#doctoe x master
tedscult · 5 years
The Master, talking to the Doctor and his Companions: Alright, listen up, you little shits. Not you, Doctor. You're an angel and we're thrilled to have you here
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Prompt: “I refuse to sit around and watch her die!” With Anakin Skywalker
Thank you so much, that’s perfect! I think this is actually my first Anakin request and I’m excited since I don’t get many Star Wars requests 😁
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Anakin carried her, struggling because of the weight. It wasn’t because he wasn’t strong enough. But the thought of his beloved Y/N was dying made him feel weak.
Doctors had said they couldn’t do anything for her. Desperate and madly in pain, Anakin carried her to the other person he thought could help. Even if he was allying with the enemy, even if he was about to ask a Sith for help. The Force was the strongest power in the galaxy, and if the light side wasn’t enough, Anakin was willing to try the dark side. For Y/N.
“Where are you going, Jedi Master?” One of the doctos asked him as he walked away.
“I refuse to sit around and watch her die!” Anakin shouted, feeling even more strongly than in his life.
He watched her as he ran through the corridors, intent on quickly reaching his destination. The beauty in Y/N’s face seemed darkened with the blood in her face and the pale color of her skin.
As though his sorrow guided him, it didn’t take him long to find Chancellor Palpatine. The man turned around, seeing the woman iddly lying in his arms.
Anakin delicately lied her down, making sure that her head rested softly.
“Help me” He begged. “Please help me” 
Palpatine watched from him to her, understanding how desperate he was. 
“I will do whatever you ask” Anakin gulped, kneeling down in total submission. “Just help me save her, I can’t lose Y/N”
Tag list: @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @caswinchester2000​ / @danietoww04​ / @mattiekins​ / @x-joie-x // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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whittakerjodie · 4 years
Doppelganger Part 2 (Whittaker!master X Reader)
Summary: The Master has decided that she’s not done with you
Words: 2.4k
Authors note: Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the way she’s got me whipped rn... 
Warnings: emotional manipulation, the Master in general
Part One    
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   Things on the TARDIS had been… awkward to say the least. The Doctor had spent two days taking care of you and asking questions. Then, after those two days, it was like a wall was suddenly erected between the two of you and you hardly spoke. You knew you hadn’t done anything wrong, so there was no apparent reason for her shortness other than the ‘other’ Master. 
Once in a while, you would catch her staring at you with a look in her eyes that nearly brought you to tears without feeling what she was. How did you even bring a situation like that up, or begin to explain it? 
   Thankfully, the shock, pain, and bruises became a lot less intense as time passed. Your adventuring resume had provided you with quite the tolerance for the three staples. There were still stubborn remnants though. The gentle touch of her hand before the sting of pain, the Doctor's voice perverted into yelling and commanding, her eyes as you were carried away; furious yet… calculating. 
   Then, sometimes you would find yourself staring at her, when she wasn’t doing the same to you. It was surrealism to a new level- the women you loved, same as always, even after seeing her (but not her) hurt you so badly. You hated the few times you would see her out of the corner of your eyes and jump on account of seeing the Master in her place. 
   The Doctor had insisted that you come on their next adventure, even though you’d asked if you could spend a day inside the TARDIS to relax. You supposed she didn’t want whatever happened before happening again and leaving you with her. So, you agreed, even if you weren’t excited like usual. 
   You were trailing behind the Doctor and the fam, unable to become fully present. The planet was nice, at least. Long winding tree’s stretched towards a dark purple sky, where 6 suns sparkled. You were hiking on a trail headed towards the peak of Banton, where you would be able to see the seventh moon from it’s height. 
   Nothing dangerous had happened yet, but deep down you could feel that something was wrong. Every alien on-planet seemed… tense. Artificial, almost. Their eyes followed you and you alone, and you could sense them still following you even into the wilderness. You heard shuffling in the bush behind you and curled your hand into a nervous fist. 
“Doc-” You started. You were cut off by a tug on your arm, hard enough to nearly dislocate your shoulder. Your back slammed against a tree and the air was knocked out of you in one moment, a gloved hand pressing against your lips to keep you quiet. Red twinged at the edges of your eyesight from the pain and you tried to push outwards against whoever had hurt you. 
“Careful love. Relax.” Then, everything disappeared in a bright blue light. 
Not again, you thought, as you woke up for the second time in immense pain. You immediately shot upwards, ecstatic to find that your limbs were not bound this time. Then, confusion set in. You weren’t in a chair or a dark, scary room.
