#doctor phibes
weirdlookindog · 7 months
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Dr. Anton Phibes
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stearixx · 4 months
Nine killed you - nine shall die!
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Also - plagues only version.
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Please watch this fucking movie.
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theloyalagentone · 1 year
If the agents were able to cupture Shaggy and Scooby
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sixteen of my f/os: (look up in sync) yeah?
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fictosphere · 9 months
Lord Mýk Reviews All His Dang Movies
I’m going to review every single movie I own, even the 50-pack of poorly transferred science fiction movies. So here’s how I intend to work things: I’m breaking it up into ten movie chunks, and each time I start a chunk I’ll list the ten movies within that chunk. Most of the time it’ll be alphabetical, but sometimes it’ll be… not alphabetical. This is because of things like the stated 50-movie…
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SUMMARY: Doctor, scientist, organist, and biblical scholar Anton Phibes seeks revenge on the nine doctors he considers responsible for the death of his wife.
The mod didn’t have her glasses on while looking for this still so for a split second she thought this was a scene from Rocky Horror, anyway this movie looks like it rips.
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You kids today don’t know how lucky you are to have Prince of Egypt as a Passover movie. Back in my day, you watched The Ten Commandments and tried to pretend you weren’t extremely hot for shirtless Yul Brynner as Pharaoh!
(Other options were the episodes of Rugrats and Puzzle Place, or The Abominable Doctor Phibes if you had extremely inattentive parents, but they get the plague order wrong anyway.)
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dannyhellman · 11 days
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Vincent Price, born 5/27/11
“The Abominable Doctor Phibes”
Illustration by Danny Hellman, (drawn 8/17/23) for Klon Waldrop’s GHASTLY HORROR SOCIETY COMPENDIUM, available here: https://klon.bigcartel.com/product/ghastly-horror-society-compendium-volumes-1-2
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collinsportmaine · 11 days
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Vincent Price as Dr. Phibes”
1. One of Vincent Price’s greatest roles was in “The Abominable Dr. Phibes” (1971). In it he played a brilliant artist and scientist who was horribly disfigured and thought dead as he raced back to London to see his wife. She was undergoing a life and death operation which, alas, she died. Phibes swore revenge on the 10 doctors and nurses who participated in the surgery.
2. Phibes murder spree was inspired by the Ten Plagues of Egypt from the Old Testament. Each was more gruesome than the last, but they were all done with panache. Phibes was assisted by Vulnavia (a beautiful but silent young woman) and he was accompanied by a stylish life-size clock work band.
3. After neatly eliminating all his targets, Phibes evaded capture by laying down in a hidden double sized coffin with his wife body.
4. Dr. Phibes (and Price) rose again in the 1972 sequel. After a few years of literally laying low, he returned so that he could bring his wife’s body to Egypt and resurrect her via ancient secrets he had discovered. Somehow Vulnavia returned to assist him again (even tho she died in the last movie).
5. But Phibes’ Egyptian cure-all is also sought by Darius Biederbeck (Robert Quarry) who is suffering with a kind of Dorian Grey type curse. Quarry is best known for his Count Yorga movies (Dracula knock-offs).
6. Sooner than you can say cruise-ship, the adversaries are headed off to Egypt, with Phibes leaving a trail of victims behind him.
7. The cast included three actors from the original. Peter Jeffrey returned as Inspecter Trout. After a few odd murder victim are found, Trout suspects Phibes has returned when he learned the cruise ship’s cargo included a life-size clock work band. Terry-Thomas returns in a new role (his character was exsanguinated in the first film). And Hugh Griffith who survived the first film but not so the second.
8. Although I enjoyed seeing Price as Phibes, the sequel didn’t reach the heights of the original. In the first, Phibes was driven by revenge, with a clearly set list of victims. That helped drive the plot. He also had clever ways of killing via the ten plagues of Egypt - so you could wonder or anticipate how he would accomplish the next.
9. But in the sequel, those key elements were gone, and while some of the murderer were inventive, they were just a series of people who got in his way.
10. A third Phibes movie was discussed but It didn’t help that Quarry and Price didn’t get along during production. It was reported that one day, Quarry was singing in his dressing room and he asked Price:
Quarry: "You didn't know I could sing did you?"
Price replied: “Well I knew you couldn't act."
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 13
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” I’m counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. Today we focus on Number 13: Dr. Phibes.
