#digital marketing team
infinixsys · 2 years
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makebrands01 · 4 months
Unlock Your Digital Potential with Our Expert Digital Marketing Team
Meet our team of seasoned digital marketing experts, dedicated to propelling your brand to new heights in the digital landscape. With a wealth of experience and a passion for innovation, we specialize in crafting bespoke strategies tailored to your unique goals and objectives. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media management, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and beyond, we leverage cutting-edge techniques and industry best practices to drive meaningful results for your business. Trust in our expertise to navigate the complexities of the digital realm and unlock the full potential of your online presence. Partner with us and embark on a journey to digital success today!
Contact Us: [email protected]
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bloggersmap · 2 years
If you’re like most business owners, you probably wear a lot of hats. You’re the accountant, the marketer, the salesperson, the customer service rep, and the shipping department. But what happens when you can’t do it all yourself? That’s where a digital marketing team comes in.
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devdigitalllcusa · 2 years
Understanding Link Building: Getting Back to the Basics
What is link building, exactly?
Link building, also called “link earning” or “backlinks SEO” is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. 
As a business owner, whether you own a small business or if you own a well-established business, there’s no denying the fact that linking building is one of the most influential factors in ranking on Google and other search engines. However, despite the popularity of link building, it’s often misunderstood. 
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), links let Google know that your site is a credible source of information worthy of citation. But, of course, Google is complex, and it’s always changing, so building links isn’t going to be as easy as it may sound. However, with the right approach and the right digital marketing team, you will be able to acquire more backlinks, thus, earn higher rankings.
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The Right and Wrong Way to Build Links 
Just as there is always some kind of “short cut” to most processes, there is also a short cut to link building, known as black-hat SEO. This is the process of achieving links by way of manipulative measures. This practice will temporarily boost your Google and other search engine ranking but you’re putting your business at risk of serious fines and penalties from Google, as well as getting your site banned from search results altogether, ultimately, losing the hard-earned reputation you worked so hard to build. 
The right way to go about link building is through natural link building, where you earn your links versus buying them. In all honesty, natural link building is a time-consuming process, and can be difficult at times, but you also must understand that natural link building is all about building toward the long-term viability of your website or business. So, the process may take a little time, but the time spent will all pay off in the end. 
It’s also important to understand that not all links are created equal. If link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website, imagine how well your link would rank on an authoritative website such as Forbes or Wall Street Journal versus a newly built website. 
While quality links are much harder to come by, they are not impossible to come by. It is possible to achieve high organic search rankings without violating any of Google’s guidelines, and you can have faith in knowing that when your site starts to go up in ranking, it is not because of shady antics.
Related - What is an SEO Site Audit and How Can It Help Your Business?
Importance of Link Building for SEO
In the eyes of “Lord Google,” acquiring links from other sites that are authoritative and relative to yours, will increase your site’s authority, which is a comprehensive approach to improving your website traffic and rankings. Did you know that around 75% of internet users never scroll past the first page of Google after performing a search? To add to that, many (30%) will not even look past the first few websites on the search engine results page (SERP). 
Link building is not a practice that can be learned overnight or from a single guide. Because Google’s guidelines are constantly changing, you must be committed to continued learning of the new guidelines to avoid penalties. 
With link building, when internet users search the internet using terms or keywords related to your business, your website can not only appear higher in Google rankings, but you will also get immediate exposure to the audience of the referring site linking to you, you will get referral traffic, and your brand recognition will be increased. 
There are many factors that Google takes into consideration when determining how well your site should rank. Sites that are well-optimized are what Google really likes to see, and without SEO and the SEO keywords that are relevant to your site, users conducting internet searches would never be able to find your site. Some of the factors include:
· Page loading speed
· User experience 
· Mobile friendliness 
· Links
There are, of course, more factors that are considered but these listed above are some of the major factors. However, with these considerations, it also poses the question of “do I please Google or my audience?”
If you find yourself asking that question, you, of course, want to keep both considerations in mind. However, you first want to create content that your audience will love and truly engage with, while equally making sure your content is optimized so that Google understands why your audience enjoys your content so much. But you want to always keep your audience in mind first to ensure its good, quality content they can benefit from. Then, optimize it to be pleasing in the eyes of Google.