    There was a soft orange light covering the room. You could make out bookshelves, filled to maximum capacity. In the corner was a large vanity, the mirror extending to the ceiling. Reflected in the mirror was you, panicked and covered in a blanket you were realizing was very comfortable. And next to you-
You jumped up again and nearly fell off the bed when a hand reached out and grabbed your collar, yanking you forward. 
“I said relax.” 
   The Master didn’t even look at you, eyes pointed at the pages of her book. Her fist was still curled around the fabric of your shirt, holding you in place. You tried to pull again only to be greeted with an eye roll. 
“Do I need to tie you up again? Relax” she demanded through gritted teeth. She slowly let go of your shirt and you sank back into a sitting position on the bed. 
“How?” Was the first out of many questions you asked. 
“You don’t need to know that. What sort of food do you like?” 
“Food from my own universe, thank you. I’d like to go back to it” 
“You don’t have to go back to it.” 
“Yes, I do” 
“No you don’t.”
“And why is that?” you exclaimed impatiently. 
“Because you never left your universe” Your eyes widened. 
“What d’you mean?” 
“I mean what I said. Now, I answered your question, dear. I believe I’m owed.” 
   You blinked, watching her doggy-ear her page and set the book on the nightstand. She stared back at you, eyes narrowed. You felt yourself blush involuntarily at the attention. She was still wearing the same outfit from the other day, but it was buttoned up once more. You stubbornly shoved the image of the opposite case out of your mind. 
“W-which question was that again?” You stammered. She shifted, laying on her side with her head propped up on her hand. 
“I asked what food you like.” You thought for a moment, trying to decipher any hidden trick lying in the question. You gave her your nervous reply, and she nodded, then pointed across the room. Hanging off the vanity was a long dress. “Put it on.” 
   Then, she pushed herself off the bed and walked out of the room. For a moment, you could swear you heard her chuckling to herself. Immediately you searched around the room for a way out other than the door. There were no windows, though, and no obvious forms of communication lying around. Giving in (for the briefest of moments only, you told yourself) You tugged the dress into your arms and put it on. 
   Her TARDIS console room was different than your Doctors. There were still columns surrounding the console, but they were grey and pointy near the ceiling. The ‘round things’ still covered the walls, but their orange was violent, like fire. Their light was the only thing keeping the console room from drowning in total darkness. The Masters form was nothing but a black shadow, toying with the buttons and levers with an careful expertise. 
   She heard your footsteps and turned. Although the shadows concealed most of her face, you could make out her smirk and approving stare. You tried to make out her outfit but she stepped back into the shadows more. 
“If we’re still in my universe, how did you get here?” You asked. You didn’t want to consider the possibilities and plans running through her mind or the dangers of having two Masters - one of which was a spitting image of the Doctor- running around. 
“How about you save the questions until after dinner?” She murmured. 
“Yes, dinner. What do you think, that I asked what food you liked so I could erase it from existence? Oo-!” She perked up. It was scary how much her excitement reminded you of the Doctor. “I could do that. Maybe if you’re a bad girl.” 
    You stepped back into the shadows yourself so that she wouldn’t take advantage of the warmth burning across your face. This was all too confusing. It was embarrassing and weird and wow, there was too much going on inside and outside of your head. A gloved hand slid under your chin, tilting your face upwards. You met her eyes, shrinking under the weight of them. 
“How long has it been for you, since we met?” 
“Couple of days.” She nodded, stepping back. 
   You stepped out of the TARDIS with her, somewhat ashamedly shielding yourself behind her. She seemed to take note of the fact with a smile. You seemed to be in a restaurant of sorts, although not one on Earth. Aliens of all sorts dined at tables on several levels, all of which were lit so beautifully you nearly forgot that your date was a genocidal maniac wearing your crushes face. 
   You let the Master deal with all the talking, carefully listening in in case she let anything slip. To your disappointment, she didn’t, and you were led to your table. While you walked you found yourself once again greedily eyeing her outfit. It was very... fitting. The red shirt had remained the same, her black pants hugging her form tightly. You scolded yourself for getting distracted. 
“Don’t try anything or I’ll slit the throat of everyone here,” the Master promised.
    Hearing such a violent thing be said in the Doctor’s voice immediately ripped you out of your admiring state and you didn’t sit down. Somehow, the food had already been prepared for you. This was ridiculous- looking around, everyone was on a date. This was a date. 
“Alright, just come out with the plan.” You demanded. The Master shot a glare towards the hostess, who scurried away with a yelp.