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So, here’s a random fun fact for you Batman fans out there: apparently, this character was the inspiration for the version of Mr. Freeze that appeared in the seminal animated story, “Heart of Ice.” And, of course, that version of Mr. Freeze would become the inspiration for the character in nearly every other interpretation – both in and out of comics – to date. So, yeah, if you’re a Mr. Freeze fan, you can thank Egghead for it. :P ANYWAY…while Vincent did many, MANY horror movies – both serious and comedic alike – the one thing he never got was the chance to play a horror icon, so to speak. Which is to say, when you look at other great classic horror actors over the years, whatever else they do there’s always one specific character for whom they’ll always be remembered. For Christopher Lee and Bela Lugosi, it was Count Dracula; for Boris Karloff, it was Frankenstein’s Monster; even with more modern actors, like Roger L. Jackson and Robert Englund, they have specific horror roles (The Voice of Ghostface and Freddy Krueger, respectively) for which they will always be most chiefly recognized. Vincent never had that; he never got that recognition of having a specific, classic monster he could be identified with. The closest we ever got was that he was so well-known for his work with the stories of Edgar Allan Poe, but that’s a bit of a different issue. However, in the 1970s, Price DID get a chance to ATTEMPT such a feat, in two films that were part gruesome, gory nightmare fuel and part witty, satirical humor-fests: these were the Dr. Phibes films. The titular character was a deranged musical genius, who wore a mask to hide his hideous skull-like deformities – all elements taken from the timeless tale of “The Phantom of the Opera.” However, the story of the good doctor is rather different: Phibes’ descent into evil began when his beloved wife, Victoria, was stricken with some unholy medical condition. In order to save her life, a risky surgical operation was needed, which was so tricky it required the aid of no less than nine people to even hope for a success. Unfortunately, something went wrong with the operation; as soon as he got the news, Phibes hurried in the direction of the hospital…but was ironically caught in a terrible car crash, and apparently burned to death in the wreck. Husband and wife were then interred together. The rumors of Dr. Phibes’ death, however, were greatly exaggerated. Phibes miraculously survived the crash, and later rose from the grave hideously disfigured by the accident. He brought his wife with him, and kept her body imprisoned in a sarcophagus filled with honey and special fluids, so that her beauty would forever remain intact. In the first film, “The Abominable Dr. Phibes,” the mad maestro goes on a killing spree, attempting to get revenge on the nine people he blames for the death of his wife and the ruination of his existence. In the second film, “Dr. Phibes Rises Again,” the musical maniac returns, now seeking to resurrect his beloved bride. The Phibes films were a bizarre sort of pair. In a way, I sort of see these as the precursor to both the Scream films and the SAW movies. Like the former films, the movies combine elements of parodical dark comedy with real chills and gory, brutal death scenes. Phibes, himself, is treated as a serious and tragic character, and the fear factor is upped by his appearance. The mask he wears to hide his deformities is basically just Vincent’s face with some uncanny valley makeup added to enhance the effect, giving Price a particularly ghoulish appearance. This combined with the special voice box Phibes uses to speak after his accident – which causes Price to speak in a robotic, mechanical, droning sort of way that is both odd and genuinely unsettling – makes the character truly chilling. At the same time, however, he’s a sympathetic villain, as everything he does is in the name of his precious Victoria, and while one recognizes he is the bad guy of the story, it’s hard not to feel sorry for him and understand his motivations. The methods through which he offs his victims are pretty messed up even by today’s standards, too. In all, I would say most of the scares from the film come from Phibes himself. The humor generally is the result of the other characters around him, as well as some the intentionally contrived elements of the plot that are meant to satirize various horror movie tropes. I’m a little surprised there weren’t more films in the Phibes franchise; if there had been, maybe Vincent could have had that one iconic horror character to be recognized by…but, on the other hand, one of the things that made Vincent so fascinating was that he wasn’t someone who could fit into a singular mold, so to speak, and instead had MANY roles for which any given person could recognize him for most keenly. Dr. Phibes was ultimately just one of those parts, but it’s a part well worth remembering. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 12!
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Doctor Anton Phibes
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theloyalagentone · 1 year
Get a clue as snapcube moments
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Good evening.
1) I just watched "The Abominable Doctor Phibes" because I saw it on your page and I'm screaming of joy, this movie is so beautiful and poetic and everything. So I wanted to say thank you.
