#discord besties
arrolyn1114 · 7 months
Memphis St Jude Half Marathon!
Omg I can't believe how time flew! In 2 days I fly to Memphis and in 3 days I will be running the St Jude Half Marathon. I've been crazy busy the past few weeks with finishing up my training and getting ready for the trip. This is my first trip to Memphis and Graceland and I'm super excited! The starting line is at BB King Blvd and Beale St and around mile 10 we go through the actual St Jude hospital campus. This course looks like it's going to be amazing and I can't wait to run through Memphis.
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I'm also excited that on this trip I'm going to be meeting some fellow Elvis fans that I have been talking to for just over a year now on a Discord channel I was invited to join by @deke-rivers-1957. I'm so thankful for that little community of fans from all around the world and all different ages. They have all been super supportive and have been cheering me on all throughout training and for that I'm super grateful and I hope they all know just how thankful I am. I'm so excited that some of them are able to come and cheer me in person: @shakerattlescroll, @peskybedtime, @moonchild-daniella, @leopardandstuds, @thatbanditqueen, @nemos-rapture
@vintageshanny helped me build an amazing training playlist a few months ago with one of her Elvis Top 3 posts and for that I am SO grateful and I know I already thanked you in the Discord this morning but I want to thank you again. That playlist was perfect and it got me through the toughest of my long training runs. It means the world to me.
This trip is going to be SO much fun and I can't wait!
And of course, I want to end this post with a pic of Elvis, here's my beloved Aloha E, my man of many leis. 🌺❤
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shrimpnights · 4 months
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average conversation
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hello newsies tumblr.
i disappeared for like 5 months but saw newsies uk very recently and now i am back for who knows how long. i'm so sorry in advance for any dumb (but funny) posts thank u
a reintroduction...
name: rae
associated newsie: elmer
memorable moments that probably won't make sense to anyone but my mutuals: kale juice, creation of milk and ilk (sponsored by @to-be-a-dreamer and which i will immediately rb bc i lowkey forgot about it but it's iconic), being apart of the ralbert collective, participating in the anon ask fiasco of 2022
i also wrote some fics you may have loved or hated or very possibly never heard of. here's the link to my ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/users/citrus_and_cinnamonn/pseuds/citrus_and_cinnamonn
we'll see how long i stay here, but it should be fun while it lasts. newsies forever or smth corny like that idk
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
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Discord shenanigans!
Daphne is fucking hilarious, I'm still crying from laughing.
11pm on no sleep and she can make me laugh so hard I nearly piss myself, that's the best kind of friendship.
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crypticscarecrow · 4 months
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God I want her fit,,
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daddydindjarin · 2 years
Sunshine seafoam!
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pagannightwitch · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
I taught myself to crochet when I was eleven. I now hoard yarn like a demented, hook-happy dragon.
My favorite ice cream flavor is Blue Bell brand cookies 'n' cream.
I just learned (at age 32, mind you) what perler beads are, and I'm currently obsessed...
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borom1r · 6 months
Is Boromir's smile secretly the light of Laurelin?
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sketchy-tour · 6 months
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Of course, being commissions I bought, none of these lovely beautiful pieces are by me. Credits (in order) @frillsand @weevmo @lanlishiba @parrotparfait @kandavers
I am!! GONNA attempt to gush about all these pieces without devolving into keysmashes or screams but like. A. AA. AAA. I was gonna say "yall have no idea how annoying I am about Dandy" but honestly you do. You all do because I shake my silly puppet oc around CONSTANTLY.
ANYWAY I JUST!!! AUGH! ALL OF THEM MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!! The fact I get to see Dandy in art styles I love and adore around the fandom fills me with a joy I cannot even DESCRIBE to you!! OOH I JUST!!! I love them. I love these pieces. I stare at them all the time and now I'm rattling them all around at you guys!!!!! LOOK!!! LOOK AT THESE LOVELY LOVELY PIECES RN AND CHECK OUT THE ARTISTS!!!!!
