#do i tag this as kfp??
gilligans-islands · 5 months
for those who don't know kung fu panda 2 is genuinely my #1 favorite movie ever and while i was getting my associates degree i took a positive psychology course where the final assignment of the class entailed picking a piece of media and creating a presentation about how that media embodied the concepts in positive psychology
so naturally i chose kung fu panda 2 which was fitting because for the first assignment of the course i wrote an essay on the first kung fu panda movie so it all came full cirlce.
this is all to say that i had to do a short paper along with the presentation and i wanted to share this excerpt from it that i completely forgot i wrote
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nerosdayinanime · 6 months
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i forgor to post the kfp doodles
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zalgoid · 3 months
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This is gonna be a long thing to explain.
Characters From Left to Right: Tigress from Kung fu panda, Vitaly from Madagascar 3, Morning Frost from once upon a witchlight (though he is squished in the back for scale), Shira from the ice age movies (who I force on two legs) and Diego from the ice age movies (who I also forced on two legs)
I’ve noticed a trend that in shows and movies I like or liked as a kid that if that show/movie had an anthro Tiger character there was a 100% chance said anthro tiger was my favorite character and I have no clue why 🧍‍♀️ I thought I would be silly to draw them together and as I started I realized that they kinda give silly dnd party so I shot them with the dnd ray (not tigress cause she’s perfect and not frost cause he’s already a dnd character 🧍‍♀️) and I ended up with this line up.
We have Tigress as a monk, Vitaly as a barbarian+bard multiclass, Shira as a Rouge+Fighter multiclass, Diego as a fighter, and Frost as the ONLY non-martial as his silly Sorcerer flavored to be like a mystic type deal.
The Autism demands I don’t stop drawing them until I explode so you’re gonna see a lot of them. I have no clue what their adventures will be other than indulging 6 year old me (and maybe fighting the bbeg Tony the tiger /j)
Anyways I’m gonna be so cringe yall don’t even know it.
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scorch-cake · 2 months
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I saw the wrong tweet and decided "fuck it, redemption and gay domestic fluff au time" so i've been working on some reference drawings for a while.
no i haven't seen the fourth one yet i will work on it
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 Thoughts/Liveblog Thing
Just caught this at the theater for a grand total of five whole dollars, so I thought I'd do some quick opinions while it's fresh.
Non-spoiler opinion: It was Okay(TM), but the movies were considerably stronger as a trilogy. It's worth seeing one (1) time if you're a KFP fan (and really, who isn't), but I wouldn't bother paying full price for it or anything
A list of things that slap:
The animation is stunning and fast-paced. Really loved the use of Chinese-style paint brush strokes to accentuate the action
Also I'll talk about the 5 later but I also really liked the animation change when describing where they are—all KFP movies have at least one animation shift and I'm glad this one kept up with it
Some of the fight scenes were super good, I liked the one that uses the tilting bar on a cliff in particular
(side note: the Missing Link did something similar, just on a ship. Go watch the Missing Link)
The Chameleon served straight cunt the entire time she was on screen and I kind of loved (almost) everything about her. Character design was incredible, voice was perfect, palace design was amazing, abilities were sick
Also the way she rides up chilling in a golden tree branch of all things? Fellas, we have no choice but to stan
Also I just appreciate the choice to both do a female villain for a change and to get a reptile in here after having only mammals and one (1) bird as villains previously
Speaking of character design there were a few really good ones in there, like a pangolin that moves Sonic the Hedgehog-style, a cool looking female boar, and a bunch of Komodo dragon henchmen. Good stuff
The jokes were a very mixed bag for me, some hit and some didn't. I will say that Zhen just going "that's great for you" in response to Shifu stating he's a red panda got me for some reason
If anyone hurts Po's gay dads I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself
Jack Black's cover of Baby One (1) More Time is unironically better than the original
A list of things that Do Not Slap:
This movie lacked a color scheme? KFP 1 was blue (also some gold), KFP 2 was red, KFP 3 was green. These colors weren't subtle either, there are entire scenes in each movie drenched in these colors and it was really obviously missing here
The whole first half the movie feels really breathless and too fast-paced. Apparently it was a studio mandate to have it not go over an hour and a half which is A) stupid and B) hurts the pacing
As much as I love Po's two gay dads we REALLY should not have been wasting time on their journey when the runtime is so tight
Also them tagging along felt off? Mr. Ping was worried sick about Po in KFP 2 but he doesn't tag alone because obviously he needs to let his son have his space. It's more in-character with Li Shan but it doesn't come across like he's talking Mr. Ping into it or something
In general there are so many plot points in this movie that feel under-developed. You could've made an entire movie out of the previous villains returning, Zhen and the Chameleon's relationship (see below), etc.
