#dont want to tell my students 'sorry the slides suck i had to lay on the floor for 20min instead of making them look nice'
doctapuella · 2 years
I have once again forgotten to eat before taking my medicine and am now lying on my office floor
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — student! jay x tutor! reader
: genre — fluff, crack 
: song recc. — L’amour by Miel De Montagne 
: a/n — this lowkey sucks but I've been wanting to get work out so I'm sorry if this isn't the best :(( also I'm still learning french so if some of it is wrong pls lmk so i can fix it!! 
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Jay was your school’s resident bad boy. blond hair, all-black outfits, cuts class and yells at kids that look his way. you know? the usual. You on the other hand were the complete opposite. straight-A student. A quiet kid who didn’t dare look the ways of Jay Park and his Clique™. So imagine the shock that was felt when the boy you avoided at all costs, walks up to you in the middle of the cafeteria asking for French lessons. 
“You want me to do what?” He rolls his eyes, tired of this conversation already. 
“Can you not hear? I’m failing French and I need to pass or else my parents won’t let me move to France.” He speaks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And you’re asking me why?” He rolls his eyes again for what felt like the 100th time. You’re just confused about how he even knows of your existence.
“Listen, all I know that you’re in my French class and that you pay attention, I’ll even pay you I just need to get my mark up.” You perk up to the sound of money. You don’t really need but it’s still nice to have some. Doing this will get you good Karma right? 
“Fine. Meet me at the library every Monday and Wednesday after class, got it?” Jay stares at you with annoyance. He really does not want to be wasting his senior year on stupid lessons but, here we are. He reluctantly agrees and watches you walk away, struggling to hold your books in your arms. He turns around and lets out a deep sigh, wondering if the hot chicks and fancy baguettes in France are really worth this
Minutes turned into hours as you waited for Jay to show up. You waited patiently for hours just for this kid to not show up. Annoyed, you start to pack up your books. You don’t know why you’d think someone like Jay would actually show up to a voluntary tutor session. You were just about to make your way out of the library when you see someone running towards you almost like the flash. As the figure got closer to your still body, you realize it was Jay. Now, bent over in front of you gasping for air with his tongue out like a dog. You stared at his limped-over figure with confusion and slight disgust. 
“s-s-sorry i was… late, i f-forgot about… this.” he manages to speak out with the little air he has in him. He stands up and evens out his breath. 
“what makes you think i’m gonna tutor you now? you wasted my time Park, i have a life too you know.” you snap at him. He stares at you for a brief second before letting out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and slapping his leg. He sees your serious expression, your eyes glaring at him like an eagle and awkwardly stops laughing. 
“Look, i’m paying you and this is only gonna last for a little while. i just need to pass, that’s it.” His eyes shine with a hopeful gleam, a look that is extremely rare to see from Jay Park. He looked a little cute. You dramatically sigh and start walking into the library, Jay following behind you. 
You settle at the table you sat at prior, re-opening your book bag to pull out your notes. He just watches you do that, not making an effort to even bring out a pencil. 
“Okay, so how much french do you even know?” 
He stares into space, a little hesitant to continue. “Um, i can ask if i can go to the bathroom?” You stare at him with disbelief. You’ve been in this class with him for months and that’s all he knows. 
“Oh and i can say good morning!” you let out a loud groan that catches the attention of others around, causing them to loudly shush at you. Feeling annoyed again, you contemplate if the money was really worth it. You sigh out and start looking for your notes from the beginning of the semester. This was gonna take a LONG time. 
“... and that’s how you conjugate verbs in the past tense, aka passé composé!” You finish off the session with joy. Jay on the other hand has gone completely blank, not remembering a single word you just told him. He stares down at his notes, then at you, then back down at his notes. You can see the struggle on his face and he hasn’t said a word yet. 
“I’m never gonna pass french. This is it. I can kiss France goodbye.” he claims with despair. This already too hard for him and he barely has learned anything. He sets his head on the table and mumbles to himself about how he will never be happy if he doesn’t live his youthful 20’s in France. You sat across from him irritated with his discouraging behaviour and a little sad that you weren’t able to teach him well. Until you come up with a plan that might help him improve much quicker.  
“What if… we hang out this weekend? We can do something and we’ll only speak in French! Of course I’ll help you and all that. But like, maybe? Only if you want to of course you probably don’t wanna spend your weekend with me i dont know you know its just a plan.” you ramble on and on without stopping and Jay simply just watches you. He smirks a little before nodding. 
“How about you put your number in my phone and then I’ll text you when I’m free hm?” he slides his phone across the table towards you and eyes you typing it in. He catches a glimpse of your rose-coloured cheeks and smirks a little more. 
“Okay, uh there’s my number! Just um, text me you know, when you’re free!” you manage to stutter out. Jay just nods at you and again, watches you walk away. This time a slight smile across his face. 
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A sudden notification pulls you away from your thoughts. An unknown number that you had a feeling belonged to a particular boy you didn’t think would actually text you. 
042-002-1130: bonjour 
042-002-1130: was that even right
042-002-1130: anyways I’m free on saturday if you wanna hang ig 
042-002-1130: samedi is saturday right 
042-002-1130: it is wow im such a genius 
You let out a snort at his cocky behaviour and reply back, letting him know that you were free yourself and to meet you at the school grounds at 2 pm. 
Saturday shows up as you wait outside the school gates, a picnic basket in hand. An all-black car with dark tinted windows zooms up to you. The window is pulled down and alas, the handsome boy sits in the driver’s seat, ushering you to get into the car with his hand. 
“Woah a picnic basket? Listen y/n you’re cool and all but this isn’t a date,” he speaks and notices you roll your eyes. A smug smile tugging his lips. 
“No you asshole, I have a plan with this.” 
“Tell me,” Jay begins to drive away from the school. The destination is unknown to you but extremely familiar to the boy next to you. 
“In here there is a bunch of food, in order for you to eat, you’re gonna have to say the name of the food in french.” He turns his head to see you looking back at him, a sweet smile places on your face. Jay has always known of you. You sat in the back of the classroom, handed in all your work on time and never skipped a class. You had very few friends and always seemed to be lost in a dream world when you weren’t working. Jay had never been able to speak to you personally as you always avoided him but know he has the chance to actually talk to you, and he doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
The car stopped at the edge of a giant grassy field. The greenery going miles ahead. Trees surrounding the two of you. Jay like a gentleman runs out of the car to open the door for you. You blush at his actions, thanking him silently by smiling at him. 
He directs you to a small spot under a tree. You lay out a blanket for you to sit on while Jay leans up against the tree. You tell him to sit down next to you as you bring out all the little snacks to share with him. He thinks that he could get used to this. 
“D’accord, commençons! Qu'est-ce que ç'est?” (okay, lets start! What is this?) 
You pick up a grape. He thinks for a little bit before answering. “Un raisin.” (a grape) You clap with glee and hand him over the grape. A silence falls between you both, unaware of how to keep going. He picks up a strawberry and brings it to your face. “Tu aime les fraises?” (do you like strawberries?) You eye him for a second, for someone who said he only knows how to ask how to go the bathroom in french, he knows quite a bit. You nod a little, opening your mouth and letting him feed you the sweet fruit. Your face matches the colour of the strawberry and he giggles. You pull out a sandwich and ask him to describe what’s in it. 
“Dans le sandwich, il y a du jambon, du beurre, et de la tomate.” (in the sandwich there is some ham, some butter, and some tomato.) He speaks confidently. 
“Trés bien Jay! Tu es bon en parler francias!” (very good Jay! You are really good at speaking French!) 
“Merci, mon Cheri.” (Thank you, my dear.) you blush even more before and shy away from Jay’s gaze. Jay being the very bold guy that he is, placing his hand underneath your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes. You both just stare at each other as the sun sets behind you. Was Jay always this beautiful? His eyes scan over your face seeking for any discomfort, none is to be found. So he makes the move and starts to lean in. You already have your eyes closed and lips puckered out, ready to embrace a feeling you’ve never felt before.
His breath fans over your lips and just before he kisses you he asks “je peux t’embrasser? (can I kiss you?) you eagerly nod and whisper out “embrasse-moi.” (kiss me.) Jay finally places his lips on yours and everything feels right. Your hands find their way to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. You stay in this position with him for a little while before you pull back for air. Both his hands cradle your face, his thumb rubbing across the apples of your cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn y’know?” Jay breaks the silence. You laugh out loud, falling into his lap. 
“Same time next week then yeah?” He lets out a ‘hmm’ and watches you rest your head against his thigh, playing with the ends of your hair. ‘Maybe France could wait a little’ he thought. 
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Farm In The Middle Of Nowhere
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(oh hello and welcome to this smutty af fic with bby ben sksksk FIRST OFF every single person in this fic is 18, i dont write no smut about minors yall EW so just needed that to be very clear lol ALSO joe and lucy are in this fic so i wrote everyone as the same age, i needed some best friend material okay, i hope u all like it and i hope i didnt butcher it lmao ily)
Word Count: 4,815
Summer vacation was over and the beginning of senior year was just starting. Nerves were all over the place as everyone made their way into the busy school, in search of their new designated classes. You had stepped into the building and looked around as teachers guided people in the right direction for where they need to go. 
You take in a deep breath and glance down at your schedule sheet. Your first hour was math. You groan to yourself and begin making your way to room 303. You disliked math so much and were not excited that it would be your first class in the morning. You were groggy and tired and were not ready to work with numbers and formulas. Math being your first hour class wasn’t even the worst thing. You were a brand new student and for your senior year. You missed your friends back home and despised being here. Everyone here already had old friends and their cliques picked out, you didn’t fit in at all. You were nervous and just wanted the year to go by fast.
You make your way to your classroom and silently praise yourself for not having to ask for help. You notice the door’s open so you walk inside. Students have filled the room as some stand up and talk, while others are sat. A seat in the very back corner of the room is available and you can’t help but thank the gods. You make your way back there and hurriedly claim the seat. You notice a few students staring at you, so you look away and grab your notebook from your bag. You sit there quietly when you notice someone walk up and stand next to the desk beside you. They lean forward and look at you. You look over to notice a tall guy with jet black hair smiling at you.
“You’re new.” he says.
You raise a brow and slowly nod.
“Looks like it.”
He half laughs and looks you up and down, raking his eyes over your body. You cursed at yourself for wearing the tightest pair of jeans you own.
“Ya know, I actually might think you’re hotter than Mackenzie.” he silently says.
Your eyes open wide a bit as you watch him dumb founded.
“I’m sorry?” you ask, not understanding.
“Mackenzie. She’s the hottest girl in school, but I think you have her beat.” he says smirking.
“So what does that make you?” you ask sarcastically.  
The guy’s face drops as you look at him with your brow raised, waiting for an answer. You then hear somebody laugh in the distance.
“Yeah, Mark. What does that make you?”
You look over and a guy with dirty blonde hair and the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen was walking up to you two. Your heart almost stopped as he looks to you quickly and smiles a bit. Were people your age even allowed to be that gorgeous?
“Oh, piss off.” says Mark, embarrassed as he looks at you once more and walks away.
You roll your eyes and look back at the notebook in front of you. The blonde man sits in the empty desk next to you and you can feel his eyes on you.
“New schools always suck on the first day.” he says to you.
You look over to him quickly and your face burns as he looks at you. You smile and nod.
“Yeah. Being the new kid is always so fun.” you say, causing him to laugh.
“I’m Ben.” he says, still smiling.
You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and smile back.
“Y/n.” you reply.
Ben leans back in his seat, still watching you. The teacher makes her way into the class and tells everyone to take their seat. It quiets down as the teacher begins speaking about herself and how the year would go. Ben looks to you and rolls his eyes, making you laugh.
“Is something funny you two?” asks the teacher, looking at Ben and you.
Your face goes red as you shake your head and fight back a smirk. Ben just smiles his big grin and shakes his head.
“No, ma’am. Just talking about how beautiful you look today.”
You look to him fast and can’t help but admire how good he is at being charming. The teacher just laughs and shakes her head as she continues speaking. Ben looks to you and winks. He takes out a piece of paper and begins writing on it. He quickly slides it over on your desk and you look over at him fast. You unfold the piece of paper and begin reading.
I can tell tell we’ll be good friends x -B
You smile to yourself and begin writing back.