“What plan? How do you know I have a plan?” 
“Don’t you always?” You spat. “Listen… this has gone on far enough. The Doctor will find me.” 
“Oh great,” The master said with a groan. “You’re playing the damsel-in-distress angle. Classic, but not what I was looking for on this particular outing. Sit.” 
“No” You insisted. “Why should I? You hurt me” 
“I barely touched you” She said with an eye roll. She pulled your chair out for you, pointing at it. “Now, if you’re done whining, I believe your food is getting cold.” 
   She reached into her pocket and you could see the classic shape of the tissue compression eliminator. So, you thought. Not much difference between universes then. 
   You took a seat, pushing yourself in so that she couldn’t. She huffed and took the seat opposite from you, starting her meal. As she cut into her steak you looked down at your own food, unable to deny that you were hungry. 
“It’s not poisoned, if that’s what you’re thinking. Eat, I have some things to discuss with you after.” 
    Deciding not to get on her nerves any longer, you silently ate your food. Amazingly, the Master hadn’t lied. You remained alive, enjoying the superb cooking. The Master was silent too, for once, although she seemed rather twitchy, like she was eager to jump up from the seat and cause chaos where she stood. She took a sip of her blood-red wine and began to speak. 
“Do you know the first rule of travelling with the Doctor, Y/n?” 
“Don’t run off?” 
“The Doctor lies” She said lowly. “Tell me, is she still sticking to her usual formula? Telling you that you’re important, that she’ll take you to every corner of the universe, that she’ll take care of you?” 
   You swallowed your food and winced as it stuck in your throat. This is just her trying to get a rise out of you, you told yourself. “I am important” You argued. “She has taken me to many corners of the universe and she does take care of me” 
She gave a small tsk and reached across the table to place her hand over yours. You tried to yank it back but she had an iron grip, digging her nails into the skin on your wrist. 
“Tell me, Y/n, if you’re so important to her, do you know about all her other friends? Her lovers?” 
    You couldn’t break yourself away from the eye contact, trying not to show any emotion. You didn’t, really. The Doctor hadn’t even told you what planet she was from until a couple of months ago. The Master could tell that you didn’t know, too. It made you sick. 
“I wonder… so many lovers here right now, eating. How much of a coincidence would it be if the Doctor were here, right now?” Your muscles tensed. What was she talking about? She feigned curiosity, eyes scanning the room until they landed on a table in the far corner of the room. 
“Oh, look at that. Aren’t they lovely.” You refused to follow her gaze and as a result, she grabbed your chin and forced your head towards the table. It wasn’t any two people you recognized, but you could sense familiarity in the man sitting there. He wasn’t your Doctor per say but- 
“Her 12th face. Technically. Who’s that sitting with him you might ask?” 
“His adoring wife!” She said gleefully. Your chin wobbled and you moved your eyes away from them. The Doctor was so old, you figured she would’ve loved others before you. But knowing was different then seeing and having it used against you. 
   The Master dropped your chin, laughing when your head quickly fell. You didn’t realize you’d been leaning into her supporting hand. She silenced herself with another sip of wine, watching you carefully. 
"Been together ages, them. Granted, not nearly as long as me and the Doctor have-” She didn’t finish. “Did the Doctor tell you about the 24 years they spent on this planet?"
 You took a bite and ate your food slower, determined not to give in. But she was just as stubborn- she glared at you impatiently. 
"I- I didn't know she had a wife" You admitted. Regret immediately stabbed through your tongue; you'd given her ammo, now.
"Neither did I, at first. I told you, dear. That’s the first rule. The Doctor lies" You ignored her again, trying to process your feelings. It was a little hard, given the situation. She sighed. “I wouldn’t lie to you, y/n. Well, that’s a lie. I would lie to you. I will lie to you. But I’ll have the decency to admit my dishonesty” 
“Well that’s very… honest of you” You murmur instinctively. She blinked. 
“Regardless.” She seethed. “I usually don’t keep pets-”
“Companions. But I'd be willing to make an exception for you” Your heart stops, caught completely off guard. 
“I’m sorry- what?” 
“The rules are simple. You come with me, no one dies. You refuse, or you try to contact your precious Doctor, and I burn the universe I came from.” She held up a small wooden box, twirling it around in her fingers. “It’s called the moment. Timelord technology, but modified. I press the button on this bad-boy and the entire universe collapses before you can scream my name” 
   You stared at the box in horror, unsure of what to do. She wouldn’t would she? But she’s not the Doctor, you reminded yourself. She would. But why?
