib province, where a safe haven has been created for a number of Al-Qaeda linked groups, the most powerful of which being Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.
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5nights505 · 4 months
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دعس (Daesh), meaning "one who crushes (or tramples down) something underfoot"
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aspiringbelle · 4 months
The world is upside-down. Stoltenberg has been seeking to continue Ukraine's war on the Donbass. Trump (who got mentioned) was more than willing to attack those fighting Daesh, despite a promising early start, and his foreign policy they want to honor him for was designed to protect Israel!
Now, the ones really seeking to end the Ukraine War are the farmers of Europe who have now begun blocking military transfers, and perhaps Mike Johnson, who just sent the House into recess, denying a vote on funding the wars on Donbass and Gaza! They deserve a peace prize far more!
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swldx · 5 months
BBC 0651 29 Dec 2023
11810Khz 0630 29 DEC - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from ASCENSION ISLAND. SINPO = 55233. English, ID@0630 with Newsday preview fb World News headlines read by Chris Berrow. Maine's top election official has ruled that Donald Trump cannot run for president next year in the state, citing a constitutional insurrection clause. Maine now joins Colorado as the two states to ban Mr Trump from the ballot. The decisions increase pressure on the Supreme Court to weigh in. Venezuela has ordered the armed forces to hold military exercises in response to the UK's decision to send a warship to support neighbouring Guyana. An estimated 150,000 Palestinians are being forced to flee areas of central Gaza, the UN has said, as Israeli forces advance on refugee camps there. A US warship on Thursday shot down a drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile in the Red Sea fired by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Argentina’s trade union federation called for a national strike for January 24 to protest the mega-decree President Javier Milei issued last week. The federation, called the General Confederation of Labor (CGT by its Spanish acronym), will also march “massively” to Congress, according to a communiqué released on Thursday. Turkish authorities on Thursday apprehended an Iraqi national suspected of being a member of the Daesh/ISIS terrorist organization, as confirmed by the police. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a red alert for dense fog which blanketed parts of north India, especially Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh, causing travel chaos. Animal rights campaigners are urging Michael Gove to stop the construction of the UK’s first fully on-land salmon farm, claiming the decision to give it planning permission was flawed. @0632 "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Tecsun PL-680. 125kW, beamAz 65°, bearing 103°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 9763KM from transmitter at Ascension Island. Local time: 0030.
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thenewsart · 6 months
Spanish Police Crack Down On Crypto-Based ISIS Funding Operation
Spanish police successfully dismantled a network involved in financing ISIS through crypto transactions, resulting in the arrest of five individuals over the weekend. The operation, part of a two-and-a-half-year investigation, targeted individuals allegedly connected to the terrorist organization known as DAESH or ISIS.  The arrests were made in Valencia (2), Cáceres, Alicante, and Guipúzcoa.…
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totallyhussein-blog · 10 months
By confronting the shadows of the past, AMAR builds for the future
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For Iraqis around the world, the month of August brings back painful memories of 2014 when the Islamic State invaded and occupied large parts of the country’s territory. The month of August is also significant because it marks the anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide.
When news broke of the Yazidi’s fleeing up Mount Sinjar, the international community sprang into action. The US Air Force and the Royal Air Force worked in cooperation with the Iraqi Government, to first drop aid supplies onto the mountain and then opened up a humanitarian corridor so that people could escape back down.
The world heard how female Yazidi’s were being kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery, and men were being indiscriminately murdered by the international terrorist organization known as Daesh. Young boys were also routinely separated from their families and forced to undergo terrorist training in a brutal system known as 'Cubs of the Caliphate'.
Among the first voices to declare the actions of Islamic State a 'Genocide' was the UK’s Baroness Emma Nicholson, who for over 30 years has led the AMAR International Charitable Foundation. AMAR’s work started in Iraq, to support the Marsh Arabs who had been forcibly displaced by then President Saddam Hussain.
As the scale of the genocide by ISIS became apparent, Baroness Nicholson and the AMAR Foundation sprang into action, by first providing material support to those displaced. Looking to the future, AMAR then launched Escaping Darkness in 2015. They recognized that victims of genocide needed assistance in escaping the darkness of Post-traumatic stress disorder.
Nearly a decade after ISIS launched their campaign to eradicate Iraq’s Yazidi community, the AMAR Foundation have provided mental health assistance to over 50.000 members of this ancient community. As part of their wider approach to trauma recovery, AMAR have also been working with hundreds of young Yazidi’s; teaching them to play traditional musical instruments and documenting traditional Yazidi songs.
For the Iraqi community in Britain, these efforts by the AMAR Foundation in Iraq, follow on from a long tradition where music has played a therapeutic role in treating the hidden wounds of war. During the 1990’s, the Iraqi community in Manchester would often hold concerts, where people of all ethnicities and religions would gather to hear the sounds of the Oud.
Numbering at around 20.000 Iraqi’s, the city of Manchester is home to many people who have survived war, persecution, torture and political repression. The actions of ISIS against the Yazidi community spurred Manchester residents to donate to charities like AMAR and even take a more active role by hosting events at the University of Manchester and participating on the city’s annual fun-runs.
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communist-cat-girl · 1 year
Rose Rants About Listening To A Conspiracy Radio Show Because It’s Fun ft. Recent Netflix Show Host Graham Hancock :O!!!
So I’m listening to an old episode of Midnight in the Desert with the presently notorious Graham Hancock and he has this rather interesting understanding of politics that I want to briefly speak on.
If you know Miniminuteman I’m certain you know of Graham Hancock’s Netflix show and the many, many critiques of it, but I think the most important aspect of conspiracy theories is not their legitimacy but rather their political ideology that is being forwarded by it. He speaks on using the internet as a tool for revolution, to bring down the system as it stands that pollutes, that starves, that harms, paraphrasing, “We are infants with even more powerful weapons, we are the most dangerous we have ever been.”