Related - Essential Technical SEO Tricks That Make Your Site Easier to Find
Let DevDigital Handle Your Link Building Needs
At DevDigital, we have a team of SEO content writers with extensive knowledge of link-building strategies who can create content that truly delivers the message you want to give your audience.
We start by having you fill out a brief questionnaire about general information about your company, and then dig a little deeper into any SEO keywords you want to target or pages you want us to link to. Whatever you may need, we know exactly what to do and how to promote your business. To learn more about our SEO services, contact us today!
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agronian · 2 months
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so xenotrek and i have been working IRL on a crowdfunding startup project for this lil bad mfker called…
~The Bad OBD~
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it’s a can bus dongle that plugs into the car diagnostic port and eliminates the need for a key!!! in any vehicle!! (whaaat!!)
yes it’s real yes there’s a prototype. hmu for any deets. i shall provide :)
we are working on getting approved on kickstarter as i type this but
we have an (admittedly wip) website at
if ya wanna check it out… anyways yes just a heads up that this is happening!!! check it out!! reblog for visibility if you daaare…. big up’s to the car hackers out there, WE SEE YOU !!
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basically we want to make this really really badly, we are just super broke and currently living thru our own personal 9/11 money wise. yea. more details to come!! anyways if anyone is interested in backing this, we have a deal for the first 33 backers to get their own custom bad OBD for like 80% of the final price.
bad OBD!!! :D
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oh yeah it also has an app on the phone which acts as the base of controls, pretty hot stuff here.
here’s the ugly ass prototype literally mk 1 (it will look a lot more SEXY after we get the money in order to manufacture it for yall) yes it works tho :3 thank XENOTREK for the brains of the op, best car hacker ive ever known. absolute menace. gosh. *heart eyes*
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ardentinwoe · 4 months
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untimelyambition · 7 months
now that we’re on the topic i would fucking love to read through the sheet music for nerdy prudes must die… not even to play or try and put on my own performance but just so i could read it and follow along with the show to try and work out all the harmonies
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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#LT369 [8.29.22]
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villainanders · 1 year
Concept of a “career” in terms of going on with my life rn is very funny to me like yeah I probably will stick in this field but it comes with the implication that there’s is some larger career goal I am working towards… no I am not.. on all levels including physical I am doing this
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bluesturngold · 8 months
if you're one of the people who saw the amazing digital circus pilot doing numbers, decided to watch, and felt it was middling to such a degree that the popularity is baffling, i have something you might want to hear:
"Glitch Productions is a fully self sustained Australian animation studio with a following of over nine million engaged fans. Our ultimate goal is to make animated shows targeted at teens and young adults that tell fun and whimsical stories while also respecting our audience's ability to appreciate mature plots and complex themes.
​The studio was originally founded in the bedrooms of brothers Kevin & Luke Lerdwichagul. Starting as Youtube influencers, the brothers garnered their large following through animated and real life comedy sketches on Youtube. After eight years of experience on the platform and dominating their genre, they decided their next big step was to fulfill their life long dreams of making animated shows to tell exciting and never seen before stories.
Four years, five animated series, tens of millions of views later, Glitch is now one of the biggest web animation studios in Australia. Glitch lives and breathes online content and our shows are expertly crafted to attract large audiences for the online landscape."
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Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know how you can improve your business. I will provide suggestions free of cost.
SEO Expert | Web Developer | Social Media Manager
We provide Digital Marketing, Local SEO, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Marketing Strategy, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and E-Commerce Marketing.
Saif Joni is the founder of SUJ Digital Marketing. We are passionate about Google. We know all of the algorithms that will make your website SEO-friendly and give you more business. SUJ Digital Marketing has a team of 40 web experts with over a decade of experience in website building and marketing to help companies grow online.
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zilluzion · 11 months
MY MASS ATTACK IS DONE!!! aaa this was crazy insane to work on... i was a little overambitious but i think i still did good! i hope everyone involved enjoys it too <3
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cygnus-art · 2 years
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One (1) late night sketch of sova + viper in formalwear bc formal event mission go brr :]
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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🚨 BMG UK Digital Team at the FITF pop up store in Camden Market, London, 13 November 2022, on their IG stories.
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
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boys got some new numbers 🔥
the ducks marketing is elite mwah
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cansuglance · 2 years
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