“B-but that's your whole universe! What would you even do?!?” You try to tug your hand back again but she nearly claws at it. 
“Stay here with you. Then we could watch your universe burn next. Wouldn’t that be fun?” You look around the restaurant, frantically trying to get someone's attention, hoping someone could notice your panic. She chuckled, pocketing the Moment. “Don’t bother. Perception filter. It’s just you and I, love” 
“Fine” You spat.There was no time to consider logistics or options. “Just- don’t hurt anyone please” 
   The last thing you wanted was a body count and the Master could make that happen in a split second. All you could do was hope that the Doctor would find you. Until then… you would have to follow her every order. You would have to let her become your Master. 
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foxcantswim · 4 years
Take My Hand | Thoschei
Take My Hand https://archiveofourown.org/works/23059720
Just some soft Thoschei at the end of Series 12 ( 13 x Dhawan!Master )
The Doctor convinces the Master to leave Gallifrey with her
She couldn't do it.
Her hand had dropped to her side, unable to press the button. Even after all the Master's taunting.
She simply couldn't do it... Despite her current hatred towards the Master for what he had done to Gallifrey, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. She would never allow her hate to overcome her. Her adoration for her old friend, well he was more than just a friend, in front of her was all she could focus on.
Looking down at him, she hoped that his eyes would hold something for once. Not the usual emptiness. Just a glimmer of hope was all she could ever wish for. Anything.
She noticed him twitch slightly, a look of confusion glossed over his eyes. His fists clenched just a little bit tighter. The Doctor noticed every little thing about him.
The Doctor was prepared to die there on Gallifrey at the hands of the Master's new creations. She would gladly accept death instead of killing her friend.
But after Ko Sharmus had ran into the room, taking a hold of the device... the Doctor thought of this as another chance. Another chance to get off this planet with the Master. Not alone.
"Come with me," the Doctor said, outstretching her hand. Her eyes flickered between him and the new Cybermen behind him.
He chuckled whilst standing, "And why would I do that, Doctor? I hate you," the Doctor heard the slight falter when he breathed the word 'hate'. She knew deep down there was more than just hate. Something more.
"Yes. You do. But not enough to say 'no'," she replied, not willing to let her hand drop.
He looked away from her, focusing on anything but.
"I know..." she took a step closer, "I know deep down that you've always wanted to travel with me. We talked about it when we were young. Just us two. Seeing the stars, seeing the planets... And we promised eachother that we would sit down at the end of every adventure and just talk in our own TARDIS. Together."
"Master," she cut him off, her hearts ached at the need to call him by his real name, "Just this once. Take my hand," she pleaded.
He shook his head, looking down at his feet, "Why... After all I've done. Why do you still continue to treat me like I'm your friend?!" a hint of anger laced his words.
"Because you are," she assured, "I wanted to take your hand at the boundary. But I was afraid... Afraid of you letting go again."
The Master would never admit that the Doctor was above him. Because right now she was. She had been for a long time. Grabbing her hand would prove that she was the higher being.
"The Cyberium would never let me leave," he admitted.
"I wouldn't let the Cyberium stop you," she promised, "We can control it together."
She could practically see the gears turning in his head, the harsh tension in the room was slowly dying out.
"Come on," the Doctor smiled, "You know you want to," seeing his hands twitch, she sighed, "Would it make you feel better if I dropped my hand and you raised yours?" she teased as she let her hand fall.
"Perhaps," the Master tried to stop the smirk from appearing on his face as he raised his hand, "Take my hand, Doctor."
She quickly took it, "Always."
The Doctor tried to talk Ko Sharmus out of sacrificing himself, assuring him that there must be another way. He declined and declined, promising that this is what he had to do.
The Master didn't need to think twice before dragging her down the corridor towards a vacant TARDIS. His hand released hers before he danced around the console.
"Let me dri-"
"You always leave the brakes on, Doctor! I would never let you drive!" he exclaimed with a laugh.
She moved to the opposite side of the console, her hands gripped it hard, "Don't judge my abilities," she smirked.
"Is it too late to decline your offer?" he groaned as he pulled the final lever.
"My offer?" she questioned, "You're the one who said 'take my hand, Doctor'," she teased as the TARDIS shook.
"You are already becoming a pain..." he muttered.
She smiled, "Where are you even sending us?"
"I got a lock on to your TARDIS, I assumed you wanted to be somewhere familiar."
