mo0nchi-ld · 1 year
La Donna - Michael Corleone x Reader
Summary: Michael Corleone, was a man not to be forgotten. It's true he was the most feared, most notorious, and the most unsettling man to be around with. To Michael it was all business. Yet a certain woman would remind him of what's best for his family. A woman who would knock down the stone cold facade to bring back his humanity. Known as La Donna.
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Chapter 1
The Corleone Family and the others received an invitation to Miss Constanzia Corleone's wedding on Saturday, August 1945. Her Father Don Vito Corleone, has not forgot his old friends. Even though he lives in a huge house on Long Island, he still hasn't forgot about them. The wedding took place in that house. The Japanese war has ended; there's no doubt one soldier will make it to the grand party.
On that day, Vito's friends went to him for favors. Each of them respecting The Godfather. Don Vito Corleone would do anything to help his friends; he would never let his promises be broken. There's only one way you can repay him, and that's his friendship and good manners.
Vito Corleone greeted all of his guests that he trusted. Anything that was cooked or bartended by those people were his friends. Heck, even the band that was playing were his good friends. No matter if you're rich or poor, he always showed equal love with all of his friends.
His Eldest son, Sonny Corleone, was a tall Italian with brown curly hair. His muscular features made him look handsome. He was a lady's man of course. Some of the bridesmaids couldn't keep their eyes off him. He was married man with three children but that didn't stop him from fooling around with the maid of honor, Lucy Mancini. The young girl was stalking him like an animal would for his prey. Sonny noticed and did nothing to stop it.
Don's second oldest son was Fredo. He was a loyal kind-hearted man. Sweet and gentle. He was always there for his father when it came to tuff business. He wasn't the handsome one out of the bunch but he charmed his way with women through his good manners. He didn't have the strength or persona for a leader of men, He didn't seem like the type of man to run the family business.
The third and youngest son was Michael. Unlike his brothers, Michael Corleone did not want to get involve with his fathers business. He sat at a table in a secluded corner of the garden. Michael was different from his brothers, He wasn't as tough looking, like his brother Sonny. No, instead he had straight, jet black hair with olive brown skin and eyes that would bore into your soul making you feel like you've known him for a long time. When World War Two broke he volunteered for the marine corps. His father wasn't exactly thrilled with idea of his son fighting for the nations 'freedom' or simple lack of take over. After the war he went to College. For the wedding, he wore his military suit. Next to him was the American Girl everyone had heard but not seen until that day. Kay Adams.
He introduced her to everyone in the wedding. His family weren't too impressed with her. She was too thin and fair. She was intelligently naive and always seemed nosy. Michael noticed but pretend to not care by amusing Kay with his Family stories. Michael also noticed how Kay was curiously looking at a group of men huddled together. To fill her curiosity he replied, "They're waiting to see my father in private. They have favors to ask."
By now the wedding was packed indicating that most of the guests had arrived except one hasn't fully arrived yet. Don noticed but hasn't said anything about it yet.
Elena watched the scene before her from the corner of the garden. Sitting next to her is her young cousin Alejandro. She hasn't gone out to greet anybody yet. Still waiting for The Godfather She hated socializing with people. She found it amusing that all of these people were happy and joyful, and full of glee, not realizing what the other half of the family was doing behind their backs.
Elena came from an Italian and Mexican family. Her Father from Mexico and her mother from Italy. She was born in Italy but mostly raised in Mexico. She never knew what happened to her parents. But she'll never forget the day when her parents dropped her off at her aunts doorstep at midnight, hugging her mother as she sobbed on her shoulder one last time before they entered their car only to be shot and killed while driving.
That's when her Great Aunt on her moms side would step in and help raise her. Her name was Malena Torres. She was a small woman who held a lot of character and attitude within her. Malena owned a bakery in a small Town of Mexico. Etzalan. She taught her young niece how to cook and do house chores, and even learn how to speak English since her uncle was half America and half Mexican. At the age of eight Elena and her Aunts family moved to America. She said it was a start to something new for the family. She wanted her niece to have a better future than anyone as well as the family to have better job opportunities.
Then Don Corleone came. A man who knew her father very well and personal. When he heard the news that the daughter of the Costíana family was coming to America he immediately made arrangements for them to stay in New York and be a near his family. He wanted them to feel welcomed and loved, just as her father did for him.
After staying there for a couple months Elena got the chance to know more about the other three brothers, Sonny, Fredo, and Michael. Along with Tom as well. She didn't see them as much except for only family gatherings. The brothers always considered her as a sister. Teasing her and always sticking up for her when it came bullying from other people.