Po's Character:
People not knowing Po is the dragon warrior is weird, I'm pretty sure he would've been more well known than that
The entire thing with Po needing to give up his role as the Dragon Warrior doesn't really make sense? The Dragon Warrior is literally a made-up title. There's no need to have a Dragon Warrior because there is no such thing technically, it's why Oogway denied Tai Lung the title and then waited years and years to give it to Po. Like it's not a role that needs to be passed down, that's missing the entire point of the Everything
Also Po's only been like Dragon Warrior for a few years? I don't think we're ever given a time scale but it wasn't that long
The jokes about Shifu and Po having trouble with inner peace/mediating feels off given that was the entire plot of the second movie
It felt like Po regressed a bit character wise. He acts like he has no idea how to be a teacher in this movie but he already was a teacher by the end of the third, that was the entire point??
Also he seemed like he was more gullible in this movie but I could be wrong
Why is Po so impressed with Juniper city. He literally spent most of KFP 2 in Gongmen hello?? I think(?) Juniper is bigger but he shouldn't be acting like he has no idea what a city is
Zhen's character design doesn't match anything else, which is weird because most of the new characters in this film keep the distinct style in some form or another
Her wanted poster shows her with the bold markings KFP is known for and it looks SO much better
The plot twist with Zhen working for the villain was so obvious I did not realize it was supposed to be a twist at first
Also, the entire thing with Zhen was entirely unneeded? The Chameleon could've just just stood up and announced her plan to take over and Po would've shown up on her doorstep with the staff
I guess the idea is that Po needed to hand over the staff willingly for it to work? But if that's the case the Chameleon could've just impersonated Tigress or something and gotten it that way in like 1/3 of the time
Originally she was supposed to have kidnapped Shifu which would've been a much better plot point as it would've given Po extra motivation
The other problem with treating Zhen as a plot twist is that it hampers the relationship she has with the Chameleon effectively being her mom, which is FASCINATING. They had some really interesting chemistry together (the whole "stand up straight" thing as one example) and I could've seen it as a Mother Gospel from Tangled kind of deal, but we barely get any interaction between the two and it's like AAAAAAA
Fanfic writers fix this shit. I believe in you
I'll have to chew on it more but my pacing thought would actually be to start with Po finding out about the Chameleon's "take over everything" plan very early due to Shifu's kidnapping. He breaks into the lair like at the 1/3 mark or earlier and he meets Zhen inside which then leads into why she's doing what she's doing and the mother angle, etc etc blah blah
The Chameleon needed to just straight-up murder someone, comically shoving them down the stairs isn't good enough. I know stairs are Po's greatest enemy but I don't think that applies to everyone
Shen was allowed to stab someone on-screen so I think the Chameleon should be a allowed to strangle someone or something. as a treat
If violence was the concern just keep it off-screen like Master Rhino's death in KFP 2
The shapeshifter turning into a giant monster trope is overrated and I'm glad it was just used briefly here and not even for her defeat
Also the Chameleon's thing with her being rejected from Kung Fu because she's too small makes no sense b/c Mantis, which I'm pretty sure everyone's pointed out already. She does say "lowly" I think but was she ever poor? Could make a very interested parallel to Zhen if that was the case but it was never brought up again
I've heard some argue body image parallels w/ Po in KFP 1 but if that was the intent it's not explored, like, at all, which is a shame because it could've been an interesting angle
Also If they wanted a better excuse related to body image just say she was too frail instead of too small. I haven't owned chameleons but I've heard from people who have that they are very frail and very hard to keep alive, which would be a much better reason to turn her away
Yes I'm devoting an entire section to five second cameos don't judge me
I have mixed feelings on the Five not being present (save for the end cameos). On the one hand they are sorely missed but on the other hand they would've just made the plot bloat even worse
Lack of speaking was also bothersome. Part of me is glad they weren't recast with cheaper VAs because it's disrespectful to interchange them, but on the other hand that might've been better than just not having them speak and not paying anyone anyway
Tai Lung had all the best lines and was also the best used out of all the cameos, even if it would've been nice to have him on screen for longer. Also if they stuck with Shifu being kidnapped those two could've had some much-needed dialogue
Side note, while I don't think it contradicts anything from KFP 3 the spirit world having only kung fu masters in it feels off? It makes it seem so small and limited
Kai being there is weird. He's like. dead dead. Deader than dead. I guess you could argue that you can't kill something that's already dead but there's nothing even acknowledging this
Trying to take Shen's kung fu is really weird because the entire point of the fight with Master Rhino in KFP 2 is that he is not? a master?? like he's GOOD but he's not amazing, like if a master is like a 10/10 he's like an 8/10.
