#diarmuid x saber
goldenteaset · 3 months
I was going to remain anon for this one, because that's kink meme-fill tradition, but you know what? It's been a year or two since I wrote anything for Fate/Zero, and I wanted to celebrate.
Title: Knight's Ardour
Rating: E
Pairing: Diarmuid/Saber
Tags: Timeline What Timeline, Girl Penis, Small Penis, Cock Worship, Genderplay, Sexual Roleplay, Praise Kink
"If not now, then when?" Lancer asked, achingly sincere. "The King of Knights, Saber, Arthur, my friend...whatever name you don tonight, I want you, brave and steadfast one."
Written for the @nasuversekinkmeme. Prompt: "Cock worship feat. Saber's micropenis. Doesn't matter who the worshipper(s) is."
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akampana · 11 months
28. Diartoria
Prompt: 28. "Your smile brings me so much joy." Ship: Diarturia Tags: Romance
As he stared into her eyes, brushing her blonde hair from her cheek, he wondered if she’d let him kiss her. She looked so beautiful like this, with the sun casting its golden glow upon her face and a lovely tinge of red dusting her cheeks. Her gaze was fond, and her smile soft. The Irish knight was half-convinced he was lost in a dream. He never had any luck with love, after all, and yet, here he was, so smitten .
Describing exactly what the Once and Future King meant to him was a challenge all on its own. There was no one quite like her, and no one with whom he shared the same connection. Theirs was an everlasting dance of blades made to the rhythm of steel on steel. When their weapons clashed, he felt like he was dancing on the clouds. When they were apart, it was like gravity itself drew them together till they clashed once more in a flurry of sparks. 
Something in her green irises told him she could see right through to him; take the pages that were his life; read between his every line. He bared his soul to her unafraid, because he knew that with her there was no gavel nor jury that would damn him to a life on the run. There was only her, the regal knight who turned out to be so much more than just the chivalrous figure he met at the docks. He fell twice: for the king she became, and the girl she didn’t get to be. 
He was sure the day he met her. He was sure now. She was the culmination of all the work he put in as a knight, the light at the end of the tunnel, the reward that awaited him for his service. He wouldn’t trade anything for the fire he saw in her eyes as they exchanged blows, or the laughter that erupted from his lips when she won, or the smile that graced her face when he claimed victory. She was everything he wanted. Everything.
Arturia’s lips tasted like a warm welcome after a long journey; her mouth, like an embrace before a hearth; her kiss, sweet as hot chocolate on a chilly night. As they parted for a breath, she cupped his cheeks and nudged her forehead into his fondly. She wore a delicate smile upon her face as he pulled her body closer. Diarmuid decided that very moment that he wasn’t losing her again, he didn’t care what impossibilities he’d have to overcome. He’d march up to Avalon and take her to his Tech Duinn, if he had to. 
“What is it?” she asked lightheartedly, drinking in the soft chuckle that escaped Diarmuid’s lips. 
“Nothing, my lady, I just…” the knight lightly touched the pad of his thumb to her lips. “Your smile brings me so much joy. I no longer believe I can continue on without it– without you.”
Diarmuid took a deep breath, distracted by the smell of her hair.
“I want you to come home with me,” he whispered happily for only her ears to hear. There was confusion in her eyes, but she stayed comfortably circled within his arms. 
“What do you mean?” she asked him, stroking her thumb across his cheek. “We do not exactly have lives to live anymore.”
True, they were both Heroic Spirits after all, neither resurrection nor incarnation awaited them now that they were relieved from service. The knight chuckled again, feeling her grin against his mouth as he stole another kiss. “And yet, we have the afterlife, do we not?”
When they parted, Diarmuid dragged his finger down the curve of her lips until the corner. He had always been proud to be one of the few privileged enough to see her so happy. Not everyone could make her feel this way. 
“This smile–your smile…” he professed endearingly, “brings me so much joy, my dearest king. No heaven awaits me in my father’s home without it. I would simply waste away.”
Arturia nearly glowed red hearing his words. She didn’t know where he’d found the courage to make such declarations without even a hint of hesitation, when every word was laced with the same truth: he loved her. He loved her so much, he’d denounce eternity’s paradise if it meant he wouldn’t be with her. She’d always thought maidens were being dramatic when they swooned, but she was just short of it herself. 