That's another thing Elena dealt with when she got here. The poor girl got made fun of in school for her appearance. She wasn't exactly the prettiest of girls. Often times people would point out her hairy eyebrows or the light mustache she had.
Sometimes, Sonny and Fredo would point it out, just to tease her a bit but it still hurt Elena's feelings, and though Tom was always there to stick up for her Michael on the other hand was the only brother she could properly get a long with. He was quite but pleasant to be around with. He taught her English and American food. So far she likes Hotdogs.
Then once Michael turned 18 he went off to college leaving 13 year old Elena by herself. She didn't think of Michael as brother but more as a companion she could rely on. Yes, his looks would sometimes catch her off guard but she knew he'd never look at her that way. All she knows is that she feels different when she's around Michael. A lot different than the two other brothers.
Elena watched her aunt dance with her Uncle looking happy as ever. "Mama looks happy." Alejandro said. Elena looked at him then back at her aunt.
"Yeah she does."
The wedding was packed. People were dancing on the wooden platform, and others were sitting at tables. Connie and her groom, Carlo were also sitting at the table with the maid of honor and bridesmaids.
Don's lawyer Tom Hagen, was discussing business with the Don in his office. Sonny Corleone kept whispering to the maid of honors ear. Hagen cringed at the sight. He didn't want his step brother to be in more trouble than he already was with his family. Tom picked up a piece paper with a list of people who want to see Vito. "Leave Bonasera to the end." He said to Tom. "I want to see Michael and Elena first."
Don went outside to greet all of his guests. He embraced the baker he was long time friends with. He spotted Michael sitting at a table with a lovely young lady sitting next to him. "Michael!" The old man shouted.
Michael turned around and saw his father approaching him with wide warms. Michael got up from his chair and hugged his father.
"Michael I haven't seen you in awhile. You should've stopped by and say hello." Vito held his sons face in his hands "My son," he smiled widely.
Michael smiles back "Sorry pops. I was too caught up talking to Kay. Have you met her? Kay this my father I've been talking to you about. Dad this my girlfriend, Kay."
The two shook hands while Vito was studying Kay's appearance. "How do you do." He wasn't exactly impressed with what he saw. "Michael." He turned to his son, "I see you've met everyone here but there's someone I want you to see." He guided his son to the other side of the party with Kay following behind.
"Elena!" At the sound of Vito's voice calling her name, the young brunette turned around and saw Vito walking towards her. She noticed he wasn't alone. She stood up and fixed her light pink dress at a decent height above her knees. "Elena it's so good to see you again." Vito lightly kissed both of her cheeks. Elena greets him back with a shy smile, "It's good to see you too Apa."
After hearing Elena's name being called Michael assumed he was to be greeted with a young girl he saw last time but boy was he wrong. In front of him stood a young beautiful woman. Her hair looked longer. Her curves appeared slender under her pink dress. No longer the little skinny girl he saw before he left, he was shocked to see how grown and stunning Elena looked.
After Vito was done greeting her he went to go hug her Aunt and the rest of her small family. Elena finally noticed the young man behind Vito, and like Michael, she was left speechless by the sight of him. Elena always knew he was the handsome one out of the bunch but she never expected him to be even more striking after years of not seeing him, especially the green suit he displays. Elena noticed how big his eyes were and she always adored when he looked at her. It made her feel like she was the only person he solely focused on.
Michael took two steps forward and and stuck his hand out for her to take. Elena looked down at his hand then back up at him. He wore his green marine suit making him look even more handsome. She finally took his hand, expecting it to be a normal handshake only to have her breath be taken away by the touch of his lips on her hand.
Michael being slow yet gentle, looked up at the woman in front of him. "Buenos Días, Elena." He said in a soft voice.
Elena looked back at him with wide eyes. Her heart beat so fast just hearing him use her native language almost made her weak to the knees. "Buenos Días, Michael." She smiled back.
Michael definitely noticed her change of voice. With a lower pitch, sounding more like a woman, Michael would be lying if he said he didn't like the sound of his name coming out of her mouth.
After a few minutes of gazing each other, Elena noticed a woman standing behind Michael.
Michael noticed and turned around to greet women next to him. "Elena this is Kay Adams, my girlfriend. Kay this is Elena, a family friend of ours." He said.
"Hello." Kay smiled and nodded.
After the women were done greeting each other, Elena heard her Aunts voice calling for Michael."