"The Chameleon has the powers of all my old nemesises!" WHAT'S SHEN'S POWER EXACTLY. HIS ONLY POWERS ARE GUN AND MOMMY/DADDY ISSUES
She does summon him way later than Tai Lung and Kai so maybe she was just camp spawning every single person she could think of regardless of skill level? she also uses his wings at one point so maybe she just wanted those, I don't think(?) there were other birds summoned
Though speaking of which she claimed she was using his wings but very clearly wasn't? not only were they black but they were raggedy and lacked the five longer feathers on the tips
Also Shen's model was super off, it looked way too fluffy and like an entire row of eyespots were missing from the edge of the train (which might have been a clipping error? unsure) it's been said the new models were made out of glue and popsical sticks and I believe it
Tai Lung has a habit of just like Grabbing anyone that's smaller than him and it amuses me
It's honestly really weird that everyone would just agree to go back into the spirit world willingly?
Like I think it works for Tai Lung because he's a noble person who just goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities. Like I think he'd be willing to accept his death
Also it checks out for Shen because he killed himself and given his "dead belong in the past" mentality I can't imagine him wanting to stick around, he'd probably think it was unnatural
But Kai?? Kai was FURIOUS at being dragged back into the spirit world at the end of 3, like hell he'd just go quietly
Also I can see Tai Lung maybe respecting Po enough to bow to him but everyone else is pushing it unless they have therapists in the spirit world. Po offered Shen some nice advice at the end of KFP 2 and his response was to kill himself on the spot, I don't think him or Kai would be bowing
All of them were definitely in the middle of a mahjong match and were experiencing the equivalent of being woken up in the middle of a nap so they were just going along with things
Chameleon: I'm going to steal your kung fu
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I did like some of the more subtle callbacks. Stuff like Po seeing his reflection in the blade the way Shifu did or the "I can't even beat you to the stairs" scene were nice and not overly overt or in-your-face
If Po actively refers to himself as the "Kung Fu Panda" one more time I'm going to end it all
anyway that was not supposed to be a 12 page essay but it's too late now, goodbye
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thehollowwriter · 23 days
Scarlet and Cherry for anyone you see fit? :D
Ohoho some interesting ones...
SCARLET - How do they grieve?
Silas... doesn't grieve at all. At least not at first. He goes numb. Just keeps going through the motions until he can't avoid confronting what's occurred anymore. He doesn't cry, he never does, but he thinks about who he's lost and what he could have done differently, if there was anything that could have done to prevent it. He'll murmur a few words for them, accept what's happened, and carry on.
CHERRY - Why did you create them?
I created Yizé because I wanted an RSA character and because Po from KFP is my absolute favourite character in the trilogy and I think he'd make a neat basis for a twst character
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts
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tardisesandtitans · 2 months
I've seen quite a few kfp fanfics that center around the five being human, but imagine if somehow they turned human and that was their challenge they need to undo!
I imagine after some pandomonium, Po would be like "Okay. Crane, I see why you need a hat. Mantis, you look like a frat boy in his thirties and Monkey, you just look like a cute funny short guy. Hang on, why do we all look middle aged?? I mean, Viper you look...very cute, not sure what I was expecting but if you were a human anyway you look like you'd kick ass cutely. Plus you look kinda ageless, it's not fair."
The other boys agree.
Po sees Tigress, but does a double take.
"T-Tigress...you're...y-" then he just blurts out "YOU'RE HOT!"
And to deflect him from blushing and to distract everyone from what he just said, he says this "and of course I look like a fat guy in his fifties!"
But after they devise a plan, Tigress tells him "Hey. You're our favourite fat guy in his fifties."
(edited because in my rush on my commute to work, I forgot to tag this appropriately! I'm so sorry if this upset anyone! I don't even know how to tag this...)
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saltchipfishshop · 1 year
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Vegan Passover Pecan-Banoffee Pie: my magnum opus
I set out with a dream. An impossible dream. To create a vegan dessert for my synagogue seder that was also kitniyot-free. Did I have to do this? Not really, my shul allows anything vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian that doesn’t have chametz, and we have a section for kitniyot. Am I vegan? No. Do I even keep kosher for Passover myself? Also no. But, you see, I have an almost pathological need to feed as many people as possible, and I am intractably stubborn, so once I realised how difficult this was going to be it only made me dig my heels in further.
It turns out to be borderline impossible to find vegan substitutes for pretty much anything that don’t contain soy, oats, cornflour, chickpeas, or some sort of forbidden legume. Subsequently this recipe is heavily reliant on coconut milk; luckily for me I live in an area with a large Muslim population and it’s currently Ramadan, so tins of coconut are front and centre of every supermarket display.