After all, she too would find it terribly lonely, if she were to spend the afterlife without the spearman she grew to love. She didn’t know how Diarmuid could pull this off, nor if it were even possible to leave Avalon and leave with him to Tech Duinn. All she knew was that she wanted the future that he envisioned. They would have each other, forever, and that would be enough. 
“Then yes,” she said at last, sealing the promise with another kiss. “I’ll go with you.”
You can't tell me Aengus wouldn't kick down the gates of Avalon and ship Arturia off to Tech Duinn with an exclusive passport made by Donn, you just can't. HAHAHA
thank you for the ask. I hope you are doing well.
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borntobelime · 2 years
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A special shout out to 3 very helpful people @fate-inspiration @gravesecret for helping me out where i was stuck and of course you know what this sketch is about @sincerelymissatomicbomb​
Master Arturia AU 
Saber Diarmuid vs Lancer Fionn in a holy grail war with Arturia as Diarmuid’s Master
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kumeko · 2 years
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A/N: For the @fatezerozine! I could resist putting a little Lancer/Saber and Iri/Saber here, because they broke my heart in the series.
Artoria always believed in facing her mistakes head-on, in confronting and correcting them. Yet, staring at the angry, broken shell of a man she’d once called Lancelot, she didn’t know how to respond. Standing on the docks, she lowered her sword, her grip slack. “Lancelot?”
He roared, enraged and full of pain. It was the sound of Camelot crashing down, of all of her sins accumulating into a single person.  Artoria had always known her rule had been a mistake but this only confirmed it. This angry demon was nothing like the kind knight she’d known.
It was all her fault. She clenched her hand tightly and bowed her head. “Forgive me.”
That only made him angrier. She flinched as he took a step forward and roared once more. However, before he could make another move, he dematerialized, no doubt called back by his master. Artoria stared at the particles that once made the berserker, at the choppy waters now visible from behind where he’d stood. In the night, the waters were chaotic and unruly.
Closing her eyes, she sighed. “I suppose there’s no way you could.”
There was a soft tap behind her as Kiritsugu landed on the concrete. Turning around, she found he was already packed up, his rifle safely tucked away in its case. His long trench coat rustled in the wind as he started walking to his car. “We’re going.”
As usual, he didn’t ask for her input, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue. Not when she could still hear Lancelot’s roars in her ears. It took her back to when Guinevere had confessed her affair, to when her knights had left her side. To Mordred’s battle cry as they fought and Tristan’s cries as Camelot splintered.
The king doesn’t understand the hearts of men.
No, she didn’t. Maybe she never had. Maybe her rule had been doomed from the start. What sort of king didn’t know his own subjects? Her hand clenched into a fist. “Can I even atone that?”
Artoria hadn’t meant to say any of that aloud. Quickly, she glanced at Kiritsugu, but he didn’t say anything. Perhaps he hadn’t heard or, more likely, didn’t care, Sometimes, when she looked at him, she could see just what her people had seen in her: a heartless leader.
It was no wonder they’d all rebelled. They would have been better off without her.
When they reached the car, Kiritsugu opened the passenger door but didn’t slip inside. When she stared at him curiously over the car’s roof, he muttered, “Some things can never be forgiven.”
She gazed at him blankly before realizing he was replying to her earlier words. “You…”
“Some sins are too big.” His eyes were on her now, cold as ice. “You just have to live with it.”
Artoria clenched her teeth as he slipped in the car, hating the truth ringing in his words.
“Forgiveness?” Gilgamesh snorted elegantly, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow as he looked at her over the top of his goblet. When she didn’t say anything, just glared at him, he threw his head back and laughed. “You really have the strangest ideas of what a ‘king’ is.”
“What?” Artoria retorted, trying and failing to keep her temper down. She had no idea why she continued to meet the other two kings in the Einzbern castle. The silvery flowers around them glowed softly in the moonlight, the golden goblets filled with a fragrant aroma of a ruby red wine, and every part of this scene was ruined by the two Servants sitting across from her.
Semi-serious now, Gilgamesh swirled his drink before taking a refined sip. “That word doesn’t exist for a ruler.”
Iskandar guffawed heartily, reaching over to pat her on the shoulder. With his strength, it took all of her concentration to make sure she didn’t fall over. “A leader leads! The others follow—what is there to forgive or regret?”