I hope so - Y
You slide it back to Ben and he reads it. He smiles and looks back to you. That was the beginning of the note passing.
3 Months Later
“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as attractive as she is.” says Ben to his best friend Joe.
“Have you even talked to her?” he asks.
They’re at Ben’s house in his bedroom as they talk about you.
“All the time! We have first hour together. Math is officially my favorite subject because of her. But when it’s over, I literally can’t stop thinking about her. It’s… I don’t know.” he trails off.
Joe laughs and shakes his head as he stands up and grabs his bag.
“You have a crush on her, dude. You should tell her.”
He walks to Ben’s bedroom door and opens it up.
“Yeah, because it’s that easy!” says Ben.
Joe shrugs his shoulders.
“If you stopped making it so hard, it could be. I’ll see you later, okay?” he says as he walks from his room.
Ben is still laying on his bed as his mind races back to you. He thinks about your hair, your cute nose, the way you smile, your eyes. He tenses his jaw and starts thinking about the curve of your hips, the outline of your butt in your jeans, the view he gets when you lean over and your shirt pulls down a bit. Ben bites his lip as he feels himself get excruciatingly hard. He slowly brings his hand down to palm himself over his pants. His breath gets hitched as he presses down hard. Ben’s eyes open up as he remembers he’s home alone right now. He quickly unzips his pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers. 
His hard length springs free and it’s already dripping with precum. He wraps his hand around himself and his head falls back against his pillow. His eyes close once more as he groans out loudly. He slowly pumps himself as he thinks about you. He thinks about your lips on his. He thinks about his hands all over your body and squeezing. He thinks about you undressing for him and he wonders how sweet you would taste. He pumps himself even faster as his legs shake. He thinks about your lips wrapped around him with his hands in your hair. He then thinks about how amazing you would feel as he rams into you repeatedly. That does it for him. Ben pumps faster and faster as he whimpers loudly.
“Y/n,” he whispers out your name. “Oh, fuck, y/n…”
His mouth opens wide as he begins to see white. His cock twitches in his hand as he bucks his hips forward. He cries out as his body jerks and warmth spurts out of him, covering his stomach. He pumps even faster as he moans and feels ecstasy wash over him. He pumps once more and he’s finished. He breathes heavily as he looks down and realizes the mess he’s made, all thanks to you.
2 Months Later
Your relationship with your new best friend Ben was five months in the making. He was the only guy in school who didn’t try to get into your pants, although something in the back of your mind was hoping he sort of would. Ben was well liked in school and some would say he’s popular. You agree. He was always getting in trouble for smoking on school property with his friends and for getting into fights with idiots like Mark. He had, you could say, a reputation and nobody wanted to be on his bad side.
The two of you spend all of first hour and lunch laughing together and talking, but one morning the conversation took a different turn. You two had been passing notes and talking about how two popular students, Jesse and Erica, were caught by their parents in her bedroom.
The fact they’d choose a place in their HOUSE to get it on is sad and weird - Y
Ben reads the note and coughs to cover up a laugh.
Yeah, I’d want a place where I know no one would come barging in lmao - B
You read the note and laugh to yourself. You weren’t sure why, but a sort of confidence washed over you and you wrote something down quickly. Your heart was beating fast as he opens it and reads. His face drops for a moment, then a sly smile forms.
Have you ever… Ya know… - Y
Ben writes something and slips it back over to you.
Of course I have. - B
He lied. He doesn’t know why he lied exactly. He guesses it’s because he wasn’t sure if you had or not, and he didn’t want to look dumb to you, so he said yes. This time, his heart was racing as you read it. Your stomach falls when you read it. You had never had sex, so you were now intimidated. He’s slept with someone, you think to yourself. Of course he has, look at him. He’s a pro, you think once more. You glance over to him then back at the paper. You’re not entirely sure what to write.
Lucky girls. - Y
You think so?? - B
I do. I’m not as experienced… Maybe you could, I don’t know… Teach me? - Y
Ben reads the note and his eyes go wide. He looks over to you and his pants slightly tighten as you watch him and smile. He smiles back and grins as writes back. This was like a dream come true for him. All of those nights where he touched himself with your face in his mind, might actually become reality.
As long as it’s not in any of our houses. - B
You laugh when you read the note, knowing what he was referring to. The teacher asks who’s talking and the two of you go quiet and look forward, fighting back smirks. She looks away and you hurriedly write.
My family owns a farm in the middle of nowhere. Tomorrow at 8? I’ll say I’m staying with Lucy. - Y
Ben shifts in his seat and silently prays that no one can see how hard he’s getting. He clears his throat and writes back once more.
8 sounds perfect. Just text me the address. Can’t wait - B
You look to him and smile as you look down at your notebook and try to concentrate on your work, which was difficult to do now.
“You and Ben!?” asks Lucy as she sits on your bed crisscrossed.
It was the next day and you were nervously walking around and trying to figure out what to wear. You run your hand through your hair and exhale.
“I like him so much, Luc!” you say.
She smiles and nods as you look through your closet.
“What’s not to like about him? He’s a sweetheart, always does the right thing, super fit…”
You turn around and you both laugh loudly.
“I just can’t believe I’m gonna….” you trail off, thinking about it. “And remember, I’m supposedly staying with you, okay?”
She nods her head in agreement.
“Have you told him you haven’t done it before?” she asks.
You slowly shake your head.
“I didn’t say I was a virgin directly, I just said I wasn’t as experienced.”
“You and y/n!?” asks Joe as he hangs upside down on Ben’s bed.
Ben was walking around his room and trying to find his favorite jacket to wear. He was meeting you in a few hours and he has never been this nervous in his whole life.
“Yeah me and y/n! You know how much I like her.” he says, looking around some more.
Ben finally finds it and smiles. He shrugs it on and looks at himself in the mirror.
“Has she done it before?” asks Joe, curious.
Ben looks to him and furrows his brows a bit as he thinks.
“She never said she didn’t. She just said she wasn’t as experienced. I take that as maybe she has.”
Joe sits up all the way and nods.
“And you told her?”
Ben freezes and his face looks guilty.
“Ben, you didn’t…” says Joe.
“I panicked, alright!? I told her I’d done it before, because I’d be so embarrassed if she has and I… haven’t.”
“Oh, dude,” starts Joe, shaking his head. “You gotta tell her.”
“You have to tell him!” says Lucy loud.
You bite your lip and exhale loudly. You finally picked out a flowy sundress and settled on it.
“I’m so intimidated by him. He has experience in all of it and the only thing I’ve done is make out with a boy freshman year. I will eventually.” you say.
You look into your mirror and fix your lip gloss. You take in a deep breath and turn back to Lucy.
“I’m ready.”
It was nearing 8 pm and you were insanely nervous, you felt like you could puke. Ben kept rubbing his hands over his pants due to him being a sweaty mess. He keeps taking deep breaths as he drives out to the address you gave him. You arrive to the farmhouse first and step out of your car. You smile at the familiar scenery and walk up the porch and to the screened door. You unlock it quickly and make your way inside. The furniture was very minimal as were decorations. All that there was in the living room was a couch and a table. Your parents were still trying to remodel the home, so furniture wasn’t a big deal. You just thanked them for leaving the king size bed upstairs. You check outside and see if Ben had made it yet, but he didn’t. You rush to the bedroom and fling off the old sheets and comforters. You slide on new, clean ones and hide the dusty ones. You wipe your hands off when you hear a car door close.
Butterflies immediately take over your stomach as you rush downstairs. You open the screen door and stand there as Ben reaches the porches steps. He looks up and spots you, his face turning pink as he looks you up and down. You looked so beautiful to him in that dress. He smiles and walks up to you.
“Hi.” he whispers.
You can’t help but grin back.
He looks you up and down as you turn around and walk back inside. Ben looks around and admires the beautiful, old building.
“Wow,” he says.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” you ask, looking around with him.
Ben looks to you and watches as your eyes dance over the walls, as if you’ve never seen it before. He takes a step forward and you look to him quickly.
He looks at your lips then to your eyes. He opens his mouth to say something as you stand there and wait, but it never comes. Instead, Ben gives up and cups your face as he harshly kisses you. You’re surprised by his sudden actions, but you melt into him immediately. His tongue darts in your mouth and the feeling is still odd to you, but you love it. You mimic him and kiss him back faster. He breaks away and glances down at your chest for a split second. You nervously watch him and swallow hard as you slowly remove a strap from your shoulder. Ben watches with wide eyes as you remove the other strap and allow your dress to fall over your breasts. Ben stares at them in amazement as you smile.
“You can touch them.” you whisper.
He looks to you fast as he slowly reaches his hand out to you. He hovers it over one, but doesn’t place it down. You wait for a second before grabbing his hand bringing it to you. Ben instantly squeezed, which causes you to moan. He watches you fascinated as he massages you, then brings his other hand in to do the same. Your head falls back a bit as your eyes flutter. Ben was already painfully hard.
“Fuck,” he whispers to himself.
He leans back in and kisses you once more. You bring your hands up to his hair and gently tug, causing his mouth to open even wider.
“Take me upstairs.” you whisper against him.
He freezes and stares into your eyes. You both smile as he grabs your hand and rushes up to the top bedroom with you. He looks at the bed and then to you.
“Can I take your dress all the way off?” he asks.
You nod and step even closer to him. Ben leans forward and wraps his arm around you as he slowly unzips. The dress pools at your feet as Ben takes a step back and admires you. Your face was hot and you had to fight the urge to cover yourself up.
“You’re so beautiful.” he says.
You watch him and your heart flutters. You blush and look away as you smile. You walk up to him and then around as you crawl onto the bed. Ben follows behind you as you lay on your back and look up at him innocently. He bites his lip at the sight before him. He’s never touched a women in the way he’s about to touch you. He then slips his own shirt off and tugs down his pants fast, leaving him in only his underwear. You squeeze your legs together as you stare at him. He was so gorgeous. You could feel yourself throbbing and now soaked as you provided yourself with some friction.
“Are you okay?” he asks, making sure.
You nod fast and smile.
“I’m okay.”
“You sure?” he asks.
You laugh and nod.
“I’m sure. Now get on the bloody bed with me or I’ll start without you.” you purr.
His eyes open wide a bit as he hurriedly crawls in between your legs. He stares at your heat as his eyes flutter up to you.
“Can I touch you?” he whispers.
You bite your lip and nod.
“Please.” you whisper back.
Ben smiles as he slowly drags his finger up and down your clothed heat. He had watched enough videos to know how to do this part well. You had never felt anything like this before. Your eyes close as he pushes down even harder. You’ve never been this turned on in your life. Ben then slips his fingers around your panties band and slowly pull them down your legs. You were so nervous and almost embarrassed being this exposed to him. You looked at him scared and he realizes it. He tosses your underwear on the floor and sits up on his knees.
“It’s okay.” he says.
He slowly slides down his boxers, releasing his aching length. Your eyes open wide as you realize just how big he is. Now you were even more scared at how bad it would hurt for your first time. Your breathing gets a bit faster as you two smile at each other. He had been so scared that you wouldn’t think he was big enough, so that made him happy. He was trying to make you feel as comfortable as he can. He gets back down and kisses your inner thigh, making you squirm. He doesn’t wait any longer as he dips his tongue into your folds and licks you up. You moan out as your head digs into the pillow. Pleasure rips through you and you didn’t realize exactly what you were missing all this time. Ben brings his tongue to your swollen nub and quickly rubs tiny circles around it. Your leg begins shaking as his finger makes its way to your entrance. He freezes and you look down at him.
“Can I-” he goes to ask.
“God, yes, please. You don’t even have to ask. Do whatever.”
Ben’s length twitches as you tell him that. He dips back down and slowly slides in a finger. You squeeze your eyes shut as a tiny bit of pain makes you wince. It’s soon gone as he begins pumping even faster. His tongue keeps working on your clit as he adds another finger. Ben hopes he wasn’t doing a sloppy job. He wanted to make you feel as good as he can. When you moan out loudly and smile, he realizes he’s doing just that.
“Oh my god…” you say. “Ben, that feels so good.”
Ben hums against you, which makes you jump. He pumps his fingers into you fast and then stops. He slips them out of you and feels your slickness all over his fingers. You open your eyes and watch as he holds his fingers up for you to look at. You smirk to him and call him over to you.
“C’mere.” you purr.