It’s taken almost a full month of trial, error and meltdowns in the butter aisle of Sainsbury’s, but I finally did it. I had to cobble bits of the recipe together from half a dozen different sources, so I feel relatively justified in calling this my own invention. The pecan crust is borrowed from a Tori Avey cheesecake recipe, I just swapped pistachios for pecans. I really think the crust is what makes it, to be honest. You could probably skip the ganache layer if you can’t be bothered, I just feel like it helps cut through the sweetness.
Recipe under the cut. Please please tag me if anyone decides to make this! I would be so delighted to see it out there in the world.
84g (⅔ cup) pecans
84g (⅔ cup) pecans
84g (⅔ cup) pecans
60g (½ cup) matzo meal
66g (⅓ cup) granulated sugar
71g (5 tbsp) Kosher for Passover vegan margarine (Rakusen’s Tomor*), melted, + extra for greasing
Pinch of salt (optional)
113g KFP vegan dark chocolate (Lindt Excellence 70%, Green & Black’s 70%, Green & Black’s cooking chocolate are all KFP)
113g coconut cream/full-fat coconut milk
A few drops of vanilla extract (optional)
200g caster sugar
100g KFP vegan margarine (Tomor)
200g coconut cream/full-fat coconut milk
Whipped cream
200g coconut cream/full fat coconut milk, kept in the fridge overnight
15-45g KFP icing sugar (check it doesn’t contain maize starch. You could probably omit the sugar and leave the cream unsweetened if you can’t find it, or grind your own- there are recipes for Passover powdered sugar online.)
¼ tsp vanilla extract
3-4 bananas
cocoa powder or grated chocolate to serve (optional)
chopped pecans to serve (optional)
Make the caramel. Place the sugar into a medium / large saucepan. Place the pan on the hob over a low heat. Allow the sugar to melt, this will take around 5-8 minutes. Don’t burn the sugar! Make sure to stir constantly to prevent burning. You can use a wooden spoon or heat proof spatula.
When all of the sugar has melted and is a golden / amber colour, add in the margarine. Be careful, as the sugar is very hot. Remove the pan from the heat and stir to combine. Allow the margarine to melt into the sugar. It might bubble but that's fine. Once it’s combined, it might have a thick consistency. It might look like the margarine isn’t mixing with the sugar, but it should combine once you add the cream. Now add in 200g coconut cream. It will steam and bubble again so be careful.
Add the pan on the heat and allow to simmer for 3-5 minutes to help thicken it up.
Remove the pan from the heat. Set aside to cool for 30 minutes, then transfer / pour the caramel into a heat proof jar. Place the jar into the fridge. Allow to chill overnight. The coconut cream for the whipped cream should also be kept in the fridge overnight, to encourage it to separate and firm up.
If the caramel separates overnight, use an electric whisk to combine into a smooth consistency until there are no remaining lumps. It’ll be a more custard-like texture but still delicious. Keep caramel in the fridge until needed.
Make the crust. Preheat oven to 180˚C. Grease a loose-bottomed tin with margarine and line with greaseproof paper.
Blitz the pecans in the food processor until finely processed. Add matzo meal, salt and sugar and pulse until the entire crust is uniform in colour. With the processor on, drizzle the melted butter into the machine.
Once all the butter has been added, turn the processor off and dump the wet crumbs into the bottom of the lined pan. Using the back of a spoon, press the crumbs evenly into the bottom and up the sides of the pan (it doesn’t have to go all the way up, just as much as you can).
Place the crust in the oven for 8-10 minutes, or until the edges of the crust start to brown a bit and smells fragrant. Leave crust to cool for about ten minutes and then transfer to the fridge to finish cooling.
Make the ganache. Finely chop the chocolate and put in a medium-sized bowl. Put 200g coconut cream in a microwave-safe bowl and heat in the microwave for about 1 minute, watching to make sure it doesn’t bubble over.
Pour the warm cream over the chocolate chips and let sit for 2-3 minutes. Don't stir yet.
After 2-3 minutes, whisk the chocolate/melted coconut milk until smooth. Add vanilla if desired. Let cool in the fridge for around 30 minutes.
Make the whipped coconut cream. Chill a mixing bowl in the fridge for ten minutes (you can do this while the ganache is cooling to save time). Put 200g coconut cream (the thick white part, not the clear liquid) in the chilled bowl. Beat for 30 seconds with an electric whisk until creamy. Add vanilla and icing sugar and mix until creamy and smooth – about 1 minute. Avoid overwhipping because it can cause separation. Taste and adjust sweetness as needed.
Carefully run a knife around the edge of the crust tin and remove the crust from the tin.