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aidaronan · 4 months
Welcome to the Lube Chute!
Some We're-A-Package-Deal Summer Job Stobin crack, dedicated to @griefabyss69. Also shout out to @wynnyfryd who said the Lube Chute sounded like the location of Stobin's next fail summer job after Family Video got destroyed. "No, I'm telling you, Steve. We have to say it every time."
"We have to say, 'Welcome to the Lube Chute, where our main goal is fillin' all your holes,' every time?"
"Every time." Robin shrugged her shoulders. "It's the whole 'ocean of flavor' thing all over again." She'd started at the Lube Chute a week before him, owing to his need to hover over Eddie while his body knitted itself back together. By the time Steve had decided Eddie could get to the fridge and the bathroom on his own, she had been deemed competent enough to show him the register and inventory procedures.
"Yeah, except 'ocean of flavor' was about ice cream," Steve said. "And this is about, you know, rubber dicks."
"That's the way of stupid retail, huh." Robin sighed dramatically and hopped upon the counter. Next to her sat an open box of flavored lubes. She picked up a pricing gun and started affixing them with stickers.
A few minutes later, the door dinged with the sound of someone pushing their way into the shop. A regular-looking latino man in jeans and a faded Zeppelin tee stepped into the shop.
Steve gave Robin a pleading look, and she pulled her lips thin in sympathy and mouthed, "sorry, your turn." God. Welp. He may as well rip off the Band-Aid.
"Welcome to the Lube Chute," Steve said flatly, "where our goal is fillin' holes."
The guy snorted softly and went on his way, moving toward a rack of adult video tapes. Meanwhile, Robin kept her head down, looking pointedly to where she'd slapped a $.3.99 label onto a bottle of Maxxx Slick Strawberry.
"Like obviously I don't care," she said. "But it is 'where our main goal is fillin' all your holes.'"
"Ugh." Steve rolled his eyes up at the ceiling. "Why is it, like, so long?"
Curling his chin back around, he found the customer at the counter holding Dr. Lovesmuscles's Foot Long Schlong. The customer looked between it and Steve before raising his eyebrows. Shit and fuck. For the first time in literally ever, Steve wished he was back in those tiny Scoops shorts.
"I wasn't... I didn't mean the... I..." Steve stared at the guy over the counter and then gave up on trying to explain, punching things into the register as fast as he could so he could end the interaction. "So for the video and the toy, that comes to $18.39 with tax."
Steve made made change for a $20, put the guy's things into a nondescript brown paper bag, and then bit back a groan when he realized he had to embarrass himself one more time before it was all over.
"Thank you for visiting the Lube Chute. Remember if the base ain't flared, it doesn't go up there. Have a nice day!"
Next to him, Robin coughed into her elbow. When Steve looked over, he found her reading the back of one of the lube bottles, this one watermelon flavored.
"What do you think potassium sorbate even is?" Robin asked. "I mean, I know what potassium is. I passed chem and got into college—go Wildcats. Just... potassium sorbate. What does it even do?"
Steve stared at her for a long moment and then snatched the pricing gun from her hand. #
It was late July. August loomed and with it so did the end of possibly their last summer job together. After this, they were both slated to leave Hawkins. Robin to Northwestern, Steve to Chicago to be near her (and because it made sense as a base for Eddie to work on growing his music career.)
On this particular Wednesday, they had a huge shipment of video tapes to go through. Other than the scantily clad and sometimes fully nude women on the covers, it felt a lot like being back at Family Video. They quickly priced and stocked the tapes that were for sale, and then they worked on storing the covers for the rentals and putting them in the rental cases and then into the system.
"God, Steve, I am just, like, so gay," Robin whispered under her breath for the fifth or sixth time as she stared wide-eyed at a VHS cover. On it, a redheaded woman stared into the camera, her breasts exposed, her hand disappearing down the front of her very thin white panties. "You do know you can just, like, check one of these out, right?" Steve asked. "You're an adult. No one would—" Steve cut himself off when the bell over the door jingled. Jumping at the sound, Robin almost dropped the tape, fumbling with it several times before Steve snatched it from the air and handed it back to her. She was blushing hard when she went to put it into the computer.