He slides up on top of you slowly. You grab his two fingers that were just inside of you and slide them into your mouth. His eyes open wide as you suck on them and twirl your tongue around. Your eyes never leave his as you pull them from your mouth with a loud pop.
“Fuck…” groans Ben.
“Do you want me to...” you ask, looking down at his already dripping length.
He smiles and leans forward to kiss you.
“Trust me, I might explode if you do that.” he teases, causing you to giggle. “Wait,” he says as he reaches over the bed and grabs his pants.
He slips a condom out of his pocket and holds it up for you to see. You smile and nod as he leans back and slowly slides the thin material over himself. He sighs as he finishes and looks back to you. He crawls between your legs once more and slides a finger up your folds, making sure you’re still wet. You are. He smiles down at you as he lines himself up to your entrance. Your face goes serious as you grip his shoulders hard. You needed to tell him everything.
“Ben,” you go to say, but he interrupts you.
“I’m a virgin.” he says fast.
You freeze and just stare at him. He looks so embarrassed and ashamed as he confesses to you.
“I lied. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did. I was just nervous that you would see me differently since you’re not one and-”
“Ben, I’m a virgin too.” you interrupt, cupping his face.
He looks down at you shocked and shakes his head.
“I just assumed-”
“I know. I should’ve told you too. I was intimidated after you said you weren’t one and I didn’t want to look stupid to you. I just wanted to be good.”
You look away, not able to look in his eyes. He smiles and kisses your neck gently.
“Figure it out together?” he asks, holding up his pinky.
You stare at it and smile wide at him. You bring your pinky up and wrap it around his.
Ben nuzzles his head into your neck as you wrap your arms and legs around him. You can feel his tip pressed against your core and you were nervous.
“You ready?” he asks, his lips brushing against your neck.
You close your eyes and nod fast.
Ben slowly and gently brings his hips forward and begins to enter you. Your eyes squeeze shut as you whine out in pain. It hurt as he stretched your walls wide.
“You okay?” he asks worried.
You nod your head and groan.
“Keep going.” you tell him.
He moves even more and eventually bottoms out in you. He’s still for a long time as you get used to him. The pain is still there, but isn’t as bad.
“If I move I bet it’ll feel better.” he whispers in your ear.
He slowly pulls himself out of you as he groans loudly. This is much better than his hand.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” he says as he slips from you and slides back in easier.
You jump at the contact and pull at his hair. Suddenly, the pain subsides and pleasure starts to form.
“Thought about this every night when I touched myself.” he grunts as he picks up his speed.
Your legs were already starting to shake as he leans away to look at you. He admires your blissed out features as he closes his eyes and thrusts in deep. You call out loudly in a pornographic tone and Ben twitches inside of you.
“I wanna be on top.” you say quietly.
Ben’s eyes look at yours and you look excited, pupils large. He smiles and nods as he slides out of you, making you both groan. He flips on his back as you stand on your knees and look at him. You have never done this before and you weren't even sure what to do. Ben holds a hand out for you to take.
“Straddle me first.” he says, trying to help guide you.
You nod and swing your leg around him and stare down at his face. This felt so weird as you moved around to get comfortable. Your core was aching so bad to have him fill you back up. Ben’s hand went to his length and pumped a few times. You lean forward a bit and move yourself around until his length is back at your entrance.
“Ready?” you ask.
He smiles and brings his hand up to graze it around your throat.
You bite your lip, close your eyes and slowly sink down on him. This time, it was much easier and less painful. You gasp at the fullness as Ben, without thinking, bucks his hips into you. You cry out in pleasure as he apologizes.
“No, no! Do it again.” you say.
He watches you closely as he bucks his hips and this time hits something deep inside of you. You had never felt this before. It was a different kind of pleasure. Like ‘seeing white because it feels so good’ kind of pleasure. Your head falls back as your hands lean against his chest for support. Ben continues to thrust into you as you work yourself against him at the same time. He feels how close he is already, so he brings his finger to your clit and begins rubbing. Your mouth falls open as your eyes roll in the back of your head.
“Ben!” you cry out as he rubs hard and fast, making your head spin. 
The mixture of him inside of you and rubbing you was too much. You lean forward and lean your forehead against his shoulder.
“Does that feel good?” he asks.
All you can do is nod.
“Yeah? You like that?”
You fist the bed sheets beside you and cry out.
Ben continues his thrusting and rubbing when all of a sudden he feels his release coming.
“I’m not gonna last.” he says quickly.
You nod your head and murmur a ‘mhm’. You begin to start seeing white as his fingers work on you. Your body was trembling and your breathing was broken up. Ben bucks his hips once more and freezes, deep inside of you. He cries out as his body jerks. The moans coming from his lips had pushed you over the edge. His fingers never left your heat as he kept rubbing. You bite at his shoulder as your stomach tightened and then released. You shook profusely on top of him as you gasped. Ben was catching his breath from his high as he watched you cum all around him. Your body calms down as you collapse on top of him, him still inside you. Your’re breathing hard as you lean away and smile. You were both exhausted.
“How was that for our first time ever?” he asks, teasing you.
You smile wide and nod your head, your eyes now heavy with sleep.
“Amazing. What did you think?”
He cups your face and lowers you down as he kisses you.
“Better than I even imagined.”  
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dirtyahs · 5 years
What Are We? (Tate Langdon x Reader)
This was requested by my pal @stellaholland i luv u so much bby i hope u enjoy :,)
Word Count: 4,814
Warnings: unprotected sex, teasing (sexual and nonsexual), kinda fluffy at the end! (take that lightly, i dont write fluff well lmfao)
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   You stood in front of your closet, continuously searching through the clothes as if something new was going to appear. You pulled a black skater dress off of the hanger and slipped it over your head, looking in your mirror, only half satisfied with the way it looked.    "You're just trying on the same dress in different colors, it's not that hard to pick one." You jumped when you heard a voice behind you, turning around to see none other than Tate. Your family had moved into the house about seven months ago. Both your mother and father were some kind of twisted horror fanatics, so they purchased the house knowing full well you'd be the owners of "Murder House." It was strange to get adjusted to at first, it's like living with ten other people, but only sometimes. Tate made himself visible the most out of everybody.    "How long have you been sitting there? Fuckin' creep." You scoffed, sitting on the edge of your bed to put on a pair of black boots.
"Long enough." He smirked at you, standing up to walk to your desk, flicking through your notebooks.    You saw Tate most often, but frankly, he was the last person you cared to see. He was obnoxious, arrogant, and overall just kind of a douche. You'd come home from school to see him laying in your bed listening to your music. Or you'd wake up in the middle of the night to things falling off of your bookshelf, furniture moving with no one being there. It was always him though. It's like he got off on just screwing with you; so he did. Quite often. Everybody else in the house was decent. Nora was sweet, she just cried a lot. Which was fair given her situation. Chad and Patrick were both okay individually, but when they were together, they were beyond irritating. Just so incredibly passive aggressive - you couldn't imagine being stuck in a house for eternity with someone you wanted to divorce.    You stood up, smoothing out your dress before grabbing your small bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Your parents had decided everyone was going to go out on a nice lunch today.    "Can you get out? I'm leaving." You pushed past him, opening your door and motioning him to walk out. 
"I can never get out, angel." He said, sounding just as conceited as ever, making his way to the door, leaning against the wooden frame. "But I guess I can leave you to your little lunch date with mommy and daddy." He teased you condescendingly. You'd done your best to not let him bother you, but he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
"Thanks for being so kind, Tate." You gave him the sweetest smile you could manage, slamming your bedroom door when the two of you had exited. 
ii.    You'd finally gotten home a few hours later. Your parents were very good at starting conversation with every server you'd ever had. They get talking, and then the server gets talking and it seems to last forever. They do always get some kind of discount or something free for being kind though. Your mom had been a server for a decent part of her life, so she was always extra nice to them.        Telling them you had homework to work on, you made your way upstairs to your room, hearing music coming from behind the door. Just as you suspected, Tate was sprawled out on your bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. You sighed and walked over to your bed, smacking Tate's side.
   "Can you get the fuck out? I have homework to do." You hissed. You definitely weren't going to do homework though. You'd probably end up reading, or watching YouTube or something - but Tate didn't need to know that part. His eyes opened slowly, and you felt like you couldn't look away. He looked angelic (ironically.) His blond curls spread messily around his head, face peaceful, and most importantly, he wasn't talking, which made him look amazing. Without a word, he moved over to one side of the bed, making room for you on the other.
    "Tate, I mean it, get out. I've got shit to do." You tried to sound strong - however, you weren't very threatening.
"Whatever you've got to do, just do it quietly." He mumbled, eyes closing once again. Looks like you weren't going to be getting him out of your room. With that, you grabbed the book you've been reading and took a seat at your desk chair, kicking your boots off and putting your feet up on the desk. Your dress fell just a bit to reveal part of your upper thigh. Within minutes, you heard quiet snoring coming from the boy in your bed, blankets pulled up to his chin now. How he managed to make himself so comfortable in your room remained a mystery. It was his room first, technically though. You looked up from your book to see him snuggled tightly under the dark purple duvet, lips parted just slightly. 
You couldn't take your eyes off of him - he looked so  peaceful and quite beautiful honestly.     No - what the fuck are you thinking? You thought to yourself. You don't like Tate - you haven't since the day you moved into this house. He was rude and condescending and way too overly confident. He might be nice to look at, but that's all he had going for him. You had to shut those thoughts down immediately. You shook your head and picked your book up again, returning to the chapter you were reading. iii.    "Why are you going to school? Wouldn't you rather stay here with me?" Tate teased, leaning against your door frame, blocking you from leaving. He'd been there since you woke up, but he wasn't going to tell you that part. He'd watched you strip out of your pajamas and slide into your hip hugging denim jeans. He enjoyed seeing you - there was something so erotic to him about just watching you go about your normal routine. Not only was it erotic for him, he just liked to watch you. He was fascinated with the way you'd wing your eyeliner, or paint your lips your favorite pink nude. He liked seeing the way you'd quietly sing to yourself in the morning. Most people that moved into that house were terrified of him and everyone else there. You and your family were so different for him. Tate hadn't felt accepted probably ever in his life. Being accepted, and even admired was such a new feeling for him.     
"No, Tate I wouldn't. I need to go to class today." You huffed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and crossing your arms. He had that stupid smirk stuck to his face. Today, it was hard to tell him no. He did this every few days, and you always pushed past him without a second thought. Today, you kind of wanted to stay home with him. But you couldn't. You'd always done well in school, and it was something you took pride in. So you did what you always did and pushed past him, looking over your shoulder to see him watching you walk away. 
"Your ass looks cute in those jeans!" He called, blowing you a kiss oh-so sweetly. Your heart jumped a bit with his words.    You sat in the cold blue plastic chair, resting your head in the palm of your hand as your English professor babbled on about the assigned reading. The assigned reading that Tate wouldn't let you finish. You were sat in your bed, legs crossed at your ankle trying to finish the chapter. You looked up to see none other than your blond haired nuisance. He was wearing torn up black jeans and Doc Martens. You had the same pair. He crawled over the iron swirls of your bed frame, and laid next to you - uninvited. He tried to talk to you about whatever he could - about your book, about your boots, about himself, about how good he thought you looked in a denim mini skirt. His flirting was always sarcastic. At least it seemed that way. No matter how sarcastic he was though, somehow his words always made your heart flutter. No matter how much you tried to suppress it.    "(Y/N)? Can you tell me what happened to our main character in chapter 7?" Your teacher had her arms crossed over her chest, pulling you from your little fantasy - you just zoned out in class thinking about Tate fucking Langdon? Really?   
"I-well Mrs. Sanchez..." You stammered, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, cheeks turned an almost electric red. How the hell did you get so carried off thinking about a boy you thought you couldn't stand? 
 "Please pay attention, all of this is important." She said, clearly unhappy with you. You were one of her favorite students, but she had almost ridiculously high expectations of you. Oh well, you thought, she'd forget about it tomorrow.    You closed your front door behind you. It was about 3 o'clock. Your mom and dad would be at work for another couple of hours. But you were sure you'd walk upstairs to find Tate curled up in your bed for his afternoon nap, just like you found him there every day. He was a bit predictable sometimes. You trudged up the stairs, desperately needing some alone time. You'd found yourself day dreaming about Tate more than once. You'd see something that reminded you of him, and you'd feel your heart jump in your chest. You'd thought about the little freckle on his nose, and the way he'd touch all his fingers to his thumb when he got a little nervous. You'd thought about the one time you walked into the bathroom to see him shirtless standing looking in the mirror. His jeans were unbuttoned and hung low on his hips. His muscular shoulders stiffened a bit when he saw your reflection.