Spread a layer of the cooled ganache over the bottom of the crust. Top with a layer of sliced banana and return to the fridge to set for ten minutes.
Add a layer of the caramel, another layer of sliced banana, and return to the fridge for ten minutes again.
Top with the whipped cream (I like to leave the edge of the bananas visible around the edge). Dust with cocoa powder or grated chocolate and add chopped pecans if desired.
*Tomor contains sunflower oil, but sunflower oil is not considered kitniyot in England: https://www.kosher.org.uk/article/sunflower-oil-kitniyot
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zenballmaster · 3 days
I'd love to hear more about a Tai-Lung Shen meeting, because it sounds amazingly volatile. I cannot picture them getting along on any level.
OH BOY i'm glad you gave me this opportunity but i do have to apologize bc i just Exploded into rambling
ok so first off before anything else i have to explain that my own headcanon interpretation for tai lung is that he is shen’s opposite in a lot of ways
shen revels in being vindictive and bitter (even if after the fact it'll make him feel Worse). there is no part of him that wishes to be respected or admired over being Obeyed. he gets some sense of twisted satisfaction out of being the worst version of himself and Disappointing everyone who isn’t the soothsayer. do Not try to empathize with him! but also don’t you dare think of him as just some petty child throwing a tantrum bc his parents didn’t give him the exact gift he wanted once!! he’s a mess
tai lung on the other hand i’ve always thought very desperately wants to be admired and respected, and to be so for Being Good. he wants to be the beloved hero. but somewhere with him some lines end up crossed, and so he wishes to do heroic things, like protect the meeker and the more vulnerable, but not out of any real sense of empathy or compassion for them (not that he’s entirely aware of it, imo). he’s still inherently selfish and entitled, and unbelievably smug. he doesn’t know what it feels like to work for something he doesn’t already feel like he deserves, as i said once in a tag somewhere
still tho, objectively i think he would feel some amount of repulsion and righteous condemnation towards taking the same kind of actions shen has and does, at least when he’s not Blinded by his own emotions and entitlement
in short, he would look down on shen as nothing more than an unrepentant murderer and feel no compulsion to play nice, or to have any kind of respect for the guy. shen, being the prideful creature he is, i’m certain would find this turn of events Unacceptable
particularly and especially if he also Knew tai lung’s own history of violence, as it’d leave him feeling more furiously that tai lung was just a big ol’ hypocrite, and he’d make it his own personal mission to drag that condescending prick down to his level (the level he’s already On, in shen’s own not so humble opinion) so that he could metaphorically strip him bare in front of a mirror (shen himself) and show him just how monstrous he is, just how Alike the two of them are
additionally, but maybe kind of tangentially, when i first bumped into the kfp rpc scene back in 2013, 2014 or so, there existed a crack ship There which i still find. just. very compelling, and that crack ship was pairing tai lung and crane together. at the time there was an enduring headcanon (which i still really like) that the five were all different ages, and this particular RPer chose to portray crane as being in his 40s (another decision/headcanon i still really like)
it was a ship that mostly existed in the past, before tai lung’s uhhhh Incident, and what interactions i did glimpse implied an AU where tai lung survived the first movie and the two of them were still tiptoeing around each other, trying to figure out how to interact after all this bitterness when before they’d had such affection for each other
all this to say that my own more Specific version of this interaction playing out also had that foundation, where tai lung despite everything still has crane placed somewhat on a proverbial pedestal as an ideal for him to strive toward— strong, levelheaded and composed, but warm and responsive. he can be both sharp and sarcastic, but it’s always tempered with genuine care for loved ones and strangers alike
and shen Finds Out about that past relationship, puts some pieces together, and is able to puzzle out tai lung’s lingering Feelings. and, as shen is so wont to do, he endeavors then to ruin everything lmao
usually by going along with tai lung in emphasizing crane’s Goodness only to more viciously widen the gap between them, show tai lung just how Undeserving he is of crane’s forgiveness, should he ever choose to give it (at the time, he’s still quite cool and distant, but i imagine there’s some anger in there somewhere which tai lung is perceptive enough to Feel)
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karinyosa · 6 months
OOBH this looks so fun thank you for the tag @sleepy-katz
three ships: like just any 3?? in that case jontim, genebrinker (for reasons which have nothing to do with anything i’m writing), and doctormaster
first ship: like knowingly? something from my little pony but i could not tell you which, i do not remember. i was a rarijack stan if that counts for anything. before i knew what shipping was? po and tigress i think fkfhkd. they would make such a great pair regardless of what kind they are so much more than wacky jokes boy and serious girl they are like nearly the same breed of daddy issues and mentally ill to me. sorry
last song: a girl like me by flowerovlove
currently reading: (technically listening to) the 100 years war on palestine by rashid khalidi (someone uploaded the entire ebook for free on youtube) + to be taught if fortunate by becky chambers, for school
currently watching: rewatching succession 🫡 want to get into the new scott pilgrim as well do not tell anyone i haven’t actually seen it yet
consuming: rice noodles and chicken 👍👍 from the rest raunt
currently craving: milano milk chocolate cookie…
current obsession: sadly i don’t think i’m obsessing over any media at the moment, but succession might be making a comeback soon. perhaps the asp fic i’m writing. jcs and a separate peace and by extension gore vidal are always kinda on the backburner regardless. and kfp to an extent as well if you say the right words to me. i am like a sleeper agent
currently up to: lying in bed (CAT SLEEPING ON MY SHINS ATOP THE COVERS!!!!!)