"Trying to steal my TARDIS, are you?"
"Don't test me."
The Doctor felt like she was going to cry as she looked at the man on the other side of the console. All of this felt like a dream. It was so long ago when they had agreed to travel together... And now it was really happening before her very eyes.
He caught her staring, "Oh, if looks could kill, Doctor. I might just drop dead right now," he joked.
The Doctor was already loving this. She could hardly believe it. Her old friend was standing in the same TARDIS as her. And they weren't trying to kill eachother. They weren't a threat to eachother.
She rounded the console without saying a word, feeling a stray tear roll down her cheek.
"Don't you get all emotional on me, Doctor. You know how I feel about emotions," he glared as he took a step back from the console, already expecting the Doctor to display some physical affection.
The anger in his voice was evident... but she could tell that he wouldn't deny a hug.
Her arms came to wrap around him as she allowed more tears to fall, her head rested against the man's chest - listening to his heartbeats.
"Doctor..." he groaned under her touch, trying to sound annoyed. His arms stayed rigid, trying his best not reciprocate. He couldn't appear weak.
"Thank you for coming with me, Koschei," she muttered with a content sigh, "I would've stayed there on Gallifrey with you, you know?"
"No you wouldn't-"
"Yes I would have," she said, her head lifted off his chest to look up into his eyes, "I would've set a course on another TARDIS for Ko Sharmus... Then I would've come back to you. But... I wouldn't have killed you. Because I could never do that to you."
He gulped, feeling his heartbeat quicken. Finally. He allowed one hand to come up to the Doctor's face, he sighed as he cupped the woman's face, "Always so stupid. Aren't you, Theta?"
They hadn't been this physically close in so long. The Doctor even thought for a second that the Master was going to kiss her... She could barely remember what that felt like.
He decided to pull the Doctor into a hug once the TARDIS landed. This caught her of guard, making her freeze up for a moment. His arms were tight around her, her hands clutched the back of his jacket.
"You're tired..." he said.
She shook her head against him, "No. I'm okay."
He felt the slightest bit of guilt begin to eat away at him. He had been the cause for this. The cause of the Doctor's pain. He thought he would enjoy it...
Pulling back, his hand found hers and he spoke sternly, "Your TARDIS is waiting. No point in wasting our time in here. And you can get some rest whilst I finally take the reigns of your TARDIS again."
"It's my turn to drive," she pouted.
He rolled his eyes, dragging her towards the doors, "Next time you can drive."
"And the time after that... and the time after that..." she smiled.
"Don't push your luck, Doctor. Or I'll push you into the time vortex."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
Just as they were about to leave the TARDIS, the Doctor pulled the Master back towards her, "And I would just pull you out with me," she hugged him tight again.
Letting out a groan, he spoke, "Have you always been this touchy feely?" he failed to stop the smile from appearing on his face.
"I just haven't had a hug in a long time..." she mumbled against him, his arms soon found their place around her once more.
After many attempts of pulling away from the Doctor, finally, the Master convinced her to leave the TARDIS, "You're going to make me regenerate if you squeeze any harder," he had mumbled.
"Can't let that happen."
The Master stepped out first and the Doctor followed.
He grimaced, "A tree? Really?"
The Doctor allowed her hand to brush the side of the tree, "Smart if you think about it. Nobody would ever know something was off."
The Master kept his hands in his pockets as he walked on ahead, "Stop feeling up the tree and get a move on. Don't make me leave you behind," he called without looking back.
"Two things. One. My TARDIS wouldn't leave me behind and let you take her. Two. You wouldn't leave me behind."
"Really?" he questioned, stopping in his tracks.
"Really," she caught up to him.
"Didn't your TARDIS leave you behind last time?"
The Doctor hushed him, "Shut up..." she muttered under her breath before grabbing his hand again.
The Master smirked "Is this going to be a regular thing?" he sighed as they walked side by side.
She nodded, "At least I'm not saying 'run' for once," she joked as they arrived at the blue box.
The Doctor's free hand came up to rest on the door, "Hey, old girl..."
He watched quietly as the Doctor's hand traveled down to the door handle. Before she could push it open, it opened on its own.
A questionable hum emitted from the TARDIS as she entered, pulling the Master along with her.
"It's okay," the Doctor assured, "He's travelling with us for a bit."
Another hum.
"Don't be jealous," she smiled.
"She doesn't like me," he muttered.