"I-I..." You stuttered, unable to look away. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here." Your cheeks were beet red, voice audibly shaking.     "That's okay," He turned around and took a few steps towards you. "You can walk in on me like this whenever you want. It seems like you're liking what you see." He growled, his hand moved to rest against wall next to your head.    You sighed and threw your bag to the floor, kicking your shoes off quickly. That memory ignited something in you and you couldn't deny the wetness forming between your thighs. Swiftly, you unbuttoned your jeans and slid them down your legs, crawling into your bed. You hooked your phone up to your speaker, playing your "Steamyyyyy" playlist, as if you'd ever been with more than one person before. You ran one finger down your chest, to your stomach, finally reaching your black panties, one finger rubbing light circles over your clothed clit. You let out a throaty sigh, gradually picking up speed. Your eyes were closed, head thrown back onto the black silk of your pillow case. You pushed the fabric to the side, your fingertip finally making skin to skin contact with the little bundle of nerves held between your soaking folds. Your lips remained parted, letting out desperate little whimpers every few seconds. Your free hand gripped at the sheets as your finger worked faster, whimpers eventually turning into loud moans. You hadn't been alone to do this in so long - honestly, you'd forgotten what it felt like. As alone as you felt, you logically knew you were never alone in this house. Tate was sat in your desk chair, a distinct protrusion pressing against his light wash jeans. His jaw hung open as he watched you, in shock over how beautiful you looked.Your mind was running with thoughts of none other than him; you thought about his fingers working you like this, his large hands caressing your skin, his full lips pressing kisses into your neck.     
"Tate..." You gasped, fully immersed in your fantasy, feeling that familiar tighten in your tummy, your fingers moved harder almost instinctively. Tate sat there, quiet. You'd finally rendered him speechless. His name fell from your lips several more times. His hand clapped over his mouth to hide his whimpers as you made his cock twitch against his boxers. Truthfully, he'd fantasized about you more times than he cared to admit. Seeing you like this was just a happy accident. He'd walked into your room with the intention to scare you, throw some stuff off of your shelves to mess with your head. But he stopped outside the door, hearing muffled moans. He opened the door slowly, eyes widening when he saw what you were doing.     Suddenly, the coil inside of you snapped and your legs started shaking. Your jaw hung agape, nails digging into the soft fabric beneath you.     
"Oh- fuck! Tate..." You hissed loudly, guaranteed that someone, somewhere in the house heard you. But, it was just Tate. He now stood at the end of your bed, watching as you soaked your fingers, his hand gently palming himself through his jeans. Once you'd finally ridden out your orgasm, you pulled your fingers from their spot between your legs, sighing deeply, satisfied. Your eyes finally opened and you looked around - still no one. Part of you was surprised Tate wasn't there to make fun of you. It was in that moment that you realized how loudly you'd been saying his name. You literally gotten off to him. He'd invaded your thoughts throughout the day and now he was doing it again in your only alone time. God dammit. You sighed and leaned up in your bed, rubbing your eyes. You couldn't keep playing this game with him - you needed to ask him what the hell his goal was. You needed to see what he felt for you. 
   You stood up and slid back into your jeans from earlier, making your way to your bathroom down the hall. The closer you got, you could hear a voice coming from inside. Your hand met the coolness of the door knob, but you stopped, feeling your knees weaken when you realized what you were hearing. From the other side of the door came strained grunts. Your heart was racing but you couldn't pull away. You pressed your ear against the door, the voice getting louder and louder. 
"(Y/N)," the voice hissed - your suspicions were confirmed, it was Tate. "I-I'm gonna' cum..." He hissed, letting out a loud, relieved moan. Your mind was racing, desperate to see what he looked like in that moment. Moments later, you heard the zipper of his jeans and quicker than you meant to, you began your little run down the hall and down the stairs, no doubt he heard your foot falls. Your heart was going to jump out of your throat, you were sure of it. It was your own fault for thinking you'd ever have any kind of alone time in this house. Tate never left you alone - he saw you. He had to. There was no way that was a coincidence. You opened he fridge, not really looking for anything, just trying to occupy yourself. You jumped when you saw two hands on either side of your head, making contact with the fridge. Speak of the devil.
   "Tate! You-you scared me." Whether he saw you or not, it was clear that something had you frazzled.    
"Can we talk?" His voice sounded deep, gravelly, almost like when he'd just woken up. You finally turned around and looked up at him. His hair was a bit messy, cheeks tinted a pale pink.    
"Yeah, about what?" Your voice shook with your words, hands clasped tightly in front of you. You looked up at him as he pushed his body closer to yours.    
"No need to act like you don't know what you heard." He growled, chest pressed tightly to yours. "And I'm not going to act like I didn't see you soaking your sheets thinking about me."
His dark eyes looked bright. He got some kind of thrill out of embarrassing you. You opened your mouth to say something sarcastic back, but no sound came out. Tate being this close to you was making your heart race, you didn't have the overwhelming urge to shove him away like you normally would.   
"I think," He whispered, lips ghosting yours, "You like when I tease you." He smirked, one hand moving down your side to your hip. "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking about, hm baby girl?" His lips brushing yours forced an unintentional moan from your throat, cheeks flushing almost instantly.    "I-Tate..." You were mesmerized. He had you in the palm of his hand and it excited him. "I wasn't thinking about you." You tried to lie, realizing just how dumb you sounded after the words came out.     
"Oh Tate," He raised his tone to mock you, "Fuck me, Tate." He chuckled down at you. "Nothing to be embarrassed about doll, I know you heard me saying your name just like that too." He gave your hip a firm squeeze. 
"After what, nine months in this house, I think it's time you live your fantasies." 
He held you tightly in his hands, spinning you two around so you were pressed against the edge of the counter top. You had nothing to say. Honestly, you were unbelievably excited. You'd thought about his hands touching your skin, his lips on yours, you've wanted this longer than you cared to admit. Your hand came up to hold one side of his face, taking a fistful of his hair and kissing him - hard. His lips worked against yours perfectly, feeling as if they were made to fit together. He got rougher, not hesitating to take control of you. He pushed you firmly against the cool marble behind your back, lips moving from yours down your jaw and to the soft skin on your neck. His kisses started gentle, but quickly got aggressive, nipping at the skin, leaving purple marks in his wake.
You tugged at the hem of his t-shirt, feeling him smirk against your skin before he pulled back to tug the gray fabric over his head, showing you his slightly toned torso. Your heart rate picked up once again as you looked him up and down. 
   "Your turn, angel." He cooed softly, watching as you followed his actions, tossing your tank top to the side. He smirked at you, using both hands to grope at your exposed chest, pressing possessive kisses to your chest.    
"I've always loved it when you don't wear a bra." He teased you, his playful, mocking tone returning.
"It's much more obvious than you think." He smirked and tweaked one nipple between his pointer finger and thumb, making you whimper from the slightly satisfying jolt of pain. You leaned your head back, allowing your eyes to shut as his tongue replaced his fingers, flicking over your nipple. Your lips were parted, letting out quiet gasps of pleasure. His now free hands moved down your sides and to your jeans, unbuttoning them with ease and sliding them down your thighs. You kicked them aimlessly to the forming pile of clothes on he floor.
His kisses started moving south, trailing them down your breasts, to your stomach, to your hips, finally reaching the thin cotton fabric that was now soaked between your legs. One of his hands came up to lift your leg over his shoulder, his lips pushing a few light kisses against your clothed pussy. You whimpered, desperate for him. You'd never admitted it to yourself, but Tate has always a central theme in your fantasies. He'd force his way into your thoughts without you even realizing it, and after you were done, you'd push it away and pretend like you'd thought about someone else. You didn't want to be attracted to someone as annoying and immature as Tate, but now he had his head between your thighs and you had no intention of stopping it.
   He'd pushed the thin fabric aside, flicking his tongue against your clit just once, to make you moan out in pleasure.         
"Stop teasing me, dick head." You half whimpered, half challenged him. You did want him, so badly, but you couldn't let him see just how wrapped around his finger you really were. With your words he roughly pulled your hips forward, forcing a harsh smack to your ass.    
"I like you much more when you're just moaning my name." He growled, but he listened to you. His lips attached to your clit and he began sucking lightly, not hesitating to push two fingers into your wet heat, making you squeal in pleasure. It'd been a long time since someone else's fingers had penetrated you, and somehow Tate was fucking amazing at it. He curled his fingers perfectly in rhythm with the way his mouth worked your clit. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter top, knees growing weak. You felt that tight heat rising in your tummy, his fingers and tongue getting you so close to release, much quicker than you ever did by yourself.     
"Tate- I'm gonna-" He stood up, smoothly lifting you up onto the counter, keeping your leg slung over his shoulder.    
"You're cumming on my cock." He growled dominantly, his eyes looking dark and almost feral. He kicked his jeans and boxers to the side, completing the pile of your clothes. You couldn't help but watch as he stroked his length a few times before lining it up with your entrance, pushing into you painfully slowly. You looked up at him, taking in his features. His jaw hung open a bit, blond curls hanging in his eyes. He looked as perfect as someone possibly could. Once he bottomed out inside of you, he looked up, beginning to thrust into you, starting slow and picking up gradually. 
   "Fuck-" He hissed through gritted teeth, "You're so fucking tight." His hands rested on the counter on either side of your hips, fingertips turning white from how hard he pressed into the surface. He kept up a steady pace for awhile before you felt his hips stutter - he was close. He brought one hand up and began rubbing fast circles over your clit, making your legs tremble around him.    