"Mijo!?" The older woman gasped. Michael looked back at her and his smile instantly grew upon seeing the older woman who has been more like a second mother to him.
Before he could speak the older woman engulfed him in a big hug. She pulled back and held Michael's face in both of her hands just like his father did. "Look at you! So handsome." She said with a strong accent.
Michael looked down with a shy smile then laughed proving the older woman right. "Gracías Señora Malena." He said looking back up at the woman, "It's good to see you again."
Michael looked back at Elena to see her laughing at what his father said. His smile growing at the sight.
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ourwarriorking · 10 months
𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞
O local era afastado da cidade grande. Era uma antiga usina produtora de Etanol que estava inativa faziam anos. Lothar sentou-se olhando fixamente para o seu traidor. Havia uma mesa ali no centro, a sala era escura e Jeff estava ali, parecendo um cão na corrente acovardado. No centro da mesa, havia uma única arma. Lothar levantou a mão esquerda, onde mostrou uma foto antiga. Era Jeff o traindo. — Jeff... Como você pode fazer isso comigo? Eu confiava em você, éramos amigos. Jeff desviou o olhar, visivelmente perturbado. Estava inquieto e sua expressão aparentava medo. — Lothar eu... Eu sei que não há desculpas suficientes para justificar minhas ações. Eu fui fraco, ego... egoísta... Por favor, me ouça. Lothar apertou a foto sobre a mão, amassando-a. A expressão calma se tornou séria e enraivecida. — Me diga. O que você tem a dizer que possa me convencer a não puxar esse gatilho agora mesmo? Sua traição custou vidas, Jeff. Ele simplesmente não conteve a raiva e desferiu um golpe sobre a mesa. — VIDAS INOCENTES! — Eu sei. Lothar, eu... Por favor, se acalma. Eu me arrependo todos os dias por isso. Mas você precisa entender que eu estava desesperado, sendo pressionado. Eu não tinha escolhas. Jeff tentou puxar as correntes que o aprisionavam com as mãos para tentar esconder o rosto. Lothar em sua fúria, levantou-se e puxou as correntes, fazendo com que Jeff olhasse em seus olhos marejados. — Não tinha escolha? Nós éramos uma equipe, Jeff. Éramos a porra de uma equipe! Eu daria minha vida por você, e você... Você me apunhalou pelas costas. — Eu sei que minhas ações foram imperdoáveis, mas se você me matar agora, nunca vou ter a chance de fazer as coisas certas. Não vou poder ter a chance de consertar as coisas. Olha, eu posso ajudar a consertar o que fiz. Posso garantir que a verdade seja revelada e que aqueles responsáveis sejam punidos. Lothar, por favor... Lothar virou-se de costas por um momento, passando as mãos sobre o rosto. Havia procurado o maldito por tantos anos. — E como posso confiar em você novamente? Como posso acreditar que você não vai me trair mais uma vez? Jeff respirou profundamente, tentando se acalmar. — Eu entendo sua desconfiança, mas se você me der uma chance... Eu posso provar que sou digno de sua confiança novamente. Eu farei tudo o que for preciso para reparar o dano que causei. Ele voltou a virar-se de frente com Jeff, e sua expressão dessa vez endureceu. — Você tem razão. Se eu te matar agora, eu me tornarei igual a eles, apesar de você não merecer minha misericórdia. Lothar voltava-se agora com o olhar fixo na arma sob a mesa. Ele a empunhou com firmeza, observando seus traços. Jeff engoliu seco, e instantaneamente sentiu seu coração disparar. O jovem Don atirou nas correntes, liberando Jeff. — Não me traia novamente, Jeff. Você já sabe que nunca erro o tiro. Jeff respirou aliviado. Seu misto de felicidade e hesitação por estar vivo o fizeram se ajoelhar aos pés de Lothar. — Obrigado Don! Você não vai se arrepender, eu prometo. Eu prometo! Lothar olhou para Jeff e guardou a arma. Ele observou por mais alguns instantes o homem que estava ajoelhado aos seus pés e por fim se afastou, deixando-o. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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artofkarskuskunst · 1 year
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“Great men are not born great, they grow great.” ~ Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather #corleone #art #pencildrawing #sketchbook #drawing #cute #portraitphotography #illustration #sketsa #sketsawajah #gambar #seni #sketch #doncorleone #pencil #michaelcorleone #idol #thegodfatherquotes #portrait #draw #realism #realistic #godfather #vitocorleone #illustration #selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9aOPXPoNg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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erikamitie · 1 year
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🕵️🕵️Segundo Don Corleone: " Nunca deixe os outros saberem o que você está pensando." . . . #thegodfather50years #doncorleone #poderosochefao #atualidadecosmetica #premioatualidadecosmetica #lifestyleblogger #lifestyle #lookoftheday #lookinspiração #photooftheday #phototips #photography (em Teatro Gazeta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6dOjfA9CX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kusanagijose · 1 year