"Can you blame her?" the pair approached the console, "You've done a lot of bad things, you know? Like killing lots of innocent people," she hadn't forgiven him for all the deaths. For all the suffering. It would take a lot of time for her to understand his ways. To forgive him.
"Don't think I will stop, Doctor..." he said as he leaned against the console, releasing the Doctor's hand. She leaned against it beside him.
She sighed, "Just... Try."
For you, I would.
"No promises," he folded his arms.
There was a comfortable silence around them. The Master knew that the Doctor needed to take a breather. She was extremely tired both physically and mentally, even though she didn't show it.
His eyes drifted around the room, "I never got a good look at this place when I first came in here... I don't like it."
"He's only teasing," the Doctor said once the TARDIS started to make another distressed noise. She allowed her eyes to close as she took a deep breath.
She was scared to open her eyes.
Scared to see that Koschei wasn't really there. Just a figment of her imagination.
The Master glanced at the Doctor. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed her ragged breathing, "Theta," he spoke, understanding her situation, "I'm here."
This time, he was the one to initiate the hug. He pulled her into his side, his arms secure around her.
I'm sorry.
He didn't know what to say. He felt the need to scream and shout at someone or something. The banging in his head made everything hurt... But as he felt the Doctor's arms around him. The noise became more bearable. She was like a barrier. Blocking the noise for him. Strangely, he never expected to feel at peace around her. But he did.
"I should really go see the gang..."
He quickly replied, "Just take a moment. Those puny little humans can wait."
She sighed, her eyes closing as she focused on Koschei's heartbeats. She decided to ignore his comment for now.
A loud alarm blaring from the console made the pair jump away in fright.
"Is your stupid TARDIS trying to scare me into my next regeneration?!" the Master exclaimed in anger as he felt his hearts begin to beat rapidly.
The Doctor was cut off by a flash of light illuminating the room. The two looked towards the source to see three Judoon standing in front of them.
The look of confusion on the Master's face was clear, "Oh, Doctor what have you been up to?"
"I haven't-"
The Judoon interrupted, "Judoon Cold Case Unit. Fugitive: The Doctor," they stepped closer, "Sentence: whole of life imprisonment, maximum security facility."
"What?!" the Doctor exclaimed.
Suddenly, the Judoon were gone - one by one.
The Doctor's eyes quickly snapped towards the Master, "Master?!" she shouted, he was holding the TCE in his hand and aiming where the Judoon used to be.
"Only call my name like that when we're in bed, Theta," he chuckled before pocketing the TCE. He walked over to the Judoon and picked them up, "Look!" he looked like an excited child with a new toy, "I've made some new friends."
He was soon bored with them as he tossed them over his shoulder.
"Koschei that- that was extremely unnecessary!" she still couldn't believe that he had shrunk them, "If word gets out, you and I will both be in a lot more trouble with the Judoon!"
He stepped closer with an annoyed sigh, "You talk way too much, has anyone ever told you that?"
Before she could say anything, the Master's hands cupped her cheeks. His lips connected with hers almost immediately. The Doctor could hardly get over the initial shock.
She didn't expect him to be so soft and gentle. She expected anything but. Her arms seemed to move on their own as they came to rest around the Master's neck. His own hands traveled down to pull her closer by the waist as the Doctor allowed her eyes to close.
The Doctor pulled away after hearing the TARDIS make a groan of disgust.
"Don't listen to her," he replied, kissing her again. His hands were almost possessive as he held her close.
The TARDIS noises finally died down once she finally knew that the Doctor wasn't under any threat.
Koschei could feel tension radiating off of Theta, dark and unwelcomed tension. One of his hands carefully drifted up towards her head, "May I?" he breathed between the kiss.
She felt a tear fall down her cheek. The silence she replied with was more than enough for him.
His fingers brushed against Theta's temple. At this moment, he was willing to take on the pain and hurt for her. The sound of the drums was nothing in comparison to the weight the Doctor carried. Her fingers came to play with the hair on the back of his neck in comfort.
I'm here for you now.
Theta heard him loud and clear.
He wanted to apologise. He really did. But he couldn't. Not right now. One day. Maybe.
He soothed her mind, dimmed down any bad thought he could find.
The Doctor's lips left his once she realised what he was doing. The telepathic connection broke, "You don't have to do this-"
"I do," he replied.
His fingers never left her temple, her tired eyes opened before closing immediately. Her arms moved down to wrap around his middle, resting her head against his shoulder. He wanted to help her calm down and tire her mind out.