"Cum with me, angel." He growled, fingers picking up their pace, your lips barely brushing his as you felt that tightness return. Your jaw hung open now as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. You watched his fingers and hips work in time against you, when all of a sudden you felt him release, covering your walls with his hot cum, forcing the coil in your tummy to snap. You came with him, nails digging into his shoulder, knees feeling weak before it was even over. You watched his face relax once he was finished, chest rising and falling quickly. He looked up at you through his hair, flashing a faint smile. He pulled out of you slowly, pressing a loving kiss into your cheek before bending down to dig through the pile of clothes to find his boxers. He slipped them over his legs, followed by his jeans, but you stayed in your spot on the counter.    "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He looked at you, jeans resting low on his hips.    "You get on my fucking nerves more than anything, and somehow you managed to have me up on this counter for you." You shook your head, blatantly in shock from what just happened. You didn't want it to end though. There was something about seeing Tate so vulnerable, yet so confident that just left you wanting more. He smirked, pulling his shirt over his head and shrugging.    "Neither of us are complaining." He smirked, tossing you your shirt and helping you down from the counter. You pulled your tank top on, opening your mouth to respond when you heard the key turn in the door - your parents were home.    "This isn't over, Langdon." You hissed, grabbing your clothes before rushing up the stairs, accidentally slamming your door much harder than you intended.    A few weeks had passed since your encounter with Tate, and there had been a repeat of those events every few days. You two started to pick up on what the other one liked. Like how you enjoyed having your hair pulled and Tate enjoyed when you'd kiss his neck. He liked having you in control. For someone as confident and douchey he was, he liked having you dirty talking him, being the more dominant one occasionally. And god damn, that boy was always in the mood. You'd feel his hands on your hips when you'd brush your teeth in the morning, or when you were getting ready for bed, he'd kiss down your shoulders the way he knew you loved. But you didn't mind. If he wanted it, you were happy to drop what you were doing and sleep with him. It was a fun little arrangement.    It was late, probably around 2 A.M., Tate was laid next to you, a blanket covering him from the waist down, his arms behind his head. You looked over at him, feeling your heart race a little faster. The more time you spent with Tate, the more you grew to appreciate him. He was funny, and charismatic. He'd make you giggle but then have you bent over your bed in the same minute. You couldn't help but miss the feeling of him when you slept alone in your bed. He was always warm.    You pulled the blanket tighter around your chest as you leaned up on one elbow, looking over at his sleepy face.        "Tate can I ask you something? It's kind of dumb, but I just need to know." You felt nervous all of a sudden. You weren't even exactly sure what you wanted with him. Could you be in a relationship with someone who died in the 90's? Was that even what he wanted? What if he just wanted to be fuck buddies? Is that okay with you? Your brain was jumbled with all these thoughts, interrupted when he looked over at you, skin almost glowing in the dim light.    "What's up?" He looked up at you, his finger drawing lazy circles on his chest. You took a deep breath and visibly shifted, clearly uncomfortable.    "What are we?" You blurted out, cheeks going red immediately. "Because we- we fuck a lot. You're in my room a lot. You never let me be alone, and I just don't want to say something weird, or continue being in the dark I guess." Your voice trailed off before you collapsed down onto your back again, suddenly unable to look at him. He looked over at you though, you couldn't meet his eyes.    "What do you want to be?"    "No, don't put this on me. Answer my question."    He sighed, and you finally looked over at hi,.    "(Y/N)," He started, looking over your chest before looking back into your eyes. "Honestly, this started as sex." Your heart dropped. "But you're right, we have spent a lot of time together. I like being in here with you, regardless of what we're doing." He moved to cup one side of your face.    "I don't want to tie you down, ever. I can't leave this house, and I don't want you to be stuck here with me." You opened your mouth to cut him off, tell him that you were willing to be here with him, for however long he wanted, but he cut you off, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip.    "How about this - you and me continue what we're doing here. We can be boyfriend and girlfriend here, but I won't be mad if you find someone else, out there." His words almost brought tears to your eyes. You hadn't felt cared for like this in so long, and to be here, this vulnerable and intimate made your eyes well up.    "Please just agree. If I could leave this house, I'd ask you to be mine right now, and I'd parade you around for everybody to see. But I can't do that, so we keep doing what we're doing, and see how things progress naturally." He flashed you a close mouthed smile, but it felt genuine nonetheless. One tear fell down your cheek, and you returned his smile.    "That sounds perfect to me. Boyfriend and girlfriend, kind of." You grinned before he pulled you into a kiss, hands wrapping around you to keep you in his arms - and you'd stay there as long as he wanted you to.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
last night I dreamed that I was an archeologist tortoise and I was looking at dozens of “human” skeletons in Buckingham palace that was also my backyard. the skeletons all looked like combo human and turtle because the whole torso looked basically like the first google image result for sea turtle skeleton. then my sister woke me up, giving me a comforter and telling me my mom need help with some things.  cleaned up around the living room and did some laundry and boiled some eggs and made meatloaf and swept the floor. the meatloaf turned out surprisingly good, idk what I did differently. I evemtually went back to my room and tried to remember what I wanted to do today. last night as I was falling asleep I told myself that I was gonna clear off my desk so I could finally use it, so I moved some stuff around and set up my laptop. I havent been able to sit at a real actual desk in SO LONG and its SO NICE to have just like a space where I can sit down and work and have a chair that will support my back instead of sitting cross legged on my bed or laying down while doing stuff on my laptop. it almost makes me feel productive even I'm just playing the sims. I feel especially cool when im just typing out whatever bullshit because it makes me feel like im at an office job typing up ~important documents~ :) idk man I think quarantine has changed me lmao. if im getting this many emotions from just being able to sit down at a desk and do ANYTHING idk how im gonna handle collage. I keep calling whetever im doing (playing the sims, scrolling through Tumblr, typing up this summary of the day) work because it just. feels nice sitting at a desk and typing. even if it’s dumb bullshit!! idk how to describe it I just feel amazing. it makes me feel like im writing a paper with all the horrible parts like research and thinking. the sound of typing on my MacBook makes me feel like im in school again, but without the horrible stressful parts. idk mn I know I've been going on about this desk and stuff for too long and im gonna hate it if I eventually read back through these daily logs but I just feel so nice. ill change topics anyway. I hung up my calendar again! I literally didn't have any open wall space aside from maybe the wall behind my bed but why the hell would I put a calendar where I can't see it. instead its kind of hanging above my closet. I pinned it to the wooden board in the “doorway” (idk what other word to use) where there would normally be sliding doors that open and shut if they hadn't been taken off YEARS ago. I also played a lot of the sims 4, juggling aspirations for 5 sims. I quit because I got frustrated that all my sims are dumb and the ai Is buggy and doesn't let me do what I want them to do. I also plopped in a house on my family’s old lot and spent some time adjusting the colors and the trees and adding those paper craft cieling things that can either have stars or leaves or snowflakes that came in the free winter holiday stuff pack and holy shit as soon as I found those I think they became my new favorite decoration item. I threw them everywhere but eventually took down most of them, leaving some leaf ones in the bedroom. I was gonna move in a family of a bunch of young adults and children to help with the first kid’s serial romantic aspiration and one of the twin’s social butterfly aspiration, but I ended up not doing that in favor of just decorating more and playing with the family some more. one thing I realized while playing is that there are fucking MICE in my CIELING. well not really in the cieling, in the attic, but I can hear them chewing on shit and its sucks. I would turn on a fan to drown out the noise but my room is fucking FREEZING. I threw the blanket back over my window hoping that it would keep heat from escaping but I don't think that really did anything. so after freezing my ass off I got fed up and put on fluffy socks under normal socks, wore my owl onesie as pants over my shorts, put on my comfy (oversized hoodie), and threw a fluffy blanket over my shoulders. thankfully I was pretty cozy after that, but as I type this after taking off the cosy and blanket, I can feel my toes getting cold again. damnit. ANYWAY after quitting the sims for the night I ate some salad and got a heart shaped crouton :) and I scrolled through Tumblr for a bit. then I decided to finally work on the paws my friend wanted. but I couldn't find the pattern so I instead worked on the brown paws instead. I could only work on them so much, since I still have to finish the lining before I can do much else. I attached the backs of the fingers to the back of the hand. I didnt get much down but what matters is that I did SOMETHING. I'm gonna keep an eye out for that pattern that I need, and if I cant find it, I'll just make a new pattern. tbh I think thad’s be the better way to go anyway since I wouldn't have to figure out how the fuck the old one goes together and I can also have a pattern that perfectly fits the foam underneath. also tbh i have mixed feeling about the white paws my friend wants. I like how dextrous they are and how easily you can emote and move your fingers, but I dont like how ovular I made the paw pads and the hints of black thread peaking out where I sewed the pads from the back. I WOULD just remake them with the free curl works pattern im using for the brown paws but I figure I might as well finish this pair since there’s already one done and the foam interior is already made. whatever. I dont wanna think about it too much. I also dont like the head that goes with the paws, it was a fish job in comparison to my first head and I kinda hate it. but I think I'll eventually get some longer fur for the neck and a hair poof and cheeks (maybe) and do a little refurbishing and give it to my friend if she ever wants it, since it matches the paws and all. I have lots of plans for my 2 WIP heads but not all the materials/motivation. plus I just need to let the ideas stir before I do unything, making sure they’re goof before I act on them. I'm exited that I can shave down fur relativey easily and evenly without an electric dog shaver, which opens up a lot of opportunities. anyway as I was working on the brown paws I had TAZ on in the background and it still baffles me a little bit how different griffin and Matt mercer operate as dms like holy shit. its really funny. and it got me thinking about how I wouldn't mind dming for my friend group if he chance ever arose. I DO have the forgotten realms campaign setting book. I haven't actually looked at it but I assume it has a few pre-built quests and plot lines n stuff in it. I'll probably take a better look at in the morning when it’s not 1:40 am. dang now I'm thinking about my Minecraft dnd idea again. I think the real problem keeping me from being a dm is that I CANNOT keep a straight face when doing improv/roleplaying, so I dont know how well I could hold together a world for them to play in. I would love to give it a try tho. not with the Minecraft idea at the same time, fuck no. I would need to do like. a classic vanilla dnd experience the first time, maybe even using our tiefling family characters since I'm at least a little familiar with them. can you dm and also play your own character? is that fair? is that a think you can do? I think that could be fun but also hard to juggle and also maybe kinda suck because you’d already know all the answers to all the puzzles. meh. actually now I kind of really want to look through thet book tonight instead of in the morning. also I mentioned overnight oats a few days ago I think, and the first morning it was kinda gross, the second time I ate it was still a little gross texture wise, but I finished it off tonight and it was pretty good. maybe next time I'll try it without the banana and a little less milk and maybe slice up an apple into little cubes for texture. hell yeah peanut butter apple cinnamon brown sugar overnight oats. that sound pretty dang good actually. I'll try that some time, but I dont think I can right now because I dont think we have any apples in the house. phooey. I should also probably put this oatmeal cp in the sink before it becomes impossible to clean. holy shit how long have I been writing? SEE THE DESK MAKES ME JUST WANNA KEEP WRITING AND WRITING FOREVER I FEEL SO PRODUCTIVE EVEN IF IM NOT DOING ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE!! I love just typing and typing forever its so soothing just hearing the tapping of the keyboard and getting my thought out without actually having to think that hard about it. goddamn im never gonna read back through this this is a nightmare lmao. no paragraph breaks no capitalization no nothin. I dont even wanna stop typing even though my arm is starting to hurt a little but from leaning the edge of the desk. now im thinking about the movie soul again and the cat as it rides on the escalator to the great beyond and how that dude in the band was the main characters student and how that scene with the girl trying to quit music and then immediately changed her mind didnt make any sense. like what the hell I dont understand that scene at all. also thinking about the transition where he’s like “ok repeat after me” as he’s in the cat and the camera goes over the mom’s shoulder and it’s just him talking, I like how they did that instead of doing dialouge between him and the cat. idk man. I think maybe I should stop typing now since my body is starting to hurt. sorry for putting this H U G E wall of text on your dash but I just like typing out my thoughts :) goodnight!
edit: OH I forgot to talk about something else!! last night I was thinking about valentines day and how cute it would be to have a little overall dress in the pattern on one of my childhood blankets, its like a light pink with white hearts on it so I looked up some fabrics and none of them were the right pattern. I also looked up a sewing pattern that I think would look nice and its on sale right now! I totally want to try and make it, but fabric is expensive so I think I might look at dollar tree for fleece baby blankets because I know they have them there, I bought a few a while ago for some plush sewing projects. they’re decently sized so I think I could do it.idk how many I would need to buy tho. or I might go to goodwill and look for a pink sheet? I have a thin pink blanket that could theoretically work but I want to use a planet im not attached to. or even just find a few big shirts in the same shade of pink? then I could maybe line it with something. I have red purple and white satin but that’s literally the worst fuckin fabric in the world to work with. my first experience with sewing was trying to make plushies out of satin and holy hell idk how I did it. anyway even though I literally never wear dresses I think it would be a fun project to try and make myself a cute little valentines dress. :) I could even give myself POCKETS >:)))
0 notes
Chapter 9: Too many Bonding Exercises
✗ Adrian  ✗
“OH MY GOD, HE IS SO FUCKING HOT?” Val erupted with a muffled yell from the other room.
 I stood in the room naked as can physically be and as confused, shocked and embarrassed as i could ever be all in the same time. I just stood here staring at the door the Valentine just slammed shut after entering and leaving just as quickly.
 “What did he just scream?” Demyan sounded like he was crawling out of his drawer.
 “Uh that im so fucking hot….” I turned to look back at Demyan.
“Well, pup, you are naked and leaving nothing to the imagination.” He crawled up onto the top of my dresser. “Maybe it would be best if you proceeded to put on clothes and see if he is okay.”
 “Uuuuuh…..” I held my mouth open, not really knowing what to say.
 “Now, child.” Demyan squeaked at me and scratched on the wood of the dresser.
 “Uh,yeah!” i took a long stride to the dresser and grabbed clothes to put on. Tossing on a pair of boxers then stepping into my ripped jeans. “Think he’ll wanna talk after….that?” I looked down at demyan as i laced my belt through the hoops.
 “Hmmm, probably not.” he bounced onto the bed. “But you do need to head out, the others are waiting.”
 “Shut up, I know!” I threw on a loose gray v-neck on over my head. Grabbing my satchel off the ground and throwing it on. Opening the door i peered from behind to see Val hunched over with a pillow pressed to his face. “Yo cupcake.”
 “Ah!” Val dropped the pillow and stood up straight in a very jolt like manner. “Y-yes?!”
 “I uuuuh….” i scratched my head, “sorry about the whole….”
