captain-amadeus · 1 year
Has anyone done this yet
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actualalligator · 3 months
I'm that meme with the dude and his girlfriend, and he's looking back at another girl, but my girlfriend is the gaming au and the other girl is a dfic where Judd whoops TK in the bunkroom and then TK gets it again at home from Carlos.
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darecruit · 4 months
Oh, I love your Quinn stories. It's something fresh! I do hope you update soon. Your one shots are amazing, but the character development in your full stories can't be beaten. Patiently waiting for your next multi chapter series. And another installment of Motherly Attentions! :)
A new story in the Daughters series is coming out in March for the Discord Dfic Month challenge! My friend told me I should space the chapters out (there will be 4), but we'll see. I'm like Rachel Berry...
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lochnesswriter · 5 months
I Do What I Want for the WIP tag game. I think you listed that on the DFic server and it cracked me up then too!
Lol, ah yes, MCU/Political Animals one where Nat is being a brat and everyone is giving Steve shit for some his canon decisions 😅
Tonight Steve and Nat were lounging in two of the armchairs in his living room, while TJ was curled up on the opposite side of the couch from Bucky. They’d just finished a ridiculous action movie, which had started the inevitable trading of stories from their own missions. TJ was a little wide-eyed, but Steve and Nat were getting competitive in a way that had Bucky rolling his eyes.
“He tell you about the time I was covering the guys during a mission, and after I took out someone sneaking up on him, he fucking turned and saluted me?” Bucky asked, ignoring Steve’s blush to turn disbelieving eyes on Nat. “Honestly, it’s a wonder he didn’t get us all killed.”
“Steve.” Nat’s eyes were full of amused pity as she turned to look at him. “Tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t think about it,” Steve mumbled. “Just wanted to thank him.”
"You thank your sniper after the mission."
"I know that now!"
“Wait,” TJ said, engaging in the conversation for the first time. “You mean you pointed out exactly where your sniper was, while he was still there? Dude, even I know that’s not cool.”
Steve looked torn between glaring at them all and just combusting on the spot, the color high on his cheeks even as he frowned.
“You know,” Nat said, in an artificially thoughtful tone that immediately set Bucky on edge, “you should tell him about that mission with the pirates. When we had to board a ship and rescue the hostages, but there was a time crunch so you jumped from the quinjet first.” She turned to TJ and explained, “The parachute just would’ve slowed him down, so really, it was so helpful that he was able to get there that minute or two before the rest of us.”
Though he could see his nephew in his peripheral vision, see that he was both impressed and completely confused as to why he was being offered this information, Bucky kept his eyes on Steve, just waiting. Sure enough, as soon as the man realized where Nat’s story was going, his eyes widened and he did his best to shrink into the chair. It wasn’t easy for a man of Steve’s size, but he still had those memories of being tiny and managed to hunch into himself in a way you wouldn’t expect from such a big man.
Steve looked like anything but a big man now, though, his expression guilty and his eyes darting around for anywhere to land besides Bucky.
TJ, no doubt sensing the tension, offered a tepid, “That’s…cool?”
“It was very cool,” Nat said, wearing her best ‘wide-eyed civilian’ face. And honestly, if Bucky wasn’t so focused on Steve, he’d tell her off for being a shit-stirring little brat.
Instead, he just let his hand drift upward and casually hooked his thumb in his belt. When Steve finally managed to look his way, his eyes went even wider.
Again TJ was the one to break the silence. “So…I think I’m gonna get an early night. See you guys later.” And then he fled the room as subtly as he could. Which, to be fair, wasn’t all that subtle, but Bucky didn’t blame the kid.
Nat blinked after him. “Was it something I said?”
“Oh, come on, Nat,” Steve groaned. “Please just stop.”
“What? Bucky told an embarrassing story about you, so I was trying to tell a better one. It was very cool, Steve."
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dells-bells · 8 months
y’all I’m so sorry but I’m on a White Collar kick and goddamnit, I might just bring back WC dfic like it’s 2011 again
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puppyboypatrick · 9 months
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30906074 WOE SUPERNATURAL BE UPON YE (SERIOUSLY THIS DFIC US SOOOOO GOODPLESSS.....PLEASE......)
AND ITS 20K WORDS !?!?!?! i am going to have such fun reading this. will update (eventually) (im a master procrastinator whos also very busy always)
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ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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captain-amadeus · 1 year
Trust is Cedric sitting on your lap as a salamander for warmth (platonic)
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friendly-chaos · 5 months
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A collage for my most recent Bakerycule story, if you’re into Dfic and fluff you might like it
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actualalligator · 2 months
For the poorly worded summary game: Tell me about Chimney paying Little Buck to curse!
This is from "Just a Little" and was suggested by one of the folks in the dfic server.
Buck is little and at work, but not on shift. He's been set up at the table with snacks, coloring, and toys, and Chimney offers him $10 (and probably also his favorite candy, which is the bigger appeal because Bobby has definitely given him healthy snacks), to say fuck (because he's all about the jokes)
He says "what the fuck?" in the middle of dinner, the whole of the 118 sitting around the table, and it goes dead silent for like ten seconds before Chimney bursts into laughter and the rest of the team laughs. Except Bobby, who's got his eyebrow raised and has a crooked finger telling his little boy to come here.