While initially it sounds rather similar to leftist politics; populist revolution in the name of overthrowing the current system ie Capitalism, it’s rather clear that Graham Hancock has no economic issue with society but rather a moral one. He speaks of unlocking our full potential by learning about our past and the many cultural values and technological advancements it had. Now, most people who spout this are neo-Nazis because that is quite literally the conspiracy theory that forwarded the Nazi regime, a totally fictitious cultural myth made by a political party to forward their ideology of Aryan supremacy. To wrap back around, the Nazis also claimed they were National Socialists, so the guise of leftist ideology to forward right-wing thought is hardly new (I would argue the USSR did the very same, putting up the offer of Communism but bringing only Fascism with a new coat of paint).
Now, I don’t think Graham Hancock is a neo-Nazi. I think he’s self-righteous and delusional and certainly the beginning of that pipeline for a lot of youth, but it’s rather clear that he’s a centrist. When asked about what kind of government would be best after the societal revolution he admits to not knowing. When asked about religion he tends to backdown and simply say, “Well scripture can be used as historical evidence,” and so on and so forth. He holds no genuinely political belief that amounts to anything of note, he seems himself and his team as archeologists and nothing more.
It’s rather easy to assume the worst in people, and Graham Hancock is one of the worst, but I would rather assume ignorance rather than maliciousness; but at the end of the day that doesn’t matter, y’know? His neutrality, his centrism only aids the right and only aids reactionaries who see change as dangerous. They would rather morph their worldview to that of Hancock’s (just as Flatearthers have, just as Christians have, just as Nazis have) rather than ever admit that they were *morally* wrong. He’s putting himself forward as an incredible sock-puppet for the kind of radicals he preaches against by not making any stances, by not decrying anything but the total worst of society (the Daesh, for example; although quite notably doesn’t mention any radical Christian or radical Right-Wing organizations), and by courting this right-wing conspiracy ridden audience the types of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan regularly blow.
So yeah, tldr, form this interview with Art Bell I feel like Graham Hancock has gone from disgraced archeologist who just wants someone to take him seriously to the gateway drug a lot of young, disenfranchised, straight, white teens are going to ride into the slippery slope of right-wing extremism and the ever-growing movement of totally rewriting our history rather than revising it with every new discovery; all by what I believe to be an honest accident on his part. And if one day it turns out he’s a raging right-wing fascistic cunt bag ... I won’t be surprised, because he may as well be considered one already.
EDIT 1: Going further through the interview:
He states that he isn’t an archaeologist but rather a journalist. Now this interview was reportedly in 2015 so obviously that tile can have changed; but how strange, right? He is presently spouting his Younger Dryas Civilization theory that he presently posits and yet claims to simply be a journalist? Despite the fact that much of his work is derived from his own observations or his team? Despite the fact that he would go out and perform these investigations, however poorly? I wonder if he would call himself an archaeologist these days ...
Also wow, the total neutrality on ancient aliens or pan-dimensional beings ... and then speaking about it as if it was fact and history and that he could feel those pan-dimensional vibrations firsthand oh my gods. He shows his hand too openly to claim centrism without critique. I also like how he claims, “There’s a death cult at the heart of fundamentalist Islam that hates history ... that if this history was to come out would unwind the edifice of control that mainstream religions represent, I don’t separate Christianity from Islam and Judaism in this sense.” He claims that the enlightenment also separates modern Christians from fundamentalist Christians. He also claims that those who would kill another in the name of their beliefs are True Psychotics, that one isn’t paraphrasing he straight up said that.
Gods, this guy really doesn’t understand what he preaches, who he preaches too, and what they would do with the conspiracies he puts forward ... or he’s intentionally saying like, “But *you* neo-Nazi pseudo-Christian fundamentalists who benefit from the propaganda I’m promoting, you can go out and kill freely and impose your will upon others freely!” But again, that’s, like, assuming maliciousness that I’m not entirely comfortable with; but I do understand that that’s what those people listening to this show will likely *hear*, as if it was an underlying meaning.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if the death cult of the Nazis used ayahuasca to amplify their occult powers.” He compares the dangerous use of the drug by the Nazis to its use during the Human sacrifice rituals of the Aztecs. Feels maybe a bit disingenuous but I’m glad he at least Said something about Nazis; still a problem that he’s basically touting their propaganda for them and even modern neo-Nazis often bash Nazis to appear politically correct so ... doesn’t massively change my mind but makes me lean more towards the, “Self-Righteous Centrist Seducing Right-Wingers For Money,” idea that we are aware many such conspiracy theorists and political pundits do.
He’s also pro-drug use and sees it as a way to combat organized crime rather than allow it to rule over the trade; especially because its use can aid in the awakening of oneself to higher planes. The great irony that he praises the practice of American state’s rights as being the catalyst for such a change and not the grass roots organizations that pushed for its legalization and decriminalization. But that would be admitting that left-wing populism in the states holds genuine weight, influence, and ‘correctness’ in some regards that would alienate his audience.
He’s a UK national so obviously he doesn’t think about things the same way as us, but the comparison of our political culture is still valid, I think. It’s also important because he’s become a rather large figure for the American right to gather around.
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Canada extends its mission against the armed group Islamic State for two years
(Ottawa) Canada is extending a scaled-down version of its military mission in Iraq and the Middle East for two years. Defense Minister Anita Anand announced the extension on Monday afternoon, before the mandate of the mission known as Operation IMPACT expires on Friday. The latest extension comes more than eight years after Canada first deployed troops to the region in October 2014, as Daesh (the…
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