One crisis averted, Steve turned toward the door to find one of the owners coming in. Shit.
Steve had slacked off on the welcome and goodbye phrases over the course of the summer because, well, he didn't want to say them. And now he wasn't sure he even remembered them properly. Shit, shit, shit.
He smiled and nodded as the owner approached the counter. Stephanie was a sleek, blonde woman who looked nothing like the kind of person you might expect to own a sex shop.
"Order come in okay?" she asked.
"Oh, uh, one damaged tape so far," Steve said. "Definitely an improvement over the last order."
'If the base is too...' No, that wasn't it.
"Love to hear that since I spent 3 hours yelling at the distributor after that incident."
'Where we fill holes for...' Definitely not.
"Yeah, right, sucked for us too beca—" Steve froze as a customer walked into the shop. He looked over at Robin, hoping to catch her eyes for a save, but she was laser-focused on sorting another box of tapes into alphabetical order for processing.
Fuck. Steve smiled at the incoming customer. Okay, he could do this. Deep breath, winning smile. "Welcome to the Lube Chute, where our main goal is fillin' all your holes."
Robin inhaled a deep gasp right around the same time that Stephanie burst into raucous laughter, throwing her head back and exposing her slender throat. In another life where he wasn't already tits over ass for Eddie Munson, he would've had to fall a little in love with her.
"Oh my God, that is too good." Stephanie wiped tears form her eyes with her thumbs and then giggled a few more times. "Jesus, Steve. Did you come up with that on your own?"
"Wha—?" Steve snapped his eyes over to Robin, who had her teeth set in grimace that would have been comedic at any other time. Shoulders pulled up around her ears, her eyes bled with apology.
Steve clenched his jaw and turned back to Stephanie, slipping into the most suave persona he could muster under those conditions. "Oh, you know, just thought you'd get a kick out of it."
"Well, you were right about that." Stephanie shook her head and grabbed the money bag to take it to the bank. "'Fillin' holes!" She laughed again on her way out the door.
Steve watched like a hawk as her car pulled out of the parking lot and then rounded on Robin, voice low as the customer browsed the "New Videos!" display.
"You told me we HAD to say..."
"Oh my God, I was gonna tell you after, like, a week, but then you stopped doing it on your own, so I just kinda..." Robin made a wobbly gesture with both hands, and Steve sighed deeply.
"You're walking home today," he said, but they both knew he didn't mean it, especially when his lunch break rolled around and he saved her half his orange as usual. # It was still July, and they could see the customer approaching from the parking lot. "Steve," Robin said. "Steve, please." "I want to point out that it's your own fault that you have to do this now, officially, as part of company policy. Because Stephanie liked it so much." "Steve, but..." Steve jutted his hip out against the counter and crossed his arms, waiting. With the same put-upon sigh he'd grown used to at Scoops and Family Video, Robin drew herself up taller and slapped her hands down on either side of the register. Through the front door, a fat woman with curly brown hair stepped into the shop. Robin beamed at her. "Welcome to the Lube Chute! Where our main goal is fillin' all your holes."
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psst psst psst
are you gonna do the newsies gift exchange because you should
if you're talking about the one from @newsiesficandexchangechallenge , yes i am! v v excited, i think i submitted a fun prompt and i'm excited to get back into writing again :))
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rotten-debzee · 1 year
Head empty. Chandler in a suit.
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paarassha · 5 months
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mermaid au sketches without any context bye
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nina-scribbles · 1 year
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What do you mean? Dragoon has a great fashion sense. (+a template)
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sersi · 1 year
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Ghosted (2023) dir. Dexter Fletcher
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daddydindjarin · 2 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first ten people on your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today, and stay safe 🤍🤍🤍
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