Chim will totally fess up, but Bobby and Buck are still gonna have a chat about little boys using language like that at the dinner table (even when bribed).
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buffporcupine · 7 months
whays rbebe dfic ... nodosis undedsyah mems!!!!!
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darecruit · 9 months
Hi! I know you don't really write this type of stories other than What She Deserves but do you have any ideas how to start a spanking one-shot about a couple practicing domestic discipline (young adults, not yet married, they're not intimate yet)? It's more of a therapeutic spanking to "reset" the emotions rathen than a punishment. The girl is a spanker and the boy is a spankee in this (if gender matters in such scenerios).
When I was writing my Spanktember stories last year, I basically started all of them just before “the action” (aka the spanking). It’s a bit of a cheat but most dfic readers just want the spanking, right? I like to delve into the emotions of it too. So I’d start there, with the characters preparing to start the spanking. Figure out what you want each character to be thinking and feeling. It’ll start to flow. Hope that helps!!
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etiennekissborlase · 1 year
Ripple CEO Weighs In On Company Expansion To Dubai
Ripple CEO Weighs In On Company Expansion To Dubai https://bitcoinist.com/just-in-ripple-ceo-weighs-company-expansion-dubai/ The first day of the 2023 Dubai Fintech Summit kicked off on May 8th and featured Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse as a keynote speaker. Garlinghouse made a major announcement during his presentation that caught everyone’s attention. The CEO, who was present at the Dubai summit to share insights on crypto utilities and stance on regulators, had also taken the opportunity and platform to announce the company’s expansion plans. Ripple has been in a heated legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), having been accused of selling the XRP cryptocurrency in an unregistered security offering. While there have been numerous speculations on the ruling outcome between both parties lately, Brad Garlinghouse has made an expansion announcement which could be a positive development for the company. Ripple CEO Affirms Company Expansion In Dubai A few hours ago, Brad Garlinghouse took to his official Twitter handle to reiterate his announcement regarding the Ripple – Dubai expansion while speaking at the Fintech Summit. The official tweet shows that the CEO clearly stated that the company “is expanding in Dubai.” As I just shared on stage at #DubaiFintechSummit, @Ripple is expanding in Dubai. With 20% of our customers based in MENA and clear regulatory regimes being developed, it’s no surprise that Dubai is emerging as a key global financial hub for crypto innovation to thrive. pic.twitter.com/9lWEtYECq7 — Brad Garlinghouse (@bgarlinghouse) May 8, 2023 Garlinghouse had hinted partly at the reasons for expansion to the Middle East as Dubai offers a clearer regulatory regime. He added that with “20% of our customers based in MENA, it is no surprise that Dubai is emerging as a key global financial hub for crypto innovation to thrive”. The 20% in MENA that Garlinghouse touched on refers to Ripple users and customers in countries in and around the Middle East and North Africa. Ripple is expanding its operations by opening a new Dubai International Financial Centre (DFIC) office. Additionally, preparations are underway to host the seventh annual customer conference in the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on November 8th and 9th this year. Dubai- A Growing Tech Hub For Innovative Crypto Companies With clear-cut and defined crypto regulations and guidelines, Dubai is on its way to becoming a global hub for tech and crypto companies worldwide. While the news of crackdowns and crypto companies asking for regulation clarity has been a significant headliner, especially from countries such as the US, Dubai has taken the opposite step by creating reasonable guidelines and set rules for crypto operations. The Dubai government has effectively established the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA), providing regulatory clarity for crypto companies to operate and oversee digital asset trading activities. VARA, based in Dubai, prioritizes the safety of users who utilize digital asset services provided by cryptocurrency companies. They collaborate with financial regulatory authorities and global experts to effectively mitigate exposure risks and enforce relevant laws. Per Bloomberg, crypto companies such as CoinBase are also warming up to the idea of an expansion to Dubai and the UAE, as hinted by the CEO of Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, who was present at the panel of the Fintech summit. At press time, XRP trades at $0.4298 and has experienced a 5.6% decline in today’s trading session. via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 08, 2023 at 11:00PM
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Archive of Our Own Account Directory
It is worth noting that this account is now my PRIMARY fanfiction publishing account. Many stories here are not crossposted to ffdotnet. Updates to crossposted fics will likely be posted across the platforms as well, but no promises. For my most up to date stories, my ao3 account is the way to go! 
All my work published on ao3 involves aspects of discipline and corporal punishment. 
Teeny Tiny Titans ‘verse (HBO Titans)
Series landing page is here. 
The Teeny Tiny Titans ‘verse is a classifications AU, where people are biologically designated as caregivers, littles, and neutrals. Littles Jason, Rachel, and Gar; primary caregivers Dick and Kori; extended family caregivers Donna, Hank, and Dawn
1. “The Situation with Suppressants” - In an AU where people are classified as littles, caregivers, or neutrals, Bruce Wayne holds outdated views on the worth of littles. When Jason presents, he gives him medication and training to suppress his little side. Jason Todd leaves for training with the Titans with a stash of this medicine, but what happens when he runs out? He crashes. Hard.