“Even the oaf understands it,” Gilgamesh added, giving Iskandar a dismissive look.
Disgruntled, Artoria looked down into her goblet. Her reflection trembled in the dark wine. These two should never have led anything, let alone entire countries, but she couldn’t deny she was drawn to their confidence. If she had that arrogance, perhaps Camelot wouldn’t have fallen.
Gawain had exuded the same sort of charisma and he’d often been surrounded by knights and peasants alike. He had known the hearts of men. He had seen her people, talked to them, and been welcomed by them.
She couldn’t say the same for herself. For all her subjects’ words of loyalty, she had only ever been followed from a distance.
And from a distance, they watched her die.
Artoria gripped her goblet. “And if your subjects are harmed by your actions?”
“So?” Gilgamesh curled his lips. “What of it? If they don’t like it, they can try to steal my power.”
Iskandar gulped down his goblet and slammed it down. Wiping his mouth, he leaned forward and smirked. “Ohh? That sounds fun.”
Gilgamesh eyed him. “You could provide maybe a few minutes of distraction.”
Or maybe Camelot would have collapsed even earlier if these two had led it. Artoria ignored them, taking a sip of wine. It had been foolish of her to have expected anything else from them; these kings had never once thought of their people.
Regret was for kings who cared, and she doubted they’d ever done that.
“Forgiveness?” Under the silver moonlight, Irisviel looked absolutely ethereal. She tore her eyes away from the stars to look at Artoria, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
Artoria glanced at the sake bottle that sat between them, at the two cups they’d spent the past half hour drinking from. She wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to these moon-watching sessions. The compound was big, Irisviel vulnerable, and if Kiritsugu wasn’t willing to protect his wife, then she had to. Yet, it was impossible to say no when Irisviel asked her to join in. Impossible to stay far away when a soft hand tugged her down to sit.
“I…” Artoria peeked up. Irisviel smiled kindly. Blaming it on the alcohol, she pushed on, “If you make a terrible mistake…is it possible to be forgiven?”
“Yes,” Irisviel answered immediately, no hesitation at all in her voice.
Not expecting such a quick answer, Artoria resisted the urge to gape. “I am talking about a terrible crime, one that has harmed many innocents.”
Firmly, Irisviel repeated, “Yes.”
“That’s…” Artoria didn’t even know how to respond to such determination. “Why?”
Irisviel rested her hand on Artoria’s. “Do you regret it?”
She interlaced their fingers. “Do you want to fix it?”
Artoria closed her eyes wearily. “Yes.”
Irisviel smiled broadly now. “Then yes, you can be forgiven.” Sensing Artoria wasn’t convinced, she giggled. “You and my husband are exactly the same. Neither of you believe me, but everyone deserves a chance to atone and be forgiven.”
Part of her rankled at the comparison. Pushing past it, Artoria asked softly, “Aren’t some crimes too big for that?”
“Some can feel that way.” Irisviel looked up at the full moon. No doubt she was thinking of Kiritsugu. Her expression softened, as it always did, and Artoria wondered what it would take to convince this tender-hearted woman to leave this dangerous game. “The more blood on your hands, the more impossible it feels.”
 “But it’s not true,” she interrupted firmly, turning back to Artoria. “All that means is that you have to atone more. There’s no such thing as too big.”
It must be nice, to have such a kind, naïve viewpoint. Artoria couldn’t remember the last time she’d thought like that. Before she’d taken on her mantle as king, maybe. In the early days when she’d just been Artoria, a wandering swordsman helping others. “No matter how much you atone, some things can’t be forgiven.”
“By others, or by yourself? You both say this exact same thing and I don’t agree. Others might never forgive you, but you still have to try for yourself.” Irisviel sighed, leaning against Artoria’s shoulder. “Then, if you won’t allow yourself compassion, I hope you get kindness. I hope that one day you might forgive yourself. I hope that one day you allow yourself happiness.”
Artoria didn’t reply, content to just soak in Irisviel’s warmth. For a moment, just a moment, she wanted to live in that world Irisviel saw, however improbable it was.
“Forgiveness?” Diarmuid cocked his head, considering the question. No doubt he hadn’t expected her to ask such a thing when he’d arrived for the strategy meeting to take down Caster, but there were few chances for them to interact alone as it was.
