#dotc spoilers
batjoy · 2 months
on thunder rising of dotc rn and i have to say shattered ice is the current fav!
will update as needed
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shummthechumm · 2 years
gray wings only cool moment was the “tell the stars you won line”
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talonpaw · 2 years
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okay yeah you all were right. reading dawn of the clans was worth it. everyone can go home now
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daworriorscats · 1 year
turtle tail death scene is so sad and im crying :|
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cables-and-wires · 2 years
still not finished with dawn of the clans but i think star flower is so funny as a character. shes just so mean but convinces people shes nice by... looking pretty. shows up in clear skys camp and nearly instantly clear sky fully forgets every crime she's ever committed. because shes just very pretty:)
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cheecats · 9 months
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The more u guys inform me of Riverstar's Home, the more horrified I am <3
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exocynraku · 9 months
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shine, night & dart
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stickstone · 11 months
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riverstar’s home excerpt
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bonefall · 9 months
The most disappointing thing about the apparent direction of Riverstar's Home, based on these leaks, is how much it reduces him as a concept... what was fun about him was his mystery. He had connections to One Eye, to a whole other culture, a unique set of skills with his fishing and swimming.
And so far (as of chapter 6, as far as the leaks go), RH has filled in those blanks with the most boring options possible. "Don't worry guys, he's NOT queer at all, here's his exclusively straight love interests!! He didn't even know One Eye before he knew the Tribe cats! And all that stuff about water-- yeah he has NOT actually been here much longer than the Tribe cats, and he spent lots of time in a kittypet home so you don't have to think about all the potential stories he could have had and one of his love interests can teach him almost everything."
Not only does it re-tell events we've already seen, it's slamming shut the door on what could have been, making him less compelling as a character. It's almost vindictively boring, as if they were trying to sand away what would make him stand out as a WC protagonist.
My prediction is that some of the later chapters will have some original content, much like how Onestar's Confession was mostly treading old ground with a few chapters dedicated to Brushpaw and the return to Chelford.
And that's just a shame.
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wc-confessions · 6 months
okay, i'll bite: WHAT is happening in the new warrior cats books and what do you mean ivypool may or may not be going to a zoo?
-mod ashensky
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bonebabbles · 9 months
Context: We're in Blazing Star. Big sickness is ravaging the everything. Everyone comes together to combine the one brain cell they have.
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Remember when River Ripple had lived in the territory for longer than a single year? Remember the continuity where he didn't learn how to swim during Thunder Rising? Remember when he was a wise and mysterious kinda character? I miss those days.
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batjoy · 2 months
people kept telling me dawn of the clans was a good series but i just finished the first battle and it’s just baffling as fuck! Like no one in any power position has had a single rational thought in the entire series so far. i’d just kill cloud sky or whatever the fuck his name is and be done w it. he’s a villain! he’s the villain guys!
folks also told me that once you get his pov he gets a bit better but he’s not at all? he’s just more paranoid and violent than you would have expected in the first place. and you’re telling me that’s the rational for starting clan boundaries? the fact that he’s delusional enough to start a mass killing spree? gag
also the star clan cats coming down and telling everyone it’s they’re fault for starting the battle? bad and wrong
there are like no decent cats except turtle tale and some of tall shadow (maybe i want to like her but she’s frustrating as hell too!)
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
not only did they hetero-ify riverstar, its revealed in his leader ceremony that flutter got hit by a car and died. because god forbid we have a single dotc book without a woman dying for man pain
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talonpaw · 2 years
finished the first battle.
i mostly enjoyed it. i can see why people like dawn of the clans so much. i particularly enjoy the political elements (the girls are fightiiiiiiiing).
i like how each of the founders are flawed individuals. i think i’d like gray wing as a protagonist more if i weren’t presented first with the “uwu wholesome man” image that the fandom likes to project onto him… but his relationship with clear sky is fascinating. speaking of, clear sky as a point of view character is one of the best choices these books have made in a while. he’s an asshole, and i certainly don’t feel for him, but feel like i understand his motivations, which i can’t say for most warriors villains. best warriors antagonist, would be my favorite warriors antagonist if i weren’t a mapleshade shitposter. also thunder! my dear friend thunder! i think i feel about thunder the same way that lionblaze fans feel about lionblaze. Big Paws Boy. love that boy.