2) Could you give me an advise on which movie starring Vincent Price should I watch next? I really loved the vibe of TADP and the House of Wax, but I'm kinda having troubles deciding what to watch next.
The answer will be really appreciated.
Oh yay! So glad you enjoyed Dr. Phibes. There's a sequel to the film called "Dr. Phibes Rises Again" that you may wanna check out.
Also, "The Comedy of Terrors" is a wonderful, campy movie that I honestly think is a favorite of mine.
"The Raven" is amazing!! Loosely based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven", it's a cute, fun movie that is just cozy and it's just...so good.
"The Haunted Palace" is a perfect movie if you're in a spooky mood.
"The Tingler" is one of my favorites, as well. I know I say that a lot, but it's just...perfect. Trust me, you'll like it, if you're a fan of Vincent.
"Witchfinder General" is a brutal movie but it is so fucking good. It's about witch hunting and based on the true story of Matthew Hopkins.
"The Masque of the Red Death" is another Edgar Allan Poe story come to life in one of his more iconic roles. His role as Prince Prospero is perfect. And you just have to see it! You won't be disappointed.
"Pit and the Pendulum" ----- AHHHH! I love this movie so much! And the way it ends...and his acting is just...🤌🏼. Check it out if you get time!
"The Last Man On Earth" is a post apocalyptic zombie/vampire movie based on Richard Mathesons "I am legend". And in my Honest opinion - THIS is the best version!! Vincent does a wonderful job given the fact he's alone, at least for a while, and he's fighting zombies left and right.
"The House of Long Shadows" is a wonderful spooky horror movie with all the legends in horror - Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, John Carradine, and Peter Cushing!
"Madhouse" one of my faves. You just have to see it!
There are SO MANY MOVIES and I can go on forever and ever. I hope these help you out!!
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kdazrael · 1 year
If the tumblr girlies had been blogging in 1973, you'd all have been obsessed with the movie I watched last night:
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The Final Programme was directed by Robert Fuest, who also brought us The Abominable Doctor Phibes (one of my top ten movies of all time). It is the only film adaptation of a Michael Moorcock novel and it isn't hard to see why: the story begins in medias what-the-fuck and goes on to merrily explain nothing. Occasionally a side character will make a blasé reference to the apocalypse going on outside, then turn back to palmistry, pinball, or wrestling in grey sludge.
Anyway, the movie starts with one of those 'may contain outdated and offensive attitudes' disclaimers so I strapped myself in for some 70s-style racism, but the only objectionable material I spotted was that a Hindu physicist character is played by a white actor. He isn't in brownface (as far as I could tell) and has not bothered to change his native accent (Welsh), so unclear what the intent was here. Anyway, here are some highlights:
Blorbo unlimited, Jerry Cornelius, a goth version of Austin Powers. He wears black nail varnish and subsists entirely on chocolate biscuits and Bells whiskey, which I can respect.
JC's goal at the start of the film is to destroy his ancestral home. For this he wishes to use napalm, which he pronounces nah-PALM (???).
Mysterious redhead whose superpower is eating people and absorbing their life-force. 'What do you do with the bones?' JC asks (I suspect some kind of owl pellet).
PATRICK MAGEE at his villainous best in a little neckerchief!
'The most advanced computer in the world' (friends, it looks like a dishwasher). It is programmed with punchcards and controlled by brains in jars.
Alchemical solar ritual of hermaphroditic union that results in the creation of a hairy-arsed neanderthal messiah.
11/10, highly recommend 👍
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thealmightyemprex · 8 months
So.....I stumbeled upon a horror host,which movie should I watch
So last year I lamented that I kind of missed out on the era of horror hosts ....Well I stumbled upon a modern one with Crature Fetures,and I thought since it is Halloween might as well give this horror staple a try
Gonna start with a film I have seen ,and then one I havent .I have the second film picked,but what should the first film be
Mr Sardonicus-Film with Guy Rowlfe as a man with a perma smile
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Abomnible Dr Phibes -Vincent Price as a killer slaying doctors in ways reminicent of the 10 plagues of egypt
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Scream Blacula Scream-William Marshall is a vampire who reaches out to Pam Grier to return to life
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@makingboneboy @themousefromfantasyland @ariel-seagull-wings @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie
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stearixx · 7 months
I really really really want my main Mother 3 AU couple to have "The Abominable Doctor Phibes" vibes, I f-cking love that movie. I can't sleep because of how good it is, wtf??
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