Which was a pity, to be honest. Diarmuid was the most reasonable of all the servants and in another time, maybe they could have enjoyed each other’s company. For now, she would make do with his advice. Rubbing her wrist, Artoria nodded. “Yes. Considering all that happened, do you forgive your lord?”
He leaned against the half-forgotten dojo on her master’s land, his eyes trained on the bright blue sky. “It is not my place to forgive my lord.” He chuckled softly. “If anything, it is I who must beg for forgiveness.”
“You were protecting someone,” Artoria pointed out, keeping her gaze on him steady. “Your lord punished you far beyond your crime.”
Diarmuid gave her a sad smile. “Yet he was still my lord. We had a convent, which I broke.” He paused, before lowering his eyes. “Even now, I do not know if my choice was the right one, only that I couldn’t say no.”
He reminded her of her knights, of a chivalry she had feared never existed. If he had been in Camelot, would he have forgiven her? Would he agree with her wish now or tell her to turn from it? “I…is there anything that you wouldn’t have forgiven your lord for?”
Diarmuid stood straight now. “There are things I would have disagreed with, but forgiveness has never been part of that question.” His eyes met hers, and she felt the faint tug of his curse before her abilities nullified it entirely. “The same goes for your people, I am certain.”
“That can’t possibly be true.” Artoria looked away. Despite the knowledge the grail gave, there was no way he could know the hatred in her knights’ eyes. “If your lord, if I harmed thousands—”
“You have not done that,” Diarmuid interrupted, stepping forward. “We have only spoken a handful of times, and that is enough for me to know you are honourable. Your people must surely see that too.”
“Honourable…” That wasn’t enough. Her kingdom still fell, despite her honour. Still, she had missed those words, after dealing with egotistical kings and cold masters.
I hope you get kindness.
Irisviel’s words echoed in her head and Artoria smiled, offering Diarmuid the forgiveness she couldn’t take. “I would have made a place for you at my table.”
His eyes widened in surprise before he smiled lopsidedly.
Artoria had been naïve to ever ask such a question. Standing in front of the Holy Grail, her sword raised high, she scoffed at the idea of it all. Atonement didn’t abate Lancelot’s rage. Forgiveness wouldn’t alter the fact that she had betrayed Diarmuid. And there was no way to change Irisviel’s death. However noble her intentions, however kind she was to herself, these truths would remain the same.
No, the only who had been right was the one forcing her to destroy the grail now. She locked eyes with Kiritsugu as she brought down her holy sword, as Excalibur ripped through the room.
There was no such thing as forgiveness for a person like her. There never had been.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 6 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
After many, many attempts and rejections, Saber's many male suitors (Shirou, Gilgamesh, Kojirou, Diarmuid, whoever else you would like op), decide ah, fuck it - let's just be a polycule instead
May I politely ask for some Gilgamesh/Kojirou? I think they'd have a lot of fun together actually and I think it'd be nice if they made out a little
Jinako finding out how little Karna eats and ordering him to eat like a normal person. Except it turns out Karna has the most shit-ass metabolism imaginable, so eating more than a few rice grains at each meal makes him rapidly get chubby (everyone agrees he's better this way)
Mister compulsive liar Oberon gets chased around Chaldea by miss "I hate liars and want them to die" Kiyohime. Play it for drama, play it for horror, play it for comedy, dunno don't care.
For the person who wanted a Touta prompt: how about a festival date with Gudao? Typical minute singularity stuff with monsters attacking the festival, but until then they get to have a bit of fun.
Castoria trying Mapo tofu. She dies.
Scheherzade (cuddly) femdom x nonbinary master? That might be a little vanilla. Give Scher a leash. Servant turns into Master, and Scheherzade gains a lot of agency!
smut, Takeda/Kagetora nasty hatesex. Thanks
smut, To make up for his past sins, Lanceot has raw bareback sex with Gareth.
smut, Turns out the reason Habetrot wears those loose frumpy clothes is because she's got a dick so big she's basically giving herself a titfuck 24/7 and doesn't want other people to see
smut, I want to see the penis-havers of Chaldea having a literal dick measuring contest. The gayer the better. Feel free to put in your own headcanon on how big each of the servants have it.
Gudako during the chaldea staff meeting: guys, we *need* to get mandricardo an emotional support dog .