i disagree with the notion that it’s the best warriors story ever, though. a lot of people rank this one at the top of their list, but… 😬 at this point, the fandom (at least my corner of the fandom) has acknowledged that warriors has a misogyny problem, as well as an ableism problem. but both of these problems are just absolutely egregious here. i still have three books left to go so maybe it’s important to how the story ends but fridge-ing turtle tail like this pissed me off and the story’s continued treatment of jagged peak as well as the language they use to describe his disability is impossible to defend.
i’ve heard that dawn of the clans suffers a drop in quality after the first three books 😳 so we’ll see what i end up thinking of those…
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cheesepaw · 7 months
thunder spoilers //
starclan being like “sorry we can’t tell you who murdered ur clanmates! We know but we’re going to make u figure it out urself :)” pisses me off so bad like WHY DOES FROSTPAW HAVE TO GO ON A CRAZY JOURNEY TO FIGURE THIS STUFF OUT. JUST HELP HER FOR GODS SAKE…..and then frostpaw complaining to nightheart about how annoying and unhelpful starclan is being like U TELL HER GIRL!!!
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shadowsight-aster · 8 months
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river ripple/riverstar my boy my baby boy. he's so me. and i'm sending him to superhell /j (major riverstar's home spoilers beneath the break !!!!!) (i should not be making this post cause i haven't finished the book but whatever i'm excited)
ok can i blab for a moment firstly: I AM LIVING. FUCKING THRRRRIVING FOR HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH NIGHT. they care about each other so much. night likes to keep him safe and his dreamy nature in check and river likes to expand her horizons and show her that there will always be more to life. they're best friends. they're near complete foils of each other. they're grieving. they're happy. they saved each other's lives and have full faith and trust in their positions. ohhhhhhh im unwell AND THE CHERRY ON TOP IS THAT THEY'RE JUST PLATONIC. ERINS YOU'RE FINALLY FEEDING US THANK THE STARS words cannot describe the primal fear i felt when night talked about her dead mate and kits and river was like: ough like flutter and i...... i nearly screamed i would not have made it if we had ANOTHER straight deputy/leader relationship :tears:
secondly on the topic of relationships: gray wing <3333 we didn't see a LOT more of gray wing but HE'S THERE. AND IT'S JUST AS GAY AS I REMEMBERED. for context ever since i first read dotc way back in 2017, i was the biggest grayripple fan. if they have 1 fan, i'm him. if they have 0 fans, then i'm dead. THEY HAD SOMETHING GOING IN THE MAIN SERIES!!! im not out of my mind i swear like. bro you saved him from a fire and then you took him to your island so he could learn to move on past his grief and wanted him to STAY WITH YOU? AND WHEN YOU DIED FOR THE FIRST TIME *HE WAS THERE?* AND NOT YOUR LIKE...CRUSH FROM THE PARK?? idk man...that's fruity. that's real fruity. they're so cute to me i love them with my whole heart and soul and i WILL talk about them more (in a separate post cause this is getting really long)
thirdly: arc. oh sayyyyyy can you seeeeeee /affectionate that is his dad. that....that is his dad. you can't tell me otherwise THE FACT RIVER DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE HIM OR LET HIM GO BACK ALONE...and--backtracking a little--the part where he forgets if arc's eyes are yellow or green cause he's lived so long by the other colonies............heart broke n the way arc gently nags him about meditating and is more than proud of river when he shows that he never forgot what arc taught him. just punch me in the throat at this point cant remember how to say your name / let alone count all the freckles on your face coded. will elaborate later on oh also minor thing but i like to hc that arc only has three legs. he's cool like that ok sorry that's a fuck lot of words but i had a lot on my mind
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