 “Uh, Yeah. I-its all good d-dude!” Val started waving his hands around then stopped and stared at me. His face turning the same color as his hair, “IM GOING FOR A RUN.” and he quickly turned on his feet and ran out the door, grabbing his things with him and Aero quickly ran out with him, sliding between the almost closed door with ease.
 I stood in the living space staring at the door with my mouth hanging open. I heard Demyan’s bare feet walking up behind me and i turned around to look at him. “I royally fucked up didnt i?”
“Yes.” He said flatly and very disinterested in what i had to say.
“Dude, bonding moment. Feel for me….” I shrugged and dropped my head down low.
Demyan walked up closer to me and put an arm around me, touching his head to mine. “There there, pup.” he patted my shoulder. “He will never look at you the same way again.”
 “You aren’t helping…..” I leaned my head onto his shoulder. “I dont want our semester to be awkward cuz he saw me naked….”
“Oh that is the least of your worries, child.” Demyan started stroking my hair. “You would be...how do you say it…...Up shits creek without a paddle, if he knew you were a villain.”
 “You suck at motivating people and cheering them up….” I glared up at him.
 “It is not my strong suit, you would be right.” Demyan chuckled lightly before rubbing my back. “Oh and was he not looking for something?”
 “I think so but i dont know what.” I stood up straight, Demyan’s arm still around my shoulders.
“Could it have been this?” He dug in his puffy pant’s pocket and pulled out what looks like Val’s phone.
 “Why do you have his phooooone?!” I snatched it from demyan. Demyan shrugged and just gave me a toothy smirk. “You are evil…..”
 “I know.” His grin got wider and he twitched his eyebrows up for a split second.
 “What were you doing with it?!” I smacked him on his head a bit.
 “I was curious on how those little box devices work. You communicate on them yes?” he looked down at the phone in my hand.
 “Yes, we do. They are called cellphones or Smartphones depending on what you have.”  I tilted the phone’s screen to see the finger marks on it, and tried to see if it would unlock his phone, which it did. The home screen was of his kitty Aero, laying on her back with her legs sprawled at and her fur all sorts of wild.
 Demyan moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Interesting.”
 “Im going to call Karim to tell him Val doesnt have his phone.” I searched through Val’s text to see Karim’s name on top. Clicking on it I clicked the phone button. Putting the phone up to my ear, I looked back at Demyan. “You, quite okay?”
 “Of course.” He still clung to my back. 
“Sup Val.” a deep voice answered after a few rings, Karim did not have a deep voice...this must be Aj.
 “Uh, hey, its Adrian.” I scratched my head. “Val left his phone and i wanted to tell Karim of this.”
 “Oh Than-” Aj sounded like something nailed him and he made a grunting noise. “Val whats up.” He sounded like he moved the phone to the side. Val’s voice was kinda muffled in the background and he was talking really fast about something. “....Imma kill you adrian.”
 “What did i do!?” I yelled back , throwing my free hand up in the air.
 “VAL MY SWEET CHILD, WHAT HAPPENED!?” Karim’s voice sounded like it was getting closer and he was talking to Val who sounded completely upset.
 “You violated and scared my child.” Aj sounded very pissed off. “You didnt even touch him yet you violated the child!”
 “I didnt violate him! He came in on me naked!” I yelled back again.
 “Violated my child!!!” Aj yelled back at me in return.
 “Stop calling him your child!” I sighed in frustration. “If we have to, i will come over later and we can have a fucking come to jesus moment.” I pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger.
 “You have a belly button piercing?” Aj asked, sounding actually curious now.
 “NO, its aaaaah.” I looked back at Demyan who just shrugged, “its one of those african waist training beads band chain things…”
 “Yeah, okay dude.” Aj started laughing.
 “Okay, whatever! Just tell Val he left his phone in the dorm and im leaving it on the living room table!” I yelled in frustration, “Bye!” and hung the phone up. Groaning loudly, i put my hands on my face.
 “Are you okay?” Demyan asked, still clung tightly around me.
 “No im pissed….” I pulled my hands down on my face.
 “Then training will do you some good today.” Demyan chuckled as he took the phone from me and let go of me and set the phone gently down on the coffee table. “Let us depart then.”
 “Yeah okay whatever.” I shrugged and let my shoulders slump down.
 Demyan walked up to me, one hand going around my waist as the other hand slid up my shirt, touching the charm on my waist chain. He pulled me in closer with a smirk. A cloud of black smoke engulfed us and when it was cleared out. We were out in the field we’ve usually practiced in. I looked down at my body and my leather suit was on as per usual.
 “Gonna let me go now?” I asked, looking up at Demyan.
 “Of course.” He let me go and i fell and hit the ground with a solid thunk.
 Landing straight on my ass, I looked up at Demyan. “You’re a dick…”
 Demyan floated above me, clutching his sides laughing and he brought his legs up making him look like he was in a hunched over position. “I am terribly sorry pup, but i thought it would be fun to surprise you.”
 Standing up, and rubbing my ass. Pointing a finger at him. “Just wait, one day i’ll learn to float and get you back for it!”
 Demyan raised a brow and lowered himself, getting into a position that would indicate he’s laying on his stomach at eye level with me. “I will be waiting patiently pup.” he smirked wickedly, running hand through my hair.
 “Hey look you’re early!” Pendragon’s voice rang from above us. He swooped down and landed beside me, kicking up a bit of dust from his wings.
 “Wheres Ryaikum?” I asked, looking over at Pendragon and leaning away from Demyan.
 “Hes right here.” Pendragon dug into his coat and gently pulled out a bearded dragon lizard. “He gets lazy sometimes and makes me take us over here.” He bent down and placed the lizard down. A puff of teal-like smoke rose up and Ryaikum’s human form stood there, briefly naked before he snapped his fingers and clothes appeared on his body.  Ryaikum wasn’t fit like Demyan was but he was defined enough to made you wanna touch him.
 “Move aside boys!” Takeshi’s also came from above.
 Pen and I both looked up to see her coming down ontop of Us. Her hands above and behind her head and her legs bent under her like she just leaped off a high cliff. Pendragon and I both scattered to the sides so we werent landed on. More dust was kicked up from her landing, she stood up on her tip toes and bounced, turning around with her hands straight above her head.
 “Beat ya Lappin!” She cheered happily as Lappin come up beside her. He looked like he was running the whole while, he hunched over to catch his breath.
 “You two racing?” I asked.
 Pendragon started clapping, “nice superhero landing!”
 “Thank ya!” She turned and smiled at pendragon to her left, then turned to me on her right, “and we were, He challenged me to see how fast and far i can get with just jumping.”
 “Like a ninja?” Pendragon and I both asked at once.
 “Yes!” She smiled brightly. “He was going to see if he can beat me by running here and i took to jumping off tree limbs or rocks to get here.”
 “And she did great. Means she’s getting stronger.” Lappin stood up straight now, bringing his hand up to give Takeshi a high five and she returned the gesture with her own. “Are your students making progress?”
 “Pendragon is.” Ryaikum said.
“Oh, how so?” Demyan asked, now actually standing on the ground beside me, his hands behind his back.
 “He caught his dorms curtains on fire the other day, did you not?” Ryaikum looked at Pen with a very cocky smirk on his face.
 “I might have...yeah.” Pendragon scratched his bright red hair
 “I thought you couldn’t breath fire?” Takeshi asked,crossing her arms under her chest.
 “I cant thats the thing.” Pen perked up. “I didnt breath fire.”
 “Did you blow it out your ass?” I asked chuckling to myself.
 “No, but i wish. Thatd be scary after taco tuesdays.” Pendragon laughed too. “No its like this!” Pen held his fists up and fire engulfed his hands and arms up to about his elbows. “Wicked right?! My feet too!”
 “Oh my god, you’re like an anime character.” I stared at him, actually kinda amazed at that.
 “YOU’RE A LIVING NATSU AAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!” Takeshi hunched over and started laughing.
“YOU ARE!!” I started laughing myself.
 “I KNOW RIGHT???!!!!” Pendragon started bouncing on his feet like a happy child. “Fucking Ryaikum didnt get the reference so i made him watch a few episodes!”
 “Can you PLEASE Change your villain name now?!” Takeshi whipped her eyes from crying.
 “I AM THE GREAT DEMON LORD DRAGNEEL!!” Pendragon threw his arms in the air.
 Takeshi and I busted out with loud laughing. I started flailing my arms around and laughing while crying. Takeshi sat down on her knees putting her forehead on the ground as he laughed.
 “IM GOING TO PEE!!” Takeshi was laughed so hard she was really only crying now.
 I grabbed onto Demyan’s coat and put my face into his chest, laughing. “My abs hurt!”
 “You all are literal children!” a newer familiar voice sounded closer as feet crunched dead leaves as he came closer.
 “You dont get the reference dude.” Pendragon was laughing stupid hard himself.
 “Rule one, You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.” Tsuyoi crossed his arms over his chest.
 “WE’RE ALL NERDS!!” Pendragon started bouncing and laughing more.
 Groaning  loudly through laughing, i let go of demyan’s little half jacket and pulled on my face and Takeshi started bouncing in a circle. Pendragon was hunched over and trying to stop his laughter. Tsuyoi looked at all of us, “you good?”
 “Yes.” we all said through tears.
 “Good.” He put a hand on his hip. “Hey, Demyan.” He turned his head to look at Demmy.
 “Yes?” Demyan smiled at him.
 “Mind if i take Drakul somewhere...alone?” Tsuyoi asked as he looked over to me.
 “Does Kenaz know of this request?” Demyan asked eyeing Tsuyoi questionably.
 “He does, and hes fine with it.” Tsuyoi answered without taking his eyes off me.
 Demyan also looked at me, then smiled, “yes, but do not kill him, i wish to keep him longer.”
“Thanks. Follow me vampy.” Tsuyoi turned then waved his hand for me to follow him.
 I looked back at demyan and he nodded me off. I ran up behind Tsuyoi and followed him deep into the forest. We didnt talk at all until we were in another opening. Not as big as our usual training area. Tsuyoi walked to the middle then turned to me. I stop just a couple of steps away from him.
 “Who are you?” He asked, glaring at me with sharp eyes. I could hear a faint growl coming from him.
 “Excuse me?” I asked, raising a brow at him.
 “Who are you when you aren’t Drakul. I didnt fucking stutter.” He sounded like he was getting progressively pissed off.
 “We arent all-” I was going to speak before a loud growl came from Tsuyoi.
 “Dont give me that shit!” His voice sounded like a tiger’s roar with how deep it was. “Something about you is pissing me off! You smell familiar….”
 “I smell...familiar?” I tilted my head to the side. “How?”
 “I have cat senses in me along with being strong, dumbass.” He was progressively growling louder and took a step towards me. Instantly i grabbed onto the hilt of my whip, keeping it on my waist and taking a half step behind me. Tsuyoi noticed this and smirked, showing large canine teeth, “Alright.” He purred win a deep throaty way, “if you beat me in a fight, I’ll leave you alone.”
 “And if you beat me, i have to tell you who i am.” I questioned him, getting into a more defensive position.
 “Exactly.” he purred loudly. He rolled his shoulders and his neck side to side, cracking his back and neck before his head lowered down and he started to get in that football position he’s usually in. His feet moving this time, like a cat’s when they are readying to pounce.
 Lowering myself, i slowly slipped my whip through its binding on my hip. Tsuyoi took a charge at me and i quickly bounced to the side to dodge his tackle. He turned just as quickly as i had moved and extended an arm at me to grab onto my arm. Flicking my whip up, it wrapped around his wrist. He looked at it briefly then looked at me, his lips turning upwards to a smirk. The arm that my whip was wrapped around, he swung his arm back behind him, pulling me and my whip forward and past him just a bit. Before i was flung too far away from him, he grabbed onto my hair and pulled me back by my hair. With his now free hand, he pressed his palm to my chest at the same time and let go of my hair with his other hand. A heavy weight on my chest forced me down and i could hear and feel the ground crumble underneath me as my body made a dent into the ground.
 Standing above me and straddling my body, Tsuyoi kept his hand on my chest. “Give up, bats. You can’t beat me.” he growled low.