2. “The Trouble with Textures” - In an AU where people are classified as littles, caregivers, or neutrals, Dick Grayson and Kori Anders have their hands full with these teeny Titans. Jason doesn't want to complain about the food he doesn't like, because he doesn't want to annoy the grown ups or seem ungrateful or something. Gar tries to help in the way only another Little can.
3. “The Thanksgiving with the Teeny Tiny Titans” -  The Teeny Tiny Titans celebrate Thanksgiving together for the first time.
Lost and Found ‘verse (Criminal Minds)
Series landing page is here, stories listed in chronological order within story timeline
1. Chapters 4 - 5 of “If you get lost, you can always be found” are set before the events of any other stories in the series, but are posted as part of a nested story-within-a-story
2. “If you get lost, you can always be found” is the story of Hotch’s reaction to Rossi’s return to the BAU
3. “Sibling Rivalry” is the story of how Ashley Seaver finds herself in hot water with Rossi after she disobeys orders on her first case with the BAU, and Hotch’s reaction to his new ‘sibling’
4. “Love and Be Loved” is the immediate aftermath of “Sibling Rivalry,” where Hotch and Seaver, staying with Rossi, find themselves coming down with an illness
5. “Not So Loveable” is the story of Seaver waiting for Rossi to get home from a case after she had to be picked up at the police station by ‘big brother’ Hotch
Other Titans stories:
1. “Discipline! at the Titans Tower” - Titans family dfic vignettes, basically.           Chapter 1: Jason's language catches up with him (mouthsoaping)
2. “Ghosts That We Knew” - Tag to 2x03, "Ghosts." The evening after they come to blows, Dick and Jason have a much needed talk about both of their behavior.
Red Hood and the Outlaws stories:
1. “Snowball Effect” - Later, Jason would remember it as one of the best, and worst, weeks of his life. One one hand, Roy and Kori sure showed how much they cared. On the other hand, Jason had found himself in a world of trouble. It had all started with hiding an illness, and it was downhill from there. The Joyfire domestic discipline story that was never meant to get this long, but here we are anyways!
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ninereadytoanswer · 2 years
Had this image (in a verse concept my brain previously came up with where modern au d/s au dom student Mo Ran is assigned to sub Chu Wanning as his disciplinary person in ?school? a school that is more like a boarding school even though it's not one? actually a boarding school? Something) 
where Mo Ran comes in for a latest punishment, but he has - my first thought was injured ankle, but possibly injured wrist (now am remembering a fic from the big early dfic series I read that had wrist thing), and Chu Wanning sees this immediately, at which point he promptly sits down on whatever bench or etc he has and tells Mo Ran to come over his lap. 
Mo Ran is like - well, not promptly doing this. Chu Wanning: now, Mo Ran. 
(Then ended up with some vague thoughts about Mo Ran noticing the texture of Chu Wanning's robes, and also like, his mind thinking how they've been taught that for OTK you need to keep in mind you have less swing so that'll effect force, but yep Chu Wanning sure can make it hurt perfectly well this way too!)
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dfichk · 2 years
Reefer containers necessitate a higher level of manufacturing technique for refrigerated container manufacturers, and only five factories in the world are capable of producing large scale RF containers, with the majority of them based in China. DFIC owns two reefer factories that produce high-quality reefer shipping containers through long-term automation technology investment and development.  
The common reefer container dimension is 20ft and 40 ft. The external length of 20ft reefer container is 20ft, width is 8ft and height is 8ft6. The external length of 40ft reefer container is 40ft, width is 8ft and height 9tf 6.
A reefer container is a type of ship carrying containers that keeps its cargo cool and regulated. Reefers are necessary for fresh food such as fruit, meat, fish, vegetables, dairy, as well as non-food items such as flowers and pharmaceuticals. Reefer container operations are often conducted on vessel or shore power during shipping. A generator supplies portable power to the reefers during rail or truck transport, the air freight versions are intended to maintain temperature for up to around 100 hours.
DFIC Qingdao (DFQT) and Qidong (DFQD) factories own the most updated technology and working spaces to manufacture reefer cargo containers. DFQT reefer production line covers 2.9 million square feet, and DFQD factory reefer line covers 1 million square feet. A high-quality container reefer unit not only depends on the manufacture craft but also the quality of chemical foaming, cooling machine, and the way of using. Therefore, DFIC will control each process during production to ensure cargo won’t be ruined during the travel.
There are more various and complicated factors that affect refrigerated container price than that of dry freight container. The main factors include original material prices like Polyurethane, steel price, etc., and the government policy control may affect the production effectiveness, too. Therefore, the refrigerated container cost is unstable these days especially since the global pandemic is one of the biggest factors affecting the price. Please contact us if you want to know more about the types of reefer container and the reefer container details.
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