"You need rest," the Master decided, "What kind of Time Lord needs to sleep?!" the Doctor smiled. Even after everything that has happened, he still used the term 'Time Lord' so fondly, his hand dropped from her head before he carried her in his arms.
Carrying her down one of the many corridors, he decided that he would have to come to terms with the whole situation. It wasn't exactly the Doctor's fault for what had happened. He needed someone to blame. And the Doctor was the only option at the time. And after everything he had done, she had still come back to him. She always does.
He arrived at a random bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot. Stepping inside, he made his way over to the bed. Koschei helped Theta remove her shoes as she was on the brink of passing out. Her head immediately connected with the pillow, a sigh of relief escaped her.
She lifted a hand to grab onto the bottom of the Master's jacket when he began to turn and walk away, "Don't go."
"Don't worry. I will be back," he assured and turned to face her. He leaned down to press a teasing kiss to her lips, "Your Master has some things to do."
She groaned in disgust before flipping over to bury her face into the pillow.
He chuckled, darkly, "If you're still awake by the time I'm back. I will have to make you sleep," he warned.
Another groan, but muffled, escaped the Doctor.
The smirk wouldn't leave his face as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
Immediately, he pranced down the corridor, "Wooo!" he exclaimed, running into the console room. The TARDIS made a confused noise, "Come on, darlin'!" he shouted, basking in the orange glow coming from the console, "I feel like burning a planet or two!"
The TARDIS wasn't having any of that.
He pulled a couple levers, pressed a few buttons here and there.
"Don't ruin this for me," he growled once he realised the TARDIS wasn't responding, "Technically, I'm your owner too now."
No, you're not.
"Yes, I am."
"Yes," he replied. The TARDIS remained silent. He groaned in frustration, "You're so stubborn! How does she cope?!"
The TARDIS made a noise which could be heard as laughter.
His hand came up to rest on the console, brushing it carefully, "Come oooon. Just one?" he decided to take a different approach, "It'll be fuuuun~," he winked up at the ceiling.
"Just one."
"One tiny little planet. Doesn't even need to have anybody living on it! Although that would be a perk-"
The TARDIS quickly began to move. The console came to life. Lights flickered, a miniature white TARDIS span around quickly.
"Oh, did I ever tell you that I love ya?!" he smirked, happily. The TARDIS landed...
He danced over to the door and pulled it open, excitement took over his body. His smile soon dropped when he realised where the TARDIS had took him...
"M-Master?!" the girl said. The Master's eyes darted between the three 'companions'. He slammed the door shut, turning to glare at the console.
"Did I ever tell you that I hate you?"
The Doctor couldn't stop the smile from appearing on her face as she looked up at the monitor in the corner of the room, displaying what was going on in the console room, "Same old Master..." she sighed, her eyes closed, "Nice one, old girl."
The TARDIS hummed happily in response.
"He'll change. One day."
One day.
110 notes · View notes
She’s the Master Part 2
Whittaker!Master x reader
ooh, short and angsty 
(thanks for everyone who gave requests for this, i love you all, more on the way now i’m not busy)
You weren't looking at her, you weren't going to look at her, not even if she barked it out as a command followed by beating the absolute shit out of you. No thanks. Not in a million years. You didn't like the way it gave such an odd sensation to the pit of your stomach, and you hated that you weren't sure that was from the Master herself or the fact her face was entirely the same as the Doctor's. You'd prefer the latter, though neither were particularly preferable.
You kept your eyes solely fixed on one spot of the TARDIS floor, barely resisting the urge to mumble. She didn't seem to be paying attention, having turned to her console to flick up several switches. "Why don't we talk to your Doctor, hm?"
It was then that the TARDIS started to jolt again, knocking the Master backwards, forcing you to slam your hands over your ears as the loud blares started up again. Judging by her grunts of irritance at having to push herself up, you'd say she had no idea what was happening.
The lights were behind your eyes again, and they made you feel dizzingly sick. The lump at the back of your throat was hard to swallow, a tear or two rolling onto your cheek as a result. You kept your head down, pressing yourself further into the floor.
"Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?"
Your head snapped back up, eyes still forced to squint, as you attempted to focus on the echo through the persistant beeps. It wasn't her, it was the Doctor - you weren't sure if you could even bare to listen to that voice, let alone see her.
"Hold tight, I'm coming to get you."
The Docto- the Master's annoyance shifted into a smirk, one hand running through her hair as she stood tall, glaring down at you. It was intimidating to say the least, and you hated yourself for finding some other feeling in the mix.