 “Oh yeah?” I coughed up a bit of blood. Grabbing onto his wrist, Tsuyoi quickly pulled away from me, the weight on my chest disappearing, as he noticed the black ink creep up his forearm. Putting my hands behind me, I lifted my body up over my head and did a black flip to get back on my feet. “Seems like that scares you.”
 Tsuyoi shook his hand violently before looking at me with an intense glare. “Not as scary on my arm.” he growled and started running towards me. I got ready to dodge him again, Tsuyoi had a bad habit of just tackling you to the ground to get an advantage. Just before i was about to jump out of the way, Tsuyoi lowered his body so his hand was touching the ground and he brought his lower body off the ground, One of his legs slamming into my shoulder and sending me flying before he cartwheeled back onto his feet. “You aren’t the only one with new tricks!” He laughed loudly.
 My body slammed into a tree, my back hitting it hard and coughing me to cough up more blood from the impact. Sliding down the tree, i got into a squatted position before slowly sliding back up and standing, running my hand over my mouth.”you’re still wasting time before that ink gets to your eyes.”
 Tsuyoi looked at his arm that was now black up to his bicep. He looked at me with a smirk. “I still got time. I plan to knock you out, thatd make this come off right?” He growled slowly making his way towards me, and then picking up the pace again. He brought his fist up to punch me, closing my eyes and tensing up. I heard the sound of wood breaking behind me. Tsuyoi yelling in pain.
 I looked back behind me to see Tsuyoi’s hand wedged into the trunk of the tree. When he pulled his hand out, it had splinters in his hand and blood trickled down his fingers. “What did you just do?!” Tsuyoi growled loudly at me, almost a roar.
 Looking at him then back to my hands, my lips twitching up into a smile and starting to laugh, “oooohohohohoho. This is gonna be fun.” I started bouncing on my toes, looking back in front of me to see my whip just a few steps away from me.
 Tsuyoi turned to charge at me again, this time, i didnt close my eyes. Even with my eyes open, all i saw was black and i was a few steps away from Tsuyoi, squatted down and my whip back in my hands.
 A black smoke was dispersing around Tsuyoi who was looking confused as fuck. “Did you just poof?!”
 “I believe its called Teleporting, or blinking.” I smirked, standing up and snapping my whip in my hands. “And the ink is on your collarbone.”
 “I got time.” He growled low, his hand going behind him and under that pelt he wears around his waist.
 Flicking my whip in his direction, Tsuyoi whipped something out from behind him as well and between us, My whip wrapped around a chain with a knife like thing attached at the other end. We both pulled backwards, my whip and his chain tightening as we pulled and there was no slack between us.
 “You aren’t the only one who can fight at a distance.” Tsuyoi purred. “You forgot i had my Kusarigama.”
 “I thought you were all brute strength.” I chuckled, tugging backwards a bit.
 “I am.” He tugged as well. “And your fucked close combat.”
 “Not if i can blink away.” I yanked on my whip, to get the same reaction from Tsuyoi, who yanked back and made me slide closer to him.
 “Not if i catch you and knock you out, plus you dont seem to have much control over where you go, its wishful luck.” Tsuyoi yanked again.
 Lowering my body, i planted my heels into the ground to stop my sliding quicker. “You’ll go blind before then.”
 “If i have you in my hands, im not letting go.” Tsuyoi then yanked hard, launching my body towards him. Getting pulled upwards and forwards, I flinched and got my body to blink just above his head. Tsuyoi looked up quicker than i thought he would. Extending my hand down to his face, quickening the spreading of ink across his face. Just as i was reaching down at Tsuyoi, he reached up at me, grabbing my opened collar and pulling me down. That heavy weight back on my body.
My body felt extremely heavy this time around, my chest slammed into the ground below me. One of my arms was yanked around me and pressed to my back. Tsuyoi’s hand on my wrist, the other on my head as he sat on my legs.
 “I win, Drakul!” Tsuyoi growled from above me.
 “You’re blind!” I yell back at him, my face then pressed further into the ground.
 “Doesn’t matter! Your pinned under me,you arent blinking out of this one!” He got in closer to my face. “Plus if i wanted, i could crush your throat right here.” he growled into my ear.
 Snarling back at him, i relaxed my body and sighed, “fine.”
 “Will you tell me who you are when i let you go?” He asked, sitting up straight.
 I kept quiet for a moment, “yes….”
 “Good boy.” Tsuyoi let me go and moved off of my thighs.
 Turning around and getting on my knees, i reached for his face and touched his cheek. The black ink soaking up into my fingers and coming off his face and his arm. Tsuyoi blinked a few times, “thank you.”
 “No problem after you beat the shit outta me.” I grumbled and fell back onto my ass, looking down at my lap. “Will you tell me who you are?” I asked looking up at Tsuyoi, who sat cross legged.
 “Yeah.” He leaned back onto his hands. “Seems only fair.”
 Eyeing him briefly, I took in a deep breath. My body felt exhausted and i threw my head back a bit, closing my eyes and feeling all of my power and magical form fade away to how i was when i was just myself. Opening my eyes, i stared at the blue sky.  When i brought my head back to look at Tsuyoi, he was staring at me with a face of complete shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hung open. “My name is-.” I was cut off.
 Tsuyoi started laughing loudly, throwing his head back. The laugh actually seemed like a hearty one, then his body tensed up and he looked back at me with his brows knitted together. “Imma kill you.” he growled
 “Who- Wait, WHY!?” I scuttled back away from him. “What did i do?!”
 Tsuyoi started laughing lightly again. “Im kidding, adrian.”
 “How do you...know my name?” i looked at him, lowering my head to stare at him.
 Tsuyoi had a small smile on his face as his body changed slowly in front of me. The long hair became short and the primitive outfit of his changed to jeans and a tank top. I stared at him with the same look he stared at me when he saw who i was. “Yeah, i know, scary innit?”
 “AJ?!” I yelled at him. “WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!”
Aj let out a loud laughter for a third time and dropped his head in front of him. “I couldnt tell you before.” He ran a hand through his hair. “If i knew you were Drakul, i wouldn’t have been so hard on you.”
 “Does...Karim know?” I asked raising a brow at him. “You two are really close and you-”
 Aj held a hand up, his face turning from laughter to mild sadness. “No...Karim doesnt know. I….I hope at least.” he put his hand down. “As much as i love Karim, i could never tell him this.”
 “Understandable, he’d worry about you.” I mumbled, looking at the ground.
 “Does Valentine know?” He asked.
 “No.” I didnt look up from him, “i think if i told him something like that he’d change dorms or think im crazy.”  I started playing with my hair.
 “So.” Aj started chuckling, “what happened exactly earlier?”  I looked at the ground with wide eyes, my face heating up. I looked up to see Aj with a cocky smirk on his lips. “I already kiiiiiinda understand from val’s crying, plus imma punch you for making him cry by the way, but i wanna know your side of it.”
 “I was changing, he came in, saw me naked. Gawked at me like a mute chicken then kinda just left and screamed OH MY GOD HES SO FUCKING HOT!” i tried my hardest to imitate Val’s yelling.
 “That exactly?” Aj smirked, raising a brow.
“Yes, deadass.” I glared at him.
 “You still made him cry and i feel obligated to punch you.” He chuckled wickedly.
 “Does making me feel like one of my ribs are broken counter that?” I asked, holding my side.
 “Hmmm, yeah, but your ribs aren’t broken..” He smirked. Aj then stood up and dusted himself off. “Kenny, come on out, i know you’re there.” he looked back behind him.
 “Sorry~” a brightly colored Kenaz walked out from behind a tree his hands up by his head. “We wanted to watch.”
 “Demyan…” I groaned. And felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.
 “My pup.” He cooed in a weird way, “I am proud of you, you are growing so well.” Demyan put his head on the top of my head.
 “Why is it every time i learn something knew, its cuz Tsuyoi is trying to kill me…” I looked up at Demyan, bringing my head back to look at him. He moved his head off mine that when i looked back our noses were touching.
 “You needed the motivation.” he smiled down at me. Then pinched my face between his thumb and index finger on my cheeks, “Do remember my pup.” he spoke low but clearly. “Only Aj and Kenaz will ever know of this.” 
“Yeah yeah.” I mumbled looking away from him.
 Demyan pinched my face more. “Do i make myself clear?” he spoke like a father figure to me now, staring at me directly in the eyes.
 “Yes sir.” I growled back at him.
 “Dont be so harsh on him Demmy.” Kenaz spoke up, “this was Aj’s idea and i allowed it, i believe these two can trust each other, they do have some history with each other.”
 “Nothing against you, Kenaz.” Demyan let go of my face, “but you can see how i am cautious with this, given your…” Demyan trailed off.
 Kenaz purred, “No harm done friend!” Kenaz’s eyes looked sharp as he and Demyan stared at each other. The smile on Kenaz’s face was a very wicked looking feline smirk. His face lightened up quickly before he turned to look at Aj. “Lets go home Aj! Its still early enough, we have other errands to run do we not?” He asked.
 “Uh yeah.” Aj looked to Kenaz then back to me. “Ill see you around Adrian. Stay safe.” he said before Kenaz turned his back to us and snapped his fingers, causing Aj and himself to disappear in a blink of an eye.
 “Let us go as well.” Demyan spoke low again.
 “What about Takeshi and Pendragon.” I looked up at Demyan.
 “They trained together, similar to you and...Aj.” he paused to think of Tsuyoi’s actual name now. “You are all growing well and fast.”
 “Are we going back to the dorm?” I asked turning to actually face him so i wasnt straining my neck anymore.
 “No.” he smiled. Snapping both of his fingers black smoke wrapped around demyan and disappeared just as quickly as it came. The clothes on demyan changed from his usual black and gold arabian like clothing to modern clothing. He wore a tight fit black V-neck that hung just above his black skinny jeans that had a few holes and tears in them with black sneakers on. “How do i look?”
 “You’re really all one color.” I looked him up and down, “all black on black makes ya look like a theater ninja.”
 “What is that?” he looked like an interested child.
 Chuckling lightly. “Its people who do the prop moving and what not for plays.”
 “And they wear all black?” he asked again.
 “Yes, so you dont really see them.” I stuffed my hands in my pockets. “Can you change your shirt color or pants to something lighter so you get broken up a bit?”
 “Hmm.” Demyan looked at himself. Then with another snap there was a black smoke around demyan again. This time the outfit changed to something very different in some aspects. He had on a washed out faded green tunic tank top that was cut out to show a lot of sides but he wore it under a then light gray varsity jacket over black skinny jeans which showed a bit of his knees tucked into black high-top shoes. “Is this better?”
 I eyed him up and down, nodding my head a bit. “yeah...I like it, ya look good.”
 “Do i look….So fucking hot?” He smirked at me with a cocky chuckle.
 “Yes yes you do.” I laughed lightly.”why the outfit change?”
 “Because we are going to hang out.” He said softly. Then had a small sad smile on his lips, “I...have not been to you like the others have been to theirs.” he paused for a second, “I am sorry for this.”
 I felt my shoulders slump a bit and i stared at Demyan. “Its alright, i was never mad at you, i just….felt like there was distance between us and you told me yourself if i wanna get stronger you and i have to get closer.”
 “That i did, and i never did hold up my end.” He touched my hair. “I have been treating you like a student, someone under me...not as your friend and partner.”
 “Then lets fix that.” I smiled at him. “How do you expect us to get somewhere though, we’re out in the woods.”
 “Simple.” He smiled and snapped his fingers together. Familiar black smoke wrapped around us before taking us to a dark and tight fit alleyway. “Hm.” Demyan hummed, “this is not what i was hoping for,”
 “Hmmmm” I hummed lightly. I got a nice view of Demyan’s collarbone and the top of his chest. Our bodies were close together with our backs both against a wall. “Im aight with this.”
 “Pup, stop.” Demyan chuckled and groaned at the same time, “you are making it weird.”
 “Its not weird unless you think its weird.” I smirked and looked up slightly at him. Demyan was looking down partially at me with a look of ‘Child do not test me.’ Laughing lightly, i scooted away from demyan and got out of the small alley way we ended up in, Demyan followed after me and fixed his clothing up when he was fully out of the tiny space. Pulling out my box of cigarettes from my pocket and sticking one in my mouth i offered the box to demyan.
 “No thank you.” He looked down at my hand. He didnt seem disinterested in the idea of smoking, but I dont think he was all really one for it.