Guda is a walking tragedy. The only way to ever save them from the horrors the story subjects them to is to never let them step foot on the first pages of it - and thus there is no saving from the end where Guda will leave, will due, will stop existing - disappearing from this world. And so, after that, the storytellers, the actors, the ones to remeber carry this memory of their Master - despite The Throne trying to erase, to wipe, to smudge those memories. Sheherazade speaks of her Master's adventures instead of her tales. Oberon smiles, sweet as cane sugar, and talks of hid Master's antics instead of fairies of the Autumn Forest's. Any other servant of your choice - speaks of Guda instead of their myth. And thus, their own myth, of a Master so beloved, slowly creates. Slowly takes place. Slowly writes itself into the memory of the world. And one day, a mage summons a servant. And the servant calls themself - The Master of Chaldea.
smut, According to the version of myth this humble one has read, Ereshkigal was dragged to bed by Nergal, quite roughly, when he came to wed her. And before that, they were in that very bed for 6 days. Which leads to my humble proposal. Have a domme/sub introduction course for Ereshkigal with Medb, according to myth, is insatiable. And Fergus, who can, canonically satisfy Medb. Both are good champs and capable of keeping things professional out of bed, which would help pursuade Ereshkigal 👍
I am starving for some yakudo trio content. I don’t care what and why (although my mind chants something dark) but I am 100% starving
Penthesilea "I will literally murder you if you call me pretty" x Medb "I am horny for everyone that is heroic" I think they'd make a weird but cute couple
FGO x Rosen Garten Saga crossover. I don't care about the details, just go ham
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neomedievalist · 1 year
diarmuid x saber is my favorite yaoibait i dont care if saber is a woman. they are yaoibait to me
no this is real
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fategranddisorder · 2 years
I'm just loving 💕❤️💖 the fact that you do servant x master x servant stuff! there's not nearly enough threesome content with Gudako, she deserves more!! I had some more steamy threesome paring ideas that I might request from you sometime that are as follows:
Siegfried x Gudako x Ozymandias
Proto Arthur x Gudako x Astolfo Rider
Diarmuid Saber x Gudako x Kintoki Rider
Berserker Vlad x Gudako x Edmond Dantes
Salieri x Gudako x Waver
Robin x Gudako x Hektor
Hiii thank you ❤️❤️❤️
The requests are currently closed 😊 but I will keep your recommendations in mind!❤️
My inbox is open for things that live in your mind rent free, shenanigans, simping and questions ✨️
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epiclad · 2 years
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Scathach if she ever met Diarmuid:
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goldenteaset · 1 year
I'm pleased to report that after looking at my DiarturiaGil fics for fun, I do still love them all, even In the Bedchamber! Hopefully the more time passes, the less the memories of struggling through that one will rankle. :D
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demialwrites · 3 years
Concubine HCs - Diarmuid
He's actually quite at home being someone's concubine, given you take good care of him and let him fight for you
He also loves to spar with the other concubines that are warriors
He gets clingy if you spend a lot of time together but he never gets jealous. If it makes you happy to spend time with another man, he's happy, too
Sex always turns into lovemaking
If Lancer Diarmuid, you have to hide him away from all women. He's sad that he has to be isolated but he will tolerate it for you
If Saber Diarmuid, you trust him to stay faithful and turn down all the people smitten based on looks alone
He secretly wishes he could be your everything but it never gets him down
You have good taste in concubines and he enjoys spending time with them
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borntobelime · 2 years
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Finally i am Back well slowly coming back from a hiatus but back 
(yes Arturia is a lot shorter so lets pretend they floating or kneeling lol)
I was soooo happy how this came out
Special shout out to @frini-12 @sincerelymissatomicbomb and @fate-inspiration
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 years
So rereading fate/zero fics and just came up with super dumb servant swaps for the first war.
Basically Waver summons Gilgamesh...and Gilgamesh looks at tiny little human and is like ‘I have had Waver for less than a day but if anything happens to him i’m killing everyone here’
Just Gilgamesh looking at small angry human and being like ‘this is hilarious I like you, you can stay’
Iskander gets summoned by Kayneth...only still doesn't like him and ends up still spending all his time around Waver because he’s interesting.