tags: the mutual reading this 💋 i know you want to. tag me so i can see
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thereddenedking · 9 months
Thank you @camillecorot for tagging me!:D
Last song:
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by ACDC
Last film:
Grand Budapest Hotel, watched it with the bestie
Currently reading:
Pet Sematary by Stephen King, still haven’t finished it but we ball
Currently watching:
I hope that a gator meme compilation video on youtube counts cause that’s it, trying to get clips for a video I wanna start on making
Current obsession:
Been falling back in the Castle Crashers mood, also KFP
@johnadamsnotquincy @cluedopluto @spider-cider-tears @alekjameshidell @emilnikos & anyone else who’d like to do this :)
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Okay, here are the few questions I have for your latest emoji asking...
4.🎬 Especially the casting of Phantom(Mingling)
-honestly, I thought she was a lot similar to Bellatrix Lestrange...so the same actor would be a good cast?
I also had a question about the relationships (cough romantic cough ..) between the characters. But decided to ask later because It would be too long. So, would it be okay for you if I ask about them seperately later?
Also P.S: If you have any questions or things curious about me ...feel free to ask!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
If I could change one thing for the canon, I would like something that the third movie could have done better, the way I hear most pandoms used to enjoy, but did later find the plot a bit rushed and had the film become light rather than too dark like KFP 2 did. What I wished to play out in the story was to expand Kai's background story.
Listen. We all know Oogway's story of how he met his yak brother in the war 500 years ago; the two brothers became the most badass warlords who fought battles and bonded their armies together until Kai turned back against him because of Oogway's change and his chi power, he claimed souls for strength, went too close to the sun.
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Kai did say to the Jade Palace masters that he loved Oogway like a brother, and he betrayed him. If there's something that the plothole needs to fill, I want to know why did Oogway betray him for? There must be a reason that caused their brotherhood/friendship to fragment during their warlord days before Kai turned evil, and I want to know more!
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I wish there was more to reveal that Kai discovered something to steal their chi. And. . . hear me on this one. . .
Kai's jombies steal masters, one by one. 95 minutes weren't enough, and I prefer to have around 2hrs and 30mins, maybe closer to 3hrs (if you are Peter Jackson or Zack Snyder), because the Dragon Warrior is dealing with the unknown beast from the Spirit Realm who took his friends, and his family, building several tensions with a few twists and turns before Po can discover what he can do to defeat Kai the hard way.
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There are plenty of fic stories that feature Kai (including mine, too!) and a comic I found. Those books introduce Kai and Oogway during their warlord days and have background stories. I'll reblog with links, and @amateraponzu 's comic fic Wish Upon the Stars on Tumblr.
🏷 (hopefully, this is the tag emote I found) Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Not really. I have yet to search for any fics to catch my eye; I would like to read anything interesting from old fics when I was stuck writing my fanfic series. But of course, reminding me of the tags (stories), I need to catch up with other fics, like @shootbangdang 's The Vale, @mastrrt 's To the Weeping River, and Drags's Mongol fic Winds of Change. All three fics are from FanFiction, and they are worth timing to read!
(Drags! You are the stupendous author, and I must say your fic is well written to see Po, Tigress, and Crane head to Mongolia and grab the secret weapon before anyone gets it! The characters (your OCs too), action scenes, your writing, my lord!)
While I am having a break from writing a sequel book for now, only to start editing my two novels, I highly recommend reading Drags's fic first, Righteous Flame. That goes for all pandoms! His book is stellar.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
There are reasons why I started a fic. I wanted to start writing because it's part of my hobby. Not only a hobby that I would like to be an author of someday (if I could make my own Narnia/Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones worldbuilding with my polar bear character), I write for those who I love and friendships irl. Friends of mine who I am with from high school and Wing Chun class, and families of mine who I grew up with and raised together.