 “Aight.” I put the box back in my pocket the pulled out my lighter and covered it with my other hand. Sliding the lightly back in my pocket. “So what do you want to do?”
Demyan seemed to forget i was beside him as he looked around him in wonder, “Demmy” I tapped his arm with the back of my hand.
 “Yes, adrian?” He looked down at my hand then back to my face.
 “Lets go get lunch or something. Aj made me hungry.” I waved my hand for demyan to follow me. Demyan stood close behind me but didnt speak much as he was just looking around at stuff as we walked. I finished my cig before I dragged him into a deli to eat lunch. He had no clue what he wanted to eat, so i just ordered a full length italian sub that id share with him and two drinks to go with.  A couple of girls whispered and giggled behind us, one of them saying something about Demyan. He turned his head and smiled at them with a small nod which made the girls giggle more. I groaned to myself as we were checking out and i was waiting to get my debt card back. Demyan proceed to grab my arm and dragged me outside to eat on the patio.
 “You’re such a fucking flirt.” I sat down across from him.
 Demyan was hunched over the chair, stopping midway from sitting down to stare at me. “Excuse me?”
 “I called you a flirt.” I sat down and started rustling in the bag our sub was in and opening the wrapper, spreading it across the table for us to both eat on. Demyan was sitting now, staring at me with a raised eyebrow, “The girls back in the line.”
 “Oh.” He perked up, “I do not believe i was flirting back there.”
 I stared at him with a raised brow. “Yes you were mr Smile and nod. Did you not hear their giggling.”
 “I did.” He reached over and took his half of the sub. “I was being polite, i could hear them talking about me….and you actually as well.”
 I leaned over the table. “Cmere” I whispered to him and demyan leaned in closer to me with a smirk on his face. “Im gaaaaaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaas fuuuuuuck.”
 “I understand that, Pup.” He chuckled and whispered back, “Does not mean women can not appreciate you and your looks.” He sat back up and leaned in his chair. “Why are you gay?”
 I stared at him with my brows knitted together. “Its….its not like its a flavor of the day type thing.”
 “Did i say something out of line?” Demyan tilted his head, thoroughly curious.
 “Not really, its….being gay wasn’t something i just kinda went ‘oh look, imma be gay cuz i wanna be’ type of thing.” I paused and poked at the bread of my half. “Its just kinda how i am. I tried dating girls but i wasnt attracted to em. Realized i was gay when I had a fling with a guy and liked it.”
 “A fling?” Demyan asked, his mouth partially full of a sandwich bite.
 Chuckling, “A one night stand?” Demyan still looked at me a confused look. “Touchy feely, the nasty, doing the naughty, Whoopie...Buggery.” I spoke in a very british accent for the last one.
 Demyan choked on his food when he started laughing at the last word. He thumped on his chest and finished his laugh, “you mean sex yes?” he asked with a slightly cough in his throat.
 “What did you think i was talkin about?” I took a bite of my half.
 “I do not understand all of your slang, pup. I only got it when you said, “ Demyan paused and sat very posh like, “buggery” he made his own British accent.
 I dropped my sub back down on the paper and put a hand on the table, looking away and trying not to laugh and spit my food out as well as not fucking choke on it. When i was all calm and composed again i turned to see Demyan with a very cocky look on his face. “Fuck you dude.” I  gave him a quick middle finger to go with.
 Demyan seemed very pleased with himself. “But thank you for explaining it, pup.”
 “Soooooo.” I leaned in closer to Demyan.
 “Hm?” Demyan turned his head slightly and raised his brow.
 “What are you attracted to?” I smirked before taking a sip from my cup.
 “Women.” He answered bluntly.
 “Damn it.” I leaned back and slumped in my seat. Demyan chuckled and eyed me. Sitting back up, “nah i figured you were straight. A girl you’re interested in?”
 “Was...interested in.”  Demyan’s voice lowered a bit and he looked away.
 “Are still interested in?” I asked,nodding my head slowly. Demyan was quite and still not looking at me exactly. “Yeah, you’re still into her.”
 “I am….” he mumbled, a slightly blush on his tanned cheeks.
 “Tell me about her.” I put my elbow on the table and rested my cheek in my palm. “We got all day mr love struck.”
 Demyan finally looked at me then sighed heavily. “She is like me of course, but pure….white. The opposite of me actually.” his voice grew softer. “She is extremely beautiful, so much that she is ethereal.” a smile twitched onto his lips. “She is so sweet, kind, smart, talented and so good that she should have been born a goddess. She is too perfect for my world….and i feel deeply in love with her.” His face then saddened and his voice dropped a bit. “But she was...Is a princess and i am not in any way a candidate of being a suitor to her. Yet we still managed to be together in secret.” he started to smirk, “we would sneak out during times we should not have, left our kingdoms behind us and our world was just the two of us wrapped in each other's arms.” Demyan ran a hand through his bangs, pushing them back and smiling with a small chuckle. “We were terribly in love with each other, and i hope if...and when i return home maybe...just maybe i will see her again and she will still feel the same way i do to her.”
 Holding my straw in my mouth i stared at Demyan. “Uuuuh.” I let go of my straw and straightened up, “what broke you two apart? If you dont mind tellin me that is.”
 “We were found out.” He had a sad smile on his face. “I was forbidden to see her ever again, i was kept under lock and check. Someone followed me everywhere i went, they believed me to be a spy essentially, but i was just a young man who loved a woman who was my goddess.” He scratched the back of his head, “I do not know what happened to her. I never got the chance to find out for i was sent to training to become a Magicae Socius and eventually sent to your realm.” he sighed loudly, “thus how you and i met, when you found me,”
 “So your romeo and Juliet who didnt kill themselves?” I asked setting my cup down.
 “I do not know that reference.” he stared at me through squinted eyes.
 “I’ll buy ya a copy of the play, you can read it on your free time.” I chuckled lightly before playing with my hair. “Im sorry about that though man.” Demyan looked at me with a softened face and slightly confused, “I hope you can meet her again and be with her some day.”
 Demyan smiled softly at me, his eyes the softest ive ever seen them be. He looked so moved by what i said that he could cry, his voice was low and soft as well. “Thank you, Adrian.”
 “Of course man.” I smiled at him a bit. “I dont experience the same problem like you, but i feel ya.”
 “Are you not allowed to be with someone you love?” he asked, leaning forward and crossing his arms on the table.
 “No not like that exactly, i dont love someone outside my family.” I twirled my hair on my finger. “For a long time though, Homosexual people werent allowed to marry.” Demyan looked at me with a slightly tilted head. “It was horribly frowned upon.”
 “And now?” He asked, his chin rested on his hand.
 “Its legal cross the country.” I smiled, “it was a huge moment for the community.” I felt my chest kinda tighten for a second. I remember the moment when i learned that it was legalized. I was at home and my mother came running into my room shouting my name and crying happily, she explained the news to me. I remember how i screamed in happiness and threw my arms up, my mouth hugging me and bouncing with me. Later that night my brother and sister came over and hugged me tightly as well. My brother and sister were both straight, but they were allies and were mostly just happy for me. My father wasn’t all bouncing and tears but he smiled at me and gave a hug that night as well.
 “So you can marry a man now if you wished?” Demyan had a soft smile on his face.
 “Yeah,but im not marrying any time soon.” I leaned in closer to him, “Cuz im not the only person they’d be marrying.”
 “Who else?” Demyan looked at me with confusion written all over his face,
 “YOOOOOU!” i leaned back and laughed, “you and i are a packaged deal buddy.”
 “Not if our contract breaks.” He leaned back, chuckling himself.
 “Do you plan to break it?” I asked.
 “Of course not.” he smirked.
 “Then you and be are like PB and J, bitch.” I got up and grabbed our trash to throw away.
 “I will take that as a good reference, yes?” he stood up.
“You learn fast.” I smiled up at him, then pulled out my phone. “We should head back to the dorm, i do have homework.”
 “That is fine by me.” Demyan smiled at me, then looked around us. “I will change when we are alone.” he walked in front of me off the patio.
 “That sounds kinky.” I looked at his back with a smirk.
 “Maybe i meant it that way.” Demyan looked back at me with a smirk then winked at me.
 “DID YOU WINK AT ME?!” I yelled, throwing my cup violently into the trash.
 “Maybe, what are you going to do,” Demyan paused and his smirk turned wicked, “Bitch.” he spoke in a very low deep voice.
 “IMMA KILL YOU!” I sprinted towards demyan who ran away from me.
 Demyan weaved through the minor crowd of people with grace and ease. Me on the other hand, not at all. I didnt run into anyone completely but i wasnt able to move like fucking running water like he was able to. Demyan would look back at me frequently to make sure i was still following him. I grabbed onto his varsity jacket that he was wearing, pulling it down off his upper arm. Demyan pulled his arms out of it and spun around to give me a cocky smirk before turning back around. I looked at the jacket then viciously shook it, tying it around my waist. The tank top that demyan had on showed a sinful amount of his back and chest to the whole world. How he ran so fast in skinny jeans was beyond me too, but he must feel light as a fucking feather compared to those puffy pants he wears so often.
We eventually made our way back to the campus on this wild chase. Demyan stood in front of me, his hands on his hips and his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing. I ran up next to him and fell backwards onto my ass, throwing my head back and leaning back on my hands, breathing heavier than demyan.
 “Twas a good work out, was it not?” Demyan looked down at me with a cocky smile.
 “Shut. the.Fuck.UP.” I huffed and showed him my middle finger.
 “Do you need help, pup?” He asked and held out his hand.
 “You owe me!” I took his hand and he helped pull me up.
 “Of course.” he chuckled lightly.When i was up on my feet again, he looked around and smiled. Black smoke wrapping around his body and there was his little bat form flying in front of my face. He flew closer to me and touched his little head to my forehead. “I enjoyed today.”
I smiled and chuckled lightly, still out of breath. “Yeah, same.”
“Thank you adrian.” He then flew into my pocket, when i looked down i noticed that the jacket i had wrapped around me was gone.
“No problem, lets do it again sometime, aight.” I slowly walked up the stairs to the third floor. My thighs fucking burning from the run demyan and i just had. I leaned against the wall beside the door the lead to the apartment Val and I shared.”never again am i chasing after you.” I sighed heavily, taking some deep breaths. Opening the door, i peered in to see if Val was in the living space. No brightly haired ginger, and it was silent in the apartment. “Must not be home.”
I walked in and closed the door gently behind me. I felt gross and sweaty and tired. I tied my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and headed to the bathroom. I opened the door not too eruptly but quick enough that what i saw before me was not what i expected. 
Wet bright red hair clung to porcelain white skin. His skin looked so soft, smooth, and delicate as fuck. That if i were to touch him, I’d just break the poor kid, or worse dirty up that beautiful perfect white skin. How did he not have scars or fucking anything, didnt even have freckles, he was just white as fuck like he was carved from Marble. His torso was not defined like mine was, but he had beautiful swoops and curves that showed he was fit enough yet unimaginably flexible. His thin arms hung beside his body as i trailed down to look at one his cock that was actually not bad to look at, but holy shit his thighs. I wanna touch his thighs, they just look so fuckin nice. His body was a whole canvas that i wanted to dirty with kisses, hickies and hand marks... but his thighs were something i just wanted to kiss up and down on. Leave scattered kisses, hickies and bite marks on his inner thighs, hide a mark or two on the back of his thighs or behind his knees. I slowly trailed back up to look at a prominent collarbone that had water trickling down and rolling down his torso. His neck was framed by wet hair that clung to the skin, when i reached his face. His lips were parted just enough and his face was as bright red as his hair, his eyes wide with shock. I looked him dead in the eyes, and i could feel my own face heat up and my lips twitch into a smile. Fuck i must look crazy as fuck right now.
I held up a finger, my mouth parted wide open and my other hand holding the bathroom doorknob. I was just kinda opening and closing my mouth before i pursed my lips together and felt my brows come together and a very loud “HMMMM.” came from behind my closed mouth and i backed out of the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I felt Demyan shift around in my pocket and little giggles coming from him.
A weird sounding giggle came from my mouth, that was louder than i had wanted it to be and I walked to the sofa and grabbed a throw pillow off of it and covered my face.  “Fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!” I started chanting very loudly, “GODDAMNIT, i wanna fuck his body up!” I yelled into the throw pillow and hunched over, squatting down onto the floor.
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