Gilgamesh coming back from buying wine: LEAVE MY MAGNUS ALONE MONGREL YOU HAVE YOUR OWN
Rider:Ah hello Archer what are you doing here?
Iskander:Fine fine *picks up Waver and leaves*
Gilgamesh:PUT THE MAGNUS DOWN OR DIE *Gates of Babylon open*
Waver:...What even is my life?
Just overprotective Gilgamesh who has just adopted this small magnus, like showed up picked up waver and like ‘this is mine now’ and really doesn’t like that Rider keeps hanging around his magnus or that his magnus is getting a crush on said rider servant.
Diarmuid get’s summoned by Kairya and as soon as he finds out about Sakura is just like ‘....so forget the grail...we’re saving the kid’
Artoria is summoned by Tokiomi and is not fond of him...then finds out about Sakura and nopes out of his plans taking Rin with her.
Basically Diarmund and Artoria killing Zouken and then noping out of the grail war with Rin and Sakura.
Kiritsugu and Kirei summon assassin and berserker not sure which summons which (So either horde of assassins or one op berserker super protective over Irisviel) The 2 of them end up fighting of course the other servants and Magnus see and are like ‘yeah fuck that’ and just leave them to it.
Caster and Ryuunosuke are still being the worst and everyone teams up to kill them (sort of Rider goes and Kayneth can’t stop him because he only has so many command seals and he wasted them very quickly, and Kirei and Kiritsugu  are just trying to kill each other)
The grail war sort of falls apart but in the best way.
This is really dumb but made me laugh.
Edit: some wording...my brain does not function at 2am
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New Story!
Title: Fate/ NEW ERA
Summary: Artoria is just like any stressed college student...until she gets involved in a war that is. On a long day of running errands, she goes to her basement to pick up an outfit for the next day, her last chore of the day. When something on the floor starts to glow, she sees she's been drafted into the Holy Grail War. Along with her Saber class servant, Artoria must learn to survive amidst a bloody war she didn't sign up for.
Rating: T
Link: Read Here
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akilice · 3 years
Guarded heart chapter 3(saberiri au)
Summary:  AU where Saber is the CEO of a bodyguard company with a lot of personal issues and a recent divorce, who meets Irisviel, who is new in town and looking for a job.
Pairing: Artoria Pendragon|Saber & Irisviel von Einzbern
Irisviel's first week at work was overwhelming.
She had to remember everything, from dates to papers placements to scheduling and remembering names... It was a lot to get used to.
Fortunately, almost everyone has been kind and helpful, and her boss was patient.
Everyone minus Agravain.
Agravain was... difficult.
He was always angry, and he constantly avoided looking at her.
Normally this would not bother her, but she needed this work. Drama was the last thing she wanted.
"Huh? Agravain? He is the worst." Mordred said, during her lunch break. "He's my brother, but man do I wanna punch his face."
"So he's always angry?" Irisviel hummed, taking a bite from the lunch she ordered. It was from a restaurant nearby, and the food was amazing. "I don't mean to sound rude, but you don't look alike."
She came to learn that her boss' relatives worked here, but she found it strange how different Mordred looked.
He was the splitting image of her boss.
It didn't bother her much, since Artoria was his aunt after all, but it definitely made him stand out.
"Oh? That's because I take after my father!"
"Your father?"
"Mordred." The boy froze up at the chilling tone coming from Gawain, who stood right behind him. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"I don't want to! Get off my case! Don't act like my brother or somet- GAH" Gawain ruffled his hair with force.
"But I AM your brother, and now I am going to tell our new employee all the embarrassing stuff you do."
Irisviel giggled.
Despite being a highschooler, Mordred would show up often to help and hang out. He had a strong attitude, but he was nothing but kind to her.
Gawain was nice and reliable as well, and always helpful.
There was an interesting yet welcoming atmosphere to this company.
"Sorry about my little brother, did he bother you?" Gawain asked with a smile, as if he didn't have hold of Mordred's head hostage.
"Oh no! He is very sweet! I like Mordred!" She grinned, and the boy blushed and muttered something.
"I'm not sweet..."
Continue on AO3
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akampana · 4 years
How Do You Sleep? A Fate/Animatic
Hey Guys! This has been a secret passion project of mine for the last 6 months or so! It features Shirou Emiya, Saber, and A LOT of other servants and ships that deserve more attention, and all for the love of Fate.
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