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My first book had me write for my mates and my master from the Wing Chun class. Dedicated to building a kung fu panda fic after I watched KFP 3, I started writing for my real-life companions. It was a rough start to begin there without planning to build a structure (yeah, I was a noob writer), but I could have created layers before I must write. Two years later, I knew where to end my first book. And later on, worldbuilding is the most challenging one for my fic series.
Not a simple task for my fic to name cities, countries, etc., but I'll leave notes on what places have instead of losing puzzle pieces. And trust me, when you plan to write a giant fic, make a plan, build structures with one stone at a time, create vivid characters, and develop tensions. All books should have conflicts featuring a hero and villain. Make your villains play an unfair game! Make your hero's journey and have his struggles to see challenges before achieving success!
Writing is not easy. And it still feels like it, but it rewards you for accomplishments. Even when you finish the book, always edit your first drafts, build some details, and fill in plotholes.
🎬 If a movie or a show were based on your fic, which fic you'd you choose, and who would you fan cast?
A show can be promising for the Mightiest Warriors Series because there are depths and interesting characters to know more about. A movie makes it simple around 2 to 3 hours (depending) for the story, but it might have a few plotholes if my fanfic series would be based on.
Now, I like how you picked my most menacing villain, Mingling. She deserves to have an actress voicing the black bear. Her personality blends with three major characters that I was inspired by, making the most dangerous antagonist so far.
The Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
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Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)
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Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
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*Now I like what you first thought of Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, so that's a huge BONUS for my wildest child because Mingling fits in insanity!*
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Ahem! How will I like to pick the actress? Her character's favorite color is purple (more like a royal, but I prefer her to go aggressive and extremely menacing, like Lord Shen), so my top picks are. . .
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister). She can play out the gruesome character who cares for ruling and satisfaction to attempt to succeed in her vengeance. Compared to what she becomes lethal, Cersei loves her brother. No one else but him. With that sibling relationship, I think of Mingling fonding my bovine character Huoju. Lena Headey can play out her villainous role.
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Ruth Wilson (Marisa Coulter). Oh my!!! If you have seen her in the show His Dark Materials (based on the trilogy novel), please. . . do not test her! Knowing what she does to love her daughter but lacks her parental type, she's brilliant, ruthless, and daring. Bringing Ruth in will fill my bear's affection for Mingling's only mate Huoju, and to be frank, like I mentioned the bear's revenge, she will not be stopped, despite her hostility and anger did startle a few characters of mine.
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Just look at her! Ain't she a beauty? Now, look how gruesome she can be in the show. . .
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Despite how serious Ruth Wilson's character is in His Dark Materials, oh boy!! Imagine you are a child, and you see Mrs. Coulter's smile and fierce eyes; she looks right at you before she can scare you. As I said, please, for the love of the heavens, do not test her! Ruth Wilson is perfect for a villain role!
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PHEW! Lots of questions I answered. Thank you for these emotes, Righteous Flames! I'll be back for some fic links whenever I tag you!
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baby-meringue · 9 months
READ THE PINNED POST BEFORE PROCEEDING hello everyone!! call me squishie/squishy or abbey. refer to me as squish for short if u’d like!! this is my normal blog. kfp is my special interest/fav movie franchise of all time!!! i also love if, monkey king 2023, and sing/sing 2!!! i love other animated movies too, especially from dreamworks!!! i am a filipino-american adult! im a masc nonbinary genderfluid demiboy who uses any pronoun but i preferably and primarily use they/he! my sexualities are achillean/gay and demisexual!! MY MOVIE INTERESTS (ones in blue+bold are my primary current and ones in just bold are my secondary current) ♡ kung fu panda (my special interest of all time) ♡ if ♡ sing/sing 2 ♡ the monkey king (2023) ♡ the bad guys ♡ puss in boots: the last wish ♡ uglydolls ♡ the magic roundabout ♡ over the moon ♡ marcel the shell with shoes on MY SHOW INTERESTS (ones in blue+bold are my primary current and ones in just bold are my secondary current) ♡ kung fu panda: legends of awesomeness ♡ object shows (mainly bfdi and inanimate insanity) ♡ bungo stray dogs ♡ delicious in dungeon ♡ samurai rabbit: the usagi chronicles ♡ the amazing digital circus ♡ endangered species (cartoon show) MY GAME INTERESTS (ones in blue+bold are my primary current and ones in just bold are my secondary