"Rude to stare, you kn- "
She'd hauled you up to your feet before you could finish, grip on your forearm not quite enough to act as an anchor as you stumbled forward, legs buckling. She only yanked on your arm, forcing out a groan from your lips before her fist collided with your face.
You weren't sure what sound you made as you crashed back to the ground, but the buzzing became infinitely worse, your eyes slamming shut against the trickle of blood from your nose. You found yourself practically choking into the crook of your arm. "Well, what- " you spluttered out, "Was the point in that?"
Her lips were soon brushing against your ear. "That was the point."
She lifted your chin up, undoubtedly smirking, to point you in the direction of the TARDIS door. The Doctor had her back to you, lilac coat swaying as she turned, the hopeful rescue soon crumbling into utter despair.
You looked back down as she looked to the spitting image of herself, your hands clenching against the floor. The Master dropped your chin, but remained sickeningly close. It was even more unnerving when she spoke, because you really shouldn't have to find it difficult to differentiate between the two time lord's words - you hated listening to that Yorkshire accent.
"You know, Doctor, I like you a lot more with my face. Not sure about the rainbows - bit much that."
"Who are you?"
She'd already figured it out, you knew she had.
The Master quite evidently knew too, shifting in another bout of irritance at the Doctor's state of denial.
"Oh, come on, Doctor!" She spat. "Another universe, this face, infinitely better dress sense - take a guess."
For fuck's sake. Of course this would happen to you. Of course it would. Of course you'd be lying on the floor wiping the dripping blood from your face with your favourite shirt as the Doctor and a Master who looked precisely the same seemed to be having an odd showdown. And, obviously, you couldn't look at either of them.
The Doctor barely responded, though when she did, it wasn't in conformation of what was happening. "Let go of- "
"No no no no, first, you tell me what stupid thing you've done now to destroy my ship. Then I'll think about letting your pet go."
"This isn't negotiable."
You looked up at the Doctor, her stance wavering a little when she reciprocated the action. You immediatly looked back down.
"Neither of us belong in this universe, it would make no sense to do anything and you know it." The Doctor was becoming tense now. "We're going whether you like it or not."
"I'm not- "
"Yaz, now!"
The TARDIS lurched again, giving you the very brief opportunity to kick out the Master's legs before your head bashed against the ground.
The Doctor had lunged to grab your forearm before, somehow in the exact same place as her spitting image had, but she hadn't exactly noticed that. She barely noticed that you'd flinched from the light and fallen until you were practically collapsing onto her.
She hoisted you up, and you couldn't help but jump back, still unable to even glance at her. You were safe, you knew that, the lights were the same soothing sort of yellow as usual, the hexagons lining the walls, Yaz rushing to your side.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, really."
"Your nose is broken- "
"It's fine," you interjected.
The Doctor couldn't stop looking at you. "Medbay," she said, softening her voice to a degree none of you had heard in a long time. "I'll take a look in the medbay."
That being said, neither Ryan, Graham or Yaz would ask, maybe a year ago, but not now.
You only nodded, climbing up the stairs two at a time in your resolve to avoid the Doctor for as long as possible.
127 notes · View notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 4 years
For just $29.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
1 note · View note
wirednstrungjewelry · 3 years
For just $24.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 3 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 3 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 4 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 4 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 4 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 4 years
For just $26.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes
wirednstrungjewelry · 5 years
For just $29.00 From WirednStrung - Jewelry and Gifts I call this necklace set "Heaven and Earth" It has beautiful light Green stones made from Quartz that reminds me of the Earth and all the beautiful stones that we have and the Clear Crystal Quartz reminds me of Heaven with its clear colors that radiates light everywhere and brings beauty and Peace. This necklace has Clear Quartz medium chips 3mm to 7mm approx It has Clear Quartz points that are 1/4 inch wide x 1/2 inch long to the point It has light Green Quartz cube style beads that are 6mm approx It has Sky Blue glass square beads that are 4mm approx I nestled the Quartz chips in between the light Green Quartz beads and the Crystal points. When the light hits the crystals it radiates light in such a beautiful way. The necklace is 19 inches including the length of the clasp Matching Earrings come with the necklace The earrings have a silver chains and I have the Light Green Quartz beads, the Blue cube beads and the Quartz chips hanging from the chains. They have a drop length of 1 1/4 inches findings are a tarnish resistant Silver, Lobster clasp. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. *Stone properties are for enhancing the mind, body and spirit but does not replace docto...
0 notes