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05 de Novembro, (ou seja hoje) é o dia Mundial do Cinema. Nada melhor que um publicitário como eu, produzir gratuitamente peças de Stories para a Amazon. Utilizando as melhores filmografias presentes em seu catálogo. Abordei uma brincadeira, com frases famosas da telinha, como o melhor ditado de Don Corleone por exemplo, entre outras palavras motivacionais. Pegue a sua pipoquinha e entre na telinha com a Amazon Prime Vídeo. Não sabe o que escolher para assistir? aqui vai as minhas sugestões: (arrastarem para o lado, e veja o carrossel ;) ) @amazon #diamundialdocinema #05denovembro #cinema #cinemasday #halloween #expressionismo #advertising #marketing #publicidade #amazon #amazonprime #amazonprimevideo #primevideo #filme #doncorleone #opoderosochefao #entretenimento #gladiador #gladiator #amazonbrasil #amazonprimebrasil #primevideobrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CkmP9nSOb7f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderjunkiez · 2 years
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“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse. “ - Godfather #wonderjunkiez #canvas #art #wallart #walldecor #heavenlyfather #thesopranos #marlonbrando #goodfellas #joepesci #goodfather #doncorleone #alpacino #michaelcorleone #thegodfather (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-p87DPk8d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reggae-vibes-com · 1 year
Romain Virgo - Driver
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ROMAIN VIRGO - DRIVER. New video/single co-written and produced by successful Jamaican producer Donovan “Don Corleon” Bennett. #romainvirgo #doncorleone #videoclip #visuals #youtube #mustsee #newclip #reggaevideo #dancehall #reggae Read the full article
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elliscraddock · 28 days
Here's my #8thRocksShuffle #8thRocks dance video w/#TheGodFather #TheGodFatherMovie finale theme song on YouTube(w/whirlwind sound effects/high tone version) to celebrate #DonVitoCorleone #VitoCorleone #DonCorleone aka #MarlonBrando's 100th Birthday. Also click the like, share, subscribe, & hit a notification button on my YouTube channel.
Here's a link of my dance video on YouTube:
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christianityoriginal · 2 months
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*#endofreign #kingdomofheaven #greatwhitethronejudgment #agestocome #thehandover #thegodfather #doncorleone* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/WTJ What do the prophecies tell us about life after the thousand-year reign and the Great White Throne Judgment? *Christ will hand over the kingdom to God,* and God will be all in all. "Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father *after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.* The last enemy to be destroyed is death. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all." 1Corinthians 15:24-28. Next question: *What would be mankind’s position on Earth after the thousand-year reign?*
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vivaryemporio · 1 year
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"Nunca deixe os outros saberem o que você está pensando "
( Don Corleone )
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1936coffee · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Quentin !Tarantino is widely called the most influential director of his generation. We agree. Feliz cumpleaños, Quentin! Tarantino es considerado el director más influyente de su generación. Estamos de acuerdo. #quentintarentino#1936coffee#traditionforever #scorsese #alfredhitchcock #johnwick #danieldaylewis #christopherwalken #anthonyhopkins #jodiefoster #deniro #cultmovie #wesanderson #joepesci #lebowski #mobster #marlonbrando #francisfordcoppola #michaelcaine #donniedarko #kevinspacey #beniciodeltoro #arthurfleck #doncorleone #fullmetaljacket #bladerunner (at Hollywood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTgbCZvrIg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluepantherfan · 1 year
The Great 'Godfather' Plot Hole
The Great ‘Godfather’ Plot Hole
——————– Even the greatest film directors can screw up BIG 🤠https://www.forthevillains.com/https://www.forthevillains.com/—————————-#TheGodfather #Godfather #GodFatheronNetflix #MichaelCorleone #DonCorleone #GodfatherTrilogy #FrancisFordCoppola
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View On WordPress
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skrubu · 2 years
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Making an offer #advertising #marlonbrando #doncorleone #window #seethrough #door #helsinki #finland https://instagr.am/p/CgAAQrvoZ11/
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d2airways · 3 years
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“Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you, but don't ever take sides with anyone against the FAMILY again. Ever.”
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pintocoisas · 4 years
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Lápis sobre papel.
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