current) ♡ just dance ♡ splatoon ♡ minecraft (only the game) ♡ trivia crack MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER BANLIST (DNI) 🚫 proshipper/comshipper/anti-anti (this includes neutrals + supporters. u guys make me uncomfortable. go touch grass rn. especially those who steal my f/os!! shudder) 🚫 if u think shifu will die in the franchise or can’t get over shifu’s past actions 🚫 if u change characters in a political/hateful/problematic sense 🚫 if u mix any of my interests with media i am uncomfortable with 🚫 racist/sexist/ableist/ageist 🚫 pedo/map/nomap or a supporter of these 🚫 abuser or abuse supporter of any kind 🚫 groomer 🚫 p-rnbot 🚫 any kind of phobe (including lgbtq+ phobes) 🚫 self ship with real ppl/ship real ppl 🚫 age up minors to ship with adults/age down adults to ship with minors (i just find it cringe now) 🚫 autism speaks or peta supporter or if you support any other extremely controversial organization 🚫 nazi/nazi supporter 🚫hateful/disrespectful/toxic/probelmatic in general 🚫 cringe culture 🚫 do discourse or drama on my blog 🚫 toxic anti-furries 🚫 sasaeng/toxic kpop stan 🚫 vivziepop/dan schneider supporter 🚫 post/like any of the following media i am bloody uncomfortable with: cr-m-n-l m-nds, h-ng-r g-mes, h-m-n c-nt-p-de (again, current moots + if i followed, u are safe. just keep it away from me and use the tag #squishie don't look) - if you violate any of my dni, then u will be INSTANT BLOCKED (reported if it's a serious issue), i am going through tough times right now and i don't want any of u violators to come at me - ex proshippers are allowed to interact dw cuz i also used to be a proshipper...i looked back at the horrible things i did and i will never be that gross person i once was ever again... - even if we do not interact or if u are outside of my dni, i will still decide if i want to block u or not becuz it will mostly depend on my comfort due to trauma lately. i block anyone liberally!! - nonmutuals who like other cpaganda shows, ltr, the twlight saga, or cean hven are on THIN ICE (please use the same don’t look tag if i followed) BYF - i am primarily into media aimed towards kids!! if that makes u uncomfortable or feel like cringing, then feel free to block me!! - i am a kpop fan but im not like any of those toxic ones out there and i just like the music in general - i type in lowercase a lot for style mostly - criticism is obviously allowed!! please warn me if i am did something wrong or if i reblogged/liked from someone that could fit in my private blacklist!! - i am a selfshipper, so don't show me any canonxcanon please!!
(last updated: 5/29/2024)
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zandiiangelspit · 2 years
If your feeling up to it, I would love to know if you had any Kimaya ramblings?
I'd love to know more about her!
I’m not sure about ramblings, but I can just give you some facts that might turn into ramblings!
Her face claim is Lucy Liu, but I see her voice being more like Angelina Jolie (think Tigress from KFP)
she has a twin sister, Faye, and a younger brother, Sachihiro.
Faye is in the fashion industry, writing columns and working with designers in makeup and hair beauty. Currently located in London.
Sachihiro is a chef, working in a traditional sushi restaurant and currently making plans to one day open his own restaurant. Currently located in Osaka.
Both of her parents live in Japan still, happily together in the Sendai area.
Kimay’a has a passion for photography and scrapbooking. Her apartment is full of different books and prints of photos she’s taken on her travels, often creating new scrapbooks before finishing previous ones.
As well as her facial scar, she also has a large deep scar across her abdomen from a near fatal stabbing.
Fiercely loyal and compassionate, Kimay’a is very caring and always looks to helping others, even putting them above herself. She always gives her all, professional and courteous.
Wanting to help others and having a strong sense of justice, she joined the NYPD, only to discover through time that her own moral compass clashed much with the forces own beliefs and code of conduct.
She will follow orders and play by the rules, unless those rules go against her strongest belief to help others and love first. After meeting Leonardo, she released she could not continue her career as a police officer and left the force, realising she could do so much more without a badge and not stand back while people suffered under their ignorance.
As professional and sometimes stoic as she can be, Kimay’a can be playful too, sometimes having a quick wit and sassy attitude hidden behind a stern expression. She enjoys jazz music and likes to dance, but doesn’t pride herself on being any good.
Kim also has a few small secret tattoos, but you’ll never see or find them~
She has her own art tag - ‘Kimaya’
Her ship tag with Leo is - ‘Leomiya’
Below you can find stories me and @wumpusinthetardis have written together, featuring more Kimay’a;
The story of Leonardo and Kimay’a, ‘Moral Authority’; https://archiveofourown.org/works/17481227/chapters/41170814
A beautiful one shot that @wumpusinthetardis wrote; https://at.tumblr.com/wumpusandzandii/promenade/rgzwfw2zkopw
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varilien · 4 years
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kung fu panda be like *grabs you by the throat* you WILL feel a real human emotion now
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Various Crane x Mei Ling Scenes Masterlist
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